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B00290 The booke of common prayer, and adminystracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande.; Book of common prayer Church of England. 1553 (1553) STC 16288A; ESTC S123394 285,183 443

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whole study care in keping of thy holy lawe And that we may laboure and trauaile for oure necessities in this lyfe like the birdes of the ayre and the lilies of the fielde without care For thou hast promised to bee carefull for vs and hast commaunded that vpō thee we should cast all our care which liuest and reignest world without end Amen A prayer necessarye for all persones O Mercifull God I a wretched bed sinner reknowledge my selfe bounde to kepe thy holy commaundementes but yet vnable to perfourme them and to bee accepted for iuste without the righteousnes of Iesu Christe thy onely sonne who hath perfectly fulfilled thy lawe to iustify al men that beleue and trust in him Therefore graunt me grace I beseche thee to bee occupyed in dooynge of good woorkes whyche thou commaundeste in holye Scrypture all the dayes of my lyfe to thy glorye and yet to truste onelye in thy mercy in Christes merites to be pourged from my sinnes and not in my good workes be they neuer so many Geue grace to loue thy holy word feruently to searche the Scritptures diligentlye to reade them humblye to vnderstand them truely to liue after them effectually Order my life to O Lorde that it be alway acceptable vnto thee Geue me grace not to reioyce in any thing that displeaseth thee but euermore to delyte in those thynges that please thee be they neuer so contrarye to my desyres Teache me so to praye that my peticions may be graciously hearde of thee Kepe me vpryghte among diuersitie of opinions and iudgementes in the worlde that I neuer swarue from thy trueth taught in holye scripture In prosperitie O Lorde saue me that I waxe not proude In aduersitie helpe me that I neither dispayre nor blaspheme thy holye name but taking it pacientlye to geue thee thankes and trust to be deliuered after thy pleasure When I happen to fall into synne thorowe frayltie I beseche thee to woorke true repentaunce in my hearte that I may be sorye withoute desperacion trust in thy mercye without pres umpcion that I maye amende my lyfe and become truely religious without hipocrisie lowlye in hearte without faynyng faythfull and trustie withoute deceitpte merye withoute lightnesse sad without mistrust sober without slouthfulnes content with mine owne without couetousnes To tell my neighbour his faultes charitably without dissimulacion To instructe my housholde in thy lawes truelye To obeye oure Kyng and all gouernours vnder him vnfaynedlye To receiue all lawes and cōmon ordinaunces which disagreeth not from thy holy woord obediently To paye euerye man that which I owe vnto him truely To backebyte no man nor slaunder my neyghboure secretlye and to abhorre all vyce louing all goodnes earnestlye O Lorde graunte me thus to doe for the glory of thy holy name Amen ¶ A prayer necessary to be sayd at all tymes O Bountiful Iesu O swete sauiour O Christ the sonne of God haue pietie vpon me mercifully heare me and despyse not my prayers Thou hast created me of nothing thou hast redemed me frō the bondage of synne death and hell neither with golde nor siluer but with thy most precious body once offered vpō the crosse thine own blud shed once for al for my raūsome therfore cast me not away whō thou by thy great wisdom hast made despise me not whom thou hast redemed with such a precious treasure Nor let my wickednes destroy that which thy goodnes hath builded Now whiles I liue O Iesu haue mercye on me for if I dye out of thy fauour it wil be to late afterwarde to call for thy mercy whiles I haue time to repent loke vpon me with thy merciful eyes as thou didst vouchsafe to loke vpon Peter thyne Apostle that I maye bewayle my sinfull life and obtein thy fauour and dye therin I reknowoledge that if thou shouldest deale with me according to verye iustice I haue deserued euerlasting deathe Therefore I appeale to thy high throne of mercy trusting to obteyn Gods fauoure not for my merites but for thy merites O Iesu who hast geuen thy selfe an acceptable sacrifice to thy father to appease his wrath and to bring all sinners truely repenting and amending theyr euil life into hys fauour agayn Accept me O lorde among the number of them that shal be saued forgeue me my sinnes geue me grace to leade a godly innocēt life graūt me thy heauēly wisdō inspire my heart with fayth hope charitie geue me grace to bee hūble in prosperitie paciēt in aduersitie obedient to my rulers faithful vnto thē that trust me dealing truely with al men to liue chastly in wedlocke abhorre adulterye fornicacion al vnclēnes to do good after my power vnto al mē to hurt no man the thy name may be glorified in me during this presēt life that I afterward may obtein euerlasting life thorow thi merci the merites of thi passiō amē ¶ Certayne prayers taken oute of the seruice dayly vsed in the Quenes house Mondai ALmighty god the father of mercy god of al comfort the which onely forgeuest sinne forgeue vnto vs our synnes good Lorde forgeue vnto vs our sinnes that by the multitude of thy mercies they maye be couered not imputed vnto vs by the operacion of the holy ghoste we maye haue power and strength herafter to resist synne by our sauiour and Lord Iesu Christ Amen Tuesday O Lord God which despysest not a contrite heart forgeattest the sinnes and wickednes of a sinner in what houre soeuer he doth mourne lament his olde maner of liuing Graunt vnto vs O lord true contricion of heart that we may vehemently despyse our synneful life past and wholely be conuerted vnto thee by our Sauiour and Lord Iesus Christ Amen Wednesdaye O Mercifull father by whole power strength we may ouercome our enemies both bodely gostly graunte vnto vs O Lorde that accordyng to oure promyse made in baptisme we may ouercome the chief enemies of our soule that is the desires of the world the pleasures of the flesh the suggestions of the wicked spirit so after leade our liues in holines righteousnes the we may serue thee in spirit in trueth that by our sauiour lord Iesus Christ Amen Thursdaye O Almightie euerlasting god which not onelye geuest euerye good and perfite gifte but also encreasest those giftes the thou hast geuē we most humbly beseche thee mercifull God to encreafse in vs the gifte of faith that we maye truly beleue in thee in thy promises made vnto vs that neither by our negligence nor infirmitie of the fleshe nor by greuousnes of temptacion nether by the subtil craftes assaultes of the deuil we be drieuen from fayth in the bloud of our sauiour and Lord Iesu Christ Amen Fryday GRaunt vnto vs O mercifull God we most hartely beseche thee knowledge and true vnderstandyng of thy word that all ignoraūce expelled we may knowe what thy wil pleasure is
the lorde and so thou forgauest the wyckednes of my sinne For this shall euery one that is godlye make hys prayer vnto thee in a tyme when thou mayest be founde but in the great water fluddes they shall not come nighe hym Thou arte a place to hyde me in thou shalte preserue me from trouble thou shalte compasse me rounde aboute with songes of delyueraunce I wyll enforme thee and teache thee in the way wherein thou shalt goe and I wyll guyde thee with myne eye Be ye not lyke horse and mule whyche haue no vnderstaning whose mouthes must be holden with bitte and bridle lest they fall vpon thee Great plagues remaine for the vngodly but whoso putteth his trust in the lord mercy embraceth him on euery syde Be glad O ye righteous and reioyce in the Lord and bee ioyfull all ye that are true of hearte Exultate iusti in domino Psalm xxxiii REioice in the lord O ye righteous for it becommeth well the iust to be thankefull Prayse the lorde with harpe syng Psalmes vnto hym with the lute and instrument of ten strynges Syng vnto the Lorde a newe song syng prayses iustlye vnto hym with a good corage For the worde of the Lord is true and al his workes are faithfull He loueth righteousnes and iudgemente the earthe is full of the goodnes of the lorde By the worde of the Lord were the heauens made and al the hostes of them by the breath of hys mouth He gathereth the waters of the sea together as it were vpō an heape and layeth vp the depe as in a treasure house Let all the earth feare the lorde stand in awe of him al ye that dwell in the worlde For he spake and it was done he commaunded and it stode faste The lord bryngeth the counsell of the heathen to naught and maketh the deuises of the people to be of none effect and casteth out the counsailes of princes The counsayll of the Lorde shall indure for euer and the thoughtes of hys hearte from generacion to generacion Blessed are the people whose god is the Lord Iehouah blessed are the folke that haue chosen hym to bee theyr inheritaunce The lorde loked downe from heauen and behelde all the children of men from the habitacion of his dwellyng he cōsidereth all them that dwell in the earth He fashioned all the heartes of them and vnderstandeth all theyr workes There is no king that can be saued by the multitude of an host neither is any mightie man deliuered by much strēgth A horse is coumpted but a vayne thyng to saue a man neither shall he deliuer any man by hys great strength Beholde the iye of the lorde is vpon them that feare him and vpon them that put theyr trust in his mercy To delyuer theyr soules from death and to feede them in tyme of dearth Our soule hath paciently taried for the lord for he is oure helpe and our shielde For our heart shall reioyce in him because we haue hoped in hys holy name Let thy mercifull kyndnesse O lorde be vpon vs like as we haue put our trust in thee Benedicam dominum Psalm xxxiiii I Wyll alwaye geue thankes vnto the Lord his praise shall euer be in my mouth My soule shal make her bost in the lord the humble shal heare therof and be glad O prayse the Lorde with me and let vs magnifye hys name together I sought the Lorde and he hearde me yea he deliuered me out of all my feare They had an eye vnto hym and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed Loe the poore cryeth and the Lord heareth hym yea and saueth hym out of all his troubles The Aungel of the Lord tarieth round aboute them that feare hym and deliuereth them O taste and see howe gracious the Lorde is blessed is the man that trusteth in hym O feare the Lord ye that be hys sainctes for they that feare hym lacke nothing The lyons doe lacke and suffre hunger but they whyche s eke the Lorde s hall want no maner of thyng that is good Come ye children and hearken vnto me I wyll teache you the feare of the Lord. What man is he that lusteth to lyue and woulde fayne see good dayes kepe thy tongue from euill and thy lippes that they speake no guyle Eschewe euyll and doe good seke peace and ensue it The eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righteous and hys eares are open vnto theyr prayers The countenaunce of the Lord is againste them that doe euil to roote out the remēbraunce of them frō of the earthe The righteous crye and the Lord heareth them and deliuereth them out of all theyr troubles The lorde is nygh vnto them that are of a contrite heart and wyll saue suche as be of an humble spirite Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth hym out of all He kepeth all hys bones so that not one of them is broken But misfortune shal staye the vngodly and they that hate the righteous shal be desolate The Lorde deliuereth the soules of hys seruauntes and all they that put theyr truste in hym shall not bee destitute Iudica domine nocentes Psalm xxxv Mornīg prayer PLeade thou my cause O Lorde with them that striue with me and fight thou againste them that fighte agaynst me Lay hand vpon the shielde and buckeler and stand vp to helpe me Bring furth the speare and stoppe the way against them that persecute me saye vnto my soule I am thy saluacion Let them be confounded and put to shame that seke after my soule let them be turned backe and brought to confusiō that ymagine mischiefe for me Let them be as the dust before the wynde and the aungel of the Lorde scattering them Let their way be darke and slippery and let the Aungell of the Lorde persecute them For they haue prieuely layde theyr nette to destroye me without a cause yea euen without a cause haue they made a pytte for my soule Let a sodaine destruccion come vpon him vnawares and hys net that he hath layde priuely catch himself that he may fall into hys owne mischiefe And my soule be ioyfull in the Lord it shall reioyce in his saluacyon And my bones shall saye Lorde who is lyke vnto thee whiche deliuerest the poore from hym the is to strong for hym yea the pore him the is in misery from him the spoyleth hym False witnes did rise vp they laid to my charge thynges that I knowe not They rewarded me euill for good to the great discoumforte of my soule Neuerthelesse when they wer sicke I put on sackeclothe and humbled my soule with fasting my prayer shall turne into myne owne bosome I behaued my self as though it had been my frend or my brother I went heuely as one the mourneth for his mother But in myne aduersitie they reioysed gathered them together yea the verye abiectes came together agaynste me vnawares makyng mowes at me and ceassed not With the flatterers
all the commaundementes I wil thanke thee with an vnfained heart when I shall haue learned the iudgementes of thy ryghteousnes I will kepe thy Ceremonies O forsake me not vtterly In quo corrigit WHerwith shall a yong man clense hys waye euen by ruling hymselfe after thy worde With my whole heart haue I soughte thee O let me not goe wrong out of thy commaundementes Thy wordes haue I hyd within mine heart that I should not synne agaynste thee Blessed art thou O Lorde O teache me thy statutes With my lippes haue I been telling of al the iudgementes of thy mouth I haue had as great delight in the way of thy testimonies as in all maner of riches I wil talke of thy commaundementes and haue respecte vnto thy wayes My delight shal be in thy statutes and I wil not forgeat thy worde Retribue seruo I Do wel vnto thy seruant that I may liue and kepe thy woord Open thou mine eyes that I may see the wonderous thinges of thy lawe I am a straunger vpon earth O hyde not thy commaundementes My soule breaketh out for the very seruent desyre that he hath alway vnto thy iudgementes Thou hast rebuked the proude and cursed are they that doe erre from thy commaundementes O turne fro me shame and rebuke for I haue kept thy testimonies Princes also did sit and speake agaynst me but thy seruaunt is occupyed in thy statutes For thy testimonies are my delight and my counsellers Adhesit pauimento MY soule cleaueth to the dust O quicken thou me according to thy woord I haue knowledged my waies and thou heardest me O teache me thy statutes Make me to vnderstande the way of thy commaundementes and so shal I talke of thy wonderous workes My soule melteth away for very heauines comfort thou me according to thy woord Take fro me the way of lying and cause thou me to make much of thy lawe I haue chosen the waye of trueth and thy iudgementes haue I layd before me I haue sticken vnto thy testimonies O Lord confounde me not I will runne the waye of thy commaundementes when thou hast set my heart at libertie Legem pone Mornīg prayer TEache me O Lorde the waye of thy statutes and I shall kepe it vnto the ende Geue me vnderstanding and I shal kepe thy law yea I shal kepe it with my whole heart Make me to goe in the path of thy commaundementes for theirin is my desyre Encline my heart vnto thy testimonies and not to couetousnes O turne awaye mine iyes lest they beholde vanitie and quicken thou me in thy way O stablish thy word in thy seruaunte that I maye feare thee Take away the rebuke that I am afraid of for thy iudgementes are good Beholde my delyghte is in thy commaundementes O quicken me in thy righteousnes Et veniat super me LEt thy louing mercy come also vnto me O lord euē thy saluacion according vnto thy woord So shal I make aunswere vnto my blasphemers for my trust is in thy woord O take not the woorde of thy trueth vtterly out of my mouth for my hope is in thy iudgementes So shall I alway kepe thy lawe yea for euer and euer And I will walke at libertie for I seke thy commaundementes I will speake of thy testimonies also euen before kinges and wil not be ashamed And my delight shal be in thy commaundementes which I haue loued My handes also wil I lift vp vnto thy cōmaundementes which I haue loued and my studye shal be in thy statutes Memor esto verbi tui O Thinke vpon thy seruaūt as concerning thy word wherin thou hast caused me to put my trust Thesame is my coumforte in my trouble for thy word hath quickened me The proude haue had me exceadynglye in derision yet haue I not shrinked from thy lawe For I remēber thine euerlasting iudgementes O lord and rececyued comfort I am horriblye afraide for the vngodly that forsake thy lawe Thy statutes haue been my songes in the house of my pilgrimage I haue thoughte on thy name O Lord in the night season and haue kept thy lawe This I had because I kept thy commaundementes Portio mea domine THou art my porcion O lord I haue promised to kepe thy lawe I made mine humble peticion in thy presence with my whole heart O be merciful vnto me according vnto thy worde I called mine owne waies to remembraunce and turne my fete into thy testimonies I made hast and prolonged not the time to kepe thy commaundementes The congregacion of the vngodly haue robbed me but I haue not forgotten thy lawe At midnight I will rise to geue thankes vnto thee beecause of thy righteous iudgementes I am a companion of all them that feare thee and keepe thy commaundementes The earth O Lorde is full of thy mercy O teache me thy statutes Bonitatem fecisti O Lorde thou hast dealt graciously with thy seruaunt according vnto thy woorde O learne me true vnderstanding and knowledge for I haue beleued thy commaundementes Before I was troubled I went wrong but now haue I kept thy worde Thou arte good and gracious O teache me thy statutes The proude haue imagined a lie againste me but I wyll kepe thy commaundementes with my whole hearte Their hearte is fat as brawne but my delyghte hathe been in thy lawe It is good for me that I haue ben in trouble that I may learne thy statutes The law of thy mouth is dearer vnto me then thousandes of golde and siluer Manus tue fecerunt me Euening prayer THy handes haue made me and fashioned me O geue me vnderstandyng that I may learne thy commaūdementes They that feare thee will be glad when they see me beecause I haue put my trust in thy worde I knowe O Lorde that thy iudgementes are right and that thou of very faithfulnes hast caused me to be troubled O let thy mercifull kyndnes be my comforte according to thy worde vnto thy seruaunt O let thy louyng mercies come vnto me that I may lyue for thy law is my delight Let the proude bee confounded for they goe wickedlye about to destroy me but I will be occupied in thy commaundementes Let such as feare thee and haue knowen thy testimonies be turned vnto me Oh let my heart be sounde in thy statutes that I be not ashamed Defecit anima mea MY soule hath longed for thy saluacion and I haue a good hope because of thy woorde Mine iyes long sore for thy woorde saying O when wilt thou comfort me For I am become like a bottel in the smoke yet doe I not forgeat thy statutes How many are the daies of thy seruaunt when wylt thou be auenged of them that persecute me The proude haue digged pittes for me whiche are not after thy lawe Al thy cōmaundementes are true they persecute me falsly O be thou my helpe They had almost made an ende of me vpon earthe but I forsoke not thy commaundementes O quickē me after thy louing kindnes
cuppe which my father hath geuen me Then the companye and the captayne and the ministers of the Iewes toke Iesus and bounde hym and ledde him awaye to Annas fyrst for he was father in lawe to Cayphas which was the hye Priest the same yere Cayphas was he that gaue counsell to the Iewes that it was expedient that one man should dye for the people And Symon Peter folowed Iesus and so dyd another Dysciple that Disciple was known to the hye Priest and went in with Iesus vnto the palace of the hye Prieste But Peter stoode at the doore withoute Then wente out that other Disciple whiche was knowen to the hye Prieste and spake to the Damosell that kept the dore and brought in Peter Then sayd the Damosel that kept the doore vnto Peter Art not thou also one of this mās disciples he said I am not The seruaūtes and ministers stode there which had made a fyre of coales for it was colde and they warmed themselues Peter also stoode among them and warmed himselfe The hye Priest then asked Iesus of his Disciples and of his doctrine Iesus aunswered him I spake openlye in the worlde I euer taughte in the Sinagogue and in the Temple whither all the Iewes haue resoted and in secrete haue I sayd nothyng Why askest thou me Aske them which heard me what I said vnto thē Behold they can tell what I sayde When he had thus spoken one of them ministers which stoode by smote Iesus on the face saying Aunswerest thou the hye Priest so Iesus aunswered him If I haue euill spoken beare witnes of the euill But if I haue wel spoken why smytest thou me And Annas sente hym bounde vnto Cayphas the hye Priest Symon Peter stode and warmed himself Then said they vnto him Art not thou also one of his disciples He denyed it sayd I am not One of the seruaūtes of the hie Priestes his cosin whose eare Peter smote of sayde vnto hym dyd not I see thee in the garden with him Peter therefore denyed agayn and immediatly the Cocke krewe Then ledde they Iesus from Cayphas into the hall of iudgement It was in the morning and they thēselues went not into the iudgement hall lest they should be defyled but that they might eate the Passeouer Pilate then went out to them and sayde what accusacion bryng you agaynst thys man They aunswered and sayde vnto hym Yf he were not an euyll doer we woulde not haue delyuered hym vnto thee Then sayde Pilate vnto them take ye him and iudge hym after your owne lawe The Iewes therefore sayde vnto hym It is not lawefull for vs to putte anye man to death that the woordes of Iesus myghte bee fulfylled whiche he spake signifying what death he shoulde dye Then Pilate entred into the iudgemente hall agayn and called Iesus and sayde vnto hym Art thou the kyng of the Iewes Iesus aunswered sayest thou that of thy selfe or dyd other tell it thee of me Pilate aunswered Am I a Iewe Thine own nacion and hye priestes haue deliuered thee vnto me what hast thou doone Iesus aunswered my kyngdome is not of thys worlde if my kyngdome were of thys worlde then woulde my ministers surelye fyghte that I shoulde not bee deliuered to the Iewes but nowe is my kingdome not from hence Pilate therfore sayde vnto hym Arte thou a Kyng then Iesus aunswered thou sayest that I am a kyng For this cause was I borne for this cause came I into the world that I should beare witnes vnto the truth And all that are of the trueth heare my voyce Pilate sayd vnto him what thing is truth And when he had sayd this he went out agayn vnto the Iewes and sayeth vnto them I fynde in hym no cause at all Ye haue a custome that I should deliuer you one looce at Easter will ye that I looce vnto you the king of the Iewes Then cried they al again saying Not him but Barrabas thesame Barrabas was a murtherer Then Pilate toke Iesus therefore scourged him And the soudiours wounde a crowne of thornes and putte it on his head And they did on him a purple garment and came vnto him said Hayl king of the Iewes and they smote him on the face Pilate went furth agayn and sayde vnto them beholde I bryng him foorth to you that ye maye know that I find no faulte in him Thē came Iesus foorthe wearyng a crowne of thorne and a robe of purple And he saith vnto them behold the man When the Priestes therfore and the ministers sawe hym they cryed Crucifye him Crucifye him Pylate saieth vnto them take ye hym and Crucifye hym for I fynde no cause in hym The Iewes aunswered him we haue a lawe and by oure lawe he oughte to dye because he made hymselfe the sonne of GOD. When Pylate hearde that saying he was the more afraid and went againe into the iudgement hall and sayde vnto Iesus whence art thou But Iesus gaue hym none aunswere Then sayde Pylate vnto hym Speakest thou not vnto me knowest thou not that I haue power to crucifye thee haue power to looce thee Iesus aūswered Thou couldest haue no power at all agaynst me excepte it wer geuen thee from aboue Therfore he that deliuered me vnto thee hath the more sinne And frō thenceforth sought Pilate meanes to looce hym but the Iewes cryed saying if thou let him goe thou art not Ceasars frend for whosoeuer maketh himselfe a kyng is agaynst Ceasar Whē Pilate heard that saying he brought Iesus furth sat down to geue sentence in a place that is called the pauement but in the Hebrue tongue Gabbatha It was the preparyng day of Easter aboute the sixth houre And he sayeth vnto the Iewes behold your kyng They cryed saying away with him away with him crucifye him Pylate sayth vnto them shal I crucifye your king The hye Priestes aunswered we haue no king but Ceasar Then deliuered he him to them to be crucifyed And they toke Iesus and led hym awaye and he bare his crosse and wente foorth into a place whiche is called the place of dead mens sculles but in Hebrue Golgotha where they crucifyed him and two other with him on eyther syde one and Iesus in the myddest And Pylate wrote a tytle and put it vpon the crosse The writyng was Iesus of Nazareth kyng of the Iewes Thys tytle readde many of the Iewes for the place where Iesus was crucyfyed was here to the citie And it was written in Hebrue Greke and Latin Then sayd the hye priestes of the Iewes to Pilate write not kyng of the Iewes but that he sayde I am kyng of the Iewes Pilate aunswered what I haue written that I haue written Then the souldiers when they had crucifyed Iesus took hys garmentes and made foure partes to euery soudier a parte and also hys coate The coate was withoute seame wroughte vpon throughoute They sayde therfore among themselues lte vs not deuide it but cast lottes for it who shall haue
will of god that with well doing ye maye stop the mouthes of foolishe and ignoraunt men as free and not as hauing the libertie for a cloke of maliciousnes but euen as the seruaūtes of God Honoure all men loue brotherly felowshippe feare God honour the kyng ¶ The Gospell Iohn xvi IEsus sayed to hys disciples After a while ye shal not see me againe after a while ye shall see me for I goe to the father Thē said some of his disciples betwene thēselues what is thys that he sayeth vnto vs after a while ye shall not see me and agayn after a whyle ye shal see me and that I goe to the father They sayd therefore what is this that he sayth after a whyle We cannot tel what he saith Iesus perceiued that they would aske hym and saied vnto them ye enquire of this betwene your selues because I sayd after a while ye shal not see me and agayne after a whyle ye shal see me Verely verely I say vnto you ye shall wepe lament but contrary wyse the world shall reioyce Ye shall sorowe but youre sorowe shal be turned to ioye A woman when she trauaileth hath sorow because her houre is come But assone as she is deliuered of the childe she remembreth no more the anguishe for ioye that a man is borne into the world And ye now therfore haue sorow but I wil see you agayne and your heartes shal reioice and your ioye shal no man take from you The fourth Sundaye after Easter ¶ The Collecte ALmightie god which doest make the mindes of al faithful men to be of one wil Graunt vnto thy people that they may loue the thyng which thou commaundest and desyre that which thou doest promyse that emong the sondry and manifolde chaunges of the worlde oure heartes maye surely there be fixed wheras true ioyes are to be founde Through Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Iames. i EVery good gift euery perfect gift is frō aboue and cometh down frō the father of lightes with whō is no variablenes nether shadow of chaūge Of hys own wil begate he vs with the worde of trueth that we shoulde be the first fruite of his creatures Wherfore dere brethren let euery man be swifte to heare slowe to speake slowe to wrath For the wrath of mā worketh not that which is righteous before God Wherfore lay aparte all filthinesse and superfluitie of maliciousnes and receiue with mekenes the word that is graffed in you which is hable to saue your soules ¶ The Gospell Iohn xvi IEsus sayed vnto his disciples now I goe my waye to hym that sent me and none of you asketh me whither I goe But because I haue sayd such thynges vnto you your heartes are full of sorowe Neuerthlesse I tell you the trueth it is expedient for you the I goe awaye For if I goe not awaye that comforter will not come vnto you But if I depart I will sende him vnto you And whē he is come he wyll rebuke the world of synne and of righteousnesse and of iudgemente Of synne because they beleue not on me Of rightousnes because I goe to my father and ye shal se me no more Of iudgemente because the prince of this world is iudged already I haue yet many thynges to say vnto you but ye cannot beare them awaie nowe howbeit when he is come which is the spirite of trueth he wil leade you into al trueth He shall not speake of hymselfe but whatsoeuer he shal heare that shal he speake and he wil shew you thinges to come He shal gloryfy me for he shall receiue of mine and shall shewe vnto you All thynges that the father hath are mine therfore said I vnto you that he shal take of mine and shewe vnto you ¶ The fifth Sunday after Easter ¶ The Collect. LOrd from whom al good thinges doe come graunt vs thy humble seruauntes that by thi holy inspiracion we may thynke those thynges that be good and by thy mercyful guiding may perfourme thesame through out lord Iesus Christ ¶ The Epistle Iames. i. SE that ye be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiuing your own selues For if any mā heare the worde and declareth not thesame by his workes he is lyke vnto a man beholdyng hys bodely face in a glasse For assone as he hath loked on hymselfe he goeth his way and forgeatteth immediately what his fashion was But whoso loketh in the perfect law of libertie and continueth therein if he be not a forgeatful hearer but a doer of the worke thesame shal be happi in his dede If any mā emong you seme to be deuout and refrayneth not hys tong but deceiueth his own heart this mans deuocyon is in vayne Pure deuocion vndefiled before God the father is this to visit the fatherles and wiedowes in their aduersitie and to kepe himself vnspotted of the world ¶ The Gospell Iohn xvi VErely verely I saye vnto you whatsoeuer ye aske the father in my name he wil geue it you Hitherto haue ye asked nothyng in my name Aske and ye shall receiue that your ioy may be ful These thynges haue I spoken vnto you by prouerbes The time wil come when I shall no more speake vnto you by prouerbes but I shall shewe you plainly from my father At that day shall ye aske in my name And I say not vnto you that I wil speake vnto my father for you For the father himselfe loueth you beecause ye haue loued me and haue beleued that I came out frō god I wente out from the father and came into the worlde Agayne I leaue the world and goe to the father His disciples sayed vnto hym Loe nowe thou talkest playnlye and speakest no prouerbe Nowe are we sure that thou knowest all thynges and nedest not that any man shoulde aske thee any questiō therfore beleue we that thou camest frō god Iesus aūswered thē now ye doe beleue Behold the houre draweth nie is already come that ye shal be scatered euery mā to hys owne and shall leaue me alone And yet am I not alone for the father is with me These wordes haue I spoken vnto you that in me ye myghte haue peace for in the world shal ye haue tribulacion but be of good chere I haue ouercome the world The Ascencion daye ¶ The Collect. GRaunt we beseche thee almightie God that lyke as we doe beleue thy onely begotten sonne oure Lorde to haue ascended into the heauens so we may also in hert and mind thither ascend and with him continually dwell ¶ The Epistle Actes i. IN the former treatise deare Theophilus we haue spoken of all that Iesus began to doe and teache vntil the day in which he was taken vp after that he throughe the holy goste had geuen commaundementes vnto the Apostles whom he had chosen to whom also he shewed himselfe aliue after his passyon and that by many tokens appearing vnto them fortye dayes and
speaking of the kyngdome of God and gathered them together and commaunded them that they should not depart from Ierusalem but to wayte for the to promysse of the father whereof sayeth he ye haue heard of me For Iohn truely baptised with water but ye shall be baptysed with the holye goste after these fewe dayes When they therefore were come together they asked of hym saying Lorde wilt thou at this time restore agayne the kyngdome of Israel And he sayd vnto them it is not for you to knowe the tymes or the seasons which the father hath put in his owne power But ye shall receiue power after the holy gost is come vpon you And ye shal be witnesses vnto me not onely in Ierusalem but also in all Iewrye and in all Samaria and euen vnto the worldes ende And when he had spoken these thynges whyle they behelde he was taken vp on hye and a cloude receyued hym vp oute of their sighte And while they loked stedfastly vp toward heauen as he went beholde two men stoode by them in white apparell whiche also sayed ye menne of Galile why stande ye gasyng vp into heauen This same Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauē shal so come euen as ye haue seen hym goe into heauen ¶ The Gospell Mar. xvi IEsus appeared vnto the eleuen as they sate at meate and caste in theyr teeth their vnbeliefe and hardens of heart because they belieued not them which had seen that he was risen again from the dead and he sayd vnto them Goe ye into all the world and preache the gospell to al creatures he that belieueth and is baptised shall bee saued But he that beleueth not shall bee damned And these tokens shall folowe them that beleue In my name they shal cast out deuils thei shal speake with newe tongues they shal driue awaye serpentes And if they drinke any deadly thyng it shall not hurte them They shall lay their hande on the sicke and shal recouer So then when the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and is on the right hand of God And they went forth and preached euery where the Lord working with them and confirming the worde with miracles folowing ¶ The Sunday after the Ascencion daye ¶ The Collect. O God the king of glory which hast exalted thyne only sonne Iesus Christe with great triumphe vnto thy kingdom in heauen we beseche thee leaue vs not coumfortles but send to vs thine holy gost to comfort vs and exalte vs vnto the same place whither our sauiour Christ is gone before who liueth and reigneth c ¶ The Epistle i. Pe. iiii THe ende of all thinges is at hande be ye therfore sobre and watche vnto prayer But aboue all thynges haue feruente loue among youre selues for loue shall couer the multitude of linnes Be ye herberous one to another without grudging As euery mā hath receyued the gifte euen so minister thesame one to another as good ministers of the manifold graces of god If any man speake let him talke as the wordes of God If any man ministre let hym doe it as of the habilitie whiche God ministreth to hym that God in all thynges maye bee glorifyed through Iesus Christ to whome bee prayse and dominion for euer and euer Amen ¶ The Gospell Iohn xv WHen the comforter is come whom I wil send vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth which procedeth of the father he shal testifie of me And ye shal be are witnes also beecause ye haue been with me from the beeginning These thynges haue I sayed vnto you becaus ye should not be offended They shal excommunicate you yea the tyme shall come that whosoeuer killeth you wil thinke that he doeth god seruice And such thinges wyl they doe vnto you because they haue not knowen the father neyther yet me But these thynges I haue told you that whan the time is come ye may remembre then that I tolde you ¶ Whitsunday ¶ The Collect. GOd which as vpon this day hast taught the heartes of thy faithful people by the sending to them the light of holy spirite Graunt vs by the same spirite to haue a right iudgement in al thynges and euermore to reioice in his holy comfort through the merites of Christ Iesu our sauyour who liueth and reigneth with thee in the vnitie of thesame spirite one God world withoute ende ¶ The Epistle Actes ii WHen the fiftie dayes were come to an ende they were all with one accorde together in one place And sodeynly there came a sound from heauen as it had been the cummyng of a mightye wynde and it fylled all the house where they sate And there appeared vnto them clouen tongues lyke as they had been offyre and it fate vpon eche one of them and they were all fylled filled with the holy ghoste and began to speake with other tonges euen as the same spirite gaue them vtterance Thē were dwelling at Ierusalem Iewes deuout men out of euery nacyon of them that are vnder heauen When thys was noysed about the multitude came together and were astonied because that euery man heard them speake wyth hys own language They wondred all and meruailed saying among themselues beholde are not all these whiche speake of Galile And how heare we euery man hys owne tong wherin we were borne Partians and Medes and Elamites and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia of Iewry and of Capadocia of Pontus and Asia Phrigia and Pamphilia of Egipt and of the parties of Libia whiche is besyde Syrene and straungers of Rome Iewes and Proselites Grekes and Arrabians we haue heard them speake in our own tongues the great workes of god ¶ The Gospell Ioh. xiiii IEsus sayd vnto hys disciplines Yf ye loue me kepe my commaundmentes and I wil praie thee father and he shall geue you another coumforter that he may abide with you for euer euen the spirite of trueth whom the world cannot receiue because the world seeth him not neyther knoweth hym But ye knowe him for he dwelleth with you and shall bee in you I wyll not leaue you coumfortles but wil come to you Yet a litle whyle and the world seeth me no more but ye see me For I lyue and ye shall lyue That daye shall ye knowe that I am in my father and you in me and I in you He that hath my commaundementes and kepeth them the same is he that loueth me And he that loueth me shall beeloued of my father and I wyll loue hym and wyl shewe myne own selfe vnto hym Iudas sayeth vnto hym not Iudas Iscarioth Lorde what is done that thou wylte shewe thy selfe vnto vs and not vnto the world Iesus aunswered and sayed vnto them if a man loue me he wil kepe my sayinges and my father will loue hym and we will come vnto hym and dwell with him He that loueth me not kepeth not my sayinges And the worde which ye heare is
the seate were foure beastes full of eyes before and behynde And the firste beaste was lyke a Lion and the second beaste like a Calfe and the third beast had a face as a man and the fourth beaste was lyke a flying Egle. And the foure beastes had eche of them syxe wynges about hym and they were full of eyes within And they did not rest day neyther night saying Holy holy holy Lorde God almightye whiche was and is and is to come And when those beastes gaue glori and honor and thankes to hym that sat on the seate whiche liueth for euer and euer the .xxiiii. elders fell down before him that sat on the throne and worshypped hym that lyueth for euer and caste theyr crownes before the throne saying thou art worthy O lorde our god to receyue glory and honoure and power for thou hast created al thinges and for thy willes sake they are and were created ¶ The Gospell Iohn iii. THere was a mā of the Phariseis named Nichodemus a ruler of the Iewes The same came to Iesus by nighte and sayd vnto him Rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from god for no man coulde doe suche miracles as thou doest excepte God were wyth hym Iesus aunswered and sayed vnto him Verelye verely I saye vnto thee excepte a man be borne from aboue he cannot see the kyngdome of God Nichodemus sayd vnto hym howe can a man bee borne when he is older can he entre into hys mothers wombe and bee borne agayne Iesus aunswered verely verely I saye vnto thee excepte a mā be borne of water and of the spirite he cannot entre into the kyngdome to God That whiche is borne of the flesh is fleshe And that whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite Meruaile not thou that I sayed to thee ye muste bee borne from aboue The wynd bloweth where it lusteth and thou hearest the sounde thereof but thou canst not tell whence it cometh nor whether he goeth So is euery one the is borne of the spirite Nichodemus aunswered and said vnto him how can these thynges be Iesus aunswered and said vnto hym arte thou a maister in Israel and knowest not these thynges Verely verely I say vnto thee we speake that we knowe and testifye that we haue seene and ye receyue not our witnesse Yf I haue tolde you earthly thynges and ye beleue not howe shall ye beleue if I tell you of heauenlye thynges And no man ascendeth vp to heauen but he that came downe from heauen euen the sonne of man whiche is in heauen And as Moyses lyfte vp the serpent in the wyldernesse euen so muste the sonne of man bee lyfte vp that whosoeuer beleueth in hym peryshe not but haue euerlastyng lyfe ¶ The first Sunday after Trinitie Sundaye ¶ The Collecte GOd the strength of al thē that trust in thee mercyfully accept our prayers And because the weakenes of our mortall nature can doe no good thing without thee graunt vs the helpe of thy grace that in keping of thy commaundementes we may please the both in wil and dede through Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle i. Ioh. iiii DEarely beloued let vs loue one another for loue cometh of god And eueri one that loueth is borne of god and knoweth god He that loueth not knoweth not God for god is loue In this appeareth loue of God to vs warde because that God sent his only begotten sonne into the worlde that we myghte lyue through hym Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sente hys sonne to be the agremente for oure synnes Dearely beloued if God so loued vs we ought also one to loue another No man hath seen God at any time If we loue one another God dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfect in vs. Nereby know we that we dwel in him and he in vs because he hath geuen vs of hys spirite And we haue seen and doe testifie that the father sente the sonne to be the Sauiour of the world whosoeuer cōfesseth that Iesus is the sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in God And we haue knowen and beleued the loue that God hath to vs. God is loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in hym Herein is the loue perfect in vs that we should trust in the day of Iudgement For as he is euē so are we in thys worlde There is no feare in loue but perfecte loue casteth out feare for feare hath painfulnes He that feareth is not perfect in loue We loue him for he loued vs first If a man say I loue god and yet hate his brother he is a lyer For how can he that loueth not hys brother whom he hath seen loue God whom he hath not seen And thys commaundemente haue we of hym that be which loueth God should loue hys brother also ¶ The Gospell Luke xv THere was a certayne riche manne whiche was clothed in purple and fyne whyte and fared deliciouslye euerye daye And there was a certayne begger named Lazarus which laye at hys gate full of sores desyryng to bee refresshed with the crumines which fell from the ryche mans boarde and no man gaue vnto hym The dogges came also and lycked hys sores And it fortuned that the begger dyed and was caried by the Aungels into Abrahams bosome The ryche man also dyed and was buried And beeing in hell in tormentes he lyfte vp his eyes and sawe Abraham afarre of and Lazarus in hys bosome and he cryed and sayde Father Abraham haue mercye on me and sende Lazarus that he maye dyppe the typpe of hys fynger in water and cole my tong for I am tormented in thys flame But Abraham sayde Sonne remembre that thou in thy life tyme receiuedst thy pleasure and contrariwyse Lazarus receyued payne But nowe he is coumforted and thou art punyshed Beyonde all thys betwene vs and you there is a greate space sette so that they whyche woulde goe from hence to you cannot neither maye come from thence to vs. Then he sayed I praye thee therefore father sende hym to my fathers house for I haue fiue brethrē for to warne them left they come also into this place of tormente Abraham sayde vnto hym they haue Moyses and the Prophetes let them heare thē And he sayde naye father Abraham but if one come vnto them from the dead they will repent He sayde vnto hym Yf they heare not Moyses and the Prophetes neither wil they belieue though one rose from death agayne The second Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Collect. LOrde make vs to haue a perpetuall feare and loue of thy holye name for thou neuer faylest to helpe and gouerne them whome thou dooest bryng vp in thy stedfast loue Graunt this c. ¶ The Epistle i. Ioh. iii. MErueyle not my brethren though the world hate you We know that we are translated from death vnto lyfe because we loue the brethren He that loueth
then shall it bee to late to knocke when the dore shal be shut and to late to crye for mercye when it is the tyme of iustice O terrible voyce of moste iuste iudgemente whyche shal be pronounced vpon them when it shal be sayde vnto them goe ye cursed into the fyre euerlastyng whiche is prepared for the deuill and hys Aungels Mat. xxv therefore brethren take we hede betime while the day of saluacion lasteth ii Cor. vi for the night cometh when none can woorke Ioh. ix but let vs whyle we haue the lyght beleue in the lyghte and walke as the chyldren of the lyght that we bee not cast into the vtter darknes where is weping and gnashyng of teeth Mat. xxv Let vs not abuse the goodnes of God whyche calleth vs mercyfully to amendmente and of hys endlesse pietie promiseth vs forgeuenesse of that which is past yf with a whole minde and true heart we returne vnto hym for though our sinnes bee redde as scarlet they shal be as whyte as Snowe Esai i. Ezechiel xxviii and thoughe they be lyke purple yet shall they be as whyte as wolle Turne you clene sayth the Lorde from all your wickednesse and your sinne shall not bee your destruccion Cast awaye from you al your vngodlines that ye haue done make you new heartes and a newe spirite wherefore wyll ye dye O ye house of Israel Seeing that I haue no pleasure in the death of him that dieth saith the lord god i. Iohn ii Turne you then you shall liue Althoughe we haue sinned yet haue we an aduocate with the father Iesus Christe the righteous Esai liii and he it is that obteyneth grace for oure sinnes for he was wounded for oure offences and smitten for oure wyckednes Let vs therfore returne vnto hym who is the mercifull receiuer of al true penitent sinners assuryng our selfe that he is readye to receue vs and moste willing to pardon vs if we come to hym with faytfull repentaunce If we wyll submyt oure selues vnto him from hencefurth walke in his waies If we wil take his easy yoke light burden vpon vs to folow hym in lowlines pacience and charitie Math. xi be ordred by the gouernaunce of his holy spirite seking alwayes his glory scruyng him duelye in our vocacion with thankes geuyng This yf we doe Christe will deliuer vs from the curse of the lawe and from the extreme malediccion whiche shall light vpon them that shal be sette on the left hand Mat. xxv and he wyll sette vs on his ryghte hand and geue vs the blessed benediccyon of hys father cōmaunding vs to take possession of his glorious kingdome vnto the whiche he vouchsafe to bryng vs all for hys infinite mercy Amen Then shal they al knele vpon theyr knees the Priestes and Clerkes knelyng where they are accustomed to saye the Letany shall saye thys Psalme Miserere mei deus Psalm li HAue mercye vpon me O God after thy great goodnesse according to the multitude of thy mercyes doe away myne offences Washe me throughly fro my wickednes and clense me from me synne For I knowledge my faultes and my synne is euer beefore me Agaynst thee only haue I sinned and done this euil in thy sight that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying and cleare when thou art iudged Beholde I was shapen in wickednes and in sinne hathe my mother conceyued me But loe thou requirest trueth in inwarde parties shalt make me to vnderstande wisedome secretly Thou shalte purge me with Isope and I shal be cleane thou shalt washe me and I shal be whyter then Snowe Thou shalte make me heare of ioye and gladnesse that the bones whiche thou hast broken may reioyce Turne thy face from my sinnes and putte oute al my misdedes Make me a cleane hearte O God and renewe a righte spirite within me Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirite from me O geue me the comforte of thy helpe agayne and stablishe me with thy free spirite Then shall I teache thy wayes vnto the wicked and sinners shal be conuerted vnto thee Deliuer me from bloudguiltinesse O God thou that art the God of my health and my tongue shall syng of thy righteousnesse Thou shalte open my lippes O Lorde my mouthe shall shewe thy prayse For thou desirest no sacrifice els woulde I geue it thee but thou delitest not in burnt offerynges The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirite a broken and a contrite hearte O God shalt thou nor despise O be fauourable and gracious vnto Sion build thou the walles of Hierusalem Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of rightousnes with the burnt offerings and oblacions then shal they offer yong bullockes vpon thyne altare Glory be to the father and to the sonne and. c. As it was in the beginnyng and is now c Amen Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Our father which art in heauen c And leade vs not into temptacyon Aunswere But delyuer vs from euill Amen Minister O Lorde saue thy seruauntes Aunswere Which put theyr truste in thee Minister Sende vnto them helpe from aboue Aunswere And euermore mightely defende them Minister Helpe vs O God our sauiour Aunswere And for the glory of thy names sake delyuer vs be merciful vnto vs sinners for thy names sake Minister O Lorde heare our prayers Aunswere And let our crye come vnto thee ¶ Let vs praye O Lord we beseche thee mercifully heare oure praiers and spare all those which confesse theyr sinnes to thee that they whose consciences by sinne are accused by thy mercifull pardon may be absolued Throughe Chryste oure Lorde Amen O Most mightie god and merciful father which hast compassiō of al men and hatest nothing that thou hast made whiche wouldest not the death of a sinner but that he should rather turne from sinne be saued mercyfully forgeue vs our trespasses receyue and comfort vs which bee greued and weryed which the burthen of our sinne Thy propertie is to haue mercy to thee onely it apperteineth to forgeue sinnes spare vs therfore good lord spare thy people whom thou haste redemed Entre not into iudgement with thy seruauntes whiche bee vyle earth and miserable sinners but so turne thy yre frō vs which mekely knowledge our vilenes truly repent vs of our faultes so make haste to helpe vs in this worlde that we may euer lyue with thee in the worlde to come through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen Then shall the people saye thys that foloweth after the Minister TVrne thou vs O good Lorde and so shall we bee turned be fauourable O lorde bee fauourable to thy people which turne to thee in weping fastyng and praying for thou arte a mercifull God full of compassion long sufferyng and of a great pietie Thou sparest when we deserue punishment and in thy
deuoure my soule lyke a Lion and teare it in pieces whyle there is none to helpe Oh Lorde my God yf I haue done any suche thyng or yf there be any wickednes in my handes Yf I haue rewarded euyll vnto hym that dealte frendlye with me yea I haue delyuered hym that withoute anye cause is myne enemye Then let myne enemie persecute my soule and take me yea let hym treade my lyfe downe vpon the earthe and laye myne honour in the duste Stande vp O Lorde in thy wrath and lyfte vp thy selfe because of the indignacions of myne enemies aryse vp for me in the iudgement that thou hast commaunded And so shall the congregacion of the people come aboute thee for theyr sakes therefore lyft vp thy selfe agayne The Lord shall iudge the people geue sentence with me O Lord accordyng to my righteousnesse and accordyng to the innocencie that is in me Oh let the wickednesse of the vngodly come to an ende but guyde thou the iuste For the righteous god trieth the very heartes and reines My helpe cometh of God which preserueth them that are true of heart God is a righteous iudge strong and paciente and God is prouoked euery daye Yf a man will not turne he will wheat his sweorde he hath bent hys bowe and made it ready He hath prepared for him the instrumentes of deathe he ordeyneth his arrowes agaynst the persecutours Beholde he trauayleth with mischiefe he hathe conceyued sorow and brought foorth vngodlynes He hath grauen and digged vp a pytte and is fallen hym selfe into the destruccion that he made for other For hys trauayle shall come vpon hys owne head and hys wickednesse shall fall vpon his owne pate I wyll geue thankes vnto the Lorde accordyng to hys ryghteousnesse and wyll prayse the name of the Lorde the moste hyghest Domine dominus noster Psalm viii O Lorde oure gouernour how excellent is thy name in all the worlde thou that haste sette thy glorye aboue the heauens Oute of the mouth of very babes and suckelynges haste thou ordeyned strength because of thyne enemyes that thou mightest styll the enemie and the auenger For I wyll consydre thy heauens euen the worke of thy fyngers the Moone and the sterres whyche thou hast ordeyned What is man that thou arte mindefull of hym and the sonne of man that thou vysitest hym Thou madest hym lower then the Aungels to crowne hym with glory and worship Thou makest hym to haue dominion of the woorkes of thy handes and thou hast put all thinges in subieccyon vnder hys feete All shepe and oxen yea and the beastes of the fielde The foules of the ayre and the fishe of the sea and whatsoeuer walketh thorow the pathes of the seas O Lorde oure gouernour howe excellent is thy name in all the worlde Confitebor tibi Psalm ix Morning prayer I Wyll geue thankes vnto thee O LORD with my whole hearte I wyll speake of all thy marueylous woorkes I wyll be gladde and reioyce in thee yea my songes wil I make of thy name O thou most hyest Whyle myne enemies are drieuen backe they shall fall and peryshe at thy presence For thou haste mainteyned my right and my cause thou arte sette in the throne that iudgest ryghte Thou haste rebuked the Heathen and destroyed the vngodly thou haste put out theyr name for euer and euer O thou enemye destruccions are come to a perpetuall ende euen as the cyties whiche thou haste destroyed theyr memoriall is perished with them But the Lorde shall endure for euer he hathe also prepared hys seate for iudgement For he shall iudge the worlde in righteousnesse and minister true iudgement vnto the people The Lorde also wyll bee a defence for the oppressed euen a refuge in due tyme of trouble And they that knowe thy name wyll putte theyr truste in thee for thou Lorde haste neuer fayled them that seeke thee O prayse the Lorde whyche dwelleth in Sion shewe the people of his doynges For when he maketh inquisicion for bloud he remembreth them and forgeatteth not the complaynt of the poore Haue mercye vpon me O Lorde consydre the trouble whiche I suffre of them that hate me thou that lyftest me vp from the gates of death That I maye shewe all thy prayses within the portes of the daughter of Syon I wyll reioyce in thy saluacyon The Heathen are sunken downe in the pytte that they made in the same nette whiche they hydde priuely is theyr owne foote taken The Lorde is knowen to execute iudgement the vngodly is trapped in the woorke of hys owne handes The wicked shal be turned vnto hell and all the people that forgeat God For the poore shall not bee alwaye forgotten the pacyent abiding of the meke shall not perishe for euer Vp Lorde and let not man haue the vpper hand let the Heathen be iudged in thy syghte Putte them in feare O Lorde that the Heathen maye knowe them selues to bee but men Vt quid domine psalm x. WHy standest thou so farre of O Lorde and hydest thy face in the nedefull tyme of trouble The vngodly for his owne luste doeth persecute the poore let them be taken in the craftye wilines that they haue ymagined For the vngodly hathe made boaste of his owne heartes desyre and speaketh good of the couetouse whom God abhorreth The vngodlye is so proude that he careth not for God neyther is God in all hys thoughtes Hys wayes are alwaye greuouse thy iudgementes are farre aboue oute of hys syghte and therefore defyeth he all hys enemyes For he hath sayd in his heart tushe I shall neuer be cast downe there shall no harme happen vnto me His mouthe is full of cursyng and disceyte and fraude vnder his tongue is vngodlines and vanitie He sitteth lurkyng in the theuishe corners of the stretes and priuely in his lurkyng dennes dothe he murther the innocent hys eyes are sette agaynst the poore For he lyeth wayting secretelye euen as a Lion lurketh he in hys denne that he maye rauishe the poore He doeth rauishe the poore when he geatteth him into his nette He falleth downe and humbleth hym selfe that the congregcyon of the poore maye fall into the hande of hys captaynes He hathe sayde in his hearte tushe God hathe forgotten he hydeth awaye his face and he wyll neuer see it Aryse O Lord God and lyft vp thyne hand forgeat not the poore Wherefore shoulde the wicked blaspheme God whyle he doeth say in hys hearte tushe thou God carest not for it Surely thou haste seen it for thou beholdeste vngodlynesse and wrong That thou mayest take the matter into thy hande the poore committeth himselfe vnto thee for thou arte the helper of the frendlesse Breake thou the power of the vngodlye and malicyous take awaye his vngodlynes and thou shalt fynde none The Lorde is kyng for euer and euer and the Heathen are perished out of the lande Lord thou haste hearde the desyre of the poore thou preparest theyr heart and thyne eare harkened
Lord that made the heauens Glory and worship are before him power and honour are in hys Sanctuary Ascrybe vnto the Lorde O ye kynredes of the people ascribe vnto the Lorde worship and power Ascribe vnto the Lorde the honoure due vnto hys name bring presentes and come into hys courtes O worship the Lorde in the beautie of holynesse lette the whole earth stande in awe of hym Tell it out among the heathen that the Lord is kyng and that it is he which hath made the rounde world so fast that it cannot be moued and howe that he shall iudge the people righteously Let the heauens reioyce and let the earth be glad lette the sea make a noyse and all that therein is Let the field be ioyful and al that is in it then shall all the trees of the wood reioyce before the Lorde For he cometh for he cometh to iudge the earth and wyth righteousnes to iudge the worlde and the people wyth hys trueth Domimus regnauit Psal xcvii THe Lord is king the earth may be glad therof yea the multitude of the Isles may be glad therof Cloudes and darkenes are roūd about him righteousnes and iudgemente are the habitacion of his seate There shall goe a fyre before hym and bunre vp his enemies on euery side Hys lyghtenynges gaue shyne vnto the worlde the earth saw it and was afrayd The hilles melted lyke waxe at the presence of the lorde at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth The heauens haue declared his righteousnesse and al the people haue seen hys glory Confounded be all they that worship carued ymages and that delight in vaine goddes worship hym al ye goddes Syon heard of it and reioised and the daughters of Iuda were glad because of thy iudgement O Lord. For thou lorde art hier then all that are in the earth thou art exalted farre aboue all goddes O ye that loue the Lord se that ye hate the thing whyche is euill the Lorde preserueth the soules of hys saynctes he shall deliuer them from the hande of the vngodly There is sprong vp a light for the righteous and a ioyefull gladnes for such as be true hearted Reioyce in the Lord ye righteous and geue thankes for a remembraunce of hys holynes Cantate domino Psal xcviii Euening prayer O Sing vnto the Lorde a newe song for he hath done marueylous thynges With his own right hand and with his holy arme hath he gotten hymselfe the victory The Lorde declared hys saluacion his righteousnes hath he openly shewed in the sight of the Heathen He hath remembred hys mercye and trueth towarde the house of Israel and al the endes of the world haue seen the saluacyon of our god Shewe pour selues ioyefull vnto the Lorde al ye landes syng reioyce and geue thankes Psrayse the Lorde vpon the harpe syng to the harpe with a Psalme of thankesgeuing With trumpettes also and shawmes O shew your selues ioyefull before the Lorde the Kyng Lette the Sea make a noyse and all that therein is the round worlde and they that dwell therein Let the fluddes clappe theyr handes and lette the hylles be ioyfull together before the Lorde for he is come to iudge the earth With rightousnes shall he iudge the worlde and the people with equitie Dominus regnauit psalm xcix THe Lorde is kyng be the people neuer so vnpaciente he sytteth betwene the Cherubins be the earth neuer so vnquiet The Lorde is great in Sion and hye aboue all people They shal geue thankes vnto thy name whiche is great wonderfull and holy The Kynges power loueth iudgemente thou haste prepared equitie thou hast executed iudgemente and righteousnesse in Iacob O magnifye the Lorde oure God and fall downe before his footestole for he is holy Moyses and Aaron among his Priestes and Samuel among suche as call vpon hys name these called vpon the Lorde and he hearde them He spake vnto them oute of the cloudye pyller for they kepte hys testimonies and the law that he gaue them Thou heardest them O Lorde our God thou forgauest them O God and punishedst theyr owne inuencions O magnifye the Lorde our God and worshyp him vpon his holy hyll for the Lorde our God is holy Iubilate deo psalm c. O Bee ioyefull in the lorde all ye landes serue the Lorde with gladnesse and come before hys presence with a song Be ye sure that the Lorde he is God it is he that hathe made vs and not we our selues we are hys people and the shepe of his pasture O goe your way into his gates with thankesgeuyng and into hys courtes with prayse bee thankefull vnto hym and speake good of his name For the lorde is gracious his mercye is euerlastyng and his trueth endureth from generacion to generacion Misericordiam psalm ci MY song shal be of mercy and iudgemente vnto thee O lorde will I syng O lette me haue vnderstandyng in the waye of godlynes When wilt thou come vnto me I will walke in my house with a perfect hearte I will take no wicked thyng in hand I hate the synnes of vnfaythfulnes there shal no such cleaue vnto me A froward hearte sall depart from me I will not know a wicked person Whoso prieuely slaundreth his neighbour hym will I destroye Whoso hathe also a proude loke and hye stomake I will not suffer him Mine eyes looke vpon suche as bee faithful in the lande that they may dwell with me Whoso leadeth a godly lyfe he shal be my seruaunte There shal no disceytful person dwell in my house he that telleth lyes shall not tary in my sight I shal soone destroye al the vngodly that are in the land that I maye roote oute all wicked dooers from the cytie of the Lorde Domine exaudi oracionem meam psalm cii Mornīg prayer HEare my prayer O Lorde and let my crying come in vnto thee Hyde not thy face fro me in the tyme of my trouble enclyne thyne eares vnto me when I call O heare me and that ryght soone For my dayes are consumed awaye lyke smoke and my bones are brent vp as it were a fyrebrand My hearte is smitten downe and withered lyke grase so that I forgeat to eate my bread For the voyce of my groning my bones will scante cleaue to my fleshe I am become like a Pellicane of the wildernes and lyke an Owle that is in the deser te I haue watched and am euen as it were a sparowe that sitteth alone vpon the house toppe Mine enemies reuile me all the day long and they that are mad vpon me are sworne together agaynst me For I haue eaten asshes as it mere bread and mingled my drynke with weping And that because of thyne indignacion and wrathe for thou hast taken me vp and cast me downe My dayes are gone like a shadowe and I am withered lyke grasse But thou O lorde shalt endure for euer and thy remembraunce throughout all generacions Thou shalte aryse and haue mercy vpon
so shall my woordes please hym my ioye shal be in the Lorde As for sinners they shal be consumed oute of the earthe and the vngodly shall come to an ende prayse thou the lord O my soule prayse the Lorde Confitemini domino psalm cv Mornīg prayer O Geue thankes vnto the Lord and cal vpon his name tell the people what thinges he hath done O let youre songes be of him and prayse hym and let youre talkyng be of all his wonderous workes Reioyce in his holy name let the hearte of them reioyce that seeke the Lorde Seke the Lorde and his strength seke his face euermore Remembre the meruaylous workes that he hathe doone his wonders and the iudgementes of his mouth O ye seede of Abraham his seruaunt ye children of Iacob his chosen He is the Lorde oure God his iudgementes are in all the worlde He hathe been alway mindfull of his couenaunt and promyse that he made to a thousand generacyons Euen the couenaunte that he made with Abraham and the othe that he swore vnto Isaac And appoynted thesame vnto Iacob for a lawe and to Israel for an euerlastyng Testament Saying vnto thee wyll I geue the land of Canaan the lot of your enheritaunce When there was yet but a few of them and they straungers in the lande What tyme as they wente from one nacyon to another from one kingdom to another people He suffred no man to doe them wrong but reproued euen kinges for theyr sakes Touche not myne annoynted and doe my Prophetes no harme Moreouer he called for a dearth vpon the land and destroyed all the prouision of bread But he had sent a man before them euen Ioseph whyche was solde to be a bond seruaunt Whose feete they hurte in the stockes the yron entred into his soule Vntyll the tyme came that hys cause was knowen the worde of the Lord tryed hym The king sent and delyuered hym the Prince of the people let him goe free He made him Lorde also of his house and ruler of all hys substaunce That he myght enfourme his Princes after hys wyll and teache his Senatours wysedome Israel also came into Egipt and Iacob was a straunger in the lande of Ham. And he encreased hys people excedyngly and made them stronger then their enemyes Whose heart turned so that they hated his people and dealt vntruely with hys seruauntes Then sent he Moses his seruaunt and Aaron whom he had chosen And these shewed his tokens among them and wonders in the lande of Ham. He sente darkenes and it was darke and they were not obedyent vnto hys worde He turned their waters into bloud and slew their fishe Their land brought forth frogges yea euē in their kinges chambres He spake the word and there came all maner of flies and lyce in all theyr quarters He gaue them hayle stones for rayne and slambes of fyre in theyr lande He smote their vines also and fig trees and destroied the trees that were in their coastes He spake the woorde and the greshoppers came Caterpillers innumerable did eate vp all the grasse in theyr lande and deuoured the fruite of their grounde He smote al the fyrst borne in their lande euen the chief of all their strength He broughte them forth also with siluer and golde there was not one feble person among their tribes Egipt was glad at their departyng for they were afrayd of them He spred oute a cloude to bee a coueryng and fier to geue light in the night season At theyr desyre he broughte quayles and he fylled them with the bread of heauen He opened the rocke of stone and the waters flowed out so that ryuers ran in the drye places For why he remembreth hys holy promyse and Abraham his seruaunt And he brought forth his people with ioye and hys chosen with gladnes And gaue them the landes of the Heathen and they toke the labours of the people in possession That they might kepe hys statutes obserue hys lawes Confitemini domino psal cvi Euening prayer O Geue thankes vnto the lord for he is gracious and hys mercy endureth for euer Who can expresse the noble actes of the lord or shew forth all hys prayse B1essed are they that alwaye kepe iudgemente and dooe righteousnes Remembre O lorde accordyng to thy fauoure that thou bearest vnto thy people O visite me with thy saluacion That I may see the felicitie of thy chosen and reioyce in the gladnes of thy people and geue thankes with thine enheritaunce We haue sinned with our fathers we haue done amysse and dealt wickedly Our fathers regarded not thy wonders in Egipt neyther kepte they thy greate goodnes in remembraunce but were disobedient at the sea euen at the redde sea Neuertheles he helped them for his names sake that he might make his power to be knowen He rebuked the red sea and it was dried vp so he led them through the depe as through a wildernes And he saued them from the aduersaries hand and deliuered them from the hande of the enemye As for those that troubled them the waters ouerwhelmed them there was not one of them lefte Then beleued they his wordes and sang praise vnto him But within a whyle they forgatte his workes and would not abyde hys counsayle But lust came vpon them in the wildernes and they tempted god in the deserte And he gaue them their desire and sent leanesse wythall into their soule They angred Moses also in the tentes and Aaron the sainct of the Lorde So the earth opened and swalowed vp Dathan and couered the congregacion of Abiram And the fier was kiendled in their companye the flame brent vp the vngodly They made a calfe in Horeb and worshipped the molten ymage Thus they turned their glory into the similitude of a calf that eateth haye And they forgat god their Sauioure whiche had done so great thynges in Egipt Wonderous woorkes in the lande of Ham and fearefull thynges by the red sea So he said he would haue destroied them had not Moyses his chosē stand before him in the gappe to turne away hys wrathfull indignacion leste he shoulde destroye them Yea they thought scorne of that pleasaunt land and gaue no credence vnto hys worde But murmured in their tentes and harkened not vnto the voyce of the Lorde Then lift he vp his hand against them to ouerthrow them in the wildernes To cast out their sede among the nacions and to scatter them in the landes They ioyned themselues vnto Baal Peor and eate the offerynges of the dead Thus they prouoked hym vnto anger with their own inuencions and the plague was great among them Then stode vp Phinees prayed so the plague ceased And that was coumpted vnto him forrighteousnes amōg all posterities for euermore They angred hym also at the waters of stryfe so that he punished Moses for theyr sakes Because they prouoked hys spirite so that he spake vnaduisedly wyth hys lyppes Neyther destroyed they the Heathen as
and so shall I kepe the testimonies of thy mouth Ineternum domine O Lord thy worde endureth for euer in heauen Thy trueth also remayneth from one generacion to another thou hast layde the foundacion of the earthe and it abideth They continue this daye according to thyne ordinaunce for all thynges serue thee If my delight had not been in thy law I should haue perished in my trouble I will neuer forgeat thy commaundementes for with thē thou hast quickened me I am thyne Oh saue me for I haue soughte thy commaundementes The vngodly laid waite for me to destroye me but I wil considre thy testimonyes I see that all thynges come to an end but thy commaundemente is exceadyng broade Quomodo dilexi LOrd what loue haue I vnto thy law all the day long is my study in it Thou through thy commaundementes hast made me wiser then mine enemies for they are euer with me I haue more vnderstanding then my teachers for thy testimonies are my study I am wiser then the aged because I kepe thy commaundementes I haue refrayned my fete from euery euill waye that I may kepe thy worde I haue not shronke from thy iudgementes for thou teachest me O how swete are thy wordes vnto my throte yea sweter then hony vnto my mouth Through thy commaundementes I geat vnderstanding therfore I hate all wicked wayes Lucerna pedibus meis Mornīg prayer THy word is a lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my pathes I haue sworne and am stedfastly purposed to kepe thy righteous iudgementes I am troubled aboue measure quicken me O Lorde according vnto thy worde Let the frewil offeringes of my mouth please thee O lord and teache me thy iudgementes My soule is alway in my hand yet doe not I forgeat thy lawe The vngodly haue laid a snare for me but yet I swarued not from thy commaundementes Thy testimonies haue I claymed as mine heritage for euer and why they are the very ioye of my hearte I haue applyed my heart to fulfyll thy statutes alway euē vnto the ende Iniquos odio habui I Hate them that imagine euill thinges but thy law do I loue Thou arte my defence and shielde and my trust is in thy woorde Awaie from me ye wicked I will kepe the commaundementes of my God O stablishe me according vnto thy word that I may liue and let me not be disappoynted of my hope Holde thou me vp and I shal be safe yea my delight shal be euer in thy statutes Thou hast troden downe all them that departe from thy statutes for they imagine but deceipt Thou puttest away al the vngodly of the earth like drosse therfore I loue thy testimonies My fleshe trembleth for feare of thee and I am afrayed of thy iudgementes Feci iudicium I Deale with the thyng that is lawfull and righte O geue me not ouer vnto myne oppressours Make thou thy seruaunt to delyght in that which is good that the proude doe me no wrong Mine iyes are wasted away with loking for thy health for the worde of thy righteousnes O deale with thy seruaūt accordyng vnto thy louing mercy and teache me thy statutes I am thy seruaunte O graunt me vnderstanding that I maye know thy testimonies It is time for thee Lord to lay to thine hand for they haue destroyed thy lawe For I loue thy commaundementes aboue golde and precious stone Therefore holde I straighte all thy commaundementes and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre Mirabilia THy testimonies are wonderfull therefore dooeth my soule kepe them When thy word goeth furth it geueth light and vnderstandyng euen vnto the simple I opened my mouthe and drew in my breath for my delyght was in thy commaundementes O loke thou vpon me and bee mercyfull vnto me as thou vsest to doe vnto those that loue thy name Ordre my steppes in thy word and so shal no wickednes haue dominion ouer me O deliuer me from the wrongful dealinges of men and so shall I kepe thy commaundementes Shew the light of thy countenaunce vpon thy seruaunt and teache me thy statutes Myne iyes gushe oute with water because men keepe not thy lawe Iustus es domine RIghteous are thou O Lord and true is thy iudgemente The testimonies that thou hast commaunded are exceading righteous and true My zeale hath euen consumed me because mine enemies haue forgotten thy wordes Thy worde is tried to the vttermost and thy seruaunt loueth it I am small and of no reputacion yet doe not I forgeat thy commaundementes Thy rightousnes is an euerlastyng rightousnes and thy law is the trueth Trouble and heauines haue taken holde vpon me yet is my delight in thy commaundementes The righteousnesse of thy testimonies is euerlastyng O graunt me vnderstandyng and I shall lyue Clamaui in toto corde meo Euening prayer I Call with my whole heart heare me O Lord I wil kepe thy statutes Yea euen vpō thee doe I cal helpe me and I shall kepe thy testimonies Earely in the morning doe I crie vnto thee for in thy word is my trust Mine iyes preuent the night watches that I mighte bee occupied in thy wordes Heare my voice O lord according vnto thy louing kindnes quicken me accordyng as thou art wont They drawe nyghe that of malice persecute me and are farre from thy lawe Be thou nigh at hand O Lorde for all thy commaundementes are true As concerning thy testimonies I haue knowen long sēce that thou hast grounded them for euer Vide humilitatem O Consider mine aduersitie and delyuer me for I doe not forgeat thy law Auenge thou my cause and deliuer me quicken me according vnto thy worde Health is farre from the vngodly for they regarde not thy statutes Great is thy mercy O lord quicken me as thou art wont Many there are that trouble me and persecute me yet doe not I swarue from thy testimonies It greueth me whē I see the transgressours because they kepe not thy lawe Considre O Lord how I loue thy commaundementes O quicken me accordyng to thy louing kindnes Thy worde is true from euerlasting al the iudgementes of thy righteousnes endure for euermore Principes persecuti sunt PRynces haue persecuted me withoute a cause but my heart standeth in awe of thy wordes I am as gladde of thy worde as one that fyndeth great spoyles As for lies I hate abhorre thē but thy law doe I loue Seuen times a day doe I praise thee because of thy righteous iudgementes Great is the peace that they haue whiche loue thy lawe and they are not offended at it Lorde I haue loked for thy sauing health and done after thy commaundementes My soule hath kept thy testimonies and loued them exceadingly I haue kept thy commaundementes and testimonies for al my wayes are before thee Appropinquet deprecatio LEt my complaint come before thee O Lord geue me vnderstanding according vnto thy worde O let my supplicacyon come before thee deliuer me accordyng to thy worde My lyppes shall
speake of thy prayse when thou haste taught me thy statutes Yea my tongue shall syng of thy woorde for all thy commaundementes are righteous Let thine hand helpe me for I haue chosen thy commaundementes I haue longed for thy sauing health O Lord and in thy lawe is my delyght O let my soule liue and it shal praise thee and thy iudgementes shall helpe me I haue gone astraye lyke a shepe that is lost Oh seke thy seruaunt for I doe not forgeat thy commaundementes Ad dominum cum tribularer psal cxx Mornīg prayer WHen I was in trouble I called vpon the lord and he healed me Deliuer my soule O lord from lying lyppes and from a deceiptfull tongue What rewarde shal be geuen or doen vnto thee thou false tongue euen mightie and sharpe arrowes with hote burnyng coles Woe is me that I am constreined to dwel with Mesech and to haue myne habytacyon emong the tentes of Cedar My soule hath long dwelt emong them that be enemyes vnto peace I labor for peace but when I speake vnto them thereof they make them ready to battayle Leuaui oculos meos psal cxxi I Will lifte vp myne eyes vnto the hilles from whence commeth my helpe My helpe commeth euen from the lord which hath made heauen and earth He wil not suffre thy fote to be moued and he that kepeth thee will not slepe Beholde he that kepeth Israel shal neyther slomber nor slepe The lord himselfe is thy keper the lord is thy defence vpon thy ryght hande So that the sunne shal not burne thee by day neyther the Mone by nyght The Lord shal preserue thee from al euil yea it is euen he that shall kepe thy soule The Lorde shal preserue thy going out and thy comming in from thys tyme furth for euermore Letatussum psal cxxii I Was glad when they sayd vnto me we wil goe into the house of the Lorde Our fete shal stand in thy gates O Ierusalem Ierusalem is builded as a citie that is at vnitie in it self For thether the tribes goe vp euē the tribes of the lord to testifie vnto Israel to geue thankes vnto the name of the lord For there is the seate of iudgement euen the seate of the house of Dauid O pray for the peace of Ierusalem they shal prosper that loue thee Peace be within thy walles and plenteousnes within thy palaces For my brethren and companions sakes I will wishe thee prosperitie Yea because of the house of the lord our God I wil seke to doe thee good Ad te leuaui oculos meos psal cxxiii VNto thee lyft I vp myne iyes O thou that dwellest in the heauens Behold euen as the iyes of seruauntes loke vnto the handes of theyr maisters and as the iyes of a mayden vnto the hand of her maistres euen so our iyes waite vpon the lord our God vntil he haue mercy vpon vs. Haue mercy vpon vs O lord haue mercy vpon vs for we are vtterly despysed Our soule is filled with the scorneful reprofe of the welthy and with the despitefulnes of the proude Nisi quia dominus psal cxxiiii IF the Lorde himself had not been on our syde nowe may Israel say If the Lord himselfe had not been on our side when men rose vp agaynst vs. They had swallowed vs vp quicke when they were so wrathfully displeased at vs. Yea the waters had drowned vs and the streame had gone ouer our soule The diepe waters of the proude had gone euen ouer our soule But praysed be the Lord which hath not geuen vs ouer for a praye vnto theyr teeth Our soule is escaped euen as a byrde out of the snare of the fouler the snare is broken and we are deliuered Our helpe standeth in the name of the Lord which hath made heauen and earth Qui confidunt in domino psal cxxv THey that put theyr trust in the Lorde shal be euen as the Mount Syon whiche may not be remoued but standeth fast for euer The hilles stand about Hierusalem euen so standeth the Lord rounde about hys people from thys tyme furth for euermore For the rod of the vngodly cometh not into the lot of the righteous lest the righteous put their hand vnto wickednes Doe well O Lorde vnto those that be good and true of heart As for such as turne backe vnto theyr owne wickednes the Lord shal leade thē furth with the euil doers but peace shal be vpon Israel In conuertendo psal cxxvi Euening prayer WHen the lord turned again the captiuitie of Syon then were we like vnto them that dreame Then was out mouth filled with laughter and our tong with ioye Then sayd they emong the Heathen the lord hath dooen great thinges for them Yea the lorde hath dooen great thinges for vs alreadye whereof we reioyce Turne our captiuite O lorde as the riuers in the south They that sowe in teares shall reape in ioye He that now goeth on his way weping and beareth furth good sede shal doubtles come agayn with ioye and bryng his sheaues with him Nisi dominus edifica psal cxxvii EXcept the Lorde builde the house their labour is but lost that build it Except the Lord kepe the citie the watche man waketh but in vayne It is but lost labour that ye hast to ryse vp earely and so late take rest and eate the bread of carefulnes for so he geueth his beloued slepe Loe children and the fruite of thy woombe are an heritage and gyft that cometh of the Lord. Like as the arrowes in the hande of the Gyant euen so are the yong children Happye is the man that hath his quyuer full of them they shall not be ashamed when they speake with theyr enemies in the gate Beati omnes psal cxxviii BLessed are al they that feare the Lorde and walke in his wayes For thou shalt eate the laboures of thyne handes O well is thee and happy shalt thou be Thy wyfe shal be as the fruitfull vyne vpon the walles of thyne house Thy children like the Oliue braunches rounde aboute thy table Loe thus shal the man be blessed that feareth the Lorde The Lorde from out of Syon shall so blesse thee that thou shalt see Ierusalem in prosperitie all thy life long Yea that thou shalte see thy childres children and peace vpon Israel Sepe expugnauerunt psal cxxix MAnye a tyme haue they foughte agaynst me fro my youth vp may Israel now say Yea manye a tyme haue they vexed me fro my youth vp but they haue not preuayled agaynst me The plowers plowed vpon my backe and made long forowes But the ritghteous Lorde hath hewen the snares of the vngodly in pieces Let them be confounded and turned backeward as many as haue euill will at Syon Let them be euen as the grasse growyng vpon the house toppes which withereth a fore it be plucked vp Wherof the mower filleth not his hande neither he that bindeth vp the sheaues his bosome So that they which goe by say not so much
earth and then all hys thoughtes peryshe Blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for hys helpe and whole hope is in the Lord hys god Which made heauen and earth the Sea and al that therin is which kepeth hys promyse for euer Which helpeth them to ryght that suffre wrong whiche fedeth the houngry The lord loseth men out of prieson the lord geueth syght to the blynde The lord helpeth them that are fallen the Lord careth for the ryghteous The lord careth for the straūgers he defendeth the fatherlesse and widdowe as for the waye of the vngodly he turneth it vpsyde downe The lorde thy god O Sion shall be kyng for euermore and thorowout all generacions Laudate dominum psal cxlvii Euenīg prayer O Prayse the lorde for it is a good thyng to syng prayses vnto our God yea a ioyfull and pleasaunt thyng is it to be thankefull The lord doth build vp Hierusalem and gather together the outcastes of Israel He healeth those that are broken in heart and geueth medecine to heale their sickenes He telleth the number of the starres and calleth them al by their names Great is our lord and great is his power yea his wisdom is infinite The lorde setteth vp the meke and bringeth the vngodly down to the grounde O sing vnto the lord with thankesgeuing sing praise vpon the harpe vnto our god Whiche couereth the heauen with cloudes and prepareth raine for the earth and maketh the grasse to growe vpon the mountaynes and hearbe for the vse of men Which geueth fodder vnto the cattell and fedeth the young rauens that call vpon hym He hath not pleasure in the strength of an horse neither delighteth he in any mans legges But the lordes delight is in them that feare hym and put theyr trust in hys mercy Prayse the Lorde O Ierusalem prayse thy God O Syon For he hath made faste the barres of thy gates and hath blessed thy children within thee He maketh peace in thy borders and filleth the with floure and wheate He sendeth furth his commaundement vpon earth and his word runneth very swiftly He geueth snowe lyke wolle and scattereth the hoare frost lyke asshes He casteth foorth hys yse lyke morselles who is hable to abide his frost He sendeth out his worde and melteth them he bloweth with his winde and the waters slowe He sheweth his woorde vnto Iacob hys statutes and ordinaunces vnto Israel He hath not dealte so with any nacion neyther haue the Heathen knowledge of hys lawes Laudate dominum de celis psalm cxlviii O Prayse the lorde of heauen praise him in the heigth Praise him al ye Aungels of his praise him al his host Prayse him sunne and Mone praise him al ye starres and lyght Prayse him al ye heauens and ye waters that be aboue the heauens Let them prayse the name of the Lorde for he spake the worde and they were made he cōmaunded and they were created He hath made them fast for euer and euer he hath geuen them a lawe whiche shall not be broken Prayse the Lorde vpon earth ye dragons all diepes Fier and haile snow and vapors winde and storme fulfilling his worde Mountaynes and al hils fruitefull trees and al Cedres Beastes and all cattel wormes and fethered foules Kinges of the earth and all people princes and al iudges of the worlde Young men and maidens olde men and children praise the name of the Lorde for his name onely is excellent and hys prayse aboue heauen and earth He shall exalte the horne of his people al his saintes shal praise him euen the children of Israel euen the people that serueth hym Cantate domino psalm cxlix O Sing vnto the Lorde a newe song let the congregacion of sainctes prayse him Let Israel reioyce in him that made him and lette the children of Syon be ioyefull in theyr Kyng Let them prayse hys name in the daunce let them syng prayses vnto him with tabret and harpe For the Lorde hathe pleasure in his people and helpeth the meke hearted Let the sainctes be ioyefull with glory let them reioyce in theyr beddes Let the praises of God be in their mouth and a two edged sweorde in theyr handes To bee auenged of the Heathen and to rebuke the people To bynde theyr kinges in chaynes and theyr nobles with linkes of yron That they may be auenged of them as it is written such honour haue all his sainctes Laudate dominum psalm cl O Prayse God in his holines praise hym in the firmament of his power Prayse hym in hys noble actes prayse hym according to his excellent greatnesse Prayse hym in the sound of the trumpet prayse hym vpon the lute and harpe Prayse him in the cimbals and daunces prayse hym vpon the stringes and pype Prayse hym vpon the well tuned cimbals prayse hym vpon the loud cimbals Let euery thyng that hath breath prayse the Lorde ¶ The ende of thys Booke ¶ Certain godly prayers to be vsed for sondrye purposes ¶ A generall confession of sinnes to be sayd euery mornyng O Almightye God oure heauenly father I confesse and knowledge that I am a miserable a wretched synner and haue manyfolde wayes moste grieuously transgressed thy most godli commaundementes thorowe wicked thoughtes vngodly lustes synfull woordes and dedes and in my whole lyfe In synne am I borne and conceued and there is no goodnes in me inasmuch as if thou shouldest entre into thy narrow iudgemente with me iudgeyng me accordyng vnto thesame I were neuer able to suffre or abide it but must nedes perishe and bee damned for euer So little helpe coumforte or succour is there eyther in me or in anye other creature Onely this is my coumfort O heauenly father that thou didst not spare thy onely deare beloued sonne but diddest geue him vp vnto the most bitter and moste vile and slaunderous death of the crosse for me that he mighte so paye the raunsome for my sinnes satisfie thy iudgement stil and pacifie thy wrath reconcile me againe vnto thee and purchase me thy grace fauour and euerlastyng lyfe Wherfore thorow the merite of his most bitter death and passion and thorow his innocēt bloudsheding I beseche thee O heauenly father that thou wilt vouchsafe to be gracious and merciful vnto me to forgeue and to pardon me all my sinnes to lighten my hearte with thy holye spirite to renue confirme and strengthen me with a ryght and a perfect fayth and to enflame me in loue toward thee and my neighboure that I maye hencefoorthe with a willyng and a gladde hearte walke as it becometh me in thy most godly commaundementes and so gloryfye prayse thee euerlastyngly And also that I maye with a free concyence and quiete hearte in all maner of temptacyons afflyccyons or necessyties euen in the verye pangues of deathe crye boldelye and merelye vnto thee and saye I beeleue in God the father almyghtye maker of heauen and earthe And in Iesus Christ c. But O lord God
heauenly father to comfort my self in affliccion and temptacyon with these articles of the christen faith it is not in my power For fayth is thy gyft and forasmuche as thou wylte bee prayed vnto and called vpon for it I come vnto thee to praye and beseche thee bothe for that and for all my other necessities euen as thy deare beloued sonne oure Sauiour Chryst Iesus hathe hym selfe taught vs. And from the very botome of my hearte I crye and saye O oure father whyche arte in heauen c. ¶ Prayers to be sayde in the mornyng O Mercyfull Lord God heauenly father I rendre most hygh laudes prayse and thankes vnto thee that thou hast preserued me bothe thys nyghte and all the tyme and dayes of my lyfe hytherto vnder thy proteccion and hast suffred me to lyue vntill thys presente houre And I beseche thee hartely thou wylte vouchesafe to receyue me thys day and the residue of my whole lyfe from hencefoorthe into thy tuicion rulyng and gouernyng me with thy holye spiryte that all maner of darkenes of misbeliefe infidelitie and of carnall lustes and affeccions may be vtterly chased and driuen out of my heart and that I may bee iustified and saued both body and soule thorow a right and a perfect fayth and so walke in the lyght of thy most godly trueth to thy glorye and prayse and to the profite and furtheraunce of my neighbour thorow Iesus Christ our Lorde and sauiour Amen ALl possible thankes that we are hable we rendre vnto thee O Lorde Iesus Christe for that thou hast willed thys nyght past to bee prosperous vnto vs and we beseche thee lykewyse to prosper all thys same daye vnto vs for thy glory and for the health of oure soule and that thou which art the true light not knowing ani going down and which art the sunne eternal geuing life foode and gladnes vnto all thynges vouchsafe to shyne into oure myndes that we maye not any where stumble to fall into any synne but may through thy good guiding and conductyng come to the lyfe euerlastyng Amen O Lorde Iesus Christe which art the true sunne of the world euermore arysyng neuer going down which by thy moste holesome appearing fight doest bring furth preserue nourish and refreshe all thinges aswel that are in heauē as also that are on earth we beseche thee mercifully and fauourably to shine into oure heartes that the nyghte and darkenes of sinnes and the mistes of errours on euery side drieuē away thou brightly shining within our hertes we may al our lyfe space goe without any stumbling or offence may decently and semely walke as in the day time being pure and cleane from the woorkes of darkenesse and abounding in al good workes which god bath prepared for vs to walke in whyche wyth father and wyth the holy gost lyuest and reygnest for euer and euer Amen O God and lord Iesus Christ thou knowest yea hast also taught vs how great the infirmitie weakenesse of man is and how certain a thyng it is that it can nothing doe without thy godly helpe If man trust to himself it cannot be auoyded but that he muste headlong runne and fall into a thousande vndoynges and mischiefes O oure father haue thou pietie compassion vpon the weakenes of vs thy children bee thou prest ready to helpe vs alwayes shewing thy mercy vpon vs prospering whatsoeuer we godlye goe aboute so that thou geuing vs light we may see what thynges are truely good in dede thou encouragyng vs we may haue an earnest desire to thesame and thou being oure gyde we maye come where to obtayne them for we hauing nothyng but mistrust in our selues doe yelde and commytte oure selues full and whole vnto the alone whiche workest all thynges in al creatures to thy honour glory So be it ¶ A prayer agaynst temptacion O Lorde Iesus Christe the onely staye and fence of oure mortal state our onely hope our onely saluacyon oure glory our triumphe who in the fleshe which thou haddest for oure onely cause taken vpon thee didst suffre thy selfe to be tempted of Sathan and who onely and alone of all men didst vtterly ouercome vanquishe sinne death the worlde the deuil and al the kingdome of hell and whatsoeuer thou hast to ouercomed for our behofe it is that thou hast ouercomed it neyther hath it been thy wyll to haue any of thy seruauntes kepe battail or fight with any of the foresaid euis but of purpose to rewarde vs with a crown of the more glory for it and to thintente that thou myghtest lykewyse ouerthrow Sathan in thy members as thou hadst afore done in thyne owne person geue thou we beseche thee vnto vs thy souldyers O Lion moste victorious of the trybe of Iuda strength against the roaring Lion which continually wandreth to and fro sekyng whom he may deuour Thou being that same serpent the true geuer of health and life that wer nayled on high vpon a tree geue vnto vs thy litle sely ones wilines agaynst the deceitfull a wayting of the most subtyle serpente Thou beyng a lambe as white as snowe the vanquisher of Satans tyranny geue vnto vs thy litle shepe the strength and vertue of thy spirite that beeyng in oure owne selues weake and feble and in thee strong valeant we may withstande and ouercome all assaultes of the deuyll so that our gostly enemy may not glory on vs but beeing conquerers through thee we may geue thankes to thy mercye which neuer leaueth them destitute that put their truste in thee who lyuest and reygnest God for euer wythoute ende Amen ¶ A prayer for obteyning of wysedome Sapien. ix O God of our fathers and Lord of mercy thou that hast made all thynges with thy worde and ordeyned man through thy wisedom that he should haue dominacion ouer the creature whiche thou haste made that he shoulde order the worlde accordyng to equitie righteousnes execute iudgement with a true heart geue me wisdō which is euer about thy seat put me not out frō among thy children for I thy seruaūt sonne of thy handmayde am a feble person of a shorte tyme and to yonge to the vnderstandyng of thy iudgement lawes yea though a man be neuer to perfecte among the children of men yet if thy wisedome be not with him he shal be nothing worthe Oh sende thy wisedome out of thy holye heauens and from the throne of thy maiestie that she maie be with me and labour with me that I maie know what is acceptable in thy sight for she knoweth and vnderstandeth all thinges and she shall conducte me right soberlye in my woorkes and preserue me in her power So shall my workes be acceptable Amen A Prayer against worldly carefulnes O Most deare tender father our defender nourisher endue vs with thy grace that we may cast of the great blindnes of our mindes carefulnes of worldly thinges may put our