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A22836 A collection of the substaunce of certayne necessarye statutes, to be by the iustices of peace diligently executed, within euery sheare of the realme; Laws, etc. England and Wales. 1561 (1561) STC 9339.5; ESTC S3148 17,398 8

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thousand mar kes or the sonne of a Duke Marques Earle Viscount or baron shal haue in his house to spende anye pece of Gascoyne French or rochel wyne aboue ten Gallons vpon forfeyture of x. li None shal kepe any cauerne or sel by retayle any wynes except certayne places appoynted in the statute except such as haue the kynges and Quenes letters vpon forfeyture for euery day None shall kepe any tauerne nor retayle anye wine but suche as shal be assygned thervnto by wrytynge vpon forfeyture of fyue pound for euery daye There shal be assygned but two tauernes in euery towne except certen townes Forty tauernes shal be in London and certen numbre is appointed for diuers cities and townes None shall sell by retayle any wynes to be spent in his house vpon forfeyture of ten pounde March auntes aduenturyng for wines may spend in his house such wynes as he bryngeth into Englande not sellynge it Sheryffes and hed officers of towne corporate and kepers of fortes maye haue wyne in theyr howses to spend there wythoute sellynge Iustices of peace Stewardes of letes shiriffes and eschetours maye enquyre by xii men of these offences the moitie of the forfcytures there founde to the kyng thother to the pore people of that place Thys Acte shall not take awaye the priuiteges of the vniuersities Of VVoodes Anno. 35. Hen. 8. cap. 17. VPon woodes Copyes or vnder wooddes there shal be left vnfelled for euery acre felled twelue standelles like to proue timber whych shal be preserued tyl they be of tenne inches square wythin shre fots of the grounde vpon forfeyture for euerye standell so not lefte .iii. s. iiii d. ¶ All copyes and vnderwoddes at thage of fourtene yeares during foure yeares shal be enclosed or the sprynges thereof preserued vpon forfeyture for euery rode iii. s.iiii d. for euery moneth ¶ All copyes and vnderwoddes felled aboue the age of xiiii yeares during sixe yeares shal be enclosyd or the spring preserued vpō forfeyture of iii. s.iiii d. for euery monthe ¶ None shal retourne into pasture or tyllage any copyes or vnder woddes conteininge two acres nowe preserued for thincrease of wodde vpon forfeyture for euery acre xl.s ¶ Euery person hauing any seuerall wods or copyes with great trees aboue iiii and twenty yeres groth shal at the felling leue for euery acre twelue trees to be preserued during twenty yeares ¶ And during seuen yeares enclose them or preserue the springes vpon forfeyture for euery of those trees felled sixe shillinges eyght pence and for euery rode iii. s.iiii d. Sauing those trees maye be cutte downe for buildinges and reparations ¶ None hauing wodes wherin any hath comon shall sel those woddes but to his owne occupation tyl the forth part be by the owner inclosed as is declared in this acte ¶ And at euery felling it shal be enclosed and preserued .vii. yeares and no bestes durynge those seuen yeares shal be suffered to fede in the parte and the commons to haue their comon in the resydewe the lorde is excluded to put any cattel there or to take any profitte of the pasture there during those vii yeares and after the vii yeares al to lye in common for the lord and the commons ¶ And yf that parte enclosed be not fylled within iiii moneth than the commons to vse their comen and the owner to leaue open places whereby the common beastes may come in as longe as it shal stand vnfelled Certayne places and former bergaynes be excepted Breakers of fenses shall forfeyt x.s If any suffre his swine to go in any common or woddes not ringyd or pygged the owner shall forfeyt for euery swine .iiii. d. Where woodes shal be felled in any ground inclosed where dere shal be kepte their inclosure shall be kept for foure yeares If the inclousures be broken agaynst the wylles of the owner the penaltyes to be extēded vpon those by whom the spring shal be hurted After the wodes preserued by two yeares Coltes and Calues vnder a yeare old may be put there Against Vacaboundes Anno. 22. Hen. 8. cap. 12. THe iustices of peace Maiors Sherifes Bailifes other officers within their limites shall deuide them selfe and so deuided shal make diligente search and enquirie of all aged poore and impotente persons which of necessitie be compelled to liue of almes that shal be abiding within the limittes of their diuision and thervpon shal haue power by their discretions to enable to beg within their limittes such impotent persons which they shall thinke conuenient within the limittes of their diuision to liue of almes and to commaunde them not to begge without the lymittes to them so appointed and shall wryte the names of euery such begger in a rol indented whereof th one parte to remayne with them selfes and thother to be certified at the next sessions of the peace and they so deuided shal haue power to make seales with the names of the hundredes rapes wapentakes cities boroughes townes or places within which they shal limit euery such begger shal deliuer to euery such begger a letter sealed with the sayde Seale and subscribed with the name of one of the said iustices or officers conteining hys name witnessyng that he is aucthorised to begge and hys lymyttes and if he begge out of hys limittes the iustice of peace al other the kinges offycers shal imprison him in the stockes by two dayes and two nyghtes geuing him onely breade and water and after shall cause him to be sworne to retourne without delaye to the place where he is auctorised to begge in ¶ No impotent person shal begge except he be auctorised by wrytinge vnder seale as is aboue sayde and if any impotent person goo a begging hauing no such letter the constable and other inhabitauntes ther shal cause them to be brought to the next Iustice of peace or high constable of the hundreth who shal cause the bryngers to strippe him naked from the middle vpwarde and cause him to be whypped wher the sayde Iustice or high constable shal appoynt or els commaund him to be set in stockes where he was taken by three dayes and thre nightes there to haue onelye breade and water and therevpon the sayde Iustice or highe constable shall lymit to hym a place to begge in and geue him a letter vnder seale as is aforesaide and swere him to repayre thither immediately If any beynge whole and able to laboure be taken in begginge or hauinge no lande mayster nor vsyng any lawful marchaundise or craft to get his liuing be vagaraunt and can geue no reckening howe he doth get his liuinge then it shal be lawefull to the constables and subiectes of euerye place to arest him and brynge him to anye Iustice of peace or to the hyghe constable of that place and if he be taken in anye towne corporate then to be broughte to the mayor Sherifes or bayliffes there and they to cause hym to be had to the
nexte place where they shal thincke conueniente and there to be tyed to th ende of a carte naked and to be beaten with whyppes through out that place tyl his body be bloudy and thē he by them to be enioyned by his othe to retourne forthewith the nexte waye to the place where he was borne or where he last dwelt by three yeres and ther to put him selfe to laboure and he to haue a letter sealed with the seale of the place wherein he shal be punished witnessing that he hathe ben punished according to this estatute and conteyninge the daye and place of his punishmente and the place whervnto he is lymitted to goo and by what tyme he is limytted to come thyther wythin whych tyme he maye lawefully begge by the waye And yf he doo not accomplyshe that letter then to be efte soones whypped and so often as any default shal be in hym in euery place to be whypped til he be repayred where he was borne or wher he last dwelt by three yeres and there to labor for his liuinge And yf anye so whypped be an ydle person and no common begger then after suche whyppinge he shal be kepte in stockes til he haue found suertye to go to seruice or laboure or els to be sworne to repayre where he was borne or wher he last dwelt by thre yeares and to haue lyke letter and punishment yf he eftsones offende as is aboue appointed for the comon strong begger and so frō time to time tyl he gette hys lyuing Iustices of peace shall haue power to enquyre of all Maiors and other officers persons that shal be necligent in executing this acte If the Constables and inhabitauntes wher anye suche im potente persons or strong beggers do begge be necligent and do not punishe him as is aboue limitted the to wneshyppe for euery such impotent begger shall forfayt iii.s.iiii d. and for euerye stronge begger sixe shyllynges eyght pence the moyte c. All Iustices of peace shall haue power to determine euery such defaulte and to make processe by dystres against the inhabitauntes ther by which distresse the Shyriffe shal deteyne the good of such one or two of the said inhabitauntes as he maye haue knowledge were most necligent in the execution of this act the said distres retayne tyl he fynd suertie to appeare at the sessions limitted in the sayde distres yf he appeare confesse the default or transgresse the presentment and it be tried agayust hym or denye the information it is proued agaynst hym then the Iustices of peace in their Sessions shal assesse their fine if it grow by presentmēt the leuiyng of the same by distres of the inhabitauntes of the towne the fines and to make proces for to the kyng and if it growe by information then the moyte to him that sueth c. If any person distreyned appeare not then vppon the returne he shal lose at the fyrste iii.s.iiii d. and at the second vi.s.viii d. and so to be doubled for euery distres Scolers of vniuersities that go a begging not being auctorised vnder the seale of the vniuersitie and al shypmen pretending losses on the sea going a begging without aucthoritie shal be punished like strōg beggers And all procters and pardoners going without auctoritie and al other ydle persons some vsing vnlaweful games and some fayning to haue knowledge in phisicke phisnomy palmistry or other crafty sciences yf he before two Iustices of the peace wherof one to be of the Quorum be found gyltye shal be whipped two dayes together after the maner before rehersed for the second offence to be scourged two dayes and the third day to be put on the pyllory from nine of clocke vnto eleuen and to haue one of hys eares cutte of and for the third tyme to haue lyke punyshment to haue his other eare cut of The Iustices of peace haue like aucthoritie within theyr fraunchyses Thys act shal be yerely reade in the open sessions If any geue herborow or money to any begger hable to worke he shall make fyne to the kynge by the discretion of the Iustices of peace at theyr general sessions If any let th execution of this acte or make rescues he shal forfeit C.s. and haue imprisonmente at the kynges wyl th one moyte c. This acte shal not be preiudiciall to the barons and inhabytauntes of the fyue portes And the Maior Baylyffe electes and Iurates in any towne within the fyue portes haue lyke aucthoritie as the Iustices of peace haue in any sheyre And the inhabitauntes within the sayd fyue portes shal be bound to th execution of this acte vpon like payne before remembred and if any that shal inhabite within the fiue portes beg without the fiue portes he to be punished according to this act euery letter to be made wherby any impotēt shal be aucthorised to beg shal be made in this forme Kent S. Memorandum that A.B. of D. for reasonable considerations is licensed to beg within the hundred of P.K. and L. in the sayd countie geuen vnder the seale of that limit tali die anno And euery letter deliuered to suche begger or vagabounde after he hath bene whypped shal be made in thys wyse Kent S. I. S. whipped for a vagabound stronge begger at Dale in the sayd county according to the lawe the xii day of Iuly in the xxiii yeare of kyng Henrye the eyght was assigned to passe forthwith and directly from thence to Gale in the county of Med. wher he sayth he was borne or where he last dwelled by the space of three yeares and he is lymytted to be there within fourtene dayes next ensuing at hys peryl In witnes wherof the seale of the limitte of the saide place of hys punishment herevnto is set And euery such letter aboue reharsed shal be made at the equal costes of all suche Iustices Mayors and other officers aboue rehearsed and shal be subscribed wyth one of their handes after thys forme Per me A.B. vnum Iustitiariorum pacis or Maiorem ciuitatis or Ballium uillae or Constabularium talis hundreth or els in lyke forme in Englishe And they that haue the custodye of anye galoes shall make a seale graunted with the name of the pryson or gaole and they that be deliuered oute of pryson for suspicions of felonye and haue not wherewith to pay their fees shal haue libertye to beg for their fees by vi wekes and then compelled to go where he was borne or where he laste dwelled by three yeares and euery one so deliuered shal haue a letter to him deliuered by the clerke of the peace or by the towne clerke where he is deliuered wytnessinge the tyme and space of his deliueraunce and afore whome and the tyme appoynted hym to begge for hys fees and the place whether he is assigned to go and to euery such letter the gaoler shal put to the seale before rehersed and euery such letter shal be
house shall conteyne what game shal be there vsed and who shal play thereat or ells to be voyde and the partie opteinyng such placard to be bound in the Chauncetye to vse the placarde not otherwyse Iustices of peace and hed officers to resort to suspected places and to impryson the kepers and players vntyll they haue found suertie to leaue it The hed officers to make searche monthly in suspecte places vpon forfeyture of fortye shyllynges No artificer husbandman apprentyse nor seruaunt shall playe at tables tenys dyse cardes bowles or other vnlawefull game out of Chrystmas vpon forfeiture of twenty shyllynges And in Chrystmas in theyr mayster houses or presence None shall bowle in open place withoute his garden or Orcharde vpon forfeyture of vi s.viii d. Iustices of peace and head officers shall commit to awarde such as shall vse vnlawefull games tyll they be bounde to the contrarye All sutes vppon the Statute to be comensyd within the yeare The Lorde of the lete to haue th one Moyte and he that wyll sue to haue the other and oute of fraunchyses the kynge to haue the one moyte Proclamation to be made by the Iustices and hed officers foure times in the yeare in euerye markette and sessyons Against Rebellion Anno. 1. Ma. cap. 12. IF .xii. or aboue assembled together intende or practise with force and of theyr owne aucthoritie to chaunge any lawes made for religion by parliament or any statutes or to ouerthrowe cut breake or digge vp the pales hedges dyches or other enclosiers of any parke or ground enclosed or the bankes of any fyshe pond or pole or any conduyt conduyt heades or pypes hauing course of water to the entente that the same shoulde remayne not enclosed or voyde or vnlawfully to haue comon or way in the sayde parke or grounde or to destroy the dere in any parke or any warren of connyes or any douehouses or anye fyshe in anye ponde or pole or to pull or cutte downe anye houses barnes milles or bayes or to burne anye stacke of corne or to abate the rent of any landes or the pryce of any victual they being commaunded by the sheriffe or any Iustice of peace Maior or Bailiffe of any towne corporate where suche assemble shal be by proclamation in the Quenes name to retire to their houses and shal remayne together by an houre after the proclamacion or after shal inforcible maner attempte any thinge abouesayde this is felonye It is felony in any person that wythout aucthorytye by ringinge any bell soundynge anye trompet drumme horne or other instrument fyryng any beacon malictous speakyng any wordes makyng anye outcrye settynge vp or castinge any wrytynge or by any act shal repse or cause to be reysed twelue personnes or aboue to thyntente that the same persons should do any thinge aboue mentioned which persons so reysed after commaundement as is aforesayd do continue together or vnlawefully do any thing abouesayde It is felonye in any wife or seruaunte or any other that without compultion shal sende deliuer or conueye any money harnes artyllery weapon or vyctual to any so assembled which do not depart to theyr houses after commaundement as is aforesayde If aboue .ii. and vnder xii assembled together entende or practise with force of theyr owne aucthoritie to kyl any subiecte or to ouerthrow cut break or digge vp the pales hedges diches or other closure of any parke or grounde enclosed or the bancke of any fyshe pond or pole to th entent that the same shuld rem ayne open or voyde or to haue common or waye there or to destroy any parke fyshe pond or pole or any warren of connies or any donehouse or to pull or cut downe anye house barne mill or to burne any stackes of corne or altar or abate the rentes of any landes of any subiecte or the pryce of any vyctuall or anye other thinge vsuall for the sustenaunce or apparell of men and being commaunded as aforesayde to retyre to theyr houses and shal not so do but after shall in forcible maner attempte or put in vre anye of the thynges last mentioned they shall suffre imprisonment by a yeare If any shal be damnifyed by the doyng or putting in vre of anye thing aboue mencioned he shal recouer agaynst the offendors damages with the costes of the sute trebled If aboue two vnlawefullye assemble to thintent with force to do or put in vre anye of the thynges abouesayd it shal be lawefull to euery iustice of peace Sheryffe Maire baylyfe or heade officer of anye towne corporate or any other hauyng the Quenes commission or letters aswell to rayse the subicetes in maner of warre in such numbre as he shall thinke mete to thintent by strengeth to supprese and take the persons so assembled and that yf those persons so assembled after such commaundement by proclamation shall continue together and not endeuor them selfes to retourne towardes their habitations in such shorte time as they may conueniently then it shal be laweful to them Hauing aucthoritie as is aforesayde to suppresse and take them so vnlawefullye assembled and that yf any of them shal fortune to be kylled or hurte aboute the suppressing or taking of them euerye personne hauing aucthoritie as is aforesayd shal be vnpunyshable of such kyllyng or hurtyng Euery copyholder and fermer beyng yoman artificer husbandman or labourer of xviii yeares olde or vnder ix not impotent nor hauynge resonable excuse being requyred by them hauyng aucthoritie as is aforesayde they declaring their aucthoritie or being required by the Lord imediate of their copiholde or by the landelorde of the ferme to serue the Quene for any cause abouesayd and refuse so to do shal during his life lose to his lord al their copyholdes and to his landlord his ferme and they to entre into the same and to retayne the same during the life of the offendor If any which shal be moued to make commotion or vnlawful assembly for any of the ententes abouesayd do not within xxiiii houres oneles he haue resonable excuse declare the same to a iustice of peace or sherife Maior Bayliffe or other heade officer of towne corporate where such mocion is he shal be imprisoned by three monethes onles he be discharged by three Iustices of peace of that Shyre whereof one to be of the Quoum ¶ If anye aboue xviii yeares olde and vnder ix able to serue which shal be required by any Iustice of peace or the Sherife there or by the Maior Bailiffe or other hed officer of any Towne Corporate or by anye of their commaundementes to go with him to suppres the persons vnlawefully assembled do willinglye and obstinately refuse so to do he shal be imprisoned by a yeare If the Quene by letters patentes make anye liuetenaunt in anye Shire for the Suppression of any commotion than the iustices of peace Sheriffes hed officers and al subicetes there except they haue resonable excuse shal vpon declaration of the letters patentes request
made in this wise folowinge Essex S. The .xx. day of Iuly An. regni regis H. viii xxiii I. S. was delyuered for felonye oute of the gaole of D. in the sayde countye at the Sessions holden before A.B. and his felowes at Gale the daye and yeare aforesayde and is allowed to begge for his fees by the space of .vi. wekes in case he can get him no maister to worke with within the sayde terme then he is assigned to passe directly to Dale in the sayde countye of Kent where he saide he was borne or where he last dwelled by the space of thre yeres and he is allowed .xiiii. dayes nexte after the said sixe wekes for his passage thither In witnes wherof the seale of the said prison is herevnto set And in such shyres where is no gayle the Sherife shal cause a seale to be ingraued with the name of the shyre and shall ordre and vse the same in like forme And euery clerke of the peace or towne clerke shal make for euerysuch person so deliuered the sayd letter without any see therefore taken and deliuer it to the gaoler or the Sherife of the Shyre yf there be no gaoler within one day after the sessions vpō paine of forfeiting for default of euery letter .xii. d. to the kyng Nor the gaolers nor Shyriffes shal suffre none to depart out of pryson except it be to seruice or labour without he first delyuer hym the sayd lettre sealed with the sayd seale vnder like payne for euery defaulte And yf any being deliuered out of prison do beg without hauing such letter or do beg contrary to the tenor of hys letter thē he to be taken and whipped as aboue is sayd of the strong beggers and that to be done vpon suche payne as is afore limitted for none execution of punyshment of strong beggers Euery personne beyng bounde by any foundation to geue any money in almes and to euerye person at common doles vsed at buryalls or obyttes to geue money in almes to al persons commynge to suche 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 before this tyme ●●ue ●●ne Maysters of hospitalls maye lodge anye person accordyng to their foundacion and to geue money in almes in suche wyse as they are bounde to do Against Vacaboundes Anno. 3. Edwar. vi Ca. 16. If any aged or impotent offend this statute he shal be punished as is proued in the statute of two and twentye H. viii capi .xii. Common labourers hable in body vsing loytering and refusyng to worke for such reasonable wages as is most commonly geuen wher he dwelleth shal be for euery refusel adiudged a vagabound and shal be punished as strong and myghtye vacaboundes in such forme as is declared in the sayd act of 22. All mayres Sheryfes baylifes constables or hed officers of citie Towne or village shal before the purificacion Anno. domi 1549. se al such idell impotent maymed and aged persons who can not be taken for vacaboundes which were borne there or haue bene there most conuersaunt by three yeares and now decayed prouyded of houses at the costes of the sayde Towne there to be releued and cured by the deuocion of the people there And that they do not suffer there any other to begge within that precincte except such as are aucthorised by this act vpon forfeyture for euery foure dayes x.s to him that wil sue Mayres Baylifes Sherifes constables and other hed officers shal euery moneth once make a vew of aged impotent and lame beggers within their precinct se al such as were not borne ther nor hath bene for the most part there conuersaunt by thre yeares or be not aucthorised by this estatute conueied to the next constables and they to conuey them to the next constables and so from constables to constables til he be brought to the place wher he was borne or was most conuersaunt there to be nouryshed of almes as is aforesayd vpon forfeiture for euery default x.s the one moite c. If any such aged maimed or impotent person not soo impotente but that they maye worke in some worke than such Towne shal either in common prouide such worke for him as he may be occupied in or appoint him such as wyl fynde hym worke for meate and drinke which if he refuse to do or tunne away and begge than to punyshe him with stokkyng beting or other wise as shal seme conuenient All lepers and bedderedes may remaine in such houses appointed for them as they be nowe in and may appoint their proctours so they be not aboue two for one house together almes wtin foure myles Commissions may be graunted to such as hath their howses or barnes burnyd or such losses or to lepers to gather almes If any chylde aboue fyue yeare olde or vnder .xiiii. go wanderyng or alone if any that is able to kepe it wil take it from any begger being the father or mother or other and bring it before one of the Constables there and the next quarter sessions nexte present it in the presentes of the constable before the Iustices of peace there promysed to bring it vp til the woman childe be xv yeare old the man child .xvii. yere old these Iuistces shal adiudg that child vnto those ages to be seruaūt to him so promising which child shal be ordered as seruauntes wtout wages and that iudgement to be entred by the clearke of the peace If suche chylde runne awaye the mayster to take it and kepe it and punishe it at the libertye of the mayster and to haue a warrant from a Iustice of the peace for the child running away and therby the chylde to be taken and ordered as is prouided by the statute laborers for seruauntes departing out of theyr maysters seruyce If any person stele or intise awaye anye suche chylde soo adiudged for a seruaunt the maister to take an action vpon the statute laborers agaynst such steler or intiser or an action of trespas wherein he shal recouer damages and treble costes of his sute If the mayster be vnreasonable in orderynge suche childe then vpon complaynte made at the quarter sessions by two honest neyghbours if it shal then appeare by honest wytnes the cōplaint to be true the Iustices of peace shal discharge the chyld from hys mayster and appoint him to some other that to be written in the boke of the clerke of the peace for which he shal haue foure pence and shall haue also foure pence for the fyrst entry of the chyld to be seruaunt this to be payde by the mayster If such woman child be maried afore fiuetene yeare olde she shal be dyscharged of seruice Euery vacabounde or begger being alien shal in fourme aforesaid and vpon the forfeitures aforesaid be conueied from place to place to the place next adioyning to hys countrie or to the next port yf ther be sea betwene this realme and hys country there to be kept of the inhabitauntes of that porte in conuenient laboure or otherwyse tyll he
❧ A Collection of the substaunce of certayne necessarye statutes to be by the Iustices of Peace diligently executed within euery sheare of the Realme The Collection i. Of Alehouses ii Of Apparell iii. Of Apprentyces iiii Of Archerye v. Of playes and games vi Of Rebellion vii Of Regrtors and forestallets viii Of Tyllage ix Of Vyttels and Wodde x. Of Wynes xi Of Woddes xii Agaynst Vacaboundes xiii Agaynst reteyners geuers of liueries xiiii For Robberies and Watches xv Against reportes of slaūderous tales newes Of Alehouses Anno. 5. Edw. 6. cap 25. IVstices of peace shal remoue comen alehouses tiplinghouses wher they shal thinke mete None shal be suffered to kepe any common alehouse or tiplinghouse but such as shal be admitted in the sessions of the peace or by two Iustices of peace and they shal be bounde by recognisaunce agaynst the vsynge of vnlawefull games and for maintenaunce of good rule ¶ The Iustices of peace shal certifye the recognisaunce at the next quarter sessions ¶ Iustices of peace in their quarter sessions shall enquyre and determine of them that be too admitted and bounde ¶ If any not admitted shal kepe a cōmen alehouse or tiplingbouse the Iustices of peace shal commit hym to the common gayle for .iii. dayes and before his delyueraunce shall take recognisaunce wyth two suertyes that he shal not kepe any alehouse or typlinghouse ¶ The Iustices shall certifye those recognisaunces and offences at the next quarter sessions which certificate shall be of conuiction of the offence and .xx. s. shall in the sessions be assessed for the syne ¶ Fayres be accepted Of Apparayle Anno. 1 2. Phil. and Mar. cap. 2. NO englyshe man other then the sonne and beyre apparaunte of a kuight or he that hath yearly reuenues of xx .li. or be worth in goodes .cc. li. shall were sylke in or vpō his hatte cappe nyghtcappe gyrdelles scabarde hose shooes or spurreleathers vpon forfeyture of x. li. for euery daye and imprysonment by three monethes ¶ Iustices of Assise and of the peace Sheriffes Stewardes in letes head officers of townes corporate shal enquyre and determine the offences and commit the offender to prison tyll he haue payde the forfayture ¶ If any knowyng his seruaunte to offende do not put him out of his se ruice within .xiiii. dayes or so put oute retayne hym agayne within a yeare after such offence he shal forfeyt C. li ¶ Any aboue the degree of a knyghtes sonne or doughter or wyfe to any of them or Mayor or head-officer in any towne corporate or the wyfe of any of them or the kynges or the Queenes seruauntes in ordinary wages attendaunt wearinge ordinary liueries maye weare as they myght before ¶ None shal be compelled to put awaye his apprentice or hyred seruaunt before th end of terme ¶ Women may were in theyr hattes cappes gyrdels and hoodes as they myght before Of Apprentices Anno. 7. Henri 4. cap 17 APprentice where his father and mother can not dispende xx s. by yeare his couenaunte shal be voyde he shal be put to such labour as his father and mother vseth or to some other as his estate requireth vppon payne of a yeares imprysonment and to make fyne and raunsome to the kyng and he that reteyneth hym shall paye C. s. to the king if the yerely valewe of his fathers and mothers land he not syrst testified vnder the Seale of the two Iustices of peace of his countrye ¶ And he that wylsue for the kyng shal haue th one halfe And in euery lete the that be oute of seruices shal be sworne to serue or els put in suertyes vntil they wyl serue ¶ And this sute shal be taken as well before the Iustices of peace as other Iustices ¶ By Anno. 8. Henri 6. cap. ii London is except And by Anno .xi. Hen. 7. cap. ii Norwich is except Of Archerye Anno. 33. Henri 8. cap. 9. EVerye subiecte vnder .xl. yeres of age not haninge impedimente excepte spirituall men Iustices and barons of thescheker shall vse shoting in long bowes and haue a bowe and arrowes redye The fathers and rulers of menchildren shal bring them vp in shoting and haue in his house for euerye man chylde of vii yeare olde tyll he come to xvii abowe and two shaftes and to abate the money for thē of theyr wages vpon forfeyture vi s. viii d. for euery month lackyng Euerye man after his age of xvii yeares shal haue a bowe foure arrowes and occupye the same vpon forfeiture of sixe shillinges eight pence for euery month lackyng None vnder xxiiii yeares shal shote at pry●kes vpon forfeyture of .iiii. d. for euerye shote None aboue xxiiii yeares shall shote at a marke of xi score or vnder with anye prickeshafte vnder payne of sixe shillinges eyght pence for euery shote None vnder seuetene yeares except he his father or mother haue ten pounde Landes or be worth forty markes in goodes shal shote in any bowe of ewe bought for him vpōn forfeiture of vi s.viii d. Butes shal be made and continued in euery place by thinhabytauntes vpon forfeyture .xx. s. for euery iii. monthes lackyng The inhabitauntes shal excertise shoting in holy dayes and tymes conueniente Bowyers out of London for euery bowe that he maketh of Ewe shal make .iiii. of Elme wich or other apte wodde vpon forfeyture iii. s.iiii d. for euerye bowe lackyng and in London for euery bowe of ewe shal make .ii. of asshe elme or other wodde mete No bowyers shal sel anye bowe of ewe for any vnder fouretene yeres aboue twelue pence And shall haue bowes of ewe for theym fro sixe pence to twelue pence And for them vnder one and twentye yeres at reasonable pryces and shall sell no bowe of ewe of the taxe called olk aboue three shyllynges foure pence vpon forfeyture of twenty shyllynges Bowstaues of ewe shal be solde open and not in bundelles Fletchers of London may sell tymber to other and ordinaunces made by their wardens or otherwyle to the contrary to be voyde Bowers fletchers stringers Arrohedmakers in London not free shal by thappointmente of one of the Councell inhabite in other Townes vpon forfeyture of xl.s. No alien nor denisen shal conuey out of the kynges obeysaunce any long bowes or arrowes vpon forfeyture thereof or the value and to haue imprisonmente tyll he haue made a fyne before the Iustices of peace or finde suretie for the fyne nor vse shot ynge without lycence vpon forfeyture of theyr bowes and arrowes to them that wyll sease Iustices of assise gayle deliuery and of the peace and Stewardes of letes to enquire an determine the premisses Of playes and games Anno 33. Hen. 8. cap. 9. NOne for gayne shall kepe any common place of bowling tenis dylinge or cardinge or vnlaweful game vpon forfeyture of forty shyllynges euery daye Euery person hauntyng the same to forfeyt for euery tyme sixe shillinges eight pence Euery placarde for a common gaming
made be bound to gyue attendaunce vpon the liuetenaunte to suppresse the commotion vpon paine of imprisonment of a yeare Yf any do let hinder or hurte any that shal proclaime or go to proclayme the proclamation whereby the proclamation shal not be made he so offendyng hauing knowledge of hys mesage shal incurre such payne and forfeyture as the persons assembled should haue incurred for not obeyng the proclamation yf it hadde bene made And euery person assembled to the numbre aforesayd to attempt or do anye thing aforesayd to whō proclamation shoulde or ought to haue bene made yf the same had not bene let as is aforesayde yf they do afterwarde commit any thing aforesayd hauing knowledge of the lete soo made or procuringe the same lete shal incurre like payne and forfeytures aforesayd as though the proclamation had bene made Theffect of this acte shal be declared at euery quarter sessions and at euery lete The heyre of euery offender aforesayd and al other excepte such persons as shal be attaynted conuicted or outlawed of any felony aforesayd shal enioye all suche righte and interest as they haue or shal or ought to haue as yf such atteynder had neuer bene made Sauing to all persons their liberties and fraunchises If any do procure anye to do anye of the offences aforesayd he shal suffre such imprisonment as is before expressed against conceiloures of such offēces If fortye or mo assembled in forcible maner and of their owne aucthoritie to thintent to do any of the thynges abouesayd or other feloneous or rebellious act and so shal continue together three howres after proclamation made at or nigh the place of the assemble or in some market towne next and after notice thereof to the geuen euery of them shal be adiudged a felon No liuetenaunte shal make any deputie nor shal conuent before hym by aucthoritie of lieutenanncie any for any cause saue onely for causes expressed in this acte None shal be put to any losse or punishment as accessary to any of the offenders aforesayde for receyuynge comforting or aydynge any such offendor after such acte commytted or done None attaynder or conuiction for any offence aforesayde shal be corruption of bloud betwene the offender and any of his Auncesters or such as should be heyre vnto him yf no such atteinder or conuiction hadde bene Of Regrators Forstallers and ingrocers Anno. 5. Edw. 6. cap. 14. HE that shall bye any thyng commyng to ward anye markette or fayre to be solde or comminge towarde anye place from beyonde the sea to be solde or make anye bargayue or promyse for hauynge the same before it shal be in the markette fayre or place to be solde or make any motion for inhauncinge of the pryce or dysswade any commyng to the markette or fayre to abstayne to bringe any thing thyther to be solde shal be adindged a forstallor He that shall regrate or get into his handes in any fayre or market any vitayle and do sell the same agayne there or in any other fayre or market wythin foure myles ther of shal be taken a regrator He that shall ingrosse and getre into his hande by byinge or promyse other then by demyse or lease of land or tithe any dede vitayles to sel agayne shal be taken an ingrocer The offendors aforesayde shall for the fyrste offence be imprysoned by two monethes and forfeyte the value of the thinge boughte And for the seconde offence shall haue imprysonmente by half● 〈◊〉 yeare and forfayte the double value of the thing bought and for the third offence be on the pyllory and forfayte all his goodes and be imprysoned at the kinges pleasure Bying of barly bigge or otes to make malte or bying of any thinge by an inholder or vitayler as concerning his facultye to sell agayne by retayle vpon reasonable pryce or taking of vytayle reserued vpon a lease or bying of vitayle by any bager or carier or drouer that shal be allowed or commō prouision made for any towne shyppe or forte without forstallinge shall not be iudged any offence Bying of solde corne and hauing sufficient before for his owne prouision not bryngynge so muche to the markette shal forfayte the double value Byinge of quicke cattell and selling of the same wythin .v. wekes shal lose the double value Iustyces of peace shal enquyre and determine the offences aforesayde Of tillage and increase of Corne Anno. 5. Edw. 6. AS muche Lande shal be put in tillage and so continue in euery Towne as was in tillage by foure yeares synce Anno. 1. Hen. 8. vpon forfeyture for euery acre for euery yeare .v. s. The kynge maye dyrecte commissions and the Commissioners shal search by the othe of twelue men what landes in euerye Towne haue since Anno. 1. Hen. 8. ben conuerted from tillage to pasture and so continueth And the twelue men shall presente the names of thoccupiers therof and then presentmente shal be estreted into thescheker The commyssioners shal take an othe to execute the statute and shal dyrect their precept to the Sheryfe to warne men to enquire and present the premisses and to set fynes issues and amerciamentes and estrete the same into the escheker Certen groundes be excepted Iustices of assise of oyer and determiner and of the peace shal and enquyre and certifye the presentmentes and the partie greued may tend his trauers Sherifes shal not entre into any liberties for th execution of thys Acte He that is sued by force of this acte shal not be sued by any statute before made for reformation of this matter Of Vycteles and wodde Anno. 1. 2. Philip. and Nari NOne shal cary out of Englande any corne or malte bere butter Chese hering or wodde except to Callys Hames Gines and Barwicke vpon forfeiture of the shippe or vessell and the doble value of the thing caryed and the mayster and maryners of the Shippe to forfeyte al theyr goodes and to be in prison by a yeare And yf any conueye any thinges aforesayd to any vessel on the Sea or within any place of the border of this realme to be caryed out the forfeytures to be as is aforesayde If any obtayninge any licence to the contrary or his assignes do carry any more then shal be in the licence he shal forfeyte treble value of the thing and suffer imprysonment by a yeare None hauing a lycence shallade at sondry places vpon forfeyture of the thinge and al his goodes Iustices of peace shal enquyre and examyne al offenders of this acte and determine the offences Whan corne is at certayne pryces it maye be caryed ouer Vytaylyng of shippes is excepted The Admyrall may execute his iurisoiction Of VVynes Anno. 7. Edw. 6. cap 5. NOne shall retayle any Gascoyne or french wynes but at viii d. the gallon and rochell wine but at iiii d. the gallon vpon for feyture of fyue pound for euery offence None except he haue of yearely profites certayne C. markes or be worth in goodes a
may be conueied ouer and than at the costes of those inhabytauntes yf hym selfe shal not haue wher with to be conueyed ouer to hys countrey Against reteiners and geuers of liueries made in Anno octauo Edwardi quarti Capitulo secundo NOne maye gyue lyuerye or other signe nor retayne anye but onely his manuell seruaunte officer or a man of th one lawe or of thother by anye wrytyng oth or promyse And yf he doth contrarye the geuer shall lose C.s. for euery month that there is any with him so reteyned and the receyuer C. s and he that wyll sue shall haue an accion by byll of information agaynst a●●● my offendours as he wyll in euery of the kynges courtes before Iustices of Peace of assise and gayle delyuery or Countye Palentyne and in Duresme and in Examshire there-vpon processe shal be as in trespas except that in county Palentyne nor in Duresme no exigente shal be awarded and yf anye of the offendours be presente in Courte the iustices may commaunde hym to be brought to aunswere and first the informer shal be exaamined vpon a booke that his complaynte is true and after they examine that defendaunte and iudge him conuicte by their discretion aswel as by trial And the informer shal recouer the one halfe and the king the other halfe if it be not in citie or town that hath lyke forfeyture by the kinges graunt and that no essoigne nor proteccion be allowed And that the sherife or coroner mai retourne no lesse issues at the first daye then x.s and the seconde xxx.s and so at euery daye x.s of increase And if the sherife or coroner to the contrary he shall forfeyte euery tyme xx.s And the mayer gouerners of cities and townes that haue power to here and determine plees personnels haue power to examine and to determine it as is beforesayde aswell by examination as by triall And vpon that the kinge shal haue th one halfe the Mayors or gouernours the other halfe to be imployed to the vse of the citye or towne Item the kynges and the Quenes maiesties pleasures are that all other statutes consernyng reteiners and geuyng lyueryes now remaynyng in force shal be put in execution The statute of Winton for robbeties hewe and crye and for watches to be kepte AFter a robbery or felony done freshe suit shal be made from towne to towne c. and yf nede be inquestes shal be made in townes hundredes fraunchyses and counties so that the felones maye be attaynt and suffre execution and yf they be not taken then the people wher such robbery was done as in hundred and fraunches shal aunswere therefore And yf it be done betwene two Shyres c. Within xl dayes yf the misdoers be not taken Also in greate townes the gates shal be closed from the sonne risyng to the sonne settynge and no man herborowe none in the suburbes but such as he wil aunswere for and the Baylyffes of Townes shal enquyre of such euery weke Also watch shal be made and kept from Assention tide tyll Myghelmas in euery citie by sixe men at euery gate and in euery borowe by twelue men in euery hole towne by sixe men or foure after the numbre of thinhabitauntes contynually al the nyght from the sonne set to the sonne rysynge And yf any straunger come by them he shal be arrested vntyl mornynge and yf he be suspicious he shal be brought to the Sheryffe to be kept vntyll he be delyuered by due ordre and euery towne adioyninge shal be ayding to other Also the hye wayes of market townes shal be enlarged where there is any woddes hedges dyches or bushes nygh the hye waye CC. fote one th one side and CC. fote on the othersyde but this statute extendeth not to okes nor great fustes so that they be clere vnder and yf the Lorde wyll not do thus yf any robveries or murder be done he shal aunswere therfore and make fine at the kynges wyll Also in the hye wayes in the kynges wodde or parke nygh the hygh wayes it shal be done after the same maner or ells that the Lorde shal make such wall diche or hedge that the euyll doers can not escape and no fayre nor market be holden in no Churcheyarde Against reportes of slaunderous tales and newes VV. 1. cap. 34. YF any person shal publishe or forge false newes wherof discord or slaunder may aryse betwene the kinge and his people or the nobles of his Realme the same shal be unprisoned vntil he shal bringe forth in court the Author of such newes Anno. 2. R. 2. cap. 5. THe forgers and counterfeictors of false newes and horrible false messynges of Prelates Dukes Earles Barons and other nobles great personages of the Realme or of the Chauncellor Treasourer Clerke of the preuye Seale Steward of the Kinges Howse Iustices of th one bench or thother or of any other great officers of the Realme of thinges which by the same Prelates Dukes c. were neuer spoken or thought of to their great slaunder wherof debates and discord may arise berwene the sayd Lordes and Commons shal suffre the punishment mentioned in the saide Acte of W. 1. vntil they haue brought forth in court thauctor of the said false newes and messinges Anno. 12. R. 2. cap. 11. ANd yf the said forgers and counterfeictors cannot bring forth the Aucthor of the said false newes then they shal be punished by thaduise of the kinges Counsell Anno 1. et 2. Phi. Mar. cap. 3. THe Iustices of peace within the limittes of their Commission may heare and determine all offences committed and done against the forme of the said seueral statutes And further yf any person or persons maliciously of his or their own imagination speake any sedicious or slaunderous newes Rumors sayinges tayles of oure Soueraigne Ladye the Quenes Maiestie euery person so offending for the first offence shal in the market place nere wher the wordes were spoken be set openly vpon the pillory and shal haue both his eares cut of onelesse he pay C. l. to the quenes hyghnes vse within a moneth next after iudgement giuen agaynst hym and also be imprisoned by the space of three monethes next after his or their execution If any such sedicious or slaunderous newes be spoken by any person of the reporte or saying of anye other then the same person to be set openly vpon the pillory as is aforesaid and to haue one of his eares cutte of onles he pay on hundreth markes within the time to thuse aforesaid and also susteyne a moneth imprisonment next after his execution And yf any person maliciously deuise write print or setforth any Boke Ryme Ballade Lettre or writing conteining false matter clause or sentence of slaunder reproch and dishonor of the Queenes highnes or the encouraging sterring or mouing of any insurrection or rebellion or shal procure anye of the said offences to be done yf the same be not punishable by the statute of xxv E. 3. cap. 2. touching treasons c. the sayd person shall after conuiction for his first offence in som market place haue his righte hande cutte of Item yf any person once conuicte of any of the sayd offences punishable by losse of eare eares or hād do after wardes offend in any of the said offences then he shal suffre imprisonment during his lyfe and forfeyte to the quenes highnes vse al his goodes and cattels The sayd offences are inquirable and determinable before Iustices of Oyer determiner Iustices of assise or gayle delyuery or Iustices of peace If any Iustice of peace vpon vehement suspicion may commit any person suspected to pryson ther to remayne wythout bayle or maynepryse The offenders agaynste this acte must be accused and conuict within thre monethes next after th offence commytted God saue the Quene Imprynted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood Prynters to the Quenes Maiestie Cum Priuiligio Regiae Maiestatis