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justice_n constable_n officer_n peace_n 4,647 5 6.0431 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22206 By the King. A proclamation for the better setling of his Maiesties manufacture of gold and siluer thread within this his realme; Proclamations. 1619-10-10 England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I); James I, King of England, 1566-1625. 1619 (1619) STC 8612; ESTC S100983 4,736 3

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him or them and of the true quantity and quantities of all euery such parcell parcells as he or they shall from time to time vtter sell or deliuer For all which said Bonds so to be entred into respectiuely We are neuerthelesse pleased That no fee or allowance shal be required or taken nor that the same Bond shal be sent or deliuered into Our Exchequer nor otherwise put in Suit but vpon apparant breach thereof first appearing to Our Commissioners aforesaid or any two of them or to Our Attourney generall for the time being and that at the end of euery sixe moneths the same Bond respectiuely shal be deliuered vp to the party bound to be Cancelled if in the meane time no breach thereof shall appeare to haue bin made as aforesaid and then a new Bond to be entred into by him or her respectiuely to the same effect to continue likewise for other sixe Moneths and so for euery sixe Moneths as long as this or Our former Proclamation shall remaine in force or that Our pleasure shal be further signified to the contrary Likewise Our pleasure is that if any of Our saide louing Subiects shall casually or vnawares without any wilfull or obstinate Contempt fall into the breach of any such bond that Our Chauncellor of England or Keeper of Our Great Seale for the time being shal vpon a Petition to him exhibited in a summary Course haue power to order and Moderate the same as he in his wisedome shall thinke fitt And also We will Command That no Gold-Drawer or other person or persons whatsoeuer shal at any time hereafter during this or Our said former Proclamation draw flat or vse any refined Gold or Siluer for the making of Cloth of Gold or Cloth of Siluer without the speciall Licence of two of Our said Commissioners vnder their hands in writing first had obtained vpon paine of forfeiture of all such Gold or Siluer as shal be wrought contrary to this Our Royall will and Commandement and vpon paine of Our high indignation and displeasure and such other paines and punishments as in like Cases are vsuall And Our further will and pleasure is and hereby Wee doe giue full power and authority vnto Our said Commissioners or any two or more of them and to all and euery such person and persons as Our said Commissioners or any two or more of them shall by warrant or writing vnder their hands nominate or appoint from time to time and at all times conuenient at their pleasure in peaceable maner taking with them a Constable or other fitt officer and giuing notice to the owner or possessor or his or their seruant or seruants or their purpose in that behalfe to the end they may if they will accompany them to enter into all and all manner of Shoppes Cellers worke-houses warehouses Storehouses or other Roomes or places whatsoeuer by them suspected within Our said Realme of England or the Dominions thereof as well in Cities Tsownes corporate and places priuiledged as elsewhere And likewise to enter into any ship bote or other vessell whatsoeuer riding at Ancre or otherwise abiding in any Port Hauen or Creeke of Our said Realme and Dominions thereof for the searching and finding out of all such offences of what nature soeuer as shall bee Committed contrary vnto this or Our sayd former Proclamation And likewise to seaze and take into their hands vnto Our vse all such Gold and siluer threed and Copper Gold and Siluer threed and Gold and Siluer wyer imported or that shall be imported into this Our Realme wrought or made or that shall be wrought made drawne or flatted within this Realme other then by Our Agent and Vndertakers their Deputies and Assignes touching the said Manufacture And further Our pleasure is that whatsoeuer threed wrought or vnwrought as aforesaid or wyer shall be so seized to Our vse as aforesaid shall foorthwith vpon the seizure thereof be inuentoried in writing subscribed by all such persons as shall be present at any such seizure and shall with all conuenient speed be brought vnto Our said Commissioners now and for the time being or any two of them to be disposed of as we shall thinke fit and direct from time to time And for the better accomplishment of Our seruice herein We doe hereby straightly charge and Command all Maiors Sheriffes Iustices of the Peace Constables Comptrollers Searchers Waiters and all and euery other Our Officers or Ministers and Subiects whatsoeuer That they and euery of them be from time to time assisting aiding and helping vnto Our said Commissioners and such as they or any two of them shall authorize in that behalfe in and by all things in the due Execution and performance of the premisses according to Our true meaning herein declared as they tender Our pleasure and will answere the contrary at their vtmost perils And further Wee will and declare Our Royall pleasure and Commandement to be that if any person or persons shall withstand or refuse to obey this Our Proclamation in all or any part thereof vpon complaint and proofe thereof had and made in that behalfe before Our Commissioners or any two or more of them that now be or hereafter shall be for the said Manufacture or before Our Attorney Generall for the time being that they take order to punish any such person so offending as a contemner of Our Royall will and Commandement by imprisonment or otherwise as shall and may stand with the Iustice of this Our Realme And We further hereby declare Our intent and pleasure to be That if any Agent workeman or other person or persons whatsoeuer imployed by Vs or Our said Commissioners now or at any time hereafter in or about the said Manufacture or any thing thereunto belonging or in or about any search to be made as aforesaid shall in any thing falsifie the trust by Vs or Our said Commissioners committed to him or them to the iust offence or grieuance of any of Our louing Subiects that Our eares shall be euer open to any iust complaint to be made thereof And that euery person who shall wilfully or corruptly offend by colour of any authoritie or imployment giuen or deriued from Vs any way touching or concerning the said Worke shall be seuerely punished for the same according to the quality of his or their offence Giuen at Roystone the tenth day of October in the seuenteenth yeere of Our Reigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the three and fiftieth God saue the King ❧ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill Printers to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie ANNO DOM. M.DC.XIX