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A26828 Christs gratious message from the throne of grace to all the prisoners of hope by Timothie Batt. Batt, Timothy, 1613-1692. 1644 (1644) Wing B1146; ESTC R24840 83,113 217

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the Pitt Justifie one in thy presence bring one to the riches of Inheritance or to answer thy exact demands or requires but we all confesse the truth of him as it is written of him and not of us Psalm 40.7 8. Then said I loe I come in the volume of thy booke it is written of me I delight to doe thy will O God yea thy law is within my heart Fourthly It hath beene expedient that the Law of life should be placed in the Lord of Life as the old Covenant or the law of Death was placed in the Loines of Adam It was not convenient that the Law of Faith should be in the Children of Incredulitie that the Law of love and mercy should be in the Children of Wrath and Furie that the Testament of life and Reconciliation should be in the Sonnes of Death and Condemnation had this Covenant beene made with us as the old Covenant was made with Adam we had broken this Covenant as well as Adam Therefore such hath beene the eternall wisedome of the Father to establish the Covenant in Christ sith he was the sonne of Mercy the sonne of Love the sonne of Grace and Bountie He was he that was able to make us at once with the Father to naile our sinnes to the Crosse to burie them in his grave to cast our sinnes into the Sea of Oblivion he was he that was able being the mind of the Father to reveale the mind of the father being the sonne of the bosome to make knowne what hath beene in his Fathers bosome being the treasures of wisedome to manifest hidden Knowledge and Wisedome Hence the Law of the Spirit of life is said to be in Christ and not in us according to the Text. Rom. 8.2 For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of sinne and death Fiftly Why freed Me not only because of manifestation to the Churches of Christ that he had interest in the Liberty and Redemption by Jesus Christ but also that he might have great consolaion in the midst of all sorrowes and tribulations as if he had said though the Law hath made Warre against me hath slaine me hath found me polluted sinfull and defiled and made me cry out who shall deliver me from the body of this death notwithstanding from that I am rescued and delivered according to the text Rom. 8.2 For the Law of the spirit of life in Christ Iesus hath made me free from the Law of sinne and death Why saith hee from the law of sinne 〈…〉 some understand this to bee law ceremoniall but I understand this to bee the law morrall that it is not proper to call the law ceremoniall the law of sinne and death I prove it thus First That which was the only cause of death to the Beasts and the figurative imposition upon them to signifie eternall life to the redeemed and reconciled that is not properly called the law of sin and death to us but the law ceremoniall was the onely cause of death to the beasts and the figurative imposition to signifie eternall life to them that are reconciled and Redeemed Ergo. Secondly That which by the Holy Ghost is not called the law of sinne and death is not the law of sinne and death but the holy Ghost hath not called the law ceremoniall the law of sinne and death therefore it is not the law of sin nor death The Holy Ghost hath attributed this to the morrall law Rom. 7.11 For sinne taking occasion by the commandement deceived me and by it slew mee Rom. 3.20 21. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh bee justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sinne but not the righteousnesse of God without the law is manifest being witnessed by the law and the Prophets 1 Cor. 15.55 56. O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the law That law which figures out eternall life Redemption reconciliation that cannot bee the law of sinne and death but the law ceremoniall figured out eternall life Redemption and reconciliation therefore that cannot bee the law of sin and death the ground is this because the figure really answereth to the thing figured the end of Heave offerings signified the exaltation of our Lord upon the Crosse the peace offerings the reconciliation by Christ in the day of his Crosse the burnt offerings the satsfying of the justice of the Father to witt the appeasement of wrath in the time of his crosse If I should speake of the Cherubims they signifie nothing else but mercy in that they were covered with gold designes the riches of Christ in that they spread their wings one towards another denotes the faith of the Saints towards the throne of grace and mercy in that the mercy seate was placed above the arke of presence signifies that Christ the Lord of life and salvation is exalted above all things and that his presence extends it selfe to his poorest and meanest servants in that God answered from the mercy seat betweene the Cherubims m●kes knowne to the Saints Adopted that they are to receive answer of prayers from the breast of Christ to their poore soules The Law The gleanings of Ephraim was better then the vintage of Abiezer the law of life and reconciliation is better then the law of death and condemnation the one accuseth before the barre of Justice the other excuses before the thron of grace the one arraignes before the throne of Gods tribunall the other acquits before the mercy seate the one condemnes the soule and conscience of sinne iniquity and transgression the other frees the soule from sinne iniquity and transgression the one is the cause of curse and execration the other the cause of blisse and benediction the one affrights amazeth and consternateth the other comforteth refresheth and consolates one made the children of Israel flee from mount Sina the other makes us approach neare to Mount Sion Heb. 12. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. For ye are not come to the mountaine that might be touched and that burned with fire not unto blacknesse and darkenesse and tempest which voyce they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more for they could not indure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast touch the mountaine it shal be stoned or thrust through with a dart And so terrible was the sight that Moses said I exceedingly feare and tremble But ye are come unto Mount Sion and unto the City of the living God and heavenly Ierusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels to the generall assembly and Church of the first borne which are written in heaven and God the judge of all and to spirits of just men made perfect and to Iesus the Mediatour of the new Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things then
admiration of the times because of his wisedome and discretion Christ the wonder and admiration of his Churches because of his speeches and declaration My soule he that is thy peace thy rest thy love thy mercy he shall be thy cōmander he that is thy prince of glory thy Lord of life he is thy gratious protector hee that is thy vine thy head c thy bridegroome he shall be thy leader rule for grace and peace came by him when the Law came by Moses Ioh. 1.17 Redemptiō Justification and Reconciliation came by him when Condemnation adjudication came by Moses Consolations comforts joyes and springs of solace came by him when terrors horrors feares and servitude came by Moses Therefore thou shalt glory and expresse the praise of glory concerning the words of freedome and liberty Rom. 8.2 For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Iesus hath made me free from the law of sinne and death 2. The Law of the Spirit of life It hath beene said of Paradise that it was the rarest place in the habitable world in respect of Altitude in respect of Amaenetie in respect of Profunditude and in respect of Jucunditie the same may be spoken concerning the Spirit of life and glory it is extolled in respect of Altitude sith it is in Christ who was placed in the high and heavenly places of Amaenetie sith it is the delight of the beloved Saints and peculiar of Profunditude sith it soundeth the lowest and deepest misery of Jucunditie sith it makes the drooping soule most joyous and chearefull Therefore the same that was the joy and glory of the blessed Apostle is the joy and glory of the drooping soule joying and glorying in the words of the Apostle Rom. 8.2 For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of sinne and death The Law of the Spirit of life Pretious are the gifts and graces which come from the Father of everlasting light rare are the treasures which come from the Lord of life and peace rare and pretious is the Law of life which is from and of the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus What is so jucundious what is so amaenious or what is so joyous as the spirit of Adoption which sealeth the soule up to the day of eternall Redemption or what can be so pleasant so delightsome or joyfull as the spirit that consolates the soule in the midst of all distresses or what can be so rare so wonderfull and admirable as the law of of the spirit of life that frees us from the law of sinne and death the seale of the spirit doth rejoyce thee in the day of thy Adoption the disconsolated are consolated in the day of Consolation the wanting vacuous are filled with joys in the day of impletion and the soule is filled with all fulnesse and sweetnesse in the day of liberation hence comes in our joyfullnesse and fullnesse that as we receive our peace from the Prince of peace our righteousnesse from the Lord of righteousnesse so we receive the law of life from the spirit of life in Christ Jesus If thou hast the revelation of the mistery of the Kingdome it is by the spirit Mat. 16.11 He answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the misteries of the Kingdome of Heaven but to them it is not given If to thee is given to know the deep and profound things of God it is by the spirit 1 Cor. 2.10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God If to thee is given to know the mind of God before the world was it is by the spirit Ephes 4.7 But to every one of us is given grace according to the gifts of Christ Ephes 3.5 That to other Generations hath not been known to the sonnes of men is now revealed to the Apostles and prophets by the spirit So if there is a revelation of the mistery of glory to Babes and Sucklings and denied to the learned Doctors and Rabbies of the world it is by the spirit Mat. 11. 25.26.27 At that time Jesus answered and said I thanke thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth because thou hast hide these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to Babes even so Father for so seemed good to thy sight All things are delivered unto me of my Father and no man knoweth the sonne but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father but the sonne and he to whom soever the sonne will reveale him None can write the law of God in the hearts of the Saints but the spirit of Christ as none can seale to the Conscience the everlasting love of God the Father and the precious treasures of Jesus Christ but the spirit of glory as none can give the spirit of oration to them that cannot pray the spirit of consolation to them that sit in mourning weeds but the spirit of Comfort so none can write the mind of God in the conscience or the will of Christ in the spirit of the Saints but the spirit of assurance or obsignation Hence it is recorded by the Apostle 2 Cor. 3.3 Yee are our Epistles written in our hearts which is known and read of all men manifest to be the epistle of Christ c. The same spirit that reveales unto the Saints the unsearchable riches of Christ that engraves the heavenly and gracious mind of the Father in the consciences of the Redeemed the same quickens the soule by the mighty power of life and vivification when we lay dead in sinnes and trespasses when wee were troden in our bloods by the Horsmen of Hell and Death when we were involved in the depth of the gulfe of miseries then by the same spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead we were quickned therefore not without cause is he called the spirit of life First In the respect of Christ Secondly In respect of the life that the Saints receive through uniō by the spirit Thirdly In respect of that life the Saints receive through Faith Love and hope by the spirit in the act of communion When our Lord was in the grave neither hell nor death nor law nor justice nor all the force of the creature could retaine him for he shewed himselfe the Lord of life by rising from the dead Apoc. 1.18 I am he that liveth and was dead I am alive forever more Amen and have the keyes of Hell and death Lord over sin by the blood of his crosse Col. 2.14.15 Blotting out the hand writing of ordinances which was against us which was contrary to us and tooke it out of the way nailing it to his crosse and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a shew of them openly triumphing over them all Conquerer over the Divill by the power of his death Heb. 2.24 For as much then as the children are partakers of
theme prolong Sith that no obiect to the view or sight Gives such sweet solace to the soules delight And graces power grants its free consent That all my theame of Christ was congruent That pen might stay and I might cease my verse Of Christ in prose the more I might rehearse Christs gratious Message from the Throne of Grace to all the Prisoners of hope ROM 8.1 2. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walke not after the flesh but after the Spirit For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sinne and death WHen we look upon the Sun Moone and Starres and behold the wisedome mercy and power of the Father towards humane generation it makes us to stand amazed and astonished so when wee looke and behold the wisedome mercy and power of the Father shining forth in Christ the morning Starre the Sonne of everlasting grace and bounty it makes us to wonder and admire at that which shineth forth to us in the morning starre and glorious Sonne of righteousnesse That which shineth to us by in and by the Creature is not comparable to that which shineth toward us in and through the Lord Jesus What is the brightnes of the morning starre to Christ the morning starre or what is the beauty and glory of the sunne to Christ the Sun of glorious righteousnesse or what as the beauty of things terrene earthly to things sublime or heavenly hence the Apostle memorates and records the excellency of the Lord Jesus Christ by the priviledge the Saints received in and by him according to the Text. Now then there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walke not after the flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8 1. Beloved our manner is by way of exposition or contemplation Now then there is no condemnation They have been cast out to the open shame of their faces they were not swadled in the day of their Nativity but troden in their blood and overwhelmed with the deepest miserie they have beene alienated from the throne of grace estranged from the mercy seate and have lived without God in the world they have beene in the blacke swadle bands of the Devill under the claves of the roaring Lyon the Devill and have beene children of wrath as well as others The truth of the premisses is granted notwithstanding there is no condemnation to them sith the being of the Saints in Christ frees them from all the gulfes of horrid miseries whatsoever They have many sinnes many infirmities iniquities and transgressions they are an offending and erring people out of the way as well as others they have beene silenced before the throne of Justice they have sinned and shot their arrowes below the glory of the Father the truth of the premises is granted Notwithstanding there is no Condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus sith the Father of eternall mercy hath given unto them an absolute Nonimputation of offences in the Lord Jesus in whom hee hath reconciled his beloved Saints and peculiar in the act of Justification hee hath given to his Saints a generall acquittance freeing them from sinne iniquity and transgression by the blood of the Lord of life and glory and by the death of him who was the onely beloved of his bosome hence comes in those rare sentences of divine testimonies Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen it is God that justifieth who is it that shall condemne it is Jesus Christ that is dead yea rather that is risen againe who is at the right hand of God making intercession for us Rom. 8.33 34. To them is given the priviledge and dignity of union they are branches to Jesus Christ the blessed and fruitfull Vine of his Church I am the Vine ye are the branches John 15.5 they are members to Jesus Christ their blessed head and reconciler to wit Members of his flesh of his bones Eph. 5.30 they are the choise pretious and dearest spouse of the Lord Jesus Christ My beloved is mine amd I am his he feedeth among the Lillies Cant. 6.3 they are not onely deare to Christ because he hath bought them but they are neere to Christ because they are made one with him The glory that thou gavest me I have given to them that they may be one as we are one John 17.22 What Devill therefore shall accuse the accuser of the Brethren is cast out of the heavenly places And I heard a great voyce out of heaven saying Now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of the brethren is cast downe which accused them before our God day and night what hell shall terrifie sith the Lord Christ hath triumphed over hell death the devill and all Evills O death where is thy sting oh grave where is thy victory The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the law But thankes be to God which giveth us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 15.55 56 57. shall the law adjudge us noe sith wee have a gratious Mediatour who ever presents us glorious in the sight of his gratious and heavenly Father hence it is spoken by the holy Ghost that Christ entred into heaven to appeare in presence of God for us For Christ is not entred into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven it selfe now to appeare in the presence of God for us Heb. 9.24 shall death amaze or trouble us no for by the death of Christ wee are delivered from the servitude and slaverie of death That through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devill and deliver them who through feare of death were all their life time subject to bondage Heb. 2.14 15. What though the venamous Serpent seeke to sting thee yet be not thou dismayed what though the Law morrall would accuse artaigne or condemne thee before the barre of justice yet be not discour●ged what though death with the sting thereof would amaze thee yet bee thou not amazed sith there is no Condemnation to thy soule or conscience sith thou art in Christ Jesus and he pleades thy cause at the right hand of the Father saying This my people stands righteous before thee in my righteousnesse holy through my holinesse and pure through my purity and integrity am I not their Lord of pure and divine righteousnesse am I not their prince of glory who hath presented them pure spotlesse and intire in thy sight Am not I the Mediatour of thy everlasting grace mercy who was made not onely unto them wisedome and redemption but also righteousnesse and sanctification was not I arraigned at the barre of Pontious Pilate that they might not be arraigned at the barre of justice accused of my native countrymen that they might bee excused
flesh and blood he also himselfe tooke part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devill Victorer over the law and over all accusations by his intercession Rom. 8.33 34. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect it is God that justifieth who is it that condemneth It is Christ that died yea rather that is risen againe who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us Triumpher over Captives and leading captivitie captive by the power of his assention It was impossible our Lord should be retained by the bonds of death the barts of hell and the power of the Devill not only because it hath beene the determinate counsell of the Father not to leave his soule in grave nor suffer his holy one to see corruption Acts 2.27 Because thou wilt not leave my soule in hell neither wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption Because of that pittie he had to his beloved Spouse his dearest members his tender branches Ephes 2.6 And hath raised us up together made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus because of the dignity of himselfe being King of his Church Lord of life Mediatur of the Covenant Acts 2.24 Whom God hath raised up having gloosed the paines of death because it was not possible he should be houlden of it But also because of the mighty and infinite power of the spirit of glory which rais'd up our Lord of life Prince of glory O my soule consider consider what the spirit of life hath done for thy foule Had not our Lord been raised from the dead by the spirit of life sinne would have crusht thy conscience to the lowest gulfe of misery the Devill like a roaring Lion would have devoured thee the law of terrors would have bound thee to the barre of eternal justice to eternitie death would have delivered thee to the second death forevermore and all evills would have ceased upon thy spirit for ever and ever Thē mightest thou have said with the Psalmist The sorrowes of death had compassed thee and the evills of hell had found thee thou foundest woe and sorrow then mightest thou have spoken with Hezekiah That thou wast forsaken as a Shepards Tent that justice would have beene as a Lion to breake all thy bones thou mightest have mourned as a Dove chattered as a Crain to the dayes of eternity Saying That thou should'st behold his gracious face no more behold his gracious countenance no more but remaine in everlasting chaines under darkenesse for evermore Shouldest thou have beene so happie as Jonah no he was but in the bellie of the Whale but thou shouldest have beene in the bellie of hell he was in the depth of the sea but thou shouldest have beē in the depth of the bottomlesse pit the waves of the sea and the bellowes thereof incompassed him but the waves of greatest sorrowes and bellowes of exceeding wrath should have incompassed thee he was heard out of the bellie of the Whale and his prayer came into his holy temple but thy prayer should have beene shut out from his glorious presence and should not have appeared before the throne of grace a Goard was provided for him to hide his head from the heate of the Sunne but no shelter nor shadow had beē provided for thee to hide thy soule frō everlasting burnings Where had beene the glorying of the Saints had our Lord not beene raised from the dead we should have had no cause to glory in the blood and death of his crosse no cause of triumphing in a glorious presentation in a hapy reconciliation in an absolute abolition of the hand writings which were written against us Where had been our redemption from death and the feare thereof from the grave and the sting thereof from out of the hands of the Devill and and the slavery thereof from the law and the execration thereof where had been our royall Robes of Righteousnesse our garments of glorious salvation justificatiō in his glorious presencs if the holy one had seen corruption the branches of the rarest vine should have withered the members to the head of purest gold would have perished and the spouses to our blessed and dearest Bridegroome would have been clothed with shame reproah for ever But blessed thrice blessed be that name is blessed forevermore sith he hath raised the head and the members the branches the vine the bridegroome the spouses together He that left not our Lord in the grave hath not left the Redeemed of the Lord in the pitt of distruction he that suffered not the sonne of the bosome to see corruption will not suffer the sonnes by adoption to be swallowed up by everlasting perdition Therefore you sonnes daughters of men we will not only glory in Christs incarnation in Christs crucifixtion in his grave buriall glorious assention but also in his victorious triumphous Resurrection The risse of the son of righteousnesse is more to us then the sun of morning light that delights the eye sence of sublunaries this the soules of distressed consciences that causeth the hearbs plants trees to rise out of the earth this causeth the branches spouses members of Christ to rise out of the lowest pitt that removeth darknesse bringeth in a light Diurnal this removeth darkenesse bringeth in a light eternall That is the plenitude above and the riches of the earth beneath this is the riches of the Church Militant and the plenitude of the Church Triumphant Therfore will we glory in the spirit of life according to the Text Rom. 8.2 For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sinne and death The spirit of life Sweet and pleasant is the expression of Job Will the wilde Asse roare when he hath grasse or will the Oxe low when he hath fother or will the dead soule mourne for life when it hath the spirit of life Noe it will joy it selfe in the spirit of joy and consolate it selfe in the spirit of consolation triumphing with the Apostle because the spirit of life hath freed it from the law of sinne and death according to the Text. Rom. 8.2 For he law of the spirit of Life● in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death Secondly It is called the spirit of life sith that the spirit is the cause of union with the Lord Jesus by which the Saints receive both life spiritual and life eternall My prisoners of Hope and Bond men to the throne of mercy know and consider that it is not in your powers to injoy union with me and Jesus Christ whom I have sent the spot of your sin the blott of your transgressions and the impurity of your iniquities hath prevented the exactnesse rigidnesse and perfection of my law most pure hath hindered the eternitie
your hearts be troubled yee beleeve in God beleeve also in me Have not I wished them to rejoyce through exhortation Phil. 4.4 Reioyce in the Lord alway and againe I say reioyce What is my bloody crosse my victorious death my comfortable resurrection and my powerfull mediation But joy to the drooping what is the covenant of my freest grace my highest love my richest mercy and tender compassions but comfort to the mourning What is the spirit of adoption whereby mine call my father Father the spirit of obsignatiō wherby mine injoy an inheritance among them which are sanctified the spirit of sanctification whereby mine are sanctified in the day of their Communion with mee their vine and royall bridegroome but consolation to the lamenting as my springs of grace are in the throne of my grace so I have filled them with the fruits of my grace as the fountaine of my love is in the throne of love so have I filled mine with my dearest love when I dwell in their hearts by faith which is in mee when I rule in their consciences by peace which is from mee when I shall lodge in their soules through my spirit of glory I shall change their garments of lamentation into garments of salvation their mourning weeds into glorying expression and their sighes and groanes unutterable into the sweetest oration For I will see them againe and their hearts shall rejoyce and their joy shall no man take from them The rivers that flowed from paradice are not comparable to the streames that makes glad the city of our God those were water these welsprings of living water those flowed from the earthly paradice these from the heavenly and celestiall paradice by some of them was Bdelium and the Onix stone in these are eternall glory nearenesse of union and the fruition of eternall life and felicitie those were appointed to water the Garden of Eden these are ordained to water and refresh the Church of Christ beloved those were placed in paradice by the wisedome and love of God the Father these were placed and appointed in the Church of Christ redeemer therefore they admire at the love of God the Father and the superemenent grace of Christ Mediator Saying they shall heare the thing they never heard they shall see the things they never saw and they shall understand the things they never understood Their joy in that day shall not be from the influence of the starrs my influence excelleth the influence of all starrs they shall not injoy the comfort of the Moone but the comfort of mee whose glory is above Sunne and Moone What shall mine injoy in that day they shall fully see the throne of grace fully behold all the hidden unutterable and unsearchable excellencies that are in me What shall they possesse when they shall possesse me that filleth all in all things what shall they comprehend when they shall be comprehended and invironed with my glorious presence and the light of my countenance therefore though the heavens and the earth should bee silent the moutaines and the vallies should be still yet mine will glory in me their loving prince and effectionate bridegroome Sith I will see them againe their hearts shall rejoyce and their joy shall no man take from them And your joy no man taketh from you O the love of our loving and glorious father O the kindnesse of our Lord our deare and gratious Redeemer if mine admire at my love my love is admirable love if mine contemplate of my grace my grace is superemenent grace when they were in the vast and roaring wildernesse I allured them and brought them into a wildernesse and there I spake comfortably unto them Hosea 2.14 Therefore behold I will allure her and bring her into the wildernesse and spake comfortably unto her When mine were tossed like a ship with the roaring waves reeling like a drunken man were welneigh dashed in peeces by the craggie rockes and shelves I laid a foundation for them of pretious Stones and Saphires Isa 54.11 O thou afflicted tossed with tempest and not comforted I will lay thy stones with faire colours and lay thy foundation with Saphirs When they wanted joyes I gave them joyes firmer then the earth upon its center more fixed then the fixed starres more stable then the sublunarie creatures Is my righteousnes everlasting righteousness is not my comfort everlasting is my deare hearts blood of an eternall value is not my consolations eternall is my communion and blessednesse for ever and ever and are not my joyes for ever and ever If mine have life their life is hid in me if mine have peace then their peace is treasured in me if mine have joy their joy is joy in me Hath the mists taken away the light of the Sunne No Hath the mortality of the body taken away the immortality of the soule No Or can any take away the consolation of my Redeemed No Had I not given to my Redeemed everlasting righteousnesse eternall life an inheritance immutable then their joy had beene momentanie and transitorie but because I have given them an everlasting righteousnesse Dan. 9.24 Seaventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy citie to finish the transgressions and to make an end of sinnes and to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousnesse and to seale up the vision and prophesie and to annoynt the most holy Eternall life John 10.28 And I give unto them eternall life they shall never perish neither shall any man plucke them out of mine hands An inheritance immortall and immutable 1 Pet. 1.4 Therefore their joy is not transitory and momentanie After once I bring my redeemed to the inheritance immortall and incontaminate they shall sing nothing but praise honour glory power might truth mercy strength and thanksgiving to my Father blessed for ever and to me blessed for ever more They shall know of no sinne in the flesh they shall not heare the accusations of the law before the tribunall seate of justice they shall not hearken to the temptations of the devill they shall not feele the burden of sinne nor be affrighted at the feares of death and hell but they shall injoy an immediate communion and fruition of my glory to everlasting For I wil take away their heavines their heart shall rejoyce and their joy no man taketh from them JOHN 15.12 This is my Commandement that ye love one another as I have loved you RAre is the Sunne in respect of beauty light and operation rare are the pretious jewells in respect of richnesse vertue and estimation so rare is the love of Christ to us through gifts graces and communication as the myrrh and the drops thereof as the sweet raine and the showers thereof as the bedewing dew and the overspreading thereof so is the influence of Christs freest grace and the expression of his dearest love according to the text John 15.12 This is my Commandement that ye love one another
as I have loved you Nothing is so pretious as Christs blood nothing so victorious as his death nothing is so pure as his righteousnesse so nothing is so tender as the love of our dearest Lord that bought us who hath left the highest throne of glory for the bondslaves of miseries but the prince of glory who hath stood betweene light and darkenesse betwixt heaven and hell betwixt eternall justice and the children of unrighteousnesse but the Lord our righteousnesse 1 Pet. 3.18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sinne the just for the uniust that hee might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickned by the spirit Who hath beene surety for mine in respect of the acquirie of Redemption to make up the breach of union to answer the righteousnesse for justification to atchieve glorious communion beatification bediction felicitie and the fruition of my presence but he that shall stand for ever mediatour and intercessour in my presence or who hath indured that mocking that buffeting that scorning that arraigning that condemning but he in whom there is no condemnation but eternall life and salvation Act. 4.12 Neither is there Salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved He hath laid downe his life for them that were deprived of the hope of life hee spilt his dearest blood for them that were involved in their blood hee hath ventured his death for the lives of them that were the children of death had a child of wrath died for a child of wrath that should not have been excellent had a child of death dyed for a son of death that should not have beene superexcellent but for the beloved of the father to die for miserable catives and captives that is transcendent The death of mee the Lord of life is more then a thousand Lords the death of mee the prince of peace is more then the death of tenne thousand princes the death of mee who am King of Kings is more then the death of all the Kings and Monarches under heaven I looked and behold the Angels hid their faces all creatures hid their heads Sith none could make up the breach of union a glorious presentation in my fathers presence conquer death through death overcome the devill through power blot out impurity through righteousnesse remove sinne through blood make peace through atonement and by grace and glory bring the poore soule to eternall glory Isay 59.16 And he saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessour therefore his arme brought salvation unto him and his righteousnesse it sustained him 2 Cor. 3. last But wee all with open face beholding as in a glasse the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Out of my love I give rare gifts and graces to my Saints and servants Who hath opened the treasures of wisedome and knowledge if not I who hath broken open the treasure-house of heaven opened the throne of grace unlocked the mercy seate if not I who hath placed the heavenly minds in the heavenly places blessed the people delivered from the curse with spirituall blessings and made them that have tasted my love attaine to the height of my love but I. I powre my water upon the thirsty I give my bread to the hungry my cloath of righteousnesse to the naked and my dearest mercy and love to the lovelesse I power out my spirit upon my servants shew my visions to the young and give my dreames to the old Acts 2.17 And it shall come to passe in those dayes saith the Lord I will power out my spirit upon all flesh and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophesie and your yong men shall see visions and your ould men shall dreame dreames My gifts are not of gold but of that which is more pretious then the gold of Ophir my gifts are not jewels gemmes and pretious stones But that which is more rich then jewels gemmes and pretious stones My gifts are not earthly treasures morrall righteousnesse worldly wealth and things terren and sublunarie but heavenly treasures and heavenly righteousnesse celestiall wealth and things sublime and heavenly Hence mine receive abundance from me the the fulnesse of the Godhead dwelt in me bodily Collosians 2.6 verse For in him dwelleth all the fullnesse of the Godhead bodily Hence mine receive grace and truth from the fulnesse of grace and truth as I have spoken and mine confesse John 1.16 And of his fulnesse have wee all receiued and grace for grace Out of my love I will not forsake mine in the midst of all their tribulation and temptations though the heaven should frowne and the earth should lowre the conscience should terrifie justice should amaze death should trouble sinne should burden the Devill should roare the flesh should assault all evills should environ notwithstanding I will not forsake my peculiar though principalities though powers though death though famine though perill though sword though hell though law though sinne though the grave and all evills should beset mine yet will I not leave them I love them in wants as if they had abundance in tribulation as if they were free from tribulation in temptation as if they were free from temptation And in sheep skins and goats skins as if they had cloath of gold beset with the rarest jewels What if they are stoned for my name sake what if they be banished for my testimony what if they should be wracked for the witnesse of the word of my truth what if they had not a hole with the fox nor a nest with the birds yet I will not shut them out of my presence Have I not given a testimony concerning them Heb. 11.36 37 38 39. And others had triall of cruell mockings and scourgings yea moreover of bonds and imprisonment They were stoned they were sawne asunder were tempted were slaine with the sword they wandered about in sheep skins and goats skins being destitute afflictet tormented of whom the world was not worthy They wandered in the desarts and in mountains and denns and caves of the earth And all these have obtained a good report through faith receiued not the promise When Paul and Silas my servants were in prison did I not make them sing songs of my dearest love When Peter was in prison was not the Angel of my presence by him when my servant Steeven was stoned did I not make his face to shine as an Angel and when my servants were in the fire furnace have I not delivered them from the furnace of fiety afflictions I am the rock when there is no rocke I am the refuge when there is no refuge I am their hope and horne of salvation when there is neither hope nor horne of salvation Hence mine may conclude with my servant Psal 18.18 They prevented me in the day of my calamitie but the