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A01262 Certaine fruitfull instructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God faithfully gathered together by Iohn Frewen ... ; whereunto is added a table, wherein the reader may easily find out the principall matters conteined in this booke. Frewen, John, 1558-1628. 1587 (1587) STC 11379.5; ESTC S4308 159,556 432

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Iewes haue a vaile before their eyes leasts they should behold the glory of God in the face of Christ 161 Why our Sauiour Christ came in the flesh WHen as Gods iust wrath against sinne committed by our first parents was so greuous that no creature in heauen in earth was able in any parte to appease the same Io. 1.14 by the vnestimable goodnesse of God his onely and dearelibeloued sonne became a sacrifice to appease his wrath and displeasure and to reconcile vs vnto his Father and by his death and passion procured for vs reconciliation with his Father remission of sin righteousnesse before God Col. 1.20 and eternal life in heauen These be the fruits and benefittes that wee haue by Christs comming in the fleshe If the highnes and excellencie of the meane of our saluation in parte or in al could haue otherwise bin wrought the wisedome of God woulde neuer haue giuen his sonne to death to procure the same benefites for vs. But that he might declare howe odious and displeasant sinne was in the sight of God he let vs by this meanes vnderstand that the offence therof could not be taken away nor mankinde to him be reconciled but onelye by the bloud of the immaculate lamb Christ Iesus his sonne Good Christians therefore must assuredlye perswade themselues Ro. 5.10 that they haue reconciliation with God remission of sinne iustification before God sanctification of the holy Ghost Eph. 1.7 and the heritage of eternall life by the excellencie and fulnes of Christes death and passion onely onelye I say and by nothing els For as it was said before Christ is the onely full and perfect meane of our saluation 162 Faith in Christ the meane of our saluation THere is one onely meane whereby the benefites of Christes passion and victorie are applyed and do also redounde vnto vs and that is onelye faith in Christ Iesu and no other thing which faith it pleaseth almightie God to accept for righteousnesse And this righteousnesse it is which onely standeth before God and none other as we are plainely taught by the Scriptures and especially by the doctrine of S. Paule Which righteousnes thus rising of faith in Christ the apostle calleth the righteousnes of God Phi. 3 9. where he speaking of himselfe vtterly refuseth the other righteousnes which is of the law that he might be found in him not hauing his own righteousnes which is of the law but the righteousnes of Christ which is of faith Againe the same Apostle writing of the Iewes which sought for righteousnes and founde it not and also of the Gentiles which sought not for it and yet found it sheweth the reason why because saith hee the one sought it as byworkes and the law Ro. came not to it who not knowing the righteousnes of god seeking to set vp their owne rightesonesse did not submitte themselues to the righteousnes which is of God the other which were the Gentiles and sought not for it obteined righteousnes that righteousnes which is of faith c. Also in an other place of the same epistle S. Paule writing of the righteousnes which commeth of faith calleth it the righteousnes of God in these wordes Ro. 3.25 whom God saith hee hath set forth a reconciliation through faith in his bloud to declare his righteousnes by the forgiuenes of the sins that are past c. By which righteousnes it is euident that the apostle meaneth the righteousnes of faith which almightie God now reueileth and maketh manifest by preaching the gospell but if wee desire to see yet more plainely this righteousnesse of God how it is taken in S. Paule for the righteousnes of faith and therfore is called the righteousnes of God because it is imputed onely of God to faith and not deserued of man In the same his chapter vnto the Romaines his words be manifest The righteousnes of God saith he is by faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vppon all that beleeue 163 We are iustified by the grace of God in Christ and not by workes NO workes of the law can iustifie men that is to say in gods iudgment acquite and discharge them from sinne from accusation and damnation of the law reconcile them vnto God and make them perfect righteous good and blessed The grace of God alone in Christ Iesus doth these thinges and therefore hee that thinketh beleeueth and teacheth otherwise despiseth the grace of God maketh Christ vnprofitable and therefore maketh also the whole doctrine of the Euangelistes and Apostles voyde and of none effect For the Apostle Paule teacheth plainely that noe flesh shall be iustified in the sight of God by the workes of the law Ro. 3.20 For by the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne but now without the law is the righteousnes of God declared by faith in Iesus Christ For all they that beleeue are iustified freelye by grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus Also in another place hee saith a man is not iustified by the workes of the lawe but by the faith of Iesus Christ For in Christ our Lord Gal. 2.16 as in the true and liuing sonne of God is inclosed fulnesse of grace and all heauenly treasures the which he keepeth not vnto himselfe alone but according to his pleasure and according to our necessitie he bestoweth them vppon vs so that wee shall not want at all anye of those thinges which are requisite vnto our righteousnes perfection and saluation Mat. 28.18 Mat. 11.28 All power is geuen vnto him in heauen and in earth For the which cause he calleth all men vnto him and will heale all our infirmities 164 Howe faith doth iustifye AS the passion of Christ serueth to none but such as do beleeue so neither doth faith as it is onelye a bare qualitye or action in mans minde it selfe iustifie vnlesse it be directed to the bodie of Christ crucified of whom it receaueth al his vertue And therefore these two fait● and Christ Iesus crucified must alwaies ioyntly concurre and go together As for example when the people of Israell were commaunded of Moses to looke vp to the brasen serpent neither coulde the serpent haue helpe● them except they had looked vp Num. 21. no● yet their looking vpwarde haue profited them vnlesse they had directed their eyes vpon the saide Serpent set vp for the same purpose for them to behold So our faith in like case directed to the bodye of Iesus our Sauiour is onely the meanes wherby the merites of Christ are applyed vnto vs and we now iustified before God according to the doctrine of S. Paule who in expresse wordes defining vnto vs what this saith is and howe it iustifieth saith If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus Ro. 10.9 and beleeue in thy heart that god raysed him from death thou shalt bee saued c. Besides this what action ●● qualitie so euer is in mā either
hope charitie or any other kind of faith and beleeuing be it neuer so true except it apprehend the body of Christ the sonne of God it serueth not to iustification And that is the cause why wee ●dde this word only to faith and say that faith onely in Christ iustifieth ●s to exclude all other actions qualities giftes or workes in man from the cause of iustifying for as much as there is no other knowledge nor gifte giuen of God to man be it neuer soe excellent that can stand before the iudgement of God to iustification or whereunto any promise of saluation is annexed Io. 3.14 but onely this faith loaking vp to the brasen Serpent that is to the body of Christ Iesus crucified for vs. 165 We cannot deserue grace by our workes IF we wil be true christiās we must first acknowledge our selues by the law to be sinners that it is impossible for vs to do any good worke For the lawe saith wee are euill and therefore all that we thinke speake or do is against god We cānot therfore deserue grace by our works which if we go about to doe wee double our offence For seeing wee are euill trees we cannot but bring forth 〈◊〉 fruites Mat. 7.17 Ro. 14.23 that is to saye sinnes F●● whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Wherefore hee that woulde deser●● grace by workes going before faith goeth about to please God with 〈◊〉 which is nothing else but to 〈◊〉 sinne vpon sinne to mocke God and to prouoke his wrath Secondly if we● will be saued we must not seeke saluation by workes 1. Io. 4.9 For God hath sent his onelye begotten sonne into the world that wee might liue through him he was crucifyed and dyed for vs and offered vp our sinnes in 〈◊〉 owne body Ro. 3.20 The law doth nothing else but vtter sinne terrifie and humble and by this meanes prepareth vs vnto iustification and driueth vs to Christ For God hath reueiled vnto vs by his word that he will be vnto vs a merciful father and without 〈◊〉 desertes seeing we can deserue nothing will freely giue vnto vs remission of sinnes righteousnes and 〈◊〉 euerlasting for Christ his sonnes sake For God geueth his giftes fre●ly vnto al men and that is the prayse and glory of his diuinity 166 Saluation commeth onely by faith WHosoeuer studieth to bee accepted with God and to bee found righteous in his sight let him learne diligently by the doctrine of S. Paul to make a difference and a separation as far as from heauen and earth betwene the righteousnesse of workes and righteousnes of faith in any wise beware he bring no other meanes for his iustification or remission of his sins but only faith apprehending the bodye or person of Christ Iesus crucified For as there is no waye into the house but by the doore so is there no cōming vnto god but by christ alone which is by faith And as the mortall body without bodily susteinance cannot but perish so the spirituall soule of mā hath no other refreshing but onely by faith in the body and bloud of Christ whereby to be saued Ro. 9.30 With this faith the Idolatrous Gentiles apprehended Iesus Christ receaued thereby righteousnesse Act. 10.44 Cornelius a baptized Romain so soone as hee heard Peter preach Christ Mat. 16.16 receaued foorthwith the holy Ghost Zacheus receaued the person of Christ into his house withall receaued saluation both to him his whole housholde Luk. 19.6.9 What a sinner was Marie which had no lesse in hee then seauen Deuils Luk. 7.47 and yet because she set her heart and affection vppon that person many sinnes were forgiuen her Lu. 23.43 The right hande Theefe howe farre was he from fulfilling of the lawe and yet by faith entered he iustified into Paradyse the same day with Christ In like maner although the poore Publican came to the temple with lesse showe of holinesse after the lawe Lu. 18.14 yet went he home to his house more iustified then the Pharisie with all his workes and all by reason of faith The parable of the prodigall sonne that was lost Luk. 15. also of the lost grote of the lost sheepe which went astray and was founde againe what doe these declare but that which is lost by the lawe to bee recouered by fayth and grace And thus as the passion of Christ is onely the formall cause of our saluation so is faith only the instrumentall cause that maketh the merites of Christ auayleable vnto vs. 167 The Papists can not be perswaded of free iustification THe Papists cannot be perswaded that we become righteous through the meere fauour of God in our Lorde Iesus Christ they cannot receiue the doctrine of free iustification whereby wee are taught that GOD receaueth vs of his owne meere mercie and that his accepting of vs is not for anye respect of our owne workes which are altogeather sinnefull 1. Io. 1.7 but because it pleaseth him to washe vs and clense vs in the bloud of his onely Sonne and to holde vs and acknowledge vs for his children Eph. 2.3 notwithstanding that by nature there is nothing in vs but wretchednesse and cursednesse For what shall become of merits say they and of the good workes wherein the saluation of men consisteth And why do they stand vpō their merits are so besotted with them but onely because they looke not vppe to god They dispute in their scholes whether good workes deserue recompence and wages but it appeareth howe they fall a sleepe vpon this disputation and yet in the meane while God ceaseth not on his behalfe to playe the Iudge not in iudging according to their lawes but in behauing himselfe according to his owne maiestie that is to saye in finding out that thing in men which we cannot perceaue But if our vertues were godly in deede that is to saye such as might goe for payment before God then might we haue some colour to boste but when wee shall haue prised them to the vttermost they shall be but smoke Let men not therefore flatter their heartes in vanitie Iob. 9.2 but consider as the trueth is that no man shall be iustified through his owne vertues seeme they neuer so excellent in the sight of God 168 Faith doth iustifie three manner of wayes FAith first doth iustifie the person in making him accepted and the childe of God by regeneration before he beginne to doe anye good worke Secondly it iustifieth a man from sinne in procuring remission and forgiuenesse for the same Thirdly it iustifieth the good deedes and workes of man not onely in bringing foorth good fruites but also in making the same works to be good acceptable in the sight of God which otherwise were impure and accursed in his sight The office therefore of faith and workes is diuers and must not bee confounded Faith first goeth before and regenerateth a man to God Act.
CERTAINE FRVITFVLL INstructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God Faithfully gathered together by Iohn Frewen Minister of the word of God Whereunto is added a Table wherein the reader may easily find out the principall matters conteined in this booke 1. Pet. 4.10 Let euery man as he hath receaued the gift minister the same one to an other as good disposers of the manifold grace of God 1. Io. 4.1 c. Dearelie beloued beleeue not euery spirit but trye the spirits whether they are of God for many false Prophets are gone into the world AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Winder for Thomas Chard 1587. To the right worshipfull and his approued good freindes M. Tho. Couentry and M. Leonard Iefferis of Hill and Earles Crome within the county of Worcester and to the vertuous Gentlewomen their wiues I.F. wisheth earnest zeale to the glorious Gospel of Iesus Christ perseuerance and practise thereof vnto the end and in the end health in this life and in the life to come euerlasting ioy felicity through the same our only sauiour the sonne of God OVR Lord Iesus Christ right worshipfull and right deare in the Lord hauing no small experience of the malice and subtle practises of the enemy of our saluation I meane the diuell and knowing that he would leaue nothing vnattempted whereby his disciples might be seduced from the truth of his doctrine he carefully in his gospell geueth them this forwarning Mat. 7 1● that they should take heed and bewarre of false Prophets which shoulde come to deceaue them and as rauening wolues to deuoure their soules The which warning was neuer more necessary then in these our daies For as there is nothing more pretious in this world then the blessed and heauenly doctrine of the word of GOD and as there are no persons more worthy to be accomp●ed of then such to whom the Lorde doth geue the spirite of wisdome to open and impart this treasure vnto vs So on the other side there is nothing more daungerous and infectious to the children of God then corrupt false doctrine and no persons more to be hated and speedily auoyded then wicked and lying teachers whom Sathan thrusteth into the Church to blemishe that pretious pearle and means of our saluation Heare not saith God by Ieremy the woordes of the Prophets Ier. 23.16 that prophecy vnto you teach you vanity They speake the vision of their owne heart and not out of the mouth of the Lorde Verse 26. And againe howe long doe the Prophets delight to prophecy lyes euen prophecying the deceit of their owne heart Sathan himselfe the father and founder of al lying and false teaching vsed the same course in Paradice For when God had said vnto Adam Gen. 2.17 3.4 In what hower soeuer thou shalt eate of the fruite of this tree thou shalt dy the death the olde crafty serpent seeking to seduce man from God said nay you shall not die the death but you shal be like vnto God By which glose false interpretation of gods word he pulled them cleane from the obedience of Gods holy will and commaundement to their own vtter ouerthrow heauy iudgement By such like falsehood hee tempted Christ himselfe to make him conceaue ouer great confidence of the prouidence of God towardes him Mat. 4.6 Ps 91.11.12 It is written saith he that he will giue his Aungelles charge ouer thee and with their handes they shall lift thee vp least at any tyme thou shouldst dash thy foot against a stone By like craft of lying and by false sence peruerting the word of God he from time to time instructeth his Messengers and false Proph. to abuse deceaue the simple people of god that be not wel taught by his holy spirit how to withstand them The which false proph to the end they may be discouered and taken heed of it greatly behoueth all Christians that looke to be saued by the death of Christ to bewar whō they beleue to haue recours to the rule touchstone of the holy scriptures which is the perfect directory wherby all truth of doctrin is examined wherby we may try and proue the spirits whether they bee of 1. Io. 4.1 2. Pe. 1.20 god For why the whole scripture as saint Paule saith is giuen by inspiration of God is profitable to teach to cōuince to correct and to instruct in righteousnes that the man of God may be absolute being made perfect to al good works Search the scriptures saith our sauiour Christ for in them ye thinke to haue eternal life and they are these that testify of me Io. 5.39 Thy worde is a lantern vnto my feete sayeth the Prophet Ps 119 i05 Pro. 30.5 and a light vnto my paths Euery word of God is pure saith Salomō he is a sheeld to those that trust in him We find not any thing in this world how pretious soeuer it bee that is worthy to haue the word of God compared vnto it for it surmounteth infinitely and beyond reason all things which are and may bee imagined to be excellent and pretious also there is nothing in this world how pretious soeuer it be but doth participat with earth and needeth to be purged clēsed frō his drosse superfluities before it cā be pure but the word of God is clean of it selfe neither hath nor cā haue any dros for it procedeth not frō a furnace but frō the mouth of God which neither cānor will bring forth any woorke but it shal be so perfect as it ought to bee and wherein nothing may bee amended Hee that is of God saith our sauiour heareth Gods word And again Io. 8.47 Io. 10.27 My sheepe heare my voice I know them they will follow me a stranger they will not follow Now if the aduersaries of the gospel I meane the Papistes would willingly as becommeth Christians submit themselues to this tryer of all truth of faith holinesse which is the worde of God If they would as Christes sheepe heare the voyce of their shephearde Then should they know that nothing is to be added or taken away from the word of God Deu. 4.2 31 Io. 20.51 Then would they say with S. Iohn so much is written that if we beleue we haue saluation by the name of Christ Then woulde they say with S. Paule that the scriptures can make vs wise to saluation 2. Tim. 3. Ambrose And then would they with Ambrose condēne all newe doctrine which Christ hath not taught because Christ is life to all beleeuers But because they haue eares hear not eyes see not hearts and yet cannot vnderstand the truth nor find the way of saluation therefore they keepe the scripture in an vnknowen tongue from the cōmon people make it little lesse thē heresy to haue it in their tongue therefore they so greatly disgrace discredite the Scriptures as vnsufficient
when we shal not be condēned by men nor punished by earthly iudgement for god proceedeth in this muche further and higher And indeede when God threatneth a woe by the prophet Esay Esay 33.1 that hee which hath pilled and spoiled others shal be rewarded with the like hee speaketh not of pettye theeues which are ledde to execution but he speaketh of great Princes and Monarchies whiche beare then the swaye throughout the worlde And againe in his first chapter when hee addresseth his talke against the holye people which was the church of God Thy Princes saith he are rebellious and companions of theues vers 23. Certaine it is that none charged these of theft but they sate as Iudges and condemners of other pettie theeues and yet fayled they not to be condemned before God And thus the theues here below on earth are notwithstāding accursed by the lawe of God he hath pronounced on them his determinate sentence in this commandement We must therefore humble our selues vnder the iudgmēt of god and know that we shall gaine little although our theeueries be excusable before men and although we couer colour them neuer so cunningly For in the meane time the lawe of God shall haue his course the execution therof shal be ready at hād to cōdemn vs god hath forbiddē nothing which he wil not cal into an account 95 Against wrong and oppression FOr as much as we are the children of God who is iust and righteous gentle and mercifull we should wish to do wrong vnto no man neither vse our neighbours with crueltye or deceit We do wrong vnto a man when wee giue him not that which wee owe him Ex. 34.6 Ex. 20.15 or when we take from him that which hee possesseth iustlye and without the which hee nor his familye can bee maintayned in this life And this wronge is done most commonly to them that are poore haue no aboundance of wealth Deu. 15.7 Pro. 28.27 Mat. 25.40 for as much as they haue no power to defend thē selues and that no seruice nor pleasure is looked for at their handes This commeth also because of their weakenes why God abhorreth those which do them wrong and counteth it dishonor done by them not that it is lawful to do wrong vnto the richer sort nor to pul away from thē that which they possesse though they be wicked and haue nothinge sanctifyed to their vse Nowe although wee ought to doe no wrong to such kinde of people yet haue they no neede to be commended for they will not willingly suffer to be wrounged Prou. 14.31 and as they well thinke they are strong enough to defende themselues and do rather pul away the goods of others then to suffer any losse or hinderance at all Likewise God hath no care to commende them but he commendeth vnto vs the needie pronouncing that the wroung that is done vnto them turneth to his dishonor and that the euill and iniurie that is doone to the poore is done vnto himselfe so that when a poore man is wronged we do not iniurie to him only that hath no power but we stande vp against almightie God who knoweth well how to reuenge the wrong that is done to him Though a man be neuer so poore and needy yet he ceaseth not to be the worke and creation of God aswell or better then the richest and forasmuch as he is his worke God will surely take care of him and not forsake him Iosh 1.5 Psal 118.6 Heb. 13.6.7 the which may be a great comfort to the afflicted and a perfect assurance of the fatherly care of God towardes them On the other side it ought to feare terrifie the vnmercifull and cruell for in doing wrong to the needy they doe not despise the worke of a man but so much as lyeth in them they destroye what God hath made wherin they take a worke in hande which they cannot bring to an end the wrong that they inuent for their neighbour shal fall vpon themselues The world is ful of such as do wrong vnto the needy whereupon it followeth that God is greatly dishonored Psal 7.16 although all the world would be esteemed that they reuerence and feare God as they ought to doe 66 Against couetousnes and vsurie ACcording to the iudgement of the worlde and sence of the flesh the manner to abounde in worldly wealth is for a man to get and laye vppe for himselfe and to keepe and holde it not to disperce the fruites which come thereof but to make a treasure of them to spend warily for his owne vse For we see by experience that they which doe so vse them become soone riche or at leastwise are esteemed such for wee see them possesse much goods Contrarywise they which make great cost though they greatly abound doe consume them by little and little and especiallie they which dispende riotously and prodigally where there is no neede but in pompe in delicacie pleasure and ostentation On the other side there be which are liberall distribute their goods plentifully and yet cease not but still to abounde and do greatly encrease contrarily there are which be so sparing that they wil not vse nor shew mercie when neede requireth and yet they waste and come to pouertie Although the first is of the gretest shew and that it is commonly seene with the eye yet is it not so certaine as the contrary A smal thing that the righteous hath Ps 37.16 Ps 112.1.3 is better thē great riches of the vngodly Blessed is the man the feareth the Lorde c. Riches plenteousnes shal be in his houses and his righteousnesse endureth for euer Ps 62.10 To gather riches together it is lawfull but wee must take heede wee set not our hearts vpon them otherwise we shall gather but with vanitie for it is a great vanitie for a man to occupye himselfe with greedinesse and couetousnes As Dauid saith doubtlesse man walketh in shadowe Psal 39.6 Eccl. 4.7 and disquieteth himselfe in vaine he heapeth vp riches and cannot tell who shall gather them Againe I turned and sawe vanitie vnder the sunne There is not only vanitie in such labouring but also great cruelty for they which gather couetouslye care least to doe wrong vnto their neighbours For the which cause they are called in the Scripture theeues robbers Esay 1.59 Amos. 8. and murtherers and it is laid to their charge that their handes are full of bloud The vsurers and couetous haue no pittie vpon the poore they are cruell and vnmercifull and therefore their greedie desire shall encrease to their confusion and as their money encreaseth so shall they encrease the heapes of their sinnes He that loueth siluer shall not bee satisfied with siluer Eccl. 5.9 and he that loueth riches shal be without fruite thereof But that which is the greatest miserie of all and which surely ought to feare Mat. 25.4 Ia. 5.3
Church is not alwaye seene Ro. 11.4 1. Cor. 6.11 This is the inuisible Church that is known to God alone and is neuer certainely truely and for the whole reuealed to man For they by hypocrisie may seeme members of this Church which indeede are no partakers of it as appeareth by the example of Iudas And contrariwise they to mans iudgement may seeme not to be of this Church which yet in Gods appointment are the certaine members thereof as euidently was shewed in the example of Sainct Paule But the visible church that is discerned of man and by outward tokens is knowne to the world may in this manner be described It is the multitude of all them bee they fewe or many which being vpon the face of the earth and called by the word of the Gospel do protest to beleeue in our sauiour Christ looking for sanctification saluation by him worshipping him according to his word Mat. 28.19 Mar. 16.15 That it is the whole multitude of al beleeuers it is euident when Christ himselfe saith go ye preach the gospel to al creatures He excepteth none therefore the grace of God benefits of his church are not tyed to any one place as to Rome to Hierusalem to Constantinople or to any other place That the number of this church may be aswell small as great Christ himselfe teacheth saying My flocke is very smal Luk. 12 32 Mat. 18 20 And where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the middest of thē Hereby we may learne that the argument of multitude or great nūber is not alway strong For by it the doctrine of the prophets the doctrine of Christ and of his Apostles might bee reiected which vndoubtedly were but fewe in comparison of them that misliked and reproued it That this multitude must be called by the word of the Gospell S. Paule affirmeth Ro. 10. Faith saith he commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of god Ro. 10.17 And therefore did Christ sende his Apostles to preach the gospell that therby men might be brought to the beliefe of the Church 196 The Church may erre THe Church is cleane through the grace of God in Christ Iesu and yet by her owne nature and through the manifold infirmities of the flesh which she retayneth euen vntill this temporall death she hath neede to be washed and purged For the which cause the dayly prayeth Mat. 6.12 Forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And Sainct Iohn saith if wee saye wee haue not sinne we deceiue our selues 1. Io. 1.10 and there is no truth in vs. Wherfore being deliuered from this flesh we are made perfectly pure in the life to come free from all blemish But so long as the sainctes liue here on this earth clothed with their flesh they are subiect to many infirmities And therefore it is most certaine by this reason that the church both maye and doth erre● although it cannot be moued Mat. 16.18 Io. 10.27 because she is grounded vpon the true rocke and soe long as she heareth and followeth the voyce of her true pastor shee erreth not 197 The name of the Church abused by Wolues THe false prophets and enimies of the truth do coulor and hide their hypocrisie vnder this goodlye name and title of the holy Apostolical and Catholicke Church wherewith they seeme gloriously to aduaunce set forward themselues as though that all their doctrines traditions and deuises of newe worship proceeded not from themselues but were established by the perpetuall consent of the Church and allowed by the sentence and interpretation of the best counsels learned fathers doctors and yet being rightly and truely examined it is nothing so Consent of the Church in deede to true and godly Preachers is not only a beautifull garment but also most necessarie that men may not faine and deuise doctrines opinions and phantasies of their owne heads but professe beleeue and teach the consent of the true Catholike Church in the doctrine that was first planted by god himself in Paradyse and after renewed and continued by the Patriarches and Prophets and so published into the whole worlde by Christ himselfe and his Apostles The summe whereof is breifly conteyned in articles of our faith teaching vs the inestimable goodnesse of Almightie God towarde vs aswell in making of the world as in redeeming mankinde by the incarnation and death of his sonne c. This faith and beleefe ought to be established and conserued by the consent of the Catholicke Church from the beginning But it is of all Christian hearts to be lamented that most wicked and rauening wolues vnder this title of the Churches cōsent do abuse the people of god bring into the church and maintaine strang worshipping of God and whatsoeuer they haue newly deuised without iust warrant of the holy scriptures and contrarye to the manifest doctrine of the Prophetes Apostles and auncient fathers of the primitiue church Yea and such they haue beene that haue most cruelly persecuted Gods good prophets and the doctrine that they haue taught For who persecuted Ieremy and the other Prophets Were they not those that sayde the Temple of the Lorde the Temple of the Lord Shall the truth departe from the Priestes Were it not they that stroke Micheas Ier. 7.4 Ier. 18.28 1. Kings 22 24. Ier. 32.3 caused Ieremy to be put in prison Who were they that put Christ to death and persecuted his Apostles Do not the Euangelistes and Acts of the Apostles declare Doth not christ giue his Desciples warning that it should be so These thinges sayeth he haue I spoken vnto you that you may not be offended Io. 16.1 They shall excommunicate you out of their Synagogues and all for my names sake 198 What ministers ought to be in the Church IT is required of al those that take vpon them the name of gods ministers that they haue a desire and zeale to bring men vnto God to follow the trace which God hath commanded al his to keepe that is that they winne the world vnto the obedience of him Secondly besides their good zeale they must also haue a certaintie of doctrin so as hee that speaketh may not take any thing vpō him nor passe his bounds 1. Tim. 4.16 1. Cor. 11.23 1. Co. 15.3 but from hande to hande deliuer the thing that is commanded him in such wise as Iesus Christ may always be heard and suffered to speake and all mouthes else be stopped sauing onely in way of hearkening that his doctrine may be knowen vnto vs. 199 The title of the ministerie and duty THe ministers of the worde are called by the holy Ghost the light of the worlde Mat. 5.13 Eze. 34.2 the salte of the earth They are called Pastors and Shepheardes they are called Husbandmen Guides Stewardes and Messengers besides manye other excellent titles giuen them in the holy scriptures 1.