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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15344 [A short, yet a true and faithfull narration of the fearefull fire that fell in the towne of Wooburne, in the countie of Bedford, on Saturday the 13. of September last, Anno. 1595 Together with a Christian admonition as to the particular people of that place] T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1595 (1595) STC 25629; ESTC S113059 30,731 79

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TO THE HONORABLE AND HIS VERIE GOOD LL. SIR IOHN POPHAM Knight Lord chiefe Iustice of England and Sir William Periam Knight Lord chiefe Baron of her Maiesties Court of Exchequer T.W. hartily wisheth the abundant riches of al Gods mercies in this life eternal blessednes in that which is to come thorow Christ THough I doubt not my good Lords but that you haue ere this heard of the feareful and lamentable fire that in September last light vpon the towne of VVooburne in the countie of Bedford and am fullie perswaded that according to the measure of heauenly wisedome that God hath vouchsaued to you both you haue made spirituall profit not only thereof but of sundry other such like iudgments past alreadie in diuers quarters of our kingdom and iustly feared that hereafter may fall out vpon vs for our sinnes yet because the particularities of that punishment are not so wel and certainly knowne as were meete mens minds are so various and fame increaseth by going as wee say in the Prouerbe besides that euen in these things likewise there is a trueth fit to be vnderstood also because the generalitie of men either see them not because they are blind or els bee amazed at thē for a while because they haue no further insight or else make not good vse of them because they are of carelesse hearts I haue thought it sit and that vnder your Lordshippes protections and with your good acceptation also I trust to publishe though a short yet a true narration of that pitifull spectacle and therewithall some meditations of mine owne concerning that matter begunne within a daye or two after the aforenamed fire it selfe and finished in howe short a space I will not write least I might seeme to vaunt In regard of the matter I haue aimed at nothing but this that the trueth it selfe being laide open and some obseruations made thereupon men might bee lead by the hande to make some profitable vse of it they being drawne on to repentance for that which is past and carefully to looke to themselues for that which is to come least otherwise the flame of Gods wrath should break forth further against vs and that to our vtter wasting and destruction For the manner obserued in this discourse it is not so methodicall I confesse as it should be but the reason thereof was the sodain feare and great griefe that I conceiued vpon the very viewe and sight of the ruines it had made all making me vnfit indeed for that present especiallie for matter or manner to handle such a subiect as it ought both the one and the other then tooke such a deepe impression in me and that is the reason also and nothing else I assure you why I seeme as it were so confusedly to deale in the cause for how can a distempered mind be sit especially in methode to propound any matter sith that to the orderlie deliuerie of thinges there must of necessitie concurre a quiet hart and a staied head Howbeit this I dare notwithstanding protest that for the bodie of the treatie there is in it nothing vnsound or vncertaine and therefore in that respect may the more safely be receiued As for the reasons leading me to present this little labour to your Lordships though they bee many the same waightie also yet take them I beseech you in a worde as it were You haue vouchsaued me sundry honorable fauours and I would not willingly seeme or be thought either vnmindfull of them or vnthankefull for them in any dutie that God hath or shal be pleased to inable me to performe You execute the iustice of the land nay which is more the verie iustice of God himselfe euen deriued from himselfe by her Maiesties holy hand and power How fit therefore it is that his example should bee set before you whose person you doe in some sort beare and whose iudgement also you execute in your functions that so you might in your places tread also in some good measure in his pathes your selues can more wisely iudge than I am able to relate You both professe the holy gospell of Christ and may in some sort and sense be reckoned amongst them that mourne for your owne sinnes and for the transgressions of the land also How meet it is that you and others with you shuld see that you haue not taken vp this lamentation without cause as welfor that which is past present as for that which is feared to come But I will represse my selfe in these thinges and will not cease according to all the graces that I haue receiued frō God to commēd these causes into his most merciful hands who only worketh wonderful things both in heauen and in earth that so turning vs from our euil waies vnto himselfe and knitting our harts daily more and more vnto him wee may haue assured hope of the bettering of our estate in this life according to his owne good pleasure or at the least of the euerlasting sauing of our soules notwithstanding all the troubles and turmoiles that may fal out in the world The Lord alwaies and in all things also direct your Lorships both by his holy spirite and vntill the daye of Christ make perfecte in you all good works that hee hath begun for the prosperitie of Sion or the commoditie of the common wealth to his glorie and your euerlasting comforte thorowe Christ London the 1. of Nouember 1595. Your Lordships bounden and readie euer in Iesus Christ Tho. Wilcocks the Lords vnworthie A short narration of the fearefull fire that fell in the towne of VVooburne in the Countie of Bedford on Saturdaie the 13. of September last 1595. Lord Iesus begin and make an ende MEN brethren and fathers yea whosoeuer amongst you truly feareth God vnfainedly loueth his lawe stedfastlye beleeueth his promises and sincerely obeieth his wil to you and to euery one of you I say are the words of trueth and exhortation following directed not of a hatefull heart I assure you against any for I wish would labour your good generally and especially the saluation of your soules as mine owne nor yet of a minde curious in other mens causes with the neglect of them that belong to my selfe for I know it to bee displeasing before God and vnprofitable to my selfe but of an earnest desire in christian charitie by al meanes lawful and that according to my vttermost abilitie to assay to doe good vnto others as vnto mine owne soule and to labour what I can the setting forth of his glory that hath created vs and placed vs in this worlde for that speciall end and purpose that so at the last also after we haue a little glorified him here we might thorough his mercie and Christs merites obtaine the fruition of euerlasting life and the immortall glorification of our bodies and soules in that great and last day Wherein if either thorow the vncleanenes of my heart or the pollution of my hands or