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A72547 Three godly treatises [brace] 1. To comfort the sicke, 2. Against the feare of death, 3. Of the resurrection [brace] / written in French by Mr. I.D. L'Espine, preacher of the word of God in Angers ; and translated into English by S. Veghelman. L'Espine, Jean de, ca. 1506-1597. 1611 (1611) STC 15514.5; ESTC S5293 148,307 355

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then assayled with many and sundry feares and tyred with many cares it is good to thinke vpon it in good time and foreseeing it make a good prouision in our minds of that which may comfort and strengthen vs against all the apprehensions that either may any way trouble or disturbe them in vs. Whereunto nothing is more necessarie then to haue the word of God alwayes ready and at hand thereby to strengthen our faith on euery side where the diuell would either breake or make breach therein as wee see our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST did who by this meanes sent backe Satan confounded who came to present himselfe vnto him in the wildernesse to tempt him And it is an vndoubted thing that a faith so grounded vpon such rockes as are the promises of God and Iesus Christ who is the warranty thereof can neuer be beaten downe what shockes soeuer the diuell and our other enemies can hit against it Which is the reason that hath induced mee to write this little Treatise of the comfort of the sicke wherein I haue briefly gathered the passages of the Scripture which haue seemed mee most fit to treate and deduct this matter well If it may profit and bring any edification to the Church of God it is all that I haue pretended or desired in the writing therof A TREATISE TO COMFORT THE SICKE AND TO ASSVRE THEM AGAINST THE FEARES AND APPREHENSIONS OF THEIR SINS OF DEATH OF THE DIVEL of the Law and of the Anger and Iudgement of God THE life of all men that liue in the world is besieged on euery side with many aduersities whereof some are particular to some and the others are generall and common to all as are Death and the diseases which tend therevnto the which ordinarily astonish vs by so much the more as they are more dangerous and that there is lesse meanes to auoid them For although that Kings Emperours and other Princes and great Lords can sometimes with the helpe of God and the great meanes which hee hath administred vnto them preserue and warrant themselues from many dangers yet none of them can saue or exempt themselues but in the end they must die either in the warres by the sword or in their beds through age or sicknesse or elsewhere by such accidents as God by his prouidence euen before they were borne had appointed vnto them which Dauid teacheth vs in many places as in the 82. Psalme where he speakes of Princes Psal 82. I had decreed it in my sight As Gods to take you all And children to the most of Might For loue I did you call But not withstanding yee shall die As men and so decay Psal 49. Though Princes you yet must you passe As others cleane away Item elsewhere where he speakes in general of the condition and end of all men Psal 89. What man is he that liueth here And death shall neuer see Or from the hand of hell his soule Shall be deliuered free or And againe in the Psalme following Thou grindest man through griefe and paine Psal 90. To dust to clay and then And then thou sayest againe returne Againe yee sinnes of men So here we see it is an inuiolable decree and ordinance of God that all men that come into the world come with this charge not to stay there long like vnto trees which are fastned to it by the rootes but to thrill lightly through it as doth the water 2. Sam. 14. and to goe forth of it as soone as it shall please the Lord to call them And although that the most part of vs indeauour as saith the Prophet to make alliance with death Isay 28. or at the least to haue some truce or respit with it for to put backe and stay the comming thereof we experiment neuerthelesse euery day that our time being come and the day of our assignation past we must appeare before the Iudge at the houre present and at the very instant to heare from his mouth a diffinitiue sentence by the which life or death is adiudged vnto vs. Then the first and principal care which we ought to haue Psal 62. is not too seeke as did the King Asa for the Phisitions 2. Chro. 16. and to vse the recreates and directions which they appoint vs to arme vs against the diseases which may befall vs nor yet presentatiues as vsed Metridates to auoide the danger of poisons which our domesticques or others may prepare for vs nor finally a strong horse Psal 33. a well tempered sword a corslet of proofe to assure vs againe the hazards of a battaile for there is nothing of all these that can breake the ordinances of God or warrant vs from his anger nor in briefe in any sort turne the effects and executions of his will But the first thought that should present it selfe before our eyes whether it be that we will anticipate the euils which wee foresee may happen or turne away those which are already happened vnto vs is to desire and seeke after the fauour and grace of God which is the most soueraigne and fittest remedy that men can choose sodainly to preuent all their aduersities Now by reason that I haue beene prayed by some brethren my friends to gather together set downe in writing some passages and places of Scripture to comfort the Sicke and to strengthen them against the terrors and apprehensions which then they may haue as well of their Sinnes as of Death of the Diuell and of the Iudgment of God Rom. 13. 1. Cor. 13. 1. Cor. 12. Ephes 4. which is yet more fearefull then all the rest knowing that charity binds mee vnto it by the which as with a band all the members of the body of IESVS CHRIST are straightly tyed together and that also it was one of the parts of the charge which God did impose not only vpon the Ministers of the Gospell but also vpon the ouerseers which are giuen and associated vnto them for helps and assistants I would not refuse them although I am not ignorant that diuers of my fellowes vnto whom God hath imparted more of his graces are more sufficient to deale therein then I am neuerthelesse seeing that the members in what rancke or degree soeuer they bee ought not to denie any labour to the body which is in their power I will assay with the helpe of my God what by his grace I can doe for to content them and satisfie to their desire Leauing then apart all other sorts of affliction wherewith it pleaseth God to chastise and exercise his children Let vs here only speake of sicknesse and of death and let vs propound briefly the meanes and consolations the fittest we can for to instruct and accustome men to take and beare them wisely and moderately beginning at sicknesse which is not a casuall thing and which happens rashly now to some then to others as it fals out but we must thinke that it is sent
holy ordinances of God wittingly and willingly almost as many times as he hath bene inuited and solicited by the diuell and his owne desires Item to be banished and shut out of the kingdome of heauen seeing that the flesh according to the which hee hath liued cannot inherite nor possesse it 1. Cor. 15. for if our first parentes haue beene shamefully hunted out of Paradise Rom. 5. whither they had beene called after their creation by reason of their disobedience what doth man now deserue by so many rebellions and iniquities which hee drinkes and swallowes downe euerie day as if it were water Item to be condemned to euerlasting death and consigned for euer to fire and torments with the diuell and the reprobate seeing that it is the recompence and reward of sinnes and for conclusion that hee hath deserued to be buried in hell and there in the flame to suffer such torments as doth the euill rich man Luc. 16. for hauing disdained the poore and their afflictions and hauing made no reckoning to succour them at their need and vse such humanity towards them as he would haue desired of others Simil. being reduced to like necessity When the sick shall be thus brought downe and that in the law as in a looking glasse his iudgement condemnation shall be represented vnto him and when he shall be seene to be wounded and pierced with sorrow in his heart then must be applied to his sore lenitiue medicines Simil. and do as doth a mason when he cuts a stone first they giue it great strokes with the hammer till they get out great flakes presently after they polish plain it in such sort with the chisell that the blowes are no more perceiued So it must be that after the sicke hath bene so rudely intreated and hauing by the rigorous threatnings of the law let him downe into hell be is drawne vp againe by propounding vnto him the sweete and amiable promises of the Gospell to the end that by the sweetnesse of this oyle the biting sowernesse of the law may be swe●●ned and that the ioy of the good things of the grace of God may make him to passe away forget the sorrow despaire whereinto the law reduceth him first he must be shewed that the bond which was against vs Col. 2.2 and the which lay in the ordinances was cōtrary vnto vs hath bin blotted out abolished fastned on the crosse of Iesus Christ Item that Iesus Christ hath bought vs againe from the malediction and curse of the law when he was made a curse for vs for it is written Gal. 3. cursed is he that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of Abraham should come vpon the the Gentiles through Iesus Christ to the end that wee should receiue the promise of the spirit of faith That Christ is the end of the law Rom. 9. and of iustice to all beleeuers And finally that by the perfect obedience which he hath rendred to God obseruing all his commaundements without breaking thē in any thing or omitting one only little point of them to the enduring of the cursed death of the Crosse for vs because that such was the will of his Father he hath procured a generall remission abolition of all our sin an acquittāce of all our debts obligatiōs the which he hath paid not in gold siluer or precious stones Peter 2. but with his own bloud which is an incomparable price and ransome And ouer and aboue he hath purchased vs a righteousnesse the which being allowed vs by the faith and assurance which we haue thereof as well by his word and Sacraments as his spirit which giues testimony thereof in our hearts wee ought to take away all feare and apprehension that we may haue of our sins of death of the diuell of the rigour malediction of the law and finally of the wrath iudgement of God Rom. 4. For to begin at our sinnes being cloathed with the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ we ought to assure our selues not onely that they are couered hid from being perceiued and discouered before the eyes and face of our God but altogether blotted out as it were with a spunge and disperced as are the clouds by the Sun and the wind and although they were as red as vermelion or scarlet yet shall they become as white a snow as saith Isay And before him Dauid Isa 1. Psal 51. If thou with Isope purge this blot I shall be cleaner then the glasse And if thou wash away my spot The snow in whitenesse shall I passe And it makes no matter what manner of sinnes not in what number they be so they be not sinnes against the holy Ghost not yet in what sort and manner they haue bene committed whether by ignorance weakenesse or of set malice for the sin cannot so much abound but the grace of God which is procured vs by the death and iustice of Iesus Christ doth yet more abound And although that the sinne being committed against the infinit maiesty of God be also for that regard reputed infinite yet that hinders not that the bloud of Christ which by the eternall spirit hath offered him selfe to God himselfe without any spot doth cleanse our consciences from dead works to serue the liuing God Heb. 9. as writeth the Apostle to the Hebrewes For the diuinity being vnseparably vnited to the humanity in the person of Iesus Christ is cause by his omnipotēce that his death hath an infinite vertue to redeeme vs and his iustice to sanctifie vs and his life to quicken and make vs happy insomuch as being God as he is stronger then the diuell also are his workes more powerfull to saue then are those of his enemies to destroy and to consume His iustice hath more force to iustifie vs then sinne whereof the diuell is author hath to condemne vs and his puritie to wash and make vs cleane then this filthy spirit hath by his filthinesse to defile vs. And his light is more strong for to illuminate and lighten vs then the darknesse of the Prince of the world to blinde vs and his truth to instruct vs then the errours of the father of lies to abuse vs briefe his life hath more vertue to raise vs againe and quicken vs then the enuie of this murtherer homicide hath to kill and slay vs. Whereby wee see that the Sonne of God as saith St. Iohn is not come into the world to any other end but to destroy the workes of the diuell and that in his bloud all our enemies that is to say all our sinnes haue bene drowned no more nor lesse then in old time Pharao and the enemies of Gods people were all discōfited and drowned in the red sea It is that strong one which St. Luke saith surpriseth an other strong one Luc. 11. whom he hath combated and ouercome and from whom he hath taken all the
Gen. 1. hee did not make you to destroy you for he is the Sauiour of all men 1. Tim. 2. and desires not the death of a sinner but that hee turne and liue Wherefore I pronounce vnto you in the name of God Mat. 9. Marc. 2. that by his great goodnesse and mercy hee hath giuen you a pardon and full remission of all your sinnes Luc. 5. Titus 3. through the onely merite of his sonne IESVS CHRIST our Lord in the shedding of his most precious bloud Tim. 1. Act. 4. Reuel 1. 1. Iohn 2. for hee is the propitiation not onely for your sinnes but for the sinnes of the whole world Mat. 17. B. S. N. Iesus Christ saith with his owne mouth that all things are possible to him that beleeueth Beleeue then without doubting at all Rom. 1. Phil. 2. 1. Pet. 1. that Iesus Christ putting on our flesh made himselfe perfect man whereby hee died for you hauing borne all your sinnes in his bodie to abolish and blot them out Present vnto God the precious death of his Sonne Iesus Christ and by the merite of that death and passion aske him forgiuenesse and mercie saying from the bottome of your heart in all humilitie and repentance LOrd God Almightie be mercifull to mee poore miserable sinner for the loue of thy Sonne IESVS CHRIST my Lord and Sauiour Rom. 3. Iohn 14. and through the merite of his death and passion that it may please thee to receiue my soule Mat. 26. the which I recommend into thy hands B. S. N. Put your firme confidence in God for seeing hee is with you Rom. 8. no man will bee against you Iesus Christ who is the imaculate Lambe hath ouercome all for you Isa 61. Heb. 7.8.9 hee hath offered himselfe once for you and by that onely oblation hath quite done away all your sinnes he hath done away your folly vnrighteousnesse abhomination and obligation with this good Lord IESVS CHRIST God the Father hath giuen you all things B. S. N. Strengthen your selfe in IESVS CHRIST Rom. 8. who calleth and inuiteth you by his Prophets Apostles and Euangelists to addresse your selfe directly vnto him saying All that are thirstie Isa 55. Mat. 11. come to the great fountaine Isa 55. Mat. 11. Come to me all yee that are heauy laden and I will refresh you B. S. N. Beleeue stedfastly that IESVS CHRIST hath discharged you of all your sinnes 1. Iohn 5. and hath reconciled you to God his Father vnto whom in all humility and repentance say from the bottome of your heart Rom. 3. Iohn 14. LOrd God Almighty be mercifull vnto mee poore miserable sinner for the loue of thy Sonne IESVS CHRIST my Lord and Sauiour and by the merit of his death and passion Mat. 26. Psa 30. that it would please thee to receiue my soule the which I commend into thy hands B.S.N. Bee in hope for for a certayne hee will receiue your soule as his owne for the loue of Iesus Christ his Sonne our Lord Marke 16. Deut. 18. Psal 2. Isa 53. Genes 3. 22. Mat. 9. who is the Sauiour and Redeemer of all those that beleeue in him Moyses and all the Prophets haue testified that all people shall receiue saluation and blessing through Iesus Christ The Apostles and Euangelists testifie that Iesus Christ is not come to call the iust Iohn 10. Luke 22. but sinners to repentance and to giue his soule for the redemption of many for hee hath shedde his bloud for the remission of sinnes Beleeue then and doubt not at all for IESVS CHRIST hath made the purgation of all your sinnes Heb. 1. hauing promised that all those that beleeue in him and in his Father that sent him shall haue eternall life Iohn 5. and shall not come to iudgement but shall passe from death to life Got to then B. S. N. Take courage in Iesus Christ for hee hath loued you Isa 53. Reuel 1. and washed you from all your sinnes in his bloud Rom. 5. haue this firme faith to fight valiantly against the aduersarie haue no other buckler to defend you but that precious bloud of Iesus Christ who by vertue of his death and passion hath reconciled you to God his Father vnto whom from the bottome of your heart in all humilitie and repentance present this prayer LOrd God Almighty be mercifull vnto mee poore miserable sinner Rom. 3. Iohn 14. for the loue of thy Sonne Iesus Christ my Lord and Sauiour and by the merit of his death and passion that it may please thee to receiue my soule the which I recommend into thy hands Math. 26. Psal 30. B. S. N. Haue this hope and stedfast saith that this good God full of mercy will receiue your soule as his into his handes for the loue of his Sonne Iesus Christ Iohn 10. Act. 4. for there is no other name vnder Heauen giuen to men whereby wee must be saued and there is no saluation in any other but in IESVS CHRIST Then arme your selfe well with Iesus Christ For hee hath done all for you he hath accomplished the law for you Rom. 8. Rom. 10. he hath ouercome all for you Go to then B. S. N. Reioyce in God be alwaies stedfast in this liuely saith follow and imitate the holy Patriarkes Heb. 11. Prophets and Apostles who are all saued in this faith who do all assure you that the aduersarie cannot in any wise hurt you for your cause is gotten through IESVS CHRIST Iohn 5. 1. Iohn 2. who is your Iudge and your aduocate likewise wherefore say alwaies in this firme faith Although I should walke in the middest of the shadow of death yet would I dread none euill Psal 22. for thou Lord God art with mee B. S. N. Also bee neuer wearie with saying from the bottome of your heart in all humilitie and repentance LORD God Almightie bee mercifull vnto mee poore miserable sinner for the loue of thy Sonne IESVS CHRIST my Lord and Sauiour Rom. 9. Iohn 14. and by the merite of his death and passion may it please thee to receiue my soule Mat. 26. Psalm 36. the which I recommend into thy hands So be it A singular Prayer for a bodie greatly afflicted with sicknesse who is more likely to die then to liue With a little Catechisme made expresly to instruct the sicke and to make him by faith behold the mysterie of our redemption ECCLESIASTICVS 18. Before sicknesse take Phisicke and before iudgement examine thy selfe and in the presence of God thou shalt find propitiation NOw the Lord doth admonish vs to pray continually Mat. 26. principally when wee are touched with his correction Wherefore all such parents and faithfull friends as visite the sicke bodie ought not onely to visite and solicite the bodie Mat. 6. but also seeke after and desire the spirituall Phisicke for their soules Which ought
of saluation And Saint Peter speaking to IESVS CHRIST Thy wordes are wordes of eternall life If God the Prophets and Apostles doe assure vs that the word of God receiued by a true faith in our heartes doth there quicken keeping and retaining it what occasion haue wee then to feare death Moreouer by faith wee dwell in IESVS CHRIST and haue him dwelling in vs who hauing life in himselfe as his father doth quicken vs and all those vnto whom he doth communicate himselfe Wherefore then being his members flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones briefe being one with him shall wee feare death Hath not hee power ouer it and not onely for himselfe but also for vs He saith St. Cyprian who hath once ouercome death for vs will alwaies ouercome it in vs. Hath not hee beate downe dispossessed chased and spoyled Satan the Prince and Lord of death hath not hee accomplished the law and by this perfect obedience which hee hath borne to God his Father appeased his anger satisfied his will and abolished the malediction of the law which is nothing else but death Did not hee die to make it die when hee rose againe hath not he broken and dissipated all the torments plucked downe the gates of Hell and triumphed ouer her and all her power Say not henceforth saith St. Paul who shall go vp into heauen or who shall descend into the depthes for to bring life vnto vs for IESVS CHRIST is dead and risen againe from the dead for to deliuer vs from death and risen againe to restore vs to life Hee is our Pastor And for this reason wee ought not to feare that any creature should snatch vs by violence out of his handes or can hinder him from giuing vs eternall life He is our Aduocate we ought not then to feare to be ouerthrowne in iudgement nor that by sentence we should be condemned to death He is our Mediator we neede not to feare the wrath of God Hee is our light we neede not to feare the darkenesse He is our shadow and our cloude we ought not then to feare the heate of the fire eternall no more then did the children of Israel the heate of the Sunne in the Wildernesse being hidden vnder the pillar Let vs then for these reasons forsake and cast behinde vs all feare of death the which hauing had no power nor aduantage ouer the head shall haue no power ouer his members Item By faith we haue with Iesus Christ God his Father and are allied ioyned together with him as he saith by his Prophet I will marry thee if thou wilt promise me thy faith and Iesus Christ in St. Iohn Hee that loueth me will keepe my worde and I and my Father will come and dwell in him for this reason we are also called his Temples because we are consecrated and dedicated vnto him by his holy spirite that he should dwell in vs. Now seeing God is with vs we haue the originall the fountaine the cause the beginning and the author of life we haue the great Iehouah of whom all things depend by whom all things are and moue in whom the Angels Arch-angels Principalities the heauens and all the elements consist we haue him that is the true Zeus from whom al creatures visible and inuisible take their life and their being by the participations which they haue with him We haue him who is the true Promitefz most perfect and soueraigne worke-man of all things who by his breath doth quicken and make them to liue We haue ton Theon that is to say he who discoursing all things by his power infinite doth preserue them Wee haue to make short AEL that is to say he who onely can satisfie and by his presence cause that of life of all other good things we shall haue and thinke we haue enough Shall we then feare death in such company If as S. Augustine saith God is the soule of our soule we cannot die but by being separated from him the which Dauid doth confirme in one of his Psalmes saying Those shall perish O Lord who doe depart and go from thee which being considered let vs striue onely to keepe him with vs by faith and obedience and besides let vs take away all the feare which we may haue of death Againe by faith wee haue the spirite of God you are not carnall sayth S. Paul writing to the Romanes but are spirituall for who hath not the spirit of God are none of his And else-where speaking to the Galathians Haue you not the spirit of God by faith Now this spirit is the spirit of life if God withdrawes it from his creatures they die they perish and come suddenly to nought to the contrary when he pleaseth to send and powre it vpon them he raiseth and restoreth them in an instant euen as we see a Hen brooding of her egges by a secret vertue doth disclose and bring them to life albeit that before they were without soule or feeling Euen so doth the spirit of God al creatures by his diuine power He giueth testimony and doth assure vs in our hearts that we are the children of God to the end that from him as from our father by a certaine and assured hope wee should waite and looke for life He is as a pledge vnto vs for feare left wee should doubt Hauing such earnest of life hauing testimony from him who being the spirit of truth cannot lie nor abuse hauing him himselfe who is the preseruer of all creatures shall we feare death It is as much as who should feare the darkenesse at none-day the spirite of him who hath raised againe Iesus Christ and who hath vp-held him because he should not be ouercome of death being in vs will quicken vs also saith Saint Paul and wil preserue vs from it let vs then put away all feare of it Faith also causeth that God doth adopt and repute vs for his children you are all children of God by faith saith S. Paul and S. Iohn he hath giuen power to al those that shall receiue him and beleeue in his name to be made the children of God then being children we are the heires co-heires with Iesus Christ and we are by the meanes of this adoption certaine once to come vnto life vnto the rest and vnto the glory wherein we shall reigne eternally with his Father Moreouer being children of God we are of his houshold and it is not in his house where death dwelleth it is in hell in the diuels house in heauen and the place where God abides there is an vnspeakeable light so great a beatitude and happinesse that in the contemplation thereof Dauid crying out said O that they are happy that doe inhabite and dwell in thy house And else-where In this consists all my good Lord that I may be neere vnto thee Again being children we are at liberty free from sinne free from death free from the condemnation and rigor of the law freed from
hee hath sometimes made vs of his anger doe not beget in our hearts too great a feare whereof may follow a mistrust of him and of the promises of saluation which hee hath made vs let vs heare what saith this Prophet speaking to the Church in the name of God Isay 54. I haue forsaken thee for a little while but I will gather thee againe by great compassion I haue a little as in a moment of indignation hid my face from thee But I haue had compassion on thee by an euerlasting benignity saith the Lord thy Redeemer And this shall be as Noahs waters for as I sware that I would no more passe the waters of Noah vpon the earth So haue I sworne that I will no more bee angry with thee and will reprooue thee no more For although that the mountaines bee moued and the little hils shake my mercy shall neuer goe from thee and the alliance of my peace shall not stirre saith the Lord who hath compassion ouer thee God in Ose to this purpose saith vnto his Church Ose 2. that hee will espouse her for euer in faith iustice verity mercy and iudgement declaring thereby vnto it that the alliance that hee will contract with it shall bee firme and inuiolable and for to bee such as hee shall sound it in himselfe that is to say in his mercy verity and iustice requiring only that it walke vpright before him ●nd that in all its wayes it follow a roundnesse and integrity keeping it selfe as much as it may from deceit and hypocrisie Which must bee diligently noted for the Diuell for to astonish vs and to make vs to doubt of the effect of the promises of GOD when wee are ready to appeare in iudgement and when being adiourned our cause is ready to bee called vpon if hee see that we stand firme and that for to answere thereunto wee are setled vpon the word of his Gospell in the which hee offereth vs his grace hee yeelds vnto vs that God is true in all that hee saith and likewise that he offers vs his grace and life by his promise But that hee is hindred from accomplishing it and exhibiting that which hee hath promised by our indignity and vnworthinesse because that hauing so much offended him euen since wee were illuminated and regenerate by the knowledge of his truth and that hee hath done vs so much fauour as to receiue vs into his family and to adopt vs for his children wee by our ingratitude haue made our selues altogither vncapable of these benefits and vnworthy that hee should fulfill the promises which hee hath made vs. Therupon to driue back this temptation which is the strongest and most dangerous wherewith wee can be assailed Wee must first note that as the only good pleasure of God hath beene the beginning and only motiue by the which hee hath beene induced to desire to contract an alliance with vs and to offer vnto vs the promise of saluation by the which hee declares himselfe our God and receiues vs to bee his people that also his grace is the only meanes that may stirre him vp to accomplish it towards vs. By the meanes whereof Saint Paul said Rom. 6. that the reward of sinne is death but that grace is life Although that to dispose well and set downe the Antithese it seemes that hee ought to haue said to oppose member against member That as life is the reward of our righteousnesse also is death of our sinnes But to giue vs to vnderstand that life which is the effect of the promise is gratis as well as is the promise which offereth it vnto vs hee hath wholly attributed it to the grace of God without making any mention of our workes nor vertues Whereunto ought to bee referred that which hee alleageth in the two and thirtieth Psalme where Dauid declares that the beatitude of man consists in that God alloweth him his iustice without workes saying Happy are they whose iniquities are remitted and whose sinnes are couered Happy is the man vnto whom God hath not imputed his sinne Seeing then that the beatitudes which God offereth vs in his promises are not graunted in the contemplation and fauour of the merits and vertues which are in man but by the only grace of God thence it followes that as the price and dignity of our workes cannot purchase vs euerlasting life that also our indignity and vnworthynesse cannot hinder vs from attayning it For it is a meere gift of God which hee bestoweth on whom hee pleaseth according to his mercy and not according to the merit of our iustices the which are not only imperfect but also defiled with much filthinesse by reason that our hearts from whence they proceede can neuer bee so well cleansed in this world but there doth still remayne much corruption whereby they are contaminate Which is the cause that the Prophet prayeth God so feruently not to enter into iudgment with him In iudgment with thy seruant Lord Oh enter not at all Psal 143. For iustified be in thy sight Not one that liueth shall And else where Psal 130. O Lord our God if thou dost weigh Our sinnes and them peruse Who shall then escape and say I can my selfe excuse And that St. Augustine in his booke of Confessions saith this good and memorable sentence Mishap to all our righteousnesse if it be examined and iudged without mercy But neuerthelesse that cannot hinder but God will giue vs eternall life as he hath promised prouided that wee know feele and confesse our indignity For there is nothing that makes vs capable and if it may bee so spoken worthy of the fauours and blessings of our God but the knowledge and feeling which wee haue in our selues to bee altogither vnworthy of them And what worthinesse could bee noted in the Theefe hanged vpon the Crosse at one of the sides of Iesus Christ who had continued in his theeuery and wickednesse vntill the extremity of his life Luk. 23. without euer hauing knowen his Sauiour vntill the houre that hee was ready to giue vp the Ghost And neuerthelesse hee had no sooner opened his mouth generally to confesse and to require the mercy of Iesus Christ but it was presently said vnto him Thou shalt bee this day in Paradise with me Luk. 16. What worthinesse was there in the poore Publicane who for the great shame and horror which hee had of his life passed durst not life vp his eyes yet neuerthelesse presently when hee had acknowledged his pittifull and miserable estate wherein hee was and prayed God to haue pitty on him then al his sinnes were forgiuen him and hee went home iustified What dignity was found in Saint Paul when hee went to Damascus transported with rage and furie to informe himselfe according to the commission which he had obtained of the high Priest Act. 9. of all those that did confesse the name of Iesus Christ to bring them bound and
whom Iesus Christ had made them subiect insomuch that they were constrained to acknowledge the power which had beene giuen them ouer them in obeying to the cōmandements which they made them in his name ought well to assure vs that going forth to combat against them prouided that wee bee furnished with the same weapons that they had to wit faith and the word of God we cannot faile but carry away the victory ouer them and by faith to quench all their fiery darts Ephes 6. your aduersary the Diuell saith S. Peter like a roaring Lion walketh about seeking whom he may deuour 1. Peter 5. whom resist stedfast in the faith And S. Iohn you are strong 1. Iohn 2. and the word of God dwelleth in you and you haue ouercome the wicked And doth not Iesus Christ say speaking of faith Mat. 16. that the gates of hell that is to say all the counsell the subtleties the sleights meanes and power of the Diuell shall haue no power against it and as little haue they against the word Which wee see plainly in the example of Iesus Christ Mat. 4. for when hee came to assaile him and hauing tryed by all meanes hee could to cause him to fall into a mistrust of God hee could neuer attaint him with all his fencing because he found him couered and so well armed on euery part with the word that he was faine to leaue the field and victory and to returne with shame If we also be well armed with it we need not feare that he can offend vs or doubt but that vsing such weapons we shall be victorious both against him and against all our enemies As saith St. Paul The weapons of one warfare are not carnall 2. Cor. 10. but mighty through God to the ouerthrowing of strong holds destroying the counsels and euery high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God Whosoeuer then would feare the diuell Luc. 11. Iohn 12. 1. Iohn 3. Reuel 12. being furnished with faith and the word of God should thereby shew that hee doth not yet well know what the force of the one and the other is nor what is the strength of the Captaine that conducts vs and vnder whose banner wee fight for hath not he brused the head of the Serpent hath not hee cast forth the strong out of his tower and pillaged all his weapons Is it not he that hath cast forth the Prince of this world and who hath destroyed all the workes of the diuell Is it not this great Captaine Michael who hath alreadie got the victorie against the Dragon and his Angels and still pursueth them vntill such time as they bee quite exterminate Now the better to keepe our selues from him we must note that the two principall crafts which hee trieth against vs to make vs fall are if he seeth vs to bee vertuous to eleuate vs into a vaine presumption of our selues of our workes and vertues But if to the contrary he sees that we are vicious and that during our life wee haue bene debauched and dissolute then hee propones and sets that before our eyes and doth euen amplifie and aggrauate as much as he can the enormitie of our sins to the end to precipitate vs into a despayre of the grace of God They are the two cordes saith St. Augustine wherewith this tormentor of mankinde is vsed to strangle men But wee haue before shewed how wee must cast off these two temptations And as for our Iustice that it is so filthie and so imperfect that wee must make no more account of it before God then of old ragges and durtie linnen And on the other part that our vices cannot be so great but the grace and mercy of God surmounts them nor so filthy but the iustice and bloud of Iesus Christ is sufficient to wash make them cleane nor finally so damnable but in confessing then with humility displeasure God as soone sheweth himselfe faithfull and iust to pardon 1. Iohn 1. and quite forget them It remaineth now to assure the sicke against the feare that he may haue of the iudgement of God For when we see our selues as it were adiourned by sicknes there personally to appeare shortly if we are not altogether stupid we will call to mind that which is said in the Scripture to wit That it is a horrible thing to fal into the hands of the liuing God Item that there is no fauour nor acception of persons Rom. 2. that is to say respect to the greatnesse nobility riches beauty knowledge kindred alliance nor other such like which are regarded amongst men and oft times eauseth to make them strong and decline in their iudgements from the straite way of iustice Which happens not in the iudgement of God who being impassible and vnchangeable there is nothing that can alter his will By the meanes whereof all his iudgementes are measured by the rule and pronounced according to the rigour of the law Item that all our thoughts affections words workes and generally all the course of our life from the beginning to the end is there vnfolded and sifted out to the last That the bookes and registers are there produced wherein are noted all the faults that euer wee did commit in heart or in thought with all their circumstances Item that iudgement without mercy shal be done vnto those that haue not shewed mercy And to be short that no vertue is there receiued nor any iustice allowed that is not perfect and accomplished in all points When I say we shall come to set all those things before vs touching this iudgement so fearefull the which we can neither shunne nor turne away from vs and that on the other side there presents before our eyes the vices the corruptions the imperfections that are in vs and the infinite number of sinnes that we haue committed against the first and second table that is to say against God and man it is not possible but we must stand astonished and altogether amazed seeing likewise that we haue parties and accusers that pursue vs with all extremitie to wit the diuell the law and our owne consciences which produce against vs a thousand and a thousand informations requiring that we be damned considering the quality of the crimes whereof wee are conuicted All which thinges we cannot preuent nor otherwise escape the rigour and iudgement of God but first in confessing our debts and afterwards hauing recourse vnto the death of our Sauior Iesus Christ to acquit vs of it For it is not so with the iudgement of God as with that of men amongst whom the criminall is condemned as soone as by his mouth he auoucheth the offence but to the contrary the confession of our faults is one of the meanes by the which we obtaine remission and are absolued and iustified before God as faith St. Iohn If we confesse our sins 1. Iohn 1. he is faithfull iust to pardon our sins
to be done by good prayers confession of sinnes and Christian exhortations according to the word of God Mat. 4. without the which man cannot liue And to that end that all things may be done in good order and with zeale first it shall bee conuenient to fall downe before the Maiestie of God and pray vnto him beginning Our helpe is in the name of the Lord who hath made both heauen and earth Then present vnto him the generall confession of sinnes and consequently this present prayer as followeth LOrd God Almighty and father of mercy we heere assembled in the name of thy welbeloued Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Mat. 18. Iohn 14. in his fauour haue bene so bold as to present our selues before thee to call vpon thy holy name hauing our onely refuge to thy soueraigne goodnesse the which we doe not onely desire to feele and taste in our selues but also in the necessitie of thy poore creature being afflicted with sicknesse in body Iames. 5. affliction and calamitie of minde We know Lord that thou hast iustly visited and chastised him with thy rod 1. Cor. 11. to make him to vnderstand thy fatherly affection But thy great mercies the which thou hast vsed towards our fathers Psal 78. are not quenched and consumed For thou art the great God euerlasting Mat. 26. Psal 102. propitious and mercifull that neuer alterest Thy holy word teacheth vs plainely that the whole earth is full of thy mercies the which do much surmount this iudgement wherefore Lord appease thy wrath towards thy creature Haue pitie and compassion on him for the loue of thy Sonne IESVS CHRIST our Lord Looke not vpon his sinnes Iohn 14. Heb. 7. 9 but looke vpon the face of thy Christ who hath sufficiently satisfied thee for him in offering vnto thee the great Sacrifice of his bodie on the Crosse VVee beseech thee then O God most benigne and full of mercie to make him to feele thy grace which thou diddest neuer refuse to thy children And because thou art our eternall Father Mat. 6. knowing well what is expedient and necessay for our saluation wee doe not pray thee to prolong his life or to abridge it For wee relie vpon thy holy will vnto the which onely wee desire to please Rom. 11. Thou art wise without counsell to dispose of thy creature according to thy good pleasure If it please thee to call him who is it that can resist Rom. 8. Iohn 11. If thou please to restore him to health againe who is it that can reproue thee For all thinges are in thy handes and nothing is done without thy will and holy prouidence Neuerthelesse Lord if by thy fauour thou doest prolong his daies Psal 22. thy rod shall serue for a chastisement vnto him to amend and conuert him vnto thee and wee with him will render thee thankes and praise But if thy will bee setled to make him passe into a better life wee beseech thee in the fauour of thy Sonne Iesus to forget all his faults and sins the which it was thy will to haue blotted out Reuel 1. and washed in the shedding of his precious bloud May it please thee by the merite of the death and passion of thy Sonne to receiue his soule into thy handes Mat. 16. Psal 20. when it shall please thee to call him out of this world Lord God doe not despise the worke of thy handes Psalm 137. Psal 129. Psal 51. for behold thy poore creature almost consumed who calleth vpon thee out of the bottome of his sorrowes presenting vnto thee his sorrowfull and penitent soule with his humbled heart which wee beseech thee to accept in good part for the loue of thy Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord Iohn 14. in whose name thou hast promised to grant our requestes Wherefore Lord wee beseech thee to receiue vs into thy holy keeping illuminating our hearts and vnderstandings to addresse our selues towards thee and to call vpon thy holy name Mat. 6. as thy Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord hath taught vs to pray vnto thee for all our necessaries saying Our Father which art in heauen c. Finally O God most benigne Father and full of mercie that it may please thee alwaies to sustaine vs by thy grace and vertue to the end that through the infirmitie of our flesh wee doe not fall And because that of our selues wee are so weake that wee were not able to remaine stedfast one minute of time may it please thee to fortifie vs by thy holy Spirit and to arme vs with thy graces that wee may constantly perseuere in faith without the which it is not possible for to please thee Heb. 11. May it please thee then to confirme vs from day to day in it whereof we will make a confession with heart and mouth saying I beleeue in God the Father c. The prayers ended you may looke how the sicke bodie doth and inquire of his health with friendly wordes and Christianlike speeches And if you perceiue that hee declineth and that no signe of health doth appeare a little after you may chuse a fit time to speake to the said sicke bodie and aske him whether hee hath a good minde to talke of God and to hearken to his word whiles hee is yet in his good sence that if hee bee of God Iohn 8. you may beginne this little Catechisme that followeth A SHORT CATECHISME which is not only to instruct the Sicke but also to refresh their memories with the great mysterie of our redemption Eccles 18. the which well to vnderstand and keepe in his latter dayes hee ought to make Confession of his faith before the assistants of the faithfull whereof one of them in the absence of the Minister ought to examine him as followeth THE MINISTER B.S.N. EVery man that knoweth himselfe well and is not ignorant of his condition and quality surely he ought to confesse that notwithstanding that he is created after the Image and likenesse of God Genes 1. neuerthelesse that he is conceiued and borne in the sinne of old Adam Psal 51. Ephes 2. Rom. 5. whereby he is made a poore miserable sinner ignorant inconstant and full of iniquity and consequently subiect to all miseries afflictions aduersities and finally to death All which sinne hath caused which because God would not leaue vnpunished he afflicts vs daylie and to speake better he chastiseth vs in this world to the end not to damne vs with the world wherfore 1. Cor. 11. Psal 31. B.S.N. Bee patient in your sicknesse and you shall possesse your soule in spirituall ioy Acknowledge your sinne and accuse your selfe before the Maiesty of God vpon whom you must looke by faith making confession thereof with heart and mouth before all the assistants for it is written Rom. 10. that men beleeue in heart to righteousnesse and with their mouth confesse to saluation Hearken