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A14450 A learned and excellent treatise containing all the principall grounds of Christian religion Set downe by way of conference in a most plaine and familiar manner. Written first in French by maister Mathew Virell, after translated into Latine: and now turned into English for the vse of our country-men.; Religion chrestienne declarée par dialogue. English Virel, Matthieu.; Egerton, Stephen, 1555?-1621? 1594 (1594) STC 24768; ESTC S119631 209,162 292

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thou haue ended it when thou hast read it ouer once let it not be tedious vnto thee to read it ouer again again for thou shalt finde the second reading more fruitfull thē the first the third more fruitfull then the second so the oftener the better This is a great vanitie an euill sicknesse among mē that if they haue once seene the title of a booke and the authors name read two or three leaues it is cast at their heeles for euer after as if they had attained all that could be learned by it when they can name the title author of it Wherefore for this point marke the course manner of mē in the keeping and encreasing of their bodily strēgth though they eate their fill of this kinde of meate to day yet they come with great desire and fresh appetite to the same againe within a day or two yea oftentimes the same day otherwise it argueth either an extreme weakenesse or an intollerable daintinesse of the stomacke Here perhaps thou wilt aske what bookes beside the holy Bible I would commend vnto thee Wherein though I see some difficultie because it cannot be done without cōparisons which are coūted odious yet for thy good I wil not spare to shew my poore opiniō No one book of the like volume more fruitefull then Virell which is that no one mā that I haue seen hath set down the summe grounds of Christiā Religion more holily happily for the capacitie and edifying of all sortes thē this present author For this cause I specially recōmend him to thee as one by whō thou mayst specially profit if thou call vpō the name of God through Iesus Christ bind thy selfe to diligēce constancie remembring that as one dish of meate well chewed digested will cōfort nature more then diuers delicates that lye raw vndigested in the stomack so one booke often throughly read wil do thy soule more good then the superficiall fight and tast of a thousand And so I commend thee to the Lord who vouchsafe to giue thee wisedome in all thinges for his mercies sake Blacke Friers the 23. of Iuly Thine in the Lord Iesus STEPH EGERTON The argument and order of the three bookes of Christian Religion The first Booke DEclareth the fundamentall pointes of our saluation it standeth vpon four heads 1 1 The first intreateth of the knowledge of God who being perfectly iust and perfectly mercifull doth not onely shew mercie but doth also declare his iustice ibidem 2 The second of the knowledge of man who being a most miserable sinner is guiltie of eternall death before the iudgement seate of God 9 3 The third of the knowledge of Christ who hauing satisfied the most perfect iustice of God for vs openeth a way vnto his most perfect mercie that we may obtaine forgiuenesse of our sinnes 15 4 The fourth of faith whereby we are made one with Christ and so partakers of all his benefites and euen of euerlasting life 22 The scond Booke COntaineth the testimonies of our saluation and that standeth vpon two speciall pointes whereof 1 The first intreateth of good workes by the which faith lying hid in our hearts is manifested 78 2 The second of prayer which hath the first and chiefe place among good works to testifie and confirme our faith 188 The third Booke SEtteth before vs the outward meanes whereby God bringeth vs vnto saluation and it consisteth vpon foure principall points 219 1 The first entreateth of the ministerie of the word by the which the holy Ghost begetteth faith in our hearts keepeth it there and increaseth it ibidem 2 The second of the Sacramentes ordained of God to be as seales of the word to the ende we might with greater assurāce embrace the promises reuealed vnto vs in the word of Christ 140 3 The third of Baptisme whereby God testifieth that we are receiued of him into couenant while by it he communicateth Christ vnto vs together with his benefites 248 4 The fourth of the Lordes Supper by the which God witnesseth that his couenant is confirmed in vs by it making vs more and more partakers of Christ and his gifts 259 A summe of all set downe in a triple or threefold method that we may the better know the order and coherence of euery point of Christian Religion as also the truth excellencie and profit of the same 259 THE FIRST BOOKE of Christian religion wherein the grounds of our saluation are handled Speakers Theophilus Mathew CHAP. I. Of the knowledge of God who being perfectly iust and perfectly mercifull doth neuer exercise his mercy but he doth also exercise his iustice Theophilus MOst dearely beloued brother I haue oftentimes desired to heare of you all the doctrine of Christian religion in exact order because once I heard you plainely and briefly discoursing of some points thereof wherein I was not a little satisfied Mathew As my good will hath not at anie time in anie thing ben wanting vnto you most louing Theophilus so I will with the more readie mind performe that which you desire when it shall be conuenient because the thing of it selfe is profitable and I trust it shal be to mine own edifying For this is proper to Christian doctrine that the oftner it is handled the more plentifully it setteth forward the force and working of it in the hearts of the faithfull Theoph. Go to then hast thou not now leysure to declare vnto me euery head of Christian religion in the order wherein I haue determined to aske thee I will cause them to be put in writing and so to be communicated with my brethren Mat. If I had not leysure there is not any businesse which I would not leaue to satisfie you in this behalfe for what is there wherein time can be better spent Theoph. Seeing therefore our disputation shall be of Christian religion I desire to be taught what is meant by the word Religion Mat. Before I answer I pray God our heauenly Father to be present with vs by his holy Spirite that we may neither thinke nor speake any thing which may not tend to the honor of his own name and to the edification of his whole Church The word Religion is deriued of a word that signifieth to binde And it is a spirituall bond by the which men in a certaine holy reconciliation are made one with God and are kept in his loue and feare that at length they may be partakers of his heauenly glory of the blessed life Which no Religion can do but that which is Christian that is to saie that which hath the foundation in Christ Theoph. Why so Mat. Because by Christ alone through faith we are reconciled vnto God and that freely and so are made one with God by a most neare bond that he may bee glorified of vs in this life and eternally in the heauēs Theoph. From whence haue we proofe of that Mat Out of the
is beyond the reach of man Mat. It is indeed as Paule himselfe proueth in these words Without controuersie great is the mystery of 1. Tim. 3. 16 godlinesse God manifest in the flesh Theoph. Hitherto wee haue heard sufficiently of the person of Christ nowe let vs speake of the remedie brought by him for our saluation Mat. Of the remedy by Christ Hee hath fully satisfied the iudgement of God for our sinnes and hath so redeemed vs from euerlasting death and hath together made vs capable of the heauenlie life so as we be partakers of his gifts Theop. There come three things to my mind wherof I will aske thee 1 How Christ hath satisfied the iudgement of God for our sinnes 2 How he maketh vs partakers of the heauenly life 3 And why it is necessarie that his gifts should be made ours Mat. To the end it may the more easily bee vnderstood we must remēber that whereof we spake before namely that God hath pronounced the curse against all such as transgresse his Law and that wee in two respects haue broken it that is to say transgression 1 by leauing vndone the good which he requireth transgression 2 and by doing the euill which he forbiddeth Now Christ hath prouided a remedie for both for while he was in this earth hee did fully and perfectly fulfill the Law for vs. Moreouer he suffred the death of the crosse with extreme reproch that hee might to the vtmost endure the punishment due to our sins By which meanes hauing abundantly satisfied the perfect iustice of God for vs he maketh a way to his mercy whereby we may obtain the forgiuenes of sins And in this sense it is said 1. Pet. 1. 19 That we were redeemed by the precious bloud of Christ 1. Pet. 2 24 That Christ vpon the tree did beare our sins in his bodie 1. Ioh. 17. That the bloud of Christ doth cleanse vs from all sinne Theoph. I cannot sufficiently wonder at the exceeding great loue of God toward vs that hee gaue his most dearly beloued Son to the death to redeeme vs. Mat. Adde this which were his enemies which also is diligently obserued by the Apostle in these wordes Doubtlesse one wil scarse die for a righteous man for Rom. 5. 7. for one that is profitable to him peraduenture some man will die But God commendeth his loue towards vs that when we were yet sinners Christ died for vs. From whence he draweth this most comfortable conclusion If when wee were enemies we were reconciled Rom. 5. 10. to God by the death of his Sonne much more being reconciled shall we be saued by his life Theoph. But could the iudgement of God bee no otherwise satisfied for our sinnes except his beloued Sonne had taken vpon him our nature therein to suffer death the death I say of the Crosse Mat No for man which hath offended the infinite Maiesty of God doth deserue infinit punishment that is to say eternall death which could not be suffred and ouercome of anie but of the eternall and infinit Sonne of God Moreouer the iustice of God required this that the nature which had sinned should suffer the punishment of sin But because God could not suffer and man could not ouercome death it was necessarie that the Redeemer should be verie God very man to do both Wherein also it is to be marked how neere an atonemēt God hath entred into with vs by Christ in whom the parties at variance be inseparably ioyned together whereby it is come to passe that God hath turned the fall of man to his great good for thereupon he hath taken occasion to vnite vs more nearly with him selfe Rom. 5. 20. Wherefore where sinne was increased there grace hath abounded much more by Christ Theoph. Hitherto we haue heard sufficiently of the first point namely how Christ hath satisfied the iudgment of God for our sinnes now let vs come to the other which is by what right wee may claime to our selues euerlasting life Mat. By a double right through Christ First because for vs he hath fulfilled the whole Law Leuit. 18. 5. and God hath promised life to such as fulfill it Secondly by the right of inheritāce For after that Christ is made ours we are not onely partakers of his spirituall riches as his perfect righteousnesse and obedience whereby wee are accompted iust before God but also of his dignity namely that with him we are reckened and taken for the children of God Rom. 8. 17. Therefore Paule saith If we be sonnes wee are also heires heires indeed of God but heires annexed with Christ And againe in another place he calleth eternall life the inheritance of the Saints and so hee compriseth both the rights by the which wee lay claime to Colos 1. 12. it for our selues Theoph. Therefore in Christ alone we find all things necessarie to saluation Mat. Yea verily For in him there is righteousnesse and the fulnesse of life and without him man full of sinne findeth nothing but euerlasting malediction and Act. 4. 12. curse Therefore Peter saith that neither saluation is in any other and that there is no other name vnder heauen giuen among men whereby we may be saued For this cause also the name of Iesus Christ was giuen him from heauen by the which his office is plainly set forth that is to say all that which he hath performed for our saluation and doth still performe Theoph. Go to therefore tell me what the name of Iesus Christ signifieth as also of whom it was giuen him Mat. The name Iesus signifieth Sauiour and an Angell gaue it to the Son of God because as he himselfe expounded it he should saue his people frō theyr sinnes Concerning the name of Christ it is to bee vnderstood Mat. 1. 21. that in times past in the old Testamēt Christ was figured or shadowed in the Kings Prophetes and Priests who when they were cōsecrated were annointed with oyle which signified the giftes of the holy Ghost Now the Redeemer promised in Hebrew was called Messias but in Greeke it is translated by the Dan. 9. 25. word Christ which in Latine signifieth annointed By which name we are taught that he is the chiefe 1. King Luc. 1. 33. 2. Prophet Deu. 18. 18 3. Priest Psal 110. 4 Howbeit he was annointed not with cōmon visible oyle but with the grace of the holy Ghost that most fully that from him as from the head it might be powred into each member namely into all the faithfull in so much as they also together with him are made Kings Prophets and Priests Now the name of Christ hath bin retained in all tongues because the Apostles them selues wrote in Greeke This therefore is the cause why that name was giuen vnto him as also why all the faithful are called christians euen because they be partakers of his annointing therefore of his kingdome prophesie and priesthood
I bee deceiued the wicked doe not the will of God but God doth his will by the wicked Mat. Thou iudgest rightly For the purpose of the wicked in doing the will of God is far vnlike the purpose of God himselfe Which Isaiah himselfe doeth plainely note speaking of Sennacherib For after that Isai 107. he had saide that hee was the rod of Gods wrath and the staffe of his hand whom hee sent to a dissembling nation whom also he would command to pray and to take the spoile of the people of the Lordes wrath straight way he addeth But he thinketh not so neither will his heart esteeme it so for he imagineth to destroy and to cut off not a few nations Theoph. God then is the maruailous workman which can vse any instrument to do his worke by Mat. Yea indeede he vseth both good and euill to his glorie but in farre vnlike respect For hee guideth the affections of the former namely of the Angels and of the faithfull by his holy spirite so as the worke which he doth by them is altogether good But the other that is to saie the diuell and the wicked are moued by their owne malice and so they do wholly differ from God who neuerthelesse by his wonderfull wisedome doth so guide their actions that in the end they fall out vnto his glorie Theoph. This doctrine excellently agreeth with that which I haue heard of thee more then once namely that the sinnes of the wicked bee from themselues but while as sinning they do this or that thing that is of God Mat. Thou gatherest well For so doth God execute his iudgements For hee punisheth sin with another sinne and for the most part with a sin of the same kinde As murther with murther theft with theft according to the vnchangeable sentence pronounced by himselfe Gen. 9. 6. Whosoeuer sheddeth man his bloud by man his bloud shall bee shed Isai 33. 1. Woe to thee that spoilest when thou hast made an end of spoiling thou shalt bee spoiled Theoph. But often times it falleth out that the wicked prosper so as they be free from all aduersitie yea from deserued punishments the godly euery where be pressed down with afflictions Mat. Indeede God punisheth some sinnes in this world that both his prouidence and iustice may appeare for else he might seem not to care what mē did And againe he leaueth many things vnpunished that we may vnderstand there is another life after this wherein he will most seuerely reuenge all the sinnes of men yea with the greatnes of punishment recompēce his long patience toward them wherewith by his innumerable benefites he called them to repentance But concerning the afflictions of the godly when God sendeth thē he hath regard both to his own glory and to our saluation For according to the saying of the Apostle all thinges worke together for the best Rom. 8. 28. vnto them that loue God I omit that there may be many Hypocrites among the faithfull whose sinnes God doth worthely punish Theoph. Of afflictiōs But what profite may the faithfull reape by their afflictions Math. What profite not one kinde but manie which for the helpe of memorie I will bring into sixe heads Theoph. Declare the first Mat. The first vse of afflictiōs humilitie By them God bringeth vs to humilitie while by our owne experience hee prooueth that what soeuer goodly thing wee wondred at in our selues is nothing Hereuppon was that speach of Dauid With rebukes thou chastisest men for iniquitie thou makest his beautie to consume as a moth surelie euerie Psa 39. 11 man is vanity Theoph. What is the cause that God doth so humble vs Mat. 1 First that all glory and praise may bee giuen vnto him alone 2 Secondly that we may put away that same vaine confidence which naturally sticketh within vs so to fly to him alone and to put our trust in him 3 Last of all that we may bee the better prepared to receiue his gifts 1. Pet. 5. 5. which hee giueth not but to the humble Theoph. Come to the second point Mat. The second vse of afflictions repentance By afflictions God calleth vs to true repentance For when he chastiseth our sinnes hee doeth this to make vs vnderstand how much hee detesteth sinne wherein we do not a little flatter our selues that so also we might detest them Moreouer with this he tameth the rebellion of our flesh euen as husband-men are wont to tame theyr stout cattell with the plough and daily more and more teacheth vs obedience Hereuppon Dauid sayth It is good for mee that I was afflicted that I may learne Ps 119. 71. thy statutes Theoph. This bringeth that to my remembrance which before this time I haue heard of thee namely that God by afflictions doth correct our vices that he may allure vs vnto vertue Mat. Thou sayest well For euen as iron if it bee not occupied is marred with rust and the earth except it bee dressed bringeth foorth onely briers and brambles So also the godly if they bee not exercised with diuerse afflictions do as it were fall a sleepe in their pleasures and become dull and slowe to Gods seruice so as in steade of fruites beseeming repentance they bring foorth nothing but vanity and folly Therefore the Apostle sayeth to the Hebrewes Heb. 12. 11. euery affliction for the present time seemeth not ioyous but greeuous but afterwards it bringeth the quiet fruite of righteousnesse vnto them that are thereby exercised Theoph. It is now time to come to the third point Math. The 3. fruite of afflictions pitty to others By afflictions God worketh this in vs that wee learne to pitty such as be in distresse For no man hath compassion or suffereth with another who himselfe hath not suffered before By this argument the Apostle to the Hebrewes prooueth that Christ will haue compassion vppon our afflictions and that hee will bee our aduocate with his Father These bee his wordes wee haue not an high Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but such a one as was in all thinges tempted in like sort yet without sinne Theoph. Go forward declare vnto me the fourth point M The fourth vse of afflictions praier By afflictions the Lord shaketh of our drousines and doth stirre vs vp to earnest prayer In so much as not without good cause afflictiōs be called the schoole of the holy Ghost where we are taught to pray well The Lord also commaundeth vs to pray in the time of trouble promiseth that we shall be heard Call vpon Psal 50. 15 me in the time of thy trouble and I will deliuer thee thou shalt glorifie me Which all the faithfull do often proue true in their owne experience For as the same Prophet saith Psal 34. 19 the Lord is neare those that be broken in heart and will saue the contrite in spirit Theoph. That is a most
thy neighbour The other kind of offence is called offence giuen the fault and condemnation whereof lighteth vpon him of whom it is giuen as when one giueth offence to his neighbour by doing something forbidden of God or else offendeth the vnskilfull and weake by vsing indifferent things ill Theoph. What vnderstandest thou by the name of indifferent things Mat. Those which of themselues be neither good nor euill such as it is knowne these be to eate flesh or fish Now I sayd that the weake were not to be offended for the vse of them For the Apostle saith Rom. 14. 15 Destroy not thou him with thy meate for whom Christ died 1. Cor. 8. 13. And againe in another place If meate offend my brother I will eate no flesh while the whole standeth that I may not offend my brother The. But why doest thou mētiō the weake only whē thou speakest of an offence giuē in different things Matth. Because we must abstaine from them onely for the weakes sake vntill they haue bene taught and confirmed in the knowledge of Christian libertie but not for the malitious men and mockers of Christian libertie among whom also sometime it is profitable that we claime and take our libertie that it may be knowne what doctrine or Religion we professe Theoph. The third part of this commandement is behind I would haue that declared in few words Mat. It beginneth at these words I am the Lord thy God strong iealous c. He calleth himselfe our God both to oppose himselfe vnto Idols as especially to shew that it is he alone to whom we ought to cleaue seeing that he is our God that is mercifull and good He calleth himselfe strong and iealous to teach vs that he both can and will reuenge so great an iniurie and indeede with so grieuous vengeance that it shall stretch it selfe to their children euen to the third and fourth generation of such as follow the vngodlinesse of their fathers Euen as also he sheweth his perpetuall mercie and goodnesse to many generations vnto them which loue him and keepe his law Theoph. There be three things in this thy expositiō of which I thinke it fit to aske thee Why God is called iealous First in what sence God is sayd to be iealous forasmuch as the affection of iealousie doth not any way agree to his maiestie Mat. The Lord giueth himselfe this title hauing respect to the couenant made with vs Now this he often cōpareth vnto mariage aswell for the vnion which we haue with him as for the mutuall fidelitie which we also haue promised vnto him Hereof it commeth that by the Prophet he saith Hos 2. 20. I will marrie thee vnto my selfe in faithfulnesse As if he did say that as he performed to vs all the duties of a faithfull and true husband euen so he required againe by couenant of vs loue and chastitie required in mariage And for this cause he complaineth and not seldome by his Prophets Ierem. 3. Hos 2. that Israell committed fornication with Idols and was polluted or defiled with adulterie When therefore he calleth himselfe iealous he doth it that with one word he may cut of all the vaine excuses wherewith Idolaters seeke to hide themselues For this he meaneth that he cannot by any meanes beare it that vnder any colour we should giue the loue and reuerence due to him vnto Idols as an husband that religiouslie and holilie loueth his wife cannot endure it whatsoeuer she pretendeth that his wife should bestow the signes of her friendship and loue vpon another Moreouer by this title he warneth vs that at last he will execute no lesse punishment vpon Idolaters then a iealous husband vpon his wife often taken by him in adulterie Theoph The other thing commeth to my remembrance whereof I sayd I would aske how it agreeth with the iustice of God to require the punishment of the fathers offence of his posteritie Matth. The Lord meaneth not that the children should bee punished for the sinnes of the parents for as much as he saith by his Prophet That he will not Eze. 18. 20. that the sonne should beare the iniquitie of his father or the father beare the iniquitie of the sonne But this visitation is fulfilled when the Lord taketh from the house of the vngodly his grace the light of his trueth and the other helpes of saluation Now then nothing else can bee looked for but that the children being forsaken of God should liue most wickedly and moue God to take vengeance vpon them From hence is that preposterous and disordered desire of the children to follow the Idolatrous waie of their parents whereuppon it commeth that they excuse their Idolatrie by this one pretence namely the example of their fathers But if the Lord do threaten so great punishment Against the Nicodemits to Idolaters so much blinded that they think God is rightly worshipped of them how much more fearefull iudgement ought they to looke for that be illuminated with the light of his truth and notwithstanding defile themselues with Idolatrie and superstitions against their consciences Theop. Those men are wont to answer which also my selfe haue heard of them more then once that they acknowledge no sinne in that seeing they lift vp their mindes vnto God in the middest of those vngodly superstitions which also they hate with all their hearts Mat. It is a most vaine excuse which the Deuill hath prompted them to lull their consciences a sleep and so to hold them in his nets Theoph. But how can they be conuinced of Idolatry for as much as we ought to iudge of the outward actions of men by the inward affection of the heart Mat. That indeed is true in such things as of themselues bee good or indifferent and which bee made ill by an ill intent as if one praied to God to be praised well thought of But concerning actions of their owne nature euill and expresly forbidden of God as is outward idolatry there is no inward affection of the mind which can make them good acquite them from sin Theop. In what place is outward idolatry forbidden Matth. In the second commaundement where by name the Lord forbiddeth that no man bow himselfe to Idols or worship them Which thing is euery where often repeated in sundrie places of the Scripture Moreouer it may be gathered of that which the Lord answered Elias when he noted and as it were by outward signes marked the Israelites which had not fallen away from his religion For he saith Rom. 11. 4. I haue reserued to my selfe seaven thousand men which haue not bowed the knee to the Image Baal In which words he declareth that all such as worshipped Baal with the outward gesture were Idolaters notwithstanding they pretended the inward affection of their minde to be otherwise Is it not also iust and right that God should bee worshipped of vs in our bodies as well as in our minds for as
his most perfect holinesse righteousnesse the effects or fruits whereof be the good works that we do Therfore good workes goe not before our iustification and saluation but they follow after as it was well saide by one of the ancients But that which followeth after cānot be the cause of that which goeth before By this argument Paule proueth that wee are not iustified by Ephes 2. 8. workes For he saith You are saued by grace through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast himselfe For we are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good works which God hath ordained that we should walke in them In which words he sheweth that good workes cannot be said to be the cause of our saluation because they bee done by God himselfe in vs through Christ after that we be saued by faith in him Theoph. Let vs come to the other thing which thou saidest did let that wee are not iustified nor saued by our good workes Mat. It is more plaine then the former namely because to the end a man may be iustified by workes it is necessarily required that he haue fulfilled the whole Law and that he be not found so much as sprinkled or wet with any euē the very least spot of sin before God For euen as one litle drop of inke staineth a whole goblet of cleare water so onely one sinne is sufficient to ouerthrow all righteousnesse of workes For this cause Iames saith Whosoeuer keepeth the whole Law offendeth Iam. 2. 20. in one point is guiltie of all But it is certaine that the faith full in this life cannot at any time come to the highest degree of that perfection no not to the middle of it Therfore the defect or want of righteousnesse doth by many degrees exceede all the ablenesse vnto it which any may attaine vnto by the directiō of the holy Ghost Therfore by works they ought to looke for the curse only which the Scripture pronoūceth against those that haue not perfectly fulfilled the law Theoph. Whether the faithfull can keepe the law How knowest thou that the faithfull after regeneration cannot fulfill the law Matth. Paule doth most plainly witnesse it in his owne person speaking of the condition of a man regenerated in these wordes We know that the law is spirituall Rom. 7. 14. 18. but I am carnall sold vnder sinne for to will is present with me but I find no meanes to persorme that which is good For this cause Dauid saith Psal 143. 2 Enter not into iudgement with thy seruāt for no man liuing shall be iustified in thy sight Theoph. But Luke speaking of Zacharie and Elizabeth saith They were both iust in the sight of God walking in all the commandements and ordinances of the Lord without reproofe Mat. Gene. 6. 9. The same thing is also said of Noah by Moses Noah was a iust and an vpright man in his time Howbeit the Scripture saith not that they were without sinne but that they diligently applied themselues vnto righteousnesse and laboured to walke in the commandements of the Lord. In which sence the faithfull in many places are called iust or righteous as well to note that zeale by the which they seeke to come to the perfection of righteousnesse as also that we may vnderstand that their obedience notwithstanding it be imperfect is as acceptable to God through Christ as if it were perfect Theoph. But how knowest thou that this is the meaning of the Scripture and that they who it saith were iust were not without sinne seeing the words do sound so much Matth. It is not hard to gather it out of the things which presently after be obserued of the Scripture it selfe namely that Zacharie beleeued not the wordes of the Angell and that Noah was drunken Moreouer these things be plainly expressed in it If we say 1. Ioh. 1. 10. that we haue not sinned we make God a lyer and his word is not in vs. And indeede if we do but a little more attentiuely consider of it what is he that in this life can euer Loue God with all his heart Put his whole trust in him alone Perfectly rule his owne affections So keepe his tongue vnder that it send out no idle wordes whereof at the last day Christ saith Mat. 12. an account must be giuen So keepe his eyes in order that they lust not his mind that it thinke no vaine thing If at any time he serue God to do it with that affection namely so perfect pure and whole as it is required of him Finally which letteth not many occasions of doing well or of doing something better then he doth it to escape him 1. Ioh. 3. 20. If our owne heart condemne vs in these and in many other the greatest things God saith Iohn is greater thē our heart that is knoweth innumerable sinnes which we our selues know not Of this is that saying of Dauid Who vnderstādeth his faults cleanse me from Psal 19. 13 secret faults Theoph. I haue in thy speech obserued foure kinds of sinnes whereof men are guiltie before God The committing of euill The leauing the good vndone Hidden sinnes The imperfection of the good deeds which in small number are done of vs. Which things if they haue place in the faithfull I do indeede confesse that they be farre off from being iustified by their workes Mat. There is no doubt but they be in the very best which also the Scripture cōfirmeth when it saith Iob. 11. 16. Man drinketh in iniquitie as water as if it sayd that iniquitie was as familiar and common a thing with him as to drinke Isay 64. 6. Psal 62. 9. We be all of vs as an vncleane thing and all our righteousnesse is as filthy cloutes The children of men are vanitie the chiefe men are lyes to lay them vpon a balance they are altogether lighter then vanitie Theoph. Do these things agree to the faithfull as well as to the vnfaithfull Mat. Yea verily for they of whom these things were written were faithfull beleeuers neuerthelesse they did recken themselues also in that number as Esay by name for he saith We all are as vncleane things again all our righteousnesses as filthy cloutes But if our iustice righteousnesse be such how I pray thee must it be thought of our vnrighteousnesse and sinnes Theoph. What differēce cōcerning good works is betweene the faithfull and the vnfaithfull Seeing the matter is so it seemeth altogether to follow that there is verie little difference concerning good workes betweene the beleeuers and the vnbeleeuers Mat. It followeth not for sinne only dwelleth in the faithfull but it raigneth not Howbeit in the vnfaithfull and vnbeleeuers it both dwelleth and raigneth Therefore euery beleeuer may vse that saying of Paul I doe not the good that I would The vnbeleeuers Rom. 7. 19. cleane contrariwise We doe
of the vitall parts wherein the life is in a mans bodie bee hurt it bringeth death vnto a man although all the other be well So falleth he into destruction that applieth himself to some good works and abstaineth from many sinnes neuerthelesse in the meane time he continueth in one sinne and flattereth himselfe in it and repenteth not Theoph. But thou vnderstandest not this of the sins which oftentimes through the infirmity of our flesh be committed of vs. Matth. These things bee vnderstood neither of other nor of these sinnes so as there be repentance and a desire to amend for then all be forgiuen by the mercy of God in Christ Theoph. The sixt and last fault in prayer is behinde Matth. When a man prayeth without faith that is without assurance of being heard and it is as it were the effect and that which hangeth vppon the former fiue Neuerthelesse this is a most grieuous sinne for that distrust must needes arise from this that wee beleeue that God either cannot or will not performe the things wee pray for or else that hee heareth not our prayers which verily cannot come into the minde of any man but hee denieth either his power or his goodnesse or his Godhead Iam. 1. 6. For this cause Iames saieth that euerie one should pray with faith and wauer not for he that wauereth is like a waue of the sea tost of the winde and carried away neither let that man thinke that he shall obtaine any thing of God Christ also saieth Whatsoeuer Mat. 21. 22 you shall aske in prayer if you beleeue you shall receiue it Theoph. But why doest thou call this fault the effect of the former Matth. Because faith cannot be with idolatrie nor with superstition nor with prophanesse nor with hypocrisie But especially if there be an euill conscience for euen the faithfull themselues find it true by experience in themselues that they cannot assure themselues that God is mercifull to them to heare their prayers if through infirmitie they fall into any sinne till they be reconciled to him by true repētance I herfore faith is as it were the soule of true prayer for it comprehendeth all the conditions of it Moreouer as by it God is glorified so also it is alwaies heard of him But cōtrariwise as the fained is despised so he not only neuer heareth it but doth also contemne it most grieuously reuengeth the makers of it as those of whō his most holy name is prophaned Theoph. This morning thy discourse of good works did not a litle delight me but this our disputation of prayer hath very greatly edified and comforted me And by it in summe I haue learned these things 1 How we ought to pray namely that our prayers be directed vnto God from the heart but yet so that we be touched with the right feeling of our own pouertie and miserie with true repentance of our sinnes 2 Secondly what is to be asked at the hands of God namely the things that concerne his glorie and our owne saluation and profit 3 Finally by what meanes we shall obtaine them euē if they be asked of vs with faith in the nake of our Lord Iesus Christ But I beseech God our heauenly Father that the prayers that shall be made of vs may be free from all those euill conditions which thou hast reckened vp that he himselfe may so much the more be glorified by them and we dayly haue experience of the effect of them so as He may comfort vs in our aduersities Helpe our necessities Succour our infirmities Bring helpe to our weakenesse And strengthen vs in his loue and feare And finally confirme vs in the hope of euerlasting life through Iesus Christ his Sonne our most beloued Lord. Matth. So be it But now the chiefe points of Christian Religion haue bene declared by vs and I hope by the grace of God that they which are behind shall be handled to morrow In the meane time I pray God to giue thee good night Theoph. And I do also pray the same for thee The end of the second Booke THE THIRD BOOKE OF Christian Religion intreating of the outward meanes by the which God bringeth vs to saluation CHAP. I. Of the ministerie of the word by the which the holy Ghost begetteth faith in our hearts keepeth and increaseth it Theophilus GOd saue thee most dearely beloued and reuerend brother Matth. God saue thee also most louing Theophilus Theoph. Shall it not be troublesome to thee for vs to returne to the disputation we brake off and to assay to bring it to an end Matth. Nay rather Theophilus it shall be a most pleasant thing vnto me Neuerthelesse before we come to the matter I pray God that as hitherto he hath beene with vs he will also be with vs hereafter to the end Theoph. So be it I will in few words repeate our former discourse that the things which haue bin handled already may be ioyned with those that follow 1 First hitherto hath beene handled the chiefe A briefe rehearsall of the former bookes grounds of our saluation namely the perfect iustice of God and the deadly sicknesse of mans sinne 2 Secondly the most perfect remedie of it euen Iesus Christ 3 Furthermore the applying of this remedie vnto vs by faith by the which we recouer spirituall health that is we are iustified before God in so much as we are made partakers of eternall life 4 And last of all faith which is wrought in out hearts by the holy Ghost that regenerateth vs together with repentance from whence good workes doe flow which indeed be testimonies of our faith but especially prayer Therefore this one thing remaineth that The summe of the third Booke we vnderstād by what meanes the holy Ghost doth regenerate or renew vs. Mat. Peter affirmeth 1. Pet. 1. that we are begotten againe not of corruptible seede but of incorruptible by the word of the liuing God And therefore we doe by good right say that by it the holy Ghost begetteth in vs both faith and repentance Theoph. When hath the word of God that force Mat. When it is preached of such as haue a lawfull calling vnto it For Paule saith How shall they beleeue in him of whom they haue not heard How therfore Rom. 10. 13 without preaching but how shall they preach except they be sent Out of which words he draweth this conclusion Therefore faith is by hearing and hearing Rom. 10. 17 by the word of God Theoph. There be therefore diuers degrees or steps of our saluation For it is plaine by that which hath bin said that we cannot obtaine it 1 But we must be reconciled with God 2 But wee cannot be reconciled to God without Christ 3 Christ without faith we can neuer haue Lo here three degrees and now thou addest the fourth 4 That we cannot haue faith without the preaching of the word Mat. Of the word preached rec●…ed by faith So
kept from it Theoph. What callest thou Ecclesiasticall discipline Matth. The order in the church instituted of God specially for two ends 1. Cor. 14 40 The first that the ministerie may be preserued that as Paule saith all things may bee done in the church decently and in order Also that sermons may be made and the sacraments administred vpon certaine daies at certaine houres and with due reuerence frequented and resorted vnto of such as haue ioyned themselues to the Christian church The other end is that the conuersation and doctrine of euerie one may bee looked into that such as haue giuen offences may be amended according to the degrees prescribed by Christ Yea if they be stubburne Matth. 18. to be at length excommunicated that is cut from the body of the Church that God himselfe bee not reproached and the flocke infected by their euill example Moreouer that if it be possible as Paule teacheth they may by that shame be called to repentāce Theoph. Of whome ought that ecclesiasticall discipline to be ministred Mat. Of the Pastors of the Church whereunto are to be adioyned certaine Seniors or auncients for this end as necessitie shall require chosen of the Church T●e summe of all Christian religion declared by a three-fold method or order Theoph. Thanks be to God from whom we haue receiued this benefit that we haue happily in my iudgement handled all the parts of Christian religion Now I would that thou shouldest draw the chiefe heades of it into a short summe before wee make an end of this our disputation Matth. That abridgement or breuiarie may be done in a triple or threefold method so as the first may bee profitable to the instruction of the godly the other to their comfort and the third to consist of both by making an opposition or contrariety of true religion with all other religions Theoph. Go to therefore declare the first Mat. The first epitome It shall declare the order of the whole booke which indeed may be brought to fiue heads or principall points the coniunction or ioyning together wherof sheweth what is the certainty and truth of euerie one of them and so of all Christian religion as it hath beene declared of vs. Theoph. Rehearse those chiefe points Matth. 1 The first entreateth of God 2 The second of man 3 The third of Christ 4 The fourth of Faith 5 The fift of the holy Ghost Theoph. It shal be so much the more easie to remember them because each of them may be applied to ech finger of the hand Declare them therefore to mee in order and shew mee the coherence and agreement which thou diddest attribute vnto them Mat. God First we must hold this principle that God seeing he is perfectly iust and perfectly merciful doth not onely shew his mercy but doth also declare his iustice Man This foundation being layd it followeth that man who o● his owne nature is a wretched sinner can not be saued from eternall death which he hath deserued except he haue some fit meane by the which the perfect iustice of God is satisfied But there cannot bee Christ found any other meane besides the merite of Christes death For by it the wrath of God being appeased there is a way made for vs vnto his mercy and therefore vnto eternall life But Christ shall profite vs nothing Faith except we be members of his body and so bee partakers of his benefites And both of these we obtaine by faith which indeede sheweth it selfe by good workes but namely by prayer Finally the holy Ghost The holy Ghost worketh this faith in the hearts of the godly by the preaching of the word confirmeth and keepeth it as well by that preaching as by the vse of the Sacramēts till at length he bring vs to euerlasting life Theoph. This is an excellent breuiary for in most few wordes and fit order it containeth the summe of Christiā doctrine to the instruction of the godly Now The second Epitome therefore let vs come to the other which thou saydest was profitable for the comfort of the faithfull Matth. That shal be set out in an order diuerse from the former but it may also be brought vnto fiue heads 1 The first is of repentance 2 The second of faith 3 The third of Christ 4 The fourth of God 5 The fift of eternall life And these also be ioyned together betweene themselues by a most neare bād for the confirmation of the saluation of the godly Matth. Shew me that band Mat. Repētance First whosoeuer doth truly repent and that is easily perceiued when we serue God from the hart he hath faith But whosoeuer hath Faith is partaker of Faith Christ and his benefites And againe whosoeuer is partaker Christ of Christ and his benefites is iustified and made the child of God But whosoeuer is iustified and made God the child of God shall be deliuered from condēnation be partaker of eternall life Whereupon it followeth Eternal life that he which by good workes is assured of his repentance shall neuer perish but haue life euerlasting And those fiue staires or steps may be in stead of a ladder by the which we may clime euē vp into the heauens to vnderstand certainely whether our names be written in the booke of life or not but the first onely is hard Theoph. Why so Mat. Because there is no little labour to be bestowed in the deniall of sinne that we may serue God from the heart but whē a mā by the grace of God hath profited so farre there is very little labour behind From hence it is that sometimes the Scripture attributeth our saluation vnto workes namely to note vnto vs this order as whē he saith Rom. 2. 6. Iohn 5. 29. God will giue to euery one according to his workes They shall come forth that haue done well to the resurrection of life Whereunto also that ought to bee referred which is sayd in another place Psa 119. 1 Blessed are they that walke in the Law of the Lord. Theoph. There is one doubt behind within me which seemeth to let that the godly cānot be sure of their saluatiō namely because thereunto is required that they be sure of perseuerance continuing to the end without which Christ affirmeth that none cā be saued Neuerthelesse there be many found which in shew begin happily yea also haue long continued in the knowledge and confession of the truth who notwithstāding do so fall from it that they neuer returne Matth. It is true indeed that perseuerance is necessary to saluation howbeit the Apostle affirmeth that Phil. 1. 6. he which hath begun the good worke in vs will perfect the same euē vnto the day of Christ that is to the end of the battell And concerning them that fall away the words of the Apostle be manifest They went out from 1. Ioh. 1. 19. vs but they were not of vs
the glorie of God And this also shal be done most easily For they ouerthrow the glory of God set vp the glory of mā in that they giue vnto men the glory of their owne saluation Yea rather their owne saluation is also by this meanes ouerthrowen seeing that it leaneth vpon so weake a foundation as their own good works and merites Whereof their owne conscience is a witnesse For notwithstanding they deceiue themselues with hypocrisie it is continually in doubt and troubled with distrust but especially when they perceiue death to draw neare vnto them For then they are so disquieted that they cannot tell where to turne them Theoph. Yea but the faithfull themselues sometimes be striken with the feare of death Gods iudgement no lesse then the wicked Matth. I would not deny but they be oftentimes striken with it namely when they set before their eyes the infinite number of their sinnes and the greeuousnesse of them together with the depth of Gods most perfect iustice neuerthelesse when they cast their eyes vppon Christ crucified for them they be presently deliuered from that feare by the which indeed the wicked be swallowed vp so as they are not holpē with the benefit of Christ The godly therefore in that combat may be compared with a man vpon the top of a tower whose foundation and wals are most strong For he if he looke downward is striken with some sodaine fear from the which he is presently deliuered when he perceiueth the strēgth of the building But the wicked are like vnto one on the top of a tower but such a tower as threatneth falling yea rather is shakē with the winds which indeede presently falleth Theoph. Thou hast also sufficiently satisfied mee concerning this difference Let vs come to the third Matth. True religiō containeth the doctrine practise of good works It standeth herein that good Works be ioyned with our saluation by a most neare band although it do no way hang vppon them as it hath beene declared of vs before in the Chapter of Works For it cannot by any other meanes be that we should be partakers of Christ to the obtaining of saluation but by the power of the holy Ghost dwelling in vs by the which we are not only made fit to do well but also kept in the feare of God so as we runne not headlong into sinnes Notwithstanding although the godlie do good workes Phil. 2. 19. yet cā they haue no cause from them to boast for it is God that worketh in vs both to will and to performe according to his good pleasure Wherefore they be altogether referred to the glorie of God as also our saluation it selfe whereof they be most certaine markes False religions be against those that be indeede good works False religions establish superstitious workes which indeede bee refused of vs but good workes they put away for they so busie their followers and schollers in the obseruation of mens precepts that they set light by and despise Gods commaundements euen as experience doeth aboundantly witnesse Whereof this seemeth to bee the speciall cause that the wicked to performe their owne workes trust to their owne free-will that is to their naturall strength which in very deede is none at all and so they goe away from Christ who neuerthelesse saith Euen as the branch cannot beare fruite of it selfe that it except it abide in the Vine euen so you except you abide in me For without me you can do nothing Theoph. True religiō calleth vpon the true God purely through the onely mediator but the false do farre otherwise Declare the fourth difference Matth. It may bee taken from those thinges which were said before of vs in the Chapter of prayer namely that Christ being made ours by faith doth continually make intercession for vs with his father whervpon it is that he is mercifull vnto vs and heareth our praiers The wicked contrariwise while they come to God in their own name or any other name beside Christes they doe nothing with their prayers as well because they be vnworthy to be heard as also because their intercessors are not sufficient for that office for they haue not wherwith to appease the wrath of God most iustly kindled against him that prayeth Therefore the vngodly can neuer obtaine anie thing at the hands of God vnlesse it be in his anger and that which falleth out vnto their owne condemnation Theoph. Declare the last difference and together shewe how Christian religion ministreth to the godly matter of patience in aduersitie and for thinges to come putteth them in good assurance Matth. That is by the doctrine of Gods prouidence wherewith when the godlie vnderstand that all things bee gouerned although they seeme to be compassed about with all aduersities yet they doe from thence take comfort because they know they bee loued of God and therefore that aduersities be not sent but to their saluation as is was at large declared by vs in the Chapter of Faith For this cause Dauid did beare the railings and euill speaches of Semei most patiently he commanded the souldiers to forbeare to kill him for saith he Hee 2. Sam. 16. 10. curseth because God hath commanded him to curse Dauid In another place also being most greeuouslie oppressed of his enemies hee saith thus I was dumbe Psal 39. 10 neither opened I my mouth for thou ô Lord diddest this Iob also hauing lost his goods being destroyed Iob. 1. 30 partly by thunder and partly taken away by the Chaldeans tooke comfort of this that the Lord had giuen and the Lord had taken away By the same means also we are comfortable concerning things to come for the Apostle saith Rom. 8. 30. If God be with vs who can be against vs He that spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him for vs all how shall he not also with him freely giue vs all things As if he said Seeing God is our most mercifull Father and also omnipotent we ought to beleeue that he will deliuer vs from all dangers so far forth as he shall know it to tend to his glory and to our saluation and will also helpe our necessities which verily is confirmed by the Prophet in these words Behold the Psa 33. 16. eyes of the Lord are vpon them that feare him which trust in his mercy to deliuer their soules from death and to quicken them in the time of famine The same Prophet also in another place warneth vs saying Cast thy waies vppon the Lord and trust in him and hee will bring it to passe But other religions Psal 73. 5. False religions driue mē to impatience and desperation take from men all matter of patience and confidence whiles they make the wisedome or foolishnesse of men the causes of all the things that befall vs. Or else doe imagine a certaine bare permission or sufferance of God separated from his will or else doe admit fortune All which