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A35943 A brief explication of the last fifty Psalmes from Ps. 100 to the end / by David Dickson ... Dickson, David, 1583?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing D1394A; ESTC R31324 283,150 402

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were oppressed and from the plaguing of the Egyptians for their sake ver 26 27 28 to 37. The fourth rank is taken from the Lords care in leading them through the wildernesse from ver 37 to 43. and the last rank of reasons is taken from the Lords placing of them in Canaan where they might serve God according to his law ver 44 45. Ver. 1. O Give thanks unto the LORD call upon his Name make known his deeds among the people The Prophets exhortation unto thankfulnesse is branched forth in ten particulars whereof three are in this verse set down in order Whence learn 1. As in the matter of glorifying of God there are several motives so should there be several considerations of these motives and acts of praising the Lord conforme thereto and namely in relation to benefits received the gifts should be acknowledged and confessed to his praise O give thanks unto the Lord. 2. In relation to benefits to be received or to evils to be removed prayer to God is a part of praise Call upon his Name 3. It is a part of true thankfulness unto God to make the world know what God hath done to and for his Church Make known his deeds among the people Vers. 2. Sing unto him sing psalmes unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works The fourth fifth and sixth branches of the exhottation unto thanksgiving are set down in this verse Wherein learn 1. The Lord requireth as a part of his praise and of our thankfulnesse that we rejoyce in him and expresse our joy by singing Sing unto him 2. It is not sufficient to offer the empty vessel of our joy unto God or our singing voice in musical tune only but also it is required that we fill our joyful voice with holy matter and good purpose whereby God only may be reasonably praised Sing Psalmes unto him 3. Albeit we have nothing to speak of Gods wonderful works but what is known to any neighbour as well as to our selves yet it is a part of Gods praise and of our thankfulnesse to make his known works the matter of our talk and ordinary conference as we get occasion Talk ye of all his wondrous works Ver. 3. Glory ye in his Name let the heart of them rejoyce that seek the LORD The seventh and eighth branch of the exhortation is set down in this verse Wherein learn 1. It is a part of Gods praise and of our thankfulnesse to him to make our boast of God and rejoyce because of our interest in him and to proclaim our selves blessed because of our communion with him Glory ye in his holy Name 2. Our gloriation in God should be holy joyned with a low estimation of our selves and with great reverence toward our most holy God Glory ye in his holy Name 3. It is a part of Gods praise and of our thankfulnesse to professe our need of God and in the conscience of our emptinesse and his unsearchable riches to seek our supply in him for here the seeking of God is recommended unto us 4. As seeking communion with God is a marke of a childe of God so it is also a reason of gladness and joy because it both declares that we are of the number of Converts and true worshippers of God and also that joy is reserved for us Let the heart of them rejoyce that seek thee Ver. 4. Seek ye the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore The ninth branch of the exhortation is here set down directing the people where and how and for what cause to seek God to wit in his own Ordinances before the Arke which was the figure of Christ to be incarnate and is called here the Lords strength because it was a pledge of Gods powerful presence with them who come unto God through Christ ● as also it is called Gods face because God is reconciled and favourable to all that seek him in Christ who was signified by the Arke and me●cy-seat When●e learn 1. It is not unusual for the Scripture to give the name of the thing signified unto the signe appointed of God to represent or shadow it forth because of the judicial union of the signe and thing signified and exhibited unto the believer by the appointment and institution of God the supreme Judge and Law-giver so here the Ark of the Conanr is called the Lord and the Lords strength and the Lords face because the believer seeking God according to his Ordinance did meet by faith with the Lord and his strength and face or good will engaged unto the true worshipper 2. Whensoever the beleever maketh use of holy signes of Gods presence it is not the signe but God or Christ signified by the signe which the believer doth fix his heart upon as here he that looked toward the Ark which was the signe of God in Christ reconciling himself to the world not imputing their trespasses unto them is commanded to seek the thing signified Seek the Lord seek his strength seek his face 3. None do seek the Lord so earnestly but they have need of stirring up to seek him more earnestly neither have any attained to such a measure of communion with God but they have need to seek for a further measure therefore is it said Seek the Lord seek his strength seek his face evermore Ver. 5. Remember his marvellous works that he hath done his wonders and the judgements of his mouth 6. O ye seed of Abraham his servant ye children of Iacob his chosen The tenth branch of the exhortation directed together with all the former branches toward the seed of Abraham Whence learn 4. It is a part of Gods praise and of our thankfulnesse to entertaine the memory of the Lord and of his works and words Remember his marvellous works which he hath done 2. The remembrance of the Lords wonderful works and gracious words is to be joyned with seeking of his face as a special help of us unto this duty as the conjunction of the parts of the exhortation do●h teach us 3. The words of God in holy Scripture whether Law or Gospel are to be looked upon as decrees given forth by the great Judge of the world wherupon certain execution is to follow according as it is foretold Remember saith he the judgments of his mouth 4. It is wisdom to joyn the remembrance of the Lords works and words and to compare the one with the other that we may the better conceiv of both discern bo●h the words and the w●rks to be the Lords works and words Remember saith he his wonders and the judgements of his mouth 5. Because we are dull in apprehending of Gods ordinary working he worketh sometimes marvels and wonders that by them we may the better take up his power in his ordinary works and therefore for this end so much the more should the wonders be remembred Remember his marvellous works which he hath done and h●s wonders 6. The praise of God which is called
subjoyneth also and in the Congregation Ver. 2. The works of the LORD are great sought out of all them that have pleasure therein The second reason of the exhortation to praise God is from the greatness and excellency of Gods works When●e learn 1. We need not go far to seek matter for praising the Lord his works are at our hand to furnish matter and albeit the Lords works in comparison one with another be some of them greater some of them lesser yet all and every one of them being looked upon severally are great The works of the Lord are great 2. Whatsoever glory doth appear in Gods works there is more hid treasure and excellency therein to be sought out and if men do not see much in Gods works it i● because they do not seek them out The works of the Lord are great sought out of all them c. 3. It is a mark of a wise childe of God to take pleasure in Gods work and to take pleasure to search and see Gods praise therein and these only do reap the right use and benefit thereof They are sought out of all them that have pleasure therein Ver. 3. His work is honourable and glorious and his righteousnesse endureth for ever The third reason of praise is the glory and honour of God to be seen in his works Whence learn ● The glory of Gods wisdome power justice or mercy or some of his attributes is stamped upon his works of Creation and Providence and they who have an open eye to look upon them rightly will ●cknowledge it His work is honourable and glorious 2. When the rayes of Gods wisdom power goodnesse or any attribute are perceived in his work they cause an honourable estimation of God and of his work also and a right estimation of Gods work cannot be attained till his glory be seen in it His work is honourable and glorious 3. Albeit the world alwayes yea and Gods children also do often misconstrue the Lords work and dealing with themselves and with others yet there is no wrong therein there was never any wrong nor ever shall there be any the least point of injustice in his dealing His righteousnesse endureth for ever Ver. 4. He hath made his wonderful works to be remembred the LORD is gracious and full of compassion The fourth motive to praise God is the course he taketh to make his works to be remembred mixing mercy and compassion in all his providence towards men and specially his own people Whence learn 1. What the Lord hath done for his Church he hath ordained that it should be remembred and this he procureth partly by printing upon his works the large impression of his power and goodnesse partly by doing the like works when the Church standeth in need thereof and partly by his Ordinances commanding them to be remembred He hath made his wonderful works to be remembred 2. As the grace and loving pity of God towards his Church is the cause of the wonderful working of God for his Church so are they strong motives to cause his works to be remembred unto his praise For the Lord is gracious and full of compassion doth here infer so much Ver. 5. He hath given meat unto them that feare him he will ever be mindful of his Covenant The fifth motive to praise God is because God according to his Covenant provideth for the necessities of his people Whence learn 1. The Lord in all ages hath carefully furnished maintenance for the life both bodily and spiritual of his own people He hath given meat to them that feare him 2. As what good the Lord doth unto his people is because of his Covenant with them so what is to be done for them he will do for his Covenants sake also without being wearied He wil ever be mindful of his Covenant Ver. 6. He hath shewed his people the power of his works that he may give them the heritage of the heathen The sixth motive to Gods praise is the proof which he gave of his power for and good-will to this people in bringing them out of Egypt and unto Canaan Whence learn 1. The Lords working wonderfully and extraordinarily for his people were it but once and at one time as it is a sufficient reason of praising him ordinarily at all times thereafter so it is a sufficient prop to the faith of his people at all times for this use are we taught to make of the Lords working for his people in giving them the heritage of the heathen 2. As the Lords working for his people at one time giveth evidence of what he can do for them at any time so will he have his own people in special spectators observers and witnesses of his working at any time that they may make use thereof at all times He hath shewed his people the power of his works that he may give them the heritage of the heathen Ver. 7. The works of his hands are verity and judgement all his Commandments are sure 8. They stand fast for ever and ever and are done in truth and uprightnesse The seventh and eighth motives to Gods praise is the suitableness of his Work unto his Word and the stability of his Word and Works in truth and uprightness Whence learn 1. The works of the Lord done for his Church and in his Church to his people for their correction or comfort and against their enemies for their overthrow do prove the Lord to be true and faithful in his promises and threatenings The works of the Lord are verity and judgement 2. As the Words and working of the Lord agree together so should they be esteemed of acknowledged and commended by us The works of the Lord are verity and judgement 3. The whole Word of God all which he hath commanded us to observe and make use of is worthy of all commendation and of perpetual use for all the parts of it do agree one with another suitable to the condition of his people in all ages good and profitable to them it is clear and plain and not ambiguous when it is rightly considered and compared with it self for even the ceremonial law albeit abolished for the outward observation of the carnal ceremonie which figured forth Christ to come yet endureth for ever in the real signification of substance benefits and duties thereby shadowed forth ●nd the moral law howsoever it serveth to condemne me● for their sins yet it is also a paedagogie to draw and drive condemned men to seek righteousnesse and life in Christ and to lead the believer along i● his hand to heaven All his Commandmnts are sure they stand fast for ever and ever and are done in truth and uprightnesse Ver. 9. He sent redemption unto his people he hath commanded his Covenant for ever holy and reverend is his Name The ninth motive to Gods praise is the course which he hath taken for mans salvation and for his divine honour Whence learn 1. The Lord ha●h made redemption
away the heart from Gods obedience is but deceit and folly whatsoever it may seem to the beholder Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity 4. Albeit we know that the outward allurements of sinne be nothing but vanity yet we cannot beware of them nor renounce them except the Lord help us when the baite is offered therefore is it needfull to pray Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity 5. As God setteth a watch over the senses and keepeth the Covenant between the renewed heart and the eyes and doth renew the vigour of the life of gra●e so is the inward corruption suppressed and mortified for the dying of sinne is by the quickening of gracious habits in the heart unto actuall exercise as quicken thou me in thy way doth import Vers. 38. Stablish thy word unto thy servant who is devouted to thy fear In the sixth petition he prayeth for the fruit of Gods promises for circumcising his heart and purifying of it and that by experience ●he may be settled in the faith of the promises Whence learn 1. Faith purisieth the heart by laying hold on the promises of sanctification and urging of God by prayer to the performance of them Stablish thy Word unto thy servant 2. Albeit the promise be sure in it selfe and sure unto faith also yet when experimental performance cometh the truth of it is much more confirmed to us Stablish thy word unto the servant 3. Then do we believe the promises when we take them as made not onely to others but also as made to our selves by name as this prayer sheweth Stablish thy word to me thy servant to wit the promise of sanctification made to believers and so to me thy servant 4. He who prayeth for the performance of promises should resolve to be a servant and carefull to observe precepts Stablish thy word to thy servant 3. That man indeed is Gods servant how weak soever he be in practice who is devoted unto Gods fear for he proveth himselfe to be a servant by this Because I am devoted to thy fear Vers. 39. Turn away my reproach which I fear for thy judgements are good From the seventh petition Learn 1. As the godly are subject to sinful out-breakings which may bring reproach on them and on their profession so are they also jealous of themselves as unable to keep themselves except God prevent them from giving scandal Turn away my reproach which I fear 2. The way to be kept blamelesse is to feare to offend and to pray unto God for preservation and to watch over our hearts as we are taught here Turn away my reproach which I fear 3. As the fear of dishonouring of our profession by sinne is a guard on the one hand so estimation and love of prescribed holinesse as of a good and profitable thing is a guard against sinne on the other hand Turn away my reproach which I fear for thy judgements are good 40. Behold I have longed after thy precepts quicken me in thy righteousnesse From the eighth petition Learn 1. Sincerity loveth to come to the light and offereth it selfe to be approved to God Behold I have longed after thy precepts 2. To love and long for sanctified subjection unto Gods Word is a proof of sincerity I have longed after thy precepts 3. A Saint may have a great desire to believe and obey Gods Word and yet in his own sense feel much deadnesse in his affections for a time I have longed quicken me 4. They who bewaile their own deadnesse unto God shall finde according to his righteous promises life spirituall recovered and quickened Quicken me according to thy righteousnesse VAU Vers. 41. Let thy mercies come also unto me O LORD even thy salvation according to thy Word 42. So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me for I trust in thy word In this section he prayeth first for deliverance out of his hard condition and giveth reasons for strengthening his hope in this prayer v. 41 42. and next he prayeth for grace to confesse Gods truth openly till the deliverance come and he strengthens his hope by six or seven reasons in the rest of the section From his first petition and the reasons of it Learn 1. The believer must lay hold on mercies not seen and must not rest till he draw them forth by prayer Let thy mercies come also unto me O Lord. 2. Whatsoever may remove our sinnes and evill merits and make way for performance of promises is mercy in effect and must be sought no lesse then inward quickning and consolation Let thy mercies come also unto me 3. As perils and hazards of life must be resolved upon by Gods servant so deliverances one after another and salvation may be surely expected Let thy mercies come unto me even thy salvation 4. It is not any sort of delivery by any meanes which the servant of God being in straits doth call for or desire but such a deliverance as God will allow and be pleased to give in a holy way Let thy salvation come 5. As the Word of promise is the rule of our petition so is it a pawn of the thing promised and must be held fast till the performance come Let thy salvation come according to thy word and this is one reason of the petition 6. As the Lords delivering of his children from the hand of persecutors doth stop the mouthes of their enemies who say of them that they are in a wrong course and that God is not their friend so the believer desireth the Lord to appeare for him to this very end that the mouth of the enemy may be stopped So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me and this is another reason of his petition 7. Whatsoever be our encouragements in our sufferings the Word of God received by faith must be the ground of our comfort and confidence or else the work will not be sound for I trust in thy Word is the ground of Davids comfort Vers. 43. And take not the Word of truth utterly out of my mouth for I have hoped in thy judgements 44. So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever 45. And I will walke at liberty for I seek thy precepts 46. I will speake of thy testimonies also before Kings and will not be ashamed 47. And I will delight my selfe in thy commandments which I have loved 48. My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments which I have loved and I will meditate in thy statutes From the next petition and the seven reasons added thereunto Learn 1. It is not sufficient for Gods glory that we believe the Word of God in our heart but we must also confesse it with our mouth in the time of trial Take not thy Word out of my mouth 2. As God may justly for our sinnes desert us in the time of trial when his glory and our duty calleth for a testimony so we must in the sense of our ill
face of sinne and to be diverted from sinning by the sight of Gods judgement threatened and executed upon the wicked horrour hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law and this is the fourth felt fruit of his faith 7. As Gods children are in this world strangers and pilgrims in affection and dealt with as strangers where they live so also are they oft-times banished from their native Countrey Thy statutes have been my song in the house of my pilgrimage 8. Wheresoever the believer is and whatsoever be his outward condition the Word of God received by faith shall bear him company and furnish him with matter of comfort and rejoycing Thy statutes have been my song in the hou●e of my pilgrimage and this is the fifth felt fruit of his faith 9. The knowledge and deep impression of the Majesty of God as he revealeth himselfe in his works and Word is a powerfull meanes to strengthen us in the obedience of faith I have rem●mbred thy Name O Lord and have kept thy Law and this is the sixth felt fruit of his faith 10. Well spent time in secret when we are solitary shall be rewarded openly by a good carriage in society and company I remembred thy Name in the night I have kept thy law 11. It is no small benefit to see and observe what good we have had by our obedience to God and how grace hath been rewarded by grace in our persons This I had to wit all the former fruits because I kept thy precepts and this is the seventh felt fruit of faith that a man may enjoy the approbation and comfort of the fruits of faith 12. Those are reckoned keepers of Gods precepts not who have no sinne in them but who study to be free of sinne and to do Gods will This I had because I kept thy precepts 13. It is wisdome to reckon what good we have by faith in God and to endeavour to please him rather then to reckon our temporary and light afflictions in our service as here we are taught CHETH Vers. 57. Thou art my portion O LORD I have said that I would keep thy words 58. I intreated thy favour with my whole heart be mercifull unto me according to thy Word 59. I thought on my wayes and turned my feet unto thy testimonies 60. I made haste and delayed not to keep thy Commandments 61. The bands of the wicked have robbed me but I have not forgotten thy Law 62. At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgements 63. I am a companion of all them that fear thee and of them that keep thy precepts 64. The earth O LORD is full of thy mercy teach me thy statutes In this section he laboureth to confirme his faith and to comfort himselfe in the certainty of his regeneration by eight properties of a sound believer or eight marks of a new creature The first whereof is his choosing of God for his portion Whence learn 1. Such as God hath chosen and effectually called they get grace to make God their choice their delight and their portion and such as have chosen God for their portion have an evidence of their regeneration and election also for here David maketh this a mark of his regeneration Thou art my portion O Lord. 2. It is another mark of regeneration after believing in God and choosing of him for our portion to resolve to bring out the fruits of faith in new obedience as David did I have said that I will keep thy words 3. As it is usuall for Gods children now and then because of sinne falling out to be exercised with the sense of Gods displeasure so it is a mark of a new creature not to lie stupid and senslesse under this exercise but to deal with God earnestly for restoring the sense of reconciliation and giving new experience of his mercy as the Psalmist did I intreated thy favour with my whole heart and this is the third evidence of a new creature 4. The penitent believer hath the Word of grace and Covenant of God for his assurance to be heard when he seeketh mercy Be mercifull to me according to thy Word 5. The searching in what condition we are in and examination of our wayes according to the Word and renewing of repentance with an endeavour of amendment is a fourth mark of a new creature I thought on my wayes and turned my feet unto thy testimonies 6. When we do see our sin we are naturally slow to amend our doings but the sooner we turne us to the way of Gods obedience we speed the better and the more speedy the reforming of our life be the more sound mark is it of a new creature I made haste and delayed not to keep thy commandments 7. Enduring of persecution and spoiling of our goods for adhering to Gods Word without forsaking of our cause is a fifth mark of a new creature The bands of the wicked have robbed me but I have not forgotten thy law 8 As it is the lot of Gods children who resolve to be godly to suffer persecution and to be forced either to lose their temporal goods or else to lose a good cause and a good conscience so it is the wisdome of the godly to remember what the Lords Word requireth of us and speaketh unto us and this shall comfort our conscience more then the losse of things temporal can trouble our mindes The bands of the wicked robbed me but I have not forgotten thy Law 9. A sixth mark of a new creature is to be so farre from fretting under hard exercise as to thank God in secret chearfully for his gracious Word and for all the passages of his providence where none seeth us and where there is no hazard of ostentation At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgements 10. A seventh mark of a renewed creature is to associate our selves and keep communion with such as are truly gracious and do fear God indeed as we are able to discerne them I am a companion of all them that fear thee 11. The fear of God is evidenced by believing and obeying the doctrine and direction of the Scripture and no other wayes I am a companion of all them that fear thee and of them that keep thy precepts 12. The eighth mark of a new creature is not to rest in any measure of renovation but earnestly to deal with God for the encrease of saving knowledge and fruitfull obedience of it for Teach me thy statutes is the prayer of the man of God in whom all the former marks are found 13. As the whole creatures are witnesses of Gods bounty to man and partakers of that bounty themselves so are they pawnes of Gods pleasure to bestow upon his servants greater gifts then these even the encrease of sanctification in further illumination of minde and reformation of life for this the Psalmist useth for an argument to
way set down for sanctifying of men and for the saving of such as follow the way prescribed of God for salvation and the punishing of such as despise the way of life p●esc●ibed are very righteous when they are well considered Upright are thy judgements 2. The way of righteousnesse set down in Scripture and of execution made according to it may be demonstrated by the essential righteousnesse of Gods nature because as he is righteous so must his Word and working conforme the●eto be righteous also Righteous art thou O Lord and ●pright are thy judgements Vers. 138. Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithfull The second reason of the petition is because the testimonies of Scripture which God hath commanded us to believe and obey are not only righteous but also very faithfull which can never faile a man that believeth and obeyeth them Whence learn 1. To the end that our faith and obedience may be solidly grounded we must hold for a foundation that the Scriptures are righteous and true and that every truth revealed therein doth include a command to believe it and every duty of men declared therein includeth a command to obey it Thy testimonies which thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithfull 2. It is needfull for a believer to labour to have the impression of the truth and righteousnesse of the Word of God in Scripture stamped on his own heart by freequent meditation and acknowledgement thereof as the Psalmists example here doth teach us Ver. 139. My zeal hath consumed me because mine enemies have forgotten thy words The third reason of the petition is because his zeal to the commands of God was so great as the opposition which his enemies made unto them did torment him and such zeal required growing knowledge Whence learn 1. Zeal had great need of sound knowledge that it misccary not and he that findeth zeal kindled in his breast should labour to informe himselfe well as the Psalmist doth v. 144. and here My zeal hath consumed me because mine enemies have forgotten thy word 2. Holy affections are able to work upon the body no lesse then common and natural affections My zeal hath consumed me 3. The contempt and misregard of the Word of God perceived in any especially in professors within the visible Church is a just reason of zeal a just cause of grief and anger against such workers of iniquity My zeal hath consumed me because mine enemies have forgotten thy word Ver. 140. Thy word is very pure therefore thy servant loveth it The fourth reason of his petition is because he seeth such holinesse and unmixed truth in Gods Word as he cannot choose but love it and therefore must pray that he may know more of it VVhence learn 1. The Word of God is a Word clean from all mix●●re of flattery or falsehood tried to be true in the experience of all ages Thy word is very pure 2. New contemplations of the excellency of the Word of the Lord draweth forth new commendations of it and raiseth fresh affection of love to it Thy word is very pure therefore thy servant loveth it Ver. 141. I am small and despised yet do I not forget thy precepts The fifth reason of his petition is because the Word of God held up his heart and comforted him against all the contempt of men Whence learn 1. The godly may readily lose reputation at wicked mens hands when they will not comply with their wickednesse I am small and despised 2. Albeit we do lose estimation for adhering to the Word of God yet the Word should not lose estimation for that with us I am despised yet do I not forget thy precepts Vers. 142. Thy righteousnesse is an everlasting righteousnesse and thy Law is the truth The sixth reason of his petition is because everlasting righteousnesse and everlasting truth is in Gods Word and may be found in experience by it Whence learn 1. This is the excellency of the Law of God above all the lawes of men that not only it is righteous at the first giving out but also righteous in all ages and times Thy righteousnesse is an everlasting righteousnesse and thy law is truth 2. The righteousnesse which God hath devised and set down in his Word to justifie sinfull men is an everlasting righteousnesse even the righteousnesse by faith in Jesus Christ borne witnesse unto by the Law and the Prophets Thy righteousnesse is an everlasting righteousnesse and thy Law is truth 3. It is good for the setling and strengthning of the holds of our faith to consider again and again what excellent profit may be had by it and how true it is as here the Psalmist doth Ver. 143. Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me yet thy Commandments are my delight The seventh reason of his petition is because the Word of God hath been his delight when trouble and vexation hath befallen him for obedience of it Whence learn 1. The believer is not exempted from outward trouble for righteousnesse nor from the vexation and inward anguish of spirit which may follow it Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me 2. After that the believer hath felt his own weaknesse and the force of trouble he may expect victory over trouble and to be rid from the vexation of it and brought even to rejoycing in tribulation yet thy Commandements are my delight Vers. 144. The righteousnesse of thy testimonies is everlasting give me understanding and I shall live The eighth reason of his petition is because life everlasting is to be had by the everlasting righteousnesse set down in Gods VVord therefore he prayeth to have more understanding thereof that is to have more clear knowledge and more strong faith in Gods testimonies Whence learn 1. This is the main Doctrine in all the Word of God to teach men concerning everlasting righteousnesse or how a man is justified before God therefore is this again repeated Thy righteousnesse or the righteousnesse of thy testimonies is everlasting 2. The belief or saving understanding of this Doctrine bringeth eternal life to the believer and for this end being joyned as the last reason with the former seven reasons it should make a man seek to grow in the faith or in the saving knowledge of the testimonies of God set down in his Word Give me understanding and I shall live COPH. Vers. 145. I cried with my whole heart heare me O LORD I will keep thy statutes In this section he falleth on another maine petition unto God for restoring unto him and encreasing in him the vigour of spiritual life by his Word v. 149. and to presse this petition he useth foure arguments some going before some following after it The first argument hath foure branches the first is because he had prayed earnestly before for quickening of him that so he might be enabled to serve God Whence learn 1. When the world is crying Who will shew us any good thing this man wishing
Word as one that findeth great spoile The seeond evidence of saving grace in him is a greater joy felt in Gods Word then in any thing in the world yea such a joy as the greatest joy of worldly men is but a shadowing similitude of it Whence learn 1. He that feareth to offend God more then he feareth to fall into any worldly inconvenience may rejoyce in the obedience of faith more then in any worldly advantage as the experience of the Psalmist doth teach who saith My heart stood in awe of thy Word when Princes did persecute me and subjoyneth I rejoyce in thy Word as one that findeth great spoile 2. The joy of a believer which he findeth in the obedience of faith is so great as the joy which a Victor in battel doth finde in the spoile of his defeated enemies which is but a shadow of it albeit the joy of delivery from death the joy of victory the joy of riches honour and peace and ease are joyned in the Victors breast altogether on a sudden I rejoyced at thy Word as one that findeth great spoile 3. The juncture of fear to offend God and joy in obedience of him is a mark of a gracious spirit as the Psalmists producing of it as a mark of grace in him maketh evident Vers. 163. I hate and abhor lyeing but thy Law do I love The third evidence of saving grace in the Psalmist is his joynt hating and abhorring of all sin and loving of the obedience of Gods Word Whence learn 1. As the speaking of untruth or concealing of truth which should be confessed is a lying so every controvening of professed obedience unto Gods Word is a work of lying and self-deceiving which a beleever should hate and eschew I hate and abhor lying 2. Slight hatred of a sinful course is not sufficient to guard a man against it for where the enmity is not great the mans agreement with sin may soon be made but such abhorring and deadly hatred of sin is required as cannot admit reconciliation I hate and abhor lying 3. Ha●ing and abhorring of all sin arising from and joyned with the love of Gods Word is a solid mark of saving grace for abhorring of some sin and of all sin for temporary reasons may prove unsound but this is sincerity when a man can say I hate and abhor lying but thy Law do I love Ver. 164. Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgements The fourth evidence of saving grace in the Psalmist is the frequent admiration of the goodnesse of God to man set forth in Gods Word with hearty praising of God for it Whence learn 1. As the studying of the Word of God bringeth the believer to see his own blessednesse revealed in it so it bringeth him also to admire and praise God for that and for all his righteousnesse declared in it Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgements 2. The more a man discover Gods glory in the Wo●d and be taken with the love of God and admiration of God for what he seeth and doth make use of Gods Word unto Gods praise the more clear evidence hath he of the work of saving grace in himself as here the Psalmist maketh use of the mark Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgements Vers. 165. Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them For confirmation of the former marks of saving grace he commendeth the love of Gods Word by two notable effects One is that it bringeth a glorious peace with it Another is that it maketh a man hold on the way of Gods obedience whatsoever impediments or stumbling blocks shall be cast in his way VVhence learn 1. The receiving of the truth of God in love giveth great peace peace passing understanding for the law of works doth shew a mans debt and danger and the beleever subscribeth lovingly to the justice thereof and the law of saving faith sheweth remission of sin righteousnesse and eternal life through the Messiah Jesus Christ and the beleever embraceth the offer heartily and the law of new obedience directeth the justified man how to go on to the full possession of blessednesse and the believer doth heartily take on this holy yoke upon him and so he walketh as a man reconciled with God and at peace with him Great peace have they who love thy law 2. Albeit there be many stumbling blocks and impediments to divert the beleeer from the obedience of Gods Word arising from the terrour and allurements of the world from the troubles and exercises of the godly from the scandals given by Professors and such like yet the love of Gods Word is able to carry a man strait on his way to heaven without stumbling or turning aside to the one hand or the other Great peace have they who love thy law and nothing shall offend them Vers. ●66 LORD I have hoped for thy salvation and done thy Commandments The fifth evidence of saving grace in the Psalmist is the conscience of his sound faith and obedience Whence learn 1. Sound hope of salvation is joyned with the care of keeping the Commandments for he who hath this hope purifieth himself that he may be holy Lord I have hoped for thy salvation and done thy Commandments 2. As none can have heart or hand to keep Gods commands except he have hope to be helped out of every trouble wherinto he may fall and to be fully saved at last so he who hath the hope of salvation hath great encouragement unto obedience and where the conjunction of these two are found the man hath evidence of saving grace and boldness to go to God in this confidence as the Psalmist doth Lord I have hoped for thy salvation and done thy Commandments Ver. 167. My soule hath kept thy Testimonies and I love them exceedingly 168. I have kept thy Precepts and thy Testimonies for all my wayes are before thee The sixth evidence of saving grace is the approved testimony of his conscience concerning the sincerity of his heart and that after a new examination of the soundnesse of former marks which here are looked upon over again and presented to God with other three marks of sincerity to wit spiritualness in obedience exceeding love to the VVord and daily walking as in the sight of God Whence learn 1. After a believer hath found marks of saving grace in himself it is wisdome for him to examine these marks over again whether they be in him indeed and in truth or not for if they be indeed in him how weak soever they be and albeit joyned with imperfections if compared with the perfection of the moral law yet will they beare weight in the balance of the Gospel where any measure of uprightnesse passeth for perfection as here the example of the Psalmist doth teach 2. Where the soul or the renewed part of the man is for the obedience of
of the changes which God doth make as well in one case as in another could not be endured if God should not temper them and provide some remedy against them as appeareth in the making of frost Who can stand before his cold 4. Before any change from frost to faire weather can be made a new order must come forth from the Lord and when that cometh aire and water do return to their former course and so it is in any other change in the world especially in the affaires of the Church He sendeth out his Word and melteth them he causeth the winde to blow and the waters flow Vers. 19. He sheweth his Word unto Iacob his statutes and his judgements unto Israel 20. He hath not dealt so with any Nation and as for his judgements they have not known them Praise ye the LORD The sixth reason of the third exhortation to praise God is from the different dealing of God with his Church and with the rest of the people of the world Whence learn 1. The benefit of the Scriptures and the opening up and application of them unto the edification of the hearers is a precious gift of God and this benefit the Lord hath bestowed on his Church called by the names of Iacob or Israel He sheweth his Word unto Iacob his statutes and his judgements unto Israel 2. The benefit of the Scriptures and revealing the Word of life unto the Church maketh Gods people in a better condition and more excellent then any other incorporation can be in He hath not dealt so with any Nation 3. Where the Word of God in his Scripture is not opened up there the Lords dealing with men in justice and mercie and the way which the Lord keepeth in ruling of the world is not understood but people there do live in deadly darknesse As for his judgments they have not known them 4. As the benefits bestowed upon the Church are most excellent so the Church is most bound to praise God both for those mercies and for all other his glorious works Praise ye the Lord. PSALME CXLVIII IN this Psalme the Church is stirred up to praise God because of the incomparable excellency of his glory and majesty appearing first in the heavens above v. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Secondly in the earth and sea beneath and lower parts under the Heaven v. 7 8 9 10. Thirdly in the governing of men and of all sorts and ranks of men but especially in doing for his Church v. 11 12 13 14. In all which as he sheweth how the world is full of Gods glory so he pointeth at matter of his praise whithersoever we turne our eyes Ver. 1. PRaise ye the LORD praise ye the LORD from the Heavens praise him in the heights 2. Praise ye him all his Angels praise ye him all his hostes 3. Praise ye him Sun and Moon praise him all ye stars of light 4. Praise him ye Heaven of heavens and ye waters that be above the Heavens 5. Let them praise the Name of the LORD for he commanded and they were created 6. He hath also established them for ever and ever he hath made a decree which shall not passe In the exhortation to praise God because of his glory shining in the Heavens Learn 1. Howsoever the glory of the Lord doth shine in all his works yet there are degrees of the shining of it and the chiefest glory is from celestial creatures and from the consideration of what is in heaven Praise ye the Lord praise ye the Lord from the Heavens 2. As God is praised in heaven by the blessed spirits that are there so the true worshipper should joyne with those that praise him there Praise him in the heights or high places 3. Albeit the Angels have the first place in the song of Gods praise and need not to be stirred to the work of praise by us yet it is a part of our praising of God to consent unto their song and account their work well bestowed on the Lord their M●ker and to hold the example of them before our eyes aiming to do Gods will on earth as it is done in Heaven Praise him all ye Angels 4. The Lord hath at his hand swift servants not a few to go in what message he pleaseth to direct them and they are ministring spirits for the good of his Church Praise ye him all ye his Angels or his messengers 5. The Lord is also well furnished with souldiers for all his creatures are ready at his command to fight in Gods quarrel in defence of his friends and pursuit of his foes Praise ye him all his hostes 6. The Lords armies are not idle but are still on their work of praising doing the works of peace even in the midst of warre Praise him all his hostes 7. Beside the common song of praise which all things have as they are creatures every one of the creatures have their own proper parts in the Song The Sun in his particular vertue and motion the Moon in hers and the stars in theirs every one by themselves and these also joyntly make up a sweet and harmonious melody to the praise of God Praise ye him Sun and Moon praise him all ye star of light 8. The variety and difference of place and distance from the earth of Sun Moon and Starres some of them being lower some of them higher as the Eclipses of Sun and Moon and the diverse positions of the starres do shew are all matters of Gods praise for the lowest region of the aire is here called Heaven and the place where the Sun Moon and Starres are set is called Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens the third Heaven where Angels and spirits of just men made perfect do remain each and all of them do serve fo● Gods praise Praise him ye Heaven of Heavens 9. The bottles of waters in the clouds flying above the lowest region of the aire ready to be dissolved here and there as God pleaseth to water the earth do serve as matter both of wondering at Gods work and praising of him Praise him ye waters that be above the Heavens 10. Praise is due to God not only for the making of the Heavens but also for the making them of nothing by the sole word of command which did produce them by saying Let them be let them praise the Name of the Lord for he commanded and they were created 11. The speechlesse creatures have their own way of praising God and men have their way of praising speechlesse creatures praise God in their own kinde when they hold forth as in a table the matter and reason of praising God and men do praise God when they do observe and acknowledge and proclaim one to another the reasons of Gods praise and these exhortations do import both Let them praise the Name of the Lord. 12. The course and appointed motions of the Heavens are so setled during the standing of the world as they shalll not faile to go
they endure but a very short season and then do fade away As for man his dayes are as grasse as a flower of the field so he flourisheth for the winde passeth over it and it is gone c. 2. Humane infirmities and mortality serve indeed to humble a man but do not hinder the humbled man to come and receive of God compleat mercy that is pardon of sinnes supply of all wants and life everlasting Mans dayes are as the flower the winde goeth over it and it is gone and the place thereof shall know it no more but the mercie of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting 3. The true believer and heire of the promises is he who in his greatest confidence in Gods everlasting mercie doth stand in awe to offend God The mercy of the Lord is upon them that feare him 4. As mercie is decreed and prepared before the beginning of the world for the beleever who feareth God so is it let forth in actual application unto him in this life and for evermore after this life is gone The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting to them that feare him 5. Such as out of love to God are loath to offend him and out of faith in Gods mercy study to please him shall have justice to be their friend to themselves and to their children who follow their footsteps from one generation to another the Lords righteousnesse shall be for them and not against them all that is promised to the Saints shall be done to them and for them His righteousnesse shall be unto his childrens children 6. As God hath given the offer of his grace by Covenant for reconciliation of enemies so hath he given his Law and Commandments for a rule to lead the reconciled man unto salvation and he only is the heire of the promise of everlasting mercy and righteousnesse who studieth to prove the sincerity of his faith by his endeavouring of obedience For the promise here is made to such as keep his Covenant and to those that remember his commandments to do them Ver. 19. The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens and his Kingdome ruleth over all The last reason of Gods praise is his universal dominion over all the creatures whereby a strong obligation is put upon Angels and men to glorifie him Whence learn 1. What God doth give unto Believers he is able to preserve unto them what he promiseth he is able to performe unto them whatsoever power in earth or in hell be against them he is able to defend his Church and every Member of it The Lord hath prepared his throne in beaven 2. Whatsoever praise we owe to God for benefits which we have received from him fewer or more greater or lesser we must remember to praise him also for his glorious and great Majesty and transcendent excellency over all the creatures He hath established his throne in heaven and his dominion is over all 3. Whatsoever confusions do appear on earth whatsoever re●●lutions do fall in Church or State whatsoever hardship Gods children do meet with God guideth the whole businesse very orderly and well and performeth all his own good pleasure His Kingdome ruleth over all Ver. 20. Blesse the LORD ye his Angels that excell in strength that do his commandments hearkening unto the voice of his word 21. Blesse ye the LORD all ye his hostes ye ministers of his that do his pleasure 22. Blesse the LORD all his works in all places of his dominion blesse the LORD O my soul. In the last three verses he inviteth Angels and men and all creatures to joyne with his soul in prai●●ng God True it is that the Angels need not to be exhorted to blesse God and many of the Lords hostes and workes are not capable of our exhortation yet this forme of speech signifieth that all of them in their own kinde and materially at least do shew forth the blessednesse of God and that if they were all endued with reason able and fitted formally expresly and directly to glorifie God they were all too few for the work and could not either severally or joyntly glorifie the Lord as his deserving is Whence learne 1. The weight of the ●ffering of praise unto God is too heavy for men to lift and as for Angels it will take up all their strength and their best abilities to go about it Blesse the Lord ye his Angels that excell in strength 2. It is the commendation of Angels that they obey all Gods commands readily and we should follow their example and aime at their perfection in service that the will of God may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven For they do his Commandments hearkening to the voice of his word 3. All the several rankes of creatures are so many mustered hosts ready to execute Gods judgements as they are directed and are alwayes in their kinde setting forth on all hands the glory and goodnesse of God Blesse the Lord all ye his hosts 4. The family of Beleevers the servants of the Lord who know his will and study to do it and in speciall his Ministers in the Church servants in State Pastors and Teachers of Gods people have in a special obligation lying on them to blesse the Lord who has intrusted them in his service and made them do his will Blesse the Lord ye Ministers of his that do his pleasure 5. There is none of Gods works in any part of the world nothing which his hands hath made how base and mean soever it may seem which doth not contribute matter unto the song of Gods praise and furnish reasons to glorifie and blesse the Maker Blesse ye the Lord all his works in all places of his dominion 6. When the Believer looketh on all the creatures in their own kinde as contributers unto the glorifying of God he shall finde his own particular obligation for special mercies bestowed upon himself calling for particular praise and thanks at his hands as David doth here who when he hath set all the creatures on work to blesse God concludeth thus Blesse the Lord O my soul. PSALME CIV AS in the former Psalme the Prophet stirred up himself and all others to glorifie God specially for the works of grace so here he stirreth up himself and others to glorifie God specially for the works of creation and providence And in the first place he sheweth the scope of all the Psalme v. 1. In the second place he bringeth arguments for pressing the duty of praising God from the first dayes work of creation to wit the light And from the second dayes work in spreading forth the Heavens v. 2 3 4. And from the 3d. days work of bringing forth the Earth the Sea the Floods and Plants for the use of Man and Beast which were the work of the sixth day v. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. And from the works of the fourth day Sun and Moon v. 19 20
praising and thanking the Lord is very fit for a soul lying under the sense of affliction and guiltiness for that whieh serveth for the Lords praise serveth also for the comfort and encouragement of humbled sinners therefore saith he Praise ye the LORD 2. The meditation of Gods goodness and readiness to communicate unto men of his bounty is fit to furnish matter of his praise Praise ye the LORD for he is good 3. Albeit a man be consciencious of his much abusing of Gods goodnesse and so might finde this to be the matter of his grief yet mercy answereth all objections everlasting mercy looseth all doubts and giveth fresh encouragement to the humbled sinner to draw near and make yet again use of his goodnesse for his mercy endureth for ever Ver. 2. Who can utter the mighty acts of the LORD who can shew forth all his praise The next me●nes which he useth to stir up himself and others to glorifie God in believing on him is wondering at the Lords works and innumerable causes of praise Whence learn 1. It is a disposition fit for praising of God to be sensible of our unability and unfitness for so great a work as the Prophet doth shew in this example saying Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord 2. There is such an impression of Gods Omnipotency on all Gods works and in special on those works wherein he hath been pleased most clearly to manifest his power that no man can comprehend or express it Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord 3. Albeit the praises of the Lord surpass all mens ability to declare them yet neither must the greatness of the work nor the weakness and unworthiness of the servant of God hinder him to praise as he is able for even this is a part of praising of God to confesse and say Who can shew forth all thy praise Ver. 3. Blessed are they that keep judgement and he that doth righteousnesse at all times The third meanes whereby he stirreth up himself to glorifie God by believing in him is a declaring how blessed the beleever is Whence learn 1. The consideration of the blessing of God upon every true believer is a notable encouragement to put confidence in God Blessed are they that keep judgement c. 2. The evidence of a sincere believer is not only to keep judgement that is to receive respect and entertain the Word of God as a decree wisely given forth by him but also to study to obey it in practice constantly upon all occasions Blessed are they that keep judgement and he that doth righteousnesse at all times Ver. 4. Remember me O LORD with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people O visit me with thy salvation 5. That I may see the good of thy chosen that I may rejoyce in the gladness of thy Nation that I may glory with thine inheritance The fourth meanes of stirring up himself and others to beleeve in God especially in this time of the presupposed calamity of the Church and of the Supplicant is prayer to God for a new proof of the loving kindnesse which God beareth to his people in all ages Whence learn 1. Whatsoever be the outward afflicted estate of Gods people yet they are still beloved still in favour even when tokens of anger by publick calamities are manifested against them Remember me with the favour which thou bearest unto thy people 2. There needeth no more felicity unto any man save to be one of Gods people it may content any man to have his lot with the children of God in whatsoever condition they are put into for the Psalmist craveth no more but Remember me O LORD with the favour which thou bearest unto thy people 3. Albeit the Lords people seem to be forgotten yet the Lord will make evident that he doth not forget them nor any one of them Remember me O LORD with the favour which thou bearest unto thy people 4. Such as do share with Gods people in their grief shall be partakers also of their consolation deliverance and salvation which God hath wisely prepared for them therefore prayeth the Psalmist O visit me with thy salvation c. 5. As there are times wherein God declareth his displeasure against the sins of his people so there are times when he removeth the tokens of his displeasure and letteth forth the evidence of his love and respect to them in doing them good making them glad and causing them to glory in him this is it which the Psalmist looketh after Visit me with thy salvation that I may see the good of thy chosen that I may rejoyce in the gladnesse of thy Nation that I may glory with thine inheritance 6. The near interest which God hath in his people and which they have in him is a solid ground of hope of good and gladness joy and gloriation reserved for them for they are Gods chosen Gods Nation appropriate unto him and his inheritance to remain in his possession from generation to generation whereupon the Psalmist doth assure himselfe and the Church of his hope of good reserved for the Church That I may see the good of thy chosen c. Ver. 6. We have sinned with our fathers we have committed iniquity we have done wickedly In the second place is the confession of sins for which God justly might afflict the Supplicants but in his mercy could forgive them also as he had done to his people in former generations The force of his reasoning is this many times thou didst shew mercy to our fathers in their afflictions notwithstanding their grievous provocations therefore we must intreat thee yea and hope also for the like mercy in our time Whence learn 1. It is not for nought that the Lord bringeth calamity on his people he is provoked so to do by their grievous offences We have sinned 2. As judgements are sent to convince of sin and to draw forth the acknowledgement thereof so there is no re●dier way to remove the sin and judgement also then by confession thereof We have sinned 3. As God when he punisheth his people doth reckon with them both for their own and also for their fathers faults whose footsteps they have followed so must the penitent reckon with God for their own faults and for their fathers sins whereunto they have accession We have sinned with our fathers c. 4. Confession of sins must not be slighted but seriously gone about and aggravated duly We have sinned we have committed iniquity we have done wickedly 5. True penitents will neither excuse their sins by the example of their fathers nor justifie themselves how holy soever they be when God is pleading with his Church but will joyne in confession with the multttude as here the holy Prophet doth We have sinned with our fathers we have committed iniquity we have done wickedly Ver. 7. Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt they remembred not the multitude of thy mercies but provoked him at
shew 3. As the Word of God only doth reveal true happinesse and the way to it so only they are blessed who choose the clear way of Gods Word to direct them to blessednesse and do make conscience sincerely to put this doctrine in practice Blessed are the undefiled in the way that walk in th● law of the Lord. 4. God hath testified in his Word how a man shall be pardoned of his sins reconciled to God and have right unto eternal life to wit by faith in the Messiah Jesus Christ and blessed is the man who doth hold this way fast Blessed are they who keep his testimonies 5. The true believer of Gods testimonies about the way of true blessedness doth studie to have communion with God and to grow in the fellowship of his grace sincerely They seek the Lord with their whole heart 8 As the blessed man holds fast the Lords testimonies for reconciliation and communion with God so he ordereth his conversation in the way which God in his Word hath prescribed eschewing sin and studying to please God They also do no iniquitie that is they are not workers of iniquity They walk in his way that is they aime and endeavour to follow the course which God doth prescribe 7. Albeit there be no man who sinneth not yet such as do flee to Gods grace offered in Christ for dai●y pardon and do set themselves to obey Gods directions set down in his Word are esteemed to be no workers of iniquity but men going homeward to God howsoever clogged with infirmities They also do no iniquity How so They walk in his wayes Ver. 4. Thou hast commanded us to keep thy Precepts diligently This doctrine the Psalmist applieth to himself and first acknowledgeth his obligation to follow the direction of the Lord in the obedience of faith v. 4. and then he wisheth to have grace to obey v. 5 6 7 And thirdly engageth himself to follow this course by promise and prayer v. 8. from the acknowledgement of his obligation to obey Gods Word Learn 1. The doctrine of faith and obedience set down in Scripture i● not left to our arbitrement but is enjoyned unto us by divine authority there is a command given forth unto us to believe in the Son of God and a command to follow the duties of love to God and man Thou hast commanded us to keep thy Precepts 2. Albeit the obedience of Gods Word had no promise of reward and albeit felicity were not proposed unto us as the gracious reward of the obedience of faith yet the very command it sel● and the authority of God should be a sufficient motive unto it which obligation as we should acknowledge so should we subject our selves unto it and say Thou hast commanded us to keep thy Precepts 3. Howsoever there be great weaknesse even in reconciled soules and albeit there be some strong reliques of corrupt nature in them hindering them to do as th●y would yet God will have them aiming to keep hi● Precepts diligently making conscience of all duties to God and man of the smaller duties as well as of the greater and that on all occasions in all times places and companies with their best affection and strength Thou hast commanded us to keep thy Precepts diligently Ver. 5. O that my wayes were directed to keep thy statutes 6. Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy Commandments 7. I will praise thee with uprightnesse of heart when I shall have learned thy righteous judgements The Psalmist wisheth to have grace to obey 1. Because so he should not he ashamed nor disappointed of his hope v. 6. and also so he should be enabled to glorifie and praise God more perfectly v. 7. Whence learn 1. The Commandments of God are not grievous to the honest heart for albeit he be unable to do what he should yet it is the desire of his heart to do what is commanded O that my wayes were directed to keep thy statutes is his hearty wish 2. When we have received the general direction of Gods Word we have need of the effectual direction of Gods Spirit to apply the Word rightly to our particular actions O that my wayes were directed saith he 3. The holiest man is most sensible of his coming short in understanding and of his weaknesse to keep Gods commands and most desirous of Gods help as this example teacheth us No man shall ever have cause to repent of a sincere e●deavou●● 〈◊〉 obey Gods revealed will for howsoever he may suffer hard things from men and be mocked for his sincerity yet shall he not be disappointed of his hopes nor be confounded before God Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect to all thy Commands 5. Sincerity must aime at universal obedience for to pretend to keep one command and to be found a misregarder of other commands is a matter of shame and a mark of unsoundness For then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect to all thy commands 6. As Gods Word and Commands are all righteous decrees in themselves and unalterable by men so are they seen to be such by those who know them best Even Gods righteous judgements 7. Men do praise God uprightly only in that measure that they are careful to frame their life to Gods Will for honour given to God with the mouth agreeth not with dishonour done to him in deeds in a mans life and conversation I will praise thee with uprightnesse of heart when I have learned thy righteous judgements 8. Sound praises of God are the fruit of soundness in piety and righteousness and the holiest of Gods servants are but Scholars and Students in the knowledge and obedience of both I will praise thee with uprightnesse of heart when I shal● have learned thy righteous judgements Ver. 8. I will keep thy statutes O forsake me not utterly From his engagement to observe this course Learn 1 Albeit our resolutions and purposes have no strength of themselves yet God requireth of us that we should with full purpose of heart cleave unto his service and this course he will blesse for so doth this practice teach us I will keep thy statutes that is I resolve to aime at upright obedience of thy Word for this is keeping of Gods statutes to endeavour to obey them 2. As he who is most upright in his resolution is most diffident of his owne strength to performe his resolution so is he also most earnest with God in prayer to enable him to do as he resolveth as this example doth teach us I will keep thy statutes O forsake me not 3. Albeit no man can be exempted from temporal desertions whereby his Christian graces may be tried and his corruptions mortified yet the beleever may both pray and expect that he shall not be deserted so as his faith should faile and his course of obedience should be cut off for so much doth this prayer promise O forsake me not utterly BETH
In this section first he propounds this doctrine the Word of God is the only rule and effectual instrument of renewing and sanctifying of an unrenewed man and the only way to finde the efficacy of the Word is to studie to conforme a mans minde will and actions thereunto v. 1. And then in the next place to the end he may teach men to make use of this doctrine by his example he sheweth the sincerity of his owne endeavour by seven evidences in the seven following verses Ver 9. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy Word In the doctrine about the meanes of regeneration and reformation of life Learn 1. As all men are from the birth polluted with sin so should they early and timously be sensible of this evil and seek for the remedy of the running issues of sin for here it is presupposed That a young man should cleanse his way 2. Seeing death is uncertain and sin groweth stronger through custome seeing justice is the more provoked the longer men shall continue in sin seeing no age is fitter to serve Satan then youth being enclined to take liberty to be headst●ong self-willed and given to despise grave admonition and no age hath more excuses to continue in ●in to its own perdition therefore no age hath more need of remedy from God then youth hath and this is imported in the question Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way 3. Seeing youth is loose inconsiderate and unattentive seeing the way of obedience is slippery and many by-paths are offered to the way-faring man seeing danger of perishing is great and many are the enemies of mans salvation who are alwayes seeking whom they may devoure and seeing no reconciliation can be made with God no forgiveness of sin can be obtained no solid sanctification nor salvation can be had except the Word of God be held for the only rule of direction of faith and conversation therefore no meanes can be To cleanse the young mans way but by taking heed thereto according to thy Word Vers. 10. With my whole heart have I sought thee O let me not wander from thy Commandments After he hath set down the rule of a young mans Conversion and conversation he offereth himself as an example to follow this rule and here are the first and second evidences of his sincerity in aiming at this way The first is the conscience of his upright seeking of God and the second evidence is his prayer to be preserved from wandering from the way of Gods obedience Whence learn 1. The sight of what others have attained unto is a great encouragement to young Scholars in Gods schoole for to encourage the young man the Psalmist sh●w●eth here his own profiting in his study 2. Sensiblenesse of a mans own imperfections sins and dangers and seeking in unto God all-sufficient for relief of sin and misery and for a daily more and more near communion with God is a mark of sincerity in Religion With my whole heart have I sought thee 3 The more experience a man hath in the wayes of God the more sensible is he of his own readiness to wander insensibly by ignorance and unadvertance from the wayes of God but the young souldier dare run hazards ride into his adversaries camp and talk with tentations being confident he cannot easily go w●ong he is not so feared as David here crying O let me not wander 4. To be diff●●ent of our own wit and strength and to depend upon God instantly praying to be kept in and recalled from wandring proveth the sincerity of the purpose of holinesse O let me not wander from thy Commandments 5. The going on of the beleever in the course of obedience and his living the life of God is not from what he hath received before but must flow from present influence of grace sustaining what was given before and from grace furnishing fresh supply drawn forth by prayer as this prayer O let me not wander doth testifie Ver. 11. Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee The third evidence of his sincere endeavour to cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to his Word is the laying up of the Word by faith in his heart Whence learn 1. It is not sufficient to have the Word of God in brain-knowledge and common memory for not wit and memory but the heart is the chest to keep it in I hid thy Word in my heart 2. Seeing it is impossible to keep sin out of the heart void of the Word of God it is necessary for the servant of God to lay up the Lords Word in his heart by faith and honest affection to it Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I should not sin against thee 3. It is a proof of our sincere endeavour to profit by the Word of God in the course of sanctification to be careful that we let not the Word of God slide from us that we be not spoiled of it by feare of men or force of tentation that we be not deceived by Satans wiles that we suffer it not to go by our negligence and forgetfulness of it and that we be careful to approve our selves to God in our love to the Lords Word and estimation of it as of a most precious Jewel as here we see Thy VVord have I hid in my heart that I should not sin against thee Ver. 12. Blessed art thou O LORD teach me thy statutes A fourth evidence of his sincerity in making use of the Wo●d of God is his blessing God for the knowledge he hath received of it joyned with prayer for encreasing the measure thereof Whence learn 1. It is a mark of sincerity of obedience to be thankful for what measure we have received and to be seeking to encrease as young birds receive their food and cry for more Blessed art thou O Lord teach me thy statutes 2. Beside all external teaching we have need of inward and effectual teaching from God to make knowledge lively and fruitful Teach me thy statutes 3. The goodness of God and his readiness to blesse more and more is a ground of encouragement to seek a greater measure of his blessing Blessed art thou O Lord teach me thy statutes Vers. 13. With my lips have I declared all the judgements of thy mouth A fifth evidence of his sincere endeavour to make use of Gods Word is his care to edifie others and glorifie God by the knowledge and experience which he had of it Whence learn 1. The revealed will of God in Scripture should be the matter of our speech and conference with others With my lips have I declared all the judgements of thy mouth 2. The Word of God in Scripture should be looked upon as the sentence of the supreme Judge uncontrollable and unalterable by any creature and whereby men must judge of all truth and look to be judged by it for therefore it
enclined naturally to lying but also we have so foully defiled our selves with the lying way of sinning that it is so much the more grace to finde any deliverance from it Grant me thy law graciously Ver. 30. I have chosen the way of truth thy judgements have I laid before me 31. I have stuck unto thy testimonies O LORD put me not to shame 32. I will run the way of thy Commandments when thou shalt enlarge my heart A sixth petition is to be saved from shame and comforted with the reason thereof because he had adhered to the obedience of the VVord and hoped to go on chearfully in the obedience thereof if God should be pleased by the removal of his feared reproach to comfort and enlarge his heart Whence learn 1. VVhen a man is about to resolve upon the way of his carriage in general or particular many rules and counsels will be suggested and offered unto him each of them having a pretence of some good so as a man had need to be well advised what course he chooseth and then only doth a man resolve rightly when he chooseth the way of obedience of Gods VVord which cannot deceive him I have chosen the way of thy truth 2. He that would have special direction in any particular trial must be a man resolved to follow the Rule of Gods VVord in all his wayes in general for otherwise he may be left without direction when he hath most need except he may say for the whole course of his life I have chosen the way of truth 3. The solid consideration that Gods Word is Gods decree may guard a believer against mens terrours and allurements and fix him in his right choice as here Thy judgements I have laid before me 4. As he who hath been most stedfast in trialls in not past danger of being driven from Gods Word so of all men it is greatest shame for such a man in trialls to quit his hold I have stuck to thy testimonies O Lord put me not to shame 5. In the triall of our stedfast obedience unto God there is no way to persevere except in the sense of our weaknesse and faith of Gods goodnesse we shall call on God to save us who will not suffer us to be confounded O Lord put me not to shame 6. The child of God is subject to bondage of spirit even after regeneration in sundry cases especially when God bringeth troubles upon him hideth his comfort from him and letteth forth appearance of wrath upon him as the straitening of Davids heart here doth import 7. As when a mans spirit is in bonds hardly can he walk in Gods service chearfully so when God sheweth his countenance and comforteth a man then all Gods service is easie I will runne the way of thy commandments when thou hast enlarged my heart 8. When the Lord giveth large comfort and looseth a mans affection from the spirit of bondage he useth to give also large measure of strength and activity in his service albeit not so large as the mans affection is I will runne the way of thy commandments when thou hast enlarged my heart HE Vers. 33. Teach me O LORD the way of thy statutes and I shall keep it unto the end In this section there are eight petitions according to the number of the verses From the first Learn 1. The narrow way of Gods obedience is hard to be found hardly kept and easily mistaken except God do teach us daily by his Spirit what he doth at any time teach us by his Word and therefore we have need again and again to pray Teach me O Lord the way of thy statutes 2. As the Lord requireth our perseverance in his service so our perseverance dependeth on his continued direction and assistance which the believer and daily supplicant for grace may promise to himselfe in Gods Name Teach me O Lord the way of thy statutes and I shall keep it to the end Vers. 34. Give me understanding and I shall keep thy law yea I shall observe it with my whole heart From the second petition Learn 1. There is no true wisdome except by the knowledge of Gods will revealed in Scripture and applied by him and this we should alwayes pray for Give me understanding 2. Where God becometh teacher the disciple may promise obedience Give me understanding and I shall keep thy law 3. As no service pleaseth God but that which a man desireth at least to do heartily so he that purposeth to persevere must purpose also to serve God affectionately Yea I shall observe it with my whole heart Vers. 35. Make me to go in the path of thy commandments for therein do I delight From the third petition Learn 1. Because there are innumerable by-paths from terrors and allurements without to make us decline from the obedience of God and we of our selves are both weak and subject to errors within us therefore should we be the more instant in prayer Make me to go in the path of thy commandements 2. As it is a faire grace of God to have pleasure and delectation in Gods service so he who hath gotten of God this grace may expect also direction and strength to go on in the path of Gods obedience for therein do I delight is given as a reason of his praying Make me to go in the path of thy commandments Vers. 36. Incline my heart unto thy testimonies and not to covetousnesse From the fourth petition Learn 1. As the most holy of Gods servants have in them the remainder of their natural stifnesse and aversnesse from the obedience of Gods Word so are they of all men most sensible of this sicknesse and most instant with God the only Physician to heal it Incline my heart unto thy testimonies 2. The heart cannot want some object whereunto it must cleave a man must love something and if the heart be not set on things spiritual and heavenly it will not faile to pitch upon things base and earthly as here is insinuated by opposition of covetousnesse to Gods testimonies 3. The love of Gods testimonies or of obedience to Gods Word and the love of base objects as the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh and the pride of life are inconsistent for the one is contrary to the other as here is shewn Incline mine heart unto thy testimonies and not unto covetousnesse Vers. 37. Turne away mine eyes from beholding vanity and quicken thou me in thy way From the fifth petition Learn 1. The sinful concupiscence of the heart hath defiled the externall senses and made them servants unto it selfe except God do heal both the heart and the senses as the petition Turne away mine eyes doth import 2. Albeit the corruption of the heart be deadly wounded yet it may soon recover life and strength by the external objects of the senses if watching over the external man be neglected as turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity doth import 3. Whatsoever doth draw
deserving flee to Gods grace by prayer and say with confidence Take not thy Word out of my mouth 3. If it shall please God for humbling of us to desert us in some passage of our trial yet let us believe in him and deal with him not to forsake us altogether in our trial Take not the Word of truth utterly out of my mouth 4. Where the beliefe of Gods executing of his Word of threatening and promise hath place with Gods children there is hope that neither mens terror nor allurement shall overcome them in their trials for I have hoped in thy judgements is set down here for the first reason of his hope to obtaine his petition 5. The Lords keeping our heart in faith and our mouth and outward man in the course of confession and obedience is the cause of our perseverance So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever and this is the second reason of his petition 6. As he who departs from confessing of Gods truth doth cast himselfe in straits in dangers and bonds so he that beareth out the confession of the truth doth walk as a free-man the truth doth set him free And I will walke at liberty which is the third reason of his petition 7. Even the conscience of honest endeavour to obey the Word hath the promise of not being utterly deserted in the day of trial for I have fought thy precepts is the fourth reason of the petition 8. The terror of Kings and of men in power is an ordinary hindrance of free confession of Gods truth in time of persecution but faith in the truth sustained in the heart by God is able to bring forth a confession upon all hazards I will speak of thy testimonies before Kings 9. He that is resolved to confesse the questioned truth of God whosoever do mock at it shall not be ashamed of his confession but rather shall have credit by it I will speak of thy testimonies also before Kings and will not be ashamed and this is the fifth reason of the petition 10. The more men do know the excellency of Gods truth and do feel the power of Gods hand sustaining them in the faith and confession of it the more will they love delight and take pleasure in the Word of the Lord I will delight my selfe in thy commandments which I have loved which is the sixth reason of his petition 11. He that findeth himself born out in the confession of the truth in time of triall should in all time after so much the more as his experience is greater embrace heartily the Lords commands as precious gifts and should give up himselfe absolutely to be governed thereby for the lifting up of his hands to the Lords commandments doth import so much 12. He who out of love to Gods commands hath endured trial by trouble and hath overcome tentations may comfortably approve himself in his former loving of the Lords commands and thereby renew and increase his love to the obedience of them for after he hath said I will lift up my hands to thy commandments he sheweth that he will do so with a ratification and approbation of his love to them by adding thy commandments which I have loved 13. The experience of the worth of divine truth which is able to bear out it selfe and the man also who doth confesse it should set a believer on a more and more earnest study to know the minde of God revealed therein as the Prophet resolveth to do And I will meditate in thy statutes and this engagement is the last reason of the petition ZAIN Vers. 9. Remember the Word unto thy servant upon which thou hast caused me to hope In this section he prayeth for the performance of the promise which he hath believed and whereof he hath found the fruits already in a good measure Whence learn 1. The promises of the Gospel and grace of God give liberty and confidence to the believer to draw neer to God to seek the full performance thereof as here Remember the Word wherein thou hast caused me to hope 2. The general offer of the Gospel and the promises made to the believer do make promises to be every believers propriety no lesse then if his name were inserted in the promise or written in the Bible Remember the Word spoken unto thy servant or promised to me 3. God that maketh the offer of the Word is he who also worketh faith in the believer and moveth him to apply it and trust in it the acknowledging whereof as it is Gods glory so is it the believers profit Remember the Word upon which thou hast caused me to hope for faith and hope is not of our selves it is the gift of God Ver. 50. This is my comfort in my affliction for thy Word hath quickened me 51. The proud have had me greatly in derision yet have I not declined from thy Law 52. I remembred thy judgements of old O LORD and have comforted my selfe 53. Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy Law 54. Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage 55. I have remembred thy Name O LORD in the night and have kept thy Law 56. This I had because I kept thy precepts The fruits which he hath found already by his faith in the Word are seven all in order set down in the rest of the verses of this section Whence learn 1. Faith and hope in God do not exempt Gods children from troubles but do comfort them in their trouble so as all other consolations are naught in comparison This is my consolation in my affliction 2. When the believer is damped with trouble and sometime as it were dead in regard of spiritual operations motions and affections faith draweth life againe out of the Word of promise for thy Word hath quickened me and this is the first fruit of faith in Gods Word 3. Albeit impenitent gracelesse men do mock grace do mock faith and obedience in the godly and in Satans drift and theirs to the intent they may make the godly forsake Gods law yet faith in the Word is able to bear the believer up against derision as experience sheweth The proud have had me greatly in derision yet have I not declined from thy Law and this is the second felt fruit of his faith 4. It is good to have a number of examples of Gods dealing with his servants and with his adversaries laid up in the storehouse of a sanctified memory that thereby faith may be strengthened in the day of affliction for so are we here taught I remembred thy judgements of old O Lord. 5. Faith doth draw comfort out of the execution of Gods Word of promise and of threatening also in former times I remembred thy judgements of old O Lord and was comforted and this is the thi●d felt fruit of his faith 6. It is an evidence of sincerity in Gods service to see wrath and judgement in the
be more and more sanctified The whole earth is full of thy bounty O Lord teach me thy statutes TETH Ver. 65. Thou hast dealt well with thy servant O LORD according unto thy word In this section he gives eight marks of a thankfull soul delivered from heavy trouble for a time The first mark is his hearty acknowledgement of Gods goodnesse toward himself Whence learn 1. There is a time to acknowledge mercies received as well as to pray for good things not as yet received and as it is the duty of a believer to pray in his need so it is the duty of the thankfull man to confesse what he hath received for supplying of his need Thou hast dealt well with thy servant 2. The Lord will so performe his promise as he shall make the believing supplicant witnesse of his fidelity Thou hast dealt well with thy servant according to thy word 3. As gifts prayed for so also gifts received ought to be examined whether they be given to us as to servants of God and according to the promises made to his servants in the Word or not otherwise a man can neither make right use of them nor be thankfull for them as the Psalmist doth here who saith Thou hast dealt well with thy servant according to thy word Vers. 66. Teach me good judgement and knowledge for I have believed thy Commandments Another work of his thankfulnesse is his seeking the increase of wisdome and discretion for enabling of him unto better service of God in time to come Whence learn 1. Beside the knowledge of the general rule of Gods will it is necessary to have the gift of discretion to know our duty when particulars cloathed with circumstances come to be tried by the rule and this the thankfull man should pray for Teach me good judgement and knowledge 2. He that would be directed in the faith and obedience of Gods Word in particular ought to be cleare in general of his estimation and belief of all Gods Word in Scripture Teach me good judgement saith he for I have believed thy commandments Ver. 67. Before I was afflicted I went a stray but now have I kept thy word The third mark of his thankfulnesse is his acknowledgement of the wisdome and goodnesse of God manifested in and wrought by afflicting of him Whence learn 1. So perverse are we by nature as we are the worse oft-times by prosperity Before I was afflicted I went astray 2. When prosperity is abused it is Gods mercy to us to visit us with the rod of affliction and by it to drive us to make better use of his Word But now have I kept thy word 3. When affliction is sanctified and found in the fruits thereof it is no lesse sweet when it is past then it was bitter when it was present as the comparison of times here doth shew Ver. 68. Thou art good and doest good teach me thy statutes The fourth mark of his thankfulness now being comforted after trouble is his acknowledgement of the goodnesse of Gods nature and working and his drawing from this fountain more sanctification Whence learn 1. As goodnesse is Gods nature and good is his work so it is the thankful mans part to observe it acknowledge it and heartily to praise him for it especially when he ●s called unto this by late favours as the Psalmist doth here Thou art good and doest good 2. When the goodness of God is solidly apprehended it furnisheth ground of great confidence to seek further fruits thereof towards us as here the Psalmist doth 3. Of all the fruits of Gods goodness which a thankful man can crave to himself none is fitter to be sought then the growth of the grace of sanctification as here Teach me thy statutes Vers. 69. The proud have forged a lie against me but I will keep thy Precepts with any whole heart A fifth mark of a thankful man comforted is his renewed purpose not to sin for fear of the malice or craft of any persecutors Whence learn 1. Beside violence and crueltie we shall finde lies and false calumnies to be the weapons of the wicked against the godly The proud have forged a lie against me 2. The slanders and calumnies of the wicked against the godly are so trimmed and dressed up with much artifice as if they were cast in a mould The proud have forged a lie against me 3. The only way of resisting and overcoming this tentation is by the sincere adhering to God in the faith and obedience of his Word But I will keep thy Precepts with my whole heart Ver. 70. Their heart is as fat as grease but I delight in thy law The sixth mark of a thankful man comforted after affliction and persecution is his despising the prosperity of the wicked in comparison of the benefit of a good conscience and joy in God Whence learn 1. It is the prosperity of the proud which encourageth them to persecute the godly yea their prosperity so benummeth their consciences that they may not fear to persecute Their heart is as fat as grease 2. As a benummed and seared conscience is a sin annexed to the sin of persecution so is it also the plague of God upon them ordinarily that they should not repent Their heart is as fat as grease 3. The comfort of a good conscience and the comfort of delighting in the obedience of faith is a greater welfare to the godly then prosperity how great soever it can be unto the wicked and so the godly need not envie the proud and prosperous man Their heart is fat as grease but I delight in thy law Ver. 71. It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy statutes The seventh mark of a thankful minde comforted after affliction is his estimation that holiness wrought by affliction bringeth more pleasure and gain then affliction did bring with it losse or pain Whence learn 1. The godly have as evil natures as the wicked have which cannot be subdued and beaten down except by affliction as appeareth by this experience of the Psalmist 2. Albeit no affliction for the present be pleasant yet afterward it proveth medicine to the godly whose wisdom it is to observe all the advantages which come thereby as the Psalmist doth here It is good for me that I was afflicted 3. Profiting in sanctification is more then may recompence all the trouble which we are put unto in learning of it It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy statutes Ver. 72. The Law of thy mouth is better unto me then thousands of gold and silver The eighth mark of his thankful minde comforted after affliction is his preferring the advantage of the written Word of God to all riches Whence learn 1. No affection to the Word of God can be in a man till it be esteemed by him as it is indeed the VVord of Gods mouth as it were breathed out by himself speaking it for
it is called here The law of thy mouth to direct and inforce our obedience 2. The spiritual advantage which a holy man doth make of Gods VVord is more worth then all earthly riches The law of thy mouth is better unto me then thousands of gold and silver IOD Ver. 73. Thy hands have made me and fashioned me give me understanding that I may learn thy Commandments 74. They that feare thee will be glad when they see me because I have hoped in thy word In this section is set down the example of the right carriage of a believer brought out of one calamity and cast into another his good behaviour consisteth in these six duties The first is to guard well against sin by seeking wisdome from God to bear well the tentation of new trouble Whence learn 2. Albeit nothing can satisfie misbelief yet true faith will make use of the most common benefit of Creation to strengthen it self Thine hands have made me and fashioned me 2. It is a good way of reasoning with God to ask another gift because we have received one and because he hath given common benefits to ask that he would give us also saving graces Thy hands have made me and fashioned me give me understanding that I may learn thy Commandments 3. Seeing God is our Creator and the end of our Creation is to serve God we may confidently aske whatsoever grace may enable us to serve him as the Psalmists example doth teach us 4. As the afflicted Petitioner for grace to obey Gods Commandments is strengthened in his faith by the hope of the glory which may come unto God by his holy behaviour so also is he strengthened in his prayer by the hope of the edification which others the Lords children may have by beholding his carriage They that feare thee will be glad when they see me 5. It should be the joy of all believers to see one of their number sustained and borne out in their sufferings for in the proof and example of one sufferer a pawne is given to all the rest that God will help them in the like case They that feare thee will be glad when they see me 6. The Lord shall so work for the man that hopes in his Word that both he and others shall have cause to be glad for the grace of faith and hope bestowed on him They shall be glad when they see me because I hoped in thy word Ver. 75. I know O LORD that thy judgements are right and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me The second duty of the suffering beleever is to ●ustifie God in afflicting of him Whence learn 1. Albeit we see not the particular reasons of Gods dispensation yet the belief of the Lords righteousnesse and wisdome should quiet our mindes from all murmuring and disputation and suspicion about the Lords doing as here is done I know O Lord that thy judgements are right 2. It is not sufficient that we justifie God and forbear to murmure against Gods afflicting of us but we must believe that God out of love doth afflict us by way of performing of his Covenant unto us I know that thou in thy faithfulness hast afflicted me Ver. 76. Let I pray thee thy merciful kindness be for my comfort according to thy Word unto thy servant 77. Let thy tender mercies come unto me that I may live for thy law is my delight The third duty of the afflicted servant of God is to seek comfort from God according to his promise Whence learn 1. Albeit we know that our sins have drawn on our affliction yet that must not hinder us to seek comfort from God in that affliction● and nothing can comfort the afflicted except the sense of Gods kindnesse and mercy to him Let I pray thee thy merciful kindnesse be for my comfort 2. Albeit full remedy be promised in the Word and albeit salve for every sore be treasured up there yet the sweet effect of these promises we cannot have without dealing with God by prayer to apply in particular what faith in the Word beleeveth in general Let thy merciful kindnesse be for my comfort according to thy Word 3. To the end we may have the benefit of the promise it is wisdome to thrust in our selves among those to whom the promise is made under one title or other as we can and to put our name in Gods Writ Let comfort come into me according to thy Word to thy servant that is the Word of Promise which is made to servants and so to me and so let it come to me 4. The sense of Gods tender mercy to the beleever is the very life of the beleever it is death to him to want it Let thy tender mercies come unto me that I may live 5. As we love the sense of Gods mercy so must we love Gods Word and studie the obedience of faith and he who hath the one may pray and hope for the other Let thy tender mercies come unto me for thy law is my delight Ver. 78. Let the proud be ashamed for they dealt perversly with me without a cause but I will meditate in thy Precepts The fourth duty of the afflicted servant of God especially by persecution is to pray against his enemies and then to go on in his way of serving God VVhence learn 1. Proud gracelesse impenitent men will not prove friends to the godly but unreasonable persecutors of them as they finde occasion The proud have dealt perversly with me without a cause 2. When the proud and wicked in the world are our party God will be a friend to us who do seek for relief from him and will disappoint them of their plots against us Let the proud be ashamed for they dealt perversly with me without a cause 3. Persecution by the wicked maketh and should make the godly studie to understand the Word of God more clearly and fully then before Let the proud be ashamed but I will meditate in thy Precepts 4. The best defence against persecution is to stand fast in a good cause and studie obedience to Gods Word for by this meanes the afflicted do remain Gods servants and the Lord is engaged to do for them as his servants for this is the course the Psalmist taketh Ver. 79. Let those that feare thee turne unto me and those that have known thy testimonies The fifth duty of the afflicted and persecuted is to labour to know friendship and fellowship with others who are godly which may both strengthen themselves and others VVhence learn 1. As it should not seem strange unto us if the godly forsake our fellowship when we are persecuted seeing God doth suffer this for the humbling and trying and turning us to believe in God alone so it is our duty to recover them who have deserted us and to draw them in unto us again and to pray to God to further us Let those that feare thee turne unto me doth teach all this 2. As God when
he pleaseth diverts the comfort of the fellowship of godly friends so he can bring them back again to us as the prayer doth import 3. Only they who with feare to offend God have the sound knowledge of Gods Word are fit comforters and strengtheners of the godly under persecution Let those that feare thee turne unto me and those that keep thy testimonies Ver. 80. Let my heart be sound in thy statutes that I be not ashamed The sixth duty of the afflicted is to studie above all things to be sincere in his carriage and in his defence of a good cause uprightly aiming to do what is right rightly and for the right ends Whence learn 1. Minde and heart in the best men are so perverted by natural corruption which is not fully abolished in any that not mans free will but Gods free grace must help this evil for this prayer Let my heart be sound in thy statutes doth import so much 2. Sound knowledge of the statutes and sound affection toward the statutes and a sound purpose in the following of the statutes must be joyned together in the Lords Martyrs Let my heart be sound in thy statutes 3. As the unsound heart will not bear out the good cause nor keep up with the godly in their good way but will fall off to his own shame so the upright man fleeing unto God in the fear of his owne weaknesse and suspicion of the deceit of his own heart shall be preserved from shame as this prayer importeth Let my heart be sound in thy statutes that I be not ashamed CAPH In this section is shewen how deep the persecuted servant of God may draw in his affliction before God give him comfort in the first foure verses thereof and how he should behave himself in that sad condition in the last foure Vers. 81. My soule fainteth for thy salvation but I hope in thy word 82. Mine eyes faile for thy word saying When wilt thou comfort me 83. For I am become like a bottle in the smoak yet do I not forget thy statutes 84. How many are the dayes of thy servant when wilt thou execute judgement on them that persecute me As for the first there are foure degrees of his deepnesse in distresse to wit fainting of faith almost failing of hope failing of the body and longing for death Whence learn 1. It is not strange to see God breaking the heart of his own childe with affliction even when he is suffering persecution that so his faith may be tried and trained unto more strength My soule fainteth 2. A beleever in God how afflicted soever he be seeketh not to be delivered but in a way allowed of God My soul fainteth for thy salvation or till thou deliver me in thy good way 3. The strength of the faith of the strongest of Gods servants will prove but small when affliction is great and Gods help is delayed My soule fainteth for thy salvation 4. Albeit the faith of the Lords children seem to faint yet it cannot die it cannot faile altogether for it looketh to the Word and thereby gathereth strength and hope My soule fainteth but I hope in thy Word 5. Albeit hope keepeth the eye of the minde so fixed upon the promise as it is ever looking for deliverance yet long delay of help maketh hope weak and ready to faint Mine eyes faile for thy word 6. Hope and patience and complaining unto God may stand altogether but they must never be severed from prayer Mine eyes faile for thy word saying When wilt thou comfort me 7. Longer exercise by trouble may affect the bodie of Gods dearest children so as wasting leanness may be seen on it I am become as a skin-bottle dried in the smoak 8. No trouble should drive us to sin but we should choose rather to pine away in affliction then to be freed from it with sin I am become like a bottle in the smoke yet I do not forget thy statutes 9. It is good in time of persecution or affliction whatsoever to have an eye both on the Promises and on the Precepts for the looking to the Promise doth encourage to hope and the eyeing of the Precepts doth prove the hope to be sound The Psalmist hoped in the word v. 81. and v. 83. He forgate not the statutes 10. Albeit long affliction be able to make the believer weary of life and to desire to die yet must he yield unto God to live so long as he pleaseth How many are the dayes of thy servant 11. The delivery of the persecuted is ordinarily joyned with the punishment of the persecutors and the afflicted must wait till their cup be full When wilt thou execute judgement on them that persecute me Ver. 85. The proud have digged pits for me which are not after thy law 86. All thy Commandments are faithful they persecute me wrongfully help thou me 87. They had almost consumed me upon earth but I forsook not thy Precepts 88. Quicken me after thy loving kindnesse so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth He sheweth yet further how he carried himself in this condition he layeth out his enemies carriage before God v. 85 86. and his owne stedfastnesse in extream danger v. 87. and prayeth for comfort that he may in his trial beare out v. 88. Whence learn 1. The course of persecutors is full of traps and snares whereby they studie to overtake the godly without fear of sinning in so doing The proud have digged pits for me which are not after thy law 2. As the common quarrel of the wicked against the godly is for keeping of Gods commands so the common comfort of the godly is that they have a good cause to defend All thy Commandments are faithful they persecute me wrongfully 3. The worse the cause and course is which our adversaries do follow the more hopeful may we be to be helped of God They persecute me wrongfully help thou me 4. It is a good meanes of courage and comfort and strength in persecution to lay the carriage and cause of us and of our adversaries before our eyes and compare them together by the Word and then lay them forth before God as the Psalmist doth here 5. Albeit the godly may run the hazard of losing all things they have in the earth yet that is the height of their hazard in defence of Gods truth for what they have in Heaven cannot be taken from them They had almost consumed me upon earth 6. No hazard of whatsoever we have in the world life lands goods friends liberty or what else can warrant a man to depart from the obedience of Gods command controverted between the persecutor and him They had almost consumed me upon earth but I forsook not thy Precepts 7. Through the infirmity of the flesh the feeling of the comforts of Religion and the freedome of following Gods service chearfully may be interrupted as quicken me here doth import 8. Whatsoever measure of spiritual life strength or
except God only O how love I thy law 2. True love to the Scripture maketh good memory of it and frequent meditation of it also It is my meditation all the day Ver. 98. Thou through thy Commandments hast made me wiser then mine enemies for they are ever with me The second reason of commending the Scripture is the wisdom which it teacheth against enemies Whence learn 1. Holiness is great wisdome for albeit learning and malice and long experience may teach persecutors much yet wisdom from the Word of God doth teach the persecuted believer far more Through thy Commandments thou hast made me wiser then mine enemies 2. Such as derive their wisdom not from the Word of God but from the counsel of flesh and blood within or without themselves cannot have their counsellors alwayes with them to consult with but he that seeketh his wisdom from God and his Word hath his counsel alwayes present with him to bring to his remembrance what he hath learned and to teach him to make use of it For thy Commandments are ever with me 3. Whatsoever use or benefit we make by the Word of God all the glory thereof belongeth to the Lord For thou through thy Commandments hast made me wiser then mine enemies Vers. 99. I have more understanding then all my teachers for thy Testimonies are my meditation The third reason of commending the Scripture is because the beleever thereby is made more wise then his teachers Whence learn 1. Wisdome is not so●ied to teachers but God is free to give as much and more to those that are taught I have more understanding then my teachers 2. Though the teacher give forth the general doctrine of faith and manners yet there is a more particular application of the Word to the hearers which only God furnisheth unto the beleever by the Word and in this respect the believer may say I have more understanding then all my teachers 3. The special application of the Word to our several necessities cometh by joyning private means with the publick such as are reading praying and meditation For thy testimonies are my meditation Ver. 100. I understand more then the ancients because I keep thy Precepts The fourth reason of the commending of the Word is because it is able to make a man more wise then old age and long experience of the affaires of men in the world can do VVhence learn 1. Old age and experience in common affaires is not effectual to direct men in the course of Gods obedience especially when they have to do with persecutors but Gods special wisdom by the VVord must come in here and teach I understand more then the ancients 2. To keep close to direction of Gods Word is more safe then to follow the minde of antiquity departing from the VVord or the authority of men I have more understanding then the ancients because I keep thy Precepts Ver. 101. I have refrained my feet from every evil way that I may keep thy Word The fifth reason of the commendation of the Scripture which is also an evidence of his respect unto it is because for the love of the understanding of it and keeping of it he had abandoned every sinful course how pleasant and how profitable soever it seemed to be VVhence learn He that would be a wise disciple of Gods VVord must beware ●o follow sinful courses for so he shall grieve Gods Spirit who must make the VVord clear unto him neither is it sufficient to abstain from notorious sins only but also from every evil way for the same reason I have restrained my feet from every evil way that I may keep thy VVord Ver. 102. I have not departed from thy judgements for thou hast taught me The sixth reason of his commending the VVord is because he was enabled by it to overcome all tentations which tended to divert him from obedience thereof VVhence learn 1. As there are nor wanting tentations on all hands to divert men from obedience of the VVord specially in time of persecution so there is great need of adhering unto it alwayes and specially in time of trouble as the Psalmist did I have not departed from thy Commandment 2. He who hath stood fast in his obedience in the day of trouble may lawfully take comfort in it afterward but must give the glory thereof unto God as here I have not departed from thy judgements for thou hast taught me Ver. 103. How sweet are thy words unto my taste yea sweeter then honey to my mouth The seventh reason of his commending the Scripture is because of felt sweetnesse in it VVhence learn 1. There is pleasure and delight to be found in hearing reading speaking and meditating on Gods VVord yet only the believer is he who can discern it How sweet are thy words to my taste 2. Spiritual pleasure doth far surmount earthly and carnal pleasure Thy words are sweeter then honey to my mouth Ver. 104. Through thy Precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way The eighth reason of his commending the VVord is because he is made wise to sanctification by it and made to hate all sin for it VVhence learn 1. As men are involved in error because they understand not the Scriptures so by the knowledge of it they are delivered from errour and made wise against seducers Through thy Precepts I get understanding 2. He that rightly understandeth the Scripture as he cannot choose but love and commend it so he cannot choose but hate every course contrary to it Therefore I hate every false way 3. Because every sinful way is a false way and cannot but deceive the man that walketh therein therefore we must hate every sinful way and that from the fountain of love to the VVord of God Through thy Precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way NUN Ver. 105. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path As in the former section he gave evidences of his love respect to the Word of God so in this section he giveth eight evidences of his sincere purpose to make use of it in his practice for time to come The first is his resolution to make it his light to direct him in all his actions Whence learn 1. A mans wayes are all in darknesse except in so far as he followeth the direction of Scripture but he that followeth the rule of the Word knoweth whither he goeth and what he doth Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet 2. The light of Scripture is not only able to give a man general rules for ordering his life but also to direct every particular action Thy Word is a light unto my path 3. Love to the word estimation of it which is the duty set forth in the former section is best evidenced by making practical use of it in a mans conversation which is the duty set down in this section and whosoever loveth it and loveth it so as to obey
it shall finde a sweet lively and comfortable light in it to carry him through all the dark passages of this miserable and sinful life that he shall have cause to say Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet c. Ver. 106. I have sworn and I will perform it that I will keep thy righteous judgements The second evidence of his purpose to conforme his life to the rule of the Word is the tying of himself by an oath to endeavour to keep it Whence learn 1. The upright man is willing to be bound to the obedience of Gods Word not only with the necessary bond of Gods Command and of his natural duty to his Sovereign but also by the straitest voluntary bonds he can and will not repent his resolution for ever I have sworne and will perform it that I will keep thy righteous judgements 2. Vowes Covenants and Oathes to tie us unto the faith profession and obedience of the true Religion set down in Scripture are lawful and sanctified meanes to help us to be constant I have vowed and will perform it that I will keep thy righteous judgements 3. The equity of all the Commands of God should be a great motive to fasten us unto the obedience thereof I will keep thy righteous judgements Vers. 107. I am afflicted very much quicken me O LORD according to thy Word A third evidence of his purpose to make use of Gods VVord is his seeking nothing for his comfort and encouragement in his greatest affliction except the quickening of spiritual life in himself by the VVord Whence learn 1. It is no strange thing for the most holy men to be acquainted with the saddest sort of affliction bodily and spiritual I am afflicted very much 2. From whence soever affliction doth come faith goeth to God only for comfort as here Quicken me O Lord. 3. VVhen God is pleased to make the VVord of Promise lively or to performe what the promise alloweth us to expect such a consolation is a sufficient antidote to the heaviest affliction Quicken me O Lord according to thy VVord Ver. 108. Accept I beseech thee the free-will-offerings of my mouth O LORD and teach me thy judgements A fourth evidence of his purpose to make use of Gods VVord is his present practising of it in offering spiritual sacrifices of confession praise and prayer that his service may be acceptable and that he may be taught yet more in the obedience of the VVord VVhence learn 1. It was spiritual moral service which the Lord by the Ceremonial Law did teach his people of old to offer unto him through Christ and the godly in the Jewish Church were not ignorant of this for here the Psalmist prayeth Accept I beseech thee the free-will-offerings of my mouth 2. Albeit our best service be unworthy of it self to be presented to God but must have weight by Gods gracious acceptation yet must we offer it and have hope through Christs sacrifice that it shall be accepted Accept I beseech thee the free-will-offerings of my mouth 3. Together with the offer of our present service it is good to joyne the purpose of growing in obedience and prayer for grace so to do still Accept the free-will-offerings of my mouth and teach me thy judgements Ver. 109. My soule is continually in my hand yet do I not forget thy law The fifth evidence of his purpose to practise Gods VVord is his resolution on all hazards even of his life to keep affectionate memory and actual respect unto Gods revealed will Whence learn VVhosoever will live godly must resolve to run hazard of life daily in the time of persecution and he who layeth his reckoning so hath evidence in himself of his upright purpose to follow Gods VVord My soul or my life is continually in my hand as ready to be laid down for maintaining of righteousness Yet do I not forget thy law Ver. 110. The wicked have laid a snare for me yet I erred not from thy Precepts The sixth evidence of his purpose of constancy in Gods service is his approving of his former carriage in his by-past trial which sheweth he is resolved so to do also for time to come Whence learn 1. It is usual with persecutors to make acts and statutes or to broach some danger one or other which shall either force the godly to go off the right way of obedience to Gods VVord or to fall in the snare The wicked have laid a snare for me 2. The godly must hold on the royal way of Gods commands whether he fall in the snare of worldly inconvenience or not as the Psalmist did Yet I erred not from thy Precepts 3. He who hath kept the high-way and hath troden upon snares and repenteth not his course giveth evidence of his sincere purpose to follow the Lord thereafter also through all dangers as this example teacheth us Vers. 111. Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever for they are the rejoycing of my heart A seventh evidence of his purpose to adhere to Gods Word is his placing of his riches and pleasure in his adhering unto it Whence learn 1. The Word of God beleeved is the surest riches of the Saints which when all things faile doth maintaine and hold up their right unto God and eternal life and so should it be looked upon by the beleever Thy testimonies have I taken as my heritage for ever 2. The felt benefit of the Word of God furnishing spiritual light comfort peace strength meat drink clothing and whatsoever commodities an inheritance can yield is and should be the joy of the believer and a tie upon his heart to make him stick close unto it Thy testimonies have I taken as my heritage for ever for they are the rejoycing of my heart Ver. 112. I have inclined mine heart to perform thy statutes alway even unto the end The eighth evidence of his purpose to practise the Word of God is the bent of his heart carrying him on to performe whatsoever God doth command all the dayes of his life Whence learn 1. Albeit it be Gods work only to incline the heart unto Gods testimonies as we see v. 36. yet when God hath made the change and his childe is content to follow the direction of Gods Word this inclination of the heart is counted also the mans own work as here I have enclined my heart 2. As only hearty service pleaseth the Lord so that only is sincere and constant which proceeds from the heart and he who findeth this inclination hath in himself the witnesse of his sincerity I have enclined my heart to perform thy statutes alwayes even to the end SAMECH Vers. 113. I hate vaine thoughts but thy Law do I love 114. Thou art my hiding place and my shield I hope in thy Word As he gave before evidences of his affection to the Scripture and of his purpose to obey it in his practice so in this section he giveth six evidences of his hatred
reader in the maine points of salvation and commanded duties The entrance of thy word giveth light 5. An humble soul loving to be instructed albeit weak in natural judgement shall be made wise to salvation by it It giveth understanding to the simple 6. The more a man know the wonderfull excellency use and benefit of the Scripture the more will he love it and long to understand more of it as here the Psalmists experience teacheth I opened my mouth I panted for I longed for thy commandments 7. Common and ordinary affection or desire after the saving knowledge of the Scripture is not sufficient but affection earnestly bended is necessary according as the excellency of the wisdome in it doth require I opened my mouth and panted 8. The Word of God is no lesse necessary and comfortable to a mans soul then meat is to the hungry drink to the thirsty or coole aire to the weary I opened my mouth and panted 9. When a mans affection and love to Religion is kindled he hath great need to study hard to have sound knowledg and understanding of the Scripture lest his zeal and affection miscarry I longed for thy commandments Vers. 132. Look thou upon me and be mercifull unto me as thou usest to do unto those that love thy Name Unto this profession of his estimation and affection unto the Scripture he subjoyneth four petitions for the right use and benefit thereof The first is the sense of that mercy which is promised and usually bestowed upon such as love the Lord. Whence learn 1. The Lord bestoweth but short glimpse of his favour and reconciliation on his servants that they may finde their need to have that sense often renewed unto them Look thou upon me and be mercifull unto me 2. As it is a mark of Gods child to finde in himselfe love of Gods Name so it is a mark put upon him to be visited by God with glimpse of kindnesse and mercy to him Look upon me and be mercifull unto me as thou usest to do to them that love thy Name 3. As it is good to mark Gods usual dealing with his own children so it is good to study conformity with Gods children in our affection to God that we may sinde conformity with them in consolation for so doth the Psalmist here 4. It is wisdome for us not to affect singularity of divine dispensations toward us but to be content to be dealt with as others of Gods children before us have been dealt with Be mercifull to me as thou usest to do unto those that love thy Name Vers. 133. Order my stepts in thy word and let not any iniquity have dominion over me The second petition is for sanctification of his actions and for mortification of sinne Whence learn 1. Albeit we have the Word of God for our perfect rule yet we have need that God should fit us and strengthen us to the obedience of it Order my stepts in thy word Albeit by nature we are ignorant and erroneous uncertaine and unstable in the way of Gods obedience yet in the sense of our sinne and weaknesse we may pray to God with confidence to be heard Direct order and establish my steps in thy word for so much the Word in the Original doth import 3. Albeit by nature we are slaves to sinne and any sinne may bring us in subjection yet when in the sense of our weaknesse we have recourse to God to be helped we may pray with hope to be heard Let not any iniquity have dominion over me Ver. 134. Deliver me from the oppression of man so will I keep thy precepts The third petition is for delivery from the oppression of persecutors that they be not able to drive us from the belief and obedience of Gods Word Whence learn 1. Beside the body of sinne and inward tentations the godly have the persecution of the wicked without to drive them from Gods service as this prayer doth import 2. When the Lords servants in the sense of their weaknesse do seek help against persecutors he both can and will deliver them either by breaking the yoke of the oppressor or by giving strength to them to bear out in holy obedience of Gods Word under the burthen Deliver me from the oppression of man 3. The end of our seeking to be free from bodily bondage and trouble from men should be that we may serve God the more chearfully Deliver me so will I keep thy statutes Ver. 135. Make thy face to shine upon thy servant and teach me thy statutes The fourth petition is for spiritual consolation and increase of sanctification Whence learn 1. Albeit the sense of Gods favour to us may be withdrawn for a time yet the right which we have to God reconciled to us in Christ may bear us out in the hope of having it renewed unto us in his service Make thy face to shine upon thy servant 2. Because the Lord useth with the light of consolation to give also the light of direction in duties we should seek both and wait for both from the Lord Make thy face to shine and teach me thy statutes 3. As there are degrees of Gods manifesting of his favour and degrees of profiting in the obedience of Gods Word so should we seek the increase of both and no measure received should hinder the seeking of a greater measure as the often repeating of the same petitions in effect doth shew Make thy face to shine upon thy servant and teach me thy statutes Ver. 136. Rivers of waters runne down mine eyes because they keep not thy Law He addeth a reason to this last petition because it grieved him much to see God dishonoured by them among whom he lived and to see them by not obeying Gods statutes draw upon themselves Gods wrath Whence learn 1. He who is sorrowfull for dipleasure and dishonour done to God may look to be comforted by God as the connexion of this reason with the former petition doth teach 2. True zeal is so farre from private revenge of personal injuries received by persecutors as it can pitty their miserable case and mourn for them Rivers of waters runne down mine eyes because they keep not thy Law 3. Godly affections are larger then bodily expressions can set forth and that which bodily expressions do set forth signifieth a will to vent much more then the body could furnish Rivers of waters runne down mine eyes because they keep not thy Law TSADDI Ver. 137. Righteous art thou O LORD and upright are thy judgements In the last verse of this section he prayeth for a greater measure of the saving knowledge of the Scripture most ardently and premiseth eight reasons before the prayer from which he doth inferre his petition as a conclusion The first reason of this petition is from the righteousnesse of God which appeareth in the Scripture and in the execution of Gods Word Whence learn 1. The way set down in Scripture for justifying of men and the
for pleasure and that man for riches and he for honour and he for preferment the Lords children should be seeking grace to serve God as the Psalmist did I cried with my whole heart hear me O Lord and I will keep thy statutes 2. When the conscience can bear witnesse of hearty seeking of grace to serve God the Supplicant may confidently call for and expect comfortable quickening of his spirit unto Gods service as the comparison of this verse with the 149. verse doth shew 3. Whatsoever spiritual grace we seek of God we should seek it earnestly for if we seek it so as if we did not regard whether we obtained our request or not such seeking should under-value the grace which we seek I cried with my whole heart Vers. 146. I cried unto thee save me and I shall keep thy testimonies Another branch of the argument is because he did not pray for delivery out of his trouble for satisfaction of his natural desire but that he might give further proof of his purpose to obey Gods Word Whencee learn The conscience of a sincere purpose to seek God may encourage us to seek both consolation and lively ability to serve him I cried unto thee save me and I shall keep thy testimonies Vers. 147. I prevented the dawning of the morning and cried I hoped in thy word A third branch of the argument is because out of hope to finde the fruit of Gods promises he had been early about the duty of prayer Whence learn 1. Prayer should be earnestly followed and with no small diligence in using of the meanes specially of prayer so the Lords children come by their holy desires as here we see I prevented the dawning of the morning and cried 2. Looking unto the Word doth furnish faith and hope and faith and hope do furnish prayer or else the Supplicant might soon faint I cried I hoped in thy Word Ver. 148. Mine eyes prevent the night-watches that I might meditate in thy word A fourth branch of the argument is because when his nights rest was broken by troubles he did meditate on Gods Word when his persecutors were securely sleeping Whence learn 1. The difficultie wherein the Lords children are cast many times doth bereave them of their nights rest Mine eyes prevent the night-watches 2. The time which solicitude doth take from our sleep is to be spent upon prayer and meditation of Gods Word and not upon perplexing thoughts Mine eyes prevent the night-watches that I might meditate in thy VVord Vers. 149. Heare my voice according unto thy loving kindnesse O LORD quicken me according to thy judgement This is the main petition in this section put up for renewing and encreasing in him the vigour of spiritual life by faith in the Word wherein he giveth a second reason of this his prayer taken from Gods kindnesse expressed in his promises Whence learne 1. Albeit a man had no special promise of help in a particular exercise of trouble yet the consideration of Gods mercy and loving kindnesse manifested in general in his Word is a sufficient ground to strengthen his hope to be helped Hear my voice according to thy loving kindnesse O quicken me according to thy judgements 2. As the feeling of spiritual deadnesse doth argue life and sense in Gods children so doth it fit a man for renewed influence and sense of spiritual life O Lord qu●cken me according to thy testimonies Vers. 150. They draw nigh that follow after mischief they are far from thy law 151. Thou art near and all thy Commandments are truth The third reason of his petition is because his enemies were ready to do him a mischief and were far from regarding Gods law but he believed God was the more n●ar to deliver him and that his Word was true and therefore he desireth renewed vigour of spiritual life Whence learn 1. The more near that danger is the more ground of confidence have Gods children in their danger to call and hope for the influence of his Spirit They draw near that follow after mischief 2. The further the enemies of the godly are from Gods law and the nearer they are to do a mischief the nearer are Gods children to finde the communion of the life of God They draw near that follow after mischief they are far from thy law 3. For the consolation of a sufferer for righteousnesse it is necessary to believe Gods readiness to deliver him and to believe the truth of Gods Word whereby his cause is justified for the following of Gods command is a pledge of Gods assisting of him and delivery also no lesse then a promise Thou art near and all thy Commandments are Vers. 12. Concerning thy Testimonies I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever A fourth reason of the petition is because he had long since experience of the everlasting stability of Gods testimonies and therfore craveth to be quickned according to them Whence learn 1. The faith of the stability unchangablenes of Gods Word in general is a good meanes of applying and making use of the passages thereof in particular Concerning thy testimonies I know that thou hast founded them for ever 2. By-past experience of the truth of Gods VVord is an encouragement to hope for help in like trials afterward Concerning thy testimonies I know of old that thou hast founded them for ever RESH Vers. 153. Consider mine affliction and deliver me for I do not forget thy law In this section he prayeth for delivery out of his affliction and for quickening of him by consolation and spiritual ability to serve God till the delive●y came and to strengthen himself in the hope of obtaining this he bringeth forth eight reasons of his petition The first is the conscience of his adherence unto and endeavour to obey the Lords Word Whence learn 1. Albeit the Lord cannot but see and consider our trouble yet we can hardly rest satisfied till he by real effect make it evident that he piti●th us in our affliction and delivereth us out of it Consider mine affliction and deliver me 2. As no trouble or tentation should drive us from the obedience of Gods Word so the more closely we adhere to the Word in the obedience of faith the more may we be assured to be delivered Deliver me for I do not forget thy law Ver. 154. Plead my cause and deliver me quicken me according to thy Word He urgeth the same petition and insinuateth a second reason for it from the Lords engagement by his Word to be Advocate for him to deliver him and to quicken him Whence learne 1 Albeit the godly under persecution have a good cause yet they cannot plead it except God their Redeemer shew himself as Advocate for them therefore prayeth the Psalmist Plead my cause 2. When God the Redeemer pleadeth a mans cause he doth it to purpose really and effectually Plead my cause and deliver me 3. Except the Lords Clients shall finde new influence from
God from time to time in their troubles they are but as dead men in their exercise for Quieken me importeth this 4. Till we find lively encouragement given to us in trouble we must adhere to the Word of promise Quicken me according to thy Word 5. What the believer hath need of that God hath not only a will to supply but also an office to attend it and power to effectuate it as here he hath the office of an Advocate and of a powerful Redeemer also wherein the believer may confidently give him daily employment as he needeth Plead my cause and deliver me quicken me according to thy Word Ver. 155. Salvation is far from the wicked for they seek not thy statutes A third reason of his petition of delivery is because the wicked who misregard Gods commands when they fal into trouble are far from delivery Whence learn 1. The wicked have neither rght to salvation nor to temporal delivery from trouble when they fall into it Salvation is far from the wicked 2. It is the mark of a wicked person to misregard or not to care to know and obey Gods Word Salvation is far from the wicked for they seek not thy statutes 3. Salvation is near to those that make conscience to obey Gods Word how strait soever their condition shall seem for so much doth the force of this reason import Ver. 156. Great are thy tender mercies O LORD quicken me according to thy judgements A fourth reason of his petition is because Gods tender mercies are great and therefore the Psalmist may expect the influence of life till he be delivered Whence learn 1. When the godly do think or speak of the damnable condition of the wicked they should not be senselesse of their own deserving nor of Gods grace which hath made the difference between the wicked and them Great are thy tender mercies O Lord. 2. As the mercies of the Lord which are the fountain of all the benefits which the believer doth ask are very excellent in themselves so are they in the estimation of the believer when he looketh upon them they are many and mother-like tender and great Great are thy tender mercies O Lord. 3. Spiritual life is subject to often fainting and hath need frequently to be supported and restored by the believers looking on the promise and presenting of his case unto God on the one hand and by Gods granting of the petition on the other hand Quicken me according to thy judgements Vers. 157. Many are my persecutors and mine enemies yet do I not decline from thy testimonies A fifth reason of his petition is because he had many persecutors and yet did adhere to Gods Word Whence learn 1. As it is no strange thing to see the godliest men exposed most to persecution so it is no small measure of grace which God bestoweth on them to bear out the truth against all opposition Many are my persecutors and mine enemies yet do I not decline from thy testimonies 2. He who continueth in the faith and obedience of the Word against persecution may expect sustenance and consolation in his trouble and delivery out of it for this is the force of the reason Vers. 158. I beheld the transgressours and was grieved because they kept not thy Word A sixth reason of his petition is because he was sorrowful to see his enemies provoke God by their transgressions VVhence learn 1. Anger grief indignation and loathing which the word in the original doth bear are lawful in Gods quarrel against sin I beheld the transgressors and was grieved because they kept not thy word 2. He who is affected with grief anger and vexation for Gods cause when he seeth God provoked by transgressors may expect consolation and strength to himself in the defence of Gods cause as the force of the reason doth import Ver. 159. Consider how I love thy Precepts quicken me O LORD according to thy loving kindnesse A seventh reason of his petition is because he did sincerely love the Lords Word and therefore expected to be quickened in the sense of Gods kindnesse Whence learn 1. It is a mark of true zeal for God which floweth from love of the Lords Word and he who findeth this mark in himself may offer it to God for a proof of his sincerity Consider how I love thy Precepts 2. He who can approve his love to Gods Word and his zeal for God to be sincere may expect consolation and strength from God in his need as the reason doth prove 3. So oft as we finde deadnesse in our spirits so oft should we run to Gods kindnesse the fountain of life to repaire it Quicken me O Lord according to thy loving kindnesse Vers. 160. Thy Word is true from the beginning and every one of thy righteous judgements endureth for ever The eighth reason of his petition is because the Word of God and every part of it according whereunto he craved comfort and delivery out of his trouble was true and unchangeable for ever Whence learn 1. Such is the excellency of the Word of God as neither it can be sufficiently commended nor the believer satisfie himself in commmendation thereof as this among many commendations doth testifie 2. Truth and all truth is the short summe of the whole Scripture from the beginning to the ending of it nothing but truth nothing allowed in it but righteousnesse Thy Word is true from the beginning and every one of thy righteous judgements endure for ever 3. He who foundeth his prayer for comfort and delivery on the rock of Gods faithful and righteous Word may be sure to obtain his request as the force of this reason doth evidence SHIN Vers. 161. Princes have persecuted me without a cause but my heart standeth in awe of thy Word In this section he taketh comfort by six approved evidences of saving grace felt in himself which he presenteth unto God to be sealed by him The first evidence is his adherence to the obedience of faith notwithstanding of his being persecuted by Princes Whence learn 1. It is a sore tentation when the godly are persecuted for righteousnesse by their Governours by whom they should be encouraged and defended and yet this exercise of the godly is no strange matter Princes have persecuted me without a cause 2. As it is an ease and a piece of comfort to the godly that they have not deserved persecution so their innocency is an aggravation of the sin of the persecutor as here They have persecuted me without a cause 3. There is no means to save us from sinning for fear of men but the fear of the supreme power of the Almighty But my heart standeth in awe of thy word which is all one as to stand in awe of God 4. To bear out persecution of Princes out of respect to the obedience of Gods Word and fear to offend God is a mark of saving grace as here it is brought forth Vers. 162. I rejoyce at thy
faith there is a sincere keeping of the commands My soule hath kept thy testimonies 3. VVhere the love to Gods VVord and the obedience thereof exceedeth the mans love to any thing which might divert him there is a sincerity in keeping of the VVord I love thy testimonies exceedingly 4. As the looking alwayes unto Gods all-seeing eye is a special meanes to make a man keep his commands so the conscience of his endeavour so to do testifieth sincerity I have kept thy Precepts and thy Testimonies for all my wayes are before thee TAU Vers. 149. Let my cry come near before thee O LORD give me understanding according to thy Word In this last section he closeth all the former sweet meditations and comfortable expressions concerning his faith and love and the fruits thereof with five petitions The first is for the encrease of saving knowledge of the Scriptures Whence learn 1. Nothing is so necessary to be sought of God as practical knowledge whereby a man may know how to behave himself toward God and man in every estate according to the rule of Scripture Give me understanding according to thy word 2. If God delay to answer us in this petition or any other or seem to hide himself from us let us follow hard after him with earnest supplication as the Psalmist teacheth us Let my cry come near before thee O Lord. 3. The promises of Gods Word are sufficient to give us breath in crying and hope to have a good answer and patience till it come Give me understanding according to thy Word Ver. 170. Let my supplications come before thee deliver me according to thy Word The next petition is for deliverance out of his trouble Whence learn 1. Albeit the believer is not exempted from trouble but rather engaged to bear the crosse till he come to the crown yet is he priviledged to have accesse to God in prayer for comfort strength and deliverance from it Let my supplication come before thee deliver me according to thy Word 2. The believer craveth nothing but what is promised and as that may so it doth satisfie him Deliver me according to thy Word Vers. 171. My lips shall utter praise when thou hast taught me thy statutes 172. My tongue shall speak of thy Word for all thy Commandments are righteousness He strengthens his hope in these two prayers by a promise of thankfulness for any measure of a gracious answer Whence learn 1. As the end of our petitions should be that we may be enabled to praise God really so the use of granting of our petitions should be thanks and praise My lips shall utter thy praise when thou hast taught me thy statutes 2. Thanksgiving in words doth best beseem the man who indeed is obedient in his life unto God and as no man can obey God in his deeds but he that is taught of God so he that is taught of God to obey in deeds may well promise upon that condition to praise God in words also My lips shall utter praise when thou hast taught me thy statutes 3. To teach others the wayes of God requireth that we our selves be taught of God When thou hast taught me thy statutes my tongue shall speak of thy Word 4. There is no ground of edifying our selves and others and of glorifying of God but from the Word of the Lord My tongue shall speak of thy Word 5. True righteousness is to be found only in the Word of God and nothing is approved in it nor recommended to us by it save righteousnesse only which should move us thy more to study it our selves and then to communicate it to others For all thy Commandments are righteousnesse Ver. 173. Let thine hand help me for I have chosen thy Precepts 174. I have longed for thy salvation O LORD and thy Law is my delight A third petition is for assistance in trouble till God should send full delivery to him whereof three reasons are subjoyned One from his making choice of the Word above all earthly things Another from his longing and expecting of deliverance according to it And the third is from his delight in the Word Whence learn 1. As they who are resolved to serve God may be sure of opposition and of adversaries and of trouble from them so may they be perswaded to finde Gods help in all their troubles against adversaries for this much is imported in those words Let thy hand help me 2. A●beit allurements to divert the believer from Gods obedience be offered unto him yet must he reject them and deliberately prefer Gods obedience to them all for thus much is imported in the Psalmists practice For I have chos●n thy Precepts 3. He who hath preferred obedience to the baits of sin and hath resolved rather to suffer then to sin may look for Gods assistance to sustain him in his trouble that he shall never have cause to repent him of his choice Help me for I have chosen thy Precepts 4. Albeit it be natural to seek deliverance out of trouble yet it is proper to the godly to love no deliverance but such as God sendeth by his owne meanes in his own time and in this minde to wait for this sort of deliverance in the way of Gods obedience For I have longed for thy salvation O Lord was the Psalmists way to be delivered 5. The beleever is not comfortlesse in his trouble he hath his own spiritual comfort pleasure and delight in Gods truth or in God manifested therein Thy Law is my delight saith the Psalmist in trouble Ver. 175 Let my soule live and it shall praise thee and let thy judgements help me A fourth petition is for continuation of his life for honouring of God Whence learn 1. As the godly have no will to fall into the hands of men or to lose their life by murtherers so do they not love life but for further glorifying of God Let my soule live and it shall praise thee 2. Whosoever have a design to honour God in their life which design they have not as yet attained may lawfully pray for prolonging their life a while Let my soule live and it shall praise thee 3. As the Word of God hath pronounced sentence already for the sustaining of his suffering servants and for taking order with their persecutors so accordingly may the godly pray and expect to be helped Let thy judgements help me Ver. 176. I have gone astray like a lost sheep seek thy servant for I do not forget thy Commandments The fifth and last petition is that the Lord would recal the Psalmist now being a banished exile and bring him home to the communion of his people as a wandring sheep is brought home to the flock by a kindly shepherd Whence learn 1. As the beleever is alwayes a pilgrim in his affection toward this earth so also he may be corporally banished from his native countrey and thrust out f●om the fellowship of the Church as the experience of the
believing students of holinesse have enemies both without the Church visible and within it both heathen and people 2. God will be avenged upon them all great and small for it is presupposed that vengeance must be executed upon the heathen and punishment upon the people 3. The believers are in a fort executioners of this vengeance because they as doomsters do take the sentence from the mouth of God the just Judge and pronounce doom on them whereupon in the set time followeth execution the Word of God falling on them in effect as a sharp sword to cut them asunder thus the truth and justice of God with his other attributes all being parts of his praise Are a two-edged sword in their hands to execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishment upon the people 4. The greatest Monarchs Rulers and Judges among men are subjected unto the Word of God and must be bound either to the beliefe and obedience of it or unto the punishment and vengeance pronounced against the transgressors thereof so fast as if they were bound in strongest fetters for the praise of God in the mouth of his Saint are To binde their kings with chaines and their nobles with fetters of iron 5. The Lords children and Saints must not do wrong to Kings or Nobles or to any man else they must neither pronounce nor execute judgement according as they please but as the written Word of God prescribeth or alloweth for here they are tied To execute nothing upon them save the judgement written 6. These priviledges are spirituall and common to all believers who according to their places and callings whether publick or private may for their own comfort and for others edification accordingly apply the Word of God to themselves and against their enemies for This honour have all his Saints and therefore they ought in a special manner to blesse God for their priviledges Praise ye the Lord. PSALME CL. IN this Psalme the Spirit of the Lord doth call upon us thirteen times to praise the Lord Each exhortation pointeth forth God to be the only object of pra●se The first and the last exhortation is to all to praise God absolutely without giving any motive more then his very Name importeth which indeed is a sufficient reason for seeing the Lord is God who hath his being of himself and all the creatures have their being of him and dependance on him it followeth of necessity that he is praise worthy in himself and deserveth to be praised by all his creatures The second third fourth and fifth exhortations have reasons and motives annexed unto them as the matter of his praise v. 1 2. The sixth seventh eighth nineth tenth eleventh do teach the manner of his praise under the termes of the Levitical service v. 3 4 5. and the twelfth pointeth at the persons or special party which must yield the praise unto God with a reason insinuated moving thereunto v. 6. Ver. 1. PRaise ye the LORD Praise God in his Sanctuary Praise him in the firmament of his power 2. Praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatnesse From these exhortations which have motives annexed to them Learn 1. The holinesse of God which is the unstained clearness and untainted glory of all his attributes such as are his wisdom power justice mercy and all the rest of his properties mentioned in Scripture is the subject of the Saints praising of God in the Church and of Spirits praising of him in heaven for the word in the Original doth bear Praise the Lord in his holinesse in hls Sanctuary in heaven his holy place 2. The holinesse of God should be mainly looked unto by all men who are about to praise him that our hearts and mouthes may be rightly framed for so high a service and we may beware to take his Name in vain for he will be sanctified of all that draw near unto him especially in the work of praise Praise God in his holinesse 3. Matter of praise is furnished to us in the wisdom and power of God which is to be seen in the creatures and particularly in the frame of the stories of heaven in the first whereof his power supports the huge weight of waters in the clouds in the second the stars and planets move and make their circles constantly and in the third Heavens Angels and Spirits of just men made perfect do praise God Praise him in the firmament of his power 4. Matter of praising God is furnished by his manifold mighty acts to be seen in the powerful sustaining ruling and employing of all his creatures as he seeth fittest for his own glory for the building of his Church delivering of her from dangers and overthrowing of her enemies Praise the Lord for his mighty acts 5. Matter of praising God is furnished in his wonderful greatnesse and in the rayes of excellency shining in all his dispensations and manner of governing the world sustaining some individual creatures which are still the same from the Creation and multiplying others in their kinde to the astonishment of a serious beholder Praise him according to his excellent greatnesse Vers. 3. Praise him with the sound of the Trumpet praise him with the Psaltery and Harpe 4. Praise him with the Timbrel and dance praise him with stringed instrumrnts and Organs 5. Praise him upon the lond Cymbals praise him upon the high sounding Cymbals Here are other six exhorrations teaching the manner of praising God under the shadow of typical musick appointed in the Ceremonial Law Whence learn 1 Albeit the typical Ceremonies of musical instruments in Gods publick worship belonging to the paedagogie of the Church in her minority before Christ be now abolished with the rest of the Ceremonies yet the moral duties shadowed forth by them are still to be studied because this duty of praising God and praising him with all our minde strength and soule is moral whereunto we are perpetually obliged 2. The variety of musical instruments some of them made use of in the Campe as trumpets some of them more suitable to a peaceable condition as Psalteries and Harps some of them sounding by blowing winde in them some of them sounding by lighter touching of them as stringed instruments some of them by beating on them more sharply as Tabrets Drums and Cymbals some of them sounding by touching and blowing also as Organs all of them giving some certain sound some more quiet and some making more noise some of them having a harmonie by themselves some of them making a Consort with other instruments or with the motions of the body in dancings some of them serving for one use some of them serving for another and all of them serving to set forth Gods glory and to shadow forth the duty of worshippers and the priviledges of the Saints The plurality and variety I say of these instruments were fit to represent divers conditions of the spiritual man and of the greatnesse of the joy to be found
is called The judgement of his mouth 3. As the conscience of communicating of our knowledge and our spiritual gifts is a means of encouragement to seek a greater measure so it is an evidence of the sincerity and fruitfulness of what knowledge we have Teach me thy statutes with my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth Ver. 14. I have rejoyced in the way of thy testimonies as much as in all riches The sixth evidence of his sincere endeavour to conforme his way to Gods Word is his joy in Gods service Whence learn 1. Delight in Gods service and worship is a mark of sincere obedience of his Word I have rejoyced in the way of thy testimonies 2. Spiritual joy in spiritual objects farre exceedeth any joy in worldly possessions I have rejoyced in the way of thy testimonies more then in all riches 3. It is a most sure joy which ariseth from the conscience of practical obedience and not from contemplation only I have rejoyced in the way of thy testimonies Ver. 15. I will meditate in thy Precepts and have respect unto thy wayes 16. I will delight my self in thy statutes I will not forget thy word The seventh evidence of his sincere endeavour to conforme his way unto Gods Word is his engagement to set his heart toward Gods Word in time to come and not to rest upon any thing already past and done Whence learn 1 Sincerity of our obedience present and past is proved best by joyning of our hearty resolution and purpose to go on for time to come I have rejoyced I will meditate I will delight in thy statutes 2. It is a profitable meanes to grow in grace to meditate on Gods Word I will meditate on thy Precepts 3. Meditation is then fruitful when in our conversation we have respect to the wayes of God set down in his Word whereupon we have meditated I will have respect unto thy wayes 4. In meditation on the Word and endeavour to make use of it in our life we will easily wax weary except we make this course our delight I will delight my self in thy statutes 5. Meditation will faile and delectation will wax cold except the Word be treasured up in a sanctified memory I will not forget thy Word Thus a copy is cast for a young man to cleanse his way and to make his life comfortable GIMEL In this section he prayeth the Lord for continuance of his life that he may have occasion of further service which he desireth may be done by him and for this end also he prayeth that he may have a deeper insight in the mysteries of Gods Word v. 17 18. And these two petitions he presseth by three reasons v. 19 20 21. He prayeth also for clearing of his innocency and for removing reproach from him for other three reasons v. 22 23 24. Ver. 17. Deal bountifully with thy servant that I may live and keep thy word 18. Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wonderous things out of thy law From the first two petitions Learn 1. As lengthening of life is the good gift of God in it self and no small benefit to the man who purposeth to employ it well so life may be lawfully prayed for Deal bountifully with thy servant that I may live 2. As the end of our life should be that God may be served so life should not be desired not loved except for that end but willingly laid down rather then we should forsake his command Deal bountifully with thy servant that I may live and keep thy Word 3. A faithful servant should count his by-past service richly rewarded by being employed yet more in further service as this prayer teacheth Deal bountifully with thy servant that I may live and keep thy Word 4. The whole Word of God is a law a Canon or rule whereby we should square our faith and conversation for it is here called also Thy law 5. We by nature are blinde and cannot see the light which doth shine in the Word of God till he open our eyes to behold it therefore prayeth he Open thou mine eyes 6. The Word of God is full of wonders high and heavenly mysteries and he who seeth them best doth wonder most Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law Vers. 19. I am a stranger in the earth hide not thy Commandments from me 20. My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto thy judgements at all times 21. Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed which do erre from thy Commandments Of the three reasons of his petition one is because he is but a stranger here except for service another is because he longeth much to know more of Gods Word The third is because he seeth Gods vengeance following them who studie not to serve God Wh●nce learn 1. Albeit the believer live on the earth yet he is not at home so long as he is on the earth I am a stranger in the earth 2. Whatsoever possession a godly man hath in the earth were it a Kingdome he should be a stranger for the matter of estimation of or affection to any thing on earth I am a stranger in the earth 3. Acquaintance with the Word of God is able to make up all the losses of the pilgrim and to season all his griefs it is able to supply the room of friends and counsellors to furnish light joy strength food armour and defence and whatsoever else the pilgrim needeth for the Lords Word shall either bring all these good things to the pilgrim or lead him to God where he shall finde them all I am a stranger in the earth hide not thy Commandments from me 4. There is a hiding of the Word of God when meanes to hear it explained by Preachers are wanting and there is a hiding of the comfortable and lively light of the Spirit who must quicken the Word unto us and from both those evils may we and should we pray to be saved Hide not thy Commandments from me 5. Albeit the godly be the dearest souls unto God of all men in the world yet will he exercise them with heart-breaking especially for spiritual causes that so he may raise in them an estimation of his own presence and furnish work in the mean time to their faith My heart breaketh for the longing which it hath unto thy judgements 6. It is not every faint and cold wish which maketh a beleever profit in Gods school there must be some heat and earnestness in holy desires and this affection as it may not be cold so neither must it be fle●ting but constant My heart breaketh for the longing which it hath at all times 7. These are proud men before God who are not penitent for their sin and are not subjected to his obedience for so are they here called 8. The Word of God condemneth the proud and pronounceth a curse upon them so long as they continue proud and impenitent