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A80192 The Second part of Modern reports, being a collection of several special cases most of them adjudged in the Court of Common Pleas, in the 26, 27, 28, 29, & 30th years of the reign of King Charles II. when Sir. Fra. North was Chief Justice of the said court. : To which are added, several select cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's-Bench, and Exchequer in the said years. / Carefully collected by a learned hand. Colquitt, Anthony.; Washington, Joseph, d. 1694.; Great Britain. Court of Exchequer.; England and Wales. Court of Common Pleas.; England and Wales. Court of Chancery.; England and Wales. Court of King's Bench. 1698 (1698) Wing C5416; ESTC R171454 291,993 354

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special Verdict He who sues in an Inferior Court is bound at his peril to take notice of the Bounds and Limits of that Iurisdiction and if the Party after a Verdict below prays a Prohibition and alledges that the Court had no Iurisdiction a Prohibition shall be granted and 't is no Estoppel that he did not take advantage of it before 1 Roll. Abr. 545. But Iustice Atkins and Scroggs were of another Opinion they agreed that if an Action be brought in an Inferior Court if it be not said to be infra Jurisdictionem Curiae they would never presume it to be so but rather to be without if not alledged to be within the Iurisdiction and here in the Plea 't is not shewn at all so that as the Case stands upon the Plea the Proceédings are coram non Judice and there is no legal Authority to warrant them and by consequence the Officer is no more to be excused than the Party because also 't is in the Case of a particular Iurisdiction And so it hath béen adjudged upon an Escape brought against an Officer of an Inferior Court wherein the Plaintiff declared that he had brought an Action upon a Bond against S. in the Court of Kingston and that he had Iudgment and Execution and the Defendant suffered him to escape this Declaration did not charge the Defendan because the Bond was not alledged to be made infra Jurisdictionem Curiae for though such an Action is transitory in its nature yet the Proceedings in an inferior Court upon it are coram non Judice if it doth not appear to be infra Jurisdictionem 1 Roll. Abr. 809. though in the Case of a general Iurisdiction it might be otherwise But here the Rejoynder doth help the Plea for the Plaintiff having replied that the Trespass was committed out of the Iurisdiction and the Defendant having rejoyned that he had alledged in his Declaration below that the Trespass was done within the Iurisdiction 't is now all one Plea and the Plaintiff hath confessed it by his Demurrer so that in regard it was alledged below and admitted there 't is a good Plea both for Officer and Party and the Plaintiff cannot now take advantage of it but is concluded by his former admittance and it shall not be enquired now whether true or false And as to the taliter processum fuit they all held it well enough and that there was no necessity of setting out all the Proceedings here as in a Writ of Error And as to the last Exception 't is said that the Burrough of Warwick is antiquus Burgus and that the Court is held there secundum consuetudinem which is well enough Jones's Case Common Pleas cannot grant Habeas Corpus in Criminal Cases IT was moved for a Habeas Corpus for one Jones who was committed to New Prison by Warrant from a Iustice of Peace for refusing to discover who intrusted him with the keeping of the Keys of a Conventicle and for that he had been instrumental to the Escape of the Preacher he was asked by the Iustice to give Security for his Good Behaviour which he also refused and thereupon was committed The Chief Iustice doubted that a Habeas Corpus could not be granted in this Case because it was in a criminal Cause of which the Court of Common Pleas hath no Iurisdiction and that seemed to be the Opinion of my Lord Coke Vaugh. 157. 2 Inst 53. 2 Inst 55. where he saith it lies for any Officer or priviledged Person of the Court. There are three sorts of Habeas Corpus in this Court one is ad respondendum Mod. Rep. 235. which is for the Plaintiff who is a Suitor here against any Man in Prison who is to be brought thereupon to the Barr and remanded if he cannot give Sureties There is another Habeas Corpus for the Defendant ad faciend ' recipiend ' as to this the same Iurisdiction is here as in the Court of Kings Bench if a person be near the Town by the course of the Court he may be brought hither to be charged and then the Habeas Corpus is returnable immediate but if he be remote it must then be returnable in the Court at a certain day these are the Habeas Corpus's which concern the Iurisdiction of this Court and are incident thereunto There is another which concerns Priviledge when the Party comes and subjects himself to the Court to be either bailed or discharged as the Crime is for which he stands charged and if he be priviledged this Court may examine the Case and do him right if a private man be committed for a criminal Cause we can examine the Matter and send him back again Before King James's Reign there was no Habeas Corpus but recited a Priviledge as in the Case of Priviledge for an Attorny so that if this Court cannot remedy what the Party complains 't is in vain for the Subject to be put to the trouble when he must be sent back again neither can there be any failure of Iustice because he may apply himself to a proper Court and of the same Opinion were Wyndham and Scroggs But Iustice Atkins was of another Opinion for he could see no Reason why there should not be a Right to come to this Court as well as to the Kings Bench. And that Vaughan Wild and Archer Iustices were of Opinion that this Court may grant a Habeas Corpus in other Cases besides those of Priviledge Afterwards the Prisoner was brought to the Court upon this Habeas Corpus but was remanded because this Court would not take Sureties for his Good Behavior The Chief Iustice said that when he was not on the Bench he would take Sureties as a Iustice of Peace And Monday late Secondary informed him that Iustice Wild when he sate in this Court did once take such Sureties as a Iustice of Peace Anonymus IT was the Opinion of the Chief Iustice North In Replevin both are Actors that in a Replevin both Parties are Actors for the one sues for Damages and the other to have the Cattle and there the place is material for if the Plaintiff alledges the taking at A. and they were taken at B. the Defendant may plead Non cepit modo forma but then he can have no Return for if he would have a Retorn ' Habend ' he must deny the taking where the Plaintiff hath laid it and alledge another place in his Avowry Sir Osborn Rands versus Tripp THE Plaintiff was a Tobacconist and lived near Guild-Hall London he married the Daughter of the Defendant New Trial granted who was an Alderman in Hull and had 400 l. Portion with her after the Marriage the Defendant spoke merrily before thrée Witnesses That if his Son-in-Law would procure himself to be Knighted so that his Daughter might be a Lady he would then give him 2000 l. more and would pay 1000 l. part thereof presently upon such Knighthood and the
quo and 't is in nature of a Contract raised by Law By the Words of the Capias ad satisfaciend ' it doth appear that the design of the Writ is to enforce the Payment of the the debt by the Imprisonment of the Defendant The Sheriff thereupon returns that he hath taken the Body and that the Defendant hath paid the Mony to him for which reason he discharged him and for this Return he was amerced not because he discharged the Party but because he had not brought the Mony into the Court for the Law never intended that a Man should be kept in Prison after he had paid the debt In this Case the Defendant can have no remedy to recover it again of the Marshal because it was not a bare Payment to him but to pay it over again to the Plaintiff and likewise in consideration that he should be discharged from his Imprisonment If it should be objected by the Marshal that the Plaintiff hath an Action of Escape against him and likewise by the Plaintiff that he did not make the Gaoler his Steward or Bayliff to receive his Mony Answ The Gaoler is made his Bayliff to keep the Party in Execution and it would be very hard that when the Prisoner will lay down his Mony in discharge of the Debt that the Gaoler should not have full power to discharge him If he had come in Michaelmas-Term after the long Vacation and informed the Court that he had offered to pay the Execution Mony to the Marshal and that he would not take it and that the Plaintiff could not be found the Court would have made a Rule to help him Mr. Holt contra If the Payment had béen good to the Sheriff or Marshal yet 't is not pleadable to the second Execution because 't is matter in fact That which hath been objected that the Party shall plead to a second Execution that his Goods were taken by a former Fieri Facias cannot be for no such Plea can be good because by that Writ the Sheriff hath express Authority to levy the Mony and the Plea is not Payment to the Sheriff but that the Mony was levyed by him by virtue of the Writ which ought to be brought into the Court and an Audita Querela lies against the Plaintiff and then the Defendant is to be bailed 1 Leon. 141. Askew versus the Earl of Lincoln Jones and Rainsford were of Opinion that the Defendant might have remedy against the Marshal to recover his Mony again and that the Payment to him was no discharge to the Plaintiff at whose Suit he was in Execution But Iustice Wyld was of another Opinion Quaere The Lord Marquess of Dorchester's Case In Communi Banco IN a Scandalum Magnatum Visne not changed in a Scandalum Magnatum Serjeant Pemberton moved to have good Bail which the Court denied and said that in such Case Bail was not requirable but notwithstanding the Defendant consented to put in 50 l. Bail And then upon the usual Affidavit moved to change the Visne the Action being laid in London which was opposed by the Serjeant who desired that it might be tried where it was laid but he said in this Case that the Visne could not be changed 1. Because the King is a Party to the Suit for 't is tam pro Domino Rege quam pro seipso 2. The Plaintiff is a Lord of Parliament which is adjourned and will meet and therefore it would be inconvenient to try the Cause in the Country since the Service of the King and Kingdom both require his Attendance here and he said that upon the like Motion in B. R. between the Lord Stamford and Needham the Court would not change the Visne North Chief Iustice said that he always took it as a current Opinion that in a Scandalum Magnatum the Visne could not be changed for since it was in the nature of an Information it being tam quam 't was advisable whether it was not within the Statute of 21 Jac. which doth appoint Informations to be tried in their proper Counties But Iustice Atkins inclined that the Visne might be changed for though by the Wisdom of the Law a Iury of the Neighbourhood are to try the Cause yet in point of Iustice the Court may change the Visne to which it was objected that then there would be no difference between local and transitory Actions Actions of Debt and Accompt shall be brought in their proper Counties 6 R. 2. and it was agreed that an Attorney is sworn to bring Actions no where else But the Court not agréeing at last the Defendant was willing that the Cause should be tried in London if the Plaintiff would consent not to try it before the first Setting in the next Term. And as to that reason offered why the Visne should not be changed because the Plaintiff was a Lord of Parliament Iustice Atkins said that did not satisfie him it might be a good ground to move for a Trial at the Barr to which it was answered that in the Case of the Earl of Shaftsbury the Court would not grant a Tryal at the Barr without the Consent of the Defendant The Visne was not changed Beaver versus Lane COvenant made to Baron and Feme Covenant to Baron and Feme the Baron alone may bring the Action the Husband alone brings the Action quod teneat ei conventionem secundum formam effectum cujusdam Indenturae inter Querentem ex una parte Defendentem ex altera parte confect ' and this was for not repairing his House After Verdict for the Plaintiff it was moved in Arrest of Iudgment because of this variance But the Court Ordered that the Plaintiff should have his Iudgment for the Indenture being by Baron and Feme it was therefore true that it was by the Baron and the Action being brought upon a Covenant concerning his Houses and going with them though it be made to him and his Wife yet he may refuse quoad her and bring the Action alone And the Chief Iustice said that he remembred an Authority in an old Book that if a Bond be given to Baron and Feme the Husband shall bring the Action alone which shall be looked upon to be his refusal as to her Calthrop versus Phillips THE Question was Supersedeas must be delivered by the old Sheriff to the new one Mod. Rep. 222. in regard a Supersedeas is not returnable in the Court whether the old Sheriff is bound to deliver it over to the new one or no and it was urged that it ought not because the old Sheriff is to keép it for his indempnity and he may have occasion to plead it But on the other side it was insisted by Serjeant George Strode that it ought to be delivered to the new Sheriff and that there was a Writ in the Register which proved it fol. 295. and if it should be otherwise these inconveniences would follow 1. It would be
inconvenient that the Capias against the Defendant should be delivered to the new Sheriff and not the Supersedeas which was to admit the Charge and not the Discharge Westby's Case 3 Co. 73. And it was the constant practice not only to deliver the Supersedeas but the very Book in which 't is allowed and this he said appeared by the Certificates of many Vnder-Sheriffs which he had in his hand 2. If the Sheriff hath an Exigent against B. who appears and brings a Supersedeas to the old Sheriff and then a new Sheriff is made if he hath not the Supersedeas he may return him outlawed by vertue of the Exigent so in the Case of a Iudgment set aside for Fraud or Practice and a Supersedeas granted and the like in the case of an Estrepment which is never returned and it would be an endless work upon the coming in of every Sheriff to renew this Writ As to the Objection that the old Sheriff may have occasion to plead it As often as such occasion happens he may have recourse to it in the Office of the new Sheriff and he can have no Title to it by the direction of the Writ for that is Vicecomiti Berks and not to him by express Christian and Sirname and of that Opinion was all the Court and Iudgment was given accordingly nisi causa c. Hamond versus Howel Recorder of London An Action will not lie against a Judge for what he doth judicially tho' erroniously Mod. Rep. 184. FAlse Imprisonment The Defendant pleads specially the Substance of which was that there was a Commission of Oyer and Terminer directed to him amongst others c. and that before him and the other Commissioners Mr. Penn and Mr. Mead two Preachers were indicted for being at a Conventicle to which Indictment they pleaded Not-Guilty and this was to be tried by a Iury whereof the Plaintiff was one and that after the Witnesses were sworn and examined in the Cause he and his Fellows found the Prisoners Penn and Mead Not-Guilty whereby they were acquitted quia the Plaintiff male se gesserit in acquitting them both against the direction of the Court in Matter of Law and against plain Evidence the Defendant and the other Commissioners then on the Bench fined the Iury 40 Marks a-piece and for Non-payment committed them to New-gate c. The Plaintiff replies de injuria sua propria absque hoc that he and his Fellows acquitted Penn and Mead against Evidence and to this the Defendant demurred Serjeant Goodfellow who would have argued for the Defendant said that he would not offer to speak to that Point whether a Iudge can fine a Iury for giving a Verdict contrary to Evidence since the Case was so lately and solemnly resolved by all the Iudges of England in * Vaugh. 146. Bushel's Case that he could not fine a Iury for so doing But admit a Iudge cannot fine a Iury yet if he doth no Action will lie against him for so doing because 't is done as a Iudge 12 H. 4. 3. 27 Ass pl. 12. 1 Roll. Abr. 92. Liter Q. pl. 1. But the Court told him that he neéd not to labour that Point but desired to hear the Argument on the other side what could be said for the Plaintiff Serjeant Newdigate argued that this Action would lie 1. It must be admitted that the Imprisonment of the Iury was unlawful and then the consequence will be that all that was done at that time by the Commissioners or Iudges was both against Magna Charta and other Acts of Parliament the Petition of Right c. and therefore their Proceedings were void or at least very irregular to imprison a Iury-man without Presentment or due Process in Law and consequently the party injured shall have an Action for his false Imprisonment In 10 H. 6. f. 17. In an Action brought for false Imprisonment the Defendant justifies the Commitment to be for Suspicion of Felony but because he did not shew the ground of such Suspicion the Iustification was not good The Trial of Penn and Mead and all incidents thereunto as swearing the Iury examining of the Witnesses taking of the Verdict and acquitting the Prisoner were all within the Commission but the fining of the Iury and the imprisoning of them for Non-payment thereof was not justifiable by their Commission and therefore what was done therein was not as Commissioners or Iudges If this Action will not lie then the Party has a Wrong done for which he can have no remedy for the order for paying of the Fine was made at the Old-Bayly upon which no Writ of Error will lie and though the Objection that no Action will lie against a Iudge of Record for what he doth quatenus a Iudge be great the Reason of which is because the King himself is de jure to do Iustice to his Subjects and because he cannot distribute it himself to all persons he doth therefore delegate his Power to his Iudges and if they misbehave themselves the King himself shall call them to account and no other person 12 Co. 24 25. But that concerns not this Case because what was done here was not warranted by the Commission and therefore the Defendant did not act as a Iudge and this difference hath beén taken and allowed that in the Case of an Officer if the Court hath Iurisdiction of the Cause no Action will lie against him for doing what is contrary to his Duty but if all the Proceédings are coram non Judice and so void an Action doth lie 10 Co. 77. So in the Case of a Iustice of the Peace or Constable where he excéeds his particular Iurisdiction so if a Iudge of Nisi Prius doth any thing not warranted by his Commission 't is void And that the Commissioners here had no power to impose this Fine he argued from the very nature of the pretended Offence which was neither a Crime or in any wise punishable because what the Plaintiff did was upon his Oath and for that reason it hath béen adjudged in the Case * Bridgman 131. Agard and Wild that an Action would not lie against one of the Grand Iury after an acquittal for procuring one to be indicted for Barretry because he is upon his Oath and it cannot be presumed that what he did was in Malice The Habeas Corpus gives the Party Liberty but no Recompence for his Imprisonment that must be by an Action of False Imprisonment if otherwise there would be a failure of Iustice and it might encourage the Iudges to act ad libitum especially in inferior Courts where Mayors and Bayliffs might punish Iuries at their pleasures which would not only be a grievance to the Subject but a prejudice to the King himself because no Iuries would appear where they are subject to such arbitrary Procéedings An Action on the Case lies against a Iustice of the Peace for refusing to take an Oath of a Robbery committed 1 Leon. 323.
year before the Sale After Verdict for the Plaintiff it was moved in arrest of Iudgment by Serjeant Barrell because the Information had set forth the right of these Lands purchased to be in J. S. and that the Son of J. N. had conveyed them by general words 2 Anders 57. as descending from his Father which Title of the Son the Defendant bought whereas if in truth the Title was in J. S. then nothing descended from the Father to the Son and so the Defendant bought nothing Sed non allocatur for if such construction should be allowed there could be no buying of a pretended Title within the Statute unless it was a good Title but when 't is said as here that the Defendant entred and claimed colore of that Grant or Conveyance which was void yet 't is within the Statute so the Plaintiff had his Iudgment Wine versus Rider al. TRespass against five Quare clausum fregerunt Traverse immaterial and took Fish out of the Plaintiffs Several and Free-Fishery Four of them pleaded Not Guilty and the fifth justified for that one of the other Defendants is seised in Fee of a Close adjoyning to the Plaintiffs Close and that he and all those c. have had the sole and separate Fishing in the River which runs by the said Closes with liberty to enter into the Plaintiffs Close to beat the Water for the better carrying on of the Fishing and that he as Servant to the other Defendant and by his Command did enter and so justified the taking absque hoc that he is Guilty aliter vel alio modo The Plaintiff replies That he did enter de injuria sua propria absque hoc That the Defendants Master hath the Sole Fishing The Defendant demurs Ex parte Def. and Newdigate Serjeant argued for him That the Iustification is good for when he had made a local justification 2 Cro. 45 372. he must traverse both before and after as he has done in this Case 2. The Plaintiffs Replication is ill for he ought not to have waved the Defendants Traverse and force him to accept of another from him because the first is material to the Plaintiffs Title and he is bound up to it Hob. 104. 3. There was no occasion of a Traverse in the Replication for where a Servant is Defendant de injuria sua propria is good with a Traverse of the Command Ex parte Quer. But on the Plaintiffs side Serjeant Baldwin held the Defendants Traverse to be immaterial for having answered the Declaration fully in alledging a Right to the sole fishing and an Entry into the Plaintiffs Close 2 Cro. 372. 't is insignificant afterwards to traverse that he is guilty aliter vel alio modo Then the matter of the Plea is not good because the Defendant justifies by a Command from one of the other Defendants who have all pleaded Not-guilty and they must be guilty if they did command him for a Command will make a Man a Trespasser Curia The Court were all of Opinion that Iudgment should be given for the Plaintiff For as to the last thing mentioned which was the Matter of the Plea they held it to be well enough for the * Mires and Solebay Post Servant shall not be ousted of the advantage which the Law gives him by pleading his Masters Command Then as to the Replication 't is good and the Plea is naught with the Traverse for where the Iustification goes to a time and place not alledged by the Plaintiff there must be a Traverse of both In this Case the Defendant ought to have traversed the Plaintiffs free fishing as alledged by him in his Declaration which he having omitted the Plea for that reason also is ill and so Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff DE Termino Paschae Anno 28 Car. II. in Communi Banco Lee versus Brown IN a Special Verdict in Ejectment The Case was this Where reputed Lands shall pass under general words viz. There were Lands which re vera were not parcel of a Mannor and yet were reputed as parcel A Grant is made of the Mannor and of all Lands reputed parcel thereof and whether by this Grant and by these general Words those Lands would pass which were not parcel of the Mannor was the Question This Term the Lord Chief Iustice delivered the Opinion of the Court That those Lands would pass Postea Cro. Car. 308. and they grounded their Opinions upon two Authorities in Co. Entr. fol. 330 384. The King versus Imber Wilkins If the Iury had found that the Lands in question had beén reputed parcel of the Mannor it would not have passed had they found no more because the Reputation so found might be intended a Reputation for a small time so reputed by a few or by such as were ignorant and unskilful But in this Case 't is found that not only the Lands were reputed parcel but the reason why they were reputed parcel for the Iury have found that they were formerly parcel of the Mannor and after the division they were again united in the possession of him who had the Mannor which being also Copyhold have since béen demised by Copy of Court Roll togethet with the Mannor and these were all great marks of Reputation and therefore Iudgment was given that the Lands did well pass 2 Roll. Abr. 186. Dyer 350. Wakeman versus Blackwel Common Recoveries how to be pleaded QUare Impedit The Case was The Plaintiff entituled himself to an Advowson by a Recovery suffered by Tenant in Tail in pleading of which Recovery he alledges two to be Tenants to the Praecipe but doth not shew how they came to be so or what Conveyance was made to them by which it may appear that they were Tenants to the Praecipe and after search of Presidents as to the form of pleading of Common Recoveries the Court inclined that it was not well pleaded but delivered no Iudgment Searl versus Bunion Justification where good IN Trespass for taking of his Cattel The Defendant pleads that he was possessed of Blackacre pro termino diversorum annorum adtunc adhuc ventur̄ and being so possessed the Plaintiffs Cattle were doing damage and he distrained them Damage fesant ibidem and so justifies the taking c. The Plaintiff demurrs and assigns specially for cause that the Defendant did not set forth particularly the commencement of the Term of years but only that he was possessed of an Acre for a Term of years to come and regularly where a Man makes a Title to a particular Estate in pleading he must shew the particular time of the Commencement of his Title that the Plaintiff may replie to it Curia The Chief Iustice and the whole Court held that the Plea was good upon this difference where the Plaintiff brings an Action for the Land or doing of a Trespass upon the Land he is supposed to be in possession
of Lands Tenements and Hereditaments 't was adjudged entailed Lands did not pass do not concern this Case but now since they are made forfeitable by that Statute such general words are sufficient to serve the turn By the Statute of 16 R. 2. cap. 5. entailed Lands are not forfeited in a Praemunire but during the Life of Tenant in Tail because they were not then to be forfeited for Treason 2 Inst 334. 1 Inst 3. Co. Lit. 130. If then it appears that the Crime of which Sir John Danvers was guilty was Treason and if entailed Lands are forfeited for Treason then when the Act saith That he shall forfeit all his Lands by those general Words his entailed Lands shall be forfeited And though by the Common Law there can be no Attainder in this Case the Party being dead yet by Act of Parliament that may be done and the words in this Act amount to an Attainder The intent of it was to forfeit Estates Tail which may be collected from the general Words for if a Fee-simple is forfeited though not named why not an Estate Tail especially since the word Hereditaments is very comprehensive and may take in both those Estates Spelman's Glossary 227. 2 Roll. Rep. 503. In the very Act of 26 H. 8. cap. 13. Estates Tail are not named for the Words are Every Offender convict of Treason c. shall forfeit all such Lands Tenements and Hereditaments which he shall have of any Estate of Inheritance in use possession or by any Right Title or Means c. and yet a Construction hath been made thereupon in favour of the Crown so a Dignity of an Earldom intailed is forfeitable by this Statute by the Word Hereditament 7 Co. 34. Afterwards in Hillary Term Rainsford Chief Iustice delivered the Opinion of the Court Judgment That upon Construction of the Act of Pains and Penalties this Estate Tail was forfeited to the King He agreed the Series and progress of Estates Tail to have been as argued by the Solicitor and that the Question now was whether by the Act of Pains c. Estates Tail can be forfeited unless there are express Words to take away the force of the Statute de donis conditionalibus Preface to 3 Co. for by that Statute there was a settled perpetuity Tenant in Tail could neither forfeit or alien his Estate no not in Case of Treason and Forfeiture is a kind of Alienation but afterwards by the Resolution in Ed. 4. an Alienation by a Common Recovery was construed to be out of the said Statute and by the Statute of Fines 4 H. 7. which is expounded by a subsequent Statute of 32 H. 8. cap. 36. Tenant in Tail notwithstanding his former restraint had power to alien the Estate Tail and barr his Issue but all this while his Estate was not to be forfeited for Treason till the Statute of 33 H. 8. cap. 20. which gives Uses Rights Entries Conditions as well as Possessions Reversions Remainders and all other things of a person attainted of Treason by the Common or Statute Law of the Realm to the King as if such Attainder had been by Act of Parliament Then by the Statute of 5 6 Ed. cap. 11. 't is Enacted That an Offender being guilty of High Treason and lawfully convict shall forfeit to the King all such Lands Tenements and Hereditaments which he shall have of any Estate of Inheritance in his own Right in Use or Possession by which Statutes that de donis conditionalibus was taken off in Cases of Treason as it had been before by the resolution in 12 E. 4. and by the Statute of Fines as to the Alienation of an Estate Tail by Fine and Recovery If therefore this Act of Pains c. will admit of such a construction as to make Estates Tail forfeit here is a Crime great enough to deserve such a great punishment a Crime for which the Parliament hath ordered an Anniversary to be kept for ever with Fasting and Humiliation to implore that the Guilt of that innocent Blood then shed may not be required of our Posterity this they esteemed as another kind of Original Sin which unless thus expiated might extend not only ad Natos sed qui nascantur ab illis And that this Act will admit of such a Construction these Reasons were given 1. From the general comprehensive Words mentioning those things which are to be forfeited viz. Messuages Lands Tenements Reversions and Interests which last Word signifies the Estate in the Land as well as the Land it self or otherwise the Word must be construed to have no effect 2. Estates Tail are not now protected by the Clause in the Statute de donis * Inst 334. Non habet potestatem alienandi but are subject to the forfeiture by the Act of H. 8. which though it extends to Attainders only yet 't is a good Rule for the Iudges to make a Construction of an Act of Parliament by especially in such a Case as this wherein 't is plain that the Law did look upon these Offenders if not attainted yet in pari gradu with such persons and therefore may be a good Warrant to make the like Construction as in Cases of Attainder 3. Because the Offenders are dead for had they béen living there might have been better reason to have construed this Act not to extend to Estates Tail because then something might be forfeited viz. an Estate for Life and therefore the Act would signifie very little if such Construction could not be made of it to reach Estates Tail of such persons who were dead at the time of the making the Law especially since 't is well known that when Men engage in such Crimes they give what Protection they can to their Estates and place them as far as they can out of danger 4. It appears by the Act that the Law-makers did not intend that the Children of such Offenders should have any benefit of their Estates because in the Proviso there is a saving of all Estates of Purchasers for Mony bona fide paid and therein also a particular Exception of the Wife and Children and Heirs of the Offenders and if the Act would not protect the Estate of the Children though they should be Purchasers for a valuable consideration it will never protect their Estate under a voluntary Conveyance made by the Ancestor especially in this Case because the Entail carries a suspicion with it that it was designed with a prospect to commit this Crime for Sir John Danvers was Tenant in Tail before and in the year 1647. levies a Fine to barr that Entail and then limits a new Estate Tail to himself in which there is a Provision to make Leases for any number of years upon what Lives soever in Possession or Reversion with Rent or without it and this was but the year before the Crime committed 5. The Proviso in the Act for saving the Estates of Purchasers doth protect all Conveyances and
concluded that he had not paid it and therefore they would not admit him to wage his Law without bringing sufficient Compurgators to swear that they believed he swore Truth but such not appearing the Defendant defecit de Lege and Iudgment had been given against him but he offered to bring the Mony recovered and the Costs into the Court and to go to a new Tryal it being a very hard Case upon him at the former Trial where the Demand was of a Quit-Rent of 18 d. per annum the Defendant promised that if the Plaintiff would shew his Title and satisfie him that he had a Right to demand it he would pay him the Rent and at the Tryal express Oath was made of a Promise to pay upon which the Verdict was obtained whereas it was then urged that the Freehold would come in question upon that Promise and so the inferior Court could have no Iurisdiction And afterwards the Chief Iustice said that it hath béen adjudged in the Kings Bench that an inferior Court cannot hold Plea on a quantum meruit for Work done out of the Iurisdiction though the Promise be made within and that he knew where a Person of Quality intending a Marriage with a Lady presented her with a Iewel and the Marriage not taking effect he brought an Action of Detinue against her and she taking it to be a Gift offered to wage her Law but the Court was of Opinion that the property was not changed by this Gift being to a specifical intent and therefore would not admit her to do it Quod nota Styleman versus Patrick AN Action on the Case was brought by the Plaintiff against the Defendant for eating of his Grass with his Sheep Costs allowed so that he could not in tam amplo modo enjoy his Common there was a Verdict for the Plaintiff and it was now moved that he should have no more Costs than Damages because this was a Trespass in its own nature and the Iudge of Assise had not certified that the Title of any Land was in question Bur the Court were all of Opinion Curia that this Case was not within the Statute For it was not a frivolous Action because a little damage done to one Commoner and so to twenty may in the whole make it a great Wrong if the Cause were frivolous the Iudge of Assize may mark it to be such by vertue of the Statute of 43 Eliz. cap. 6. and then there shall be no more Costs than Damages and though in this Case the Plaintiff hath in his Declaration set out a Title to his Common yet the Title of the Land cannot possibly come in question and therefore not to be certified as in Cases of Trespas neither is there any need of a Certificate if it appears by the Pleading that the Title of the Land is in question The Court being against the Defendant as to the Costs his Council then moved in Arrest of Iudgment because the Plaintiff sets forth his Right to the Common only by way of Recital with a cumque etiam Postea c. that he had a Right to Common in such a place sed non allocatur for 't is affirmative enough and afterwards he is charged with doing the Plaintiff damage and so the Case is not like to an Action of Trespas quare cum he did a Trespass for there the sense is imperfect DE Term. Sancti Hill Anno 28 29 Car. II. in Communi Banco James versus Johnson IN Trespass Que Estate where 't is pleadable Mod Rep. 231. the Defendant justified by a Prescription to have Toll and Issue being joyned thereupon the Iury found a special Verdict in which the Case upon the Pleadings was viz. Before the dissolution of Priories the Mannor now in the possession of the Defendant was parcel of the Priory of B. which came to the Crown by the said dissolution and the King made a Grant thereof to Sir Jervas Clifton in Fee together with the said Toll adeo plene as the Prior had it and the Defendant having brought down a Title by several mesne Assignments claims by vertue of a Lease from Sir Jervas for seven years then in being alledging that the said Sir Jervas and all those whose Estate he had might take Toll and whether this Pleading by a Que Estate to have Right of Toll was good in Law the Iury doubted Baldwin Serjeant for the Plaintiff Ex parte Quer. argued that the Iustification was not good because there are two sorts of Toll viz. Toll through and Toll traverse and is in the Kings High Way and the other in a Man 's own Soil and it doth not appear for which the Defendant hath justified If it be for the first then he ought to shew that he did make a Causeway or some other thing that might be an advantage to the Passengers to entitle himself to a Prescription but if it be for the other then he must also shew it was for passing upon his Soil which implies a Consideration 22 Assize Kelw. 148. Pl. Com. 236. Lord Berkley's Case 1 Cro. 710. Smith versus Sheppard by which Cases it appears that the justification ought to be certain Then as to the point in Question he said that Toll cannot be appurtenant to a Mannor and so the Pleading by a Que estate is not good but if that should be admitted yet the Mannor being vested in the Crown by the dissolution the Toll then became in gross and could never after be united to the Mannor or appurtenant thereunto But it was argued for the Defendant by Maynard Serjeant and the whole Court were clear of Opinion that the Issue was upon a particular point and the Title was admitted and that nothing remained in question but the Point in pleading And as to what had been objected That Toll cannot belong to a Mannor 't is quite otherwise for an Advowson a Rent a Toll or any Profit apprender may be appurtenant to it T is true a Man cannot prescribe by a Que Estate of a Rent Advowson Toll c. but he may of a Mannor to which these are appendant 't is likewise true that if the Defendant had said this was Toll for passing the Highway he must shew some cause to entitle himself to the taking of it as by doing something of publick advantage But this general way of pleading is the most usual and so are the Presidents and it ought to come on the other side and to be alledged that the Defendant prescribed for Toll in the High-way and in this Case though the Mannor came to the Crown the Toll remained appurtenant still and so it continued when it was granted out The difference is between a thing which was originally a Flower of the Crown and other things which are not as Catalla Felonum c. if such come again to the King they are merged in the Crown but 't is otherwise in cases of a Leet Park Warren
of a Bond was that the Defendant should shew the Plaintiff a sufficient discharge of an Annuity who pleaded that he tendered a good and sufficient discharge in general without setting it forth it was not good Mod. Rep. 67. 3. The Plea is that the Indenture had the usual Covenants but doth not set them forth and for that cause 't is also too general In 26 H. 8. 1. The Condition was for the performance of Covenants one whereof was that he should make such an Estate to the Plaintiff as his Council should advise The Defendant pleaded that he did make such Conveiance as the Council of the Plaintiff did advise and the Plea was held ill and too general because he shewed not the Nature of the Conveyance and yet performance was pleaded according to the Covenant But notwithstanding these Exceptions the whole Court were of Opinion that this Plea was good for if the Defendant had set forth the whole Deed verbatim yet because the Lands are in Jamaica and the Covenants are intended such as are usual there the Court cannot judge of them but they must be tried by the Iury. He hath set forth that the Conveyance was by a Deed of Bargain and Sale which is well enough and so it had been if by Grant because the Lands lying in Jamaica pass by Grant and no Livery and Seisin is necessary if any Covenants were unreasonable and not usual they are to be shewed on the other side And so Iudgment was given for the Defendant Spring versus Eve Verdict cures the misrecital of the time of the Session of Parliament DEBT upon the Statute of 29 Eliz. cap 4. by the Sheriff for his Fées for serving of an Execution After Verdict for the Plaintiff it was moved in an arrest of Iudgment by Serjeant Pemberton because the time of holding the Parliament was mis-recited being mistaken in both the Statute Books of Poulton and Keble as it appeared by the Parliament Roll whereupon Iudgment was staied till this Term and the Court had Copies out of the Rolls of the time when the Parliament was held and they were all clear of Opinion that the time was mistaken in the Declaration and so are all the Presidents for the Plaintiff here declared that this Statute was made at a Session of Parliament by Prorogation held at Westminster 15 Febr. 29 Eliz. and there continued till the dissolution of the same whereas in truth the Parliament began 29 Octob. and not on the 15th of February for it was adjourned from that time to the 15th of February and then continued till it was dissolved My Lord Coke in his 4th Institutes fol. 7. takes notice of this mistake in the printed Books But the Court were all of Opinion Curia that though it was mistaken and ought to have been otherwise yet being after * Dyer 95. Yelvert 127. 2 Cro. 111. pl. 9. Br. Abr. tit Parl. 87. Verdict 't is well enough and the rather because this is a particular Act of Parliament and so they are not bound to take notice of it and therefore if it be mistaken the Defendant ought to have pleaded Nul tiel Record but since he hath admitted it by Pleading they will intend that there is such a Statute as the Plaintiff hath alledged and they could not judicially take notice of the contrary The Serjeant perceiving the Opinion of the Court desired time to speak to it being a new Point and told the Court that they ought to take notice of the Commencement of private Acts which the whole Court denyed And the Chief Iustice said that they were not bound to take notice of the Commencement of a general Act for the Court was only to expound it and though this had not been in the Case of a particular Act where 't is clear the Defendant ought to plead Nul tiel record yet being after Verdict 't is well enough because the Party took no benefit of it upon the Demurrer and because of the multiplicity of Presidents which run that way So in the Case upon the Statute of Tythes though it be mistaken yet it hath often been held good as if an Action be brought upon that Statute for not setting out of Tythes declaring quod cum quarto die Novembris anno secundo Edw. 6. It was Enacted c. and the Parliament began 1 Ed. 6. and was continued by Prorogation until 4 Novembris yet this hath often been held good and Multitudo errantium tollit peccatum And though in this Case the Parliament was adjourned but in that upon the Statute of Ed. 6. it was prorogued yet the Chief Iustice said that as to this purpose there was but little difference between an Adjournment and a Prorogation for an Adjournment is properly where the House adjourn themselves and a Prorogation is when the King adjourns them But Iustice Atkins doubted whether the Court ought not to take notice of the Commencement of a general Act and could have wished that there had been no such resolution as there was in the Case of Partridge and Strange in Pl. Commentaries for that he was satisfied with the Argument of Serjeant Morgan in that Case who argued against that Iudgment and held that he who vouched a Record and varies either in the Year or Term hath failed of his Record But since there had been so many Authoritis since in confirmation of that Case he would say nothing against it But he held that there was a manifest difference betwéen an Adjournment and a Prorogation for an Adjournment makes a Session continue but after a Prorogation all must begin de novo and that an Adjournment is not always made by themselves for the Chancellor hath adjourned the House of Péers ex mandato Domini Regis and Queen Elizabeth adjourned the House of Commons by Commission under the Great Seal 4 Iust 7 Mires versus Solebay Servant shall not be charged in Trover for taking Goods by the Command of his Master IN a Special Verdict in Trover and Conversion the Case was this viz. H. being possessed of several Sheep sells them in a Market to Alston but did not deliver them to the Vendée and afterwards in that very Market they discharge each other of this Contract and a new Agreément was made between them which was that Alston should drive the Sheep home and depasture them till such a time and that during that time H. would pay him so much every Week for their Pasture and if at the end of that time then agreed between them Alston would pay H. so much for his Sheep being a price then also agreed on that then Alston should have them Before the time was expired H. sells the Sheep to the Plaintiff Mires and afterwards Alston sells them to one Marwood who brought a Replevin against the Plaintiff for taking of the Sheep and the Officers together with Solebay the Defendant who was Servant to Marwood did by his Order and in assistance
gave him the Goods at London by force whereof he took them at London absque hoc that he took them at Coventry because by such Gift or Delivery he might justifie the taking any where as well as where the delivery was made 2. That the Declaration was ill for the Agreement was to deliver the Goods at London and the breach was that he left them at London and so but argumentative Aston pl. Red. 62. Herns Pleader 76. Brownl Pleadings 139. But the Court were of Opinion that the Declaration was good and the Plea was naught in substance but if it had been good the Traverse notwithstanding had been ill because the justification was not local 2 Cro. 45 372 though Iustice Scroggs was of a contrary Opinion And Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Nota Visne altered Propter necessiatem The Plaintiff had leave given by the Court to alter the Visne from London to Middlesex because all the Sittings in London were on a Saturday and his Witness was a Jew and would not appear that day Mendyke versus Stint PRohibition was prayed to the Sheriffs Court of London Prohibition to the Sheriffs Court after Verdict and Judgment comes too late The Suggestion was That the Plaintiff was sued in that Court in an Action on the Case and sets forth the Proceedings at large that there was a Verdict against him there and averred that the Contract upon which he was sued there revera was made in Middlesex and so the cause of Action did not arise within their Iurisdiction and upon Demurrer to the Prohibition Serjeant Pemberton argued 2 Inst 229 243 601. West 1. c. 35. F. N. B. 45. b. Hob. 106. 1. That a Prohibition doth lie to any Court as well Temporal as Spiritual where such Courts exceed their Bounds for both those Iurisdictions are united to the Imperial Crown it may be granted to the Dutchy Court if they hold Plea of Lands not parcel of the Dutchy 2. Though the Iury have here found that the Defendant assumpsit modo forma yet such finding as to time and place is not material nor is it any Estoppel in a new Action laid in another County to aver that it was for the same thing 'T is true both time and place may be made material by pleading and so it had been in this Case if the Iury had found the place precisely for it would have been an Estoppel The Verdict therefore is nothing and all they have done is coram non Judice The Case of * Antea Squib and Holt. Squib and Hole he cited as an Authority in point where it was adjudged no Escape in the Officer to let a Man at Liberty who was in Execution upon a Bond sued in an Inferior Court the Bond not being made within the Iurisdiction thereof Ex parte Def. But Maynard Dolben Goodfellow and Sympson Serjeants contra They agreed that where it appears by the Plaintiffs Libel that the Court had no Iurisdiction there a Prohibition lies at any time but if what is in the Declaration is laid infra jurisdictionem there the Party must plead extra jurisdictionem and if they refuse to plead to the Plea a Prohibition will lie after Sentence But here is an Action on the Case brought of which the Sheriffs Court can hold Plea and which is laid to be infra jurisdictionem and not denied by the Plaintiff in his Plea and therefore now after Verdict and Iudgment he comes too late for a Prohibition and upon this difference Prohibitions have been usually either granted or denied to the Spiritual Courts Though the Court hath not cognisance of the Cause yet the Proceedings are not coram non Judice for if it be alledged to be within the Iurisdiction and the Defendant takes no exception to it and then Sentence is given against him he hath there by admitted the Iurisdiction So where a Man sued for a Legacy in the Prerogative Court where the Will was proved Stiles 45. by the Opinion of Rolls C. J. 2 Roll. Abr. 318. and Sentence given and an Appeal to the Delegates and Sentence affirmed and then a Prohibition granted but without notice upon the Statute of 23 H. 8. cap. 9. for that the Parties lived in another Diocess but the Plaintiff having allowed the Iurisdiction in all the former proceedings though the Prohibition was granted the Court would not compel the Party to appear and plead but granted a Consultation Cro. Car. 97. Smith versus the Executors of Pondrel In Hillary-Term 1675. in B.R. between Spring and Vernon and in Michaelmas-Term in 22 Car. 2. B. R. Buxton's Case and in Hillary Term the 22 23 Car. 2. in the same Court between Cox and St. Albon Prohibitions were denied after the Iurisdiction adadmitted by Pleading Mod. Rep. 81. The Chief Iustice Wyndham and Atkyns upon the first Argument enclined that a Prohibition ought to be granted because the admittance of the Party cannot give a Iurisdiction where originally there was none but afterwards they were all of Opinion That the Prohibition should not go but said that the Plaintiff in the Inferiour Court ought to have been Non-suited if it appeared upon the Evidence that the Cause of Action did arise extra jurisdictionem In this Case these things were agreed by the Court. 1. Sid. 151. That if any matter appears in the Declaration which sheweth that the Cause of Action did not arise infra jurisdictionem there a Prohibition may be granted at any time 2. If the subject matter in the Declaration be not proper for the Iudgment and determination of such Court there also a Prohibition may be granted at any time 3. If the Defendant who intended to plead to the Iurisdiction is prevented by any Artifice as by giving a short day or by the Attornies refusing to plead it c. or if his Plea be not accepted or is over-ruled in all these Cases a Prohibition likewise will lie at any time And the Chief Iustice and Wyndham Iustices were of Opinion that after the Defendant had admitted the Iurisdiction by pleading to the Action especially if Verdict and Iudgment pass the Court will not examine whether the Cause of Action did arise out of the Iurisdiction or not But Atkyns and Scroggs Iustices said nothing to this last point but that many times an advantage given by the Law was lost by coming too late and instanced that a Visne may be changed in time but not if the Party come too late so if the time of the promise be laid above six years from the time of the Action brought if the Statute of Limitations be not pleaded the Defendant cannot take afterwards advantage of it Whereupon a Prohibition was denied and Iudgment was given for the Defendant Birch versus Wilson Plea tho' it amount to a general Issue if it doth disclose matter of Law besides it shall not be demurred unto IN an Action on the Case the Plaintiff declared
new Will and the Grandson should take by the Name of Son And Iustice Atkins relied on the Case of Brett and Rigden in the Commentaries where new purchased Lands passed by a Republication but a Writ of Error being brought upon this Iudgment in the Kings Bench it was reversed Anonymus In Banco Regis MR. Sanders moved for a Prohibition to the Spiritual Court in the Case of the Children of one Collet and Mary his Wife to stay Proceedings there upon a Libel against them that the said Collet had married Anne the Sister of the said Mary They both appear and confess the Matter upon which a Sentence of Divorce was to pass whereas in truth Collet was never married to Ann but it was a contrivance between him and his Wife to get themselves divorced and the Marriage declared void ab initio to defeat their Children of an Estate settled upon them in Marriage with Remainders over by bastardizing them after they had been married and lived together 16 years The Reason why a Prohibition was prayed was because Marriage or no Marriage was to be tried in pais for that the Inheritance and Freehold of Land were concerned in this Case The Court directed that they should suggest this Matter Curia and that it was a Contrivance to obtain a Sentence of Divorce to defeat them of their Estate entailed on them and then to move for a Prohibition Smallwood versus Brickhouse THE Suggestion was Spiritual Courts are proper to determine where a person is capable of making a Will Godolph 276. that B. being under the Age of sixteen years had made a Will and that the Prerogative Court proceeded to the proof of it whereas by the Common Law a person is not capable till 17 years and therefore a Prohibition was prayed And that the Common Law hath determined the time my Lord Coke's Comment upon Littleton was cited 1 Inst 89. b. where 't is said That at 18 years of Age he may make his Testament and constitute Executors and the Age of a person is triable also in pais But the Court said Curia that the Proof of Wills and the Validity of them doth belong to the Ecclesiastical Court and if they adjudge a person capable the Court will not intermeddle for 't is within their Iurisdiction to adjudge when a person is of Age to make a Will and sometimes they allow Wills made by persons of 14 years of Age and the Common Law hath appointed no time it depends wholly on the Spiritual Law and therefore a Prohibition was denied Joan Bailies Case NOTA. One Joan Bayly being in Execution Administration was committed to the Debtor in Execution the Plaintiff dyed intestate and the Right of Administration came to her and a Motion was made for a Habeas Corpus to bring her from the Compter into this Court for that having administred to her Creditor she might be discharged but it was denyed for she could not be thus discharged because non constat de persona neither can she give a Warrant of Attorny to acknowledge satisfaction therefore let her renounce the Administration and get it granted to another and then she may be discharged by a Letter of Attorny from such Administrator Anonymus Mandamus MAndamus to swear one who was elected to be one of the Eight Men of Ashburn Court it was denyed because it is incertain for it ought specially to be inserted what the Office is and what is the place of one of the Eight Men of Ashburn Court that it may appear to the Court to be such a place for which a Mandamus doth lye and though such a Writ hath been granted for one of the approved Men of Guilford yet it was specially set forth what his Office was Birch versus Lingen Trin. 34 Car. 2. in B. R. Discontinuance where amendable JVdgment was obtained upon a Bond 25 years since and in one of the Continuances from one Term to another there was a blank The Executors of the Defendant now brought a Writ of Error and the Plaintiff in the Action got a Rule to amend and insert the Continuance suggesting to the Court that it was a Iudgment of a few Terms and so aided by the Statute of 16 17 Car. 2. cap. 8. Hughes Abr. tit Costs 480. 2 Sand. 289. Moor 710. Cro. Eliz. 320 489 553 619. Cro. Jac. 211 353 528. Vpon this Rule the Plaintiff fills up the Blank and the Record was certified so filled up into the Exchequer-Chamber And Mr. Pollexfen moved for the Defendant that the Record might stand as it did at first and that the Rule was got by a trick and on a false Suggestion it being a Iudgment before the Restoration of this King and a Discontinuance not amendable for 't is the Act of the Court and for an Authority in the Point the Case of Friend and Baker was cited where after a Record certified Stiles 339. a Motion was made to amend it because day was given over to the Parties from Easter to Michaelmas-Term and so Trinity-Term left out where by the Opinion of Roll Chief Iustice that the giving of a day more than is necessary is no Discontinuance but where a day is wanting 't is otherwise But Sanders for the Plaintiff said that this was only a Misprision of the Clerk and no Discontinuance but amendable The Clerks commonly leave Blanks in the Venires and if they neglect to fill them up 't is only a Misprision and amendable by the Court and the Record being now filled up by the Rule of the Court ought not to be razed to make an Error The Chief Iustice was of Opinion That this was not a discontinuance but an insufficient continuance and an omission of the Clerk only who if he had filled up this Blank himself without Rule it could not afterwards be set aside But Iustice Jones was of another Opinion That it was such a misprision of the Clerk as was not amendable by the Statute of H. 6. since it was not the same Term and all the Proceedings being in the Breast of the Court only during the Term it ought not to be altered but left in Blank as it was for where Iudgment is entred for the Plaintiff the Court may upon just cause alter it the same Term for the Defendant but not of another Term the whole Term being but one day in Law And though the Writ of Error be returned into the Exchequer that will make no alteration for the Record it self remains still here and 't is only a Transcript that is removed thither Sed Adjornatur Anonymus TRespass for breaking of his Close The Defendants plead Power where 't is coupled with an Interest is assignable That the place where were c. the Lands of one Martin who made a Lease thereof to the Plaintiff and did thereby except the Trees growing on the same In which Lease the Plaintiff did Covenant with the said Martin his
The Second PART OF Modern Reports BEING A COLLECTION Of Several SPECIAL CASES Most of them ADJUDGED in the COURT OF Common Pleas In the 26 27 28 29 30th Years of the Reign OF King Charles II. When Sir Fra. North was Chief Justice of the said Court. To which are added Several select CASES in the Courts of Chancery Kings-Bench and Exchequer in the said Years Carefully Collected by a Learned Hand LONDON Printed by the Assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins Esquires for Charles Harper at the Flower de Luce over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet 1698. TO THE Right Honourable JOHN Lord SOMERS Baron of Evesham Lord High Chancellor OF ENGLAND My Lord WHEN both the Favour and Severity of the Laws were by partial and unusual Methods applyed to the Persons and not to the Cases of the accused when the Life and Honour of an unfortunate Man depended on the Arbitrary Dictates of some Men in Authority and when the Sentence pronounced was more Criminal than the Offence of which the Party was too easily convicted then was your Lordship as far from any Advancement to a judicial Office as your Judgment and Inclinations were from the Approbation of such Proceedings But no sooner were places of Honour and Profit in the Law made the unsought Rewards of good and learned Men but your Lordships Merits entituled you to both whose Moderation and Temper will make your Administration just and easie in that honourable Court to which Fortune had no share in your Promotion and whose natural Abilities are so improved by a continued and inflexible Study that your Knowledge is not alone confined to the municipal Laws of this Nation but is generally extensive to all humane Learning What Services may not a Prince expect from the Wisdom and Vigilancy of such a Counsellor And what Benefit may not a divided People find by your equal Dispensation of Justice who if they can be united in any thing it must be in the general Satisfaction which all have in your Promotion because they know those Causes which come before your Lordship will receive a due Hearing and Attention without Passion or Prejudice to Persons such Emotions being as much beneath the Greatness of your Lordships Mind as they are beyond the Duty of Justice and fit only for such who will neither be guided by the Rules of Equity or Reason so true is that Saying Utitur animi motu qui uti ratione non potest The Respect which is due to the Office of Magistrates challengeth an universal Obedience but that particular Affection and Esteem which we have for their Persons is due only to their Vertues and Merits And such is that which I have and all Men especially those of my Profession ought to have for your Lordship and the present Judges in Westminster-Hall whose Learning and Integrity in judicial Determinations may bring the Laws nearer to Perfection and whose Examples are the just Commendation of the present and I hope will be the Imitation of succeeding Ages I could never understand the right meaning of that Sentence Boni Judicis est ampliare Jurisdictionem for if that be true then to what purpose were those Arguments at the Bar of the House of Peers against some late Judges for retaining Bills in Equity the subject Matter whereof was only tryable at the Common Law Such Complaints are now no more because your Lordship will not only support the Honour and Dignity of that Court wherein you preside in the Beauty of Order but will not enjoyn any other from exercising its proper Jurisdiction Thus will the Credit of the Laws of England be revived and Men will acquiesce under the legal Determinations of each Court very few Writs of Error will be brought for Error in Law because of the Justice and Stability of the Judgment in that Court wherein it was given and very few Appeals because your Lordship knows so well how to temper Equity with Justice that he must be a very angry Man who goes away dissatisfied with your Lordships Decree But since the Actions of Men in great Places are subject to the various Censures of Mankind if any prejudiced Person should revive those Disputes or quarrel at your Lordships Administration such Complaints would leave no other Impression upon the Minds of impartial Men than to convince them of the Wrong done to your Lordship and the Folly of such Misapprehensions My Lord I have prefixed your Lordships Name to this mean Performance taking this occasion to shew that great Honour and Respect which I have for your Lordship not that I am so vain to think any thing herein to be worthy of your Lordships Leisure neither do I think it Manners to beg your Lordships Patronage because a good Book will protect it self at all times and a bad one deserves no Protection I know few Books are either praised or perused but what are warranted by the common Repute and Esteem of the Writer which must be imputed to the Prejudice and Partiality of Men and which argues a Diffidence of our natural Parts as if we did not dare to make a right use of our own Judgments For this Reason I have concealed my Name that a Judgment may not be made of the Book by the Repute of the Writer But I hope your Lordship will not condemn my Ambition when I say I am not altogether unknown to your Lordship who am Your Lordships Most humble Servant J. W. Middle-Temple June 22. 1693. A TABLE OF THE NAMES OF THE CASES A. ABbot versus Rugely 307 Abraham versus Cunningham 146 Adams versus Adams 169 Addison versus Otway Mil 233 Alford versus Tatnel 49 Arris and Arris versus Stukley 260 After versus Mazeen 311 Astry versus Ballard 193 312 Atkins versus Bayles 267 Attorny General versus Read Mil 299 ........ versus Turner Mil 106 ....... versus Alston 247 Anonymus 7 17 62 94 100 100 167 199 206 279 293 306 314 316 317 B. BAilies Joan Case 315 Ballard versus Oddey 307 Barker versus Keat 249 Barker versus Warren 270 Barker versus Basket 200 Basset versus Salter 136 Beaver versus Lane 217 Bell versus Knight 182 Benson versus Idle 37 Beaumont versus ...... 140 Bill versus Nichol 246 Birch versus Wilson 274 Birch versus Lingen 316 Blackbourn versus Conset 304 Bridges versus Beddingfield 27 Brittam versus Charnock 286 Brook versus Turner Mil ' 170 Brown versus Johnson 145 Brown versus Waite 130 C. CAlthrop versus Phillips 217 Calthrop versus Heyton 54 Chapter of Southwel versus the Bishop of Lincoln 56 Cockram versus Welby 212 Columbel versus Columbel 77 Cook and others versus Herle 138 Cooper versus Hawkeswel 58 Crosier versus Tomlinson Executor 71 Crossman versus Churchil Mil ' 97 Crowder versus Goodwin 58 Curtio versus Bourn 61 Curtis versus Davenant 8 D. DAshwood versus Cooper 283 Dawes versus Sir Paul Pindar 45 Daws versus Harrison 65 Dorchester's Marquess of Case 215 Dunning
versus Lascomb 267 Duck versus Vincent 33 E. EDwards versus Roberts 24 Edwards versus Weeks 259 Ellis versus Yarborough 177 Escourt versus Cole 58 Evered versus Hone 293 F. FOrrest qui tam c. versus Wire 246 Frosdick versus Sterling 269 G. GIlmore versus the Executor of Shooter 310 Godfrey versus Godfrey 303 Goffe versus Elkin 239 Goodwin qui tam c. versus Butcher 67 H. HAll versus Carter 304 Hambleton vers Scrogs Mil ' 296 Hammond versus Howel 218 Harding versus Ferne 177 Harman's Case 176 Harris's Case 101 Harwood and Binks versus Hillyard 268 Hayes versus Bickerstaffe 34 Hickman Mil ' versus Thorn and others 104 Hill versus Thorn 309 Higginson versus Martin 195 Hill versus Pheasant 54 Hocket Vxor versus Stiddolp Vxer 66 Hollis Mil ' versus Carre 86 Howard Mil ' versus the Queens Trustees 173 I. JAmes versus Johnson 143 James versus Trollup 320 Ingram versus Tothil 93 Jones's Case 198 Ipsley versus Turk 193 Ironmongers Company versus Naylor 185 K. KEndrick versus Bartland 253 The King versus the Bishop of Rochester 1 The King versus Tourvil 52 The King versus Moor 128 Keen versus Kirby 32 L. LAne versus Robinson 102 Lee versus Brown 69 Lever versus Hosier 47 Loyd versus Langford 174 Long 's Case 181 M. MARY Magdalen Bermonsey Church 222 Major versus Grigg 213 Mayor and Comminalty of London versus Gatford 39 Mason versus Stratton 36 Mason versus Caesar 65 Mendyke versus Stint 271 Milward versus Ingram 43 Mires versus Solebay 242 Moor versus Pitt 287 Morris versus Philpot 108 N. NAyler versus Sharpless 23 Nichols versus Ramsel 280 Norris versus Palmer 51 Norris versus Trist 78 Northumberland's Countess of Case 182 Nurse versus Yearworth 8 O. OSbaston versus Stanhop 50 Osborn versus Wright 296 Otway Mil ' versus Holdips 266 P. PAge versus Tulse al' 83 Paget versus Vossius 223 Parrington versus Lee 311 Peck versus Hill 136 Penrice and Wyn's Case 306 Piggot versus the Earl of Salisbury 109 Plummer versus Whitchot Mil ' 119 Prince versus Rawson 51 Put versus Roster 318 Q. QUadring versus Downes al 176 R. RAnds Mil ' versus Trip 199 Randals Case 308 Read versus Dawson 139 Reder versus Bradley 101 Reed versus Hatton 25 Richards versus Sely 79 Rose versus Standen 294 Rozal versus Lampen 42 S. SAms versus Dangerfield 31 Samways versus Eldslly 73 Scoble versus Skelton 318 Searl versus Long 264 Searl versus Bunion 70 Sambrook versus Fettiplace 283 Sharp versus Hubbard 58 Shaw Mil ' versus a Burgess of Colchester 228 Shaxton versus Shaxton 305 Shaftsbury Earl of versus Lord Digby 98 Sherrard versus Smith 103 Simpson versus Ellis 36 Singleton versus Bawtry 168 Smallwood versus Brickhouse 315 Smith versus Tracy 204 Smith versus Shelberry 33 Smith versus Hall 31 Smith versus Feverel 6 Snow al' versus Wiseman 60 Southcot versus Stowel 207 Spring versus Eve 240 Squib versus Hole 29 Strangford versus Green 227 Staples versus Alden 309 Steed versus Berryer 313 Stephens versus Austin 185 Styleman versus Patrick 141 Steward versus Allen 264 Stoutfield 's Case 77 Strangford versus Green 227 Stroud versus Bishop of Bath and Wells 183 Stubbins versus Bird al' 63 Suffeild versus Baskervil 36 T. TAyler versus Biddal 289 Taylor versus Baker 214 Thorp versus Fowle 58 Threadneedle versus Lynam 57 Tissard versus Warcup 279 Townsend Lord versus Hughs 150 Trevil versus Ingram 281 Trotter versus Blake 229 Turner Sir William 's Case 144 V. VAughan versus Wood 56 W. WAkeman versus Blackwel 70 Walwyn versus Awberry 254 Warden of the Fleet 's Case 221 Waterfield versus the Bishop of Chichester 118 Week's Case 278 Wells versus Wright 285 Whitrong versus Blaney 10 Wilcox versus the Servants of Sir Fuller Skipwith 4 Wilkinson versus Loyd Mil ' 82 Williamson versus Hancock 14 Wilson versus Drake 20 Wilson versus Ducket 61 Windam Lady 's Case 294 Wine versus Rider al' 67 Woodward versus Aston 95 Wright versus Bull 304 ERRATA PAge 6. Line 31. for Defendant read Plaintiff p. 58. l. 15. after out r. of p. 79. l. 19. after according read to p. 143. l. 17. for and r. one p. 145. l. 25. for by r. in p. 180. l. 40. for Plaintiff r. Sheriff p. 200. l. 22. for Defendant r. the Plaintiff and for the word Replication r. Plea DE Termino Sancti Hill Annis 26 27 Car. II. in Communi Banco Coram Francisco North Milite Capital Justic ' Hugone Wyndham Milite Justic ' Roberto Atkins Milite Justic ' Willielmo Ellis Milite Justic ' The King versus the Bishop of Rochester and Sir Francis Clark IN a Quare Impedit a special Verdict was found Quare Impedit Mod. Rep. 195. Grant of the King where the first Clause is certain and a mistake in another yet the Grant is good wherein the Case was thus The Mannor of Laburn to which the Advowson of the Church of Laburn was appendant did by the dissolution of Monasteries Anno * 31 H. 8. c. 13. 31 H. 8. come to the King who granted the said Mannor to the Archbishop of Canterbury excepting the Advowson and afterwards the said Archbishop regrants the same to King H. 8. and the Advowson of the Church of Laburn aforesaid and then King H. 8. grants the said Mannor of Laburn Advocation̄ Ecclesiae de Laburn dicto Archiepiscopo having named him before dudum spectan̄ and which was regranted to the said King by the said Archbishop and lately belonging to the Abbot of G. c. adeo plene as the said Archbishop or Abbot had it or as it was in our hands by any ways or means howsoever And whether the Advowson passed by this last Grant was the Question Three Iustices absente North gave Iudgment for the Defendant that the Advowson did pass by this Grant Iustice Ellis in his Argument said That it was plain that when the Mannor came to H. 8. the Advowson was appendant but when it was granted to the Archbishop and the Advowson excepted it then became in gross and therefore could never afterward be appendant James and Johnson 's Case Postea As an Aere once disunited from the Mannor can never after be part of that Mannor Liford's Case 7 Co. And 't is as plain that before the Statute de Praerogativa Regis cap. 15. That in the ease of the King by the Grant of a Mannor the Advowson though not named passed much more if it be named in any part of the Deéd as if it be in the Habendum though not in the Premisses but that must be intended of an Advowson appendant 10 Co. 63. And though Advowsons are excepted by that Statute yet in case of Restitution an Advowson will pass by the Words Adeo plene integre though not named In this
Heir enters and claims generally it shall be intended as Heir and the words that he shall not molest by Suit or otherwise are to be intended occasione praemissorum 3dly There is no néed of Entry to avoid an Estate in case of a Limitation because thereby the Estate is determined without Entry or Claim and the Law casts it upon the Party to whom it is limited and in whom it vests till he disagrées to it A. devises Land to B. and his Heirs and dies 't is in the Devisee immediately but indeed till Entry he cannot bring a possessory Action as Trespass c. Pl. Com. 412 413. 10 Co. 40. b. where a Possession vests without Entry a Reversion will vest without Claim Nota. Curtis versus Davenant Prohibition A Bishop cannot appoint Commissioners to tax the Parish for building or repairing a Church IN a Prohibition the Question was whether if a Church be out of repair or being so much out of order that it must be re-edified whether the Bishop of the Diocess may direct a Commission to impower Commissioners to tax and rate every Parishioner for the re-edifying thereof The Court did unanimously agree such Commissions were against Law and therefore granted a Prohibition to the Spiritual Court to stop a Suit there commenced against some of the Parishioners of White-Chappel for not paying the Tax according to their proportions It was agréed that the Spiritual Court hath power to compel the Parish to repair the Church by their Ecclesiastical Censures but they cannot appoint what Sums are to be paid for that purpose because the Churchwardens by the consent of the Parish are to settle that As if a Bridge be out of repair the Iustices of Peace cannot set Rates upon the persons that are to repair it but they must consent to it themselves These Parishioners here who contribute to the charge of repairing the Church may be spared but as for those who are obstinate and refuse to do it the Spiritual Court may proceed to Excommunication against them but there may be a Libel to pay the Rates set by the Church-wardens Nurse versus Yearworth in Cancellaria Bill in Cancellaria for the Assignment of a Term. RIchard Yearworth being seised of Lands in Fee makes a Lease to the Defendant Christopher Yearworth for 99 years to such use as by his last Will he should direct Afterward he makes his Will in writing having then no Issue but his Wife grossement enseint and thereby devises the same Land to the Heirs of his Body on the Body of his Wife begotten and for want of such Issue to the said Christopher the Defendant and his Heirs Richard dies and about a month after a Son is born the Son by vertue of this Devise enjoys the Land but when he attains his full age of one and twenty years he suffers a Common Recovery and afterwards devises the Land to the Complainant Nurse and dies The Complainant exhibits a Bill against the Defendant to have the Lease for 99 years assigned to him and whether he should have it assigned or not was the Question 1. It was pretended that an Estate in Fée being limited by the Will to Christopher who was Lessee for 99 years the Term is thereby drowned 2. It was objected that the Devise by Richard to the Infant in ventre la mere was void and then the Complainant who claimed by a Devise from the Posthumus could have no Title but that the Defendant to whom an Estate was limited by the Will of Richard in Remainder should take presently But notwithstanding what was objected the Lord Keeper Finch decréed that the Lease which was in Trust should be assigned to the Complainant Nurse He said that at the Common Law without all question a Devise to an Infant in ventre sa mere of Lands devisable by Custom was good so that the doubt arises upon the Statute of H. 8. Roll. Abr. tit Devise 609. lit H. pl. 2. Godb. 385. 11 H 6. 13. dubitatur which enacts That it shall be lawful for a Man by his Will in writing to devise his Lands to any person or persons for in this Case the Devisée not being in rerum naturâ in strictness of spéech is no person and therefore it hath beén taken that such a Devise is void Moor's Rep. and 't is left as a Quaere in the Lord Dyer 304. But in two Cases in the Common Pleas one in the time when the Lord Chief Iustice Hale was Iudge there the other in the Lord Chief Iustice Bridgman's time it hath been resolved that if there were sufficient and apt words to describe the Infant though in ventre sa mere the Devise might be good But in the King's Bench the Iudges since have been divided upon this Point that as the Law stands now adjudged this Devise in our Case seems not to be good But should the Case come now in question he said he was not sure that the Law would be so adjudged for 't is hard to disinherit an Heir for want of apt Words to describe him and 't is all the reason in the World that a Mans intent lying in extremis when most commonly he is destitute of Council should be favoured Whitrong versus Blaney Process into Wales THIS Term the Court delivered their Opinions in this Case North Chief Iustice who had heard no Arguments herein being absent The Case was this The Plaintiff upon a Iudgment in this Court sues out a Scire facias against the Heir and the Ter-tenants which was directed to a Sheriff of Wales the Defendant is returned Tertenant but he comes in and pleads Non tenure generally and traverses the Return the Plaintiff demurs Two Points were spoke to in the Case 1. Whether the Defendant can traverse the Sheriffs Return And all the three Iustices agreéd that he cannot 2. Whether a Scir̄ Fac̄ Ca. Sa. Fi. Fa. c. would lie into Wales on a Iudgment here at Westminster And they agréed it would well lie An Indictment may be removed 2 Cro. 484. Ellis Iustice agreéd If Iudgment be given in Wales it could not be removed into the Chancery by Certiorari and sent hither by Mittimus and then Execution taken out upon that Iudgment here because such Iudgments are to be executed in their proper Iurisdictions and such was the Resolution of the Iustices and Barons Cro. Car. 34. But on a Iudgment obtained here Execution may go into Wales No Execution can go into the Isle of Man because 't is no part of England but Wales is united to England by the Statute of 27 H. 8. c. 26. And therefore in Bedo and Piper's Case 2 Bulstr 156. it was held that such a * Het 20. 2 Cro. 484. The Opinion of Dodderidge Roll. 395. 2 Sand. 194. Twisden denied it Writ of Execution goes legally into Wales He said he had a Report of a Case in 11 Car. 2. where a Motion was made to quash an Elegit into Wales
take Bail but the Sheriff himself must do it and therefore an Action on the Case must lye against the Bayliff for not carrying the Party before the Sheriff in order to put in Bail but an Action of false Imprisonment will not lye 2. The action is laid quare vi armis c. in ipsum the Plaintiff insultum fecit ipsum imprisonavit ut Prisonat à tali loco ad talem locum adducebat detinuit contra consuetudinem Angliae sine cause rationabili per spacium trium dierum The Defendant pleaded quoad venire vi armis necnon totam transgressionem praeter the taking and deteining him three days non Culp and as to that he pleaded the Latitat Warrant and Arrest ut supra but the Verdict being only against the Defendant upon the second Issue and nothing appearing to be done upon this and entire Damages given 't is for that reason ill North Chief Iustice If the Writ and Warrant were good then the refusing Bail is an Offence within the Statute of 23 H. 6. And as 't is an Oppression so 't is an Offence also at the Common Law but an Action on the Case and not of false Imprisonment lyeth against the Officer for it would be very unreasonable by the refusal of Bail to make the Arrest tortious ab initio A special Action on the Case had therefore been the proper remedy against the Sheriff but not against the Officer for an Escape will not lye against him but it must be brought against the Sheriff Kren versus Kirby Surrender by a Disseisor not good IN Ejectment the Lessor of the Plaintiff claimed under a Surrender made to him by William Kirby who had an Estate in the Land after the decrease of his Father but entred during his Life and thereby became a Disseisor and his Estate being now turned into a Right he made the Surrender to the Lessor of the Plaintiff all which was found by special Verdict at the Tryal and it was adjudged that the Surrender was void It was pretended at the Trial that the Father who was Tenant for Life had suffered a Common Recovery in the Lords Court and so his Estate was forfeited for which the Son might enter and then his Surrender is good But the Court answered that without a particular Custom for the purpose the suffering a Recovery would work no Forfeiture of the Estate but if it did 't is the Lord and none else who can enter And so Iudgment was given for the Defendant Duck versus Vincent DEBT upon Bond conditioned to perform Covenants Plea to debt upon bond not good one of which was for payment of so much Mony upon making such Assurances The Defendant pleaded he paid the Mony such a day but doth not mention when the Assurance was made that it might appear to the Court the Mony was immediately paid pursuant to the Condition and for that reason the Court were all of Opinion that the Plea was not good And Iudgement was given for the Plaintiff upon Demurrer Smith versus Shelberry IN Assumpsit the Plaintiff declared that he was possessed of a Term of 80 years Assumpsit upon a mutual promise and it was agreed between him and the Defendant that he should assign all his interest therein to the Defendant who proinde should pay 250 l. and that he promised that in consideration that the Plaintiff at his request had likewise promised to perform all on his part that he would also perform all on his part and then sets forth that the Defendant had paid a Guinea in part of the said 250 l. and that he viz. the Plaintiff obtulit se to assign the Premisses by Indenture to the Defendant which was written and sealed and woud have delivered it to him but he refused and assigns the breach in Non-payment of the Mony to which the Defendant demurred And it was said for him by Baldwin Serjeant Ex parte Def. that this was not a good Declaration because the Assignment ought to precede the Payment and that it was not a mutual promise neither was the obtulit se well set forth but this was a Condition precedent on the Plaintiffs side without the performance whereof no Action would lie against the Defendant Vide 7 Co. Ughtreds Case fol. 10. b. because it was apparent by the Plaintiffs own shewing that the Mony was not to be paid till the Assignment made for the Plaintiff is to assign and the Defendant proinde which is as much as to say pro assignatione is to pay the Mony Like the Case in Dyer 76. a. Assumpsit against the Defendant that he promised pro 20 Marks to deliver 400 Weight of Wax to the Plaintiff the Pronoun Pro makes the Contract conditional Ex parte Quer. But Pemberton Serjeant for the Plaintiff held the Declaration good and that it was a mutual promise and that the Plaintiff need not averr the performance Hill Thorn Postea for in such Cases each has remedy against the other and 't is as reasonable that the Plaintiff should have his Mony before he make the Assignment as that the Defendant should have the Term assigned before he paid the Mony And of that Opinion was the Court only Iustice Atkins doubted Ellis Iustice cited a Case adjudged in the King's Bench which was as he thought Stiles Rep. 186 Postea very hard viz. An Assignment was made between A. and B. that A. should raise Souldiers and that B. should transport them beyond Sea and reciprocal promises were made for the performance as in this Case that A. who never raised any Souldiers may yet bring his Action upon this promise against B. for not transporting them which is a far stronger Case than this at Barr. It was agréed here that the Tender and Refusal had it beén well pleaded would have amounted to and have been equivalent with a full performance but the Plaintiff hath not done as much as he might for he should have delivered the Indenture to the Defendants use and then have tendered it But Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Hays versus Bickerstaffe Covenant not conditional by the words paying and performing IN Covenant brought by the Lessee who declared that the Lessor covenanted with him that he paying the Rent and performing the Covenants on his part to be performed shall quietly enjoy The breach assigned was a disturbance by the Lessor who pleads that till such a time the Plaintiff did quietly enjoy the thing demised without disturbance but then he cut down Wood which was contrary to his Covenant and then and not before he entred and so by the Plaintiffs not performing his Covenant the Defendants Covenant ceases to oblige him whereunto the Plaintiff demurred The Question was Whether the Defendants Covenant was conditional or not For if it amount to a Condition then his Entry is lawful but if it be a Covenant 't is otherwise for then he
Governour of Barbadoes and the Council there have power of probate of Wills and granting of Administration that the Secretary belongs and is an Officer to the said Governour and Council as Register and is concerned about the registring the said Wills and so his Office concerns the Administration of Iustice and then sets forth that this Covenant upon which the Plaintiff brought his Action was entred into upon a corrupt Agréement and for that reason void The Plaintiff replies protestando that this Office concerned not the Administration of Iustice and protestando that here was no corrupt Agréement pro placito he saith that Barbadoes is extra quatuor Maria and was always out of the Allegeance and power of the Kings of England till King Charles the First reduced that Island to his Obedience which is now governed by Laws made by him and not by the Laws of England The Defendant rejoyns protestando that this Island was governed by the Laws of England long before the Reign of King Charles the First and confesses it to be extra quatuor Maria but pleads that before King Charles had that Island King James was seised thereof and died such a day so seised after whose death it descended to King Charles the First as his Son and Heir and that he being so seised 2 Julii in the third year of his Reign granted it under the great Seal of England to the Earl of Carlisle and his Heirs at such a Rent absque hoc that King Charles the First acquired this Island by Conquest Baldwyn Serjeant demurred for that the Traverse is ill Ex parte Quer. for the most material thing in the Pleadings was whether Barbadoes was governed by the Laws of England or by particular Laws of their own And if not governed by the Laws of England then the Statute made 5 E. 6. cap. 16. concerning the Sale of Offices doth not extend to this place He said that it was but lately acquired and was not governed by the Laws of England that it was first found out in King James his Reign which was long after the making of that Statute and therefore could not extend to it The Statute of 1 E. 6. cap. 7. Enacts That no Writ shall abate if the Defendant pending the Action be created a Duke or Earl c. And it has béen doubted whether this Act extended to a Baronet being a Dignity created after the making thereof Sir Simon Bennets Case Syd 40. Cro Car. 104. Statutes of England extend no more to Barbadoes than to Scotland or Virginia New England Isles of Jersey and Gernsey 't is true an Appeal lies from those Islands to the King in Council here but that is by Constitutions of their own No Statute did extend to Ireland till Poyning's Law nor now unless named In Barbadoes they have Laws different from ours as That a Deed shall bind a Feme Covert and many others Ex parte Def. Seys Serjeant contra He agreed that the Traverse was ill and therefore did not indeavour to maintain it but said there was a departure betwéen the Declaration and the Replication for in the Declaration the Plaintiff sets forth that Nokes was admitted Secretary apud Insulam de Barbadoes viz. in Parochia Sancti Martini in Campis and in the Replication he sets forth that this Isle was not in England which is in the nature of a departure as Debt sur obligat ' 1 Maii the Defendant pleads a Release 3 Maii the Plaintiff replies primo deliberat ' 4 Maii 't is a departure for he should have set forth that the Bond was 4 Maii primo deliberat ' Quaere Bro. Departure 14. So in a Quare Impedit the Bishop pleaded that he claimed nothing but as Ordinary The Plaintiff replies Quod tali die anno he presented his Clerk and the Bishop refused him the Bishop rejoyns that at the same day another presented his Clerk so that the Church became litigious and the Plaintiff surrejoyns that after that time the Church was litigious he again presented and his Clerk was refused this was a Departure Bro. Departure So likewise as to the place the Tenant pleads a Release at C. The Demandant saith that he was in Prison at D. and so would avoid the Release as given by Duress and the Tenant saith that he gave it at L. after he was discharged and at large 40 E. 3. Bro. 32. 1 H. 6.3 The Plaintiff might have said that Nokes was admitted here in England without shewing it was at Barbadoes for the Grant of the Office of Secretary might be made to him here under the Great Seal of England as well as a Grant of Administration may be made by the Ordinary out of his Diocess 2. Except Viz. By the Demurrer to the Rejoynder the Plaintiff hath confessed his Replication to be false in another respect for by that he hath owned it The Defendant hath pleaded that King James was seised of this Island and that it descended to King Charles c. and so is a Province of England whereas before he had only alledged that it was reduced in the time of King Charles his Son and so he hath falsified his own Replication And besides this is within the Statute of 5 Ed. 6. for the Defendant saith that the Plaintiff hath admitted Barbadoes to be a Province of England and it doth not appear that ever there was a Prince there or any other person who had Dominion except the King and his Predecessors and then the Case will be no more than if the King of England take possession of an Island where before there was vacua possessio by what Laws shall it be governed certainly by the Laws of England This Island was granted to the Earl of Carlisle and his Heirs under a Rent payable at the Exchequer for which Process might issue and it descends to the Heirs of the Earl at the Common Law And if it be objected that they have a Book of Constitutions in Barbadoes that is easily answered for 't is no Record neither can the Iudges take any notice of it 'T is reasonable that so good a Law as was instituted by this Statute of Edw. 6. should have an extensive construction and that it should be interpreted to extend as well to those Plantations as to England for if another Island should be now discovered it must be subject to the Laws of England Curia advisare vult Lever versus Hosier THIS was a special Verdict in Ejectment Recovery suffered of Lands in a Liberty passeth Lands in a Vill distinct within that Liberty Mod. Rep. 206. Postea The Case upon the Pleading was viz. Sir Samuel Jones being Tenant in Tail of Lands in Shrewsbury and Cotton being within the Liberties of Shrewsbury suffers a Common Recovery of all his Lands lying within the Liberties of Shrewsbury and whether the Lands in Cotton which is a distinct Vill though within the Liberties shall pass was the Question And it was argued
of the next Avoidance was not good because it was made by those who were not Head of the Corporation and it must be void immediately or not at all and Iudgment was given accordingly Threadneedle versus Lynam THere being two Mannors usually let for 67 l. 1 s. 5 d. by the year Lease by a Bishop and more than the old Rent reserved good Mod. Rep. 203. a Bishop lets one of them for 21 years reserving the whole Rent and whether this was a good Lease within the Statute of 1 Eliz. cap. 19. was the Question which depended upon the construction of the Words therein viz. All Leases to be void upon which the old accustomed Rent is not reserved and here is more than the old Rent reserved and this being a private Act is to be taken literally North Chief Iustice agreed that private Acts which go to one particular thing are to be interpreted literally but this Statute extends to all Bishops and so may be taken according to Equity and therefore he and Wyndham and Atkins Iustices held the Lease to be good But this Case was argued when Vaughan was Chief Iustice and he and Iustice Ellis were of another Opinion DE Term. Sancti Mich. Anno 27 Car. II. in Communi Banco Thorp versus Fowle No more Costs than Damages NOTA. In this Case the Court said that since the Statute which gives no more Costs than Damage 't is usual to turn Trespass into Case Cooper versus Hawkeswel Words IN an Action upon the Case for these Words I dealt not so unkindly with you when you stole a Stack of my Corn Per Curiam the Action lies Escourt versus Cole Words IN an Action on the Case for Words laid two ways the last Count was Cumque etiam which is but a recital and dubitatur whether good Sharp versus Hubbard Six Months for proving of a Suggestion THE six Months in which the Suggestion is to be proved must be reckoned according to the Calendar Months and 't is so computed in the Ecclesiastical Court Crowder versus Goodwin Justification by Process out of inferiour Court IN Assault and Battery and false Imprisonment as to the Assault c. the Defendant pleads Not-Guilty and as to the Imprisonment he justifies by a Process out an inferiour Court and upon Demurrer these Exceptions were taken to his Plea 1. The Defendant hath set forth a Precept directed Servienti ad Claven and 't is not said Ministro Curiae 2. 1 Rol. 484. Cro. Car. 254. Dyer 262. b. It was to take the Plaintiff and have him ad proximam Curiam which is not good for it should have beén on a day certain like Adams and Flythe's Case * Cro. Jac. 571. Mod. Rep. 81. where a Writ of Error was brought upon a Iudgment in Debt by Nil dicit in an inferiour Court and the Error assigned was That after Imparlance a day was given to the Parties till the next Court and this was held to be a Discontinuance not being a day certain 3. 'T is not said ad respondend ' alicui 4. Nor that the Action arose infra Burgum 5. The Precept is not alledged to be returned by the Officer To all which it was answered That a Pleint is but a Remembrance and must be short Rast 321. and when 't is entred the Officer is excused for he cannot tell whether 't is infra * Squibb versus Hole antea 29. Jurisdictionem or not And as to the first Exception a Precept may be directed to a private person and therefore Servienti ad Clavem is well enough Then as to the next Exception 't is likewise well set forth to have the Plaintiff ad proximam Curiam for how can it be on a day certain when the Iudge may adjourn the Court de die in diem Then ad respondendum though 't is not said alicui 'tis good though not so formal and 't is no Tort in the Officer but t is to be intended that he is to answer the Plaintiff in the Plaint As to the fourth Exception the Defendant sets forth that he did enter his Plaint secundum consuetudinem Curiae Burgi and when the Plaintiff declared there he shewed that the Cause did arise infra Jurisdictionem And as to the last The Officer is not punishable though he do not return the Writ The end of the Law is that the Defendant should be present at the day and if the Cause should be agreed or the Plaintiff give a Release when the Defendant is in custody no Action lies against the Officer if he be detained afterwards But the Chief Iustice doubted that for the second Exception the Plea was ill for it ought to be on a day certain and likewise it ought to be alledged infra Jurisdictionem But the other threé Iustices held the Plea to be good in omnibus and said that the inferior Court had a Iurisdiction to issue out a Writ and the Officer is excusable though the cause of Action did not arise within the Iurisdiction which ought to be shewn on the other side And so Iudgment was given for the Defendant Snow and others versus Wiseman Traverse necessary where omitted is substance TRespass for taking of his Horse The Defendant pleads that he was seised of such Lands and intitles himself to an Herriot The Plaintiff replies that another person was jointly seised with the Defendant Et hoc paratus est verificare The Defendant demurs generally because the Plaintiff should have traversed the sole Seisin But it was said for him that the sole Seisin néed not be traversed Sid. 300. because the matter alledged by him avoids the Barr without a Traverse In a Suggestion upon a Prohibition for Tythes the Plaintiff entituled himself by Prescription under an Abbot and shews the Vnity of Possession by the Statute of 31 H. 8. by which the Lands were discharged of Tythes Yelv. 231. Pl. Com. 230. 231. The Defendant pleads that the Abbey was founded within time of Memory and confesseth the Vnity afterwards and the Plea was held good for he néed not traverse the Prescription because he had set forth the Foundation of the Abbey to be within time of Memory which was a sufficient avoiding the Plaintiffs Title Yelv. 31. The Plaintiff therefore having said enough in this Case to avoid the Barr if he had traversed it also it would have made his Replication naught Cro. Jac. 221. like the Case of * Bedel and Lull where in an Ejectment upon a Lease made by Elizabeth the Defendant pleads that before Elizabeth had any thing in the Lands James was seised thereof in Fee and that it descended to his Son and so derives a Title under him and that Elizabeth was seised by Abatement The Plaintiff confesses the Seisin of James but that he devised it to Elizabeth in Fee and makes a Title under her absque hoc that she was seised by Abatement and upon a Demurrer the
enough and Iudgment was given accordingly When this Cause was tried at the Barr which was in Easter-Term last the Lord Mohun offered to give his Testimony for the Plaintiff but refused to be sworn offering to speak upon his Honour but Iustice Wyld told him in Causes between Party and Party he must be upon his Oath The Lord Mohun asked him whether he would answer it The Iudge replyed that he delivered it as his Opinion and because he knew not whether it might cause him to be questioned in another place he desired the rest of the Iudges to deliver their Opinions which they all did and said he ought to be sworn and so he was but with a salvo jure for he said there was an Order in the House of Peers That 't is against the Priviledge of the House for any Lord to be sworn Anonymus DEBT upon the Statute for not coming to Church and concludes Per quod Actio accrevit eidem Domino Regi quer̄ ad exigend ' habend ' The Exception after Iudgment was taken that it ought to have been only Actio accrevit eidem the Plaintiff qui tam c. and not exigend ' habend ' for the King and himself Sed non allocatur For upon search of Presidents the Court were all of Opinion that it was good either way Anonymus Factor where he cannot sell but for ready Mony IN Accompt Iudgment was given quod computet and the Defendant pleads before the Auditors that the Goods whereof he was to give a reasonable accompt were bona peritura and though he was carefull in the keeping of them yet they were much the worse that they remained in his hands for want of Buyers and were in danger of being worse and therefore he sold them upon Credit to a Man beyond Sea The Plaintiff demurred and after Argument by Barrel Serjeant for the Plaintiff and Baldwin Serjeant for the Defendant the whole Court were of Opinion that the Plea was not good Curia For if a Merchant deliver Goods to his Factor ad merchandizand ' he cannot sell them upon Credit but for ready Mony unless he hath a particular Commission from his Master so to do for if he can find no Buyers he is not answerable and if they are bona peritura and cannot be sold for Mony upon the delivery the Merchant must give him authority to sell upon Trust If they are burned or he is robbed without his own default he is not lyable and in this Case it was not pleaded that he could not sell the Goods for ready Mony and the Sale it self was made beyond Sea where the Buyer is not to be found like the Case of * 1 Bulst 103. Yelv. 202. Sadock and Burton where in Accompt against a Factor he pleads that he sold the Iewel to the King of Barbary for the Plaintiffs use and upon a Demurrer the Plea was held naught for when a Factor hath a bare Authorty to sell in such Case he hath no power to give a day of payment but must receive the Mony immediately upon the Sale Therefore in the Case at Barr if the Master is not bound by the Contract of the Servant without his Consent or at least the Goods coming to his use neither shall the Servant have Authority to sell without ready Mony unless he hath a particular Order for that purpose There was another thing moved in this Case for the Plaintiff that the Plea ought to be put in upon Oath for having pleaded that he could not sell without loss he ought to swear it Fitzh Accompt 47. But no Opinion was delivered herein only the Chief Iustice said that the Plaintiff ought to have required the Plea upon Oath for otherwise it was not necessary But for the substance of the Plea it was held ill and Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Harris's Case SErjeant Hopkins moved for a Prohibition The Case was Husband dies his Wife Executrix she dies before Probate Administration must be to the next of kin of the Husband 22 23 Car. 2. cap. 10. A Man makes a Will and appoints his Wife to be Executrix and devises a Shilling to his Daughter for a Legacy and dies the Executrix before Probate of the Will dies also intestate and whether the Goods shall be distributed by the Act for settling Intestates Estates amongst the next of kin to the Executrix or to the next of kin to the Testator her Husband was the Question Since she dying before Probate her Husband in Iudgment of Law died also intestate This Case seems to be out of the Statute the Husband having made a Will and the Act intermeddles only where no Will is made The Court delivered no Iudgment in it but seemed to incline that the Statute did extend to this very Case and that Administration must be committed to the next of kin of the Husband but if there should be no distribution it must then be according to the Will of the Testator Reder versus Bradley IT was moved to reverse a Iudgment given in an Honour Court upon a Writ of false Iudgment brought here Judgment reversed in an inferior Court where the damage was laid to 30 l. The Plaintiff declared in the Action below that there was a Communication between him and the Defendant concerning the Service of his Son and it was agreéd between them that in consideration the Plaintiff would permit his Son to serve him the Defendant promised to pay the Plaintiff 30 s. The Plaintiff avers that he did permit his Son to serve him and that the Defendant hath not paid him the 30 s. There was a Verdict for the Plaintiff and the Exceptions now taken were 1. 'T is not said that the Iurors were electi ad triand ' c. 2. He lays his damage to 30 l. of which a Court Baron cannot hold Plea for the difference taken by my Lord Coke is where Damages are laid under 40 s. Costs may make it amount to more but where 't is laid above in such Case all is coram non Judice for which reason Iudgment was reversed but in this Court the Iudge doth not pronounce the Reversal as 't is done in the Kings Bench. Lane versus Robinson Inferior Court TRespass for taking of his Cattel the Defendant justifies by vertue of an Execution in an Action of Trespass brought in a Hundred Court and the Plaintiff demurred Serjeant Pemberton took two Exceptions to the Plea 2 Cro. 443 526. Hob. 180. Sid. 348. 1. Because the inferior Court not being of Record cannot hold Plea of a Trespass quare vi armis contra pacem but it was not allowed for Trespasses are frequently brought there and the Plaintiff may declare either vi armis or contra pacem Postea 2. The Defendant reciting the Proceedings below saith taliter processum fuit whereas he ought particularly to set forth all that was done because not being in a Court
Construction can be made of them but that an Estate in possession was thereby intended to pass 4. Object That this Fine and Grant must be construed to enure according to the intent of the Parties ut res magis valeat and they never intended to make a Forfeiture Answ Certainly no Man ever intended to make a Forfeiture of his own Estate those are generally the effects of Ignorance and not of the Will as the Case of Gimlet and Sands Cro. Car. * 1 Roll. Abr. 856. 391. where Tenant in Fee makes a Feoffment to two to the use of himself for Life then to the use of his Wife for Life Remainder in Tail to his Son and Heir Remainder to his own right Heirs and afterwards he made another Feoffment to Smith with Warranty the Mother and Son join in another Feoffment adjudged that this was a Forfeiture of her Estate for life though she had no notice of the Warranty made by her Husband for the Feoffment made by him was a publick Act upon the Land and she ought to have taken notice of it and though by her joining in the Feoffment with her Son she did not intend to forfeit her Estate yet the Law adjudges according to what is done But in the Case at Barr the intention of the Parties may be collected by the Act done and there is great reason to presume that the Parties thereby intended to displace the Reversion for the Husband joyning in the Fine and in the Warranty if it was no divesting the Warranty is of no use Another Objection has been only mentioned which is that admitting this should amount to a displacing if the Estate had been in possession yet in this Case it would not because it was prevented by the Lease for years in being But that cannot hinder the execution of this Fine 't is a Fine sur concessit which is executory in its nature and doth not pass any Estate or take any effect 'till executed and so is the Book 41 5. 3. 14. b. But in this Case the Fine was executed which may be by matter in pais as well as by Scire facias and as to this purpose may be executed by the entry of the Conusor 1 Rep. 106. Dyer 376. b. without suing out any Execution 38 Ed. 3. Brook tit Scire facias 199. If there had been a Fine executed there would have beén little doubt left in this Case and by the Attornment of the Lessee for years it must be admitted that this Fine was executed as 8 Ed. 3. f. 44. For a Fine of a Reversion may be executed to all purposes by the Attornment of the Lessee for years and if so when a Fine executory is once executed 't is as good as a Fine sur Conusance de droit come ceo to make a forfeiture of the particular Estate Where a Feoffment is made and a Lease for years is in being the Feoffment is not good because in such case there must be a present transposition of the Estate Postea Moor and Pitt which is hindred by the Lease But in case of a Fine which is a Feoffment upon Record a Lease for years is no impediment or displacing of the Reversion for if Tenant in Tayl expectant upon a Lease for years levy a Fine 't is a discontinuance of the Tayl and notwithstanding this Lease the Fine has such an operation upon the Free-hold that it displaces the Reversion in Fee Co. Lit. 332. And therefore if a Lease for years prevents not a Discontinuance it will much less hinder a displacing in this case But no Iudgment was given now in this Case another matter being debated whether the Plaintiff could have Iudgment because he was barred by the Statute of Limitations for it did not appear that he had been in possession for twenty years past and the Verdict hath not found any Claim or that the Plaintiff was within the Proviso of the Act. Waterfield versus the Bishop of Chichester Oath Ex Officio not to be administred A Prohibition was granted last Easter-Term to the Bishop of Chichester upon a Suggestion made by Waterfield that he being chosen Churchwarden of the Parish Church of Arundel in the County of Sussex the Bishop tendered him an Oath ex officio which was that he should Present every Parishioner who had done any Offence or neglected any Duty mentioned in certain Articles contained in a printed Book delivered to him some of which Articles concern the Church-warden himself and so in effect he was to swear against himself in case of any default which is expressly against the Statute of 13 Car. 2. Sid. 232 cap. 12. which prohibits any person having Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction to administer the Oath ex officio or any other Oath whereby the person to whom 't is administred may be charged to accuse himself of any criminal matter whereby he may be lyable to any Censure or punishment and because the Bishop had Excommunicated him for refusing such Oath he prayed a Prohibition which was granted quoad the compelling him to make any answer to the said Articles concerning himself and the Excommunication was discharged But now upon the motion of Serjeant Brampston a Consultation was awarded because it appeared by the Affidavit of the Commissary who tendred this Oath and likewise by the act of the Court that he was Excommunicated for refusing to take the Oath of a Church warden according to Law which was the only Oath tendred and therefore the ground of the Prohibition being false a Consultation was awarded In this Prohibition it was recited That the Bishop cannot give an Oath but in two cases viz. in matters Testamentary and Matrimonial whereas they have authority in many cases more 't is true also that until his Iurisdiction was increased by Act of Parliament he could hold Plea in none but those two causes 2 Inst 487 537. but by the Statute De circumspecte agatis and of Articuli Cleri he may now hold Plea in many other cases The Bishop informed the Lord Chief Iustice that the Plaintiff Waterfeild had caused 2000 of the Prohibitions to be printed in English and had dispersed them all over the Kingdom intituling them a true translated Copy of a Writ of Prohibition granted by the Lord Chief Iustice and other the Iustices of the Court of Common Pleas in Easter-Term 1676. against the Bishop of Chichester who had proceeded against and Excommunicated one Thomas Waterfield a Churchwarden for refusing to take the Oath usually tendred to persons in such Office by which Writ the Illegality of all such Oaths is declared and the said Bishop commanded to take off his Excommunication And this was declared by the Court to be a most seditious Libel and gave order to enquire after the Printer that he might be prosecuted Eleanor Plummer versus Sir Jeremy Whitchot Intr. Trin. 27 or 28 Car. 2. Rot. 301. in B. R. IN an Action of Debt for an Escape Vpon Nil debet
Toll c. which were first created by the King 9 Co. Abbot de Strata Marcella's Case So that this Toll is not become in gross by the dissolution whereupon Iudgment was given for the Defendant Sir William Turner's Case Amendment not after issue joyned DEbt qui tam c. for 100 l. against Sir William Turner being a Iustice of Peace in London for denying his Warrant to suppress a seditious Conventicle of one Mr. Turner in New-street This Cause was to be tried by Nisi prius this Term before the Chief Iustice And now the Plaintiff moved to amend one Word in the Declaration wherein he was mistaken for he had laid the Meeting to be at Turner's Mansion House and upon Enquiry he understood the place of Meeting was not at his Mansion House but at a little distance from it and so prayed the word Mansion might be struck out But the Chief Iustice said that after Issue joyned Curia and the Cause set down to be tried and this being a penal Statute no President could be shewn of an Amendment in such case and therefore would not make this the first and so Leave was given to the Plaintiff to discontinue upon payment of Costs Brown versus Johnson IN Accompt The Plaintiff declares against the Defendant Time where 't is made parcel of the issue not good for that upon the first of March 22 Car. 2. abinde to the first of May 27 Car. 2. he was his Bayliff and Receiver of 80 Piggs of Lead The Defendant pleads that from the said first day of March 22 Car. 2. to the first day of May 27 Car. 2. he was not the Plaintiffs Bayliff or Receiver of the said 80 Piggs of Lead hoc paratus est verificare To this the Plaintiff demurred and assigned specially for cause that the times from the first of March to the first of May are made parcel of the Issue which ought not to be because the Plaintiff in his Declaration must alledge a time for Form sake but the Defendant ought not to tye him up to such time alledged for he might have said he was not Bayliff modo forma And for this the Case of Lane and Alexander was cited where the Defendant by Ejectment makes a Title by Copy of Court Roll granted to him 44 Eliz. and the Plaintiff replies his Title by the like Grant 1 Junii 43 Eliz. The Defendant maintains his Barr and traverseth that the Queen 1 Junii 43 year of her Reign granted the said Land by Copy and upon Demurrer it was adjudged that the traversing of the day is matter of substance which being made part of the Issue is naught But on the other side it was objected that time is material and that in Actions of Accompt 't is proper to make it parcel of the Issue for a Man may be Bayliff for two but not for three years and a Release may be pleaded from such a time to such a time Fitz. Accompt 30. Rast Entry f. 8. 19 pl. 1. f. 20. pl. 6. f. 22. pl. 2. 1. Then Exceptions were taken to the Plea first for that the Plaintiff having charged the Defendant as Receiver of 80 Piggs of Lead the Defendant pleads and that he was not Receiver thereof but doth not say of any part thereof for which reason the Court held the Plea ill because he might retain 79 and yet not 80 Piggs but to plead generally ne unques Receptor is well enough though it was urged that if it had been found against him upon such an Issue that he had received any parcel of the Lead he should have accompted 24 H. 4. 21. 2 Roll. 3. 14. 32 H. 6. 33. Fitz. Accompt 16. Cro. Eliz. 850. Fitz. Accompt 14. Rast Entry 18 19 20. 2. The Defendant concludes hoc paratus est verificare whereas it should be de hoc ponit se super patriam but the Court doubted of this because it was not specially assigned Postea 3. The Plaintiff charged the Defendant as his Bayliff upon the first of March and the Defendant pleads that he was not his Bayliff from the first of March so he excludes that day and this the Court held to be incurable and likewise that the time ought not to be made parcel of the Issue 2 Sand. 317 318. and so Iudgment was given quod computer Abraham versus Cunningham Administrator sells a Term afterwards an Executor appears and renounces yet the Sale was adjudged void Jones 72. 1 Vent 303. IN a special Verdict in Ejectment the Case upon the Pleadings was Viz. Sir David Cunningham being possessed of a Term for years made his Will and therein appointed his Son Sir David Cunningham to be his Executor and dyed Sir David the Executor in the year 1663. made his Will also and therein appointed David Cunningham his Son and two others to be his Executors and dyed those two Executors dye and B. a Stranger takes out Administration cum Testamento annexo and continues this Administration from the year 1665. to the year 1671. in which time he made an Assignment of this Term to the Lessor of the Plaintiff for which he had received a thousand Pounds And in the year 1671. the surviving Executor of Sir David the Executor made Oath in the Archbishops Court that he never heard of his Testators Will 'till then nor ever saw it before and that he had not medled with the Estate nor renounced the Executorship 6 Co. Packmans Case Then a Citation goes to shew cause why the Administration should not be repealed and Sentence was given that it should be revoked upon which the Executor enters and the Lessor of the Plaintiff entred upon him This Case was argued by Saunders for the Plaintiff Ex parte Quer. and Levints for the Defendant And first it was said in behalf of the Plaintiff that the Authorities in the Books were strong on his side that the first Administration was well granted 'T is true if a Man make a Will and Administration is granted and that Will is afterwards proved such Administration is void as in Greysbrook and Foxes Case Pl. Com. But in this Case after the death of Sir David Cunningham the Executor his Testator is dead Intestate for to make an Executor there must be first the naming of him then there must be some concurring act of his own to declare his assent that he will take onus executionis upon him for no man can make another Executor against his will so that if after the death of the first Executor those other Executors appointed by him had made such a Declaration as this surviving Executor hath since done their Testator had dyed Intestate 7 E. 4. 12 13. The Executor is made by the Testator and the Ordinary is empowered by the Statute to make the Administrator where the person dies Intestate so that 't is plain there cannot be an Executor and Administrator both together If he who is
likewise addressed to my Lord as before making several Protestations of his Innocency But having once in a Passion said that he scorned to submit My Lord for that Reason would not remit the Damages it was therefore moved for a new Tryal upon these Reasons 1. Because the Witnesses who proved the Words were not Persons of Credit and that at the time when they were alledged to be spoken many Clergy-men were in Company with the Defendant and heard no such Words spoken 2. It was sworn that one of the Iury confessed that they gave such great damages to the Plaintiff not that he was damnified so much but that he might have the greater opportunity to shew himself noble in the remitting of them 3. And which was the principal Reason because the Damages were excessive Curia The Court delivered their Opinions seriatim and first The Chief Iustice North said In Cases of Fines for criminal Matters a Man is to be fined by Magna Charta with a salvo contenemento suo and no Fine is to be imposed greater than he is able to pay but in Civil Actions the Plaintiff is to recover by way of compensation for the damages he hath sustained and the Iury are the proper Iudges thereof This is a Civil Action brought by the Plaintiff for Words spoken of him which if they are in their own nature actionable the Iury ought to consider the damage which the Party may sustain but if a particular Averment of special damages makes them actionable then the Iury are only to consider such damages as are already sustained and not such as may happen in futuro because for such the Plaintiff may have a new Action He said that as a Iudge he could not tell what value to set upon the Honour of the Plaintiff the Iury have given 4000 l. and therefore he could neither lessen the Sum or grant a new Trial especially since by the Law the Iury are Iudges of the damages and it would be very inconvenient to examine upon what account they gave their Verdict they having found the Defendant guilty did believe the Witnesses and he could not now make a doubt of their Credibility Wyndham Iustice accorded in omnibus Atkins Iustice contra That a new Trial should be granted for 't is every days practice and he remembred the Case of Gouldston and Wood in the Kings Bench where the Plaintiff in an Action on the Case for Words for calling of him Bankrupt recovered 1500 l. and that Court granted a new Tryal because the damages were excessive The Iury in this Case ought to have respect only to the damage which the Plaintiff sustained and not to do an unaccountable thing that he might have an opportunity to shew himself generous and as the Court ought with one Eye to look upon the Verdict so with the other they ought to take notice what is contained in the Declaration and then to consider whether the Words and Damages bear any proportion if not then the Court ought to lay their hands upon the Verdict 'T is true they cannot lessen the damages but if they are too great the Court may grant a new Tryal Scroggs Iustice accorded with North and Wyndham that no new Tryal can be granted in this Cause He said that he was of Council with the Plaintiff before he was called to the Bench and might therefore be supposed to give Iudgment in favour of his former Client being prepossess'd in the Cause or else to shew himself more signally just might without considering the matter give Iudgment against him but that now he had forgot all former relation thereunto and therefore delivered his Opinion that if he had been of the Iury he should not have given such a Verdict and if he had been Plaintiff he would not take advantage of it but would overcome with Forgiveness such Follies and Indiscretions of which the Defendant had been guilty but that he did not sit there to give Advice but to do Iustice to the People He did agrèe that where an unequal Tryal was as such must be where there is any Practice with the Iury in such Case 't is good reason to grant a new Tryal but no such thing appearing to him in this Case a new Tryal could not be granted Suppose the Iury had given a scandalous Verdict for the Plaintiff as a Penny Damages he could not have obtained a new Trial in hopes to increase them neither shall the Defendant in hopes to lessen them and therefore by the Opinion of these three Iustices a new Tryal was not granted Afterwards in this Term Serjeant Maynard moved in Arrest of Iudgment and said that this Action was grounded upon the Statute of R. 2. Which consists of a Preamble reciting the Mischief and of the Enacting part in giving of a Remedy and that the Defendants Case was neither within the Mischief or the Remedy This Statute doth not create any Action by way of particular design and if the matter was now Res integra much might be said that an Action for Damages will not lye upon this Statute for the Statute of Westm 2. appoints that the Offender shall suffer imprisonment until he produces the Author of a false Report Ca. 33. and the Statute of 2 R. 2. which recites that of Westm 2. gives the same punishment and the Action is brought qui tam c. and yet the Plaintiff only recovers for himself It was usual to punish Offenders in this kind in the Star Chamber as in the * Earl of Northampton's Case where one Goodrick said of him That he wrote a Book against Garnet and a Letter to Bellarmine 12 Co. 132. intimating that what he wrote in the Book was not his Opinion but only ad captandum populum which was a great disgrace to him in those days being as much as to say he was a Papist Cro. Eliz. But the Serjeant would not insist upon that now since it hath been ruled that where a Statute prohibits the doing of a thing which if done might be prejudicial to another in such case he may have an Action upon that very Statute for his Damages But the ground on which he argued was that these words as spoken are not within the meaning of the Act for they are not actionable 1. Because they are no scandal and words which are actionable must import a great Scandal which no circumstance or occasion of speaking can excuse and if they are scandalous and capable of any mitigation by the precedent discourse the pleading of that matter will make them not actionable and for this the Lord * 4 Co. Cromwel's Case is a plain Authority the Words spoken of him were You like those that maintain Sedition against the King's Person the occasion of speaking of which was to give an account of his favouring the Puritan Preachers which was all that was intended by the former discourse for that Lord had approved a Sermon which was preached by a Parson
to such person or persons and to such use and uses intents and purposes as she should think fit and that the Plaintiff should assent thereunto and not impeach the same in Law or Equity The Marriage shortly afterwards took effect and Philippa by Will in Writing gave all her Estate away in Legacies and Charitable Vses and she devised to the Plaintiff 20 l. to buy him Mourning and gave to Sir William Turner the Defendant 100 l. and made him Executor and she devised to Mr. Hays and to Mr. Grace 20 l. apiece whom she made Overseers of her Will and died There was neither Date or Witnesses to this Will save only the Month and Year of our Lord therein mentioned and that this Will not being proved in the Spiritual Court the Plaintiff moved for a Prohibition and the Defendant took Issue upon the Suggestion In which Case these Points were resolved by the Court. Mod. Rep. 211. 1. If there be an Agreement before Marriage that the Wife may make a Will if she do so 't is a good Will unless the Husband disagreés and his Consent shall be implyed till the contrary appear And the Law is the same though he knew not when she made the Will which when made 't is in this Case as in others ambulatory till the death of the Wife and his dissent thereunto but if after her death he doth consent he can never afterwards dissent for then he might do it backwards and forwards in infinitum 2. If the Husband would not have such Will to stand he ought presently after the death of the Wife to shew his dissent 3. If the Husband consent that his Wife shall make a Will and accordingly she doth make such a Will and dieth and if after her death he comes to the Executor named in the Will and seems to approve her choice by saying He is glad that she had appointed so worthy a Person and seemed to be satisfied in the main with the Will and recommended a Coffin-maker to the Executor and a Goldsmith for making the Rings and a Herald Painter for making the Escutcheons this is a good assent and makes it a good Will though the Husband when he sees and reads the Will being thereat displeased opposes the Probate in the Spiritual Court by entring Caveats and the like and such disagreément after the former assent will not hurt the Will because such assent is good in Law though he know not the particular Bequests in the Will 4. When there is an express Agreement or Consent that a Woman may make a Will a little proof will be sufficient to make out the continuance of that Consent after her death and it will be needful on the other side to prove a Disagreement made in a solemn manner and those things which prove a dissatisfaction on the Husbands part may not prove a disagreement because the one is to be more formal than the other for if the Husband should say that he hoped to set aside the Will or by a Suit or otherwise to bring the Executor to terms this is not a dissent Sir Robert Howard versus the Queens Trustees and the Attorney General In the Dutchy UPON a Bill exhibited in the Dutchy Court Jones 126. The Question was whether the Stewardship of a Mannor was grantable in Reversion or not The Attorny General and the Queens Council Butler and Hanmore held that it was not But Serjeant Pemberton and Mr. Thursby would have argued to the contrary for they said it might be granted in Fée or for any less Estate and so in reversion for it may be executed by Deputy But this Question arising upon a Plea and Demurrer the Debate thereof was respited till the hearing of the Cause which was the usual Practice in Chancery as North Chief Iustice who assisted the Chancellor of the Dutchy informed the Court. And he said that in all Courts of Equity the usual course was when a Bill is exhibited to have Mony decreed due on a Bond upon a Suggestion that the Bond is lost there must be Oath made of it for otherwise the Cause is properly triable at the Common Law and such course is to be observed in all the like Cases where the Plaintiff by surmise of the loss of a Déed draws the Defendant into Equity but if the Case be proper in its own nature for a Court of Conscience and in case where the Déed is not lost the Remedy desired in Chancery could not be obtained upon a Trial at Law there though it be alledged that the Déed is lost Oath need not be made of it as if there be a Déed in which there is a Covenant for farther Assurance and the Party comes in Equity and prays the thing to be done in specie there is no need of an Oath of the loss of such Deed because if it 't is not lost the Party could not at Law have the thing for which he prayed Relief for he could only recover Damages Note also That he said in the Case of one Oldfeild that it was the constant practise where a Bill is exhibited in Equity to foreclose the right of Redemption if the Mortgagor be foreclosed he pays no Costs and though it was urged for him that he should pay no Costs in this Case because the Mortgagee was dead and the Heir within Age and the Mony could not safely be paid without a Decree yet it being necessary for him to come into Equity he must pay for that necessity Note also the difference between a Mortgage in Fee and for Years for if 't is in Fee the Mortgagor cannot have a Reconveyance upon payment of the Mony till the Heir comes of Age. It was agreed in this Case by the Court that if there be Tenant for Life Remainder in Fee and they joyn in a Deed purporting an absolute Sale if it be proved to be but a Mortgage he shall have his Estate for Life again paying pro rata and according to his Estate and so it shall be in the Case between Tenant in Dower and the Heir Loyd versus Langford Lessee for Years makes an Assignment of his Term where Debt lies upon the Contract and where not IN a special Verdict the Case was Viz. A. being Tenant in Fee of Lands demised the same to B. for seven years B. re-demises the same Lands to A. for the said Term of seven years reserving 20 l. Rent per Annum A. dyes his Wife enters as Guardian to the Heir of A. her Son and receives the Profits B. brings Debt against her as Executrix de son tort in the debet and detinet and whether this Action would lie or not was the Question Serjeant Baldwyn who argued for the Plaintiff held that it did lie for though the Rent in this Case reserved did not attend the Reversion because the Lessee had assigned over all his Term yet an Action of Debt will lie for that Rent upon the Contract Cro. Jac. 487.
upon complaint made and Conviction he shall forfeit 500 l. so that as to himself whatever he doth in his Office is void but it was never the intent of the Act to work a Mischief or Wrong to Strangers for the Law favours what is done by one in reputed authority as if a Bishop be created who upon a Presentation made admits a Parson to a Benefice or collates by Lapse the former Bishop not being deprived or removed such acts are good and not to be avoided Cro. Eliz 699. Cro Car. 97. 2 Cro. 260. But admitting it to be an Error it cannot now be assigned for such because the Parties in Pleading have allowed the proceedings to be good upon Record and there is Iudgment against the Defendant but if he had been taken upon that Iudgment he might have brought an Action of false Imprisonment 2 Cro. 359. Cro. Eliz. 320. Wild Iustice You shall not assign that for Error which you might have pleaded especially having admitted it by pleading and one Musgrave's Case was cited which was that there is an Act of Parliament which lays a Tax upon all Law proceedings and makes them void if the Kings Duty be not paid and it was adjudged That if the Duty was not paid but admitted in pleading you shall not afterwards alledge what before was admitted viz. That the Duty was not paid Vpon a Writ of Error in Parliament it cannot be assigned for Error that the Chief Iustice of the Kings-Bench had not taken this Oath the same might be also of a Writ of Error in the Exchequer Chamber for an Error in Fact cannot be there assigned Sid. 253. but at the last the Iudgment was Reversed See the Reasons thereof by the Chief Iustice Jones in his Reports folio 81. Higginson versus Martin in C. B. IN an Action of Trespass and false Imprisonment If Cause of Action doth not arise within the Jurisdiction tho' Judgment is given below an Action will lie here the Defendant justifies by Process issuing out of the Court of Warwick upon a Iudgment obtained there and sets forth that there was a Plaint there entered in placito transgressionis to which the Defendant appeared super quo taliter processum fuit that Iudgment was given against him upon which he was taken and Imprisoned The Plaintiff replies That the Cause of Action did not arise within the Iurisdiction of that Court. The Defendant rejoyns that the Plaintiff is now estopped to say so for that the Declaration in the Inferiour Court against the now Plaintiff did alledge the cause of Action to be infra jurisdictionem of the Court to which he pleaded and Iudgment was given against him The Plaintiff demurrs And Newdigate Serjeant took Exceptions to the Plea 1. Ex parte Quer. 'T is said a Plaint was entered in placito transgressionis but 't is not said what kind of Trespass it was whether a clausum fregit or other Trespass 2. 'T is said that the Defendant appeared super quo taliter processum fuit that Iudgment was given for the Plaintiff Antea and no mention was made of any Declaration and the pleading taliter processum est in an Inferiour Court is not good 3. The Iustification is ill because the Inferiour Court had no Iurisdiction and so the Proceedings are coram non Judice for the Plaintiff in his Replication saith That the Trespass for which the Recovery was had in the Court of Warwick Moor 422. Latch 180. Cro. Jac. 184. was done at a place out of the Iurisdiction of the Court which the Defendant hath admitted by relying on his Plea by way of Estoppel 4. It did not appear by what Authority the Court at Warwick was held whether by Grant or Prescription These Exceptions were answered by Serjeant Hopkins Ex parte Def. and first he said That the Plaintiff there sets forth that levavit quandam querelam in placito transgressionis which was well enough Secondly taliter processium fuit is the shorter and better way of Pleading and therefore in a Scire Facias nothing is recited but the Iudgment 't is true in a Writ of Error the whole Record must be set out but that is not necessary here Thirdly 't is too late now to question the Iurisdiction of the Inferiour Court after the Party hath admitted it below he ought first to have pleaded to the Iurisdiction but now is Estopped by his own admittance there and since Iudgment is given upon it 't is not now to be questioned but however this being in the Case of an Officer if it was out of the Iurisdiction he is bound to execute the Process of the Court and so this is a good excuse for him Dyer 61. 10 Co. 77. But let the Pleadings be good or bad if the Declaration here be ill the Plaintiff cannot have Iudgment and that it was so he said that the Writ alledged an Imprisonment generally but the Count an Imprisonment donec he paid 5 l. 10 s. which is variant and the Prothonotaries said that the Writ used always to mention donec c. Curia But the Court were all of Opinion that the Count was well enough for there was no matter therein contained which was not in the Writ the Imprisonment was the Gist of the Action and the donec c. might have been given in Evidence because 't is only an aggravation and a consequence of the Imprisonment so that the Count is not larger but more particular than the Writ And as to the two first Exceptions the Court was also of Opinion that there was no difficulty in them or in the last Exception but thought the Plea was well enough as to those And they also agreed that the Officer in this Case was to be discharged for though the Process be erronious yet he is to obey and not to examine 2 Cro. 3. Weaver versus Clifford The great doubt in this Case was upon the third Exception as to the point of Iurisdiction Sid. 151. Latch 181. and whether the other Defendant who was the Plaintiff below should be likewise discharged was the Question And as to that the Chief Iustice and Wyndham Iustice were of Opinion That this was no good justification as to the Plaintiff below for if the cause of Action did arise without the Iurisdiction of which he is bound to take notice the proceedings quoad him are all coram non Judice and he cannot justifie the serving of any Process so that if the Trespass was done out of the Iurisdiction of the Court the Defendant below may bring an Action against the Plaintiff and is not concluded here by the proceedings there but may alledge the cause of Action to arise out of the Iurisdiction and as to his being Estopped by admitting of the Iurisdiction below that cannot be because an admittance cannot give the Court a Iurisdiction where it had none originally and so he said it was resolved in one Squib's Case in a
Seck after demand is a disseisin Pl. Com. 92. b. much more in personal Actions where the substance is found 't is well enough 1 Inst 282. a. But the Court said That notwithstanding this Authority they would not intend a Conversion unless the Iury had found it especially in this Case because they ought to have found it to make the Servant lyable for if the conversion was to the use of his Master there is no colour for this Action to be brought against the Defendant but it ought to be brought against the Master Whereupon a Ve. fa. de novo was prayed to help the Insufficiency of the Verdict the conversion not being found but the Court said it was to no purpose to grant a new Tryal unless the Plaintiff had a new Case and so Iudgment was given for the Defendant Bill versus Nicholl Variance between the Record pleaded and the Record it self IN an Action brought in the Court of Exchequer the Defendant pleaded another Action depending against him for the same matter in the Common Pleas and upon nul tiel Record replied by the Paintiff a Day was given to bring in the Record and when it was brought in it appeared that there was a variance between the Record in the Common Pleas as mentioned in the Defendants Plea and the Record it self for the Defendant in his Plea had alledged one Gerrard to be Attorny instead of Gardiner who was Attorny upon Record and whether this was a failure or not of the Record was the question It was said on the Defendants side that it was such a variance that it made it quite another Action and on the Plaintiffs side it was said that an immaterial variance will not prejudice where the substance is found 7 H. 4. 1. Bro. Failure pl. 2. 15. Curia advisare vult Forest qui tam c. versus Wire Action lyes in the Courts at Westminster upon the Statute of 5 Eliz. but not an Information 3 Cro. 316. DEBT upon the Statute of 5 Eliz. cap. 4. for using the Trade of a Silk Weaver in London not having been an Apprentice seven years the Action was brought in this Court and laid in London and tried by Nisi prius and a Verdict for the Defendant and now the Plaintiff to prevent the payment of Costs moved by Mr. Ward against his own Action and said that it will not lye upon this Statute in any of the Courts of Westminster for 't is not only to be laid as here in the proper County but 't is to be brought before the Iustices in their Sessions and this is by force of the Statute made 31 Eliz. cap. 4. and 21 Jac. cap. 4. Which Enacts That all Informations upon Penal Statutes must be brought before the Justices of the Peace in the County where the Fact was committed But the Court were clear of 2 Cro. 178. Stiles 383. By the Opinion of Rolls Cro. Car. 112. Opinion That the Action may be brought in any of the Courts of Westminster who have a concurring Iurisdiction with the Iustices and so they said it hath been often resolved Attorny General versus Alston AN Inquisition upon an Accompt stated went out to inquire what Lands one Havers had in the twentieth year of this King or at any time since Where the Kings Title is not precedent to that of the Ter-tenant the Lands of his Receiver shall not be liable by the Statute of the 13th Eliz. he being the Receiver General in the Counties of Norfolk and Huntingdon The Iury found that he was seised of such Lands c. whereupon an Extent goes out to seise them into the Kings Hands for payment of 1100 l. which he owed to the King Alston the Ter-tenant pleads that Havers was indebted to him and that he was seised of those Lands in 20 Car. 1. which was before the Debt contracted with him and that he became a Bankrupt likewise before he was indebted to the King and thereupon these Lands were conveyed to the Defendant by assignment from the Commissioners of Bankrupcy for the Debt due to him from Havers absque hoc that he was seised of these Lands at the time he became indebted to the King The Attorny General replies That he was seised of these Lands before the Commisson of Bankrupcy issued and before he became a Bankrupt and that at the time of his Seisin he was Receiver and accountable for the receipt to the King and being so seised in the 20the year of this present King he was found in Arrear 1100 l. for the payment whereof he was chargeable by the Statute of the 13 Eliz. cap. 4. Which subjects all the Lands of a Receiver which he hath or shall have in him during the time he remains accomptable and so prays that the Kings Hands may not be amoved To this the Defendant demurred And Sawyer for him held that the Replication was ill both in form and Substance 1. It doth not appear that the Defendant continued Receiver from the time he was first made as it ought to be or else that he was Receiver during his Life for if a Man is Receiver to the King and is not indebted but is clear and sells his Land and ceases to be Receiver and afterwards is appointed to be Receiver again and then a Debt is contracted with the King the former Sale is good 2. The Replication is a departure from the Inquisition which is the Kings Title for the Lands of which Inquiry was to be made were such which Havers had 20 Car. 2. And the Defendant shews that Havers was not then seised thereof but makes a good Title to himself by Indenture of Bargain and Sale made to him by the Commissioners of Bankrupcy and so the Attorny General cannot come again to set up a Title precedent to the Defendant for that is a departure 't is enough for the Defendant that he hath avoided the Kings Title as alledged and though Mr. Attorny is not bound to take Issue upon the Traverse yet he cannot avoid waveing both the Title of the Defendant and the King by insisting upon a new matter It was agreed That the King had two Titles and might either have brought his Inquisition grounded upon the Debt stated or upon the Statute of the 13th of Eliz. upon Havers his becoming Receiver but when he hath determined his Election by grounding it upon the Debt stated he cannot afterwards have recourse to the other matter and bring him to be liable from the time of his being Receiver as if an Inquisition goes to inquire what Lands the Debtor of the King had such a day when he entred into a Bond if there be an answer given to that Mr. Attorny cannot afterwards set up a precedent Bond because 't is a departure and the Statute it self vests no Estate in the King but makes the Receivers Lands lyable as if he had entred intred into a Statute Staple The Inquisition therefore should have been grounded
there hath put down these feigned Attachers for Examples sake from whence the Sheriff in this Case might inferr that they need not be real persons as in truth they ought both upon the Summons Pone and Distress and he cited a Case lately adjudged where the like Return was made upon the Grand Cape and the Iudgment set aside and of this Opinion was the whole Court and said Where the Process is so fatal the Party ought to be duly served and that the Sheriff ought to have gone to the Church and to have seised the Profits and if there be nothing to return a Nihil and though the Iudgment was given before the Term or long since yet when 't is Irregular 't is to be set aside and so it was now and being moved again the Court continued of their former Opinion The like Case was moved in Michaelmas-Term following between Fleming and Lee where the Patron Defendant was thus summoned and never appeared and the Incumbent did cast an Essoign and a Case was cited betwéen Vivian and the Bishop of London Mich. 23 Car. 2. in C. B. where the like Iudgment was set aside But on the other side it was objected that leaving due notice upon the Summons was as much as was required for the other Writs are only to give the Defendant time to plead and therefore 't is not necessary that notice should be given upon every one of the Writs for if once served 't is enough 11 H. 6. 3 4. 36 H. 6. 23. 8 H. 6. 8. Long 5 to E. 4. 26. 29 E. 3. 42 43. Doctor and Stud. 125 126. 21 H. 6. 56. But the Court were of Opinion that the Defendant having not appeared nor cast an Essoign and Iudgment final being given Curia it was reason that all the Process should be served really of which there had been no occasion if he had either appeared or essoined and therefore the Process not being duly served Iudgment was set aside Rast Ent. 217. And they held that the Essoign of the other Defendant was no wise binding to the Patron Defendant because they may sever in Pleading and so that Iudgment was likewise set aside DE Term. Sancti Mich. Anno 29 Car. II. in Communi Banco Sir John Otway versus Holdips Executor c. Bond to pay 40 l. when an Accompt shall be stated 't is a Covenant and not a Solvendum DEBT upon Bond brought by the Plaintiff against the Defendant as Executor wherein the Testator did acknowledge himself to be indebted to the Plaintiff in 40 l. which he thereby did covenant to pay when such a Bill of Costs should be stated by two Attornies indifferently to be chosen between them and sets forth in his Declaration that he named one Attorny and desired the now Defendant to name another which he refused and so intitles himself to this Action The Defendant pleads Non detinet to which the Plaintiff demurred But the Plea was not offered to be maintained because the Executor cannot plead Non detinet but where the Testator himself might plead Nil debet which in this Case he could not do But it was insisted that the Declaration is not good because the Mony was to be paid upon an accompt stated which not being done by the Plaintiffs own shewing 't is not yet due and this ought to be taken as penned viz. Solvendum and not an express Covenant But on the contrary it was held not to be a Solvendum but a Covenant to pay the Mony the Debt and the Duty being in the first place ascertained but if it be a Solvendum and repugnant to the Obligatory Clause 't is void 21 Ed. 4.36 As the Defendant would have it expounded it would be in his power totally to defeat the Bond either way for if he would never chuse an Attorny there could be never any thing due The whole Court were of Opinion that it was not a Solvendum but a Covenant which did not take away the Duty ascertained by the Obligation and if it should not be a Covenant but an entire Bond then it would be in the Power of the Obligor whether ever it shall be payable but be it either the one or the other the Plaintiff having named an Attorny ought to recover and Iudgment was accordingly given for him Dunning versus Lascomb DEBT on a Bond the Condition was to pay Mony when a Ship should go from A. to C. and from thence to Bristol and should arrive there or at any other Port of discharge in England the Ship going from A. to C. took in Provisions at Bristol but not to be discharged there but proceeded in her Voiage to Cales and was cast away And by the Opinion of the Court the Mony was not payable but if he had never intended to perform the Voyage it might have been otherwise 1 Roll. Abr. 142. 39 H. 6.10 Iudgment for the Defendant nisi Atkins versus Bayles AN Information was exhibited against the Defendant Outlary pleaded to an Information good being a Iustice of the Peace for refusing to grant his Warrant to suppress a Conventicle The Defendant pleads an Outlary in disability and the Plantiff demurred 1. 3 Inst 194. This Plea is not good because the King is interested qui tam c. and therefore where the Informer dies the Attorny General may proceed 2. The Statute gives power to any person to inform c. by which general Words the Disability of this person is removed But the Court held that there was no colour in either of these Objections 3. 'T is not pleaded sub pede sigilli sed non allocatur for it need not be so pleaded being in the same Court 4. 'T is not averred that the Plaintiff was the same person who was outlawed but it was answered that the praedictus makes that certain and that though the King be interessed yet the Informer only is Plaintiff and intituled to the benefit and that though he was disabled yet he might sue for the King Moor 541. Dyer 227. b. Cro. Eliz. 583. but not for himself and therefore Iudgment was given that the Plea was good Harwood Bincks versus Hilliard c. Notice where 't is agreed to be in writing must be so pleaded BY an Agreement between the Plaintiffs and the Testator of the Defendant a parcel of Lands was to be sold for 400 l. but if it did not arise to so much then they covenanted with each other to repay proportionable to the Abatement and the Defendant's Testator covenanted for himself and his Executors to pay his proportion to the Plaintiffs so as the Plaintiffs gave him notice in writing of the said Sale by the space of ten days but doth not say that such notice was to be given to his Executors or Administrators And now the Plaintiffs averred that they gave notice accordingly to the Defendant who was Executor and the breach assigned was that he hath not paid c. The
cap. 2. That all and every person or persons who shall have any Office Civil or Military shall take the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and receive the Sacrament within the time limited by the said Act or otherwise shall be adjudged ipso facto incapable and disabled by Law or if he execute any Office after his neglect or refusal to qualifie himself within the time therein appointed viz. three Months then he shall be disabled to sue in any Court and shall forfeit the Sum of 500 l. Sir John Read was made High Sheriff of Hartfordshire 12 Novemb 25 Car. 2. and being still under the Sentence of Excommunication he took upon him the Office and executed it for 3 Months viz. to the 12th day of February afterwards and then refused to serve any longer the Iudges came soon after to keep the Assises for that County but there was no Sheriff there to attend them and the reason was because if he had executed the Office without taking the Oaths the time being now expired wherein he ought to have taken the same then he had subjected himself to the forfeiture of 500 l. and he could not receive the Sacrament because he was Excommunicated and therefore supposed that after the 3 Months he was ipso facto discharged by the aforesaid Statute and whether upon all this matter the Defendant be guilty was the Question Ward and Sir William Jones the Attorny General argued that the Defendant was Guilty 1. The Oath and Sacrament are necessary qualifications for all Sheriffs because the Act appoints these things to be done and the Penalty therein extends to those who execute any Office after the three Months without doing the same but not to such who neglect to qualifie themselves And though it may be objected that the Act gives no Penalty for not taking of the Oath it only enjoyns it to be done and subjects the person to the forfeiture of 500 l. for executing an Office after three Months that being not done so that this is not to be punished by Information it being no Offence at the Common Law yet if an Act appoints a thing to be done the transgressing of the Law is an Offence at the Common Law and ought thus to be punished and so it was adjudged in Castle 's Case 2 Cro. 643. 1 Roll. Abr. ●51 455. Suppose the Defendant had given Bond to perform a thing a discharge by the Act of God or by the Obligee had been good but the Obligor should never disable himself and if it be so in private Contracts much more in the Case of the King because our Duty to him is of the highest nature 2. Therefore the Excommunication can be no excuse to the Defendant for though he might have been excused if he had been under a legal disability which he could in no wise prevent yet here he was able and had time enough and it was in his power to have discharged himself from this Excommunication and being bound by his Duty and Allegiance to the King to perform the Office he ought to qualifie himself for the performance and either to remove the disability or shew he had not power to do it 'T is his obstinacy that disables him and 't is absurd to think that this Excommunication which was designed as a punishment should now be an ease to him to excuse him from executing this Office Moor 121. Lacie's Case 3. That the Defendant is punishable for this neglect otherwise the King would lose the effect of his Subjects Service if it should be in their power to discharge themselves at pleasure an Act of Parliament cannot and much less the Defendant himself by his own act take away his Duty and Service which he oweth to the King And therefore though 't is Enacted That a Sheriff shall be only for one year yet it has been adjudged that the King by a Non obstante may dispense with that Statute Antea because otherwise he would be deprived of the Service of his Subjects If a Sheriff when he is first admitted into his Office refuses to take the Oath of his Office he is finable and so he ought here if any alteration be made by the King of that Oath his disobedience afterwards is punishable Cro. Car. 26. though a form of the Oath is prescribed by the Act of Parliament and there is no other way to punish the Defendant in this Case but by Information for after the three Months in case he execute the Office not being qualified the Act gives the Penalty to the Informer and if he should not execute it the inconvenience would be great because 't is and Office which concerneth the Administration of Iustice and necessary for the management and collection of the Kings Revenue The Statute extends to Offices of Trust as well as of Profit and enjoyns the thing to be done the transgression whereof is an Offence as well at the Common Law as against the Statute and so punishable by Information and therefore they prayed Iudgment against the Defendant Sawyer and Levins contra Viz. They agreed if the Subject be qualified he ought to accept the Office Ex parte Def. but the Defendant was not so qualified and therefore to be excused But before they entred upon the debate whether this was an Offence or not they took an Exception to the form of the Information Viz. That it was not good because it did not conclude contra formam Statuti for if the Offence be at the Common Law and a new Penalty is given by the Statute the Proceedings ought to be either at the Common Law by way of Fine or upon the Statute for the Penalty but if the Offence be by the Statute then it must be laid to be contra formam Statuti Now if this was any Offence in the Defendant it was because he did not receive the Sacrament and take the Oath which is an Offence against the Statute and therefore ought to conclude contra formam Statuti which is essential Then as to the Substance 1. The Information is insufficient for there is no Offence at all of which the Common Law doth take notice and though the Consequences of the thing done may be bad yet no Man shall be punished for that because those only aggravate the Offence if any neither is this Information true for it saith he refused absque rationabili causa but here was a reasonable cause And though it may be objected that it was only impotentia voluntatis and that every Subject being disabled is to remove that disability to serve the King this was denied for a Man who is a Prisoner for Debt is not bound or compellable to be Sheriff neither is a Man bound to purchase Lands to qualifie himself to be either a Coroner or Iustice of the Peace By the Statute of 3 Jac. every Recusant is disabled he may conform but he is not bound to it for if he submits to the Pemalty 't is
a Scandalum Magnatum 216 Where it shall be intended though not laid in the pleading 304 Victuals Justification of a Trespass for that they were corrupt 56 Vnity of Possession Where it doth not destroy a Right of Common 277 Vsage Where it shall not intend a Right it may be Evidence of a Right 278 Vse Where a Man shall take by way of springing Use 208 Uses not favoured in the Law 210 How they came first into Conveyances 251 Use may be raised by the reservation of a Pepper Corn to make a Tenant to the Praecipe 249 250 Where the Statute of 27 H. 8. creates an Use till a future Use cometh in esse 208 Vsury The Contract it self must be Usurious to make the Security void 307 W. Wales EXecution shall go thither upon a Judgment obtained in the Courts at Westminster 11 Wager of Law Where Compurgators shall be required 140 141 Ward Cannot be where the Infant is in by Purchase and not by a Descent 176 177 Warden of the Fleet. How far his Limits extend 221 Warranty Where it shall descend and bar the Issue 109 110 c. Where a Fine sur concessit shall displace an Estate and turn it to a Right and the Collateral Warranty bar the Heir 110 Voucher and Rebutter are incident to it 14 Waste Brought by one Tenant in Common alone and good 61 62 Will. Judgment given upon the Construction of the words therein 223 224 Where the Republication makes it a new Will 313 Ecclesiastical Court the proper place for the determination when a person is capable of making a Will 315 Words Of doubtful signification shall not be construed to work a wrong 116 Where the Pronoun illa doth restrain former words 106 107 Vsque is exclusive in Pleading 280 Words are to be taken in a common and ordinary understanding 183 187 Words where they are made actionable by averment of Damages 150 Words in an Act of Parliament are to be taken in a common meaning 183 187 Wrong No construction shall be made to work a wrong 80 BOOKS Printed for and Sold by CHARLES HARPER at the Flower de Luce over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet LAW-BOOKS THE Reports of Sir Payton Ventris Knight late one of the Justices of the Common Pleas in Two Parts The first Part containing Select Cases Adjudged in the Kings Bench in the Reign of King Charles the II. 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as much as is required by Law 'T is true a Subject is bound to serve the King in such capacity as he is in at the time of the Service commanded but he is not obliged to qualifie himself to serve in every capacity Neither doth it appear in this Case that the Defendant was able to remove this Incapacity and that should have been shewn on the other side and all Iudges are to judge upon the Record The intent of the Statute is That if persons will not qualifie themselves they shall not execute any Office and it was made to keep Roman Catholicks out of Places but not to force them to accept of Offices of Trust in the Government and it designs no punishment for quitting but for executing of a place contrary to the Law but if this be an Offence this Information will not lie and for that 2. It was argued That if a thing be either commanded or forbidden by a Statute the transgression in either Case is an Offence punishable by Information 25 H 6. pl. 9. b. 7 H. 4. 5. but when an Act doth not generally command a thing but only sub modo the party offending is punishable no otherwise than designed by that Law as where the Statute of 18 H. 6. cap. 11. prohibits any Man from being a Iustice of the Peace unless he have 40 l. ꝑ An̄ and the Statute of 5 6 E. 6. cap. 16. which makes such Bargains as are therein mentioned about buying of Offices void if such Office be forfeitable then an Information will lie but when 't is ipso facto void as in both the former Cases then 't is otherwise because the punishment is executed by the Statute it self and therefore where the avoidance is made by the Act there is no need of an Information And the Objection of impotentia voluntatis is not material to this purpose because Symony buying of Offices not subscribing the 39 Articles according to the Statute of the Queen these are all voluntary Acts yet no Information lies against such Offenders because the Statutes execute the punishment The intent of the Parliament is here declared the disability of the person makes the Office void void to all intents for the Right of Infants or Men in Prison is not saved so that admitting it to be an Offence if the Duty be not performed yet if such a qualification be requisit to make a Man to act in such an Office or perform such a Duty if that qualification be wanting the Party is only punishable by the loss of the Office The Act doth not distinguish between Offices of Trust and Profit And as to the other Objection viz. That 't is in the power of the Defendant to qualifie himself the same might as well be objected against all the Popish Recusants upon the Statute of 3 Jac. and if a Statute doth disable persons or abridge the King of their Services there is no injury done because the King himself is party to the Act but if mischiefs were never so great since they are introduced by a Law they cannot be avoided till that Law is changed 3. But admitting the Information to be good and that this is an Offence for which it will lie yet the Excommunication is a sufficient excuse it appears by the Verdict that the Defendant was absolutely disabled to be Sheriff for if he is to take the Oath and receive the Sacrament in order to it if he cannot be admitted to the Sacrament as being under the Sentence of Excommunication that is an excuse The Defendant is only argued into a Guilt for the Iury have not found any they do not say that it was in his power to yield Obedience or that he might have enabled himself they only find his incapacity and though it was a voluntary Act which was the cause of his disability yet in such Cases the Law doth not look to Causes so remote If a Man be in Prison for Debt it is his own Act for contracting it and not paying but yet an Outlary against him whilst in Prison shall be reversed because the immediate Cause viz. the Imprisonment and the Iudgment was in invitum and the Law looks no farther and so Iudgment was prayed for the Defendant But the Court were all of Opinion that this Information would lye and that the Defendant was punishable for not removing the disability it being in his power to get himself absolved from the Excommunication And so Iudgment was given against him and a Writ of Error brought c. Godfrey versus Godfrey In Communi Banco Intrat ' Hill ult Rot. 321. DEBT upon a Bond for performance of an Award Award of a lesser Sum in satisfaction of a greater and good in which the Arbitrators had taken notice of 72 l. in controversie and had awarded 50 l. in satisfaction The Defendant pleads Nullum fecerunt Arbitrium the Plaintiff replies an Award and sets it forth and assigns a Breach to which the Defendant demurred because it appeared by the Award that 72 l. was in controversie for Rent due and that 50 l. was awarded in full satisfaction of 72 l. and general Releases to be given but it did not appear that any other Matter was in Controversie between the Parties though the Submission was general and Arbitrators may reduce incertain things to a certainty but they cannot make a Debt certain to be less except there were other differences for which likewise this Release was to be given 10 H. 7. 4. But the whole Court were of Opinion that the Award was good Curia for that the Arbitrators might consider other Matters between the Parties neither did it appear by the Award that the 72 l. was due but in demand only and 't is unreasonable for him to find fault with his own case for he alledges that he ought to pay 72 l. and complains because the other Party is contented with 50 l. and demands no more Iudgment for the Plaintiff Wright versus Bull. Condition where 't is disjunctive 't is in the Election of the Party to have either DEBT upon a Bond for payment of 40 l. The Condition whereof was That if the Defendant should work out the said 40 l. at the usual Prices in packing when the Plaintiff should have occasion for himself or his Friends to imploy him therein or otherwise shall pay the 40 l. then the Bond to be void The Defendant pleads that he was always ready to have wrought out the 40 l. but that the Plaintiff did never imploy him and upon Demurrer the Plea was held ill because the Defendant did not averr that the Plaintiff had any occasion to make use of him and for that it was at his Election either to have Work or Mony Basket and Basket Antea and not having imployed him but brought his Action that is a request in Law and so he hath determined his Election to have the Mony and Iudgment was accordingly given for the