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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33498 The books and divers epistles of the faithful servant of the Lord Josiah Coale collected and published, as it was desired by him the day of his departure out of this life. Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668.; Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. Collection of the several books of Josiah Coale.; Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. Whore unvailed.; Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. Vindication of the light within.; Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689.; Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723.; Penn, William, 1644-1718. 1671 (1671) Wing C4751_PARTIAL; Wing C4760A_PARTIAL_CANCELLED; ESTC R23397 193,793 414

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therein that the Cause of God may not be betrayed by any through their declining from that godly Practice and duty that the Enemy may not be encouraged thereby to vaunt against the Remnant that are faithful to oppose them therein also but rather through your faithfulness and stability the enemy may be discouraged in his Enterprises and put to flight that you may be Conquerors over him and may tread Satan under foot and may reign with the Lamb for ever And my Friends consider the faithfulness of many of the Servants of the Lord who loved not their lives unto death who are gone before who preached and made known the Truth and way of Life to you how they laboured and traveled amongst you in the Name and Strength of the Lord to beget you unto God and to build you up in the most pretious Faith and how they exhorted you time after time to that godly practice of Assembling together and how they gave Example and President therein as well as Exhortation thereunto Nay have not divers of them laid down their Lives not counting them dear to them for that very Practice of Assembling together Yea certainly they have so some in Prisons and some otherwise Oh therefore my Friends this Duty of Assembling together ought not to be slighted nay hath not the present Liberty that we do enjoy in our meeting together cost the Lives of many was it not with the blood of many of them that bore the same Testimony which we bare that this present Liberty hath been purchased and ought not this Liberty then to be prized and made a right Use of I am jealous with a godly Jealousie that all who are concerned do not rightly weigh ponder and consider these things but I desire all to consider it and let not that Testimony fall by the negligence of any which hath been sealed with the Lives of so many of Gods Servants and Messengers whose Knowledge and Understanding in the Way and Mysteries of God was not inferiour unto any that are left behind and yet they chearfully offered up their All for that Testimonies sake Therefore my Friends be diligent and faithful to the Lord walking in his Covenant of Life which will be a true Guide unto you and an Instructor and will keep your Desires fresh towards the Lord and your Love one towards another so that you will be constrained to Come together and to wait together upon the Lord to receive refreshment from his presence which you will see and feel in the middest of you as your hearts are kept in his Fear and enter not into consultation with Flesh and Blood nor into reasonings which will say Thou needest not go to Meetings because thy Teacher is present in all places and so will draw thee into negligence of meeting with the Children of Light for if thou gave heed unto such reasonings thou wilt soon find thy Love will wax cold towards the People of God and thou wilt lose the sence of the Teachings of the Lord who is present in all places for although he be in all places present yet hath he ordained and appointed that his People should Assemble themselves together to wait upon him and to worship him and hath given the promise of his Presence unto such that do so But if any draw back from answering his requirings his Soul will have no pleasure in them and such will dye as to God and will become as dry and withered Branches and their Love will decay and wax cold and they will not have a sight nor a sense of the Omnipresence of the Lord nor of his Teachings though they may talk of it as multitudes do at this day who are altogether strangers thereunto further than by hear say And therefore once more I say unto you all Be faithful to the Lord in your several measures and stations where the Lord hath set you and be diligent in that godly Practice of Assembling your selves together in which a Testimony for the Lord is born which many have laid down their Lives for and let none make their blood of no effect by slighting Meetings the present Liberty for which hath been purchased through the shedding their blood but let all meet together and being met wait upon the Lord in faithfulness that you may feel the Springs and Fountain of Life opened amongst you and in the midst of you that you may be refreshed and strengthened and may grow and be enabled to encounter with your Souls Enemy in all his appearances and may put him to flight and may tread Satan under foot and reign as Kings on Earth and as Conquerors to the praise of his Name who hath called you that he may take delight to dwell amongst you and to do you good who over all is worthy God Blessed for evermore By a Companion of those who hold the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ and suffer for the same Josiah Coale A SONG Of the Judgments Mercies OF THE LORD Wherein the things seen in Secret are declared Openly Being A Brief Demonstration of the Secret Work of the Almighty in me his Servant Given forth at the Movings of the Spirit of the Lord and is to go abroad throughout the World With a Hearty Salutation of Pure and Unfained Love flowing from the Innocent Life 〈◊〉 in a few words to all the Souldiers of the Lambs Army though out the Nations and also to the Suffering Seed every where With a few Words by way of Information unto such who may have desires in them to know the Way to the Kingdom of Peace and Righteousness which we 〈◊〉 and are Heirs of through Christ Jesus our Lord which to the● 〈◊〉 the Visitation of God I Will sing of the Judgments and Mercies of the Lord and declare his wondrous Works unto all people that the Inhabitants of the Earth may hear and fear and reverence the Lord who is holy When I walked in the way of the Wicked and knew not the Path of the Just when I lived in Transgression against God and knew not his holy Law to walk therein then oft-times did fear surprise me and terror seized upon my heart for I saw that the way in which I walked was the way that led to destruction then as I considered the way of the World I saw they were all gone astray and though they had a Profession of God yet acquaintance with him they had not neither was he to be found in their Assemblies Then my Soul languished after the Knowledge of him and after the Knowledge of the Way of Life yet still was I captivated with vanity and the deceitfulness of sin stole away my heart But the good Spirit of God still strived in me to come out of the wayes of the World whose Worships I had long seen to be but as the offering of Swines-blood and in my heart I could not joyn with them but had a testimony in me against their wayes and that which
not intended to be the Scripture neither doth this at all prove the Scriptures to be properly and principally call'd the Word of God as J. Newman would have it Again in pag. 7. J. N. saith Another Proof to confirm this Truth is Mark 7.13 where the Lord Christ doth affirm the Commands of God in the first Testament or Scriptures of the Prophets to be the Word of God because he said unto the Pharisees in the 9th verse Full well ye reject the Commandement of God that you may keep your own Traditions and in the thirteenth verse he said Making the Word of God of none effect c. Answ This doth not at all prove that Christ call'd the Scripture of the Prophets the Word of God for it relates only to that particular Command of God viz. Honour thy Father and thy Mother and Matthew saith plainly in chap. 15.6 speaking of the same thing Thus have ye made the Commandment of God of none effect by your Traditions Now the Question will be whether Matthew or Mark gave the right relation of the words of Christ for both theirs are but a Relation in this matter of what Christ said to the Jews Or whether the Translators did not wrong the Evangelists in making one appear to speak one thing and the other another thing seeing its plain they both spoke of one thing which they had seen and heard of Christ And this one thing was the Commandment as aforesaid as Matthew plainly calls it and Mark in the 9th verse calls it the Commandment also from which we may rationally conclude that the Fault was in the Translator to make the one differ from the other in that Expression but if he did indeed call that Commandment the Word yet that doth not prove the Scriptures to be properly call'd the Word of God for that saying of Christ relates only to that one Command which with the rest of the Commandments are call'd the words which God speak as Exod. 20.1 God spake all these words saying c. And that the Scriptures do contain a Relation of the words that at sundry times God speak I shall easily acknowledge but that they are properly and principally call'd the Word of God as J. N. affirmeth I do deny neither hath he produc'd any Scripture that doth prove it as I hope by these few Lines will appear to the Impartial Reader And so J. N. concluding That he hath prov'd the Scriptures of the first Testament to be the Word of God he saith he shall labour to prove that the Scriptures of the New Testament are also call'd the Word and in pag. 8. he saith The first Scripture for Proof hereof is Acts 4.25 26 27. where John and Peter Preaching and Teaching Jesus Christ out of the Psalms to the Rulers c. pray d unto the Lord That they might Preach this Word with Boldness And saith ' Its plain from the scope of this place that the Preaching and Teaching of Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures of the New Testament is properly and principally call'd the Word of God Answ How hath J. N. besotted himself with labouring to pervert the Truth First saith he hath prov'd the Scriptures of the Old Testament to be properly call'd the Word of God and now saith It s plain the Scriptures of the New Testament are principally call'd the Word And sometimes saith Christ is call'd the Word of God Mark Christ call d the Word but the Scriptures principally call'd the Word so that he sets the Scriptures as the Word above Christ by saying principally c. And besides How many Words of God he will make or seem to make something he would have without to be call'd the Word to keep People from enclining to the Word in the heart lest they should come to know Christ manifested in them which before he confesseth the Apostles preached when they pray'd That they might speak the Word with Boldness Mark If they preached Christ and prayed that they might speak that Word with Boldness then Christ was that Word and not the Scriptures although their Preaching of him and bearing Witness of his Appearance and Coming was according to the Scriptures of the Prophets For they shew'd the People out of Moses and the Prophets that Jesus was Christ Acts 28.23 Yet this doth not prove that their Preachings and Teachings of him were by the Scriptures of the New Testament for they were not then written But they preached by vertue of the Word and Spirit that was in them which they had handled of 1 Joh. ● 1 which through them demonstrated it self according to the Pleasure of his Will who wrought mightily in them both to will and to do so that it may be observ'd that the Scriptures which J. N. produceth to prove Scriptures to be the Word do rather prove Christ to be the Word there spoken of which J. N. acknowledgeth the Apostle preached when he prayed That he might speak that Word with Boldness His next is pag. 9. to the same purpose where he saith In Acts 5.42 it s said the Apostle did daily Preach and Teach Jesus Christ and this Preaching and Teaching of Jesus Christ is in the 6th chapter verse 4. called The Ministry of the Word c. Answ To which I Answer It s true they that preach Christ they preach the Word and they that preach the Word they preach Christ for Christ is the Word as before shew'd and hereafter shall be more largely demonstrated But then saith J. N. The Word of God inrceased c. from whence in pag. 18. he argueth That none can in Reason imagine that the Word of God that so grew and multiply'd can be understood of Christ though he confesseth That the increase of the Word was so mighty notwithstanding the Opposition that the preaching of Christ met with Answ What can be understood by the Multiplying Increasing or Prevailing of the Word of God but the prevailency of Christ in that Work which in and by his Servants the Apostles according to the Pleasure of the Father's Will he had undertaken notwithstanding all the Opposition that he in them met withal according to that Saying in Isa 54.17 Every Tongue that riseth up in Judgment against Thee Thou shalt condemn So that through the powerful Operation of the Word Christ Which in them wrought mightily both towards the Circumcision and Uncircumcision Gal. 2.8 many were made to submit thereunto and to confess thereunto and thereby the Increase of his Government was known which the Prophet said Should be without End Isa 9.7 And the number of the Disciples or Believers on the Word were multiply'd so that the Word multiply'd the Disciples thereof and grew in Dominion over its Opposers and increas'd its Goverment in and among'st them And this in Plainness and Simplicity was the Growth Multiplying Increasing and Prevailing of Christ the Word and yet there was no more then one Christ prevailing and increasing in his Government and multiplying his Disciples though
THE BOOKS And Divers EPISTLES Of the Faithful SERVANT of the LORD Josiah Coale Collected and Published as it was desired by him the Day of his departure out of this Life The Memorial of the Just is Blessed the Righteous shall be had in Everlasting Remembrance But the Name of the Wicked shall Rot. Printed in the Year 1671 Concerning our Dear Friend AND BROTHER In the Holy-Vnion of Divine-Love JOSIAH COALE Thus it ariseth in my heart to write THE Holy wise Omnipotent God having by his Power appeared and manifested himself unto a Remnant of People in the North parts of England who were scattered up and down the Barren Mountains seeking rest but finding none the Lord in a wonderful manner did break in upon them and by his Power did rend the Vail of Darkness that was over them and did Purge and Purifie them and after he had thus fitted and prepared a People for his Praise his Power moved strongly in the Hearts of many and his Pure Love constrained them to leave dear and near Relations to declare unto others what the Lord had done for their Souls in the Year 1654. several of God's faithful Servants were moved of their Master and Lord to travel into the Southern Parts of England and some into the Western Parts The chief of which that were the first Proclaimers of this Heavenly Message in and about Bristol were these two true and faithful Servants of God John Audland and John Cam by whose powerful Ministry many were convinced and turned from Darkness to Light and from Satan's Power to God amongst whom was our dear Brother Josiah Coale The Powerful Word of Life declared and preached by God's Servant John Audland did pierce and break his Heart and took deep root in him and wrought effectually to his Salvation and Redemption He was for a Time under deep Judgement and walked mournfully many a day whereby he became a Wonder and a gazeing-Stock unto those that were his former Acquaintance and he amongst the rest of the Lord's People was Reproached and Mocked Reviled and Persecuted but God's Arm that was revealed and made bear was strong and wrought powerfully in him and rent the Vail of Darkness and pluckt up the Weeds and evil Plants which the Enemy had sown in his Heart and purified and purged his Vessel making it fit for the Lord's use So the Lord opened the Spring of Life and Fountain of Love in his Soul which gave him full satisfaction and caused his Cup to overflow and being thus Translated out of the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of the dear Son of God passing through the Ministration of Condemnation bearing daily the Cross of Christ he obtained Life and Salvation through the Grace of Christ that wrought in him and being made Partaker of the Divine Nature and the Love of God shed abroad in his Heart the nature of which makes the Heart tender by its Vertue and Power he was moved and constrained to leave his Fathers House and his near and dear Relations and Native Country and travelled by Sea through many Dangers and preached the Gospel in many of the Western Islands and in Maryland and Virginia from whence he passed through the Wilderness on foot many hundreds of Miles to New-England amongst those cruel and bloody Professors who drunk the Blood of four of the Lord's Servants only for their pure Testimony and Worship of God which Blood the Lord will require at their Hands he preached the Gospel freely going a warfare at his own charge and the Presence of the Lord did accompany him and by his powerful Ministry many were convinced and turned to the Lord After his long Travels in several Places and Islands beyond the Seas he came over into his own Native Country old England where he laboured much in the Work and Service of the Lord in several Countries and was dearly beloved and well accepted of by all that had a true savour of God After some time here in England spent chiefly in the Work of God he travelled again by Sea into the several Islands and Plantations to visit the tender Seed of God raised by his Power and to water the tender Plants which the Lord by his own Right Hand had planted and the good presence of God was with him and did support him in his Exercises and Tryals and brought him back safe into his own Country though his outward man was much spent and weakned by his sore Travels and Exercises as many of his dear Friends were sensible of and often told him of it but his Heart was bent to go on in the Work and Service of the Lord being willing to spend and be spent in so weighty and good a Work as the Lord had called him to it being his Meat and Drink to do the Will of his Father He suffered Imprisonment for the Testimony of Jesus which he held in several Places in England as in Launcston in Cornwel in Bristol in Kendal in West-moorland and several times in London in all which he was found faithful and did never yield to the fawning Flatteries of men but did wait in patience till the Lord did make way for his deliverance He was endued with a good Measure of the Heavenly Power and Wisdom of God which made him bold and valient for the Truth and often times full of Heavenly Majesty in his Declaration which did wound and pierce the Hearts of many and made them bow before the Lord and confess to the Truth which he preached Those that were intimately acquainted with him found him to be of a tender spirit and of a sweet loving disposition greatly delighting in the Union and Society of his Brethren having an honourable esteem of those that were in Christ before him Towards the latter end of the ninth Moneth 1668. he began to be ill in Body but being of a strong spirit he kept over it for some time till at last he was forced to keep his Chamber for some weeks in which time he was much refreshed with the Life and Power of God which did arise in him to the comfort and refreshment of those that did tend him in the midst of his bodily weakness and exercises he was raised again for a little time and walked abroad but soon after the cause of his distemper remaining he was brought down again and his strength passed away by degrees until a Period was put to his days he was full of love even to the last and his Heart was broken and melted before the Lord and many times broke forth and praised the Lord and declared much of the goodness of God unto him which did ever melt and tender the Hearts of those that heard him he passed away like a Lamb without the least Sigh or Groan even as One falling into a sweet Sleep and so is at rest with the Lord and the Lamb and all the holy Angels and Saints and shall rest in peace and joy forevermore and to convince the
Reader that these things testified of him are true as many living Witnesses can seal to the same look over his own Writings and read over his several Epistles written to the Churches at several times and upon several Occasions which are gathered together and presented to thy vew and if thou hast any true spiritual sence in thee thou wilt feel and discern that such sweet and pleasant Streams must needs flow from a sweet and good Fountain knowing that one Fountain doth not send forth sweet and bitter Water therefore the Streams being sweet the Fountain or Well from whence they spring is sweet also and he having drunk deep draughts of the Water that Christ gives it became in him a Well of Living Water springing up into Eternal Life according to the saying of Christ our Saviour Whosoever shall drink of the Water that I give it shall be in him a Well of Living Water springing up into Eternal Life And that this was true in him is attested unto by one who had large experience of his Integrity and Holy Zeal for God who has been often in travels with him and still is a Labourer in the Lord's Vine-yard desiring and praying to Almighty God that the scattered Sheep may be gathered into the Fold of the good Shepherd That so there may be one Sheep-Fold and one Shepherd A. P. A TESTIMONY Concerning Josiah Coale AS concerning our dear Friend and Brother Josiah Coale I having had a certain knowledge of him and his Life from that Conversation we had many times together in the Service of the Lord and living Society of the Holy Spirit I have this Testimony to give of him That he was a Man indued with an heavenly and effectual Gift and therein was enlarged and increas'd as a Reward upon him after his sore Travels and Labour in the Gospel beyond Seas and he had a real love and estimation of his Brethren in the Service and Work of the Lord and delighted in their Fellowship and Communion being often refresht thereby His faithfulness was manifested to God and to his People amongst whom he laboured he was freely given up to improve his Gift in the Heavenly Calling wherewith he was called to spend and to be spent for the Gospel's sake wherein he had his reward counting nothing too dear of Life Relation or Estate to resign up in and for that Service wherein he manifested both his Commission and Power to be of God and not of man for the gathering out of Darkness false Wayes and Worships emty Professions and vain Traditions of men into the Light and Living way of Truth that therein they might serve and worship God in Spirit which admits of no confidence in the Flesh nor products thereof He was a Man of a tender spirit having a reverent esteem of his faithful Brethren and elders in the Truth and he had a tender care to preserve Unity and Brotherly Love as also the sence he had of his reward made him chearful in his Service and fervent in spirit and zealous in his Testimonies against all false and deceitful spirits which slight and dis-esteem Truth and lead into Apostacy from the Unity and Fellowship of the Gospel whose wayes do not tend to Peace but Strife and Self-separation He fervently preached the Cross of Christ and prest the necessity of obedience through it and unto watchfulness in the fear of God He preached Faith in the Power of God and the Righteousness thereof not to stand in the wisdom of man nor in lifeless Professions or traditional Opinions nor yet to consist in self acting and voluntary humility but in Spirit and Life from which living Obedience and Righteousness naturally spring by which Testimony and Preaching he was instrumental to affect the Hearts of many with the excellency of the Truth as it is in Jesus and turn many thereunto even from Darkness unto Light and from Satan's Power to God that they might both receive Remission of sin and Possession of Life Eternal And as he had freely received of Christ so he freely gave and as he was freely given up to spend and to be spent for the Lord so he spared not of his outward Substance in his Service his care being such to cut off occasions from such as seek them and so to keep the Gospel without charge as that he many times would not use his power and freedom which Christ allowed his Ministers in that case as mentioned in Luke Chap. 10. Verse 7. but with the Apostle Paul debased himself that he might not prove chargable to the Churches and indeed he went much a warfare at his own charges giving freely up both his Liberty and Life for the promotion of the Gospel of Truth both in this and other Nations through many Hazards and difficulties particularly of late years in this City of London wherein the blessed effects of his Labours Travels and Sufferings are felt and known by many And as he lived in and by the Faith of God's Elect so with him to live was Christ and to dye a Gain who being outwardly spent for the Gospel sake was inwardly renewed by the Vertue of the same whereby having conquered Death and the Grave he chearfully embraced his Dissolution and changed for a full and perpetual Injoyment of that Joy and Reward of Life and Glory which he had long an Earnest and Evidence of in himself and in the fulness of which his Soul now rests and lives for evermore Yea his life is felt in the heavenly Society and though he being dead yet speaketh in him in whom he died who is his Resurrection and Life for evermore G. W. A Short TETIMONY OF The Life Death and Ministry of that Faithfull Servant of the LORD Josiah Coale THough I knew him not from the beginning yet I knew him in that which hath neither beginning of Dayes nor end of Life which is the Eternal Power of God that by which he was separated from the World and made an able powerful and faithful Minister of the everlasting Gospel of Christ Jesus our Lord and which in all Travels Trials and Sufferings that did attend him made him more then Conqueror to the glorifying of the Name of the Lord in the sight of his Enemies and to the replenishing of his Soul with Divine Consolations In the Eternal Light I knew him and had often and sweet Fellowship with him therein to my great refreshment even in the gloomy and dark day of my early and deep Exercises and though he was a man free in his disposition and ready to help all through the tenderness of his spirit yet was he indued with sound Judgment to the discerning of spirits and giving no liberty to the Flesh but was dreadful in his Testimony against the Life Glory and Customes of the World being redeemed therefrom and made a Witness through Judgment of that pure Spirit of Glory which was before the World began which vails and darkens the beauty of Flesh and gathers into
provoked to visit thee with these his just and sore Judgments Oh England England what Lamentation shall I take up for thee for whom the Lord hath done so great things not only in giving of thee such fulness of temporal blessings and benefits for the end before expressed which thou hast abused as herein is signified But over and above all this he manifested his Eternal Power in the midst of thee and thereby wrought Miraculously in the hearts of a Remnant of thy Inhabitants to whom he made known the Mysterious Way which the Vulterous eye never saw which leads to Life and Salvation and whom he made choice of to be a kind of first fruits unto himself in these latter dayes and whom he separated from the aforesaid abominations in which thou art yet involv'd and raised them up to be examples of Holiness and Righteousness and Godliness of Conversation and to bear Testimony and cry against thy unrighteous and ungodly Wayes and also put into their hearts by his Spirit to tell of his Power which he had Revealed in them and to proclaim his mighty Day at hand in which he would Judge the Inhabitants of the Land in Righteousness and also he warned us to warn thy Inhabitants to Repent and we cryed aloud in thy Streets in thy Steeple houses and in thy Markets as thy Inhabitants well know and we told them of the dreadfull Day of Gods Judgments at hand to come upon all who lived and continued in the aforesaid abominations that so they might have returned to the Lord and have come to walk in the light of his Son wherewith they were enlightned that so thereby they might have been led out of the aforesaid abominations and Works of Darkness and so have escaped the Judgments threatned But instead of harkning to the voice of Wisdom which cry'd in the Streets thy Inhabitants rejected her counsel and despised all her reproofs and despitefully used the Messengers of the Lord whom he sent unto thee and cast them into Holes and Prisons in which they have outwardly perished whose righteous blood yet lies at thy Doors which God will certainly take vengeance for And so far hast thou been O England from taking Warning or Example by those whom God thus raised up within thy Borders and sent to Warn thee that even thy Rulers with the advice and counsel of thy Chief Priests and Prophets have made divers Laws and Decrees by which they have endeavour'd to stop and limit this Work of the Almighty which by his mighty Power he has begun in the hearts of his Remnant which he hath raised up to be a peculier People unto himself within thy Borders And as though all thy afore-said Abominations were too little and that thou mightst yet add thereunto how have thy Rulers abused the Power which God committed to them and intrusted them withall in tolerating all those Licencious Practises which daily have abounded in thy Streets and in suffering the Wicked and Evil-doers to go unpunished and in turning their Sword against the Innocent and to Persecute the harmless People of the Lord for the exercise of their pure Consciences towards him in matters relating to his Worship and in taking upon them to Lord over the Consciences of men the Seat of God have they not herein greatly abused the Power committed to them and intruded into the Prerogative of God Oh great Presumption and Usurpation indeed a Sin which shall not go unpunished by the Judge But Oh that they had hearkned and taken Warning in time that so they might have been Healed but now it will go hard with many of them for God will certainly be Avenged for this thing For is it not Justice in him to Dis-throne such who would thrust themselves into his Throne and so Presumptiously to entrench upon his Prerogative Again consider How many and great have the Sufferings been that have been sustained by us whom God raised up in the midst of thee Oh England to bear Testimony unto his Name and against thy Traditional Worships and dead Forms and out-side Professions with the rest of thy Abominations even by reason of the Laws and Decrees which thy Rulers have made against us and sometimes without them also and how oft have we been thrust together into noisome Prisons and have suffered all kind of abuses as Socking Stoning Whiping knocking down some Killed in the Streets and Steeple-houses and in our Peaceable Meetings where we were gathered only to Worship God in Spirit and thus evilly hast thou requited the Lord and his People for his and their love and good will unto thee that thou hast accounted them not worthy to have a being within thy Borders but in thy Decrees made against them thou hast designed their Exilement and Extirpation from amongst thine Inhabitants although according to the Law of God and Nature we and those whom thy Rulers have already Banished and exposed to the hardships and difficulties which the Seas and forraign Countrys affords have as just a right as themselves here to have continued in the Land of our Nativity and to have enjoyed the Liberty of their Consciences in the Service and Worship of God together with all other Temporal benefits and comforts which God had afforded unto them as Wives Children and Estates c. And thy Rulers shall one Day know that it s as great unrighteousness in them to Prison Persecute and Banish us for the Exercises of our Consciences towards God as they can conceive it would be for others to Prison Banish and Persecute them for the exercise of their Consciences if the Lord should bring them under wherefore let them consider whether or no they do by us as themselves would be done by and whether they are not found Transgressors of the Law of Christ Well but all this is but as a hint of what might be mentioned of the Abominations that is found in thee Oh England yet hereby thou mayest perceive whether or no thy Sins doth not exceed the Sins of Sodom whom God Destroyed in his displeasure and whether thy Iniquities doth not surmount the Iniquities of Gomorrah Certainly if Gods Witness may arise and Answer me in the Consciences of thy Inhabitants it will make them confess they do and what then canst thou expect from the hand of the Lord as a just reward of all these thy Abominations surely thou canst not miss of all the Judgments that have been pronounced by the Spirit of the Lord through his Servants in thy Streets Steeple-houses and Markets and to thy Rulers both by Word and Writing for they must and will unavoidably come upon thee and then thou shalt know that the Lord spoke by his Servants whom thou slightedst and that the most high Rules in the Kingdoms of men and will execute Justice and Judgment and Righteousness in the Earth and then also thou shalt know and confess that God gave thee time to Repent and to put away the evil of thy doings from before him
he would Pray the Father and he should send them the Holy Ghost the Conforter John 16.7 13. Which should ABIDE with them for ever and they did receive it and were led by it into a Heavenly Habitation Ephes 1.3 For they were made to sit together in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus So it s hereby clear that the Apostles knew from whence the Spirit came and whither it led them and it s also plain that A. S. either wilfully or sottishly wrests the Words of Christ and by his additious to them would make them import another thing than was intended by him of purpose to divert People from being led by the Spirit of God or to disswade them from adhering to the leadings of it under pretence that they cannot tell whence from God or the Devil it doth come or whither to Heaven or to Hell it goeth when indeed Christ's words in themselves importeth quite another thing as above shewed Wherefore let all mind and obey the Spirit of Truth which will lead into all Truth and condemn sin in the Flesh and will lead out of all Unrighteousness and Errours and Heresies which the Church of Rome is full of and that Spirit which condemns the Abominations of the Whore and all Sin and Unrighteousness that is the Spirit of God and comes from God through the Son of his love who is the Light of the World that lighteth every man that cometh into the World and leadeth up unto God the Father from whence it commeth all who are Taught and Guided by it but condemneth from God all who in Unbelief or in Rebellion do dispight unto it and disobey the Motions thereof But to return to the matter concerning the Churches being Judge First I find A. S. in the beginning of his seventh chapter saying Methinks I hear a Quaker whispering The Light that is in thee is the Judge of all Controversies and the Law and Rule according to which thou must walk Answ I answer Yea The People called Quakers do believe and say That the Light which every man is enlightened with is the Law and Rule according to which every man ought to walk and is the Judge in all Controversies in Matters of Faith for as before All Judgment is committed unto the Son Joh. 5.22 Who lighteth every man that cometh into the World so all Judgment being committed to the Light that lighteth every man the Light that is in every man must of necessity be the Judge of all Controversies And this I further add That all who are Baptized into Christ hath put on Christ and all who are by one Spirit Baptized into one Body though they were sometimes Darkness are made Light in the Lord and so they being in him and he in them are all one even as Christ and the Father is one and he that sanctifieth and they that are Sanctified are all of one by which its clear that Christ in his Church who is Light with him is the onely Judge of all Controversies and indeed this supernatural Light is the true Touch-stone by which all spitits may be tried whether they be of God or not for as the Apostle said Whatsoever makes manifest is light Ephesians 5.13 so that without this Touchstone none can try spirits because an evil spirit may speak good words Again Christ is in all things to be the Example of all Believers and he lighteth every man that cometh into the World John 1.9 so every man being enlightened with the light of his Spirit who is to be our example in all things it must of necessity be that the Light that is in us is this Judge and the Law and Rule according to which all ought to walk Secondly But then A. S. replyes That the Light that is in thee tells thee that thou must hear Christ and Christ tells thee that thou must hear the Church c. Answ I answer Yea the Light that is in us teacheth us to hear Christ who hath enlightened us and also to hear his Church with whom he dwells and that hears him and in whom his Spirit speaks so as I said before I shall not go about to deny the Authority of the True Church but the usurped authority of the Church of Rome I do deny usurp'd I say because she hath been and here is sufficiently proved not to be the true Church to whom Christ gives power and authority both to bind and to loose therefore her authority if usurp'd and she is not to be heard but to be turned away from Thirdly A. S. saith If you object that the Spiritual judgeth all things and the Spirituall is judged of no man I answer that the godly Spiritual judgeth all things c. But I deny that you or any other Sectaries in the World is Godly Spiritual for as St. Augustine saith they have not the Holy Ghost that are out of the Church Reply To which I say that as A. S. hath confessed That the spiritual man judgeth all things its according to my own belief but what doth this avail the Church of Rome who as I have proved is not godly spiritual but is sensual and devilish and is not the true Church but the Whore for although as he saith The godly spiritual is judged of none yet the Whore is judged of all who are godly spiritual and although A.S. denyeth that the Quakers are godly spiritual yet he is never able to prove his affirmation for though they have not the holy Ghost who are out of the Church yet it doth not follow that they have it not who are out of the Church of Rome except she could be proved to be the true Church The contrary whereof I have already proved for the people called Quakers though they are out of the Church of Rome are led by that Spirit which teacheth them to live soberly righteously and godly in this present World as thousands of their Neighbours can bear witness therefore the people called Quakers are godly Spiritual Again That Prophet which is of God is godly spiritual Jer. 28.9 and that Prophet which speaketh a thing and the thing come to pass that Prophet is of God But the people called Quakers have prophesied several things as to the late overturn'd Powers of this Nation * Witness the Book Intituled Good Counsel and Advice Rejected with divers other things which accordingly came to pass as to their sorrow they were made to know therefore they are of God and godly spiritual Fourthly A. S. again said If you say Know ye not your selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates 2. Cor. 13.5 I answer The true sence and meaning of this place is this c So here A. S. is again undertaking that which himself saith is the Churches work for saith he in his eighth Chapter the Church is the alone Interpreter of all Scriptures and yet he himself who is but a particular man is here undertaking to give an interpretation or meaning to the
hast done thou can't escape his Rod. The holy Prophets in their day foretold these things of thee Which to our consolation we hope to live and see For Jeremiah he foresaw thy desolation great And said an Army great should come that should give thee defeat Out of the North the Prophet said they should come against thee Jer. 50.9 Even as it now is come to pass before whom thou must flee The seven heads or mountains great on which thou long hast sate Must now be turned upside down and made to reele and quake For now the Lion he doth roar and utter forth his voice At which the mountains great must move and fly away at 's noise Isa 42.14 15. Yea vacant waste and desolate those mountains must be laid And be no more inhabited for so it hath been said Thy Merchants many have enricht themselves and made them great And Rul'd with Force and Cruelty False-prophet like indeed Wherefore Lament and Howl they must and mourn both great and small And cry alas alas for now is come thy sudden fall For th' day is dawn'd which John foresaw and Prophesy'd of thee In which he said and testify'd thy total fall should be Though thou hast sitten in thy pride like as a stately Queen And said within thy heart and mind Thine end should not be seen Though thou hast drunk the blood of Saints and glorify'd thy self And said Thou shouldst no sorrow see nor ever loose thy Wealth Yet woe and sorrow great and sore will swiftly thee surprise And all thy expectations will fail before thine eyes When Death and Famine comes on thee with mourning great and sore This will predict thine end to thee who never shalt rise more And truly thy divisions great predicts thy sudden fall The more because thou hast refus'd to hear the heavenly call For in thy Streets the voice hath cry'd Repent and fear the Lord And turn from your Idolatries serve God with one accord But like the Adder thou hast been that 's deaf and will not hear The Charmer who hath charmed long so thou hast stop't thine ear Why dost not minde the Words of Christ who spake and said himself The Kingdom cannot stand that is divided 'gainst it self And is not thy divisions great Oh Babylon thou Whore Which doth foretel thy total end and thou shalt be no more The cause which doth provoke the Lord to pour his Judgments great On thee is thy deceit and Pride and Murders which are great And also thy Idolatries and Whoredoms which are many This doth provoke the Lord to Wrath and 's anger will not tarry Wherefore look for it and expect that it will surely come For God hath said it and it must accordingly be done Written in Bridewel near Lancston in Cornwall the 11th Moneth 1664. J. C. Here follows the Papists 14th Chapter concerning the Protestants or Sectarian Ministers published for them to Answer That the Protestant or Sectarian Minister or Preachers are not True Preachers or sent by God 1. ALl that have no true Mission are not true Preachers How shall they Preach unless they are sent Rom. 10.15 But Protestant or Sectarian Ministers and Preachers have no true Mission For all their Mission from the beginning of their Reformation was either the Inspiration of a Spirit they knew not what or the Commission of a Child Edward the Sixth whom they called Supreme Head of the Church and from whose Kingly power all Jurisdiction as well Ecclesiastical as Secular they affirm did flow See Fox tom 2. Anno 1546. in Edw. the 6th or the Letters Patents of a Woman Queen Eliz. to whom also they were pleased to attribute the like Superiority and Power See Stat. Anno primo Eliz. Cap. 1. or the Ilisit and invallid Ordination or Mission of or by one Story an Apostate Monk who Ordained their first Bishops at the Nags-Head in Cheapside in Queen Elizabeth's time See Christophorus de Sacro Bosco or at length the Approbation of Tryers Instituted by his late Highness forsooth and Confirmed by Act of Parliament if they have any better let them prove it in the mean time let them know we value not a straw Mason's Old New Records produced in the year 1613. which was the matter of fifty years after the thing now mention'd was Sacrilegiously and invalidly done and most disgracefully and shamefully cryed down But those could not give them any spiritual Authority Power or Right to Preach for according to that received Maxime of the Law No man can give more right then he himself hath Cook Lib. 4. Therefore c. 2. Moreover a Bishop is to be ordained by two or three Bishops Consil Apostil Can. 1. And a Priest and likewise a Deacon and the rest of the Clergy by a Bishop ibidem Can. 2. Con. Triden Sess 23. Can. 7. But this Apostolical and needful manner of Ordination or Mission they never yet had for they rejected it quite and brought in an Heretical fashion in its stead in Edward the Sixth's time neither if they were willing could they have for as I said before their Bishops from the beginning of their Reformation had no other Ordination Consecration or Mission then the Commission of the King or Queen nor yet that but during the King or Queens pleasure For the sacrilegious Ilicit or Invalid Ordination of or by Story which was the first pretended holy Mission of Protestants in England and from whence they hitherto derive their Orders it was not worth a Straw witness the aforementioned Canons of the Apostolick Council c. and consequently their pretended holy Orders thence derived are not worth a Pins-head no more is the Approbation of Tryers Therefore they are not true Preachers What are they then forsooth Intruders Thieves and Robbers Hypocrites Ravenous Wolves and Murtherers Sons of Belial False Prophets and Priests of Baal Which is their Heresie Rebellion and Stubbornness against the Church for Rebellion as they themselves even in their newest Bible confess is as the sin of Witchcraft and Stubbornness is as Iniquity and Idolatry 1 Samuel as they call it the 25. and 13. 3. Now if the Protestant or Sectarian Preachers and Teachers be such what must the Protestants and Sectarians themselves be If the Light that is in them be darkness how great shall the darkness its self be If the Blind lead the Blind shall they not both fall into the Ditch Sure enough they shall even into the Ditch of everlasting Burning Brimstone and Fire where shall be Howling and Crying and Weeping and Lamenting and gnashing of Teeth forever unless they be converted and do Penance and live in the Church in which must alwayes be true Preachers and Teachers for the Consummation of Saints to the work of the Ministry and edification of the Body of Christ Ephes 4. ver 5 and 11. But in the Protestant or Sectarian Church are not such as now proved therefore the Protestant Sectarian Church is not the true Church of true Believers How
they called their Ordinances I saw there was nothing of God in it for they were but as a shadow vanity and nothing but how to come into the Way of Life to this I was still a stranger until the Lord in his Eternal Power sent the Ministers of the Word of Life who were anointed of the Lord and endued with Power from on high to preach the glad tydings of the Gospel to the captivated Seed and to minister to the spirits that were in prison whose voice I rejoyced to hear and whose Testimony I gladly received For they declared the Way of Life that it was in the midst of the Path of Judgment and the Witness of God in my heart did seal to the truth 〈◊〉 their Testimony and this I saw was the way that the Workers of Iniquity knew not For there is no judgment in their goings Then my soul cryed unto God for the pourings forth of the Spirit of Judgment that I might walk in the paths thereof and that the filth thereby might be purged away For I saw that my heart was polluted and that there was no Habitation for God which caused me to mourn in desolation and to wander in solitary places So as I waited in the Light of his Son which shined in my Heart and Conscience there he revealed his righteous Judgments and the just rejoyced therein yea he brought me into the valley thereof and there did he plead with me even by sword and by fire c. He poured the Cup of his fury upon me and made me drink of the dregs thereof yea the Cup of trembling he put into my hand and gladly did I receive it though it was in my belly bitter he oft-times sorely afflicted me and caused deep sorrow to compass me about and poured his indignation upon me Then said I I will bear it with patience because I have sinned against thee Yet many times I was strongly assaulted with the violent rage of the wicked one for he shot his fiery darts at me which often wounded my Soul Then I cryed unto the Lord in my distress and he comforted me with his precious promises which begat a secret hope in me or else I had fainted in the tribulation when his vials of wrath were poured upon me and the Enemy came in like a flood then was I ready to say in my heart I shall one day fall by the hand of mine Enemy yet I was still sustained by a secret hope so that I cryed unto the Lord That he would never let his Judgments depart until the Prince of this World was judged and cast out So he followed me with his righteous Judgments until I was near ready to faint Then I cryed again saying If thou wilt indeed bring me through thy Judgments and grant me thy Everlasting Peace If thou wilt destroy the Enemy of my Soul and give me rest from those that oppress me Then will I Teach Sinners thy wayes and Transgressors shall be converted unto thee yea I made many promises unto him that my life I would give up unto his service and that I would follow him whithersoever he would lead me yet oft-times I enquired of the Lord why I should be so afflicted more than others For I said in my heart Never mans sorrow was like my sorrow Then he answered me and said How shouldst thou declare my wondrous works unless thou see and know them So when I had born the indignation long even the time of his good pleasure when I had been long tossed with tempests even as a ship upon the Sea and had long been as a Pelican in the Wilderness and an Owl in the desert yea as a silly Dove without a mate then he remembred Jacob his servant and was pleased to speak comfortably unto me saying Oh thou tossed with tempests afflicted and not comforted Behold I will lay thy Stones with fair colours and though for a moment I have afflicted thee yet with everlasting loving-kindness have I visited thee and with many sweet and precious promises he compassed me about which at this time is unutterable and he put the Cup of Consolation into my hand yea he caused it to overflow for which my Soul did magnifie his Name and gave praise unto him in the land of the living unto which by the Arm of his Powers I was brought through the long and terrible Wilderness for he had regard unto his own Seed and brought it forth by an out-stretched Arm for he plagued Pharoah with his Judgments and destroyed the Egyptians in the Red-Sea of his wrath Wherefore I magnifie the God of Heaven who is Light and extol him above all Gods for the Proud he is able to abase with his Judgments and to exalt the Meek with his tender Mercies Thus have I drunk the bitter Cup of Gods fierce indignation the Ministration of the Law and of Condemnation which in its time was glorious the Just rejoyced therein until the Prophets Ministery came whereby the hope came in of a Redeemer from all sin the Law and Curse thereof And of deliverance from the Judgment and the Wrath which stayed me in the patience to bear the indignation under which I long had travelled through many tribulations until John's Ministry I came to see which was the greatest of all the Prophets which had gone before from the greatest unto the smallest For then the Way was made so strait the Path was made so plain that the coming of God's Son I saw in his great Power to raign whose Kingdom now is come with Power the Lamb is set on 's throne the least that in this Kingdom is he greater is then John So here the Mystery of the work of Regeneration is he that can read me herein may know where my dwelling is So when he had thus exercised me with his Judgments and filled my heart with his tender Mercies and enlarged it with his Loving-kindness so that the Way of his Commandments was delightful unto me and my life was not dear unto me for his sake then he spake unto me saying Thou must be my Servant to bring again the dispersed of Israel c. with much more which I judge is not expedient here to be expressed So to his service I gave up my life truly and whatsoever I had I accounted not dear for his sake for he gave me the promise of his good presence that it should never leave me nor forsake me but that he would accompany me therewith And he is faithful and keepeth Covenant and performs his word unto his Servant For he hath carried me through many Countries in which I was a Stranger and from one Nation to another People he hath led me and sometimes through many People of divers and strange Languages and his good presence never departed from me since I left the Land of my nativity but he is a constant Companion unto me and his Almighty power is with me through which I am able to do all things
nor stood in his Counsel therefore have they not profitted the people nor turned them from the evil of their wayes neither are they brought to the knowledge of the Truth by which Freedom and Redemption is witnessed So their Preaching is vain and their Faith is vain and they remain in their sins which separates them from God and are dead while they live and are unrestored and unreconciled and have no assurance of their eternal wel-being And when any comes into a serious Consideration and unto a true sence of the sad state they are in and how they have lived and spent their time all their Life long Then Judgment and Wrath Condemnation and Pangs and the Sorrows of Hell conpasseth them about and then seeing themselves in the perishing state are even at their wits end yet these things they consider not in the time of their prosperity Wherefore all people every where who desire to come out of these Distractions and Confusions and Hurryings and Contentions about Faith and Worship and Ordinances and out of the Pollutions which the World lives in and to come into the Spiritual Worship which is in the Spirit and in the Truth To you I say that is the Spirit of Truth in you all in which God will be worshipped which reproves you of sin in your hearts and as you come into obedience to that it will bring you into the Spiritual Worship For the Spiritual Worship consisteth in Obedience to the Spirit and this is the everlasting Ordinance of God viz. Christ the Light the quickening Spirit for him hath God ordained of old to all that believe and work Righteousness for Salvation So all being exercised in the Light and with the quickning Spirit here you are exercised in the Ordinance of God and here the living Substance is known in which the Shadows Types and Figures end And here the Hand-writing of Ordinances is blotted out And here the Law ends which was contained in Ordinances mark that in Christ the everlasting Ordinance Concerning FAITH ANd the Living FAITH which gives the Saints victory over the World this cometh by hearing of the Word which is nigh unto you all even in your hearts and in your mouthes and as every one comes to hear and obey it you will thereby be begotten in the Faith which was once delivered to the Saints by which they wrought Righteousness and that is the Faith which giveth victory over the World and which worketh by love for the purifying of the Conscience from dead works to serve the living God and without this Faith it is impossible to please God for whatsoever is not of Faith is sin So search your selves and see whether you are in this Faith yea or nay or whether your Faith be not a dead Faith For that which doth not lead to work righteousness is a dead faith for as the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also yet by works only there is none justified and faith without works is dead for the Faith of Abraham wrought with works and by works Faith is made perfect So let not any deceive themselves with a fained faith or framed in the imagination for that is a vain faith and not able to save you Also beware that your Faith towards God be not taught by the Precepts of men for that will stand you in no stead neither will it give you victory over the Pollutions of the World nor purifie your hearts from sin Wherefore mind the Word which is nigh by the hearing of which Faith cometh even the Living Faith by which the Just live which was once delivered to the Saints and which we earnestly content for Concerning HOPE ANd the living Hope which maketh not ashamed but puryfieth the heart even as God is pure This is not witnessed nor known but through the tribulation patience in the experimental working and operation of the Spirit of Life in the inward parts and Word of Life For by the Word of God which lives and abides for ever are we begotten again unto a lively Hope which we have for an anchor both sure and stedfast in all our Tryals and tossings and hurryings which we meet withal in the World and amongst the hypocritical Professors thereof whose Hope will perish in the day when the Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven upon all who hold the Truth in unrighteousness But he whose Hope is begotten by the operation of the Word and Spirit of Life even he it is that purifies himself even as God is pure So all who desire the Way of Life to knowe and to walk in the Path of Peace which the Worker of Iniquity knows not I say unto you all it is in the midst of the Paths of Judgment which Christ the Light the wisdom of God leads unto So every one the light in your own Consciences minde wherewith Christ Jesus the Son of the Fathers love hath enlightened you and as you Wait in it you will finde it checking and reproving you for sin and iniquity in the secret of your hearts and Consciences and as every one comes to be guided by this Light which is the way it will be an infallible guide unto you to lead you in the way of Righteousness and in the midst of the paths of Judgment and the worker of iniquity you will see judged in your own particulars daily and the Prince of this World will come to be cast out as you dwell in the Judgment and this is the way whereby Sion comes to be redeemed Wherefore dwell in that which judgeth the man of sin in your own particulars and joyn not to that Nature which would lead to work iniquity or unrighteousness but joyn to that which in your own particulars judgeth it and here the Cross you will know which the whole World are Strangers to and then the Old man will come to be weakened and to be put off with his deeds that the New man be put on which is created in Righteousness and true Holiness but this work is not wrought nor effected but though many Combats Trials and great Tribulations which formerly you were not acquainted with while you were lead captive at the Devils will and followed his lusts and the strong man armed kept the house then all was at peace but when the stronger is come the other must be bound and a spoil of his goods must be made and his heritage must be laid waste for the coming of the second Adam Christ Jesus the Light of the World is not to send Peace on Earth but a Sword and then you will hear of Wars and rumors of Wars see then that ye be not troubled for these are but the beginning of sorrow but the end is not yet So as every one are exercised with the Spirit of Truth in your own particulars which reproves you of sin this will lead you into all truth and to work Righteousness and will bring you to fulfil the Royal Law and
the Lord your God raise up unto you him shall ye hear c. And when this Prophet was rais'd and was with his three Disciples in the Mount the Immediate Voice from the Excellent Glory said This is my Beloved SON hear ye him Mat. 17.5 This then is that Word which they were blessed that heard according to that Saying of Christ to his Disciples Blessed are your Ears for they hear c. For many that had Ears could not hear the Word though they had the Scriptures that were then in being which testify'd of the Word So its plain that Christ spoke of himself when he said Blessed are they that hear the Word of God c. And that he spoke not of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament there is not any thing can be more plain because the Scriptures that are call'd the new Testament were not then written nay not any part thereof So that its great Ignorance in John Newman to think that Christ spoke of the Scriptures especially of the new Testament and not of himself But then in page 4. he saith I shall undertake to prove that the Scriptures of the two Testaments c. are properly and principally call'd the Word of God c. And his first Proof is Psal 18.28 30. where the Prophet said Thou wilt light my Candle the Lord will enlighten my Darkness And as for God his Way is perfect the Word of the Lord is try'd And from hence argueth That the Scripture is the Word of God which David spake of Because saith he it s the same that 's call'd the Way of God So takes it for granted That the Scripture is the Way of God and concludes That it must needs follow that the Scripture is the Word there spoken of saying It doth appear that the Scriptures or perfect Way of God in which the Prophet walked and by which he should be enlighten'd is here called the Word of the Lord. Answ I cannot but Marvel that men should be so wilfully blind to go about to wrest the Scriptures after this manner when never a word of David here inserted so much as speaks of the Scriptures much less of the Old and New Testament But he here speaks of what God his Way and Word was and of what God whom he said was his Lamp would do for him Likewise in the 29th verse which J. N. willingly omits he declares what God had done for him or what himself had done by the Lord not by Scripture By thee I have run through a Troop and by my God I have leapt over a Wall And vers 3● It is God that girdeth me with Strength and maketh my Way perfect Mark He did not say That he made the Scripture a perfect Way for him for the Scripture was not his Way by which he run through the Troop Nor did he say That by the Scripture he would light his Candle and enlighten his Darkness but by Him who is Light by whom he run through a Troop So that it appears it was the Power and Strength of God in which David walked and by which the Lord did those things for him and not by Scripture So that this serves nothing at all to prove the Scriptures the Word and Way of God neither do I understand that the Scriptures any where say That they are the Way but contrariwise testifie That Christ is the Way whose Name is called the Word of God which was with God in the beginning and in the Bosom of the Father from Everlasting John 1.18 nevertheless the Law written in Tables of Stone was in the dispensation of time the Rule though not the Supream Rule which they were to observe and do until Christ the Seed came who is the Way Everlasting The next Scripture offer'd by J. N. to prove the Scriptures the Word is out of Psalm 119.100 105. where the Prophet saith Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet and a Light unto my Path. Now saith J. N. what this Word is he sheweth at large in vers 97 98 101. where the Prophet plainly sheweth That it was the holy Law of God which was his Meditation day and night And further he saith Thou through thy Commandments hast made me wiser then my Enemies And in vers 101. to shew what this Way of God was he saith I have refrain'd my Feet from every false way that I might keep thy Word And in vers 106. he saith I have sworn that I will perform it that I may keep thy Judgments From whence we may plainly see That God's Word which was a Lanthorn unto his Feet and a Light unto his Path which Word he had sworn to keep that it was the Commandments or Word of God in which was contain'd the Will of God in order to David's Salvation And it is plain the Word here is not meant of Christ because the Prophet calleth it The Word of God and saith He had sworn to keep it And it cannot in reason be understood That David or any other man did ever keep Christ for all his Saints are kept by him for we are kept by the Power of Christ through Faith unto Salvation c. Answ How can a rational Person judge but that J. N. is willing to put out his own Eyes lest he should see and likewise to blind the Eyes of as many more as he can who thus tears the Scriptures to pieces that the import of them may not be understood and then patch up a few bits together again mixed with his own Imaginations and Meanings to make them shew like what himself would have Wherefore did he not instance the 99th verse also as well as the 98th 100th where David said I have more Understanding then my Teachers Was it not lest People should perceive that surely David had some farther Acquaintance and Community with God then his Teachers had and that God was his immediate Teacher by his Word which he sent and healed them that were in distress Psal 107.20 which was a Light unto David 's Feet and a Lanthorn to his Path A thing which his Teachers were not so acquainted with though they well knew the Law outwardly which David also stricktly observed as otherwise it cannot be rationally understood that David's Teachers did not well understand the Law yet he had more understanding then they for he was a Prophet of God and knew the Word of the Lord though it was as he said forever settled in Heaven vers ●9 and said he In God I will praise thy Word Psal 56. ● And thy Word hath quickened me Psal 119.50 And I have hoped in thy Word vers 74. And when this Word was with-drawn out of his sight he said Mine Eyes f●il for thy Word vers 82. Now who can be so ignorant and blind as to think that he spoke of the Scriptures when he said Thy Word is settled in Heaven For were the Scriptures settled in Heaven And in God I will praise thy Word Was it
the Scripture that he would praise And I have hoped in thy Word Was his Hope in the Scriptures or in Christ as in him that was to come And mine Eyes fail for thy Word Was it the Scriptures that his Eyes fail'd for Surely no the Scripture so much of it as was then written which were chiefly the Books of Moses was obvious enough to him when the Word might be withdrawn out of his sight for a Tryal unto him as David said concerning Joseph Psal 105.18 19. Whose Feet they hurt with Fetters Until the time that his Word came the Word of the Lord try'd him And who dares deny without Presumption but that it was the same Word which David said Was a Light unto his Path and a Lamp unto his Feet So that all J. N s. tearing assunder the Scriptures with his additional Imaginations will not prove that it was the Scriptures David spoke of in this place but was indeed the Word by which David as a Prophet to whom the Word of the Lord came spoke forth that part of the Scriptures And although David did meditate on the Law of God which if I should grant it to be only the outward Law that came by Moses yet that doth not prove that he call'd it the Word nor can it be understood that he meant the Scripture when he so spoke of the Word for the Reasons afore given The Word was precious or scarce in those dayes which came to the Prophets saying So and so and those Sayings are signified or contain'd in the Scriptures But the Scriptures were not more scarce then then at times before though the Word was of which there was a Famine And though the Scriptures may be heard now which contain the Saying of the Word which the Word demonstrated yet all that hear them cannot be said to hear the sound of the Word as they did who heard those sayings demonstrated or sounded out of the Mouthes of the Prophets by the Word that so spoke And although J. N. saith It s plain the Word here is not mean of Christ because the Prophet calls it the Word of God and saith He had sworn to keep it and it cannot in reason be understood that David or any man did ever keep Christ Answ I answer Here J. N. hath wrong'd the Prophet's word for he did not say That he had sworn to keep the Word but He had sworn to keep his Righteous Judgments as if he should have said He would observe the Judgments of the Lord to walk in the Paths thereof or That he would walk according to the Spirit of Judgment Yet notwithstanding this It is but the unreasonableness of J.N. to conclude That David nor any man did never keep Christ for they that keep in subjection to the Spirit of Christ and dwell under his Government may be properly said to keep the Word which is Christ And there were in the Church of Philadelphia those that kept the Word and such deny'd not his Name Rev. 3.8 Mark that He that kept the Word deny'd not his Name which is call'd the Word and in vers 10. he said Because thou hast kept the Word of my Patience I will keep thee c. Now can it reasonably be understood That it was the Scriptures that were here call'd the Word of Patience which they kept or that Scriptures were that Name which they deny'd not who kept the Word Certainly I cannot rationally judge that any should be so blind but if they should the very next verse will sufficiently clear the matter where it is said Hold fast that thou hast that none take away thy Crown Mark He having kept the Word of Patience was exhorted to hold that fast which he had that he might not lose his Crown And can any rationally conclude That the Scripture was his Crown Or else Was it not the Word of Life and of Patience which was in the beginning before the Scriptures were written and would be his Crown when Scriptures should be no more For Paul exhorts Timothy To lay hold on Eternal Life 1 Tim. 6.12 And must he not then lay hold on Christ who is the Word and the Life 1 John 1.1 and John 14.6 And they that had receiv'd him who was the Word and the Life and was to be their Crown as before is shew'd and were to keep or hold fast that which they had receiv'd May it not be properly said That they kept Christ Certainly none can be so ignorant who understand the Scripture to conclude that no Man did ever keep Christ although all his are kept from the hour of Temptation by him who is the Power of God through Faith unto Salvation By all which it plainly appears That the words of the Prophet produc'd by J. N. do not prove nor intend to prove the Scriptures to be the Word of God that the Prophets and Holy Men of God kept although I shall easily confess that they do contain many sayings and words that proceeded from the Mouth of the Lord all which were and are according to the several Dispensations of time to which they relate to be observ'd also The next Scripture produc'd by J. Newman to prove Scripture the Word of God is Isa 28.9 10 13. where the Prophet said Whom shall I teach Knowledge and whom shall I make to understand Doctrine c Precept must be upon Precept Line upon Line c. the Word of the Lord was to his People Precept upon Precept and Line upon Line c. So that saith J. N. its clear the Word of God is that Doctrine Teaching and Precepts that was given at large to God's People c. so its plain c. the Scripture is properly and principally called the Word of God Answ To which I answer This doth not at all prove the Scriptures to be the Word which the Prophet said was Line upon Line and Precept upon Precept unto them for though he said Whom shall I make to understand Doctrine and in order to it said The Word of the Lord must be Precept upon Precept Yet that doth not prove that the Doctrine was the Word but the Doctrine was of the Word and by the Word that came unto the Prophet was the Doctrine demonstrated and they thereby made to understand it And so the Word oft times came unto the Prophets not the Scriptures and bid them go and speak so and so and the Doctrine which they preached could not be properly call'd the Word it self that came to them though the sound of the Word was heard in the delivery of that Doctrine But their Doctrine proceeded from the Word which bid them so speak so that there was the Word the Teacher and the Doctrine thereof the Teachings And this Word so oft coming unto the Prophet to bid him go and speak unto the People it might well be said That the Word of the Lord was Line upon Line unto them so that it plainly appears that this Word here spoken of was