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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22328 By the King a proclamation concerning tobacco. England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1624 (1624) STC 8738; ESTC S123076 5,500 4

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without giuing any fee or allowance for the said Seale or Marke and whatsoeuer Tobacco shall not be Sealed or marked as aforesaid within the seuerall times aforesaid shall be confiscate forfeited vnto Us for such their default and contempt And for the auoyding of all deceit and abuse in disguising of forraigne Tobacco or mingling the same with the Tobacco of Virginia or the Sommer Islands thereby to defraud the true intent of these presents We further straitly charge and command vnder the paines and penalties aforesaid That no person who is or shall be a seller of Tobacco shall haue or keepe ready cut aboue the quantitie of one pound of Tobacco at once nor shall mingle any forraigne Tobacco with any Tobacco of the growth of the Sommer Islands or Virginia And Wee straitly charge and command that all the planters of Tobacco in the Colonies aforesaid or any part thereof shall make the same good and merchantable and shall not presume to send ouer into this our Realme of England any Tobacco which shall not be good and merchantable and well made vp in rolle without stalkes or other bad or corrupt stuffe vpon paine of confiscation thereof or so much thereof as vpon due triall made shall be found to be otherwise to the intent that such of Our Subiectes as shall desire to vse the same may not be abused or deceiued therewith to the impairing of their health And to the intent that the Tobacco of the Colonies and Plantations aforesaid thus tolerated by Us may be knowen and distinguished from such as shall bee secretly and without warrant brought in by stealth Wee doe likewise straitly charge and command vpon the paines and penalties aforesaid That all such Tobacco as shall bee brought from the Colonies aforesaid shall be all brought and landed at the Key of Our Custome house in Our citie of London and not elsewhere in any of Our Realmes or Dominions and shal be there registred shall not be remooued from Our said Custome house vntill it shall bee there first tryed sealed and marked by such person or persons with such seale or marke as We shall thereunto assigne and appoint such seale or marke to bee set thereto without Fee or other reward whatsoeuer And Wee doe further straitly charge and command vpon the paines and penalties aforesaid That all owners of ships bee carefull to imploy such masters in their ships or other vessels from whom they will take good caution not to offend in the importation of any Tobacco contrary to this Our Royall pleasure And We do further signifie and declare by these presents that We will require an exact accompt of the master of euery ship or other vessell that he shall make such diligent and carefull search ouer the marriners and passengers in his ship or other vessell that none of them shall conueigh ouer into these Our Realmes of England or Ireland or dominion of Walles or into any Port Hauen Creeke or other parts thereof any Tobacco to be imported contrary to the true intent and meaning of these presents And that Our Customers or their deputies in euery Port of these Our Realmes of England and Ireland shall vpon oath examine euery Master of a ship or other vessell or other Officers and Mariners in the said ship or vessell whether they haue made search in the said ship or vessell for Tobacco and whether any Tobacco bee in the said ship or vessell to their knowledge and whether any Tobacco were laden in the said ship or vessell and bee taken out thereof and what is become of the same And if any Master of a ship or other vessell shall wilfully or negligently permit or suffer any Tobacco to be imported or shall otherwise offend contrary to these presents euery such Master because it is in his power to preuent the same shall also be answerable vnto Us for his contempt herein and shall be subiect lyable to all the paines and penalties aforesaid aswell as if he himselfe had actually and purposely committed the said offence And whereas We are informed that some traders in Tobacco doe vse to import Tobacco in forreigne Bottomes Wee strictly charge and command that no person whatsoeuer either Stranger Denizen or naturall borne Subiect presume to import any Tobacco whatsoeuer in any forreigne bottome at any time hereafter vpon paine of confiscation not onely of the said Tobacco but also of the ship or vessell wherein the same is so imported and vpon the other paines and penalties aforesaid And for the better execution of Our pleasure herein We doe hereby command all and singuler Customers Comptrollers Searchers Wayters and other Officers attending in all and euery the Ports Creekes or places of lading or vnlading for the taking collecting or receiuing of any of our Customes Subsidies or Duties to take notice of this Our pleasure And We do hereby command and giue power and authoritie vnto them and euery of them from time to time aswell to search any shippe or other vessell or bottome ryding or lying within any Port Hauen or Creeke within their seuerall charge of attendance for all Tobacco imported contrary to the intent of this Our Royall Proclamation and the same being found to seize and take to Our vse and also to take notice of the names and apprehend the bringers in and buyers of the same to the end they may receiue condigne punishment for their offences vpon payne that euery of the said Officers which shall bee found negligent remisse or corrupt therein shall lose his place and entertainement and vndergoe such paines and penalties as by Our Lawes or by the censure of Our said Court of Starre-chamber may be inflicted vpon them for the same And We doe likewise will ordaine and appoint that it shall and may bee lawfull for such person or persons as shall be thereunto authorized and appointed by him or themselues or his or their Deputy or Deputies with a lawfull Officer to search any shippe or other vessell and to enter into any shoppe house seller warehouse or other suspected places at lawfull and conuenient times and there to search discouer and find out any Tobacco imported vttered sold or vented or to be vttered sold or vented not marked or sealed as aforesaid contrary to the true meaning hereof and all such Tobacco so found to seize take away and dispose of and the owners thereof or in whose custodie the same shall be found to informe and complaine of to the end they may receiue punishment according to Our pleasure before herein declared And further We doe by these presents will and require all and singuler Mayors Sheriffes Justices of Peace Bayliffes Constables Headboroughs Customers Comptrollers Searchers Wayters and all other Our Officers and ministers whatsoeuer That they and euery of them in their seuerall places and Offices be diligent and attendant in the execution of this Our Proclamation and also ayding and assisting vnto such person and persons and his and their Deputies and Assignes as We shall so as aforesaid authorise appoint aswell in any search for discouery of any act or acts to be performed contrary to the intent of these presents as otherwise in the doing or executing of any matter or thing for the accomplishment of this Our Royall command And further Our will and pleasure is and Wee doe hereby charge and command Our Atturney generall for the time being to informe against such persons in Our Court of Starre-chamber from time to time whose contempt and disobedience against this Our Royall command shall merit the censure of that Court and to prosecute euery such information speedily and effectually vntill the same shall bee brought to sentence And Our pleasure and command is that all the Tobacco which vpon any seizure shall become forfeited shall bee brought to Our Custome house next adioyning to the Port or place where the same shall be seized where the seizor thereof shall deliuer the same to Our vse and the same shall be foorthwith burnt consumed and destroyed but the offendour before he be discharged shall pay to the partie who seized the said Tobacco the one halfe of the true value thereof And that such person or persons whom Wee shall appoint specially by Our Priuie Seale to take care and charge of the execution of Our pleasure in the premisses shall haue the one halfe of all the Fines to bee imposed vpon euery offendour against this Our Proclamation for their encouragement to bee diligent and faithfull in and about the performance of that seruice We shall so commit vnto them Giuen at Our Honour of Hampton Court the nine and twentieth day of September in the two and twentieth yeere of Our Reigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the eight and fiftieth God saue the King ¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie 1624.