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A31599 The second part of the present state of England together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof / by Edward Chamberlayne ...; Angliae notitia. Part 2 Chamberlayne, Edward, 1616-1703. 1671 (1671) Wing C1848; ESTC R5609 117,915 324

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are as the Dies Nef●sti wherein the Courts sit not so that in one fourth part of the year and that in one City all considerable causes of the greatest part of England are fully decided and determined whereas in forreign parts the Courts of Justice are open all the year except high Holydayes and Harvest and that in all great Cities This may seem therefore strange to all Forreigners till they know that the English have alwayes been given more to peaceableness and industry then other people and that rather then go so far as London and be at so great Charges with Attourneyes and Lawyers they will either refer their differences to the Arbitration of their Parish Priests who do or ought to think it a Principal part of their Duty to reconcile differences within their Parishes or to the Arbitration of honest Neighbours or else are content to submit their differences to tryal before the Judges of Assises or the Itinerant Judges who twice a year viz. after the end of Hilary Term and after the end of Trinity Term two by two of these principal Judges ride several Circuits and at the Principal Town of every County sit to hear and determine all Causes of lesser moment both civil and criminal a most excellent wise Constitution begun by King Hen. 2. Anno 1176. who at first divided England into six Circuits not the same that are now and to each Circuit allotted three judges Wales also is divided into two Circuits North and South Wales for which are designed in like manner two Sergeants at Law for each Circuit These Judges give Judgment of the Pleas of the Crown and all Common Pleas within those Counties dispatching ordinarily in two or three days all Controversies in a County that are grown to issue in the fore-mentioned Courts at London between Plaintiffs and Defendants and that by their Peers a Jury of 12 men ex viceneto out of the neighbourhood where about the business lyes So that twice a year in England and Wales Justice may be said to be rightly and speedily administred even at our own doors Besides the forementioned Courts at Westminster Henry 8. erected for the more ease of the Subject a Court in the North of England another for the County of Wales and Counties adjoyning and intended another for Cornwall and Devonshire and these in manner of those Courts called in France Parlements where all cases might be decided both according to the Laws of England and according to equity in Chancery Of these Courts that for Cornwal was never fully erected those people desiring rather to come to London for Justice that of the North was by the late long Parliament taken away and so was that of Wales but this last since the Restauration of the King again erected Of this Court or Council of the Marshes of Wales is a Lord President at present the Lord Vaughan Earl of Carbury divers Councellors Secretary Attourney Sollicitor Surveyor who have Salaries from His Majesty HAving given a brief Account of the Civil Government of all England in General next shall be described the particular Government of Counties Hundreds Cities Burroughs and Villages For the Civil Government of all Counties the King makes choice of some of the Nobility Clergy Gentry and Lawyers men of worth and parts who have their usual residence in the County so many as His Majesty pleaseth to keep the Peace of the County and these by Commission under the great Seal are called Justices of Peace and such of them in whom the King doth more particularly confide or respect are called Justices of the Quorum from those words in the Commission Quorum A. B. unum esse volumus that is some business of more importance may not be transacted without the presence or concurrence of one of them One of the principal Justices of Peace and Quorum is by the Lord Keeper made Custos Rotulorum so called because he hath the Custody of the Rolls or Records of the Sessions and is to bring them to each Quarter Sessions The Original of Justices of Peace is from the first year of Edward 3. Their Office is to call before them examine and commit to Prison all Theeves Murderers wandring Rogues those that hold Conspiracies Conventicles Riots and almost all other Delinquences that may occasion the breach of Peace and quiet to the Kings Subjects to commit all such to prison as either cannot or by Law are not to be bailed that is cannot be set at liberty by Sureties taken for their appearance at a place and time certain land to see them brought forth in due time to Tryal Every Quarter or three months the Justices meet at the chief or Shire Town where the Grand Enquest or Jury of the County is summoned to appear who upon Oath are to inquire of all Traitors Hereticks Theeves Murderers Money-coiners Riots c Those that appear to be guilty are by the said Justices committed to prison to be tryed at the next Assises when the Judges of Westminster come their Circuits aforementioned For execution of Laws in every County except Westmorland and Durham the King every Michaelmas Term nominates for each County a Sheriff that is a Reeve of the Shire Praepositus or Praefectus Comitatus a Governor or Guardian of the County for the words of the Patent are Commisimus tibi Custodiam Commitatus nostri de N. The Sheriffs Office is to execute the Kings Mandates and all Writs directed to him out of the Kings Courts to empannel Juries to bring Causes and Criminals to Tryal to see the sentences both in Civil and Criminal affairs executed to wait on and guard the Itenerant Judges twice a year so long as they continue within the County which at the Assises is performed with great Pomp Splendor Feasting c In order to the better execution of his Office the Sheriff hath attendant his Under-Sheriff divers clerks Stewards of Courts Bayliffs of Hundreds Constables Gaolers Sergeants or Beedles besides a gallant train of servants in rich Liveries all on Horseback at the Reception of the Judges He was antiently chosen as Knights of the Shire but to avoid Tumults it is now thus Every year about the beginning of November the Judges Itinerant nominate six fit men of each County that is Kts. or Esquires of good Estates out of these the Lords Keeper Treasurer Privy Councellors and 12 Judges assembled in the Exchequer Chamber and sworn make choice of three of which the King himself after chooseth one to be Sheriff for that year only though heretofore it was for many years and sometimes heriditary as at this day to the Cliffords who by dissent from Robert de Vipont are Sheriffs heriditary of the County of Westmoreland by Charter from King John Furthermore the Sheriffs Office is to collect all publick profits Customes Taxes of the County all Fines Distresses and Amerceaments and to bring them into the Kings Exchequer or Treasury at London or else where as the King shall appoint The
a Bishop for their Prolocutor and the Lower being required by the Highe House to choose them a Prolocutor or Speaker which done they present him to the Upper House by two of their Members whereof one makes a Speech in Latin and then the Elect person makes another Speech in Latin Lastly the Archbishop answers in Latin and in the name of all the Lords approves of the person Both Houses debate and transact only such matters as His Majesty by Commission expresly alloweth In the Upper House things are first proposed and then communicated to the Lower House The Major vote in each House prevailes Out of Parliament time they usually assemble every day about Nine of the clock and first the Junior Bishop sayes prayers in Latin beginning with the Letany and then for the King c. And in the Lower House the Prolocutor says prayers In Convocation are debated only matters concerning Religion and the Church and sometime of giving His Majesty assistance in Money for as the Laity cannot be taxed without their own consent signified by their Representative in Parliament so the Clergy cannot be taxed without their consent signified by their Representative in Convocation The Clergy in Convocation might antiently without asking the Royal Assent and now may with the Royal Assent make Canons touching matters of Religion to bind not only themselves but all the Laity with-out consent or ratification of the Lords and Commons in Parliament Till the late Rebellion the Parliament did not at all meddle in the making Canons or in matters Doctrinal or in Translation of Scriptures only by their civil Sanctions when they were thereto required did confirm the Results and Consultations of the Clergy that so the people might be the more easily induced to obey the Ordinances of their Spiritual Governors The Clergy of England had antiently their Representatives in the Lower House of Parliament as appears by that antient Record so highly prized by the late Lord Coke and as the Upper House had and still hath Lords Spiritual as well as Temporal so in the Lower House there were always Commons Spiritual as well as Temporal for that Record saith expresly that the Commons in Parliament consist of three degrees or kinds First ex Procuratoribus Cleri Secondly ex Militibus Comitatuum Thirdly ex Burgensibus and the words of the Writ directed now to the Procuratores Cleri seem to give them the very same right to sit in that House as the words of the Writ to the Knights Citizens and Burgesses do give to them All the Members of both Houses of Convocation have the same priviledges for themselves and menial Servants as the Members of Parliament have and that by Statute The Archbishop of York at the same time holds at York a Convocation of all his Province in like manner and by constant correspondence doth debate and conclude of the same matters as are debated and concluded by the Provincial Synod of Canterbury Now for the Executive power in Church matters throughout the Kingdom of England there have been provided divers excellent Courts whereof the highest for criminal Causes was the High Commission Court for the jurisdiction whereof it was enacted primo Elizabethae that Her Majesty and Successors should have power by Letters Patents under the Great Seal to nominate Commissioners to exercise jurisdiction throughout the whole Realm to visit reform and correct all Errors Heresies Schisms Abuses and Delinquencies that may by any Ecclesiastical power be corrected or reformed This Court consisted of the highest persons of England in the Church and State and was the principal Bulwark and Preservative of the Church of England against the practices and assaults of all her Adversaries whether Romanist Puritan or Atheist yet for some pretended abuses the use thereof was taken away in the late seditious long Parliament whereupon followed a deluge of Errors in Religion Apostacy Atheism Blasphemy Sacriledge Incest Adultery impious Libels Schisms Conventicles c. all which so overwhelmed the manners of English men and occasioned at length so many profest Atheists that until the re-establishment of this or the like Court there cannot a Reformation be reasonably hoped for For civil affairs that concern the Church the highest Court is the Court of Delegates for the jurisdiction whereof it was provided 25 H. 8. that it shall be lawful for any subject of England in case of defect of justice in the Courts of the Archbishop of Canterbury to appeal to the Kings Majesty in his Court of Chancery and that upon such appeal a Commission under the Great Seal shall be directed to certain persons particularly designed for that business so that from the highest Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury there lies an Appeal to this Court of Delegates and beyond this to none other Next to the Court of Delegates are the Courts of the Archbishop of Canterbury where any Ecclesiastical Sutes between any persons may waving all inferior Courts be decided amongst them the highest Court is the Court of Arches so called from the Arched Church and Tower of S. Maries in Cheapside London where this Court is wont to be held the Judge whereof is called Dean of the Arches having jurisdiction over a Deanery consisting of 13 Parishes within London exempt from the jurisdiction of the Bishop of London Hither are directed all Appeals in Ecclesiastical matters within the Province of Canterbury To this Court belongs divers Advocates all Doctors of the Civil Law two Registers and ten Proctors the Dean at present is Doctor Sweat In the next place the Archbishop of Canterbury hath his Court of Audience kept within the Archbishops Palace and medleth not with any difference between parties but concerning Elections and consecration of Bishops Admission and Institution to Benefices dipensing with Banes of Matrimony c. The next Court is called the Prerogative Court which judgeth of Estates fallen by Will or by Intestates so called because the Archbishops jure Praerogativae suae hath this power throughout his whole Province where the party at the time of death had 5 l. or above in several Dioceses and these two Courts hath also the Archbishop of York Lastly the Court of Peculiars which dealeth in certain Parishes lying in several Dioceses which Parishes are exempt from the jurisdiction of the Bishops of those Dioceses and are peculiarly belonging to the Archbishop of Canterbury in whose Province there are 57 such Peculiars Besides these Courts serving for the whole Province every Bishop hath his Court held in the Cathedral of his Diocess over which he hath a Chancellor tearmed antiently Ecclesiecdicus Episcopi Ecdicus the Church Lawyer or the Bishops Lawyer who being skill'd in the Civil and Canon Law sits there as Judge and if his Diocess be large he hath in some more remote place a Commissary whose authority is only in some certain place of the Diocess and some certain Causes limited to him by the Bishop in his Commission and these are called Consistory Courts
Borough of Cricklade Sir George Hungerford Kt. Sir John Earnely Kt. Borough of Great Bedwin Sir John Trevor Kt. Henry Clerk Esq Borough of Lugdersal William Ashburnham Esq Thomas Gray Esq Borough of Old Sarum Edward Nicholas Esq Sir Eliab Harvey Kt. Borough of Wooten Basset Sir Walter St. John Bar. John Pleydal Esq Borough of Marleborough John Lord Seymour Jeoffery Daniel Esq Worcester Sir John Packington Bar. Samuel Sandys Sen. Esq City of Worcester Sir Rowland Berkly Kt. Thomas Street Esq Borough of Droitwich Henry Coventry Esq Samuel Sandys Jun. Esq Borough of Evesham Sir John Hanmer Kt. Sir James Rushout Kt. Borough of Bewdly Sir Henry Herbert Kt. York Conyers Darcy Esq Sir Thomas Slingsby Kt. City of York Sir Metcalf Robinson Kt. Sir Thomas Osborn Bar. Town of Kingston upon Hull Anthony Gilby Esq Andrew Marvel Gent. Borough of Knaersborough Sir John Talbot Kt. William Stockdale Esq Borough of Scarborough Sir Phillip Munckton Esq William Thompson Esq Borough of Rippon Sir Jo. Nicholas Kt. of the Bath Thomas Burwell Dr. of Laws Borough of Richmond Sir William Killegrew Kt. Marmaduke Darcy Esq Borough of Heydon Henry Guy Esq Sir Hugh Bethel Kt. Borough of Burrowbridge Sir Rich. Malevere Kt. and Bar. Robert Long Esq Borough of Malton William Palmes Esquire Sir Thomas Gowre Kt. Borough of Thirske Sir Thomas Ingram Kt. Will. Franklin Esquire Borough of Aldborough Sir Soloman Swale Bar. Sir Francis Goodrick Kt. Borough of Beverley Michael Wharton Esquire Sir John Hotham Bar. Borough of North-Allerton Sir Gilbert Gerard Kt. and Bar. Roger Talbot Esquire Borough of Ponfract Sir John Dawney Kt. Sir William Lowther Kt. Barons of the Cinque Ports Port of Hastings Edward Waller Esquire Sir Denny Ashburnham Bar. Town of Winchelsea Francis Finch Esquire Robert Austin Gent. Town of Rye Sir John Robinson Kt. and Bar. Sir Jo. Austin Bar. Port of New Rumney Sir Charles Sidley Bar. Sir Norton Knatchbull Bar. Port of Hyth John Harvey Esquire Sir Henry wood Kt. and Bar. Port of Dover George Montague Esquire Edward Lord Hinchenbroke Port of Sandwich Jo. Strode Esquire James Thurbarne Esquire Port of Seaford Sir William Thomas Kt. and Bar. Nicholas Pelham Esquire WALES Anglesey Nicholas Bagnall Esquire Town of Bewmorris John Robinson Esquire Brecon Edward Progers Esquire Town of Brecon Sir Herbert Price Bar. Cardigan Edward Vaughan Esquire Town of Cardigan Sir Charles Cotterel Kt. Carmarthen Sir Henry Vaughan Kt. Town of Carmarthen John Lord Vaughan Knight of the Bath Carnarvon Sir Richard Wynne Bar. Town of Carnarvon William Griffith Esquire Denbigh John Wynne Esquire Town of Denbigh Sir John Salisbury Bar. Flint Sir Thomas Hanmer Bar. Town of Flint Roger Whitely Esquire Glamorgan Sir Edward Mansel Bar. Town of Cardiffe Robert Thomas Esquire Merioneth Henry Wynne Esquire Pembroke Arthur Owen Esquire Town of Haverdford-West Sir Frederick Hyde Kt. Town of Pembroke Rowland Lagherne Esquire Montgomery Andrew Newport Esquire Town of Montgomery Henry Herbert Esquire Radnor Sir Richard Lloyd Kt. Town of Radnor Sir Edward Harley Kt. of the Bath Note that some Knights and Burgesses being lately deceased others are not yet elected in their Room Of the Executive Power in Temporal Matters A Brief account of the Legislative power in Temporall affairs having been given next may be considered the Executive power in those affairs and that is generally in the King he is the Fountain of Justice he is the Fountain of Justice he is the Lord Chief Justice of England and therefore as all the Laws of England are called the Kings Laws because he is Caput Principium Finis Parliamenti by which the Laws are made and that nothing can have the Force of a Law but what he wills so all the Courts of Judicature are called the Kings Courts and all the Judges of those Courts are called the Kings Judges The highest Court of Judicature in England is the House of Lords in Parliament so that the Parliament is not only Concilium but Curia a Court of Judicature consisting as aforementioned of all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal as Judges and these assisted with the most grave and eminent Lawyers of England both in Common and Civil Law To the Judicature of this Supreme and most Honourable Court all other Courts and Persons that are Subjects of England are Subject and accountable for all Crimes not properly tryable remediable or punishable in other inferiour Courts of Justice and to this Court all last Appeals are to be made and from whose Sentence there lies no appeal but to a succeeding Parliament and this supreme Judicatory or Judicial Power lyes only in the King and House of Lords and at the Bar of this High Court may the House of Commons as the Grand Inquest of the Nation impeach the highest Subject of England whether of the Clergy or of the Laity and prosecute them till it come to a Sentence after which there can be no farther proceeding till the King informed of the whole matter gives His Royal Assent for the Execution of the said Sentence or grant His gracious Pardon In the late Long Parliament the House of Commons pretended to be also a Court of Judicature and at length usurped a most exorbitant power to the total ruine of Monarchical Government and it is worth observing by what Gradations they arrived thereto In the time of Queen Elizabeth and not before the Commons began to take upon them as saith Mr. Pryn a learned Member of that House to seclude one another for undue Elections whereas formerly the King and Lords were accounted the sole Judges of all Members of the Commons House and to have the sole power to judge of their undue Elections Returns Misdemeanors Breaches of Privileges and of all other matters concerning their Membership also for freeing any Member from Arrest or Imprisonments did wholely and solely belong to the Lords and not to the Commons unless it were by special order referred by the Lords to the House of Commons as heretofore sometimes hath been done In the time of King Charles the Martyr the Commons went farther took upon them utterly to expel out of their House some of their fellow Members as Projectors and Monopolizers although they had been duly elected After this in the same Kings time they expelled all such as adhered in Loyalty to the King next they secluded and imprisoned all such as the Officers of the late rebellious Army impeached or disliked then by the help of that Army 50 or 60 of the Members of that House expelled all the rest of their fellows and soon after voted down the King and whole House of Lords and voted themselves to be the Parliament to be the sole Legislators and the Supreme Authority of England into such a prodigious height of folly and impiety do men run when they once allow themselves to pass their due limits Of the Court of Justice called the Kings-Bench FOr the Execution of Laws after the House of Lords in Parliament the highest Court in England is the Kings
hand is an Officer who ingrosseth Fines acknowledged c. He holdeth his Place also by Patent and is at present Mr. Sparks in trust for Sir William Drake who doth execute it by a Deputy Mr. Wayt. All these Officers aforementioned sit in the Court covered with black round knit Caps according to the mode immediately before the invention of Hats which was since the beginning of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth Moreover they are all sworn and have their Offices for life as a Freehold There are in this Court 3 Officers unsworn and hold their Places durante bene placito One Clerk of the Treasury Mr. George Ingram who hath the charge of keeping the Records of this Court and makes out all Records of Nisi Prius and divers other things This Office is in the Gift of the Lord Chief Justice 2. Clerk of the Inrolements of Fines and Recoveries who is by Statute under the three puisne Judges of this Court and removeable at their pleasure Note that the Inrolement of Fines and Recoveries or any part thereof by Stat 23 Eliz. cap. 3. is of as good force and validity in Law to all intents and purposes for so much of any of them so inrolled as the same being extant and remaining were or ought by Law to be The general neglect whereof in this Kingdom hath occasioned many Law Suits and hath proved in process of time exceeding dangerous to many mens Estates 3. The Clerk of the Outlawries Mr. Annuel who makes out the Writs of Capias Utlagatum after the Outlawry in the name of the Kings Atturney whose Deputy he is pro tempore There are five Clerks more 1. Clerk of the Kings Silver Henry Nurse Esquire unto whom every Fine or Final Agreement in sale of Lands is brought after it hath been with the Custos Brevium and to whom Money is paid for the Kings use 2. Clerk of the Warrants Mr· Thomas Brown executed by a Deputy Mr. James Mayo who entreth all Warrants of Atturney for Plaintiff and Defendant 3. Clerk of the Juries Mr. John Green who makes out the Writs called Habeas Corpora and Distringas for appearance of the Jury either in this Court or at the Assises in the Country 4. Clerk of the Essoins or Excuses for lawful cause of absence Mr. Townley 5. Clerk of the Super sedeas Mr. Abbot which is held by Patent but before King James time made by the Exchequer In this Court are also Filazers for the several Counties of England so called from the French Fil a Thred because they file their Writs These make out all Process upon Original Writs and do many other things too long to be here set down of these there are 14. viz. Fabian Philips Esquire who hath London Middlesex Huntington and Cambridge Shires The rest of the Counties are divided amongst these that follow Sir Roger Hill Henry Dutton Spicer Grey Fr. Hill Robert Child Charles Clare Sir Thomas Stringer Thomas Child Bennet Mark Hildesley Herbert Matthews and Hughes who is Protonatory Filazer and Exigenter of Monmouth by Patent the rest in the Gift of the Lord Chief Justice and hold for life There are also four Exigenters whose Office it is to make all Exigents and Proclamations in all Actions where process of Outlawry doth lye This Writ is called an Exigent because it exacteth the Party that is requireth his appearance to answer the Law and lies against a Transgressor of the Law that cannot be found nor any of his Goods within the County so that after summons by the Sheriff at five several County Courts if he appear not he is outlawed The four Exigenters at present are William Petty John Dawling Charles Clare and Silvester Petty all in the Gift of the Lord Chief Justice and are for life There are also belonging to this Court four Cryers and a Porter Of the Court called the Exchequer THe next Court for Execution of Laws is that called the Exchequer so called as some think from a Chequer-wrought Carpet covering the great Table in that Court as the Court of Green Cloth in the Kings house is so called from the Green Carpet or else from the French word Eschequier a Chess board because the Accomptants in that Office were wont to use such Boards in their Calculation Here are tryed all causes which belong to the Kings Treasury or Revenue as touching Accounts Disbursements Customs and all Fines imposed upon any man In this Court may sit the Lord Treasurer the Chancellor of the Exchequer the Lord Chief Baron and four other Learned Judges called Barons of the Exchequer and one other Cursitor Baron but the two first seldom sit and the five last Seldom fail The first of these five is the Principal Judge of this Court and answers the Bar or the Baristers who direct their Speech to him takes Recognizances for the Kings Debts c. It is an Office of High Honour and Profit he is styled Lord Chief Baron is Created by Letters Patents to hold this Dignity Quam dieu bene se gesserit wherein he hath a more fixed estate then the Chief Justices of either Bench for the Law intends this an Estate for Life in the absence of the Lord Chief Baron the other three Barons supply his place according to their Seniority but the fifth is said to be a Cursitor of the Court and administers the Oaths to the Sheriffs Under-Sheriffs Baylifs Searchers Surveyors c. of the Custom-house In the Exchequer are held two Courts one of Law another of Equity All Judicial Proceedings according to Law are coram Baronibus but the Court of Equity held in the Exchequer Chamber is coram Thesaurario Cancellario Baronibus This Court had its beginning primo Ph. Mar. The Authority of this Court is of original jurisdiction without any Commission Note also that all the other forementioned Courts were not Instituted by any Statute or written Law but have their Original from the antient Custom of the Kingdom For a long time after the Conquest there sat in the Exchequer both Spiritual and Temporal Barons of the Realm and in later times there sate in their places others that were not Peers of the Realm yet stiled Barons quia ibi sedere solebant Barones All the Twelve Judges belonging to these High Tribunals sit in Robes and Square Caps like those Doctors of Divinity because as some say they were antiently most commonly Clergy-men and Doctors Bishops or Prelates A List of the several Officers belonging to His Majesties Court of Exchequer In the Vpper Exchequer THe Kings Remembrancer Thomas Lord Vicount Fanshaw in whose Office are 8 sworn Clerks whereof John Payn and Thomas Hall Esquires at present are the two Secondaries the rest are Ansel Beaumont Hugh Frankland Butler Buggin George Wats Nicholas Sanders c. In this Office pass all the Accounts concerning the Kings Revenue for Customs Excise Hearth-money Subsidies and all Ayds granted to the King in Parliament and all other Accounts of what nature soever
It is as antient as the Civility of the Nation though perhaps by another name This Court proceeds either ordinarily according to the Laws Statutes and Customes of the Nation and in Latin granting out Writs mandatory and remedial Writs of Grace or else according to Equity and Conscience and by English Bill so that the Chancery hath two Courts in one the equitable part is by Bills Answers and Decrees to examine Frauds Combinations Trusts secret uses c. to moderate the Rigour of the Laws and rescue men out of the hands of their Oppressors To relieve a man especially in three things viz. against Cheats unfortunate accidents and breaches of Trust Out of this Court issue out Writs or Summons for Parliaments Edicts Proclamations Charters Protections safe Conducts Writs of Moderata Misericordia when any person hath been amerced too high and for a reasonable part of Goods for Widdows and Orphans Patents for Sheriffs Writs of Certiorari to remove Records and false Judgements in inferiour Courts Writs of Audita Querela and Scire facias here are sealed and inrolled Letters Patent Treaties and Leagues with forreign Princes Deeds betwixt Party and Party touching their Lands and Estates or Purchasers taking recognizances and making of Extents upon Statutes and Recognizances for payment of Moneys or securing of Contracts Writs Remedial or Magisterial Commissions of Appeal Oyer and Terminer c. The Court of Common Pleas which are betwixt Subject and Subject hath its Original and Commissions from the Chancery and cannot hold Pleas without it For the Latin part of this Court are the 24 Cursitors and for the English part are the six Clerks The Court of Equity that proceeds not according to Law is no Court of Record and therefore binds onely the person not his Lands or Goods The Judge of this Court is the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England He is here the sole Judge whereas in other Courts there are three or four Judges but he may and doth often in cases of greater weight and difficulty in cases of Law call some of the other Judges to his assistance and therefore it is said this Office may be discharged by one that is no professed Lawyer as it was almost always antiently and so of later times by Sir Christopher Hatton and after by Doctor Williams Bishop of Lincoln to their great praise and commendation It is the highest Dignity in England that a Lay-man is capable of it is Summum ambientis animi quasi Solstitium and the Chancellor is Magistratuum omnium Antistes Antiently the Lord Chancellor had sometimes his Vicechancellor commonly called Keeper of the Great Seal but of later times they differ onely in name In France he that is made Chancellour is durante vita his place cannot be taken away although the Seales may It is said there that he is so to attend to the sole Interest of the King and People that he must not be sensible of any Relations or other consideration and therefore he may not put himself in mourning neither for his own Father nor for the King himself Chancellours have been in England as the learned Dugdale finds as soon as Christianity was embraced by the Saxons The Chancellor is said to be keeper of the Kings Conscience to judge secundum aequum bonum according to equity and conscience he is to moderate the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the exact rigour and letter of the Law whereunto other Judges are strictly tyed for the Princes of this Realm in imitation of the King of Kings governing the World by justice and mercy have erected two supreme Tribunals together at the upper end of Westminster-Hall one of Justice wherein nothing but the strict Letter of the Law is observed and the other of Mercy wherein the Rigour of the Law is tempered with the sweetness of Equity which is nothing else but Mercy qualifying the sharpness of Justice This Court being a Court of Conscience the less it is perplexed with the quirks of Lawyers the more it is guided by Conscience and Equity and therefore the Kings of England would have this Court superiour to the other Tribunals that so if any thing was done amiss by those following the Rigour of the Law here good by Conscience and Equity it might be amended wherein they followed the noble Pattern of the Great Constantine qui omnes suas leges imperfectas esse voluit ut inde subditi sui appellarent ad Episcopos and therefore in all former times the Judges of this Court were chosen out of the Clergy able Divines who by their skil in the Law of God and of Nations were best able to judge according to Moderation and Equity and most willing to execute accordingly also fittest to dispose of the Kings spiritual Benefices Besides when this High Office was given to Bishops and Clergy men in whom wealth and a publick Spirit being usually conjoyned what great publick Acts of Piety and Charity were done by them for this Nation to mention onely in Oxford What noble and rich foundations are Christ-church Magdalens New Colledge and Merton Colledge all founded by Bishops that were Chancellors and on the contrary since the places of Chancellor Treasurer Privy Seal c. have been usually in the Hands of Lay-men what one great work hath been done for the Publick but onely wealth heaped up for their own private Families The manner of Proceeding in this Court is much like that in the Courts of the Civil Law the Actions by Bill or Plaint the Witnesses examined in private the Decrees in Engli●h or Latin not in French No Jury of twelve men but all Sentences given by the Judge of the Court. The Chancellor or Lord Keeper hath twelve assistants antiently called Clerici or Magistri Cancellariae because they were usually in Holy Orders and all Doctors of Laws for Master and Doctor was antiently the same as at this day a Doctor in the Arts is called Magister in Artibus The first of these is called Master of the Rolls a place of great dignity and is in the gift of the King either for life or during His Majesties pleasure and this Officer hath jure Officii the gift of those considerable Offices of the six Clerks in Chancery hath the keeping of the Rolls hath the House of the converted Jews now called the Rolls and in the absence of the Chancellor heares Causes and makes Orders by Vertue of a Commission with two Masters and not jure Officii One reason why the Masters of Chancery were ever Civilians may be because for all cases almost imaginable some Law or case conformable thereunto may be fetched by a good Civilian out of that Law of Laws called the Civil Law Another may be because the Chancery more antient then in any other Court of England for all Original writs and Comissions whereupon the other Courts do ground all their proceedings do come from thence hath probably been taken from the Civil Law divers points
of proceedings not used in Common Law Courts as the Defendants answering to the Bill and sometimes to the Interrogatories upon Oath though to the accusing of a mans self in divers matters dammageable and penal also by the whole manner of publication the depositions of Witnesses by the examining of witnesses upon Interrogatories and in perpetuam rei memoriam by the term and use of final Decree and many other points differing from the Common Law and wholly agreeing with the Civil Law This Court is alwayes open when all the others are shut but onely in Term time so that if a man be wrongfully imprisoned in the Vacation time out of Term the Lord Chancellour may grant his Writ of Habeas Corpus and do him justice according to Law So likewise may this Court grant Prohibitions in time of Vacation as well as in Term time A List of the several Officers belonging to the High Court of Chancery SIR Orlando Bridgman Knight and Barronet Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England Then the 12 Masters of the Chancery as followeth Sir Harbottle Grimston Baronet Master of the Rolls Sir William Childe Knight Doctor of Laws Sir Justinian Lewin Knight Doctor of Laws Sir Thomas Escourt Knight Sir Mundeford Bramston Knight Doctor of Laws Sir Nathaniel Hobart Knight Sir William Glascock Knight Sir John Coel Knight Sir Robert Stewart Knight Sir Timothy Baldwin Knight Doctor of Laws Sir Andrew Harket Knight Sir William Beversham The House founded at first for the converted Jews was after their expulsson out of England annext for ever to the Office of Master of the Rolls where he hath the custody of all Charters Patents Commissions Deeds Recognisances which being made up in Rolls of Parchments gave occasion of the Name At present there are kept all the Rolls since the beginning of Henry 7. the rest are kept in the Tower of London In his gift are besides the six Clerks Offices the Offices of the Examiners and three Clerks of the Pettibag Next Clerk of the Crown Henry Barker Esquire this Office is of high importance he is either by himself or Deputy continually to attend the Keeper of the Great Seal for special matters of State and hath a place in the Higher House of Parliament he makes all Writs for summoning Parliaments and upon a Warrant directed to him by the Speaker of the House of Commons upon the Death or removal of any Member he makes a Writ for a new Election Protonatary of this Court is Robert Pescod Esquire this Office is chiefly to expedite Commissions for Embassies It is executed by a Deputy Clerk of the Hamper or Hannaper sometime stiled Warden of the Hannaper Whose Office is to receive all the Money due to the King for the Seals of Charters Patents Commissions and Writs and to attend the Keeper of the Seal dayly in Term time and at all times of Sealing with leather baggs now but antiently probably with Hampers wherein are put all sealed Charters Patents c. and then those Baggs delivered to the Comptroller of the Hamper This Office is now enjoyed by Henry Seymer Esquire and executed by a Deputy Warden of the Fleet or Keeper of the Fleet-Prison is an Office very considerable and is to take care of the Prisoners there who are commonly such as are sent thither from this Court for contempt to the King or his Laws or such as will not pay their Debts c. The present Warden is Sir Jeremy Whitchcote It is executed by a Deputy Serjeant at Armes is Humphrey Ley Esq whose Office is to bear a great gilt Mace before the Lord Keeper c. Six Clerks are Officers of great account next in degree to the twelve Masters in Chancery whose Office is to inroll Commissions Pardons Patents Warrants c. That are passed the Great Seal They were antiently Clerici and afterwards forfeited their places if they did marry till by Act of Parliament in the time of Hen. 8. they were allowed to take Wives They are also Atturneys for Plaintiffs and Defendants in causes depending in this Court The present six Clerks Sir John Marshal Matthew Pindar Esq Matthew Bluck Esq Sir Cyril Wyche John Wilkinson Esq and Edward Abney Esq who sit altogether at their Office in Chancery Lane Examiners in Chancery there are two Sir Robert Peyton and Sir Nicholas Strode Their Office is to examine the Witnesses in any suit on both sides on their Oaths This Office also is executed at the Rolls Clerks of the Petty Bag in Chancery are three Edmund Warcup Esq John Hobson Esq and George Low Esq they are under the master of the Rolls Their Office is to make all Patents for Customers Comtrollers all Conge d' eslires first summons of Nobility Clergy Knights Citizens and Burgesses to Parliament c. The Subpena Office is to issue out Writs to call a person into Chancery This Office is in the hands of Frances Lady Vane Sir Walter Vane and Charles Vane and executed by a Deputy Clerk of the Patents or of Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England is Sir Richard Pygot and executed by a Deputy erected 16 Jac. The Register of the Court of Chancery the Farl of St. Albans under whom are three Deputy Registers for the Court two Deputy Registers for the Rolls two entring Clerks and a Keeper of the Books Cursiters Office in the Chancery is to make out Original Writs they were antiently called Clerici de Cursu of these there are twenty four whereof each one hath certain Counties and Cities allotted to them into which they make out such Original Writs as are required These Clerks are a Corporation within them-themselves and are all persons of Quality whose names follow The Names of the Cursiters now in being are these that follow JOhn Symonds Principal William Barker Assistants Benjamin Gladman Assistants Henry Edmonds Ge. Norbury Abr. Nelson Rich· Plumpton Roger Brown John Norbury Richard Cross Edmund Eyre Will. Adderley Abr. Skynner Jo. Shelbury Will. Plumpton Thomas Fisher Elias Gladman Roger Twisden Ben. Storke John More William Loe. H. Amhurst Philip Barecroft Rich. Parmee Esquires who execute these Offices by themselves or by their Deputies This Office is kept near Lincolns Inn. Clerk of the Presentations of Spiritual Benefices Edwes Esquire Commissioners Sir George Courthop Sir Edm. Turner Halsal Esq Alienation Office N. Crew Esq Receiver Gen. Joh. Nichols All the forementioned Courts of Judicature at Westminster are opened four times the year called the four Termes viz. Easter Term which beginneth alwayes the seventeenth day after Easter and lasteth 27 dayes Trinity Term begins the 5 th day after Trinity Sunday and lasteth 20 dayes Michaelmas Term began heretofore a little after that Feast but now by a late Statute begins the 23 October and lasteth 37 dayes Lastly Hilary Term begins now 10 dayes after St. Hilary Bishop or the 23 of January and lasteth 21 dayes so in all 105 dayes from whence must be deducted about 20 Sundayes and Holydayes which
Sheriff of each County hath a double function first Ministerial to execute all Processes and Precepts of the Courts of Law and to make returns of the same Secondly Judicial whereby he hath authority to hold two several Courts of distinct nature the one called the Sheriffs Turn which he holdeth in several places of the County enquiring of all Criminal Offences against the Common-Law not prohibited by any Statute The other called the County Court wherein he hears and determines civil Causes of the County under 40 s. which antiently was a considerable summe so that by the great fall of the moneys now the Sheriffs authority in that part is much diminished He is said to be the life of Justice of the Law and of the County for no suit begins and no process is served but by him then no Execution of the Law but by him lastly he is the chief Conservator of the Peace in the whole County Every County being subdivided into Hundreds so called at first either for containing an hundred houses or 100 men bound to find Armes or Wapentakes so called from touching a weapon when they swore Allegiance as the manner at this day is in Sweden at their solemn weddings for the chief witnesses to lay all their hands upon a Lance or Pike every such Wapentake o● Hundred hath commonly a Bayliff a very antient Officer but now of small Authority also Officers called High Constables first ordained by the Statute of Winchester 13 Edw. 1. for conservation of Peace and view of Armour they disperse Warrants and Orders of the Justices of Peace to each Pety Constable There are also in every County two Officers called Coroners whose Office is to enquire by a Jury of Neighbours how and by whom any person came by a violent death and to enter the same upon Record which is matter Criminal and a plea of the Crown and thence they are called Crowners or Coroners These are chosen by the Free holders of the County by vertue of a Writ out of the Chancery They were antiently men of estates Birth and Honour and therefore in the Reign of Edward III. a Merchant being chosen a Coroner was removed quia communis Mercator fuit whereas he ought to have been a Gentleman which have no Trades man is reckoned to be by our Laws Every County also hath an Officer called Clerk of the Mercat whose Office is to keep a Standard of all Weights and Measures exactly according with the Kings Standard kept in the Exchequer and to see that none others be used in the same County to Seal all Weights and Measures made exactly by the Standard in his custody and to burn such as are otherwise He hath a Court and may keep and hold Plea therein Of the Civil Government of Cities EVery City of England by their Charters or Priviledges granted by several Kings is a little Common-wealth apart governed not as the Cities of France by a Nobleman or Gentleman placed there by the King but wholly by themselves they choose amongst themselves their own Governor in Cities a Mayor is chosen commonly out of 12 Aldermen In some other Co●porations a Bailiff is chosen out of a certain number of Burgesses They are not taxed but by their own Officers of their own Corporation every trade having some of their own alwayes of the Council to see that nothing be enacted contrary to their profit Every City by Charter from the King hath haute moyenne basse Justice a jurisdiction amongst themselves to judge in all matters criminal and civil onely with this restraint that all civil causes may be removed from their Courts to the Higher Courts at Westminster The Mayor of the City is the Kings Lieftenant and with the Alderm●n and Common Council as it were King Lords and Commons in Parliament can make Laws called By-Laws for the Government of the City He is for his time which is but for one year as it were a Judge to determine matters and to mitigate the Rigour of the Law The next in Government of Cities are two principal Officers called though improperly the Sheriffs who are Judges in civil causes within this City and to see all execution done whether penal or capital and should rather be called Stat-reeves or Port-reeves i. e. Urbis vel Portus Praefecti In Cities the people are generally made more industrious by Manufactures and less idleness suffered then in other places so that in some Cities children of six or seven years old are made to gain their own expences In the City of Norwich it hath of late yeares been computed and found that yearly children from 6 to 10 years of age have gained 12 thousand pounds more then what they spend and that chiefly by knitting fine Jersey Stockings The Government of Burroughs and other Towns corporate is much after the same manner In some there is a Mayor in others one or two Bailiffs who have equal power with a Mayor and Sheriffs and during their Offices they are Justices of the Peace within their Liberties and have there the same power that other Justices of the Peace have in the County For the better Government of Villages the Lord of the place hath ordinarily power to hold a Court-Baron so called because antiently such Lords were called Barons as they are still in many parts of France or else Court Baron i. e. Court of Freeholders as the Barons of Germany are called Frey herren so the Barons of the Cinque Ports in England are but the Freeholders of the Cinque Ports And this Court may be held every 3 weeks Also for the Government of Villages there is a Pety Constable chosen every year by every one that is Lord of the place this Officer is to keep the Peace in case of quarrels to search any house for Robbers Murdrers or others that have any way broken the peace to raise the Hue and Cry after Robbers fled away to seize upon them and keep them in the Stocks or other Prison till they can bring them before some Justice of Peace to whom the Constables are subservient upon all occasiions either to bring crrminals before them or to carry them by their command to the common Prison Every little Village almost hath an Epitome of Monarchical Government of Civil and Ecclesiastical policy within it self which if duly maintained would render the whole Kingdome happy First for the civil Government there is the Lord of the Soyl who from the Crown immediately or mediately holds Dominium soli and is said to have in him the Royalty as if he were a little King and hath a kind of Jurisdiction over the Inhabitants of the Village hath his Court-Leet● or Court-Baron to which they owe suit and service and where may be tryed smaller matters happening within the Mannour Escheats upon Felonies or other accidents Custody of Infants and Lunaticks power of passing Estates and admitting of Tenants Reliefs Hariots Hunting Hawking Fishing c. under the Lord is the Constable or
be spared because it intimates a distinct interest between the King and His Subjects which is not onely false but very dangerous to be allowed of The King is Pater patriae the Money given to him is for our use and benefit if we are niggardly to him we injure ourselves c. The Bill for the Kings general Pardon hath but one reading in either House for this reason because they must take it as the King will please to give it so the Bill of Subsidies granted by the Clergy assembled in Convocation for the same reason When the Bill for the general Pardon is passed by the King the Answer is thus les Prelats Signeurs communes en ce Parlament assemblez au nom de tous vos autres sujets remercient tres humblement vostre Majeste prient Dieu vous donner en sante bonne vie longue All Acts of Parliament before the Reign of Henry 7. were passed and enrolled in French now in Engli●h Most of our antient Acts of Parliament run in this stile The King at the humble request of the Commons with the assent of the Prelates Dukes Earles and Barons hath ordained or enacted After it was thus The King by the Advice and Assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and with the Assent of the Commons doth enact of later times it hath been thus Be it enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the Commons although the words of the Writ for summoning the Commons which ought to be the main rule is onely ad Consentiendum and not ad Consilium impendendum as it is in the Writ to the Lords and it is evident that the Commons in the late long Parliament made that an advantage for justifying their usurpations against the King in that point and so in another Parliament the Commons endeavoured to maintain that the Concurrence of the Lords was not always necessary in an Act of Parliament because 1 Edward 6. cap. 5. in passing that Act against transportation of Horses the Lords were casually omitted yet by the Register of the Lords House it appears that that Bill began first in the Lords House and there passed before the Commons took it in debate and therefore the Kings Council at Law is very curious in wording rightly all Acts before they are brought to the King and the Clerks of the Parliament as carefull in transcribing and registring them However it is to be wished that to prevent future mischief to this Nation some clauses in the late Act of Oblivion and Indemnity might be amended or at least explained and more especially about the beginning of that Act these words That all manner of Treasons c. since January 1637. and before June 1660. by vertue of any Authority from His late Majesty King Charles or His Majesty that now is be pardoned c. which words might possibly be foisted in designedly to insinuate as if according to that most absurd and Traiterous position of some of the Rebellious Members of the Long Parliament the Kings person or any commissionated by him could be guilty of Treason against the Kings Authority or against His two Houses of Parliament by pursuing of Rebels to bring them to Justice according to the Laws of the Land It were also to be desired that to prevent the great dishonour of making additional and explanatory Acts of Parliament so frequently as hath of late been done all considerable Bills of Publick concernment once read in either House of Parliament may before they be passed be exposed to the view of all comers as antiently among the Romans was usual to the end that any other person besides those of the two Houses may within the space of certain days freely propose in Writing or otherwise his exceptions additions alterations or amendments Sed haec obiter When those things for which the Parliament was summoned have been sufficiently treated and brought to a conclusion then the King doth usually adjourn prorogue or dissolve the Parliament in maner following The adjournments are usually made in the Lords House by the Lord Keeper in the Kings Name to what other day the King pleaseth and also to what other place if he think fit to remove them as sometimes hath been done and then all things already debated and read in one or both Houses continue to the next meeting in the same state they were in before the adjournment and so may be resumed In the like maner the Parliament is Prorogued but by a Prorogation there is a Session and then the Bills that were almost ready in both Houses for the Royal Assent not having it must at the reassembling of the Parliament begin anew The Speaker of the House of Commons upon notice given that it is the Kings pleasure that House shall also adjourn doth say with the assent of the House This House is adjourned When the Kings pleasure is to prorogue or dissolve the Parliament His Majesty commonly cometh in person with His Crown on his Head sendeth for all the House of Commons to come to the Bar of the Lords House and after the Kings answer to each Bill signified as aforementioned His Majesty usually makes a Solemn Speech the Lord Keeper another and the Speaker of the House of Commons a third then the Lord Keeper by the special command of the King doth pronounce the Parliament prorogued or dissolved Note That the King being head of the Parliament if his death doth happen during the sitting of the Parliament it is ipso facto dissolved Antiently after every Session of Parliament the King commanded every Sheriff to proclaim the several Acts and to cause them to be duly observed yet without that Proclamation the Law intended that every one hath notice by his representative of what is transacted in Parliament of later times since Printing became common that Custom hath been laid aside The Number of Persons that have have Place and Suffrage in both Houses To the Lords House belong 3 Dukes of the Royal Blood though one be infra aetatem 7 other Dukes 3 Marquises 56 Earls 9 Vicounts and 67 Barons in all 154. Then there are two Archbishops and 24 Bishops so that the Total is 180. But many being under age some sick and infirm others abroad in the Kings Service the ordinary number is about 100. To the House of Commons belong first for the 40 Shires of England two for each in all 80 Knights then one for each of the twelve Counties of Wales 12 Knights For 25 Cities in England two to each and London four in all 52 Citizens For the Cinque Ports 16 Barons for the two Universities two Burgesses for each For 168 Burroughs there are about 330 Burgesses for some few of those Burroughs send but one Burgess apiece Lastly in each of the 12 Counties of Wales there is one Burrough that sends only one Burgess so the total Number of the House of
the like whereof for spatiousness beauty and exact proportion no King in Europe can parallel of another Royal Palace called Saint James's of Clarendon-House which for situation and a uniform solid structure is admirable of the many stately uniform Piles in S. James's Fields of Northumberland-House of Britains Burse or the New Exchange a place excellently furnished with all kinde of choice Commodities and Wares for Ladies of York Salisbury and Worcester Houses of the Savoy a vast building first erected by Peter Earl of Savoy and Richmond Uncle to Eleanor Wife to our King Henry the Third who after purchased the same for Her Son Edmund Duke of Lancaster and is now a famous Hospital built all of huge Stone and more like a Kings Palace of another Palace called Somerset-House built by Edward Duke of Somerset Uncle to King Edward the Sixth of the uniform stately Buildings and forementioned large Piazza's or open places for which the Cities in Italy are so highly esteemed in Covent-Garden Lincolns-Inn Fields and Southampton Buildings not to be equalled in any of our Neighbor Countreys As for the Borough of Southwark granted by King Edward the Sixth by His Letters Patents to the Major Commonalty and Citizens of London called The Bridge Ward without and governed by one of the Twenty six Aldermen of London it hath nothing much remarkable onely that it is so rich and populous that it pays more in a Subsidy to the King and musters more Men then any other City in England besides London Lastly Very remarkable also is the Campaign or Country on all sides of this great City for the number of Royal Palaces the multitude of Stately Houses and Gardens of Noblemen the innumerable fair Summer Dwelling-Houses of the Wealthy Citizens the pleasant fertile Meadows enclosed Pastures and Corn Fields the abundance of Nurseries and Seminaries where are to be sold all sorts of Fruit-Trees Flowers Herbs Roots as well for Physick as for Food and Delight the frequency populousness and wealthiness of the Villages whereas the Campaigns about Rome and Madrid are more like Desarts The Arms of the City of London are Argent Cross-Gules with the Sword of S. Paul not the Dagger of William Walworth as some have conceited for this Coat did belong to this City before Walworth slew Wat Tyler the Rebel as Learned Antiquaries affirm Of the Vniversities of England THe English Universities are so famous beyond the Seas and so much surpass all other in the World that they abundantly deserve a larger account then can sute with the designed brevity of this Manual however they shall not be passed over in silence Nothing was ever devised more singularly beneficial to Gods Church and Mans happiness then what our Ancestors have to their eternal renown performed by erecting such admirable Structures for Learning as our Universities do contain and by providing thereby that choice parts after reasonable time spent in contemplation may be called forth to act and practice in Church and State In the beautiful Fabrick of the Kingdom of England the Two Eyes are the Two Universities Oxford and Cambridge those Two Nurseries or Seminaries of Learning and Religion which for number and magnificence of richly endowed Colledges for liberal Stipends to all sorts of Publick Professors for well furnished Publick and Private Libraries for large Charters Priviledges and Immunities for number and quality of Students for exact Discipline and Order are not to be parallel'd in the whole World They were anciently called Academies from a Grove so named new Athens whither Plato Xenocrates and other Philosophers retired for the study of Sciences Of later times they have been stiled Universities A Professione Universalium Scientiarum Artium liberalium An University now is properly an Incorporation under one Government of many Publick Schools ordained especially for the Study and Profession of Divinity Civil Law and Physick and also of Philosophy and of other Liberal Sciences and Arts as Hand-maids to the former Oxford Quasi Ousford Isidis Vadum the name of the cheif River whereon it is seated or perhaps from Bovis Vadum a Ford for Oxen to pass through before the use of Bridges as Thracius Bosphorus signifying the like is by the Germans called Ochenfurt It is seated at the meeting of two clear Fishy Rivers in such a healthy Air and pleasant rich Soyl that it hath anciently been called Bellositum or Baulieu It lies in 51 Degrees 50 Minutes Latitude and about 22 Degrees Longitude Oxford was a place of Publick Studies above Nine hundred years ago and much augmented not founded by the Learned Saxon King Alfred hath been very anciently reckoned the Second University amongst the Four Principal of Europe whereof the others are Paris in France Bononia now called Bologna in Italy and Salamanca in Spain and although Paris hath usually been named in the first place yet it hath been acknowledged to be Oxoniae Propago and if Paris for a time was more flourishing yet since in many respects is it excelled by this of Oxford Oxford is an antient City consisting of two sorts of Inhabitants viz. Students and Citizens living one amongst another though wholly separate for Government and Manners for when former Kings of England perceived that they could not as at Paris be separated by a River they thought best to disjoyn them as much as might conveniently be by Priviledges and whole manner of Government so that there are not the same limits for the University have them much larger nor the same stroke and Authority of Justice or power of Magistrates for the Chancellor of the University and in his absence his Vice-Chancellor is not onely in place but in all affairs of Moment though concerning the City itself superior to the Mayor of the Town Nor are they governed by the same kind of Laws for all Members of the University are subject to the Vice-Chancellors Judicial Courts which are ruled wholly by the Civil Law Over the University next under the King is placed the forementioned Magistrate called the Chancellor who is usually one of the Prime Nobility and nearest in favour with the Soveraign Prince Elected by the Students themselves in Convocation to continue durante vita whose Office is to take care of the Government of the whole University to maintain the Liberties and Priviledges thereof to call Assemblies to hear and determine Controversies call Courts punish Delinquents c. This great Honour is enjoyed at present by James Duke of Ormond Lord Steward of the Kings Houshold The next in Dignity amongst the Officers of the University of Oxford is the high Steward who is nominated by the Chancellor and approved by the University and is also durante vita whose Office is to assist the Chancellor Vice-Chancellor and Proctors upon their Requests in the execution of their Places also to hear and determine Capital Causes according to the Laws of the Land and Priviledges of the University so oft as the Chancellor shall require him This Honour is held by