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A04393 Moses his sight of Canaan with Simeon his dying-song. Directing how to liue holily and dye happily. By Steuen Jerome, late preacher at St. Brides. Seene and allowed. Jerome, Stephen, fl. 1604-1650. 1614 (1614) STC 14512; ESTC S100256 249,259 535

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pined with hunger wanting crummes payned with vlcers wanting comforts reiected of men his best Physicke the Dogs tongues ere hee were carryed by the Angels into Heauen Luke 16. I might instance in the Creeple that was lame from his mothers wombe that sate at the gate of Salomons Temple called Beautifull Acts 3.2 v. 6. and in that other impotent Creeple at Lystra which were both of them healed and helped the one by Peter and Iohn Acts 14. v. 8. the other by Paul and Barnabas Acts In Aeneas that kept his couch eight yeeres sicke of the Palsie yet in the name of Christ made whole Iohn 9. v. 6.7 Acts 9.33.34 In him that was blinde from his birth Iohn 9.2 In those two blinde men that cryed after Christ Mat. 9.27 All which by faith receiued their sight from him that is the light of the world So in those whose Sonnes and Daughters were dispossessed of those tormenting Spirits Mat. 9. v. 29. wherewith from their Cradles they were possessed Marke 9.21 verse 25. Luke 9.42 Mat. 15.22 with all the rest of the halt blinde dumbe maymed c. that were cast downe at IESVS his feete and healed Mat. 15.30.31 If I should set before you in order Dauids suffrings in this kinde you would wonder who though hee were a King a Priest and a Prophet a man after Gods owne heart yet indured dira dura hard and harsh pressures GOD so tempered his cup that hee occasionedly cryes out that by reason of his outward and inward sorrowes there was no health in his flesh no rest in his bones his wounds stincking through corruptnesse his loynes filled vvith sore diseases no sound part in his body his flesh trembling within him and the terrours of death comming about him his heart panting his eyes dimmed his strength failing euery way so perplexed that his extremities cause him not onely to cry and call and complaine and groane but euen to roare and bellow out like an Oxe pricked in the bitternesse of his soule Psal 55.4.5 Psal c. yet for all that so freed so comforted after that his heart was filled with ioy and his mouth with laughter that hee broke forth into prayses vnto his God vvith ioyfull songs for his deliuerance Apply this Mithridate of these examples to thine owne ruptures Did not the LORD loue those whom he so visited as well as hee loueth thee Did hee release those and can hee not release and relieue thee Is the Lords hand shortened that hee cannot helpe or his eare heauy that hee will not heare Esay 59.1 c. 8 Thy dolours are nothing if they be compared with the sufferings and Passion of Christ the Messias Psal 22. Esay 53. neyther in their vehemencie or continuation all his whole life from his Cradle in Bethlem to his Crosse in Golgotha being a dying life or a liuing death exposed to the malice madnesse opprobries and calumnies of his enemies Herod and Herodians Scribes Pharisies Sadduces Iewes Iudas to 1. Pouertie Hunger 2. Thirst Wearinesse c. which miserable life was concluded with such a death so ignominious for the shame of it Phil. 2.8 so dolorous 1. both in respect of paines of body by the Nayles and Thornes in the sinewie parts of the body 2. and of griefes of minde for the ingratitude of the Iewes the treason of Iudas the faintnesse of his Disciples 3. and of the tortures of soule in the apprehension of the wrath of his Father that in his entrance into it hee sweat water and bloud in the Garden in the vndergoing of it hee cryed My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee All concurring together make such a confluence of sorrowes that thy greatest paines are but pleasures and refreshings nay the sufferings of all the Martyres 1. Steuen Iohn Baptist 2. Iames 3. Peter Paul Lawrence c. and the rest doe not poize and paralell it in the least particulars Now canst thou grudge against thy God for afflicting thee deseruedly that art nocent being his Sonne by Adoption when hee imposed so much vpon his owne Sonne by Nature being innocent onely made sinne for thee Rom. 4. vers 25. 9 By these sufferings thou art made conformable to the Image of Christ Rom. 8.29 who by many tribulations entred into glory Luke 24.26 Non debent sub spinoso capite membra esse mollia It is vnseemely for the members to goe one way when the head goes another if thou beest a part of Christs body then a head of thornes must haue pricked members 10 There is no greife so great but the Lord can and will in his due time ease and relieue thee as hee hath promised Psal 50. vers 15. yea from thy most grieuous diseases Exod. 15.20 Psal 34.18 For when did any of the Lords Children cry vnto him but hee heard and holpe them Psal 107.13.14 God is able to helpe he will helpe he knowes how to deliuer his out of euery tentation and will deliuer them Esay 5.2 Esay 59.1 2 Pet. 2.9 11 Christ thy high Priest is touched with a fellow-feeling of thine infirmities hauing had experience of them in thy owne nature Heb. 4.15.16 12 This sickenesse of thine is the Herauld and Summoner of thy death the warning-peece of thy departing it it needfull that this earthly house of thine thy terrestriall Tabernacle be pulled downe piece-meale by sickenesse that thou maist be cloathed with a better house from heauen 2 Cor. 5.1 13 This thy sicknesse is an excellent Tutor to catechize and instruct thee in the Schoole of Christianitie it reades as it were a Diuinitie Lecture vnto thee in Christs owne Colledge 1. of the * Gen 3.18.19 fall of Adam 2. the miseries of man in life 3. his mortalitie in death 4. the desert of sinne 5. thine owne vvretchednesse and vnworthinesse 6. thy corruptions originall 7. thy transgressions actuall 8. the vilenesse of man 9. the Equitie Iustice Maiestie Mercy Goodnesse and Greatnesse of Almightie GOD besides it fits and prepares thee for a better life 14 Remember how many grosse and raigning sinnes this thy sickenesse hath cured or at least curbed in thee besides those which it hath restrained Quod medicina corpori hoc morbus animae how hath it quenched in thee the fire of Lust how hath it pulled downe the head of Pride how hath it brideled thy Anger how restrayned thy Malice how dammed vp the streame of inordinate passions of head-strong lustfull luxurious couetous and carnall affections For to whom sickenesse is sanctified it is Physicall to the soule as medicines are to the body thy soule is sicke of the Lethargie of sinne scorcht with Lust inflamed with the burning Feauer of Concupiscence distempered vvith the cold palsie of Couetousnesse coldnesse of Zeale tympanie of Pride swelling of Aemulation with a number of such like infirmities Now as Physicke is vngratefull to the Patient yet wholesome so is sickenesse to thy body but take it patiently
of Albina slaine by their wiues Agamemnon by Clitemnestra King Sarematar by Circes Antoninus the Emperour by his Wife Luulla Or if wee ponder Wiues butchered by their Husbands as Poppea was by Nero Queene Glosinda by Chilpericus Fausta the Empresse by Constantine as also the Wife of Mithridates the King of Pontus of Egnatius Calphurinus Periander and diuers others who haue perished by the mischiefe of their Mates Or if wee reflexe vpon Seruants that haue murthered their Masters as Zimri slew Elah his Lord 1 Kings 16.9.10 Or apostate Subiects vile Traytors that haue effused the bloud of the Lords Annoynted as Iaques Clements and Rauallack in their assarsinations and massacrings of the two renowned French Henries c. Or lastly one man killing another eyther sodainely as Ehud slew Eglon with his Dagger Iudg. 3.21 or treacherously as Ioab did Abner and Amasa as Rehab and Baanah did Ishbosheth 2 Sam. 4.5.6 or combatingly in a Duellie in the field or any other vvayes in all these with all the rest of this nature wee must say as the Apostles said of Pilate Herod and the Iewes concerning the death of Christ that these murtherers haue done whatsoeuer the Lords hand and councell had determined before to be done Acts 4.28 For who is he that saith it commeth to passe and the Lord commanded it not Lamen 3.37 For euen all things that are and that happen Deus disponendo praesciuit praesciendo disposuit saith Tertullian God hath fore-knowne them fore-seene them and disposed of them If of all things then of the liues and deaths of men yea euen of murthered men for though God prohibite and forbid murther Exod. 20. yet hee decrees that act which in man is murther but in God is but an act of Iustice Againe the very materiall part or subiect is of God I say the naked act of murther as it is an act as it is from the liuing soule as it is from the motion of the hand is from God without whom neyther the hand nor any part could moue in any naturall motion but the formall part and deformitie of the act vvhich makes it properly murther that is from the Diuell and from corruption yet not without Gods permission by the substraction of his grace which Hugo cals the cause of all sinne from the Agent and for some righteous ends in respect of the Patient The life of this point Of Redargution like the bloud in the Vse 1 veynes lyes in the vse if meetes with the corruption of these that referre not death vnto his true cause and ground erring not knowing the Scriptures for is any man strangely afflicted with wondrous and wofull diseases Death comes not by fortune as the Gout Stone Stranguillio Sciatica c. Is any infected with the plague smit with Leprosie wounded or slaine by his enemie bruized by falling from his Horse or the like but chiefely is he taken away sodainely in his full strength in his ease and prosperitie when his breasts are full of milke and his bones full of marrow Iob 22.24.25 Presently we breake out into these tearmes Sure he had ill lucke hee had bad chance hee had ill Fortune or else wee shoote our fooles bolts as the Listrians against Paul when the Viper stucke to his hand Acts 14. Sure this man was a great sinner c. or as the Iewes of those vpon whom the Tower of Silo fell and vvhos bloud Pilate mingled with their Sacrifices Luke 13.2 Sure he was a greater sinner then the rest or as others of the blinde man Iohn 9. wee must needes know whether he or his Parents haue sinned For the first it is a pittifull thing that Christians liuing so long in the heate and light and Sunne-shine of the Gospell should be so darkened in their vnderstandings and so vaine in their imaginations like the once vnconuerted Gentiles as to turne the glory of the immortall God into a vile and abhominable Idoll to attribute that which is proper and peculiar vnto God vnto Heathenish Fortune a word which as Augustine and Lactantius in their dayes banished to the Pagans from whence it came so I wonder that the light of Preaching hath no more discouered the blindnesse of it and no more reformed the errour of it that it is no more rooted out of our hearts and vnsetled out of our heads but that wee must needes make it as the Ephesians their Diana some great Goddesse as the Sorcerer Simon made himselfe some great man I wonder that with the Romanes wee must build Temples and sacrifice vnto it in disgrace and despight of God and disparagement of his prouidence taking the Crowne from the Creators head and placing it on an Idoll vvhich is a meere Idaea a fiction and Chimera in nature not knowing or at least not acknowledging with the Scripture with Antiquitie with Ierome Augustine Ierom. in Ier. c. 12. Aug. de gent. cont Manich. c. 2. and others called now Fathers as Iames and Iohn were called Pillers that there is no euill in the Citie that is euill of punishment in which predicament Death is which the Lord hath not wrought that nothing comes to passe fortuito casu sed iudicio Dei by chance but by choyse nothing happens by hap-hazzard but by the peculiar preuidence and prouidence of God that the will of God is the supreame cause of all things that are Not a hayre falling from our heads Mat. 10.29 30 not a Sparrow falling to the ground much lesse a sickenesse or a disease growing vpon our bodies much lesse a day or an houre or a minute falling from our life without the determination and permission of him that hath numbred our dayes and set downe the period of our age Therefore let vs banish all thought and opinion of Fortune vnto the very Getes and Sauromatanes Exhortat Let vs also suspend our thoughts and our opinions of our Brethren when God doth sore afflict them in life or sodainely inflict vpon them some strange death let vs not iudge least wee be iudged let vs not enter into rash and precipitate censures of others wee may be further deceiued in Gods mercies towards them or his proceedings with them then was Eliphaz Iob 2.3.4 Bildad and Z●phar in the case of Iob then the Disciples were in the case of the blinde man Iohn 9.12 For it may be that this man whom thou seest lying sicke a Lazar by the high-way begging with those blinde men in the Gospell him whom thou seest groaning in an Hospitall rauing in Bedlam c. nay whom thou seest drowned in the waters stabbed in his bowels led to execution to be topt off like a fruitlesse Tree at Tyburne is not a greater sinner then thou neyther hee nor his Parents haue sinned more then thou and thine but that the glory of God might be made manifest that he might be an example vnto thee that thou maist take warning by his harming least thou also perish for Gods
his seruant thou art to whom thou obeyest yea if it be of sinne vnto death Rom. 6.16 and so by an immediate dependance and relation thou art the slaue of him that is the basest slaue in the world that is the Diuell for hee that commits sinne is his 1 Iohn 3. vvho was the first and still continues the author of sinne of lyes murthers blasphemies and the like Now then see thy danger The case of Sathans captiues opened as hee causeth thee to lye as hee did Ananias and Saphira Acts 5. and to sweare as hee did Senacharib and to commit Adultery as hee did Herod with other sinnes as he did Dauid and Peter when hee sifted tempted and rose vp against them So so long as thou liuest in sinne hee is entered into thee as into Iudas Iohn 13.27 and doth possesse thee thou art in his power Acts 28.18 He rules thee as the Horse-man doth the Horse hee hath thee as a Beare by the snout as a Dogge in a chaine thou mo●est after his motion oh thy fearefull subieiection Thou art vnder the most deceitfull Master the most deluding Laban in the world who for delight that hee pretends thee will pay thee damnation that hee intends thee as hee hath done to Laban himselfe Caine Esau Iudas and all that haue serued him Besides thou art vnder the most massecrating mercilesse tyrant in the world Phalaris Busiris Nero Dionisius Pharaoh with all their buls and their burnings and their burthens of his inuention as our Papists Powder-plot was were mercifull men in respect of him for he layes the heauiest burthen in the world vpon thee euen that which prest himselfe out of Heauen into Hell pusht Adam out of Paradise and prest Christ himselfe vpon the Crosse and that is Sinne. And after thou hast laid downe this bruitish body of thine in the dust hee hath prepared intollerable and eternall burnings for thee in his owne Territories whose fires the burthen of thy sinnes must kindle and maintaine and the Riuer of Gods wrath increase and make more violent Oh therefore betimes cast off this more then Aegyptian yoke forsake the seruice of thy old sophisticating Master Sathan and serue thy new and liuing Master Christ Iesus so shalt thou not onely auoid those plagues temporall and externall which are threatned to those that disobey God Exod. 23.33 Deut. 7.4 Deut. 28. Deut. c. Esay 1. Psal 7. c. which I pray thee ponder at leasure as also those eternall hereafter But thou shall be partaker of all those blessings and bounties which God hath reuealed and prepared for those that serue him I thought to haue added another vse namely as the matter so to haue prescribed the manner and forme of Gods seruice with the parts of it vvith those seuerall carriages that those must vse for their actions their affections their speech and words at home and abroad what vse to make of all their time with their seuerall stints and taskes in the performance of seuerall and successiue sacrifices and seruices But I will not dull the Reader by this prolixe point I referre thee vnto some of my Brethren that haue writ well and worthily of it as Mr. Rogers his Christian Directorie Mr. D. Hill in his Tract how to liue well by way of Questions and Answeres Mr. Cooper his Christian Sacrifice which I wish not onely in the hands but vvrit in the hearts of all that intend Gods seruice and their owne saluation His desired Dismission In this word Depart THE fift part according to our Texts first diuision now comes into our examination and that is Simeons Departure or Dismission the Latine compriseth this and that which wee called the Diuine Permission in one word Nunc dimittis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nunc est tempus vt dimittas c. è vinculis corporis as Piscator renders it Lord now it is time that thou vnloose mee from the bonds of the body from which reading which I thinke warrantable and naturall these Poynts arise First that euen the Lords Simeons godly men and so consequently all men must dye for the matter of death Secondly that death is onely to man a dissolution for the nature and manner of death Thirdly that this life is but a short life out of which wee are euery day ready to depart like him that is about to take his leaue of his visited friends Fourthly that this life is but a miserable life in vvhich wee are bound and fettered death being our vnloosing Fiftly that our naturall death is but one and once which is our dismission from the earth Sixtly that the soule is immortall not dying vvith the body onely departing out of the body For the first point it is plaine that godly men dye sanctified Simeon that spoke this is dead it needes no confirmation but experience as hee that will not beleeue that the fire is hot let him put his finger to it if any beleeue not that the godly dye as well as the wicked let him looke at their Sepulchres amongst vs as Peter tels the Iewes that the Patriarke Dauid was dead and his Sepulchre was amongst them The Reasons why the godly dye are these Why the godly dye first because they are inuolued and vvrapped in the common sincke of originall sinne with the rest of Adams posteritie and therefore they must participate of death the common punishment from which no persons orders or degrees are excepted or exempted no not infants themselues Eccles 3.1 Psal 49.10 Heb. 9.27 To explaine this It is confessed by all Diuines that GOD which is called the God of the liuing onely created life and not death which being a priuation of life was neuer in the number of those Ideaes and formes which were from all eternitie in the minde of the Creator but was brought in by sinne for which it is now imposed penarilie vpon all flesh Rom. 5.12 so Ch. 6.23 1 Cor. 15.21 From whence it is consequent that if man had not sinned man had not dyed I say not man could not haue dyed for his body being compounded of the foure Elements and so of foure contrary qualities heate cold moysture and drynesse in themselues repugnant was naturally mortall yet hee should not haue dyed if hee had not sinned but should haue beene preserued and vpheld by a speciall singular and supernaturall grace Which grace of originall Iustice being lost by originall sinne man also lost the priuiledge of immortalitie and became mortall Simile Euen as to vse the Schoole-mens Similies a Ship vpon the Sea her saile hoist the winde blowing the waues working must needs naturally follow the motion and working of the Sea but if this Ship be tyed to an Anchor by some strong Cable shee is held fast and fixt without any far fluctuation but if this Cable be cut shee goes whither the windes and the waues driue her Or as a mans hand is subiect to be wounded by sword dagger or dart but if he
thou heede of this cursed course and Satanicall practise in thy sicknesse for alas to runne a whoring after such is not the way to cure thee but to kill thee for this haynous sinne vsually prouokes the Lord to plague the practisers of it euen with death it selfe as the Lord himselfe threatens that hee vvill purposely set his face against those that worke with Spirits c. yea and that he will cut them off to from amongst his people Leuit. 20.6 So the Lord verified this threat in Ahazia for because hee did seeke to Baalzebub and not to the God of Israell in his sicknesse God sends Elias directly to tell him that for that cause hee should not come downe from his bed but should dye the death as indeede hee did 1 Kings 1.6 So Saul was slaine notwithstanding that he went to the Witch at Endor 1 Sam. 31. Oh that our common people would reade and remember this Against seeking to Witches Charmers in sicknes that in stead of getting helpe by such Satanicall meanes as thy vse they prouoke the Lord as Paul tels the Corinthians in another case of receiuing the Sacrament vnworthily 1 Cor. 11.29.30 to plague them eyther with further diseases or else with death it selfe as hee did Saul and Ahazia Secondly suppose thou shouldest get help it is by the Diuels meanes and who vvould goe to such a filthy Physitian Thirdly if by this meanes thou be relieued thy soule is a thousand times more preiudiced the cure of thy body is the curse of thy soule thou procures the health of the one by the sicknesse of the other so thy salue is worse then thy sore therefore when Sathan and his Instruments can helpe thy health so much as Superstition and Idolatrie in seeking to them hinders thy saluation then I shall say to thee as Elizeus to Naaman Goe in peace euen to the house of Rimmon Others there be that vse other meanes which haue no warrant of which kinde are those that vse any manner of Charmes or Spels or that hang about their neckes Characters and Figures eyther in Paper Wood or Waxe c. which are all vaine and superstitious because neyther by creation nor by any ordinance in Gods word they haue any power to cure diseases for words doe onely signifie Figures can but onely represent Indeede I confesse there are some things that haue some vertue in them being hung about the necke as white k Galen lib. 6. 10 de simpl Medic. Peonie in this kinde is good against the Falling-sickenesse and Wolfes-dung tyed to the body is good against the Collicke so there are many the like which haue not their operation by Inchantment but from an inward vertue but all Amulets and Ligatures c. which worke not by some virtuall contract must needes haue their power from the Diuell The last dutie which must be done in sicknesse is relatiue concerning others of which briefely euen as wee haue spoke of those that concerne God and our selues Others I call eyther our Enemies or our Friends those without vs or our owne Families First to thy enemie thou must be reconciled forgiue him and desire to be forgiuen of him thou art now about not to offer a Lambe or a Bullocke as in the Leuiticall law but thy selfe thy body thy soule a sacrifice to GOD Rom. 12.1 Oh then first be reconciled to thy God ere thou offer thy gift Mat. 5.23 Now if the party whom thou hast iniured eyther be absent or present and vvill not relent yet thou in seeking peace hast discharged thy conscience and God will accept thy will for the deede Secondly if thou hast wronged any man by any manner of Iniustice whatsoeuer secretly or openly thou must make restitution euill gotten goods must be restored be they gotten by Vsury Oppression Extortion keeping the pawne the pledge or by any sinister meanes whatsoeuer the LORD strictly inioynes it Leuit. 6. vers Zacheus practised it Luke 14. The Law of Nations and of Nature approues it and the very Law that is writ within vs doth presse and vrge it The practise of the world is against both these rules for alas are there not many whose malice is like coales of Iuniper vnquenchable The throwing of dust amongst buzzing Bees makes them quiet but the summons to their dust causeth not some to leaue their waspishnesse they carry wrath boyling within their breasts as in a Furnace euen to Tophet the fire and Furnace of Hell neuer purposing to forget nor forgiue nay wishing that their very spirits could torture and torment their enemies after their dissolution And for restitution how few be there that once dreame of it Reconciliation with enemies restitution in wrongs in sicknesse to be practised much lesse determine it in which case they come farre short of Iudas who at his desperate death would restore those thirtie pieces which hee got in life with the price of bloud Mat. 27.4.5 In which those men doe not onely prejudice their owne soules but their Children also and posteritie euen in earthly things in leauing to them riches wrongfully got which bring deseruedly the curse of God vpon all the rest of that estate which they bequeath vnto them according to the phrase De male quaesitis vix gaudet tertius haeres Goods euill got who ere enioy them Helpe not the third heyres but annoy them like that coale of fire which the rauenous Eagle carryed to her nest which set all the rest of the nest on fire Thirdly thou must haue a speciall care to prouide for the peace welfare and prosperitie of those that are committed to thy charge that it may goe well with them after thy death The Magistrate after the example of Moses Deut. 31.1 Iosh 25. 1 King 2. Ioshua and Dauid must prouide for the godly and peaceable estate of that Towne Citie or Common-wealth ouer which hee is set Magistrates Ministers and Masters must prouide for the good of their charges euen after their death that pure Religion may be maintained outward Peace established ciuill Iustice executed c. The Minister as much as he can when he is in dying must cast to prouide for the continuance of the good estate of that Flocke ouer which the holy Ghost hath made him Ouer-seer Thus our Sauiour himselfe the chiefe Shepheard had a care of his Flocke ere hee left them hee moderates the mourning of the Daughters of Ierusalem giues Commission to his Disciples to teach all Nations Mat. 28.19 comforts them with the promised Comforter Iohn 16.7 Thus Peter endeuoured that those to whom hee writ and preached should haue remembrance of what hee taught them euen after his departure 1 Peter 1.15 If Peters pretended Successors stood not so much on their personall succession as they should in the right of succession labouring to imitate the doctrine of Peter of the Prophets and Apostles nay if this care of doctrinall succession were in the Ministers of the
inward and outward Fiftly to shake off thy carnall securitie for prosperitie makes thee forget God as did the Israelites Manasses e Psal 30.6 Dauid c. but this visitation driues thee home by weeping-Crosse to thy Father as it did them and the prodigall Childe Luke 15. 4 Remember that thou worthily deseruest this Crosse of sickenesse as a punishment for thy sinnes the sinnes of thy youth and of thy age omissiue and commissiue sinne being the cause and originall of all diseases Agues Feauers Consumptions Plague-sores Leprosies and the like Leuit. 26. v. 14.15.16 Iohn 5.14 Therefore as God from time to time hath visited the sinnes of others both of the righteous and the reprobates so hee hath found out thee hee that punished the Israelites with diuers and sundry plagues for f Numb 16 49 rebelling against Moses and Aaron and for g Numb 24 3.12 murmuring against God hee that plagued h Exod. ch 8 Ch. 9. Ch. 10 Ch. 12 14 Pharaoh with Frogs Lice Bloud Death of the first borne and Drownings for contempt of God hardnesse of heart and oppression of his people Hee that smit the i 1 Sam. 5.9 Philistines with Emerods in their secret parts for their abuse of the Arke King k 2 Chron. 26.19 Vzziah with Leprosie for abusing the Priests Office Gehezi for his l 2 Kin. 5.27 Couetousnesse the m 1 Sam. 6 19. Bethshamites with death for prying into the Arke the n 1 Cor. 11.36 Corinthians with sickenesse and death for profaning the Lords Supper o 2 Chr. Asa with diseases in his feete for imprisoning the Prophet p Sueton. Domitian q Spart lib. 2. c. 1● Hadrian r Euseb lib. 7. cap. 3. Valerian Dioclesian Maximinus Iulian Aurelian Arnolphus Antiochus Herod and others vvith incurable diseases and death it selfe s Ruffinus Niceph. c. for their pride blasphemie persecutions of his Children and the like sins Cerinthus Arrius and others within the Church with sodaine Iudgements for their blasphemous Heresies nay euen his owne people with the plague of three-score and ten thousand men for the mistrust of Dauid his Seruant t 2 Sam. 24. that God which neuer suffered sinne to goe vnpunished in Iustice if it were not pardoned in Mercy he that sees no iniquitie in Iacob u Numb 23 21. nor no sinne in Israell in couering the transgressions of his Children x Ps 32.1.2 and remitting the eternall punishment to the penitent in respect of their soules yet there are causes sufficient for him some secret some reuealed 1. Both in respect of God 2. of his Church 3. of the wicked and 4. of thy selfe that he should exercise thee with temporall afflictions here as he did Dauid y 2 Sam. 12.10.11 as with sickenesse diseases c. Therefore as the Israelites found out Achan the Theefe z Iosh 7.24 the cause of their plague the Marriners Ionas a Ion. 1.15 the cause of their storme whom they punished condignely so finde thou out by a diligent search thy Achan thy Ionas thy speciall sinne which occasions this blast and storme of sickenesse put Achan to death crucifie that sinne cast Ionas into the Sea drowne it or wash it in a floud of teares as did Peter b Zeph. 2 1. and Ezekias c Mat. 26. and CHRIST will wash thy wounds vvith his bloud he will recouer thy soule and restore thy sicke body if it be good for thee or renue thy state in a heauenly mansion prouided for thee d Esay 38.3 Depend vpon God for the issue haue recourse vnto him by Faith in the first place looke vpon the brazen Serpent as soone as euer thou art wounded e Iohn 14.2.3 and thou shalt be healed and helped eyther thou shalt be deliuered from this crosse as was Ezekias f Mum. 21. Iohn 3.14.15 or haue patience to indure it as had Iob or a happy issue in it g Esa 38.21 22. as had Dauid but runne not in the first place to the Physitian vvith Asa 1 Chron. 16.12 nor to Charmers Witches and Coniurers as did Ahazia to Baalzebub the God of Ekron 2 Kings 1.3 as Saul to the Witch of Endor least thou perish as hee did least thou pay the Diuell thy soule as our ignorant superstitious common people doe for curing thy body the wages that hee requires least thy medicine be worse then thy disease but Returne vnto the Lord hee hath spoyled thee and hee will heale thee hee hath wounded thee and he will binde thee vp Hos 6.1 5 God inflicts lesse vpon thee then thy sinnes deserue though thy paine be great for as wee are all by nature sinfull Psal 51.4 Corrupt and abhominable and gone out of the way Psal 14.3 Psal 53. all offending in many things Iames 2.3 so he might condignely pay thee the wages of thy sinnes death damnation Hell fire Rom. 6.23 Rom. 21.8 for indeede it is the mercy of God that wee are not vtterly consumed because his compassions faile not Lament 3.22.23 Hee hath not dealt with thee after thy sinnes nor rewarded thee after thine iniquitie Psal 103.10 6 God afflicts thee not so much as hee might and could for as thou hast sinned in euery part in thy tongue in thy head thy eyes thy feete Rom. as euery member hath beene made a weapon of vnrighteousnes to fight against God Rom. 6.13 so hee could racke and rent torture and torment thee in euery member euen as hee will deale with the reprobates in hell Doth thy head ake with the Shunamites childe 2 Kin. 4. ver 18. hee could make thy heart ake to he could scorch thy tongue like the rich Gluttons Luk● 16.24 burne thee within thy bowels as hee did Antiochus c. Is one member distressed hee could smite thee with boyles from the crowne of the head to the sole of thy foote as hee did Iob Iob 2.7 Therefore it is kindnesse to punish one part when all haue offended 7 The Saints and Seruants of God haue indured greater extremities then as yet thou wast euer invred vnto thou hast heard as of the patience so of the paines of Iob thou hast not felt a Flea's biting in respect of him and yet there was peace to him at the last Iob 42. ver 17. Looke vpon the Patients of Christ that heauenly Physitian in the Gospell one good woman troubled with an issue of bloud twelue yeeres long Luk. 8.43.44 which had spent all shee had vpon the Physitians yet at last cured An other woman vexed with a spirit of infirmitie Luke eight and fiftie yeeres that was bowed together and could not lift vp her selfe in any wise yet loosed by CHRIST from her disease Iohn A man that vvas diseased eight and thirtie yeeres lying at the poole of Bethesda yet at the voyce of Christ rose vp tooke vp his bed and walked How long thinke you was Lazarus