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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69775 The history of popery, or, Pacquet of advice from Rome the fourth volume containing the lives of eighteen popes and the most remarkable occurrences in the church, for near one hundred and fifty years, viz. from the beginning of Wickliff's preaching, to the first appearance of Martin Luther, intermixt with several large polemical discourses, as whether the present Church of Rome be to be accounted a Church of Christ, whether any Protestant may be present at Mass and other important subjects : together with continued courants, or innocent reflections weekly on the distempers of the times. Care, Henry, 1646-1688. 1682 (1682) Wing C521; ESTC P479002 208,882 288

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Saviour of his Sectaries as Parsons 2 d. of his 3 Conversions p. 250. relates from Walsingham or as Stow botches up the story The last words that he spake to Sir Tho. Erpingham Adjuring him that if he saw him Rise from Death to Life again the Third day he would procure that his sect might beat peace and quiet Now let any man read his papers and discourses in Fox savouring of such firm piety prudence and sobriety of mind and then judge how unlikely he was to be Guilty of such a phrensical Extravagance But possibly he might at his Execution say that though they so severely persecuted those Truths which he bore Testimony to and sought by all means to suppress and bury the same yet they would Rise again and his Doctrine be Reviv'd And from some such true words the Father of Lies and his Journy-men the Monks might take occasion to raise that wicked scandal And now having thus fairly represented Sir John Oldcastles Case to posterity we take leave of his Manes but that we may do it civily tho the prejudice of those times would afford him neither Tombstone nor Grave yet certainly we my be allow'd to offer an Extempore Epitaph to his Memory On Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham who suffer'd Decem. 1417. Rome's Old new fraud in Cobhams Fate we view The Hereticks must still be Traitors too All Popish Sham-plots are not hatch'd of late Long since their Int'rest Culli'd in the State For God and for the King the Prelates Cry'd But only meant their own Revenge and Pride Had the sly Meal Tub fadg'd or Irish Oathes Been Jury-proof old Churches hated Foe 's Ere now had been Old-Castled Hang'd and Burn'd And Loyalst Patriots into Rebells turn'd But Midwife Time at last brings Truth to Light For after Death each man receives his Right Then sleep brave Hero till last Judgments day Raising to Glory thy twice-martyr'd Clay Romes malice and thy Innocence display But here we may note that before the Execution of this noble-man viz. in the year 1414. his bitter Persecutor Tho Arundel Archbishop of Canterbury who originally caused his trouble and Condemn'd him for Haeresy and who in a synod had forbidden the Scriptures to be translated into or read in the English Tongue was taken away by a strange death His own Tongue being so swell'd that for many days he could swallow no sort of sustenance and so was starv'd to death A most remarkable Judgment that he who by his Canons forbad the Food to the Soul and had pronounc'd Sentence of Condemnation on many Innocents was now both famish't and struck Dumb together Thomas Gasconous in his Theological Dictionary thus plainly tells the story Tho. Aruudel Cant. Archiepiscopus sic Linguâ Percussus erat ut nec deglutire nec Loqui per aliquot dies ante mortem suam potuerit et sic tandem obiit Atque Multi tu nofieri putabant quia v●rbum Alligasset ne suo Tempore praedicatur Tho Arrundel Archb. of Canterbury was so smitten in his Tongue that he could neither swallow nor speak and so died which was thought by many to come upon him for that he restrain'd the word of God from being preached in his days The COURANT. A CHARM against ROGERISM Triceps est Cerberus tèr ego te Despuo Triplex est Eumenis tèr te ego Despuo Vomas dico vomas tèr vome Improbam Pectore purgato Rabiem ad Phlegetonta Remitte Enter Jesuit solus NOW shall I turn Heraclitus Ridens and split my sides with laughing to see how sweetly matters go on 'T is the hopefullest Spring I have known or read of above 100 years and all our Projects are blythe and blooming How kindly do our Councils work and cully in the hood-wink'd crowd the French Monarch our mighty Patron plays a Game at Tick-tack with his Holiness and the World stares and gapes as if they were at Sharps What if he clip the Wings of the duller Orders Let him go on and prosper Roma interim crescit Albae Ruinis No matter for those swarms of Drones our active Society if the Fools prove peevish and stubborn may beg their Lands Nor need we fear the gripes of his Talons since we have twisted our Interests inseparable with his for Campanella has shifted the Scene and 't is resolv'd in spite of Providence one Monarch and one Religion shall govern the Europaean World They are pitifully read in School craft that cannot modelize Divinity to each complexion of Affairs there lies a little spot on the Northwest corner of the Map that has cost us many a pangful Thought Father La-Chese long since undertook the Conversion of those Infidels and tho he met with some rubs despairs not in time to accomplish it If one Broad-side does not sink a Vessel another may the Needle 's in and the Thread must follow O Beata Maria into what Confusions have we put the Hereticks amongst themselves Well! let Whig and Tory scuffle 'till their Hearts ake whilst we tour aloft like the Vulture hovering over the Lion and Wild-boar in their Combatings as hoping to devour the Carcases of them both O the Church the Church the Church by Law establish'd There 's Musick enough in that very sound to supersede the office of the Organs But then not one in forty Dreams what those words signifie in our Dictionary Pshaw Pshaw you Dolt-heads Verity is Vnity there is but one Church in the World and that 's the Catholick and Catholick is Roman and there 's the Riddle unfolded But how is this Religion by Law establish'd We 'l make That out I 'le warrant you you shall have enough of Magna Charta Is there any prescription against the Church Shall any Laws prevail against St. Peter's Right Or indeed what power have Excommunicated Hereticks to make any Laws at all All such Provisions are still-born Ipso facto void as errant Felo's de se as we would make Sir Edmondbury Godfrey and holy Mother-Church unjustly disseiz'd may lawfully make a Re-entry Let 's first down with the Dissenters crush them maul 'um hang 'um if we can or ruine them at least and then their Church of England shall have Polypheme's courtesie O Bristol Bristol thou hast done gallantly I could not but snicker the other day to see a parcel of Wooden-shoe'd French Hereticks that had fled thither for shelter how sillily they look'd when they saw a parcel of English Calvinists dragg'd out of their Meeting and hurried to Gaol But we have a greater work in hand 't is a Protestant Plot must do our business and a Protestant Plot we 'l have if it cost us as much as we got by burning of London There are a fresh Cast of Beuk-blawers listed spick and span new ones never yet baulkt or blasted by an Ignoramus they only want a little Documentizing as to matter persons times and places for all the rest they remember right well I must away and Discipline them and if they prove
to restore them Tolletus the Jesuit in his Instructions for Priests on the Title Excommunication Non tenentur reddere rem verbis contractam They are not bound to make good Contracts with Hereticks Nay the Gloss of their Canon Law in Gratian Caus 15. q. 6. not only justifies the thing but also assigns the reason of it Si Juravi me soluturum alicui pecuniam c. If I have sworn to pay a man Money and he happen to be Excommunicated I am not bound to pay it because we ought by all the means we can to vex ill men that they may repent of their Evil. Very pretty Popish Divinity Cardinal Allen resolves Pater qui filium habet Haereticum c. A Father that has a Son that is an Heretick is bound to disinherit him and Parents sin mortally that bestow their Daughters in marriage to Hereticks And of this too the Gloss of Gratian Decret l. 5. Caus 23. q. 8. gives the reason Because Hereticks are not to be esteem'd our Brothers or Kindred but tho he be the Son of thy Mother or thine own only Child yet according to the Law of old Thy hand must be upon him that thou mayest put him to death According to these Maxims 't is notorious that the Apostate Church of Rome and Papists have acted how often have Popes put Princes upon the breaking of their Treaties Alliances and Covenants How remarkable is that Story of Vladislaus the fifth King of Hungary about the year 1440. who having concluded a Peace with Amurath Emperour of the Turks for ten years space and sworn to keep and observe the same inviolably Eugenius the Fourth who at that time was Pope of Rome hearing thereof writes to Cardinal Julian then resident in Hungary to persuade the King to break that Peace alledging and declaring That no Peace made with the Enemies of Religion and in their esteem Protestants are worse than Turks without first consulting the Pope and having his leave was good or valid And therefore commanded the King to fall into Hostility assuring him That as for his Oath given at the Treaty he had dissolv'd the same Hereupon the King partly by Intreaties and partly by Threats is prevail'd upon to become a most perfidious wretch and to the dishonour of the Christian name treacherously to fall upon the Turk at unawares which Amurath observing and seeing his Forces like to be discomfited he draws forth the Original Articles of their League and looking up to Heaven cries out Haec sunt Jesu Christe Foedera quae Christiani tui mecum percussêre per nomen tuum Sanctè Jurantes Nunc si Deus es tuas measque Injurias te quaeso ulciscere Bonfin l. 3. Aenaeas Sylvius afterwards Pope ●p 81. Spondanus ad Ann. 1444. Behold O Jesus these are the Covenants which thy Christians solemnly swearing by thy name made with me now therefore if thou art a God revenge these Injuries to me and thy self upon their perfidious heads And no sooner had he pronounc'd these words but the success of the Battel was chang'd the Christians put to flight and the perjured King together with the wretched Cardinal that put him upon 't being both slain Pope Innocent the Third in the year 1213. in a Letter to Peter King of Arragon charges him in the name of the Holy-Ghost and as he expected ever to obtain Divine and Apostolical Grace to abandon the people of Tholose certain honest Waldensian Christians of whom in our Third Volume we have given an account nor to afford them any Aid or Countenance as long as they continued in their Heresie Non obstante promissione vel obligation quacúnque praestitâ Notwithstanding any promise or obligation whatsoever before pass'd to the contrary In the Year 1538. Paul the Third sends abroad a Roaring Bull against our King Henry the 8 th wherein he admonishes and requires all Christian Princes That they shall not under pretence of any Leagues or Obligations although corroborated by frequently repeated Oathes yield the said King directly or indirectly any Aid Favour or Assistance and to take them off from any apprehensions of their Duty pretends to Absolve them all from all Oathes or Obligations by them made or to be made and pronounces them to be void and of none effect So likewise Pope Pius Quintus Absolv'd not only all the Subjects of Queen Elizabeth but also Caeteros omnes qui Illi quomodocunque Juraverunt All others who in any manner had sworn unto her After Henry the Third of France was Barbarously Murder'd by Frier Clement all the World knew the Right of the Crown by Lineal Succession and Proximity of Blood belong'd to Henry of Burbon but the Popish Doctors of the Sorbon being intreated by the People of Paris to give their Judgment whether it were Lawful to submit to him They answered That Catholicks by the Divine Law were forbidden to admit to the Kingdom a Sectary and manifest Enemy to the Church That all that should Assist him were guilty of mortal Sin and would infallibly be Damn'd And all that did Resist him unto Blood would dye Martyrs and enjoy an Everlasting Reward in Heaven But to prove That Popish Princes who have made never so fair Promises did notwithstanding Persecute their Protestant Subjects with the greatest Rigour and act quite contrary to those Solemn Engagements our Native Island affords a sad and never to be forgotten Precedent for when the Men of Suffolk upon the pious King Edwards Death requested that bloody bigotted and treacherous Queen Mary to know Whether she would alter the Religion Establish'd in her Brothers days She assur'd them with all Asseverations That she would never make any Innovation or Change but be contented with the private Exercise of her own Religion And on April the 12 th she made a Publick Declaration in Council That although her own Conscience were fixed in matters of Religion yet she would never Inforce her Subjects otherwise than God should put into their Hearts a persuasion of the Truth she was in But no sooner was she settled in her Throne but slighting all these Engagements she no less perfidiously than cruelly fell to Burning her Protestant Subjects purely for their Religion Nay do we not at this Instant see the like Proceedings in our next Neighbouring Country where notwithstanding many Edicts and Solemn Promises Ratified with all the formalities of Perpetual Laws yet the poor Protestants directly contrary to all these Priviledges without any colour or shadow of Crime save only their Religion wherein their Persecutors deal much more Generously than if with fained Accusations and damnable Subornations they should falsly represent them as Rebellious and Disloyal are daily harass'd Ruinated and undone Therefore the General Inference from these Premises is That knowing so well the Principles and Practises of the Romish Church no Protestants or men of sense should ever trust to any though never so plausible Promises of any person of that Communion For with such all the
believe him all is for the interest of the Government when in truth such Villains pretences are the greatest Affronts in the World to the Government and will no doubt in due time be deservedly punisht as such Quod defertur non aufertur Printed for Langley Curtis 1682. The Weekly Pacquet OF Advice from Rome OR The History of POPERY The Fourth Volume FRIDAY June 9. 1682. An non nimiae Impudentiae est Excusare opus quo Deus contutumeliâ afficitur proximi impelluntur ad exitium A further detection of the sin of going to Mass and complying with Papists in their wicked and Foppish Ceremonies The Case of Naaman the Syrian explained TO deterr any Sober Christian from daring to be present at the Popish Mass he needs only consider the horrible Idolatry that is there committed where a bit of Bread is adored for God and no longer esteemed Bread but God himself 'T is most true were the Lords Supper there rightly Administred there would then be there a true Exhibition of the Lords Body and Blood but it would not therefore follow either that the substance of the Bread is chang'd into the Body or that the Body lies included under the Bread For the end of Instituting that Sacred Supper is to elevate our Minds to Heaven not to detain them in the visible Elements but indeed by what right does that promise This is my Body which shall be delivered for you at all belong to the Mass Before our Lord promises any thing there of that kind he commands the Sacrament to be distributed amongst the Faithful Is this done in the Mass No but on the clean contrary the Priest dispatches it all alone as a private affair and on such a manner as if he purposely meant to Excommunicate himself from the whole Congregation Christ adds another Command that we should do This in remembrance of him shewing forth the inestimable benefit of his Death with Thanksgiving But how can this be done in the Mass where not one word is understood but all things are whisper'd by the Priest with an obscure murmur and unknown Furthermore the Lord directs his word to his Disciples when reaching forth the visible sign Bread he promises them the Communion of his Body but in the Mass there is no such thing but the Priest after the manner of Conjurers or Jugglers blows upon the Bread sufflation they call it that with a secret Exorcism he may Inchant it And what is there in all this of God's Institution can day and night be more different than our Lord's Supper and this Romish Pageantry What then shall we account the Adoration paid there to the Bread Must we not confess it execrable Idolatry more gross than ever was practised amongst the Heathen and if so tell us with what fore-head with what Conscience can any Christian man dare resort thereunto that he may seem to Conform and do as others do Here 's an Idol erected to that very purpose that it may be Worshipped and Invoked in God's stead I come and down on my knees and publickly profess to adore it what Fig-leaves what excuses what evasions can palliate so shameless a wickedness But let us in some other particulars consider what these complying men must do if for sinister ends and temporal respects they will against the convictions of their Consciences joyn in outward Communion with the Papists They must not only on Sundays come to the Holy water Bottle and Mass but also on Holy-days a great part of which are instituted by Superstition then there is a Mass sung in honor of such or such an He or She Saint Now to omit that many of their Saints were little better than Devils and that several of them as St. Christopher c. were mere Phantasms Romantick Hero's that never had Being but in the Lying Legend c. passing by all this I say and supposing they were all Saints in good earnest yet still here is a Mass sung in honor to a person dead Now what can be more vile than that the Supper of our Lord should be transported to such an abuse Besides what Prayers are there used are they not for the most part impious an fill'd with Blasphemies and yet will you voluntarily interest your self in these Profanations and countenance them with your presence and complying approbation and yet hope to escape guiltless in the terrible judgment of a jealous God who is of purer Eyes than to behold vanity or connive at sin There is none of us I speak of those to whom God hath vouchsafed the Light of his Gospel but is well satisfied that the Obsequies of the dead as they are practised amongst the Papists with the Masses attending them and other appurtenances are meer abominations as well because they are falsly feigned against the manifest word of God as more especially because they extenuate and depreciate the effect and vertue of the Death and Passion of our Blessed Saviour But now if it happen any of your Relations Friends or Neighbours dye you that call your self a Christian come with others to attend the Funeral you are prefent at the Masses and pretend with the rest to pray for the Soul of the deceased dare you offer to justify all this if it be your Father or Mother that is departed you will presently be smelt out for an Heretick if you do not only approve of this Sacriledge but purchase it with your money and give so many shillings to some Priests to say so many Masses to redeem their Souls out of Purgatory I will not mention the damnable Superstitions you must run through at Easter when you must prostrate your self before the Vicar of Antichrist some wicked Popish Priest who by the authority of the Pope gives you Absolution and injoyns you pennance which perhaps may it self be as great a sin as any you have committed as to murmur over so many Ave Maria's to say so many Prayers before a Crucifix to buy so many Masses c. and to what end all this why forsooth that thereby as so many Compensations you may satisfie God for your sins if this can be approved and justified I know not what ought to be Condemned But furthermore when a man has thus spun out his days in Hypocrisie and liv'd in this filth the last Scene is still the worst in the Tragedy and that is when he comes to dye then come the Priests and the Monks the Devils Fans to Winnow him like Wheat and though he knows they are the very Locusts that proceed out of the bottomless pit yet out of complaisance he must seem to hearken unto them to be satisfied with their gibberish prayers to be content with their lew'd Absolution and ridiculous extream unction and under what throws and pangs and tortures of Conscience must such a poor soul lye when he perceives he must immediately appear before the Tribunal of that Judge whose Truth he dares not to acknowledge especially when this Sentence