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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A43621 Gregory, Father-Greybeard, with his vizard off, or, News from the Cabal in some reflexions upon a late pamphlet entituled, The rehearsal transpros'd (after the fashion that now obtains) in a letter to our old friend, R.L. from E.H. Hickeringill, Edmund, 1631-1708. 1673 (1673) Wing H1808; ESTC R7617 145,178 344

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or kneel as do the English Protestants one is as warrantable as the other and all alike and all unlike to the posture of our Saviour at the Institution of it if he lean'd his head upon St. Johns Breast as he did at Supper which yet cannot be prov'd that that posture of Discumbency was his posture at the celebration of this Sacrament But much more credit had it been to Trinkles and much more good had he done in his generation if instead of hollaing and whooping against the Ecclesiastical Politician he had been hollaing and whooping his Dogs his Hogs his Geese or his Sheep and leave discourses of Divinity and Policy and censures upon the Doctrine and Fathers of our Church King and Parliament to men of greater abilities and more modesty greater reading and better parts Or if his antipathy be great as it seems to be to all Clergywen forgetting his Father let him concerning Sacraments learn of that almost matchless Pen of Sir William Morrice in his Coena quasi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by which like a true English Gentleman and not an upstart Virtuoso he has gain'd a more lasting and glorious name than a Kingdom could have given him without such accomplishments and as much honour by every page of that his Book as Father-gray-beard has got dishonour by his And that is enough in all conscience in the judgement of all Learned men always excepted the Modern Orthodox who I know would be angry to be excluded quite from being thought at least to be Learned men though the truly Learned men of the world by long expectation to see some of their Learning in their works or words are now grown hopeless and despair of it it is so long a coming a deaf man would be glad to hear it as much as a blind mind would be glad to see it chiefly because their Learning consists in sounds and tones cantings groanings noise clamours and whinings which would be convenient for a deaf man to hear And likewise in thumping the Pulpit and there traversing all the whole postures of a Master of Fence and has frighted some that used to sit near the Pulpit from their feats being so often menaced with visage grim and fierce and Bible heav'd up lest at last they should be knockt on the head with Geneva and Knox. And truly at this taking Oratory they are old excellent and for this alone cryed up and followed by the rabble in as great multitudes as Jack-pudding himself has about him at a Fair. And though I know not one knowing man of Quality in England that is a Phanatick except upon design as a crafty Mountebank companies and playes the fool with his own Jack so the rabble and multitude are generally as much pleased with one of these Phanatick Jack-puddings and part with their monies as freely to them and flock about them in droves as great and numerous about them as about Merry Andrew or Poet Wild. And they 'l follow this foolery till their pocket's emptied and pickt pretty often and the jest grow stale as indeed it is very sowre already to all understanding men and women and though they did flock hand over head with their Plate Thimbles Bodkins Horse Arms Spoons Gold rings and Beakers to those Jack-Puddings in the late times Hugh Peters and the rest preaching upon Judg. 5. 23. Curse ye Meroz as if they were afraid the Devil would take the hindmost yet it would not be so taking now as then except the Hocus's devise some new Antick Tricks fools and children being delighted only in change and novelty though the Text Curse ye Meroz will serve still now for the feat as well as ever it did when occasion serves Though to all but Fools and Knaves it is such a Text for Loyalty and Allegiance such a Text for the King and Cavaleers that Almighty God has not furnish'd us with such another in the whole Bible Yet these villains could turn it to the quite contrary sence wresting the holy word of God by their Interpretation as blasphemously as atheistically for they were not all of them so besotted but they could not but know that they did lie to the Holy Ghost I confess indeed there are abundance of Texts besides the fifth Commandment that plead for Allegiance and Loyalty but none like this of Curse ye Meroz Other Texts require us not to think evil nor speak evil of Dignities much more not to entreat them evilly For who can lift up his hand against the Lord 's Anointed and be guiltless Though the Lord 's Anoynted be as wicked as Nero or Saul and have a Devil in him as King Saul had yet we must not be so devilish as to lift up our hands against him David that did not cut off King Saul's head yet his heart smote him and his conscience smote him for cutting off Saul's skirt But this Text Curse ye Meroz denounces a heavy Curse not only as other Texts do for rebelling against the King and taking up arms against him and sending in money and plate to the Rebels to comfort the hearts and bowels of Traytors But here they are by the Angel of the Lord accursed that like Meroz sit at home and will neither come nor send in their Horse and Arms and Monies to the help of the Chief Magistrate and Chief Judge of the Land as Deborah then was and Meroz was accursed by the Angel of the Lord for not coming to help her against her mighty enemies Where note too that the helping thus the Chief Magistrate as Deborah was is called helping of God or the help of the Lord. No man that has his wits about him or has any sober sence enough to keep him from slavering can deny this meaning I put upon it and let Greg. and all the Modern Orthodox if they dare offer at any other Interpretation or mitigate the force of this sence I put upon it if they can and they are daring enough even now as well as formerly not only as T. G. and R. B. upon that Text Touch not mine Anointed but as many others of them and Greg. amongst the rest does p. 120. upon that Text Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft Which Text because the Eccles. Politician interprets it Rebellion against the King Greg. says for fear he would be knock'd on the head if he should deny it he does allow him that interpretation Nevertheless he say there that Text of Scripture will scarce admit it And though we know by that what true affection he bears to the King against whom who rebels rebels against God We have sinned against Moses and against thee say the People for the sin of Mutiny and Rebellion immediately against Moses is acknowledged Rebellion against God so that that evasion will ease the tender consciences of no Rebels but such of the Modern Orthodox like Father Gray-beard that thus mince it as R. B. and J. O. did Rom. 13. 2. making damn'd in that Text sound more
met Also I deny that it is unlawful for me but rather a duty incumbent upon me to give my servants lieve to play and recreate themselves with any honest sport upon the Sunday or any other Holy-day at convenient times for I ought in mercy and charity to be merciful to my beasts my oxe or my ass in watering them which is not necessary but only expedient for life Much more ought I to be merciful to my poor Prentice my servant my Hand-maiden that have drudg'd and trudg'd to slave and work for me on working days when Sunday or any other Holy-day comes if I be of Christs true Religion and do as I would be done by Nay I ought if I am able to let them drink better liquor and eat better meat eat the fat and drink the sweet as Nehemiah speaks and send portions thereof to the poor according to my ability on those festivals at least give them what I give my beast ease and rest on those vacation-days a penny-worth of ease is worth a penny And the contrary opinion is hypocritical pharisaical hard-hearted apocryphal and prophane and contrary to the great Law of charity and mercy and contrary to those infallible and unanswerable reasons rendred excellently in that proclamation for lawful sports on Sundays and all other Holy-days published by the Command and well setled judgment of King James King Charles I. to that purpose And agreeable with the opinion and practice of all Christians Nations and Kingdoms in the world and even of Geneva it self and contradicted by none but our senceless hypocritical modern orthodox Rebels that write in this particular after nobody but Knox that grand Rebel and Innovator Oh but did not these fellows arm the rabble against the King and Bishops upon this very account They did so the more prophane wretches they by laying a yoke upon the necks of the disciples which God never imposed through their own superstition or rather perverseness Wheedling the silly rabble with pretence of Religion and Gods-day which is not a day that the Lord has made more than any other day nor more holy than so far forth as the King and Parliament have made it and set it apart for holy uses as they have done other Holy-days namely vacation-days from servile and worldly toil that men might be now at leisure for Gods worship merciful and charitable works to our selves our neighbours our servants our handmaidens our Ox and our Ass and the like which are the proper duties for a Sunday and other holy-days And because we are a trading covetous having worldly minded people if the King and Parliament think fit to allow us no other Holy-days but Sundays and half a dozen more in a year I am content And the late wrethced Rebels might with more right and good reason have taken occasion to rebel as Massin●…lla and his mutineers in Naples did by the spilling and overturning of a basket of Apples than from that honest Proclamation for sports published by King James and King Charles I. of blessed memory for lawful refreshments and recreations on Sundays and Holy-days after Divine service So consonant to the doctrine and practice of all Christendom and so agreeable with the great Law of doing as we would be done by And there is never a one of these spleenatick peev●…sh morose unsociable and hypocritical Pharisees but in their practice do as much contradict their own doctrine for the Sabbath as that so much talk'd of Proclamation has done every Sunday when they leave their maid at home carefully to look to the pot and the spit that all be ready piping hot precisely against the time that Lungs comes home when his Auditory is tyr'd perhaps more than himself Binding heavy burdens and grievous to be born and laying them on other mens shoulders but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers and saying as John of Leyden did upon the rack confessing the true cause of his Fanaticism and Impostures The people love to he cheated with Superstition and love them h●…st that gull them most Thus have I as briefly and as fast as my pen could write given an honest and down-right account why and how true Christians should keep a Sunday or other day holy though not according to the hypocritical and modern orthodox but consentaneous with all the truly Orthodox Christians in the world And in answer to what Father Grey-beard in a different character sets down as the Apocryphal opinion of the Reverend Bishop Bramhall but is an infallible truth p. 38. namely he maintains the publick Sports on the Lords day by the Proclamation to that purpose and the example of the Reformed Churches beyond Sea and for the publick dances of our youth upon Countrey-Greens on Sundays after the duties of the day he sees nothing in them but innocent and agreeable to that under-sort of people And he takes the promiscuous License to unqualified persons to read the Scriptures far more prejudicial nay more pernicious than the over-rigorous restraint of the Romanists And he took it well in so taking it For though no man can have a more sacred esteem and value for the holy Scripture and Gods word than I have knowing that it is profitable for instruction and to make the man of God perfect throughly furnished unto every good work Yet this good work of instructing out of it properly belongs to the man of God it is his province not incumbent upon every man nor possible to be undertaken by every man Because our English Bibles are not in every particular the word of God nor in any one thing the words of the Prophets of Christ and the Apostles who not one of them spoke English except perhaps S. Bartholomew and the modern Orthodox have no great kindness for that Apostle because of a certain Reason But chiefly because neither he nor any other Apostle delivered the mind of God and holy writ in the English tongue The English Bibles in the Translation at best being but a paraphrase or Homily of the word of God nor all that neither for these reasons that are unanswerable and infallible First because the English Bibles are in some places erroneous Secondly They are in some places scarce sence and of dangerous consequences when every pert bold and conceited fellow that only understands English takes upon himself to raise doctrines and opinions thence contrary to the sence and meaning of God in his holy word contrary to the mind and meaning of the Holy-Ghost as well as contrary to the sence of the Church and truly Orthodox I love not this discourse and could wish it were any bodies task and employment rather than mine it is so ungrateful and generally displeasing yet since this bold Greg. has given the occasion by reflecting upon the honest words of the most Reverend and learned Bishop Bramhall in these odde animadversions in things far above his shallow pate apprehension and reach Therefore now my hand is in