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A68672 Certaine sermons, vpon seuerall texts of Scripture: preached by that reuerend and faithfull seruant of Iesus Christ M. Robert Rollok, minister of the Church (and rector of the Colledge) of Edinburgh. Whereof the first eleuen were before published, and the remnant seuen, are newly adjoyned thereunto; Certaine sermons upon severall places of the Epistles of Paul Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619. 1616 (1616) STC 21272; ESTC S116139 202,286 389

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fore-father hee payed his tithe as vvell as Abraham did Euen so vvee beeing euerie one of vs in the loynes of Adam vvhen hee sinned vve made all defection from the LORD and sinned in him Vpon this defection there followed a guiltinesse wherethorow there is none of vs but vvee are obliged to die euerlastinglie And if there vvere no more sinne in all this vvorlde but that first Apostasie only there is matter enough of thine euerlasting damnation thou needest not to heape sinne vpon sinne there is thine obligatiō to thine euerlasting death and to damnation This is the first part of originall sinne The second part of originall sinne is the effect that followeth vpon the first a foule and horrible corruption that entered in the whole nature of man so that from the top to the toe of man there is not so much whole as one intch Man is a vile leprous creature there is not a whole intch neither in bodie nor soule but all is infected for Brethren that first defection past not away so but it brought with it a fearefull ruine and wracke to mankinde and it leaueth behinde it a foule stinke and terrible darknesse and that came of the just judgement of GOD punishing sinne by sinne And this corruption of nature bringeth with it the owne guiltinesse obligation to eternall death so that sundrie wayes we are guiltie of death The Apostle Paul Ephes 2. 3. setteth downe this guiltinesse when hee sa●eth Wee were all children of w●ath This second part of it Is it that Christ calleth heere flesh in another place it is called the olde man for by flesh we vnderstand not this fleshlie and bodily lumpe which wee cary about with vs nor yet as the Papists call it a concupiscence in this lumpe and nothing in the soule No no but this flesh is a corruption both in soule and bodie and in all the powers and faculties thereof So that there is neuer an intch free from that pest The Lord who made man Genes 8. 21. expresseth the worke and the force of the flesh after the fall where it is saide that after Hee looked and sawe this corruption He saide that the whole in aginations of the cogitations of the heart of man are wicked and euill continually which wordes import that man from his youth yea euen from his mothers wombe could doe nothing but imagine thinke and forge euill wickednesse and all sortes of mischiefe And when Hee sawe this Hee vttered a sadde and an heauie voyce It forthinketh mee that euer I made man Genes 6. 6. And it was no small thing no question that made the Creator to repent that He made man What is man nowe but a filthie creature and a pest to infect Heauen and earth if it were possible But that yee may the better vnderstand the incomparable greatnesse of this euill which is in man I shall let you see howe it hath spred it selfe thorowe the whole power of the soule of man for as for the bodie I speake nothing of it it is true indeede it neuer leaueth that bodie till it resolue it in earth againe which otherwise was made to bee immortall and in the meane time till death come it maketh the body to bee subject to many great and fearfull sicknesses and diseases Where from come these biles the feuers the palsie the pest the leprosie and other diseases but from this corruption But I speake nothing of it I will let you see howe it hath spred it selfe in the soule of man Brethren there is neuer a power nor facultie in the soule but all is infected This pest it hath not only infected the inferiour appetite as the blinde Philosophers thought and as the Papists doe this day affirme But where beginneth it What is the most excellent power of the soule It is the vnderstanding the minde and this is it that we call reason This corruption it hath so entered into the soule of man that when as that vnderstanding should be as a light going before to direct all our actions motions and thoughts the right way according to Gods worde and ordinance It doeth nothing but fight and repine against the wisdome of the God of Heauen It is an hard matter y t God hath created this vnderstanding and yet it fighteth against Him Paul saieth Rom. 8 7. that the wisdome of the fl●sh is enemie against God that is the very vnderstanding of man which is the most excellent thing in man is enemy to God let bee the inferiour appetites And therefore Ephes 4. 23. hee desireth not onely that the inferiour appetites should bee renewed but that regeneration should begin at that which is most excellent in the soule euen that they may bee renewed in the Spirite of their minde Then yee see this vnderstanding of man is altogether corrupt and that light of the minde is turned vnto terrible darknesse and that this wisedome fighteth directly against God for this reason of man fighteth not onely against the wisdome of GOD set downe and declared in the law but chiefly against that which is more against His wisdome manifested in the Euangell He esteemeth it naturally to bee but meere foolishnesse that euer a man shoulde get saluation by a crucified man 1. Cor. 1. 18. And to goe fordward This pest ceaseth not here nor resteth not in the minde onely but it entereth into the rootes of the heart into the will and affections of man it hath entered so into his vvill that when as this will of ours this power of our soule that we call the will should haue chosen that which is good and refused that which is euill according to the reason going before informing what is to be chosen and pursewed and what is to be refused and eschewed it fighteth not onely directly against that most holy wisedome and will of God but euen against that sponke of knowledge light and reason that is left in man for when man fell in Adam the Lord tooke not all kinde of light from man but Hee left in His great mercy in man some sponke of light and knowledge of the Majestie of GOD the Creator whereby hee might in some measure knowe his Creator And Hee left in man also some knowledge judgemēt of politike things cōcerning our cōuersation dealing with our neighbors what is just what is vnjust what is reasonable what is vnreasonable he left in him also some judgemēt discretiō of naturall things whereas He might haue set vp man as brutish as a dogge or an asse Notwithstanding of this the raging corruption of the malicious will repineth against this sponke and striueth to blotte it out that it should neuer vtter it selfe to reformation and to glorifie God and to discharge a duetie to man in such sort that it were a just judgement of God that they should be made as brute as beasts as it went with the Gentiles Rom. 1. 24. whome Hee gaue ouer vnto reprobate mindes so that
without all impediment shall cry with the blessed Angels Holy holy holy is y e God of heauē the Whole World is full of his glory There shall it find in his countenance saciety of ioy and at his right hand pleasures for euer Marke here last I shal end with it that the seeling of the mercy of God in Iesus Christ bringeth out obedience chearful seruice of God yea of al argumēts to moue a man to abstein from sin to serue the Lord with pleasure that is y e most pithie forcible The shame of y e world the feare of temporal judgement the horror of conscience the feare of the paines of hel wil not be so steadable it may be ● they represse raging lusts furious affections ●●r a time but they wil not mortify sin slay corruptiō wil neuer cause a man with pleasure to serue obey God but if a man hath foūd ● God hath loued him so well that he hath giuē his only son to dy that he might liue it is not possible but that mā in some measure wil set himself with alacrity chearfulnes to serue God Therfore the Apostle whē he wold perswade christiās to abstein from sin to serue God what argument vseth he chiefly read Rom. 12. 1. he proponeth the mercy of God offering Iesus to die for them for there hee saith I beseech you brethrē through the mercies of God ● ye offer vp your selues a liuing sacrifice therfore if thou wouldest couet to do y e Lords wil chearfully pray the Lord that he would not so much threatē thee propone terrors to thee as that he would make thee sensible of His mercies in Iesus Christ The vaine Papist speakes litle or nothing almost to the people of this mercy of God in Iesus Christ but propones to the people the pains of hell fire of purgatory to stay them from sin to make them serue God and do good works but if there be no more it wil neuer make them to bring forth such obedience as either is acceptable to God or yet profitable to themselues The Lord therfore make vs to bee sensible of his vnspeakeable loue in Iesus that wee may set our selues with pleasure to serue and glorify him here that so we may be assured that hee shall glorify vs in the kingdome of Heauen which Iesus hath purchased to vs by his precious blood To this Iesus with the Father the H. Spirit be all praise honor and glory for euer Amen THE XIII SERMON PSALME CXXX verse 5 I haue waited on the LORD my soule hath waited and I haue trusted in His word verse 6 My soule waiteth on the LORD more than the morning watch watcheth for the morning verse 7 Let Israel wait on the LORD for with the LORD is mercie and with Him is great redemption verse 8 And He shall redeeme Israel from all his iniquities WELBELOVED in the LORD IESVS The last day we diuided this Psalme into these three partes First the proposition whosoeuer hee was that writ this Psalme hee maketh mention and rehearsall of that prayer that hee made to his God in the time of his great danger and this hee doeth to the fift verse Then finding in experience a comfortable answere and howe good a thing it was to pray to God and to waite on Him he professeth that as before he had awaited on Him so still in time comming hee woulde awaite on Him and this hee doeth to the seuenth verse In the third and last part he turneth him to Israel to the Church and exhorteth them to await on God as hee had done promising them mercie and redemption from all their iniquities if they would awaite on Him The last day we ended the first part so wee haue now to follow out the other two parts which remaine Then as for the second The prophet finding in experience the fruite of his prayer hee professeth that hee will yet still waite on the Lord I haue waited on the Lord my soule hath waited and I haue trusted in His word As though he would saye I depend yet still on His word for the presence of the Lord that wee haue in this life is in His worde and in His Holy Spirite that accompanieth it So all the dependance we haue on GOD is in His worde and promise Take that away and then wee haue no sight no presence no faith here till wee see Him face to face Yet the wordes are better to bee marked hee saith I haue waited on the Lord Then hee saith My soule hath waited on the Lord as if he woulde saye I haue not awaited on the Lord onely with my bodily eyes but with mine heart and secrete inward affections I haue depended on Him from my verie heart For Brethren marke it well It is the heart of a man or woman that draweth GOD downe from Heauen sucketh in His presence Marueilous is the power that a faithful heart hath when it sendeth vp sighes and sobbes to Heauen for grace to pull down Gods presence and grace if there be no more but the eye it will not doe the turne but where the Spirit of the Lord dwelleth in the heart it maketh it to ●igh with sobbes that cannot be expressed It is not possible but GOD who giueth His Spirite to no man in vaine and who knoweth the meaning of His owne Spirite will grant that for which the Spirit maketh intercession Paul in the 8. chap. to the Rom. setting downe the waiting on of the godly how they wait on the Lord he setteth downe both the forceable operation of Gods Spirit in our hearts as also the fruit of his operation Wee sigh in our selues waiting for the adoption euen the redemption of our bodies there the vvaiting on of the godly is conjoyned vvith sighes and sobbes Then after hee letteth vs see what followeth vpon that What to seeke wee knowe not but when the Spirite of the Lord interceadeth for vs with sighes and sobbes vnspeakeable then the Lord who searcheth the heart knoweth the meaning of His owne Spirit granteth that thing for the which the Spirite maketh intercession for what els meaneth that vnspeakeable joye vvhich many a time the Saincts of God finde before they haue ended their prayers but that their prayers are fauourably accepted What meaneth that vnspeakeable joy when he saith Belieuing we rejoyce with joy vnspeakeable and glorious That joye witnesseth that the Lord giueth his presence for there is a sure ground There is no true joy but in the presence of God and so the joy testifieth to thee that thou sighest not so soone but the Lord giueth his presence to thee Now when hee hath saide My soule hath waited then he subjoyneth I will waite still vpon His word I will hold vp mine eare to Heauen as it were and heare what He wil speake vnto me There is no consolation nor joy in this world but in the hearing of His
the bodie As to the qualitie of the rewarde it is proportionall to that which thou hast done in the bodie bee it good or euill if it bee good thou shalt bee rewarded with glorie if euill thou shalt bee rewarded with ignominie and shame To insist something vpon the last wordes because the Papistes sticke to them and thinke they haue an aduantage of this place when they heare that euerie one shall receiue according to the thinges which they haue done in the flesh incontinent they conclude ERGO workes merites I answere Euill workes indeede merite damnation and damnation shall bee thy portion for them if thou bee out of IESVS but good workes haue no merite in all thy good workes there is no deseruing althogh they were ten thousand more than they are There is force enough in an euill work to condemne thee but in a thousand good workes no force to saue The Apostle saieth not heere They shall receiue a rewarde for that which they haue done but according as they haue done hee saieth not Propter making workes a cause but Secundum that is according to the testification of the works But to leaue the larger insisting in this as more pertinent to another place and to come to our purpose Weigh the wordes for euerie worde is a worde of weight importing a terrible Iudgement an Appearing a necessitie of appearing an vniuersall appearing without exception no respect of persons of the king more than of the begger no mitigation of the seueritie of the Iudge c. CHRIST will haue no mitigation but if thou bee a reprobate thou wilt bee handled seuerelie albeit thou bee a king The judgement then being so terrible the Iudge CHRIST must also bee terrible And so the Apostle saieth Knowing therefore that terrour of the LORD c. And all this is to learne euerie soule not so to presume of the mercie of CHRIST that thou shalt thinke to finde Him mercifull in that daye except that thou hast studied to bee acceptable vnto Him in this life and canst say LORD I EMPLOY MY SELFE IN SERVING THEE Away with that presumption of mercie which maketh the lowne when hee is mu●thering and committing adulterie to say GOD is mercifull Hauing set downe the terrible Iudgement hee concludeth what he will doe in his owne person Is the judgement and Iudge so terrible I will bee wise the LORD giue vs this wisedome Knowing saith Paul that terrour of the LORD I will do my duetie in this life My duetie is to preach to bring men to the faith in CHRIST I will walke in the discharge of that duetie night and day Hee saith Knowing perfectlie that terrour of the LORD It is not a blinde terrour that will make a man to doe his duetie in this life but it is the knowledge of a Tribunall to belieue that there is a Iudge and a Tribunall in Heauen and that there is a most terrible day abyding And if a mā belieued that there is a Tribunall in Heauen a terrible Iudge sitting there to take account of his doinges in earth for all the worlde hee would not offende that GOD but this cannot sinke in the heart of man Hee will say there is a generall judgement but this is from the mouth onely and not from the heart and surely as long as a man continueth in sinne albeit hee should sweare that there is a Tribunall it is a token hee knoweth it not The wordes of judgement auaile nothing it is the belieuing and sure knowledge that there is a judgement and a terrible Iudge to sinners in Heauen that doth the turne Therefore seeke perswasion and looke to that Article of thy Creede that the Iudge shall come and take account both of the quicke the dead Belieue it and then it shall draw thee to liue a godly life Knowing therefore that terrour of the LORD wee perswade men or cause them belieue Hee saieth not I goe to play the part of a king or of a politicke man I am busie in this or that turne that appertaineth not to my calling No but according to my calling I preach the Gospell to perswade men to belieue in CHRIST that they may bee saued To speake the trueth it is not thy labouring and doing in any other mans calling that will profite thee but thou art ordained by GOD to doe thy duetie in thine owne calling and when the account of thy deedes shall bee taken in that Great day hee shall not say what hast thou done in another mans calling but what hast thou done in thine owne I made thee a Minister howe hast thou traueled in that vocation Therefore I saye as euerie man would bee readie to giue an account of his doinges let euerie man bee diligent in his owne vocation seeking the glorie of GOD therein Nowe it might haue beene saide to Paul Thou boastest much of thy doing and preaching but looke with what sinceritie thou hast beene occupied and with what vprightnesse of heart thou hast beene preaching in thy life time He answereth and first hee taketh GOD to bee witnesse of the sinceritie of his heart in discharging his Ministerie and then hee taketh the Corinthians among whome hee had traueled to bee witnesse also of his sinceritie As for GOD hee saieth We are made manifest vnto GOD And as for men I trust also I am made manifest in your consciences Hee taketh first GOD to bee witnesse who knoweth the heart and then the Corinthians who sawe his actions Then Brethren it is not enough for a Minister that preacheth CHRIST as Paule doeth for to perswade men to belieue in CHRIST to speake outwardlie to men as I am now speaking to you but hee must looke in the meane time that inwardlie his heart be set vpon GOD that is looke that he approoue his heart in sinceritie to GOD who seeth the heart Men marke the wordes that come out of the mouth but GOD marketh the sinceritie of the heart to see with what sinceritie the man speaketh This that I speake of Paul in his calling I meane of all other men in their callings Doest thou anie thing outwardlie to men looke that thou doe it inwardlie in thine heart with sinceritie to GOD otherwise thou losest all thy trauell albeit it were neuer so good in the presence of men Of this it followeth al these are but vaine voyces to stand vp and say I haue done this thing or that thing To speake to men who knowe not the heart except in the meane time as thou art speaking vnto men thou mayest draw the LORD to bee witnesse as Paule doeth to the sinceritie of thine heart and may say I haue beene traueiling with what sinceritie the LORD knoweth that which I haue done I haue done it in sinceritie not being content to call GOD onelie to bee witnesse he turneth him to the Corinthians and he appealeth their consciences to beare recorde of his sinceritie in his doing and hee saieth As for you Corinthians speaking sparingly I trust
should haue thoght shame to registrate as it were his own shame to y e posteritie to come so that I may say Paul thou wast of none estimatiō euery one may see in how smal acoūt he was amongst these people There is none of vs all if there be anie infirmitie in vs but wee would haue it hidden but a man hauing a good conscience and discharging a faithful part of duetie is nothing blotted by the speaking of the world nor the registrating of their speaches is nothing to his shame But the shame pertaineth to the people their words and deeds towards the Pastor remaineth in his memorie and in the memorie of God and shall continue vntill the day of Iudgement except they repent yea euen these same wordes spoken against Paule shall meete them in the teeth at the day of Iudgement Yet I see in these wordes a sharpnesse and rebuking mixed with lenitie to let vs see that when we haue to doe with wicked men lenitie and meekenesse should not be corrupted but tempered with sharpenesse that vngratefull men may be brought to a sense and feeling of sinne and miserie Lenitie alone will not serue the turne but with sweetnesse sowrenesse must be mingled that the word spoken may be the more effectuall and forcible who when I am present among you am base c. The worlde and the men of this world account of nothing but of that which hath a faire shew and that they esteem highly of although it were neuer so litle worthie The ground whereof is this All men and women by nature are hypocrites painted bodies no soliditie in them all are visorned folke hee commeth out shee commeth out all masked and disguised For what is an hypocrite but a false showe Nothing surely And therefore because there is no soliditie in themselues they can account nothing of soliditie as hee is himselfe such is his estimation of others as shee is her selfe such is her estimation of others O! would to God euery man and woman could dis●en●● into themselues and know their owne nature Amongst all things in the world this Ministery is the vilest it is the basest thing vnder the Sunne to the eye of man Other callinges will haue some outward glory a king will haue an outward glory but this Ministery hath none outwarde glory and yet there is no calling vnder the Sunne that hath so precious a subject as the calling of the Ministerie Yea the moste solide thing in the worlde is vnder it euē that which maketh men and women solide and without it no soliditie but all is a● chaf●e before the winde The Apostle 2. COR. 4. 7 compareth IESVS CHRIST and His graces which are reuealed in the Gospell to a treasure and the Apostles themselues to lame vessels But wee haue saieth hee this treasure in earthlie vessels that the excellencie of that power might bee of GOD and not of vs. There the most glorious thing in the worlde is in the basest vessels and weakest instrumentes What maketh the worlde to contemne and disdaine this treasure of the Gospell but the weaknesse of these vessels the basenesse of these sillie men whome GOD hath put into this seruice Indeede I maruell not howbeit I see the contempt of this Ministerie and surelie there is nothing more vilder in the eares of men of SCOTLAND than to heare the name of a Minister but I wonder rather that euer man or woman should be altered by this Ministerie the one is of nature the other is of grace Wonder neuer at nature but wonder to see a man or woman altered by grace Alas this is to bee pitied men lose their part of these vnsearcheable riches in IESVS CHRIST because they stumble at the ba●enesse of this Ministerie For hee that esteemeth not of this Ministerie neuer tasted of the sweetnesse of IESVS CHRIST he that esteemeth not of the lame vessell hath no part of the riches which are in the lame vessell In the words following But I am bolde towardes you whilest I am absent I see they were compelled to see and feele some boldnesse in Paule though not in his presence yet in his absence though not by his words in speaking yet by his writing There is none so senselesse in the world none so dead none so hard hearted against the power of this Ministerie but either by word or writing either by absence or els by presence they shall bee compelled to feele the force of i● Yea this Ministerie shall either bee the sauour of life to life or els the sauour of death to death vnto them And this I require you that I need not to be bold c. In this next verse we haue his request expressed in few words which is as much in effect as if he wold say Seeing I am the Apostle of Iesus Christ I beseech you to acknowledge of me as of an Apostle The argument is If ye count not of mee whilest I am absent when I come if there be anie power in me I shall make you knowe it and vtter it against you ye shall finde me bolde and not base ye shall finde sowrnesse and not meeknesse sharpnesse and not lenitie Here he telleth by a comparison what kinde of boldnesse hee will vse When I come to you I shall vse the same boldnesse towardes you that I vse towardes the false apostles and as concerning y e false apostles I shal thunder out against them shame and confusion ignominie so that they that coūteth not of me that I am the Apostle of Iesus Christ shall finde my power Wee may see here Paul would bee counted by these Corinthians to be the Apostle of Iesus Christ is he therefore seeking his owne honour and glorie No hee is seeking the weale of the people It is the weale of the people to count of the seruant of GOD for when they count not of him they cannot account nor accept of his doctrine and when the doctrine is not well accepted of then goeth the building slowlie forward Alas this euill esteeming of men in the Ministerie is the cause that so fewe are edified and so manie to remaine faithlesse for where the man is lightlied the doctrine is contemned and where the doctrine is contemned there can be no faith no edifying so that it is a greater matter to contemne the Ministerie than men thinke it to be Marke these wordes That I neede not to be bolde Heere wee see plainlie that lenitie and meeknesse is required in a Pastor The Pastor is euer bounde first to beginne with lenitie and meeknesse seueritie shoulde onelie come vpon necessitie when lenitie and meeknesse is contemned and cannot serue Reade in y e 1. epist to the Cor. chap. 4. vers 21. Take your cho●se whether I shall come to you with a rodde or in loue and in the spirite of meeknesse meaning that hee woulde come in seueritie if lenitie would not serue And 2. Cor. 13. 2. when hee seeth that they cānot be won with lenitie
professe or followe Christ what can bee more hard But suppone reason were conuinced and the mouth thereof closed that it coulde gette no shift to answere yet thinkest thou so to bee quite of thy selfe No the will and the affections will stand obstinately against the judgement of the minde and follow out and pursue that which the minde discearneth to be euill So thou mayest easily see that there is nothing more harde than to gette this Regeneration yea thou mayest see that it is a thing altogether impossible except that Almighty Spirit of God be present and worke it effectually in the soule all the kings of the earth with all their weapons and engines of warre cannot be able to doe it No all the Angels in Heauen are not able to accomplish this worke The weapons of our warre-fare saith Paul are not carnall but mighty through God to cast downe strong holdes casting downe imaginations and euerie high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ 2. Cor. 10. 4. 5. There is no power in Heauen or earth but onely the Spirit of God that is able to renewe one creature And this power is granted to this our Ministerie the preaching of the Euangell Let great men let worldly men esteeme of it as they please God hath ordained this Ministery to minister this wonderfull power whereby the soules of men shall be regenerate Further thou must vnderstand that this Regeneration is not perfected in an instant but in processe of time it must continue all the dayes of thy life so long as thou liuest albeit thou liue a thousand yeeres this olde man will not bee perfectly and altogether mortified and slaine till the houre of death Thou must all the dayes of thy life-time be groaning vnder the burthen of sinne subject to crosses and troubles away with light-headed sinners who saye they woulde alwayes haue their heartes vp sadnesse becommeth a sinner well and thou must striue to finde the newe man to bee renewed degree by degree piece and piece euen till at last death bee swallowed vp of life and mortalitie of immortalitie And if thou wouldest haue this worke to goe forward in thee then set euermore Iesus thy Lord and thine head before the eyes of thy soule looke vpon Him with the eyes of faith for it is only His presence the sight of His glory that worketh this marueilous change for there is a great oddes betweene the sight of His glorie and the sight of the glorie of worldlie Princes for the sight of their glorie will not change thee nor make thee glorious but vanisheth awaye in a moment But the sight of the glorie of IESVS shall change thee and make thee glorious whensoeuer thou beholdest Him either by faith in this worlde or else face to face in the Kingdome of Glorie For when thou beholdest Him with the eyes of faith heere thou shalt bee changed according to the measure of thy faith and because thy faith is imperfect thy change heere must bee imperfect but when thou shalt see Him face to face and beholde Him as Hee is then shalt thou bee like vnto Him in glorie thy change shall bee perfect His presence shall bee effectuall to change thy vile bodie and to fashion it like vnto His owne glorious bodie when thou beholdest His glorie thou shalt bee changed into the same glorie Therefore yee see what neede wee haue to finde this Regeneration begunne in vs heere and to finde a continuall progresse therein all the dayes of our life that so wee maye bee assured that the LORD shall crowne His worke in vs with glorie in IESVS And nowe to ende then surelie yee see that corruption mischiefe and venome euerie man without exception communicate vnto their children by naturall generation Therefore Brethren this is mine exhortation to all both to great and small I except none from the King to the Begger Striue as yee are instrumentes of generation so to bee instrumentes of regeneration that your children maye bee taken out of nature and planted in grace and so bee made members of the mysticall bodie of IESVS CHRIST Striue to bring them vp in the knowledge of CHRIST that so yee maye bee free of that heauie judgement which remaineth for all such as neglect this duetie towardes their children and that yee maye see GODS blessing vpon your children heere and maye haue hope of that eternall life and glorie heereafter which the LORD hath promised to His owne in CHRIST IESVS To whome with the FATHER and the Holie SPIRIT three persons and one GOD be all Honour Glorie Praise Power Dominion both now and euermore So bee it THE XVII SERMON I. TIMOTH CHAP. I. verse 12 Therefore I thanke him who hath made mee strong that is Christ Iesus our Lord for hee counted mee faithfull and put me in his seruice verse 13 When before I was a blasphemer and a persecuter and an oppressour but I was receiued to mercie for I did it ignorantly through vnbeliefe verse 14 But the grace of our Lord was exceeding aboundant with faith and loue which is in Christ Jesus IN this Text beloued Brethren in Iesus Christ there is set downe to vs a notable example of thankfulnesse to God in the person of the Apostle Paul for that great and incomparable mercy which the Lord bestowed vpon him not onely in forgiuing him his grosse and manifold sinnes but also for setting of him in His seruice and for the committing to him the message of reconciliation making him an Apostle to preach repentance and remission of sinnes to others As the mercies which he found were wondrous great so is hee wondrous carefull alwayes to testifie his thankfulnesse to GOD And to the ende the more chearefully he may praise thanke God hee considereth and setteth downe by degrees and in order his vnworthinesse and the euill deedes that he did notwithstanding whereof the Lord extended His mercy most aboundantlie towardes him To come to the wordes Hee saieth Therefore I thanke him who hath made me strong that is Christ Jesus our Lord These wordes depend vpon the verse immediately going before hee saide before that the glorious Euangell of Iesus Christ was concredite to him for the which cause he bursteth forth in thankesgiuing and hee saieth Therefore I will be thankfull to Him who hath concredited it vnto mee Then yee see his thankfulnesse ariseth on two considerations First vpon the consideration of the excellency of the Euangel of Iesus Christ The Gospell is glorious in it selfe and it is come down from the blessed God next vpon the consideration of his owne vnworthinesse looke howe worthie the Gospell was as vnworthie was hee then considering that so worthy a thing was giuen vnto him and that hee himselfe was so vnworthy hee knoweth not what thankes to giue he cannot deuise what manner of waye to testifie his thankfulnesse If once wee could see what God were howe
what the Apostle saieth to this purpose to the Ephes. Chap. 3. verse 10. It is their pleasure to pierce in to that misterie and to looke to that mercie but miserable man to whom it belongeth commonlie wondreth not at it But albeit the prophane man when hee is sleeping in sinne and going on in an euill course thinking it but an easie thing to gette mercie and albeit hee wonder not much when he seeth another miserable sinner to get mercie but account it a matter of sober importance yet if it please the Lord once to waken his conscience and make his sinnes to appeare in their owne colour how great how vile and how detestable they are and what it is to offende that infinite and inuiolable Majestie that Omnipotent IEHOVAH who created all thinges and to finde the terrours and tormentes of that ineuitable wrath and euerlasting paine And if the Spirit of God leaue him there to his owne selfe and helpe him not forwarde hee woulde conclude that there were no mercie for him and hee would maruell that euer a sinner shoulde get mercie for hee woulde see the justice of God as a wall of fire standing before God holding off the sinner that hee preasse not to come neare to God So such persons woulde dite their owne dittie and giue out their owne doome against themselues And except it please the Lord to sende His Holie Spirit who searcheth all thinges yea the deepnesse of God out of His owne bosome to a miserable sinner thus exercised to conuoy him through His justice thorowe that wall of fire and to let him see and feele the mercie of God in the Lord Iesus he would neuer nor durst neuer claime to His mercie Onelie they who getteth that Holy Spirit who cometh out of that deepenesse to conuoye the creature to that vnsearcheable deepnesse for albeit the deepnesse of that mercie bee infinite yet the Spirit of GOD searcheth out that deepnesse will acclaime and apprehende mercie and then such persons will maruel that euer themselues or any other should haue found such infinite mercie And the Sainctes of God in the kingdome of Heauen shall euer be exercised in marueiling at the mercies of God vpon them It is true that manie vaine wanton men when they are going on in sinne beeing drunken and bewitched with the pleasures of sinne and mad in their damnable course will promise mercie to themselues and will applie mercie to sinne to make sinne more and more sweete as if it were not sweete enough before But away with thee for mercie appertaineth not vnto thee but wrath and judgement so long as thou remainest in that estate Thou art not in that estate that thou mayst claime to His mercie for onely the man who hath a sadde a contrite and a broken soule may acclaime to mercie and such a man in greatest sadnesse for sinne shall haue vnspeakeable joye Nowe after hee hath vvondered at the mercie of GOD in the ende of the verse hee setteth downe a cause not so much vvherefore GOD gaue him mercie as that GOD was so readie to giue him mercie Hee saieth that hee was an ignorant and that hee prooueth because hee wanted faith His ignorance deserued no mercie but rather made him culpable and guiltie For the Lord will not allowe such an excuse in that Great day but ignorance maketh the sinne the lesse The sinne that proceedeth from ignorance is not so great as the sinne that proceedeth from knowledge for the seruant vvho knoweth not the masters vvill and doeth it not shall bee striped with fewe stripes but the seruant vvho knoweth the masters vvill and doeth it not shall bee striped vvith manie stripes Luke 12. 47. 48. But for the better clearing of this point vvee must vnderstand that Paul meaneth not that euerie sinne vvhich is committed vvillinglie and vvittinglie men knowing vvell enough that they are sinning shall not bee forgiuen for in vvhat case should vvee all bee into then Doe vvee not all manie a time sinne vvittinglie and vvillinglie Doe not our consciences challenge vs in the verie act Will vve not doe vvrong to our neighbour in his person or in his goods or in his name and account yes no question and vve cannot justifie our selues in our doinges If therefore they vvho offend God euen with open eyes were condemned without hope of mercie alas in what case would wee bee into Hee meaneth not then of all sins in generall hee meaneth not of the sins committed against the secōd Table against our neighbours but by joyning ignorance and mis-beliefe together he sheweth that hee meaneth of the resisting of the trueth of God which is a far greater sinne than theft hooredome or backe-biting for they who resist the trueth doe as much as in them lieth to pluck God out of His seat and to put out the remembrance of His glorious Majestie that He reigne no more and they say in effect Let mee alone with God I shall handle him wel enough I shall bring him to nought hee shall not reigne I shall fight against him Therefore Paul speaking of such an accursed sinne saieth not without cause I did it of ignorance as if he had said It is true to blaspheme Gods name and to treade Gods word vnder feete and to persecute the Saincts of God is a sinne that surmounteth and surpasseth all sinnes and I am culpable of this sinne But what I did it not wittinglie for I thought I serued GOD when I was an enemie to the Gospell because I ●anted faith Indeede Paule was a learned man and brought vp in all good literature as we reade in the 3. Chap. to the Philipp As for the knowledge of the lawe and the tradition of the Pharisees hee surpassed the rest Galat. 1. 14. Yet for all this hee saieth hee was ignorant because hee wanted the knowledge of Christ. Suppose thou knowest all the worlde and yet if thou knowest not Iesus Christ thou knowest nothing And though thou knewest all the lawes in the worlde all humanitie all philosophie yet if thou knowest not Christ thou knowest nothing Now blessed is that soule that knoweth Christ albeit hee knewe no more for in the knowledge of Him standeth life euerlasting Marke againe hee saieth because hee was ignorant therefore hee was a blasphemer and persecuter Ignorance is a dangerous thing they who are ignorant of Christ they who haue not faith in Him they who knowe not what a glorious personage Hee is what incomparable benefite Hee brought with Him vnto the worlde who hath not founde His mercies who haue not beene sensible of the forgiuenesse of their sinnes who haue not founde the image of God repaired in them and they who haue not found that peace of conscience and joye in the Holie Ghost they will persecute Christ and His Gospell and His Sainctes It is a dangerous thing for the Sainctes of GOD to dwell among ignorantes and vnbeleeuers for such men are vnreasonable yea they are Atheistes The Apostle Paul
6. And it is onely such persons as these who are of a contrite Spirit who tremble at the Lords wordes that doe get mercie and saluation Then in a word a humble penitent sinner how great so euer his sinne be he ●all get saluation So there is nothing that hindereth thee from mercie and saluation but the malitiousnes of thine owne heart It is not Adulterie it is not Murther it is not Blasphemie or oppreslion that depriueth thee of y t saluation but the hardnes of thine heart that cannot repent if thou hast a contrite heart and canst say Woe is me that I haue offended so sweet gracious a God thou shalt get mercie It is an heauie Iamentable case that sinners should want mercy for fault of repentance When he hath set downe this generall sentence whereon hee groundeth the mercy of God that was shewed on him that Christ came in the world to saue sinners he cōmeth to the particular application he subjoyneth But I am the first sinner in the world the conclusion is vnderstood therefore Christ Iesus came in the world to saue me Would to God euery sinner in the world could learne to apply this general sentence to themselues in the same maner that Paul doth here frō his heart could say with him Christ Iesus is come in the world to saue sinners then subjoyne Bot I am the first sinner in the world that sa he might apply mercy saluation to himselfe for without this application these generall sentences can serue for no vse It is true indeede Brethren sciences of these generall sentences that are contained in y e Scripture is very good yea the knowledge of them is most necessary for no man can haue conscience without knowledge But it is as true on the other part that science and knowledge auaile not without cōscience applying particularlie to a mans soule the thing that hee knoweth As when men know these generall sentences set downe in the word if they applie them not to themselues the knowledge of them can serue to no purpose As for example when a man knoweth this generall sentence of the law Cursed is euery man that continueth not in euery thing which is written in the booke of the law to doe them if thou apply it not it can doe thee no good But if thy conscience be wakened to acknowledge thy trāsgressing of y e law consequently to apply to thy selfe that curse of the lawe eternall condemnation what sorrow griefe will it worke in thine heart what earnest desire will it worke to bee free from that curse and eternall condemnation Yea thou wouldest bee content to giue all the world to bee free of that curse and the heauie burthen of the wrath of God And Brethren look neuer for mercy nor saluation except first thine own conscience condemne thee if thy conscience condemne thee not the Lord of Heauē shal condemne thee There is neuer one that is freede from the curse and condemnation of the law but they who feele their sin groane vnder the burthen of it get a sight of their condemnation for sin Another example we haue of this generall sentence that the Apostle hath in this place Christ Iesus is come into the world to saue sinners If thou applie it not say not as the Apostle doeth I am a sinner it can furnish thee no joy nor comfort Thē when we come to heare the doctrine of grace mercy let vs come with a conscience wakened wearie with the sense of sin for if the soules of men and women were weary laden with the burthen of sin they would feele an vnspeakeable joye in their hearts at the preaching of y ● doctrine of saluation But because we are casten vp in a senselesse securitie our consciences are asleep the thing that we haue is but a generall motion therefore it is that at the preaching of the law there is no sorrow no griefe no heauinesse of hart if the glad tithings of the Euangell bee preached there is no joye nor comfort And this is the thing that we haue moste to lament at the preaching of the word that wee haue no feeling neither of sadnesse nor of joy and therefore the judgement is the nearer And hee or she that l●eth hardest sleeping in greatest security shall get the forest most terrible wakening when the judgement commeth Nowe the Lord waken our consciences in time and giue vs grace to take heed to the preaching of the word and to beware of our selues euer pray to the Lord for grace neuer let neither the memory of His mercy toward penitēt sinners nor of His judgemēt against indured and impenitent sinners passe out of our mind Marke againe In application when he applieth the generall vnto himselfe he applieth not immediately saluation but first he applieth sinne to himselfe and then saluation he saith not first I am saued but first hee saieth I am the greatest amongst sinners thereafter he saith I haue obtained mercy Then take heed to thy application When thou hearest by the preaching of the Gospell saluation offered to sinners take not first to thy selfe saluation but first take sinne and death then take life and apply it to thy selfe Rejoyce not first at the preaching of the glad tithinges of saluation but first conceiue a displeasure then let joy arise out of displeasure for joy of saluatiō must arise out of the displeasure through the feare of damnation It shall passe thy power to finde joye through the sense of mercy and saluation before thou find sadnesse heauinesse of heart through the sense of sinne and damnation Euen as ye see a spring of water will not breake out of a rocke except the rocke bee broken Euen so is it with this effect No joye can bee to the heart of a Christian man or woman till the heart be contrite and broken with sadnesse through the sense of sinne The heart is first exceeding heauy and sorrowfull and out of that heauinesse ariseth the joy and the heauier the heart is the greater the joye is Would to God we had this sorrow sadnesse and the sense of the wrath of God in our hearts for sinne for the saddest heart for sinne will get the greatest joy euermore the greater sadnesse the greater joye If our hearts bee grieued and weary with the sight of sinne wee shall haue such a spirituall joy as the world knoweth not And this joy is as sure an earnest-penny of that joy of Heauē as euer was And he that hath that joy that ariseth from that sorow in the hart for sinne he hath a sufficient warrand of that joy in Heauen and hee that hath not that joy hee hath no warrand of that Heauenly joye Therefore Christ saieth Blessed are they that mourne for they shal be comforted Mat. 5. 4. Now in this world this joy is mixed with teares but then it shall be a perfect joy