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A13827 Times lamentation: or An exposition on the prophet Ioel, in sundry sermons or meditations Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625? 1599 (1599) STC 24131; ESTC S118486 347,352 464

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did these yoong children yet know I beseech you that that master that forbiddeth is in more bondage then he which is forbidden and hee were better be an humble seruant then such a proud and presumptuous master and if he receiue not the kingdome of God as his seruant he shall neuer enter therein If he labour not for the meate which neuer perisheth if he runne not for the price which neuer endeth if he studie not for the knowledge which alway lasteth and if he obtaine not that faith which commeth by hearing of the word preached but also keepeth other from entring whether they be his seruants or his sonnes or his daughters or his wife or his friends or himselfe the sentence is long agoe denounced that he is the least in the kingdome of God It is an heynous offence to draw away a man though it be but a seruant from obeying the warrant of a magistrate and much more if he wish him to withdraw his allegeance in like case is your estate which by your owne securitie driue other men to forsake God leading the blinde vpon the stumbling blockes making them beleeue that the fire cannot burne and though they pearce their bodies with swords yet they shall not hurt them Secondly another vse hereof shal be that saying of the Lord himselfe Psal 95. 7. 8. To day if you heare his voice harden not your hearts The neglect of the word proceedeth of the hardnes of our hearts and therefore the Lord biddeth vs not to harden our hearts if we will heare his word What a world of hard hearts are now a daies if they be all hard hearts which will not be present at the ministerie of the Gospell The sea is but a soft and slender substance yet it bringeth foorth many hard stones euen so the weake nature of man engendreth many hard hearts This is most strange to see the tenderest place to be the hardest euen the heart which will die if it be but pricked with a needle but as the heart doth helpe all places of a diseased body and it selfe it cannot helpe so when this festering sore of old corrupted consciences and ignorant dispositions inuadeth the mindes of men a thousand to one but they giue him mortall woundes for then cannot the minde helpe it selfe Therefore aboue all euils beware of hard hearts the ground being hard will not let the purest seede grow in it and the heart being hard will not suffer the immortall seede of the Lords word to grow therein it choaketh all pitie and condemneth all pietie Come therfore to heare the worde of God but bring melting hearts thereunto otherwise you shall still remaine the enimies of the truth for hee that gathereth not with it scattereth abroad The priests and scribes and Pharises were present at the most of our Sauiours sermons yet they reaped no benefit thereby bicause their hearts were not touched in the presence of God no more shall many thousands be comforted by the preachers voices bicause their hearts are in their barnes when they should be in the Churches and their eies are shut when they should behold the ministers Many imagine that they preach best which can mooue the people to teares and their hearts to be pricked whose eies fall a weeping yet this is not alway an infallible token of a good pastour or an humble soule the hard marble stones do sometimes sweate out teares abundantly and yet they are neuer the softer euen so may many weepe and howle for their sins be pricked with the word of God bursting out in lamentation and yet remaine reprobates still But let vs breake vp the fallow ground of our hearts let vs keepe them in continuall moisture that whensoeuer the word shall be cast into them it may grow effectually It is a fearfull thing to receiue the graces of God in vaine which they do that without all reuerence and carefulnes come vnaduisedly without former preparation to the hearing of the worde of God that which is rashly heard is quickly forgotten and that which is vnreuerently receiued is presently despised but of this matter we haue already spoken Fourthly when he biddeth them to aske their fathers he thereby willeth vs to call to our mindes those things which haue beene done long agoe the noble and wonderfull works of God are not so slenderly to be regarded that we thinke on no more then wee see and consider nothing but that which we feele But what the Lord doth it standeth for euer and therefore is to be recorded in all generations read the 104. 5. 6. Psalmes throughout where the holy Ghost gathereth togither the sum or rehearsall of the Lords benefits and chargeth oftentimes that we shoulde teach them to our children and that we thinke vpon them to doe them for euermore The reasons of this doctrine may bee these First because as the Apostle saith Rom. 15. 4. Whatsoeuer is written in foretime is written for our learning that wee through patience may haue hope God of his eternall goodnesse and wisedome hath so prouided that the principall and excellent workes of his iustice are by himselfe recorded for times succeeding and so plainly engrauen that as he speaketh by the prophet Abacuck He which runneth may reade them and these saith the Apostle are written for our instruction It is a worlde to see how men forget the workes and worde of God they make no account of Adams curse because it was in the beginning and small reckoning of the flood because it was in the olde world and they little esteeme Ierusalems destruction because it was say they before our time and thus they wash away all feare of iudgements and loue of God So that if we warne them of wantonnesse by the example of the olde world we are not so lasciuious say they if wee exhort them to holinesse by the example of Abraham Moses Dauid Zacharias and the Apostles then they tell vs their examples pertaine not vnto them for then there was more faith stirring in the worlde then now there is and lay what wee can vnto them yet they haue one way or other to escape And all because they thinke that the Lords works are like to musitians labour which causeth men to daunce so long as they heare it and no longer or an almanacke that lasteth but a yeere so they thinke that the ancient workes and former actions of the Almighty haue no farther vse but for the present time wherein they were performed But if they thinke so they will in the ende gaine nothing by the bargaine It was an olde worke of God to make the beastes subiect to man and should they not be so now it was an ancient worke of God to make the rainebowe in the cloude that the worlde might neuer bee destroyed as it was haue wee no benefite by this woonder Christ our Sauiour died long before we were borne and doth it not pertaine vnto vs then haue we made a wrong match if all
God continued Then euery father of a familie was a magistrate to punish a prophet to instruct a prince to gouerne his owne houshould Then was there no writing but much religion few bookes but many faithfull harts all studied in vnitie to preserue vnfained veritie But in Moses time the church grewe to a nation and therefore although as Ierome saith it were Maior numero yet it was Minor virtute the number of professors grew to be greater yet the zeale and power of godlinesse grewe to be lesser And therefore nowe was it to be put in writing or else all had beene cleane forgotten for the harts of men began to be deceitfull and the words of God coulde not safely lodge in the brests of all and therefore coulde not easilie and effectually bee conueied from one to another The Lorde first of all wrote his lawe then grewe the church to another gouernment more generall then before wherein the priestes did publikely care for the seruice of God and soules of the people and euery father and master priuately for himselfe and his familie and euermore this is to bee remembred that the children praied to the God of their Fathers meaning the same God whome their Fathers taught them to serue And this beloued putteth vs in minde what manner of men fathers and masters ought to bee euen such as are able to commend the true worshippe of God vnto others for sithence the worship of God became publique and generall the priuate neglect of this dutie in the gouernours of families hath wrought the poyson of all mankind and the vndoing of all religion For now the common sort thinke that they must not pray but in a church that they are not bound to teach others but the whole charge dependeth on the minister that the preachers and not the people must learne the word and finally it maketh no matter for their faith and manners if their pastours and teachers haue the knowledge of the Gospell Oh lamentable men Oh lamentable maners which onely is to be imputed vnto this neglect of parents duety By this onely gentilisme and heathenisme grow for if Noahs sonnes had taught that to their children which they learned of their father the world had not beene wearied with many diuelish Idolatries if Dauids children had serued that God which Dauid taught them their throne had continued as long as heauen and earth endured neither had so many women beene husbandlesse so many children beene motherles so many old men beene helples and so many of all sorts and degrees beene vtterly destitute of all worldly ease and heauenly blisse the decay of their faith wrought the destruction of their blood If Christians had taught that religion to their children which they receiued without all corruption from Christ and his Apostles so many countries had not been conquered so many cities had not beene laide euen with the earth so many famous churches had not beene buried in obliuion popery had not so much preuailed Mahomet had not so long prospered wicked ceremonies had not raigned in the place of holy truth and where now is the synagogue of Sathan there had beene the Temple of our Sauiour And I feare me beloued least this parents faulte bring foorth once againe the childrens folly and then oh then will the diuels banner aduance it selfe against Christs standard and so that when the Lord shall come he shall finde no faith on the earth Looke to this you fathers of our bodies and let not the blood of our soules cry vengeance against the parents of our liues teach vs what you haue learned charge vs on your blessing and God his blessing as we will answere before the Iudge of men and angels to saue the soules of our children by the precepts of your doctrine The reasons of this doctrine may be these first bicause as Dauid witnesseth that the workes of God are great and ought to be sought out of all that loue them So that this is an argument of vnfeined affection and true loue to the workes of God when with diligence we obserue them and with conscience we declare them and also it is an assurance of sincere pietie and reuerence towards God when as the same prophet speaketh all the day long we meditate on his iudgements and speake his praises This loue of men to the workes of God is then prooued and approoued when they teach them to those whose liues are in their hands and also it is the playnest token of true loue to your children when you keepe no part of the counsell of God from them which you know your selues For the Lords doings are of that maiestie and authoritie that by them tender hearts are nourished wauering harts confirmed and stubburne mindes are perswaded Your kindest friends will be more kinde vnto you when you shew them the kindnes of the Lord and your deadly foes will be more afraide of you when they shall see and heare the workes of God in your mouth and the word of God in your hands Therefore my beloued in the Lord Iesus seeing we haue no more plainer way to know the Lord then by his workes then haue we also no surer token that we loue the Lord then when we loue his doings Let vs seeke them in the cradles of our childhoode and the beds of our old age making as much of the Lords iudgements as we doe of our children whom we desire to leaue behind vs to the ende of the world euen so let vs leaue the Lords works in remembrance for euermore Secondly another reason of this doctrine is declared by Salomon Eccles 3. 14. That what God doth it standeth for euer that men might feare before him The workes of God are affected not as the ground is ploughed which serueth one for one season but as the earth was established which standeth for euer The Lord in euery age accomplisheth many wonderful things and different the one from the other that men might feare him for his iudgements and honor him for his power And therefore being not willing at all times to make triall and shewe of his omnipotencie hee willeth vs to remember the things that are done vnlesse we would haue him once againe open the fountaines of waters that the whole world might be destroyed or once againe raine fire and brimstone from heauen to confound vs as he did the Sodomites or once againe bring a vniuersall darknes ouer our land as he did ouer the land of Iudea or else once againe suffer our fathers to be burned our goods to be rauened our wiues to be shamed and our selues to be murthered for his sake as some haue bin before vs. Therefore by how much more easie it is for our hearts to consider those things then for our eies to behold them so much more carefull let vs be to instruct others by word of mouth least we our selues our posterity feele in ful measure that heauy hand of his wrath then Oh then
as he doth the Pismires and conies Prou. 30. 25. 26. Then he sheweth for the terrour of the people howe they are armed to destroy euen as lyons with their greedie iawes and sharpe teeth which teare in sunder whomsoeuer they meete neither shall they onely execute this malice vpon men but they shall take vengeance on the vines and figge trees stripping off the barke breaking downe the branches and deuour the fruit and the body togither From hence we may first of all note seeing he maketh these beastes infinite in number mightie in power and a nation for pollicie and vnitie that it is in vaine to resist the iudgements of God seeme they neuer so small What coulde bee more base then to threaten the Iewes which had so many cities so many castles so many corne fieldes so many store-houses and so many inhabitants to be destroied by a few grashoppers and caterpillers which a man may treade on the ground or phisicke or naturall meanes may driue away yet wee see in this place the spirite of God so dealeth and armeth them with sufficient power to dismay and deuoure all things Shall we nowe saie that anie iudgement of God is small and of no reckoning when hee can make the vnarmed wormes to wearie the harnished souldiours No verily for he hath set his iudgements some in the heauens some in the earth some in the aire and some in the waters that euery where we might be driuen from rebellion and drawne from disobedience We may see in the heauens sometimes darknesse who can remedie it we may feele in the earth barrennesse who can redresse it we may smel in the aire loathsomnes who can purge it and a little billowe of the waters can ouerwhelme vs who then can saue vs For this cause Salomon Prou. 27. 12. called him a foole that running against iudgement destroyed himselfe Oh saith he in sicknesse why should I repent I hope the physician can remedie this and so delaieth till it be too late If he be poore then saith he I will take of other mens goodes and they shall maintaine me and considereth not that the gallowes are at hand Nay that which is woorse they see the iudgements of God against idle teachers vnfruitfull hearers vncleane liuers and intolerable blasphemers and yet they cannot hide themselues from it Oh my deere brethren we haue many iudgements in our lande and how doe men resist them the husbandman by plowing the gentlemen by fining the rich men by gayning and almost euery one by vngodly flattering therefore I beseech you let vs no longer be hardened for we doe striue against the streame and bid warre against the almightie if there be any meanes to escape them it is by yeelding or else assuredly we shall neuer bee eased Let vs then set our harts at rest and neuer wage battell against the Euerlasting for he as we may reade Iob. 34. 20. and 29. 37. can easily without all might destroy the strongest catch the wisest ouerturne the swiftest and confound the noblest why doe we then take a contrarie course as Balaam did which the Lorde hath not hitherto blessed It is not in our labour to releeue vs or in the earth to redresse vs it is not in our repentance or submission but principally in the mercie of God to deliuer vs. Then I beseech and entreate by your morning and euening praier that our harts may be plowed and then shall our barnes and garners be filled Againe why should we delay to worke our owne reconciliation who is able to abide the angrie countenance of the Lord for the Psalmist saith If his wrath bee kindled but a little then blessed are they that trust in him Oh how infinite is his mercie towards vs which haue so long felt his iudgements and yet hath not his wrath beene kindled I may feare and all that haue any soules may feare that all this time the coles of our transgressions are in gathering together and shortly will the Lords wrath set them on fire and then who shall not bee burned This is euident that wee resist the iudgements of God because we seeke not a truce with him And therefore looke shortly to be serued as the Iewes were to haue our flies turned into lions our wormes into beastes our friendes into foes and these small euils which already we haue shall be growen vnsufferable The vses which arise from hence is first the same that Elihu Iobs friend maketh Iob. 37. 24. when he had reckoned vp the wonderfull iudgements and works of God he thus concludeth Let men therefore feare before him for he regardeth none that are wise in their owne conceites Wherein he teacheth vs that although the Lord worketh strangely in the world and yet forbeareth to destroy vs it is because that thereby we should learne to feare him for in the feare of God is all religion and assurance of saluation Dauid saith it is the beginning of wisedome Peter telleth vs it is the continuance of our adoption and Paul saith it is the ende of our profession when he biddeth vs to finish vp our saluation with feare and trembling Then my beloued let vs feare God for so the word of God exhorteth and the Lord commandeth and the worlde and course of nature teacheth Feare him not as a iudge for then thou shalt bee condemned feare him not as a seruant for then thou shalt be punished but feare him as a father and then thou shalt be deliuered But some waxe desperate through feeling of the Lords iudgements and others are hardened because they haue seene others taken and themselues escaped and in our times although we haue so many causes to feare him oh fearefull times wherein is so little feare we may feare this one thing least as it falleth out with a sicke man a little before his ende he hath a lightening of his paines so that he feeleth himselfe voide of pangs and then presently dieth so now hauing so little feare after so long feare we be suddenly destroied But some will say if wee knew that the Lorde had sent it and not appointed any meanes to redresse then we would rest contented and in the meane time we cannot choose but labour to be eased by some way or other I graunt if the Lord should sounde from heauen vnto you or send an angell to reprooue your rebellion then it is like you would giue ouer but why are you not contented to knowe this by his word that it is the punishing of your sinnes and till you doe away your sinnes he will not doe away his iudgements Well saide Elihu Iob. 33. 13 14. Why dost thou striue against God for he doth not giue account of all his matters for God speaketh once or twice and man seeth it not then he openeth the eares of men by their corrections which he had sealed that hee might turne them from their euill hide their pride and keepe their soule from the pit So long therefore as
Christ who hath deliuered vs frō wrath to come 1. Thes 1. 10. Christ hath deliuered vs from that wrath that condemned the angels that shooke the heauens that rendeth the earth that killeth the beasts and that tormenteth the wicked Oh what had our estate been without a Sauiour but this to vndergoe the intolerable wrath of God which burneth more then any fire which paineth more thē any death which smarteth more thē any torture which tasteth worse then any bitternesse smelleth worse then any filthinesse where a man and a diuel should for euermore be yoked togither this wrath hath Christ pacified from this damnation hath he redeemed vs But now if thou sinne againe make no account of the blood of Christ the wrath shall be seuen times hotter and thou seuen times more the childe of hell Againe seeing this is the estate of the damned how wretched is their estate which liue in danger therof euery hower of life being aliue they haue no peace and being dead they haue no ease they are borne in filthines they liue in wickednes they die in wretchednesse and damnation is their graue where the fire is their cradle the diuels are their nurses the Lord is their enemie endlesse torments are their rest wrath without remedie is their meate Oh let this make good men desire to forsake this life and let it make euill men long to forsake their sinnes for their pleasurable life shall end in insufferable woes The xix Sermon Vers 12. Therefore also now saith the Lord Turne you vnto me with all your harts with fasting and with weeping and with mourning NOw at the length by the mercifull assistance of the holy Ghost haue wee finished the first part of our first diuision and are come vnto the last wherein the people are exhorted to repentance In this treatise following first of all the prophet sheweth them the manner of their repentance 12. 13. verses and secondly setteth downe certaine reasons to perswade them thereunto The manner of their repentance is either in action or in affection and it respecteth both the people and the priestes In affection as conuersion in hart and renting thereof in action as weeping fasting and mourning The reasons to mooue them hereunto are two first in respect of his nature vers 13. then of his works vers 14. That part which concerneth the priestes doth shew vs first how they should stirre vp the people and secondly how they should pray vers 15 16 17 thus much for the diuision In this that after all the before expressed iudgements the prophet nowe at the length commeth with the flat commandement and worde of God to cause them to bee conuerted Wee are first of all taught that except God giue the preaching of his worde with his heauie iudgements men can neuer bee amended by them Amos 4. 6 7 8. Let him thunder omnipotently let him shake the earth terribly let him darken the light fearefully let him curse the world iustly and multiply his punishments abundantly yet all this without the word of God cannot conuert a soule All this is plaine in the forenamed place of Amos wherein God telleth the people that he had giuen them scarcenesse of bread and no raine insomuch as two or three cities wandered vp and downe to drinke water hee sent blastings and mildeawes and great store of pestilence the yong men lay murdred their horses were taken away and noisom stinks smels infected them yet still God complained that they had not turned vnto him then he biddeth them be prepared to meete their maker So that it is euident that no crosse or iudgement can work repentance The experience hereof is to be seen in our times wherein haue been as great signes and as many woonders as in any place of the worlde beside great thunders feareful earth-quakes terrible darknes mortal pestilence pining famines yet who is conuerted by thē great men are made richer mean men are made poorer poore men are made beggers yet who considereth this The waters haue drowned vs the wars haue deuoured vs want hath afflicted vs and yet still we are as heard harted as wickedly affected and as stiffenecked as euer wee were insomuch as if the whole world were in an vprore our whole land vpon hir death bed well we might complaine but hardly repent The reasons of this doctrine may be these First bicause the Lord sendeth iudgements to take reuenge and not to worke repentance Deuter. 32. 41. The halter is not put on the the eues necke to conuert him but to punish him as Agar was expelled out of Abrahams house not to reclaime hir but to torment hir And here we may learne the end of all the Lordes iudgements which is to take vengeance on our euill liues what is our estate seeing wee are vnder the reuenging hande of God one while our desires are plagued another while our appetites are molested and continually is our life threatened with a longer calamitie But some will saie shall wee not bee repentant during our crosses and aduersitie Oh yes my deere brethren for we haue the worde as well as the rod and therefore we must be instructed by the one as wee are corrected by the other our punishment is a light vengeance but our profession is a great comfort yet we are but as it were led to execution and therefore wee must repent with speede before death catch our soules as dearth hath done our bodies Another reason is bicause the word is of more force then any iudgement whatsoeuer for the conuersion of a sinner is a worke of more value then the destruction of a worlde man was lost by an apple but it cost more to redeeme their soules Is not my worde like fire and like a hammer that breaketh the stone Ierem. 23. 29. and the worde of God is life and liuely in operation Heb. 4. 10. sharper then a sworde lighter then the sunne and heauier then the earth The which thing doth mightily magnifie the worde preached and the publike ministerie thereof being attended by the angels accompanied with the spirit and reuerenced in the church The angell was honorable that slew so many thousands of Saneheribs armie Esay 37. for it was a great iudgement but the ministerie of the worde hath droue more diuels out of the worlde then it slewe or draue Assyrians out of Israell And heereby let vs learne what account we are to make of the worde of God Wee feare drowning in the seas burning on the lande robbing in our iourneies and euery ioint in our body is subiect to many easelesse paines but let vs more earnestly feare the worde of God for those hurt vs when wee feele them and see them but this will harme vs when wee neither feele norsee it they afflict vs but this instructeth vs they punish vs but this doth acquite vs they bring vs the heauie newes of condemnation but this bringeth the
eleuenth they concerne the Lord. That which mooueth them for themselues is first of all their penury and want ver 5. their pleasures and plentie should be pulled from their mouths Secondly in regard of the meanes how this should be effected which he describeth metaphorically by comparing the little beasts to a mighty nation ver 6. whose power is there also described in the 7. ver the worke which he should worke that the vines and figge trees the most pleasant profitable and necessarie plants of their countrey should be vtterly subuerted And this we will by the mercifull assistance of God his holy spirit first of all handle First of all the prophet calleth vpon those drunkardes to awake for we know that much drinking bringeth much sleeping and therefore before the prophet could speake vnto this kinde of persons he calleth vpon them to awake from their wine and to rouze vp themselues from the soft bed of their easie or rather beastlie sinnes And out of this we may behold how sweet is the sinne of drunkennes euen as sweet as sleepe is to the wearie body Againe here we may note how dangerous is the sinne of drunkennes that raigning in the bodies of men their mindes cannot be instructed their follies cannot be reprooued and their liues cannot be amended for they are alwaies sleepie and drouzie so that nothing can enter into their hearts so long as the loue of drinke raigneth in their mouthes and many other waies I could vrge this similitude or metaphor of the prophet but I omit them because they are well and worthily declared by other This therefore will I obserue out of this worde Awake that if men be not reclaimed by the preaching of God his worde they shall suddenly be destroied by the comming of his iudgements Awake saith the prophet as if in other words he had declared his meaning you sinners you gluttons you drunkards you vnmercifull men which are taking most delightfull pleasure in your seuerall iniquities You are lulled a sleepe by them but lift vp your eies with speed if you be not speedily remoued ere euery you thinke therof you shall be suddenly cōfounded The prophet Dauid Psal 58. 5. 7. 8 telleth vs that those which will not be rebuked by the prophets are like to the deafe adder which will not be cast out by the charmer and therfore he plainly telleth them that they should consume as the Ise doth and that they should melt away as a snaile in her owne shell that they should be ouerthrowne as quickly as a fire of small thornes that they should be like the vntimely fruit of a woman and that they should as speedily perish as an arrow flieth out of a bowe this selfe same wisedome threatens to her disobedient and incredulous children Pro. 1. 27. that seeing she had called but none had answered therefore their feare should come like sudden desolation and their destruction like a whirle winde There is not any thing among vs but serueth for some vse and the want therof is noysome vnto vs the day for labour the night for rest the winter for ploughing the sommer for reaping and so the worde of God is sent to awake vs before iudgement least iudgement should destroye vs. The old world would not be awaked by Noah and therefore they were drowned the Sodomites would not be awaked by Lot and therefore they were burned the Israelites would not be awaked by Ieremie and therefore they were captiuated the Iewes would not be awaked by Christ and therefore they were destroyed the Corinthians would not be awaked by Paul therfore they were spoiled by the heathen the inhabitants of Constantinople would not be awaked by Chrysostome and then the Barbarous Turke deuoured them and our countreymen of England will not be awaked by the preachers therefore famine warres plagues and sickenesses are seised vpon vs to ouerthrow vs. Oh if euer we will let vs now looke vpon it there is not one among vs but will cry against an open and notorious witch burne her burne her shee were not worthy to liue but against the open rebels against the word of God which as Samuell told Saule is equall or as damnable before God and all good men as is witchcraft yet we say nothing thereunto yea rather as Augustine saith most heauenly He is accompted a publique enimy who is displeased with these kinde of coniurations and him do the multitude turne out of audience displace out of reuerence and if they durst destroy him from among the liuing Oh my deare brethren what wil be the end of these mischiefs God his maiestie is alreadie reuiled Christ his sonne is alreadie denied the diuell their enimie is alreadie embraced the Gospell our saluation is already despised the church of God our most deare mother is already weakned the preachers of truth our most painefull watchmen are already defaced and will not the iudgements of God come also speedily to take vengeance vpon so manifold contempts and so abhominable rebellions yet let vs at least receiue this for truth that if yet we be not awakened we shortly shall be confounded The reasons of this doctrine are manifest First because as Salomon saith that the prosperitie of fooles shall slay them that is euen the meate which wicked men eate the clothes that couer them the friends that flatter them the professions that enrich them and the pleasures that reioice them shal turne God his word from them and them from euerlasting comfort Oh lamentable miserie or miserable follie that we should all of vs be so bewitched with our wealth which is a most mercifull and liberall blessing of God that we should be all rather payred then amended thereby such is the state of them that be rich to themselues and not to God Let vs then take heede to the most certaine worde of God to bee instructed by it to the most holy voice of preachers to be reclaimed by them and to the most terrible iudgements of God whensoeuer they bee vttered that we be not condemned by them for if we embrace and beleeue not the former we shall be embraced and corrected by the latter Secondly another reason heereof doth Dauid giue Psal 73. 27. That all those which withdrawe themselues from God shall perish and those which haue not the worde of God haue not God neither any comfortable feeling of his presence but rather a fearefull looking for of vengeance Oh how terrible and dangerous is the condition of all papisticall and carnall Recusants which do willingly absent themselues from our assemblies what doe they else but withdraw themselues from the Lorde and worke out their owne condemnation and therefore heauie is their case which as Esay saith 5. 24. As the fire deuoureth the stubble and the chaffe is consumed of the flame so their roote shal be as rottennes and their budde shall rise vp like dust because they haue cast off the lawe of the Lorde of hostes and contemned the
hee may remember thee in thy death for as thou seruest thou shalt be serued againe The xxxj Sermon Vers 30. And I will shew woonders in the heauens and in the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke 31. The sunne shall bee turned into darkenes and the moone into blood before the great and terrible daie of the Lorde come 32. But whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde shall bee saued for in mount Sion and in Ierusalem shall be deliuerance as the Lord hath saide and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call NOw we are come to the last parte namely the manifestation of the power of God by great and fearfull signes in heauen and secondly by giuing saluation to the faithfull Concerning the great and feareful woonders much hath already beene spoken and nowe the lesse shall suffice For the interpretation take thus much That when Christ is come and ascended into heauen and the worlde conuerted from infidelitie vnto him then shall appeere manie extraordinarie tokens of the Lordes power both in the heauens and in the earth the lights shall bee most fearefully ecclipsed being in shew turned into darkenesse and blood the aire shall bee troubled and many terrible and strange things shall be seene So that heerein is described the constitution and euent of all thinges at the change of the worlde when God shall come to take vengeance on his enimies as it is in the chapter following I will briefely touch euery thing that I purpose to handle in this vers First in that hee telleth vs of these fearefull woonders presently to succeed or rather to accompanie the preaching of the Gospell the powring foorth of the spirite and conuersion of the worlde we may learne that God will giue vs temporall calamities with spirituall benefits Luk. 21. 9. So that there is no maruaile that in our times there haue been seene so many terrible things in heauen and earth seeing the Gospell hath beene preached vnto vs for calamities make vs to beleeue it more willingly Hos 5. 15. And if the Gospell bee not shadowed in this trouble and wee not ouerthrowne by them then haue wee a notable triall of the Lordes promise towarde vs Luk 21. 18. For as Gedeons fleece was drie when all the earth about it was wet so shall we be safe when many shal be cast down Let vs learne to commit our soules vnto him 1. Pet. 4. 19. that although the heauēs fall down the earth be remooued the sea be dried and the light be darkened yet we may possesse our soules and our soules may possesse our Sauiour for it is God that sendeth woonders ruleth all signes the same cloude did leade the Israelites to Canaan that brought other to destruction the same signes are for our saluation which are for other mens condemnation Secondly when hee saith hee will set woonders in heauen wee are taught that God will manifest his wrath before it commeth Rom. 10. 18. Heauen is in the sight of all and naturally we are inclined to looke vpward so that whatsoeuer we there see we know it commeth from God and therefore there are the signes manifested because euery one might see them The reasons first because wee may either confesse them or be confounded by them Isai 2. 18. Secondly that the greatest enimies of God may be stilled Psal 8. 2. Therefore learne so soone as you see the rod to feare him that ordained it Mich. 6. 9. Againe let vs make a good vse of the signes that wee haue alreadie seene and not trie the Lords patience any longer or tempt the power of God any more Amos 5. 18. The wicked Iewes would haue had Christ shewe them a miracle when he was on the crosse and then they woulde beleeue him but yet they were wicked and so you which desire more tokens of the Lords power that you may be amended are still wicked for if you cannot beleeue the liuing word you shall not beleeue the dead miracles Thirdly when he saith that all these shall come before the great and terrible day of the Lord we must note that all the woonders and signes in the aire must prepare vs to iudgement Isa 29. 6. Oh how can the Lorde change vs when he thus changeth the world and how doth hee prouide for our safetie and preach our repentance by all the woonders of heauen and earth Darknesse putteth vs in minde of hell fire putteth vs in minde of the latter day blood putteth vs in minde of destruction smoke doth admonish vs of the vanitie of our life the earth would moue vs to repentance by remoouing her selfe the light would couer our sinnes in darknesse by withdrawing it selfe and the cloudes would call vs to heauen Let vs learne to feare the power of God more earnestly in his creatures that if these strange things come vpon vs yet we may not forget our Sauiour who shall come in the cloudes But whosoeuer Least wee should thinke that these troubles shoulde ouerturne and ouercome all in the world when there shall be no light but darknesse no peace but thunders no comfort but fires nor any appeerance but wrath and iudgement the prophet in these words telleth them that then euen in those most desperate miseries God would remember to heare the praiers of his children for the godly cannot choose but feare mightily when they should see all the world in an vprore and heauen and earth roaring to their destruction Whereby I might note that good men must endure the feare of those euils which shall come on the world Isa 33. 4. because they loue their life too much Psal 119. 108. and because their whole life must bee mortified and mangled with many sorrowes Rom. 8. 36. yet let vs not so feare that we despaire how neer soeuer we seeme to destruction Isa. 41. 14. but be obedient as Noah was Heb. 11. 7. though the waters and cries of all the world be as neere to vs as they were to him First when he saith that all that call on the name of the Lorde shall bee saued we may note that saluation must bee praied for before we can haue it Heb. 7. 25. Saluation commeth not as honour came on Dauid which made him a king before hee thought on it but it must come on vs as cleannesse and health came on Naaman which he trauelled for and praied for and washed for seuen times in Iorden before he could be cleansed And as the poore Canaanitish woman entreated Christ a good while before he would graunt so the Lord looketh that men should entreate for saluation many daies and nights and times with many teares and sighes and grones thorough many sorrowes and cares and troubles before they can be saued The reasons first because saluation is the Lords Psal 3. 8. and therefore it must be praied for secondly we must be saued by faith now faith is no faith that praieth not for grace Ephes
shall bee more against them then all the worlde and their helpes of nature shall giue them ouer and they left destitute of all hope shall be deliuered into the hande of diuels and surely they which scorne the companie of God his saints on the earth are woorthie to bee torne by the teeth and clawes of diuels in hell But hast thou no grace to consider this before hand and to thinke with thy selfe howe thou shalt see an infinite companie of Angels driuing thee to iudgement and then presently all the diuels in hell haling thee to damnation Be willing therefore to come to God in earth that thou maiest bee desirous to goe to God in heauen for bee assured that if thou feare iudgement and wishest it might neuer be thou art in a pitifull case for thy conscience doth alreadie condemne thee and if thou despise iudgement and watch not for it thou art more retchlesse for thou resistest God but if thou crie for the last day and say Come Lorde Iesus come quickly thou art a happie man for the Lorde is in thee Christ hath clensed thee sinne is dying in thee thou louest God his kingdome and therefore thou shalt possesse his kingdome Oh that we coulde willinglie submit our hearts to the Gospell and then shoulde wee not vnwillingly offer our soules to iudgement The reasons of this doctrine are these First because they shall be compelled by the power of God Matth. 26. 64. They which will not feele the power of God in sauing them shal feele it in condemning them and therfore as the power of God made Pharaoh to yeeld to Moses and Aaron and made Sisera to yeelde to Deborah and made Goliah to yeelde to Dauid and made the temple to rende a sunder when Christ was crucified and the sunne to loose hir light shall compell the wicked to the iudgement seate of God Another reason is bicause their hope for helpe or mercie or pardon is but in vaine Lam. 4. 17. And therefore although they woulde escape yet their hope shall deceiue them as the mother and wife of Sisera which told of the victorie when in the ende it turned to their owne ouerthrow I doe but briefly touch these things bicause I haue handled them more at large alreadie The vses which arise from hence are these First that wee come willinglie to the throne of grace Rom. 5. 2. or else we shall be vnwillingly drawne to the throne of wrath Come to all godlie exercises ioyfully heare the Gospell diligently reade the scriptures zealously loue the godly tenderly and praie to the Lorde comfortablie and then shalt thou come to grace not to wrath to glorie not to shame to life not to death to heauen not to hell Make no excuses for thy absence admit no delaies for thy hinderance suffer no temptations for thy allurement and let not the wife of thy youth keepe thee from praier and the throne of grace Feare God more than loue the worlde hate euill more than loue thy wife Saie vnto all cumbrancers awaie from mee for I will keepe the Gospell of my God I had rather loose my finger than my hande my haire than my heade my bodie than my soule my friendes than my GOD. I will feare the Lorde before wrath that I may reioice in iudgement Againe let vs learne to acknowledge and perswade our selues of this terror of God 2. Cor. 5. 11. for except wee consider before hande howe the heauens shall be consumed howe the earth shall bee burned howe the worlde shall bee ended and howe the Lorde shall be manifested the Gospell will be but a weake worde and an idle tale vnto vs But if thou canst beleeue the last iudgement and with the eie of faith beholde it a farre off and tremble at the secret meditation thereof then thou maiest easily feele the power of life vnto life and happily forsake the sentence of death Therefore euermore remember iudgement at thy feast in thy bed on thy table in the morning at thy labour before thy sleepe and with thy friendes that thou and they be not of the kindreds of the earth which shall waile and lament before the comming of Christ Reuel 1. 7. There will I pleade with them Hauing finished the gathering togither of the wicked into the place of iudgement now it remaineth that wee goe on to the causes of their destruction which the Lord heere openeth as pleaders do in their courts at the law and therefore he saith that he will plead with them for his people alluding to the manner of worldly iudgements so that heere wee may see that the Lord is both iudge counsellor for his church which may greatly comfort vs and discomfort our enimies for the Lord who is to tally for vs and eagerly against them hath the whole law in his owne hand But in this that he saith he will plead with them we may note that God will open all the sinnes of the wicked in iudgement Eccles 11. 9. For pleaders will not omit any thing which may discredit their aduersarie or the cause against which they speake yea they will suspect those things which they cannot gainesay and condemne those things very peremptorily which they can any way blemish In like sort the Lord when he shall draw thee to iudgement will there open all thy life and tell thy secret whooredome thy hidden theft thy often blasphemies thy idle words thy vaine expences thy proud gestures thy idle worship thy friend-pleasing vanitie and all thy hypocrisie Thy charitie he will defame with vaine-glorie thy prayers hee will account abhomination thy fasting he will call dissembling and thy gentle nature shall be accounted a flattering vertue All this will hee bring to iudgement hee will prooue it by thy conscience he will condemne it by his Gospell and he will punish it by condemnation oh then shall thy faults be written in thy forehead that al may know them and thy priuie doings blowen with a trumpet that all may heare them and thy forsworne sinnes opened by a crier that all may loath them Oh wretched wretches which had rather abide this iudgement of God then that which is in this life but if thou haue any meanes to perswade thy soule vnto goodnes or to terrifie thy flesh from euill let this helpe it forward that God shal open all thy faults at the day of iudgement and discredit all thy vertues be they neuer so many or neuer so glorious Thinke not that thy good deedes shall ouercome thy euil but as one blemish disfigureth a whole bodie so one sinne will disgrace a whole bodie of vertues The reasons of this doctrine are these because the counsell of euerie hart shall then be manifested whether it be good or euill 1. Cor. 4 5. and if the counsels of men be opened much more their sinnes Another reason is because they are remembred before God Reuel 20. 12. and if all the sinnes of the wicked be in the Lords
verie sorie to execute his wrath vpon the wicked for so our Sauiour expressed his griefe for Ierusalem Luk. 13. 34. when hee cried out O Ierusalem Ierusalem howe often woulde I haue gathered thee c. The which thing putteth vs in minde of the infinite loue of God whereby hee woulde pittie our losse reuoke his sentence silence his wrath and saue vs from heauie destruction But such is our nature as is the nature of children in their birth which thinke not vpon the paines of their mothers in trauaile although they die in extremitie yet they forget them when they bee olde and so doe we both the anger and the loue of God we regarde not his mercies nor his iudgements nor his gospell nor his teares nor the bloud of our Sauiour The reasons of this doctrine First in regard of vs because we knowe not the things that belong to our peace Luke 17. 42. So wretched is the estate of men that they are not able to discerne when God blesseth them or curseth them when hee wisheth them well and when he wouldeth them euill This is cleerer then the sunne for Christ and his Gospell being offered to the worlde and preached to euery degree of men you shall see nothing more vilely esteemed or basely regarded insomuch as wee may say that the men of our time doe not knowe the thinges that belong to their peace For if the Lorde threaten them then they spurne if he blesse them then they are wanton if he punish them then they murmure if hee honour them then they are proude and euerie one thinketh that the Gospell serueth but for a time and they shall doe as well without it as with it They knowe not that nowe is their visitation or that nowe they worke their death or life or that nowe they are married to God or the diuell Surely if men beleeue not the Gospell and walke not thereafter they are sathans bond-slaues although their wealth be as great as Salomons and their authoritie as great Hamans but if they ioyfullie embrace it in the ministerie of the worde then are they the wife of the lambe and the elected heires of grace Another reason secondly in regard of God because hee rather willeth repentance then vengeance of this wee haue often spoken Let vs make this vse First when we see the froward and wicked disposition of the world that will not bee reclaimed by any warning or any mercy of God let vs doe as Christ doth for the Pharisies Marke 3. 5. Mourne for the hardnesse of their heartes It is the custome of some vaine professours for so I may terme them to raile odiously at them that will not bee ruled by their wordes and so it is of some cholericke and vnwise preachers who will take libertie in their pulpits rather to reuile men then to reclaime them except at the first they come and lay their hands vnder their feete in the one it is foolish zeale in the other vaine folly Learne therefore by our Sauiour how to be affected when thy people or thy children or thy seruants or thy friends or thy neighbours will not bee gouerned by thy instruction namely to mourne for their hardnes of hart and no maruell for thou seest God to mourne for them when thy words can no longer preuaile then let teares and if they will not be mooued by warning let them be by mourning Hardnes of hart is a sickenes sent by God and it lyeth not in the power of man to cure the same therefore cast not away a man when he is sicke not a soule when it is hard but let sorrow and prayer speake for it to God when there is no helpe in mans phisicke Another vse seeing God is vnwilling and therefore mourneth for our destruction and so do all good men also oh let vs not despise and neglect all their sorrowes and cares and teares which they powre foorth for vs it is vngodlines not to regard the Gospell but it is vnnatural not to regard the sorrowful In heauen is nothing but ioy oh wretches that wee should make the Lord sorrowful for vs in the church there is al sorrow oh vnkinde and pitilesse men that we should encrease their sorrow and mourning and teares and adde to their affliction but that which is worst of all wee are hardened and will not care for their cries Be mooued to repentance and conuersion and holines and religion for God and men do mourne for thy rebellion let their teares make thee weep in this life or else they will make thee roare in another life Secondly we may obserue in this verse when hee calleth vpon the multitude to come to destruction that God careth no more for a multitude then for one man and will as easily cast many into hell as one soule as we may see in the drowning of the old world Gen. 7. 21. The reason because all are but flesh Gen. 6. 3. that is but vile made of earth but weake wanting strength and abhominable corrupted with sinne Now what should the Lord striue and stand with earth or weaknes or sinne he hath not an angell but it is stronger then a world and therefore a multitude are as easily giuen to damnation as one or two Let vs learne not to doe euill after the example of a multitude Exod. 23. 2. Although many be blasphemers or Atheists or heathens or papists or whooremongers or neglecters of the Gospell despisers of preachers and such like yet bee not thou so for it is no ease to haue company to hell Againe when he calleth them to come into the valley of threshing meaning the place of wrath vsing no other meanes to draw them thither but his call we may note that the onely word of God shal bring men to iudgement Psalm 50. 1 2 3. and the reason is because he is strong that giueth the word Ierem. 30 7. Oh therefore that the same word might stirre vs vp to saluation which shall prepare vs to condemnation and iudgement 2. Thess 3. 1. For verily if it be so powerfull as to bring all the world in one companie togither and to raise the dead out of their graues and make liuing men out of the dust of the earth in whom I beseech you is the fault that it gathereth not vs to heare it when the Lord speaketh in the congregation and rayseth vs not vp to the life of righteousnes surely as the Lordes hand is not shortened so his word is not weakened The xlj Sermon Vers 15. The sunne and the moone shall be darkened and the starres shall withdraw their light 16 The Lord also shall roare out of Zion and vtter his voice from Ierusalem and the heauens and earth shall shake but the Lord will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of Israel AS in the former chapter when the destruction and calamities of the Lords owne people the Iewes were threatened the heauens were said to be
and dearest cost for euen for these shall you receiue many thousand times more comforts in this world and ioyes in the world to come But oh my deerely beloued in the Lord I may complaine of the neglect of preaching and prophesiyng as Ieremie did of Ierusalem Lament 1. How doth that citie remaine solitarie that was full of people she is as a widow she that was great among the nations and princesse among the prouinces is made tributarie Euen so weepe you chaste doues of the Lord and you solitarie Pellicans professours of the truth take you vp this Lamentation and say how doe those loftie cities which are builded on the Lords hill the ministers of the word remaine desolate for there is none that come vnto them to buy their heauenly wares preaching of the vulgar and greatest sort is counted meere babling the glorious gifts of the spirit are as little as dreamers fits and many peraduenture in some one man haue some delight like to a strange muse wrought in a male contented minde by a consort of Musicke but what sinnes will they forsake at his request Surely as many as did Herod at the preaching of Iohn Baptist nay rather farewell friendship then welcome repentance though they like such a preacher well yet they loue their pleasures better Hereby may we of the ministerie try our owne friends and manifest the Lords followers if we meekely reprooue their follies which will beare vs in hand they loue and like vs well As for example if they be of the gentle sort tell them of their vaine expences if of the meaner tell them of their carnall minds if of the poorest tell them of their ignorance if the brauest shew them of their pride if the learnedst declare to them their vaine glorie and finally if the noblest bid them beware of despising the Gospell if they will abide these blowes and turne you the other cheeke also then account him for a Dauid or else reiect him for a Herod Oh how is the world altered from following preaching and prophesie in the purest age of the church their greatest glorie was in the ministery since that time euen in our owne memorie how would the people of the countrey flocke to follow preaching but now euen in our daies my beloued we our selues haue liued to see the preachers mocked as Elishah was the same people which once woulde seeme to care for nothing saue Christ the more are the preachers the fewer are the hearers Euen the Sabaothes of the Lorde are polluted with all manner of villanies and vanities as boldly as if the Gospels sounde had neuer beene shewed among vs. Euen the princesse of all professions I meane Diuinitie the Queene of al sciences the preaching of the worde is become the vilest in shew the poorest in practise the meanest in request and the greatest in slauerie The word of the Lord that came to loel the sonne of Pethuell That is to say which he sent or spake vnto Ioel the sonne of Pethuell In old time God spake diuers and many waies saith the Scripture Heb. 1. 1. to our fathers by the Prophets them I finde principally to be these first by vision as to Salomon 2. Chro. 1. 7. secondly by dreames as Moses saieth Deut. 1. 2. 6. and so he spake to Ioseph Mat. 1. 20. Thirdly by plaine face to face as hee did to Moses Fourthly by Angels Act. 8. 26. and lastly by secret instinct or motion of the spirit Luke 2. 27. and in this manner it is most likely the prophet Ioel receiued this prophesie Out of this we obserue this doctrine that if God send not his worde among vs we our selues euen the greatest among vs could or would not apprehend it For this cause the Scripture calleth it the word that came to Ioell meaning that then it came vnto him when he thought least of such strange euents terrible iudgements which he had giuen him in commission to denounce to his countrey men And the truth hereof may appeare by many testimonies of the word of God In that sinfull estate wherein all Israell stood in the time of Esay the prophet the Lord cried out Esay 6. 8. Whom shall I send vnto them as if there were none that would offer themselues to this busines And in the prophesie of Ieremie the Lord many times complaineth that he himselfe intended this busines earely and late morning and euening to send his prophets vnto them for their conuersion In other places where he bewaileth the destruction of his people he assigneth this for the cause The Prophets ran but I sent them not neither did they teach my ordinances So that if there be any forwardnes in the preachers and ministers that way to goe on their message before they receiue their arrand it rather destroyeth then saueth curseth then blesseth scattereth then gathereth the flocke of God togither Indeede when the Lord sendeth any he giueth them before hande the knowledge of his word so that they only which are apt and willing to teach are to be accompted the Lords ministers and no others Euen as the Lord gaue either more talents or fewer to euerie one of his seruants and we read not any called his seruant but he which had a talent at the least euen so in the ministerie where is not some sufficiencie to discharge that function I can neuer say he was of the Lords sending Therfore we must know that the great store of godly preachers and ministers of the word that abound in our daies in most corners of our countrey I would to God I could say in all were not either for desire of liuing or glorious estimation or any wordly cause aduaunced to the churches seruice but the Lord who hath indued their minds with knowledge their hearts with courage their toongs with vtterance and themselues with his spirit and word euen he aboue hath chosen them to be souldiers in his wars against Sathans kingdome and by the voice of his word like canon shot to batter downe the castles of darkenes The reasons hereof are manifest first because that mans nature in it selfe abhorreth nothing more then God his seruices Exo. 3. 11. 12 13. when Moses was called by the Lord to carie his name before Pharoh and the children of Israell how many delayes did he make and how many shifts did he inuent to exempt himselfe from this heauenly message sometime he wanted toong sometime strength and sometime authoritie now one while hee feared the king another while the people and although the Lord wrought miracles for him yet would he gladly auoide it Secondly it is apparant that when the people were in greatest extremitie and most of all felt the heauie hand of the wrath of God there was no calamitie that touched them so neerely or pressed them so deadly as this to thinke they had no Prophets left to inquire of the word of the Lord. For as a shippe in the midst of the sea tossed too
preachers the carnall and time seruing professours these shall goe to the place from whence they came there to be tormented world without end It is not cold and idle hearing that maketh vs the people of God but a sincere and diligent frequenting the place where his person dwelleth We must not be contented to be the Lords retayners but we must sue to be made his houshold seruants The Apostle Peter in his first epistle cap. 2. ver 5. calleth vs all that professe the Lord Iesus a spirituall priesthood now this was the office in old time of a priest euery day to appeare at the altar and their very lodging was in the Temple therefore must we come often to the Lords house and desire to dwell in his tabernacle that we may euermore heare and speake his worde The second reason of this doctrine is taken from the continuall course of the Iudgements of God All Egypt was plagued because they heard not the worde of God euen their king lost his eldest sonne and afterwarde he himselfe for the same follie was drowned and swallowed vp of the sea The noble man which would not beleeue and harken to the voice of the prophet when he told him of the great and sudden cheapnes of corne answered him that it was impossible except the windowes of heauen shoulde bee opened but he sawe it accomplished and for his infidelitie was troden to death by the people Reade the whole booke of God and you shal euery where plainly perceiue that for disobedience to God his worde and contempt of his messengers Kings haue been deposed and Queenes haue beene punished Lords Ladies Magistrates and subiectes old men and children haue tasted of the deadly cup of the Lords heauie wrath Lay vp this in your harts my bowels in the Lorde happy are they which auoide danger by the fals of other men Oh that the teares of our countrymen couldewash away the guilt of this sinne for our score is growne so great by our long continued credit that we haue made no conscience to pay the Lord his owne and we haue vrgent cause to consider and also to feare least the Lord sue the extremitie of the lawe vpon vs and neuer spare till we haue paide the vttermost farthing and felt the full weight of his hande and spent euery drop of bloud in soule and body for the notorious contempt of his most glorious Gospel There is no sacrifice to be compared to the hearing of the Lords worde and therefore the neglect thereof in whomsoeuer is most fearefull most deadly most damnable The vses which offer themselues vnto vs out of this doctrine are these first that the ancient and great men must suffer the words of the Lords ministers patiently and for this cause the Apostle willeth vs Tit. 2. 2. To exhort the elders to sobernesse and faith There be two things which should shine as bright in age and authoritie as the eies do in the heads of strong yoong men that see and be seene of others and yet see not themselues euen so ought sobrietie and faith to offer themselues vnto the view of all persons where the graie haires appeere like the buddes of an almond tree whereby the aged may see and correct the follies of youth and yoong men may see their example to be drawne in loue with their liues but they themselues ought not to be proud for that honour which the Lord hath bestowed vpon them Oh how vnhappie is that time when olde men and great men are as wanton as children and as faithles as those which neuer knewe God Wo bee to that lande whose Prince is a childe saith Salomon Meaning that the whole countrey is distressed where the gouerners thereof haue as little stay as children or as little faith as children In our daies if the Lords ministers which keepe the soules of our countrymen shall in meekenesse admonish old men they tell them they are but boyes to themselues and they knew what religion was before they were borne not knowing their antiquitie cannot preiudice the spirite of the Lord or not considering what our sauiour saide to the labourers in the vineyard They which were first shall be last and they which were last shall bee first Others thinke that if they beare an office in the common wealth no man may dare to counsell them in the Lorde they themselues thinke they are iniured and their friends thinke they are disgraced if the word of exhortation passe vpon them shall I say they being a gentleman well descended well instructed of so many hundred poundes reuenues bee in as much slauerie to this preaching as the poore artificer But vnto these we may answere that if their natures or offices exempt them from sermons they also exempt them from saluation For it pleased God through the foolishnes of preaching to saue them that beleeue What is a King better then a farmer a noble man better then an artificer a gentleman better then a plowman and a magistrate better then a subiect without true religion and obedience to the gospel Surely nothing for now whether had you rather bee poore Iacob bowing to the earth alone or rich Esau attended with fowre hundred men whether had you rather bee Pharaoh or Moses Ieroboam or the prophet Ziakijah or Ieremie the rich man or Lazarus Pilate or Christ Herod or Iohn Baptist the Apostles or the high Priests stagger not heereat but shew your consciences whether of these you woulde be you cannot bee both therefore choose one The way to heauen is narrowe and we being clothed with our owne conceites can neuer enter in there is too little roome for both we cannot beare the yoke of Christ and the worlde at one time the least of both requireth a whole man Therefore you my beloued fathers beare with the voice of vs your yoongers for when we exhort you it is not done in our name but in his who is the ancient of daies elder then the oldest wiser then the wisest stronger then the strongest and yoonger then the yoongest who is euery day borne in his members It is not vs but him that you heare who knoweth your harts seeth your liues and shall condemne your incredulitie The Lord told the rebellious Israelites when they refused Moses and Aaron that it was not against them but him that they had murmured and refused so it is not our youth it is not our frailtie it is not our weaknes that you blame for if wee were not ministers you woulde loue vs the better for it but it is against the Lorde that you striue Oh staie your toongs before they go too farre God which dasheth in peeces yoong infants careth not for your gray haires your swordes auaile not against him neither can your reuenues redeeme your soules Secondly we may make this one vse of this That forsomuch as the Elders and Magistrates must aboue others vse the hearing of the worde of God what is their estate
Christ praied for the disciples and the posteritie of the Church to the worldes ende was this Ioh. 17. 21. that there might bee a vnitie betwixt God and Christ and his members and considering this vnitie the vnbeleeuing worlde might be reclaimed Would not this vnitie doe well also betwixt vs and our posteritie that there might bee like father like sonne like mother like daughter Christians by regeneration and Christians by generation that our religion might abide with our names and our inheritance and that wee might bee ioyned in the affinitie of soules as we are in consanguinitie of bodies But oh wretched men or wicked sathan the oke feedeth okes the vine vines the oliue oliues the beastes engender their kindes and the fishes multiplie their like onely righteous men breede vnrighteous impes and their fruite is not pleasant till they bee graffed Why should not good men haue good sonnes as good seedes bring good corne the question is easily answered though with sorrow considered Religion goeth not by propagation but by adoption they beget such children as themselues were begotten that is the sonnes of wrath for whome we must pray without ceasing weepe without comfort and watch without wearinesse that they may be made the sonnes of righteousnesse The fifth Sermon Vers 4. That which is left of the palmer worme hath the grashopper eaten and the residue of the grashopper hath the canker worme eaten and the residue of the canker worme hath the caterpiller eaten NOw we haue by the mercifull assistance of diuine grace finished the preface of this prophesie let vs also with the same power enter vpon the prophesie it selfe We shewed you at the beginning that from this fourth verse vnto the twelfth of the second chapter is vttered by the prophet those iudgements which are threatened by the Lord. In declaring whereof he obserueth this order First in this fourth verse he sheweth the instrumentall cause or beginners of their miserie vnder God and afterward by exhortations and sundry amplifications he describeth before their eies the force of these hurtfull creatures bred and brought foorth onely for the destruction of these Iewish people The instrumentall causes are named to be these fower the Palmer-worme the Grashopper the Canker-worme and the Caterpiller small creatures comming with great force to inuade this countrey And this is that which made the Prophet so cry and call to the people for audience and attention that so woonderfull a matter should be effected not onely as Esay saith that a woman should compasse a man but that a flocke of little wormes should ouerthrow a whole nation and these beasts should come successiuely the one after the other that whosoeuer escaped the first should be taken by the last and that which was not touched by the former might be consumed by the latter And it may seeme that the foundation of their ouerthrow was wrought by a famine for we must not imagine that at the first these beasts set vpon men but began with their fruits with their corne their vines their trees and their store to cast downe those castles of confidence which they had raised vp in the abundance of their belly-cheere In like manner if it were lawfull for me to compare vs with them and to weigh the euent of our times by that which we feare and not by that which we feele might not all godly minds iustly doubt that whereas there is and hath beene so great an harmony in the transgressions of both people and such a consent in both our calamities that they are both begun with famine the continuance and the end should also resemble theirs I prophesie not what shal be but what may be I cannot say certainely that as their land was wasted their stores consumed their corne accursed and their richest men impouerished so shall ours be or that as they had their sacrifices stayed their temple emptied their law remooued their chiefe glorie the outward worship of God vtterly forsaken so shal ours be or that as they were at one instant time lamenting their losses weeping for their miseries and shedding abundance of teares to see their owne bodies famished their owne children perished and the grauest persons among them to be pitifully tormented hauing their houses filled with cries of people their streetes swarming with dead corpses and their fields and woods ringing with roaring and bellowing of beasts so shal ours be no not so but so may ours be the Lord graunt that this as we feele be not the beginning of sorrowes for verily I perswade my selfe that our countrey which hath receiued great heapes of benefits as the Iewes had and hath rewarded with great heapes of sinnes as the Iewes did shall also if not shortly be finally ouerthrowen with great plentie of iudgements as the Iewes were But now let vs returne to the words and herein looke for some doctrines which may edifie vs and admonish vs for of the other matter we shall haue fitter occasion to speake hereafter Then here we haue the prophet after his crie making his proclamation in the name of the highest king of heauen and earth telling them and vs that there shoulde come an infinite number of palmer-wormes to deuoure their fruits and that which they touched not should the Grashopper deuoure and that which the grashopper left should the canker-worme poison and that which the canker-worme poysoned not should the Caterpiller consume that by a quaternion of successiue spoilers they might be made to feele that which they were not willing to heare But some will say this was a small matter for the prophet to preach on thinketh he that we haue no other busines then to heare a tale of Grashoppers and Canker-wormes which leape in euery medow and hang on euery leafe or doth he imagine that we are such weake hearted souldiers and faint hearted persons that we should be terrified with a muster of fraybugs and little wormes of an inch long indeed these are matters to fray children and not olde men and therefore he must either tell vs of weightier matters or else silence his toong from such trifles And yet if any think thus in these daies as they were neuer more readie to take exception against the preachers I might answere them that they are not trifles which the Lord hath treasured in his word neither are they recorded onely to feare children but also to terrifie yea and condemne old men We must not weigh them in the ballance of naturall reason but lay them to a sound spirituall iudgement and we shall finde them more heauy then moūtaines which we deemed lighter then feathers The waies of God are not like the waies of men First of all we must know and remember vnto you that these fower kinde of beasts had euery one his yeere to worke the hurt that the Lord had assigned him to doe wherin they multiplied exceedingly and preuailed mightily in so much as no industrie of man could counteruaile their forces By this we obserue
for other for their cause that is for our peoples cause are we tormēted Againe how fearful are those places to be considered where it may bee saide as it was of Rachels children that preachers and good pastors were and are not you shall haue some gentleman or ruffian or carnall companion reioicing that he was the meanes to sende their priest packing and to depriue their pastor of his liuing So did Rabsakeh bragge of his crueltie as these wicked and damnable wretches of their impietie they haue brought the bloude of the Lordes prophets vpon their owne heades and the heade of their neighbours and let them assure themselues it will be reuenged Another reason of this doctrine may be this bicause if there be any perplexitie God doth want his honour and then the ministers are filled with danger If men be sicke for vs they send whereby contagion we are infected if men be imprisoned they come not at vs if they be souldiers they serue the campe and not the Lorde so that as Augustine saide they cannot be the ouerthrowers of a citie except first they ouerthrow all ciuilitie So that when the Lord is abridged of his right we must not accoūt it strange to be abridged of our libertie we are not better then our fathers yea then our Sauiour who being best of al was taken before his disciples as wee must bee before our flocke The vses which come from this doctrine are these first that wee thinke not that they alone which beare the place of God before his people to inform them in the way of godlines shal liue in this danger or that those poople are most miserable which endure most aduersities but as the prophet speaketh Ier. 25. 29. If God plague the citie or person by whom his name is called vpon howe shall other men thinke to goe free nay rather then that should be so his sword saith the prophet shal destroy al the inhabitants of the earth Thinke not that your estate who are gentlemen or rich men or secular men or peraduenture carnall men for all this is better then the spirituall mans calling if it go not well with vs how can it euer long continue well with you no verilie no more then when the captaine wanteth his pay the souldiers are well satisfied Looke vpon the whole course of the world you shal find them to be most wretched that are most secure most damnable that liue in smallest danger Most wicked Iulianistes scoffe at the ministerie bicause they are contemned of the greater sort and they say they must laie load on the cleargie bicause they teach other men to be patient but if this were a good reason then might seruants set their masters to labour bicause they exhort them to diligence Howe vniust is it that wee which are borne to miserie for the peoples sake for the Lordes sake shoulde haue our miserie to bee encreased as it were by our owne children whom wee haue fostered in the church Go on you scoffers and most accursed Atheists when we are in sorrow yee liue in ioy when wee are reuiled you are regarded when we are impouerished you are enriched and therefore when we are in danger you shall be in damnation Another vse which we must make heereof is this that we must not auoide the ministerie bicause it is full of danger no more then men auoide the sea bicause it is full of rockes or else abandon husbandrie bicause it is full of labour The crowne of a good minister is inestimable as Paul sheweth 2. Timoth. 4. 8. From hence foorth there is laide vp for mee a crowne of righteousnesse which the Lorde the iust iudge will giue vnto me If men will weare and winne this crowne they must first fight that good fight which the Apostle speaketh of in the former verses So that nowe let vs reason our case in this manner wee are of all men most miserable our bodies are weake our studies are tedious our labours are greeuous our liues are odious our welfare is dangerous and before all wee goe to the wall Who would bee a minister to endure all these Nobles will scorne him the gentrie will abase him rich men will enuie him and the poore must speake against them he must eate their leauings he must weare that they refuse he must abide that which they offer and hee must mourne when they are ioyfull Oh be not discouraged but come into the Lords haruest speedily thy health shall be encreased thy paines shall be well paied thy pouertie shall be enriched and thy reprochfull ignominie shall be turned into crowns of glorie thy teares shall be sweeter then wine thy want shall be more tolerable then wealth thy labour shall bee more easie then pleasure and thy death shall be more acceptable then life feare not to take vpon thee a ministers calling euill words are but winde euill men are but chaffe euill wealth is but rust euill ioy is but sinne and another calling is but base Christ triumpheth in thee 2. Cor. 2. 14. thou shalt reioice in thy flocke 1. Thess 2. 19. and the world shall be subdued by thy word Ierem. 1. 19 20. the actes of God shall be in our mouth and a two edged sworde in our handes to pronounce sentence against kings and iudgement against angels The tenth Sermon Vers 10. The field is wasted the land mourneth for the corne is destroyed the new wine is dried vp and the oyle is decayed NOw the prophet sheweth the cause of that doctrine in the former verse why the worship of God was laide waste because the field is wasted and the land mourneth that it is barren the corne wine and oyle are all destroied The which thing being so out of this verse we first of all note that God giueth vs these fruites of the earth to worship his maiestie therewithall Psal 67. 6 7. So that men must turne themselues and looke vpon all the creatures of God which will tell them to their face they must serue God the better for them what groweth in thy field which singeth not this song the naturall herbe the planted corne grasse growing foode for cattell and all other things teach vs more earnestly to serue the Lorde And for this cause ought we onely to possesse them for assuredly if men doe couet after much lande and many fieldes and plant much corne and many fruites onely that themselues may haue much to serue them being aliue and leaue much for their children being dead they are those that the Lorde threateneth a woe vnto by the prophet They haue not these things for the Lorde but these things haue seised on their harts for the diuell vse therefore thy wealth not to liue in pleasure but in religion not in pride but in godlinesse not in honour of men but in the crosse of Christ And as an olde man hath his staffe to stay him from falling because he is weake so doe thou possesse those to
by outward shewes and the giftes of the spirite by worldly professions so that if men liue neuer so vprightly and yet be poore or teach neuer so diligently and yet be not famous and pray neuer so feruently and yet be not a flatterer or write neuer so excellently and yet reprooue sinne he is no more accounted then a base and common professour Men will not studie religion because they say the doctors can neuer knowe all things and therefore they will knowe nothing but if none should studie phisicke but he that would cure all diseases sicknesse would quickly ouerthrowe vs and if men follow not religion because they cannot know euerie mysterie the diuell will speedily ouercome their soules Be ye ashamed O ye husbandmen howle O ye vine dressers for the wheate and for the barly because the haruest of the field is perished Now he commeth to the particular persons that dresseth the earth and the fruites thereof bidding them to bee ashamed to see their cunning faile their labour lost their price receiued in vaine because all was destroied whereabout they were imploied From hence we may note that seeing the prophet calleth to these husbandmen it is our dutie that are of the ministerie to speake the word and rebuke sinne and exhort euery kinde of profession vnto religion The princes the nobles the rich the poore the husbandmen the artificers and the seruingmen and the gentlemen must all be exhorted and rebuked by the voice of a preacher And this was the most singular comfort that Paul receiued by his labour Actes 20. 31. That they all coulde beare him witnesse that hee had not ceased daye nor night to admonish euery man of life eternall wherein wee see that the paines of a minister are infinite that must not feare any mans person nor spare any mans profession nor loue any mans sinnes nor bee silent at any mans iniuries nor bee controuled for any iust offence by him rebuked Looke I say to the labours of watchmen in the Lordes house hee warneth them by chiding saith Aug. he instructeth them by preaching he prepareth them by admonition he hath a calling from God to warrant him from the word to enconrage him from the spirit to inflame him and from his conscience to comfort him He must rebuke the rage of great men the folly of old men the vanitie of yoong men the deceit of crafts men the trade of husbandmen the idlenes of seruingmen the wantonnes of women and the sinnes of all men that by wounding them with the word of God both they and he might escape the iudgement of God The reasons of this doctrine may bee these First because as Paul saith in the forenamed place ver 26. 27. that by this means they are free from the blood of all men And we know that the blood of a poore husbandman will staine as much as the blood of the greatest prince in the world But euermore when I haue occasion to talke of the bloode of men which is committed to the preachers and shall bee againe required at our hands me thinkes that the blood and life and hearts and soules should tremble hereat the minister for his charge the people for their danger The captaine doth answere for the body of a man the factor for his masters wealth the scholler for his learning the man for his seruice and the noble man for his princes affaires but the minister must answere for the peoples sinnes Againe what is the danger to keepe thy soule is it not committed to a man hath it not all the diuels in hell to lay siege vnto it and yet wil not men come to their pastors to haue their soules fed being hungrie nor yet cured being sicke nor yet salued being wounded nor yet defended being besieged nor yet to be saued although they be like to bee damned Another reason of this is because our commission must stretch it selfe as far as Christes redemption who is an aduocate for all men that is for all sorts of men and therefore it is most requisite that we speake to all kinds of men that so they may come to the knowledge of redemption Wouldest thou then be exempted from comming to sermons then thou must also be exempted from comming to saluation Is it hard vnto thee and intolerable that the word of God shall restraine thy pleasures then shall it be harder for thee to haue the blood of Christ to annoint thy soule from hell Would not all men come to the kingdom of heauen then wil I open vnto them the gate of the Lord and tell you that obedience to the ministerie is the way and the righteous will enter therein The vses which come of this doctrine are these First seeing that all men must receiue the word of the minister that the ministers flatter not the people and conceale not the iudgements of God from their sinnes Prou. 24. 24. 25. The Lord promised pleasure to them that rebuked the sinne of the wicked and the blessing of goodnes shall bee vpon them What is the hope of the Lords workman we haue already declared But now let me exhort and be exhorted vnto this necessarie doctrine I know that since the world grew to a multitude and the church to a monarchie the great men haue euer enuied the rebukers of sinne I meane the ministerie bicause they liued in greater sinnes themselues and this is the cause why reproofes are so hardly endured that although we speake but generally against a particular sinne yet some or other who is gauled with the conscience thereof will accuse vs for ayming at him and peraduenture threaten vs mortall hatred this was not so in the primitiue church 1. Cor. 14. 24. 25. but rather men obeyed gladly then threatned maliciously but so it is in our church and therefore are the ministery afraid in many places to preach the word least they should offend But harken my deere brethren feare them not for it shal come on vs that the Lord threatned Ieremie If we spare his word he will confounde vs in their presence What is there in them that we should feare they are but men in nature so are we they are many in number so are we they haue the world we haue the word they touch but our names or our bodies our soules are the Lords they cannot accuse vs iustly of sinne but themselues they cannot worke their will but the Lords will their wrath is nothing to the Lordes wrath shall we silence the word because they loue it not Beloued haue not mens persons in admiration the word of God is not bound though we be imprisoned that cannot be hurt though we be blamed our soules cannot be touched though our bodies be martyred Let vs wish with Luther that God would make vs woorthie to die for his word Another vse of this doctrine is that the people of all sorts must heare the worde of the minister let them take heed that they beare the
rebukes of sin for the Lord. Hos 4. 4. cōplaineth of the desperate estate of the people for he saide they rebuked the prophet This is the sin of England for there are among vs that will teach wise men and themselues being fooles they will controule learned men themselues being ignorant they will sohoole preachers yet they cannot heare they will rule magistrates themselues being subiects and they will seeme to doe all things being able to doe nothing But this is the point woorthie to be stoode vpon they will reprooue the minister of the Gospell If they suspect vs they condemne vs if there be but an vncertaine rumour they make it a certaine sclander so that our life our liuings our doctrine our calling and all our preaching is contemned by them Our life to be idle our liuings to be too great our doctrine to be suspitious our calling to be burdensome and our preaching to be onely for a worldly respect Oh incurable vndurable mischiefe why do men at once set Christ to schoole teach God to be wise refuse the Gospels gouernment and choose the tyranny of sinne Why do they rebuke vs and yet thinke they do well if the rod of magistrates light on vs for our sinnes let vs abide it but to let euery drunkard and ruffian and seruingman and euery base companion to crow against the Gospell and our calling let vs neuer abide They hate vs because they loue sinne they loue liberty because they abhorre discipline they regard not the ministery because they regard not God and therefore looke for a present and speedie calamitie for since that base fellowes became ministers base fellowes haue regarded none so that now we may preach out our hearts and pray out our soules and weepe out our eies yet we shall receiue nothing but scoffes and scornes rebuke and scander for our labor Weepe and howle hauing bidden them to be ashamed now he biddeth them to bee sorrowfull for well hee knew that their hope and health was lost when their corne and fruites were destroyed wherein they trusted more then in GOD. And from hence wee may obserue that if the worshippe of God bee once decaied there is not any so desperately wicked or dissolute but he shall smart for them we may say Esay 9. 10 11 12. That the wicked make great bragges if they were depriued of preaching the word they say they would turne brickes into hewen stone and tymber into Cedar trees but the Lorde telleth them that their enimies shall beset them and he will cut off both honorable and taile So is the course of his iudgement that when hee hath taken away his worship which is a helmet of proofe to keepe his wrath from vs then he sendeth greatest calamitie when we thinke we shall liue in greatest securitie The filthie Sodomites thought that they were well when Lot was gone from among them but there followed presently fire and brimstone from heauen By this our gallants may perceiue that if the Gospell be in the wrath of God translated from our countrey their brauerie and pride and wealth and prosperitie shall be ouerturned into perpetuall miserie They thinke it a burden intollerable to liue vnder the checke heereof but let them know that the little finger of humane tyrannie shall bee heauier on them then the loines and body of all christianitie Oh how do men deceiue themselues with sweete promises of great and incredible ease which they shall reape by the abasing of the ministerie by the decay of good men and the abandoning of all goodnes when they shall haue libertie to commit any kinde of sinne O miserable wretches saith one to whom it is lawfull to do wickedly surely you shall come out of a little brooke and runne headlong into the maine sea The reason of this doctrine is this bicause the wicked shoulde knowe that all goodnesse which they receiue is for the Gospels and godly mens sake Prou. 11. 11. there is not any thing in the worlde which the godly haue not a title vnto insomuch as all the wicked men are but vsurpers of the goods and landes and wealth and dignities they enioy so long as a godly man is liuing The worlde is a bodie religion is the soule thereof which being remooued is dead and fit for nothing The worlde is a building and the worship is the pillar postes thereof which being remooued it must needes fall as the house wherein Sampson slewe the Philistines So that it is most plaine that when our knowledge is turned to ignorance and the preachers of the worde of God cease to speake in the name of God and when the Gospell is banished from our lande and there bee a free libertie to doe what they list then I saie will the heauens threaten destruction the mindes of men shall be made blinde their vnderstanding shall bee taken from them and they shall liue as other people do without God his word to be slaues to their enimies drudges to their labours beastes in their liues enimies to God haters of good things and diuels by their death The vses which commeth from this doctrine is first of all that wee labour with speede to amende those things which are amisse among vs for else that iudgement which the Lorde once threatened to the Ephesian church Reuel 2. 5. shall take holde namely that the Lord will take away his candlesticke from vs if the light bee gone we shal liue in darknes if the word be gone we shall liue in blindnes if God his worship be taken from vs wee shall die in miserie This onely is the meate which if wee want will consume vs it is a sworde and if it bee not in our handes it will wounde vs it is a scepter which if the king of heauen holde not foorth we shall be condemned Feare the want of the Lords worship for if it goe from vs then he will depart if he depart then our prosperitie will cease and there shall not be a man aliue which will not desire to die Consider I beseech you if you haue enioyed great possessions goodly landes faire houses many friends delicate liues and many children but in one night thy aduersarie stealeth away thy euidence whereby thou holdest thy lande and then thou art turned out of possession thy landes are taken from thee thy friendes forsake thee thy children crie on thee and thou bee constrained either to harde labour or vnlawfull beggerie how wouldest thou take it but wish for a thousande deathes to bee deliuered from this shame So shall it bee with thee in the Gospell which is the euidence of thy peace thy health thy landes thy ioy and the kingdome of heauen the which being taken from thee thou canst neuer enioy any of these then thou shalt weepe without comfort sorrowe without hope liue without ioy die without peace and be damned without mercie Oh whose heart is not cleaued asunder to thinke vpon the danger of his soule Loue the
not the angels 2. Pet. 2. 4. and therefore he will not spare the lesser creatures for the angels are the most glorious creatures of the world who sinning against God in the beginning were cast downe from heauen into eternall torments Oh this should much terrifie vs which are lower then the angels viler then the creatures and more woorthie of death then all the works of God are of corruption that al the world for our sinne and sake should be euery day in danger of destruction And seeing the angels being in heauen found no place of mercie but present banishment and euerlasting fire how should we come into heauen with our sinnes or thinke to escape on the earth seeing the Lorde is as powerfull and wrathfull beneath among men as he is aboue among angels The vses which arise from this doctrine are these first as we might hereby gather an excellent argument to enforce the irefull wrath of God so may we also learne by this how miserable is the estate of worldy men which trust in the things of this life which shall be all destroied Deut. 28. 52 63. What do men that satisfie their lustes that gather their wealth that enlarge their dominions and other worldly things as building of faire houses leauing monuments of their names to posteritie but heape vp a great deale of dry wood for the wrath of God to consume them Take them from their desire you take them from their god pul them from their profits and you pull them from heauen but the wealth which they haue gained shoulde serue their turnes and their posterities in this life and afterward bee consumed This were but a tolerable estate and to be endured but alas the rust of that which they hoorded the crie of that they misgayned the riot of that which they haue wickedly consumed shall torment their liues in another worlde Why doest thou worship thy goods in louing them more then God bicause thou thinkest on thē more then on him and why dost thou trauaile for this worlde and the thinges thereof with so insatiable and greedy desire for if thou gaine them thou gainest more burthens to thy life and more woe to thy soule if thou haue them thou canst not long keepe them for death will part them and thee in sunder or vengeance will take them out of thy handes Oh tell me I beseech you which care for your parts and portions in this life what benefite haue you by louing them nothing but feare to loose them what profite commeth by enioying them nothing but labour to keep thē what hurt is there by wanting them nothing but a poore life and a peaceable death the loue of these is the losse of heauen and the lacke of these is the loue of God Another vse which euerie one euen the wicked must make heereof is the same which the Lorde exhorteth the Edomites vnto Esay 21. 14. Seeing their vines and fruits and corne and all other things shall come to an ende and be taken awaie with the wrath of God therefore let euery one that hath them giue them to the thirstie for drinke to the hungrie for meate to the naked for cloth and to the poore for maintenance Oh consider what is our dutie while as yet there is a little corne and comfort to our lande and deale with it as one woulde deale with his owne body for anone it shall be taken by violence therefore nowe bestowe for deuotion if wee tarrie but a little vengeance will take them and vs therefore let charitie dispende them what what are they but earth if we deliuer not them to earth shall they come againe Now they haue force to succour our liues and if we spende them not well anone they will haue powre to subuert and condemne our soules Howe is ioy withered from the sonnes of men Nowe hee complaineth what this want hath wrought when he saith that ioy is withered away as mowen grasse doth from his greenenesse so this from the sonnes of men that is the people of the lande For we cannot bee ignorant that of all times of the yeere there was most sweete singing and pleasant sporting at the time of haruest as we reade Esay 9. 5. bicause that then were the fruits reaped and comfort receiued of men but when these were destroyed their vines had no grapes their trees had no apples and their fieldes had no corne then I say was their mirth laide aside into most solitarie and sorrowfull mourning By these words note that the want of worldly comfort and the feeling of worldly and carnall sorrowe is a great and fearefull iudgement of God Deut. 28. 63. If men see no ioy in their children or comfort in their possessions or profite by their labour but in all these they are made more heauie and solitarie and the Lorde taketh from them a cheerefull countenance nay if the fruites of the earth bee destroied as heere they were so that there be none euen then I say although there be none occasion of ioy but all of sorrowe to be tormented with griefe bicause we haue not to supplie our liues is fearefull in the sight of God We cannot I grant but sorrow when we haue none occasion ofioy but yet we ought to make our griefe a godly sorrowe and the feare of famine to be the feare of condemnation for this shoulde we weepe that howsoeuer these thinges goe with vs in this life the other may be certaine in the life to come The reasons of this doctrine are these First bicause it causeth death 2. Cor. 7. 7. 10. Worldly sorrow causeth death for as the fire wasteth the woode and the sunne consumeth the frost so doth carnall care eate vp the life of man Somtimes these sorrowfull worldlings are raging with enuie sometimes ouercome with malice and many times at their wits ende through couetousnesse so that the beautifull waxe pale therwith the lustie and strong man is weakned they which were pleasant are heauie and they which seemed godly are made wicked This worldly sorrowe made Achitophell that wise man to hang himselfe and Saule that strong man to kill himselfe and Zimrie that wicked king to burne himselfe for the Lorde suffered many to fall into it that they might despaire of his mercie and be excluded from his kingdome Oh therefore whosoeuer will shewe any care of his owne soule or any account of Christes woundes let him meddle little in worldly businesse keepe in the boundes of thy vocation and range not into much dealing and many trades and occupations for thou dost but thrust thy soule into danger and a thousande to one but thou wilt repent in teares bloud thy ouerreaching policie Another reason of this doctrine is bicause it is a deere and not the least blessing of God to reioyce in thy possessions be they small or great Eccle. 5. 8. and therefore it is not the least curse of God to be troubled and tormoiled therewith What beast
being in a good pasture doth not reioyce in it or what birde hauing but a twigge to sit on doth not sing in the sunny mornings of the spring and wilt thou being a man or woman bee woorse then birde or beast not to reioyce in the blessings of God towardes thee Augustine telleth of one Paulinus that when hee had lost all his goods hee was so farre from being sorrowfull that this was his praier O Lord thou knowest where all my goods are treasured Take not then to heart euery worldly crosse art thou a husbandman and hast lost thy corne art thou a merchant and hast suffered shipwracke art thou a trauailer and hast beene spoiled by robbers art thou a widowe and hast lost both husbande and wealth yet take not sorrowe to thy hart sleepe from thy eies peace from thy life beautie from thy face nor comfort from thy soule From hence wee learne to make many profitable vses whereof this may be one that seeing worldly and carnall sorrowe is such a wofull iudgement of God therefore most miserable is the estate of worldly wicked men if they pray in it they cannot be heard Esay 16. 12. If they will embrace the Gospell the worlde will not let them and therefore this sorrowe doth torment them Luk. 18. 23. Oh where wil they now become Good men being sorrowfull are comforted by praier Lamen 5. but euill men although they vse the same wordes and lift vp their voices and weepe and woulde teare their heartes out of their breastes and giue as much to God for ioy as the diuell would haue giuen Christ for worship yet their worme shall euer gnaw them and ioy shall neuer come at thē though they change their mindes as Laban did Iacobs wages to encrease his flocke yet shall they still decrease and not preuaile as Labans did if they thinke as the Syrians did that the hilles be not for them and therefore they will descend into the valleyes there euen there also shall they be destroied Consider this I beseech you who in this world minde nothing but ioy and feare nothing but sorrow and thinke that your feare shall come vpon you Doe you imagine that your wealth shall continue your mirth no no said Salomon that is but vanitie and vexation of spirite or doe you suppose that your harts are Stoicall made of stones and therefore nothing shall dismay you but you will take all things without griefe oh consider that God shall bring this iudgement vpon you for other sinnes there is no counsell against the almightie What will you nowe do and where can you hide your selues that God may not finde you cannot he which made a hard rocke a running streame strike also your harde harts and make your liues and eies as full of teares and sorrowes as the wildernesse flowes full of water Yes yes with no labour shall he and will he plague your liues encrease your pangs multiplie your sorrowes cast downe your comforts and therefore cast away your euill conditions Another vse may be this that we take no thought or vexing care for the things of this life Luc. 12. 23 34. Our Sauiour Christ which was the richest that euer was became the poorest that euer coulde bee and therefore giueth this counsell that wee take not thought for foode or raiment who should take care if the poore take not care and yet our Sauiour a poore man biddeth both poore and rich not to vexe themselues for these earthly commodities Relie therefore vpon the word of our Sauiour I am sure thou wilt trust him when he said I came to saue sinners and thou wilt beleeue him when he said he was the sonne of God therefore doe not distrust him in his promise but take no thought for thy life especially such a care as should bee a hinderance vnto thee in thy spirituall duties Why dost thou labour when thou shouldest pray why dost thou trauell when thou shouldest heare why doest thou wearie thy bodie when thou shouldest rest thy soule in the sweete armes and woundes of a mercifull Sauiour If God doe but breath on thy labour it consumeth it if he curse the worke of thy hands it vanisheth and when it is gone where is thy labour and trauell and worke and ioy and comfort and hope but all in the fire Followe therefore thy labour with godlinesse and follow godlinesse with labour ioyne these two together as Simeon and Iudah ioined to driue the Canaanites out of the lande Iudg. 1. 7 8. and so shall not Canaan but heauen be thy sure resting rode and euer abiding inheritance Let not rich men lay vp too much and buy and sell all for gaines why you haue learned a meane in religion and will you neuer learne a meane in riches oh that your riches were godlinesse and godlinesse your riches that your labour which is now but lost might bee bestowed on that foode and wealth and land and life which neuer shall end Another doctrine which ariseth out of these wordes when hee saith that ioy is parted or withered from the sonnes of men is this whereby hee giueth them to vnderstand that those which will not humble themselues shall be humbled whether they will or no. The nature of man being plentifully stored with all manner of benefites neuer thinketh of a day of vengeance but imagineth that his peaceable estate shall bee for euer therefore the Lord willing to shewe vs our vaine hope and transitorie fading pleasures taketh away from vs those comfortes which wee were woont to receiue by the vse of his blessings and changeth our merrie daies into sorrowfull destinies We haue a notable example hereof in Dan. 5. 3 6 22 23. Belshazzar that proude Babylonian king cared not for the miserable captiuitie wherein he detained the people of Israel there was no conscience of his sinne no pitie on his prisoners no feare of the Lordes maiestie no thought of true humilitie but all to maintaine the pride of a prince and therefore harken what befell him At that time when he was at his banket in the middest of his ruffe with all earthly delights the hand of God appeered and wrote on the wall the sentence of his depriuation and this was because hee had not humbled himselfe before in the time of his prosperitie and then followed a fearefull hart a sorrowfull soule an vnquiet minde and a miserable ende Euen so if we cast not downe our selues before aduersitie come trouble shall come and cast downe vs. Harken vnto this you rich men and women in this world say not to your selues that you will be merrie while you may but rather be sorrie while you may be ioyfull nowe fast while you haue abundance now pray while you are in health now weepe while God may be entreated and now afflict your soules while your comfort remaineth for surely if you continue in your pleasant possessions and worldly disports will you nill you the Lord will humble you And were you not
before the Lord when wee euer meete againe about the like occasion and this I would haue practised both in priuate and publike humiliation The reasons that may mooue vs vnto this dutie to be throughly humbled are these first because the Lorde will not looke on our aduersitie without this perfect and absolute contrition Isa 58. 3. for he then especially looketh to the inwarde disposition of euery soule to see who they be which tremble at his word and iudgements and they which then will not nor cannot there is little hope of grace and goodnesse in them The heathen king of Niniueh and all his subiects had that conscience when the Lord sounded their destruction by the prophet Ionah Ahab mourned when he heard the words of Elijah the prophet and when God speaketh to the Assyrians and Moabites he biddeth them come downe into the dust and ashes to lament their miseries Alas why doe I rehearse either precepts or examples to mooue men vnto this which they would not doe for if their owne liues and bloud and soules will not prouoke them hereunto other mens waies will not perswade them yet let them thus consider that it will greeue them more to loose this their counterfeite humilitie as the Iewes doe in the forenamed place when they shall say we fasted we praied we trauelled and we desired to iustifie our soules and yet their fast shall be as vanitie their praier abhomination and their comming into the Lords presence like his which had no wedding garment and therefore was hee and so shall they bee cast into vtter darknesse Another reason is this because that those iudgements which call for this humiliation must teach vs righteousnesse Esa 26. 9. and so we encrease in righteousnesse as we exceede in humilitie and for this cause we must know that the more religion a man hath the more humble he is and the more hee saith hee encreaseth in goodnesse the more he must studie to shew it outwardly As for those which thinke they serue God well enough when they neither pray with their toongs nor bende with their knees nor vncouer their heads nor mooue out of their houses I leaue them to their fancies let euery beast bird of the aire confute their fancies for the Lord which hath assigned euery member his office will haue euery one to execute it himselfe The vses which offer themselues by the consideration of this point are these seeing we must bee throughly humbled therefore let vs auoide all manner of idlenesse in this worship of God Iam. 2. 19. when we are once perswaded of this point we shall not onely lende an eare to this businesse but thinke all time too little that we spend not herein The poore saintes of God in that forenamed place crie in the night watches as these priestes which lay all night in lamentation and so when the feare of the Lords wrath and the conscience of our owne dangers doe once meete together then there is not any thing that will bee so acceptable to vs as praier This feare will driue from vs our sleepe as the windes driue away the cloudes the sicke man will sit vp the olde man will holde vp his hands the weake man will stand for his life the woman will weepe without ceasing and euery one so touched will auoide all worldly actions then will or rather then must the rich man forsake his counting house the farmer leaue his plough the seruant auoide his rest the labourer neglect his meate and the drowsie person hold vp his eies All the Apostles slept till the high priestes seruants came to take our Sauiour but then they awaked fled for their liues but why did they not wake before in praier that thē they might haue slept without danger oh let vs therefore come both great small to appeere in the Lords presence with al diligence let not any long iourney any lack of prouision any loue of ease any losse of health make vs idle Rise early to praier watch late to lament sleepe little that thou maist spende the more time to gaine thy soules health In the day we labour for our bodies in the night let vs labour for our soules My soule saith Dauid thinketh on thee in the night watches and so let our soules thinke on the Lord when other thinke on their rest and their pleasure Another vse which commeth by this consideration is this that seeing we must be throughly humbled or not at all let vs take for our example the paterne of them that mourne for the dead as the prophet exhorteth Ierem. 6. 26. How many are the teares of them which loose their louing husbands their tender children and their loyal friendes Iacob for feare of this said before hand it woulde make his hoare head goe downe into the graue But so slight is the mourning of many among vs that they neither wette their cheekes for their sinnes nor yet would willingly depart with this life for the enioying of the life to come Surely this is woorthy to be noted in them which earnestly lament the dead that they desire to be with them so let vs desire to be free of this feare of death and sinne with the death of our sinnes and liues let vs so bitterly bewaile our time as we may be most willing to change our life for no other cause then to cease from sinne The Israelites bewailed Moses thirtie daies together and let vs with great and long continuance mourne not for Moses who is in heauen but for our selues who would be in heauen When Naomy bid her daughters Ruth and Orpah goe backe into Moab they wept at her words if they were so vnwilling to liue in Moab and to depart with Naomi why are not wee as vnwilling to liue in this world and to depart with Christ seeing he is our head and we his members we must goe to him and he may not come to vs let vs therefore by his example endure many sorrowes and great dangers that we may be more willing to leaue this life The theefe inclosed in the prison ceaseth from stealing and when wee are closed in iaile of many griefes and clogged with the irons of many crosses then let vs know that we cease from many externall and internall abhominations Yee ministers of my God In this that hee calleth the priestes which serued at the altar the ministers of God he thereby giueth vs to vnderstand whose possession are the ministers namely and onely the Lords Num. 3. 12. The Lord challengeth the tribe of Leui to himselfe to be his peculiar and royall priesthood and the Apostle willeth the Corinthians that they should so thinke of him as of the minister of God and disposer of the secrets of his kingdome and therefore writing to the Galathians hee telleth them hee is not by man nor by the will of man but of God Once in steede of the appointed ministerie were the first borne of euery familie
againe If euer it be needfull that the congregation should be great then it is most requisite to be enlarged when occasion of lamentation is offered that as many mens voices made the Lord to spare the Niniuites so many may cause him to reuerse his iudgements from vs. For truely as in war against an enimie hauing muaded our countrey we are ingenerall to lift vp our handes against him to driue him from vs so ought we being endangered by the hande of God to put on euerie one his complete armour of righteousnes that euery mans heart and voice may be lifted vp to stay his heauy hand from vs. How do men neglect this thing which thinke it in vaine to serue God and therefore though they know other men to be most busie in lamenting for their calamities yet they forsake not their tauerns their shops their counting houses their husbandries their marriages and other their paltries when as the sworde is as neere them as their garments yet they dread not the same and so as before they neglected the graces of God so now they abuse the long suffering of God making their latter ende woorse then their beginning like the old world which would not beleeue though they saw Noah enter into the arke and so the flood came and destroyed them all and so shall it doe with those except God enlarge his mercies and they cast away their stubburnnes Alas alas for the day of the Lord is at hand and it commeth as a destruction from the Almightie Now are we come to the praier which by the mercifull assistance of God his heauenly spirit we will most briefly and effectually handle First therefore the method which the holy prophet vseth is to be obserued wherein he lamenteth generally vers 15. and then particularly the meanes or causes of their destruction In this verse he generally toucheth all the calamitie when he calleth it the day of the Lord the dread and conscience whereof maketh him most yearnefully and pitifully to crie out Alas alas Where first of all commeth to our consideration this doctrine that good men do sorrow and mourne for the Lords iudgement before it commeth as this Prophet which sayeth the cause of his teares to bee this because the day of the Lord is at hand so we may read did Elishah 2. King 8. 10. when Hazael came vnto him and he had annointed him king of Syria it is said that he wept and Hazael asked him why he wept to whom he answered bicause it grieued him to thinke what he should do to Israell for hee should set their strong cities on fire and slay their yoong men with the sword and dash their infants against the stones and rende in peeces their women with childe Was not this a sufficient medicine to looke on and to make a heart of brasse to burst foorth into many teares For I thinke none considering such a destruction in his countrey but he will weepe for it bitterly It is enough many thinke to sigh when they be sore and then to weepe when they bee in paine and why should they torment themselues before they feele the miserie Yea rather why dost thou reason thus against thy God Thinke on the daies of miserie that are comming and doe as these prophets breake foorth into abundance of lamentation to thinke how our towres shall be plough lands our treasures shall be in other mens coffers our coastly buildings be razed in an instant our riuers shall runne with blood our children shall be the pray of souldiers and our wiues bee most cruelly murthered Oh that men before these daies could lament for the same yea although their eies should neuer see it yet let them weepe for them that shal feele it The reasons of this doctrine are these first because they reape this profit by the forewarning of God Iere. 4. 18 19. if God of his great goodnes open the destruction of any people or citie to any of his welbeloued sonnes they are presently astonished men and swallowed vp in many sorrowes but wicked men although they bee neuer so often admonished yet they remaine wicked and obstinate still Oh what a blessing is a soft and beleeuing heart which doth not onely receiue the wordes of God for truth but is presently affected as if they felt the iudgements When Elijah had told Ahab of God his vengeance against him then Ahab wept and fasted and the Lord spared him his time so I doubt not but there be many which hauing heard the trumpe of God his iudgement in the mouthes of the Lords preachers they haue wept bitterly and I thinke the Lord will spare vs for their time but take heed least the godly be deminished and no man consider it least our destruction be the more sudden and lift vp more voices of weepings at the voices of preachers that more time may bee graunted vs to be freed from vengeance Another reason is because good men although they bee assured of themselues yet it grieueth them to thinke how the wicked shal be destroyed Luke 19. 41. Our Sauiour there weepeth for Ierusalem which should be laide euen with the ground A good man is euer mercifull euen to the most vile and wretchedst creatures in the world and therefore it goeth to their harts to heare and see consider and thinke vpon how heapes and multitudes of men shall go to confusion Some would thinke that it is no reason to sorrowe for other men but rather let other men sorow for themselues But Samuel whose teares and praiers came many times before the Lorde for Saule will answere them and instruct them to be carefull for other mens saluation as Ioab appointed his armie that if he were too weake Abishai should helpe him and if Abishai were too weake Ioab woulde helpe him so must we labour to helpe one another which seeme weake although we know some shall go to wracke The vses that offer thēselues to our consideration out of this doctrine are these First seeing that it is the part of a good man to sorrow at the foreknowledge of any calamity let vs receiue that exhortation of the Lord Ier. 6. 8. that we be instructed whē the Lord threateneth vs or else as he there saith His soule shal depart from vs leaue vs desolate as a land that none inhabiteth And I would to God my countrey men of England would learne this instructiō at the mouth of God that whereas there is none of graue or greene yeeres but they haue had many tokens and heard many thunderbolts of wrath drawn from the neuer vncertaine word of God and from the extraordinarie course of manifolde iudgements which we haue felt these late yeres that now we being inuited to this mourning feast we al com not one stay behind Oh therfore receiue this instructiō before the lords soule go away from our nation I bid you not leaue of your callings nor cast away your garments nor put away your
soules by repentance for nature cannot helpe no more then Balaam coulde curse The reasons of this doctrine are these bicause nature it selfe as a creature of God is subiect to the curse of God as wee may see in all the storie of Egypt and also Isay 28. 22. where the Lorde threatneth to bring a consumption vpon the whole earth meaning the whole course of nature that hee can as easilie curse them as it were by sicknesse as men are vndone by consumption And verily I thinke when I looke into the specials I see as Dauid saith All thinges come to an ende but the lawe of God is exceeding large The heauens waxe olde the earth groweth barren the golde is but dust the pearles come to nothing and all creatures saith Paul are subiect to vanitie What is then the studie of nature but the studie of vanitie Yea how vainely are their daies spent which are alwaies in the bellie of Philosophie and Poetrie and humanitie not thinking diuinitie to bee woorthie of their fine wits which they say is the refuge of fooles but if their studie bee vaine then are their wits vaine and therefore of them it may bee saide in seeking to become wise they are made fooles Rom. 1. Another reason is bicause there is no other way to life but conuersion to the Lorde Hos 5. 15. Heere is the remedie for our landes to make the earth furitfull not in dunging and compassing it but if wee can turne our selues to God then let vs cast from vs our pleasant sinnes to rot in the earth and water our newe sowed corne with teares of our eies Then shall the earth yeelde hir increase and God euen our God shall giue vs his blessing Balaams asse woulde not goe for all his beating til Balaam had spoken with God and promised more obedience euen so the earth will not bee fruitefull for all our cutting of it and mending it and poking it vntill we be returned vn to the Lorde and confesse our follies and promise a newe life Oh let husbandmen heare this and learne to liue heereafter or else their worship is like to the sacrifice of Cain which the Lorde refused The vses which we must make of this doctrine are these First that we put no trust or confidence in any earthly or worldly things for seeing these cannot deliuer vs from any little iudgement then let vs learne to trust in the Lords powre Esay 31. 1. It is but follie to trust in kings for they are but men it is but sinne to trust in castles for they are but earth and stones it is but madnes to trust in multitudes for they are but flesh and it is but idolatrie to trust in wealth for it is but vanitie therefore it must needes bee best to trust in the Lord. Art thou afflicted praie vnto him art thou distressed runne vnto him art thou in danger looke vnto him and art thou a liuing soule let him bee thy strength and thy defender The heauens cannot bende to helpe the earth cannot rise to succour thee the waters cannot flowe to receiue and the cloudes cannot fall to couer thee But heere is thy helpe the Lorde can bowe the heauens and com to thee exalt the earth to rescue thee open the way for the waters to saue thee and let the cloudes come downe to take thee into heauen as once he did Christ and at the latter day shall doe all his elect Oh therefore cast not away the hope of your calling thy christian profession thy holie religion and thy hope of saluation for prince or magistrate friende or father heauen or earth man or angell much lesse be not terrified by any enimies which come with fire and sworde to worke thy desolation Craue not their helpe trust not in their strength feare not their rage and distrust not thy God but in warre let him fight for thee in sicknes let him heale thee in famine let him feede thee and in death he shall receiue thee for it is better to trust in God then to put confidence in princes Another vse is this seeing wee cannot auoide any of the Lordes iudgements by nature or naturall meanes then it also followeth that wee cannot escape out of that great iudgement of condemnation by any naturall vertue or worldly meanes but wee must all by nature remaine the children of wrath Ephes 2. 3. Whereby wee must take occasion to lament not onely the weakenes but also the filthinesse of our nature which bringeth into the worlde that euill which it cannot auoide Oh how much are wee bounde to our blessed Sauiour that hath deliuered vs from the wrath to come I might also out of this verse note vnto you that God his wrath shall not onely extende to the liues of men or those thinges which concerne their necessarie maintenance in this worlde but also to euerie part of their possessions as this prophet speaketh euen their barns and houses as we may see Esay 6. 11. Luke 21. 4. 5. And good reason for as worldly men for their owne pleasures do pul down many times both houses barnes as we may see of the worldly man in the Gospell Luke 12. so may the Lorde for his pleasure doe the like Againe these thinges do make vs to be proude euen our buildings and aedifices as wee may see in Nebuchadnezzar and also Iehoijakim Ierem. 21. 16. And therefore let vs knowe that the Lord in his iust iudgement will cast downe all these as hee saith Amos 3. 14. 15. And if he left not one stone vpon another where the temple stoode much lesse will he suffer houses of extortion oppression and gaming and whooring and other filthines to haue any place to stande in Againe seeing we may heere see what are our worldly buildinges let vs learne to laie vp our treasures in heauen which shall neuer bee destroied and lay a good foundation against the worlde to come How did the beastes mourne the heardes of cattle pine away bicause they haue no pastures and the flockes of sheepe are destroied Nowe he commeth to the most pittifull out crie of other creatures for as the corne coulde not growe no more coulde the grasse and one misery doth not commonly come alone and if wee well looke vnto this matter wee shal finde great matter lie hid here in For it cannot be that beastes shoulde be faultie or sinfull before the Lorde why then although guiltles are they thus tormented why did not the people make a hand with them to eate them and so to saue their liues that waies Vvnto which I answere that the people would not kil all their tame beasts bicause some they must keepe for store other for their labour and manie for offering which although it now ceased by reason of the wante of corne yet they hoped would shortlie come to passe againe as appeereth by their tillage As for the other the beastes are punished for mans cause which is the doctrine
and you shall like of it better loue it deerer heare it oftener and leane to it more safer then euer you did Againe seeing we must heare the worde of God with feare and trembling let vs also make an ende of our saluation with feare and trembling Philip. 2. 12. that is feare not onely in the church or when thou art neere vnto danger but all thy life long vntill thou haue made an end of thy saluatiō For so long as thou fearest so long thou art in safetie but when the world shall say peace peace and there be no feare of iudgement then shall come their destruction for as when he in the gospell promised to himselfe greatest safetie in his riches that night did they fetch away his soule so when we say we haue done it is finished I haue sorrowed long ynough I haue endured the crosse of Christ thus many yeeres and therefore now I will take my pleasure then shall our danger bee neerest and our woe bee greatest therefore let vs neuer cease fearing till we be in heauen as the shipmen neuer cease watching till they bee in harbour Oh here is a Christians triall if other men vexe him let him beare it if he be free from other men let him chastise himselfe Feare the Lorde least he be thy iudge feare thy Sauiour least he prooue thy enimie feare thy sinnes least they ouermatch thee and tremble at the word of God least it condemne thee A day of darknesse and obscuritie a day of cloudes and of blacknes as the morning spread vpon the mountaines so is there a great people and a mightie there was none like it from the beginning neither shall be any more after it vnto the yeeres of many generations A day of darknesse Now the prophet proceedeth to describe the great wrath of God in the furie of these small beastes which he doth first by consideration of the qualitie of the day or time when they should come and secondly by the manner of their comming taken from many resemblances and similitudes For the time he describeth it after the vsuall manner of the scriptures which setteth foorth a sorrowfull day of indgement by darknesse cloudes and mistes secondly he sheweth the cause hereofto be the great and mighty people meaning the locusts and the residue for he calleth them a people as Salomon calleth the ants and the conies Prou. 30. 25. and he saith they shal obscure the light as the morning darknes bicause their company should bee so many as we may reade they did in Egypt Exo. 10. 15. And therefore he saith there was not the like from the beginning meaning for a long season nor yet should bee againe to many generations following So that he telleth them that this was a fearful time when all the heauens should be couered with clouds the earth be darkened with an innumerable swarme of noisom beasts Cōcerning the multiplying of these beasts we haue spoken in the former chapter First when hee sheweth them that the day of their trouble shoulde bee cloudie gloomie and full of darkenes wee may learne that these thinges doe put vs in minde of the great wrath of God Psalm 18. 11. For in truth thus the Lorde will haue it that we shoulde bee feared from the heauens aboue vs and from the earth beneath vs. It is reported for a great wonder that wee in Englande seldome haue any daies wherein we see not many cloudes whereas in other countries they see not any cloudes for manie monethes togither Let vs therefore make this aduantage of our countries scituation that on the day time when we beholde the cloudes wee thinke vpon the great iudgement of God whereby from the cloudes hee once rained downe a great floude that destroied the worlde and howe one day in a cloude Christ shall come to iudge both quicke and dead Againe by night let vs meditate on the light of heauen that wee may escape that vtter darknes where shal be nothing but weeping and gnashing of teeth The reasons of this doctrine are these First bicause this want of light was the first punishment that God inflicted on the Iewes for the death of Christ Matth. 27. 45. the which thing made them much afraid for they had darknes instead of light to shew them that Christ which should haue beene their light was nowe made darkness vnto them from whom they could receiue no sight to walke to heauen And surely if this outwarde and carnall darknes bee so terrible especially in the daie time then what is the inward and spirituall darknes in the mindes of men whereby they are depriued of all light of God all partaking of the spirite and all the hope of the worlde to come Oh woulde God this their perplexitie coulde prouoke their harde and vnbeleeuing hearts to forsake their damnable securitie this their darknesse is so grosse that other men feele it yet they are so blinded that they cannot see it Let vs therefore my deere brethen know that God will leaue none without excuse but either the word or the world shall tell them their duties and let vs learne to praise the Lord for couering the heauens with cloudes Psalm 147. 8. that by this meanes not onelie watereth the earth and maketh it fruitefull but also admonisheth the mindes of his children of a continuall preparation to iudgement But in our times all these are nothing regarded for signes tokens remembrances of righteousnes yea some knowe not so much as the vse of the rainbowe in the cloudes neuerthelesse in the right vse of God his creatures consisteth one great part of religion so that this is the best kinde of Astrologie or Prophesie to bee made of the starres that they may direct vs to a holy life and prepare vs for a blessed ende Moreouer by this that the Prophet saith The like hath not beene seene nor shall not be in many generations Wee may obserue that God doth verie seldome change the course of nature and turne light into darknes for nature being a rare worke of God he seldome vseth his omnipotencie to alter and change the same since the foundations of the worlde were laide The reasons are these First in regard of the Lordes owne promise Genesis 8. 21. For after the floud he determineth neuer to drowne the world againe and therefore he gaue the rainebowe to be a pledge thereof and also that the continuall course of nature shoulde remaine for euer Now the Lorde is faithfull and will remember his promise or else we knowe that the worlde might manie times since haue beene destroied for there hath beene more sinne since the floude then euer was before Since the floude haue sprung idolatrie the poison of the worlde and many other abhominations not knowen of in the first age as wars and Sodometrie and such other like yet for his promise sake hee forbeareth destruction Another reason may be the same that Dauid vseth Psalm 119. 90. 91. That
that they might know that as none but God could be the author of these so none but his maiestie coulde bee the sender of them These heauenly signes or rather signes in heauen are described in the two next verses first the shaking of the world secondly the darkening of the lights and thirdly the great and terrible thunders which should then be heard all which is supported by a strong reason vers 11. By this verse we may first of all learne that the extraordinarie signes of heauen are the forerunners and most euident prophets of calamitie and destruction following Isa 29. 6. God which woulde haue all his iudgements not onely felt but feared doth not let them come stealing on the world as if he could not doe them against our will or not hinder them against their nature but proclaimeth them by manifold fearefull signes in heauen The reasons are first because we should knowe that the euill onely proceedeth from him 2. Sam. 5. 24. it doth not any whit distaine the Lords honor to be a reuenger of sinne vpon the bodies and soules of many thousands but rather it maketh for his glorie for hee must iudge the world in righteousnesse Another reason is because by this meanes the Lorde doth most earnestly affect good mens harts and afflict the wicked Ezech. 32. 9. for the sight of terrible signes cannot choose but mooue the brute beastes of the earth much more reasonable men who are more giuen to feare because they are more giuen to sinne and our Sauiour saith in the gospell that mens harts shall faile them because of the signes of heauen The vses are these first let vs not be superstitious or heathenish in fearing the signes of heauen aboue the rule of faith Ier. 10. 2. For alas what can any planet or any signe doe but by the Lordes assignement and therefore in fearing it superstitiously we feare not God we distrust his prouidence we restraine his power and we cast away our owne confidence and faith It was a great signe in heauen when fire came downe and destroyed Sodom and Gomor and all cities cattel and pastures of the plaine Gen. 19. yet little Zoar was saued standing among them when all the residue were burning about it therefore beware of the slauish feare of the signes of heauen for it is the Lorde that gouerneth the starres Another vse as we are not to feare them too much so wee are not to regard them too little but vse them as promptors and furtherances to another life Luk. 21. 28. when you see these saith Christ then lift vp your heads and know that your redemption draweth neere Be it therefore that the heauens be burning the lights be darkening the stars be falling the earth be shaking and the ayre be thundering yet feare it no more then the Israelites did in Egypt but rather now thinke that the Lord will amaze sinners erect his throne of righteousnes to stand for euermore This must much encourage vs in these our later daies wher in euerie hower we looke for the accomplishing of all the signes before Christs comming and let vs watch for the appearing of our Sauiour that we be not comfortles when other shall bee both witlesse and faithles but know that good men shall stand in the middest of all these terrours and fires as the men did walke in the middest of the Babilonish furnace and not haue one haire of our head diminished When he saith that the earth shall tremble he noteth that earth quakes are notable tokens of the Lordes wrath Psal 18. 7. we are not onely to impute it to the ayre shut vp in the furrowes of the earth as in philosophie they do but we must goe to the principall cause which is the hand of God and the finall cause which is to shew his wrath for in his wrath saith the scripture he casteth downe whole mountaines Oh how terrible is this to consider that the whole earth should be shakē at the chiding of God yet man which is made of earth and standeth on earth and liueth on earth and shall returne to earth againe will not shake or tremble for the same I thinke there is more terrour in the dead bones in the graues then in liuing bodies in their houses The reasons hereofare these because the law of wrath was giuen in fire and earth-quakes Exod. 19. 18. Heb. 12. 18. for God did then shew himselfe most terrible when the mountaine seemed to burne and there was nothing but cursing and death for the law that then was giuen did condemne many millions which now do know the same Againe earthquakes do commonly proceede and goe before the alteration of religion Reuel 6. 12. for as when Iehu altered the idolatrie of Baal the prophets and the God were both displaced so when religion is altered God is as it were displaced and all his seruants persecuted which must of necessitie shew the heauie indignation of God for he will not haue his image defaced nor endure that his glorie should be giuen to another Let vs therefore learne that if the strong earth be not able to abide the wrath of God then much lesse shal weake and sinnefull men Num. 16. 1. Againe let vs learne to preach the word more earnestly by the consideration of earth-quakes We may read Amos 1. 2. that two yeere before the earth-quake the Lord sent him to prophesie as it were to plant the minds of his church that they might haue liued without wauering Now it is well knowen that wee haue had one great and terrible earth quake in our times would God it might so worke that the preachers would for that cause preach more diligently and the people heare more attentiuely least it prooue vnto vs a token of the decay of religion Truely as yet blessed be God religion is not altered but it is much defaced and God graunt that as the earth-quake at the death of Christ was the decrease of Iudaisme and Paganisme but the increase of christianitie so that in our time may worke the like effect and may seale vnto vs the decay of Poperie and heresie but may assure vs of the continuance of veritie and pure religion We might also note out of this verse that seeing the heauens and earth are afraide of him therefore the most guiltles creatures of God cannot abide his anger But this we will deferre vnto the next chapter Againe in that the sunne and moone are darkened we may obserue not onely that God is the author of light and darkenes but also that he will not let sinners in his anger haue any benefit of them Isa 13. 9 10. The reasons are First because they are enimies to good men and good things Exod. 10. 22. Secondly bicause they are ashamed of the sinnes of men as we may see at Christs death Matth. 27 45. Let vs therefore so glorifie God in our places as these creatures do in theirs for they
6. 6. and therefore so ought we to be sacrifice winneth him therefore let mercie ouercome vs euen those mercies which we read in his word and note in our liues that wee may pull downe more and more vpon vs. Oh I feare seeing of long time we haue had so little regard of mercie and all of iudgement now the thing wee were afraide of is come vpon vs namely wrath for we feele it in our liues in our times making many mens harts to tremble and the bodies of some to die Yet for all this the time of mercie is not all spent therefore let mercie draw vs vnto God and the former and late receiued kindnes from him bee as bands of steele to keepe vs in obedience Seeing the mercies of God must mooue vs to repentance then I beseech you let not our eares be deafe at his sweete promises least the Lord complaine of vs as he did of his owne time Matth. 11. 19. that we are like to children neither dauncing with them that sing nor weeping with them that mourne Austeritie is too hard for vs and mercie is too soft if wee preach the law then men say we speake of malice of else giue iudgement vpon them if we shew them libertie that maketh them woorse and woorse so that our times are like a thiefe being in prison he complaineth of crueltie and being at libertie runneth to robbing againe The mercie of God is much called for and being obtayned is much abused they make it a charter to sinne and thinke if they haue one pardon all their villanie afterward is forgiuen The deepe wounds of Christ doth not asswage their heat of sin but encreaseth their desire O my deere brethren if gentlenes will not winne rigour most perswade You are the Lords schollers learne you must the rod is your tormentor or else you shal be expelled his schoole Make much of mercy while you may haue mercie for if the gate of mercy be shut and the date expired your teares shall be drops of blood and your wounds as windowes for your bones to looke thorough your flesh shall feede the fowles of the ayre and your soules shall feele the torments of hell Secondly seeing mercie must winne vs let vs be mercifull as our heauenly father is mercifull Luk. 6. 36. which is needfull to bee vrged in these hard times wherein are many poore and many complaints for if wee looke to haue mercie of God when we pray vnto him let the poore find mercie in vs when they cry vpon vs. Be mercifull as our heanenly father is mercifull His hand is euer giuing his spirit is euer comforting his mercie is euer pardoning and his liberalitie is euer feeding therefore giue thou to the poore comfort the sorrowfull forgiue thy offenders and let many hungrie soules feede on thy meate Mercie is better then sacrifice hotter then coales of fire softer then liquide oyle and sweeter then pleasant hony Offer this sacrifice kindle this fire touch this oyle and eate this honie thou shalt finde mercie in iudgement in thy death-bed in thy graue and in thy resurrection it shall couer thee as a garment comfort thee as a guide carrie thee as a mother and crowne thee as a king God delighteth in it Angels reioice at it men looke for it and bruite beastes loue it Therefore with mercie delight thy creator reioyce the Angels and satisfie man and beast And bee mercifull to men to beastes and to thy selfe to man for God requireth it to beastes for nature craueth it and to thy selfe for thy soule challengeth it the first is of charitie the second of equitie and the last of pietie therefore practise mercie that christian loue godly kindnes and glorious religion may euermore maintaine thee Of great kindnesse and long suffering This is another argument to perswade them to repentance By the which we may note that God doth not alway take vengeance of sinne so soone as it is committed but winketh at it and deferreth till we repent or growe incurable This thing the Apostle noteth Rom. 2. 4. that God by his bountifulnesse and long suffering leadeth vs to repentance Although for example sake he slew Er and Onan Vzzah and Ananias and Saphira and many other in the verie act of sinning yet he doth not alway take this course For fower hundred yeeres togither did hee beare with the abhominations of Canaan Gen. 15. 18. Let not men thinke bicause they are not killed so soone as they haue blasphemed or denied God or committed adulterie or prophaned the Sabbaoth or the like that therefore their deedes shall go vnpunished no verily for the longer before they reckon the greater shall be their account and the farther a man runneth backwarde the farther hee leapeth forwarde and so the longer that God forbeareth our sinnes the heauier shall bee his stroke for wee shall beare double blame the one for breaking his lawe the other for abusing his patience It were needfull for vs to consider in our soules this singular fauour of God that wee might vse it as the prophet heere doth to further our repentance for let vs be well assured if peace and long suffering doe not prepare vs for God it will annoint vs for destruction The first reason bicause God will bee exalted in sparing vs Esay 36. 18. The Lorde which is most excellent in all his workes is most excellent in forbearing the malice of men for who coulde endure to be denied plainely reuiled openly and blasphemed boldly saue onely the Lorde or who coulde abide to see his workes reproched his worde rebuked and his liberalitie scorned saue onely the Lorde who filleth all in all and beareth much with all or else all woulde bee confounded But this is sufficient that the prophet saith he is exalted in sparing vs that is it magnifieth his honour while hee regardeth not his vengeance nor his maiestie nor his wrath nor his power but his mercy that his chiefe glory might be through clemencie Another reason bicause his chiefe desire is that not one shoulde perish 1. Pet. 3. 9. So that if men woulde or coulde laie holde on repentance they shall finde sufficient time to amende after they haue sinned So deare is the loue of God towardes vs his creatures that for his part he omitteth not any dutie to recall vs We haue the word for the meanes his workes for our helpes his mercies for our comfort and his long suffering for the time of our conuersion so that all thinges are discharged on the Lordes part and nothing on ours In this saying of Peter we must not vnderstande that any were damned contrarie to the Lordes will but rather that hee is vnwilling thereunto for a man may doe that vnwillingly which is not contrarie to his will Let vs not abuse the long suffering of God and although he bee willing to spare yet let not vs be willing to sinne Luk. 12. 46. If the euill seruant shall say in
grace he giueth more also as Salomon asking for wisedome obtained wisedome and riches or as Ruth desiring to gleane after the reapers Boaz gaue hir leaue to gather among the sheaues and at length made hir ladie and mistresse of all hee had Seeke therefore the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof and all other thinges as godly children obedient families plentie of victuals peace of life length of daies and glorie euerlasting shall be heaped on thee Againe if abundance followe the profession of religion then it is manifest that when plentie faileth religion also faileth Ierem. 9. 12 13. For as there can bee no preaching when there is no minister so there can be no plentie when there is no professing Oh this cutteth our nation to the quicke for the Lorde by this dearth doth auouch to our faces that there is among vs as great decay of his church as of corne and the seede of the worde hath beene as much choaked and drowned in the hearts of men as the seede of the earth hath beene choaked and drowned in the fieldes of men and what remaineth but as the Prophet saith that the Lorde feede vs with wormewoode and giue vs the bitternesse of gall to drinke I feare greatly if our miserie continue our religion will be cleane abolished and if our want be now redressed we shall be shortly cast into a bed of comfortles troubles for as yet I cannot see any generall or continuall repentance in lamentation Thirdly when the Lorde promiseth them to deliuer them from the reproch of the heathen we may note that it is a great blessing of God to be deliuered from slander Iob 5. 21. To liue without slander it is impossible except wee coulde liue without sinne And therefore if at any time thou bee suspected and defamed praie vnto the Lorde to bee deliuered from it The reasons First bicause life and death are in the power of the toong Prouer. 28. 21. So then who can continue life or bring death but God alone Secondly slanderous toongs doe hate them that are in affliction that is they will then more greeue them and belie them bicause they thinke then will euery body beleeue them Marke this thing well and you shall see that it is the common practise of this age Let vs not open our eares to euerie tale or take heede or aske what other men saie of vs Eccle. 7. 23. for that will hurt vs. And let vs refraine our toongs frō slander or else we haue no religion Iam. 1. 26. The xxvij Sermon Verse 20. But I will remooue farre off from you the northren armie and I will driue him into a lande barren and desolate with his face toward the east sea and his ende to the vtmost sea and his stinke shall come vp and his corruption shall ascende because he hath exalted him selfe to do this AFter the promise of plentie followeth the remoouing away of the Northren armie which are the Locusts palmers and the other noisome beastes who came by a northren winde and therefore are called the Northren armie whom hee will driue away into the wildernesse where they shall all starue and neuer come againe with their face or forefront to the east sea that is the dead sea which lay eastwarde so called bicause neuer any fish coulde liue therein And this is that sea which now couereth all the lande of Sodom and Gomorhe called the lake Asphaltite And his end to the vtmost sea That is the great sea which is called the Mediterranean sea And his stinke shall ascende Meaning there they shoulde lie vnburied and their filthines ascend and remaine odious to God and men From hence when he saith that he wil driue away wee must note that it is onely the Lorde that must take away from vs all noisome and hurtfull things Deut. 32. 39. We haue touched this doctrine alreadie when we shewed in the former chapter that no iudgement can bee remooued by naturall meanes The first reason bicause by this meanes hee is knowne to be the God of the world Exod. 7. 17. Againe as his hand sendeth euill Amos 3. 7. so his hande must remooue euill Esay 49. 9. Let vs therefore learne howsoeuer wee bee annoied to seeke for helpe of God and as we haue beene often admonished let the afflictions of the body wring foorth the teares and praiers of the soule Againe seeing God will driue from vs all hurtfull thinges let vs not feare the sting of death nor the power of the graue Hos 13. 14. And if we beleeue that God shall raise vs vp from death to life why shoulde we thinke that beastes or birdes or afflictions shall euer preuaile against vs It is the better for vs that God alone doth this thing and not our selues for our power is often weakned but his hande and strength is alway mightie Secondlie when he bringeth in the wildernes and dead sea to receiue these deuouring beastes Hee teacheth vs that there is as good vse of the barren as of the plowed lande and of the sea where nothing liueth as of the sea where all engender for these are made to destroy as the other are made to builde vp Whereby we may see that all the creatures of the worlde doe helpe God against his enimies to performe his wrath Ios 10. 12. The cloudes throwe downe stones and the Sunne stoode still a whole day till Iosuah had discomfited all his enimies The first reason bicause they wil not helpe them that God persecuteth Esay 15. 6. Dauid woulde not spare the men that slew Ishboseth his enimie and much more will not the creatures spare or helpe them that are enimies to God Againe the day of wrath is a day of affliction Esay 22. 5. and therefore the creaatures are afraide of iudgement themselues And as Iezabels messengers followed and turned after Iehu hir enimie so all the creatures of God turne after him when he is in war to destroy sinners Let vs therefore learne to look vpon our creator Esay 17. 7. that in this time when time of repentance may be had For as the inhabitants of Ceilah woulde haue betraied Dauid to Saul that hee might slaie him so woulde all the creatures of the Lorde deliuer and betraie vs vnto him though more iustly that he may make an ende of vs. God is almost forgotten among men to be their creator for they giue more reuerence to their parents then to him therefore will the creatures forget vs and deliuer vs vp for spies and enimies as Ioseph gaue Simeon his brother into prison Againe let this generall obedience of the creatures cause vs to walke more righteouslie Esay 33. 15. 16. or else they will one day be reuenged bicause wee haue caused them to bee subiected vnto vanitie What a greeuous thing is it that these dumbe creatures shoulde receiue when God giueth and giue when God asketh and obey when God commaundeth
your soule whereby you may know it shall turne to your good and this you may haue although you lament with teares therefore plucke vp your sorrowfull mindes and put away your mourning garments for the time is at hand that your easeles daies shall be turned into painelesse rest and your carefull prayers into the ioyfull possession of life and glorie and angels and saints and God and Christ for euermore The xxxiij Sermon Vers 2. I will also gather all nations and will bring them downe into the valley of Iehoshaphat and will pleade with them there for my people and for mine heritage Israel whom they haue scattered among the nations and parted my land HAuing handled the time when the destruction of the churches enimies should be which was when they were deliuered from their captiuitie now it followeth that we pursue the manner of their destruction in this and in the verse following and for our more orderly proceeding we will first handle the causes of the Lords iudgement vpon them and secondly the execution thereof the causes expressed vers 2 3 4 5 6. And first before the causes the prophet noteth these two things their assemblie and the place thereof their assemblie in these words I will also gather c. the place he calleth the valley of Iehoshaphat When he saith that he will gather all nations he doth giue vs to vnderstand his infinite power that he can easily bring the whole world together Psal 50. 2 3. Dauid saith that he calleth them from the rising of the sunne vnto the setting thereof that as he could and did at the beginning create the whole worlde in one man so can he at the latter end bring them all together againe as one man How can the theefe escape him by riding or the whooremonger by keeping in a secret chamber or the swearer by creeping into a princes court or a king by lying in his strongest holde but as he brought all creatures to Adam that he might name them and seuen of euery cleane beast to Noah that hee might saue them so will hee bring all the worlde before his sonne that hee may iudge them The reasons are these first because hee doth it by his angels Matt. 24. 31. who are of infinite power and wisedome and celeritie and diligence One angell is stronger then all men as appeereth by that angel which killed of Saneheribs armie in one night an hundred fourescore and fiue thousand Isa 37. 36. yet for all this power we must not feare or worship the angels for they are but our fellowe seruants but rather let vs feare the creator of the angels for if hee haue giuen so much glorie to his angels oh how much hath he kept to himselfe and if he maketh them flames of fire himselfe must needes be a consuming fornace Another reason is this because all the worlde doe liue and mooue and haue their being in him Act. 17. 28. and therefore he may as easily bring euery one to iudgement as a man may lay his left hand in his right Oh how might this terrifie a great sort which liuing in God yet deny God as Absolon which woulde depose his owne father to make himselfe king The vses which wee may make hereof are these first that we auoide not and doe not flie from the presence of God as Ionah did Ion. 1. 3. for the Lorde will bring vs againe as he did him Whither wilt thou goe from the All-seeing spirite of God oh flie not from him for there is no heauen so high but he is higher nor any earth so deepe but he is deeper nor any world so wide but he is larger nor any place so secret but he can finde it out Abide in his temple for there is his presence and in his church for there he dwelleth Looke to him aboue looke on him beneath looke for him in the morning and runne to him in the euening Goe not out of the congregation for then thou runnest from him but abide the Lordes leisure for euermore But how might I complaine on them that runne away from God some runne from the faith some from the sermon some from our praiers some from our companie and some are gadding abroad in strange popish and paganish countries some goe to tauernes when they should goe to churches some to exercise of pleasure some are riding in the fields when they should be praying in the congregations and some are at the beare-baiting or play houses when they should serue the Lorde oh monstrous times that euer men liued in and they account themselues happie that neuer come where any goodnesse is If God correct them they are desperate if the lawe would punish them they are obstinate if the preacher rebuke them they are almost malice-mad What doe these men but flie from the presence of God for they will not goe to him they will not pray to him they will not liue with him they will not tarrie for him they will not see him they will not heare him but they shall surely feele him Although Tzedechiah would not abide the Babylonians but fled away by night yet they ouertooke him and brought him backe to their captaine who put out his eies and led him in chaines to Babylon so although you flie from the Lorde yet hee shall followe and gather you bee your companie neuer so great and depriue you of your best estate and leade you in chaines to the diuels in hell They are separated from God but you are worse then diuels for you separate your selues from God yet bee assured you shall shortly trie that it were better for you to followe Christ into the sea as Peter did then to forsake him on the land as Iudas did Into the valley of Iehoshaphat These wordes containe the place where the nations shoulde be gathered togither the which I take not to bee any speciall place much lesse the valley of Engedi 2. Chron. 20. 2. where Iehoshaphat by the helpe of God destroied the Ammonites Moabites and Edomites but rather by allusion to that place and battle hee sheweth what slaughter hee woulde make of his enimies But this worde Iehoshaphat may bee taken as well appellatiuely as properly so it signifieth the iudgement of God and therefore the valley of Iehoshaphat shall signifie the place of God his iudgement as afterwarde the valley of threshing shall signifie the execution thereof By the former words and by these we will obserue that the wicked shall bee drawen to iudgement whether they will or not Luke 23. 30. for God will gather them into the valley of iudgement As there is no force in the corne to resist the reaper so shall there bee no resistance in the wicked to auoide iudgement And this thing of all other may mightilie a stonish all deceitfull and infidell hearts which cannot abide to heare of iudgement yet they shall be compelled to come to iudgement Howe desperate is their estate when their conscience
continuall sight and remembrance then shal they not be forgotten or couered when the number shall be rehearsed And surely me thinkes that the conscience of this matter should mightily terrifie our natures from sin seeing that all our offences are continually in the Lords memorie Some thinke that because the time is long since they committed adulterie or sacriledge or theft or drunkennes or idolatrie now God hath forgotten it and it shall neuer more be laide to their charge But they must knowe that a thousande yeeres are with the Lorde as one day seeing that is past as a watch in the night and therfore the Lord doth as well remember their old committed sinnes as a watchman remembreth who came by him in the night their childish vanitie their youthful wantonnes their sinfull sporting their filthie resting their babish trifling and their merrie pastimes are fresh before the Lord 1. Sam. 15. 1 2 3. The Lord telleth Samuel that he remembreth what Amalek did to Israell Exod. 17. how he was the first that bid them to battle after they came out of Egypt and therefore commandeth Saul to destroy them man woman and childe This was many hundred yeeres after the acte committed and the iniurie offered yet God thinketh vpon it although they had beene alreadie well punished for it And so doth he remember how thou hast oppressed the poore long ago how many acres thou hast encroched how many pounds thou hast gathered by vsurie how many mens cattle thou hast bought by extortion and finally how often in thy yonger dayes thou were negligent to sanctifie the sabbaoth If thy sinnes might fall from thy life as thy teeth in age doe fall from thy mouth thou were happie or if thy life could be chaunged into holines as thy old yeeres turne thy blacke haire into whitenes blessed were thou but alas thy strength faileth thy beautie fadeth thy life weareth thy hand weakeneth thy blood dryeth thy head chaungeth and thy whole bodie stoopeth to the earth yet thy wickednes remaineth vntouched and vnblasted as the Iuie which is thickest and greenest when it hath killed and withered the great oake The vse which commeth of this doctrine is the same that the most wise preacher that euer was taught vs Eccles 12. 13. That seeing God woulde bring euery secret worke into iudgement therefore feare him and keepe his commaundements Howe many waies wee are taught to feare the Lorde appeereth in the former sermons and therefore it were needlesse to vrge this exhortation any farther in this place But if we consider that if it be such a shame to endure the speeches of friendes and enemies in this life for the faultes we haue committed how much more ought wee to blush before the Lord with all the angels of heauen and all the men that euer were are or shall be in the world when at the latter day our faultes shall bee opened when euery one shall hisse at our filthinesse and laugh at our wickednesse Oh confesse thy selfe to a fewe in this world rather then deferre to bee reuealed before all in the ende of the world Thinke not that thy owne estate will be any thing more tolerable because all other men shall haue their faultes also ripped vp and repeated for the more the worse a Iudge will bee more easily entreated for one then for twentie and therefore God will be lesse partiall because so many shall be found guiltie feare not shame but death abstaine not from sinne for the worldes sake but for the Lords sake and let not other mens voices more appalle thee then the sentence of God It hath beene heretofore and shall be hereafter more manifestly shewed that God doth no more spare a multitude then a man or many then one and therefore neuer flatter thy selfe in the matter but onely vse the time and these admonitions that God may forget thy sinnes and then they shall bee forgiuen thee and if they bee forgiuen they shall not bee opened but silenced at the latter day For although we shall then heare of the murder that Cain did of the mocking that Ismael did of the filthinesse that Er and Onan did of the rebellion of Absolon and the treason of Iudas yet wee shall not heare of Noahs drunkennesse or Lots incest or Iosephs oath or Moses vnfaithfulnesse or Dauids adulterie or Peters deniall or of any of the faultes of the elect for their sinnes shall remaine in the graue when their bodies are raised vp to the ioy of another life The xxxiiij Sermon FOr my people In these words we may obserue that God will iudge the world for the iniuries done to his church and for nothing more Psal 9. 17. for hee will then open the counsels thou hast conceiued against the godly how many stripes thou hast giuen them how many times thou hast reuiled them how many waies thou hast oppressed them how often thou hast imprisoned them and how many thou hast murdered of them He will aske thy poore neighbour howe thou didst releeue him howe often thou didst lend him how much vsurie thou tookest of him how many times thou didst harbour him and with what affection of hart thou didst embrace him I graunt that he will open thy other sinnes and condemne thee for them but yet the speciall cause why he sitteth in iudgement at the latter day with all the world before him is that he may make inquisition for the blood of his saints and iustifie his children whom the world condemned The reasons are First because he is the life of the faithfull Col. 3. 4. Secondly because this doth shew his righteousnes 2. Thess 1. 6 7. when he doth acquite the faultlesse and condemne the guiltie The vses which wee may make thereof are these First that wee neuer grieue any of the saints of God Psal 105. 15. when Iehu was to kill all the prophets of Baal he bad them search diligently for the seruants of God and be sure that there were not one among them to be hurt This care ought men to haue of the least and basest in the church that they prouoke them not to complaine vpon them to the Lord for surely if the poorest member of Christ that liueth among vs doe iustly complaine of the greatest Lord and potentate of the world vnto the God of heauen it were better for that Lord that a milstone were tyed about his necke and he were cast into the sea Againe seeing it is so dangerous to offer any violence to any of the Lords children let vs abide in the Lord Iesus Ioh. 2. 28. and then will he reuenge our cause for hee cannot forget his owne stripes and for his sake are we buffeted disdained and mocked and reuiled persecuted martyred and therefore by him shall we be defended reuenged vpō them If we be of the Lords body we cannot hurt the Lords members therfore they which persecute the church speak euil of the poore are none of the
5. They sell them for bread and for olde shooes And so wee may see the rich man in the Gospell that esteemed more of his dogs then of Lazarus and so Nehe. 5. 3 4 5. the poore were driuen to sell their children to slauerie for to buie them bread Such hard hearted men were and shall be for euer which make not any account of their poore brethren The reasons are First because they are vnmercifull Pro. 21. 10. and therefore howe can they be mercifull to them whom they hate seeing they are not mercifull to them whom they loue Another reason is because they do not thinke good men woorthy to liue Ioh. 19. 15. and therefore they care not howe they abuse them The vses which wee are to make heereof are briefly these First that wee giue not to wicked men any commendations Prouerb 24. 24. What is there in any vngodly man woorth the noting except it bee sinne and shall wee commend any bodie for their sinne But I thinke that in our times either euery man is righteous and none are euill or else many men are beside the exhortation of the wise man For there is not anie Vsurer nor anie briber nor any tyrant nor any Atheist nor any papist nor any rich man but they are all commended by one or other No landlord so hard no gentleman so leud no minister so ignorant no whoremonger so filthie although he die of the French disease but wee haue some epitaphes of his commendation although they liued without praise and died without repentance Whereunto will the worlde come and who will desire to liue therein if thou commend euill men how canst thou dispraise euill for euill doth not make the man but the man maketh the euill Yea we haue of our noble and royall preachers that will in a funerall sermon tell of the good deedes of manie blasphemers and misers and couetous and filthie and ignorant and gamsters and I thinke for money of witches and coniurers and rebels pronounce in the pulpet that they are in heauen but beware and bee as wise in saying that a man is saued as thou wilt be warie in affirming that any is damned Another vse which we may make of this doctrine is the same that God asked of sathan Iob 1. 8. Whether hee had considered his seruant Iob Insinuating vnto vs that we ought to weigh measure the dignitie of a godly man howe there is none like vnto him in all the worlde And truely if wee did often call to our mindes the blessings that righteous men do bring vnto the world we should account them as happie that liue with them as the Queene of Saba did those which liued with Salomon but since no man considereth either their life or their death as the Prophet speaketh men grow to so peruerse corrupt a iudgment concerning the world that they thinke there is no difference betwixt the iust and the wicked Sodom neuer knewe what a good man was till the fire came and the worlde will not knowe the benefite of a christian till Christ come to iudgement But do not men consider what righteous men are yes verilie for they trie them as the diuell did Iob they vexe them with many troubles load them with many euils and offende them with manie outrages and grieue them with many slanders you shal heare in the open streetes open reuiling of God his deere children and now adaies there is not a plaie or an enterlude but there are som scoffes at religion many scornes at good christians and infinite abuses offered to the preachers What considering is this but grieuing of the righteous spirite of the Lorde that dwelleth in them and studying howe to improoue their sinnes to the vttermost But it shall bee sufficient for vs to know that the Lorde of glorie will not doe so vnto vs. And therefore be not discouraged my beloued brethren golde is golde although it lie in the dirt and pearle is pearle although it bee buried in a dunghill so a christian is a christian although he be trode vnder the feete of helhoundes and be buried aliue in the companie of serpents Consider them that feare God to honour them not to vexe them to helpe them not to hurt them to loue them not to tempt them to liue after them not to accuse them Thinke they are the starres that giue light in the night they are captaines that are formost in seruice they are the soules that shield others from danger Nowe if there be no starres and no captaines and no shieldes howe shall we walke in the night of this worlde or fight in the battle of Christ or be saued from the fierie darts of sathan The xxxvj Sermon Vers 4. Yea and what haue you to do with me ô Tyrus and Zidon and all the coasts of Palestina will yee render me a recompence and if yee recompence me swiftly and speedily will I render your recompence vpon your head THis verse containeth a question of the Lord vnto the neerest enimies of the church namely the marchants of Tyrus and Zidon insinuating that they did all the before named villanie to the Iewes as it were to wrecke their malice vpon God and therefore he asketh them whether they wil recompence him and if they do but once thinke so to do then will he fully repay them home againe And first of all wee may heere note that it is in vaine to be angrie with God for he saith what haue you to do with me c and so the Lord chastiseth Ionah Ion. 4. 9. that he might learne not to repine against his creator The world now adaies as they care little to please God so they care lesse to offend God and like mad people if their dooings be but a little crossed they sweare stare against God himselfe they like not his gouernment sometime he sendeth too much drought another time too much raine another time they are angrie for the losse of their cattle and most times for the reproofe of their sinnes So that thus they lye tossed like an vnquiet sea fretting and foaming against God and heauen but what haue they gayned by their repining or what are they eased by their swearing Surely nothing but their wound is greater and their sore is made more incurable learne therfore to be more quiet and open not thy mouth against thy creator If thy sores be as thy haires and thy paines be as thy thoughts and thy wounds be as thy daies and thy losses be as thy life yet be not angrie with God he is more inclined to our patience then to our wrath for the patient spirit shall inherit the land The reasons hereof are these First because sinne will slay vs as the Lord told Cain Gen. 4. 7. Again we cannot possibly be angrie or repine against God be it but the least motion but we shall sinne against him And therefore in all extremities let euerie good christian say with
churches reade our bookes and beleeue not our Sermons Now thinke with thy selfe that hast liued thus long in a strange place yet knowest not nor obeyest the Lord of that place art thou not in danger to be arraigned for rebellion Yes verily and so are all those that liue with good men and know them not that may haue the truth and labour not for it that might be saued and yet will be reprobated Be not therefore an enimie to godlines or to any member of the church for if thou heare them not their words will hurt thee if thou helpe them not their wants will witnesse against thee and if thou oppresse them the Lord himselfe will iudge thee The xl Sermon Vers 13. Put in your sithes for the haruest is ripe come get you downe for the wine-presse is full yea the wine-presse runneth ouer for their wickednesse is great 14. O multitude ô multitude come into the valley of threshing for the daie of the Lorde is neere in the valley of threshing AT the length by the assistance of God we are come to the last part of the execution contained vnder the allegorie of an haruest and threshing of corne In the haruest and wine-presse we must consider their death and vnder the threshing their condemnation For the first where hee compareth their destruction to a haruest he doth but as it is vsuall in the Scriptures both olde and newe to set foorth a massacre of men by cutting downe of corne the which is applied to the latter iudgement in the Reuelation onely heere is mention made of sithes but there the angels are saide to reape with sickles the matter is all one for as one saide Non multum refert an vno grandi fluctu an paulatim aqua subrepente nauis submergatur It commeth all to one thing to haue a shippe drowned either with one great waue or by a leake and it is no matter whether a mā be killed with a sword or a rapier so the iudgement is alike both with the sickle and with the sythe By the allegorie both of the haruest and of the wine-presse wherein there is not a stalke but it is cut nor a grape but it is pressed out we may note that not one shall escape the iudgement of God Amos 9. 2. The which thing the Lorde by this plaine similitude woulde haue vs obserue that euery day wee might see our miserie and learne to mitigate the wrath of God towarde vs. Neither is the estate of the wicked more tolerable bicause it seemeth they are heere compared to corne for it is but the woorst and basest corne such as is cut with the sythe not reaped with a sickle For although they are corne yet they are not for the Lordes spending Dauid saith they lie like sheepe in hell are they the better in hell bicause they are compared to sheepe no verily no more are they the happier bicause they are resembled to corn The reason of this vniuersall iudgement is because the Lorde will bring euery action whether it be good or bad vnto iudgement Eccl. 12. 14. If he will bring euery action then much more euerie man for euery man hath a thousand actions all which shall be so adiudged as we shall know the particular censure of God vpon euery one of them Seeing therefore there is not one man in the worlde but hee must come to iudgement as there is not one stalke in a corne-fielde but it must be cut downe and as the apostle saith 2. Cor. 5. 10. that wee must euery one appeere before the iudgement seate of God then let vs liue in the continuall expectation thereof A man that is wrongfully imprisoned thinketh it long till the iudge come who will set him at libertie because he knoweth his iniurie in like sort a man that is a christian is a prisoner in this worlde hauing his flesh for his gaole his sinnes for his irons the diuels for his keepers and Christ his Sauiour for his iudge thinketh long till his iudge come and set him at libertie and therefore desireth euery day to come into the presence of God A iudgement we must all vndergo therefore they are happy men that desire the same let not any be so wilfull as to wish there were none for they which cannot like iudgement doe denie iustice and they which denie iustice shall certainely feele it Appeere before the Lorde often with thy praiers that hee may knowe thee at the generall iudgement Be not as vnwilling to come before him as a theefe that careth not for the face of the iudge but as Ioseph thought long till hee sawe his father Iacob after he knew hee was aliue so doe thou thinke euerie daie manie yeeres till thou haue seene the Lorde in his kingdome Againe when in the second place he mentioneth the wine presse saying it runneth ouer and their wickednesse is great he thereby noteth the qualitie of sinne namely if God had not set a measure thereof it would growe immeasurable for as the measure of the wine presse neuer staieth till it bee full and when it is full it ceaseth not till it runne ouer so will the sinnes of men neuer cease til they exceede measure Ier. 9. 3. whereby we may see a wonderfull worke of God for there is not one man liuing but he hath in him the seede and spawne of all sinne now it is wonderfull that euery one groweth not and that any man liuing should haue in him any little drop of goodnesse We may also lament our corrupt and sinfull estate that during the time of our life we are subiect to all sinne for there is no subiect so true but if God let him fall he will become a traitor no woman so honest but she may become an adulteresse no man so righteous but he may become a theefe and to conclude there is not any so glorious but hee may be as infamous for as we are subiect to all sicknesses so are we to all sinnes O miserable men that wee are who shall deliuer vs from these bodies of sinne it is borne with vs it groweth with vs it liueth with vs and it dieth with vs it is the death of it selfe and the death of vs the death of it selfe by killing vs and the death of vs by exceeding measure for as the sonnes of Zeruiah were too strong for Dauid although he was king so our sinnes are too strong for vs although we shoulde rule them We were happy men if our sins were not or if they were not so immesurable They will com at the first to be our slaues as the Philistines but in the end they will be our lords as they would be to Israell Oh woulde God we might conquer them and driue them out of our soules as they expelled the Philistines out of Ierusalem The reason is because the power of sathan which is the efficient cause of sinne doth encrease to deceiue vs 2. Thess 2. 9 11. The diuell
neuer ceaseth to suggest new temptations and wee are seldome able to resist them therefore he neuer is idle but euer proceedeth farther and farther till he haue plunged vs ouer the eares in sinne that so he might drowne vs. When he made Peter denie Christ once then hee made him to denie him thrise so when he hath perswaded vs a little to follow the waies of our owne hearts then he neuer giueth ouer till hee haue made vs to denie him often so that this encreasing in sinne must bee attributed to the diuell for in truth the diuell shall be punished for the sinnes of the whole worlde and yet euerie wicked man shall be punished for his owne Let vs learne then that there is a measure appointed to receiue our sinnes and ifwe cease not till it bee full we cannot cease till it runne ouer and if we suffer it to runne ouer wee cannot hinder it from ouerrunning vs. There is none that woulde bee willing to sell his inheritance to fill a theeues purse with golde Therefore let not any of vs be so simple as to fill the diuels measure full of our sinnes which wee buie by selling away our soules Oh that we were as hard to the diuell when he craueth for a sinne as we are to a begger when he crieth for an almes we thinke well if we bestowe a pennie in a weeke vpon such a person and wee can hardly be drawen in for more but sinne after sinne we commit as fast as haile commeth from the cloudes Let vs then emptie the measure of our sinne and not fill it and be as vnwilling to cast one follie into the diuels hande as manie are to cast one farthing into the poore mans boxe Let vs resist the temptations of sinne as Iacob resisted the voice of his sonnes perswading him to suffer his little Beniamin to goe with them into Egypt and let vs neuer yeeld vnto him let vs not be ouercome rather let vs die For their iniquitie is great These wordes contayne the reason of their iudgement namely because of their sinnes for in truth if men did neuer sinne they should neuer be iudged and therefore seeing euery one that is borne hath sinned euery one borne shall answere for their sinne at iudgement But when he saith it is great hee teacheth vs that euery man shall be punished according to the quantitie of his sinne Luc. 12. 47. Many sinnes many stripes great sinnes great iudgement As in ciuill politicall gouernment there is a difference so also is there in the heauenly regiment for euery one shall bee punished according to the measure of his sinnes Therefore now take occasion to stay the heate of thy sinnes seeing many pleasures many ioyes many thefts many adulteries many othes many lies and many wicked actions shall bring vnto thee manifold indignation Moses would not suffer any of Israel to sacrifice in Egypt because the Egyptians would slay them if feare of death made them cease sacrificing to God then let feare of death make thee cease to sinne against God Some men will not eate the best meates although they loue them well because their price is too costly oh that we could as willingly abstaine from sinne which we loue too well because it will cost so deerely for one howers pleasure will bring a whole worlds paine The first reason because God hath ordained his church to haue seuerall kindes of punishment Matt. 18. whereby he teacheth that he will obserue the same order in the worlde to come to cast out obstinate offenders into the pit that is prepared for heathens and hypocrites for all the actions in the church militant do leade vs to the like in the church triumphant Secondly another reason is or else the greatest wretch of the worlde were in no woorse case then the new-borne babe but this cannot be for then were there not degrees of the Lords iustice as there are in his mercie Let vs learne to make this vse thereof seeing the Lorde woulde haue a man that had stolen any goodes or taken wrongfully from any man to restore it fowerfolde then let vs learne by the greatnesse of our sinnes to aggrauate our sorrowes for surely if we still remaine impenitent in the church of God his wrath will in the end ouertake vs as it did Ioab who was slaine at the hornes of the altar For the slaughter of the Gibeonites which Saul made vniustly God after his death caused seuen of his posteritie to bee hanged because Saul had not pacified the matter himselfe Be carefull therefore to repent thy sinnes with sorrow and to recompence them with obedience least thy desarts fall vpon thy posteritie otherwise thy delight will bee too deere and the fruites of thy pleasure will bee more bitter then wormwood Had Iudas knowen when hee was with Christ at supper that which now he feeleth all the priestes of Iewrie and al the money in their seueral treasuries could neuer haue perswaded him to that treason Trie not the aduenture of thy sinnes for hell is hotter then the fornace of Babylon and they which once come in it can neuer come out againe Learne also to knowe the waight of euery one of thy sinnes that thou maiest easily see they are odious to God infamous to men and dangerous to thy soule how the diuell hatcheth them the flesh nurseth them the worlde maintaineth them and God abhorreth them Looke I say vnto their waight for they are a burden too heauie for thee to beare if thou keepe them they will eate thee if thou striue with them they wil weary thee if thou beare them they will hurt thee if thou forsake them they will follow thee and if thou knowe them they will feare thee therefore learne to measure them and number them and waigh them that thou maiest emptie and lessen and cast them downe neuer to take them vp againe O multitude In this verse is contained the seconde similitude whereby their destruction is decyphered For after haruest commeth threshing and in my opinion in the former verse is set downe their first death and in this verse their second death by reason of the resemblance betwixt the paines of hell and the action of threshing First the stroke of the thresher seemeth to threaten the corne to strike it in peeces but yet it doth not so a man woulde thinke that the paines of hell woulde make an end of them that suffer them but yet they abide them Secondly threshing followeth the cutting of the corne and so hell followeth the death of the body Thirdly threshing is a continuall striking of one sheafe and so hell is a continuall tormenting of one soule for paine followeth paine as stroke followeth stroke But certaine it is a destruction is heere signified and that a more sharpe and seuere one then was noted in the former verse wherefore he calleth vnto them mournefullie O multitude ô multitude The which phrase of speech teacheth vs that God is
nanc finem viuendi facere cogor necessariò Reason 1. Vse 1. 2 If the preachers awake vs not we shall sleepe till we bee destroyed Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Such as are our sins such shall be our wants Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Vngodly men very beastes in aduersitie Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Wicked men onely merry and sorie for wordly things Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 No mercie procured by feigned and worldly sorrowe Reason 1. 2. V se 1. 2 No resisting of the Lords iudgement Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. Vers 7. Fruits faile for mans sinne Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. z We must as earnestly affect heauenly things as earthly Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Lamentation for the dead not vnlawful Reason 1. 2. Vse 1. 2 Vers. 9. He cannot feare God that sorroweth not when religion faileth Reason 1. Vse 1. God will punish sinne although hee take away his owne worship Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. A great iudgement to see the publike vse of religion violated Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 The ministers are the first in any danger Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 God giueth fruits of the earth for his worship Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 We cannot perfectly without sin serue God in this life Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Vers 11. The ministers must exhort all men Reason 1. Vse 1. 2 The outward worship of God doth good vnto all Reason 1. Vse 1. No creature but for same it shall be destroyed Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Worldly sorrow a fearefull thing Reason 1. 2 Ves 1. If we humble not our wils God will humble them against our will Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 None so for ward in religion but they may be exhorted farther Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 All must be throughly humbled in a common praier for a common miserie Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Ministers are onely the Lords seruants Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 God by threatning wrath mooueth vs to his worship Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. Fasting nothing worth without praier Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Vers 15. Good men mourne before iudgement commeth Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Nothing feareth good men so much as the wrath of God Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. The seruice of God to be performed with ioy Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Vers 17. No naturall meanes to resist the Lords power Reason 1. 2 2 Vers 18. The beastes punished for our sakes Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Famine the greatest punishment Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Ad de praier to our complaints Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 All our affections must be pitifully affected in prayer Reason 1. Vse 1. 2 Verse 20. God heareth the voice of beasts Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. The vse of the trumpets in olde time I The ministers must shew all dangers Reason 1. Vse 1. Ministers must mooue affections Vse 2. Reasons The publique ministerie to be regarded principally How we must behaue our selues in churches Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Vers 2. Clouds and darkenes admonish vs of iudgement Reason 1. 2 Nature seldome changed Reason 1. 2 2 1 Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Vers 4. A guilty conscience feareth punishment Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Vers 5. Vers 6. Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Wicked men desperate in aduersitie Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 1 The condition of soldiers 1 2 The exercise of a soldier 2 Institution in martiall affaires 3 Celeritie in a souldiour Vers 8. 1 Order in battle 2 Souldiers must looke to themselues Vers 9. 1 Confusion in victorie All villanie made lawfull in warre Vse 1. Vers 10. 1 Signes shew iudgements Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 2 Earth-quakes betoken God his anger Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Verse 11. 1 Creatures enimies one to another Reason 1. Vse 1. 2 Reason 1. The wrath of God intollerable Reason 1. 2 ● 1 No iudgement without the word worketh repentance Reason 1. The end of Gods iudgements 2 Vse 1. 2 2 Reason 1. 2 Vse 1 2 God regardeth no sorrowe but repentance Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 3 Repentance is the conuersion of the whole hart Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. Outward signes with inward repentance Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 2 In great calamities we must fast priuately Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 3 Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. Vse 2. The paines of true repentance exceeds the paines of the flesh Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 2 Outward holines abhominable Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 3 Till we turne to God we go from God Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 In our greatest miserie we must account God very merciful Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 1 Al creatures doe mooue vs to repentance Reason Vse 1. 2 2 God his mercy must moue vs to repentance Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 God deferreth venge ance and why Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Reason Vse 1. 2 Why wee know not the ende of our sorrowes Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 All things must be applied to religion Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Generall lamentation Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 2 No lawfull action must hinder repentance Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. All the exercises of the ministerie must be so done as they may be vnderstoode Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 1 Our praiers must begin with confession Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Reason 1. 2 Nothing more grieuous to good men then the regiment of the euill Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. Reason Repentance maketh vs fit for al benefits Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 3 Verse 19. 1 God euer heard good mens praiers Reason 1 2 Vse 1. 2 All abundance to religion Reason 1 2 Vse 1. 2 3 Reason 1. Vse 1. 2 God onelie driueth away hurtful things Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 2 All things helpe God to destroy his enimies Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 A man may offend God in doing that which he willed Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Vers 21. The promises of God must euer preuaile with good men Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 The worde of God gladdeth man and beast Reason 1. 2 Vers 23. God onely giueth ioies Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 3 Reason 1. Vse 1. 2 3 Wherein good men reioice Reason 1. 2 Religion better for the church then riches Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 The Lord ruleth the cloudes Vse 1 2 We haue no losse by affliction Reason 1. 2 Vse Vers 26. Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. ● Reason 1. 2 Vse 2. God vseth ordinarie and extraordinary power to deliuer his church Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Religion neuer maketh ashamed Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Vers 27. God euermore in the church Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Euerie one must know how he is in Gods fauour Reason 1. 2 2 3 We must not doubt of our religion Reason 1. 2 After knowledge commeth the holie Ghost Reason 1. 1 Vse 1. 2 3 None prophesie but by the spirite Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 They which labour not to prophesie do deface the kingdome of Christ Reason 1. 2 3 None in the church too good for to studie diuinitie Reason 1. ● 4 Christians must haue religious seruants Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Reason Vse 1. 2 God sheweth his wrath before he doth it Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 3 1 Reason 1. 2 Some of the Iewes shall euer be saued 3 God his promise shall preserue his church Reason 1. 2 4 Few shall be saued Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 5 By the worde wee beholde what is to come after vs. Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 2 Redemption must be certainly known Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 3 God determineth the ende of good mens trouble before trouble Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 The infinite power of God can at one time assemble the whole world Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. The wicked shall be vnwillinglie drawne to iudgement Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 All sinnes shal be opened in iudgement Reason 1. 2 Vse God will adiudge the iniuries done to his church Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. Wicked men in their greatest ioy neerest to hell Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 No lawfull triumph ouer the godly in warre Reason 1. 2 Vse Euill men make good things euill Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. Wicked men esteeme more of their owne lust then of others life Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Wicked men set nothing by the godly Reason 1. 2. Vse 1. 2 Be not angrie with God Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 What is once lawfully giuen to religion may not be recalled Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 God taketh pleasure in his worship Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. Verse 6. Commit not the children of beleeuers to Infidels Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 A wicked thing to spoile orphanes of patrimonies In the seed of the righteous shall good men be preserued Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Wicked mens policie cannot alway stand Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Thoughts to doe euill like euill actions Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. What we doe to other wee shal receiue of other Reason Vse Reason 1. Vers 9. Warre proclaimed beforehand Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Souldiers must haue a calling from God Reason 1. 2 Vers 10. Warre as needfull as husbandrie Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Weapons needfull and lawfull for any christian Reason The strongest ouerthrowne by God Reason 1. 2 Vse A sudden destruction to the wicked Reason 1. 2 Vse 1 2 The neerest foes of the Church in the greatest danger Reason 1. 2 Vse Reason Vse Sinne will neuer cease growing Reason 1. Vse 1. Such as is our sinne shall be our paine Reason 1. 2 2 Vers 14. God is sorrie to destroy vs. Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. ● ● Fearefull things in the church Woonders make good men to hope in God Reason 1. 2 Vse Vers 17 Holines is the perfection of the church Reason 1. 2 Vse 1. 2 Religion only maketh a kingdome happie Reason 1. 2 2 The peace of the church reioice the creatures of God Reason 1. 2 Vse Vers 19. Vers 20 21
2. 8. Therefore as the olde fathers searched for saluation 1. Pet. 1. 19. so doe thou and as the woman did for her money which neuer gaue ouer sweeping and seeking till she had found it in like manner doe thou but follow saluation as Isaac followed Abraham vnto the place where he should be sacrificed Secondly when he saith that there shall bee deliuerance in Mount Sion wee may note that God will euermore haue some among the people of the Iewes that shall be saued Rom. 11. 15 16 26. so that notwithstanding their intolerable hardnesse of hart and great obstinacie against the Gospell yet there are some beleeuers among them and it may be that there shall be a day when they shall all beleeue in the Messiah and I thinke verily that this is the very cause why they are reserued aliue for else in consideration of that great villanie offered to our Sauiour Christ with their infidelitie and other notorious sinnes they had long agoe beene destroied man woman and childe Thirdly the prophet alleageth the proofe hereofwhen he saith as the Lord hath said whereby we may note that the promise of God shall preserue his church in what distresse soeuer it be Heb. 13. 5. yea when heauen and earth shall be burned they shall be preserued The reasons first because all the promises of God in him are Yea Amen 2. Cor. 1. 18. 20. they are not changeable but constant as it is already declared because he is mighty that doth his word Againe life eternall is giuen by promise Col. 3. 14. and if the promises neuer faile in that no more they can in this Therefore let vs through patience doe the will of God and waite for the promise Heb. 10. 26. and hauing once receiued it let vs feare no euill nor any death Gen. 32. 9 10. Fourthly when he saith that saluation shall be to a remnant and to as many as God shall call we may note that but a remant that is a very fewe shall bee saued Luc. 13. 23. The reasons because of the great hatred of God against sinne Rom. 5. 14. the which hatred shall cause the damnation of many thousands Secondly the Lord will make but a short account of all the earth Rom. 9. 28. Therefore let euery one studie to enter although he knowe there be but few to be saued that if it may be he may be one of those few Luc. 13. 24. Againe let vs knowe that except the Lord of his great mercie did keepe this remnant from the violence of sinne and sathan no not one should or coulde euer come to life eternall Isai 1. 9. Lastly when he saith to as many as God shall call wee may note that we must be called by the gospell before we can be saued in the kingdome Iude 5. But of these points I haue often already spoken in the former treatises and therefore I may the safer excuse my breuitie and the God of all mercie giue a blessing to all The xxxij Sermon Chap. 3. Verse 1. For beholde in those daies and in that time when I shall bring againe the captiuitie of Iudah and Ierusalem THis thirde and last chapter of this Prophet Ioel containeth a most lamentable destruction of mankind namely of those which were the sworne enimies to the church of God which cannot choose but mooue a heart of stone to exceeding sorrowe and abundant teares to consider that so manie braue men stately kings warrelike souldiers honorable persons rich possessors beautiful women and innocent yoong children as it may seeme shoulde be violently driuen and drawen vnto the slaughter-house of woefull destruction Oh how may men forrowe that they were so borne to bee enimies to God and so liue that they hurt themselues and so shall die as they condemne their soules for their bloode is woorse then water their flesh is viler then dung their heart is baser then the earth and they were onely created that they might be destroied In the handling of this chapter we will obserue this method First the time when the enimies of the church shall be discussed and secondly the manner The time is set foorth in this vers to bee then when the Lorde shoulde bring againe the captiuitie of Iudah and Ierusalem that is when he shoulde deliuer them from all manner of thraldome For beholde The prophet after the vsuall maner of the Scriptures beginneth the matter with wordes of demonstration and attention and so telleth them of this matter as if it were alreadie in action bidding them to beholde it as we may see the like Esay 24. 1. 42. 1. Ierem. 51. 1. Matth. 24. 25. By which wordes wee may note the worde of God in prophets and preachers must teach vs to consider as well the things that are to come as those that are present 2. Cor. 4. 18. Wee looke not saith the Apostle on the things that are seene but on the things that are not seene The voice of the Lordes worde must not be like the stroke of the musition which onely affecteth a man while hee heareth the sounde but it must bee like a Phisitions potion which worketh in the bodie many daies after it is taken But what doe I talke of daies as Ionathan loued Dauid when he neither saw him nor hearde him so must we loue the word of God and thinke thereon when we neither see it nor heare it The oxe careth for the pricke which presently goreth him but yet he neuer thinketh on the slaughter which is comming the childe feareth the rod which hee seeth but thinketh not on it when it is hidden the sheepe windeth from the storme when it bloweth but in calmer times it neuer remembreth but God which hath made vs more excellent then oxen and sheepe and willeth vs to be more wise then children hath giuen his worde that wee may know and feare the things that are to come So that in this sort thou must perswade thy selfe if thou heare the preacher tell of any plague then thinke with thy selfe that thou now beholdest it a far off therefore it will certainly come Beleeue the Lord and his prophets saide Iehoshaphat and you shall prosper but alas our dull hearted hearers will beleeue no more then they see will feare no more then they feele nor bee righteous any longer then they are in affliction Death is farre off they care not for it and the day of iudgement will be God knoweth when and therefore if their time be so long they thinke it will be neuer Oh wretches beholde presentlie before your eies how the Lorde commeth how the sword wasteth howe the bloude runneth howe vengeance encreaseth howe Christ condemneth and all thinges are ouerturned If thou canst so beholde the comming miseries and with teares lament them as if they were present thou shalt likewise by the worde of God so beholde the comming ioies of another life with hart reioice as if now thou
enioiedst them Therefore beholde iudgement and terrour and thunder and fire and the ouerthrowe of all thinges which one daie shall bee that thou maiest feare thy proude and sinfull nature and so behold mercie the resurrection the life to come the face of God and the fellowship of Angels that thou maiest quietlie repose thy soule in the sweete profession of the Lordes Gospell The reasons of this doctrine are these first because they are base minded if not beastly affected which onely looke to the temporall things that they see and not to the heauenly and eternal things which they see not as the Apostle in the before-named place saith and therefore it is farre more honourable that thou shouldest beleeue the things that are to come when we heare them in the word then the things that are past and present which our eies beholde Againe our Sauiour saith Marc. 9. 23. that all things are possible to him that beleeueth which is verified in nothing more then in this when we giue vp our whole harts to the things that are preached and daily waite when they shall be performed And if all things be possible then is saluation and the ioyes of heauen possible for thee if thou canst beleeue them and so liue as thou maiest obtaine them The vses which wee are to make of this doctrine are these first seeing wee must be instructed by the word of God to behold the things that are to come as if they were present then let vs euermore bee faithfull the which thing the Apostle teacheth vs when hee saith that wee stande by faith Rom. 9. 23. so that as our bodies stand vpon our legs so our soules stand vpon our faith And if this be so how many lame soules are there in the world nay they are not lame that neuer had legs but those that had them yet are they monsters and such monsters are faithlesse and infidel men If thy legs be sicke thou wilt goe to thy surgeon and if thy faith be sicke goe to thy Sauiour what comfort hast thou of the worlde if thou canst not walke in the world and what ioy hath thy soule if it haue no faith to walke in the scriptures Stand by faith and fall not beleeue soundly and strongly bring not a woodden leg I meane a woodden faith such as men can make but a true and substantiall faith which the Lorde onely giueth Let not any thing mooue thee for all things are possible to the beleeuer though the earth remooue bee not thou afraide though the heauens passe yet the world shall not passe beleeue all things say not this will be long or that will be late or the other is doubtfull or God is mercifull his minde may alter or the preachers are but men they may be deceiued or the iudgements be conditionall they may be reuersed or the promises be vncertaine they may be recalled Oh beware of an infidell hart Heb. 3. 12. and depart not from the liuing God Moses because hee did but once distrust God he could not enter into the land of Canaan the gouernour that would not beleeue the prophet was trod to peeces the princes which would not beleeue Ieremie were slaine by the Babylonians and the soules which will not beleeue the preachers shall be ouercome by diuels Oh consider how fearefull a thing it will be for you to say as the Iewes Ezech. 33. v. vlt. surely there was a prophet among vs. Therefore as the husbandman looketh to the haruest in the winter when the corne appeereth not as the seruant thinketh on his wages long before it commeth as the birde thinketh on her yoong ones long before she breedeth and the builder thinketh on his dwelling long before it be finished so doe you thinke on the ioyes and woes which shall bee long before they come And account your selues the happiest men aliue whome God warneth with his owne word that you may auoid the day of destruction for if you liued not vnder the check of the gospell and the controulment of preachers you might goe as other barbarous nations doe blindfolded that is vnwitting and vnknowing to the slaughter of your bodies the butcherie of your soules Surely the Lord doth nothing but he reuealeth the same to his seruants the prophets and therfore blessed are they that liue among them but more blessed are they which heare them beleeue thē loue them receiue them regarde them because God hath sent thē Secondly in this vers we may obserue when he saith In those daies and in that time that God wil haue the redemption and deliuerie of his saints and church to bee most certaine and knowen for vpon this occasion doth the prophet double the note of the time as it were noting both the day and the moneth So as once hee tolde Abraham that his seede shoulde be a stranger in another land fowre hundred and thirtie yeeres and no longer to shewe vnto him that they shoulde bee assuredly deliuered So doth hee heere by this prophet though not so precisely note the assurance of their redemption The reasons of this doctrine are these First because wee are not redeemed with any temporall worldly or earthly price but by and with the most precious blood of Christ Iesus 1. Pet. 1. 18. Againe another reason is because as the Apostle saith 1. Timoth. 2. 6. that this was done in due time The vses which come of this doctrine are these First seeing the Lorde will haue the redemption of his people to bee sealed and certainly knowen then let vs looke for that time and that day when Christ shal finally deliuer vs from the wrath to come 1. Thess 1. 10. What shoulde make good men to feare the latter day their redemption is certaine the Lorde is their Sauiour the Sauiour is their head their head is their brother and vntill Christ come they are subiect to wrath but when he is come they are deliuered from death Againe let vs receiue any pledge or token of the Lordes loue and fauour towarde vs which is shedde in our hearts by the holy Ghost Rom. 5. 5. and seeing this is it that we are certainly redeemed and our soules health is not builded vpon peraduentures but it is surely established then let vs certainly perswade our selues that God loueth vs with an euerlasting loue What will hee keepe from vs that giueth vs his owne sonne and will kill him to acquite vs If this perswade vs not to bee penitent and to loue God againe then is not the loue of God nor the bloude of Christ sprinkled in our hearts Naaman woulde haue giuen to Elisha manie thousande poundes bicause the water of Iorden had clensed his leprosie what woulde he haue giuen if Elisha had cured him by medicine But Christ hath cured our soules and bodies by the riuer of his owne bloud and by the losse of his owne life then are we worthie to giue heart for heart bloud for bloud bodie for