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A26579 Covnterpoyson considerations touching the poynts in difference between the godly ministers and people of the Church of England, and the seduced brethren of the separation : argvments that the best assemblies of the present church of England are true visible churches : that the preachers in the best assemblies of Engl. are true ministers of Christ : Mr. Bernards book intituled The Separatists Schisme : Mr Crashawes questions propounded in his sermon preached at the crosse / examined and answered by Henry Ainsworth. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1642 (1642) Wing A809; ESTC R19104 173,009 159

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of which churches being joyned togither in the profession and practise of the Gospel of Christ haue his power and presence with them and is to conuene or come togither in one for the worsh●p of God and performance of publick duties 29. Whatsoeuer promise or blessing of God is bestowed on the church on earth generally considered the same may be apprehended injoyed by every particular church though not in like measure by all as the promises generall and examples particular of the church in Corinth and others mentioned in the scr●pture doe confirme 30. The Testament of Christ sheweth vs no Prouintiall Nationall Em●erial or other l●ke Church hauing seuerall meetings or a●●emblies and special Pastors ouer the same neither since th● Apostles Prophets ●vangelists were taken from this world are there any other lawful Bishops or Church-gouernours then the Bishops or Overseers of the particular churches neyther euer was ther other lawful Head Lord or Lords spirituall of the Church then Iesus Chr●st alone 31 Vnto the ch●rch are to be admitted all vnto whome the couenant and promise of God doth apperteyn and they are so many as the Lord our God shall call and all those are called in the iudgment of man which hauing heard the word of God doe professe repentance from dead works and faith in God by Iesus Christ the alone Sauiour of ●he world and promise obedience to the word through the holy Ghost the sanctifier of the elect Such of all sorts and estates of people in the world are with their seed to be receiued into and nourished ●n the church their ignorance being holpen by instruction their weaknes borne by lenity their faults corrected i with loue and meeknes and their feeble consciences comforted with the promises of God 3● Out of the Ch●rch are all s●ch to be kept as are profane worldly and wicked vntill they be called of God vnto repentance faith in his promise and out of it are to be cast all such as sinne against the law of Go● by errour or corruption in doctrine or conuersation and will not by pr●uate or publick admonistion be reclaymed and amended 33 Every particular church or congregation throughout the world hau●ng equall interest in Christ and in his word or couenant consequently ha●e equall power and ought to haue a l●ke care to practise all the commandements and ordinances of the Lord standing fast in the l●berty where with Christ hath made them free 34 Every one that would be saued ought to joyne himself vnto some particular church where Gods name is se● and knowen and called vpon that in and with the same he may grow vp in the fa●th and loue of Christ vnto saluation 35. Although the church consisteth onely of s●ch as are called yet these are of two sorts some outwardly onely and for a tyme which though they be in the church yet are they not indeed of the Church othersome called also inwardly effectually and for ever So that the churches on earth haue many hypocrites and reprobates for members of them whose secret sinns defile themselues alone Howbeit the Lord knoweth them that are his a true Christian may by the word 〈◊〉 spirit of the Lord and fruites of his faith haue assurance that himself is the Lords of others he is for their outward good profession and conversation which he seeth to hope and judge as of himself leauin● the finall doom and iudgment vntill the Lord come who will l●●hten things that are hid in darknes and make the counsels of the harts manifest and will reward every man according as his works shal be 36 The best churches on eart are alwayes subiect to haue open greeuous sinas of all sorts break out in them all which ●niquitie● m●st speedily be redressed and euery church purged by repentance or casting out of the impenitent least wrath doe come on all the congregation 37. For churches by sinning and impenitencie therein may forfeyt their couenant and be forsaken of God and for their adulteries by d●uorced from Christ and so left of his people the candlestick being remoued out of the place 38 By this which hath been sayd may appear that euery people called of God into couenant and communion with Christ and one with another and so walking though with much weaknes ignorance and dayly syn is to be esteemed a true church of God but they that are not so called and come into couenant with the Lord howsoeuer they may professe many excellent truthes yet want they the mayne essentiall thing which makes a true church 39 A church thus hauing the essence or being by ref●rence vnto or coniunction with Christ which is a secret and spirituall thing cannot now as it is a church properly be seen with carnall eye Whereas then the church is sayd to be visible it is figuratiuely spoken and after a sort to weet so farr as by a peoples profession and conuersation seen or heard men may discerne and iudge by the rules of Gods word 40. As Christ the head and sauiour of his body cannot be found or knowen by the wit or wisdom of man but by the revelation of God so the Church which is his body kingdome and spowse ca●●ot be discerned by naturall or humane skill but by the manifestation of God alone through his word and spirit 41 Hence it is that the true churches of God are both contemned and condemned of the world as heretiks schismatiks sedetious c. when the false antichr●stian assemblies are highly honoured and regarded For they wh●ch vnderstand not the word of God wh●ch natural men doe not nor haue the spirit of God which naturall men haue not how should they rightly judge of or discerne the Church of God 42. And Satan to deceiue the simple doth deck his synagogues with many ornaments of the church of Christ as the preaching of the word prayers sacraments discipline he procureth them also honour amplitude and prosperity when from the true church oftimes he taketh not onely outward peace and glory but bereaueth the same of Christs publicke ministery of the word and sacraments by persecuting imprisoning banishing and killing the officers of the Church and scatteting the members 43. Yet is not Satans synagogue for all the pomp thereof a church of God because it inioyeth and useth not his word and holy things aright according to his heauenly ordinance Neyther can the true churches be spoiled or depriued of the word of God which is graffed in them and able to saue their sowles is seed immortall and endureth for ever but in the mids of their many afflictions they both hold forth that word of life as lights vnto the world and by the same doe edify and
mentioneth shew little or none at all wise men will esteem them accordingly But if such a Diuine as Bredwel doe but call our curse a by-path this sentence is authentik yenough for Mr Bern to put in his book The 6. is the Lords iudgement giuing sentence with them of England against vs. These things as they are before more prudently urged both for the good successe of the English ministers and bad ys●ue of many of vs so I leaue the reader vnto the answers before made pag 13. c 23. c. Onely I would advise Mr Bern. to look better to his words when he next write and not to set down such positions as may tend to Atheisme or Iudaisme as wherein his brother Boltons case that hanged himself he Sayth which end the Lord letteth not his speciall instruments to come vnto c. A Iew vpon this graunt would trouble Mr Bernard to defend Christianity seeing Iudas hanged himself who was a farr more speciall instrument of the Lord being an Apostle then Bolton that was but a ruling Elder and not the first brocher of this way as Mr Bern. very vntruely vpon Mr Giffords report if he so reported doth allege Besides that Iudas after a sort repented and acknowledged his sinne and was not that we know of excommunicate yet came to that woefull end wheras Bolton for revolting from his faith at Paules crosse was dealt with excommunicated and so died for ought that is knowen without repentance a member of Mr Bernards church See before pag. 23. The 7. is the ill successe it hath had these very many yeares being no more increased The naturall man perceiueth not the things of God but iudging by the outward appearance giues vnrighteous iudgement If M. Bernard had liued in Noahs dayes and seen his 120. yeares labours and preaching spent in vayn how would he haue stumbled at the work of God that gaue his word no other effect in the world And loe it is written as it was in the dayes of Noe so shall it be in the Dayes of the Son of man But had Mr Bern. bene in the dayes following when Israel very few in number walked from nation to nation from one kingdome to an other people and notwithstanding the promise of multiplication yet in 200. yeares and mo● had increased but vnto 70. sowles and as many moe yeares were in Aegyptian bondage and had he in the mean while seen the Princes of Israel and Dukes of Esau with the Kings that raigned in his land before any King in Israel how would this man may we think haue gathered likelihoods or rather haue concluded out of doubt against the poor afflicted church of God But it is no new thing to hear this pleading from such carnall gospellers Wel not totell him of Gods gracious work in bringing many to this truth and causing moe to listen after it dayly let Mr Bern. look to himselfe and his fellow Reformists and if his right eye be not blent let him acknowledge Gods hand a●ainst themsel●es who heretofore had so many fautors and that not of the meanest in the land yet now are repressed as troublers of the church and their counterfeyt reformation further from all likelihood of effecting then was at the first And this much of his vnlikely likelihoods Of his REASONS HIS reasons now follow of more force as he pretends then his bare probabilities These are three fold taken 1 from the evill of the entrāce in to this way 2 from our persons so greueously sinning in this way 3 from our opinions which are altogether erroneous and false The first sort of reasons haue this foundation The entrance is very sinful and cursed Because of these 2 great evils 1 That we doe not onely condemn corruptions and the notorius wicked but also forsake all former Christian profession amongst them A man must cast off that word there with them which made them aliue also the faithfull messengers of God the Fathers which begat him yea he must renounce all fellowship of the godly there c. But we may with the Prophet truely complayn of this man that his mouth is full of cursing and deceit and frawd for how often haue we in our publick writings protested our consent in all the holy doctrines that themselues professe onely because we cannot enioy them without Antichristian abominations which the Prelates impose and the Priests and people practise we haue separated from those assemblies where idolatry is publickly set vp and maynteined from those blinde guides that would seem to make concord between light and darknes Christ and Beliall and vnder shew of many truthes seduce mens sowles vnto destruction Did the church of England forsake all former christian profession among the Papists when they left the Pope and some of his Prelates Masse images c. If not then neyther doe we that haue left but the remnants of Popery yet reteyned and doe walke in the truth to our knowledge and utmost power as God inableth vs not casting off any jote of his word nor any faithfull messenger of his or other godly person as this adversary calumniateth His hart knowes better though it sendeth forth such bitter waters 2. Next this he sayth with such a renunciation of truth must be reteyned much vntruth the particulars are 1 that men must beleeu our way to be the truth of God 2 and then condemn their church as a false church Whether our way be not the truth of God let the Godly iudge by his word by it also let them try the estate of the church of England But Mr Bern. begging the question will haue things to be taken for untruthes before triall or due conviction To help himselfe he seekes advantage by that we haue published as he sayth vnder our hand that the differrences between vs and them are onely such corruptions as are by vs set downe Though the word onely be not ours but Mr Bern. own yet to let this passe as ordinary with him what gathers he from it Corruptions saith he doe not mak● a false church but a corrupt church make the worst of it that can be as corruptions in a man maketh but a corrupt man and not a false man First let the reader obserue that he speaks not a word of those corruptions which we set down neyther indeed is he able with our corruption to plead for them Secondly it is very corrupt and grosse that he would perswade no corruptions can make a church to be false for then rebellious Israel though they corrupted al their works was a true chuch still but Moses foretold that for corrupting themselues they should be none of Gods children but a froward and crooked generation Now let Mr Bern make the best of it he can His simillitude of a man is not fit in this case A man is a substance but a church consisteth in relation
not slanders but matters known to all that are acquainted with the course and state of your Church Answer ALl this being true it sheweth the badnes of some men not any badnes in the faith we professe An infidel might haue obiected vnto Israel as you doe here The Lord hath testified against you by giuing ouer ouer very many of your people to Carnall life Sed●mitrie Peorisme Bautisme many other idolatries with strange Gods The Papists may and doe obiect the like things to your selues at this day much more iustly then you do to vs. For when any such haue appeared among vs we presently cast them out if they repented not whereas with you such are stil reteyned in the bosome of your Church yea such hereticks and vicious persons as we haue excommunicate you doe entertayn as is knowen to all that ar acquainted with your estate Wherefore the Lord hath testified for vs not against vs whiles by the light of his word such hypocrites haue been discouered and avoyded but you are condemned by your own doctrine whiles such miscreants and flagitioius persons are kept in your communion The 6. Consideration 6. THE churches and godly learned persons that euer heard of your separation did not approue of it which was the quarrel that Fr Iohnson had with Mr Iunius and he sharply replyeth on him Nay Mr Barrow plainely rayseth at Caluin and the Geneua church and euen at al churches in Christendom in his Discouerie and counsels not with other reformed churches about their separation but Answers as Mr Iohnson doth the word is neer vs we need not go ouer the seas to seek it as if the Spirit of the Prophets were not subiect to the Prophets and himselfe as the Pope had infallible rule of in●erpretation of the scriptures in his brest Answer THE strength of this reason is quelled before in the answer to the third of your first Considerations thither I refer the reader Further I answer here that you teach such doctrine as standeth not with Christian freedom or truth whiles you would forbid vs the profession and practise of the Gospel til we haue consulted with and be approued of other persons and Churches For though I grant ther is a good use of aduising with other Churches if conueniently we can eyther when cases are difficult or when in any respect it doe concerne them yet that in all matters of religiō Christiās should be boūd thus to walke when the finne to them is euident which to other Churches not wel acquainted with their estate is not so perspicuous this were to abridge Christian liberty and to bring our consciences in bondage vnto men that though God forbid vs al communion with idolatrie yet we may not separate vnlesse they approue it It is contrary to the word of God which teacheth vs that Gods commandement is not hid from his people neyther is far off not alost in heauen nor beyond the sea but in our mouthes ●●rts to doe it But you to deceiue your reader allege this as if it were Mr. B●rrows or Mr Iohnsons reason and not the doctrine of Moses and of the Apostl● The col●●r that you bring for your selfe is that saying of the Apostle the spirites of the proph●ts are s●biect to the proph●ts 1 Cor. 14.32 which scripture considered by the words and circumstances of it will in no we●se proue your purpose F●r first it may be q●estioned whether the meanin● be that the spirits of the prophets are subiect to other prophets or to th●mselves For the Prophets among the gentiles such as the Corinthians naturally were were s●bject unto caried and ruled by their spirits and not their spirits subject to them so that they could not choose but s●e●ke as S●bylla w●tne●seth of her selfe neither could they lin or cease speaking when they would themselues yea and in holy scripture we see how Balaam prophesied good to Israel and ble●sed when he would haue cursed th●m Saul also and his messengers prophesied as it were by constreynt being ouermastered by the spirit soo as he could not co●teyn himselfe bu● stripping off his clothes prophe●●e● all that day and all that night when he had no pur●ose thus to doe Now therfor where as the Apostle here had ordeyned that if any thing were re●eled to another that fare by the first prophet should hold his peace because almight prophesie one by one if any should allege that they could not hould their peace but must speak so long as their spirit moued thē he telleth them that the spirits of th● prophets are su●i●ct to the prophets so intimating that they may if they will giue others le●ue to speak shewing also a reason hereof because God is not the author q of confusion but of peace And if thus wee understand the Apostle his words make nothing for that you say Vnto this also may be added that he speaketh this affirmat●uely they are subject and not by way of ordinance let them be subject as els where he vseth and as other things in this place are spoken as Let the prophets speak Let the first hold his peace Let women be silent But be it granted which I will not deny that he meaneth their spirits wer subject to other Prophets because when they had spoken others were to iudge yet those o●her were the Prophets of ●he same church and there present not in other churches For Paul meant not that the spirits of the Prophets in Corinth were subiect to the prophets in Rome or Iudoea and so must send to them for approbation but appoynteth like order in this as was in all other the Churches of the Saincts And if they were bound as you would haue us to send and submit to other churches and others likeweise to them then no Church hath no power in i● selfe to apr●●e of her prophets or Ministers or of their doctrine without the good lik●ng of others Which how farr it is from the Apostles mind I leaue it for the d●screet reader to judge neither thinke I but your owne brethren will dista●t y●●r so collecting from this place Howsoe●er they doe it is verie like if you had liued in Ahabs dayes and should haue heard 400 prophets at once prophesying good vnto the King and Micaiah onely prophesying evill you would with Zidkijah haue smittē him on the cheek as now you do vs in reproch told him that his spirit must be subiect to the prophets especially they being so many and he but alone But if it were further granted vnto you that we must be subiect to the prophets of other churches yet I suppose you wil not deny but al prophets and churches must trie and iudge euery thing by the word of God according to which if any man speak not his iudgment is not to be regarded And we haue offred and doe still offer our doctrine and practise to the triall