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A09593 The perfect path to paradice Contayning diuers most ghostly and wholsome prayers, fruitfull and christian meditations, for the comfort of euery afflicted conscience: published in these dangerous dayes of wickednesse, and deliuered to all those that feare God, and hope for saluation in Christ Jesus, as a spirituall weapon to beate downe sinne, sathan, and all the power of hell, &c. By Iohn Phillips. Phillips, John, fl. 1570-1591. 1588 (1588) STC 19872; ESTC S106462 55,576 300

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and intollerable are these bitter pange and piercing paynes that in this my trauaile of Childe-byrth I indure and abyde Now féele I as it were a cruell and sharpe conflicte betwixt death and lyfe now féele I O Lord the rod of thy correction according to thy iustice layde heauy vpon me for the vse and exercise of sinne and iniquitie yet when it shall please thée good Lord looke vpon mée wyth the eyes of Fatherlye compassion and pittie and according to the multitude of thy manifold mercyes bée thou now present with mée arme me with perfite pacience ioyfullye to beare thy correction and in the midst of these my sharpe and bitter bruntes of griefe giue me grace styll to call vppon thée strengthen me a poore wretched woman giue mée comforte and heauenly consolatiō from aboue when thou shalt thinke it meete conuenient send me safe deliuerance that I may enioy the fruite of my wombe the sight whereof shall adorne deck me anew wyth ioy and gladnesse Otherwise good Lord if in this season thou determine to take me hence vnto thy self by thy messenger Death to whose stroake all Creatures when thou thinkest it méete and expedient shall bowe make mée constant faithfull in thée whose I am whether I dye or liue forget my sins and offences committed by mée agaynst thee let the bloude of the Lambe Iesus washe awaye my deformitie let the spottes of my corruption bee purged and taken awaye let my infected soule that is putrified therein be purified therein Giue mée grace alwayes whether I liue or dye to call vpon thée continually giue me power to pitch ny confidence onely and alone in the bloudye woundes of Christ Iesus to whome in this my distresse I flye and appeale for remedie and comforte Graunt this O gracious God which liuest and raignest worlde without end Amen A Prayer to be sayde of euery woman after the tyme of deliueraunce HOw muche and how greatly am I bound to laud prayse and extol thée O my Lorde God euen nowe was I assayled in my body being a wretched and sinfull woman with sundry and diuers dolors and gréeuous grypes of perrillous paynes in such sort that my Agonyes abounding Death himselfe séemed to mée to knocke at the gates of my bodye thy rodde of Iustice lay so heauy vpō me so that I iudged my self a creature more méete for the graue whose clamor I thought stil sounded in my eares then to reape the benefite of life By my paynes Lorde God in this my trauayle I am forced to confesse acknowledge that thou arte iuste in thy promises and art ready to punishe sinne and iniquitie by this my safe and sure deliueraunce I am bounde to acknowledge that wyth thy iustice thou alwayes frequentest pittie commixing thy mercye iustice together in such sort y t I must needes confesse thee to bée most righteous mercifull I cannot O my God but protest that thou hast dealte fauourablye with mee and those paines which I abode were layde vpon me for my sinne and wickednesse and yet haste thou not dealte seuerely with mee neyther giuen sentence agaynst mée in thy fury which haue iustlye deserued the same for hadst thou O Lorde respected my desertes I had porished euerlastingly and béen vtterly confounded my greuous grones throwne forth vnto thée pierced the verye Bowels of thy annoynted sonne Iesus Christ who beholding my agonyes and bitter payns became an intercessor to thée for mée thorow whose earnest intreaty and louing meditation thou cōuertedst thy displeasure to mercie and for hys sake alone that dyed vppon the crosse for my offences thou hast asswaged my torments and in t●e fu●nesse of thy b●●nty louing kindnesse thou hast giuen me a liuing soule to glad my hart for the which I am bound of right to giue thée harty and humble thankes humblye be séeching thée being now faint and féeble in body to strengthen me in soule mind and heart that my tongue maye be the Organ that may continually publish forth thy euerlasting prayse Graunt this O gracious God for the loue of thy onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ. To whome wyth thée and the holye Ghoste bee giuen all lawde power dominion for euer and euer A●●● A godly prayer for the true worshipping of God EStablyshe oure hartes mindes O moste gracious God in the true worshipping of thy deuine Maiestye make vs to beléeue thy holye and sacred Gospell wherein wée are daylye and hourely instructed to loue feare honoure and obeye thée to hate sinne and iniquitie to renounce al superstitious ceremonies whereby thy worship is defaced thy glory prophaned and thine honoure greatlye dyminished Giue vs thy grace to hate sinne and iniquitie to renounce and forsake the vanities and wanton pleasure of this wicked and sinfull worlde arme vs we beséeche thée to mortifie and bryng vnder the rebellyous appetites and straunge lustes of the fleshe and finallye giue vs power from aboue to wythstande Sathan the prince of darcknesse and all his damnable ministers who by diuers temptations prouoke and alure vs from godly puritie and perfite integrity which passeth onely from Chryste Iesus to vs who is the fulnesse of oure perfection and holynesse to all kinde of euill impietie vncleannesse by meanes whereof thy worship is greatlye prophaned and of a set purpose contemned Make vs constant to skirmishe agaynst the worlde sinne death and hell and by the power of afruitfull faith giue vs grace to resist and brydle the concupiscence of oure fleshe in suche sorte that oure soules may triumph with victorye continue constant in worshipping thee from whome passeth the fulnesse of oure ioye prepare oure heartes and myndes good Lorde to spreade foorth the glory of thy name keepe oure tongues from al filthy talk and vncomely iesture least by the exercise of such sinne we contemne thy worship and prouoke thée to displeasure and indignation set thou a watche before the gates of my mouth that my lippes may by thy grace be always made open to sound forth thy prayse and euerlasting glorye be mercifull to our offences think thou not on our vnrighteousnes but vppon thy clemencye forgiue thou fréely and pardon graciously our sinnes make vs faythfull in Christe Iesus shorten the daungerous dayes of iniquitie increase the number of thy chosen peculier saintes hasten thy comming O sauior Christ that we with the fellowship of thy saintes heauenly Angels and the blessed company of Martirs may celebrate thy prayse and worship thée in thy glorious kingdome before thy father oure God and the holy Ghost to whom be prayse for euer Amen A Prayer agaynst the fellowship of the vngodly PRotect defend me O heauenlye and most mercifull father from the fellowship of the vngodly men whiche dayly imagine mischiefe in their heartes to harm the innocent kepe me from the counsayles of the foolish and vngodly whiche speake proud things against the glorye of thy blessed name defend me from faithlesse and deceiptfull ones
O mercifull father for thy Sonne Christes sake oure onely Sauioure and Redéemer Christ Iesus A godly and fruitfull prayer to be sayd in tyme of bloudy Battaile O Lorde oure heauenlye father and euerlyuing God wée thy wretched and most miserable Creatures confesse and acknowledge wée haue worthelye deserued the rod of thy correction and punishment and doe merite manye sharpe and bitter stripes that knowing thy blessed glorious wyll haue of set purpose contemned thy deuine and heauenly precepts for which cause the sentence of thy wrath is sharpely kyndled agaynste vs euen as it hathe béene against thy chosen people Israell in the dayes of oure forefathers who glorying in their wickednesse were plagued in the fulnesse of thy indignation the sworde of their enemies beset them rounde about and hemmed them in on euery side the Iebusits the Amonits the Philistines and the Amorites oppressed them diuersly theyr strong holds were rased their Citties were besieged theyr houses were ransackt theyr goodes and theyr riches were caryed awaye by force of the bloud-thirstie enimie theyr yong men were ledde awaye captyue their virgines were woefully deflowred but in fyne when thou Lord God diddest beholde their heartie and earnest contrition thou didst withdrawe thy frowning countenance and sent them spéedy and safe deliueraunce one whyle thou Lorde sentest them Moyses to bring them out of the seruitude of Pharao the stony and stubborne hearted king of the Egyptians another whyle Iepthah sette them frée from the sworde of the Amonites wherewith they were greeuouslye afflicted and to make thy power excellent glory fully known thou gauest Sampson suche fortitude to bridle y e prowde Philistians Ouer and besides these thou of thy loue and myraculous goodnesse hast made feeble women mightie and victorious conquerours Debora was a shield to thy people Iudith comforted the distressed Bethulians and cut off y e head of prowd Holophernus that thy selfe good Lorde when thou beheldest their teares and harty sorrowe for their offences did prepare thy selfe to goe forth with their hostes thou thy selfe wyth the breathe of thy Nostrels diddest confounde and ouerthrow their enemies so good Lord be thou nowe present with vs in the fulnesse of thy deuyne power looke vpon vs wyth the eyes of thy fauourable pittie forget our corrupt and moste filthye offences let our contrite and sorrowful harts be a meane to vanquish thy displeasure conceiued agaynst vs bée thou present with vs in this tyme of necessitie and trouble set thy hand to help and assist vs agaynst the enemy be thou present with vs in this tyme of perrill daunger goe thou forth with our hostes then shall wee be assured to preuayle let not the multitude of furious foes dismaye vs for victory we doe know consisteth not in the power nor strength of many men the strengthe of horses armor nor weapons but it is thou O merciful father that giuest y e conquest where and to whome thou pleasest To thée therfore in this great extremity we flie and appeale beséeching thée of thyne inestimable loue and kyndenesse for the loue of our sauiour Christ Iesus to looke vppon our true repentante hearts and in the fulnesse of thy misseration and pytties to set vs free from the power of the raging enemye and to pardon our sinnes and greeuous offences that henceforth wée vow and dedicate our harts and mindes wholy to walk in integritie and newnesse of life Whiche graunt good Lorde to whome with thy sonne Christ Iesus and the holye Ghost be prayse and glorye attributed for euer and euer worlde wythout end Amen A Prayer agaynst presumptuous pryde and vayne glory WE heare O Heauenly father and are daylye taught and instructed out of thy eternall worde howe greatlye the gréeuous sinne of presumption pryde and vayne glory displeaseth thy deuyne Maiestye wée are learned that for the practise of this pestilente and haynous euill thou haste not spared the verye Aungels but haste throwne them in thy displeasure for their pryde vayneglory and presumption from beatitude to miserye from ioy wythout end to perdurable payn from brightnesse of thy glorious presence to vtter extreme and palpable darkenes from the gloryous fruition and participation of thy euerlasting kyngdome to the bottomlesse pit of hel Death damnation and endlesse flames of fire besydes this we are taught that by the transgression of Adam whose hawtye presumyng thorowe the intisemente of the subtle and perillous alurement of the Serpente thought to bee as thy selfe but in fine thy iustice condemned him and all hys posteritie this pestiferous sinne of pryde drowned him in the floudes of all daungerous euils as gluttonye luxury and suche other perils that had not thy mercye taken effect to keepe and hold Plea for his and oure sauegarde and thy sonne Chryst imbrased the glory power of his deuyne Essence taken vpon him our fleshe and frayle nature sinne onely excepted who freely offered his innocente bodye to the death of the Crosse we had perished euerlastinglye and bene vtterly confounded Print therefore good Lord and wryte these examples in my memorye that I fall not from thy fauour by the exercise of thys detestable sinne make me still to consider that the proud and disdaynfull are always abhorred in thy sight and sith it is thy good will and gracious pleasure to regard the humble and lowly man giue me such méekenesse from aboue that I maye continuallye present thée with the Sacrifice of a gentle méeke and contrite spirite that I may auoyde the plagues and punishmentes which thou hast prepared for the prowd and hawty minded Graunt this good Lord for Iesus Christ his sake my onely Mediatour and Aduocate who liueth and raigneth with thée and the holy ghost in glorye permanent and maiestye euerlasting A Prayer to be sayde in tyme of affliction and trouble O Eternall and euer lyuing god the father of al consolation and comforte vouchsafe of thyne infinite loue kindenesse to strengthen mée with thy heauenly grace paciently to beare and wyth meekenesse to suffer this Crosse of affliction and trouble which thou hast layde vpon mée for the vse of sinne and iniquitie I knowe O gracious and louing father that my deserts are suche as worthely haue prouoked thée to displeasure the burthē of my sinnes are intollerable for the whiche I must acknowledge and earnestly from the bottome of my heart confesse that iustlye thou haste corrected and visited mee yet not in the fulnesse of thy furye but according to thy fatherlye loue and kyndnesse and albeit thy rod lie heauy vpon my shoulders yet in thys tyme of thy correction I am comforted greatlye knowing assuredlye that y u correctest and smytest where thou louest thou woundest and healest agayne thou throwest downe to Hell and thou liftest vp to Heauen such and so great is thy omnipotencie that thou rulest aboue the Firmament in earth flouds and the lowermost partes of hell in Heauen the Aungels Arckaungels the souls of thy saints the blessed company of
ingrafte in me Unto myne eyes let there be giuen aboundance of weeping And let my handes be occupied With often almes gyuing O thou my king quench out of me all foule fleshly desire And with the loue of thee alone set thou my hart on fire O my Redeemer dryue away the spirite of pride from me And graunt to mee that great treasure of meeke humilitie Take from me O my Sauiour the furious rage of yre The shield of pacience giue to me the which I doe desyre O Creator roote out of mee all spitefulnesse of mynde And graunt in steede thereof agayne meeken●sse that I may fynde O Bountifull father giue me a fayth that shall indure With hope agreeing therevnto and charitie most sure O thou my guyde keepe from my lips all lying vanitie And from my minde driue farre away all vayne vnconstancie All wauering tak● from my heart and from my mouth scoffing With all proud lookes glottony backbiting slandering Couetousnesse wipe cleane away with curiositie The fond desire of vayne glory with all hipocrisie Let me neuer the poore despise nor yet the weake oppresse And let me not blaspheme for then I dye remedilesse O thou which didst mee forme and make take all rashnesse from me And leaue me not such a minde as will not with peace agree Take from me ydlenesse and sloth with heauie lumpishnesse Take from me disobedience and also stubburnnesse O my God for thy deare Sonnes sake I humbly beseeche thee To graunt me the works of mercy aboundance of pitie That I may thee both loue feare and eke pitie the poore Make mee good men alwayes to loue and wicked to abhorre Make me so little to esteeme those thinges that worldly bee With harte and voyce that I maye craue in Heauen to be with thee amen ¶ Beeyng tempted by the ghostly ennemy as all that feare God are to doubt in any article of the Catholike Fayth to dispayre in Gods mercye to yeelde to melancholye fantasies to bee vexed with vnkindnes of friends or the malice of ennemies to bee troubled with sicknesse or any other wayes oppressed with griefe of body and mynde say deuoutly as followeth I Humblye accept moste mercifull Iesus this heauie temptation whiche nowe I suffer at the handes of thy diuine prouydence and would a greater if thou please to laye it on me for thy sake Who hath ordayned this from the beginning for the tender loue thou bearest to the health of my sinfull soule and I most hartily thanke thée for it I confesse I haue deserued worse for my sinne and vnkindenesse towardes thée and I am not worthie to receyue any comfort or consolation at thy handes therefore to the honor of the passion and death whiche thou wyllinglye sufferedst on the Crosse I offer my selfe to sustayne this or any other aduersitie with al my hart not séeking other ways ease or reliefe then in and by thee O Lorde and as thy good will and pleasure shal appoint yet this one thing I craue and beséech thée for the tender loue thou bearest to mée and all mankinde for in mée is no vertue or ought that is good to helpe and assist me with thy holy spirite as my trust is thou wilt who promiseth that no man shall be tempted more than he shalbe able to beare and giue me all what euer shalbe necessary to sustayne with patience this painfull Crosse temptation which thy deuine wisdome hath apointed for me to the intēt that I bearing y e same wyllingly with thée here in this worlde may conceiue assured hope to bée partaker of thy glorye in the worlde to come grant me my request moste mercifull Sauioure not for my merite or deseruing but onely for the merites of thy death and bitter passion I humblye beséeche thée Amen A Prayer for the obtayning of grace and mercy O Moste mercifull Lorde God whose Maiestie is incomprehensible and power infinite whose magnificence is exalted aboue the heauens vouchsafe I beséech thée from thy high Throne to beholde the worke of thy handes Haue pitie on the vnhappy desolate condition of thy creature I am a sinner conceiued in sin of my selfe I haue no good thing wherefore O Lord I cleaue to the Altare of thy mercy Thou art my Ankor my hope my refuge staye Therefore O Lorde haue mercy vpon me for no flesh can be iustified in thy sight Thou knowest the frayltie weakenes of men we are taught by the fall of Peter y t we can doe nothing wythout thée Graunt vs therfore good lord thy grace without which in this world we are lyke by the waues of temptations to be swallowed in the gulph whyrlepoole of sinnes to be drownd as the ship without Ankor Pylate in euerye Tempest to runne on the Rocke and perishe Guide vs therfore by thy grace good Lorde thorow the flouds of this carefull worlde that wee maye rest for euer in the pleasant Porte and happye hauen of euerlasting ioy with thyne elected thorough our blessed Sauiour Iesus Chryst. To whome wyth thée and the holye Ghoste bée all honour and glorye in all worldes Amen A Prayer for the Penitent O Lord I am a sinner my sins are heauy vpon me the burthen of them is intolerable refresh me with thy grace washe away mine offences I shall be whiter than the snow let the chéerfull beames of thy countenance shine vppon mée and giue light to the darknes of my life We can looke for nothing as deserued but punishment due to oure offences Wherfore good lord not according to thy iustice but in the multitude of thy mercies deale with thy seruant Remember not the sinnes of my forefathers think not on the misdemeanor of my youth passed haue pitie on thy creture which acording to the likenesse of thy selfe thou hast made shaped of earth How long wilt thou turne thy face away frō me forsake me not O my God but renewe in me thy holy spirit Pluck away from me all that withdraweth mée from thée Graft in my hart thy grace y t I may loue thée and feare thée and so finallye reioyce in thy goodnesse with thy elected and prayse thée in thy wondrous works for euer Graunt thys most mightie God for our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake To whome with thée and the holye Ghost be all honour and glory for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for Fayth O Blessed sauiour Iesus sonne of the euerliuing God the vnspeakeable ioye of thy seruantes moste present cōfort to sinners which camest into y e world to saue offenders whiche so louest the world that thou sparedst not thy most pecious blood to redéeme the losse of oure first father Adam to make vs Coheires of the forfaited inheritance with thy selfe that al which beléeue in thée might be saued good Lorde whiche hast promysed to them that knocke it shal be opened that they whiche seeke shall finde graunt I beséeche thée that I maye search thy holye lawes and finde
What are the plesures of the world welth honour company of our parentes and friendes wherein all our pleasure swéetenesse is mixed wyth sowernesse and sorrowe wherein euerye perfection hathe hys imperfection What is all this to the vnspeakable ioy in the kingdome of GOD what is y e company of frinds c. here in comparison to the companye of Abraham Isaac Iacob the Patriarches Prophets and all the Sayntes of God O the infelicitie of euerlasting lyfe whiche is without all discommodities perpetuall without all perrill and molestation Oh the glorious maiesty the singuler myrth and passing ioyes of the lyfe to come the eye hathe not séene nor the hart of man is able to conceiue in any part the happy estate of the blessed soules in heauen Oh howe amiable are thy Tabernacles my soule hathe a desire to enter into the Courts of the Lorde my harte and my soule reioyce in the liuing god blessed be they that dwel in thy house they may be alwayes praysing thée One daye in thy Courtes is better than a thousande else where I had rather to be a dore kéeper in the house of my God than to dwel in the Tents of vngodlinesse The Lorde God is a light and defence My soule is a thirst for God euen for the lyuing GOD. When shall I come before the presence of my God My flesh longeth after thée in a barren and dry land where no water is Good Lord remember mée and grant that I maye weare the white Garmentes of innocencye with thyne elected in thy euerlasting kingdome Amen A thankesgiuing for benefites receyued at Gods hand O Moste mercifull father I yeeld thée moste humble thankes for thy greate benefites bestowed vppon me a sinner of thy frée mercye onely thou haste of thy fatherly loue brought mée vp tenderly and instructed me in thy holy lawe thou hast giuen me knowledge and vnderstandyng thou hast preserued me from many daungers euils which diuers men haue felte thou hast blessed me with helth quietnesse ioy plentye and wealth which a number do want thou hast taken care of me and done all thinges for me O Lorde thoughe I can deserue nothing but punishment by thy iuste displeasure yet good Lorde I trust to thy goodnesse I ask thy mercye and not iustice and for thy mercies sake I beséeche thée to continue thy grace and to increase thy good gifts towards me and haue me in thy protection till my lyues end good Lord blesse me that I may enioy the fruites of the earth and vse them to thy honour and glory good Lord be thou my ayde and guyde me in al my doinges my buckler and defence in all daungers that I may freely and ioyfullye sing prayses to thée whiche liuest and raygnest one God almightie and incomprehensible worlde wythout ende Amen A Godly Prayer MOst mightie God which by thy worde hast made all thinges whose voyce the floudes and hilles doe knowe whose heast both quick and dead heauen and hell obey at whose displeasure the Diuels in hell doe tremble let thy worde so lighten our heartes that by oure good workes we may testifie our profession séeing that the Trée whiche beareth not fruite shall be cut downe and throwne into the fyre Graunt that I may not onely be a hearer but also a doer of thy holy word that so finallye I maye bée partaker of thy euerlasting ioye and blisse O Lorde graunt mee wisedome to knowe thee and grace to followe thée in true humilitie that as thou didst suffer to be spitted at and smitten of thine enemies so wee may beare the displeasures of the world and rage of our ennemies wyth pacience thou hast blessed the little ones reuealed vnto them the thinges hidden from the wyse for thou wilte haue mercye where it pleaseth thée O set thy feare always before myne eyes and graft thy fayth so in my hart that I may loue thée and glorifie thy holy name for euer Amen A godly Prayer to be sayde of euery christian GOod Lord whiche wyth thy handes doest stay the frame and engyne of the earth and rulest the course of the swifte heauens disposing and ordering all thinges by thy diuine prouidence whiche hast appoynted boundes to oure life which we cannot passe I beséeche thée that by my liuing I learning to dye mortifying by thy spirite the affections of the fleshe though not expelling them yet subduing the rage of them I maye at the last by the Hauen of Deathe land in the moste gloryous Citye of euerlastyng lyfe where our bodyes whiche are nowe darcke myserable and corruptible shall be moste brighte glorious and incorruptible lyke to the immortall shining bodye of oure Lorde Iesus Chryste we shall be lyke to Christ oure Sauyour euen as he is so shall we be as we haue borne the Image of the earthlye so shall we beare the Image of the heauenly and shyne lyke to the sunne as the face of Christe did in his transfiguration Oh Lord Iesus blessed Sauiour whiche by thy deathe haste tryumphed ouer sinne and deathe Thou hast troden on the sting of the monster oure hydeous enemye the Gates of Hell haue not preuayled againste thee graunt to me true and liuely fayth by which men passe from earth to heauen from death to eternall life This can we not do without thée thou must be our Mediator for a child of a nights birth is not pure in thy sight In sinne were wee borne and by nature wee are the children of perdition and fyrebrandes of Hell but thou O blessed Sauiour arte the perfection of the Lawe to them that beleue As death came by synnes so by thy death and precyous bloodeshedding is death conquered and exiled and wée that beléeue washed and cleansed of our sinnes al the prophets beare witnesse that they whiche beléeue in thy name shall receiue remission of their sins If we confesse our synnes thou arte righteous to forgiue vs our iniquities Whosoeuer calleth on thy name shal be saued thou hast no pleasure in the death of a sinner but rather desyrest y t they shoulde liue be cōuerted thou hast so loued the world that thou not only didst become man and tooke our nature vpon thée but were content also to suffer most cruel death on the Crosse to purge our nature from mortal sinne and corruption adorne it with immortality eternall glorye not only in thyne own person but in vs also to satisfy the iustice of the father for oure sinnes O blessed shepheard thou doubtest not to spende thy most precious bloode to saue thy beloued sheepe from rauine spoile Good Lorde so increase thy grace in mee that thy holye woord may take roote florish in me that the good séed may not bee choaked with thornes so order my liuing that when by course of nature I shalbe dissolued from the pryson of my bodye I may come to thée that when thou more brighter then the sunne shal come in the middest of the Legions of
grace to printe in my remēbrance thy manifolde mercies that feeding in soule by faith in thée I may attaine vnto those end lesse ioyes that thou haste prepared for thy adopted sonnes and chosen children in thy kingdome of euerlasting righteousnesse And so escape those euerlastinge torments which thou haste prepared for the Diuel and his Angels from the which place of woefull vexation and endlesse miserie deliuer me O heauenly father for the loue of Iesus Christ his sake to whome with thée and the holy Ghost be all lawde and praise for euer Amen A prayer to be sayde at the hower of death MOst mightie art thou O Lorde in all thy déedes and most holy in all thy wayes blessed bee the name of my father my God and glorious creator who by his deuine power and celestiall prouidence of nothing made all things fish fleshe fowles fruits trées herbes all other thinges whatsoeuer are contayned both in Heauen earth Seas and the nethermost partes thereof Man concerning the outward parts thou by thy celestial prouidence and fatherly bounty framedst and createdst of clay but concerning the inward substance of thy creature man thou didst fashion make euen according to thine owne similitude and likenesse Moreouer such and so great was thy loue and good wil towards him that all the Creatures or workes of thy creation serued to his vse In earth thou haste made him Lorde king ouer the fruits therof the beastes of the Field the Foules of the ayre and the fishes of the little floods and great waters In the Firmament thou hast placed the glistering Sunne with his oryent beames to giue him light by day and therewith thou hast giuen him the Moone the stars to gouerne him by night for the which cause aboue all other the workes of thy creation man shoulde and ought of right to giue thée that glory that to thée belongeth But alas such and so great is the corruption of our frayle and sinful flesh that for all these thy graces we are carryed away from thée and enter into contempt of thy precepts for which cause thou oftētimes doest correct and punish vs to the intēt we might therby feeling thy rod of correction bee driuen to imbrace harty and true repentance but when thy threates and the stripes of thy displesure laide vpon vs cannot take place amongest vs thou oftentimes giuest vs vp to follow our lustes and affections but at last when thou doest beholde our inormities thou in a moment by the power of thy deuine iustice restrayned the rope of our disordered libertie and cuttest in sunder the Brydle of our voluptuousnesse eyther by sodayne death sworde fire famine or other thy deuine sentences of thy conceiued yre to the intent that other thy creatures might by the terrour of thy Iustice auoyde sinne and learne to amende their liues least they fall into the like calamitie or daunger True and moste true it is good Lorde that by the exercise of sinne we are the children of death destruction but by grace of the almightie and victorious conqueror swéet Iesus Christ we are the adopted sonnes of thy father and made fellowe heires with thee our perfect Emanuel in whose name with all humilitie lowlinesse of heart mind I come vnto thée in this great extremitie and daunger of death beséeching thée to bée present with mee to forget mine offences to thinke vpon thy mercies and although I haue not deserued so much as the least drop of thy fauor by means of the great burthen of my sins which are in the presence of thy diuine maiesty most vgly and loathsome to behold yet respect thou not O Father mine iniquity but haue an eye I beséech thée to the merits of my sauior Christ Iesus to whom as my mediatour sauiour Redeemer I apeale who hath promised comfort and sweete consolation to all those that in thy name flye vnto thée for reléefe I confesse th●e worthily thou hast visited me and yet not according to the multitude of my sins but in the fulnes of miseration and fatherly pitie giue me grace therefore in these bitter bruntes of death who vehemently at this present beginneth to combat with fainting féeble life constantly to cleue vnto thée let not y e plesures of this wicked worlde bee a let or impediment for mée to come vnto thée let not my fraile feeble flesh subiect to sin which hath thorow my transgression made mee a bondman to death moue me to dispaire in thy great mercy neither yet let that cauilling aduersary y e enemy of mankinde at my last end triumph ouer mée gyue me patience to suffer and gladly to beare abide this thy scourge and visitation and so fortifie mée in soule and body that so long as life shall indure in mée I may neuer cease to call vpon thy holy and blessed name yea and when death is most busiest make thou me most constant yea whē he séeketh most strongly to assayle my féeble body giue mée thy grace good Lorde that I may in spirite hart minde and all the powers of my soule giue praises vnto thée that of thy grace inestimable kindenes hast sent thy sonne Christ Iesus to raunsome me by his blodie death and passion from the power of hell Giue me grace therefore nowe that thou hast appoynted thy messenger death to finishe the days of my pilgrimage and to call me by his sommons from out this vale of misery wrecchednesse to build stedfastly vpon him faithfully to hope for life saluation in and alone thorow him let the remembraunce of my 〈◊〉 wickednes be 〈…〉 vpon 〈…〉 thy glorious ●ight b●h●●de my sorrow●●l true repentant heart which come vnto thee with teares not building on my merites but vppon thy mercies though I be sinful thy son my sauiour is righteous though I be wicked yet he is most holy though I be full of iniquitie yet he full of all goodnes though I haue grieuously offended thee yet he hath fully contented thee though I haue transgressed thy lawe yet he hath fulfilled the same hath promised in his blood to wash away their sinnes that by faith continue in him constant to the ende I therefore in 〈…〉 g●●at and ●aynefull ●●onie beholding Death 〈◊〉 heate at the gates of my body come vnto thee by the vertue of a fruitefull fayth beséeching thée when thou shalt see it méete and conuenient that hee shall dissolue the bandes of this fadyng life which endureth but a whyle for a thousand yeres are as yesterday in thy sight to take my soule into thy glorious and blessed hands and so to confirme mee thy truth that at the last when it shall please thée by the sounde of a trumpe to raise my body from the graue when and in which time body and soule shal vnite come before thy presence I may by faith in thée passe ouer the mount of my corruption shake off the bands of sin be set frée from
thée I can doe nothing When thou powrest vppon vs thy creatures thy good giftes and benefites When thou bestowest vppon vs prosperitie health wealth and such like thou doest it to this intente that we acknowledging the same should thereby be encouraged to serue honoure and humblye obey thée and alwayes prayse and magnifie thy glorious name contrariwise when thou strykest vs with thy rod of correctiō as plaguing vs with great mortalitie suffering our enemies to inuade vs robbers for to spoyle vs pouertie to oppresse vs or fire to consume those thinges which thou hast lent vs for the maynteynaunce of oure bodyes in this mortall life Thou doest it to put vs in mynde that we haue transgressed thy Commaundementes that we haue not harkened vnto thée neyther done that which is acceptable in thy sight but willingly falling into the puddle of sinne and following oure own appetites haue prouoked thy iust wrathe and indignation against vs. Thus thou dealest w t vs O Lord to the intent that we suffering bodily punishment féeling the smart of the same may therby be admonished of our duetie and with true compunction of heart desire to be released frō thy scourges whiche we haue deserued and worthily receaue and then acknowledge our selues to be lost children straying shéepe may bothe see and be ashamed of oure vnbrydled affections wilfulnes which haue brought vs to calamitie misery with y e true penitent to say We are not worthy most mercifull father to lifte vp our eyes or voyce vnto thée for our manifold sinnes and wickednesse neuerthelesse presuming vppon thine aboundaunt mercie who refusest none that doe call vpon thée moste lamentablye we doe cry haue mercy vpō vs O Lorde haue mercye vpon vs miserable sinners being nowe gréeuouslye afflicted with the burthen of punishment and affliction which thou hast layde vpon vs put thou therfore away all displeasure conceiued agaynst vs thy poore creatures and graunt vs that being warned by thys we maye euer hereafter serue thée in newnesse of life and neuer committe anye thing whiche shall displease or offend thée This O heauenly father I acknowledge to bée oure duetie but althoughe I for my parte haue not perfourmed the same as I ought to doe yet I beséeche thine inestimable goodnes not to execute the rigoure of thy iustice vppon me but to staye thine hand and before thou giue me any greter wound to behold my humilitie and repentaunce which beyng not able to recompence and satisfie the trespasses which I agaynst thée haue cōmitted do offer vnto thée according as the poore Widdowe did al that which I am able to giue that is a sorrowfull contrition of hearte for my former offences done and paste Thy Iustice as it is right so is it rigorous to sinners thou art so iealous so much doest detest sinne that thou sparest not to punnishe thy very elect and chosen seruants when as they fall into it Who was more acceptable in thy sighte then that holy Prophet king Dauid of whom thou thy selfe didst say I haue found a man according to mine own heart euen Dauid my seruaunte yet neuerthelesse diuers sundrye wayes didst thou punishe him when that he had swarued from thy testimonies Thou sufferedst him to be molested with the insurrection of hys owne sonne thou didst sende the Prophet vnto him to offer him the choyce of plagues which thou wouldest sende vpon him for his wicked lyuing but when he with sorrowfull sighes trickling teares tourned vnto thée cōfessing his fault crauing pardone and promising amendment of life thou forgatest thine anger and forgauest his offence Other of thy chosen Uessels thou hast permitted to bée gréeuouslye tormented and vexed by sundrye troubles and aduersities onely to trye their faith and stedfastnesse towardes thée as thou didst suffer that pacyent man Iobe for to be most cruelly intreated by that enemie of all mankinde to haue his houses burned and spoyled his cattle taken away his seruauntes driuen into bondage his Children to be slaine his own body to be afflicted with most loathsome diseases plagues and sores and all this thou didst not for any euil déede of his but to shew thine Omnipotencie and power for when thou hadst tride hym to the vtmost and founde that his ennemie the Deuill coulde not preuayle agaynst hym or by any 〈◊〉 and griefe 〈◊〉 him to blaspheme and speak euil of thée thou didst reduce him to health thou didst enriche him agayne thou didst restore vnto hym agayn his children friends familye and all his goodes with muche more than euer he before possessed shewing most manifestlye that thou wilte re warde them moste plenteously which doe loue thée follow and obserue thy commandementes Wherefore I beséech thée to giue me grace that what soeuer waye it shall please thée to visite mée wyth thy punishment I may take it paciently and say Naked came I into this world and naked shall I retourne to the earth agayne the Lorde giueth the Lorde taketh away euen as it pleaseth the Lorde so be it Suffer mée not to dispaire or to thinke that thou dealest vniustlye with me but to say Shall I receiue prosperitie at the Lordes hande and not to be content with aduersitie alwaies to think vpon this Happy are they whom thou dost punish for though thou make a wounde thou also giuest a playster thoughe thou smitest thy hande maketh whole agayne my iniquitie is greate but be thou mercifull vnto my wickednesse O deliuer me from thyne anger and presse mée not farther than I shall be able to beare but now that I acknowledge that what soeuer trouble thou haste sent me or wilt laye vppon me is either for the punishment of mine iniquitie or for the triall of my constancie I maye with repentant Dauid finde remission of my sinnes and with patient Iobe release of my aduersitie and obtayn such fauor in thy sight that thou neuer agayne so gréeuously punishe me but that I may so passe this life that I may afterward liue with thée to whō be honour and glory for euer and euer Amen A prayer agaynst the feare of worldly casualties O Most bountifull and louing Father myne onlye guyder and comforter the Wel of mercie the true light of the worlde take awaye the darkenesse of my mind lighten my heart and sences indue me with thy grace arme me so strongly with sure hope confidence truste in thée that I neuer be driuen into feare eyther by the subtle inuasions of our ghostlye ennemye Sathan or by the craftie wylinesse of the worlde neither yet by losse damage hurte or hindrance of any of those vain and transitory things which we in this world doe possesse But alwaies whatsoeuer shal become of them to thinke that they are but thinges lent and not oure owne that we shall make a streight accompt for the vse or abuse of them Whereby the more wée possesse thereof the greater shall be our payne if we abuse them Wherefore take from me