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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16567 A defence of that most ancient and sacred ordinance of Gods, the Sabbath day Consequently, and together with it. 2. A defence of the iiijth commandement. 3. A defence of the integrity and perfection of the Decalogue, morall law, or X. commandements. 4. A defence also of the whole and intire worship of God, in all the partes thereof, as it is prescribed, in the first table of the Decalogue. 5. A discouery of the superstition, impurity and corruption of Gods worship; yea, and idolatry, committed by multitudes, in sanctifying the Lords day, for a Sabbath day, by the iiijth commandement. Vndertaken against all anti-Sabbatharians, both of Protestants, Papists, Antinomians, and Anabaptists; and by name and especially against the X ministers, ... by Theophilus Brabourne. Brabourne, Theophilus, b. 1590. 1632 (1632) STC 3473; ESTC S120442 538,800 670

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and branch 5. That by very many in our Church there is grosse superstition committed Gods worship corrupted yea plaine Idolatry wrought and that by sanctifying of the Lords day for a Sabbath day by the 4th Com. These things as I beleeue you shall find cleerly proued in this Booke Vnto whose consideration should I commend these things for redresse if not vnto your Lordshipes hath not his Maiestie therefore deputed you vnto your seuerall charges to ouersee see to the well ordering of the Church worship of God and hath not the Almightie laied it vpon you To warne some that they teach none other doctrine 1. Tim. 1.3 And To redresse the things that are amisse Or To set in order the things that are wanting Tit. 1.5 Downe then with that Idoll the Lords day Sabbath so dealt Hezekiah with the Brazen Serpent when idolatrously abused and bring into its roome into the Church of God againe that ancient ordinance Gods Sacred Saturday-Sabbath let not an idoll of mans deuiseing stand in Gods Church where an ordinance of Gods inioyned by a Morall Law should stand Oh my honourable Lords what a pitty it is to see Antiquity true and honourable Antiquity I meane the Lords Sabbathes troden vnder foote why should not our Church become followers of those Ancientest and most pure Churches of the primitiue times that liued next after Christ his blessed Apostles in obseruation of the Lords Sabbath Who so long as they retained their greatest purity so long they religiously obserued the Saturday-Sabbath Why should not your Lordshipes exhorte vnto the obseruation of the Sabbath day as did that Godly Bishop Ignatius in his time Epist ad Magnesi And why should not your Lordships defend the Sabbath day as did that famouse Bishop Athanasius in his time Centur. iiij cap. 6. pag. 410. This done the Law of God should be taught and maintained in our Church in its integrity and perfection the 4th Commandement should be in vse amongst vs againe and be accounted as Morall as any of the other nyne and God should haue his whole intire worship prescribed in the first Table as well amongst vs as euer he had among the Iewes when they were the onely people of God If it please not God to inkindle your Lordshipes hearts with more zeale for his glory in this behalfe then is to be found among common Ministers Gods Sabbaths are like still which God forbid to lay waste his Lawes to be partially taught and his intire worship to be still denied him Let none suggest vnto your Lordships that the obseruation of the ancient Sabbath is Iudaisme for Athanasius liuing in those first ages of the Christian Churches taketh away this obiection saying Wee keepe the Sabbath day and yet we are not tainted with Iudaisme Centur. iiij In the Booke of Common Prayer after the 4th Commandement wherein the old Sabbath day is by name specified is publikly rehearsed by the Minister we are ordered to vse this deuout prayer Lord haue mercy vpon vs incline our hearts to keepe this Law Which prayer which commandement cannot vnder your Lordships correction be vnderstood of the Lords day nor of any other day but the old Sabbath day onely Wherefore the obseruation of the old Sabbath is no Iudaisme vnlesse we be taught to pray to God to incline our hearts to Iudaisme It is not vnknowne vnto your Lordships that not many yeeres since the Crosse in Baptisme hath by some bene counted idolatrouse the holy dayes Romish yet hath our Church freed them from such imputations I trust therefore that in your graue religiouse consultations it will be iudged meete that the Lords Sabbaths shall be also freed from the slaunder of Iewish Iudaisme and the like If the Holy dayes of the Saints may be defended I trust the Holie day of the Holie one of Israel shall be protected I haue done myne errand I haue discharged my duety the cause is no longer myne then in my breast I now commend it vnto your Lordships for protection the cause is Gods and therefore youres and the Churches it deserueth the patronag of the greatest of the lernedest T is true my person is meane I care not though it be fleited so the cause be honoured Iudges regard not persones but Causes In Courtes of Iustice if any sewe or informe for the King if the Kings Title be in question though the Informer be meane neglected yet the Cause is much regarded for it hath all the honour furtherance that the Iudges Courte can afford it in speciall sorte the Iudges they take in with it mannage it as if it were their owne Counsaile shall be assigned to pleade for it other causes shall stand by whilst it be tried informer witnesses shall be countenanced incouraged to speake the like so as if possible the Kings Title shall get the day Let me petition your Lordships therfore in your Triall of this Controuercy to haue regard whose the Title is that is in question it being the Lords Sabbath a branch of the Morall Law a parte of Gods worship and one of the most ancient ordinances that euer God established in his Church the Title is plainly Gods therfore yea it is called the Sabbath of the Lord or the Lords Sabbath and myne Holy Day The Title being Gods then let it haue that fauourable and honourable triall in your Synods Consistories Consciences the which earthly Kings Titles obtaine in their Courtes Who euer make squemish of it your Lordships as Iudges wil take in with it I trust knowing the Title of him is now in question of whom you hold all you inioy for the present and hope to inioy hereafter let the day be Gods let iudgement passe on his side if possible let the Informer haue incouragment countenance all helpes furtherances if not for his owne sake yet for his Cause sake and for Gods sake hee pleads the Kings broad Seale an expresse precept the 4th Com. one of the 10 Morales and one of the First Table too what better or higher Euidence can be demanded Let no argument or Text of Scripture be vrged to the abolishing of this ordinance of Gods Sabbath to the impairing ecclipsing of the Morall Law 10 Commandements and to the ouerturning of any parte of Gods worship once established in his Church if possible they may be salued and answered by any warrantable distinctiō or exposition Nor let any answer passe for orthodox wherby any iote or title of the Decalogue or any parte of Gods worship should be denied This I humbly begg and craue of our Lordships and that in the name of God whose Title I informe for and whose Title you are to iudge for and defend and that by virtue of your places high offices For I hold it as an vndoubted Maxime that it is not godly nor Lawfull to abolish an ordinance of Gods being a parte of Gods worship once established
albeit the Court knovveth not hovv he is able to make good proue his information yet it being a matter probable seeing it is the Kings cause both the Iudge and all the Iustices euen the whole Court doe countenance the cause yea so farre forth take in vvith it as that if it be possible so as no iniustice be done nor any Lavv of the Realme thereby violated he that informeth for the King shall haue the day rather then a priuate subiect and good reason for it Well in the case of the Lords Sabbaths I informe for the King of kings the King of heauen earth it is novv the parte of all Gods Ministers both superiour as Bishops inferiour as common Preachers to take in with this cause of Gods Sabbaths as Gods cause their Lord King to countenance it to their vtmost yea so farre forth to backe it take part vvith it as Gods Sabbaths may haue the day if no law of God nor text in Scripture be thereby violated as I dare pawne my life for it there shall not If Ministers in the Church both superiours and inferiours doe not thus honour God before the people by giuing his cause the preeminence the Magistrates of the common weale shall rise vp in iudgement against them condemne them I come now to the last vse of the point Is it so that thou louest the lavv of God then take vp a daily lamentation for the lamenesse imperfection of Gods lavv for the vveekly violation of Gods 4th com and for the profanation of Gods Sabbaths if we haue not Gods Law in its integrity and perfection as we haue not if vve vvant his Sabbath therein commanded then haue vve but a lame imperfect lavv and if the Saturday be Gods Sabbath as I haue shovvne it is and shall further proue hereafter then is the 4th com vveekly broken and Gods Sabbaths weekly profaned As Dauid hath bene our President shevving vs hovv vve should loue Gods law so let him be our President to shevv vs hovv vve should mourne for the violation transgression of Gods Lavv Mine eyes gush out saieth he with riuers of waters because they keepe not thy Law Psal 119.136 And againe I saw the transgressours was grieued because they kept not thy word Psal 119.158 It is a property then of a Godly man to mourne and to grieue to see Gods Lavvs transgressed and the reason of that his sorrow griefe is because he loueth Gods Law as Dauid did Oh then that all sorts of people would bevvray their loue to Gods Lavv by their sorrow of heart to see it transgressed weekly in the profanation of Gods Sabbaths Againe doest thou indeed loue the Lavv of God how canst thou but take it to heart to see this holy and Diuine Lavv of thy God so mangled defaced so lame imperfect as in these dayes it is in all Christian Churches It is and euer hath bene a speciall fauour of God to betrust any Nation or people vvith his word and Oracles as we may see it in Rom. 3.1.2 What is the preferment of the Iew c. much enery way for chiefly because vnto them were of credit committed the Oracles of God Where the Apostle counteth it a preferment of the Iew and the chiefe preferment to haue the word of God committed vnto their custodie and it is reported of them that they haue bene euer very faithfull in keeping the letter of the text vncorrupted Among all Nations and people it hath pleased Almightie God to preferr this our English Nation with this chiefe preferment and to be trust vs with the custodie of his word and Oracles those 10 Commandements wrote with his owne finger our Church is now become the receptacle and House of God wherin he hath laid vp his word for its conseruation it is the grownd and pillar to supporte and beare vp this trueth as Paul caleth it 1. Tim. 3.15 hath God thus in speciall fauour to our Nation preferred vs aboue many Nations and that vvith his chiefe preferment to betrust vs vvith the custody of his Law and Oracles and shall we proue so vnfaithfull to him as to take care but of some peeces of these Oracles onely What Nation saith Moses is so greate that hath ordinances Lawes so righteouse as all this Law which I set before you this day Deut. 4.8 hath God betrusted vs with a righteouse Law and with a Law so righteouse as no Nation vnder heauen but such as know God and such as haue the very same hath the like to it Yea not onely are some peeces of this Law so righteouse but all the whole Law is of the same nature so saith Moses so righteouse as all this Law is which I set before you this day and shall not we preserue then all this Law the whole Law intirly in its perfection we should blush for shame to doe otherwise we should lament mourne to see it otherwise T is true we keepe these Oracles intirly in the letter so doe Papistes but vvhat 's the letter when we weaken diminish and abolish the binding force of it for vve say this parte of Gods Oracles But the 7th day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not doe any worke doth not bind vs Christians In it that is in it 7th day thou shalt not vvorke saith God I but this prohibition bindeth not novv say some Ministers no vvhat doe vve vvith Lavves if they bind vs not as good take avvay the sense of the vvords of the Lavv and so it shall be senslesse as to take away the binding of the Law wherby it is made forcelesse the binding povver of a Lavv is the life and soule of the Law take avvay then its binding povver it is but a deadlieflesse Lavv it is but a Cipher or a blanke and so the Church shall be but like the Lottery pot vvhich houldeth some blankes among the prises suppose vve should say of the other 9 Oracles that vve preserue the letter of them intirly but herevnto vve should add this that they binde not vs Christians now vvhat bauocke should we thus make of the Morall Lavv it is all one therfore to reiect the Lavv as to reiect its binding power vvherby it bindeth vs. We haue alredy shovvne hovv this Lavv of God is mangled and defaced oh that all people vvould bevvaile this oh that the King vvould take it to heart so did the good King Josiah vvhen the Lavv had bene lost for a time he rent his cloathes 2. King 22.11 oh that the Bishops of the Land would take it to heart so did Elie the Priest vvhen he heard that the Arke of God vvas taken from them 1. Sam. 4.17.18 he died for grief of heart vvhy the Lords Sabbaths vvere his hallovved times as the Arke his holy place Oh that the people of the land vvould take it to heart so did the people in Nehemiahs time for saith
if Gods Sabbaths come into question they all forsake them like as the Disciples did Christ when he vvas apprehended nay vvorse they turne enemies vnto them they nickname them reprochfully and smite them with the tounge calling them Iuish Iudaisme and ceremonies shaddowes vvhy be it that this parte of Gods law touching his Sabbaths be not certainly knowne vnto thee to belong vnto thee only thou hast but some probabilities coniectures common presumptions that it doth belong vnto thee yet if thou doest not improue all these probable arguments and manage these common coniectures and presumptiones to the vtmost for god and for his Sabbaths it bewraieth that thou art not so faith full in executing the vvill of thy god as many Excecutors are in execution of the vvill of theire deceased friend for they vvil omit no debt that they can haue any inkling of but thou bast notice of a debt of the Sabbath day owing to god and yet vvilt not side it vvith god nor improue these tidings to the vtmost in behalfe of thy god It bevvraieth also that thou takest not Gods law to be thine Inheritance for if thoudidst thou couldest not sit still in silence when thou hast notice brought thee that some moitie and portion therof is vvrongfully detained from thee A 2d motiue is because a mans taking in vvith Gods Sabbaths vvill declare him to be a friend to the lavv of god euery man would be esteemed a frend vnto Gods lavv well then let it appeare thou atte so indeed and not in name only by taking in with this parte of Gods lavv which commandeth the Saturday Sabbath vse thy wites imploy thy study thy toung thy frends and vvhat thou canst for the furtherance of this part of Gods lavv concerning his Sabbath The Lords 7th day Sabbath it is lost as vvas the vvomans Groate luk 15.8 she had 10. groates and hauing lost but one of the 10. shee neuer leaues sweeping and seeking till shee hath found it so should we for this one command lost from the 10. if a man hath an 100. sheepe looseth but one of them saith our Sauiour he leaueth the nynty and nyne in the vvildernesse goeth after that one vntill he find it Luk 25.4 so should we take more paines and care study to regaine this Command touching the Lords Sabbaths then after all the other nyne and an halfe but how can they be esteemed frends to Gods lavv vvho side it vvith those that side it against Gods Sabbaths A 3d motiue is from the worth and excellency of Gods Law the Prophet Dauid telleth vs that it is to be loued aboue gold yea aboue most fine gold Ps 119.127 and it was vnto him better then thowsands of gold and siluer Ps 119.72 if therfore thou knowest not the price and vvorth of Gods Law the Sabbaths therin commanded learne it of Dauid who knew the value of it it is better then gold and siluer yea as good as all riches put together Ps 119.14 no man vvill be an enemy to gold to siluer be not thou then an enemy to Gods Sabbaths for they are better then thowsands of gold and siluer we may beleene the Prophet Dauid euery man vvill be a frend vnto riches why be thou a frend then vnto Gods Sabbaths for they are as good as all riches in the vvorld A 4th motiue to stirr the vp to side it with Gods Sabbaths is because in so doeing thou shalt side it take parte with God himselfe for the 7th day Sabbaths they are Gods and therfore he calleth them his saying mine holy day Isa 58.13 and the 7th day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God Exo. 20.10 they are Gods because God commanded them Remember the Sabbath day Exod. 20.8 whosoeuer therfore taketh parte with the Lords Sabbaths hee taketh parte with God also whos 's those Sabbaths are it is vsuall vvith God man to take that as done to them selues which is done to that which by way of excellency they call theires euery man vvould be glad to take parte vvith God they say al though it were against all the world for God is strongest wisest able to reward a man well for his paines his fauour is better then liefe well then stand for Gods Sabbaths for they are Gods and so thou shalt take in with God fight vnder his Banner But woe to that man that opposeth Gods Sabbaths for as the other bewraieth him selfe to be a friend of Gods so this bewraieth him selfe to be an enemy to God and God wil destoy all his fees If this argument vvill not auaile with men I know not what will if they had rather take parte with men against God that which is Gods then with God that which is Gods against men then let them goe on if it goe vvell with such I shall not care how I liue heere It is houlden good pollicy to side it with the strongest for my parte I know none stronger then God I will therfore side it with him For that 's the safest vvherefore I haue resolued vpon it to take parte with Gods Sabbaths and with them to liue and to dye The 5th last motiue shall be from the consideration of the Title whose it is this is to be regarded for if the Title in controuercy be but a common mans then to oppose it is but common danger but if it be the Title of a King then men had need take heed how they take parts against it so the Title of the Sabbaths now in controuercy to be tried if they were called mans Sabbaths of mans institution then to oppose them the danger were not so great But these Sabbaths are called Gods Sabbaths of his institution therfore the Title here is not mans but Gods the King of kings here then take heed if euer thou tookest heed hovv thou oppose Gods Title if a father hath the Title of his land in triall before the Iudge though the bastard regardeth not whither he wine or loose because he knoweth that he shall neuer inherit yet the true borne sonne wisheth in his heart that his fathers Title may haue the day so long as he seeth there is a probability that it is his fathers So doubtlesse euery true borne sonne of God cannot but wish from his heart that the Title of God his father touching his Sabbaths may preuaile rather then goe downe but he that regardeth not which end goeth forward as we say he bewraieth himselfe to be no sonne but a bastard but he that not onely regardeth not which end goeth forvvard but vvhich is farre vvorse turneth himselfe enemy to his fathers Title insomuch as he dareth with an impudent face dispute and openly in Court plead against and in pulpit preach against his fathers Title what a one he bewraieth himselfe to be I haue no names bad enough to giue him If an informer cometh into the Court informeth for the King