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A03356 The pathvvay to prayer and pietie Containing, 1 An exposition of the Lords Prayer, with an apologie for publicke, and priuate set prayer. 2 A preparation to the Lords Supper, with Ma. Zanchius confession, confirming that sacrament. 3 A direction to a Christian life, both in our generall and particular callings. 4 An instruction to die well, and a consolation against all crosses. With diuers prayers, and thanksgiuings fit for this treatise. By Robert Hill, Doctor in Diuinitie.; Christs prayer expounded, a Christian directed, and a communicant prepared Hill, Robert, d. 1623.; Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590. 1613 (1613) STC 13474; ESTC S117083 223,397 566

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vs by the Word and Sacraments The secōd Position I beléeue this faith to bee wrought in vs of the holy Ghost by the Word and Sacraments that by this faith wee might immediatly receiue and eate the bodie of Christ which was deliuered vp for vs and receiue and drinke the bloud of Christ which was shed for vs for remission of sinnes And so we might more and more bee engraffed and immediatly vnited vnto the bodie of Christ as our Mediatour who died for vs. For euen as the Bread and Wine being Earthly and Materiall Bodies cannot bee incorporated into our Earthly bodies vnlesse wee receiue them in at our mouth and eate them and drinke them So wee cannot bée vnited and incorporated into the bodie and bloud of Christ which Irenaeus calleth an Heauenly thing vnlesse by faith we take hold on Christ eate him and drinke him that is applie him vnto vs. The third Position OF the vse for which we eate the body of Christ and drinke his bloud I beléeue that the bodie of Christ in the Supper is offered and exhibited vnto vs to be eaten and his bloud to bee drunke and that faith by the Word and Sacraments by the helpe of the Holy Ghost being wrought in our hearts it is eaten of vs indéed to the end that we being more neerely and effectually incorporated into Christ we may also bee more throughly confirmed in the New Couenant which in Christ is communicated vnto vs. For as Christ did therefore deliuer his bodie vnto death and shed his bloud that by his death and bloud our sinnes being purged hee might confirme and for euer establish the couenant being renued betwéene God the Father and vs euen as the words of the Supper concerning the bloud doe teach vs and other bookes of the Scripture especially the Epistle to the Hebrewes doe confirme euen so for this end also the body and bloud of Christ is communicated vnto vs that by the participation of them we in like manner being more and more incorporated into Christ might be more and more confirmed in the New Testament Therefore when Christ gaue forth the cuppe in plaine wordes hee named the New Testament that the Apostles might vnderstand to what end the bloud of the sonne of God was not only shed and powred out but also was exhibited to be drunken of them Verily to this end that as by the shedding of his bloud their sinnes and the sinnes of all Gods Elect were purged and being purged the couenant betweene them and God was for all eternitie confirmed So also by drinking of the same both they and all the Elect being more and more incorporated may know themselues to be confirmed and established in the euerlasting Couenant But yet because the Couenant and the flesh and bloud of Christ are diuers obiects and the one is ordinated vnto the other therefore for doctrine sake I distinguish the one from the other and shew what is the proper vse of either of them The fourth Position OF the benefit or vse of the Couenant communicated vnto vs. Lastly I beléeue the couenant it selfe being ratified and confirmed in the bodie of Christ and by the bloud of Christ to bee more and more communicated vnto vs in the same bodie and bloud of Christ that by the bond thereof wee may wholy whatsoeuer we are bee vnited more and more vnto God the Father the Fountaine as of the whole Diuinitie so of all goodnesse and blessednesse by Christ the Mediatour the Spirit working and dwelling in vs and that we may be so vnited that in mind wee may daily more clearely acknowledge him by the Holy Ghost to be our true and our best Father in Christ and in our heart loue him more feruently in Iesus Christ through the Holy Ghost yea with all the powers of soule and bodie wee may daily more sincerely honour him and may bee made like vnto him in Holinesse and Iustice vntill at length sinne being vtterly destroyed and death abolished and the perfect Image of God recouered wee may so perfectly through Christ in the Spirit of God bee vnited and coupled after this life vnto God the Father that he may be all in all Amen For this is the last end vnto which not only the Supper of the Lord but also Baptisme yea the whole Word of God all his benefits all his corrections lastly all the words and works of God doe lead vs vnto CHAP. III. Of the dutie of a Christian man in the Supper of the Lord. WHerefore I thinke and beléeue that these are the duties of a Christian man in the Lords Supper First that he set before his eyes the perfect Communion with God which is none at al without Christ and is to be found only in him and that he direct all things vnto it as vnto the last end Secondly that hee may come vnto this end hee must make his beginning from the meanes which doe incurre into our senses as those things which are first perceiued by our vnderstanding and are better knowne by nature as also hee must heare the word attentiuely and come vnto the Sacraments reuerently and diligently consider as well what the word signifieth as what the Sacraments doe represent and what is offered vnto vs by the Ministerie of them both which is this that Christ hath offered vp his bodie vnto death for vs and shedde his bloud for remission of sinnes and therefore hee hath by his bloud sealed and confirmed in himselfe being Mediatour the New Testament of our euerlasting reconciliation and peace with God And these things are so signified by the Sacraments that they are also offered and giuen vnto vs to be receiued Whereby it comes to passe that they are truly called Signes not only signifying but also exhibiting and giuing the things which they signifie Thirdly I beleeue because the thinges signified and offered by the Signes are to be receiued by faith and faith is the gift of God therefore God is to be praied vnto as hee who offereth the things by the Signes and who commands vs to receiue them by faith He also can giue and increase faith whereby we are able to receiue them Fourthly I beléeue that faith being begotten in vs by hearing of the Word and increased by the diligent consideration of the Sacraments through the Holy Ghost it is the dutie of a Christian man while he receiueth the Externall and Visible Signes with his hand being also Externall and Visible and eateth them with the mouth of his body and drinketh them heare vpon Earth together also to receiue with the hand and mouth of faith and to eate and drinke the Heauenly and Inuisible thinges namely the flesh and bloud of Christ with a faithful heart lifted vp vnto the Heauenly Table that hee being more and more coupled vnto Christ and made flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones may liue in Christ and Christ in him For I beleeue the faithfull in the Supper truly to
before I shooke it off but it will come againe make me in prosperitie to thinke on aduersitie in health to thinke on sicknesse in sicknesse to thinke on death and at all times to thinke so on iudgement that whether I wake or sleep eate or drinke or whatsoeuer I do els I may euer haue this voice sounding in mine eares Arise yee dead and come vnto iudgement I will sing vnto the Lord all my life as long as I haue any being I will sing praises vnto my God O my soule praise thou the Lord. Praise yee the Lord. Praised bee the Lord God of Israel from this time forth and for euermore and let all people say Amen Are there not ten clensed where are the nine there is none returned to giue thanks but this one and he is a Samaritan Luk. 17.17.18 Behold thou art now whole sin no more lest a worse thing happen vnto thée A PRAYER FOR A SICK person man or woman changing the sexe O Almightie euer-liuing and euer-louing God and in Christ Iesus our most gracious and mercifull father thou hast taught vs out of thine holy word that Man which is borne of a woman hath but a short time to liue and is full of miserie his life is a shadow his daies are vanitie his yeeres are nothing in comparison of thée and in the end hee fadeth as a flower of the field and neuer continueth in one stay Experience we haue of the frailtie of our life in beholding this diseased and distressed feruant of thine whom thou hast cast downe vpon the bed of sicknesse He was as we thought of late in good health and now we sée him at the point of death In him let vs behold our fraile estate and truly to consider that all flesh is grasse And because we are now in this house of mourning let vs be admonished of our later end and behold what afterward shall become of vs. Make vs truly to mourne with them that mourne and to weepe with them that weepe And grant vnto vs all the forgiuenesse of our sinnes ●he assistance of thy Spirit assurance to be heard and a fellow feeling of our brothers miseries that we may the better call vpon thy name and pray to thée for him who standeth in néede to be prayed for Thou art O Lord the conduit of comfort bee a God of comfort and consolation vnto him thou art the forgiuer of all our sinnes blot all his sinnes out of thy remembrance thou art the Physitian to cure all sores looke fauourably vpon him in this sicknesse of his And as thou art the God of patience mitigate his paines of hope assure his heart of mercie confirme his faith of iustice looke vpon thy Sonne and as thou art the resurrection and the life be vnto him both life and resurrection It is true O Lord that he hath deserued a farre greater punishment and that thou shouldest scourge him with all thy rods hee feeleth his sinne he feareth thy iustice he is affrighted at death hee trembleth at thy iudgements and vnlesse thy law were his delight he should haue perished in this his trouble He appealeth from thy iustice vnto thy mercie and in consideration of thine abundant goodnesse doth say vnto thee in the bitternesse of his soule Lord bee mercifull vnto me a sinner Haue mercie vpon him O Lord haue mercie vpon him and according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away all his offences Grant him thy grace to beare willingly this crosse the crosse of sicknesse to drinke heartily of this cup the cup of affliction to endure patiently this yoke the yoke of tribulation and to suffer meekely this rod the rod of correction Naked hee came out of his mothers womb and naked shall he returne againe O Let him now say with thy seruant Iob The Lord hath giuen and the Lord hath taken away blessed bee the name of the Lord. He hath receiued good things of thée make him to receiue euill also and as heretofore he reioyced in his health so teach him now to reioyce in sicknesse and as hee was not ashamed to liue so let him not bee afraid to die because his life is hid with Christ in heauen Teach him O Lord by thy holy Spirit that hee cannot suffer more for thee than Christ his Sauiour suffered for him and though thou hast now powred into the wounds of his corruption the sharpe wine of grieuous tribulation yet after the example of the good Samaritan instill also the suppling oyle of comfort whereby hee may bee able to endure these troubles which otherwise would bee intollerable vnto him As his paine encreaseth so increase his patience and as it decreaseth so increase his thankfulnesse Turne this visitation to the good of his soule lay no more vpon him than hee is able to beare and as hee feeleth thy iustice in suffering for his sinnes so let him feele thy mercie in correcting him for them and as thou now triest whe her he will loue thée or no so make him now most to loue thee when thou correctest him as thy sonne Let his heart be glad his tongue reioyce and his flesh also rest in hope because thou wilt not suffer his soule in the graue nor his flesh through thine Holy one to sée corruption Remember not Lord his or our iniquities spare him good Lord spare thy seruant whom Christ hath redeemed with his most pretious blood and bee not angrie with vs for euer Lord saue thy seruant which putteth his trust in thée send him helpe from thy holy place and euermore mightily defend him let the enemie haue none aduantage against him nor the wicked approch neere vnto him be vnto him a strong tower against the face of his enemie O Lord heare our prayers and let our crie come vnto thée Wée crie and call vnto thee alone for him visite him as thou diddest visite Peters wiues mother comfort him as thou diddest comfort the sick of the palsie chéere him as thou diddest cheere that godly man Simeon that hée now seeing his Sauiour in heauen may ioyfully say Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace for mine eyes haue seene thy saluation In the meane time strengthen him against all temptations defend him against all assaults relieue him in all his weakenesse and deliuer him from all his feares O Lord Iesu Christ who for his and our sakes camest into the World obeyedst the law sufferedst reproch baredst our sinnes and gauest ouer for vs thy pretious life to death looke thou vpon this thy patient let thy blood wash away the spots of his sinnes let thy righteousnesse couer his vnrighteousnesse and let thy satisfaction bee his merit O holie Ghost the comforter of all that want comfort send downe thy grace into the heart of thy seruant call to his minde whatsoeuer consolation he hath before learned cut of thy word especially that by Christ he shall inherit heauen giue him now such a portion of thy grace that he neither
calamities Isay 57.2 3 Our soules are receiued into glorie Luke 23.43 4 Our bodies are reserued to like glorie Philip. 3.20 5 That wise man Salomon thought so Eccles 7.3 6 That holy man Paul wished so Philip 1.23 Quest But because Paul desired to die may we also desire to die Answ Though the bodie and soule bee as man and wife conioyned together yet with some cautions a man may desire the diuorce of these twaine 1 If he resigne his wil to the wil of God 2 If hee can tarrie the good leasure of God 3 If he doe it that he may be with God 4 That hée may bee disburdened of this bodie of sinne and thus Paul desired to bée dissolued and to be with Christ Philip. 1.23 Quest What thinke you of such as are in miserie and desire to die to bee freed from miserie Answ I thinke their desires are not simply vnlawful especially if they submit them to the will of God I am vexed with a long and lingering disease I would bee fréed by death if God would frée me I am detained in Prison I would be deliuered by death if God would deliuer mee I am exiled from my Countrie I would goe to Heauen if God would send for mee Doe I sinne in this God forbid Elias did it when hee desired God to take away his life 1. Kings 19.4 And Iob did it when hee would haue béene contented to depart this life and many of Gods children haue done the like Quest Why then did Hezekiah mourne when he was to die and why did Dauid say Let my soule liue and Christ Let this cuppe passe from me Answ Hezekiah did so because at this time he had not receiued a promised issue to succéed him Christ did so because hee was to die the death of the crosse and Dauid did so both because he was in a grieuous temptation and if he had then died his enemies would haue triumphed ouer him Quest But all this while you haue not told me what death is Answ It is nothing else but the priuation of this naturall life or the departure of the soule from the bodie or as it were the deposition of an heauie burden of troubles in this life by which we are eased especially if wee carry not with vs such a burden of sinnes as may weigh vs downe to the pit of perdition Secundus the Philosopher being asked this question by Hadrian the Emperour said Death is an eternall sleep the dissolution of our bodies the feare of rich men the desire of poore men an ineuitable euent an vncertaine Pilgrimage a robber of Mankind the Mother of sléepe the passage of life the departure of the liuing and a dissolution of all Quest Should Adam haue tasted of this death if he had stood in his innocencie Answ Hee should not for the stipend and wages of sinne is death Romans 6.23 His bodie indéed was subiect to mortalitie but should not haue died as our bodies now are subiect to sicknesse and yet we may die without sicknesse to wounding and yet it may bée they are neuer wounded and as the garments of the Children of Israel did not by Gods prouidence weare by the space of fortie yéeres though they were subiect to wearing so we may say of Adams bodie it should not haue died though it were subiect to death Quest Are wee then any better in Christ then we were in Adam Answ We are much for in Adam wée might haue died and by him doe die In Christ wee cannot die but change this life for a farre better Quest Are there any Monitors or Messengers of death Answ There are thrée casualtie sickenesse and old age Casualtie foretels me my death is doubtfull Sicknesse that death may be grieuous Olde age that death is certaine Casualtie foretels mée of death at my backe sicknesse that she is at my héeles old age that she is before my face Quest That I may giue the better entertainment to death when shee commeth who hath sent these three Harbengers before her what can you aduise me for to doe Answ Surely I would wish you first to beléeue in Christ by whom the sting of death is taken out for They onely feare death who doubt whether Christ died for them 2 To liue well so long as you liue for Hee can neuer feare death who by a good life hath giuen entertainment to the feare of God Quest What euen in my youth must I begin to liue wel Will not God accept of my seruice when I am old Answ Will you wound your selfe that you may goe to the Chirurgian and will you sinne in your youth that you may sue for pardon in your old age will you lay all the burden vpon a lame Horse when you haue many stronger in your teame shall the Deuill haue your Flowers and God your wéeds the Deuill your wine and God the lées the Deuill the fattest and fairest of your flocke and God an halt a lame and a leane Sacrifice God forbid Quest Yet if I haue but time to say Lord haue mercie vpon me though I haue liued neuer so badly God will haue mercie vpon me Ans It is true indéed That holy Théefe did it vpon the crosse and God had mercie vpon him Marie Magdalen did it after her lewd life and God had mercie vpon her But first are you not worthie to want fauour at your death who haue refused it all your life Secondly doe you thinke that your repentance is vnfained which is but only for a few dayes or houres Thirdly doe you not sée that such repentance is often hypocriticall when men that recouer from sicknesse fall againe to sinne after such a kind of repentance Fourthly doe not many fal into desperation at their death because they haue not serued God in their life Fiftly is it not a folly to doe that all day which you must bee enforced to vndoe at night Sixtly doe you not sée that God in his Iustice doth take sense and reason from many at their death who haue refused his mercie all the dayes of their life Quest Yet you cannot denie but many bad men haue made a faire shew at the houre of death haue called vpon God and died like Lambes Ans Like Lambes why the most of them die like stones they haue liued a sottish and a senselesse life and so they die Nabal did so but hee died like a foole the rich glutton did so but he died like a beast Quest And you know also that many persons who haue liued a very strict life haue died in despaire and blaspheming of God Ans By the gates of hell they went into Heauen by the extremitie of their disease they might speake they knew not what and by the sense of Gods iudgments they might say My God why hast thou forsaken mee But know this that he neuer dies ill who hath liued well and hee seldome dies well who hath liued ill We must iudge men by their life and not iudge any by
u Psa 57.3 Euch. Is not God euery where Phil. Yes for his essence is euery where x Pro. 5.21 and he filleth both Heauen and Earth y Eph. 1.10 Euch. How many Heauens are there Phil. Thrée 1 The Ayre in which we breath z Gene. 1.26 2 The Skie in which are the Starres a Deut. 1.10 3 The Heauen of Heauens in which Christ the Angels and Saints departed are b 1. King 8 27. called by Christ his Fathers house Iohn 14.2 by Paul Paradise 2. Cor. 12.4 by Matth. Chap. 5.34 the throne of God and the Citie of the great King Euch. What learne you by this that God is in Heauen Phil. 1 That hee is therefore able to grant my requests c 1. King 8.30 2 That I may pray with confidence vnto him d Psa 123.1 3 That in Prayer my heart must bee in Heauen e 1. King 8.48 Psal 25.1 This is that true worship Iohn 4.23 4 That I must vse al reuerence in prayer f Eccle. 5.1.2 5 That I am here a Pilgrime and that my conuersation must be in Heauen g Phil. 3.21 Heb. 13.14 6 That I must looke for all graces and helpes from Heauen h Ier. 1.17 Psal 121.1 7 That by pilgrimages I need not séeke to God i Psal 145 18. 8 That hee differs farre from Earthly Parents who would helpe but cannot oftentimes 9 That no Creature can hurt me Psal 2.4.5 Psal 118.6 Rom. 8.30 10 That I must preferre him before my Earthly Parents Matth. Deut. 33.9 11 That therefore I must especially aske Heauenly thinges Luk. 11 13. 12 That I also shall bee with him in Heauen Euch. Doe you then include God in Heauen as they Iob. 22.14 is he not in all places Phil. Yea surely as appeareth 1. Kings 8.27 Psal 139.6 Isay 66.1 Ier. 23.24 Prou. 15.3 and else where in many places of Scripture Euch. Why then is hee said to bee in Heauen Phil. 1. Because hee manifests his power from hence as Kings doe theirs from their Pallaces Psal 50.6 Rom. 1.18 poore Cotages argue no great Inhabitants magnificent Pallaces argue persons of account mans basenesse is séene in that hee dwelleth in houses of Clay Iob. 4.19 Gods greatnesse in that he dwelleth in Heauen Ier. 23. Psal 123.1 2 Because in view of the Heauens we sée more of Gods Maiestie then in all other Creatures Psal 19.1 3 That as wee sée Heauen in all places so we know that God is in all places Psal 139.7 Iob. 26.6 Hebr. 4.13 4 That wee may by this bee perswaded both of his Omnipotencie that hee can doe all Psal 19.6 and libertie that he will doe what he pleaseth Psal 115.3 Yea and that séeing hée is in the highest Heauens he is to bee feared aboue all Gods O happie preface to this blessed Prayer Euch. Why doth not this Prayer begin with some preface of Gods Soueraignitie Omnipotencie Iustice c. but with this of Paternitie Phil. His Soueraignitie would terrifie vs because we haue rebelled his Omnipotencie amaze vs being but dust and ashes his Iustice afright vs being guiltie of our sinnes his Paternitie doth allure vs as prodigall Sonnes comming to a liberall and mercifull Father Luke 1.15.18 Euch. How many petitions are there in the Lords prayer Phil. Sixe whereof the first thrée concerne God the other concerne our selues and of the last thrée one only is for thinges corporall the other two are for things Spirituall 1. Pet. 1.3 Euch. What learne you out of this order Phil. I learne 1. Gods great fauour to mée who will admit mée to aske for my selfe k 1. King 3.11 2 His great loue that he will heare my asking for others l Gen. 19.21 3 My dutie that I must desire especially Gods glorie m Exod. 32.32 4 That I must oftner craue thinges Spirituall then Corporall n Luk. 17.5 Euch. Which is the first petition Phil. Hallowed be thy name Hallowed be thy name Euch. Why is this set in the first place Phil. 1. Because it is first in the intent of God who made all for his owne glorie o Pro. 15.3 2 Because it is first in the intent of the godly who like good Children wish and doe all to Gods glorie p Ioh. 15.8 Exod. 32.32 Rom. 9.3 Euch. What is the vse of this order Phil. That whether wee eate or drinke or whatsoeuer we do else we may doe all to the glorie of God 1. Cor. 10.31 Euch. What meane you by these wordes Hallowed be thy name Phil. By Gods name I vnderstand his titles as God Christ Lord and such like his properties as his Iustice Mercie Prouidence and such like his word as the Scriptures read and preached his Ministers Sabbaoth Sanctuarie his Sacraments as Baptisme and the Lords Supper his Workes as Creation Preseruation and the like And by Hallowing I meane that God in all these may haue due reuerence done vnto him of all the people that belong vnto him Euch. Tell me yet more plainly what this word Hallowed meaneth Phil. To Hallow or sanctifie is as you taught mee 1. To separate a thing from a common to an holy vse so we are commanded to sanctifie the Sabbaoth Exod. 20.2 To preserue from pollution so all people must be hallowed Leuit. 20.7.2 Cor. 7.1.3 To estéeme and celebrate as holy and so God is said to bee hallowed Leuit. 10.3 Ezech 38.23 Euch. How may you a polluted person thus hallowe Gods name which in it selfe is most holy Phil. 1. By the consideration of his Iustice againsts sinners 2 His mercie towardes his Children in giuing them faith forgiuing their sinnes and making them patient to endure troubles 3 By being holy my selfe bad men may account God great and glorious none Holy but holy persons as Angels Isay 6.6 and men 1. Pet. 3.15 who must do it in thought word and déed Euch. Why must you thus labour to hallow Gods name Phil. 1. Because it is an honour euen due to him Reuel 4.11 2 It is a credit to mee 3 I testifie how I estéeme of God 4 The contrarie argues impietie Exod. 5.2 Isay 36.20 5 He hath punished the prophanation of his name Exod. 14.28 2. King 19.37 Isay 37 36.37 Act. 12.23 6 Hee created mée to this purpose Prouerbs 16.3 7 As all men account of their names Eccles 7.1 so God doth highly of his 8 All people haue vsed all meanes to erect Altars to the honour of their Gods yea and the people who neuer saw their King honour him 9 It is not only holy in it selfe but giues holinesse to all other thinges that are holy 10 Moses and Aaron entred not into Canaan because they did not sanctifie the Word amongst the children of Israel Deut. 32.51 and Leuit. 10.3 I will bee sanctified in them that come néere mee and before all the people I will be glorified Euch. What wants doe you bewaile in this petition Phil. First I bewaile mine owne
all Mark 18. Euch. In whose name must you get this pardon Phil. In the name of Christ applied to me in the preaching of the Gospell by a true faith for he is the propiciation for our sins and without him we cannot appeare in the fight of God e Act. 1. Ioh. 1.7 Hebr. 9.28 Euch. Why must you look for forgiuenesse from Christ Phil. 1 Because of my self I cannot appease Gods Wrath. Isai 33.14 2. Pet. 2.4 Iud. 6. 2 I am not able to satisfie his Iustice for he will not iudge the sinner innocent Exod. 34.6 Psal 5.5 3 He hath taken vpon him to be my suretie 4 He alone hath purchased my pardon being an innocent man and eternall God Hebr. 2. Cor. 5.19 Isai 53.5.6 Dan. 9.24.26 Ier. 23.6 Ioh. 1.29 1. Pet. 1.18 Psal 51.9 Zach. 13.1 Tit. 3.4.5 Colos 2.1 1. Tim. 2.5 1. Ioh. 2.1 Euch. But hath Christ obtained for vs such a plenarie remission as that wee neede not looke for any other Phil. He hath for 1 There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Rom. 8.1 2 He hath blotted out the hand-writing against vs nailed it to his crosse Col. 2.14 3 There is but one Mediator betwéene God and man the Man Iesus Christ 1. Timoth. 2.5 4 Hée is the Propitiation for our sinnes 1. Iohn 2.2 Euch. May you not discharge veniall sins by your selfe Phil. No sinne is veniall if wee regard Gods infinite iustice Mat. 5.28 1. Ioh. 3.15 Numb 6.23 Psal 130.5 All sinnes are veniall if we respect Christs Al-sufficient merite Rom. 5.18 Psal 130.7 1. Ioh. 2.1 Euch. Doth not God remit the fault and yet retaine the punishment for the fault Phil. In no case 1 Hée will not pardon the debt and yet kéepe mee in prison for the debt 2 The fault and the punishment for the fault are Relatiues as the cause and the effect suppose the one the other must be take away the one the other also is taken away Genes 2.17 3 Christ did not only take vpon him the guilt of sin but also the punishment for sin 1. Pet. 2.24 4 It were against Gods iustice to punish that which he hath pardoned 5 What mercie were this to forgiue a sinne and yet to punish the same sinne 6 Euen in ciuill contracts if the Obligation bee cancelled the debter is acquitted 7 How shall hee be blessed that hath the pardon of his sinne if he be punished after pardon of his sinne Psal 32.1 8 Being instified by faith I haue peace with God I could not haue it if I might be punished 9 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of the elect It is God that iustifieth who shall condemne saith Paul Rom. 8.33 10 This were to make Christ an imperfect Sauiour which is against the word of God Euch. Was not Dauids sinne pardoned and yet he punished after for it 2. Sam. 12.13.14 Phil. He was chastised by a Father not punished by a Iudge for corrections to Gods children cannot properly be called punishments Psal 103.10 1. Cor. 11.32 Euch. Why then was Nebuchadnetzar aduised to redeeme his sinnes by repentance and his iniquities by mercie to the poore Dan. 4.24 Phil. You taught mée that the Hebrew word translated by the Latine Translator Redeeme doth not signifie to buy out but to break off and this will make nothing for satisfaction Euch. What vse can you make of this Phil. That all Popish commutation of eternall punishments into temporall satisfactions is vnlawfull as Pilgrimages Fastings Whippings Pater-nosters Inuocation of Saints Almes Bels Purgatorie Pardons Iubiles Works of Supererogation and such like all which deuices are euerted by that one saying of Saint Iohn The bloud of Iesus Christ his Sonne doth purge vs from all our sinnes 1. Iohn 1.7 this is proper to the elect and is daily renued to them in the Word and Sacraments Euch. What is the condition of this petition Phil. As wee forgiue them that trespasse aginst vs. Euch. Is our forgiuing of men a reason why God should forgiue vs Phil. No it is not For God for Christs sake doth forgiue vs f Ephes 4.32 and if it were a cause then must the forgiuenesse of sinne proceed from our selues Euch. What then is it Phil. It is a Signe assuring vs that God hath forgiuen vs and a Comfort chéering vs that God will forgiue vs a Promise binding vs to pardon our brethren and a Law teaching vs that if wée will haue God to forgiue vs we also must forgiue others Euch. Why then is this condition added Phil. Not to teach God how hée should forgiue vs but to teach vs 1 That hee greatly delighteth in this worke of mercie 2 That he may else say vnto vs Why doest thou aske forgiuenesse of thy Father when as thou wouldest not forgiue thy brother 3 That as wee looke for a plenarie pardon at the hands of God so we should giue the like vnto all men Matth. 4 That if wee would haue God forgiue vs so often as we offend him we also should forgiue our brother so often as he offendeth vs Luke 17.4 Wee would giue all the World for the pardon of sinne will we not pardon our brother that God may pardon vs Euch. But because sinne to man is here called debt how becomes man thus a debter to man and how is this sinne called a debt Phil. Not as it is a sinne against God and his righteous Law but as it is a trespasse done to man either to his bodie by killing or hurting it to his goods by stealing them credit by slandering of him or to his chastitie by defiling his Neighbours bedde Euch. Why is this sinne called a debt to Man Phil. 1 Because wee owe loue g Rom. 13.8 which is now broken 2 Because we owe punishment for doing wrong h Iudg. 1.8 3 Because wee owe satisfaction for the wrong done i Leuit. 6.4 Euch. Is euerie debt to man to bee remitted Phil. No there is a debt of Charitie which we owe to our Neighbour and this debt we must euer owe Rom. 13.8 Euch. How is man said to forgiue man Phil. When hee doth pardon either the wrong done k Gen. 50.21 or the punishment appointed for the wrong l 2. Sam. 19 23. or the satisfaction which the offender is bound to make m Luk. 7.4 or all of them as occasion is offered Matth. 18.32 Euch. What thinges were obserued vpon this Phil. Thrée 1 That man may forgiue man and yet God will punish him n Act. 7. 2 That though man will not forgiue yet God will if the offender repent o Iohn 8. 3 That though God and man forgiue the partie offending is to be punished p Ios 7.24 Euch. What good commeth by forgiuing an offence Phil. By it 1 I am like vnto God Psal 103.3 Gen. 50 21. 2 I imitate good men 2 Sam. 19.23 Yea the noblest Creatures which are more slow to wrath then waspes and flies
and such base animals It is the propertie of a sicke and not a sound man to bee testie and fretfull 3 I haue much comfort by it 1. Sā 25.31 4 I shal banish malice out of mine heart 5 I may with assured comfort sue vnto God for mine owne pardon Mar. 18.6.14 6 I shall cause mine enemie to loue me 7 Then God will auenge my cause Prou. 25.21 8 I shall be fitter for the Lords Supper Mat. 5.25 Gen. 4.4 Euch. May a man forgiue him that hath offended him and yet sue him at the law Phil. Hee may not only sue his aduersarie but pursue him to death and yet forgiue him for vnlesse offendors be punished Gods glorie will bée hindered q 1. Sam. 15.9 Eccl. 8.11 Iustice decayed r Hos 5.10 Pro. 11.14 the Common-weale ruined ſ Pro. 29.4 and all men wronged t Iud. 17.6 and bad Iudges punished u Ier. 22.17 Pro. 24.24 Euch. What rules must you obserue in going to Law Phil. 1 I must doe nothing with a reuenging mind x Rom. 12.19 2 I must take héede that I offend not the Church y 1. Cor. 6.1.2 3 I must doe it for the maintenance of peace z Act. 21.22 4 I must labour by it to better mine aduersarie a Iam. 5.19 5 I must not sue for each trifling matter b 1. Cor. 6.7 6 I must vse all other good meanes and make law my last remedie c Matth. 18.29.31 Euch. May the Magistrate punish a Malefactor and yet be said to forgiue him Phil. Hee may doe it for hee is 1 The Minister of God to take vengeance of him that doth euill Rom. 13.4 2 The offence which he doth punish is not against his person but against the Common-wealth Euch. But when the flesh will tell you that you must bee reuenged what cautions were giuen you to stay your anger Phil. You gaue me these cautions 1 That I must consider that it is Gods doing d 2. Sam. 16.10 2 That I haue also wronged God and man c Eccl. 7.24 3 That Christ hath forgiuen me more f Mat. 17.32 4 That forgiuing is a dutie of loue g Gal. 5.13 14. 5 That I must not destroy him for whom Christ died h 1. Cor. 8.11 6 If I doe not forgiue I incurre Gods wrath i Mat. 6.15 7 That by forgiuing I am like vnto God k Ephes 4.31.32 8 That it is my dutie to doe nothing through contention l Phil. 2.3 Euch. But if I must forgiue mine enemies why did Dauid and others pray against theirs Psalme 54.7 Numb 16.15 2. Timoth. 4.14 Phil. They did so not in malice or desire of reuenge but 1 Vpon a zeale to Gods glorie 2 By the spirit of reuelation knowing that such men were in truth case awayes and vtter enemies to the truth of God Euch. What vse doe you make of this Phil. 1 That I am bound to forgiue all persons m Collos 3.12 all sinnes n Prou. 10. and at all times o Mat. 17.22 when man offends me and that fully 2 That I must liue in peace p 2. Cor. 13.11 and labour to make peace q Mat. 5.9 Exod. 2.13 and shew all tokens of loue to mine aduersary that he may assure himselfe that I haue forgiuen him not by halfe but altogether 3 That if I forgiue not I curse my selfe r Mat. 6.12 4 That they hurt themselues who leaue out this conditition in the Lords Prayer because they will not forgiue 5 That it is a signe of grace to forgiue ſ Matth 17 32. 6 That no man liuing in malice can say the Lords Prayer as he ought to doe t Mat. 5.24 7 That is it difficult to beléeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes u Marke 9.24 because this petition hath a condition to perswade vs annexed vnto it 8 That if they bee commended who forgiue their enemies what shall become of them who prosecute and persecute the Saints of God by whom they receiue much good Prou. 11.11 Euch. What doe you heere bewaile Phil. 1 The corruption of my nature prone to sinne 2 The burden of my sinne which I my selfe can neuer beare 3 That I féele not the want of Christ who only can forgiue sinne 4 That I am not so readie to forgiue men as God is readie to forgiue me Euch. What things doe you here pray for Phil. For thrée things 1 For Humiliation 2 For Iustification 3 For Reconciliation and loue to men Euch. In Humiliation what doe you pray for Phil. 1 That I may sée my sinnes 2 That I may féele them 3 That I may bewaile them 4 That I may most earnestly craue pardon for them séeing the burden of sinne is a most heauie burden Euch. How doe you pray for Iustification Phil. That Christs righteousnesse may be made mine and my sinnes may bee laid vpon Christ for his mercies sake Euch. How doe you pray for reconciliation Phil. That God would giue me a heart to bee reconciled to men so as I may pardon them and they me Euch. What thinges doe you pray against Phil. I pray against blindnesse of minde heardnes of hart continuance in sinne and the least opinion of mine owne righteousnesse that I should lightly regard Christ And lastly against al hatred by which I am kept from louing my brother Euch. What doe you giue thankes for Phil. I thanke God that hee hath giuen mee a sight and sense of sinne and perswaded mee of the pardon and forgiuenesse of them in his Sonne and that howsoeuer I sustaine many wronges at the handes of men yet I can bee contented to forgiue them as God for Christs sake hath forgiuen mée Euch. Which is the sixth petition Phil. The sixth Petition And lead vs not into temptation but c. Euch. Why is it placed after the fourth petition Giue vs c Phil. To teach me that if God giue mée daily bread I am subiect to be tempted with pride a Psa 30.6 Leade vs not into temptatiō and therefore must pray against it and if he deny mee daily bread I am subiect to be tempted with despaire b Ps 22.1.2 and so must pray against it Euch. Why is it set after Forgiue vs our debts Phil. That by this I may learne 1 That forgiuenesse of sinnes and temptations are inseparable companions c Luk. 22.31.32 2. Cor. 7.5 and that such as are not acquainted with temptations are as yet in the power of that strong man who keepeth the house of a secure soule d Lu. 11.21 2 That as the former petition answereth to the first part of the couenant of grace consisting in the remission of sinnes so this is answerable to the second part which consisteth in the writing of Gods Law in our hearts so as we shall not finally bee ouercome in temptation Euch. Why is it coupled to the former petition by this word and Phil. 1
it away c Eph. 1.4 4 The calling of God is without repentance and whom he loueth he loueth to the end d Rom. 11.29 Ioh. 13.1 5 I know by my loue of the brethen that I am translated from death to life a 1. Ioh. 3.14 6 I am sory that I can be no more sorie for my sins and this to me is an argument of faith b 2. Cor. 7.10 7 I desire to beléeue in Christ and to run the waies of his Commandements c Mar. 9.24 2. Cor. 8.12 Psal 119.5 8 Christs merits are greater then my sinnes and hee is the propitiation for my sinnes d Ioh. 1.29 1. Ioh. 2.1.2 9 Though the righteous fall he shall rise againe for God supporteth him with his hand e Ps 37.24 Pr. 17.17.24 10 The Spirit doth though very weakly witnesse to my sprit that I am Gods childe f Ro. 8.16 11 I hate sinne with an vnfained hatred g 1. Ioh. 3.9 12 I loue all good things as well as one and hate all euill as well as one h Ps 119.6 104. and I can be contented to be dissolued and to be with Christ and to say Come Lord Iesus come quickely i Phi. 1.23 Reu. 22.21 Euch. If Satan will tempt you to presume of Gods mercies what remedies must you heere vse Phil. I must meditate against this sinne 1 That God bids me not be high minded k Rom. 11.20 2 That security destroyeth more then anie sin l Luk. 17.26 3 That hee is blessed who feareth alwaies a Pr. 28.14 4 That I must worke out my saluation with feare and trembling b Ph. 2.12 5 That as God is a God of mercy so is he also a God of Iustice c Deut. 9.20.2 6 That the more I presume the more subiect I am to fall d Luk. 22.33.34 7 That it is Satans maine weapon to vanquish me God is mercifull e Ro. 6.15 8 That euen Dauid praied to bee kept from sinnes of presumption f Ps 29.13 9 That the longer I continue in sinnes the more hardly I can leaue them g 2. Sa. 3.16 Rom. 2.1 10 That if once God call mee I must vndoe all I haue done before h Ro. 6 21. 11 That then I must shedde many a bitter teare for my sinnes i Ps 32. Lu. 22.62 12 That by going on I heape to my selfe wrath against the day of wrath k Ro. 2.5 and therfore haue we need in this and al the former assaults of God men and diuels to pray Lord leade vs not into temptation Euch. Which is the explanation of this petition Phil. But deliuer vs from euill Euch. What doe you pray for in these words But deliuer vs frō euill Phil. That I and all Cristians may bee freed from the power of Satan sinne the flesh and the world so that being thus preserued we neither shall nor may not fall or so be deliuered from euill that wee may not fall quite away by any temptation Euch. Why say you deliuer vs Phil. Why euen because we are 1. his seruants 2 his children 3 his workmanship 4 his image 5 the price of his sons bloud 6. vessels to carry his name 7 members of his body 8 as sheepe amongst wolues Euch. Do you not by euill vnderstand only the diuell who is called That euill one a Mat. 13.19 Phil. No I do not though temptations come principally from him but by euil you said I must vnderstand all my spirituall enemies according to that of the Apostle Iohn The whole world lyeth in euill b 1 Ioh. 5.19 Euch. Tell mee more plainely what you heere meane by Euill Phil. I vnderstand by it First Satan 1. Ioh. 2.14 Secondly Sinne Rom. 12.9 Thirdly all Euils which may any way hurt vs as Warre Plague Famine Offences Heresies Schismes Errors Seditions c. Fourthly euill persons bee they Turkes Iewes Heretickes Schismatikes Atheists Seducers c. Fiftly eternall and euerlasting Death which is the most fearefull euill of all Euch. How many waies doth God deliuer vs from euill Phil. Twelue waies 1 By preseruing vs from committing sinne c Ge. 20.6 2 By fréeing vs from iudgements due vnto sinne d 2. Sa 12.13 3 By keeping vs from the hurt of sinne and afflictions e Ps 91.13 4 By turning all those sinnes which we commit and the afflictions which wee sustaine to our good f Ps 5 By bridling Satan that he cannot subdue vs g Rom. 16 20. 6 By giuing vs his holy Spirit that by a liuely faith we ouercome all euill h Ro. 8.2 1. Ioh. 5.4 1. Pet. 5.9 7 By no meanes i Mat. 4.2 8 By small meanes k 2. King 4.3 9 By ordinary meanes l Ios 5.12 10 By extraordinary meanes m 2. King 6.16 11 Contrary to all meanes n Da. 3.25 12 By Christ Iesus who ouercame the world by obeying the flesh by suffering and the diuell by triumphing ouer him in his Crosse Iohn 16.33.1 Pet. 4.1 Col. 2.15 and this is the comfort of all Christians Psal 91.1 Euch. What meanes must you vse to deliuer your selfe from euill Phil. I must 1 Auoid the company of euill persons Prou. 1.10 Genes 39.10 2 Not liue in places where euill is practised though I may gaine much by it 2. Cor. 6.17 3 I must take heede of euill spéeches which may corrupt me others Eph. 4.29 4 I must hide Gods word in mine heart that I do not sinne against him Ps 119.11 Euch. Why are these words added as an explanation to this petition Phil. 1 To teach me that when I am deliuered from euill I may be sure not to be led into temptation for euill is the cause of all temptations a Iam. 1.13 which being taken away the effect ceaseth 2 That of my selfe I cannot resist euill 3 That the least creatures shal be able to hurt me vnlesse God bee my deliuerer 2. King 6.27 Act. 12. 4 That I shall neuer be fully deliuered till God for Christs sake set me at liberty Psal 119.32 Ioh. 8.36 Euch. What must we doe to bee deliuered from the diuell Phil. We must 1 Put on the whole armour of God b Ep. 6.11 2. Cor. 10.4 2 We must know how to vse that armour c Vers 13. 3 We must walke warily that he do not circumuent vs and bee neuer out of our calling d Ep. 4.15 2. Sa. 11. 4 We must euer seeke to feare and serue God e Ps 2.11 Pro. 28.14 5 We must know that Christ is our Captaine and deliuerer f Ioh. 16.33 6 We must meditate of the miserable estate of such as are ouercome by the Diuell g Lu. 11.26 7 We must take his weapons from him which are our flesh Gal. 5.17.1 Pet. 2.11 and the world 1. Ioh. 2.15 Iam. 4.4 1. Ioh. 5.19 1. Cor. 7.31 8 We must pray as Christ
or the longest shadow the goodliest shadow Neither men nor their liues are measured by the ell in a great and a small circle the figure is all one and it is hath béen and will be fatall euen to great and glorious personages ordinarily not to liue long Take Salomon Iosiah and Christ Iesus for example Quest O but I would not die in a strange countrey Answ No Abraham did and died quietly Ioseph did and he died honorably many Saints did and they died gloriously Are you slaine in battell you haue a tombe amongst the dead bodies of your enemies Do you die in trauaile you are héere a stranger your countrie is in heauen Death comes vnto you masked in these such like shapes take off the maske and it is the same death wherewith women and children die Euery place is a like distant from heauen Quest And when I haue seen all the world would you haue mee willing to leaue all the world Answ Why you euer haue séene the same rising and setting of the Sunne the same encreasing and decreasing of nature the like sins that haue béen in former times and if you haue séene all the world consider but the vanitie mutabilitie of this world and either you will say that this world is a world of wickednesse or that now in his old age it is passing away as a thréed-bare garment ouer-worne Quest Is it easie now thinke you to leaue wife and children father and mother and all my friends Ans Where you go you shall find more such as you neuer saw they whom you leaue behind shall shortly follow after you Quest But what shall become of my wife children friends and kins-folkes who depend vpon me Answ All these belong more to God than to you he loues them best and will prouide best for them and such so left haue often risen to high and great place Quest Yet if I died not alone I might haue more comfort Answ Alone why how many thousand in the whole world die in the same moment of time which you die in and yet which God may grant to you but a few of them goe to heauen Quest Once againe would you haue me not to feare death which causeth mee to lose life looke like a ghost and which taketh away from mee all the ioies of this world Answ By losing a temporall life you finde that life which is eternall you shall not be afraid when you looke gastly and that gastly body of yours shall one day bee clothed with glory and be made like to the glorious body of your most glorious Sauiour and as for the petie and peacocke ioies héere you shall haue ioies eternall and vnspeakable heereafter Quest Seeing then I must needs die what must I doe to die well Answ 1 Labour that your sinnes die in you before you die in the world 2 Be euer ready and prepared either for death or iudgement 3 Endeauour that your death may bee voluntary 4 Consider what an excellent thing it is to end your life before your death and in such sort that at that houre you haue nothing to doe but to die that then you haue no more néede of any thing not of time not of your selfe but sweetly and comfortably to depart this life so that you may say in the testimony of a good conscience I was not ashamed to liue and I am not afraid to die because I know my Redeemer liueth Quest How many waies may a man carry himselfe in death Answ Fiue 1 He may feare and flye it as euill 2 Attend it sweetly and patiently as a thing naturall ineuitable and reasonable 3 Contemne it as a thing indifferent and of no great importance 4 Desire and seeke after it as the onely hauen of rest from all the troubles and torments of this life and so esteeme it as great gaine 5 He may giue it to himselfe by taking away his owne life Quest What thinke you of the first because it is the opinion of the most Answ 1 Because the most thinke so therefore it is most remote from the truth 2 Such seeme to giue little credit to Gods word which teacheth that by it wée rest from our labours 3 If death be euill it is an euill only in opinion and such an euill as neuer did hurt to a good man 4 Why should a man feare that which in truth he knowes not what it is or what good it wil bring vnto him as Socrates once said vnto his friends when hee would not pleade for his life before his Iudges 5 It argueth faint-heartednesse and follie to feare that which cannot be auoided 6 If it be good why should we feare it if euill why do we by sorrow adde euill vnto euill 7 He that once begins to feare death can neuer by reason of this feare liue a good and a contented life He is neuer a freeman that feares death 8 Consider that if nature had made men immortall so that will they nill they they should haue liued euer how many thousands in miserie would haue cursed nature Surely if we had it not in this vale of misery we would desire it more Quest Giue mee your opinion of the second Answ Surely me thinkes they kéepe the golden meane for they will neither desire death as knowing it to bée against nature nor flie from it considering that it is against iustice reason and their dutie to God they know right well that the first day of their birth setteth them in their way to death Nascentes morimur finisque ab origine pendet At birth begin we life to end This end doth on that birth depend Why should wee feare to go that way which all the world hath gone before vs why to ariue at that hauen to which wee haue béen sayling euer since we were borne Quest And doe you thinke that the third sort of people do well who contemne death Answ To contemne death yea and life it selfe for the glorie of God the good of the Church the manifestation of the truth the saluation of our soules and the credit of our names argueth a courage Christian and inuincible hath béen practised both by the Saints of God many famous worthies euen amongst the heathen And surely he that feares death too much shal neuer be fit for any honorable action nay he shall neuer be a frée-man neither can he truly say that he beléeueth the immortalitie of the soule or his resurrection to eternall life by Christ Quest Need I not to craue your opinion of the fourth and fifth sort wherof one desires to die and the other in that desire doth take away his owne life Ans I haue in this treatise answered concerning the fourth shewed how a man may desire death you shall find it if you reade on in this direction But for a mā to take away his own life though it may séem sometimes to procéed from the greatnes of a mans courage yet it cannot but be a
the fierie darts of Sathan can neuer enter You haue the sword of the Spirit it is sharper then the sword of Goliah you haue the sling of Dauid it is more forcible then the speare of Goliah you may walke vpon this Lion and Aspe this young deuouring Lion and Dragon you may treade vnder your féete Psal 91.13 What if he bee wise yet God is wiser What if he be strong yet Christ is stronger What if skilfull yet the Lord is more skilfull What if he be vigilant yet the Al-séeing is more watchfull If you can call to God for aide against him as Iehoshaphat did against the Aramite and say O my God there is no strength in mee to stand before this great multitude that commeth against me neither doe I know what to doe but mine eyes are towards thee 2. Chron. 20.12 feare not neither bee afraid goe out against them the Lord will be with thee and thou shalt ouercome Say that hee ouercame Adam by ambition Saul by hypocrisie and Iudas by auarice yet by the grace of Christ hee shall not ouercome thee Thou dwellest in the secret of the most High and shalt abide in the shadow of the Almightie Hee will deliuer thée from the snare of the Hunter and from the noysome Pestilence hee will couer thée vnder his wings and thou shalt bee sure vnder his feathers his truth shall bee thy shield and buckler hee will giue his Angels charge ouer thée to kéepe thée in all thy wayes they shal beare thée vp in their hands so that thou hurt not thy foot against a stone Quest I confesse that God is able to deliuer me from Sathan but O my sinnes my sins mee thinkes giue mee ouer to Sathan helpe mee with comfort against this temptation I haue sinned and may now die in my sinnes Ans O consider with me what the word doth say Where sinne abounded grace hath superabounded Romans 5. The bloud of Iesus Christ hath purged vs from all sinne 1. Iohn 1.7 If any man sinne wee haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and hee is the propitiation for our sinnes 1. Iohn 2.1.2 This is a true saying and worthie by all meanes to be receiued that Iesus Christ came into the World to saue sinners of whom I am chiefe 1. Tim. 1. Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the World Iohn 1. I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance 1. Matth. 11. The Sonne of man came to séeke and saue that which was lost Matth. 9. Come vnto mee all yee that are wearie and heauie laden and I will refresh you Matth. 11. Hee died for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification Rom. 4. Hee hath loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud Reuel 1.6 Thou shalt call his name Iesus for hee shall saue his people from their sinnes Matth. 1. Hee gaue himselfe for vs that hee might redéeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to bee a peculiar people vnto himselfe Titus 1.2 I will bée mercifull to their vnrighteousnesse and will remember their sinnes and their iniquities no more Hebr. 8.12 Doe you now beléeue these sayings are you perswaded that you haue faith in Christ If you haue faith you haue iustification if you haue iustification you haue no sinne I meane no such sinne as shall be able to condemne you in the day of iudgement for it is God that iustifieth who shall condemne Besides you are a member of Christs Church and this Church is without spot and wrinkle which it could not bee if you were yet in your sinnes Againe if your iniquities were not forgiuen in Christ to what end thinke you did he come into the World Furthermore consider what your Baptisme doth signifie that as pollution from your bodie is washed by water so sinne from your soule is washed by Christ Haue you forgotten that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper sealeth vnto you the forgiuenesse of sinnes by Christs death Is the Earth full of the mercies of the Lord and shal not this mercie be greater to you then all your miseries Doe you acknowledge and confesse your sinnes and will not he be faithfull and iust to forgiue you your sinnes Doe you aske and shall you not haue doe you séeke and shall you not find doe you knocke and shal not the dore of mercie be opened vnto you I thinke you know that Christs is a Physitian and to what end but to cure the diseased and what disease more dangerous then sinne I hope you know the Gospell of Christ is called the word of reconciliation of grace saluation and of life and that only because it offers all these to sinners And tell mee you that doubt of the forgiuenesse of sinnes what difference is there betwixt the sonnes of God and the sonnes of the Deuill but that they haue their sinnes forgiuen these not To conclude looke vpon the calling of the Preachers of the Gospell if they haue power to pronounce the pardon of sinnes to penitent sinners Christ hath power to giue pardon to the same sinners Therefore bee of good comfort your sinnes are forgiuen you Matth. 9.2 Quest What euen my great and grieuous sinnes mine infidelitie in mistrusting impatience in murmuring blasphemie in profaning the name of God Is the couetousnesse of monie the desire of reuenge the loue of pleasure more then the loue of God forgiuen mee Ans If you beléeue in Christ all things are possible to him that beléeueth your sinnes past shall neuer hurt you if sinne present doe not please you Though your sinnes were as redde as Scarlet God can make them as white as Snow There is no cloud so thicke but this Sun will dispell it no staine so foule but this Fullers sope will wash it out no treason so horrible but this King may pardon it and no sinne so great but God for Christs sake will forgiue it The infidelitie of Adam the Idolatrie of Abraham the incest of Lot the adulterie of Dauid the Apostasie of Peter the persecutions of Paul were grieuous sinnes but God in Christ did remit them all And whatsoeuer was written before time is written for your learning that you through patience and consolation of the Scriptures might haue hope Applie them therefore to your selfe If you owe to this creditor tenne thousand talents if you can sue to him for mercie hee will forgiue them all his Iustice can punish any sinne and his mercie can pardon any sinne When he liued vpon Earth he cured all sicknesses now hee is in Heauen hee can purge all sinnes He hath promised as a Porter to beare our iniquities is there any iniquitie too heauie for him Neuer say then despairing of Gods mercie my sinnes haue taken such hold vpon mee that I am not able to looke vp as an heauie burden they lie vpon mee I am not able to beare them Quest I hope that I shall lay these comforts to mine heart that the greatnesse
of my sinnes shall not cause mee to despaire yet when I looke vpon the multitude of those sinnes which I haue committed against God I feele my selfe in a wofull estate comfort me I pray you in this temptation Answ Doe the number of your sinnes now disquiet you yet comfort your soule with these meditations There is no man liuing which sinneth not The iust man falleth seuen times a day Who can tell how oft hee offendeth Psal 19. The Apostle and excellent man cried out I am Carnall and sold vnder sinne Rom. 7. The good that I would doe I doe not and the euill which I would not that doe I. The flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit lusteth against the flesh Galathians 5.17 Yet for all this hee trusted in the mercies of God as others did being perswaded that his imperfections were not imputed to him but couered with the righteousnesse of Christ And this the same Paul testifieth in that he saith Now there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Rom. 8.1 And what is the reason that wee daily pray Forgiue vs our debts but that wee sinne daily Yea though the bloud of Christ were but once shed yet by it is he an eternall Mediatour satisfying the iustice of God for sinnes past present and to come He is not like vnto many in this World who hauing once remitted some trespasse wil remit no more or paied a debt wil pay no more but as Esaus father had many blessings so God our father hath many mercies If wee fall a thousand times he will at our repentance recouer vs a thousand times He doth not forgiue vs till seuen times but till seuentie times seuen times Larga Dei bonitas totum non dimidiabit Aut nihil aut totum te lachrymante dabit The bountie large of God will not diuide the whole He either al or nothing giues vnto the weeping soule Quest Truth it is as you say that God will forgiue my manifold sinnes but mine heart tels me that Gods law requires perfect obedience and this alas I cannot performe what comfort can you giue me now that mine obedience is imperfect Answ Why the obedience of the best is both perfect imperfect perfect in Christ imperfect in vs imperfect in this life perfect in the life to come perfect by imputation imperfect by sanctification perfect in parts imperfect in degrée that is the whole bodie and soule of a Christian are in euery part sanctified but yet both of them in all their parts and faculties grow vp to a greater measure of sanctification A child so soon as it is borne is a perfect man because it hath al the parts of a man and this is a perfection of parts it is not perfect in regard of that growth it may haue in strength and vnderstanding and that is the perfection of degrées We are babes in Christ and so perfect Christians at the beginning of sanctification we must grow vp to be tall men that we may be perfectly perfect in our glorification It is Gods mercie towards vs that wee cannot come to perfection in this life the dregs of corruption will neuer whilest wee liue be drawne out the tares of vngodlines will neuer quite be pulled vp the chaffe of iniquitie wil neuer be cleane remoued from the wheate and the rags of the old Adam will neuer cleane be put off and that as I take it for these reasons 1 That we might giue al glorie to God 2 That wee might euer depend vpon God 3 That knowing our owne weaknesse we should not presume too much on our own strength 4 That by recouering our selues aft●● falling wee might haue experience and patience in Gods fauour 5 That wee might worke out our saluation with feare and trembling 6 That with Paul we might learne that the grace of God is sufficient for vs. 7 That wee might be the more whetted on to an increase of faith and confidence in Christ 8 That we might with greater earnestnesse call vpon God in all our feares 9 That with more contention we should run the race set before vs. 10 That wee should know that it is grace not nature by which we stand 11 That receiuing many foyles our selues we might better comfort and pitie others that fall 12 That wee might the rather with the Apostle desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ Know therefore that it is good for you that you are not perfect you would bee proud of it if you were the holiest men could neuer attaine it the most holy God doth not require it If you haue truth in the inward parts and desire to please God without hypocrisie labour to grow in the graces of Gods spirit God your father will make more of you by reason of your imperfections as a good mother doth of that childe that is diseased or lamed It is pride that makes men dreame of perfection in this life and they that thinke to goe to heauen this way must goe alone for none can follow them Let vs not glorie of our perfection but let vs glorie in our Redemption The Church is a companie of sinners saued by Christ of sicke persons cured by Christ of Israelites dwelling among the Cananites of malefactors crying with that holy théefe Lord remember mee when thou commest into thy kingdome and of Publicans casting themselues down and saying Lord be mercifull vnto me a sinner The Church is but the Moone and some times so eclipsed that she is but a litle lightened by the Sunne God indeede as a good Physitian prescribes vnto vs a perfect diet but wee like vnto disordered Patients tast of that which causeth a relapse and then we must come to the Physitian againe and like a skilfull Physitian God out of our falls doth make a preseruatiue to kéepe vs from falling Quest By this that you haue said I shall as I hope receiue much comfort if God cast mee vpon my sick bed yet because after death cōmeth iudgement how shall I bee able to perswade my selfe in death that I may with ioy looke vpon my Iudge Answ Consider that you are in Christ and there is no condemnation to them that are in him it is God that hath iustified you who shall condemne you it is your Father that shall iudge you why do you feare him be then of good comfort he wil say vnto you Come thou blessed of my father inherit the kingdome prepared for thée before the foundations of the world were laid Quest If I lay all these comforts to mine heart in health what benefit shall come to me at my death Answ You shall shew your selfe an excellent scholler in the schoole of wisedome and that you haue not spent your time ill who haue thus learned to die well For hée hath last his whole time who knowes not how to end it Hee liueth ill saith Seneca who knoweth not to die well neither is he borne in vaine who deceaseth in peace We must