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A06134 The consent of time disciphering the errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads, the vncertaine computation of the Romanes in their penteterydes and building of Rome, of the Persians in their accompt of Cyrus, and of the vanities of the Gentiles in fables of antiquities, disagreeing with the Hebrewes, and with the sacred histories in consent of time. VVherein is also set downe the beginning, continuance, succession, and ouerthrowes of kings, kingdomes, states, and gouernments. By Lodovvik Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16619; ESTC S108762 565,858 746

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Lacedemonians he made lawes that none should dwell in Sparta This Lycurgus framed his life according to the lawes he made and for that he would know of Apollo whether his forme maner of gouernment were good he went to Delphos to consult with the oracle and before hee went he sware the Senators the Ephories the king of Sparta to keepe his institutions lawes vntill he would come againe from Delphos where hee willingly died lest he should returne to Sparta whereby they might haue occasion by his returne to breake their oth In ancient time this towne Sparta had the soueraignty rule of a 100. townes euery yere an oxe in euery of these 100. townes was sacrificed vnto Mars this sacrifice was of long time vsed in Sparta named Hecatōba as Strabo saith This was a kind of sacrifice afterward vsed in diuers coūtries Al which time Iudges gouerned in Athens from Medon the first Iudge the sonne of Codrus vntil Eurixias time being the last Iudge for after 17. kings had reigned in Athens succeeded after iudges to the number of twentie who ruled the state of Athens from the time of Codrus the last king of Athens vntill the time of Tullius Hostilius the third king of the Romanes who reigned in the 22. Olympiad so long Iudges reigned as chief magistrates in Athens After these 20. iudges the forme of gouernment was againe altered in Athens that nine magistrates yerely should be chosen of the chiefe men of the noblest stocke within Athens which shoulde gouerne the state of Attica but as Eusebius saieth then ruled lust for lawes the libertie of Athens grew to be much offensiue vntil the time of Draco who made seuere lawes and sharpe punishments for offendors in the time of the 36. Olympiad Dracos lawes were called for their seueritie lex sanguine scripta lawes written with blood he was the first that made lawes in Athens After him succeeded in the 47. Olympiad Solon a singular man of rare vertue of great iustice he did mitigate the furie of Dracos lawes made found perfect lawes for the Athenians In this Solōs time Athens was wel gouerned florished before all other townes of Greece he instituted his lawes in Athens whē Cyrus reigned king in Persia welnigh 200. yeres before Alexander the great at what time the Greciās knew not the Persians neither did the Persians know the Grecians which seemed strange in so late a time yet Strabo writeth this an ancient writer that whereas the Romanes had at that time diuers warres with the Sabines Samnites Fidenats Thuscans and other nations about them the Greeke Historiographers tooke no notice of them neither Herodot Thucydides nor Zenophon so strange were the Romanes to the Grecians Lesse maruel it is that the Chaldeans and the Assyrians thought Spaine to be but a citie called as Iosephus saith Iberia euen so did they esteeme Fraunce and Italie being farre countries from the East where the most warres were in those first yeeres after the flood But to returne to Solon who studied by all possible meanes to furnish with good lawes and to be carefull of the state and gouernmēt of Athens for he chiefely delighted in moral Philosophie which treated of gouernment common weales which was most necessarie for those dayes for the seuen wise men which then florished in Greece sought no further knowledge then of things common for the vse of man for in those dayes he was called most wise that could handle great causes in matters of State and endeuour to haue a good witte in iudgement of gouernment which in Solons time was found rare in men and therefore Greece had but seuen wise men of great accompt for knowledge and iudgement which were named the seuen Sages whose names are these vnder written Solon of Athens Thales of Miletum Bias of Prienna Chilo of Sparta Cleobulus of Lindia Periander of Corinth Pittacus of Mytilena But in Athens warres grewe betweene the Magarians and the Athenians for the Isle of Salamina which was in the possession of the Magarians Solon herewith being moued fained this Stratageme to sende a trustie man of his owne to Megara fayning himselfe a reuoulted traytour and that of purpose hee came to tell them howe they might take all the chiefe Ladies and Gentlewomen of Athens together if they would follow him The Magarians easely beleeuing this man folowed him which when Solon vnderstood hee appointed certaine young men in womens apparel that should daunce on the shore side with short daggers vnder their clothes vntill their enemies were landed which being done the enemies hauing sight of these young Ladies dauncing and playing without any man with them they so greedily leapt one vpon the necke of the other to take such a faire bootie that not one escaped but were all slaine and by this meanes Salamina was gotten to the Athenians Neuerthelesse the Magarians were sharpely bent to recouer Salamina againe if by any meanes they coulde but Athens had still some great wittes who were euer most busie in bickering and quarreling with their neighbours for the Athenians coulde better perswade with their tongues then fight with their swords Solon wanne great honour and glorie for one oration hee made in the defence of the temple of Apollo Solon by subtiltie and witte set order betwixt the poore and the riche for by this time fell againe the Athenians to the olde troubles and dissencions about the gouernment of the citie so that all Atica was in it selfe diuided some taking part with the best and chiefest Citizens others with the common people Solon pacified this sedition for hee was neither partaker with the riche in the oppression of the poore nor with the poore in the necessitie of offence his equitie and vpright dealing was well knowen in Athens therefore hee was chosen gouernour by common consent of all the Countrie of Attica to reforme the rigour of the lawes and to temper the state of the cōmon weales And first he began to take away al Dracos bloodie lawes sauing for murder manslaughter for by the lawes of Dracos all kinde of offence was punished with death aswell the least fault as the greatest offence and therefore called lex sanguine scripta Then Solon erected the Councell of the Areopagites out of this Councell the citie of Athens did yeerely choose their gouernour for in Dracos time were certeine Iudges vpon life and death called Ephetes before the time of the Areopagites After this Solon established diuers lawes within the Citie of Athens and appointed three kindes of Councels to gouerne the Citie one aboue the other and then he instituted some lawes which I will briefely here recite he made a lawe for the maintenance of willes and testaments hee made an acte for planting and setting of trees an other acte he made that they shoulde not transport out of the Realme neither
heads such great mighty hats called Tiaras rowled in such sort that their heads were mightie monstrous that by the warmenes thereof they were so soft as wooll Nowe Cambyses waxed so cruell by this victorie wasted where he came committing sacriledge adding one euill to another fearing his owne conscience suspecting his brother Smerdis sent his trustie and secret friend Phraxaspes to kil him maried his owne sister who hearing of her brothers death mourned and wept wherefore Cambyses slue her After this when his deare friend Praxaspes had intreated him secretly to spare wine the cause of his disquietnes certifying him what hard opinions the Persians had of him how they would be glad to haue Cambyses to be Cyrus sonne sober temperate Cambyses answered in this sort thou shalt see whether I be sober or no goe thy waies bring thy sonne vnto me set him to stand against the doore This being done Cambyses commanded the yong man to put his left hand vpon his head he tooke his bow shot him into his hart smiling vpō Praxaspes he said behold how sober I am what a steady hand I haue amongst the cups yet as not contented to rage to murther and to vse tyranny against those that were aliue but he would satisfie himself vpon dead men he caused Amasis king of Egypt his body being dead buried in his graue to be takē vp to be beaten whipt to be wounded with swordes and daggers and last to be burned to ashes against the lawes of Persia for that the Persiās honor the fire as a god therfore not lawful to feede vpon dead bodies against the lawes of Egypt for the Egyptians take their fire to be a liuing creature to deuoure any thing that is put into it and therefore the Egyptians were wont to salt their dead bodies lest they shoulde be deuoured of vermins Neither were the old Romanes wont to burie the bodies of the dead for a long time for I reade of none buried with the Romanes before Sillas time the Dictator for this was the custome of those daies that wheresoeuer any Romane should die hee should bee brought dead to his owne house and there be kept seuen dayes the eight day he should be buried and the ninth day the ashes buried that in his owne house at what time they sacrificed to Proserpina nouendiale sacrificium for so also it was among the Grecians as you may reade in Plutarch after the funerall of Philopoemen his ashes were couered with garlands flowres and nosegaies all the souldiers crowned with garlandes of lawrell in token of diuers victories but this funerall was appointed for a captaine or a Prince that died as a conquerour in the field yet the funerall potte where the ashes of the dead were laid should be caried with great solemnitie and be kept as a monument among his friendes and kinsemen in great honour before their gods Penates or Lares And here a little to speake of buriall wee reade in Genesis that Abraham bought a fielde of Ephron the Hittite to burie his wife Sara and to burie the rest of Abrahams stocke this was a possession of burial vnto Abraham he paied 400. shekels Iacob dying in Egypt with wis sōne Ioseph cōmāded his bones to be brought to Hebron Ioseph after that charged also his brethren that his bones should be caried to his fathers graue in Hebron but of the maners orders of funerals in euery kingdome it is set downe in my other booke But let vs returne to Cambyses where hauing subdued Egypt and ready further to warre vpō the Ethiopians which was a kingdom ioyned to Egypt at what iime newes came frō Persia by a messenger that his brother Smerdis had vsurped the kingdome letters were sent frō the two Magi which Cambyses left ouer seers of Persia in his absence to all partes of Egypt to signifie the same For Patizitis so one of the Magi was named had found a kinseman of Smerdis most like in all points vnto him this being instructed was crowned king in Persia by the name of Smerdis Cyrus sonne and being proclaimed king by heralds and by post letters sent to signifie the same to all Countries that all countries should obey Smerdis and not Cambyses and so that herald certified Cambyses By this terrour and feare Cambyses called Praxaspes consulted with him and demaunded whether hee had perfourmed his charge concerning Smerdis to whom he said I haue buried Smerdis with my owne hand Cambyses being thereby enbouldened demaunded the trueth of the herauld hee charged him to speake trueth whether Smerdis my brother gaue thee this charge or any els in Smerdis name to whom he answered In trueth I neuer sawe Smerdis Cyrus sonne sithence the time that Cambyses tooke his iourney from Persia vnto Egypt but euen he whom Cambyses made his deputie in Persia gaue me this in commaundement to doe Cambyses making him ready with all haste possible to goe with his armie to Susa and leaping on horse backe his sword fell out of his sheath and pearced him through his thighes of the which wound within twentie dayes after Cambyses died when he had reigned seuen yeeres and fiue moneths Cambyses before his death sawe the like dreame as Iu. Caesar did the night before he was slaine in the Senate who seemed in his sleepe to flee aboue the cloudes and to sitte vpon the throne of Iupiter and that vpon the sudden hee was throwen downe to the earth The like Cambyses dreamed of his brother Smerdis whē he thought that sitting vpō Cambyses seate his head reached vpto the heauens so that almost the like effect happened to them both for Cambyses had knowledge by the oracle at Butis that he should die in Ecbatana but he knew not that another Ecbatana was in Syria beside that in Media and therfore was deceiued Yet Cambyses left this example of iustice behind him he vsed one of the Iudges named Sisamnis in this sort that being corrupted with money to giue sentēce against iustice he caused him to be slaine to flay him to lay his skin for a couer vpō the seat of iudgemēt for the next Iudge that came afterto leane vpon And he appointed Otanes Sisamnis sōne tosucceed his father brought him to the iudgement seate and shewed him his fathers skin cōmaunding him to behold the same before he would giue sentence in any thing CHAP. II. Of the two Magi that vsurped Persia after Cambyses time of Darius Histaspis and his good gouernment of Xerxes the great and his warres in Greece of his ignominious flight from Greece and of his death in Persia after his flight NOw while Cambyses was thus in Egypt these two Magi gouerned Persia seuen moneths in bountifull sort forgiuing tributs and taxes and graunting liberties and freedom for the Persians to liue as they listed Writers doe varie about the name
sword for few people knew then contention for they had more countreys then they had men to inhabite but with people for no warre was yet knowen any where but with the Assyrians who first vsed to trespasse vpon other nations about them euen from Nimrads time In Iubaldas time Hercules Libyus florished before the Hercules of the Greekes welnigh 700. yeres In this Iubaldas time died Noah the righteous preacher whom prophane writers cal Bifrons Ianus and so is in euery countrey painted and set forth in histories This Noah forsaw the great miserie and calamitie of Gods iustice for sinne in the first age the general plague that folowed the destructiō of the whole world with a flood and after he sawe himselfe dispised of his wicked sonne Cham and cōtemned of his posterities in the second age at the building of the tower of Babylon where he saw the pride disobedience and impietie of his owne people that came out of his owne bodie who to seeke immortalitie vpon earth sought to auoyd God and his power and to seeke to skale through too much follie the skies but they were cōfounded and their deuises brought to nothing No doubt hee sawe more miserie come to man and more wickednes committed by man against God then any man euer could see He died 350. yeres after the flood In Assyria raigned Zamisnenias which in Genesis is called Amraphael the fift king of Assyria Abraham was called from Vr in Chaldea to the land of Palestina and after three yeeres driuen to Egypt for that the famine was so great in the land of Canaan This time gouerned in Egypt Osiris which was that Pharao that tooke Sara Abrahams wife away but was warned in his sleepe not to touch her and cōmanded by God to restore her to her husband againe During the time of this king Iubalda Sodom Gomorrha Zeboim Adama and Segor fiue noble cities of Canaan were destroyed by fire frō heauen for their abominable wickednes and there remaineth in memorie of their filthie vitious liues in the place of these fiue cities a stinking horrible great lake called Stagnum Asphaltidis The 4. king that succeeded Iubalda in Celtiberia was named Brigus he began to raigne in the 4. yeere of Arius the 6. king of Assyria at what time Hyarbas Priscus beganne to gouerne in Libya a stout and a fierce king in armes and therfore the Numidians would be called after him Hyarbae for stoute and warlike people This Brigus builded many strong castles in Celtiberia in that prouince of Lusitania he builded 2. great castles and called them after his owne name Laccobryga and Mirobriga and he builded also Brygantum in the prouince of Taracon This time gouerned the Celtes an expert skilful man a man in those dayes of most honor for his wisdome and iudgement in all things named Drius after whose death the priests of the Celtes were named Druydes of whom mention is made in Caesar and in Plini The authoritie and credite of these priestes in their dayes was great they were honoured and reuerenced of all people their wordes were had in such estimation as though they had bene Oracles giuen for at this time it was rare to see a wise man or to talke with a learned man for the Magi of Chaldea and the priests were not heard of no philosophie spoken of no Art taught few scholes or none knowen in so much that almost 300. yeeres after the flood there raigned no malice no pride no ambition no warre in the most part of the world and therefore it was called Aureum seculum for the simplicitie of the people and of the plentie of al things which was cōmon among all men sauing in Assyria where the first Monarchie began and quarrels grewe as you shall heare betweene the Chaldeans and the Assyrians and after betwene the Assyrians and the Egyptians So that nothing is to be written of any great exploit done in Celtiberia all this time neither in any place else sauing to set downe the names of those kings that then raigned and to know the agreement of time which is the touchstone of trueth In this Brygus time Abraham offered his sonne Isaac at what time God blessed all the nations of the worlde in the seede of Abraham One Bardus raigned this time in Celta which was of great authoritie with them for his first finding of Musike and meeter In this Brigus time Araunus the sōne of Cranus which was the sonne of Ianus builded a temple in Vetulonia and dedicated the same vnto Ianus which they also called Vertumnes and therein he erected vp the image of Ianus and after he builded a chapell to the god Razenus in Vetulonia so that now idolatrie began in euery countrey the nomber of the gods so encreased that superstition had the better hand of true religion euery where sauing in Gods owne Church those 2. Patriarches Abraham and his sonne for Sara was now dead But I wil passe to the fift king of Celtiberia named Tagus sirnamed Orma of this king the riuer Tagus taketh her first name Of this I reade nothing worth the nothing but as his predecessors he raigned by the name of a king without resistance with whom raigned together in other kingdoms Baleus Xerxes the eight king of Assyria this encreased the kingdome and conquered euery where vntill the Indians for he was valiant and couragious very fortunate in all his affaires In the beginning of this Tagus raigne the Argiues kingdome began where Inachus raigned their first king Phaeton came this time to Italy at what time many townes and cities were burnt about the riuer Ister and about the Cymerians and Vesunians and the places burned to this day are named Palestina that is to say the coūtrey burnt recorded with writers Phaetontis incendium Esau and Iacob were borne this time and a litle after their grandfather Abraham the patriarch died 101. yeres after he was called from the Chaldeans and in 175. yere of his age After Tagus succeeded Belus the 6. king of Celtiberia he began to raigne in the 482. yeere after the flood and raigned in Celtiberia 31. yeres at what time Eusebius setteth down the 17. Dynastia of the Egyptians where shepheards gouerned bare rule in Egypt which gouerment cōtinued 303. yeres in Egypt With this Belus began Armatrites to raigne the 9. king of Assyria a king giuen to idlenes to al kinde of pleasures About this time died Sem the sonne of Noah who likewise saw as his father did before much wickednes and abomination he died 35. yeres after Abraham was dead Sem liued 600. yeres Pharoneus the 2. king of the Argiues of whom Plato maketh mention in the beginning of his booke made lawes to the Argiues and was of them greatly honoured after his death In this kings time Nilus did ouerflowe all the countrey of Egypt and Osiris
was commanded by Samuel to take armes against the Amalekites to spare neither man woman or child cattell or beasts but for sauing of Agag the king and few of the fattest beasts for sacrifice Saul lost his kingdome disobedience was the cause thereof Some may thinke the cause to be small that Saul did to be reiected from his kingdome the sparing of a kings life So likewise may they iudge of the men of Bethshemesh who because they had looked into the Arke of the Lord he slew 50. thousand three score and ten men for it was not lawfull for any either to touch the Arke or to looke within it saue only to Aaron the high priest and to difobey GOD and to breake Gods commaundement is a thing most terrible Now though Saul spared Agag disobeying God yet Samuel most zealously without any further delay hewed him in pieces After this Samuel returned to his house to Bethleem where he was commaunded to annoint one of the sonnes of Ishai king of Israel and hauing all the seuen sonnes of Ishai before him saue the yongest which was Dauid who kept his fathers sheepe in the fieldes Samuel commaunded Dauid to be sent for at whose comming the Lord said to Samuel Arise annoint him for this is hee And Samuel tooke the horne of oile and annointed him king in the middest of his brethren and the spirite of the Lord came vpon Dauid from that time forward and the spirite of the Lord departed from Saul And now though Dauid was annointed king by Samuel the Prophet yet GOD would haue Dauid to be exercised in many things before hee should haue the vse of the kingdome After this Samuel went to Ramah to his house and came no more to see Saul vntill Saul died Samuel loued Saul much and mourned much for him and God therefore reprooued Samuel Samuel was a godly Iudge ouer Israel who with great care and diligence serued God and gouerned his people keeping his circuite once euery yeere from Bethel to Galgala and from Galgala to Masphat and from Masphat to all townes vpon his wayes to Ramah where Samuel dwelt and there hee set vp an altar vnto the Lord and iudged Israel Euen so did Debora sit vnder a Palme tree betweene Ramah and Bethel iudging and determining causes of the people This Prophet gouerned Israel fortie yeeres Saul being deposed and throwen from his kingdome hee fell vnto great melancholie imagining how he might compasse and bring things to passe with troubled minde for the euill spirite of the Lord came vpon him that hee oftentimes was molested and vexed with troublesome thoughts And to ease the king of these agonies instruments of Musike with all kind of harmonie were thought very necessarie of his counsell Dauid was called and sent for by Saul to plaie vpon the harpe before Saul for hee was skilfull in Musike so Saul loued Dauid and made him his armour bearer While Saul was in this melancholie moode the Philistines were againe in armes against Israel wasted their countrey destroyed their Cities and prouoked the Hebrewes to warre Saul made readie his hoste but while yet they were preparing for the battell Goliah a mightie huge man a great Giaunt vaunted forward from the hoste of the Philistines by himselfe cried and called for a combate if any one man of the Hebrewes durst defying Israel and blaspheming their God But GOD prepared Dauids heart mightie and valiant and with a sling to bee able to ouerthrowe this Giant for Dauid by the experience which hee had in time past by Gods helpe nothing doubteth the danger of Goliah sithence hee killed a Lion and a Beare before this time being but a shepeheard in the field Hee was fullie perswaded by Gods spirite to haue the victorie ouer Goliah being mooued with a feruent zeale to be reuenged vpon this blasphemer But true it is Comes virtuti inuidia Here Saul began to enuie Dauid and to laie snares to kill him for great actions are full of dangers But there is no danger where God defendeth and saueth the vertues of Dauid purchased much enuie much daunger which Dauid escaped by the prouidence of God But Saul still deuised his destruction vsing all policies and inuenting many stratagemes to ouerthrow Dauid promising Dauid his daughter Michol to wife seeking at Dauids handes nothing but valiant courage and seruice agaynst the Philistines But the more victories Dauid wanne the more danger ensued him the greater seruice he did the more he was enuied and hated for Saul feared Dauid seeing the Lord was with him and Ionathan the sonne of Saul told Dauid the wicked purpose of his father so that Dauid was driuen to flee from Saul and to hide himselfe in a Caue Samuel the Prophet about this time died and was buried in Ramah his owne citie Dauid being still persecuted of Saul wandred and fled from Saul to Achis king of Gath where hee should haue a charge vnder the king to fight against Israel which troubled him not a litle yet such was the infirmitie of Dauid that he durst not denie the king Now Saul all this while following his wicked purpose consulted with a witch to know of Samuels spirite the successe of his kingdome by whom I meane not Samuels spirit but the spirit of Satan he was fully certified of his ruine and of the end of his kingdom which happened to Saul and to his children for it fell out that Saul killed himselfe and his children were slaine in the battell a cruell life hath a desperate end After the Philistines found Saul Ionathan Abinadab and Malchishua his three sonnes lying dead in mount Gilboa after the victorie and the Philistines cut off Sauls head and stripped him out of his armour and they laied vp his armour in the house of Ashtaroth their idole and hanged his bodie on the wall of Bethshan in token of victorie and triumph Saul died after the deliuerance of Israel from Egypt 473. yeeres after the calling of Ioseph into dignitie in Egypt 660. yeeres and after the flud 1234. yeeres Thus the wicked in their pompe and pleasure consider not the iudgement of God During this time raigned Dircillus ouer the Assyrians the 31. king and Aeneas Siluius the 4. king of the Latines In Athens this time raigned Codrus the last king of the Athenians betweene whom and the Peloponesians grew great warres and continued vnto the last destruction of all Greece In the time of Saul certaine people were driuen out of Thessalia called Boeotij they found a land to inhabite which at this day is called Boeotia before named Cadmeia The The kings of Sicyonum called otherwise Peloponesus ended in Sauls dayes euen when Israel began their kingdom About this time the kingdom of Lacedemonia began where first raigned Euristhenes of whom descended Leonidas and Cleomenes two valiant captains which ouerthrew the Persians in the great battell at Thermophila About this time descended the stocke of
Heraclides into Peloponesus Read of this further in Herodotus Homerus surnamed Chius a great Magitiā flourished in Sauls time the kingdom of Corinth together with the Lacedemonians began a litle before the eight Iubilee in the yeere of the world 2865. But to goe forward in the historie Saul being dead and Dauid the last time annointed the kingdome of Israel not yet came to Dauids handes for some of Sauls sonnes liued and withstood Dauid as heires to Saul and held all the tribes of Israel saue the tribe of Iuda ouer whom Dauid was the second time annointed king and Dauid dwelt in Hebron 7. yeeres Ishboseth the sonne of Saul was likewise annointed king ouer the house of Israel hence grew great warres betweene the house of Saul and the house of Dauid for Abner the chiefe captaine of Saul and the master of Sauls horses thought it not fit that any should gouerne Israel but Sauls sonne who was right heire to the kingdome perswading the people thereunto and gathering force together and would by the sword make Ishboseth king of Israel who kept then his court at Manahim vnder whom all the Hebrewes sauing the tribe of Iuda were ruled Dauid this time lying in Hebron and hearing of Abners preparation to warres consulted with the Lord and sollicited his owne cause carefully he appointed Ioab to be his Lieutenant These two great captains Abner and Ioab full of indignation and willing to trie the kingdome by battell they met by the poole of Gibeon where Abner and Ioab fell to the sword and the battell was exceeding sore that same day But Abner and the men of Israel fell before Ioab so that 360. men were slaine Thus God would confirme Dauid in his kingdome by ouerthrowing of his aduersaries These warres continued long for Abner made all his power for the house of Saul But God wrought otherwise to bring his purpose to passe while Saul liued hee had a concubine named Rizpha with whom Abner kept companie and consumed more time with Rizpha then he did in the seruice of Ishboseth The king being moued with some choler charged Abner with his fault concerning his fathers concubine this checke could not be wel disgested of Abner and therefore he communed with the elders of Israel and perswaded them to take Dauid for their king and after that Abner went to Hebron to Dauid and promised him that he would bring all Israel vnder his gouernment and all this Abner did rather for malice hatred that he bare to Ishboseth then for any good will he bare to Dauid Notwithstanding Dauid accepted in good part his cōming to him thogh Ioab would haue had the king to slay Abner for his priuate grudge which was the killing of Asahel Ioabs brother which within a while after Ioab reuenged for he killed Abner vnknowing to Dauid whose deth Dauid lamēted much When these newes came to Sauls sonne that Abner was dead in Hebron he was discouraged and all Israel was afraid with him and so within a while after he was slaine by Banah and Rechab two men that were captaines of bands this they both did in hope of lucre and fauour with Dauid and they were rewarded as he that slew Saul for in as much as neither the example of him nor dutie to their master nor innocencie of the person nor the reuerence of the place did feare them they died for it Now Dauid was made king ouer all Israel after he had raigned seuen yeeres ouer Iuda in Hebron he went with all his armie to Ierusalem vnto the Iebusites the inhabitants of the land at that time and tooke the forte of Zion and dwelt there and builded round about it Hiram king of Tyrus sent Cedar trees and carpenters and masons they builded a house for Dauid Againe the Philistines came vp against Dauid and he smote them from Geba to Gazer The arke was not yet come from the house of Abinadab in Gibeah whither Dauid with 3000. chosen men of Israel went to bring the arke to the citie of Dauid When Dauid had subdued the Iebusites Philistines other diuers nations as the Syrians Phoenicians Edomites Ammonites Moabites and Mesopotamia vntill the riuer of Euphrates so that Dauids fame spred farre his kingdome prospered his people grew strong and himselfe in all his enterprises most happy Then Dauid ruled and raigned ouer all Israel and executed iudgement and iustice to his people And being at rest from his enemies with great quietnes in Ierusalē behold both his fortune and his great fame forsooke him for he committed adulterie with Bethsabe Vrias wife and wrote his letters to Ioab his lieutenant with Vrias in this sort Put Vrias in the forefront of the battell and cause the souldiers to recule backe from Vrias that he may be smitten and die Which being done the king was glad and tooke Vrias wife to his house and maried her but the Lord was angry with Dauid and sent Nathan to accuse him of adulterie and murther What grew of this cruell dissention betweene Dauid and his children God gaue ouer Dauid to be afflicted and tormented on both sides inward and outward For Amnon defiled his sister Tamar and Absalon killed Amnon such was the wrath of God vpon the house of Dauid that one wickednesse fell on the necke of another Absalon fled vpon the killing of his brother and went to Geshur and then Absalon practised to aspire to the kingdom and laid snares to entrap his father the king Absalon gathered force to dispossesse Dauid for Achitophels councell is alwayes readie in matters of treason Now Dauid felt the anger of God for sinne hee confessed that he had deserued this plague for Dauid was faithful and obedient to God and shewed himselfe contented with these afflictions Absalon goeth forward with his armie and Dauid fled ouer Iordan to Mahanaim Absalon passeth likewise ouer Iordan and followed fast as Achitophel had councelled him so Israel and Absalon pitched in the land of Gilead God raised fauorers vnto Dauid in euery place where he came for certain of the Reubenites and Gadites could not beare the insolencie of the sonne against the father and therefore with all the power they had they ioined with Dauid and the battell began so there was a great slaughter of Absalons side to the nūber of 2000. Israel fled before Ioab and Absalon was caught by the haire of his head vnder a bough of an oke where he hanged till Ioab came and killed him and so Dauid againe was restored to his kingdom being persecuted of Achitophel for his counsell of Semei for his threatning and cursing and of Absalon for his treason Now this warre being ended new warres againe began betweene Iuda and the tenne tribes of Israel more cruel then the warres of Absalon for Sheba a man of Ephraim he now again raised Israel against Dauid and made the Israelites to forsake Dauid and to follow Sheba but his head was caried
hundred sixtie two yeeres and Iuda which continued three hundred ninetie three yeeres but both Iuda and Israel forsooke God and followed idolatrie vntill GOD at length by his iust iudgement destroyed them vtterly for the rigour of Roboham in following of lewd counsell made the people to rebell the house of Dauid against the house of Israel hee folowed women and had eighteene wiues and threescore concubines hee had eight and twentie sonnes and three score daughters Roboham forsooke the Lord and therefore Susack king of Egypt came vp against Ierusalem ransackt the Citie spoyled the Temple and tooke the treasures of the Citie and of Robohams house this was the first destruction and affliction of Ierusalem for Roboham had transgressed the commandements of God for no calamities could come to Israel no countrey might annoy them no king could hurt them But when the Lord gaue them ouer for sinne this Susack king of Egypt came in the fift yeere of Roboham with twelue hundred chariots with three score thousand horsemen and the people were innumerable that were with him as Iosephus saieth foure hundreth thousand footemen came from Egypt with him Lubins Sukimes people of Affrica called also Troglodites he had Aethiopians Egyptians with diuers other more nations he tooke the strong cities of Iuda and caried their treasure to Egypt After the time of Roboham who raigned 17. yeeres succeeded him in Ierusalem his sonne Abia against whom Ieroboam straight after Robohams death came in armes with great expedition they both prepared for the battell the greatest armie that euer was in Israel Abia had foure hundred thousand chosen men Ieroboam had eight hundred thousand men and the battell met and fought and for that Abia trusted in the Lord who is the stay of all kingdomes and the giuer of all victories hee had such a victorie ouer Ieroboam that Israel fled before Iuda and God deliuered them vnto the hands of Abia being yong of yeeres and too tender to execute such a charge and to gouerne such an armie so that the slaughter was great euē fiue hundred thousand chosen men slaine so that Iudea preuailed against Israel at that time because they depended vpon the Lord of their fathers so Ieroboam was brought vnder at that time Hee was so pursued by Abia his strong Cities taken his men slaine himselfe hardly escaped the Lord plagued him that he could not recouer strength in Israel againe all the dayes of his life For because God made him a king of a seruant and he neglected the seruice of God and forgot his benefits therefore he was iustly punished for Dan and Bethel was the first and the greatest cause of his fall I neuer read in prophane histories of such a number neither in the historie of the Church foure hundred thousand souldiers in one armie and eight hundred thousand in the other Ieroboā after he had raigned in Israel 22. yeres died See you the anger of God for idolatrie in seruing worshipping the calues of Dan and Bethel for God gaue Israel ouer vnto their last destruction which was in the time of Salmanasser Senacheribs father for Iuda deuoured Israel and Israel deuoured Iuda that both at length were destroyed and ouerthrowen Iuda by Nabuchadonosor Israel by Salmanasser both Ierusalem and Samaria made euen to the ground in the time of Zedechias the last king of Iuda and Osea the last king of Israel Then succeeded Ieroboham in Israel Nadab their second king the naturall sonne of Ierobohā wicked malicious cruel following his fathers steps in idolatrie all wickednes But God stirred vp one tyrant to punish an other for Nadab did offend in prouoking the people to commit idolatrie with his golden calues and as hee was most busie in besieging a towne belonging to the Philistims named Gibbethon he was slaine of Baasha according to the Oracle of God before spoken The sinne of Ieroboam was great and therefore Baasha was appointed by God to destroy all the house of Ieroboam he slewe Nadab and reigned in his steede In Iuda nowe reigned Asa a wise godly and discreet man an obseruer of the lawes of God a walker in his waies and in Israel Baasha the 3. king reigned warre grewe betweene Baasha king of Israel and Asa king of Iuda Ramah was builded by Baasha to that purpose that none might goe in or out to Asa king of Iuda who followed the example of Ieroboam But Asa assembled all Iuda and tooke the stones of Ramah and the timber thereof and builded Mizpah and Geba two great townes in Iuda the warres continued betweene the house of Israel and the house of Iuda But still the Lorde had respect to Dauid and to his stocke for Baasha and all his posteritie had the like ende as Ieroboam had and his house But Asa walked right before God he destroied idolatrie tooke away the altars of the strange gods and brake downe the images and cut in peeces the groues hee deposed his mother Maacha from her regencie and threwe downe her idols which she had made in a groue Asa brake it stampt it and buried it at the brooke of Cedron commanded Iuda to seeke the Lord and to serue him for he knewe like a godly king that in abolishing of idolatrie and aduauncing true religion the rest and quietnes of kingdomes stoode For when Zareus king of Aethiopia came against him with an huge armie of ten hundreth thousand to Maresa a towne of Iuda Asa praied vnto God when he should goe to fight and acknowledged all victories to come from God and therefore obtained the victorie ouer the Aethiopians slewe them and pursued them to Gerar and there was no warre in Iuda vnto the 35. yeere of Asa. Yet he was reproued by the Prophet for his couenant with Benhadad king of Syria and likewise offended God to trust in Physicions to helpe his disease not to seeke helpe at Gods hands About this time Elias and Elizeus were borne in the middle age of the world Capetus Siluius nowe reigned the 9. king ouer the Latines Eutropius calleth this king Epidus In Assyria gouerned Ophrateus and in Lacedemonia the fift king Doristus at what time Smyrna was builded in Samos in king Asas time Nepher Cherres reigned in Egypt king for 4. yeeres and after him succeeded a king in Egypt called Amenophis who reigned 9. yeeres In Athens gouerned Phorbas the 5. Iudge and in Corinth ruled Basis the 5. king after whom their kings were called Bacidae as the Romane Emperours were named Caesares In these daies Hiel the Bethelite did build Iericho which fel before in the daies of Iosua at the sounding of the trumpets and shouting of the Israelites But the iudgement of God followed Ieroboams house according to the Prophet saying to Nadab and to Baasha that slewe Nadab That dogges should eate him that died in the citie and the fowles
of these two Iustine called these two Magi Comaris and Oropastis Herodotus doeth call the one Patizites and the other Smerdis Zonaras nameth the elder Tanoaxeres but it is not materiall for Eusebius doeth not nomber these two amongst the kings of Persia. But in the eight moneth one of the seuen princes or gouernours of Persia ouerthrew these Magi then these seuen princes being vertuous and welbeloued of the people agreed in loue and faith one with another one preferring another to the kingdome that it was hard for the people to make choise of any of them yet to them the election was referred Otanes one of the seuen princes thought that it was not necessary to haue a king to make a free common wealth bound to a Monarchia he perswaded the countrey to liue vnder the law of popular state called Democratia euery city to haue their magistrate and euery prouince to haue such gouernours as might defende the countrey with lawes and armes affirming the greatnes of a king to approch the nature of a tyrant and therfore most dangerous for when they giue ouer to be kings in doing iustice then they begin to be tyrants in committing rage and furie Megabisus held a contrary opinion allowing not a popular state who are neuer quiet neuer constant drawen one day of this side to morow of another affirming the furie and rage of the people to be intollerable and like the streame of a violent flood without wisdome in gouernment without reason in iudgement and euen like Hidra that monstrous beast of Lerna neuer satisfied neuer cōtented neuer quiet and compared it to the saying of Demosthenes that populus was one of the three monsters at Athens which raigned at one time Noctua draco populus the owle the dragon and the people Megabisus therefore disliked a Democraticall cōmon wealth perswaded that some of the wisest and best learned should be chosen for a state for to good men belong good counsell said he and they will in conscience and trueth refourme things amisse his reason tended to haue a common wealth called Oligarchia or Aristocratia and not a popular state The thirde Darius spake disanulling both Otanes and Megabisus opinion declaring by examples of diuers kingdomes the defect of kings as Zenophon and Herodotus most largely discourse and amongst Philosophers approued the best state of a common wealth to be a Monarchie alleadging also by Cyrus last will and Cambyses that while any of Cyrus stocke liued that they by succession should enioy the Scepter of Persia and if the house of Cyrus should faile then to make an election of a king by the seuen princes of Persia and the people And therefore both in reason a king is to be elected and by them commaunded of Cyrus to be confirmed The other foure which yet had spoken nothing but diligently hearing these three before they all consented with Darius and supposed that common wealth to be best where a Monarchie is the soueraigntie whereof is in a king and therefore they agreed all to elect a king and to auoyde contentions and quarrels they committed to Fortune their election in this sort That all the seuen princes should be a horsebacke the next morning in the suburbes of the citie to talke of this matter and that whose horse should neigh first after Sunne rising he should be king in Persia. They all to this consented and euery prince rode sumptuously to the place These were the names of the seuen princes Otanes Intaphernes Gobrias Megabisus Astphatines Hidarnes And Darius The night before they should ride to the place in the morning Darius consulted with the master of his horse opened the whole cause and asked his deuise by arte Oebarus so his name was assured Darius of some secret helpe hee brought Darius horse that night to a mare to that place where they should meete in the morning Darius riding vpon that horse by the counsell of Oebarus the next morning met according to their agreement altogether Darius horse hauing bene with the mare in that place beganne lustily to praunce and to neigh lowdly whereat the other sixe princes lighted immediatly from their horses and saluted him as their king This Darius now king of Persia had maried a daughter of Cyrus named Atossa of whom hee had Xerxes Within some space after Darius came to the kingdome the Assyrians beganne to reuolt from him hee layed siege to Babylon twentie moneths and could not preuaile vntill one Zopirus a subtile Persian who yeelded Babylon to Darius hand by this policie he himselfe did cut off his owne eares his nostrels and came all bloodie to Babylon accusing Darius crueltie who for perswading him to raise his siege and to spare blood he vsed me as you see The Babylonians light of beliefe thought it trueth made him captaine ouer a band of souldiers who for his more credit with the Babylonians gaue two or three light ouerthrowes to Darius men and by this meanes brought Babylon to Darius hand Of this Zopirus was Darius wont to say when he held a pomegranate in his hand that he wished nothing more in the world then to haue so many Zopirus as the pomegranate had kernels Now is Babylon the second time taken by the Persians When Darius was quietly setled in Babylon he made warres vpon the barbarous Scythians for euen as Cyrus was wont to driue the barbarous nations from Asia which came from the region of Arctoa so Darius tooke that course by his chiefe captaine Megabisus to clense Persia from strangers the Getes the Cimmerians and the Sauromats inhabited in Asia and about Thracia For of the Cimerians came those Germans called Cimbri and from the Getes came likewise the Gothes These Getes yeelded to Megabisus the Scythians he could not vanquish But after some warre he returned vnto Greece sent ambassadours vnto Amintas king of Macedonia to haue free passage through his countrey which being graunted more for feare then for loue Amintas entertained the ambassadours of Persia very liberally brought them to a banquet where after much rioting of wine they handled rudely the Macedonians ladies that beare them companie Alexander the sonne of Amintas and the great grandfather of Alexander the great being discontented with their beastlines desired the king his father to take his rest that night taking vpon him the entertainment of these Persians who after his father was gone he consulted with certaine noble men of Macedonia that they should come in most gorgious and sumptuous attire like women in the apparel of women with their naked weapons close vnder their garments commanding them when they should so beastly handle them next to stabbe them vnto the heart In the meane season Alexander desired them that the ladies might withdraw themselues for a time promising them they should presently returne to beare them companie in the meane time while these
countrie then was Pyrrhus not onely resisted but also slaine at Argos then was Philip king of Macedon kept out of Greece vntill they beganne to be factious and seditious one citie against another and some had sought helpe of Philip to suppresse their owne Countrie men vntill hee was made gouernour of Greece Greece was not altogether conquered though in deede they were sore oppressed by the Peloponesian warres but nowe by Philip king of Macedon it was brought againe to ruine and the way left open to his sonne Alexander the great who after brought all Greece subiect to Macedonia whither the Monarchie of the Persians was translated and vnder whom all the worlde almost was subdued Nowe that I opened fewe victories vnto you which the Grecians with fame and great honour wanne if I shoulde set downe the victories which one Citie wanne of an other or one Countrie of an other they should be infinite for within twentie seuen yeeres all the Gities of Greece which were not for their number to be numbred and for their strength not to be spoken were destroyed for I dare speake it that Greece had more annoyance by two battels then all the gaines of the victories which the Greekes had ouer all the barbarous nations The first was at the riuer of goates giuen by Lysander against Athens called the battell at Aegos Potamos the other giuen by Epaminondas against Sparta called the battell of Leuctres These two Cities being the two eyes and the two legges of Greece could neuer agree the one enuying the state of the other vntill both were destroyed and by their occasion all Greece also destroyed About this time Camillus florished in Rome who both gaue the repulse to the French men euen at the gates of Rome when they had taken Rome and also triumphed ouer the Volscans ouer the Veiens ouer the Hetruscans for which good seruice he was the next yeere following made Dictator in Rome This fell in Rome when Mausolus king of Caria died and had by his wife Artemesia his tombe made so gorgeous that it was reputed as one of the seuen wonders of the world In Athens now after the thirtie tyrants were ouerthrowē gouerned tenne men of equall authoritie by Thrasibulus and Conon appointed called Decennales principes these two lifted Athens on foote againe for Conon had fiftie talents which he had gotten in Cyprus by king Euagoras this hee bestowed to raise vp the walles of Athens which Lysander made euen to the grounde for yet florished in Athens after these Peloponesian warres though not great captaines yet famous Philosophers and eloquent Orators which kept Greece in memorie and by whose meanes many monuments in Greece were reserued For now florished Plato and after him his scholler Aristotle Alexander the great his scholemaster for whose sake Athens was had before other Cities in reuerence in like sort as Augustus Caesar spared Alexandria in Egypt for Arius the Philosophers sake who then dwelt there yet Alexander made all meanes possible to take such Orators as did perswade the Athenians in armes against him and against his father before which were Lycurgus the Orator Demosthenes Aesc●…nes Demades and others which like barking dogges kept these wolues from Athens in perswading the people to be in armes against foreigne princes in the defence of Greece but when they had no enemie they became enemies within themselues When Greece was by reason of these ciuill warres made weake and not able to resist any great strength for after the death of Epaminondas greater warres and more seditious stirring fell in Greece then before Philip king of Macedon hauing full intelligence of the state of Greece howe by long warres betweene themselues they were easely to be ouerrunne hee secretly kindled a seconde fire in Greece by stirring of secrete captaines to encrease the hatred of the Grecians one against an other which could neuer be extinguished such was their desire to rule and to triumph one ouer another Philip king of Macedonia Alexander the great his father as yet like a foxe hiding himselfe in a denne watched oportunitie of time vntill contention grewe betweene the Phoceans and the Thebans about the sacriledge which the Phocians cōmitted in the temple of Apollo at Delphos of this occasion beganne the warres called bellum sacrum of the which mencion is made often in histories and specially with the Orators of Greece who cried crucifige vpon the Phocians for so execrable a thing before the Iudges Amphictions which were appointed generall Iudges for the whole state of Greece This warre beganne in the time of Ochus the eight king of Persia the Iudges laide a great fine vpon the Phocians which they grudged to pay beside the secrete perswasions of the Lacedemonians promising them aide to stand in armes against the Thebans who had before accused them Philomelus a Phocean captaine gathered a great armie brake the decree of the Iudges burned the tables where they were written and ouerthrewe the iudgement seate of the Amphictions By this occasion great warres grewe betweene the Phoceans and the Lacedemonians of the one side the Thebans and the Thessalians of the otherside About the beginning of this warre Alexander the great was borne Philomelus being killed in the fourth battell after hee had done some harme to the Thebans Onomarchus was appointed in his roome who likewise ouercame the Boetians and tooke one of the chiefe Cities called Coronea he ouerthrewe the Thessalians in two battels and slue a number of the Macedonians which Philip had sent to ayde the Phoceans The Thebans being thus weakened by the Phoceans they sent to Philip for aide and besought him to be their Generall in this warre This delighted much the king of Macedon for nowe he sawe an easie way to conquer the Phoceans the Athenians and the Lacedemonians and to bring all Greece subiect vnder Macedonia Philip came with great force not to reuenge the Thebans as he saide but to reuenge the sacriledge which the Phoceans did in Delphos for it is written that they spoyled the temple of tenne thousand talents which as Melancthon saith is threescore tunnes of gold In the third battell one Narchus was taken by Philip and hanged and sixe thousand of his souldiers slaine the Phoceans had wonne three principall Cities in Boetia Orchomenon Coronea and Corsia whereby they might easely subdue all Boetia at their owne will This warre of the Phoceans beganne fifteene yeeres after the battell of Mantinea where the worthie and valiant Epaminondas was slaine with whō this Philip king of Macedonia dwelt in house when Philip was taken an ostage by Pelopidas of Antipater as you reade before Philip seemed to haue obserued many good instructions which hee no doubt learned at Thebes in Epaminondas house and yet as great difference betweene the two men as is betweene golde and siluer for Epaminondas left not his fellowe behinde in Greece after him so
Thus after long seditious contentions they agreed among themselues that Antipater should gouerne Macedonia and Greece that Ptolome should gouerne Egypt and Afrike and part of Arabia Learchus should gouerne Lycia Pamphylia and the greater Phrygia Cappadocia and Paphlagonia were assigned to Eumenes to Laomedon were assigned Syria and Phoenicia to Cassander Caria to Menander Lydia and to Lysimachus Thracia Pontus and Cilicia Illyria to Philotes to Leonatus the lesser Phrygia these with others whose names Functius setteth downe These princes within fourteene yeeres by ciuill discord fell to variances and contencions that they destroyed one another such is the force of ambition that it neuer conteineth within any bounde of reason I will not repeate the names of those that were likewise assigned to gouerne the Sogdians the Bactrians the Indians and other places which in like maner through mutual dissension slue one another Alexander for a while was left vnburied in Babylon quite forgotten of all his princes vntil Ptolome as Curtius doeth witnesse sent for his body brought it to Memphis and from Memphis it was caried to Alexandria and there in his owne tombe was buried Nowe after these Princes were thus destroyed the Empire voide of any good gouernment for though they with one consent elected Arideus to bee king of Macedon yet their obedience was farre from their election but euery man aspired to a kingdome all the Countries betweene the riuer Hydaspes and the riuer Indus Taxillus gouerned In Persia gouerned Neoptolemus in Parthia Nicanor in Babylon Pencestes and Archesilaus had in his hand Mesopotamia All these practised meanes how they might from gouernours become kings for as I saide before Alexander left no king behind him for so it was before Alexander by Cyrus before Cyrus by Nabuchodonosor before Nabuchodonosor by Merodach before Merodach by Ninus before Ninus by Nimrod So God from the beginning by his great wisedome hath established kingdomes and common weales that where hee gaue his sworde there the victorie went and there the Monarchie florished so God ordeyned things to come to passe that nowe againe the Empire of Alexander should be deuided as Daniel the Prophet had before tolde saying That a strong king should come and gouerne and doe what pleased him but it should bee diuided in quatuor ventos Coeli as then it happened truely betweene foure princes though Iosephus sayeth fiue the first was Cassander the sonne of Antipater and euen hee who poysoned Alexander hee I say after his fathers death and after hee had destroyed the whole progenie of Alexander inuaded Macedonia and vsurped the kingdome the 2. Ptolo. Lagi the first king of Egypt and had the most part of Syria vnder his Scepter the 3. Seleucus surnamed Nicanor king of Babylon and of Asia the greater the 4. Antigonus king of Asia the lesse These and their posterities had entred in armes and beganne to warre within them selues that they likewise came to ruine and were destroyed one by another as you shall reade more in the histories of the kings of Asia and Syria In the meane season the Athenians againe a people euer desirous of soueraigntie vnderstanding that Alexander the great was dead were in armes against Antipater still looking to haue their former libertie ioyned with themselues the Aeolians gathered three thousand souldiers two hundred nauies now Demosthenes being banished frō Athens being at Megaris or as as Plutarch saith at Aegina for his 20. talents in bribes receiued of Harpalus was called backe by the Athenians who through his wōted eloquence allured the Argiues the Corinthians and the Scicionians to ioyne with the Athenians against Antipater who by election was king of Macedonia next after Alexander and chiefe gouernour ouer all Greece as Alexander was and his father Philip before him In these warres the Athenians had very good lucke in the beginning while yet Leosthenes their generall was aliue but hee being dead their good happe and successe died also before Leosthenes had shut vp Antipater in the citie of Lamia and straightly had there besieged him But this continued no longer then to the battel of Cranon where againe the Athenians were ouerthrowen and Demosthenes with many of their Orators fled and after to auoide Antipaters hand ridde away themselues by poyson Cassander beganne in Macedonia and in Greece to practise falshood after he had maried Arideus daughter Thessalonices for by consent of all the princes Arideus was appoinred to succeede Alexander and he reigned seuen yeeres king in Macedonia but Olympias Alexanders mother made meanes to dispatch both Arideus and his wife Euridices out of the way for that they resisted the Queene Olympias to come into Macedonia frō Epire and Olympias her selfe liued not long after for the Macedonians honoured her much for Philip her owne husbands sake and for Alexander her sonne vntill shee became to be cruell and to vse much tyrannie But Cassander who farre exceeded her in murthering and in destroying tooke her also and commaunded her to bee slaine and likewise commaunded Roxana Alezanders wife to be kept and to be looked vnto being sent with her sonne Alexander to Amphipolis but she her sonne was slaine While in this sort Cassander fomed in blood Antigonus who had obteined to be king of lesser Asia came in armes against Cassander Lysimachus king of Thracia and Seleucus king of greater Asia ioyned with Cassander and the battell was giuen at Gaza a citie of Palestina where Demetrius Antigonus sonne had the worse Cassander within a while after this battell died when he had reigned eighteene yeeres After whom succeeded two sonnes of Cassander named Antipater and Alexander who in much discord and with much adooe they reigned foure yeeres this young king Antipater after he had reigned three yeeres perceiuing that his mother was more bent to fauour her other sonne Alexander with his owne hand slue her vpon this vile murther Alexander presently sent to Demetrius for ayde and to reuenge his mothers death vpō his brother Demetrius was glad to heare such newes that Antipater had slaine his mother and nowe Alexander to rise against his brother sawe an open passage hereby offered vnto him to become king of Macedonia which so came to passe for both Antipater and Alexander one destroyed another for Lysimachus slue Antipater and Demetrius Alexander left the kingdome to Demetrius the posteritie of Cassander had no lōger time in Macedonia it was Gods iudgement for this Cassander as it is reported poysoned Alexander the great being with two other of his brethren Iolla Philip gentlemen of his priuie chamber their race ended for in the time of Antipater and his sonne Cassander Demosthenes Demades and the most part of the noble Orators of Athens were slaine And nowe Demetrius the sonne of Antigonus was proclaimed king of Macedon and beside Macedon he had Thessalie and the most part of Peleponesus hee further did
yeeres of age and Philip three yeeres younger then his brother to be killed and their mother forced to steale away by night into Samothracia but hee was wel requited by Belgius hackt and slaine and his head cut off caried vpō a speare in opē sight of the Macedoniās which put them in no litle feare Sosthenes was proclaimed king of Macedonia a man of great courage hee resisted the furie and rage of the Frenchmen which wasted the countrie and spoyled the Cities vntill that Brennus another captaine of the Frenchmen ioyned with Belgius with a hundred fiftie thousand footemen and fifteene thousand horsemen and easily being so many might ouerthrowe so fewe Sosthenes was faine to take a holde for that time Brennus and Belgius spoyled Cities and Countries robbed their temples and had infinite treasure from the temple of Apollo Thus the Macedonians were sore plagued and had these two great ouerthrowes by Belgius and Brennus but the third ouerthrowe fell to the Frenchmen in such extreame sort that Brennus slue himselfe After this the Frenchmen againe inuaded Macedonia while Antigonus which was Demetrius brother reigned where they were vanquished ouerthrowen in most miserable sort this gote to Antigonus great credit vntil Pyrrhus gote the victorie of him and forced him to take his flight So poore Macedonia was still by one or other put to worse Pyrrhus mocking Antigonus for his brauerie to goe in purple like a king apparelled being chased out of his countrie by him and by others yet it was Antigonus chaūce to haue Pyrrhus head brought vnto him by Alcioneus his owne sonne from the siege of the citie of Argos where this great king after many victories ouer kings was slaine at a womans hand by throwing of a tyle stone When king Antiochus sawe Pyrrhus head throwen before him by his sonne in such contempt hee layed his staffe about his sonnes backe calling him a cruell murtherer and an vnnaturall barbarous beast and turning his eyes from the sight thereof weapt remembring Demetrius hard fortune which was his father and also the miserie and ende of the first Antigonus his graundfather he most honourably caused his head and his body to be burned his ashes burned Thus thestate of princes is changed sometime in the height of good lucke and fauour and sometime forsaken of their owne friends Antigonus hauing this great victorie of Pyrrhus vsed all clemencie towardes Pyrrhus sonne named Helenus sent him vnto his Realme of Epirus with honourable conuoye seasing all Pyrrhus campe and armie vsed his friendes courteously and receiued many of Pyrrhus souldiers preferred them Thus Pyrrhus who helde out against three kings Lysimachus Demetrius and Antigonus beside his magnanimitie and prowesse shewed against the Illyrians the Cicilians the Carthagineans and against the stoute Romanes and yet neuer conquered This Pyrrhus was preferred by Hanibals iudgement to be the second souldier of the worlde next to the great Alexander after whose death Greece fell to contencions as Macodonia by Antigonus florished but a short time for assoone as Pyrrhus dyed the Peloponesians yeelded to Antigonus Pyrrhus had a sonne named Alexander who burned in furie to reuenge his fathers death beganne vpon the confines of Macedonia to quarrell with Antigonus hee was no sooner returned from Greece into Macedonia but Antigonus had both lost his kingdome and himselfe by a faire battell giuen to him by Alexander the sonne of Pyrrhus Antigonus had a brother named Demetrius after his fathers name a very young man who so reuenged likewise the ouerthrowe of his brother that hee recouered not onely Macedonia from Alexander but forced him after a great ouerthrowe to flie from his owne kingdom of Epyrus so variable is the chaunce of warre and so mutable the state of man that sometime they be kings and conquerours and straight banished men Nowe Alexander fled to Arcadia from whence hee was restored to his kingdome within short space for Demetrius after the death of his brother Antigonus continued not long king in Macedonia for by time Agas king of Cyrena died and had left for his heire one daughter named Beronices whom her father espoused to king Ptolomeis sonne of Egypt but nowe Arsinoe king Agas her husband being dead and also hearing that king Antigonus was dead shee made meanes to send for Demetrius who came with all speede from Macedonia to Cyrena and hauing a sight of Arsinoes beautie hee fell more in desire of the mother then of the daughter This Demetrius being a proud insolent young king and giuing great cause to Beronice the young ladie to hate him he little esteeming that folowed his fancie to winne Arsinoe which when it was well knowen to the daughter and to many of the Court after howe Demetrius vsed himselfe Beronice and all men beganne mortally to mallice Demetrius and to turne their mindes againe towards Ptolomeus sonne They hated him in such sort that snares were inuēted for Demetrius and watches appointed to find him in the fault and so it came to passe then when he was in bedde with the mother the daughter brought certeine armed men into the chamber cōmaunded them to kill Demetrius Beronice entred not the chamber but stood at the doore spake vnto them that they should spare her mother which when Arsinoe heard after she had done what she could to saue Demetrius cōcerning his body with her body of force she was taken from him he slaine thus Beronice reuenged the wrongs spite of Demetrius done against her selfe and her mother after maried Ptolomeis sonne according to his father king Agas cōmandement this was the end of king Demetrius the sonne of Demetrius About this time Megasthenes a Persian Chronographer wrote his histories some call him Metasthenes this time the Romanes began to florish in all kind of excesse as in wearing of rings costly tires which as Plinie saith were skant before this time seene in Rome this time also was the Bible translated by the 70. interpreters into the Greeke tongue CHAP. IIII. Of the Romane warres with king Philip and his sonne Perseus the two last kings of Macedonia of their ouerthrowe by Paul Aemilius and of the ouerthrowe of false Philip and counterfaite Andriscus by Q. Metellus in the last conquest of Macedonia NOwe to returne to Macedonia after that Demetrius was slaine as you heard Philip Demetrius nephewe and sonne to Antigonus succeeded in Macedonia You must take heede least you be deceiued in the names of diuers Demetrius for the first and the greatest was called Demetrius Antigonus whose life Plutarch doeth write at large another Demetrius surnamed Poliorcetes who in his time destroyed a towne of Samaria which Perdicas builded vp againe and the third named Demetrius Phalerius which was gouernour of Athens vnder Cassander and the fourth Demetrius Antigonus sonne of whose death for adulterie with Queene Arsinoe you read of
the left shoulder he caused the like picture to be made for himselfe and commanded all his souldiers to call him Alexander This Emperor died as he was preparing a voyage against the Parthians at Edessa when hee had liued 43. yeeres Presently after the death of Caracalla Opilius Macrinus and his sonne Diadumeus were created Emperours who after they had reigned ioyntly fourteene moneths they were both slain in a sedition which fel among the souldiers without doing any thing worth the writing After them stept to the empire Marcus Aurelius surnamed Heliogabolus well so named for in all beastlinesse he resembled his predecessors these vnderwritten Nero Caligula Sergius Vitellius Domitianus Commodus This Heliogabolus was supposed to be the sonne of Caracalla he likewise defamed himselfe with all kind of shame and reproch whose filthinesse and lewd behauiour you may reade in Herodian He was slaine in an vprore which the souldiers made at what time also his mother Semia Sira called of some Semiamira died after he had liued very vnchastly and filthily for 4. yeres but Eutropius saith 2. yeres 8. moneths During the raigne of these 3. last emperors there were no good things done in Rome but vprores and sedition of souldiers creating whom they would to be Emperour one day and the next day deposing them from life empire Only this happened that the Amphitheator was set on fire and few fellowes were quiet at Rome The great men of authority then were these Titus Saturninus Marcus Noninus Mutianus Cornelius Amulinus Lu. Torpilius Dexter C. Gallus Gentianus and Bassus Gentianus Clodius Albinus Balbinus chosen Emperour against Maximinus Aur. Alex. Seuerus and Maximus were both made Emperours Aurelius Alexander Seuerus was chosen Emperour when he was but twelue yeeres of age whome the souldiers named Caesar and the Senate created Augustus he was a very vertuous Prince and one that fauoured all good men he gaue him selfe to martiall pollicie and tooke in hand about the 9. yeere of his raigne warres against Artaxerxes king of Persia who had before vanquished Artabanus king of the Parthians who then gouerned the Persians And as Artaxerxes ouercame Artabanus was the first king of Persia after Darius who before was conquered by Alexander the great so this Artaxerxes was subdued by this Alex. Seuerus with great glorie and had his triumph graunted him in Rome being but 21. yeeres of age he had such care of the Empire and such diligence that he committed the charge of Armenia to a noble captaine called Iunius Palmatus he committed the prouince of Illyrica vnto Varus Macrinus and the countrey of Mauritania to Furius Celsus Of these 3. Captaines victories in these countreys reade Lampridius This was the first Emperour that fauoured Christians and being so yong an Emperour he associated with him to assist him in iudgement Vlpianus a great Ciuilian a lawe maker and had an office called Magister Scrinii as it were Master of the Rowles he had in those dayes in his Court a number of learned men whose names Lampridius setteth down in this sort whome he vsed as Counsellers Fabius Sabinus Domitius Vlpianus Aelius Gordianus Iulius Paulus Modestinus Pomponius Alphenus Africanus Florentinus Proculus Martianus Callistratus Hermogenes Tryphonius Metianus Celsus The most part of these were Ciuilians and scholers to Papinianus Besides these lawyers florished in Seuerus Court Quintilius Caius Marcellus Aelius Seuerianus Cutilius Seuerus three singuler learned Romanes but he reigned not long for he was slaine in Fraunce in a tumult that grewe amongst the souldiers hee and his mother Mammea in a towne called Moguntia after he had reigned 13. yeeres After this good Emperor Seuerus succeeded Iulius Maximinius a man of meane parentage whose beginning was to be a shepheard in Thracia and after came to be a souldier and in processe of time came by the meanes of the souldiers to be Emperour without consent of the Senators who in the beginning had some good successe against the Germanes but not long after slaine by Pupienus at Aquilea and his yong sonne called also Maximinius when hee had reigned three yeeres After him succeeded Pupienus Balbinus Gordianus three Emperours together in Rome but Pupienus and Balbinus were slaine at Rome and Gordianus obtained the empire and held it sixe yeeres alone he espoused Tranquillina Masetheus daughter and after tooke his voiage into Persia and ouerthrewe Sapores king of Persia tooke diuers cities and in many sundrie skirmishes did greatly afflict the Persians But as hee returned thence he was likewise slaine through treason of one Philip who succeeded him in the Empire but his monument is erected vp by one of his souldiers in memoriall of him and that place is called Gordianus graue Marcus Iulius Philippus after he had slaine Gordianus he and his sonne Philip came to the empire and reigned ioyntly fiue yeeres In the time of these two Philips there was celebrated in Rome great solemnitie and preparation of Gunnes and shewes with such pompe and magnificence as Capittollius affirmeth that the like before in Rome scant had beene seene Philip builded a towne in Thracia named it after his owne name Not long after both the father and the sonne were slaine the father at Verrona and the sonne at Rome being of the age of 12. yeeres About this time liued Iulius Africanus a great Historiographer and that godly man Origen wrote his booke of Martyrs After these two Philips succeeded Decius borne at Bubalia a Towne in Hungaria a man well instructed in all kinde of sciences but hee was the eight Emperour that persecuted the Christians and beside commaunded by an Acte that all that worshipped Christ shoulde be slaine hee repressed some warres that were cōmenced in Fraunce and made one voyage against the Gothes at what time hee caused his sonne to be created Caesar. This Decius founded Bathes in Rome who when he had reigned two yeeres both he and his sonne died in Barbaria Some iudged that hee was swallowed vp in an earthquake and some affirme that hee was drowned in a riuer of Thracia called Abricium Then were created Emperours in Rome Gallius Hostilianus and Voluntianus his sonne they committed no act worthie of writing but they were likewise persecutors of the Christians and in their time fell great plagues and sundrie other diseases in the Romane Empire and after they had reigned scant two yeeres they were slaine and within three moneths after them Aemilianus who succeeded them in the Empire was in like sort slaine so that of 30. Emperours which reigned since Octauius Augustus time vntill Licinius Valerian sixe of them escaped not the handes of murtherers Such was the enuious estate of Rome from time to time such was their tyrannie and auarice vntill the Romanes fame and dignitie was much obscured and so little esteemed of the kings about ouer whome they had before so long triumphed euen
will returne to my Historie hauing nothing to write of them since the time of their kings vntill the first Romane warres in Affrike and in Spaine which was after their kings nine hundreth and odde yeeres During which time they liued vnder seuerall gouernement the most part of which time they liued subiect vnder the Affricanes and Carthagineans by whome Spaine was so fortified that the Carthaginians vsed Spaine for their strongest holde and their onely stay and succour against the force of the Romanes in so much that the Romanes had alwayes in Spaine during this Affrican warre some of the best and most notable Romane Captaines as their proconsuls and lieutenants to keepe Spaine in awe For from Spaine Hamilcar Asdrubal and after them Hanibal had their chiefest strength at any sudden pinch for Publius Cornelius Scipio and Cn. Cornelius Scipio two brethren were both appoynted lieutenants generall for the Romanes Pub. Scipio for the Sea and Cn. Scipio for the lande by whose great seruice and noble victories all Spaine was welnigh reuolted from the Carthagineans When the Romanes had gotten Spaine they were not long after in getting Carthage and all Affrike yet in the very yeere that Fabius Maximus and Claudius Marcellus were Consuls at Rome Mago and Asdrubal two noble Affrican Captaines gaue such diuers great ouerthrowes to the Romanes as the furthest part of Spaine which the Romanes called Vlterior Hispania forsooke the Romanes and were ready to yeelde to the Carthagineans had not Pub. Scipio at that instant ayded the Romane armie with his owne companie at what time two and twentie thousande Spaniardes and Carthagineans were slaine in two seuerall battels ten thousand taken prisoners and 36. ensignes Notwithstanding the Carthagineans passed from one towne of the Romanes to another from Illiturgum to Bigerra from Bigerra to Numidia from Numidia passed to Auringes sparing no towne of the Romanes though it were to their losse for through the valure and courage of both the Scipios being aided by king Masinissa an olde sure friend of the Romanes the Affricans and the Carthagineans were vanquished and slaine But yet had Asdrubal the sonne of Giscon an other conducting of a great armie and the other Asdrubal sonne to Amilcar and brother to Hanibal which Hanibal all this time helde warre with the Romanes within Italie had giuen diuers great ouerthrowes to the Romanes these two Asdrubals were with two great armies and Mago the noble captaine of Carthage had the guiding of the third armie The Romane Scipios being aduertised of these three great armies conducted by the three most famous captaines of Afrike deuised in like sort to giue battell to these African captaines at what time Pub. Cornelius tooke vpon him to giue battell to Mago and to Asdrubal Giscon and Cn. Scipio with the third part of the armie to set vpon the other Asdrubal Barchinus an olde captaine in Spaine but in this warre after that the Scipios had fought like noble Romanes to the last Pub. Cornelius Scipio was slaine in the seuenth yeere after hee was sent by the Senators to Spaine and 29. dayes before his brother Cn. Cornelius Scipio was slaine Eutropius affirmeth that they were rather beguiled by traine then vanquished by manhood for Asdrubal had many ouerthrowes by the Scipios in one battell he lost 25. thousande men Againe Asdrubal the second brother of Hanibal and Mago the third brother of Hanibal were both ouercome in Spaine by the Scipios of the maner and order of the warres of the Scipios in Spaine you shall reade more in the African warres Great mourning was made in Rome and in Spaine when these two Scipios were slaine for now the Romanes from time to time had no lesse care of Spaine then they had of Italie and nowe especially when these good Romane captaines were slaine they coulde not vpon the sudden finde out fitte men for Spaine some naming one man and some naming another vntill by a generall consent of the Senators of the Consuls and of the people Pub. Cornelius Scipio the yonger and sonne to that Pub. Scipio that died in Spaine being foure and twentie yeeres of age was appoynted to bee sent into Spaine to his fathers roome a man of singular rare vertues and one iudged of all the Romanes that were either in his dayes or in any time since most worthie of praise and fame For while hee liued at Rome in his youth hee woulde take nothing in hand before hee had gone into the Capitoll and there considered with great iudgement what hee had to doe This yong Scipio being sent to Spaine in the fiue hundreth fourtie and foure yeere after the building of Rome at what time M. Claudius Marcellus was made Consull the fourth time and M. Valerius Leuinus the second time lost no time but assaulted newe Carthage where the Affricans had all their golde and siluer and subdued it in one day From thence he passed forward into Betula a citie in Spaine besieged it tooke it and gaue battell to Asdrubal and ouercame him tooke Mago Hanibals brother prisoner and sent him to Rome with the residue All Spaine reuolted from Hanibal with one assent and tooke part with Scipio for hee had slaine Carthalon chiefe Captaine to Hanibal and put Asdrubal Hanibals brother to flight The fame of Scipio increased and his good successe in his affaires in Spaine was such that he recouered seuentie Cities and many Cities which earst had yeelded to Hanibal from the Romanes did nowe submit themselues to the Romanes Nowe all things prospered with the Romanes against Hanibal and his friendes in Spaine for one of his brethren named Mago was prisoner at Rome and nowe Asdrubal as he woulde haue secretly fledde from Spaine to Hanibal his brother into Italie and to flie from Scipio hee was preuented of sette purpose vpon the way by Appius Claudius Nero and M. Linus Salinator and slaine with all his armie Scipio full of prowesse and courage after this ouerthrowe of Asdrubal fought in Affrike a battell with Hanno a captaine of the Carthagineans slue him ouerthrewe his whole hoste tooke his tentes slue eleuen thousande and tooke foure thousande prisoners hee was sent for to Rome and created Consul the seconde time and after returned to Numidia and made warre with Siphax king of Numidia for that he ioyned to ayde the Affricans against the Romanes In this battell Siphax was taken and his kingdome giuen to Masinissa who in all danger followed Scipio This very time M. Portius Cato ouerthrewe a band of Spaniardes and after subdued certaine Cities in Spaine and triumphed ouer them with great pompe at Rome Nowe Iugurth being a very gallant youth was sent of Micipsa his vncle a captaine of a companie of horsemen into Spaine to associate Scipio and to ayd with him in his warre at that time against Numantia a great Citie in Spaine this Iugurth behaued him selfe so