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A69066 A summe of Christian doctrine: composed in Latin, by the R. Father P. Canisius, of the Society of Iesus. With an appendix of the fall of man & iustification, according to the doctrine of the Councel of Trent. Newly translated into Englishe. To which is adioined the explication of certaine questions not handled at large in the booke as shall appeare in the table; Summa doctrinae Christianae. English Canisius, Petrus, Saint, 1521-1597.; Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1592 (1592) STC 4571.5; ESTC S107545 301,676 715

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10 e g Act. 17 g dreadfull iudgement ouer the world stirreth vs to the expectation of his comming with these wordes Beholde I (e) Apoc. 22 c come quickely saith he my rewarde is with me to render to euery man according to his workes He that (f) Apoc. 3 d Mat. 19 d. Luc. 22 c. shall ouercome I will giue vnto him to sitte with me in my throne which finally is the most high eternall and absolute beatitude happines But most (g) Eccles 2 a b 5 c 11 c d Ps 143 c d Sap. 2 a b vaine is the iudgement of the worlde touching beatitude and happines by which in the meane season many are deceiued and brought to destruction For commonly and for the most parte are accounted happie the rich and the mightie those that excel in glory autoritie those which abound with the goodes of fortune those which giue themselues wholly to pleasure But Christ laieth a double woe (h) Luc. 6 d Esa 5 b c d 65 b c Amos. 6 a b vpon those men And boldly thus (i) Esa 3 c doth ESAIE crie out My people they that call thee happy they deceiue thee and bring to nought the way of thy footesteptes (k) Ps 143 d 32 c et ibid. Aug. conc 2 in Ps 118 concione 1. Blessed is the people to whom our Lord is God to wit that in liuing well and happely he may alwaies praise and magnifie his auctour and creatour OF THE EVANGELICALL COVNCELLS 1 Which are called the Euangelicall Councells THose (a) Aug. ser 65 de temp in ench c. 121. Item l. 1. de adult coniug c. 14 l. de sanct Virg. ca. 14. Item l. 2. q. Euang. c. 19. et Paulin. ad Seuerū ep 4 surely which though they be not absolutely necessarie for the getting of saluation yet to the intent that wee may haue a more ready and easie way to procure the same they are proposed counsailed by our Sauiour Christ For which cause the difference that the Scripture hath sette downe betweene Preceptes (b) 1. Cor. 7 d Mat. 19 c 16 d Luc. 19 f and Councells is very diligently to be noted that we may vnderstand that the first are prescribed as necessarie to be obserued but the other are counsailed and voluntarilie (c) 1. Cor. 9 b c Mat. 26. a Mar. 14. a 3. Reg. 8 b Gen. 8 d Num. 6 a vndertaken as furtherances of the perfitte obseruation of the cōmandements Hereupon the Apostle when hee woulde giue instruction about the leading of a single life pronounceth this sentence As concerning (d) 1. Cor. 7 d Cypr. in ser de nat Chri. Virgins a commandement of our Lorde I haue not but counsell I giue as hauing obtained mercie of our Lorde to be faithfull And to this end is that which S. AVGVSTINE hath plainelie saide A Counsell is (e) Serm. 61. de temp one thing a Commandement is an other Counsell is giuen to conserue Virginitie to abstaine from wine flesh to sell all that we haue to giue it to the pore but there is commandement giuen to keepe Iustice to turne from euill and to doe good And againe He that shall willingly heare and fulfill a (f) Ibidem counsell shall haue the greater glorie He that shall not fulfill a commandement vnlesse he be holpen by penance he cannot possiblie auoid punishment Vnto S. AVGVSTINE consenteth S. AMBROSE when as he writeth thus That is not commanded (g) Amb. ep 21. ad Eccles Vercellens vide cund in lib. de viduis which is aboue the lawe but is rather persuaded by a counsell being giuen and that which is the safer is shewed vnto vs. Also Counsell inuiteth them that are willing the Commaundement bindeth euen them that are vnwilling And of the same mind was S. HIEROME as these his words do declare (h) Lib. 1. aduers Iouin cap. 7. Wher counsell is giuen there is the free choise of the offerer Where a commandement is giuen there is necessitie of a seruant But that deserueth a greater rewarde saith he which is (i) Ep. 22. ad Eustoch de Virg. cust cap. 8. not constrained and yet is offered 2 How many Euangelecall Counsells are there TO Recounte them all in this place it is not needefull but there are three principall of embracing professing Pouertie Chastitie Obediēce as the Fathers haue gathered out of holy scripture Pouertie (a) Mat. 19 c d ● Act. 4. g Vide vitam S. Marci Cypriani Anthonij Hilarionis Chrysost Paulini Augustini Gregorij Iosaphat cap. 35. Damascen● c. appertaineth to those that once doe forsake al worldly things that after the example of S. PETER the Apostles they may perfectly followe Christ Chastity (b) Mat. 19. b Euseb l 2. hist c. 6 Nyceph l. 2. cap. 16. ex Philo●e de vita contēplatiua belongeth to those that haue cutte themselues for the Kingdome of heauen And as TERTVLIAN hath (c) Lib. 1. ad vxorem c. 6. saide doe shewe thēselues voluntarie Eunuches And they do performe obedience who to the intent they may fully deny thēselues (d) Mat. 16. d Luc. ● c. are not only vtterly auerted frō all cupidities but also from their owne wil as the scripture (e) Eccli 18 d Gal. 5 e Bas in regulis breuior●bus quaestione 96. admonisheth whilest they doe wholly submitte thēselues vnto his wil whom in the steede of Christ they haue chosen to be their superiour Such kinde of Counsells Christ the absolute example of Euangelicall perfection hath not only taught in word as we will presently shew but hath also confirmed the same vnto vs by the example of his most holy life who when he was riche (f) 2. Cor. 8 b for our sakes became poore not hauing where (g) Mat. 8 c to lay his heade who (h) Esa 7 c borne of a Virgin perseuereth a Virgin and the (i) Hier. ep 22. ad Eustoch c. 1. 6. Amb. lib 1. de Virg. ser 90. spouse of all most holy virgins who finally was so diligent in exhibiting obedience that being subiect to his (k) Luc. 2 g Mat. 17 d mother a Virgin yea that which is more vnto a Carpenter and being obedient euen to (l) Phil. 2 b Mat. 26 d Rom. 5 d the death of the Crosse he witnesseth of him selfe I descended (m) Io. 6 d 4 c 5 c from heauen not to doe mine owne will but the will of him that sent me 3 In what place is Euangelicall pouertie taught by Christ IN S. MATHEVVES (a) Mat. 19 c Gospell it is declared in that place which followeth the rehersal of the diuine preceptes Of which preceptes it is saide to euery one with out exception If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandementes And then after is the counsell proposed of vndertaking (b) Hier. ep ● ad Helled c. ●litem in ●● 19.
iustly soung (i) Ps 111. b Chry. ho. 55 in Gen. He dispersed he gaue to the poore his rightuousnes remaineth for euermore 13 What is mercie IT is as S. AVGVSTINE (a) Lib. 9. ciu cap. 5. Isid de summo bono lib. 3. cap. 64. Nys in l. de beatitud affirmeth a certaine cōpassion in our harte of an other mans miserie whereby we are compelled to yeelde succour if it lye in our power Which name of mercie is wonte very often to be taken for Almes And all manner of mercie as witnesseth the diuine scripture (b) Eccli 16. b shall make a place vnto euery man according to the merite of his workes Very often and wonderfully doth Saint CHYSOSTOME (c) Hom. 32. in epist ad Heb. ho. 9. de poenit 53. in Mat. 36. ad pop Ant. commende the same and he doubteth not in a certaine place to say (d) Chrys ho. de miser duabus viduis Mercie is the fortresse of saluation the ornament of faith the propitiation of sinnes she it is that approueth the iust persons confirmeth the holy setteth forth the seruants of God Yea and if we beleeue Saint AMBROSE (e) In ep 1. ad Tim. c. 4. vide eund in Luc. 3. the wholle summe of Christian discipline consisteth in mercie and pietie 14 Are the workes of Mercie of one kinde only THey are (a) Aug. lib. de mor. b. Eccles Cathol cap. 27. 28. Ench. c. 72. ser 203. de tempore found to be of two sortes for asmuch as some be corporall some spirituall Some are certes called corporal because they are exercysed for the releeuing of the corporall miserie of our neighbour other spirituall for that in them we doe well prouide and lauour for the spiritual good of our neighbour Of this diuersitie of mercie the most bountifull IOB giueth a most cleare example who witnesseth of himselfe (b) Iob. 31. b ibid. Greg. From my infancie hath mercie encreased with me and from my mothers wombe she came forth with me I haue bene an eie (c) Iob. 29. c to the blinde and a foote to the lame I was the father of the poore and the cause which I knew not I did diligently search out I did consume the grinding stones of the wicked man and out of his teeth I did take the praie Also The stranger stood not without (d) Iob. 31. d dores my dore was open to the traueiler 15 How many workes of mercie be there both corporall and spirituall THere are seauen accounted of each kind And first certes the corporall workes are these (a) Mat. 25. d To feed the hungry To giue drinke to the thirstie To cloathe the naked To redeeme the captiue To visite the sicke To harbour Pilgrimes (b) Tob. 1. d 2. a b 12. c 2. Reg. 2. a Aug. lib. 1. eiu cap. 13. de cura mor. cap. 3. To burie the deade And the spirituall woorkes are these To correct (c) Mat. 18. b 1. Tim. 5. c. those that sin To teach the (d) Eccli 18. b 2 Tim. 4. a Esa 52. b Hier. 15. b Dan. 12. a Iac. 5. d Gal. 6. a Chrys ho. 3. 10. in Gē Clem. Alex. lib. 1. strom Bern. ser 36. in Cant. Greg. ho. 17. in Euang. ignorant To giue good counsell (e) Pro. 17. b Eccli 5. c to them that are in doubt To praie (f) Mat. 5. g Iac. 5. d to God for the welfare of our neighbour To comforte (g) Eccli 7. d 2. Cor. 1. a the sorowfull To beare iniuries (h) Tit. 3. a 1. Thes 5. c Rom. 15. a patiently To forgiue (i) Mat. 5. d 6. b 18. c d Mar. 11. c Eccli 28. a offences Which offices of humane pietie are so plaine and euident espeacially vnto Christians to those which are not altogether barbarous that they neede not any long discourse 16 How are these declared in holy Scripture VEry plainly certes and in euery place as notablely those words of ESAY or rather the precepts of God doe declare (a) Esa 58. b Breake saith he thy bread to the hungrie the needie and wandring bring into thy house when thou shalt see a naked man cloathe him and thy fleshe doe thou not despise Of which offices the great profite and commodity is after annexed in the same place (b) Ibid. c Then thy iustice shall goe before thy face and the glory of our Lord shall gather thee And Saint IOHN who wholly laboureth in cōmending vnto vs brotherly charity and mercie amongest other thinges teacheth (c) 1. Io. 3. c Iac. 2. c Bas ho. 7. in diuites auaros Amb. ser 81. apud Gratia dist 86. idē lib. 3. offic cap. 6. 7. Greg. 3. p. curae past adm 22. Greg. Turō in glor Cōf. cap. 108. Hee that shall haue the substance of this worlde shal see his brother haue neede and shall shut his bowels from him how doth the Charity of God abide in him And not cōtent with this speech he concludeth in most excellent manner My little children let vs not loue in word and in tongue but in deede and trueth In this we know that we are of the trueth These are the works of the faithfull and of those that are truely iust which in the (d) Mat. 25. d Luc. 14. c last iudgement Christ wil acknowledg publikely approue for the which he wil allot the promised kingdome rēder a crowne of Iustice vnto the merciful whom also himselfe calleth Iust Which workes (e) Greg. vbi supra adm 21. Amb. lib. 1. offic c. 30. l. 2. c. 21. 25. Chry. ho. de miser duabus Viduis hom 30. in 1. Cor. certes doe afford so much the more of true praise and eternall rewarde by how much the more syncerely cherefully and liberally they are done by a Christian minde Which then is performed when there is as little respecte as may be vnto humane vanity and desires but they are wholly directed vnto the glory of God and the profite of our neighbour who is benifited To this end are those speeches of holy Scripture to be obserued He (f) Ro. 12. b that giueth in simplicity he that sheweth mercy in cheerefulnesse (g) Tob. 4. b Turne not away thy face from anie poore man According to thy abilitie be thou merciful God loueth a (h) 2. Cor. 9. b cheerful giuer In euery (i) Eccli 35. b gifte make thy countenance cheerfull Pleasant (k) Ps 111. a is that man that taketh compassion and profiteth Christ certes in S. LVKE describeth such (l) Luc. 10. f a Samaritane as may be a notable example of exhibiting willingly the highest kinde of courtesie and perfect mercie euen vnto strangers and (m) Nazian orat 19. in funere Patris Chrys ho. 21. in ep ad Rom. ho. 35. 37. ad pop Ant the vndeseruing But He that (n) 2. Cor. 9.
armour vnto weake persons against the (a) 1. Io. 2 c Luc. 14 de f g 8 b Mat. 19 b c 13 c 1 Cor. 7 f Eccli 31 a Pro. 29 c Iudic. 17 c 21 d Gal. 5 b baites of the worlde and the flesh which doe further the endeuours of good men in the race of true pietie which doe make the Spirite more at libertie to performe the functions of religion and diuine worshippe and which moreouer are much auaileable as we haue declared for the atchiuing of the reward of eternall life and more ample glory (b) Mat. 19 b c d Greg. lib. 26. moral c. 25. in the kingdome of heauen But the whole summe of Euangelicall perfection standeth in this that as much as thou maiest thou endeuour to get (c) 1. Cor. 13 a 1 Io. 2 a 4 c Col. 3 c Aug. de morib Eccles Cathol c. 33 charitie and that thou followe (d) Luc. 9 c Christ And him thou doest imitate if according to thy power thou doest seeke to conforme thy selfe to Christ who was both (e) 2. Cor. 8 b Mat. 8 c poore and a (f) 1. Pet. 1 e Virgin subiect (g) Luc. 2 g to others and obedient (h) Phil. 2 b euen to the death of the Crosse If with the Apostle S. PAVL (k) Phil. 3 c Psal 83 c Ber. ep 253. ad Garinū Abbatem et ep 341. ad Monachos Sanct. Bertini item ser 2. de Purific B. Mariae Aug. ep 137. ad Hip. neglecting those thinges that are behinde (i) 1. Pet. 2 d with vnwearied labour thou doest trauaile towards those things that are before doest stretch out thy selfe euery day to the price of the supernal vocation vtterly forsaking in the mean season as much as thou canst thy owne proper will and submitting it to a man for gods sake that thou maiest (l) 1. Cor. 12 d pursue the better giftes and maiest both choose (m) Luc. 10 g the best-parte and with faithfulnes conserue the same euen to the (n) Apo. 2 c end OF THE FOVRE LAST THINGES OF A MAN 1 Which are called the foure last things of a man THese surely Death Iudgemēt Hell and the Kingdome of heauen called certes the last (a) Eccli 7 d 28 a 38 b Deut. 32 d Pro. 19 c Bern. in ser de primord medijs nouissunis things because that amongst all the things that can chance vnto a man they chalenge vnto themselues the very last place For death according to the common saying is the last line of thinges After Death followeth the Iudgement of God as S. PAVL also hath declared in these wordes It is (b) Heb. 9. g appointed to men to die once after this the Iudgement To wit both that (c) Aug. lib 2. de anima eius origine cap. 4. Item tract 49. in Ioan. Chysost ho. 14. in Mat. particular which euery one hath at his death and that last and generall Iudgement which expecteth all men at the end of the world as we haue alreadie (d) In Symbolo declared And some are iudged those that die in mortall sinne to be deliuered to euerlasting (e) Luc. 16 c Mat. 25 d paines in Hell others who departing this life are adorned with the mariage (f) Mat 22 b Aug. li. post collat cont Donat. c. 20 Greg. ho. 38 in Euang. garment of charitie that they may enioy the most happie life in the kingdome of heauen That is it which the Euangelicall veritie affirmeth They (g) Io. 5 c Mat. 25 d that haue done good thinges shall come forth into the resurrection of life but they that haue done euill into the resurrection of iudgement For (h) Mat. 16 d the sonne of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his Angells and then will he render to euery man according to his workes 2 What instruction doth the scripture giue vs of death AS (a) Ro. 5 b Sap. 1 d Concil Mileuit cap. 1. Aug. de praedest gratia cap. 3. by one man sinne entered into this worlde and by sinne death and so vnto all men death did passe as S. PAVL affirmeth Therefore although nothing be more vncertain vnto vs then (b) Greg. ho. 13 in Euāg Aug. in Ps 144. ho. 27. ex 50. cap 3. cap 2. soliloquiorū animae Hugo Vict. lib. 1. de anima cap. 3. the houre of death for a man knoweth (c) Eccles 9 c Iac 4 d Eccli 11 c 14 b Luc. 12 c not his end yet nothing can be more sure thā death it selfe For which cause it is written All (d) 2 Reg. 14. c Eccles 2. c Ps 89 b 101 a b 102 c Iob. 8 b 14. a 1 Pet. 1. d Aug. lib. 13. de ciu Dei cap. 10. 11. ser 21. de verbis Domini c. 2. 3. Innocent de contemptu mundi lib. 1. cap. 24. of vs die and as waters we fall into earth which doe not returne againe And Ecclesiasticus confirming the same And (e) Eccli 10 b Iob 17 d Psal 18 b d Baruch 3 b Eccli 41 a Aug. senten vlt. apud Prosp a King saith he is to day and to morow he shall die and when a man dieth he shall inherite serpentes and beastes and wormes And because it concerneth vs much in what manner and how well prepared we die therefore so often in the Gospell is this repeated vnto vs Be (f) Mat 25 a 20. d Mar. 13 d Aug. ep 80. ad Hesych quaest 59. lib. 83. quaestionum watchfull Also be ye ready (g) Luc. 12 c for at what houre you thinke not the sonne of man will come Apoc. 3 a 16 c Cypr. epist 52. ad Anton Aug ser 3. de Innocentibus tra 33. in Ioan. Greg. lib. 16. moral c. 31. And we shall be watchfull and ready to entertaine death if euery man doe for his owne parte earnestly and in all his life meditate that which is written Before (h) Eccli 14 c Eccles 9 c 12 a Gal. 6 c Aug. de discip Christiana cap. 11. 12. Conc. Lateran can 21. Trid. sess 14 Neruens c. 4 Greg. 4. dial c. 58. Possid in vita Aug. death worke iustice because there is not in hell to finde meate As also Christ himselfe hath saide The (i) Ioan 9 a Aug. in enc cap. 110. tract 44. in Ioan. nighte commeth when no mā can worke (k) Ioan. 12 c Luc. 19 c walke whilest you haue the light that the darkenes ouertake you not But fittely doth the Prophet put a difference betweene the death of the good the euill For of these he saith The death (l) Psal 33 d Pro. 11 a Sap. 5 b c Psal 10 b Aug. serm 47. 59. ad fratr in Eremo Hugo Victorinus lib. 1. de anima cap. 2. lib. 3. cap. 23. lib. 4. cap. 13. Innocent 3. de contemptu mundi lib. 2. cap. 42. of sinners
God Aug. sent 313. Prosp and to haue truely deserued life euerlasting to be possessed also in the due time if they departe out of this world in grace Forasmuch as CHRIST our Sauiour saith Io. 4 b He that shall drinke of the water that I will giue him shall not thirst for euer but it shall become in him a foūtaine of water springinge vp vnto life euerlasting So neither our owne proper iustice as proper from our selues is established neither are we ignorant of the iustice of God or doe reiect the same For that which is called our iustice because by it being inherent in vs we are iustified that very same iustice is the iustice of God because it is by God infused into vs through the merit of Christ. Neither is this to be omitted that although there be so much attributed to good workes in holy scripture that euen vnto him Mat. 10 d that shall giue a cuppe of colde water to one of his little ones Christ doth promise that he shall not loose his rewarde the 2. Cor. 4 d Apostle witnesseth that the tribulation which presentlie is momentanie and light worketh aboue measure exceedingly an eternall weight of glorie in vs yet God forbid that a Christiā man should either Aug. de Praed sanct ca. 5. de grat lib. arbit cap. 6. trust or 1. Cor. 1 d 2. Cor. 10 d glory in himselfe not in our Lord whose goodnesse is such towards all men that hee will haue those thinges to bee their Coelest l. ep 1. can 11. Aug. in Ench. c. 107. ep 105. de gratia et lib. arbit cap. 6. Gennad lib. de Eccles dogmat c. 32. merites which are his giftes And because Iac. 3 a all of vs offend in many things euery one ought to haue as mercy goodnesse so also seueritie and iudgement before his eies no man iudging himselfe although 1. Cor. 4 a he be not guilty in conscience of any thing because the wholl life of man is to be examined and iudged not by the iudgement of man but of God who Ibidem will lighten the hidden thinges of darkenesse and will manifest the counsailes of the hartes and then the praise shal be to euery man of God who as it is written Mat. 16 d Rom. 2 a Psal 61 b will render to euerie man according to his workes Laus DEO Virginique Matri MARIAE The Translatour to the Reader HITHERTO gentle Reader haue I performed the part of a Translatour howe faithfully and soundly thy selfe shall iudge Yet this will I promise of my selfe that there hath not wanted that diligence which in Translating a worke of matters of CATHOLICKE Doctrine abounding with so many places of Scripture or rather compacte of words and sentences of Scriptures and Fathers in so short a Volume setting downe the whole summe of our RELIGION is in anie Learned mans iudgement necessary Nowe whereas I haue founde in the running ouer this notable worke some fewe questions either not touched at all or not so throughly handled as the necessity of our COVNTREY doth require I haue heere thought good with as much breuity as the thinges will permitte and according to my simple skill in DIVINITIE to addresse thee the same that thou hauing as it were in one Posie each pleasaunt flowre contained maiest be prepared against all manner of pestilent vapours which in so vnsauorie an aire thou maiest meete withall Thy part it shal be that as with the going forewarde of this worke my desire of thy spirituall good hath increased so thou also doe continue if not increase the gratefull acceptance of my labours AN EXPOSITION OF CERTAINE QVESTIons not handeled in this Booke I. Of Hallowed and Sanctified Creatures vsed in the Church II. Of Pilgrimage vnto holy places III. Of Indulgences or Pardons IIII. Of Seruice and Praier in the Vulgar tongue Euery one diuided into certaine Articles in which are also expounded diuerse other Controuersies belonging to the better vnderstanding of the principall Question OF HALLOWED AND SANCTIFIED CREATVRES IN GODS CHVRCH 1 Is there any creature holier than another ALthough all sanctitie and holines be principally in God himselfe yet from him as from a most plentifull fountaine of all goodnes doth also spring and flowe holines into his creatures first into his reasonable creatures who onlie may by his grace be made his liuely mēbers and so be endowed with true holines and than both the Sacramentes by which hee worketh his grace whatsoeuer thing hath any speaciall relation or order vnto the holinesse which is in God or in his creatures may iustly and truely be called holie And concerning the sanctification of the members of Christs mystical body and the holines of his Sacramentes by which we are sanctified to euerlasting life enough hath beene said before in this wholle booke but of the holines of other creatures religiouslie deputed in the Church for our spirituall good we meane here briefly to intreate and namely of Holy daies Holy water Hallowed Palmes Ashes Oyle and finally of Hallowed places 2 Is not the different estimation of daies contrarie to holy Scriptures NO verely for we account some daies holier than other by the example of God himselfe who sanctified the Gen 2 3 Sabaoth commanded also the same to be hallowed by Exod. ●0 1 his people with many other daies which he calleth holy solēne and venerable daies yea the people of God did not only Religiously obserue these daies but also vpon new occasions of singuler benefites receiued from God they instituted newe Feasts deuoutely obserued the same As wee reade of the Feast instituted by Esth 9 27 Mardocheus the dedicatiō 1. Mach. 4 56. ordained by Iudas Machabeus honored by our Io. 20 22 Sauiours owne presence Neither doth this differēce of daies so long as it is not obserued according to the ceremonious figures of the Iewes which are nowe expired nor according to the vaine and superstitious obseruation of the Gentiles which Ro. 14 5. Gal. 4 10. Col. 2 16. vide Theod. Theoph. Orig. Amb. Oecum Primas Ansel in Ro. 14. Hier. lib. 2. in Iouin Amb. in Gal 4. Aug. Enchir c. 79. ep 119. c. 7. the Apostle condemneth euen in the newe Law of grace repugne against the Lawe of God yea it is agreeable to holy Scriptures and according to the continuall practise of the Church So doe we see in steed of the Iewes Sabboth the Act. 20 16. ibid. Chrysost Beda 1. Cor. 16 2. ibidem Chry Am● Theoph. ali● Apoc. 1 10. et ibi omnes interpretes Clem. can 65. Apost Ignat. ad Magnes Iust apol 2. Tert. de cor mil. apol c. 16. Clē Alex l. 7. strō Orig. ho. 7. in Exod. Athan. ho. in illud Omnia mihi tradita sunt Amb. ep 83. Hier. in Gal. 4. Aug. lib. cont Adim cap. 16. Greg. lib. 11. epist 3. Leo. epist 81. Hylar praefat in Psal Sunday to haue beene brought in and alwaies obserued
sym ca. 7. to sitte at the right hande of his Father This ioyful ascensiō of Christ is the assurance of our faith and hope so that whither the heade hath gone before when once his enemies are vanquished thither the members also so that (c) Heb. 5 9. Ro. 8 17. 2. Tim. 2 11 Io. 15 6. they obay cleaue to their head may haue great hope to attaine (d) Io. 14 2. I go saith he to prepare you a place 15 What doth the seuēth Article insinuate Frō thence he shal come to Iudge Ps 6 2. Esa 3 13. 66 15. IT setteth before our eies the latter day of Iudgement whē Christ shal descend in humane fleshe from the highest Heauen Io. 5 22.26 Soph. 1 14. Mal. 4 1. Ioel. 3 1. and shal sitte in dreadful doome iudgment ouer the whole worlde and in the open face thereof shall render vnto euerie one according to his woorkes Therefore (a) Mat. 25 31. et 24 11 Luc. 21.25 Act. 1 42. 1. Thes 4 15. et 5 2. 1. Cor 15 51. 2. Thes 2 1. 2. Pet. 3 3. in the seate throne of his Maiesty he shal iudge al without exception good bad aswell those that shall bee aliue when the daie of iudgement shall come as those that were before departed out of the worlde Whereby wee are admonished to liue so much more warely vprightly by howe much more certainly we are persuaded that al the actions (b) Mat. 12 36 Sap. 1 8. Esa 66 18 Ec●●e 12 14 Ro. 2 14. Ap. 20 11. Basil ep ad Virg. lap thoughts and designements of our life are alwaies apparant before the presence of almightie God that seeth all thinges and iudgeth thē most righteously For he is a righteous and iust searcher of (c) Hic 17 9. Heb. 4 12. Gal 6 5. 1. Thes 4 6. Eccle. 12 14 2 Cor. 5 10 Ro. 14 10. hearts and reuenger of iniquities before whose Tribunal we must all bee presented that euerie one may receiue at his hand accordingly as he hath behaued himselfe in his body be it wel or euil Who will neither (d) Mat. 10 40. Iob. 24 12. defraud any thing well done in this life of dewe reward nor let any euil deeds escape vnpunished 16 What is the summe of the Articles of the second person in Deity THis Io. 1 1 1●.34 1. Ioa. 5 20. Eph. 1 7. that Christ is true God man who began and brought to passe the woonderfull worke of mans Redemption so that hee is vnto vs the (a) Io. 14 6. Ro. 5 6. Apoc. 1 5. 1. Tim. 2 5. Ro. 3.24 Way Trueth and Life by whom only when we had all perished we were saued and restored and reconciled vnto God the Father Of the benefite and true vse of which Redemption we finde thus written (b) Tit. 2 11 The grace of God our Sauiour hath appeared to all men instructing vs that denying impiety worldly desires we liue soberly iustly godly in this world expecting the blessed hope and aduent of the glory of the great God our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST who gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all iniquity might cleanse to himselfe a people acceptable a pursuer of good workes These bee the wordes of the Apostle S. PAVL in (c) Eph. 2 10. another place We are the worke of God created in Christ Iesus in good workes which God hath prepared that we should walke in thē And again (d) 2. Cor. 5 15. Christ died for all that they also which liue may not now liue to themselues but to him that died for them rose againe Wherfore we must take diligent heede of the erronious opinion of those that doe confesse Christ not wholly and perfitely but as it were lame and maimed whilest they doe only acknowledge him as a (e) 1. Tim. 2 5. Ro. 3 24. Mediatour and Redeemer in whome we may trust but doe not withall admit him for a (f) Esa 33 22. Iac. 4 12. Io. 13 15.34 1. Io. 2 6. 1. Pet. 2 21. Lawe-maker whose commaundements we must obay and a patterne of all vertue which wee must imitate and a iust Iudge who surely is to repay the due reward or punishment to the (g) 2. Tim. 4 7. Ro. 2 5. Sym. Cōstā Cō Flor. Gen. 1 2. Ps 103 30. Iob. 24 13. Mat. 28 19. Io. 1 32. 14 16. 16 7. 1. Io. 5 7. Ro. 8 9. 2. Cor. 3 17 1. Cor. 6 15 3 16. Ps 50 12 Esa 11 1. Gal. 5 22. Ro. 5 5. workes of euery one 17 What doth the eight Article teache vs I beleeue in the Holy-Ghost IT specifieth the Holy-Ghost the thirde person in Deity who proceeding from the Father and the Sonne is true God coeternall coequal consubstantial to both to be worshipped with the same faith with equal honour adoration This is that paraclet teacher of truth that doth lightē purifie sanctify the harts of beleeuers with his grace gifts cōfirme them in al holines This is the (a) Eph. 1 13 Ro. 8 26. 1 Cor. 12 11 pledge of our enheritance who helpeth our infirmity and diuideth to euery one according as he will his diuerse gifts 18 What addeth the ninth Article I beleeue in the holy Catholike Curch IT doth shew declare vnto vs the Church that is to say the (a). Mat. 5 15. Esa 6● 1. 2 2. Psal 18 5. Aug. tract 1 in ep Ioa. de vnit Eccl. c. 16. et in Ps 30. Con. 2. Chrys ho 4. de Verb. Esaiae visible congregation of Christes faithful people for which the Sonne of God taking vpon him the nature of man did and suffered all thinges And first it teacheth that the same Church is (b). Io. 11 52. et 1● 16 et 17 11. Cant. 6 8 1. Cor. 1 10 12 12.25 Ephes 4 3. Cypr. de s●p praelat Iren. l. 1. c. 3. Hier. ad Age r●ch ep 11. c. 4 Chr. ho. 1. in 1. Cor. one and vniformall in faith in the Doctrine of faith and administration of Sacraments which vnder one onlie head Christ Iesus and one vicegerent (c) Cypr. de simp ep 55 69. Iren. lib. 3. c. 3. Hier. ad Damas ep 57. 58. Le● c. 89. ad Vien vpon earthe the chiefe Bishop is gouerned and kept in vnity Then it giueth vs to vnderstand that she is holy (d). Eph. 5.27 Cant. 4 7.1 Pet. 2 9 Aug. E●ch c. 56. et in Ps 85. Ber. ser 3 in Vig. nat Greg. l. 35. mor. c. 6. Iren l. 3. c 40 Because Christ doth alwaies sāctify her by the holy ghost so that she is n●uer destitute or voyd of holy men holy lawes Neither can any man be partaker of any holinesse sanctificatiō that is not of her society congregation Thirdly that she is (e). Act. 1 8. Gen. 22 18. Mar. 16 15.20
fayth and beleefe hereof a good and patient man doth take solace and comforte in the greatest miseries that maye befall so that at the verye laste gaspe of life he will say (d) Iob. 19 25. I knowe that my Redeemer dothe liue in the laste day I shall rise from the earthe agayne be compassed aboute with my skinne and in my fleshe I shall see God Wise therfore certes and moste wise are those that doe bring into the seruitude of Iustice and (e) Col. 3 5. 1. Pet. 3.18 1. Cor. 9 27 Ro. 6 12. 1. Cor. 15 42. vertue these earthly dyeng mēbers doe prepare this body as a pure vessell for the happy immortallity that is to come 21 What is the laste Article OF lyfe * 1. Cor. 2 9. Io. 17 3. Mat. 19 25 34 46 Apoc. 2 7. 10.17.26 3.11 21. 7 14. 21 2.10.23 22 1.12 Ro. 2 6. Tit. 1 1. ● 13. 3 7. 2. Tim. 4.7 1. Io. 2 25. 3 2. 1. Pet. 1 3. Ro. 6 22. euerlastinge which we may nothing doubt to remaine vnto the electe after theire deathe And this is the fruite finall end of Fayth Hope Patience Christianlike exercise For the obtayning of whiche life to a true beleeuer no worke of pietie ought to seeme difficulte no labour paynfull no greife bitter no time long or taedious in well working or sufferinge And if this life notwith-standinge that it is repleate with all manner of calamities be accoūpted a thing moste choyse and delightfull how muche more is that life to be had in greate price and aestimation which is (a) Aug. de ciu Dei l. 22 c. 29 30. l. 3. de lib arb c. vlt. ser 64. de Ver. Do. ● 1 seq l. 3 de symb ad catech c. 12 so farre off from any feeling and feare of euill is replenished on euery syde with heauenlye and vnspeakeable ioyes pleasures and delights that neuer shall haue end Of whiche life Christe sayth thus (b). Luc. 12 32. Feare not litle flocke for it hath pleased your Father to giue you a Kingdome And at the latter day of iudgemente he will saye vnto the electe (c) Mat. 25 34. Come yee blessed of my father possesse you the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the worlde But vnto the wicked he will speake in this manner Get yee (d) Ibid. 46. away from me you cursed into fire euerlasting which was prepared for the Deuill and his Angels Which sentence doth not onelie touch (e) Fulg. in lib. de fide ad Pet. c. 38. 40. Heathens Heretickes Schismatickes publike sinners but appertaineth also to all those Christians that doe (f) Ez. 18 4. 33 8. Ro 6 23. Sap. 1 16. 1. Cor. 6 9. end their liues in mortall sinne Last of al this clause (g) Hier. ad Mared ep 137. AMEN is added in the end that it may plainly appeeare howe firmely and surely grounded we stand in the profession and testimony of this Christian Faith and Confession 22 Is it sufficient for a Christian to beleeue those thinges only that are contained in the Creede FIrst specially no doubt Heb. 5 12. 6 1. 1. pet 3 15. those thinges that are taught vs in the Creed of the Apostles are to be beleeued openly (a) Amb. l. 3 de Virg. Aug. l. 1 de symb ad Cat. c. 1. l. 2. cap. 1. professed of euery one Which also are made more plaine beeing conferred with the Creed of the FATHERS with that of ATHANASIVS Secondly a Christiā must of necessity beleeue whatsoeuer the (b). 2. Pet. 1 19. Ro. 15 4. 2. Tim. 3 15 diuine Canonical Scripture doth containe But the certaine (c) Conc. Tol. 1 c. 21. Aug. ser 129. 191 de temp Hic in sym ad Damas Aug. cō ep fund c. 5. Trid. Sess 4. legitimate books of Scripture no man may discerne by any other meanes than by the iudgement authority of the Church Thirdly hereunto doe belong those thinges that are necessarily drawen (d) Mat. 22 29. deduced partly out of the Articles of the Creede and partly out of holy Scriptures Fourthly lastly are all such documents to be holden as most holy to be firmely beleued which the holy ghost reuealeth vnto vs pronounceth by the (e) Cypr. ep 10. ad Nest Iren. l. 3. cap. 4. li. 4. c. 45. 63. Hier. con Lucif c. 4. Vinc. Lir. con Nouat Church whether they be commended vnto vs by writing or deliuered by tradition word of mouth Which point we will touch more at large hereafter These therefore are the things in which the true catholike faith doth cōsist without the (f) I●eo ser 4. de natiu Dom. which al sectaries do in vaine promise to thēselues others grace saluatiō in christ THE SECONDE CHAPTER OF HOPE Aug. in E●c cap. 8. 1. Cor. 13 13. Ro. 5 2. 8 24. Tit. 2 13. 3 7. 1. Pet. 1 3. 1. Io. 5 14. Iac. 1 3.5 Io. 14 13. 15 7.16 16 23. Mar. 11 24. Ps 26 13.14 129.6 72 28. 61 8.11 1. Tim. 4 10 1. Thes 5 8. Eph. 6 17. Heb. 10 35. 6 18. AND OVR LORDS PRAIER 1 What is Hope HOpe is a vertue infused by God whereby wee doe with assured trust confidence expect at Gods hande the good of our saluation life euerlasting To small purpose it is to beleeue in God and the word of God to professe the diuine Doctrine of holie Church vnlesse a Christian hauing once vnderstoode the goodnesse of Almighty God doe conceiue hope confidence of obtaining grace and aeternall saluation Which hope doth so fortifie vphold the iust man in the greatest (a) Eccli 34 15. Rom. 8 35. Psal 30 25. Prou. 28 1. miseries that although he be destitute of all wordly helpes yet will he confidently say (b) Iob. 13 15. Al-though he kill me yet will I hope in him And (c) ps 55 5. in God I haue hoped I wil not feare what fleshe may do vnto me (d) Ps 24 2. My God I trust in thee I will not be ashamed 2 By what meanes may a man come to haue this hope FIrst of al one great helpe heerunto is to (a) 1. Thes 5 16. Luc. 11 9. 18 1. Mat. 7 7. Eccli 18 22. pray feruently often to almighty God Also hope is to be nourished and stirred vp with dayly meditation of the goodnesse and benefites (b) Eph. 2 4. Tit. 3 3. Ro. 8 29. Io. 3 16. 1. Co. 4 9. Heb. 10 23. Tit. 1 2. Ro. 5 8.17.20 8 18. of God those especially which Christ our Lorde for his infinite charity towards vs performed promised euen to the vndeseruing Last of all there must be annexed (c) Pro. 15.15 1. Io. ● 21. Aug. l. 1.
8. in 1. Cor. in ser de leuium peccatorum periculis Bern. ser 1. de conuers Pauli et in tract de praecepto dispens c. 14. contristate the holy Ghost they darken and obscure the conscience they diminish the feruour of charitie and they doe hinder the proceeding of vertues drawe a man often times to greater vices and dangers For which cause it is written He that (d) Eccli 19 1. despiseth litle thinges shall by little and little fall He (e) Ibid. 3 27. that loueth danger shal perish in it He (f) Eccles 9 18. that shall sinne in one thing shall lose many good thinges Therefore these blottes filthes of the soule as much as may be are to bee eschewed for as wee reade (g) Apoc. 21 27. Psal 14 2. 23 4. There shall not enter into the Heauenly Ierusalem any polluted thing And except they be washed away in this life they doe burden a man after (h) See aboue of Satisfaction page 215. his death and cannot certes be cleansed without the bitter paines of Purgatorie fire Which fire although it be not euerlasting yet if wee beleeue (i) In Psal 37. ser 41. de Sanctis Greg. in 3. Ps poenit Sainte AVGVSTINE It is more sharpe grieuous than whatsoeuer a man can suffer in this life 3 What then are the remedies to purge the lighter sorte of sinnes FOR the washing away of such filthes of the soule in this life the Primitiue Church hath (a) Aug. ep 108. Ench. c. 71. 72. in Io. tract 12. ser 41. de Sanct. lib. 21. ciu c. 27. ho. 50 ex 50. ca. 13. Conc. Tolet. 4. can 9. acknowledged and vsed these remedies An humble accusation of a mans selfe our Lords praier knocking of the Breaste other the like deuoute exercises either towardes God or towardes our neighbour and afflictions of the bodie voluntarilie and deuoutlie vndertaken Which remedies wise men certes so much the more willingly and seriously doe imbrace by how much they doe more perfectly knowe more diligently waigh and consider the seuerity of Gods Iustice in (b) Iob. 24 12. Prosp in sent Aug. c. 210. Aug. in Ps 58 reuenging of sinne Which may be expressely shewed euen by that one dreadful speach of Christ I say vnto you (c) Mat. 12 36. that euery idle word that mē shal speake they shall render an account for it in the day of iudgement Also by that speeche of S. PETER (d) 1. Pet. 4 18. The iust man shall scarce be saued Insomuch that for this cause IOB a man otherwise Iust and Innocent hath saide I did (e) Iob. 9 28. feare all my workes knowing that thou didest not spare him that sinneth And the Apostle Saint PAVL It is (f) Heb. 10 31. horrible to fall into the handes of the liuing God But (g) 1. Cor. 11 31. if we did iudge our selues as the same Apostle warneth vs wee shoulde not bee iudged Therefore (h) Pro. 28 14. Blessed is that man that is alwaies fearefull but he that is of a hard heart shall fall into euill 4 Is it sufficient to abstaine from sinne CHristian Iustice Bern. ser 34. ex paruis Chrys in Ps 4. ho. 16. in ep ad Ephes Aug. serm 59. de temp whereof wee haue hitherto treated proposeth two partes and as equally necessary commendeth them vnto vs in these wordes Decline (a) Ps 36 27. 33 15. ibid. Aug. from euill and doe good As also S. PAVL teacheth Hating (b) Ro. 12 9. 1. Pet. 3 10.11 Tob. 4 13. Esa 1 16. Eccli 3 32. Col. 3 8. Ephes 4 16.17.20 Iac. 4 17. Mat. 3 10. 7 19. euill cleaueing to good Therefore It is not sufficient as (c) In sent Prosp c. 86. Aug. lib. 19. ciu cap. 14. S. AVGVSTINE hath plainely saide to abstaine from euill except that be done which is good and it is a small matter to hurt no man except thou doest endeuour to doe good to many Wherefore hauing nowe finished after our manner the first part of Iustice which prohibiteth euills it followeth nowe that by the helpe of Christ we go foreward to speake of the other part also which consisteth in the pursute of those thinges which are good OF THREE SORTES OF GOOD WORKES 1 In what good thinges doth Christian Iustice consiste THis Iustice extendeth (a) Chrys in Psa 4. 14. ho. 23. in Gen. so far that it containeth in it selfe all the good thinges which are honestly iustly and deuoutly done and proposeth the same vnto vs as to be both desired and followed Wherefore thus doth the Apostle admonishe the faithfull Walke (b) Col. 1. worthie of God in all thinges pleasing fructifying in al good worke Prouiding (c) Ro. 12. 2. Cor. 8 21. Mat. 5 17. 1. Pet. 2 12. good thinges not only before God but also before all men For this is the true vse and proper fruit of our vocation of Christian Iustice purchased by Christ as witnesseth (d) 1. Pet. 2. S. PETER That beeing dead to sinnes we may liue to Iustice that is to say as S. PAVL expoundeth it That (e) Tit. 2. vide Bern. ser 2. de resur denying impiety worldly desires we liue soberly iustly godly in this world To this effect is that of the Gospel proposed vnto vs that without (f) Luc. 1. feare beeing deliuered from the hands of our enimies we may serue him in holinesse iustice before him all our daies For therefore hath Christ redemed vs from all (g) Tit. 2. iniquitie that he mighte clense to himselfe a people acceptable a pursuer of good woorkes For (h) Eph. 2. wee are the worke of God himselfe created in Christ Iesus in good workes which God hath prepared that we should walke in them Thus doth S. PAVL constantly write and warne all men about the obseruance and continuall practise of Christian Iustice And for this cause also S. IHON doth wisely admonish absolutely define (i) 1. Io. 3. Litle children let no man seduce you Hee that doth iustice is iust euen as he also is iust He that committeth sinne is of the Deuill And S. IAMES expresly teacheth By workes (k) Iac. 2. Aug. in praef in Psa 31. de fid et op c. 14. Chrys ho. 2. in Gen a man is iustified and not by faith only For euen as the body without the spirite is deade so also faith without woorkes is deade Then againe the same Apostle He that hath looked (l) Iac. 1. in the lawe of perfecte libertie and hath remained in it not made a forgetfull hearer but a doer of the worke this man shall be blessed in his deede And noe other meaning then this had S. PAVL when he saide Not (m) Ro. 2. the hearers of the lawe are iust with God but the doers of the lawe shall be iust 2 What profite doe the
is very euill To wit of them who like the obstinate Iewes doe die in their sinne without penance and for that cause doe so perish that they are to be tormented perpetually (m) Luc. 16 c f Greg. 4 dial cap. 38. hom 12. in Euang. Beda lib. 5. hist Angl. cap. 14. 15. in hell with the rich Glutton But of the other he testifieth (n) Psal 115 a Pretious in the sight of our Lord is the death of his Saintes For to (o) 2. Cor. 5 a b Greg. 4. dial cap. 11. sequent Cyprian de mortal Amb. de bo no. mort c. 2. seq such this death of the bodie is nothing else but an end of this earthly peregrination a conclusion of the miseries of this mortall life a quiet sleepe and a secure repose the begining of true life and a wished passage to most happie immortalitie with the desire whereof the Apostle burning and being weary of this life (p) Phil. 1 d Luc. 2 d Psal 41 a 83 a 141 b Num. 23 b I desire saith he to be dissolued and to be with Christ (q) Luc. 12 c Blessed are those seruantes that whē the Lorde commeth he shall finde watching And blessed (r) Apoc. 14 c are the dead which die in our Lorde And (s) Sap. 4 b a iust man if he shall be preuented with death he shall be in a refreshing 3 In what sorte doth holy scripture admonish vs of Iudgement IT is horrible to (a) Heb. 10 f Bern. ser 8. in Psal Qui habitat fall into the hands of the liuing God and of Christ the Iudge before whose (b) 2. Cor. 5 b Tribunall we must all be manifested and euerie man (c) Rom. 14 b Luc. 16 a 12 f 19 d must render accounte for himselfe For all (d) Eccles 12 d 11 d 1. Cor. 4 a Ro. 2 a b c Sap. 1 c Eccli 11 c Mat. 12 c 16 d Apoc. 20 d 22 c Psal 61 b 2. Tim. 4 b Damas in orat de def Cyr. de exitu animae Leontius in vita Ioanis Eleemosin thinges that are done God wil bring into iudgement for euery faulte whether it bee good or euill And therefore not only vnto sinners but also vnto (e) 1. Pet. 4 d Sephon 1 c Psal 74 a Ber. ser 55. in Cant. Greg. lib. 8. moral cap. 13. Saints often-times the expectation (f) Heb. 10 c of this iudgement is terrible This did holie DAVID feare so that hee did earnestlie pray Enter not (g) Psal 142 a into iudgement with thy seruaunt O Lorde This feared IOB also notwithstanding hee was innocent (h) Iob. 1 a and his feare he expresseth in these wordes (i) Iob. 31 b What shal I do when God shal arise to iudgement And when he shal aske what shal I answere him as swelling waues (k) Ibidem c Greg. 21. moral cap. 15. 16. ouer me I alwaies feared Almighty God and his waight I coulde not beare I did feare al (l) Iob. 9 d 24 b Eccles 9 a 1. Cor. 4 a my works knowing that thou wouldest not spare him that offendeth And certes that iudge is (m) Aug. in lib. de decē chordis cap. 1. 2. Prosp lib. 3. de vita contempl c. 12. Bern. ep 1. Innocentius 3. lib. 3. de contemptu mundi c. 15. to be feared whose power we cannot escape whose wisedome is infallible Iustice inflexible Iudgement vnreuocable Of which it is thus writtē The Zeale (n) Pro. 6 d and furor of the Man to witte of Christ the Iudge shall not spare in the day of reuenge nor yeelde to any mans petition nor will take for redemption neuer so many giftes Who also of himselfe and his iudgement least any man should be ignorant hath foretolde this vnto all men When (o) Ps 74 a Bern. ser 55. in Cant. I shall take time I will iudge iustice I the Lord (p) Hier 17 b 11 d 20 c 32 c Pro 16 a Heb. 4 d 1. Par 28 b Mal. 3 a Ps 7 b 43 d scarching the hart prouing the reines who doe giue to euery one according to his way according to the fruit of his inuētions I come (q) Esa 66 f Iudae epist c Mat. 10 c to gather togither their works and their cogitations with all nations and toungs they shal come see my glory But of the day of the last iudgement (r) Aug. 20. de ciu Dei cap. 1. 2. 30. lib. 18. c. 53. item ep 78. 80. ad Hesych Hippol. de consum mundi Damas lib. 4. orth lid cap. 27. which is also called in Scripture the day of our (s) Soph. 1 d Ioel. 2 a e g 3 a Esa 13 b c 24 c d 66 c Hier. 23 d Mal. 3 a 4 a b Dan. 7 c d Apoc. 20. d 6 d Psal 96 a 59 a Mat. 24 25 c d 13 f 3 c Sap. 5. a d Lorde the day of anger the great horrible day the Apostle Saint PETER teacheth in this manner The day of our Lord shall (t) 2 Pet 3 c Aug. lib. 20. de eiu Dei cap. 16. 18. Chrys ho. 46 ad pop Antioch sequent Ephrem in lib. de ilidicio extremo lib. de vera paenitent Aug. ser 67. d c temp Isid de summo bono lib 1. c. 30. Cyr. catech 15. Illum Hier. ep 1. ad Heliod cap. 9. Greg. hom 1. 12. in Euang. lib. 26. moral cap. 24. 25. Aug. cap. 4. meditat Anselmus de miseria hominis Bern. de interiori domo cap. 38. come as a thiefe in the which the heauens shall passe with great violence but the Elements shall be resolued with heate and the earth and the workes that are in it shall be burnte Therefore whereas all these thinges are to bee dissolued what manner of men ought you to be in holy conuersations and godlinesses expecting and hasting vnto the comming of the day of our Lorde by which the heauens burning shall be resolued and the Elements shall melt with the heate of fire And that wee may finde Christ then a gentle Iudge and that daie wherein Heauen and (v) Luc. 21 f 1. Cor. 7 f Apoc. 21 a Earth shall passe ioyful vnto vs most excellent is this counsaile of the wise man Before (x) Eccli 18 c 2. Pet. 3 c Luc. 21 g Tit. 2 d 1. Thess 5 a Luc. 17 f Chrys ho. 5. de poenit sickenesse apply the medicine and before iudgement examine thy selfe and in the sight of God thou shalt finde propitiation For if wee (y) 1. Cor. 11 g did iudge our selues we should not be iudged To (z) Eccli 1 b Greg. lib. 31. moral c. 21. Aug. ser 120 de temp him that feareth our Lorde it shall bee well at the last and in the day of his death he shall be blessed 4 And what of hell and the paines thereof Vide Chrys epist 5.
ad Theod. lapsum Cyr. Alex. de exitu animae Prosp lib. 3. de vita contemplatiua cap. 12. item Greg. lib. 4. dial cap. 28. 29. 42. sequent Isid de summo bono lib. 1. c. 31. 32. AS nothing is more miserable than death as nothing also is more terrible than iudgemente espeaciallie to the children of this worlde persisting obstinately in sin so can there nothing be imagined more intollerable and vnfortunate than hell and the paine thereof For there as witnesseth diuine (a) Mat. 8 b 13 f g 22 b 24 d 25 e Luc. 13 f scripture is weeping and gnashing of teeth there their worme (b) Mar. 9 g Esa 66 g 14 c Eccli 7 b Iudith 16 c dieth not the fire quencheth not there the lande is darke (c) Iob. 10 d Iudae e Greg. lib. 9. moral c. 45. sequent Cassian in Confess Theologica p. 3. Ephrem in l. de vera poenitentia cap. 7. 8. and couered with the mist of death there the shadowe of death and no order but perpetuall horror inhabiteth there their (d) Apoc. 21 c 14 b c 18 b 19 d 20 c d Psal 10 b 20. b Deut. 32 c Iob. 24 c Rom. 2 b Esa 3 d Pro. 19. d Eccli 21 b part shall be in the poole burning with fire and brimstone which is the seconde death there they shall be tormented (e) Apoc. 20 c 9 a Iob. 7 b 20 c d Psal 48 c Esa 33 b Mat. 3 c 25 d 2. Thess 1 c 2. Pet. 2 a b day and night for euer and euer There finally that shall be found true by experience which the iust Iudge hath foretolde in these wordes to all those that are to be tormented in hell (f) Esa 65 c Lu. 6 d 16 f Cyr. Alex. in orat de exitu animae Aug. in Euchir cap. iij. sequent item ser 181 de temp c. 18. lib de triplici habitaculo c. 2 Cyp. ad Demetr ser de Ascensione Christi Bern. ep 253 meditat cap. 3. item ser 8. in Psal Qui habitat Hugo lib. 8. de anima c. 13. Innocētius 3. lib. 3. de cōtempt mundi cap. 2. seq Conc. Flor. Behold my seruantes shall eate and you shall be hungry Behold my seruants shall drink and you shall be thirsty Behold my seruantes shall reioise and you shall be confounded Behold my seruantes shall sing praises for the exaltation of their hart and you shall cry for the griefe of harte and because of the contrition of spirite ye shall houle Therefore the Kingly Prophet calleth vpon all Kings and Princes setteth before them the paines that are to come for the wicked with this seuere admnnition And now (g) Psal 2 c Kinges vnderstand ye be ye instructed ye that iudge the earthe For to the stronger (h) Sap. 6 ab Esa 5 d there remaineth a stronger torment a most hard iudgement shall passe vpon them that are in auctoritie Serue ye our Lorde in feare and exulte vnto him with trembling apprehend yee discipline least that our Lorde be angry and you doe perish from the iust way when his anger shall sodenly waxe hoate Hereupon Christ himselfe also hath thus spoken to euery man Feare him (i) Luc. 12 a Mat. 10 c Chrys lib. 1. de prouidētia Dei itē ho. 5. 55. ad pop Antioch Aug. in Psal 49. Bern. in ser de conuers ad Cler. c. 5. who after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell Yea I say to you feare him For as it is momentanie which in this life deliteth so is it euerlasting which in hell tormenteth 5 What doe we learne out of holy scripture of the kingdome of heauen GOd hath prepared (a) Mat. 25 c his kingdome for the electe frō the beginning of the world a (b) 2. Tim. 4 d heauenly kingdome an eternall (c) 2. Pet 1 c kingdome a most blessed (d) Luc. 14 d Aug. ser 37 de Sanct Cyp de mortalitate kingdome whereof Sainte PAVL plainlye confesseth The (e) Ro 8 d 2 Cor. 4 d Act. 14 d 2. Tim. 2 a b 4 b passions of this time are not condigne to the glory to come The eie (f) 1. Cor. 2 c Esa 64 b hath not seene nor eare hath heard neither hath in ascended into the hart of man what thinges God hath prepared for them that loue him O holy (g) Apoc. 21 a d e f g 22 a Mat. 13 f 22 c Sap. 3 a b 5 c Dan. 12 c 1. Cor. 5 e f g Phil. 3 d Io. 14 a Cittie IERVSALEM newe descending from heauen prepared of God as a Bride adorned for her husband Whereof Saint IHON very wel acquainted with diuine matters heard these thinges from heauen wrote them Behold the (h) Apoc. 21 a 7 d 1. Cor. 13 d 1. Ioan. 3 a. Esa 25 c 33 c d 49 c 51 a d 60 d 65 c 66 d Ps 16 d 26 d 30 c 35 b 86 a 114 b 149 a Chrys ep 5. ad Theod. lapsum Anselm ep 2. in ib. de similitudinibus cap. 47. sequ Hugo lib. 4. de anima cap. 15. 16. Tabernacle of God with men and hee will dwell with them and they shall be his people he God with them shal be their God And God shall wipe away all teares from their eies and death shall be no more nor mourning nor crying neither shall there be sorowe any more which first thinges are gone There is heard the (i) Apo. 19 a Ps 83 a b d ibidem Aug. item lib. 10. de ciuitate Dei cap. 16. lib. 22. cap. 29. 30. item lib 3. de libro arbitrio cap. vltimo lib. 3. de Symb. ad Catechum cap vltimo lib. 1. de Trinitate cap. 13. de Catechiz rudib cap. 25. tract 4. in ep Ioan. lib meditat cap. 22 25. Soliloquior cap. 21. 35. 36. Manual cap. 6. 7. 16. 17. voice of the greate trumpet and as the voice of many waters and as the voice of greate thunders saying Alleluia because our Lord God omnipotent hath raigned let vs be glad and reioise giue glory vnto him because the mariage of the lambe is come Blessed (k) Apoc. 19 b be they that are called to the supper of the mariage of the lambe but more blessed they that beeing (l) Luc. 14 d Greg. ho. 36 37. in Euang Prosp de vita contemplatiua lib. 1. cap. 2. sequent item lib. 3. cap 32. Bern in ser de triplici genere bonorum c. 4. meditat called doe come to that supper all impediments being taken away and bring theire wedding garment (m) Mat. 22 b that they may sit downe in the kingdome of God (n) Mat. 8 b Luc. 13 f 12 c 22 c Greg. ho. 13. in Euang. with ABRAHAM ISAAC and IACOB And we shall not need to aske (o) Psal 14 a 23 a Esa 33 c
the people to vnderstand that the Pope graunteth leaue to sinne before-hand and too easely remitteth that which he should seuerely punish and that which is a horrible blasphemie that he doth make by his Pardon 's any thing lawfull vnto vs be it in it selfe neuer so repugnant to Gods holy commandementes Let vs compare our pardons with theirs our Iubeleis with theirs our remissions with theirs And to beginne first with Confession it is very well knowen in their iudgement for the moste parte to be accounted a thing little agreable with nature it selfe how many sinfull thoughtes doe they harbour how many shamefull blasphemous and iniurious wordes doe they vtter alwaies excepting some fewe of more ciuill and naturall disposition How many brutish actes doe they commit which they would neuer fall into or at the least they would auoide in parte if besides the iudgement of God before which all hidden thinges of darkenesse shall be lightened 1. Cor. 4 5. and all counsailes of hartes shall be manifested they knew they were to make before a man and a sinner perhaps as greate as themselues so straite and particular account I my selfe when I liued in my owne Countrey haue had sufficient experience of diuers whō neither loue of the worlde could with-hold nor custome of sinne allure nor feare of lawes keepe backe yet the onely shame of Confession could as I thinke doth as yet detaine from the vnitie of the Catholicke Church as our vnderstanding is often blinded by an infected wil maketh thē not to acknowledge in hart that which is the onely truth Let vs then goe to another condition And examine their austere kind of life strict satisfactiō to Almightie God And as for Fasting what better signe of a good Protestant then to eate flesh on the Friday without iudging betweene day and day For Almes if we mighte haue the Voices of all those which are poore needie in our Countrey in whom this gloriouse vertue doth more shine whether in Catholickes or in Protestants it would soone appeare what incomparable difference there is But for Praier I appeale to all greate house keepers or those which are the generall harbourers of all sortes of men yea and vnto all other persons who conuerse indifferentlye abroade whether if a man be not otherwise knowen to be a Protestāt it be not a manfest probability of a Papist to say his praiers deuoutly vpon his knees at his bedd-sid either morning or euening Sure I am that there be many honest matrons and diuerse simple persons amongst the Protestants who after the example of CORNELIVS Act. 10 2. endeuour according to their knowledge to serue Almightie God and to attend to workes of Charitie and Prayer whom I hope GOD doth now dispose by little and little with his preuenting-grace to receiue one day a perfecte knowledge of his will when they may by his cooperating-grace with such good workes builde vnto euerlasting saluation which in their present estate Heb. 11 6. Rom. 14 23 they cannot But euen these doe I call to witnesse earnestly intreating them for the honor of God without all vaine-glory as they haue little cause therof to shewe howe many examples they haue seene of the like deuotions Then let vs examine whether at the least there be to be found some great cause of Pardon and Indulgence which we propounded in the sixt place as necessarie in our remissions And perhappes wee shal find some building of Hospitals some erecting of Churches some enterprise against the Turkes the enemies of Christ and of Christendome some solemne and generall praier for the necessities of the Church which are the causes ordinarily pretended in our Indulgences But on our aduersaries side howe the matter doth stand the miserable ruines of antiquities doe shewe their rauenous gaping after Ecclesiasticall goodes doe testifie their intolerable vexations of their poore neighbours doe crie Exod. 22 23. vp to Heauen But these be outwarde thinges Confession Penance Workes of Deuotion It may be that the intenall things as Sorrowe purpose of Amendment a seuere examinatiō of their Actions Words and Thoughts doe so much excell that there can be no neede of those outwarde Ceremonies Espeacially whereas now the time is come when we must serue God in spirite and trueth And yet there is nothing lesse For howe can they settle themselues to the particular searche of their sinnes who neither purpose to Confesse them particularly to the Priest God knowing them already more particularly than themselues and besides if they stande to their Maisters doctrine maintaine that al our works are sins if God straitly examine them So that if this be credited they need not seeke to sort the good deeds from the badde But for purpose of keeping Gods Commaundementes they shoulde highly deceiue themselues if euer they should make it For they holde it an impossible thing to obserue the same And as for sorrowe that they thinke not necessary For that METANOIA which they cannot deny because it is so often commended vnto vs in the Scriptures they will not haue to signifie a sorrowefull repentance Beza vpon Mat. 3. and Luther ser de poenit but a RESIPISCENCE or waxing wise againe which God graunt they may doe without any sorrowe or affliction of minde for that which is past And although some of their Doctours doe require such sorrowe yet neither will they haue it the cause of remission of sinnes nor necessary for such effecte But onely they require Faith as a necessary sufficient cause after which as they most absurdly say by a necessary sequell followeth this sorrowe euen whether wee will or no. And yet here must I needes craue pardon if I say that they are also voide of Faith For there can be but one Ephes 4 5. Heretickes haue no Faith Faith and hee which denieth one pointe of Faith although hee giue credite to the rest that is not a Diuine Faith but a humane perswasion whereas if it were that Supernaturall Faith and Theological Vertue which is Conc. Araus 2. c. 5. necessarie for to beleeue a right it would encline a man to beleeue all thinges which God hath spoken as well as one Wherefor it is an infallible verity Concil Trid. sess 6. cap. 15. See page 479. that euē as grace is lost by euery mortall sinne so by infidelity in one only pointe the wholle substance of Faith doth perishe Nowe where there is not Diuine Faith how can there be a diuine hope Hope beeing grounded in Faith as S. PAVL Heb. 11 4. saith which although they brag neuer so much of their Iustification by Faith so long as in any one thing they dissent from the Church they cannot haue Wherefore although I might say that they require nothing at all for their iustification because they cannot beeing as they are haue so much as Faith the beginning foundation of all disposition thereunto yet supposing that they were in the right Faith consider good Reader who forgiueth