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A55355 Memoirs of the Sieur De Pontis who served in the army six and fifty years under King Henry IV, Lewis the XIII, and Lewis the XIV containing many remarkable passages relating to the war, the court, and the government of those princes / faithfully Englished by Charles Cotton. Pontis, Louis, sieur de, 1583-1670.; Cotton, Charles, 1630-1687. 1694 (1694) Wing P2807; ESTC R33977 425,463 306

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we might stop his passage But this man who was admirably well mounted shew'd us a trick for our trick and without any manner of concern riding full drive upon us he gave us such a brush as threw my Companion and his Horse above ten paces off We never thought of pursuing him for indeed it had been to no purpose he being so much better mounted and I for my part was not sorry we had been thus broke through for the respect I bore to Collonel Ornano I went back to give the King an account of what had past who only laught heartily at the story X. But that very morning I had most afflicting news brought me For the Serjeants of my Company not having executed my commands as they ought some Cadets stopt at Moret and the Wine being got into their Heads they quarrell'd and fought three to three so desperately that two of them were kill'd upon the spot one of which was Mareschal St. Geran's Son and two more very dangerously wounded When this news came to Fontainbleau it put me almost out of my wits I went immediately to wait on the King and tell him of it first humbly beseeching him to remember the order he had given me that I should stay that night about his person Whereupon his Majesty commanded me to go and tell the Mareschal de St. Geran my self and promis'd to make my peace with him I went but very unwillingly God knows having so sad news to carry and I had scarce began to speak but he understood me at half a word and askt presently if his Son was kill'd I did my best to comfort him by considerations meerly humane thinking more of what concern'd his Honour than his Salvation and at last entreated him to do me the justice upon this occasion not to impute this misfortune to me whom a positive order from the King had put out of a capacity to prevent it He answer'd me with all the goodness I could expect and immediately lockt himself up in his Closet The King sent shortly after to let him know that he bore a part of his grief with him and when he came to return his thanks his Majesty after comforting him with all the expressions of a particular tenderness did me the honour to justifie me to him and to assure him that I was in no fault at all to which the Mareschal reply'd with all the Civility imaginable that he was very far from accusing me that he knew me too well to lay the misfortune to my charge and that he should always love me at the same rate he had ever done But the Captains of the Regiment who were all of them very angry at me for the reason I gave before thought this a favourable opportunity to do me an ill office with the King For not knowing that I stay'd behind at Fontainbleau by his express command they came all in a body and entreated leave of his Majesty to proceed against me in the ordinary methods of Justice giving him to understand that some Lieutenants thought it below them to do their duty and to attend their Companies and lov'd to be at Court and by that means were the cause of infinite disorders The King who very well knew their malice against me and the private jealousie that animated them to it would not however take any notice to them but let them go on and prefer their informations But as soon as they were perfected and they came to present them to his Majesty he took them and told him he would take care to have them examin'd But afterwards he threw them into the fire and gave the Provost order to stop all farther prosecutions This made them understand too late that they had committed an errour in attacking a person whom the King honour'd with his particular protection and in whose favour he so openly declar'd himself XI Some years after the King had given me a Lieutenancy in the Guards he sent me to Fort-Louis with a private Commission a●d upon an occasion that he would have no body know but me only Monsieur Arnauld Camp-master to the Regiment of Champagne and Governour of this Fort was at that time in great repute for his knowledge and experience in War and in all the arts of Military Discipline He was equally prudent and bold in his undertakings and no less successful in the execution of them The prudence of his conduct made him admir'd even by those who were above him in birth and command and there seem'd nothing wanting to restore the old Roman Discipline in France but his being made General of the King's Forces One may truly say too that France owes part of the glory of destroying Rochel that Cittadel of the Hugonots to him for he first began by Fort-Louis of which he was Governour to block up the City and cut the Inhabitants off from ravaging the Country till the King afterwards came to make himself Master of this important place This great reputation that Monsieur Arnauld had both in the Armies and at Court was the cause why the King who hath ever had a natural inclination to all the concerns of War desired to learn his methods of drawing up men and exercise and discipline Resolving therefore to employ some one of his Officers in a thing impossible for him to learn in his own person he cast his eyes on me as one proper to keep the secret and likely to inform him of what he had a mind to know He intrusted me with his design and told me that to make the matter more private I should first take a Journey into Provence and go from thence to Fort-Louis to pass some time in the quality of a Volunteer with this Governour as if more particularly to instruct my self in a trade for which all the world knew I had a great passion He gave me order to stay there till he sent for me and till I had exactly observ'd all the particulars he had a mind to learn but he expresly forbad me to tell any man alive that I went thither by his command With these instructions away I went not so far as Provence but from Lions turn'd toward Rochel and so directly to Fort-Louis to lye at a Gentleman's quarter with whom I had been acquainted when I was in the Regiment of Champagne He receiv'd me with several testimonies of friendship telling me that I must of necessity go wait upon the Governour who was very exact in his Discipline and expected an account of every one that came into the Garrison This was just as I would have it and accordingly he carried me to him two days after Being not known to Monsieur Arnauld or at least believing my self not to be so I told him his great reputation had drawn me thither and that having eve● from my youth been strongly inclin'd to make my self expe●● in martial matters I was come with a design to be instructed under him and to serve some time in his
stopt The man came up and told me The King had sent for me to him I askt what people said of me at which he fell a laughing and answer'd merrily Why they say that you have taken a fright and have led me a fine course But what are you afraid of The King would only speak with you I have had this day the satisfaction of seeing Monsieur Pontis run away from me Then I presently resolv'd to go wait upon the King tho the trouble and agitation both of my mind and my body had been so excessive that I had sweat to that degree that it appear'd on the outside of my Doublet I had no great need of consideration what I should say to the King My retirement had given me but too much leisure for revolving in my mind every thing that might serve to prove my innocency And having always hoped that at one time or other the King would give me liberty to justifie my self before him I had meditated and prepared an exact narration wherein following only common sense I had put together all that a Souldier who had liv'd thirty years about Court and had no other Eloquence than what Nature gave him could say that was plausible to render such an action less odious and to cloath it with all those circumstances that could make the Justice of his Cause appear XVI So soon as I came into the Court of the Kings Lodgings the Duke of St. Simon who was looking out at window made a sign to me to come up the stairs by the Wardrobe and when I was there he told me the King had sent for me to learn the truth of the whole matter from my own mouth The King was laid down by reason of some little physick he had taken Being come to the Bed-side I fell upon my knees and in my countenance plainly discover'd the remorse I had for having offended my Prince who had ever been so gracious to me His Majesty then told me he would have me declare the whole truth without any disguise and that he had sent for me purely for the same purpose There was all that time no body present in the room but the King the Duke of St. Simon and my self so that having an opportunity of speaking freely to him I did it after this manner Sir I can never sufficiently thank your Majesty for the grace and honour you are pleased to do me in permitting me to render you an account of my actions for I have ever hoped from your Majesty's goodness that would you vouchsafe to hear me you would judge me rather unfortunate than faulty I dare boldly say that if my Conscience could reproach me with having failed in my duty or ever disobeying your Majesty's orders I should never have had the boldness to present my self before you and that I should voluntarily have banish'd my self both from your Court and Army and have sought death out of your Kingdom for in it I could not have liv'd after I had lost my Honour So that tho those in the Council of War who are either friends to Monsieur Canaples or have not been rightly informed of the truth of the matter have declared against me yet I hope your Majesty being so equitable as all the world knows you to be will judge things as they are and as I shall lay them before you That it was Monsieur Canaples only who acted contrary to your Majesty's orders to the Rules of War and his own Honour and that whereas he complains of my having done him an injury 't is ●e on the contrary who hath injured me Your Majesty knows I have always told you the truth but I protest afresh that upon this occasion I will not utter one sy●able not only that is not true but nothing except what your whole Regiment of Guards know to be so as well as I and what Monsieur Canaples himself cannot but acknowledge for such Your Majesty may please to call to mind that having brought you the news of the English Fleet 's arrival you commanded me to go give notice to the Officers to go and receive your Majesty's Orders and afterwards to make choice of a sit place to draw up the Army in Batta●lle Thereupon I went immediately to carry this Order to the Officers and acquainted Mansieur Canaples with it among the rest He entreated me to go draw up our Regiment my self because our Major was sick I told him I would first execute your Majesty's Orders and when that was done I would not fail to obey his But it being my turn to command the Forlorn-hope that day having never yet done it since I had the honour to be received into the Regiment I entreated him to remember it telling him the passionate desire I had by some considerable piece of service to acknowledge the singular favour your Majesty had done me in commanding me to be near your person and in preferring me of your own accord to be a Lieutenant in your Guards He promis'd me he would and upon that assurance I left him When I had obeyed your Majesty's Orders first and then his I return'd to give him an account of the whole and at the same time to beg the effect of his promise asking him if he had remembred me But he at first made as if he did not understand what I meant and after I had explained my self to him he shew'd me as plainly that he had forgotten me I beseech your Majesty to consider whether it was possible for a man of honour as Monsieur Canaples is to forget in so short a time the promise he had made me but just before and whether this was not plainly to tell me he had forgot me only because he would forget me I confess Sir I was sensible toucht with this injury and found my self net●led to see that Monsieur Canaples had not only used me like a pittiful fellow and a Foot-man in breaking his word with me but besides that he usurp'd a power which no way belong'd to him to take from me the rank your Majesty had given me and meerly out of a design to affront me to change the general and establish'd order of your Army I thought Sir that Monsieur Canaples was not allowed to set himself above your Majesty nor by his own private authority to take from me that right which my Command and my Rank made mine and which I have endeavour'd to deserve This a●●ront Sir wounded me more than all the injurious words he could give me in the heat of passion and I humbly beg your Majesty's pardon if I told him that he toucht me in the tenderest part and made me mad For I saw very well that he used me so in cold blood and that the affront he put upon me was a premeditated one I do also Sir confess for I dare conceal nothing from your Majesty who command me to speak freely that in the heat of my passion I could not forbear giving him
remember the Letter you did me the favour to write in my behalf to Monsieur Canaples wherein you blam'd him for presuming to suspend me when the King and you were present in the Army and commanded him from the King to let me alone in the free discharge of my Command When after this he went about to dishonour me against the Kings and your Lordships express Order I conceiv'd that both the King and you your self my Lord had put the Sword in my hand to repell the injury that was offer'd to the Kings authority and at the same time to defend my self from the affront they would have put upon me These reasons were of force to work upon Monsieur Espernon whose honour and authority seem'd to be engaged in my quarrel but he not being then at leisure to consider of it and possest too by what Monsieur Canaples had told him and in regard my action appear'd really very foul and odious in it self when all the circumstances were laid aside that might make it appear more excusable I plainly perceiv'd that he was very ill dispos'd toward me and that I ought to take my leave And withal thinking my self not very safe I resolv'd to withdraw to Mareschal Schomberg who hath ever done me the honour to love me and to protect me with extraordinary kindness and favour XII Then it was that I began to reflect on the inconstancy of mens fortune I sigh'd heartily to see that after serving the world so faithfully so many years I should be so ill rewarded by it that after exposing my life a thousand times in the service of my Prince I was now like to lose it ignominiously by the rigour of publick Justice or at least to pass the remainder of it in exile and oblivion I represented to my self the misery of a fugitive and a vagabond who fears every thing hath nothing to hope looks upon all Creatures as combin'd against him to render him unhappy and one that can only expect from death the end of all his miseries and misfortunes And indeed I never wisht to dye but that day for then I thought death the greatest good fortune that could have befallen me fearing above all things the hand of Justice and almost as much as that to live wretchedly out of the Court and my native Country Such were the thoughts mee●ly humane and the low considerations that wholly possest my mind I was not then sensible that it is a happiness for a man who hath liv'd long in Courts and Armies to be oblig'd to leave them and driven to think of something more serious to dedicate the remainder of his life at least to God when the World will have no more to do with him But God was pleased thus at a distance and by degrees to prepare me for renouncing the world by giving me a taste of its bitterness and tho I did not then apprehend it yet the various afflictions he try'd me with were so many earnests of his mercy to me While I was thus intent upon my self with regard to the outward consequences of this extremity to which I was then reduc'd God was pleased to look upon me and inspire me with a thought of begging his assistance This made me with deep sighs say Lord thou knowest my misery and I know thy mercy take upon thee my defence for I have no defender My prayer was short but my devotion was ardent and sincere But my grief and disquiet were so excessive that within a few days I was so chang'd as hardly to be known my very hair turn'd grey in that short time and I am sure none who have not experimentally known what it is for a man of Honour and Courage to see himself reduc'd to fear the hand of a common Executioner can be a competent Judge of the condition I was in XIII When I had withdrawn to Mareschal Schomberg's house they began to examine my business The usual informations were made and the Drum beat throughout all the Quarters to cite me to a personal appearance but I chusing rather to pass for a Criminal when at Liberty than to surrender my self up a Prisoner and be expos'd to all the violent designs of my Enemies was interdicted and cashiered and all Souldies and Officers of the Regiment were forbid to own me for an Officer The Proceedings when concluded were carry'd to Monsieur Espernon as Collonel of the Infantry and so the principal Judge He spoke of it to the King who not being able utterly to cast off the extraordinary goodness he had ever had for me and designing to save my Life had a mind not to oppose Justice publickly but to spin the Cause out as long as he could that so when time had qualify'd mens Spirits he might the more easily grant my Pardon without being blamed by the principal Officers of the Army whose authority seem'd to be concern'd for my punishment The King therefore answer'd the Duke of Espernon that they were to have the opinion of the Mareschals of France and the principal Officers of the Army and so the business was ended But that which made very much for my Justification was the extraordinary generosity of Mareschal Cre●uy Monsieur Canaples his Father who as soon as ever he heard of our quarrel declar'd highly in my favour against his own Son He condemn'd Monsieur Canaples publickly as a person that broke his word and commended what I had done as an argument of my Courage and repelling an extraordinary injury by an extraordinary action This declaration from Mareschal Crequy who thus renounc'd his natural inclination for the sake of Justice was of very great weight in my Cause for it could not easily be imagin'd that a Father would pronounce against his own Son if he could have found any Justice on his side Nevertheless my business was examin●d in the Council In the mean while Mareschal Schomberg wrought privately with the King to have compassion upon an Officer who had serv'd him all along with so great fidelity and zeal and to incline him to order it so that all things might be composed The King as I said was pretty well inclined to this of his own accord and had often spoken of it to several people but every body answer'd cautiously fearing on one side to offend his Majesty and doubting on the other lest they should offend Monsieur Canaples who was a person of great Interest and Power There was one however that spoke his thoughts freely to the King upon this subject But this mans opinion was as base and unworthy as Mareschal Crequy's my adversary's Father was generous He had formerly been my Captain under Henry the Great when I was a young Cadet in the Regiment of Guards And the King being pleas'd one day to do him the honor to unbosom himself to him upon my concern said You have known Pontis longer than any body He seems to me to be patient tho he be a little hot and provencal doubtless
a kind of R●mantick adventure IX The Knight some years after had a considerable Lordship in Provence for several belonging to the Order lye there and happen'd to engage himself unfortunately in the quarrel of a friend of his to whom he was Second in a Duel where though he got the better of his adversary yet he received a wound that some days after cost him his life I confess I cannot sufficiently express my abhorrence of this custom or rather of this madness that puts so many gallant men upon these fatal engagements I have been told that within the time of the late Queen Mother Ann of Austria's Regency there were reckon'd up nine hundred and thirty Gentlemen that were kill'd in Duels within the several Provinces of this Kingdom and no doubt a great many more there were whose deaths were either conceal'd or else imputed to other causes Such a number of men scattered through the parts of an Army in several Posts I fancy were enough to win a considerable Battel And really the wisdom and justice of the present King Lewis XIV is in this particular highly to be commended who by a severity becoming both a Christian and a Prince hath resolved never to pardon any Duellists and so hath found a way to make these Combats now as uncommon as they us'd to be frequent in the reigns of his Predecessors And for my own part I cannot but have an exceeding honour and value for those many Lords and Gentlemen whose Courage is out of all danger of being call'd in question that have made a publick Declaration under their hands that they could never look upon those men as persons of Valour who place their honour in playing of prizes and by a brutish stuoidity lavishly throw away those lives that were design'd for the nobler purposes of serving the Kingdom and the defence of their Prince Let us dye in Gods name at the mouth of a breach or in a fair Battel at the head of a Company or a Regiment where our Death is honourable and our Life a Sacrifice paid to God and our Princes who have a right to it But who in his senses would ever expose himself to these bloody encounters where not only our Life but our Fortune and Honour are lost with it too and in which we cannot lose our lives but we must lose Heaven and our Salvation at the same time X. Now I come to speak of the favourable circumstances which concurred to the matching first of my Nephew and afterwards of his Daughter to both their advantage and they are such as were likely enough to be thought no less Romantick than my account of the Knight of Maltha did not that sincerity and strict regard to truth which I have been known to observe all my life long secure me from any suspicion of falshood It happened then while my elder Brother's Son who was sent to me out of Provence to Paris continued under my care that a Lady of Dauphinc came thither with her Daughter about a great Suit of Law then depending concerning the Guardianship of this young Lady which was like to be taken away from her I had heard some discourse of the thing and thinking my self obliged to take their part as being my Country-women had a mind first to dive into the true reason of the Mother's carrying on the cause so zealously Making a visit one day I took the freedom to ask her if the interest of her Daughter was the only prospect she had in this Suit she answered me very frankly that she sought no advantage of her own and valued nothing comparably to her Daughter and for her sake alone it was that she gave herself all this trouble I believ'd what she said to be true and answer'd her with as much ingenuity and openness that since she proceeded upon so generous a principle I would shew as much generosity to her and serve her both by my self and my friends as heartily as if her concern were my own Accordingly I began to make my words good and set all my friends to work in behalf of this Lady Her adversaries resolv'd to trouble and tire her out both by delays and expences which are always very great at Paris especially for such as are not settled inhabitants there and used all arts to spin out the cause to as great a length as they could The whole Court removing to the Siege of Rochelle as I shewed formerly this Lady found it necessary to follow them thither that she might not seem to desert her Cause which then lay before the Council The extravagant charge of this business and at a time when she wanted Money too forc'd her one day to confess to me the great concern she was in to see her estate wasted thus to no purpose and her self reduced to want of Money to supply her present occasions for this Journey I encouraged and supported her under it the best I could assuring her I would do my utmost to bring this troublesome contest to an honourable conclusion Then I asked her what Money she wanted and upon her desire that I would lend her five hundred Crowns I furnished her presently after with two hundred Pistoles And at last I made so good interest among my friends that the Lady carried her point XI She esteemed her self extremely obliged by the service I had done her and resolved upon the most effectual return of my kindness that was possible to be made For having seen my Nephew several times who came to me from Paris to Rochelle and was then about sixteen years old she would needs marry her Daughter who was a great fortune and for whose interest I had been so sollicitous to this young Gentleman The great confidence she had in me made her open her thoughts freely and she profest her self highly pleased that she had this way of making an acknowledgment for all the trouble I had been at upon her account and her Daughters I 〈◊〉 this ●roposal was some surprize to me for it was what I never lookt for nor ha● the ●east design in the world to hook it in by any service I had endeavoured to do 〈◊〉 I thought this civility very obliging and told her she did me a great deal of honour and that the young Lady her Daughter deserved a much better match than my Nephew who was but young yet and no body could tell what sort of man he 〈◊〉 ●ake She took my complemental answer for a refusal and told me She perceived I lookt higher and thought her Daughter a match not worthy my Nephew I presently rectified this mistake and convinced her I spoke sincerely that it was my real opinion her Daughter deserved much better and all could be said of my Nephew was that he was a Youth of good hopes and one that I durst promise my self might do very well in time But Madam said I since you have done me the favour of so generous an offer I agree to and
the King had for this General 's advice cost his Army very dear Being then sensibly wounded to see my self look'd upon as a Visionary and a Coward I entreated his Majesty with great instances not to let the all Regiment have this affront put upon them to be deprived of the honour they were wont to have of going on first upon the Enemy adding with some heat that if I had committed a fault it was not just that the whole body should be punish'd for it by the loss of so honourable a priviledge and that I alone ought to be chastiz'd and answer it with my head The King who very well discern'd my emotion made me this answer I do not pretend said he to wrong the Regiment for on the contrary I will keep it for a reserve neither have I any intention to punish you seeing that I rather ought to reward you for the service you have done me and therefore speak after another manner and entertain other sentiments of my justice I then retir'd to carry news to my Lieutenant Collonel of the Orders the King had given and the reason that had mov'd him to do after that manner insisting much that having done all in me lay to hinder it it was now his part to plead our cause anew Monsie ur de Cerillac made answer without being mov'd that if the King and his Generals would have it so we must resolve to acquiesce and peradventure they will do us a courtesy for they will doubtless save our lives by taking our places and yet I make a very great question whither they will be able to carry the place or no but they will stand in need of us and we tho the last may possibly have the honour of the fight He spoke after this manner making a virtue of necessity and conceiving that it was more discretion to keep there but added that nevertheless for decency's sake we should do well to present our selves lest we should give the world an occasion to censure and suspect us Accordingly we went but were presently told that we had not the Attack and that we should stay till we were commanded whereupon without being very importunate we return'd to our Quarters there to expect a new order Monsieur de Chevreuse who did not command the Attack having entreated me to carry him to some eminence from whence he might easily see the fight I carried him to an old kind of Battery where the Cannon had been plac'd when they first invested the place and from whence he might see all without any manner of danger The Attack was presently begun and succeeded so ill that Navarre and Piedmont who had the head with other Regiments that sustain'd them were almost all cut to pieces and it fell out according to what Monsieur de Cerillac had said that they would at last have recourse to us for we were commanded with all the Regiment to repel the Enemy who were not content to have made so brave a resistance but moreover had sallied out and thrown themselves into our Trenches and finding them tir'd with so long a fight we beat them back with ease enough and recover'd what we had lost of our Trenches and Lodgment but not our dead men which were not to be restor'd to life and thus the ill grounded conjecture of the General succeeded 'T is strange that an engagement of honour should sometimes seduce the greatest men to act contrary to their own reason and to precipitate themselves and whole Armies into inevitable danger Tho they had slighted my report as incredible yet at last satisfied with their own eyes and things being known for such as I had represented them it was to attempt an impossibility to engage in this Attack In the mean time the Orders were already given an Officer is suspected for a Coward and upon this without any other assurance they go on headlong to the Assault so true it is that mens Judgments by an effect of divine Justice sometimes fail them in the most important occasions III. This bloody experience made the Generals alter their resolution they gave over the Attack of the Half-Moon to fall upon the great Bastion and this change was of so great importance that a man may say it was the cause of taking the place for from that day forward the Enemy despair'd of being able to keep it as much as they were confident of doing it before as they themselves have since confest The new Attack being begun the Enemy made a great Sally upon our Regiment which had the Guard they immediately charg'd the flanks of the Trench and did it with so great fury that one part of it gave way and was totally routed and the other came to rally themselves to a Lieutenant call'd La ... and to me who yet kept our post The Enemy who still prest on and that thought of no less than gaining all that was left were a little astonisht when they saw us come on all in a body directly upon them and charge them so home that from Assailants as they were before they saw it concern'd them to look to their defence This alteration put them to their shifts they disunited and the one half retiring into the City left the other to be shut up in a corner from whence it was impossible for them to get away But just as they were going to call out for Quarter a Souldier came crying out all in a fright Monsieur Zamet is kill'd Monsieur Zamet is kill'd I askt him How dost thou know it Because I saw it said he at which being desperate and quite out of my wits I miserably gave my self up to the fury that transported me in the thought wherewith I was then possest that I had lost all in losing this intimate friend without making any manner of use of my Reason or other reflection and threw my self with the utmost fury upon these poor people whom I sacrific'd to my revenge in causing them to be all cut to pieces IV. After this bloody execution to which I had suffer'd my self to be carried away I ran being yet quite out of my sences to see if I could find Monsieur Zamet dead as I had been told I was a little comforted when I was told that they were gone to put him to bed but when I saw coming into the room that his Thigh was taken off with a Fauconshot that he had receiv'd in going from place to place as Mareschal de Camp I lookt upon him as a dead man I stood by his Bed-side without being able to speak one word my heart was so opprest when he himself began to speak to me after so Christian a manner that I remain'd in the greatest confusion comparing what he said to me to the condition wherein I found my self Must Christians said he to me as we are desire any thing contrary to the will of God If it be by his appointment that all things happen in the world and if
and the good I had done in chastizing him after that manner he became a patern of submission and discretion to the whole Company so that every body return●d to their former order and your Majesty was very well satisfied with the regulation But Sir there are a sort of men who because they can do no good themselves are impatient that any body else should and some of these afterwards perverted this young Gentleman perswading him that his honour was lost and he had no courage if he did not require satisfaction for this affront and that a Gentleman of his birth and quality ought to esteem his honour dearer than his life These strange impressions Sir and ill counsels of rash people that are falsly jealous of anothers honor was the thing that push'd on Monsieur Buisson to this extremity who knowing well enough that I was a man strict in the observance of my duty and one that would never consent to an action so contrary to the Rules of military discipline because he would unavoidably engage me to give him what he was put upon requiring of me laid wait for my coming back from St. Germains watch'd me upon the Road and after he had put himself out of my Company and received his dismission from me compell'd me to that satisfaction which he never would have dared to demand in any other place where I could have refused him In this circumstance Sir said I there was no course could be taken but either to run away or to do as I did So that having upon this occasion only obey'd the indispensable Laws of Nature which command us to defend our selves when we are assaulted I dare promise my self thus much from your Majesty's Justice that you will pronounce me as innocent as I had been criminal and worthy of death had what has been represented to your Majesty been true that I had voluntarily fought with a Cadet of my own Company I do therefore Sir most humbly beseech your Majesty to give judgment upon the case and rather to believe what I say and swear in the presence of God than what may have been told you by such as are not so well inform'd of the truth of the business or that perhaps have proceeded upon some private spleen against us both This discourse of mine so wrought upon the King that he was almost perfectly overcome by it so that his Majesty reply'd That indeed he did not understand the business before to be as I had now related it to him nor had he heard any thing of this last circumstance which very much alter'd the quality of the action but though he might see some reason to excuse me and pardon this fault which he look'd upon as done against my will yet Buisson was absolutely inexcusable since having at first been so discreet as to receive his chastisement as became him he was but the more guilty in hearkning to the counsels of rash giddy young Fellows and by so ill an action giving the lye to all the good conduct he had shew'd before That to way-lay his Lieutenant upon a common road to assault him and drive him to a necessity of defending himself was a crime not only against him who was attackt but all the Officers of the Regiment were concern'd and all injur'd in this action which being an example of so pernicious consequence he would have it punish'd accordingly and that Justice should be done upon him V. Finding the King's countenance change and clearing up towards me I thought I might take the liberty to move him still farther in favour of him whom he had condemn'd to dye and from a suppliant in my own case to become intercessor for another And I had that hope in his Majesty's goodness to belive that he would rather incline to my humble request in regard I interested my self for the person that had injur'd me I then humbly besought him not to be angry if after the pardon he had been graciously pleased to grant me for my self I had the boldness to presume upon begging this young Gentlemans upon whom his Justice intended the whole weight of the punishment should fall I told him that his action though criminal yet seeming rather to have been the effect of ill counsel than ill nature it might deserve some allowance to be made for it that if he should receive his life after having so well deserv●d to lose it he must needs think himself oblig'd ever after to devote it to his Prince's service that it would be the greatest affliction in the world to me to have been the occasion of the dishonour of a whole Family And therefore I was bold to conjure his Majesty that he would extend his clemency to two Criminals who were in effect but one seeing I should think my self punish'd in the person of him for whom I presum'd to speak and that I could not rise from his Majesty's Feet till he had granted my request The King though inwardly touch'd with what I had said to him made answer What! You are not content with your own pardon then and take upon you to move me for another Are not you afraid of making your self more guilty and by that in some sort to betray that you have the greatest share in the fault of him for whom you intercede whe● you ought to be the first man that should desire to have it punish'd But nevertheless I know your temper and forgive the excess of your friendship I give him the life you beg of me and I give it as the greatest testimony of my acknowledging your services But for examples sake and the publick satisfaction I will have him brought to Tryal and process entred against him that in the mean time he may retire into Holland and not return till there be no more talk of this business and I have granted him a formal Pardon It is impossible for me to express the joy and grateful acknowledgments that these words raised in my breast I embrac'd the King's knees and having return'd my thanks more by sighs and tears than words I withdrew out of the Chamber When the Lords of the Court were come into the room the King told them all after what manner he had humbled me and how he had conceiv'd he ought to chastise me for the fault I had committed declaring at the same time that though he had forborn to punish me with greater severity in regard of the services I had done him he would yet make Buisson and example and have him condemn'd in a Council of War to be shot to death which made the whole Court believe that he really intended to have him executed not any one knowing the extraordinary grace his Majesty had promis'd me in his favour In the mean time I went to look out Monsieur Buisson and told him all that had past and gave him assurance that during his absence in Holland I would omit no occasion of using my utmost endeavour for his return and
would give me leave to complain and not take it ill if I laid hold on this opportunity to draw some advantage from my misfortune for I stand in need said I smiling of a little sweetness to moderate the sharpness of my Choler and soften my Melancholy Monsieur St. Preuil promis'd to assist me with all his heart in getting some Money from the King and told me I might safely impart to him any contrivance I could make use of to that purpose Necessity quickens a man's invention and I was not long in forming the expedient I stood in need of but presently told him that being he was to go to Taillebourg where the King then was he must take the pains to write me a Letter from thence and there acquaint me with his resolution to buy this Company and that I would return an answer to it full of grievous complaints of the injustice done me That afterwards he might speak to the Duke of St. Simon in my favour and shew him my Letter that he might shew it to the King and by making him understand the justice of my complaints might at least procure me a recompence for the cause that was given me to complain Monsieur St. Preuil engag'd to do so and to serve me the best he could And accordingly he writ to me from Taillebourg as we had agreed before which I answer'd by another complaining one writing him word that I should be the most unhappy man in the world if this Company went so out of the hands of one who had receiv'd it from the King 's meer bounty that I should have nothing left to hope for since it would be always sold at this rate that I was not concern'd he should be the Buyer but that it was suffer'd to be bought at all that the grief to see all my pretensions ruined was so violent and so just that I could not quickly overcome it nor lay aside the resentment I ought to have that he shut the door of his Majesty's liberality against me but that when I had suffer'd this injustice for the love I bore him I might perhaps at one time or other declare my resentment more openly Monsieur St. Preuil shew'd my Letter to the Duke of St. Simon and spoke to him in my behalf according to the agreement betwixt us The Duke shew'd it to the King and seeing his Majesty begin to be angry he told him that really there was a great deal to be said in my excuse if I did complain finding my self thus disappointed that he did beseech his Majesty to surprize me with some unexpected favour that complaints being the natural effects of grief they were allowable when the cause of that grief was just that I was one of his Majesty's most faithful Servants one that had expos'd my life in a hundred engagements that carry'd many honourable scars about me and deserv'd a Company in his Guards as well as any Gentleman in France The King a little calm'd with this discourse reply'd 'T is true he is a brave man and it is but just to consider him a little upon this occasion After which he sent an Order to Monsieur Deffiat to pay me four thousand Franks But still he was not satisfy'd with my Letter And when I came to him at Surgeres a little after he gave me to understand by his silence and coldness that he was displeased with me Not knowing then whither I ought to speak or hold my tongue fearing on one side that if I spoke I should be thought insolent and if I said nothing it might look like guilt at last however I chose the latter and resolv'd to try if by silence and submission I could overcome the good nature of the King At Supper the Count of Svissons who was upon no very good terms with his Majesty came to wait on him and after a little discourse took his leave and all the rest of the great Lords one after another went away Still I staid hoping by my perseverance to oblige the King to speak to me and knowing that he took it well to have people assiduous about his person But my patience at last was quite worn out and being inwardly vext to see the King keep on a coldness toward me so long as soon as he rose from the Table I fell at his knees and told him that my fear to displease his Majesty and the confusion which the remembrance of my fault gave me had oblig'd me till then to keep silence but I hop'd he would permit me now to ask his pardon most humbly for my passions and complaints Ho ho said the King roundly to me who then put you upon writing such a hussing Letter I reply'd that his Majesty having given me hopes of the Company he had bestow'd on Count Saligny and Monsieur St. Preuil having since bought it I knew very well that he would not do him an injury in giving me what another had bought Whereupon the King ask'd me what I complain'd of then It had been easy to tell his Majesty that this was the very reason of my complaint that having given his word to gratify me with that Command he had suffer'd it to be sold but this was no time to insist upon the justice of my cause and it was better to take a more submissive course and therefore laying all the fault at my own door I made answer I had no body to complain of but my self and I most humbly begg'd his Majesty's Pardon for having offended him The King who pretended to be more angry than he really was suffering himself to be easily overcome said to me Be more temperate another time and do not complain thus of having injustice done you I have commanded Deffiat to give you four thousand Livres VII I was well satisfy'd with this gentle reproof having great reason to apprehend very scurvy consequences of this affair But going to get my self paid this gift of the King 's I had like to have spoil'd all by a false piece of Gallantry Meeting with a Commissioner of Monsieur Deffiat who told me the Superintendent would speak with me I presently went believing it was to pay me the four thousand Livres and accordingly he told me I was much oblig'd to the King's bounty who had remembred my services and order'd him to give me four thousand Livres I answer'd that I acknowledg'd my obligations to his Majesty with all due respect but if he would give me leave to speak my thoughts though four thousand Livres might appear something considerable for me to receive yet it was but a small matter for so great a Prinee to give I thought Monsieur Deffiat would have taken my meaning right in what I said so freely and presently have offer'd me his service to perswade the King to something more and the kindness he had all along profest for me was what might justify my expecting this from him but I was much surpriz'd to find all my hopes and my policy
affront requir'd a very steady vertue to support it with patience in a man of Courage Especially since it was that time my opinion that Heaven always declared for him who when his honour was injur'd repell'd the offence by force of arms Monsieur Savignac had no sooner said so but I answer'd in heat How hath Monsieur Canaples given you that Order He cannot do it he hath promis'd it me and besides it is my right This were to act contrary to his own Word and to Justice I askt it not of him reply'd he speak to Monsieur Canaples perhaps he will give you some other employment I pray be not angry till you have heard his reasons No no said I in great fury a man can have no reason for acting contrary to Justice and his own Word I will have no other employment but that which belongs to me and that cannot be given you justly which cannot without injustice be taken from me Monsieur Savignac who lov'd me very well but did not think he ought to yield to me upon such an occasion said to me Look you Sir I made no suit for it it was given me voluntarily and without a particular Order I cannot leave it Thereupon taking it for granted that Monsieur Canaples had put this affront upon me designedly since it was not possible he should have forgot in so short a time what he promis'd me but just before I went to seek him out smothering my resentment and taking no notice that I knew any thing I told him the Regiment was in Battaille and when he pleas'd to come to it he would find all in order according to the Kings command And now Sir said I I doubt not but you have remembred me About what said he The command of the Forlorn-hope that you promis'd and which of right belongs to me to day said I. At which putting on great surprize Oh! truly I have given it to Monsieur Savignac I am very sorry for 't but in earnest I forgot I who had a mind to shew him that I was more angry than he was sorry made answer a little roughly How Sir forgot Is it possible a man of honour should so soon forget his promise I know not how to help it said he I did not remember it Seeing him dally thus with me I raising my voice reply'd You perhaps forgot it Sir because you would forget it but it shall not pass so for if you have forgot your promise I very well remember that it is my place and am resolv'd not to lose it What would you have me do said he the Orders are already given Change the Orders Sir said I if you please Would you have me reply●d he be unjust to another in taking away a post that I have given him How Sir said I louder than before you have been unjust to me before in taking from me what was my right and what you promis'd I should have Why what would you have me do said he very angrily I cannot change the Orders get you gone to the Regiment Yes Sir said I I will go and go to the head of the Forlorn-hope you have given me your word the faith of a Gentleman and a man of honour I have done what you commanded me and you have not been just to your word I declare to you Sir that I am resolv'd to dye rather than part with what is my due you shall see strange work I have not eaten the Kings bread so long not to shew him in such an occasion of danger as this that he has not been mistaken in the choice he has made of me to be near his person All that troubles me is that I have spoke to you of a thing I should not have spoke to you about Monsieur Monsieur de Pontis said he consider who 't is you speak to At which raising my voice yet higher I know very well Sir said I to him that I speak to a person who engag'd his faith and his word to me and hath fail'd in both Whereupon Monsieur Canaples enrag'd to the last degree to see himself so us'd by an Officer of his own Regiment reply'd Get you gone you are an insolent fellow Sir said I the respect I owe you with-holds me from saying a thing that would very much displease you but said I drawing my Sword a little way and clapping it down again Here is that shall one day do me right Monsieur Canaples extremely surpriz'd at this menace said to me I suspend you from your Command But I knowing he pretended to a thing out of his power reply'd calmly Sir you usurp an authority that does not belong to you while the King is present none but he can suspend me X. Thereupon I left him and seeing this affair was like to be of dangerous consequence if I did not prevent it thought it my best course to make haste and acquaint the King with it Accordingly I went and told him that while I was executing his Majesty's command Monsieur Canaples had given away my post to another The King who was then very busie in giving all the necessary Orders for the Army had not leisure to hear me and therefore referr'd me to the Duke of Espernon as Collonel of the French Infantry I lost no time and had none to lose in the great bustle and hurry every one was in and therefore went immediately to the Duke to whom I gave an account of my dispute with Monsieur Canaples for having executed the Kings Orders and his own Telling him that having addrest my self to the King his Majesty had referr'd me to him to do me Justice being himself so busie in giving out Orders that he had no leisure to hear me and therefore I humbly begg'd his Lordship to give me the post that belong'd to me Monsieur Espernon made answer that this was no fit time to decide such controversies the Enemy being in sight and publick business being always to be preferr'd before private that when the fight was over they should be at leisure to consider my case and to do both of us Justice But my Lord said I what will become of me he hath interdicted me my Command Oh said Monsieur Espernon that is what he cannot do while the King is present that belongs only to him and when I am present and the King away it belongs only to me Go tell Monsieur Canaples from me that he must permit you to exercise your Command and this difference shall be decided when that we have now in hand with the Enemy is decided This word of the Duke 's put me in some heart again but considering that it would not be proper to carry it to Monsieur Canaples my self for fear of making things worse and quarrelling afresh I presented my Table-book and entreated his Lordship that he would please to write in them himself the message he would have delivered to Monsieur Canaples telling him I was afraid if I should go back
to acquaint him with his Lordships pleasure that he might fall into a passion with me and then I might perhaps forget the respect that was due to him Monsieur Espernon then writ in my Table-book and sent to Monsieur Canaples to permit me quietly to exercize my Command and thus being very well content to see my self supported by the Collonel I went away to the Regiment Meeting my Captain St. Preuil by the way I gave him a short account of the matter according to the short time I had to do it in deliver'd him Monsieur Espernon's Order and entreated him to carry it to Monsieur Canaples with all the speed he could After which I went to take my post that had been deny'd me and by great good fortune Monsieur Savignac to whom this post had been given in my wrong was not there when I came For tho we were very good friends I was resolv'd not to lose my place and Mousieur Savignac would have been as resolute as I to keep what had been given to him XI But it happen'd unluckily that Monsieur Canaples who was making the round of the Regiment of Guards just as I took my post saw me at a distance before he had receiv'd the Duke of Espernon's Letter He made up to me instantly upon a round gallop with his Cane in his hand and thinking to fright me with threats cry'd out as he came I shall remove you with a vengeance I 'll make you quit that post I being not of a humour to be easily affrighted with big words let him come within thirty or forty paces and then call'd out to him to advance no nearer Do not go about to offer me an affront Sir said I for I am absolutely resolv'd not to endure it What right have you to take that from me which the King has given me Upon this leaping out of his Saddle and drawing his Sword he came up to me as if it had been my duty to suffer my self to be beaten and abus'd but being willing to save him that trouble I drew mine too and advanc'd half way to meet him with a resolution not to attack him but only to defend my self I confess this was an extraordinary proceeding and such as might appear a capital offence for a Lieutenant to draw upon his Maistre de Camp at the head of the whole Army But thinking my self backt by the authority of the King and the Collonel and being like to be assaulted and for ever dishonoured without having committed any other fault than obeying the Kings Orders I thought of nothing but getting quit of this scurvy business tho it should cost me my head The Duke of Angoulesme and some other great Lords being come in to us when we had made two or three passes at one another parted us and there the matter rested till we saw the English Fleet come to an Anchor in the Road without preparing for any manner of Engagement But then Monsieur Canaples enrag'd to the last degree at the affront he thought he had receiv'd in the fight of the whole Army resolv'd to go immediately to the King that he might prepossess him about this business I saw him take Horse and presently guest his design and knowing of what consequence it was to prevent him mounted the best Horse I had instantly resolving if I could to get thither before Monsieur Canaples But he knowing me to he a little hot and suspecting I would follow him took a by-way and left the direct one to me by which means he arriv'd first and related the whole matter to his Majesty wholly to his own advantage telling him that I attempted to assassinate him and drew upon him at the head of the Regiment But he did not tell him that he himself had first attempted to take away my Honour and perhaps my Life too in the presence of so many honourable witnesses He aggravated my fault all that possibly he could and told his Majesty that if Justice were not done upon it all Military discipline would be utterly confounded and lost that there could be no more safety to be expected either for the Officer from private Souldiers or for the Maistre de Camp and Generals from the meanest Officers in the Army The King made answer that he wovld not obstruct Justice but that he would have him go to Monsieur Espernon and let him inform himself of the business I came into the room just as Monsieur Canaples went out but found the king strongly prejudic'd against me for I no sooner open'd my mouth but he told me with great severity Canaples hath told it me already 't is a scurvy business for you if it be as he informs me Sir replies I your Majesty knows that better than any body If you have a mind to inform your self and will be pleas'd to hear me your Majesty will then see that I have done nothing but for your service and by your Order I most humbly beseech you Sir to call to mind the Order you gave me Well well said the King go to Monsieur d' Espernon and tell him I sent you and will talk with him about it I went accordingly as fast as I could hoping to find some access with the Duke because of the Order he had given me for Monsieur Canaples but was strangely surpriz'd to find him yet less dispos'd to hear me than the King Assoon as ever I came in he said O Monsieur Pontis Monsieur Canaples hath spoke to me about your affair there is now a strange confusion among the Officers of the Army There is no such thing as submission or dependance left among them The Ensigns will turn Lieutenants the Lieutenants Captains the Captains are Maistres de Camp and the Maistres de Camp will be Collonels I shall take good care to hinder these disorders I wonder how you dare appear before me I come hither my Lord said I under the King's protection he hath sent me to tell you that he will discourse you upon this business You have done wisely reply'd the Duke to come to me from the King for otherwise I should have laid you by the heels to have given you leisure to think of what you could say in justification of your crime Seeing then no defence left me but that of humility and submission I humbly begg'd of him not to condemn me upon the single report of my Adversary and without first hearing what I had to say for my self I conjur'd him to consider that the innocent are often opprest by the authority of their Enemies who will have every thing pass for a fault that opposes their injustice and all men Criminals who defend themselves from their oppressions I hope my Lord said I if you will please to hear the truth of the whole matter from unprejudic'd persons you will excuse my misfortune and your self undertake my defence and think me more worthy of your compassion than your anger I beseech you my Lord to
he must have been highly provok'd what think you This was plainly to declare himself for me and to engage this Officer to speak favourably of a man whose cause the King himself had taken upon him to defend but he contrary to all people's expectation had the ill nature to answer the King that though it had been his own Son that had committed such an action he would condemn it as criminal even in his Son The King who look'd for another kind of answer and that his own opinion ought to have met with more respect gave some significations of his being much surpriz'd at so rude a return and went off toward the Window without saying any thing at all This was in effect to condemn a man severely whom his Majesty had by his own question absolv'd and there 's no great doubt to be made but his Vote had been sold against me or he would never have exprest himself at that rate upon such an occasion And indeed after the matter was absolutely determin'd and my Pardon obtain'd he several times made me great excuses which serv●d really only to aggravate his own Condemnation XIV While my affair lay before the Council Monsieur Hallier then a Captain in the Guards of the Body who hath since been made Mareschal of France and Governour of Paris under the name of de l' Hospital and Monsieur d' Estissac Maistre de Camp of a Regiment of Infantry either came or sent to me every day to give me notice of all that was said in Council or in the King 's ordinary Discourse concerning my business shewing by this good office the particular kindness they had for me even in the time of my greatest disgrace And by this means too I knew who were my true and who my false friends and who my declar'd enemies I knew there were in the Council eight and forty Judges against me Princes and Mareschals of France Dukes and Peers Collonels Mareschals de Camp and Maistres de Camp the reason of which was that these great Officers were willing by favouring Monsieur Canaples to raise the authority of their own Commands and to render themselves more formidable to the Captains Lieutenants and Ensigns Thus were they in some sort both Judges and Parties and had a mind to make me an example for fear if this boldness of drawing upon a Maistre de Camp were authoriz'd by escaping unpunished that they should hereafter find more resistance than submission among the inferior Officers and so be often engag'd to fight like private Gentlemen instead of making themselves obey'd by vertue of the King's authority And I must confess their fear had been just if the circumstances of my action had not absolutely secur'd me from this reproach and made it plain to all the world that if an inferiour Officer is never permitted to draw his Sword upon the person that commands him a Maistre de Camp is no more allowed to break his word with one that is commanded by him and without any manner Justice contrary to the King 's and the Collonel General 's Order to take from him that rank which belongs to him by his Command But at the same time that so great a number of persons declared themselves for my death I had the comfort to see a great many others take my part to the last and make my cause their own Besides those I have named Count Soissons Prince of the Blood sent to invite me to retire at his Lodgings assuring me of his protection and that as long as he had life he would preserve mine Monsieur Thooras Governour of Fort St. Martin in the Ifle of Rhe sent me a tender of his service and begg'd of me to come into that Island where he promis'd me all imaginable security But Mareschal Schomberg advis'd me not to stir out of his house by reason of the favour the King shewed in my concern So that returning my thanks to those Gentlemen with all the respect and acknowledgment due for such honourable and advantagious offers I still continued where I was At last the King being eternally importun'd by Monsieur Schomberg and put forward by his own inclination too sent me word by Monsieur Schomberg that I might retire into his Quarter which he gave me for my refuge But fearing every thing in the condition I was then in and apprehending above all lest I should fall into the hands of Justice I contented my self with staying in the King's Quarter in the day time and retir'd my self at night in the Mareschal's XV. One day as I was walking in the Basse-Court of the King's Lodgings with Monsieur Montigny and Marsillac both Captains in the Guards these two Officers told me they would not advise me to stay any longer in the Camp for a long as I past for criminal I was always in danger and if ever I came to be arrested there would be an end of me Nay Monsieur Marsillac offer'd me an hundred Pistoles and Monsieur Montigny fifty entreating me as I lov'd them to accept the offer I told them I had two hundred left and that their kindness was what I valu'd much more than the Gold they made me a tender of just then the King putting his Head out at Window perceiv'd me and becken'd me to come to him but as unhappy people see every thing by the fear that possesses them and my mind was full of the fright these Officers had put me into I took this sign from the King in the worst sense and believing it to be a manace was perfectly confounded Did you see the King threaten me said I. You told me as much I am a dead man I must flee for it You 'll never see me more At that instant without any farther deliberation I embrac'd them and out I went betook my self to my Heels and fled as if all had been lost I look'd all about for my Man and my Horse but could find neither which made me quite mad and I concluded now that I was deliver'd up into the hands of Justice I repented my self of going into the King's Quarters at all and not knowing at last whom to blame I discharg'd all my anger upon my man who was missing resolving with my self to be very liberal of my Cudgel as soon as ever I could set my eyes on him But while all things seem●d to conspire to trouble me more as I was thus running up and down among the Sutlers like a Mad-man to seek my Servant and could not find him I was frighted more than ever to see a man come running and calling after me It was a young fellow call'd Cadet that belong'd to the Kings Chamber whom his Majesty had sent to assure me all was well and to fetch me to him I thought he pursu●d me with an ill intent and therefore fell to running faster than I had done before At last however coming a little to my self and beginning to fancy I might have taken a false alarm I
all my People both Souldiers and Slaves commanding them to be ready and at the first touch of the Boatswain's Whistle fall to their Oars amain The second Cannon shot came to our Ears presently after and then I made them row toward the shore as fast as they could and saw the Enemy spreading their Sails to prepare for attacking the Mole Being landed I immediately went to the King and acquainted him that the Enemy were hoisting Sail and that the Weather Wind and Tide were so favourable that they could not lose so fair an occasion At this news the King gave his orders throughout and afterwards went with part of the Nobility to the Battery which was at the Head of the Bay commanding me to lye under the shelter of this Battery There was nothing very remarkable in this fight except the Cannon shot of which a prodigious number was fir'd on both sides There was nothing to be heard but Peals of Thunder nor to be seen but Lightning in the midst of a dark Smoke that cover'd the whole Sea It was a fine sight to see those monstrous Vessels too that resembled great floating Castles and advancing one after another in very graceful order gave Broad-sides at our Mound of fifty or threescore Cannon shot at a time But as the English attack'd briskly they were as warmly receiv'd The Battery where the King was did wonders He made several shot himself delighting extremely in every thing that related to War and never was more liberal either of Lead to the Enemies or Gold and Silver to his Souldiers and Gunners During the whole fight I kept my self close under the Cannon of his Battery according to the orders I had receiv'd venturing out only a little now and then to pursue a Vessel when it retir'd from the Charge but being forc'd to return very quickly for fear of being snapt by some other that came on There was only one Cannon Ball fell into my Galliot with which she was much damag'd and two Slaves kill'd XIX At length the Enemy seeing Heaven declare on our side and that all their attempts were vain made a retreat fatal to Rochelle and advantageous to the King and his Arms. Then I fell to cruising again and was so happy as to meet with a favourable accident which was of great advantage towards restoring me to the King's favour Seeing a very beautiful guilded Prow floating upon the water and the Arms of England in it I made up and found it was a considerable Prize and a Present worthy the King With much ado I haled it up into my Galliot and return'd a proud man toward the Beach where after I had got it ashore I went straight to the King's Quarter As I was going Monsieur Bassompiere met me and told me Monsieur Canaples had entreated him to beg my Pardon of the King in his name by reason that his Father Mareschal Cre●ui did as I said formerly very much condemn his behaviour and besides he knew well enough how the King stood affected which made him speak first to get the merit of a thing which hop'd might turn to his honour I told him of the good luck I had met with and he gave me all the hopes imaginable advising me to make use of this advantage to ingratiate my self with the King I then declared my design which was to let the King know that the Shot which took off this Prow came from his Battery as indeed it did and so by degrees insensibly to persuade him that his Majesty himself had made the shot He approv'd of my design telling me he thought the true way to go to work for my own interests was to advance the King's honour On I went and at my entring the King's Lodgings I compos'd my countenance the best I could without discovering the least gayety but looking very modest and dejected as became a man who had reason to apprehend the consequences of so unlucky an affair as mine I told his Majesty that one of the English Vessels was much disabled and I had found a great piece of her Prow which I thought it my duty to bring away that his Majesty if he pleased might see it I would not say any thing more at first thinking he would be apt enough of his own accord to attribute the glory of this shot to himself He told me he would go view it and askt me by the way whereabouts I had found it I answered very innocently and without spurring on too fast in such a place on the right hand which was the part expos'd to his own Battery The King who passionately desir'd it might be thought his own doing but durst not yet take it to himself without some ground was pleas'd with my answer and reply'd 't was I that made that shot at such a time I saw the Vessel fall off as soon as ever I had discharg'd and did then believe she had receiv'd some damage Upon this I began to confirm his opinion by several circumstances which was matter of great Joy to this Prince who stood much upon his being a good Marks-man and did really excel in all military matters there being perhaps scarce a man in his Kingdom that could draw up the greatest Army in Battalia so soon or so advantageously as himself He took great pride in showing this Prow and telling every one that came that I could testify it fell upon a shot of his which was as much for my satisfaction as his own for thus I was made a Judge in the case and did not question but having determined favourably for him he would not fail to do as much for me Mareschal Bassompiere loth to lose so fair an opportunity when the King was in so good a humour got his Majesty to do that at his request and for his sake which he was inclin'd enough to do of himself but that he would have seem'd to proceed more upon favour than justice I humbly beseech your Majesty said he to grant me one humble request which I have to make you The King who probably guest what he would be at he seem'd a little shy telling him he could not engage his word till he knew for what Sir reply'd Monsieur Bassompiere I can assure your Majesty the cause is good and you will have no reason to repent of the favour But tell me what it is said the King if the cause be good why are you so nice in declaring it Is it something that concerns your self or some of your Relations Sir said he the favour I would obtain neither concerns my self nor any Relation of mine but another that hath more need Oh! you are too subtle for me reply'd the King I am no Diviner to know your thoughts At last Monsieur Bassompiere told him that it was my Pardon he took the boldness to beg and did it from Monsieur Canaples too who was infinitely troubled for the misfortune he had brought upon me The King seeming mightily surpriz'd stood
some time silent as if he had much ado to grant his request and yet at the very moment that Monsieur Bassompiere spoke he prest a little upon my shoulder as it were to signify his secret consent Monsieur Bassompiere repeated it again with more than ordinary importunity and the King who only held off to disguise his own inclination made a shew at last of being vanquisht and said to me Thank Bassompiere I who all this while had kept my eyes down without speaking a word as soon as I heard the King's Command went to thank Monsieur Bassompie ● and then fell down to embrace the King's knees with these words Sir 'T is to your Majesty that I owe every thing I hold both my fortune and life from you which I hope one day to lay down for your service and with my blood to seal my acknowledgments for your bounty The King after a short whisper with Monsieur Bassompiere bad me go along with him and do as he should direct me XX. We went immediately to Monsieur Canaples who having had notice by a Gentleman whom Monsieur Bassompiere had sent before came out to the top of the Stairs to receive him As soon as we were come into the Chamber Monsieur Bassompiere said to Monsieur Canaples Here is Monsieur Pontis Sir whom I bring to you by the King's Command I will be the Mediator of a perfect reconciliation betwixt you two You must either utterly forget all that is past or otherwise I declare myself an Enemy to you both Monsieur Canaples whose desire it was that this business might be husht up for the reasons I mentioned before came immediately to embrace me and willing to prevent me in civility said pleasantly Sir I entreat you let us no more remember any thing that hath happen'd for it will not be for our advantage for either of us to have such an Enemy as Monsieur Bassompiere We have both of us been a little too obstinate there hath been heat on both sides and excess of passion and so both ought to excuse it because both are to blame and I hope that this will produce a great good and that we shall love one another the better for it hereafter Finding my self highly oblig'd by so generous a complement I made answer with great sincerity and freedom that I now esteem'd my self happy in my misfortune since it procured me the honour of his friendship that I hoped to let him see how sensibly I was oblig'd by this generosity that he very well knew the air and humour of my Country but could assure him that tho I were a little rough sometimes yet I had a great deal more and better heat for those who honour'd me with their friendship I make you no excuses Sir because you have been pleased to prevent me in first excusing me your self and it is best that neither of us think of a thing which both wish had never happen'd With that we fell to embracing afresh and Monsieur Bassompiere made us do it a third time the better to confirm the Union which was ever after so sincere that Monsieur Canaples could not forbear expressing a coldness toward those who had sollicited him to prosecute this affair against me for he several times declared that he had not done it of himself so much as by the ill advice of some false friends Then Monsieur Bassompiere carried me to Mareschal Crequi who had shewn himself so generous upon this occasion And being I could never sufficiently acknowledge the particular testimonies he had given me of his noble nature after the first complements I told him that I was much concern'd it was not in my power to shew by my actions the sense I had of his generosity to me in this business that I should most impatiently long for some occasion of assuring him by my services how much I thought my self obliged by his extraordinary goodness in vindicating me when almost all the world besides had deserted me and that this had been one of the principal arguments that convinc'd me I had not been altogether so guilty as some others would represent for I knew him too good a Father and too just a person to declare himself without good reason against his own Son in favour of a Stranger whom nothing but the merits of the cause could render worth his consideration Mareschal Crequi answered me with all imaginable civility that I did him wrong in magnifying what he had done as if for being a Father he was to devest himself of all humanity and justice toward those who might have some difference with his Children and that having done no more than his duty he deserved to be commended so much less as he ought to have been condemn'd if he failed in it And turning to Monsieur Bassompiere Is it not fit said he that every one should have their due Why should my Son be allowed to affront a Gentleman and a man of honour Let us not take so much upon us My Son though a Maistre de Camp in the Regiment of Guards hath no right to offer violence to Monsieur Pontis who is but a Lieutenant Perhaps my Sons Command is an honour to him whereas other perhaps are an honour to their Commands In short I have only this to say that in case Monsieur Pontis had been condemn'd I would have carry'd my Son my self to have made him ask him pardon for the affront he had put upon him After this I went to pay my respects to the Duke of Espernon and some other Lords that had done me service in my affair but it happen'd I know not how that I failed of acquitting my self to Cardinal Richelieu of what I was indebted to him upon this account The conference I had with Father Joseph and the design I knew he had to draw me from the Kings service together with my refusal of entring into his made me unwilling to appear before him In the mean while being a little jealous of the good offices he did to those who sought his favour he was much offended that after he had himself sought to gain me by his chief Minister I had failed of thanking him upon this occasion for what he said from the King to the Council about deferring to give Judgment in my Cause I knew too that he had not conceal'd his disgust for some days after the Bishop of Manda asking me if I had been to pay my thanks to the Cardinal and I innocently answering That my little access to his Eminence had hindred me from doing it he said I was much to blame and that the Cardinal would certainly resent it Then I saw my fault too late and desiring to redeem it I begg'd Monsieur Cominges Guita●t to introduce me to him But the Cardinal who never cared for late homages and liked only the first incense receiv'd me very coldly and by his set countenance gave me to understand that my civilities were not at all
Sempstress dying that night next morning by break of day several great persons as the Duke of Elbeuf the Marquis de Rambouillat Great Master of the Wardrobe and some others came to beg this Escheat of the King but his Majesty mindful of the promise he had made me told them all It was not in his power for he had dispos'd of it already He explain'd himself no farther as yet but presently after told the Duke of Elbeuf all who had a great kindness for me and declared himself very well satisfied with my having it protesting that had he known his Majesty●s inclination to do me that favour he would have joyned with me in the request but the rest were not of his temper and especially a great Officer in the Houshold who shew'd himself too importuning and troublesome when it was too late and after he knew it was given to me charged the Usher of the Chamber not to let me in the next day So that when I thought to prevent the ill offices which I knew very well were design'd me and came to present my self betimes in the morning at the Chamber-door to have audience one of the first the Usher a little roughly bad me stay till the King was up I guest whence this came and knew the shutting me out of the Kings Chamber was to shut me out from his bounty too But I believed that a Prince when he had declared himself as his Majesty had done would soon stop his Subjects mouths and that no one could be so bold to ask or so successful to obtain a Grace that his Majesty had so frankly bestow'd upon me I waited then till the Crowd came and went with some Lords into the Chamber as soon as I was in the room I made my reverence to the King and pray'd him to remember me to which his Majesty replyed I have remembred you I give you what I promised and what others have tryed in vain to take from you Go presently to la Vailliere and bid him from me draw up your Bill of Donation for this Escheat I entreated his Majesty to send some one immediately from himself telling him that Monsieur la Vailliere might otherwise make some difficulty of the thing I see said the King you are used to take your securities go you before and I will send some body after you I went away immediately and it fell out as I had foreseen for Monsieur la Vailliere told me he would speak to the King about it first that he was going to the Louvre and would discourse him about it I had a mind to be by and therefore going into the Coach with him we went together to the King There I found Mr L. and St. G. who not judging so favourably of me as his Majesty had done and thinking this gift more fit for them were so bold as to ask him If he knew what this Escheat was worth The King told them he thought it might be worth fifty thousand Francks How Sir said they Yes above two hundred thousand whereas if your Majesty had given Monsieur Pontis fifty or threescore thousand Livres would not he be well enough rewarded This confident answer very much displeased the King who not liking to have his actions so controul'd said with a voice of Authority Kings govern themselves by their own wills if this Escheat were worth a hundred thousand Crowns I would give it Pontis with a much better will You think because he has but little I should give him but little and I quite contrary would give him much more than I do because I know he hath a great deal of Merit tho but a small Estate This answer out of the mouth of a King and pronounced with a more than ordinary Emphasis struck them all dumb and gave me a joy past my power to express to see his Majesty take my part so warmly against the great ones who thought they had a right to oppose his favours to me My Bill being presently dispatched a Courtier who had a considerable Office made me this pretty Complement Sir You are not acquainted with affairs of this kind if you will give me one half of this Escheat I will quickly put you into secure possession of the rest without any trouble or dispute at all I knowing him a very cunning man and a little concern'd in the business thankt him civilly for his kind proffer to do me or rather indeed himself that good Office telling him the burden was not so heavy but that I both would and could bear it all my self I sent away some Souldiers of my Company into the Country-houses that belonged to this Sempstress whose Heir I was constituted and being desirous to acknowledge in some measure his Majesty's liberality toward me I sent him a Present of all the Holland and Baptiste which was in her Shop at Paris and among other things a great Point●bed which the King gave the Queen valued at ten thousand Crowns The Hollands he gave among the Queens Maids of Honour But I afterwards found I had been too free thus to give back again a good part of what the King had given me For after I had cleared my hands of the rich Cloaths and sumptuous Bed and had taken pos●ession of the Lands and other Estates of this Sempstress one of her Kinsmen presented a Request to the Parliament in pursuance of an old Letter by which he pretended to shew that this Spanish woman had been naturalized I was basely down in the mouth at this news and resolved to send one on purpose into Spain for more particular information but all the service that did me was only the throwing away five hundred Crowns more which this mans journey cost me For after the matter had lain a long time before the Parliament at last Judgment was given against me that all the Land should go to the Kinsman and the Movables should be mine Thus after I had given the best of the Goods away I was dispossest of the Land and that which should have been worth to me above two hundred thousand Livres was not worth above ten thousand all charges born The King not being able to forbear laughing at me said one day Well Pontis thou wert born to be a man of Honour but not a man of Fortune Sir rereply'd I smiling it has depended upon my self to make me a man of Honour but it will depend only upon your Majesty to make me a man of Fortune and that may be done whenever you please But how comes it to pass said the King that thou couldst not keep this Escheat Sir said I your Majesty gave it me but your Justice hath taken it from me but you have it in your power always to repair this loss of mine with advantage by some other Grant The King only laugh'd at what I said and I remain'd the same I was before For most certainly God who knew that Riches might have been my ruine by tying me faster to
begg'd to be admitted once more and then before the Court excus'd the Clerk of the States whom he had accus'd and used him roughly the day before After he was withdrawn and while they carried him back to the Town Hall the Parliament proceeded to give their voices A case so plain would not bear any long debate and it was impossible but a person taken actually in arms against his Prince must be condemned One of the Commissioners therefore first pronounc'd him guilty and it was observ'd that in the close of his Sentence the tears stood in his Eyes All the rest of the company exprest their consent in dumb show by taking off their Caps and the Keeper of the Seals confirming the same he drew up the Sentence and signed it before the Court broke up The● all the Judges made haste home that they might at their own houses give free vent to those tears and groans which Ceremony put a restraint upon in the publick Court of Justice The Sentence being brought to the King his Majesty could not bear being a little mollified and changed two Articles in it The one that whereas he was to have been executed in the publick Market place this should be done privately within the Town Hall and the other that Monsieur Montmorency's Estate which was confiscated he should have leave to dispose of as he pleas'd Which accordingly he did by Will and deliver'd it to Monsieur St. Preuil to carry to the King desiring him to beg his Majesty's Pardon in his Name Nay which was an action truly worthy of a good Christian he had a mind to let his bitterest Enemy see that he died without any grudge or revengeful thoughts against him and therefore gave the same Monsieur St. Preuil a Picture of St. Francis with charge to make a Present of it to Cardinal Richelieu as a testimony that he died his humble Servant About noon the same day that Sentence was given two Commissioners and the Recorder came into the Chappel of the Town Hall and sent for Monsieur Montmorency thither who kneeling down at the foot of the Altar and fixing his Eyes upon a Crucifix had his Sentence read to him Then rising up and turning to the company he said Gentlemen I beg your Prayers that God would enable me to suffer like a Christian the Execution of what was just now read to me The Commissioners leaving him with his Confessor one of them as he was going said Sir we are going to obey your commands we will pray to God to strengthen you He continuing in the Chappel and looking again up to the Crucifix and afterwards down upon his Clothes which were very rich threw away his Night-gown and said Shall such a sinful wretch as I presume to go to dye gaily habited when I see my innocent Saviour stript naked upon the Cross No Father said he to his Con●essor I must strip to my Shirt that I may do some fit pennance for the Sins I have committed against God Just at this instant the Count de Charlus came from the King to demand the Order of the Holy Ghost and the Mareschal●s Staff of France The remainder of his time was employed in committing himself to God and strengthning his mind against death by the Contemplation of his Saviour's Sufferings and in praying him to pardon his Sins When notice was brought him of the hour appointed for his Execution he begg'd they would do him the favour to let him suffer about the same time of the day that Christ dyed which was some two hours sooner than the Order and this was left to his own choice Before he went to dye he wrote a Letter to his Lady Madam Montmorency conjuring her to be comforted and to present the concern for his death as an offering to God to procure rest for his Soul by moderating her grief in consideration of the Mercy God had shewn him XV. He order'd his Hair to be cut short behind and being stript to his Shirt and Drawers he went in the middle of the Guards who saluted him as he past cross a walk that leads into the Court of the Town-Hall at the entrance of which he found the Scaffold which might be some four foot from the ground When he was come up upon it attended with his Confessor and his Chyrurgeon he saluted the company which were only the Clerk of the Parliament the Grand Provost and his Archers and the Officers of the City Train-bands who had orders to wait there He begg'd of them to acquaint the King that he dy'd his most humble Subject and Servant infinitely troubled for having offended him for which he begg'd his and their pardon He enquir'd for the Executioner who had not yet come near him and in great humility would not allow his Chyrurgeon to do any thing about him but giving himself up entirely to be dispos'd of by the Executioner as to the binding part the putting him into a right posture and the cutting off his hair again which was not cut close enough before he said with great significations of remorse that so great a sinner as he could not dye too ignominiously At last he kneel'd down near the Block upon which he laid his Neck and after he had recommended his Soul to God the Executioner immediately cut off his Head all the company turning away their eyes from the sad sight all melting into tears and even the Guards themselves expressing their concern by deep sighs and groans Thus dy'd Henry of Montmorency Duke and Peer Mareschal and sometime Admiral of France Governour of Languedoc Grandson of four Constables and six Mareschals first Christian and first Baron of France Brother-in-law to the first Prince of the Blood and Unkle to the renowned Prince of Conde after having won two Battels one by Sea against the Hugonots by which he made way for the taking of Rochelle and the other by Land against the Empire Italy and Spain by which he forc'd the Alpes and sav'd Cazal Both which actions contributed much to that Glory which the King of France hath Those that were present at his death gave him this testimony That so much Piety and Courage was never seen upon such an occasion and in a man of that Quality and indeed it was but fit that both Nature and Grace should work wonders in the person of the first Christian and the bravest man in all France Since our Monarchy began there never was any Nobleman in the Kingdom with whom both Nature and Fortune had dealt so bountifully He was born in the year 1595. the wealthiest best accomplished most generous Lord in the whole Kingdom graceful in his Speech and charming in all his Conversation A person of that honour and genteel address that all the world lov'd and admi●'d him He exerted all his powers of Wit Wisdom Quality and every other advantage of Honour and Reputation both at home and abroad in the service of his Majesty and that to so great a degree that
a poor re●pmpence for them yet still I was so thankful for them that when some have found fault with him upon my account I have several times answer'd Is it not honour and reward enough for such a warm as I that so great a Monarch will admit me near his person Thus whatever consideration I had for my services still I lookt more upon his accepting them and always valu'd that most and thought all I did was but a discharge of that obligation which the being born his Subject laid upon me Thus without ever attending to it I practic'd that to an Earthly King which the Gospel hath taught me since ought to be practic'd to the Heavenly one to look upon our selves as unprofitable servants and infinitely happy to be thought worthy of fighting under his banners and performing his divine commands The End of the Fifth Book BOOK VI. The Mareschal of Vitry engages the Sieur de Pontis to attend his Son the Marquis of Vitry and undertake the Command of the Queen's Regiment The Vigor with which he quell'd a Mutiny among the Souldiers and asserted the Marquis of Vitry's Authority in opposition to all the Officers The Siege of Rotheuil in Germany A part of our Army routed at Tubinghen The other part under the Sieur de Pontis his Command defend themselves bravely against three Armies and at last surrender upon Terms What happened to him while a Prisoner in Germany He is forced to pay his Ransom twice over I. I Was not long after the King's death out of employment And though after so many years spent in the Service to no purpose I had reason enough to grow weary of it yet I was engaged afresh without any other design than leading the remainder of this miserable life as well as I could thus going along with the stream of the World which carried me away with it as it did so many other People Mareschal Vitry surprized me one morning before I was up and as I being ashamed to be found so threw my self out of the farther side of the Bed telli●g him he put me out of countenance and what a Jest it would be if the World should know how he had caught me he told me he had a business of moment to impart to me Then drawing back the Curtain and urging me to lie down again he promised he would speak to me unseen that he might not make me uneasie Then he told me he came to ask a kindness and would not stir till I had engaged to gratifie him I who only desired to get quit of him as soon as I could told him without knowing the business that I was his very humble Servant and would do whatever he pleased to command me So in short I forced him to be gone for having got my word he went away well satisfied without explaining himself any farther at that time Shortly after he told me that the thing he desired and that I had blindly engaged for was to be first Captain of the Queen's Regiment of which his Son was to be Maistre de Camp And conjured me by all the friendship I had for him to take upon me the instructing of his Son who being unexperienced would want to be supported and managed by one well skill'd in the profession This Proposal I confess startled me for though I had pass'd my word yet thinking such kind of employments a little below me I did all that ever I could to get off again But I could not go back from my promise and the Mareschal took care by abundance of civility and kind promises to oblige me to acquiesce in it For he assured me the Regiment should be wholly at my disposal that his Son should bear the Name only and I have the Government that I should dispose of the Companies as I pleased and that the accepting this Employment and instructing his Son would be the greatest Service I could possibly do him There was at that time a great difference between the Duke of Angoulesme and him for having been Governour of Provence and not beloved by the People of the Country the Court had taken the Government from him and put in Monsieur d' Angoulesme This occasioned ill blood for the Mareschal of Vitry said the Duke of Angoulesme had done him ill offices at Court He intended to drive this Quarrel higher too but having no great reason to expect Justice would be done him the matter by degrees was dropt and came to nothing II. In the mean time while the Queen's Regiment was raising I went to divert my self at a Friend's Country-house and made a Nephew of my own Lieutenant of my Company who was afterwards kill'd in the King's Service by a Musquet-shot While I was in the Country Orders came from Court for me to go to Sens and carry four Regiments that lay there in Garison to Troyes I sent the Marquis of Vitry word of it that he might bring his Regiment thither too and in obedience to my Order went to Sens. Quartering one day in a Mannor belonging to Monsieur Bellegarde Father to the present Archbishop of Sens this Lord came and told me that Mannor was his and he desired I would not quarter upon it I answered with all imaginable civility that these Quarters were assigned us for four days but upon his account I would endeavour to get the Order changed and remove the Regiments next morning Nay if he pleased I would try to take them off immediately but it grew late and the Men had supped so that staying that Night could be no great prejudice He thought himself much obliged by my Answer not expecting such a Compliment from an Officer that had his Orders and so many Troops under his Command For I confess I have often wondred very much my self at the rough behaviour of some Officers who think the having power in their hands gives them a priviledge to be rude and bearish when they might as well sometimes shew some respect to persons of worth and honour and though they cannot go back from their Orders yet they might at least execute them in a civil and gentle way III. While we staid at Troyes there happened a great Mutiny among our Men. A common Souldier of our Regiment a wicked hardned Rascal had got drunk and stabb'd a Woman big with Child into the Belly which killed both the Woman and the Child she went with This was too horrid an Action to be excused by the Wine and so I took the Rogue and had him tryed at a Council of War The greatest part of the Officers that we●e young and raw instead of indignation at so black a Crime openly appeared in favour of the Fellow that committed it thinking it may be their honour concerned to stand by a Souldier in opposition to the Townsmen that demanded Justice upon him All the Souldiers mutiny'd to save their Comrade for my part I had so great a detestation of such Outrages and was by no means of
a humour to bend under a mutinous Souldiery that I urged to Monsieur Vitry that this was his fi●st Campagne that if he did not assert the King's Authority not only the Officers but the very common Souldiers would despise him that he would draw the Odium of a whole Town upon his head who might prefer their Complaints at Cou●t if he let such a Fault go unpunished that this occasion in short was of mighty consequence to him and that commonly all one's following management depended upon good beginnings Monsieur Vitry was very much of my mind and resolved Justice should have its course notwithstanding all the importunity of the Officers and that he depended upon me for the compassing this business This was in truth a good generous and bold Resolution for a young Lord like him to undertake the opposing himself against the whole Regiment but since he did me the honour to repose great confidence in me and that his Father had directed him to do nothing without my advice he thought I would not engage him in a matter which did not make for his honour Accordingly I took the business upon me and carry'd it on with so resolute and so high a hand that I had the Malefactor condemned to be hanged and strangled and made all those Captains that appeared in his favour to sign his Sentence But seeing these Officers came however to Monsieur Vitry for his Pardon though they could not deny condemning him neither fearing that those importunities might prevail upon his youth and good nature I conjured him not to vilifie his Authority upon this occasion and advised that he would rather go divert himself at his house near Brie-C●mte-Robert telling him that possibly there might be some mischief that I saw People were heated that most of the Officers were new and unexperienced and therefore I thought it my duty to urge his going that if any thing should happen amiss his Reputation and Authority might not be concern'd in it but all the ill consequences might fall upon me I gave him so many good Reasons for what I said that at last I prevailed with him to go and leave the whole burden of the thing upon me Finding my self left in full power and not fearing any yielding in any body above me I set my self to the supporting the King's Authority as I ought and mustered up all the courage and resolution I had fearing nothing so much as not to be feared as I ought When the time of Execution was come I drew up all the Regiments resolving to dye rather than submit to the humour of raw Officers and mutinous Souldiers The Criminal being brought out they began to make a great Noise and the Sedition running high they made ready for Blows and putting their Match to the Pan cryed all together Mercy Mercy I stood single against so many Men in Arms and ready to give Fire most of the Officers seeming pleased with the Souldiers Revolt and openly approving it But having learnt by long experience that Boldness and Resolution is all in all upon such occasions and that Authority once exerted presently quells Sedition seeing one Blade make a greater bustle than the rest that opened his throat Mercy Mercy I bro●● through the Crowd and going boldly up to him seiz'd him by the Collar before them all and said to him in a commanding tone Say you so Sir Do you pretend to mutiny Have you the impudence to rebel against the King's Orders You shall be hanged immediately without more ado Prepare your s●lf to dye Then I exalted my voice and shewing my anger in my eyes That Man cryed I that dares to stir and does not behave himself quietly I will shew him that I know how to do Justice upon him and preserve the King's Authority from being slighted Who do you think you have to deal with Gentlemen It is no less than the King himself that you oppose Immediately I had my Man bound who in great confusion fell at my feet and had no other concern now but to beg mercy for himself I pretended to be inexorable and leading him toward the Gibbet told him there was no mercy to be expected for him and therefore he should recommend his Soul to God for hanged he was like to be and that presently When I had seized this Fellow all the rest were so daunted that they presently grew quiet and silent no body daring to open his mouth except the Man that thought he should be hanged who begg'd to be spared with tears and cryes In this interval the Malefactor upon whole account all the Sedition had been raised was just going to be turned off and seeing there was no hopes of life was desirous to disburden his Conscience and declared before all the World That as for the murther upon the big-bellied Woman drink was the cause of it but he thought himself obliged to discover several other Crimes besides to vindicate the innocence of several persons who had been falsly charged with them There he confest publickly several Murthers he had been guilty of and then the Executioner did his office When the time came for the other to be hanged too I seeing the Mutiny composed thought it better not to be too hasty nor carry things too far for fear of exasperating People besides that I was really softned with the concern and submission of this Cadet who had not yet had time to come to himself So for the present I contented my self with confining him and told him that since no formal Tryal had pass'd upon him I pardon'd him upon condition he should serve a whole year and not quit this Regiment which he most willingly embraced as a very gentle Pennance upon him After 〈◊〉 so resolute and successful Action the chief of the City of Troyes the President Counsellors Chamberlains and several others came to my Lodging to thank me for the seeing Justice done upon so wicked a Wretch and exprest mighty acknowledgments and gratitude for it I told them I had done no more than my duty and was obliged to see Justice done as I then did IV. Monsieur de Vitry came afterwards and joined us again at Bar when our Troops were come thither And there I told him That since he had been forbidden by his Father for the Reason I hinted before to join the Duke of Angoulesme I had best go wait on the Prince at Longvic and receive his Orders He was of my opinion and staid with his Troops at Bar till my return So I waited on Monsieur the Prince and told him I came to acquaint his Highness that our Troops were advancing that Monsieur de Vitry was at Bar with the Queen's Regiment and that he was desirous not to command it himself but to wait upon him if he pleased to give him leave The Prince told me he should be very glad to see Monsieur Vitry and think it an honour to have him with him And then gave me a Ticket for
powerfully recommended to his favour yet I would never do it for I knew him to be a person of honour and integrity and a very good Judge I went to wait on him and told him the Reputation he had for justice and honesty made me very confident he would do Madam Poligny right that her Adversary was so great a Villain that he could not pretend to deserve any favour and that for my own part I had no farther concern than meerly what the justice of the cause gave me but after being entreated by that Lady to give her what assistance I could I did not decline to become the Accuser of so base and bold an invasion upon the House of a Lord in the Country and his own Feudatory Lord too Therefore Sir said I I require justice at your hands and ask it against a Villain and a Murderer that is unworthy of all mercy Just as I was pressing the matter thus warmly Richard came into the room where we were attended as he used to be with a company of fellows as bad as himself As soon as I set my eyes upon the guilty wretch I took courage afresh and raising my voice Look you Sir said I I desire you once more to do justice Here 's the very Murderer that hath the confidence to appear before you with a Sword on after having made no better use of his arms than basely and cowardly to sacrifice a man of honour to his own revenge Against this fellow I require justice who tho he be the King's Prisoner and convict of an Invasion hath the insolence to go armed still Pray Sir command him to behave himself like a Prisoner and keep that respectful distance that is due to his Majesty's Councel Tho Richard had been as I said very strongly recommended to this Master of Requests yet so bold an address from one who had no Sword on at that time himself made such impression that both Judge and Criminal stood a while confounded But at last as justice will be heard and the person to whom I spoke being an honest man he could not forbear telling Richard that I was in the right and therefore he forbad him the wearing his Sword before him any more Which made him go away very much down in the mouth and highly enraged at me for getting him to be so shamefully disarmed The Reporter then promised me justice should be done But being desirous still to make more sure of it I set my friends upon him too particularly Monsieur de Lionne who was then at Court and who after some coldness between the Master of Requests and him upon a former quarrel was reconciled to him upon this application that I engaged him in I made use of Mareschal Villeroy too who honoured me with his particular friendship and undertook this business of Madam Poligny with the greatest civility imaginable For having invited me to meet the Reporter at dinner next day at his House when we rose from table to wash the Mareschal said to Monsieur du Gue Well Sir you must needs rid me of the importunate sollicitations of this man meaning me He makes me believe I have some interest in you Does he say true And may I depend upon not being denied by you You do me honour and justice in thinking so Sir said the Master of Requests I can no more deny any thing you ask than you can ask any thing fit for me to deny Very well Sir said the Mareschal all I desire is that you would for my sake take care of Madam Poligny 's business and see that she hath Justice done her They say the fact she prosecutes for is so horrid that the Rascal is not fit to have any mercy shewn him To make my story short I will only add that this Reporter who was a very good Judge in his own disposition saw himself so warmly plyed for justice that Richard's appeal was thrown out and the cause dismist to the Parliament of Grenoble there to be re-heard and he to stand and fall by that Tryal This news confounded him so that finding he had no other evasion left and that he was lost to all intents and purposes he resolved to submit himself and come ask my pardon Accordingly he did and took all the humblest submissive ways to prevail upon me He conjured me not to cast away all pity for him but to write to Madam Poligny in his behalf assuring her from him that he was very ready to make her what satisfaction she pleased that he acknowledged his fault with great remorse and confest the Devil had put him upon committing it I asked him with some indifference whether he considered what he said and if he spoke heartily For said I if you engage me in any promises for you and do not see my word made good I shall then turn your Adversary my self and you will make but a bad business of it He protested he spoke sincerely and was resolved to be true to his promise Upon this assurance I proffer'd to write to Madam Poligny being really moved with compassion at the forlorn condition I saw him in and desiring to put a good end to a Tryal of so horrid a nature Accordingly I acquainted the Lady how I found Mr. Richard disposed and desired her rather to proceed gently and think of some accommodation and do an act of mercy to a wretch that profest a hearty repentance for his fault and a great inclination to make her any manner of satisfaction XIV Some time after this it was that the King sent to me to pass some Troops over into Gatalonia and Italy In the mean while Richard had sent my Letter to Madam Poligny who easily granting his request said They would try whether this man would behave himself any better and keep the promise he had made to me To this purpose they chose four Referees and the Duke of Lesdiguieres for Umpire over them to make an end of this difference But he thinking the summ in which they amerced him too great evaded this arbitration and found a trick to get an Inhibition and appeal without their knowledge pretending to the Kings Councel that he had since found several Papers for his justication which never had been produced in any Court before And growing insolent upon the success of this underhand dealing he dwelt boldly in his own house within three Musquet-shot of Vaubonnes and walk'd every where unconcern'd but still taking care to be attended with six or seven of his friends as fit for a halter as himself The good old Gentleman Monsieur Poligny who was still alive of a peaceable disposition and one that hated Quarrels or Law-suits was much perplexed and was for three days together blockt up as it were in his own house by this Rascal who scowred the Country and was in perpetual readiness to do mischief I was then in Provence near Marseilles taken up in executing the Orders which I was saying the King had given me