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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A85134 A confession and profession of faith in God: by his people who are inscorn [sic] called Quakers. Also shewing that the people of God are no vagabonds, nor idle, dissolute persons, nor Jesuites, though they wander up and down, and pass from one country to another, and from one nation to another, as they are moved of the Lord in his service. And this is to clear the truth from all false aspersions. By R. Farnsvvorth. R. F. (Richard Farnworth), d. 1666. 1659 (1659) Wing F478; Thomason E935_1; ESTC R202127 17,443 18

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revealed And after that Paul and Barnabas had been banished as aforesaid or expelled out of their Coasts at Antioch in Pisidea Heb. 13. and those Regions when they had been in the synagogue there and sate silent till the legal Preacher or Reader had done who after that declared the truth in opposition to the deceit but the enmitie standing in the minds of the old envious professors and citizens as aforesaid they did not onelie act Antichrists part in rejecting the truth declared to cast it out of the peoples affections by contradicting and blaspheming the Lords Messengers but they proceeded further in Antichrists work as to reject and banish or expel the said Messengers of Christ out of their coasts and such an Antipathie there is between Christ and Antichrist that the Antichristians now though formal and feigned professed Christians they cannot indure that the truth and true real Christians and servants of Christ should be entertained and abide in their Coasts but endeavours are used to get a Law to whip them by the advice or consent of the professed Ministers of Christ till blood come and then bannish or expel them out of their coasts who are the Lords true Messengers and Ministers according to the order and appointment of the Holie Ghost and so send them awaie with a Passe to the end that as much as in the will of corrupt man is truth may be kept under from growing and taking place in the peoples hearts and affections but though Antichrist hath now as then he had such as will so act his part under specious pretences against the truth yet the prosperitie of the truth is a torment to the adversaries thereof And when Paul and Barnabas had been bannished as aforesaid yet they were not discouraged but waxed bold in the Lord and afterward went to Iconium and went both together into the synagogue of the Jews though they had not the command there to stand up as the parish-priests do in the high-places and the said Paul and Barnabas so spake that a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed But then as now the unbelievers that were Jewes even great professors they stirred up the Gentiles and made their minds evil affected against the Brethren Act. 14.1 2. Yet notwithstanding they abode a long time speaking boldlie in the Lord but the multitude of the Citie were divided then as now where the truth taketh place in the hearts and affections of some of the Citizens c. and part held with the Jews and part with the Apostles Act. 14.3 4. insomuch that there was then as oft-times now is or of late hath bin an assault made both of the professors and people together with their Rulers to use them that received the truth and the Lords Messengers both despitefullie and stone them Act. 4. Yet they that were thus assaulted by the people professors and Rulers and against them had such crueltie intended they were neither idle wandering dissolute persons nor Jesuits nor Vagabonds no more are such as the envious professors falselie accuseth to the Magistrates to be so now And after that crueltie intended against the said servants of the Lord and as before-mentioned after they left Iconium as it were ordered they went abroad in the Countries without a Passe-port from the said Rulers c. to Listea and Derbe Cities of Lyconia and unto the Region that lieth round about and there they preached the Gospel Act. 14.6 7. but though they so passed abroad in the Countries or Cities and Regions round about without any mans Passe-port or as aforesaid yet they were neither Jesuits nor idle wandering dissolute persons or vagrants no more then such the Lords Messengers that passe abroad in the Countries to declare the minde of the Lord are now though this generation falslie accuse them to be so and are readie to get a Law made intentionallie against them to punish them under such false censures and denominations but yet notwithstanding the innocencie of the innocent stands clear in the sight of the Lord and his servants and messengers that are so accused as aforesaid doth and will stand justified in the sight and account of the Lord when the wicked whoever they are that are troublers of them shal be troubled and justlie condemned before the Lord when he taketh vengeance on them that are the troublers of his children and servants and as you may read 2 Thess 1.4 5 6 7 8 9. v And whil'st the aforenamed servants and messengers of Christ that passed abroad in the Countries and as aforesaid Act. 14.6 was preaching the Gospel in those places and Regions last mentioned Act. 14.19 c. as Listra Derbe and the Regions round about c. there came thither certain professors as Jews from Antioch and Iconiom places and cities where the said servants of the Lord had declared the truth and from one of them places were banished as is apprehended and at the other towards them much evil by Rulers and people was intended as aforesaid who perswaded the people against them and having stoned Paul drew him out of the Citie supposing he had been dead Mark this you that are envious professors and all such as are persecutors and read your examples by comparing the fruits of your envious spirits with the fruits of such as so acted before you against the Lords truth and his messengers c. Howbeit Paul was not dead when they supposed that he he had so been upon the aforesaid persecution and stoning but he rose up and came into the Citie and the next daie he departed with Barnabas to Derbe and when they had preached the Gospel to that Citie and had taught many they returned again to Listra and through the countries to Iconium where so much evil were and had been intended against them as aforesaid and from thence to Antioch and at Antioch in Pissidia they had been banished or expelled out of their coasts as aforementioned confirming the souls of the Disciples exhorting them also to continue in the faith and that we must through great tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God And after that and when they had passed throughout the Countrie of Pisidia they came to Pamphilia and when they had passed abroad in the Countrie and had preached the word in Perga they went abroad in the Countries down into Attalia and from thence passing over Sea sailed to Antioch from whence they had been recommended by the Grace of God for the work which they fulfilled Act. 14.19 to the end Act. 13.1 2. And though they passed so much abroad in the Countries and beyond seas to declare the truth and met with such great persecution and had so much evil intended against them by Rulers and people yet notwithstanding they had not any Passe-port or certificate for their travelling under the hand or seal of any Port-Graves Bailiffs Constables of Castles Conservators of the Peace of Cities Corporations Towns places or Countries and Provinces Sheriffs Mayors Keepers of National Liberties c. nor from under the hand or seal of any called Justices of the peace or any other head Officer or Officers of such aforesaid repective places that ever we read of yet they were no Vagrants nor idle dissolute wandering persons c. No more are the servants of the Lord now though they do and may passe much abroad in the Countries and over seas to do the will of the Lord as he them moves thereunto and without any mans Passe-port c. as the aforesaid servants of the Lord did though they may passe through many tribulations the footsteps of the flock of Christ and pathes to the entrance into the Kingdom of God R. F.
to visit the Widdows and Fatherless in their distress and to keep themselves unspotted of the World When the righteous are in authority the good people rejoice but when the wicked beareth rule the good people mourn Prov 29.2 For the righteous considereth the cause of the poor but the wicked regardeth not to know it verse 7. And if a Ruler hearken to lyes all his servants are wicked as you may read Prov 29.12 Therefore how just and upright ought Rulers to be that they may not encourage the wicked and cause them to rejoice in their wickedness and cause the godly to mourn and be sad Judges officers which God comanded and ordained in the time of old to be set up in all the gates throughout the Tribes 1. They was to judge the people with just Judgement 2. They were not to wrest Judgement 3. They was not to respect persons 4. They was not to take a gift for the Lord saith A gift doth blind the eyes of the wise And 5. They was not to pervert the words of the righteous But 6. That which was altogether just they was to follow as the Lord hath said and as you may read Deut. 16.18 19 20. And 7. When a controversie did arise between man and man so that it came before the Judges to be determined the Judges was enjoined by the Law of God to make diligent Inquisition to the end that they might before judgement find out the truth or falshood of the Witnesses and if the judge by diligent enquiry c. found out the Witness to be a false Witness and testifie a false thing against another 8. Then he was to have passed the same judgement upon the false Witness that he should have done upon the other that he witnessed against if his testimony had been true as you may read Deut. 19.15.16 to the end of the chapter Judges are forbidden by the Lord and by his Law to wrest the Judgement of the poor in his cause as aforesaid And 9. Judges and officers are required by the Law of God to keep them far from a false matter 10. the Lord doth forbid Judges for slaying by false judgement the innocent and righteous and again Judges are forbidden takeing a guift as you may read Exod. 23.6.7 8.11 Also the Lord saith Thou shalt not raise a false report 12. Nor put thy hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous Witness 13. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evill 14. Neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgement the Lord doth forbid it Exod. 23.1 2. And Moses in his charge to the judges commandded and charged them First to hear the causes between their Brethren And 2. To judge righteously between every man and his Brother and the stranger that was with him And thirdly That they should not respect persons in judgement But 4. That they should hear the small as wel as the great And 5. That they should not be afraid of the face of man for saith he The judgement is Gods and the judgement that it too hard for you bring it unto me and I will hear it as you may read Deut. 11.16 17 18. Deut. 16.18 19 20. And by the Law of God he is pronounced accursed that perverteth the judgement of the Stranger fatherless and widow Deut. 17.19 Jehoshaphat the King of Judah when he returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem 2 Chron 19.1 He set Iudges in the Land throughout all the fenced cities of Judah City by City Ver 5. And charged them or said to the Iudges 1. Take heed what ye do 2. For ye judge not for man 3. But for the Lord 4. Who is with you in judgement Wherefore now let the fear of the Lord be upon you take heed and do it 5. For there is no Iniquity with the Lord our God 6. Nor respect of persons 7. Nor takeing of guifts And he charged them saying Thus shall ye do in the fear of the Lord and with a perfect heart See 2 Chron 19.5 6 7 8 9. And such Judges Magistrates and Officers we own and honour in our hearts and souls who rule for God by the holy spirit and according to the holy Scriptures of the old and new Testament God is our Witness that we ly not And if any would have such owned to rule for God and honored with the honor given from God who are not led by his holy Spirit but act contrary thereunto and contrary to the holy Scriptures then speak it out plain For all such as are owned and honored by the only true God we honour and own And as concerning the office and duty of Rulers and Magistrates or officers and Ministers according to the new Testament He that ruleth for God must rule with diligence Rom 12.8 One that ruleth well his own house in the first place 1 Tim 3.4 Let the Elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour 1 Tim. 5.17 For Rulers that rule by the power of God are not a terror to good works but to the evil wilt thou then not be afraid of the power do that which is good and then thou shalt have praise of the same as you may read Rom 13.3 Is any power for the praise and encouragement of those that do good but the power of God and is not that the highest power which every soul is required to be subject to if the soul be not required to be subject to any powers but the powers of God which are the higher powers then ought every Ruler amongst men before they rule for God having Souls to let their souls in the first place be subject to the higher powers which be of God And then being ordained and impowered by the power of God to rule for him they will not be a terror to good works because good works they are brought forth by vertue of the power of God and by the same power in him and powers comunicated by him to men to rule for him they are to be defended and encouraged by the men of God that rule and minister for him to the praise of his but to the evil Whose works proceeds from the power of the Devil 1 Joh 3.8 10 12. They are a terrour who are in Gods power ordained and impowered to be Ministers of his justice and peace wilt thou not then as aforesaid be afraid of the power of God do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the same For he that rules therein is the minister of God to thee for good but if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is the minister of God and therefore ought to discern between good and evil to the end that he may not discourage them that do well under pretence that they do evil nor to encourage them that do evil under pretence that they do well For if he err from the power of