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A48796 The states-men and favourites of England since the reformation their prudence and policies, successes and miscarriages, advancements and falls; during the reigns of King Henry VIII. King Edward VI. Queen Mary. Queen Elizabeth King James. King Charles I. Lloyd, David, 1635-1692. 1665 (1665) Wing L2648; ESTC R200986 432,989 840

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humane Nature saith Judge Dodderidge are Conscience and Law By the former we are obliged in reference to another world by the latter in relation to this Priests and Judges are the Dispensers of these Principles No Prince more unhappy in his Priests then King Henry whose unhappiness it was that all the juggle prevarication and imposture of his time was in the Pulpit none more happy in his Judges to whose Reason his People were more willing to submit then they were to hearken to his Clergy's Instruction among whom none more renowned then Sir John Fiz-James who was so fearful of the very shadow appearance of corruption that it cost his chief Clerk his place but for taking a Tankard after a signal Cause of 1500 l. a year wherein he had been serviceable though not as a Bribe but as a Civility Caesar would have his Wife without suspicion of lewdness and Fitz-James his servants without the appearance of corruption What was Law alwayes was then a Resolution Neither to deny nor defer nor sell Justice When our Judge came upon the Bench he knew no more then Melchisedech or Levi Father or Mother neither Friend nor Interest for when his Cousin urged for a kindeness Come to my House saith the Judge I will deny you nothing come to the Kings Court and I must do you justice And when the Attorney-General bespake his favour in a publick Cause Trouble not your self said he I 'll do the King right The King is cast the Attorney expostulates the Judge satisfieth him That he could not do his Majesty Right if he had not done justice His Prudence so tempered his zeal for his Soveraign that he over-strained not the Prerogative to bring in fears and jealousies of Tyranny on the one hand and his Integrity so balanced his Popularity that he never depressed it to broach bold opinions and attempts of Liberty on the other complying with none of those humours that an imaginary dread of oppression or a dangerous presumption of freedom may transport to irregular excesses either for the one or against the other As his Majesty was secured by his Loyalty so his Subjects were by his Patience a Vertue he carried with him to the Bench to attend each circumstance of an Evidence each allegation of a Plea each plea in a Cause hearing what was impertinent and observing what was proper His usual saying as Sergeant Mandevil reports it being We must have two souls as two sieves one for the Bran the other for the flour the one for the Gross of a Discourse the other for the Quintessence The same day that there was no Cause to be tried in the Chancery in Sir More 's time there were but three in the Kings Bench in Sir John Fitz-James his time the reason whereof some imagine was Cardinal Wolsey's extraordinary power that engrossed all Causes to his Legantine Court others know it was the Judges Integrity who was too honest to allow as that Age was too plain to contrive delays and obstructions Lewis the Eleventh of France would say when he was advised to take Revenge of those that had affronted him before he came to the Crown That it became not the King of France to revenge the Injuries done to the Duke of Orleans A Person that had notoriously wronged Sir John when a Templer in the case of his Chamber was to be tried before him for his whole Estate when a Judge the Adversaries among other shifts made use of this old Quarrel whereupon Sir John said It doth not become a Judge upon the Bench to revenge a wrong done in his chamber Two things upheld him in those boysterous times 1. Silence 2. Patience both wary Vertues that seldom endanger their Owner or displease their Superiours The People of those times would live and die with the Pope and Councel and this Judge with the King and Parliament The grand Article of his Faith was I believe as the Church believes and the great Rule of his Practice was I will live as the Law directs He was a tried Man whose Faith and Honour was above his Life and Fortune whose Generosity was above that first temptation of Money as his Spirit was above the second of Danger No fear here of delivering up Priviledges to day for fear of the King or Prerogative to morrow for fear of the Subject No an unbiass'd Temper between both make up this honest man who came on to preferment with great Expectations and went off with great Applause being one of the three men of whom it is said That because they never pleased their Master in doing any thing unworthy they never displeased him in doing any thing that is just When base compliance goeth off with the contempt of those it hath humoured a Noble Resolution comes off with the Reverence of those it hath discontented Observations on the Life of Sir William Molineux SIr William Molineux Junior Descendent from from the former flourished under King Henry the Eighth being a man of great command in Lancashire bringing the conside able strength thereof to the seasonable succour of the Duke of Norfolk with whom he performed signal service in Flodden Field It is confessed on all sides that the Scots lost the day by not keeping their Ranks but not agreed on the cause thereof Buchanan who commonly makes the too much Courage of his Countrymen the cause of their being conquered imputes it to their indiscreet pursuing of the English routed at the first Others say They did not break their Ranks but were broken unable to endure the Lancashire Archers and so forced to sunder themselves In this Bittel the Scotch King and chiefest Gentry were slain the English losing scarce any of the Scots scarce any but of prime note The King afward wrote his Gratulatory Letter to Sir William Molineux in form following TRusty and Well-Beloved We greet you well And understand as well by the Report of Our Right Trusty Cousin and Counsellour the Duke of Norfolk as otherwise what acceptable service You amongst Others lately did Vs by your valiant Towardness in the assisting of Our said Cousin against Our Enemy late King of Scots and how couragiously you as a very hearty loving Servant acquitted your self for the overthrow of the said late King and distressing of his Malice and Power to Our great Honour and the advancing of your no little Fame and Praise for which We have good cause to favour and thank you and so We full heartily do and assured may you be that We shall in such effectual wise remember your said Service in any your reasonable pursuits as you shall have cause to think the same right well imployed to Our comfor and weal hereafter Given under Our Signet at Our Castle at Windsor the seven and twentieth of November It appears by our Author that the like Letters mutatis mutandis were sent unto Sir Edward Stanley and some other men of principal note in Lancashire and Cheshire There is more in the
his Family to be honourable on the present Age to be active and on the future to be renowned The old Lord Burleigh sometime Treasurer of England coming to Cambridge with Queen Elizabeth when he was led into the publick Schools and had much commended their convenience beauty and greatness together with their Founder Humphrey the good Duke of Glocester Yea marry said he but I finde one School wanting in our Vniversities and that is the School of Discretion When Private Tutors had initiated Publick Schools had seasoned and the University had improved this Gentlemans sprightly and noble Parts yet did his Father observe one great defect in his Education and that i● Discretion Discretion in Carriage for which he sent him to Court Discretion in business for which he sent him to travel and fight Not long had he been abroad to furnish himself with experience but he is called home to e●noble himself with action The Alvaes of Spain were for four Generations together Commanders by Land and the Howards of England for as many Admirals at Sea None ever had more Power none used less then he The more Authority he had allowed him over others the more Command he obtained over himself Twice did he mortgage his Estate for his followers Pay many times did he venture his Life for their encouragement None directed more skilfully and yet none acted more resolutely Equally did he divide the profit equally share the honour with his followers who under him never dared and never feared a danger Manners make a man saith the Courtier Money makes a man saith the Citizen Learning makes a man saith the Scholar but Conduct makes a man saith the Souldier This Lords spirit never put him on so forwardly but his wariness took care how to come off as safely He that fights should despair but he that commands should hope The Souldier among the Persians is drawn with his eyes before him and the General with his behinde him Young men in the manage of Affairs embrace more then they can hold stir more then they can quiet flee to the end without consideration of the means and degrees pursue some few principles and extream remedies they have chanced upon rashly which they will neither confess nor reform Old men object too much consult too long adventure too little repent too soon and seldome pursue things home to their full period My Lord was an happy composition of both himself and had of either about him that the coldness and wariness of Age might correct the heat of Youth and the Activity of Younger might be directed by the Experience of Riper Ones The one gave Authority and the other Life to his Actions He himself was better to invent then to judge fitter for Action then Counsel and readier for new Projects then for setled business The Lord Clinton's Prudence served him in old and usual matters but in new things abused him My Lord Howard's was quick for present Emergencies but not comprehensive of ordinary transactions Of the three Admirals of those times we may say as they did of the three Kingdomes Lisle was wise before the Action my Lord Howard in it my Lord Clinton after it England without a freedome of commerce was but a larger Prison others opened the Trade to the Indies to Asia and other parts of the world but we wanted the Hemp the Flax the Pitch the Fur and the other useful Commodities of Russia serviceable to our selves and more to our Ships His Purse in this case did much his Direction more his servant Jenkinson most of all who made curious observa●ions of Russia set forth a Geographical description of it and was the first of the English that sailed through the Caspian Sea With his assistance the Muscovia Company was set up in Queen Maries days and with his servants it obtained the Priviledge of sole Traffick into the Northern Parts of Russia in Elizabeth's Nihil habet fortuna magna majus nec natura bona melius quam ut ●elit bene-facere quam plurimis Observations on the Life of Sir Edward Mountague EDward Mountague Son of Thomas Mountague born at Brigstock in Northampton-shire was bred in the Inner Temple in the study of the Laws until his ability and integrity advanced him Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench in the Thirtieth of Henry the Eighth He gave for his Motto Aequitas Justitiae Norma And although Equity seemeth rather to resent of the Chancery than the Kings Bench yet the best Justice will be Wormwood without a mixture thereof In his times though the golden showers of Abbey-Lands rained amongst greatmen it was long before he would open his lap scrupling the acception of such Gifts and at last received but little in proportion to Others of that Age. In the thirty seventh of King Henry the Eighth he was made Chief Justice of the Common Pleas a descent in Honour but ascent in Profit it being given to old Age rather to be thrifty then ambitious Whereupon he said I am now an old man and love the Kitchin before the Hall the warmest place best suiting with my Age. In drawing up the Will of King Edward the Sixth and settling the Crown on the Lady Jane for a time he swam against the tide and torrent of Duke Dudley till at last he was carried away with the stream Outed of his Judges Office in the first of Queen Mary he returned into Northampton-shire and what contentment he could not finde in Westminster-hall his Hospital-hall at Bough 〈…〉 afforded him He died Anno 1556. and lieth buried in the Parish Church of Weekely His well-managed Argument in Dodderidge his Case brought him to Cromwel's knowledge who was vexed with his Reason but well pleased with his Parts Cromwel's recommendation and his own modest nature set him up with Henry the Eighth who could not endure two things 1. A Lawyer that would not be guided 2. A Divine that would not be taught Yet as modest as he was he was honest and though he would submit to the Kings Power yet would he act by his Law For his Apophthegm was Meum est Jus dicere potius quam Jus dare It 's my duty to interpret rather then give Law He never denied or delayed Justice always discouraging those cunning Laws that perplexed a Cause those contentious Clients that delayed a suit and those nice Cummin-●eed men that strained inferences and wrested constructions Patient stayed and equal he was in hearing grave in speaking pertinent in interrogating wary in observing happy in remembring seasonable and civil in interposing The Counsel durst not chop with him neither would he chop with the Counsel unless he defended his cause over-boldly urged indiscreetly informed slightly neglected gro●ly renewed the debate unseasonably or ensnared his Adversaries cunningly in those and other the like cases he would do the Publique Right by a check and the Person by an admonition Six sorts of persons he discountenanced in his Courts 1. The scandalous Exactors 2.
turned his expectation to performance In the first of King James of Lord Keeper he was made Lord Chancellor which is also another name for the same Office and on Thursday the seventh of November 1616. of Lord Elismer he was created Viscount Brackley It is given to Courts whose Jurisdictions do border to fall out about their bounds and the contest betwixt them is the hotter the higher the spirits and parts of the respective Judges Great was the contention for many years together betwixt this Lord of Equity and Sir Edward Cooke the Oracle of Justice at Westminster-Hall I know not which of them got the better sure I am such another Contest would if this did not have undone the Conqueror He was attended on with servants of most able parts and was the sole Chancellor since the Reformation who had a Chaplain which though not immediately succeeded him in his place He gave over his Office which he held ful twenty years some few dayes before his death and by his own appointment his body was brought down and buried at Duddleston in Cheshire leaving a fair estate to his Son who was afterwards created Earl of Bridgewater as he did to his excellent Son now living When he saw King James his munificence to some Courtiers with the grave Fidelity of a States-man he sticked not often to tell him That as he held it necessary for his Majesty amply to remunerate all those his Countrey-men so he desired him carefully to prese ve his Crown-lands for his own support seeing he or his Successors might meet with Parliaments which would not supply his occasions but on such conditions as would not be very acceptable unto him It was an ordinary speech in his mouth to say Frost and Fraud both end in Foul. His plain but honest advice to my Lord of Essex was 1. Not to trust himself because they that stand by see more than they that play the game 2. To yield to Time and Fortune and not do that for his Enemies which they could never do for themselves 3. To have a careful eye upon those actions on which he knew there were many envious ones And for himself his supplication to King James was That since his conceit and sense was grown so heavy his Memory decay'd his Judgement weak his Hearing imperfect and his Voice faltering he might desinere potius quam deficere and retire from his Businesse to his Meditation as he did while living imparting many mysteries of the Chancery and when dying bequeathing as many choice Books and Directions to his then Chaplain and his after-Successor Doctor Williams Secretary Winwood having received the Seal and left this gracious Message with this good man that his Majesty would be his Under-keeper and not dispose of it while he lived to bear the name of Chancellor nor did any receive the Seal out of the Kings fight while he lived to bear the name of Chancellor A company of Citizens got a Cause passed by keeping a Witnesse away in this manner one of them gets him to the Tavern and there leaves him with a quart of Sack before him and the glass at his mouth and swears in open Court that he left him in a condition wherein if he continueth but two hours he is a dead man The other Party finde out the cheat and have their remedy in Chancery Sir Edward Cook brings the matter to the Star-Chamber and threatneth the Chancellor with a Premunire The business is debated and sentence passed for my Lord Chancellor with the comfort whereof and the Kings and Princes Letter to him upon his Death-bed he went to his Grave Observations on the Life of the Lord Chief-Justice Popham SIr John Popham in his youthful dayes was a stout and skilful man at Sword and Buckler as any in that Age and wilde enough in his Recreations But oh saith my Author if Quick-silver could be really fixed to what a treasure would it amount Such is wilde youth seriously reduced to gravity as by this young man did appear who applyed himself to a more profitable Fencing the study of the Lawes therein attaining to such eminency that he became the Queens Attorney afterwards Lord Chief-Justice of England Being sent Anno 1600. by the Queen with some others to the Earl of Essex to know the cause of the confluence of so many Military men unto his house the Soldiers therein detained him for a time which some made tantamount to an Imprisonment This his violent detention Sir John deposed upon his Oath at the Earl's Tryal which I note the rather for the rarity thereof that a Lord chief-Chief-Justice should be produced as Witness in open Court In the beginning of the Reign of King James his justice was exemplary on Theeves and Robbers The Land then swarmed with people which had been Soldiers who had never gotten or else quite forgotten any other Vocation Hard it was for Peace to feed all the idle mouths which a former War did breed being too proud to beg too lazy to labour Those infested the High-wayes with their Fellonies some presuming on their multitudes as the Robber on the Northern Rode whose knot otherwise not to be untied Sir John cut asunder with the Sword of Justice He possessed King James how the frequent granting of Pardons was prejudicial to Justice rendring the Judges to the contempt of insolent Malefactors which made his Majesty more sparing afterwards in that kinde In a word the deserved death of some scores preserved the lives and livelihoocs of some thousands Travellers owing their safety to this Judges severity many years after his death Neither did he onely punish Malefactors but provide for them for observing that so many suffered and died for none other reason but because they could not live in England now grown too populous for it's self and breeding more Inhabitants toan it could keep he first set up the discovery of New-England to maintain and employ those that could not live honestly in the old being of opinion that banishment thither would be as well a more lawful as a more effectual remedy against those extravagancies the Authors whereof judge it more eligible to hang than to work to end their days in a moment than to continue them in pains onely a great Judgement observes it is a shameful and an unblessed thing to take the scum of people and wicked condemned men to be the people with whom to plant And not onely so but it spoyleth the Plantation for they will ever live like Rogues and not fall to work and do mischief and spend Victuals and be quickly weary and then certifie over to the Countrey to the disgrace of the Common-wealth Observations on the Life of Sir Robert Dudley SIr Robert Dudley son to Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester by Dougles Shefield whether his Mistriss or his Wife God knows was born at Sbene in Surrey and bred by his Mother out of his Fathers reach at Offington in Sussex where he became a most compleat Gentleman
above other Princes but above other men be but his scholar and you are safe in that 3. For the Discipline of the Church of England by Bishops c. I will not positively say as some do that it 's Jure Divino but this I say and think 〈◊〉 animo that it is the neerest to Apostolical truth and confidently I shall say it is fittest for Monarchy of all others I will use no other authority to you than that excellent Proclamation set out by the King himself in the first year of his Reign and annexed before the Book of Common Prayer which I desire you to read and if at any time there shall be the least motion made for Innovation to put the King in minde to read it himself It is most dangerous in a State to give ear to the least alterations in Government 4. Take heed I beseech you that you be not an instrument to countenance the Romish Catholicks I cannot flatter the world believes that some near in blood to you are too much of that perswasion you must use them with fit respects according to the bonds of nature but you are of kin and so a friend to their persons not to their errors 5. The Arch-Bishops and Bishops next under the King have the government of the Church and Ecclesastical affairs be not you the mean to prefer any to those places for any by-respects but onely for their learning gravity and worth their lives and Doctrine ought to be exemplary 6. For Deans and Canons or Prebends of Cathedral Churches In their first institution they were of great use in the Church they were not onely to be of Council with the Bishop for his revenue but chiefly for his Government in causes Ecclesiastical use your best means to prefer such to those places who are fit for that purpose men eminent for their learning piety and discretion and put the King often in minde thereof and let them be reduced again to their first institution 7. You will be often sollicited and perhaps importuned to prefer Scholars to Church-Livings you may further your friends in that way caeteris peribus otherwise remember I pray that these are not places meerly of favour the charge of souls lies upon them the greatest account whereof will be required at their own hands but they will share deeply in their faults who are the instruments of their preferment 8. Besides the Romish Catholicks there is a generation of Sectaries the Anabaptists Brownists and others of their kinds they have been several times very busie in this Kingdom under the colour of zeal for reformation of Religion The King your Mr. knows their disposition very well a small touch will put him in minde of them he had experience of them in Scotland I hope he will beware of them in England a little countenance or connivance sets them on fire 9. Order and decent ceremonies in the Church are not onely comely but commendable but th●● must be great care not to introduce Innovatio 〈…〉 they will quickly prove scandalous men are 〈…〉 rally over-prone to suspition the true Pr 〈…〉 Religion is seated in the golden mean the 〈◊〉 unto her are the extreams on either ●and 10. The persons of Church-men are to be 〈◊〉 in due respect for their words-sake and protected from scorn but if a Clergy-man be loose and 〈…〉 dalous he must not be patroniz'd nor wink 't at the example of a few such corrupt many 11. Great care must be taken that the patrimony of the Church be not sacrilegiously diverted 〈◊〉 lay-uses His Majesty in his time hath religio 〈…〉 stopped a leak that did much harm and would 〈◊〉 have done more Be sure as much as in you lyes stop the like upon all occasions 12. Colledges and Schools of Learning are to be cherished and encouraged thereto breed up a 〈◊〉 stock to furnish the Church and Common-wealth when the old store are transplanted This Kingdom hath in later ages been famous for good literature and if preferment shall attend the deservers there will not want supplies Next to Religion let your care be to promote Justice By justice and mercy is the Kings thro●● established 1. Let the rule of Justice be the Laws of the Land an impartial arbiter between the King and his people and between one Subject and another I shall not speak superlatively of them left I be su●pected of partiality in regard of my own profession but this I may truly say they are second to none in the Christian world 2. And as far as it may lie in you let no Arbitrary power be intruded the people of this Kingdome love the Laws thereof and nothing will oblige them more then a confidence of the free enjoying of them What the Nobles upon an occasions once said in Parliament Nolumus leges Anglia mutari is imprinted in the hearts of all the people 3. But because the life of the Laws lies in the due execution and administration of them let your eye be in the first place upon the choice of good Judges These properties had they need to be furnished with To be learned in their profession patient in hearing prudent in governing powerful in their elocution to perswade satisfie both the parties and ●earers just in their judgement and to sum up all they must have these three Attributes They must be men of courage fearing God and bating covet 〈…〉 e An ignorant man cannot a Coward dares not be a good Judge 4. By no means be you perswaded to interpose your self either by word or letter in any cause depending or like to be depending in any Court of Justice nor suffer any other great man to do it where you can hinder it and by all means disswade the King himself from it upon the importunity of 〈◊〉 for themselves or their friends If it should prevail it perverts Justice but if the Judge be so just and of such courage as he ought to be as not to be enclined thereby yet it always leaves a 〈◊〉 of suspition behind it Judges must be as chaste as Caesar's Wife neither to be nor to be suspected to be unjust and Sir the honour of the Judges in their judicature is the Kings honour whom they represent 5. There is great use of the service of the Judges in their Circuits which are twice in the year held throughout the Kingdome the tryal of a few causes between party and party or delivering of the Gaols in several Counties are of great use for the expedition of justice yet they are of much more use for the government of the Counties through which they pass if that were well thought upon 6. For if they had instructions to that purpose they might be the best intelligencers to teh King of the true state of his whole Kingdome of the disposition of the people of their inclinations of their intentions and motions which are necessary to be truly understood 7. To this end I could wish that against every Circuit
The slie shifters that as that Chancellour observed pervert the plain and direst courses of Courts and bring Justice into oblique Lines and Labyrinths 3. Those that engaged Courts in quarrels of Jurisdiction 4. Those that made suits 5. Those that hunted men upon Poenal Statutes 6. Those that appeared in most Testimonies and Juries His Darling was The honest Clerk who was experienced in his place obliging in his carriage knowing in Presidents cautious in Proceedings and skilful in the affairs of the Court. Two things he promoted in King Henry's days 1. The Law against Gaming And 2. The Order against Stews And two in King Edward's 1. That Act against spreading of Prophecies 2. That Statute against embasing of Coyn. But King Edward's Testament and the Duke 〈◊〉 Northumberland's Will is to be made The piou 〈…〉 Intentions of that King wishing well to the Reformation the Religion of Queen Mary obnoxious to exception the ambition of Northumberland who would do what he lifted the weakness of Suffol 〈…〉 who would be done with as the other pleased the flattery of the Courtiers most willing to comply designed the Crown for the Lady Jane Grey Mr. Cecil is sent for to London to furnish that Will with Reason of State and Sir Edward to Sergeants In● to make it up with Law He according to the Letter sent him went with Sir Jo. Baker Justice Bromley the Attorney and Solicitor-General to Greenwich where his Majesty before the Marquess of Northampton declaring himself for the settlement of Religion and against the succession of Queen Mary offered them a Bill of Articles to make a Book of which they notwithstanding the Kings Charge and the reiteration of it by Sir William Peter declared upon mature consideration they could not do without involving themselves and the Lords of the Council in High I reason because of the Statutes of Succession The Duke of Northumberland hearing of their Declaration by the Lord Admiral comes to the Council-Chamber all in a rage trembling for anger calling Sir Edward Traytor and saying He would fight in his shirt with any man in that Quarrel The old man is charged by the King upon his Allegiance and the Council upon his Life to make the Book which he did when they promised it should be ratified in Parliament Here was his obedience not his invention not to devise but draw things up according to the Articles tendred unto him Since shame is that which ambitious Nature abhorreth and danger is that which timorous Nature declineth the honest man must be resolute Sir Nathaniel Brent would say A Coward cannot be an honest man and it seems by this Action that modesty and fear are great temptations Give me those four great Vertues that make a man 1. A clear Innocence 2. A comprehensive Knowledge 3. A well-weighed experience And 4. The product of all these A steady Resolution What a Skein of Ruffled Silk saith the ingenious Resolver is the incomposed man Observations on the Life of Sir Edward Fines EDward Fines Lord Clinton Knight of the Garter was Lord Admiral of England for more then thirty years He was wise valiant and very fortunate as appears by his Master-piece in Museleborough-field in the reign of King Edward the sixth and the Battle against the Scots He was afterwards created Earl of Lincoln where he was born May 4. 1474. and where he had a proportionable Estate to support his Dignity which he much increased beside his Paternal Inheritance He died January 16. 1558. and lieth buried at Windsor in a private Chappel under a stately Monument which Elizabeth his third Wise Daughter to the Earl of Kildare erected in his remembrance His Fortune made him a younger Brother and his Industry an Heir coming to Court where they that have Estates spend them and they that have none gain them His recreation was at Court but his business in the Country where notwithstanding the Statute in Henry the sevenths time against Pasturage for Tillage he Grazed 11000 Acres of Ground then a noble and gaining Employment that advanced many a Family in one Generation and now a saving one that hath kept up as many ten The best tempered Swords will bend any way and the best metalled men will comply with any occasion At White-hall none more affable and courteous then our Lord at Sea none more skilful in the field none more resolute in the Country none more thristy and hospitable His Entertainments were orderly and suitable made up of solid particulars all growing upon his own Estate King Charles would say Every man hath his vanity and mine speaking of the Soveraign is Building Every man hath his humour and mine said he speaking of the Fens is Drayning Adding withal He that would be merry for a day let him be trimmed he that would be merry for a week let him marry he that would be merry for a year let him build he that would be merry for Ages let him improve Now you would have him among his Workmen and Stewards in Lincoln anon among the Commissioners either in France or Scotland by and by before Bulloign or Calice and a while after at Spieres or Muscleborough and on a suddain at a Mask in Court. Neither was his Soul less pliable to persons then things as boysterously active as King Henry could expect as piously meek as King Edward could wish as warily zealous as Queen Mary's times required and as piercingly observant as Queen Elizabeths perplexed occasions demanded It was by him and my Lord Bacon said of business That it was in business as it is in ways that the next and the nearest way is commonly the foulest and that if a man will go the fairest way he must go somewhat about Sitting in a Committee about invading Scotland whereof Sir Anthony Brown then Viscount Mountacute presented a Draught there arose as great a debate between him and my Lord in Council as afterwards in the Field about the point of Entrance Nay said my Lord in the heat of the Discourse with as much power on others passions as command over his own We stand quarrelling here how we shall get in but here is no discourse how we shall get out It 's a Rule Whosoever hath any thing fixed in his person that doth induce contempt hath also a perpetual spur in himself to rescue and deliver himself from scorn either by vertue or malice And my Lord having some disadvantage from Nature made it up by Art None more bold none more industrious and more successful because that disadvantage took off envy on the one hand and jealousie on the other so that upon the matter in a great Wit Contempt is a great advantage to rising Judge Brooke had a Project against Usury which came up to the Lords House this rich Peer upon the first motion of it stands up and saith Shew me a State without Usury and I 'll shew you a State without Men and Trade Rich he was for expence and expend he did upon
John had a moving beauty that waited on his whole Body as that standing one doth upon the Face and Complexion Such a grace and comeliness waited on his Noble Meen as exacted a liking if not a love from all that beheld him A midling Clarity and quickness is best in Wine that is neither too thick upon the Lees nor yet too quick our Knights comportment and carriage was neither dull nor vapouring neither gross nor affected but of a becoming temper at equal distance with the Clown and the Pedant what 's contemptible and what 's invidious 3. But both these were set off with his Person of a middle stature neither tall to a formidableness nor short to a contempt straight and proportioned vigorous and active with that pure blood and spirits that flowed and flowred within his swelling Veins and disposed him to those natural and innocent those manly and noble Exercises of Dancing c. Dancing I say which he was not exquisite in for that is vanity nor ignorant of for that 's meanness but a graceful exercise wherein he was carelesly easie as if it were rather natural motion then curious and artificial practising which endeared his severer Vertues to that place where the worth that riseth must be complaisant and pleasing as well as serviceable and useful But the favour which proceeds from personal grace and comeliness although it seem to be doubly united yet it is that which is soonest dissolved and dissipated there being nothing so inconstant as mens humours which not onely change through Ages but also by some small occasion or accident which may arise Sir John therefore brought himself into Court by what humoured but kept himself in there by those things that did oblige him and stood not upon his Majesties pleasure but his Interest adding to his more aiery Courtships more solid Employments From the softer Court therefore we must follow him to the Camp and that before Terwyn where we finde him daring and active 1. In skirmishing the French every day 2. In recovering the red Gun overthrown in a Lane from 10000 French under the Earl St. Paul as General with 250 resolute Reformades under himself but Captain although he was once taken Prisoner as before Calice where he redeemed himself from the Officer that had taken him for 250 Crowns on condition he would conduct him safe from the French Quarter as the man did until they were gone so far that Sir John takes him Prisoner compelling him to the Reimbursement of his money with 200 Crowns more to be bestowed on the Common Souldiers As severely active was he at the siege of Tournay as the oldest Souldier and yet as innocently pleasant at the Mask there as the youngest Courtier One of the sixty he was that went with the King to cut off the Passage between that City and the Army and one of the eleven that went with his Majesty to entertain the Ladies at Lisle From serving one King in France he had the honour as it was thought to kill another in England I mean James of Scotland and challenge a third in Paris The same thing raised him that advanced Wolsey for he being sent to Maximilian after Treasurer Napbant had brought him to Court dispatched his business so soon that the King chid him for not being gone when he was returned and withal asked him Whether he had seen the Post that he had sent after him about a circumstance that had escaped him He answered He met him in his return but he had presumed to adde that particular of his his own head for which he asked his Majesties pardon and had his favour too for the Deanery of Lincoln and the Almonership Sir John was commanded with 1500 men to cut off the Convoy to Terwyn which he performed with that speed and success that when the King saw him he said I I Sir John while we are fooling the Town is relieved So it is indeed said he for I have sent them 2000 Carcases and they have spared me 1200 Wagons of Provision I but said the King I sent after you to cut off the Bridge Dreban That replyed the Knight was the first thing I did wherefore I am upon my knees for your Majesties grace and pardon Nay then said the King by Lady thou hast not my pardon but my favour too He is the man for a Princes service whose minde is present and prudence is ready to meet with suddain occasions and accommodate unexpected emergencies The first effect of that favour was his Nomination for one of the sixteen that answered the French Challenge at the Lady Mary's Marriage at Paris November 7 1513. which shewed his man-hood and how valiant he was The second was that he was one of the Forty five that were to be about his Majesty at the instant of his Interview with the King of France at Guisnes which was an Argument of his presence and how goodly a man he was The third was that he was one of the Twenty two that with the Earl of Surrey Lord Admiral and Sir William Fitz-Williams Vice-Admiral proposed that secret and therefore successful Designe upon Britain under pretence of Scowring the Narrow Seas for now he is as good in the Sea as he had been in the Field for which he and eight more of his fellow-Captains Sir Joh. Cornwallis c. are Knighted by the aforesaid Lord Admiral which speaks him a Sea-man and indeed one of a general capacity The fourth was the great Trust his Majesty reposed in him when he was sent in disguise to widen the difference that was newly broken out between the Duke of Bourbon the High Constable of France and the French King which he managed so well that the discontented Duke declares for the Emperour and the King of England to the great encouragement of the English the satisfaction of his Majesty and the success of his Designe upon Anchor Boungard Bray and other places where Sir John shewed himself as active now as he was before cunning as much surpassing the French Spirit in action as he had over-reached their Prudence in Negotiation But in vain was it to serve that King unless a man obliged the Cardinal he that courts the Virgin Mary must not neglect her little Saints him he attended in his second Journey to France first to honour and then to serve him And now after his decease when King Henry had done the work of mercy which was most proper for himself as being most popular upon the Lincolnshire Rebels he deputed the Duke of Suffolk Sir Francis Bri●ns and Sir John Russel to perform that of Justice which is most distastful wherein yet he behaves himself with that exactness that the Country was very well pleased and the King as well satisfied insomuch that we finde our Knight now called from a Commander in the Field to be Controller at Court where he managed his Masters Expences thriftily reduced his Family discreetly reformed his followers effectually and filled up his
jurisdiction in many particulars The fitter they are for the peace of the Kingdome the more heed ought to be taken in the choice of them 24. But negatively this I shall be bold to say that none should be put into either of those Commissions with an eye of favour to their persons to give them countenance or reputation in the places where they live but for the King's service sake nor any put out for the disfavour of any great man It hath been too often used and hath been no good service to the King 25. A word more if you please to give me leave for the true rules of the moderation of Justice on the Kings part The execution of justice is committed to his Judges which seemeth to be the severer part but the milder part which is mercy is wholly left in the King 's immediate hand And Justice and Mercy are the true supporters of his Royal Throne 26. If the King shall be wholly intent upon Justice it may appear with an over-rigid aspect but if he shall be over-remiss and easie it draweth upon him contempt Examples of Justice must be made sometimes for terrour to some Examples of Mercy sometimes for comfort to others the one procures fear and the other love A King must be both feared and loved else he is lost 27. The ordinary Courts of Justice I have spoken of and of their Judges and judicature I shall put you in minde of some things touching the High Court of Parliament in England which is superlative and therefore it will behove me to speak the more warily thereof 28. For the institution of it it is very antient in this Kingdom It consisteth of the two Houses of Peers and Commons as the Members and of the King's Majesty as the head of that great body By the King's authority alone and by his Writs they are assembled and by him alone they are prorogued and dissolved but each House may adjourn it self 29. They being thus Assembled are more properly a Council to the King the Councel of the Kingdome to advise his Majesty in those things of weight and difficulty which concern both the King and People then a Court. 30. No new Laws can be made nor old Laws abrogated or altered but by common consent in Parliament where Bills are prepared and presented to the two Houses and then delivered but nothing is concluded but by the King 's Royal assent They are but Embroys 't is he giveth life unto them 31. Yet the House of Peers hath a power of Judicature in some cases properly to examine and then to affirm or if there be cause to reverse the judgements which have been given in the Court of King's Bench which is the Court of highest jurisdiction in the Kingdome for ordinary Judicature but in these cases it must be done by Writ of Error in Parliamento And thus the rule of their proceedings is not absoluta potestas as in making new Laws in that conjuncture as before but limitata potest as according to the known Laws of the Land 32. But the House of Commons have only power to censure the Members of their own House in point of election or misdemeauors in or towards that House and have not nor ever had power so much as to administer an Oath to prepare a judgement 33. The true use of Parliaments in this Kingdome is very excellent and they would be often called as the affairs of the Kingdom shall require and continued so long as is necessary and no longer for then they be but burthens to the people by reason of the priviledges justly due to the Members of the two Houses and their Attendants which their just rights and priviledges are religiously to be observed and maintained but if they should be unjustly enlarged beyond their true bounds they might lessen the just power of the Crown it borders so near upon popularity 34. All this while I have spoken concerning the Common Laws of England generally and properly so called because it is most general and common to almost all cases and causes both civil and criminal But there is also another Law which is called the Civil or Ecclesiastical Law which is confined to some few heads and that is not to be neglected and although I am a professor of the Common-Law yet am I so much a lover of Truth and of Learning and of my native Countrey that I do heartily perswade that the professors of that Law called Civilians because the Civil Law is their guide should not be discountenanced nor discouraged else whensoever we shall have o●ght to do with any foreign King or State we shall be at a miserable losse for wa●t of Learned men in that profession III. I come now to the consideration of those things which concern Councellors of State The Council Table and the great Offices and Officers of the Kingdome which are those who for the most part furnish out that honourable Board I. Of Councellors there are two sorts The first Consiliarii ●ati as I may term them such are the Prince of Wales and others of the King's Sons when he hath more of these I speak no● for they are naturally born to be Councellors to the KING to learn the art of Governing betimes 2. But the ordinary sort of Councellors are such as the King out of a due consideration of their worth and abilities and withal of their fidelities to his Person and to his Crown calleth to be of Councel with him in his ordinary Government And the Council-Table is so called from the place where they ordinarily assemble and sit together and their Oath is the onely ceremony used to make them such which is solemnly given unto them at their first admission These honourable persons are from thenceforth of that Board and Body They cannot come untill they be thus called and the King at his pleasure may spare their attendance and he may dispense with their presence there which at their own pleasure they may not do 3. This being the quality of their service you will easily judge what care the King should use in his choice of them It behoveth that they be persons of great trust and fidelity and also of wisdome and judgement who shall thus assist in bearing up the King's Throne and of known experience in publick affairs 4. Yet it may not be unfit to call some of young years to train them up in that Trade and so fit them for those weighty affairs against the time of greater maturity and some also for the honour of their persons But these two sorts not to be tyed to so strict attendance as the others from whom the present dispatch of business is expected 5. I could wish that their number might not be so over-great the persons of the Councellors would be the more venerable And I know that Queen Elizabeth in whose time I had the happinesse to be born and to live many years was not so much observed for having a numerous
as a wise Councel 6. The duty of a Privy-Councellor to a King I conceive is not onely to attend the Councel-board at the times appointed and there to consult of what shall be propounded But also to study those things which may advance the King's honour and safety and the good of the Kingdome and to communicate the same to the King or to his fellow Councellors as there shall be occasion And this Sir will concern you more then others by how much you have a larger share in his affections 7. And one thing I shall be bold to desire you to recommend to his Majesty That when any new thing shall be propounded to be taken into consideration that no Counsellor should suddenly deliver any positive opinion thereof it is not so easie with all men to retract their opinions although there shall be cause for it But onely to hear it and at the most but to break it at first that it may be the better understood against the next meeting 8. When any matter of weight hath been debated and seemeth to be ready for a resolution I wish it may not be at that sitting concluded unless the necessity of the time press it lest upon second cogitations there should be cause to alter which is not for the gravity and honour of that Board 9. I wish also that the King would be pleased sometimes to be present at that Board it adds a Majesty to it And yet not to be too frequently there that would render it lesse esteemed when it is become common Besides it may sometimes make the Councellors not to be so free in their debates in his presence as they would be in his absence 10. Besides the giving of Counsel the Councellors are bound by their Duties ex vi termini as well as by their Oaths to keep counsel therefore are they called de Privato Consilio Regis à seeretioribus consili●● Regis 11. One thing I add in the negative which is not fit for that Board the entertaining of private causes of meum tuum those should be left to the ordinary course and Courts of Justice 12. As there is great care to be used for the Councellors themselves to be chosen so there is of the Clerks of the Council also for the secreting of their Cousultations and methinks it were fit that his Majesty be speedily moved to give a strict charge and to binde it with a solemn order if it be not already so done that no copies of the orders of that Table be delivered out by the Clerks of the Councel but by the order of the Board nor any not being a Councellor or a Clerk of the Councel or his Clerk to have accesse to the Councel-Books and to that purpose that the servants attending the Clerks of the Councel be bound to secrecy as well as their Masters 13. For the great Offices and Officers of the Kingdome I shall say little for the most of them are such as cannot well be severed from the Councellorship and therefore the same rule is to be obseved for both in the choice of them In the general onely I advise this let them be set in those places for which they are probably the most fit 14. But in the quality of the persons I conceive it will be most convenient to have some of every sort as in the time of Queen Elizabeth it was one Bishop at the least in respect of questions touching Religion or Church-Government one or more skilled in the Laws some for Martial affairs and some for Foreign affairs By this mixture one will help another in all things that shall there happen to be moved But if that would fail it will be a safe way to consult with some other able persons well versed in that point which is the subject of their Consultation which yet may be done so warily as may not discover the main end therein IV. In the next place I shall put you in minde of the Foreign Negotiations and Embassies to or with Foreign Princes or States wherein I shall be little able to serve you 1. Onely I will tell you what was the course in the happy dayes of Queen Elizabeth whom it will be no dis-reputation to follow She did vary according to the nature of the employment the quality of the persons she employed which is a good rule to go by 2. If it were an Embassy of Gratulation or Ceremony which must not be neglected choice was made of some noble person eminent in place and able in purse and he would take it as a mark offavour and discharge it without any great burthen to the Queen's Coffers for his owne honours sake 3. But if it were an Embassie of weight concerning affairs of State choice was made of some sad person of known judgement wisdome and experience and not of a young man not wayed in State-matters nor of a meer formal man whatsoever his title or outside were 4. Yet in company of such some young towardly Noblemen or Gentlemen were usually sent also as Assistants or Attendants according to the quality of the persons who might be thereby prepared and fitted for the like employment by this means at another turn 5. In their company were alwayes sent some grave and sad men skilful in the Civil Laws and some in the Languages and some who had been formerly conversant in the Courts of those Princes and knew their wayes these were Assistants in private but not trusted to manage the Affairs in publick that would detract from the honour of the principal Embassador 6. If the Negotiation were about Merchants affairs then were the persons employed for the most part Doctors of the Civil Law assisted with some other discreet men and in such the charge was ordinarily defrayed by the Company or Society of Merchants whom the Negotiation concerned 7. If Legier Embassadors or Agents were sent to remain in or neer the Courts of those Princes or States as it was ever held fit to observe the motions and to hold correspondency with them upon all occasions such were made choice of as were presumed to be vigilant industrious and discreet men and had the language of the place whither they were sent and with these were sent such as were hopeful to be worthy of the like employment at another time 8. Their care was to give true and timely Intelligence of all Occurrences either to the Queen her self or the Secretaries of State unto whom they had their immediate relation 9. Their charge was always born by the Queen duly paid out of the Exchequer in such proportion as according to their qualities and places might give them an honourable subsistence there But for thereward of their service they were to expect it upon their return by some such preferment as might be worthy of them and yet be little burthen to the Queens Coffers or Revenues 10. At their going forth they had their general Instructions in writing which might be communicated to the
Ministers of that State whither they were sent and they had also private Instructions upon particular occasions and at their return they did always render an account of some things to the Queen her self of some things to the body of the Council and of some others to the Secretaries of State who made use of them or communicated them as there was cause 11. In those days there was a constant course held that by the advice of the Secretaries or some principal Councellors there were always sent forth into several parts beyond the Seas some young men of whom good hopes were conceived of their towardlinesse to be trained up and made fit for such publick Employments and to learn the Languages This was at the charge of the Queen which was not much for they travelled but as private Gentlemen and as by their industry their deserts did appear so far were they further employed or rewarded This course I shall recommend unto you to breed up a Nursery of such publick Plants V. For Peace and War and those things which appertain to either I in my own disposition and profession am wholly for peace if please God to blesse the Kingdom therewith as for many years past he hath done and 1. I presume I shall not need to perswade you to the advancing of it nor shall you need to perswade the King your Master therein for that he hath hither to been another Solomon in this our Israel and the Motto which he hath chosen Beati Pacifici shews his own judgement But he must use the means to preserve it else such a jewel may be lost 2. God is the God of Peace it is one of his Artributes therefore by him alone we must pray and hope to continue it there is the foundation 3. And the King must not neglect the just ways for it Justice is the best Protector of it at home and providence for War is the best prevention of it from abroad 4. Wars are either Foreign or Civil for the Foreign War by the King upon some neigbour Nation I hope we are secure the King in his just and pious disposition is not inclinable thereunto his Empire is long enough bounded with the Ocean as if the very situation thereof had taught the King and People to set up their rests and say Ne plus ultra 5. And for a war of invasion from abroad onely we must not be over-secure that 's the way to invite it 6. But if we be always prepared to receive an Enemy if the ambition or malice of any should incite him we may be very confident we shall long live in peace and quietnesse without any attempt upon us 7. To make the preparations hereunto the more assured In the first place I will recommend unto you the care of our out-work the Navy Royal and Shipping of our Kingdome which are the walls thereof and every great Ship is as an impregnable sort and our many safe and commodious Ports and Havens in every of these Kingdomes are as the redoubts to secure them 8. For the body of the Ships no Nation of the world doth equal England for the Oaken Timber where with to build them and we need not borrow of any other iron for Spikes or Nails to fasten them together but there must be a great deal of providence used that our Ship-Timber be not unnecessarily wasted 9. But for Tackling as Sails and Cordage we are beholden to our neighbours for them and do buy them for our money that must be foreseen and layd up in store against a time of need and not sought for when we are to use them But we are much too blame that we make them not at home onely Pitch and Tar we have not of our own 10. For the true Art of building of Ships for burthen and service both no Nation in the world exceeds us Ship-wrights and all other Artizans belonging to that Trade must be cherished and encouraged 11. Powder and Ammunition of all sorts we can have at home and in exchange for other home commodities we may be plentifully supplied from our Neighbours which must not be neglected 12. With Mariners and Seamen this Kingdom is plentifully furnished the constant Trade of Merchandizing will furnish us at a need and navigable Rivers will repair the store both to the Navy Royal and to the Merchants if they be set on work and well payed for their labour 13. Sea-Captains and Commanders and other Officers must be encouraged and rise by degrees as their fidelity and industry deserve it 14. Our strict League of amity and alliance with our neere Neighbours the Hollanders is a mutual strength to both the shipping of both in conjuncture being so powerful by Gods blessing as no Foreigners will venture upon This League and Friendship must inviolably be observed 15 From Scotland we have had in former times some Alarms and Inrodes into the Northern parts of this Kingdome but that happy union of both Kingdomes under one Soveraign our gracious King I hope hath taken away all occasions of breach between the two Nations let not the cause arise from England and I hope the Scots will not adventure it or if they do I hope they will finde that although to our King they were his first-born Subjects yet to England belongs the birth-right But this should not be any cause to offer any injury to them nor to suffer any from them 16. There remains then no danger by the blessing of God but a Civil War from which God of his mercy defend us as that which is most desperate of all others The Kings wisdome and justice must prevent it if it may be or if it should happen quod absit he must quench that wilde-fire with all the diligence that possible can be 17. Competition to the Crown there is none nor can be therefore it must be a fire within the bowels or nothing the cures whereof are these Remedium praeveniens which is the best physick either to a natural bod or to a State by just and equal Government to take away the occasion and Remedium puniens if the other prevail not The service and vigilance of the Deputy-Lieutenants in every County and of the high-●heriff will contribute much herein to ou● security 18. But if that should not prevail by a wise and timous inquisition the peccant humours and humorists must be discovered and purged or cut off mercy in such a case in a King is truly cruelty 19. Yet if the Heads of the Tribes can be taken off and the mis-led multitude will see their errour and return to their obedience such an extent of mercy is both honourable and profitable 20. A King against a storm must fore-see to have a convenient stock of treasure and neither be without money which is the sinews of War nor to depend upon the courtesie of others which may fail at a pinch 21. He must also have a Magazine of all sorts which must be had from Foreign
doubted and won those that contradicted in King Henry's Cause But he served not King Henry more faithfully in Germany then he provided for him honourably in England where the Kings Cause waited for his Assistance and the See of Canterbury for his Acceptance He was willing to promote Religion he was unwilling for some Formalities he scrupled to advance himself but after seven Weeks delay it being as fatal to refuse King Henry's Favours as to offer him Injuries he is Archbishop in his own Defence in which capacity to serve the King and salve his own Conscience he used the Expedient of a Protestation to this purpose In nomine c. Non est nec erit meae voluntatis aut intentionis per hujusmodi Juramentum juramenta qualiter verba in ipsis posita sonare videbuntur me obligare ad aliquid ratione eorundem post hac dicendum faciendum aut attestandum quod erit aut esse videbitur contra legem Dei vel contra Regem aut Rempublicam legesve aut Praerogativa ejus quod non intendo per hujusmodi juramentum quovis modo me obligare quò minùs liberò loqui consulere consentire valeam in omnibus singulis Reformationem Ecclesiae prerogativam Coronae concernentibus ea exequi reformare quae in Ecclesia Anglicana reformanda videbuntur This Protestation he made three times once at the Charter-House another time at the Altar and a third time at the receiving of his Pall. In his place he was moderate between the Superstition of Rome and the Phrensies of Munster As he was chief Instrument in beginning the Reformation so he was in continuing it He withstood the Six Articles and though the King sent five prime Ministers of State to comfort him would not be satisfied until he saw them mitigated in King Henry's time and repealed in King Edward's Gardiner would have questioned him for entertaining forreign Hereticks and promoting Domestick Schisms the Northern Rebells accused him for subverting the Church but the King upheld him against both suppressing the One and checking the Other and advising the good Man whom he called Fool for his meek disposition to appeal to him Whereupon Russel cried The King will never suffer him to be imprisoned until you finde Him guilty of High Treason He is to be pitied for his intermediate failings but renowned for his final constancy The King having declared before all his Servants that Cranmer was his best Servant he employeth him in his best service the Reformation of Religion wherein all others failed but the King Cromwel and Brandon backed him so far that he had the Bible and the necessary Offices of the Church translated into English He had both Universities at his command He brought the Lords House and Convocation to his Lure and was invested with a Power 1. To grant Dispensations in all things not repugnant to Gods Law nor the Kings safety 2. To determine Ecclesiastical Causes He as charitably as politickly advised the King to accept of Bishop Fisher's partial Subscription considering his Learning and Reputation As he is King Henry's Instrument at Dunstable to divorce him from Queen Katharine so he is at Lambeth to divorce him from Anna Bullen He promoted in the Convocation all Primitive Doctrines and condemned all new-fangled Opinions He was so charitable that he interceded with the King for his Enemies so munificent that he made the Church and his own House a Refuge for Strangers particularly for P. Fagius P. Martyr Martin Bucer c. The King loved him for his Integrity the People for his Moderation He was called the Kings Father and was Queen Elizabeth's Godfather His Piety reduced the Church and his Policy the State He spake little to others he conferred much with himself Three words of His could do more then three hours discourse of Others He wousd say as Victorinus There is a time to say nothing there is a time to say something but there is never a time to say all things That King who awed all Others feared Him A Second to the Eternal Power is the Wise Man uncorrupt in his Life He was the Executor of God's Will in King Henry's Life-time and the first of His after his Death As He spurred King Henry to a Reformation so King Edward did Him whose Prudence was not so forward as the Others Zeal who looked at what was Lawful as He did at what was Convenient He maintained the Churches Power as resolutely against Bishop Hooper's Scruples notwithstanding potent Intercession as he reformed its Corruptions against the Popes Interest notwithstanding a general Opposition He allowed not the least Errour in not the least contempt of the Church He restored its primitive Doctrine and Discipline lest it should be an impure Church he upheld them lest it should be none He was one of fourteen that compiled the Common-Prayer He was One of Two that set out the Homilies and the onely man that published the Institution of a Christian man and other good Books With his Advice King Edward did much and designed more He was the chief Author of King Edward's Injunctions and the first Commissioner in them He was President of the Assembly at Windsor for Reformation and of the Council at London His Articles were strict and severe as much grounded on the Canon of Scripture as on the Canons of the Church He convinced more Papists with his Reason and Moderation then others by their Power His Heart never failed him in his Life and it was not burned at his Death He did so much for the Protestant Religion in King Henry's Days that he foresaw he should suffer for it in Queen Mary's He was unwilling to wrong Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth therefore he refused at first to sign King Edward's Testament but Duke Dudley's Will He was willing to continue the Protestant Religion therefore he signed it at last It was a Bishop that was one of the first that abolished Popery in England and one of the last that died for Protestantisme It was a Bishop that maintained the Protestant Cause with Arguments while he lived and with his Blood when he died Observations on Sir Thomas More Lord Chancellour of England HE rise up high because he stept out well Sir Thomas More was half way Chancellour when born to Sir John More Chief Justice The Father's Prudence Wit and Noblenesse flowed with his Blood to the Sons Veins Much Honour he received from his Family more he gave to it His Mother saw his Face shining in Dream on her Wedding Night and his Father saw his Life so really A quick City-Spirit made him capable of great State-Employments He was saved by a Miracle and was One For his Nurse riding with him over a Water and being in some danger threw him over a Hedge where she found him not hurt but sweetly smiling upon her A Free-school seasoned his forward Childhood and the grave wise and excellent Cardinal Mortons House his Youth The One
with Learning to make him a Scholar the Other with Prudence to make him a Man But the Distractions of that House were not so proper for his promising Ingenuity as the Retirements of the University where in two years time he shewed what Wonders Wit and Diligence could do in Rhetorick Logick and Philosophy The Colledge kept him strict and his Father short so that as he blessed God afterward He had neither the leisure nor the means to be vicious The Cardinal said he would be Great and his excellent Genius said he would be Humble The Lord Chancellour would give place to and ask blessing of the Lord Chief Justice The Father being not more happy in his Son then the Son in his Father At 17 his wit was eminent for his Epigrams His Antilucian Oration commended by all men but Brixius for pure genuine and flowing At 18 his wisdom in overcoming his Antagonist Brixius with kindness and Himself with Mortifications His fastings were frequent his watchings on the hard ground revere his Hair-cloath even in his Chancellourship course his exercises among the Cartbusians in the Charterhouse for four years austere his design for the Franciscan Hood and a Priesthood with his Friend Lilly solemn His prayers uninterrupted When the King sent for him once at Mass he answered That when be bad done with God he would wait on his Majesty He imitated Picus Mirandula's Life and writ it He heard Dr. Collet his Confessours Sermons and followed his life whose experience was his counsel whose conversation was his life He could not away with the good Sermon of a bad man Collet was his Father Linacre Lilly Grocine were his Friends He learned more by prayer then he did by study his Poems were acute his Speeches pure and copious his Latine elegant yet his head was knotty and Logical his Diet was temperate his Apparel plain his Nature tractable and condenscending though very discerning to the meanest mens counsel his Vertues solid not boasted In a word the foundation of his Life was as low as the building was to be high He married himself to Vertue and not to an Estate he likes a younger sister yet out of civility he embraceth the elder Happy he was in his modest Wives happier in his hopeful Children His Government of his Family was exact enjoyning all his Children to take Vertue for their meat and Play for their sawce His proficiency in the Law was admirable his Practice successful his Judgement solid his Integrity eminent his Determinations in the Sheriffs Court his Activity for the Stilyard his Practice in the Courts of Justice raised him to a place in Parliament where he was so good a Patriot that he displeased King Henry the seventh and so wise a man that he awed King Henry the eighth the one by Foxe demands one Subsidie and three Fifteens and the beardless Boy as the Courtiers called Sir Thomas disappointed him the other made a motion by Wolsey which he overthrew so that the Cardinal wished him at Rome He retires to his studies to avoid Henry the seventh's displeasure and improves them to gain his sons favour who by his Cardinal invited him to Court and employed him abroad to France to recover his debts to Flanders to confirm the peace Employments he avoided a while to keep his City-interest and in case of controversie with the King to prevent their jealousie his business was so urgent that you would think he had no leasure and his writings so exact that you would think he had no business Not a minute of his time escaped employment His History of Richard the third is faithful his Vtopia is judicious and elegant his Lectures at St. Laurence were learned and pious His Popularity in Parliament commended him to his Majesty his strong Arguments for the Popeship in Star-chamber brought him to him against his modest inclination as much as against Wolsey's interest His ability set him on the Council-table his integrity placed him in the Exchequer His Services promoted him to the Dutchy of Lancaster his Dexterity and Prudence made him the Kings bosome-friend and his familiar all his spare hours whose Questions in every Art and Science were not more useful then Sir Thomas his Answers were satisfactory His advice was his Majesties and his Queens Oracles in Counsel his discourse was their recreation at Table He was not more delightful to the King at Court then he was serviceable to him in appeasing tumults c. in the City He was the Kings Favourite at White-hall and the Peoples Darling at Westminster where he was Speaker as well with the unanimous consent of the one as with the approbation of the other and between both impartial equally careful of Prerogative and Priviledges neither awed from right by power nor flattered with popularity He declined Forreign services with as much Dexterity as he managed Domestick ones He served th 〈…〉 faithfully but trusted him not as one that enjoyed and suspected Fortune saying If his Head could win King Henry a Castle in Wales it would off The King and Kingdome trusted him who was that one sound Counsellour the King had The Cardinal told him he was the veriest Fool in the Council he replied God be thanked my Master hath but one fool there His Honour was set off by a grave condescention and a grave humility Did he argue he was very moderate civil and modest Did he reprove he was pitiful grave and prudent Was he with the King at the University he was ready and eloquent Was he abroad he heard the Lectures attentively and disputed accurately To his Friend as Dr. Tunstal none more faithful to learned men as Erasmus none more civil to devout men such as Bishop Fisher none more firm to hopeful men such as Powle there was none more encouraging to painful men such as Grocinus Linacer Crocus Lupsel Lilly Cocklee Budlera Dorpin Bewald Luscar Grannould Vines Groclenius Bus●idian Aegidius Rhenanus none more familiar constant or liberal in his conscience none more satisfied and sedate in his discourse none more innocent and pleasant in his heart none more devout and sincere His meditations were frequent his retirements to a Chappel built of purpose dayly his Prayers constant and zealous his conversation with his Wives loving and debonnair taking them off their cares to reading and musick His Servants were always employed either in his or Gods service suffering them not by idleness to be at leisure for sinnor by wanton converse to be tempted to it H 〈…〉 Table-talk after the Chapter was pleasing and useful his counsels useful his converse exemplary his family-instructions to bear afflictions patiently to withstand temptations resolvedly to mind heavenly matters devoutly to go plainly and soberly to recreate themselves moderately and vertuously were effectual There went a blessing along with all his Servants and happiness with his whole Family His Apophthegms were grounded on experience and judgement He would say 1. He was not
Princes and with the l 〈…〉 Statesmen the one discovers others while the other conceals you 5. Resolution I made often said he as if I would fight when they knew my calling allowe me onely to speak 6. Civility That man said the Prince of Orange is a great bargain who is bought with a bare salutation Fourthly To Privy-Counsellours That excellent caution Always to speak last and be Masters 〈◊〉 others strength before they displayed their own This was that rare man that was made for all but siness so dexterous This was he that was made for all times so complying This was he who live Doctor of both Laws and died Doctor of both Gospels the Protestant which had the Statesmans parts of this man and the Popish who had the Christiat Noah had two faces because he was a son of the old world before the flood and a father of the ne 〈…〉 one after Wotton sure had four faiths who was Favourite in King Henry's days of the Counsel is King Edward's of the Juncto in Queen Mary's and the second Statesman in Queen Elizabeth's With these two things of this person I shall conclude 1. His refusal of the Archbishoprick of Canterbury which argued his extraordinary humility of wariness 2. His admission of Doctor Parker as Dean of Canterbury to that See which argueth the legality of his calling there being no circumstance with any likelihood omitted by so exquisite a Civilian as Doctor Wotton or forgotten by so great an Antiquary as Doctor Parker Observations on the Life of Thomas Wriothesly the first Earl of Southampton THomas Wriothesly Knight of the Garter was born in Barbican Son to William Wriothesly descended from an Heir general of the antient Family of the Dunsterviles King of Arms. He was bred in the University of Cambridge as it appears by Mr. Ascam's Letter unto him writing in the behalf of the University when he was Lord Chancellour Quamobrem Academia cum omni literarum ratione ad te unum conversa cui uni quam universis aliis ●se chariorem intelligit partim tibi ut alumno suo cum authoritate imperat partim ut patrono summo demisse bumiliter supplicat c. His University-Learning prepared him for the Law and his indefatigable study of the Law promoted him to the Court where for his Honour he was created Baron of Tichbourn Jan. 1. 1543. and for his Profit the next year May 3. Lord Chancellour a place he discharged with more Applause then any before him and with as much Integrity as any since him Force he said awed b● Justice governed the world It is given to that Family to be Generous are Resolute This incomparable Person was under cloud in King Edward's time for being a rigidly conscientious Papist and his great Granchild suffered in King Charles his time for being a sincere honest Protestant Yet so reverenced was the first of this Family by his Adversaries that he was made Earl of Southampton and so honoured was the other by his Enemies that they courted him to the party Integrity hath a Majesty in its full and Glory in its lowest Estate that is always feared though not always loved No Nobleman understood the Roman Religion better then the first Earl of Southampton and non the Protestant better then the last the Right Honourable and truly Excellent Thomas Earl of Southampton and Treasurer of England His Court he said gave Law to the Kingdom His constant and exact Rules to the Court and h● Conscience guided by the Law of the Kingdom 〈◊〉 his Rules Affable and acceptable he was as More quick and ready as Wolsey incorrupt as Egerton apprehensive and knowing as Bacon Twice were all Cases depending in Chancery dispatched in Sir Wriothesley's time 1538. and in Sir More 's 1532. Truly did he judge intra Cancellos deciding Cases with that Uprightness that he wished a Window to his Actions yea and his Heart too King Philip was not at leasure to hear a poor Womans Cause Then said she cease to be King My Lord over-hearing a servant putting off a Petitioner because his Master was not at leasure takes him up roundly and replies You had as good say I am not at leasure to be Lord Chancellour Two things he would not have his servants gain by his Livings and his Decrees The first he said were Gods the second the Kings whom every man he said sold that sold Justice To honest men your places said he are enough to Knaves too much Every Week he had a Schedule of his own Accounts and every Month of his Servants Cato's greatest Treasure was his Account-Book of Sicily and my Lord of Southampton's was his Table of the Chancellours place A great Estate was conferred upon him which he took not in his own name to avoid the odium of Sacriledge as great an Inheritance he bought but in others names to escape the malice of Envy He loved a Bishop he said to satisfie his conscience a Lawyer to guide his Judgement a good Family to keep up his Interest and an University to preserve his name Full of Years and Worth he died 1550. at Lincoln-place and was buried at St. Andrews Church in Holborn where his Posterity have a Diocess for their Parish and a Court for their Habitation Observations on the Life of Sir John Fitz-James JOhn Fitz-James Knight was born at Redlinch 〈◊〉 Somersetshire of Right Antient and Wort 〈…〉 Parentage bred in the study of our Municip 〈…〉 Laws wherein he proved so great a Proficie 〈…〉 that by King Henry the Eighth he was advanced 〈◊〉 be Chief Justice of the Kings Bench. There needs 〈◊〉 more to be said of his Merit save that King He 〈…〉 the Eighth preferred him who never used eith 〈…〉 Dunce or Drone in Church or State but Men 〈◊〉 Ability and Activity He sat thirteen years in 〈◊〉 place demeaning himself so that he lived and di 〈…〉 in the Kings Favour He sat one of the Assista 〈…〉 when Sir Thomas More was arraigned for refu 〈…〉 the Oath of Supremacy and was shrewdly put 〈◊〉 it to save his own Conscience and not incur 〈◊〉 Kings Displeasure For Chancellour Audley 〈◊〉 preme Judge in that place being loth that 〈◊〉 whole burthen of More 's condemnation sho 〈…〉 lie on his shoulders alone openly in the Court a 〈…〉 ed the Advice of the Lord Chief Justice Fi 〈…〉 James Whether the Indictment were sufficient 〈◊〉 no To whom our Judge warily returned 〈…〉 Lords all by St. Gillian which was ever his Oat 〈…〉 I must needs confess That if the Act of Parliam 〈…〉 be not unlawful then the Indictment is not in my co 〈…〉 science insufficient He died in the Thirtieth Year of King Henry the Eighth and although now there be none left 〈◊〉 Redlinch of his Name and Family they flourish still at Lewson in Dorsetshire descended from Allured Fitz-James brother to this Judge and to Richard Bishop of London The two main Principles that guide
France none so active in those between Us and Scotland With thirty six Ships he gave Law to the narrow Seas as Poynz with forty more did to the Main There was not a serviceable man belonging to him but he knew by name not a Week but he paid his Navy not a Prize but his Souldiers share● in as well as himself It being his Rule That now fought well but those that did it for a fortune While he watched the Coast of France he discovered twelve French Ships in which the Archbishop of Glasco and divers others of Quality were who 〈…〉 the Duke of Albany had sent before him into Scotland these he chased to a shipwrack and leaving a Squadron to shut up the French Heaven● went along the French Coasts landing in dive● places wasting the Countrey till at last he came 〈◊〉 Treport a Town strongly situated and garison● with three thousand men which yet he took an● finding it not his Interest to dwell there pill●ged and burned it going off with Success an● Glory Insomuch that King Henry joyned hi● with the Bishop of Bath in the Commission for th● Treaty at Paris where such Articles were agree● on touching a Marriage with the Princess Mary an● the joynt Embassie to the Emperour as spake S 〈…〉 William as well seen in the state of Europe as any particular Person in the seven Kingdoms of it whereof one was That they should unite by all 〈◊〉 Ties of Alliance Friendship and Interest against the growing Power of Austria so far as that there should be no League Correspondence War or Peace wherein they both should not be concerned From his forreign Negotiations he returns to his home-Services and the next view we have of him ●s in the Parliament bringing up with Sir Anthony Fitz-Herbert a Bill against the Cardinal 1. For encroaching upon his Soveraigns power by his Legantine Authority 2. For treating between the Pope and the King of France without his Masters privity and consent as likewise between Himself and the Duke of Fer●ara 3. For joyning Himself with his Majesty saying The King and I. 4. For swearing his Houshold-servants onely to himself 5. For speaking with the King when infected with the pox pretending it was onely an Impost●ume 6. For giving by prevention divers Benefices away ●s Legate 7. For receiving Embassadors before they came to the King As also for opening all the Kings Letters and taking an account of all Espials concealing what he pleased 8. For carrying things with an high hand in the Privy Council 9. For transporting Grain and sending advertisements of the Kings Affairs abroad 10. For taxing or alienating Religious mens lands to the great decay of hospitality and charity 11. For controuling the Nobility and engrossing all Causes in his Jurisdiction 12. For taking all Ordinarie Jurisdiction from them by prevention and seizing their Estates as he did all other Ecclesiastical persons upon their death 13. For perswading the Pope by indirect practices to suppress Monasteries 14. For passing judgements without hearing and reversing such judgements as had duely passed 15. For suspending the Popes pardons until he was fee'd 16. For turning out his old Tenants 17. For his general encroachments upon the Rights of Religious Houses and the encroachments of Courts of Justice 18. For saying to the Pope in order to the obtaining of a Legantine power to the indelible shame of the Church of England That the Clergy of England were given in reprobum sensum 19. For embezling the Goods of the most wealthy Prelates that died in his time 20. For bringing off his servants from the Law against extortion at York 21. For dividing the Nobility 22. For keeping as great state at Court and exercising as great authority in the Country for purveyance c. as the King 23. For forbidding petitions and purveyances within his Jurisdictions 24. For engrossing all Copy-holds within his power to his Lemans Procurers c. 25. For altering the Market-prices set under His Majesties Hand and Seal 26. For impressing his Hat under the Kings Crown in the Coyn at York 27. For Hindering the due course intended by visiting the Vniversities to suppress heresies 28. For disposing of mens Estates and Proprieties at his pleasure This Bill was aggravated most effectually by three most pinching considerations Viz. That the Kings Honour was by him diminished That the state of the Realm was by him decayed and discontented That the course of Justice was by him obstructed A great Undertaking this To bring down this lofty Prelate whom his Master created the Kings Fellow and his own pride made his Superiour But as Wise as Great if we regard the five Politick circumstances 1. The Queen was engaged 2. The People were oppressed 3. The King was needy and covetous 4. The Nobility were kept under 5. The Clergy were harrassed And all by this proud man And at that juncture is he convened before the Parliament and charged home by this excellent Knight who never left him till he was humbled as Justice Fitz-Herbert did not his servants until they were reformed Neither did the Pope escape him abroad better then the Cardinal at home For his next action we finde is a Declaration drawn by him Jo. Fitz-Warren Tho. Audley and Others to Pope Clement the Seventh expostulating his Delays and conjuring his Dispatch in the Business of the Kings Marriage Very serviceable he was to his Master in time of Peace more in time of War and particularly at the Insurrection 1536. where he cut off the Rebels Passes distressed their Arms and when they refused 〈◊〉 Treaty but upon condition that Ashe their Leader was pledged advised an engagement with them out of hand saying No English man should be undervalued so far as to be an Hostage for a Villain and adding further so good was his Intelligence That if they were not defeated speedily the Scots and Germans would discover that they had but too much hand● in this plot For which his services his Master raised him to the Admiralship of England and the Earldom of Southampton in which Quality he was one of the three Noblemen that managed the Business of Divorce between the King and Anne of Cleve with that applanse that made him Lord Privy-Seal Nov. 14. Anno 1541. and the grand Examinant of the particulars in the Lady Katharin Howard's Case matter of great trust and secrecy which he performed with a searching and deep Judgement beyond that Ladies fear and the Kings expectation as appears from the exact Account given under Sir Tho. Audley and his own hands touching that matter Having provided for the Kings Safety at Home he is One of Four that treat for his Interest Abroad I mean upon the Borders of Scotland where our excellent Persons dexterity was observed in gaining that time by various Proposals for Peace tha● served his Master to provide against the War in the beginning whereof the brave Lord died 〈◊〉 York so much esteemed that for the Honour of
Croix to the Scotch King to tell him That though he saw no Enemy at Sea he hoped to finde some upon the Land That he came to justifie Bretons death which it was as much below a King to revenge as it was below a Privy Counsellour to have deserved That he expected as little mercy as he intended his sword being commissioned to spare none but the King whom no hand must touch To this Defiance he added a Caution to the Herauld That he should bring no messenger from the Enemy nearer then two miles of the Camp So well were the Scots incamped that when neither Arguments nor Stratagems would draw them out the Earl cuts off their provision there and under the covert of a smoak got the Earl under the hill and under another of mist got they atop The Scots played the men until Stanley and Darcy did more then men and the old mans Reserve concluded the doubtful day in so compleat a Conquest as brought 12000 Arms 16 Cannons 4000 Prisoners and a Peace to the English Borders Upon which the General retires to those more necessary exercises of Justice and Government until his Masters return When all his Services advanced him at that time when it was a Maxime of State That Honours are the Lustre and Security of Crowns to his Fathers Dukedom of Norfolk as his Sons Merits promoted him to his of the Earldom of Surrey The Kings Coffers decay and his Occasions grow The old man retires to his Country-house having enjoyed his Honour Thirty years to enjoy Himself Three One of his last Undertakings being the appeasing of the London-Tumult May 1. 1517. when he left this behind him A potent and wanton City is a shrewd Enemy Observations on the Life of Sir William Compton HE was chief Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Henry the Eighth and next to the chief in the affections of the same Prince If his spirit had been as even with his favour as his favour was with his Merits he had been the most useful as well as the most eminent man in England but he was too narrow for his Fortune and more attentive to his private advantage then to the publick affairs This Saying is at once his History and Monument Kings must hear all but believe onely one for none can give a solid advice but he that knoweth all and he must not be every body As to the affairs of Europe Sir William was cleerly for the League against France as an opportunity to regain our Right in France and strengthen our Interest in the Church and the Empire My Lord Darcy was against it because France was too hard for us before it swallowed up our a Confederates and much more since advising some more noble attempts for our just Empire upon the Indies The young King is for a War with France as an Engagement upon the Pope to advance England above all other Kingdoms and declares himself as much Sir William's in opinion as he was his in affection This Gentleman had a deep insight in any thing he undertook because he had a great patience to consider an advantageous slowness to recollect a strong memory to grasp and an indifferent temper to judge but when a matter exceeded his capacity or out-reached his sphere and orb he had either a peremptory and great word to urge it or a sleight to wave it or a subtlety to perplex it that his amazed fellow-Commissioners should as little unstand it or a countenance and gesture to overbear it However in general he was close and reserved he had need go softly that cannot well see leaving himself without observation or hold to be taken what he was He studied the Kings nature rather then his business and humoured rather then advised him The referring of all to a man becomes a Prince whose self is not himself but the community their good and evil being as my Lord Bacon writes at the peril of a publick fortune but not a subject whose private advantage may be a publick ruine not a Favourite whose benefit by that selfishness may be narrow as his own Fortune but the hurt done by it is as large as his Master who must needs be undone when his servants study to please Him and to profit Themselves Observations on the Life of Sir Henry Marney SIr Henry Marney was one of young Henry's first Council who loved his Person well and his Prosperity better and impartially advised him for his good and modestly contested with him against his harm that Council that was hand as well as head and could perform as well as advise This was the searching Judgement that discovered Buonviso the Lucchess his Letters to the French King betraying our designs as soon as thought on and instructing him for prevention before our King was ready for the attempt Industry and Thrift over-rules Princes This Personage had no time to transcribe Intelligence but what he borrowed from his sleep nor money to buy it but what he saved out of his allowance yet he understood more then any one Prince in Europe and was more consulted then any one Statesman His Judgement was much valued his Integrity more ever offering what was solidly safe rather then what was superficially plausible as one who was a stranger to the wisdom of the latter Age as Sir Francis Bacon describes it which is rather fine Deliveries and shifts from Inconveniences then solid and grounded courses for advantage His foresight was large and his spirit larger he considered all Circumstances that occurre● to him judged what he considered and spo 〈…〉 what he judged with that resolution as to his opinion that argued he understood the matter in question with that modesty as to his Superiours th 〈…〉 shewed he understood himself Observations on the Life of Sir Edward Poynings SIr Edward Poynings was the third of eighteen Counsellours bequeathed by Henry the V 〈…〉 to his Son with his Kingdom a Pri 〈…〉 Council wherein there was not one Lawyer an● a Cabal that never condescended for advice to an● below themselves or for performance of any of their Decrees to any besides themselves being a compleat Body of active and knowing men in their own Orb. Who more prudent then Surrey who more resolved then Poynings whose Vigilancy made him Master of the Cincue Ports as his Valour advanced him General of the Low-Countrey Forces whom he led on to several services with success and brought off with the loss of not above an hundred men with Honour from the Lady Margaret and Applause from the whole Countrey No less happy was he in his Government of Tournay until the Council at home now grown thin by the secession of Warbam Fox and Norfolk had more need of him then Garisons abroad Vainly is that spirit penned within a City that was equal to a Kingdom It is the unhappiness of other Monarchies that they have not Men answerable to their Employments it was the unhappiness of this that it had not Employment suitable to
promoted the three main Supporters of this Nation 1. It s Native Commodities 2. It s Artificial Manufactures 3. It s Vecture and Carriage and so died with that content and resolution that they do who are overtaken by Fate in the pursuit of great Actions and publick Designes Observations on the Life of Sir John Portman JOhn Portman Knight was born of wealthy and worshipful Extraction at Portman's Orchard in Somersetshire a fair Mannor which descended to him by inheritance the Heir of the Orchard being match'd into his Family He was bred in the study of the Common Law attaining to such eminency therein that June 11. 2 of Queen Mary he was made Chief Justice of the Kings Bench continuing two years in the place and dying therein for ought I finde to the contrary and a Baronet of his Name and Linage flourisheth at this day with a great and plentiful Estate No doubt but he died in his place there being none of those things that carry disgrace and downfal with them incident to him For the first thing that ruines a Courtier is a boasting of his own service and then our Knight none more modest The second is an undutiful observation of our Princes actions and none more faithful and meek The third is the revealing or abusing of secrets and none more reserved and civil The fourth thing is either provoking the Nobility against himself or dividing them among themselves he was too wise for the one his designe being rather alliance then quarrel to adde interest to his Estate and honour to his Riches and too quiet for the other Many have an Opinion not wise saith that Oracle that for a Prince to govern his Estate or for a great Person to guide his Proceedings according to the respect of factions is a principal part of policy whereas contrarywise the chiefest wisdome is either in ordering those things that are general and wherein men of several factions do nevertheless agree or in dealing with or correspondence to particular persons one by one Mean men in their rising must adhere but Great men that have strength in themselves were better to maintain themselves indifferent and neutral The fifth particular that pulleth down a man is a misunderstanding of his own interest or the Princes Our Judge understood both being equally made up of Craterus and Haephestion faithfulness and compliance The sixth is the hatred of the many whom this persons integrity always obliged there being no herd more feral then an enraged multitude or the envy of the great whom his wariness disobliged not it being more fatal to incense a Favourite who would be above all affronts by his greatness then a Prince who is so by Law The seventh misfortune is to be too much concerned in the secrets of Princes wherewith Sir William never meddled without assistants never acted without a Warrant The eighth is unsuccessful Counsel and our Knight went the safe and middle way neither to be feared nor envied which he was always present to second prosecute or correct as he saw most cause His sharp and sound judgement to distinguish Persons Affairs and other Circumstances and accordingly how to order the manner of his Proceedings was much his well-weighed and wary though quick apprehension and experience from Men and Books more his particular memory and its minute observation for his conduct and business most of all His care of vain and idle Prepossessions balanced his soul his temper managed it his love was choice and cautious his hope moderate and knowing his confidence slow but certain his desires and joys allayed and checked or quickened by the edge of his anger or the caution of his fear and all sedate with his foresight Nature did this person some wrong in his Body but made him amends in his Soul the fails of the One are foils to set off the Other the first comes off with more Glory by the pully and defect of the second Besides that the unkindness of Nature puts men often upon being eminent in Art that the happiness of this may divert men from observing the unhappiness of that But of all the Vertues his constant and growing Soul raised him to this was one That he durst not entertain a Gift which as he said conquers both the foolish and the wise which in publick places it is a Vice to accept and not a Vertue to offer It being a snare rather then a favour His next was Diligence Neglect wastes a man as insensibly as Industry improves him We need no more but sit still and Diseases will arise onely for want of exercise Man 's a Watch that must be looked to and wound up every day the least incuriousness steals to improficiency or offence which degreeingly weighs us down to extremity Diligence alone is a fair Fortune and Industry a good Estate There are five mens Activities that raise to Estates 1. The Divine to a small but an honest one 2. The Physitian to a competency but uncertain 3. The Courtier to a great one and an honourable 4. The Citizen to a large one but not lasting And 5. The Lawyer to one large and firm too Seldome doth his Family fail who is sure to tye his Estate to his Childe by an Entayl and his Childe to his Estate by an Education and an Employment When we observe the several alterations in Gentry we finde four principal Actors on the Theatres of great Families the Beginner the Advancer the Continuer and the Ruiner 1. The Beginner who by his Vertues refineth himself from the dross of the Vulgar and layeth the foundation of his house 2. The Advancer who improveth it 3. The Continuer who conveyeth it to his Posterity as he received it from his Ancestors 4. The Ruiner that degenerates from his Fathers Our Judge began not but advanced that excellent Family whose original I cannot finde so ancient it is and whose end I hope none will see it is so noble Observations on the Life of William Howard WIlliam Howard son to Thomas Howard second of that Surname Duke of Norfolk was by Queen Mary created Baron of Effingham in Surrey and by her made Lord Admiral of England which place he discharged with credit He was one of the first Favourers and Furtherers with his Purse and Countenance of the strange and wonderful discovery of Russia He died anno Don● 1554. This Noble Person had his plainness from his Father his ingenuity from his Mother his experience by Travel and Navigation his Blood endeared him to his Soveraign and his Abilities advanced him to her service He promised no less to his Mistress then his Father and Uncle had performed to her Father The Ancestors merit is security for Posterities who will hardly forfeit that favour with one act of their own unworthiness that was gained by so many of their Predecessors service Like a well-drawn picture this Lord had his eye on all round on his Queen to be faithful on his Country to be publick-spirited on
necessities of his own being the most successful Commissioner for the Benevolence in the Countrey and the most active Agent for the loan in London Wherefore I finde him Chancellour of the Exchequer An. 1545 and one of the assistants to the Trustees for King Edward 1547. Judge Mountague was the onely person that durst dispute King Edward's Will Judge Hales and Sir John Baker were the onely Counsellours that durst refuse it the first whereof stood to the Law against Power the second to his Allegiance against Interest and both to the Rights of the Crown which are lasting rather then the Designes of some Favourites that are as momentary as their Greatness and as uncertain as their Grandeur This constant and firm resolution to stick to his Duty and Loyalty brought him to his Grave in peace and honour having been a faithful Counselfour and Servant to King Henry the eighth King Edward the sixth Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth Observations on the Life of Sir William Kingston HE was one of the greatest Courtiers at Masks and Revels one of the best Captains at Sea and one of the most valiant and skilful Commanders by Land None more pleasing to the English Ladies none more terrible to the French King Cunningly did he discover the King of Spains Designe upon Navarre to his Majesty by pretending a Revolt to that King of Spain and as cunningly did he draw the French Troops into a snare by counterfeiting a retreat towards Britany His Advice had saved the Admiral at Breast and his Foresight did rescue Sir Edward Belknap near Guisnes He was Knighted for his Service at Tournay and made Marshal for his Success at Flodden He was one of them that perswaded the City to its duty at Shoreditch and if that would not do he was to command it from the Tower being Commissioner in the first place Aug. 2. and Lieutenant of the second September 6. The Multitude is rather to be awed then reasoned with Some Princes have disarmed their Subjects others have divided them a third sort have obliged them others yet have kept up Plots amongst them but all have built and commanded Fortresses to secure themselves It were well if Love did it 's necessary that Fear should guide this World The King condescended one day to Just with him and he though invincible to fall by his Majesty You must let a Prince be a Prince in every thing So complaisant he was that he was one of the six Maskers at Court at 50 and yet so grave that when divers young men that were familiar with the King after the French mode were banished he kept his Station as one of the stayed men at 30. He was one of the 16 that attended the King in his first Interview with the Emperour and one of the 40 that waited on him in the two last with the King of France narrowly escaping at the last that poyson as some thought or ill vapours as others conclude whereof the open-hearted Lord Brooks the valiant Sir Edward Poynings reserved Sir John Pechy and active Sir Edward Belknap died whereupon with his advice all French-men were put to their Fines and all Scotch to their ransome Neither was he onely for shew but service too leading the Right Wing of the Army at Guisnes when Sir Everard Digby commanded the Left the Lord Sands the Vanguard Sir Edward Guilford then Marshal of Callis the Horse Sir Richard Wink field the Rear and the Duke of Suffolk the main Battle Where his Assaults on Cappe and Roy spake him a Souldier as his underhand correspondence with the Lord Isilstein argued him a States-man Sir Thomas Mannors the first Earl of Rutland of that Name discovered and Sir William Kingston told his Majesty the Cardinals Plots against the Kings Marriage with Queen Anne and his Designe to marry him to the Dutchess of Alanzon A Designe that because it seemed to over-reach his Majesty in cunning and really did cross his Inclination in malice that incensed his Majesty to a passion which could be appeased with no less a sacrifice then the Cardinals fall in order to which the next service of this Knight is as Lieutenant of the Tower to take him to custody which he did at Leicester with a Noble resolution considering that mans greatness with a due reverence regarding his calling and with a tender compassion respecting his condition perswading him gently of the Kings Favour at that very time when he was come to be an Instrument of his Justice And what he did to a Cardinal now he did to Queens afterwards never Prince commanding higher services then King Henry nor subjects discharging them more undauntedly then Sir William because therefore he was so severe a Lieutenant in the Tower he is made a Provost-Marshal in the Field in which capacity after the Devonshire-Rebels defeat we have these two remarkable stories of him 1. One Bowyer Mayor of Bodmin in Cornwal had been amongst the Rebels not willingly but enforced to him the Provost sent word he would come and dine with him for whom the Mayor made great Provision A little before Dinner the Provost took the Mayor aside and whispered him in the Ear that an Execution must that day be done in the Town and therefore he must set up two Gallows The Mayor did so After Dinner Sir William Kingston thanks him for his Entertainment and then desires him to bring him to the Gallows where when they were come Sir William asked him Whether they were strong enough I I 'll warrant thee saith the Mayor Then saith Sir William get you up upon them I hope saith the Mayor you do not mean as you speak Nay Sir saith he you must die for you have been a busie Rebel And so without any more ado hanged him 2. A Miller that had been very active in the late Rebellion fled and left another to take his Name upon him Sir William Kingston calls for the Miller His Servant tells him that he was the Man Then saith he you must be hanged Oh Sir saith he I am not the Miller If you are not the Miller you are a lying Kn●ve if you are the Miller you are a trayterous one and however you must die And so he did Punish the Multitude severely once and you oblige them ever for they love that man onely for his Good Nature whom they fear for his Resolution Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Cheyney THree things advanced men in King Henry the Eighth's days 1. Their Extraction 2. Their Wit 3. Their Comeliness and Strength For the First his Name was up since Battle-Abbey-Roll as to the second it was enough that he travelled with Wolsey and touching the third there need be no other instance then that at Paris where upon the Daulphin's Proclamation of solemn Justs the Duke of Suffolke the Marquess of Dorset Sir Edward Nevil and He answered the Challenge as not long after he encountered King Henry himself at Greenwich where he had the great Honour
the Common Law that he was preferred second Justice of the Common Pleas by Queen Elizabeth which Place he discharged with so much Ability and Integrity that not long after he was made chief Baron of the Exchequer which Office he most wisely managed to his great commendation full fourteen years to the day of his death Much was he employed in matters of State and was one of the Commissioners who sate on the tryal of the Queen of Scots He wrote a Book on the Forest-Laws which is highly prized by men of his Profession In vacation-time he constantly inhabited at St. Stephens in Canterbury and was bounteously liberal to the poor Inhabitants thereof and so charitable was he that he erected and endowed a fair Free-school at Sandwich dying in the 35 of Queen Elizabeth anno Dom. 1593. Cloaths for necessity warm Cloaths for health cleanly for decency lasting for strength was his Maxime and Practice who kept a State in decent plainness insomuch that Queen Elizabeth called him her Good-man-Judge In Davison's Case Mildmay cleared the man of malice but taxed him with unskilfulness and rashness Lumley said he was an ingenuous and an honest man but presumptuous I will ever esteem him an honest and good man said Grey The Archbishop of Canterbury approved the fact commended the man but disallowed of the manner and form of his proceedings Manwood made a narrative of the Queen of Scots proceedings confirmed the sentence against her extolled the Queens clemency pitied Davison and fined him 10000 l. A man he was of a pale constitution but a clear even and smooth temper of a pretty solid consistence equally sanguine and flegmatique of a quiet soul and serene affections of a discreet sweetness and moderate manners slow in passion and quick enough in apprehension wary in new points and very fixed and judicious in the old A plausible insinuating and fortunate man the Idea of a wise man having what that elegant Educator wisheth that great habit which is nothing else but a promptness and plentifulness in the flore-house of the mind of clear imaginations well fixed which was promised in his erect and forward stature his large breast his round and capacious forehead his curious and observing eye the clear and smart argument of his clearer and quicker soul which owned a liveliness equally far from volatileness and stupidity his steady attention and his solid memory together with what is most considerable a grand Inclination to imitate and excel What Plutarch saith of Timoleon with reference to Epaminond that we may say of this Gentleman That his Life and Actions are like Homer's Verses smooth and flowing equal and happy especially in the two grand Embelishments of our Nature Friendship and Charity 〈◊〉 Friendship that sacred thing whereof he was a passionate Lover and an exact Observer promoting it among all men he conversed with Surely there is not that Content on Earth like the Union of Minds and Interests whereby we enjoy our selves by reflexion in our Friend it being the most dreadful Solitude and Wildness of Nature to be friendless But his Friendship was a contracted beam to that Sun of Charity that blessed all about him His Salary was not more fixed then his Charity He and the Poor had one Revenue one Quarter-day In stead of hiding his face from the Poor it was his practice to seek for them laying out by Trustees for Pensioners either hopeful or indigent whereof he had a Catalogue that made the best Comment upon that Text The liberal man deviseth liberal things This is the best Conveyance that ever Lawyer made To have and to hold to him and his Heirs for ever Observations on the Life of Sir Christopher Wray SIr Christopher Wray was born in the spacious Parish of Bedal the main motive which made his Daughter Francis Countess of Warwick scatter her Benefactions the thicker in that place He was bred in the study of our Municipal Law and such his Proficiency therein that in the sixteenth of Queen Elizabeth in Michaelmas-Term he was made Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench. He was not like that Judge who feared neither God nor man but onely one Widow lest her importunity should weary him but he heartily feared God in his religious Conversation Each man he respected with his due distance off of the Bench and no man on it to byass his Judgement He was pro tempore Lord Privy Seal and sat Chief in the Court when Secretary Davison was sentenced in the Star-Chamber Sir Christopher collecting the censures of all the Commissioners concurred to Fine him but with this comfortable conclusion That as it was in the Queens Power to have him punished so Her Highness might be prevailed with for mitigating or remitting of the Fine and this our Judge may be presumed no ill Instrument in the procuring thereof He bountifully reflected on Magdalen-Colledge in Cambridge which Infant-foundation had otherwise been starved at Nurse for want of Maintenance We know who saith The righteous man leaveth an inheritance to his childrens children and the well-thriving of his third Generation may be an evidence of his well-gotten Goods This worthy Judge died May the eighth in the thirty fourth of Queen Elizabeth When Judge Mounson and Mr. Dalton urged in Stubs his Case that Writ against Queen Elizabeth's marriage with the Duke of Anjou That the Act of Philip and Mary against the Authors and sowers of seditious Writings was mis-timed and that it died with Queen Mary my Lord Chief Justice Wray upon whom the Queen relied in that case shewed there was no mistaking in the noting of the time and proved by the words of the Act that the Act was made against those which should violate the King by seditious writing and that the King of England never dieth yea that that Act was renewed anno primo Eliz. during the life of her and the heirs of her body Five Particulars I have heard old men say he was choice in 1. His Friend which was always wise and equal 2. His Wife 3. His Book 4. His Secret 5. His Expression and Garb. By four things he would say an Estate was kept 1. By understanding it 2. By spending not until it comes 3. By keeping old Servants 4. By a Quarterly Audit The properties of Infancy is Innocence of Child-hood Reverence of Manhood Maturity and of Old Age Wisdome Wisdome that in this grave Person acted all its brave parts i. e. was mindful of what is past observant of things present and provident for things to come No better instance whereof need be alledged then his pathetick Discourses in the behalf of those two great Stays of this Kingdome Husbandry and Merchandize for he had a clear discerning Judgement and that not onely in points of Law which yet his Arguments and Decisions in that Profession manifest without dispute but in matters of Policy and Government wherein his Guess was usually as near Prophecy as any mans as also in the little mysteries of private
however in other Points they pretend to be at war with the Popish Jesuites yet by this separation of themselves from the unity of their fellow-subjests and by abasing the Sacred Authority and Majesty of their Prince they do both joyn and concur with the Jesuites in opening the Door and preparing the way to the Spanish Invasion that is threatened against the Realm And thus having according to the weakness of my best understanding delivered Her Majesties Royal Pleasure and wise Direction I rest there with humble Suit of Her Majesties most gracious Pardon in supplying of my defects and recommend you to the Author of all good counsel He died anno Domini 1596 charactered by Mr. Cambden Vir Integer His Estate is since descended according to the solemn settlement thereof the Male Issue failing on Sir Henry Newton who according to the Condition hath assumed the surname of Puckering Sir Thomas Egerton urged against the Earl of Arundel methodically what he had done before in and since the Spanish Invasion Sir John Puckering pressed things closely both from Letters and Correspondence with Allen and Parsons that few men had seen and from the saying of my Lord himself which fewer had observed who when Valongers Cause about a Libel was handled in the Star-chamber had said openly He that is throughly Popish the same man cannot but be a Traytor A man this was of himself of good repute for his own Carriage but unhappy for that of his Servants who for disposing of his Livings corruptly left themselves an ill name in the Church and him but a dubious one in the State David is not the onely person whom the iniquity of his heels that is of his followers layeth hold on Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Bromley SIr Thomas Bromley was born at Bromley in Shropshire of a right ancient Family He was bred in the Inner Temple and made before he was forty years of age General-Sollicitor to Queen Elizabeth and afterwards before he was fifty succeeded Sir Nicholas Bacon in the Dignity of Lord Chancellour yet Bacon was not missed while Bromley succeeded him and that loss which otherwise could not have been repaired now could not be perceived which Office he wisely and learnedly executed with much discretion possessing it nine years and died anno 1587 not being sixty years old My Lord Hunsdon first employed this Gentleman and my Lord Burleigh took first notice of him He had a deep head to dive to the bottome of the abstruse Cases of those times and a happy mean to manage them with no less security to the Estate then satisfaction to the People A man very indudustrious in his Place and very observant of the Court happy in his potent friends happy in his able followers men of great faithfulness towards him and of great integrity and respectfulness towards any that made Addresses to him He never decided the equity of any Case before he had discoursed with the Judge that heard it of the Law of it He never disposed of a Living without the Bishop of the Diocess his consent where it lay nor ever engaged he in any State-business without direction from my Lord Burleigh the Earl of Leicester my Lord Delaware Sir Ralph Sadler was to observe the Policy Dr. Wilson the Civil Law and Sir Thomas Bromley the English Law in the Queer of Scots Answer to Queen Elizabeths last Expostulation The Spanish Souldier never takes wages against his King and Sir Thomas Bromley never took fees against the Crown He would have the Caue opened clearly by his Client in the Chamber before ever he would declare it at the Bar He lo 〈…〉 money for not admitting all Causes promiscuously at first but he gained it at last when never failing in any Cause saith my Author for five years during which space what he wanted in the retayl of advantage he made up in the gross o 〈…〉 esteem being by that time the onely person that the People would employ and one of the three the Court would favour being excellent because industrious in a leading and an untrodden Case Physitians they say are best like Beer when stale and Lawyers like Bread when young This Person was eminent in all the periods of his Age each whereof he filled with its just and becoming accomplishment In that Lord of Northumberland's Case that Pistolled himself none more subtle to argue his guilt in the Queen of Scots none more strict to keep to the Law for when the Queen of Sco 〈…〉 would explain something in the Queens Commission he answered We are Subjects and not come hither to explain the Queens words but to perform them None more discreet and grave prefacing that great business with these words The High and Mighty Queen our Soveraign that she might not be wanting to her God her Self her People or your Honour sent us hither not so much to try as to elear you not so much to urge her Accusations as to hear your Defence And none more stedfast to his Soveraign for when that unfortunate Lady protested her unaccountableness to the English Laws he replyed This protestation is vain for whosoever of what place soever offendeth against the Laws of England in England was subject to the same Laws and might be examined and tryed The Sentence against her he declared had three things in it 1. Justice 2. Security 3. Necessity but added presently And that wisely too it should no ways prejudice King James his Title or Honour Observations on the Life of Sir Richard Bingham SIr Richard Bingham born in Binghams-Melcolm in Dorsetshire of a very ancient Family in his youth trayelled most parts of the world He was at the Siege of St. Quintin in France the Sacking of Leith in Scotland served in Candia under the Venetians against the Turk then returned into the Netherlands being strong and fortunate in all his Undertakings After all this he went into Ireland and was there President of Connaught and conquered the great and dangerous Rebel O Rorke A Gentleman this rather skilful in many mysteries then thriving in any of a fancy too high and wild too desultory and over-voluble yet Imagination hath often produced Realities and Phancy done the work of Judgement as in this Gentleman whose Daringness went for Conduct whose Spirit passed for Resolution whose Activity had the honour of skill and whose Success the glory of prudence It 's a wonder of parts that Casar could write read dictate and discourse at the same time it 's a miracle of fancy that thisman should Command a Regiment in the Netherlands preside in a Province of Ireland manage a Trade in Russia carry on a Plantation in America and husband a Mannor in England But as the King of Spain is painted with a handful of sand running out between his singers in reference to his many but unprofitable Dominions so might this grand Projector be described who attempted so many things that he did nothing Yet one thing his Quick-silver Soul was good
week The time lost upon his misfortunes which made it necessary for him often to break his great series and method of undertaking He I say that shall compute and sum up this the particulars whereof are nakedly told without any straining of the truth or flourish of expression must be much to seek how a man of so many actions should write any thing and one of so many writings should do any thing and more how one of so many fatall diversions could keep up a steady minde for those great but exact arguments that it hath left in the world especially when there was one very difficult particular in all his composures viz. that none of his Discourses with which his History or other Books are embellished passed his exact hand before the most knowing and most learned men in that faculty to which those discourses belonged had debated them before him who after their departure summed up all into those excellent pieces now abroad under his name which I blame not King James for envying being the nearest his own though I think not that learned Prince of so low a spirit as out of an impertinent emulation to affect Sir Walter Rawleigh the lesse for the great repute that followed him because of his pen which being more dangerous than his Sword I wonder that wise Prince indulged him especially since that Master Hampden a little before the Wars was at the charge of 〈…〉 3. 52 sheets of his Manuscripts as the 〈…〉 himself told me who had his close chamber his fine and candle with an Attendant to deliver him the Originals and take his Copies as fast as he could write them 2 To the second viz. the weaknesse of the last part of his life 1. There was not a greater reach in that advice of his to the Queen when some were for attacquing Spain one way and some another to cut off its commerce with the Indies than there was shortnesse of spirit in trusting the most hopeful part of that expedition to Sir John Burroughs when he sunke under the most disastrous himself Yet 2. That he when Captain of the Guard Warden of the Cinque-ports Governor of Virginia a place of his own discovery preferments enough to satisfie a regular spirit should stand on termes with King James against the Law of the Land the Genius of the Nation the resolution of the Nobility and Reason it self that knoweth there is no cautions that hold Princes but their interest and nature was a greater infirmity But 3. That he upon the Kings frown for his former indiscretion upon him and Cobham should engage upon so shallow a Treason so improbable to hurt others or benefit themselves that if ever folly was capable of the title or pity due to innocence theirs might claim so large a share as not possible to be too severely condemned or slightly enough punished and that with such weak and inconsiderable men as were rather against the government than for one another Grey being a Puritan and Cobham a Protestant were the greatest but there is one particular more behind That he who could employ his restraint so well should lye under the justice as well as jealousie of K. James And knowing that Princes must not pardon any able man that either they have wronged or that hath wronged them be so intent upon a foolish liberty wherein he lost himself and his in that unhappy voyage of Guiana a voyage that considering King James his inclination to the Match his own obnoxiousnesse to that King abroad and Cecil here for obstructing the Peace with Spain and Gondamor's vigilance must needs be as unsuccessful as it was disgustful Methinks he that was of so incomparable a dexterity in his judgement as the Treasurer grew jealous of his excellent parts left he should supplant him of so quick and ready apprehension and conduct that he puzzled the Judges at Winchester of so good a Head-piece that it was wished then on the Secretary of State 's shoulders of so considerable an interest that notwithstanding his fourteen years imprisonment Princes interceded for him the whole Nation pitied him and King James would not execute him without an Apology And to say no more of so much magnanimity that he managed his death with so high and religious a resolution as if a Christian had acted a Romane or rather a Roman a Christian might have gone off the world at a higher rate but that there is an higher power governs wisdome as invisibly yet as really as wisdome doth the world which when I look back upon my Lord of Essex I call fate but when from him I look forward to Sir Walter Rawleigh I believe a providence He had a good presence in a handsome and well-compacted person a strong natural wit a better judgement with a bold and plausible tongue which set off his parts to the best advantage to these he had the adjuncts of a general Learning which by diligence and experience those two great Tutors was augmented to a great perfection being an indefatigable Reader and having a very retentive memory before his Judges at Winchester humble but not prostrate dutiful yet not dejected to the Jury affable but not fawning hoping but not trusting in them carefully perswading them with reason not distemperately importuning them with conjurations rather shewing love of life than fear of death patient but not careless civil but not stupid Observations on the Life of Thomas Sackvil Lord Buckhurst HE was bred in the University of Oxford where he became an excellent Poet leaving both Latine and English Poems of his to posterity Then studied he Law in the Temple and took the degree of Barrister afterwards he travelled into Foreign parts was detained for a time a Prisoner in Rome which he revenged afterwards in the liberty of his speech at the Powder-Traytors Tryal Wen his liberty was procured for his return into England he possessed the vast inheritance left him by his Father whereof in short time by his magnificent prodigality he spent the greatest part till he seasonably began to spare growing neer to the bottom of his Estate The story goes that this young Gentleman coming to an Alderman of London who had gained great penny worths by his former Purchases of him was made being now in the wane of his wealth to wait the coming down of the Alderman so long that his generous humour being sensible of the incivility of such Attendance resolved to be no more beholding to Wealthy Pride and presently turned a thrifty improver of the remainder of his Estate But others make him as abovesaid the Convert of Queen Elizabeth his Cousin-German once removed who by her frequent Admonitions diverted the torrent of his profusion Indeed she would not know him till he began to know himself and then heaped places of Honour and Trust upon him creating him 1. Baron of Buckhurst in Sussex Anno Dom. 1566. 2. Sending him Ambassador into France Anno 1571. Into the Low-Countries Anno Dom. 1566.
his love to Relations tender to Friends faithful to the hopeful liberal to men universal to his very Enemies civil He left the best pattern of Government in his actions under one King and the best principles of it in the Life of the other His Essays and History made him the admiration of polite Italy his Accomplishments the wonder of France Monsieur Fiat saying to him after an earnest desire to see him That he was an Angel to him of whom he had heard much but never saw him Solid and juycy Meat was his Diet and Rubarb his Physick four hours in the morning he made his own not by any means to be interrupted businesse was his fate retyrement his inclination Socrates brought Morality from Discourse to Practice and my Lord Bacon brought Philosophy from Speculation to Experience Aristotle he said taught many to dispute more to wrangle few to finde out Truth none to manage it according to his principles My Lord Bacon was a man singular in every faculty and eminent in all His Judgement was solid yet his memory was a wonder his Wit was quick yet his Reason staid his Invention was happy yet methodical and one fault he had that he was above the age he lived in above it in his bounties to such as brought him Presents so remembring that he had been Lord-Chancellour that he forgot he was but Lord Verulam Great his understanding and great his minde too above it in his kindnesse to servants to whom he had been a better Master if he had been a worse and more kinde if he had been lesse indulgent to them For the first of his Excesses King James jeered him in his progress to New-market saying when he heard he gave ten pounds to one that brought him some Fruit My Lord my Lord this is the way to Beggars-bush For the second he reflected upon himself when he said to his servants as they rose to him in his Hall Your rise hath been my fall Though indeed he rather trusted to their honesty than connived at their falshood for he did impartial Justice commonly to both parties when one servant was in fee with the Plaintiff and the other with the Defendant How well he understood his own time his Letters and complyances evidence than whom none higher in spirit yet none humbler in his Addresses The proudest man is most servile How little he valued wealth appeareth in that when his servants would take money from his Closet even while he was by he would laugh and say I poor men that is their portion How well he kenned the art of Converse his Essayes discover a piece as he observed himself that of all his Works was most current for that they come home to mens businesse and bosomes How far skilled in the Art of Government his H. 7. War with Spain Holy War Elements of the Law irrefragably demonstrate and how well seen in all Learning his Natural History and Advancement of Learning answerably argue In a word how sufficient he was may be conjectured from this instance that he had the contrivance of all King James his Designs untill the Match with Spain and that he gave those Directions to a great States-man which may be his Character and our conclusion Onely be it observed that though this peerlesse Lord is much admired by English-men yet is he more valued by Strangers distance as the Historian hath it diminishing his faults to Foreigners while we behold his perfections abated with his failings which set him as much below pity as his Place did once above it Sir Julius Caesar they say looking upon him as a burden in his Family and the Lord Brooke denying him a bottle of small beer Observations on the Life of the Lord John Digby JOhn Lord Digby of Sherborn and Earl of Bristol was a younger Son of an ancient Family long flourishing at ●●leshull To passe by his younger years all children being alike in their Coats when he had onely an Annuity of fifty pounds per annum onely his youth gave pregnant hopes of that Eminency which his mature age did produce He did ken the Embassador's craft as well as any in his age employed by King James in several Services to Foreign Princes recited in his Patent as the main motives of the Honours conferred upon him But his managing the matchlesse Match with Spain was his Master-piece wherein a good I mean a great number of State-Traverses were used on both sides Where if he dealt in Generalities and did not presse Particulars we may ghesse the reason of it from that expression of his I will take care to have my Instructions perfect and will pursue them punctually If he held Affairs in suspence that it might not come to a War on our part it may be he did so with more regard to his Mr. King James his inclination than his own apprehension If he said That howsoever the businesse went he would make his fortune thereby it rather argued his weaknesse that he said so his sufficiency that he could do so than his unfaithfulnesse that he did so This is certain that he chose rather to come home and suffer the utmost displeasure of the King of England than stay in Spain and enjoy the highest favour of the King of Spain He did indeed intercede for some indulgeuce to the Papists but it was because otherwise he could do no good for the Protestants But whatever was at the bottom of his Actions there was resolution and noblenesse atop especially in these actions 1. Being carried from Village to Village after the King of Spain without that regard due to his person or place he expressed himself so generously that the Spanish Courtiers trembled and the King declared That be would not interrupt his Pleasures with businesse at Lerma for any Embassador in the world but the English nor for any English Embassador but Don Juan 2. When impure Scioppius upon his Libel against K. James and Sir Bennet's complaint to the Arch-Duke against him fled to Madrid my Lord observing that it was impossible to have Justice done against him from the Catholique King because of the Jesuites puts his Cousin George Digby upon cutting him which he did over his Nose and Mouth wherewith he offended so that he carried the mark of his Blasphemy to his Grave 3. When he was extraordinary Embassador in Germany upon his return by Heydelbergh observing that Count Mansfield's Army upon whom depended the fortune of the Palsgrave was like to disband for want of money he pawned all his Plate and Jewels to buoy up that sinking Cause for that time That his spirit was thus great abroad was his honour but that it was too great at home was his unhappiness for he engagaged in a fatal Contrast with the Duke of Buckingham that hazarded both their safeties had not this Lord feared the Duke's power as the Duke this Lord's policy and so at last it became a drawn Battle betwixt them yet so that this Earl
all the Judges should sometimes by the K. himself and sometimes by the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper in the King's name receive a charge of those things which the present times did much require and at their return should deliver a faithful account thereof and how they found and left the Counties through which they passed and in which they kept their Assizes 8. And that they might the better perform this work which might be of great importance it will not be amiss that sometimes this charge be publick as it useth to be in the Star-Chamber at the end of the Terms next before the Circuit begins where the King's care of justice and the good of his people may be published and that sometimes also it may be private to communicate to the Judges some things not so fit to be publickly delivered 9. I could wish also that the Judges were directed to make a little longer stay in a place than usually they do a day more in a County would be a very good addition although their wages for their Circuits were increased in proportion it would stand better with the gravity of their employment whereas now they are sometimes enforced to rise over-early and to sit over-late for the dispatch of their businesse to the extraordinary trouble of themselves and of the people their times indeed not being ●orae juridic● And which is the main they would have the more leisure to inform themseves quasi aliud agentes of the true estate of the Country 10. The attendence of the Sheriffs of the Counties accompanied with the principal Gentlemen in a comely not a costly equipage upon the Judges of Assize at their coming to the place of their sitting and at their going out is not onely a civility but of use also It raiseth a reverence to the persons and places of the Judges who coming from the King himself on so great an errand should not be neglected 11. If any sue to be made a Judge for my own part I should suspect him but if either directly or indirectly he should bargain for a place of judicature let him be rejected with shame vendere jure potest em●rat ille prius 12. When the place of a chief Judge of a Court becomes vacant a puisne Judge of that Court or of another Court who hath approved himself fit and deserving would be sometimes preferred it would be a good encouragement for him and for others by his example 13. Next to the Judge there would be care used in the choice of such as are called to the degree of Ser jeants at Law for such they must be first before they be made Judges none should be made Ser jeants but such as probably might be held fit to be Judges afterwards when the experience at the Barr hath fitted them for the Bench Therefore by all means cry down that unworthy course of late times used that they should pay moneys for it It may satisfie some Courtiers but it is no honou● to the person so preferred nor to the King who thus prefers him 14. For the Kings Counsel at the Law especially his Attorney and Solicitor General I need say nothing their continual use for the Kings service not onely for his Revenue but for all the parts of his Government will put the King and all those who love his service in minde to make choice of men every way fit and able for that employment they had need to be learned in their prosession and not ignorant in other things and to be dexterous in those affairs where of the dispatch is committed to them 15. The Kings Attorney of the Court of Ward● is in the true quality of the Judges therefore what hath been observed already of Judges which are intended principally of the three great Courts of Law at Westminster may be applied to the choice of the Attorney of this Court 16. The like for the Attorney of the Dutchy of Lancaster who partakes of both qualities partly of a Judge of that Court and partly of an Attorney General for so much as concerns the proper ●evenue of the Dutchy 17. I must not forget the Judges of the four Circuits in the twelve Shires of Wales who although they are not of the first magnitude nor need be of the degree of the Coyf onely the chief Justice of Chester who is one of the number is so yet are they considerable in the choice of them by the same rules as the other Judges are and they sometimes are and fitly may be transplanted into the higher Courts 18. There are many Courts as you see some superiour some provincial and some of a lower orb It were to be wished and is fit to be so ordered that every of them keep themselves within their proper spheres The harmony of justice is then the sweetest when there is no jarring about the jurisdiction of the Courts which me-thinks wisdome cannot much differ upon their true bounds being for the most part so clearly known 19. Having said thus much of the Judges somewhat will be fit to put you in minde concerning the principal Ministers of Justice and in the first of the High Sheriffs of the Counties which have been very ancient in this Kingdome I am sure before the Conquest The choice of them I commend to your care and that at fit times you put the King in minde thereof That as neer as may be they be such as are fit for those places for they are of great trust and power The Posse Comitatus the power of the whole County being legally committed unto them 20. Therefore it is agreeable with the intention of the Law that the choice of them should be by the commendation of the great Officers of the Kingdom and by the advice of the Judges who are presumed to be well read in the condition of the Gentry of the whole Kingdom And although the King may do it of himself yet the old way is the good way 21. But I utterly condemn the practice of the latter times which hath lately crept into the Court at the back-stairs That some who are prick'd for Sheriffs and were fit should get out of the Bill and others who were neither thought upon nor worthy to be should be nominated and both for money 22. I must not omit to put you in minde of the Lords Lieutenants and Deputy-Lieutenants of the Counties their proper use is for ordering the Military affairs in order to an invasion from abroad or a rebellion or sedition at home good choice should be made of them and prudent instructions given to them and as little of the Arbitrary power as may be left unto them and that the Muster-Masters and their Officers under them incroach not upon the Subject that will detract much from the King's service 23. The Justices of Peace are of great use Antiently there were Conservators of the peace these are the same saving that several Acts of Parliament have altered their denomination and enlarged their
and the Living Observations on the Life of Sir John Bramstone SIr John Bramstone Knight was born at Maldon in Essex bred up in the Middle-Temple in the study of the Common-law wherein he attained to such eminency that he was by King Charles made Lord chief-Chief-Justice of the King's ●ench One of deep Learning solid Judgement integrity of Life gravity of behaviour above the envy of his own age and the scandal of posterity One 〈…〉 stance of his I must not forget writes the Historian effectually relating to the foundation wherein I was 〈…〉 ed Sergeant Bruerton by Will bequeathed to 〈…〉 idney-Colledge well-nigh three thousand pounds ●ut for haste or some other accident it was so im●erfectly done that as Dr. Sam. Ward informed 〈◊〉 the gift was invalid in the rigour of the Law ●ow Judge Bramstone who married the Sergeants Widow gave himself much trouble gave himself 〈…〉 deed doing all things gratis for the speedy pay●ent of the money to a farthing and the legal 〈…〉 tling thereof on the Colledge according to the 〈◊〉 intention of the dead He deserved to live in ●etter times The delivering his judgement on the ●ing's side in the case of Ship-money cost him ●uch trouble and brought him much honour 〈◊〉 who understood the consequence of that Ma 〈…〉 me Salus populi suprema lex and that Ship-mo●ey was thought legal by the best Lawyers voted ●own arbitrarily by the worst Parliament they ●earing no Counsel for it though the King heard 〈…〉 men willingly against it Yea that Parliament 〈…〉 ought themselves not secure from it unlesse the ●ing renounced his right to it by a new Act of his 〈◊〉 Men have a touch-stone to try Gold and ●old is the touch-stone to try Men. Sir William 〈◊〉 's gratuity shewed that this Judges Inclination 〈◊〉 as much above corruption as his Fortune and 〈◊〉 he would not as well as needed not be base Equally intent was he upon the Interest of the 〈◊〉 and the Maximes of Law as which mutually suported each other He would never have a W 〈…〉 nesse interrupted or helped but have the patie 〈…〉 to hear a naked though a tedious truth the 〈◊〉 Gold lyeth in the most Ore and the clearest 〈◊〉 in the most simple discourse When he put on 〈◊〉 Robes he put off Respects his private affectio● being swallowed up in the publick service 〈◊〉 was the Judge whom Popularity could never flatt 〈…〉 to any thing unsafe nor favour oblige to any thi 〈…〉 unjust Therefore he died in peace 1645. wh 〈…〉 all others were engaged in a War and shall 〈◊〉 the reward of his integrity of the Judge of Judg 〈…〉 at the great Assize of the world Having lived as well as read Justinian's maxi 〈…〉 to the Praetor of Laconia All things which 〈◊〉 pertain to the well-government of a State are order●● by 〈◊〉 constitutions of Kings that give life and 〈◊〉 to the Law Whereupon who so would walke wis 〈…〉 shall never fail if he propose them both for the rule his actions For a King is the living Law of 〈◊〉 Countrey Nothing troubled him so much as shall I call it the shame or the fear of the consequence of the unhappy contest between his Excellent Majesty 〈◊〉 his meaner Subjects in the foresaid case of Ship-m●ney no enemy being contemptible enough to 〈◊〉 despised since the most despicable command gr 〈…〉 ter strength wisdome and interest than their ow● to the designs of Malice or Mischief A gr 〈…〉 man managed a quarrel with Archee the King Fool but by endeavouring to explode him 〈◊〉 Court rendred him at last so considerable 〈◊〉 calling the enemies of that person who were not a few to his rescue as the fellow was not onely able to continue the dispute for divers years but received such encouragement from standers by the instrument of whose malice he was as he oft 〈…〉 oke out in such reproaches as neither the dignity of that excellent person's calling nor the greatnesse of his parts could in reason or manners admit But that the wise man discerned that all the fool did was but a symptome of the strong and inveterate distemper raised long since in the hearts of his Countrymen against the great mans Person and Function Observations on the Life of Sir Augustine Nicols SIr August Nicols son to Tho. Nicols Sergeant at Law was born at Ecton in Northampton-shire Now though according to the rigour of our Fundamental Premises he be not within our cognisance under this Title yet his merit will justifie us in presenting his Chracter He was bred in the study of the Common-Law wherein he attained to such knowledge that Qu Eliz. made him and K. James continued him his own Serjeant whence he was freely preferred one of the Judges of the Common-Pleas I say freely King James commonly calling him the Judge that would give no money Not to speak of his moral qualifications and subordinate abilities he was renowned for his special judiciary Endowments of very calm affections and moderate passions of a grave and affible deportment of a great patience to hear both Parties all they could say a happy memory 〈◊〉 singular sagacity to search into the material circumstances Exemplary integrity even to the rejection of Gratuities after Judgement given and a charge to his Followers that they came to their Places clear-handed and that they should not meddle with any Motions to him that he might be secured from all appearance of corruption His forbearing to travail on the Lords day wrought a Reformation on some of his own Order Very pitiful and tender he was in case of life yet very exact in case of blood He loved plain and profitable Preaching being wont to say I know not what you call Preaching but I like them that come neerest to my Conscience The speech of Caesar is commonly known Oportet Imperatorem stantem mori which Bishop Jewel altered and applyed to himself Decet Episcopum concionantem mori of this man it may be said Judex mortuus est jura dans dying in his Calling as he went the Northern Circuit and hath a fair Monument in Kendal-Church in Westmerland This I observe of this good man that he was so good a man that in the ruffling times he could be but a bad Magistrate Cum vel exeunda sit natura vel minuenda dignitas when he must either go out of his easie nature or forgo his just authority Observations on the Life of Sir Nich. Hyde SIr Nicholas Hyde was born at Warder in Wiltshire where his Father in right of his Wife had a long Lease of that Castle from the Family of the Arundels His Father I say descended from an antient Family in Cheshire a fortunate Gentleman in all his children and more in his Grand-children some of his under-boughs outgrowing the top-branch and younger children amongst whom Sir Nicholas in wealth and honour exceeding the rest of his Family He was bred in the Middle-Temple and was made Sergeant
to Henry Lord Falkland whose quick and extraordinary parts and notable spirit performed much and promised more having a great command in the Countrey where he was Lord-Lieutenant a general respect in the house where he was Member a great esteem at Court with his Majesty and his Royal Highness the Duke of Yorke where he was both wit and wisdome When there was the first opportunity offered to honest men to act he laid hold of it and got in spight of all opposition to a thing called a Parliament By same token that when some urged he had not sowed his wilde Oats he is said to reply If I have not I may sowe them in the House where there are Geese enough to pick them up And when Sir F. N. should tell him he was a little too wilde for so grave a service he is reported to reply Alas I am wilde and my Father was so before me and I am no Bastard as c. In which Contention he out-did the most active Demagogues at their own weapon speaking When Major Huntington and his followers were for the long Parliament Sir F. N. L. S c. were for the secluded Members My Lord carried all the County for an absolute free Parliament which he lived to see and act in so successfully that he was voted generally higher in trusts and services had he not been cut off in the prime of his years as much missed when dead as beloved when living A great instance of what a strict Education for no man was harder bred a general Converse and a noble Temper can arrive to and what an Orator can do in a Democracy where the Affections of many is to be wrought upon rather than the judgement of few to be convinced A golden tongue falling under a subtle head under such a constitution hath great influence upon the whole Nation Observations on the Life of Sir James Ley Earl of Marlborough SIr James Ley son of Henry Ley Esquire one of great Ancestry who saith my Author on his own cost with his men valiantly served King Henry the Eighth at the siege of Boloin being his Fathers sixth son and so in probability barred of his inheritance endeavoured to make himself an Heir by his Education applying his book in Nose-Colledge and afterwards studying the Laws of the Land in Lincolns-Inne wherein such his proficiency King James made him Lord chief-Chief-Justice in Ireland Here he practised the charge King James gave him at his going over yea what his own tender Conscience gave himself namely not to build his Estate upon the ruines of a miserable Nation but aiming by the unpartial execution of Justice not to enrich himself but civilize the People But the wise King would no longer loose him out of his own Land and therefore recalled him home about the time when his Fathers Inheritance by the death of his five elder brethren descended upon him It was not long before Offices and Honours flowed in fast upon him being made by King James King Charls 1. Attorney of the Court of Wards 1. Earl of Marlborough in Wiltshire 2. chief-Chief-Justice of the Upper Bench the 18 of his Reign Jan. 29. immediately after the King's Coronation 3. Lord Treasurer of England in the 22 of his Reign Dec. 22. 2. Lord President of the Council in which place he died Anno. Dom. 1629. 4. Baron Ley of Ley in Devonshire the last of the same month   He was a Person of great Gravity Ability and Integrity And as the Caspian Sea is observed neither to ebbe nor flow so his minde did not rise or fall but continued the same constancy in all conditions a good temper enough for a Judge but not for a States-man and for any States-man but a Lord Treasurer and for any Lord Treasurer but in King CHARLES his active time who was put to it to finde out such stirring men as might recover him from the hazard and defection he was fallen into in Purse and Power Observations on the Life of Henry Vere Earl of Oxford THis noble person had more of the Camp in h 〈…〉 temper than the Court whence his roug● Armour-constitution grated often against the our tiers Silks for when one of them laughed at h 〈…〉 milk-white Feather he returned smartly upon him with reflections on his Ancestors That it had no 〈…〉 in t in it His Predecessors had not been more 〈…〉 placable enemies to Spain in the Low-Countries 〈…〉 an he was at White-Hall backing those arguments against the Match stoutly in the Presence-Chamber that Doctor Hackwel had urged zealously in the Pulpit and as resolutely suffering imprisonment for the one as the Doctor did suspension for the other declaring himself as freely against the Agent Gondomar as against his business ●he Marriage For chancing to meet Gondomar at ●n Entertainment the Don accosted him with high Complements vowing That amongst all the 〈…〉 obility of England there was none he had tendered his service to with more sincerity than to his Lordship though hitherto such his unhappinesse that his affections were not accepted according to his integrity that tendered them It seems replyed the Earl of Oxford that your Lordship hath good leisure when 〈…〉 ping in your thoughts to one so inconsiderable as my self whose whole life hath afforded but two things memorable therein It is your Lordships modesty returned the Spaniard to undervalue your self whilest we the spectators of your Honours deserts make a true and impartial estimate thereof hundreds of memorables have met in your Lordshipe life But 〈…〉 od my Lord what are those two signal things more 〈…〉 spicuous than all the rest They are these two said the Earl I was born in the year 88 and chri 〈…〉 ned on the fifth of November Neither was he a more inveterate enemy to the Church of Rome than a cordial friend to that of England for presenting one Mr. Copinger to 〈…〉 neham he added to try him He would pay no tythes of his Parke Mr. Copinger desired again to resign it to his Lordship rather than by such sinful gratitude to betray the rights of the Church Well if you be of that minde said the Earl then take the tythes I scorn that my Estate should swell with Church-goods Observations on the Life of Sir John Cook SIr John Cook younger brother to Sir Francis Cook born at Trusley in the Hundred of Apple-tree in Derby-shire of ancient and worshipful Parentage and allied to the best Family in that County was bred Fellow of Trinity-Colledge in Cambridg where his wit being designed his Estate he was chosen Rhetorick-Lecturer in the University where he grew eminent for his ingenious and critical reading in that School where Rhetorick seemed to be not so much an art as his nature being not onely the subject but the very frame of his discourse then travelled he beyond the Seas for some years when his judgement was fitted for Foreign observations by Domestick experience in the company of a person of quality
so gravely did he manage it so solemnly did he perform it His orders were seldome reversed because mostly including the consent of Parties Few Attorney-Generals came off with lesse censure and few Lord Keepers with lesse guilt his Predecessors miscarriages being foils to set off his exactnesse Eminent as in most other Ca 〈…〉 s so particularly in that of Pryn Bastwicke and Burton against whom when after six weeks time given them to put in an effectual Answer they urged that their Adversaries the Bishops should not be their Judges He replyed smartly That by that Plea had they Libelled all the Magistrates in the Land none should passe Censure upon them because all were made parties He had fifteen years enjoyed his Place not more proper to say that Dignity had enjoyed him so long this latter age affording not one every way of more apt Qualifications for the place His front and presence bespake a venerable regard not interiour to any of his Antecessors His train and suit of Followers was disposed agreeable to shun both Envy and Contempt Vain and ambitious he was ●ot his port was state though others ostentation Of what concerned his place he knew enough and which is the main acted conformable to his knowledge For in the Administration of Justice he was so erect so incorrupt as captious malice stands mute in the blemish of his Fame A miracle the greater when we consider he was also a Privy-Councellor A trust wherein he served his Master the King most faithfully and the more faithfully because of all those Councels which did disserve his Majesty he was an earnest disswader and did much disaffect those sticklers who laboured to make the Prerogative rather tall than great 〈◊〉 knowing that such men loved the King better the Charles Stuart So that although he was a Courtier and had had for his Master a Passion most in tense yet had he always a passion reserved for the publick welfare an argument of a free noble and right-principled minde For what both Court and Country have always held as inconsistent is 〈◊〉 truth erroneous And no man can be truly loyal who is not also a good Patriot nor any a good Patriot which is not truly loyal Observations on the Life of the Earl of Strafford SIr Thomas Wentworth Earl of Strafford owned his birth to the best-govern'd City London his breeding to the best-modelled School York and a most exact Colledge St. John in Cambridge his accomplishments to the best Tutors Travail and Experience and his prudence to the best School a Parliament whither he cam in the most active and knowing times with 〈◊〉 strong brain and a large heart his activity wa● eminent in his Country and his interest strong in Parliament where he observed much and pertinently spake little but home contrived effectually but closely carried his Defigns successfully but reservedly He apprehended the publick temper as clearly and managed it to his purposes as orderly as any man He spoke least but last of all with the advantage of a clear view of others reasons and the addition of his own He and his leading Confidents moulded that in a private Conference which was to be managed in a publick Assembly He made himself so considerable a Patriot that he was bought over to be a Courtier So great his Abilities that he awed a Monarchy when dis-obliged and supported it when engaged the balance turning thither where this Lord stood The North was reduced by his prudence and Ireland by his interest He did more there in two years than was done in two hundred before 1. Extinguishing the very reliques of the War 2. Setting up a standing Army 3. Modelling the Revenue 4. Removing the very roots and occasions of new troubles 5. Planting and building 6. Setling Ecclesiastical and Civil Courts 7. Recovering the hearts of the people by able Pastors and Bishops by prudent and sober Magistrates by justice and protection by obligations and rewards 8. Recovering the Churches patrimony and discipline 9. Employing most able and faithful Ministers and Instruments 10. Taking an exact view of all former Precedents Rules and Proceedings 11. An exact correspondence with his Majesty and the Favourites of England None was more conversant in the Factions Intrigues and Designs than he when a Common-wealths-man none abler to meet with them than he when a States-man he understood their methods kenned their wiles observed their designs looked into their combinations comprehended their interest And as King Charles understood best of any Monarch under heaven what he could do in point of Conscience so his Strafford apprehended best of any Counsellor under the Sun what he could do in point of power He and my Lord of Canterbury having the most particular account of the state of Great-Britain and Ireland of any persons living Nature is often hidden sometimes overcome seldome extinguished yet Doctrine and Discourse had much allayed the severity of this Earl's nature and Custome more None more austere to see to none more obliging to speak with He observed pauses in his discourse to attend the motion and draw out the humour of other men at once commanding his own thoughts and watching others His passion was rather the vigour than the disorder of his well-weighed soul which could dispense its anger with as much prudence as it managed any act of State He gave his Majesty safe counsel in the prosperity of his Affairs and resolute advice in Extreamity as a true servant of his interest rather than of his power So eminent was he and my Lord of Canterbury that Rebellion despaired of successe as long as the first lived and Schisme of licentiousnesse as long as the second stood Take my Lord of Strafford as accused and you will finde his Integrity and Ability that he managed his whole Government either by the Law or the Interest of his Countrey Take him as dying and you will see his parts and piety his resolution for himself his self-resignation for the Kingdoms good his devotion for the Church whose patrimony he forbade his son upon his blessing Take him as dead you will finde him glorious and renowned in these three characters The first of the best King I looked upon my Lord of Strafford as a Gentleman whose great Abilities might make a Prince rather afraid than ashamed to employ him in the greatest Affairs of State for those were prone to create in him great confidence of undertakings and this was like enough to hetray him to great Errors and many Enemies whereof he could not but contract great store while moving in so high a sphere and with so vigorous a lustre he must needs as the Sun raise many envious exbalations which condensed by a popular Odium were capable to cast a cloud upon the brightest merit and integrity though I cannot in my judgement approve all he did driven it may be by the necessities of Times and the temper of that People more than led by his own disposition to any beighth
Asia and from severall parts of the world purchased all the Ornaments and helps of Literature he could that the English Church might have if possible by his care as many advantages for knowledge as almost all Europe did contribute to the grandeur of that of Rome The outward splendour of the Clergy was not more his care than their honour by a grave and pious conversation He would put them into a power of doing more good but was sore against their Vices and Vanities He scorned a private Treasure and his friends were rather relieved than raised to any greatnesse by him In his election of friends he was determined to the good and wise and such as had both parts and desires to profit The Church had his closest embraces if otherwise it happened their frauds not his choice deserved the blame Both Papists and Sectaries were equally his Enemies one party feared and the other hated his Virtues Some censured his zeal for Discipline above the patience of the Times but his greatest unhappinesse was that he lived in a factious Age and corrupt State and under such a Prince whose Vertues not admitting an immediate approach for Accusations was to be wounded with those it did caresse But when Faction and Malice are worne out by time Posterity shall engrave him in the Albe of the most excellent Prelacy the most indulgent Fathers of the Church and the most injured Martyrs His blood was accompanyed with some tears that fell from those Eyes that expected a pleasure at his death and it had been followed with a general mourning had not the publick Miseries and the present Fears of Ruine exacted all the stock of Grief for other objects His very enemy Sir Edward Deering would confesse That let him dye when he would St. Pauls would be his Monument and his Book against Fisher his Epitaph Observations on the Life of the Lord Keeper Littleton SIr Edward Littleton the eldest son of Sir Edward Littleton of Mounslow in Shrop-shire one of the Justices of the Marches and chief-Chief-Justice of North-Wales was bred in Christs-Church in Oxford where he proceeded Batchellor of Arts and afterwards was one of the Justices of North-Wales Recorder of London and Sollicitor to King Charles From these places he was preferred to be Chief-Justice of the Common-Pleas and made Privy-Councellor thence advanced to be Lord-Keeper and Baron of Mounslow the place of his Nativity He died in Oxford and was buried in Christs-Church where he was bred Being a Member of the Parliament 1628. he had the management of the high presumption charged on the Duke of Buckingham about King James his death wherein he behaved himself so discreetly between the jealousie of the People and the honour of the Court that Sir John Finch would say He was the onely man for taking things by a Right bandle And Sir Edward Cook that He was a well-poized and weighed man His very name carried an Hereditary credit with it which plaineth out the way to all great Actions his virtue being authorized by his nobility and his undertakings ennobled by his birth gained that esteem which meaner men attain not without a large compasse of time and experience worthlesse Nobility and ignoble worth lye under equal disadvantage Neither was his extract so great as his parts his judgement being clear and piercing his Learning various and useful his skill in the Maximes of our Government the fundamental Laws of this Monarchy with its Statutes and Customes singular his experience long and observing his integrity unblemished and unbyassed his Eloquence powerful and majestick and all befitting a States-man and a Lord-Keeper set off with a resolved Loyalty that would perform the harshest service his Master could enjoyn him while he stayed at London and follow the hardest fortune he could be in when at Yorke whither he went with the great Seal he knew made to stamp Royal Commissions rather than authorize Rebellious Ordinances At Oxford he did good service during the Session of Parliament by Accommodations there and as good during their recesse by his interest in the Country Observations on the Life of the Marquess Hamilton A Preacher being at a losse what to say of a party deceased concluded his Sermon with these words There is one good quality in this man viz. that he was born and that God made him And another viz. That he is dead and we must speak nothing but good of the dead I may say of this Noble-man that I have two reasons to speak well of him 1. That good King Charles honoured him and 2. That his wicked Subjects beheaded him otherwise I must leave these Queries as I finde them Quaere 1. Why should Duke Hamilton post without leave into Scotland when the Parliament was discontented and the Duke of Buckingham murthered in England Quaere 2. Why should Ramsey the Dukes Messenger to the King of Sweden play the Embassadour in Germany and take place of all other persons there Qu. 3. What design was that which Elphyston Borthricke Meldrum Vobiltry c. discovered one to another Qu. 4. What did Ramsey with the Pedigree of Hamilton derived from James I. King of Scots in Foreign parts Qu. 5. What private Instructions had Meldrum to Scotish Officers in the Swedish Army Qu. 6. Why was Meldrum Alexander Hamilton and other his Dependants so preferred in the Scots Army Qu. 7. Why were there such Fears and Jealousies whispered in Germany of the English Government Qu. 8. Why was not Ramsey able to give a positive Answer at the Tryal by combate And why did the Marquess take him off before the Controversie was decided Qu. 9. Why is Huntley put by and Hamilton made high Commissioner Why is discontented Balcanquel employed to pen Declarations And why are the King's Papers Letters c. taken out of his pocket and betrayed to the Scots And why did the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury writing to the King wish him not to trust his own pockets with the Letter Qu. 10. Why doth his Mother ride with pistols at her Saddle-bow leading all her Kindred and Vassals for the Covenant Qu. 11. Why is that time spent in posting to and fro to patch up a base Pacification with the Rebels that might have been employed in suppressing them Qu. 12. Why did the Bishops of Rosse and Breben Sir Robert Spotswood Sir John Hay the Earl of Sterling ride post to England to intreat the King not to trust the Marquess Qu. 13. Why was there so much granted to the Covenanters in Scotland yea and time given them to do their businesse Qu. 14. Why did he forbear the Common-prayer at Dalkeith and neglect to protest the King 's gracious Declaration the justice and clemeney whereof had without doubt allayed the commotions Qu. 15. Why did he not set out the King's la 〈…〉 Declaration before the Covenanters Protestation was out against it Qu. 16. Why was there nothing done with the Ships sent upon the coasts of Scotland Qu. 17. Why did he so caresse his covenanting
to raise other mens He neglected the minute and little circumstances of compliance with vulgar humors aiming at what was more solid and more weighty Moderate men are applauded but the Heroick are never understood Constant he was in all that was good this was his heroick expression when solicited by his Wives Father to desist from his engagement with the King Leave me to my Honour and Allegiance No security to him worth a breach of Trust no interest worth being unworthy His conduct was as eminent in War as his carriage in Peace many did he oblige by the generosity of his minde more did he awe with the hardinesse of his body which was no more softned to sloath by the dalliances of a Court than the other was debauched to a carelesnesse by the greatnesse of his Fortune His prudence was equal to his valour and he could entertain dangers as well as despise them for he not onely undeceived his enemies surmises but exceeded his own friends opinion in the conduct of his soldiers of whom he had two cares the one to discipline the other to preserve them Therefore they were as compleatly armed without as they were well appointed within that surviving their first dangers they might attain that experience resolution which is in vain expected from young and raw soldiers To this conduct of a General he added the industry of a Soldier doing much by his performances more by his example that went as an active soul to enliven each part and the whole of his brave Squadron But there is no doubt but personal and private sins may oft-times over-balance the justice of publick engagements Nor doth God account every Gallant a fit instrument to assert in the way of war a righteous cause the event can never state the justice of any cause nor the peace of mens consciences nor the eternal fate of their souls They were no doubt Martyrs who neglected their lives and all that was dear to them in this world having no advantageous designe by any innovation but were religiously sensible of those ties to God the Church their King their Countrey which lay upon their souls both for obedience and just assistance God could and I doubt not but he did through his mercy crown many of them with eterlife whose lives were lost in so good a cause the destruction of their bodies being sanctified as a means to save their souls Observations on the Life of the Lord Herbert of Cherbury Edward Herbert son of Richard Herbert Esq and Susan Newport his Wife was born at Montgomery-Castle and brought to Court by the Earl of Pembrook where he was Knighted by K. James who sent him over Embassador into France Afterwards K. Charles the first created him Baron of Castle-Island in Ireland and some years after Baron of Cherbury in Montgomery-shire He was a most excellent Artist and rare Linguist studied both in Books and Men and himself the Author of two Works most remarkable viz. A Treatise of Truth written in French so highly prized beyond the Seas and they say it is extant at this day with great Honour in the Popes Vatican and an History of King Henry the Eighth wherein his Collections are full and authentick his observation judicious his connexion strong and ●ohaerent and the whole exact He married the Daughter and sole Heir of Sir William Herbert of St. Julians in Monmouth-shire with whom he had a large Inheritance in England and Ireland and died in August Anno Dom. 1648. having designed a fair Monument of his own invention to be set up for him in the Church of Montgomery according to the model following Upon the ground a Hath-pace of fourteen foot square on the middest of which is placed a Dorick Column with its right of Pedestal Basis and Capitols fifteen foot in height on the Capitol of the Column is mounted an Urn with a Heart Flamboul supported by two Angels The foot of this Column is attended with four Angels placed on Pedestals at each corner of the said Hath-pace two having Torches reverst extinguishing the Motto of Mortality the other two holding up Palms the Emblemes of Victory When this noble person was in France he had private Instructions from England to mediate a Peace for them of the Religion and in case of refusal to use certain menaces Accordingly being referred to Luynes the Constable and Favourite of France he delivereth him the Message reserving his threatnings till he saw how the matter was relished Luynes had hid behind the Curtain a Gentleman of the Religion who being an Ear-witnesse of what passed might relate to his friends what little expectations they ought to entertain from the King of England's intercession Luynes was very haughty and would needs know what our KING had to do with their affairs Sir Edward replyed It 's not you to whom the King my Master oweth an account of his actions and for me it 's enough that I obey him In the mean time I must maintain That my Master hath more reason to do what he doth than you to aske why he doth it Nevertheless If you desire me in a gentle fashion I shall acquaint you further Whereupon Luynes bowing a little said Very well The Embassador answered ' That it was not on this occasion onely that the King of Great Britain had desired the Peace and prosperity of France but upon all other occasions when ever any War was raised in that Countrey and this he said was his first reason The second was That when a Peace was setled there his Majesty of France might be better disposed to assist the Palatinate in the affairs of Germany Luynes said We will have none of your advices The Ambassador replyed That he took that for an Answer and was sorry onely that the affection and the good will of the King his Master was not sufficiently understood and that since it was rejected in that manner he could do no lesse then say That the King his Master knew well enough what he had to do Luynes answered We are not afraid of you The Embassador smiling a little replyed If you had said you had not loved us I should have believed you and made another answer In the mean time all that I will tell you more is That we know very well what we have to do Luynes hereupon rising from his Chair with a fashion and countenance a little discomposed said By God if you were not Monsieur the Embassador I know very well how I would use you Sir Edw Herbert rising also from his Chair said That as he was his Majesty of Great-Britain ' s Embassador so he was also a Gentleman and that his Sword whereon be laid his band should do him reason if he had taken any offence After which Luynes replying nothing the Embassador went on his way toward the door and Luynes seeming to accompany him he told him there was no occasion to use such Ceremony after such Language and so departed expecting to hear
knowledge and experience of that stayedness and moderation of that sobriety and temperance of that observation and diligence as Bishops are presumed to be were in all Governments judged as fit to manage publique affairs as men of any other professions whatever without any prejudice to the Church which must be governed as well as taught and managed as well as a society dwelling in the world as under the notion of a peculiar people taken out of it His successful skill in dealing with the Papists under my Lord of Huntington President of the North and with the Puritans under Doctor Cosin an Ecclesiastical Officer in the South recommended him to Sir Walsingham's notice as a person too useful to be buried in a Country-Living who thereupon intended to set up his Learning in a Lecture at Cambridge to confute the Doctrine of Rome untill Queen Eliz. resolved to set up his prudence in other Employments at Court to countermine its policy where I know not whether the acuteness of his Sermons took most with the most Learned the devotion of them with the most pious or the prudence of them with the most Wise it hath been one thing always to Preach learnedly and another thing to preach wisely for to the Immensity of his Learning he added excellent Principles of politick prudence as a governour of the Church and a Councellor of State wherein he was conspicuous not for the crafty projects and practices of policy or for those sinister ways of Artifice and subtlety or the admired depths of Hypocrisie called reason of State nor the measures and rules of his Politicks and Prudentials were taken from the great experience he had gotten and many excellent observations he had made out of all Histories as well Humane as Divine though he always laid the greatest weight upon the grounds and instances of holyScripture which gives the truest judgement of wisdom or folly considering the mixture of State-affairs with those of the Church in Christian Common-wealths and the fitnesse of sober and discreet Clergy-men for those of the State in all It 's a wonder how Clergy-men come to be excluded publick Councils at any time but observing Bishop Andrews his insight into the Fundamental constitution of our State as appears from his Speech in the Countess of Shrewsbury's Case His distinct foresight of the consequences of Affairs evident in his speech against Thraske His circumspect care of the Publick visible in his Petition to King James then sick at New-Market that the Prince then under Scotch Tutors be educated by well-principled men the occasion that King James took to bring him up himself so exactly in the Doctrine and Discipline of our Church that it 's a question whether he was more by his Pen or Sword his Scepter or his Style The Defender of the Faith His wonderfull skill in the government of this Church discerned by the excellent King Charles in that he sent so many Bishops to consult with him 1625. what was to be done for the Church in that Parliament His caution and moderation in that he never unlesse upon great considerations innovated in his Church but left things in the same decency and order he found them knowing that all alterations have their dangers I am astonished to think that Bishops should be forbidden secular employment in our time Who hath more ampleness and compleatness saith Bishop Gauden for a good man a good Bishop a good Christan a good Scholar a good Preacher and a good Counsellor than Bishop Andrews a man of an astonishing excellency both at home and abroad Observations on the Life of Henry Earl of Manchester HEnry Earl of Manchester third son to Sir Edward Mountague Grand-childe to Sir Edward Mountague Lord chief-Chief-Justice of the King's Bench in King Edward the sixth's time was born at Boughton in Northampton-shire One skilful in mysterious Arts beholding him when a School-boy foretold that by the pregnancy of his parts he would raise himself above the rest of his Family which came to passe accordingly He being bred first in Christs-Colledge in Cambridge then in the Middle-Temple where he attained to great Learning in the Laws passed through many preferments as they are reckoned up viz. 1. Sergeant at Law 2. Knighted by K. James July 22. 1603. 3. Recorder of London 4. Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench Novemb. 18. 1616. 5. Lord Treasurer of England Decemb. 16. 1620. 6. Baron of Kimbolton 7. Viscount Mandevile 8. President of the Council Sept. 29. 1621. 9. Earl of Manchester 10. Lord Privy-Seal He wisely perceiving that Courtiers were but as Counters in the hands of Princes raised and depressed in valuation at pleasure was contented rather to be set for a smaller sum than to be quite put up into the box Thus in point of place and preferment being pleased to be what the King would have him according to his Motto Movendo non mutando me he became almost what he would be himself finally advanced to an Office of great Honour When Lord Privy-Seal he brought the Court of Requests into such repute that what formerly was called the Alms-Basket of the Chancery had in his time well-nigh as much meat in and guests about it I mean Suits and Clients as the Chancery it self His Meditations of Life and Death called Manchester Al mondo written in the time of his health may be presumed to have left good impressions on his own soul preparatory for his dissolution which happened 164 ... The Office of Lord Treasurer was ever beheld as 〈◊〉 place of great charge and profit My Lord being demanded what it might be worth per ann made this answer That it might be some thousands of pounds to him who after death would go instantly to heaven twice as much to him who would go to Purgatory and a Nemo scit to him who would adventure to a worse place But indeed he that will be a bad husband for himself in so advantageous a place will never be a good one for his Soveraign Observations on the Life of Sir Henry Wotton and his Relations SIr Henry Wotton first having read of his Ancestor Sir Robert Wotton the noble Lieutenant of Guisnes and Comptroller of Callais in King Edward the fourth's days His Grand-father Sir Edward Wotton that refused to be Chancellour of England in King Henry the Eighth's time 2. Having known his Father Sir Thomas Wotton one of the most Ingenuous modesty the most Ancient freedome plainnesse single-heartednesse and integrity in Queen Elizabeths Reign His Brothers Sir Edward Wotton the famous Comptroller of Queen Eliz. and K. James his Court since Lord Wotton Baron Morley in Kent Sir James Wotton with R. Earl of Essex Count Lodowick of Nassaw Don Christophoro son of Antonio King of Portugal c. Knighted as an excellent Soldier at Cadiz Sir John Wotton the accomplished Traveller and Scholar for whom Queen Eliz. designed a special favour His Uncle Nicholas Wotton Dean of Canterbury and Yorke nine times Embassador for the Crown