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A87593 Hosannah to the Son of David: or A testimony to the Lord's Christ. Offering it self, indifferently, to all persons; though more especially intended for the people, who pass under the name of Quakers. Wherein not so much the detecting of their persons, as the reclaiming the tender-hearted among them from the error of their way, is modestly endevoured, by a sober and moderate discourse, touching the Light and law in every man; referring to what is held forth by them in their several books and papers, herein examined and discussed. By a lover of truth and peace Jackson, John, fl. 1651-1657. 1657 (1657) Wing J78; Thomason E927_5; ESTC R202615 156,564 177

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them they are come unto mount Sion to the Citty of the living God to the heavenly Jerusalem to the spirits of just men made perfect hence proceeds that frame of spirit of judging others with severity austereness who dare not so say of themselves but through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness contrary to the spirit of meekness and lowliness of mind wherewith each should account and esteem others better than themselves according to the rule of Christ given by the Apostle often repeated Ephes 4.2 Col. 3.12 which requireth a shewing all meekness to all men Tit. 3.2 Jam. 3.13 to the end as our Lord Jesus himself left example who quenched not the smoaking flax Mat. 12.18 19 20. who said Learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart Mat. 11.29 Others on the other hand judging themselves because they cannot so say of themselves that they are not redeemed out of sin but go mourning and bowed down and are in fear continually because of the fury of the oppressor the evil they would not that they do and the good they would that they do not and are crying out in bitterness as Ruben for Joseph Alas for the Lad is not and I whither shall I go or as she If it be so why am I thus There might be some good use made of a seasonable word to each of these if it might please the Lord to direct therein Are there some redeemed out of sin and come to the spirits of just men made perfect and is it so indeed with them What means then the bleating of the sheep and the lowing of the oxen which are heard in such I mean such as say they have attained but in measure I am not free to instance in personal or perticular discoveries But this wotd in measure declares plainly that such are not at home they are not in the City they are at most but travailers towards it they have certain Miles yet to travail before they arrive Who ever saith he knows in part declares plainly he is short of perfection 1 Cor. 13.10 12. and who ever saith he knows perfectly he knows not how imperfect his knowledg is Therefore to the first sort I would say why boastest thou O vain man of that which is not who so boasteth of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain Or if thou dost not pretend to have attained and to be arrived at end of thy journey and to be perfect as the heavenly father is perfect Why dost thou judg thy Brother and why dost thou set at nought thy Brother who is in his way as well as thou we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ Rom. 14.10 who then art thou that judgest another mans servant contradicting that rule of Christ Jam. 4.11 12. Mat. 7. the five first verses Iudge not that ye be not judged c. Take with thee therefore these two Cautions viz. 1. Boast not against thy Brother neither glory in a false gift for thou art not perfect while thou knowest but in part and hast attained but in measure 2. Despise not the day of smal things in another while as yet thou thy self art not perfect but remember that command of Christ Learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart Mat. 11.29 shewing all meekness to all men Tit. 3.2 break not the bruised reed Remember the parable which our Lord Jesus spake unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others Luk. 18.9 To the Second Sort. To those who are bowed down in their spirit for fear of the fury of the oppressor of whom it 's said in truth and sincerity of heart the evil that I would not do that I do the good I would do I do not whose soul goes forth in them for deliverance from the body of sin death by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel the power thereof to such it may be said notwithstanding they may be judged and despised by the former yet the foundation of God is sealed who will bring forth judgment into victory and perfect the work which himself hath begun in them having laid the foundation will lay the topstone also to the praise of the glory of his grace for faithful is he who hath promised who will also do it according to the tenour of those words Ezek. 17. last And all the Trees of the field shall know that I the Lord have brought down the High tree have exalted the Low tree have dryed up the green tree and have made the dry tree to flowrish I the Lord have spoken it and have done it Thou thy self art not ignorant of the many forms which cry Lo here and lo there yet the way is but one Reply I am not unacquainted that there are indeed many forms which do pretend to that one way That only way the Lord Jesus Among which the present form now under debate between us is one touching which I have met with these passages viz. Sinck down into the eternal love and thou wilt see me and the rest that we are in unity of that one spirit Rich. Farn. discovery of faith p. 4. Though ten thousand times ten thousand yet they are but one in the body one faith one seed one baptizing one Supper one Covenant one God and Father all one heart and one soul serving God in one way worshipping him in spirit and with one mouth glorifying his great and glorious name Who are of this seed are of Abraham Rich. Farn. Rant discov pag. 17. The contrary to which the most High and holy Lord hath been pleased to suffer to discover it self most eminently in the Schism which hath been made in the body of this so much adored admired profession which I cannot but take notice of being so opportunely led into it by this Appeal which is made to me touching my not being ignorant of many forms to all which the Lord hath suffered the addition of this one more and that also increased into more than one by dividing the heads thereof which many dear to the Lord in holy fear and trembling say touching this matter What hath God wrought While they consider that the unity so much gloried in being as the band or girdle which bound up the bundle and was made an Eminent Character of the verity of the persons their Doctrine and practice by which it was exalted magnified in opposition to other peoples of whom it was said that they were in division and confusion but themselves were in unity of one heart and of one way as in the passages last recited out of Rich. Farnworth beside many others which might be named For the most high and holy Lord in his great wisdome to permit that this band or girdle should be rent in sunder without hand no man contributing toward the doing thereof but themselves this is not a smal thing in the eyes of the impartial and sober minded
things which hee had heard of his Father John 15.15 Who when hee was come should guide them into all truth Joh. 16.7 13. Nor should this be a priviledge peculiar to the then Disciples only or to the persons of that age or generation as appeares Joh. 17.20 21. Neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall beleeve on mee through their word That they all may be one c. in us By the Administration of which Spirit of truth Hee i. e. The Lord Jesus Christ makes forth the discovery of himselfe his minde and will touching things to be knowne and done beleeved and practised Joh. 16.13 14. Whatsoever hee shall heare that shall hee speake and hee will shew you things to come Hee shall glorifie mee for hee shall receive of mine and shall shew it unto you As the glory of God did shine forth through the appearance of Christ Joh. 17.4 So the glory of Christ doth shine forth through the appearance of the Spirit Joh. 16.14 As Christ did nothing of himselfe during his ministration in the world Joh. 12.49 50. I have not spoken of my selfe but the Father which sent mee gave me Commandement what I should say and what I should speake and as the Father said to me so I speake So the Spirit of truth hee shall not speake of himselfe but whatsoever hee shall heare that shall hee speake Hee shall glorifie mee for hee shall receive of mine and shall shew it unto you As God was in Christ reconciling the world to himselfe 2 Cor. 5.19 So is Christ in Spirit subduing the world to himselfe Joh. 16.7 8. Now the Lord is that Spirit 2 Cor. 3.17 As Christ by being put to death in the flesh hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring them to God 1 Pet. 3.18 So by being justified in spirit or quickned by the spirit or declared to be the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness 1 Tim. 3.16 He doth actually effect that thing in all them who by him do beleeve in God that raised him from the dead and gave him glory that their faith and hope might stand in God 1 Pet. 3.18 Rom. 1.4 Who by faith purifies their heart in obyeing the truth through the spirit waiting for the hope of righteousnesse by faith 1 Pet. 1.19 21 22 23. By which spirit he doth negotiate all the affairs of his kingdome on earth and so hath done from the time of his ascending up on high when he led Captivity captive and not only received gifts for men or in the man yea for the rebellious that he might dwell among them Psal 68.18 But also gave gifts to men Eph. 4.8.12 for the gathering into one or perfecting the number of the Saints for the edifying or building up the body of Christ till we all that is all the seed come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ which cannot be so long as one joint one finger or member of the body is uncalled ungathered or unjoynted according to that of Heb. 11.40 For as they without us could not be made perfect so neither they nor we apart nor together can so be without those which are to come after who altogether make up the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ whose body cannot be compleat till every joint be supplyed The Effecting whereof the Lord Jesus Christ performs by his spirit from the very first stone the foundation to the top stone thereof For he having been hammered and broken smitten and bruised crucified through weaknesse when his soul was made an offering for sin yet being raised in power and declard to be the Son of God with power by the spirit of holinesse and liveing by the power of God was made perfect through suffering and became the Author of eternall salvation to them which obey him being laid for a foundation for a Corner stone 1 Cor. 3.11 1 Pet. 2.6 Ephes 2.20 21 22. In whom the building is fitly framed together and built up together for an habitation of God through the spirit by which spirit the work is both begun and carried on by it the stones are hewen and made meet to be made partakers of a place in the building they are fitted and then fitly framed and built up together from first to last The first work which Christ by his spirit would exercise in the world after his departure was to reprove the world of sin viz. of unbeleefe John 16.7 8 9. and not only should they thereby be reproved of sin and of that before named in particular or in speciall that is of unbelief but it should convince them also of righteousnesse and of judgement The law under the former dispensation though it convinced of and reprooved for sin yet it discovered not a perfect righteousness nor brought forth judgement into victory but haveing detected the sinner it left him under the sentence of judgement and condemnation but the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus That quickning spirit proceeds at another rate it not only reproves the Sinner but reveales the Saviour opens a doore of hope to the convicted sinner If so there may be hope and for this reason among others it is called the Comforter giving to the sin-smitten soule the valley of Achor for a doore of hope I will be mercifull to their unrighteousnesse and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more making the discovery of grace a foundation of repentance and returning to a poore convicted and reproved sinner holding proportion with that ancient and first Gospel promise or word of faith the seed of the woman shall breake the head of the Serpent Gen. 3.15 applied by God to the trembling sinner Adam when he was affraid and hid himselfe By the same spirit doth Christ administer as a spirit of wisdome and revelation opening the eyes of the understanding Ephes 1.17 that men may come to the knowledge of him and may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints i. e. in them that trust in Christ or beleeve and are sealed with the holy spirit of promise Vers 12 13. Which operation of the spirit is wrought as himselfe listeth Joh. 3.8 and by what means himselfe pleaseth though ordinarily by the preaching of the word according to divine appointment Rom. 10.17 Ephes 4.11 12. whereby the spirit opens the blind eyes and turns men from darknesse to light and from the power of Sathan to God that they may receive forgivenesse of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith which is in Christ Jesus Act. 26.15 16 17 18. Which Faith is the fruit of his spirit in them Gal. 5.22 whereby they are given to beleeve Phil. 1.29 and to receive Christ Jesus Joh. 1.12 and to
in healing miracles and tongues c. and the one might then be where the other was not as hath been proved already In like manner also such is the Dispensation of the holy Spirit at this day as the wind bloweth where it listeth forming the new-birth which is after and according to God by faith in Christ Jesus becoming a Spirit of regeneration and illumination Eph. 1.17 18. Tit. 3.5 opening the blind eyes not only to see Christ as he is held forth in the word but to be beleeved on accepted and received as the Author of eternal salvation to them that obey him Heb. 5.9 but also by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy Spirit purging the conscience from dead works Heb. 9.14 giving boldness and access to the throne of grace through the faith of him who is thus become a quickening spirit and principle of life a new and living way to all that receive him and manifest that faith by obedience true and unfained Heb. 10.19 20 21 22. This may be thus evidenced by divine testimony viz. 1. That as the wind bloweth where it listeth so is the birth of the Spirit in those which are regenerate is proved John 3.3 6 8. 2. That they which beleeve in the Lord Jesus are thus dignified and privileged with the estate of sonship as being born of God and from above is witnessed Joh. 1.12 13. Gal. 3.26 3. That this is effected by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy Spirit that being justified by his grace we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life is likewise born witness unto by the Apostle Titus 3.4 5 6 7. 4. That this was not the work of the spirit in any one particular age only viz. in the Apostles dayes or primitive times as they are called and distinguished by some but as it is said of Christ he is the same yesterday to day and for ever Heb. 13.8 so is it said He is the Author and finisher of faith not only of theirs Heb. 12.2 though the word Ours being inserted in the English reading may seem to carry it that way but he was the Author and finisher of theirs also who are catalogued and Chronicled in the 11. of Heb. who began as low as Abel and so upwards and not of theirs only who thus beleeved receiving the word of promise or rather Christ in the promise from the first giving forth thereof in Gen. 3.15 mixing the Gospel with faith Heb. 4.2 nor of those who in the times of more clear manifestation thereof did know and beleeve Joh. 17.6 7 8. But of their faith also who from thence forth should beleeve on Christ through their word Joh. 17.20 and therefore in the place mentioned Heb. 12.2 Christ is not said to be the Author finisher that is the beginner and ender of our faith nor of your faith nor of their faith but of faith in relation to all times and persons according to the tenour and testimony of that word of truth Act. 13.38 39. By him all that beleeve are justified from all things c. not only the Jew but the Gentile also even all that are a farre off as many as the Lord our God shall call hence the Apostles testify that they had received the same spirit of faith with those who had gone before 2 Cor. 4.13 And as the faith of all true beleevers from Righteous Abel thoroughout the whole cloud of witnesses and thence forward owns it self to Christ as the Author and the Finisher thereof as was said before So likewise it is as necessarily applyed to the spirit whose gift it is and by whom it is wrought 1 Cor. 12.11 among which operations of the spirit Faith is one reckoned among yet diverse from that of miracles And it is called the fruit of the spirit among many other inward qualifications of the renewed and regenerate Man Gal. 5.22 5. To this agree those other testimonies of the holy Scripture wherein the holy spirit is promised not for this or that particular age much less this or that particular person or persons onely but to all the seed not reckoned according to the flesh but according to the faith of beleeving Abraham Rom. 9.8 2.28 29. Gal. 3.7 8 9 14. Gal. 4.27 28. But to speak more particularly The Scriptures bear witness to Christ Jesus that he is the true seed promised in whom all the Nations of the earth should be blessed according to that so often mentioned place Gen. 3.15 as also Gen. 22.28 expounded by the Apostle in Gal. 3.8 of Christ himself as the seed promised a Covenant to the people So is he also the seed to whom the promise is made as appears by the same Testimony Gal. 3.16 Not to seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ who was the seed which was to come to whom the promise was made vers 19. thus is Christ originally both Root and Offspring It is with Christ that the Covenant is made originally Isa 53.10 11. and in him with those that are his to whom he is given for a Covenant as appears Esay 42.1 6 7. Behold my servant whom I uphold mine Elect in whom my soul delighteth I have put my spirit upon him and he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles I the Lord have called thee in righteousness and wil hold thy hand and will keep thee and give thee for a Covenant to the peoples for a light of the Gentiles to open the blind eyes c. In this Covenant it is promised that he should have the spirit put upon him Isa 42.1 which also was fulfilled in Luk. 4.18 And as the spirit was by Covenant to be put upon him so was it also to be put upon them which were his as doth appear in the fifty ninth of Esay 21. As for me this is my Covenant with them saith Jehovah my spirit which is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seed saith Jehovah from hence forth and for ever Where it is Evident that the gift of the spirit is a Covenant-promise as to Christ in whom all the promises are Yea and Amen so to them which are Christs to him and to his seed and seeds seed according to Joh. 17.20 Not only they which did beleeve but those who through their word should beleeve were the subjects of Christs prayer in the Application and Mediation of the Covenant This is promised also in Ezek. 36.27 And I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my Statutes c. which promise is not limited to Israel or to Abrahams seed according to the letter or Circumcision but to Abrahams seed according to faith If ye be Christs then are you Abrahams seed and heirs according to promise Gal. 3.8 9 29. and as is
within him and he become new born John 3.3 till Christ be formed in him Gal. 4.19 and he created a new in Christ Jesus 2 Cor. 5.17 being begotten of his owne good will by the word of truth James 1.18 and so born again of the incorruptible seed by the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever 1 Peter 1.23 24 25. I say till a man be thus new born and new created in Christ Jesus and Christ be formed in him till the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath set him free from the law of sin and death he cannot see the Kingdome of God nor by the light and law under the former consideration of which every man is partaker be led up to God out of the fall unto eternall life The Scripture beares Testimony of Paul That in the heat of his zeale he made havoke of the Church Acts 8.3 Chap. 9.1 Chap 22 4 5.19 20. and being exceedingly mad against the Saints shut up many of them in Prison punished them and compelled them to blaspheme and gave voice against them when they were put to death Acts 26.10 11. yet he was in all this zealous toward God instructed according to the perfect manner of the law Acts 22.3 and touching the righteousnesse thereof was blamelesse Phil. 3.6 and thought with himselfe that he ought to doe many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth Acts 26.9 he was kicking against the pricks and persecutig the Lord Jesus vers 14 15. And knew it not 1 Timothy 1.13 For although he were a Blasphemer a Persecuter and injurious yet obtained he mercy because hee did it ignorantly in unbeliefe Hence it appears that Paul did obey the light that was in him and did prosecute with zealethe dictates thereof and was therein zealon toward God according to that which is said John 16.2 The time cometh that whosoever killeth you will thinke that he doth God service or as they of whom Paul bears record Ro. 10 2. That had a zeal of God but not according to Knowledge Either the light in Paul was not sufficient to lead him out of the fall up to God and to eternall life or else he did disobey and did not follow the light which did lead him That he did not disobey but follow the light which was in him it is evident for then his sin had been against knowledge whereas it is said he did it ignorantly 1 Tim. 1.13 his conscience did not reprove him for the things he did for thus he witnesseth Acts 2.3.1 That he had lived in all good conscience before God untill that day and in the exercise thereof was without blame in himselfe and as touching the law blamelesse before others yet was he neverthelesse a persecuter of the Lord Jesus in his Saints and did not know it which discovers plainly the light in him was either not sufficient to discover to him the error of his way or at least did suspend its act of enlightning him in the knowledge thereof it check'd him not it convinced him not otherwise his sin had not been a sin of ignorance which is want of light but a sin against light and knowledge and consequently against conscience whereas on the contrary he thought he ought to doe many things against Jesus of Nazareth not knowing him to be the Lord and he did what he did in his persecuting and blaspheming without light and his conscience being silent toward him in all this according to that saying of our Lord Luke 23.34 Father forgive them for they know not what they doe For it is to be remembred that there are sins of ignorance as well as sins against light and knowledge the former are not without their guilt and punishment though the latter greatly aggravates both one and the other as is witnessed in those two Servants Luke 12.47 48. nor was it without the singular wisdome and mercy of God who appointed sacrifices to be offered for sins of ignorance Leviticus 4.2.13 27 28. errors in the judgement as well as in the will the head and the heart both sick must be purged Levit. 5.15 17 18 19. Levit. 4.2 13 27 28. But to sin against light and knowledge to be reproved and checked and convinced by the light and yet not to reclaime but to goe forward in the evill is not only transgression and sin but it is sin aggravated it is opposed to sins of ignorance and is called sinning presumptuously or sinning with an high hand and despising the word of the Lord such as so sinned were to bear their iniquity they were to be cut off Numb 15.27 28 30 31. Deutro 29.19 20 21. And to these kinds of sinning hath David relation when he prayes Psal 19.12 13. Who can understand his errors cleanse thou me from secret faults keep back thy Servant also from presumpteous sins and let them not have dominion over me then shall I be upright and innocent from the great transgression To this agrees that saying of the Apostle 1 Cor. 4.3 4. Yea I judge not mine own selfe for I know nothing by my selfe yet am I not hereby justified but he that judgeth me is the Lord. So that hence it will appeare that a person may sin through a want of light or knowledge and such may be great sins viz. Blasphemy Persecution in an high mannner against God and his Saints such as of which Paul was guilty and yet the person committing them by reason of his want of light to detect and discover them may be without conscience of sin as in himself and he in this his estate not sin against light Nay he may doe this in the prosecution of his light such as it is According to those words of our Lord Matth. 36.23 If the light in thee be darknesse c. Luke 11.35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darknesse They shall thinke they doe God service haveing a zeale of God but not according to knowledge The light that is in them discovers not unto them that they are in an evill course all this while nor are they convicted of disobedience to the light for then their zeale could not be a zeale of God nor they think they were doing God service and have a quiet conscience therein nor selfe accuseing nor selfe condemning therefore the objection doth not hold good in the terms thereof that the light loved and obeyed will lead up to God the father and to eternall life forasmuch as persons may goe on in a course of sin and therein proceed desperately against the Lord and his anointed ones and yet not know it not have light to discover it nor reprove them for it much lesse to lead them up to God out of the fall and to eternall life And where the light and law in any person discovers to him his sin and makes him know his transgression yet is it not able to lead such a person out of the fall up to God
will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me 1. Tim. 3.16 Beleeved on in the world received up into glory And he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you whom the heaven must receive untill the times of restitution of all things Acts 3.20 21. For our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile body or body of vileness that it may be fashioned like his glorious body Phil. 3.20 21. according as John also testifies 1 Joh. 3.2 3. But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Thus then in relation to his bodily presence he is considered as without us as is testified 1 Pet. 3.22 Heb. 1.3 Col. 3.1 Act. 7.56 But in relation to his spiritual presence so he filleth all things Ephes 4.10 and in respect thereof it may be sayd Whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence Psal 139.7 8 9 10 11 12. and though the influence of his supporting and susteining presence extendeth to all things upholding them by the word of his power Heb. 1.3 though they see it not Col. 1.17 Yet his special Resience and presdence is with such as being joined to the Lord are become one spirit and are his house his Temple where he abides as one at home and that for ever as is testified 1 Cor. 6.17 19 20. He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit What know you not that your body is the temple of the holy spirit in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own for you are bought with a price therfore glorifie God in your body and in your spirit which are God's Nor is this union of Spirit or spiritual union this residence or Temple presence as the state of a wayfaring man which tarries but for a night for this is the word of promise Joh. 14.16 17. I will pray the Father and he shall or will give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever even the Spirit of truth Ye know him he dwelleth with you and shall be in you Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty 2 Cor. 3.17 The fear of Casting out is removed and gone and the soul put into a capacity of serving the Lord without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all the dayes of its life Such persons being joyned to the Lord and become one Spirit with him Beholding with open face or with the face unveil'd which veil is done away in Christ the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord and of such persons such Temples such spiritual houses may it be said as anciently it was said of the typical place of Gods residence and abode 2 Chr. 7.16 I have chosen and sanctified this house Mine eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually Psal 132.14 This is my rest for ever here will I dwell for I have desired it I will make the Horn of David to bud which was is and shall be accomplish'd in the Lord Jesus whom God hath raised up as an horn of salvation in the house of his servant David Luk. 1.69 By whom he hath begun to repair the breaches and build again the tabernacle of David which was fallen down and will build again the ruines thereof and will set it up that the residue of men may seek after the Lord and all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called or as many as the Lord our God shall call Act. 2.39 saith the Lord that doth all these things Act. 15.16 17. Then shall the body be compleated and every joynt supplyed the Saints perfected and gathered into one in the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ Who as he is the head of the body Ephes 4.16 5.23 in whom the universal body or Church of the first born become a perfect man being fitly joyned together in due order of membership to the compleating thereof So is he the foundation or chief corner stone of the building in whom every living stone is framed together built together an holy Temple in the Lord an habitation of God through the spirit Thus is the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit both Author and finisher of faith in every one that beleeves As considered the object of faith so is he held forth in the Word as one who himself in his own body hath done whatsoever was necessary to bring us to God and this he did for us and without us Phil. 2.7 8. 1 Pet. 2.21 24. As considered the Author and Finisher of faith in bringing us to God so he performeth all in us by his Spirit from the very first step of conviction laying himself as a foundation in the judgement and will to the very top stone of the building and that he might be all in all It remains to consider some certain passages expressed in a Letter written by a friend of this conscience and perswasion the particulars whereof follow viz. Dear Friend I Truly own in thee a breathing after the Lord and unsatisfiedness till thou hast found him whom to know is life eternal but the mistake is about the way to attain Now the way for lost man to return to have Communion and fellowship with the pure and holy God is by Christ who saith I am the way But where to find this Christ or way here lyeth not only the difference but also for the want of the knowledge of this and walking in it is the true cause of mans misery and thou thy selfe art not ignorant of the several forms that cry Loe here and loe there yet the way is but one Search the Scriptures and see if Christ be not only the way but also Christ near and while we consider Christ at a distance is it any more than those that are of the world which say Depart from us we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes To this will that other Scripture agree When they knew God they glorified him not as God these had such a knowledge of God that they might thereby have glorified him as God which not doing they were given up to vile affections Now to know him that is the gift of God if ever we will we must know him as God holds him forth Christ saith of himself that he is the dore Can any one enter to God otherwayes than by Christ He also saith he is the light Can any one come to God but he must receive the light Also there are measures of this light The first measure or degree of light is that which discovers sin and iniquity and
as he hath any stock of his owne so long as he hath one penny to go to the Physicians with he 'l spend it there but to be made a beggar and to be saved of alms to receive salvation of gift he likes not to be accompted so lame and impotent so sick yea dead proud man cannot bear thus nor will not beleeve this Nor is this spoken to discourage any from waiting on the Lord in the use of his appointments in order to their salvation Nay it is required of all that they work out their salvation with fear and trembling Yet withall to remember that it is God that worketh in them both to will and to do of his own good pleasure but it is spoken to mind thee that there is an ambitious mind in me and thee and we would think we are not so poor as we are nor so beggarly as we are nor so unable to help our selves but we can contribute much upon accompt of the stock we have in hand our Candle will serve the turn well enough we do not stand in so much need of the sun we may work by Candle-light sufficient to answer what 's required of us Whereas the scope and tendency of the Gospel is as to leave man without excuse for not improving what is left with him so it is to cut off glorying and boasting from man in the utmost of his improvements that he should reckon himself to have done nothing but to have been an unprofitable servant even then and there where and when he is most conversant in what is required of him and to be so far from bearing himself in hand that any work of righteousness which he can do hath in it a vertue whereby to declare him righteous as before God that the very unrighteousness of his righteous action either as to matter or manner would silence him in that perswasion if his eye were open to see it as it is seen by God If the most high should enter with thee into judgement thou wouldest not be able to answer him one of a thousand of thy miscarriages and transgressions which pass thee untaken notice of in the day of thine own judgement which would not nor could not if thine eye were open there are sins of ignorance as well as of knowledg yea sins cleaving to thy most holy things sufficient to abate thy glorying Those things which are now of price unto thee in which thou confidentest thy self are but creaturely excellencies and may be found in such as whom thou in comparison wouldest not set with the Dogs at thy Table I mean those whom thou in thy own judgement infinitely surpassest in vertue and goodness would blame and shame thee if compared with thee be therefore content to be stript of thy seeming glory which indeed hath a beauty if considered by it self as that of Moses also had in its day of dispensation but considering it as that which was to be done away and so the glory thereof was inglorious it had no glory in comparison of that glory which excelled The face of Moses did shine but it was veiled the schollers then could not behold it with open face But this veil is done away in Christ in whose face the glory of God doth shine with more clearness and with less terror and amazedness so as that the disciples the scholers and followers of the Lord Jesus those who having heard and learn'd of the father come unto him God who commanded light to shine out of darkness shines in their hearts to give them the light of the knowledg of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ which they beholding not as under a veil but as in a glasse with open face are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. To the Regenerate man upon the accompt of his first manifestation And is it so indeed that notwithstanding all thy hitherto zealous strict and religious appearance putting it self forth in reformations humiliations resolutions austere and strict obligations for piety for purity for bringing under the body of sin by vows covenants holy purposes performances in religious duties and services neglecting of the body through watchings fastings abstinence from necessary supplyes and all this in order to the attainment of the true peace which is after God the peace which passeth mans understanding which thine awakened and wounded Spirit thirsted after the attainment of and could not be satisfied till it was enjoyed and in these supposed to have found it but it was but at times however it was liable to breaches yet those breaches were healed and made up with some one or more of these and this was the case of thy soul for many days perhaps for many years sometimes 't was day with thee otherwhile 't was night sometime thou sawest nor Sun nor Moon nor stars for many daies sometimes thou wert confident thy estate was good and safe thy heart melted into tears of compassion for others which were not so as thou wert and saw not that which thou sawest and in this thy confidence thou becamest a guid to the blind a light to them which were in darkness an instructer of the foolish a teacher of babes Thou prayedst with and for them thou weptst and madest supplication over them this or something like this thou bearest testimony unto as having been the frame of thy spirit neverthelesse in this thy bow abode not in strength 't was not alwayes bent sometime when thou wert reproving others thou thy self wert secretly reproved in thy self either for the same or some other evil when thou wert comforting others thine own heart was in doubt whether thou wert truly comforted of God while thou wert helping others with strengthning arguments against distrust despair couldst thou thy self believe that thou wert indeed translated from death to life when others thought highly of thee and their souls blessed thee and God for thee did not thine own heart at times tremble within thee lest thou after thou hadst comforted others shouldest thy self become a cast-away whence might this proceed these ups and downs these yeas and nays why did the mountains skip why was Jordan the river of judgment driven back why did the earth tremble the state which seemed to be founded upon a rock to move and step backward was it not because it did but seem to be so founded It was but earth and therefore trembled the bow was not the bow of Joseph therefore it abode not in strength the bogh was not Josephs bogh therfore not increasing it was not rooted in him who was the excellency of Jacob not strengthned by the arm of the mighty God of Jacob and therefore no marvail it admitted of such variety mutability notwithstanding its seeming excellency and stability Thy garments were but prison garments and thou in thy prison house though thou knewest it not the iron was entred into thy soul and thou couldest not