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A30673 Death improv'd, and immoderate sorrow for deceased friends and relations reprov'd wherein you have many arguments against immoderate sorrow, and many profitable lessons which we may learn from such providences / by Edward Bury ... Bury, Edward, 1616-1700. 1693 (1693) Wing B6204; ESTC R11343 169,821 306

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VERA EFFIGIES EDVARDI BURII EVANGELII MINISTRI AN. AETAT SUAE 66 ANo. DOM. 1682 Inventiue art dame-natures curious ape You see can counterfeit the bodyes snape Yet can noe more describe the mind then we Heavens glory by the spangled Canopy This shaddows out the house who there doth dwell Aske in the booke the picture cannot tell DEATH IMPROV'D AND Immoderate Sorrow FOR Deceased Friends and Relations REPROV'D WHEREIN You have many Arguments against Immoderate Sorrow and many Profitable Lessons which we may Learn from such Providences 1 Thess 4.13 14. But I would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope For if we believe that Christ died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him By EDWARD BVRY formerly Minister of Great Belas in Shropshire LONDON Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside 1693. TO THE Vertuous and truly Religious The Lady Wilbraham the Pious Consort of the Right Worshipful Sir Thomas Wilbraham of Weston under Lizard Barronet one of His Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford E. B. wisheth all Happiness External Internal and Eternal MADAM IT fares with me as 't is fabled of Pan that pretended Rural God who being admitted into Apollo's Presence to shew his skill upon his Oaten Pipe at the first he was bashful and timerous but being uncontrouled he grew bolder and Pip't louder This was my Case when I wrote the ensuing Letter which was in a dark and gloomy Day my Bashfulness and Sense of Vnworthiness when it was finish'd had like to have strangled it in the Womb and to have kept it from your sight fearing what Reception it might meet with but knowing what ever was wanting a good Meaning and an Intention to do good was not wanting and after some conflict in my self I resolved to put it to the venture and send it I did but your ●ind Acceptance beyond my Expectation made me Pipe louder and without your privity I sent it to the Press thinking that having past this Test and you approving of it others also might possibly do the same but had you past it by with a Check or Disrespect you had spoiled my Musick yet durst I not prefix your Name to it as thinking it unworthy of you But your kind Acceptance of it when it was Printed and Approbation doth make me yet bolder to prefix your Name and tell the World to whom it doth of right belong and this will be some excuse for me that you did not manifest your dislike nor forbid me to do it the Reasons why I did this and do now again Publish it were given you then there were many worthy Friends then and since that time that lay under the like Dispensation of Providence that you did viz. That had parted with their near Relations to whom I was willing to give a Word of Advice and Comfort but my Occasions would not permit me to Speak or Write to all neither was I able to do it to all that needed my Advice I therefore imagining what doth one good may benefit another also I made it publick this Letter may speak my Mind when I am absent even to those to whom I cannot come for I see Grace itself will not wipe off immoderate Tears but they sometimes flow like a mighty Torrent without Bank or Bottom and tho' here be some things peculiar to your Condition in the Letter yet in the general 't is of publick concern the Disease is common and the Receipt I hope will not be useless Most People first or last are concerned in parting with Relations here are Considerations to quiet them at least they see the Death of others as well as of their Relations and here are profitable Instructions to improve that for their own good and Direction how to prepare for their own Death These Considerations made me make that publick which at first was intended for private use and I hope this second Edition will give your Ladiship no Offence nor to read your Name in the Front when I sent the Letter to you I did foresee that I must shortly come into the Furnace again and so I did the very Week I received the printed Book I B●ried my eldest Son as you had done your eldest Daughter and how soon I may have another Trial I know not The Lord grant I may learn the Lesson my self I am teaching others some Additions I have made at the Request of several which may be more needful to others then to you I hope they tend towards the perfection not imperfection of the Book But I forget my self the whole being but a Letter and that to your Ladiship I must not make the Gate too wide for the Building I shall cease further to trouble you when I have committed you and your dear Relations into the Hands of him that never leaveth his and subscribed my self MADAM Your much Obliged Servant EDWARD BVRY THE CONTENTS THE Introduction Five Arguments to quiet the Heart at the Death of Relations 1. Consider who did it that great God whose they are 2. Consider Who we are that are discontented Dust and Ashes 3. What wrong is done to us or our Relations 4. What Benefit are we like to have by mourning 5. Our own Condition is mortal and shall suddenly follow Seven Lessons To be learnt by the Death of Friends if all must die 1. Lesson How little we are beholding to Sin 1. It brought Death into the World 2. It is the cause of all the Misseries we suffer in the World 3. 'T is the cause of all Spiritual Judgment we meet with 4. It lays us under the Wrath of God and makes him our Enemy 5. T is the cause of eternal Death and eternal Damnation Second Lesson How little Good the world can do us in our greatest need 1. It cannot prevent Death tho' we had never so much of it 2. It cannot procure us a happy Life or give Content 3. The things of the World are uncertain and momentary 4. It can do us little good in our great Concerns here or hereafter 5. It exposeth us to a great deal of danger Third Lesson Of how great concern Grace and a good Conscience is 1. It helps exceedingly to bring us through the World with Comfort 2. It fits us to leave the World and takes away the Fear of Death 3. Without it we can neither please God nor enjoy him 4. It will procure us a good Name to succeeding Generations 5. It will bear up the Heart at Judgment and usher us into Heaven Fourth Lesson If all must dye then the Godly have nothing to Suffer 1. The Saints at Death shall be freed from all their Sins 2. From all the Causes of Sin Temptations of Satan and the World 3. From all the Devil's Instruments Persecutions and Tryal 4. From all the Effects of Sin Losses
Those are most like to neglect their Work that cast it out of sight and out of mind and those are likest to be surprized by an Enemy that neglect their Watch When the evil servant said in his heart my Lord deferreth his coming c. he was soon surprized and paid for his Folly Mat. 24.48 c. In the Psalmist's days there were many of whom he saith God is not in all their thoughts Psal 10.4 And are there not many in our days of whom it may be said Death is not in all their thoughts Do not the shew of their countenance the course of their lives testifie against them and they declare their sin 〈◊〉 Sodom and hide it not The course of their Lives cannot consist with a believing Meditation of God of Heaven and Hell Death and Judgment no no they put far from them the evil day Amos 6.3 This cursed Security is the source of all manner of sin and wickedness for God is neither in their Head nor Heart and therefore they sin boldly I have heard of some foolish Creatures that will thrust their Heads into a Bush and then because they see no body they think no body sees them such apprehension many Men seem to have of Death they think themselves secure because they have got Death out of their minds but misreckoning proves no Payment Many like the Rich Man Luke 12.16 c. promised himself a longer Lease than God had sealed him but Christ calls him Fool for his labour Many mens Glasses are almost run out when they thought they were but new turned but those that reckon without their Host must reckon twice 'T is folly in a Tenant to forget his Rent-day and then imagine his Land-lord forgets it also or for a Malefactor to forget the day of his Execution and think others forget it as well as he This was Jerusalem's fault and it proved her ruine Lam. 1.9 She remembred not her last end therefore she came down wonderfully and this proves many a man's ruine It was not in vain therefore that Moses prays Psal 90.12 So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom We are apt to make some Preparation for the Body what to eat and what to drink and wherewithal we shall be cloathed and neglect not Fairs nor Markets where wanted Necessaries may be had many prepare in the Day for the Night in the Summer for Winter in Health for Sickness in Youth for Age yea and for their Posterity after them And what stupid Madness is it not to provide in time for Eternity and remember not the days of darkness for they are many Eccles 11.8 'T is the greatest folly to mind trifles and neglect the main The thoughts of Death will not hasten it the sooner but it may hasten our Preparation for it it can do us no harm but much good Let no day therefore pass without some serious thoughts and meditation of it this will make it less formidable 'T is fabled of the Fox that when he first saw a Lion he trembled but in process of time he grew bolder Thus by better Acquaintance we should do with Death that is most amazing that comes unexpectedly Let us put the Question to our selves Did I know I should dye the next Week or Month how should I spend this time And let 's live so seeing for ought we know we may not live so long Sure our Time-wasting Gallants would then find something else to do than to divide their Time as many do between Swearing Roaring Drinking and Whoring Death will make a wonderful change both in the good and in the bad In the good 't is an outlet to all their Misery and an inlet to Heaven and Glory In the bad 't is an end of all their Felicity and the date of their Misery and can this on either side be such a contemptible change as not worth thinking of Should a poor Woman upon a fixed day be to be married to some Mighty Prince could she forget the day or neglect to prepare for it Can a Maid forget her ornaments or a Bride her attire c. Or were a Man upon an appointed day to go to Prison to Banishment or to Execution would it signifie nothing to him Were our Houses on fi●e over our Heads or were we pursued by a Lion or Bear or other ravenous Beast or some deadly Enemy that sought our Lives should we be so unconcerned And is not the Soul in a thousand times greater danger of Eternal Death than the Body can be of Temporal and yet shall this be slighted Is it not high time for us when the Sergeant waits to Arrest us to take Christ's Counsel and agree with our Adversary before we are cast into Prison Mat. 5.25 And not as ill Husbands do stay till we are arrested and cast into Prison I know there are too many that think God and Devil Heaven and Hell are but Fables these will know to their sorrow they are Realities and deserve our serious thoughts And 't is not enough to think of Death for many do so against their wills but they must prepare for it also let us consider every Evening what we have done in reference to Preparation the day past and whether we are a days Journey nearer Heaven as we are nearer our Graves This course is likely to fit us for Death and Judgment Lesson 7. The Seventh Lesson we may learn from this sad and unexpected Providence is Seeing all are under a necessity of dying to bring our minds to be willing to dye how and when God in his Providence shall think fit It is appointed unto all men once to dye and after death the Judgment Heb. 9.27 Now 't is our Duty to subscribe our consent to this Law He that hateth not his father mother wife and children brethren and sisters and his own life also he cannot be my Disciple Luke 14.26 These are Love-Tokens God hath given us to win our Love and when he requires them again 't is to try whether we love Him or his Gifts better 'T is as I shew'd before our Duty to submit as Aaron patiently to the death of our Relations and sometimes the Lesson proves hard enough but here is a further tryal we shall be put upon to submit to our own Death When Job bore the loss of his Estate and Relations so well the Devil would try him by afflicting him in his Body and Mind Skin for skin and all that a man hath will he give for his life Job 2.4 As if he should say Any thing for his own Life Cattle Servants Children all shall go so he may sleep in a whole Skin I know the Lesson to be willing to dye seems hard to Flesh and Blood but we must have something more or we cannot dye well the same Reason that makes us submit to another's Death is good here I know there are greater Temptations lying at some mens doors than others 't is
terrible he may hum but not hurt strike but not sting kill a Believer yet not hurt him the worst is to send him to his Father's House the sooner But what is this to those in whom sin not only lives but raigns It will bring sad tidings to such 't is indeed the cause of all the Crosses and cross Providences they meet with here in this World but brings forth far bitterer Fruit which will not be ripe in this World which Reprobate Wretches must feed upon to Eternity Whatever we suffer here we may thank Sin for it haply we have laid some Creature-Comforts too near our hearts Well the Achan must be removed or God will not be pacified But if we dye while ●in is alive our present Suffering though to the ●oss of our Relations Wealth Honours Plea●ures yea and Life it self is but a Flea-biting ●o our future Torments Then sin how plea●ant soever it look now will be found our greatest Enemy All Men in the World and the Devil ●o help them can but kill the Body 't is Sin on●y that kills the Soul and God casts both Soul ●nd Body into Hell for sin the loss of which is more than the loss of the World Matth. 16.26 The loss of it is incomparable and irreparable ●he Rich Glutton could not with all his Wealth Purchase one drop of Water to cool his tongue Luke ●6 24 c. The Soul it self is a Precious Piece next the Angels the most precious that ever God made being made in his own Image and the greatest and richest Purchase that ever was made ●nd cost the greatest Price the Precious Blood of the Son of God 'T is that which is most like ●nto God himself and fitted for Communion with him and of Enjoying him for ever 'T is ●ndued with excellent Faculties the Understand●ng Will Affections Conscience Memory and many more which make a Man differ from a Beast and resemble an Angel And for dura●ion it runs parallel with the days of Heaven with the longest times of Eternity neither is ●here any thing in the World to be compared to 〈◊〉 and there is nothing but sin can hurt or wound it and this alone makes it subject to Eternal Torments and rents it out of the hands of God and the arms of Christ when nothing else can do it Sin makes Men in a worse condition than the Beasts that perish which were in the Creation little lower than the Angels the one is thrown into the Ditch and so ends their Misery the other into Hell with the Devil and his Angels where they are ever dying and never able to dye ever suffering those insufferable Pains out of which is no hope of Redemption for when they have been there as many thousands of Years as there are Grass-piles upon the Earth Stars in Heaven Sands upon the Sea-shore and Hairs upon their Heads they are never the nearer going forth than they were the first day they were cast into it for a thousand thousand Millions substracted from Eternity doth not lessen the Account Oh the horrible Nature of Sin which plucks the Soul from the Eternal Embraces of her dear Redeemer and from those Rivers of pleasures at God's right hand for evermore and lodges it among the Devils and the Damned in those Eternal Flames to all Eternity in those Rivers of Brimstone kindled by the Wrath of God Isa 30.33 Here we may behold the deadly Fruits of Sin and shall we bewail the Death of Relations which indeed is the Fruit of Sin and shall we not bewail and prevent its more deadly and dangerous Effects when without Repentance our Souls as well as our Bodies are like Eternally to perish Lesson 2. From this Lecture of Mortality before us is this It may plainly shew us how little good the World will do us when we have most need and by this we may take a true estimate of its Worth or rather of its Vanity We use to say that is good that will do us good and 't is a Friend that will help in time of need I am sure the World will not cannot do it 't is true if we look upon it through the Devil's Spectacles it will look fair and so will an Old Hag in her Paint and Plaister but this is the way to be egregiously deceived but that there is really little worth in it observe with me these following Considerations 1. Consid Riches Honours Pleasures or whatever else the World can brag of cannot prevent Death though sometimes it doth hasten it The truth of this is evidently seen in this Providence for had it been a vast Estate sumptuous Buildings costly Apparel Men or Means Food or Physick that could have preserved her Life doubtless she had not dyed but this could neither prevent the Disease remove it or take away the Malignity of it For when Death comes and come it will it will neither be bribed nor baffled Diseases are God's Servants when he bids them go they go and when he bids them come they come and what he bids them do they do it like the Centurion's Servant Mat. 8.9 Contra vim mortis non est medicamen in hortis If God strike the Creature cannot heal God hath the Keys of Life and Death at his Girdle and our way is to go to him and neither trust to Physicians as Asa or to Witches as Saul 'T is he that kills and makes alive and brings to the gates of death and back again Deut. 32.39 'T is he that passed that Decree more firm than the Laws of the Medes and Persians That all men should once dye and after death come to Judgment Heb. 9.27 By force of this your Daughter dyed and so will you ere long All that the Rich Man had Luke 12.19 20. could not bribe Death one Night neither can any Man Ransom his Brother from Death The Rich Cardinal Beuford found it true to his sorrow Though Money be the greatest Commander in the World it will be out of Commission in the World to come Death is a perfect Leveller it will Lodge the Poor and the Rich the Fair and the Foul the Young and the Old the King and the Beggar in the same Bed without Respect of Persons let the World say what it will to the contrary and Happy be those that are prepared or otherwise it will prove but a Trap-door to Hell Death regards not any however dignified or distinguished the King then must leave his Robes and the Beggar his Rags behind him the Scull of the one retains no impression of a Crown nor of the other of his Slavery Now great Men are like Capital Letters they take up more room and be more gorgeously adorned and clad commonly go before others but signifie the same thing So the greatest signifies no more than a Man and the meanest signifies no less Or like unto Counters some in the Account signifie Pounds some Shillings some Pence and some less but when they are in the Box they
than our Idle Gallants that fare deliciously every day and are cloathed in Purple and fine Linnen in whom the Effects of Drinking and Drabbing do daily appear and if such like Debaucheries set an end to their Happiness and to their Lives also what wonder now if the World can do so little for the Body then much less can it do for the Soul for few bad Men are made good by it and few good Men better Men are never the better for Riches or Honour in God's Esteem many times the worse if they abuse their Talents Indeed the Papists Doctrine of Purgatory Pardons and Indulgences if true which they can never prove give the Rich a very great advantage over the Poor for though they dance with the Devil all Day yet for a little Money they may sup with Christ at Night or do the Devil's Work and receive Christ's Wages but a wonder then that so many Woes are denounced against the Rich and so many Blessings to the Poor And sure the Rich Glutton did not understand this Doctrine nay not in Hell for then he would have sent Lazarus to have told his Brethren which way to have prevented Hell and Purgatory also by Pardons Indulgences Masses c. But this Doctrine was brewed and broached long after this or else Christ would not have let his Apostles want Money to bring them out of Purgatory for doubtless they had some Venial Sins as well as others Besides this Men want many things to make them happy which are not sold in the World's Shop Gold tryed in the fire white Rayment spiritual Eye-salve Rev. 3.18 The World deals not in such Merchandize they must be bought of Christ for whoever thinks they are to be had elsewhere will find his mistake The Image of God we have lost in the Fall the World cannot restore it we are by Nature Enemies to God the World cannot reconcile us 't is not thousands of Rams nor ten thousand rivers of Oyl will do it Micah 6.7 The World is too thin a Garment to keep off the showers of Divine Vengeance we have sins to Pardon and none can forgive sins but God let the Pope say what he will to the contrary The Question at last will not be What Gold we have but what Grace we have 'T is not a Purple Robe but the Robes of Christ's Righteousness 't is not every Spot but the Spot of God's People not a spotted Face but Christ's Sheep-mark will procure us a station on the right hand of Christ We have many Spiritual Maladies and Christ alone must be our Physician and his Blood the only Potion none but he can bind up the broken Heart and speak Peace to the troubled Conscience We are by Nature Slaves to Satan and the World were it sold to the worth of it cannot Redeem one Soul out of his Bondage the World indeed are the Fetters that fasten us to him but cannot loose us and these are the Toys he allures us with as Children are with Rattles to be content in our Slavery We are by Nature strangers to God and 't is by the Blood of Christ not the World's Wealth we are brought home Ephes 2.13 We want Comfort and 't is the Spirit that is the Comforter In our Spiritual wants we can have no supply in our Distempers of Soul no help at our Death no comfort from the World it never did us much good but at Death and Judgment can do us none as many have too sadly experienced When we are lanching forth into the infinite Ocean of Eternity and look back upon the World which we have loved and trusted in for help we shall find our selves miserably cheated the thoughts then of former Enjoyments will bring us little Delight especially if we think of the after-reckoning and that our eaten Bread is not forgotten and our Silks and Sattins unpaid for When the Bridegroom comes the World cannot supply us with Oyl 't is not to be Sold in this Market neither with a Wedding-garment It must be the Oyl of Grace and the Robes of Christ's Righteousness and the Jewels of his Graces must do our work and this is our Misery all our Riches then will not pay the Debts it hath contracted nor undo the Bonds it hath tyed The World always shews most love where there is least need and yields us no help at the greatest necessity This may suppress our over-eager desire after it for if we would moil and toil let it be in a more Fruitful Soil Do not the Poor pass through this Life as comfortably as the Rich and sometimes with more content And think with Galeacius All the Wealth in the World is not worth one day's Communion with God and that may be had in the Cottage as well as in the Court Many Treasure up Riches and it proves like Snow-drifts the Sun shines upon it and it melts away and reaches not to Eternity But there are durable Riches other Riches before the cold Grave have their Bodies hot Tophet hath their Souls and their Wealth cannot save them and those that could never have enough have there Fire enough 'T is a sad mistake to think Riches Honours and Carnal Delights are the only Happiness for then Christ and his Apostles and followers had been most unhappy for Silver and Gold they had none no not to pay Tribute The Scripture measures not a Man's Happiness by the multitude of his Riches for such may be destitute of Grace and so is still Poor in the midst of Plenty Who is it that would have a filthy Itch upon him for the pleasure he takes in scratching Such is an immoderate desire after the World Yet consider 't is not the having an Estate but the over-greedy desire of it and the over-loving it makes it dangerous for a Man may make friends with the Mammon of unrighteousness for his own advantage if he improve it well and lay it not too near his Heart 'T is bad putting the Poor's part into a Child's Portion 't is better leave a Child a Bag to beg with than ill-gotten Goods to make up his Portion 5. As the Benefit the World affords here or hereafter is not great so the Danger it exposeth us to here and hereafter is not small which did our greedy Misers well consider they would not so greedily grasp after it For Riches are like Thorns the faster they are hug'd the deeper they wound yea many times pierce to the very Heart Of these Worldly things the Devil makes his choicest Baits when he fishes for Souls and most Men will be nibling at them He is like a cunning Fowler he stands behind the Bush when he exposeth his Baits to our view but 't is hard sometimes to see the Hand that holds it he suits his Baits to the inclination of every Person he hath a Companion for the Drunkard a Delilah for Samson a wedge of Gold for Achan Honour for Haman the World for Demas and Money for Judas yea so
Register and records what is done there it will be a Witness a Judge and an Executioner The Memory also will not be in vain but will bring to mind things by us long ago forgotten the Sins committed the Duties omitted the Time lost the Opportunity let slip the Understanding will then know the worth of the things lost the vanity of those we had in exchange and the woful Bargain we have made and for this Conscience will lash to all Eternity 'T is one of the saddest Afflictions that can befal a Man in this Life to be under the Terrors of an enraged Conscience witness Spira that wish'd he were in Hell to know the worst of his Torments This was for one sin but when all their sins with all the aggravations shall stare them in the Face and when Conscience shall have an enlarged Commission it will then speak to purpose and not hold its peace Were a Man to grapple with the Creature it were not so much but who can contend with the Almighty Who can dwell with consuming fire or with everlasting burning Hell is the place where the Prisoner must pay the utmost farthing and God's Vials of Vengeance shall be poured out to the utmost all the Talents lent shall then be required and every vain Thought and every idle Word shall be answered for and every sin of Youth and riper Age of Ignorance and Knowledge Weakness and Wilfulness the sins of every Relation Calling and Employment of Omission Commission and Participation against the Law and against the Gospel with all their Circumstances and Aggravations Oh the numberless Number of bloody Bills will be brought in and fully proved not a vain word or thought or wanton glance of the Eye or wicked or lascivious Gesture or Action will be then omitted or forgiven there they must stay till they have paid the utmost Farthing for God will be no loser by them Those that have exceeded most in Sin shall exceed also in Torments as God threatens Babylon Rev. 18.15 16. No Tongue can tell nor Heart conceive how great their Torments will be for they will be inconceivable and unutterable If all the Tormenting Diseases that ever poor Creature groaned under were inflicted upon one Man and all the Racks and Tortures that ever were invented by Man or Devil were added to it and this Man's Life should be preserved under these Tortures for a Year for a Hundred or a Thousand Years sure it would be a miserable Spectacle But what is this to Hell Torments This reaches only the Body except by Sympathy when Soul and Body are tormented in Hell Or what is a Thousand Years to Eternity A thousand thousand rentings of the Soul from the Body is not so much as one renting of Soul and Body from God There are many now that cannot endure to hear the Devil's Name in a Sermon yet can they endure to lodge him in their Hearts but how will they lodge with him for ever If he now appear in some horrid shape how are they affrighted out of their Wits but how then will they dwell with him for Eternity Now if a Person be in pain they have some intervals some mitigation but there is none or some parts of the Body free when others are tormented but in Hell no Part Power or Faculty is free yet haply those Parts that sinned most may suffer most as the Rich Glutton's Tongue seemed to do their fire goes not out neither doth their worm dye Every Sense there will have its Torment as every Sense here hath its peculiar Sins Whether the Fire there be Material as some imagine or Metaphorical as others more probably conceive it is not much material for us to know and well if we never know if it be Material Fire God adds strength to it otherwise it could not touch the Soul if Metaphorical Fire 't is something more afflictive than our Imaginations can reach however Christ bids us not fear man that can but kill the body haply by Fire but cannot kill the soul but fear him that can cast soul and body into Hell Now our Fire consumes as well as torments but Hell Fire doth not so Wicked Men in Hell are like Moses's Bush always burning but never consumed would Hell-fire consume them it would be happy News but they are like the Salamander they live in it and will do to Eternity they never leave sinning and their sins are as Oyl or Pitch to increase the Flames and God will not leave plaguing them for their sins Jerome tells us their Sins are the Oyl and God's Wrath the Fire and while the Oyl is poured on the Fire will not out Those Bodies that now are so tender they cannot endure Cold nor Heat that must not have the Sun or Wind to see them for spoiling their Beauty will be now exposed to Fire and Flames those that could not away with an ill smell what will they do to endure the smell of burning Brimstone or what is worse represented by it Those that delighted in Pleasant Sights and Shews must here take up with the sight of Infernal Fiends and Leprous Souls far more ugly than the foulest Toad that crawls under our Feet and the choicest Melody will be the Yellings Roarings and Blasphemings of damned Devils and miscarrying Souls and nothing to be felt but Fire or what more is appointed for further Torment How will they dwell with everlasting burning that now cannot away with Summer-heat These Flames will neither regard Age Sex nor Beauty but like the Worms will feed upon one as soon as the other for as the Worms will make their Nests between those Breasts that now are exposed to shew and sale and eat out those wanton Windows of Love and Messengers of Lust and seize upon the fairest Face as on the most deformed Piece and rottenness will consume that Hair that now is made the Nets and Snares to catch our wanton Youth and Prey upon the most Ambitious Nimrod or proudest Person as soon as any other making no difference between the Prince and the Peasant the Dust of both will ere long be mixt and not known asunder so in like manner will they go undistinguished in the Infernal Pit for God will respect no Man's Person in the Judgment nor the Flames in Hell but as their Work is so will be their Reward That there will be degrees in Torment I think is out of doubt for there are degrees in Sin and the Judge of all the Earth will do Righteously Those that know their masters will and do it not shall be beaten with many stripes those that have abused most Talents have most to answer for It shall be easier for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of Judgment than for Corazin and Bethsaida Bloody Persecutors of Christ and his Church are like to have the hottest place in Hell and those that commit that Sin unto Death shall speed worse than those that sin of frailty Those that now would be accounted Roaring
my design and desire is to prevent immoderation which will hinder and not further you in the Work and unfit you for your Duty you may you ought do mourn but not as those without hope for those that sleep in the Lord 1 Thess 4.13 Ingenious Children when one is beaten the other will cry but they must take heed of murmuring and repining against their Father Lute-strings when one is touched the other sound and 't is one of those Dues which we owe to our deceased Friends to lament at their Funeral 't is those usually that live undesired that dye unlamented It was a Judgment threatned against Jehoiakim that when he died he should not be lamented Jer. 22.18 But we must not Water our Plants so as to drown them and that Sorrow that disables us for our present Duty in our general or particular Calling is doubtless our sin Our chiefest care for our Relations should be while they are living and that is to make provision to our power for Soul and Body but for the Soul especially for alas what is a moment of time to Eternity But when God manifests by his Providence that 't is his Will to transport and transplant these Flowers into a better Soil though we should not be insensible of the stroak we should not murmure or repine under it or accuse the Hand that gave it but submissively resign them up to him who gave them or rather lent them to us David did what he could for his Son while he was living but ceased mourning for him when he was dead Our Tears though they may be shed upon other accounts yet 't is pity they should run profusedly in any other Channel but for sin It being the true penitential Tears that are the Holy Water that God affects and the Devil hates for if any ●oss or Cross that befalls us deserve one Tear our Sins deserve a thousand for sin is the cause of all our Losses and Crosses that befal us and without Repentance will be the destruction of Soul and Body and when we see such direful Effects and tast such bitter Fruits we should bewail the Cause and root up the Tree If our Sin lay heavy our Crosses would seem light if we bathed our Sins in our Tears we should not have so many left to pour out upon these Occasions Sin is the occasion of the Death of your dear Daughter and will be of your own Death for had it not been for sin she had not dyed By one man sin entred into the world and death by sin and so death passed ever all for as much as all have sinned the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life Nay sin it was that put our sweet Saviour to death these were the Nails that pierced his Hands and his Feet the Spear that pierced his Side his Betrayer Accusers Judge and Executioners and can your Daughter be more dear to you than God's only and beloved Son was to him He laid down his Life for her and her Life is not too good to lay down for him he laid down his Life to purchase for her a Mansion of Glory and she laid down her Life to go to take Possession for there is no other way to enjoy it Madam In my present Address to you there are two things designed by me The first is to abate the swelling Tide of your Sorrow and to bring those Waters within their proper Bounds and Banks which I shall endeavour to do by giving you some few Considerations to Meditate upon that so when the violent Storm of Passion shall be allayed Reason may be spoke with which cannot many times be heard when Passion is raging and after that my intention is to point you out some of those many profitable Lessons which this Providence seems to hand out to us which if we can learn doubtless we shall gain by this loss or our gains will be greater than our loss for God's Rod hath a Voice and 't is our Duty to hear it Micah 6.9 Nay 't is like Jonathan's Rod 1 Sam. 14.27 it hath Honey at the end and if we taste of it it will open and enlighten our Eyes If God with Correction give Instruction we may well say as David It was good for me that I was afflicted before I was afflicted I went astray but now I learn to keep thy commandments Psal 119.67 Quae nocent docent is a Proverb and that Lesson is best learnt that is set on with whipping and best remembred Correction is seldom a sign of God's hatred many times of his love For whom he loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son that he receiveth If we endure chastening God dealeth with us as with sons for what son is he that his father chasteneth not And if we be without chastening then are we bastards and not sons Heb. 12.6 7 8. Amos 3.2 You only have I known of all the families of the earth therefore I will punish you for your iniquities God will be sure to plow his own Ground whatsoever becomes of the wast and to weed his own Garden though others are let alone to grow wild the punishing Angel must begin at God's Sanctuary Ezek 9. And it was no sign of Love when God said Ephraim is joyned to Idols let him alone Hosea 4.17 Since he hath made a match with Mischief let him have his belly full of it When Ignatius was thrown to the Wild Beasts to be devoured Now saith he I begin to be a Christian for Afflictions are the Gemms and Jewels with which God doth adorn his best Friends they are Pledges of our Adoption and Badges of our Sonship so that they are no signs of his disinheriting us and though he may seem to hide his Face yet 't is no sign of his forsaking us But now for the quieting your Spirit under your present Suffering and this dark Providence I beseech you ponder well these few following Considerations which well weighed may through God's Blessing quell those tumultuous Thoughts that swell in your Breast and I desire the Lord to bless them to this end 1. Consider who it is that hath done you this supposed Injury to take away your Daughter without your consent And here you may consider not only who it is but also what Interest he claims in her and then consider whether your Plea will hold good against him Is it not the great God of Heaven and Earth whose Power no Creature is able to resist whose Will is his Law and whose Glory is his End Is it not he that is called Omnipotent that doth what pleaseth him in Heaven and in Earth and none can resist him And is he a fit Match for you to grapple with Is it not he that measureth the water in the hollow of his hand and meteth out Heaven with his span and comprehendeth the dust of the earth in a measure that weigheth the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance To whom all
Cross or any thing to molest us had it not been for sin yet are we apt to over-look it and yet have our finger always upon the Sore we cry out Oh my Back my Belly my Bones my Heart but seldom Oh my Sin we are like h●m that complains of the pain in his Foot but not of the Shooe that pincheth him of the Gout Stone Strangury Surfeit but not of the Intemperance that is the cause Pharaoh cries out Take away the Frogs the Lice the Darkness let there be no more Hail but not take away the Sin the hardness of Heart that brought them God when he threatens Death for sin threatens also all the Causes and Fore-runners of Death and all the Evils which accompany a sinful Life for these are the Natural Productions of sin and much worse Fruit it bears if Repentance prevent it not and like a mighty Wind blows it not down before it come to Maturity otherwise it will be bitter Fruit We have far greater cause to cry out Oh my filthy Sins Oh my Pride my Passion my Covetousness my Deadness Dulness Formality Hypocrisie c. than Oh my dead Father my Husband my Son my Daughter We should cease quarrelling God and turn the edge of our Anger Sorrow and Indignation against Sin and against our selves for our sin and so our Quarrel will be much more just 'T is a stubborn Child that when corrected for a known fault will rather quarrel his Father than acknowledge his own Guilt We are apt to cry out Oh my Loss Oh my Cross than Oh my Sin my Infidelity my inordinate Affections which forces God thus to Correct me Let us remove the Cause and the Effect will cease Thus you see whether we consider sin in it self in its pestiferous infectious Nature or whether we consider it in its direful Effects the Miseries that attend it we have more cause to bewail it than any Loss or Cross that can befal us for sins sake as the Cause is worse than the Effect 3. But this is not all for sin procures Spiritual Judgments as well as Temporal and these are far more deadly and dangerous for these Distempers reach the Soul when the other touch only the Body or Estate Sin defiles and deforms all the Powers and Faculties of Soul and Body Sin is so Infectious and Contagious and the Effects thereof so Malignant that the greatest and most dangerous Plague-sore even that which rendeth the Soul from the Body is not so dangerous 'T is sin that hardens the Heart and turns it into the Nature of a stone We read of a stony heart and of all the Plagues that fell upon Pharaoh this was the worst and a greater than this cannot befal a Mortal Man in this Life God complains of this That the house of Israel were impudent and hard-hearted Ezek. 3.7 c. And the great Gospel-promise is To take away th● stony heart and give them hearts of flesh And as it hardens the Heart so it blinds the Mind which by reason of sin is Naturally Judicially and Wilfully blind the Image of God consisted in Knowledge Righteousness and true Holiness these by the Fall were lost and Ignorance Wickedness and Profaness the very Image of the Devil were engraven in their stead 1 Cor. 3.14 And Men walk in Darkness till the Scales of Ignorance are wiped from their Eyes and Christ's Spiritual Eye-salve applyed Rev. 3.18 A natural ma● cannot perceive the things of the spirit for they a●● spiritually discerned Many also are Judicially blind God in his just Judgment giving them up to strong delusion to believe lies Mat. 13.13 c. They are Wilfully blind and God will not Cure them like Hagar they cannot see the Well of Water that is before them They are wilfully Ignorant that they may sin the more freely The God of this world hath blinded their eyes 2 Cor. 4.4 He draws a Curtain between them and the Light and holds his black hand before their faces and were they anatomized his Image would be found ●ngraven upon their hearts Light is come into ●●e world and men love darkness rather than light ●ecause their works are evil They are willingly ●gnorant of what they are not willing to know ●hey have also cauterized Consciences seared with 〈◊〉 hot Iron and reprobate minds Rom. 1.28 And ●istempered and disordered Affections set upon ●rong Objects loving what they should hate ●nd hating what they should love fearing Men ●nd their threatnings and despising God and his ●hreatnings being given up to vile affections Rom. ● 26 1 Tim. 4.2 Yea they are given up to ●tubbornness of Will Judges 2.19 And of this ●e have Pharaoh for an Example that was be●ome Cannon-proof that all the Judgments ●rought upon Egypt could not work upon him ●uch are mentioned Jer. 44.19 that would bake ●akes to the Queen of Heaven let God himself say what he would to the contrary they will set up ●heir Post by God's Post and prefer their Dagon ●efore the Ark therefore God gives up such to ●trong delusions to believe lies Rom. 1.24 The Memory also though strong enough to retain what is bad yet 't is like a leaking Vessel that cannot retain any thing that is good In a word ●ll the Powers and Faculties of the Soul are pol●uted and the Members of the Body are the unhappy Instruments to act the wickedness the Soul contrives So that a Toad or Serpent is not fuller of Poison than Man's heart is naturally of Sin and Wickedness and of noxious Qualities the Fruits and Effects of which if timely Repentance prevent not will be the loss of God's Favour which is better than life in whose presence is fulness of joy and at whose right hand are pleasure● for evermore Psal 16.11 The loss also of an Interest in the Blood of Christ will follow which is of more value than the World it self for such trample upon the blood of the Covenant as an unholy thing Heb. 10.29 Yea they do despight unto the Spirit of God and put themselves from under the favourable Protection of God and tha● Guard of Angels that God sends forth as ministring Spirits for the good of those that love him and makes Men uncapable of the sweet Communion of Saints which David made his chiefes● Delight on Earth Psal 16.2 It deprives them of the Peace of Conscience a Jewel of inestimable worth and brings many times such a Storm there that all the World cannot allay a● in Cain Judas Spira and many more that Bird in the Bosom when it sings sweetly makes better Melody than all the World can do Sin also deprives Men of all true Interest and Spiritua● Right to all our outward Enjoyments a Civi●● Right we may have but a Covenant-Right we cannot have in a Natural condition for these things are not given but lent to a wicked Man and an Account will be required to the utmost Farthing In a word unrepented sin deprives Men of an Interest in God in
Heaven and Glory and of the Beatifical Vision for withou● holiness we shall never see God Let us therefore leave off sorrowing for petty Losses and Crosses and turn the whole Torrent of our Sorrow into this Channel even against our sins 4. Nay the mischief of Sin ends not here it also exposeth us to the wrath of God and makes him our Enemy that otherwise would be our closest surest and fastest Friend and did we ●now what it is to have God for our Enemy it ●ould send us trembling to our Grave for when ●is Fury is kindled it sets on fire the foundation of ●he mountains Deut. 32.22 'T is better have all ●he World to grapple with than with God if ●e frown upon us no Creature dare smile If ●e be for us who can be against us Rom. 8.31 ●f God have a Controversie with us who dare ●ake our part or move a Hand or Tongue in our Defence We cannot grapple with him he is ●oo strong for us we cannot flye from him as ●onah thought to do he will over-take us nei●her can we hide our selves from him Psal 136 ● c. We cannot struggle out of his hand ●or he is the Almighty and we but despicable Worms if he tread upon us he leaves us dead ●ehind him Before him the Holy Angels cover ●heir faces and all the Infernal Spirits tremble ●n his hand is the soul of every living thing and the ●reath of all mankind Job 12.10 If he with-hold ●ur breath we return to our Dust for we have ●o more than what he puts into us how then ●hall we contend with our Maker Can Chaff ●nd Stubble grapple with a devouring Flame One blast of his Displeasure can blow us into Hell yea Heaven and Hell and All into nothing ●nd how are we like to make our Party good ●gainst him when we cannot move a Finger ●wag a Tongue or fetch a Breath without his ●ssistance Well but let us well consider whether our Cause be good What cause hath God given us to take up Arms against him Hath he ●een a hard Master to us Or with-held our Wages Jonah thought he did well to be angry but was soon convinc'd Job had a mind to quarrel him and seems of any other to have the best Cause but when the Contest began h● soon threw down the Cudgels and lays his hand upon his Mouth Hath not God been our greate●● Benefactor and done more for us than all the World ever did or can do Is not he our be●● Friend and shall we become his profest Enemies Many good works have I done among you saith Christ for which of those do you stone me John 10.32 God gave us our Being when we had none and shall we hate him for it We were t●● Clay and he was the Potter and might have dash'd us into pieces with his foot He gave us Reason when he might have made us bruit Beasts as Dogs or Swine or more contemptible Creatures He hath given us Limbs and Senses when other● want them Peace and Plenty yea Life and Liberty and hath made our Lives comfortable to us when we deserve not the Ground we tread upon or the Air we breath in and shall we flye at the Face of God and thus requite the Lord our Maker Nay hath not Christ suffered more for us than any other hath or can do We had sold our selves Bond-slaves to Satan and neither Man nor Angel could have redeemed us out of our Slavery or have paid a Ransom sufficient for us but Christ laid down his Life to free us from the guilt of sin from the filth of sin from the Punishment due for sin from the Curse of the Law the Wrath of God the Slavery of Satan and from Everlasting Damnation And hath he for all this deserved our Malice and Hatred He hath bestowed more upon us than the World hath to bestow 't is he that sends us so many Ambassages for Peace and rains Heavenly Manna so plentifully about our Tents he gives us Promises such as the greatest Kings upon Earth cannot make and make good to their greatest Favourites as of his Spirit his Graces his Son and his Glory And is all this nothing Shall we foster sin in our Bosom that hinders us in the Enjoyment of those promised Blessings and expose us to the wrath of God and the everlasting Destruction of Soul and Body and expose us also to all Miserie 's Temporal Spiritual and Eternal God forbid Well we cannot make our Peace with God till we break our League with Sin and if God be our Enemy and our Enemy he will be if we are at Peace with Sin then we may expect he will treat us as Enemies Well may we fear that every bit of Bread we eat will choak us and every drop of Drink we drink may be our bane and that every Creature may wait for a Commission to end our days that the Floods may drown us as they did the Old World or the Fire consume us as Sodom or the Earth swallow us up as Korah and his Complices or the greatest Judgments that ever we read fell upon Mortal Man may be our Portion Oh what need had we then to leave sorrowing for other things and turn all our Tears into the right Channel that it may drown our sins that expose us to these Miseries and Mischiefs 5. Nay but this is not all for Eternal Death as well as Spiritual and Temporal is the Reward of Sin the everlasting separation of Soul and Body from God which is called The second Death and this is far greater than all the Miseries before mentioned for if the sinner be not reconciled to God which cannot be before sin be mortified he shall be cast into the Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone Rev. 21.8 This is the Natural Fruit and Effect of every beloved sin even the everlasting Damnation of Body and Soul a thousand thousand rentings of the Soul from the Body is not comparable to one renting of the Soul from Christ Sin doth that for us that all the Men on Earth and Devils in Hell could never do even pull us out of the Arms of God This threw Angels out of Heaven Adam out of Paradice and Millions of Souls into Hell This brought Death into the World and is the very Sting of Death and if this Sting be not taken out it will sting the Soul to Eternity This imbitters our Lives as you have heard while we are in the World and opens the Door to let us out of the World and will open Hell it self to let us in and is the only bar to keep us from coming out But if Sin were mortified we might with Old Simeon depart in Peace and with Ambrose say I am not ashamed to live nor afraid to dye And with Paul I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ Death without his Sting is like Samson without his Hair or like the Drone-Bee without a Sting not
are all of a value So here some pass for Kings and some for Peasants but when Death hath gotten them into his Box the Grave they are all alike Yet how much need have great Men of Philip's Monitor for they are apt to forget their Mortality See Job 3.17 c. Some of the wiser Heathens have accounted Mortality a great Mercy that poor Creatures may be freed from their Misery And so doubtless 't is for those that are prepared for Death for they rest from their Labours The Hebrew Proverb is That in Calvary there are Sculls of all sorts and sizes Kings and Captains Lords and Lozels one takes no more out of the World than the other Naked they come and naked they shall go Great Saladine had but his Shirt Now though Riches cannot prevent Death yet it may hasten it Rich Men many times are as Oxen in a fat Pasture fitted for the Slaughter sometimes they are butcher'd by others for their Wealth and many times they prove their own Butchers and kill themselves by Intemperance The Sun-shine of Prosperity quickly ripens the Fruit of Sin and when Sin is ripe Ruine is ready Bachus or Venus opens the Door for Death to enter Now what good will it do to have a fair Suit of Cloathes and a Plague-sore under it Or a dainty Dinner with a Surfeit How often is Intemperance which ends in Gouts Surfeits Dropsies and such-like Diseases the Fruits of a Plentiful Table These open the Door of Eternity and light them a Candle to find the way to Death Now these are Diseases Riches cannot cure Seeing therefore the World is of so little use when we have most need why should we so greedily grasp after and spend so much time about it as to neglect our greater Concerns and despond so much when we meet with disappointments And why should we suffer those Vultures carking Cares to breed in and feed upon our Hearts and eat out all the Comfort of our Lives What Recompence can the World make us for all our pains and broken sleeps we have had upon its Account It cannot warrant us a Comfortable Life nor a Happy Death nay not one day free from pain Let such as over-greedily grasp after it remember Solomon's words H● 〈◊〉 maketh hast to be rich cannot be innocent And at leisure read James 5.1 2 c. Luke 6.24 Yet consider 't is not the having Riches ●ut the over-loving of them that is dangerous for they are not evil of themselves but great Blessings if not abused and some of those Talents put into our hands to be improved by us but prove dangerous when abused over-loved or over-trusted in But seeing they can neither prevent Death nor Diseases the cause of Death we should not put too high a value upon them nor take them for our Portion 2. As the World cannot prevent Death no more can it procure a happy Life And why Because it cannot give Content and Satisfaction to the Enjoyer of it and how then can our Lives be Happy when we are not content with our Condition and satisfied with our present Enjoyments Content never did nor never will grow in the World's Garden neither can Satisfaction be found in any thing under the Sun If we seek it here Riches will say 't is not in me Honours 't is not in me Pleasure 't is not in me c. Can we expect the Sun in a Pail of Water Indeed if the Sun shine upon the Water we may see the reflexion of it but if the Sun be clouded all the Water in the World cannot shew it When God shines upon us he may be seen in every Creature if not the World cannot shew him Our Earthly Enjoyments ca● do us no good bring us no Comfort without a Commission from God and could they satisfie us for the present it would be but a miserable Portion yea a great Judgment for what should we do at Death when they leave us God did never give us these for our Portion but only a● a Viaticum in our Journey Our deceitful Hearts haply may promise Content had we an Hundred Pounds per Annum but they will deceive us for our desires would be enlarged from an Hundred to a Thousand and so in infinitum till Kingdoms yea the World would be too little for us as it was to Alexander Covetous Men have a dry Dropsie the more they have the more they thirst Theocritus brings in the Cove-Man wishing he had a Thousand Sheep when this wish was obtained he cries out Pauperis est numerare pecus 'T is but a Poor Man that is able to number his Cattel And 't is no wonder He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver The World is of too base a Birth and Breeding to give the Soul content for two things are requisite to Satisfaction and both of those are wanting there must be Proportion and Propriety but what proportion is there between a Piece of Gold and an Immortal Soul It can neither feed it nor cloath it nor make it better And for Propriety this also is lost by the Fall that which we call our own is but lent us and we must be Accountable for it And 't is vain also for what Satisfaction can an Hungry Man take in a Pebble or a Thirsty Man in a dry Pumice-stone What Satisfaction had Haman in his Riches Honours or Preferments without Mordecai's bow or Ahab's Kingdom without Nabath's Vineyard Something is still out of Order some string or other out of Tune that mar●s the Musick And no wonder Content is not to be found here for God himself could not find Adam a help meet for him If we could turn a heap of Diamonds into a Spiritual substance then it might bear some proportion to the Soul which is a Spirit but except we could change it into God the work would not be done for none but God can make the Soul happy These Earthly things are far worse than the Body how then can they be a fit Match for the Soul Gold and Silver Gemms and Jewels are but the Garbadge of the Earth they seldom make bad Men good or good Men better but oft-times they make both worse they seldom procure Content for the desire enlarges with the Estate as the Israelites Shooes did in the Wilderness with their Feet Solomon could had nothing in them but Vanity and vexation of spirit Eccles 1.14 They are like Smoak they wring Tears from the Eyes but draw not Sorrow from the Heart or like Thorns the faster they are grasped the deeper they wound If God smile upon us they may bring us some Comfort if not all the Gold in the Indies will do us no good for this Coin is not currant in another World we may as well satisfie an empty Stomack with Air as a Covetous Man with Gold for the more Wood we lay upon the Fire the more furiously it burns a Ship may sink under its Burden before it be half full
her nor forsake her that she shall want nothing that is good and all things shall work together for her good Sometimes indeed Physick is as necessary as Food and Affliction is the best Tutor David found it so if they bear scars for his sake he will change them into Beauty-spots if he frown upon them 't is but for a moment but with everlasting kindness will he remember them weeping may continue for a night but joy cometh in the morning Grace makes both the Person and Performances pleasing to God 't is the Incense he loves 'T is only the Gracious Soul that hath Adoption Justification Sanctification Pardon of Sin Communion with God and that shall enjoy him for ever This is such a Chain of Pearl that the World were it sold at the worth cannot Purchase Afflictions cause us to seek Promises they send us to seek Faith it sends us to Prayer Prayer goes to God for help Grace it is that differences between God's Children and the Devil's Brats and will difference between the Sheep and the Goats and makes a man more excellent than his neighbour and therefore we cannot buy this Gold too dear 4. Consider Grace will not only bring us to Death but will do us good after Death and here nothing else can do it among other things it will qualifie us to leave a Good Name behind us which will yield a sweet-smelling savour in the succeeding Generation When the Name of the Wicked shall stink the memory of the Just shall be blessed Prov. 10.7 If we be good and do good we need not fear but our Name will survive us Now A good Name is better than precious Oyntment Eccles 7.1 The Righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance when the Name of the Wicked shall rot his Lamp shall be put out in obscurity and shall leave a stinking Snuff behind The Names of Abraham Isaac Jacob David Daniel and Job and such like how sweet do they smell in the Church of God When Cain and Judas Nero Caligula Domitian and other such Persecuting Tyrants are mentioned with detestation as the Burden of the Earth and the Plague-sore of the World but with what Reverence do we mention the Martyrs that suffered under them The Scribes and Pharisees which were bad enough themselves yet adorned the Sepulchers of the Prophets and Righteous Men and however the Godly are slighted at present in the Generation to come they will be honoured when the Name of all their bloody Persecutors shall stink But this is not all that Grace will do for us after Death for it will accompany us to Judgment also which the World will not cannot do for it shall be burnt up and if it could would do us little good 't is Grace alone that can make the Judge our Friend When Death hath left us and we are rushing into the infinite Ocean of Eternity Grace is our Pilot to steer our Course and land us in the Haven of Bliss and when we appear before the Judgment-seat of Christ this is his Sheep-mark whoever bears it shall stand upon his right hand when all other wears the Devil's Brand his Image and Portraiture unmortified Sin and there shall be thrust and cro●ded together with the Devil and his Angels upon the left Grace is the Image of God renewed in the Soul which he will own where-ever he sees it and he that confesseth Christ before Men him will he confess before his Father and he that suffers with him shall also raign with him There is a difference in this Life between the Righteous and the Wicked the one are called the Seed of the Woman the other the Seed of the Serpent the Just and the Unjust Believers and Unbelievers Righteous and Wicked the Children of God and the Children of the Devil the Wheat and the Tares the good Fish and the bad the foolish Virgins and the wise c. Now 't is Grace that maketh this difference for by Nature we are all the children of wrath digged out of the same hole of the Pit and hewen out of the same Rock God differenceth Men by these gracious Qualifications and would have Ministers difference them also in their Doctrine and not give Holy things to dogs And as they are distinguished by God's Electing Love and by the Operation of his Spirit so have they a different Portion both in this World and that to come The one feeds upon Heavenly Allowance upon the sincere milk of the Word and the bread which came down from Heaven the other finds no relish in it and in the World to come the one will have a Portion in Heaven the other in Hell but there are many will not believe there is a Heaven or a Hell but ere long Experience will convince them Now the difference that there is is God's own work for there was nothing in us or that could be done by us that could deserve any thing at the hands of God his Electing Love is the Spring and Foundation of it He hath mercy on whom he will have mercy and whom he will he h●rdeneth He sent his Son to Redeem them out of the World to pay their Debts to qualifie their Souls with Grace and after to bring them to Glory when others remain still under the Devil's Bondage When Faith hath knit that Gordion-knot between Christ and the Soul and she can say My beloved is mine and I am his when the Marriage is consummate between them all that the Husband hath is hers and what she hath is his then may she lay claim to his Merits his Righteousness his Graces and his Glory and he partakes with her in her Sins and in her Sorrows all her Debts are made over to him and he helps to bear her Sorrows and upon this the Soul though not Legally yet is Angelically Righteous God changeth both the Relation and also the Disposition By Grace Persecuting Saul becomes a Preaching Paul and of Lions Men are made Lambs Now God Adopts such for his Sons and for his Daughters and gives them the Priviledge of Children calls them by his own Name sets them about his own Work lists them under his own Banner maintains them at his own Charges and at last will lodge them in his own Bosom when all the rest of the World fight under the Devil's Banner and do his Drudgery God hath a Reward for the Righteous though haply they have little in hand they have the more in Reversion they shall have Eternal Life when the other shall have Everlasting Torments Hypocrites haply may counterfeit Christ's Sheep-mark as some have done the Broad Seal but though they may deceive others haply themselves yet can they not deceive God the Lord knoweth who are his The Inscription of his Seal is Holiness to the Lord and they cannot put off their Bristow Stone for a true Diamond But as I told you Grace will not leave a Man till it bring him to Judgment and speak for him to the Judge who shall
the world they 〈◊〉 meet with tribulation 't is in Christ they shall 〈◊〉 Peace John 16.33 The World to Believ● like the Streights of Megallan to the Passenger which way soever they bend their Course the Wind is always against them Though Wicked Men like Dogs worry one another yet like Herod and Pilate joyn both against Christ and his Church which ever is uppermost they are sure to be under for while there is a Devil in Hell or a Wicked Man upon Earth they can expect no Peace Blessed are the dead therefore that dye in the Lord for they rest from their labours and their works follow them Rev. 14.3 Here they are with the Apostle in Prisons often but a Goal-delivery will come when they shall be freed and their Enemies be sent to a worse Prison then shall all tears be wip'd away from their eyes and sin and sorrow shall be no more 'T is here they have a Principle of Grace in them to direct their Course aright but Corruption like a Byas to the Bowl draws them aside they are like the Stars whose Natural Course is from the West to the East but by force of the Primum Mobile they are hurried from East to West Regenerate Mens Course is Heaven-ward but they are many times like the Stars Stationary and too often Retrograde They are like the Bird of Paradice with a Clog upon her heels her Nature is to mount up but the Clog plucks her down again when they mount up in their Contemplations to get a view of Christ they are like a Man that looks at a Star through an Optick-Glass held with a Palsie Hand sometimes but 't is seldom they get a sight of him but they shall have a clearer Vision ere long They cannot deal with their Corruptions as Abraham did with his Servants leave them behind when they go to Sacrifice no they say as Ruth did to Naomi Whither thou goest we will go and where thou lodgest we will lodge and where thou art buried we will be buried and nothing but Death shall part us Ruth 1.16 But 't is but a while and a Believer shall be everlastingly separated from his sin and will triumph over all his Enemies Oh Death where is thy sting Oh Grave where is thy victory c. 'T is true here the best have no pure Beauty they have their form freckles yet their spot is the spot of God's people which will wash out and not like the Leopard not only in the Skin but in the Flesh also but then they shall appear without spot or wrinkle Here all their Comforts are mixt and there is no fire but there is some smoak 't is not so there Here they lye among the Pots but there they shall shine as the stars for ever and ever Then shall they exchange Earth for Heaven Misery for Majesty and a Crown of Thorns for a Crown of Glory but what this Glory is we know not but shall then have occasion to say of it as the Queen of Sheba did of Solomon's Wisdom Much I have heard of it but the one half was not told me Paul that had a Glimpse of it saw more than he was able to utter for no word in Humane Language could express it We can no more set out Heaven's Happiness than we can take the Dimensions of it with our Span or empty the Sea with a Spoon All we can do to get out of this Labyrinth is by a clue of Scripture-thread and here 't is but shadowed out to us according to our Capacity so much as may set us a longing after the enjoyment of that which eye never saw ear never heard neither can the heart of man conceive what it is Now the Eye hath seen much the Ear heard of more but the Heart can conceive of more than that as that the Earth is a Globe of beaten Gold the Sea of liquid Pearl every Grass to be a Diamond and every Sand a Ruby the Air to be Crystal and every Star to be ten thousand times bigger and brighter than the Sun c. for what can bound our Fancy Now if all these were realities alas it falls short of Heaven's Glory these things fall under our Senses but Heaven's Glory cannot here is Joy without Sorrow Light without Darkness and Grace is here without Corruption Here is a mixture of the one with the other and many times an Ounce of Joy hath a Pound of Sorrow we get sometimes a Pisgah-sight of Canaan and suddenly are hurried back into the Wilderness if not into Aegypt now Health then Sickness now Ease then Pain now Poverty then Plenty But in Heaven it will not be so our Wine there shall not be mixt with Water the Storm there will be over and the Weather always calm and serene But to come nearer to our business our Happiness there will be partly privative partly positive I shall speak to those apart and shew you first what we leave behind us and then what our Enjoyment shall be and all but as in a Glass darkly 1. At Death and not before we shall be freed from all our Sin and Corruption which is the greatest trouble a Believer hath in this World and indeed the cause of all other troubles but at Death it shall never trouble them more they may say of it as Moses of the Egyptians in the Red Sea Those you see to day you shall see no more for ever And is not this cause of Rejoycing Sorrow follows Sin as the Shadow follows the Substance but the Cause being removed the Effect will cease This it is that spoils all our Duties and makes them unsavoury unto our God for the Fountain being defiled the Streams cannot be pure this is the Make-bate between God and the Soul and this hides his face from us We can never have Peace with God or any assured Peace with our selves or the Creatures till we break our Peace with Sin for when God is offended our own Consciences and all the Creatures wait but for a Commission to molest us or destroy us The Waters of the Flood drown'd the whole World the Red-Sea Pharaoh and his Host the Fire burnt up Sodom and Gomorrha and the Cities adjacent the Earth swallowed up Korah and his Complices the Walls of Aphek slew twenty seven thousand of God's Enemies 1 Kings 20.30 The Stars fought in their Courses against Sisera the very inanimate Creatures take God's Part so do the poor Insects the Flies the Lice the Caterpillars what Plagues were they to Egypt As also the Frogs the Hail c. And would have destroyed him and all his Army had not Moses interceded And Histories tell us that sometimes a Fly an Hair a kernel of a Grape a prick with a Pin have brought Great Men to their end Hence it was that Augustine saith he would not be in an unregenerate Man's condition for one hour for all the World lest God in that time should take him hence by some Judgment and send
him to Hell Now though Sin have a Mortal Wound in the Regenerate which cannot be cured yet it will have a Being in them while they are in the Flesh and these Sons of Zeruiah are sometimes too strong for them but at Death these Anakims shall be overcome Death will give them their Deaths-wound the same stroak that separates the Soul from the Body shall divide between Sin and the Soul Now it sticks as close to us as the Skin to the Flesh or as the Flesh to the Bones or rather as one Bone to another and much closer for these may be separated but the other not 't is like as the spots of the Leopard not only in the Skin but in the Flesh also nay 't is in the very Heart and not only in the Body but in the Soul also yea in the very Power and Faculty of it yet at Death a separation will be made and this must needs be good News to a Believer when his deadly Wound is cured which is the cause of all his Maladies Oh happy day will it be to him when he shall shake hands with his Corruptions and give them a Bill of Divorce and bid them an Everlasting Adieu when he shall never have a proud vain sensual or ungodly thought more to trouble him or any that shall be unbeseeming God or Godliness Now he cannot serve God without distraction but then it will be otherwise no sin shall stand then as a Cloud to Eclipse the Sun of Righteousness or cloud him from us Now Sin makes a Godly Man a weary of his Life and causeth many a sad and sorrowful Sigh and many a Prayer it doth cost him and many a struggling for the Victory but then it will be had and the War will be ended and the Triumph obtained when all Tears shall be wip'd away and Sin and Sorrow shall be no more and for a Crown of Thorns they shall have a Crown of Glory There is nothing now but sin that hides God's Face from us when these Clouds are removed we shall see him as he is and shall never see one frown in his face nor one wrinkle in his brow for Sin and Corruption which are the only Make-bates shall be left behind for no unclean thing shall ever enter into Heaven for though the Serpent did wind himself into Paradice none of the Serpentine Race shall ever enter into Heaven their place shall no more be found there Rev. 12.8 And if he be cast out his Works shall follow him then the Saints will be Saints indeed without spot or wrinkle or any such thing Ephes 5.27 Their robes will be wash'd in the blood of the Lamb and they shall no more delight to wallow in the Mire Heaven that spewed out the fallen Angels will not admit of any unclean thing sin to the Godly is their greatest Trouble here but what would it be should they be troubled with it to Eternity I have read of the Indians that enquired where the Spaniards would go after their Death And Answer being made To Heaven protested they would not come there among so Blood-thirsty and Cruel a People This was their Ignorance but this I say should a Godly Man know his sin should accompany him to Heaven it would be great cause of sorrow Anselm affirms he had rather go to Hell Innocent than to Heaven with a Guilty Conscience 'T is a greater Mercy to be freed from Sin than to be born Heir to a Kingdom but at Death they shall have the Priviledge of both now 't is their daily Complaint O this hard this proud this hypocritical Heart how shall I get it softned humbled and reformed But then it will be done it will then be better than now we can desire or expect here the Understanding is clouded with Ignorance there the scales will fall from our Eyes Many a Man would ride a Thousand Miles and give many Hundred of Pounds to have a clear insight into some of the Mysteries held forth in the Scripture as of the Trinity the Incarnation Predestination Redemption Free-will c. And of some obscure Passages Prophesies and Promises recorded in the Scripture But there all shall lye open and God's whole Contrivance in the work of our Redemption made apparent to his Glory and our Eternal Admiration In a word there shall no sin or any thing that implies a defect enter Heaven for no such Weeds grow in God's Garden there will be no imperfection of our love to God our desire after him or our delight in him neither any distempered Passion or Affection for the Affections that there shall remain shall be set upon right Objects and agreeable to the Will of God Oh happy time when shall it be when we shall be rid of all our sins that now keep us so low and God at such a distance from us 2. As at Death we shall be freed from all sin so likewise from all the Causes Occasions and Provocations to sin from the Temptations of Satan and Allurements of the World for as there will be no Natural Inclination to it within so there will be no Provocation to it from without for Temptation without now proves the Bellows to blow our Corruption up into a Flame it being as Tinder to the Fire ready to catch upon all occasions The Devil is a Powerful Politick Subtil and Malicious Enemy lying upon his lurches to betray us 1 Pet. 3.8 He is always fishing for Souls and suits his Baits according to our Inclinations he hath such an Enmity against God that he hates his Image where ever he sees it and though he cannot race it out yet he will always oppose it and seek to deface it he is like the Scorpion his sting is always out and what Opposition either he or his Instruments can make against it they will be sure to do it but at Death we shall be out of his reach and in a place of safety where he cannot throw one Dart at us nor shake his Chain to affright us Now he gives us many Alarms and if he finds us out of our Trenches or neglecting our Watch he is sure to surprize us and to make a Prey of us and were we not kept by the mighty power of God to Salvation we could not escape being devoured by him Now we have no quiet Day nor Night nay in our very Addresses to God but he molests us with his Temptations sometimes stops our Mouths and oft-times steals away the Heart in the time of Duty and lays Snares for us where ever we go or whatever we do but the more Spiritual the Duty is so much the greater is his Opposition He spoils our Duties purposely to make God hate them he takes great Advantage indeed by our own Corruption and we shall never be rid of the one till we are free from the other Our Senses are the Cinque-Ports that lets in the Occasions and Provocations to sin into the Soul and he sails in with the Tide