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A88846 Deceptio intelectus & visus. Or the lawyers vviles unmasked Being the plain innocent mans path-way, for a speedy end at a cheap rate, in any perplexed or troublesome cause, without multitudes, or any bauling or wrangling lawyers to obscure the truth, by their jeering, and endeavouring to daunt all that shal speak either as partee, friend, witness or otherwise; which hath been too common. By Edm. Leach, of London, merchant. Leach, Edmund, 17th century. 1652 (1652) Wing L767A; ESTC R230379 17,520 64

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was taken from him by force or as he hath often said robbed of it And an Issue of per minus being entered and thereupon Wright being informed that he was in danger notwithstanding the Bond was taken from Mr More he caused the Lord Keeper several times to have the decretal Order signed that he might have a Decree made and enrolled thereupon But his Lordship being informed as it is proved in another Suit in that Court concerning the same matter that the subornation and perjury of the Viva Voce Witnesses was publique and that Wright had boasted much of the said Order and told it about that he had now accomplished his end although it cost him dear near about two thousand pounds and that one of the Witnesses were run away * and that the other was sound a common Cheat and Swearer for mony and otherwise a haynous Offender the Lord Keeper never did but refused to sign the decretal Order so highly esteemed of But let the Gentleman consider of these lines and say what more he please and he shall hear surther from me And after the death of the L. Keeper C. it was several times moved before the Lord Littleton to be done besides other things inconvenient But Wright and his Councel were denyed after they had put Mr More to great charges long attendance trouble labour and travel In Hillary Term 16 Car. Rex after a verdict before the Lord Chief Justice Bramston Mr More obtained a Judgment in the Court of Kings Bench upon the Issue before mentioned being for 7000 l. upon the Bond with damages and costs And in Michaelmas 17 Car. Rex Wright was charged in execution for it in the custody of Sir J. L. then Marshal c. And Wright being so in execution offered to Mr More 2000 l. and security for the residue of the Debt all the same appearing to be due by the proceedings in Chancery under the great Seal of England But before any part thereof was satisfied Sir J. L. suffered Wright to escape out of execution Mr More in Hillary Term 17 Car. Rex ten days before the end of the Term caused an Action of Debt to be brought for the Debt and Damages and then filed a Declaration against the said Sir J. L. for the same and he to deprive Mr More of his Debt and remedy for the same in Trinity Term 18 Car. Rex only by Affidavit deposing that he had not a copy of the Declaration delivered until Easter Term and that he had retaken Wright in the Vacation before Easter Term then next before notwithstanding that Mr More had several Rules against Sir J. L. for Iudgment upon the said Declaration so filed he the said Sir I. L. in Trinity Term 18. although he had before promised to bring in his Plea and failed having taken warning for tryal procured an Order to be made by Sir Jo. Bramston and Sir Tho. Malet in open Court the first and confirmed the second day that the Declaration filed in Hill Term 17. Car. Rex should stand filed as of Easter Term 18 Car. Rex upon the motion of Mr More by his Councel against it by which motion cause was shewed to the contrary And for that Mr More being advised that that Order if it should stand would deprive him of his Debt several times moved in Court and otherwise and moved those Iudges to alter the same but could not prevail and that notwithstanding the earnest solicitation of Mr More for his judgment of the Court above four years to his great expences travel and trouble after about 15 Orders made in the Cause the said Order was confirmed And the said Sir J. L. made a great bussle in the Chancery exhihiting his Bill there and setting forth all the lyes and scandals in the said Bill of old Wright mentioned which were forged and feigned as aforesaid And notwithstanding Mr More denyed the same in his Answer and made it appear in the proceedings and proofs in the Cause of the Widow Wright Administratrix of the said Thomas Wright concerning the matter in question which was dismissed and by his proofs in the Suit wherein he obtained a Decree in Chancery against her Sir J. L. obtained an Injunction at the Rolls before his Brother which after before the Lords Commissioners was ordered to stand dissolved unless Sir I. Lenthall would confess a Judgment of 7007 l. and 1 s. at the Suit of Mr More and to reserve what Equity would afford which was principally ordered upon the pressing of Mr William Okeham Soliciter for Mr More for the dissolution of the Injunction after Councel had given it almost over but after the Injunction was so moved to be dissolved and pronounced by the Lords Commissioners Mr Newdicate one of the Councel for Mr More moved further for a release of Errors which was also assented to by the Court and ordered or otherwise the Injunction to stand dissolved And before or after Sir I. L. had obtained the Injunction to be granted or continued by the Speaker which was after damped by the Lords Commissioners unless c. Sir I. L. never to this day confessed any Judgment to or at the Suit of the said Mr More nor gave unto him any release of Errors and therefore from that time to this the Injunction standeth and remaineth dissolved Yet notwithstanding the Judges layd that as a stumbling block in the Petitioners way and before * Sir J. L. to disable Mr More of prosecution for the escape arrested him upon an Action of 1000 l. in London and having no cause of Action against him neither did nor durst declare nor proceed after he had forced him unto and perceived that he could and did put in good bayl And Sir J. L. threatened the like also to Mr Okeham Solicitor for Mr More and had Officers employed for that purpose who told Mr Okeham if he would not leave being Solicitor in that Cause he would be undone But after Sir J. L. being taxed for it in the Court of Kings Bench he denyed it although Mr Okeham proved it and made Sir J. L. sware that he had no action or cause of action against him the said Mr Okeham And that also Sir I. L. conceiving the Friends of Mr More who would bayl him to be out of London caused him to be arrested upon an attachment of priviledg * at the Suit or him the said Sir I. L. being difficult to put in or find bayl to and required and demanded bayl thereupon for 2000 l. which Mr More was constrained unto and by chance did provide and put in bayl I my self being one and provided the other And after that Sir I. L. declared against Mr More for words that is to say that he had a Judgment against him for above 7000 l. and after surceased proceedings thereupon because it appeared that Mr More had such a Iudgment against him the said Sir I. L. and therefore Mr
More is voyd of all remedy in the premisses but in the Supream Court of Parliament The Iudges to make themselves innocent pretend that they thought they did Justice when they made those Orders and that now they do not remember upon what grounds they made them To this I say That so might the forty four Justices have said which appears in the 239 page of the Mirror of Iustice to be condemned by King Alfred for their misdemeanors but it seems that neither could nor would serve the turn for they did undergo the pains and penalties of the Law and those Judges Sir Iohn Bramston and Sir Tho. Malet had no more colour or ground for their judgment in their Orders then the old Judges for theirs But the long-winded daring and daunting Lawyer saith That sometimes Orders in Court are made upon Affidavits in writing which after be of late years filed in Court although anciently not so and that the Judges might have cause shewn which now they do not remember and that some things are beleeved and some not beleeved by some in Court To this I answer I wonder how any such ought to be beleeved who feign things which they know to be untrue and set a bold face upon them as though they were as true as the Gospel to run the other party upon a Lee shore And the Gentleman cavilleth at the filing of the Declaration although he did see it under the hand of Mr Hoddesdon who he said was accounted as honest a man as ever was Secondary of the Kings Bench Office that it had been examined and reported to be filed in Hillary Term and the Rules now in question and divers other Rules made in the Cause and the same was and can be made appear by Witnesses against which there neither is or was any exception taken And further to make it appear and manifest that the Judges might have been informed upon what grounds they made the first of these two Orders in question Mr Keeling who made and Sir Io. Lenthall who caused that first momotion to be made be yet living and well known to the Iudges and so is Mr Edward Harris who made the second of those motions By those and many Officers of the Court might the Iudges have been well informed of all circumstances in the business especially being the Iudges or at least one of them have been from year to year and from time to time called upon and desired to afford or help the Petitioner to relief in the premisses both while they were in Office or Iudicature and since but always hitherto delayed and refused and never stirred or went about to have the said Orders altered since they have been out of Office but suffered the Petitioner hitherto to groan under this sad oppression There is a strong presumption that there was some under-hand dealing between the Iudges and Sir I. L. for never the like act was known to be done or so much as heard of before during all the time that they sate as Iudges in that Court and therefore I think all that they have said cannot excuse them but they are as faulty in this as the old Iudges before mentioned of those things for which they were condemned And further they endeavor to excuse themselves because nothing is proved that they took for making those Orders and therefore they are not to be questioned To this I say Did the late Lord Chief Justice Richardson or late Justice Bartlet excuse themselves for taking insufficient Bayl though nothing were proved against them for so doing were they not compelled to pay the Debts themselves Or were the old Iudges before cited excused because that it was not proved that they gained any thing by what they did And were not some Iudges questioned and turned out of Office and fined and ordered to pay damage for adjudging the Ears of some persons to be cut off and sentenced to other miseries And the like for many other offences though nothing proved for so doing too long now to enumerate but much more may be said when opportunity serve And these Iudges Sir Iohn Bramston and Sir Tho Malet especially one of them had continued long enough in that place of Iudicature to have had more judgment then to be ignorant that they might make such Orders upon such Assidavits that he had not a copy of that Declaration in time for that he only deposeth in his Affidavit that he did not receive the Declaration until within Easter Term and if he had not had notice of the filing of it in Hillary Term before it is likely he would have deposed that as well as the other and therefore it cannot but be presumed but that he had notice of it in that Term in time although it were sufficient for the Petitioner to have his Declaration stand of Hillary Term without removing being a Rule was then given and entered that Term of which Sir I. L. ought and could not but to take notice and yet if he should have had no notice before the Declaration was given to him the Iudges could at the most but have given him imparlance until the next Term after that he had notice without any alteration of the Declaration And the Iudges might as well as make the Orders aforesaid order any Declaration filed within the time in the Statute of Limitation to be filed when the time is out and past when the Plaintiff should not have the benefit of his Action And they may as well when a Declaration shall be filed for mony due upon a Bond order that the Declaration shall be filed at a time before the date of the Bond when there is no cause of Action And so in all Cases by such means the Plaintiffs may lose their Actions and totally their debts and demands therein lawfully due and owing to them 1. This I thought good for several causes to publish First That I could not get any body who could to sort my papers readily out as the Iudges had and did and also to promp their Councel and no body to help me at all nor appear without compulsion nor speak any thing but what was drawn from them by questions 2. For that it may clearly appear to all unbyassed persons who shall read the same how much the Petitioner hath been and is dampnified by those Orders for if Sir Iohn Lenthall had not suffered Wright to escape the Petitioner had had 2000 l. down above eleven years since and security for the rest which he offered while he was a Prisoner and after he had escaped flew off and said he had compounded with Sir I. L. better cheap and therefore Sir I. L. was the cause of the loss of the debt of Wright and the Iudges for the obtaining the same of Sir I. L. by reason of the Orders 3. To the end that a good cause may not be thrown into the dirt by any decretal Order grounded upon untruths and would not abide the light when it was