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A30316 The Spiritual anatomy of man in which is considered I. the happy state of mans integrity in his first creation, II. the woful apostacy of man from God, by his original sin ..., III. mans restoration by ... Jesus Christ, and the excellency of the Covenant of Grace, IV. the whole series of Christian duties ..., V. the particular cases of affliction, especially spiritual defection ..., VI. the great encouragement to believers, for patience and perseverance ... : to which is added an index of the whole contents / published by Andrew Burnet ... Burnet, A. (Andrew) 1693 (1693) Wing B5753; ESTC R15370 202,954 328

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original guilt imputable to them in so much as they are part of that Mass which was corrupted common experience in all Ages tell us that unhappy constitutions of Parents either natural or accidental render Posterity exceeding corrupt as well in Intellectuals as in bodily habits and what reason can be given why men beget men and not beasts and beasts beget beasts and not men but because of the Affinity of Nature between the Sire and what is begotten the same Parity of reason will infer that from corrupt Men corrupt Issue must be produced and how can it be otherwise supposed for what is begotten of man can give no quality to it self and therefore must participate of the nature and ascribe its quality to that by which it is begotten This also is clear from Scripture who can bring a clean thing from an unclean not one Job 14.4 If a man be sinful polluted and unclean as Adam was after his fall how could his Posterity be clean they have it not of themselves and could not claim or derive it from him David gives us for this a clear Scripture proof in his own acknowledgment of Original guilt behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my Mother conceive me Psal 51.5 From whence comes this pollution of David the Embrio took it not from its lodging in the Womb there being nothing there to defile it therefore it must needs have it from its polluted Parents Do not dayly and woful experience instruct us that the first Acts of Children is wickedness and if not restrained and instructed they will perish in Sin and Atheism whence comes this Man was created Righteous and Holy untill he wilfully defiled himself doth not then this wickedness arise from that first pollution of Nature in Adam and so descended and fell on all Posterity and continues successively until Nature be polished by Grace and man be renewed in Christ Jesus and made conformable to the Image of him that Created him in Righteousness and true holiness wherefore we must conclude all men under Sin by natural Generation and for this the Scripture is most clear for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they are all under Sin and in that other place of the same Apostle Wherefore as by one Man sin entred into the World and Death by Sin so Death passed upon all Men for that all have sinned Rom. 3.9 Again therefore as by the offence of one Judgment came upon all Men to condemnation For as by one Mans Disobedience many were made Sinners so by the Obedience of one shall many be made Righteous Rom. 5.12 18 19. Having discovered from Scripture and by other arguments that by Adams Transgression his Nature was corrupted and that thereby his Posterity partaking of his corrupted complexion and nature are also tainted with his corruption and are thereby guilty of his original Transgression we come next to consider the consequences thereof upon his Posterity and these are twofold First The Posterity of Adam are made subject to Death and disabled from succeeding him in the many priviledges he enjoyed in his Integrity Secondly They are disabled in natural enjoyment and spiritual performances For the first as we have already cleared upon Adams transgression an act of attender passed against him and he was deprived of his Soveraignty over the Creatures enmity was sowed between him and them and the Earth was accursed for his sake and he himself exposed to toil misery and sorrow so that all these evil effects have fallen on his Posterity and they also made subject to Death This is already cleared from their participation of the corrupt nature and consequently the Judgments which have followed must also affect them and they are thereby brought under the Judgment of Death as by that Scripture already cited as by one man Sin entred into the World and Death by Sin so Death passed upon all men for that all men have sinned Rom. 5.12 So as Adam had not seen Death if he had not sinned and sinning was brought under the Judgment of Death all his Posterity likewise sinning in him are liable to the Judgment of Death For the Wages of sin is Death Rom. 6.23 Secondly The Posterity of Adam are not only disabled from succeeding him in that glorious state of his Integrity but are disabled in the use of natural enjoyment and spiritual performances First In natural and temporary enjoyments for though the World be respited from utter ruine and God continues Man on Earth with a Course of Day and Night and the usual seasons nevertheless since the Curse on the Creatures for Mans Sin the enjoyment of Creature delights is attended with such uneasiness that Mans Life is a continual dying and a Life of Sorrow Man that is born of a Woman is of few days and full of trouble he cometh forth like a flower and is cut down he flieth also as a shadow and continueth not Job 14.1 2. See Davids testimony of the greatest of Men surely Men of low degree are vanity and Men of high degree a lye to be laid in the hallance they are altogether lighter than vanity Psal 62.9 If we take Solomons opinion of the whole World he plainly tells us all is Vanity and Vexation of Spirit Eccles 2. all The holy Apostle gives us an Inventory of the World In the World is only the Lusts of the Flesh the Lusts of the Eyes and the Pride of Life and these things are not of God and perish in the using 1 Joh. 2.15 16. The holy Apostle Paul informs us that the whole Creation is brought under subjection and groans under bondage for Sin Rom. 8.20 21. So that since the Curse for Sin the World is but a Stage of Sin Sorrow and Misery This also is proved from daily experience what Age Nation City or Family is exempted from the lash of mortality misery or changes is not the greatest Earthly glory honour wealth and strength clouded in a moment and brought to nothing and this is the just effect of mans Sin and Rebellion and will be the continuing Lot of the Seed of Adam untill the Restoration of Man in Christ Jesus according to the Image of him that created him and that the bondage of the Creation be restored by the coming of the second Adam and restitution of all things by him Rom. 8.21 22. The second thing wherein Man is disabled by Adam's Sin and inherent Corruption from the first pollution is not only natural feebleness and weakness all the vital and corporal faculties being disabled from that original wholesome and vigorous Constitution of the first Adam whereby the actions are either corrupt or faint in comparison with what they were before the Fall but also in Religious performances and duties so as all these actions and performances are either wholly corrupt and sinful or so weak and scanty that they are rather a Skeleton or Picture than real Duties This is illustrated from these three Instances First
invade the first agressor to confine him to such limits as he may not for the future be capable of doing further injury and thus of necessity it must be in the Christian Warfare against Satan the World and the Flesh so that this War is founded upon such implacable enmity that it must be continued without hope or expectation of any peace end or terms of accommodation for these three reasons First The Soveraigns of this War are of Interests incompatible so that of necessity the victory must turn to one side before the War can be ended Secondly The Parties and Combatants are under different and incompatible Laws so can never be reconciled Thirdly All terms of Treaty or Capitulation are by command forbid in this War First The Soveraigns of this War are of incompatible Interest and therefore the War must be perpetual until one of the Parties be destroyed Christ is the Generalissimo of the Christians Army Satan the Mammon of this World the Flesh and Lusts thereof makes up the competition how incompatible then must it be with the right glory honour and interest of Christ who in his own right is King of Kings and Lord of Lords to suffer a Rival to his Inheritance though for his wise ends he let Satan loose for a while to tempt and sift the Nations and draw the Children of Darkness into snares and distruction and to try the Faith and Patience of Gods own People in which the wicked Men are Gods servants and instruments however to suffer their power to prevail is altogether inconsistent with the absolute power and Soveraignty of Jesus Christ and although Satan and his Emissaries have fought many Battels against Christ and his Church they have still been overcome in all of them and shall be overcome until Christ bring Judgment into Victory and overcome him who hath the power of Death even the Devil Rev. 12. to 12. chap. 17.14 Oh Death I will be thy Plagues O Grave I will be thy Destruction Repentance shall be hid from mine Eyes Hos 13.14 Death is swallowed up into Victory O Death where is thy sting O Grave where is thy Victory the Sting of Death is Sin and the strength of Sin is the Law but thanks be to God who hath given us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 15.54 to 56. The Lord of Life hath told us we cannot serve God and Mammon we must reject the one if we serve the other so that their Interest being inconsistent we must onely be of one side there is no fellowship between God and Belial So that they cannot divide Interests therefore there is a necessity to be on Christs side The Son of the Bond Woman which is Sin and Satan the World and Lusts thereof cannot Inherit with the Son of the Free Woman which is Christ Jesus Gal. 4.30 Secondly The Combatants of these two Armies have different and inconsistent Laws and these Laws are so relative and in such affinity with the several interests of the Soveraigns that of necessity perpetuates the War so as no end can be expected except by absolute victory of one or other side All Christs Soldiers are new Creatures renewed in the Spirit of their Mind have the same Mind in them which was in Christ Jesus are under Spiritual and Holy Laws subject to his Will according to that Portion of his Spirit which he hath given them spiritually not carnally minded walk and live according to the Law of the Spirit and not of the Law of the Flesh they are not led with malice revenge envyings slanderings back-bitings murmurings and cruelties which are the works of the Flesh Gal. 4.19 20 21. But they are led after the Laws of the Spirit and live in all gentleness meekness holiness charity and kindness as the works of the Spirit Ephes 4.19 Ephes 4.22 to end Gal. 5.22 23. But on the other hand these under Antichrists Banner neither are nor can be subject to the Laws of the Spirit for they are of the Flesh and live after the Flesh To be carnally minded is Death but to be Spiritually minded is Life and Peace because the carnal Mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be so that they which are in the flesh cannot please God Rom. 8.6 7 8. The Flesh Lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh and these are contrary one to the other Gal. 5.17 So we see that the Laws of these pretenders to Dominion are so opposite to one another that it is impossible to reconcile them Thirdly The third thing which perpetuates this War is that no treaty capitulation or agreement can be between these parties this enmity is so laid by God himself that Satan must bruise Mans Heel and the Seed of the Woman must bruise Satans Head to the end of the World Such enmity is between God and Mammon that the love of the one is inconsistent with the service of the other Know ye not that the Friendship of this World is enmity to God whosoever therefore will be a Friend to the World is the Enemy of God Jam. 4.4 Love not the World nor the things of the World if any man love the World the love of the Father is not in him 1 Joh. 2.15 Thus the Interests and Laws of these two parties being so inconsistent there is no Room for any treaty hopes or possibility of accommodation for that the Spiritual Man hath antipathy to the Lusts of the Flesh and the Carnal Man cannot be subject to the Law of holiness because of the enmity of his mind and therefore the holy Apostle is so far from accommodating the matter between Lust and Holiness Flesh and the Spirit that he would not have the Spiritual Man to keep any Communication with the unfruitful works of Darkness What fellowship hath God with Belial a clean thing with an unclean who can touch pitch and not be defiled therewith evil communication corrupts good manners Wherefore he forbids all tampering with the specious pretensions of the World or Earthly things Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the World why as though living in the World are ye subject to Ordinances taste not touch not handle not these things all which perish in the using after the Doctrine and Commandments of Men Col. 2.20 21 22. The Holy Apostle Paul in another place is more severe where he commends the Repentance not to be repented of and in the effects of sorrow and repentance he saith Behold this self same thing that ye sorrowed after a Godly manner what carefulness it wrought in you yea what clearing of your selves yea what indignation yea what fear yea what vehement desire yea what revenge yea what zeal 2 Cor. 7.11 In which we see what expressions of vehement zeal against corruption and sin which are the works of the Flesh by these expressions vehement desire indignation and revenge is implied such implacable
they said to be of that Pedigree we see Christ would not suffer the Scribes and Pharisees amongst the Jews to claim to Abraham because they did not his works we see the Prophet Isaiah chargeth the Jews to be an adulterous race and that they were of a Mother divorced from her Husband where is the Bill of your Mothers Divorcement whom I have put away behold for your Iniquities have you sold your selves and for your transgressions is your Mother put away Isa 51.1 What glory is it to be of noble blood which for the worst of Crimes was attainted and to be of Illustrious birth when the Issue is Adulterous and Spurious this is the Fountain and Spring of the Blood and Pedigree of all Mankind of higher or lower degree on Earth and this cross bar is inherent in the Scutcheon of all Mortals this is that Mené Tekél Dan. 5.25 the Motto of all the natural Issue of Adam and this stain is not to be blotted out but by the Blood of that Scape Goat the Lamb Jesus Christ who must blot out the Hand-writing of Ordinances that was against us contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his Cross Col. 2.14 Secondly This Sin having such Complication of all manner of sin in it and being the Fountain from whence came all manner of Corruption look not on it as one single act to be extenuate with that excuse of eating only a little of forbidden Fruit but look on it as a poysoned Fountain in which were lodged all enchantments to sin and that deliberate contraction of enmity against God an evil Heart of unbelief stuffed with malice glutted with covetousness swellen with pride cankred with envy fretted with discontent and boundless in desire Thirdly When by Providence Affliction or Chastisement for sin cometh consider that before Sin came there was no sorrow that Justice and Judgment must attend Iniquity and as Sin was first punished by a deluge of misery on Mankind so the Continuance must not escape the like fate and look on all acts as coming from that Fountain of Corruption and make not the single act of any one transgression the sole cause of mourning repentance and reformation but run the act to the spring of the Heart and fix on the Soul that vehement desire fear zeal indignation and revenge in the act and corruption in the fountain what Indignation yea what fear what vehement desire yea what zeal yea what revenge and never meet with any sin or temptation to it but with an Eye of Jealousie as over a Pit of Destruction Fourthly When Providence deprives thee of any Earthly enjoyment for the reasons in Divine Wisdom murmur not to be denied some of thy desires but remember thou wast guilty in Adam of grudging God the reserving of the Tree of Knowledge and by thy impatient bearing of losses thou makest the old sore of Adams transgression bleed afresh in discontent but rather let the memory of Original Sin oblige thee to submission contentment sorrow and repentance Fifthly Are all men guilty of Adams transgression and are of the same corrupted and degenerate blood and some by course of Providence raised to Wealth and Honour above others what reason then hath the exalted or brother of high degree to dispise him on whom the deceitful Riches of this World have not smiled this Man who dispiseth his Brother is forgetful of himself as if not of the same blood with the other he is like a man beholding his natural Face in a glass he beholdeth himself and goeth away and forgetteth what manner of Man he was Jam. 1.23 24. The Riches and Honour of this Life should not raise a Man in esteem of himself above his brother for what he hath is given to him of God who can as equally level him with his Brother and thereby make him remember his own Pride and that the other is of the same Blood with him See the Instance of this in Nebuchadnezzar and many others I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of Heaven all whose Works are Truth and his ways Judgments and those that walk in Pride he is able to abase Dan. 4.29 to the end Consider what the Apostle James saith of Carnal partiality of preferring the Rich in Gay Clothing with a goodly Gold Ring and despising the poor Brother and what arguments he useth to the contrary Are ye not then partial in your selves and are become Judges of evil thoughts hath not God chosen the Poor of this World Rich in Faith Heirs of the Kingdom which he hath promised to those that love him and ye have dispised the Poor do not Rich Men oppress you and draw you before the Judgment Seats do not they blaspheme that worthy name by which ye are called if ye fulfil that royal Law according to the Scripture thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self ye do well but if you have respect to persons ye sin Jam. 2. to 10. Here by strong arguments he proves the partial preferring the Rich before the poor to be sinful First For that the Godly though poor in this World is the worthier person in Gods esteem in that he is chosen of God an heir of the Kingdom of Glory Secondly That Great and Rich Men are Enemies to the Godly they bring them before Judgment Seats and oppress them Thirdly Rich Men are not Enemies only to Godly Men but to God and Blaspheme his Holy Name Fourthly That the royal Law of God commands the Duty of equal love love thy Neighbour as thy self Wherefore since Pride and Ambition was a cheif ingredient of that first Fountain of sin let none through Pride dispise him who was of the same blood with himself though not in that equal Worldly Splendor or Glory but consider as Pride did ruine Adam and abased all his Posterity so Justice will take the like vengeance upon all the Race of Adam guilty of the same Crime Whoso dispiseth the poor reproacheth his Maker Prov. 17.15 God is Maker of poor and rich Prov. 22.2 Sixthly Are all men of one Blood and Family and so Brethren and Members one of another Eph. 4.24 This calls all men to mutual Sympathy mutual Assistance and supply of one another this is that express Command of Christ that ye love one another as I have loved you John 13.34 And the Apostle presseth this most vehemently Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God neither he that loveth not his Brother 1 John 3.10 We have passed from Death to Life if we love the Brethren and he that loveth not his Brother abideth in Death he that hateth his Brother is a murderer and hath not Eternal Life We ought to Lay down our Life for the Brethren 1 Joh. 3.14 15 16. This Love consists not only in the Airy Compliment of professed and pretended Friendship but First In a general Sympathy Fellow-feeling and Compassion in all Conditions and Circumstances Spiritual and Temporal like Christs Love to
oblige Men beyond their pretended Interest what Allyances or Treaties tye Princes from Usurpation or Encroachments may it not be too much charged on most of the greatest form on Earth which was said of Philip of Macedon amicitias utilitate non fide colebat his Interest not his Promise obliged him Secondly If we look on the World in respect of the Politick Constitution what Nation Country or People shall we find quiet from Commotions Disturbances Rebellions or Mutinies either from the Oppression Tyranny or Usurpation of the Soveraign or the Murmurings Jealousies and Mutinous Uneasie and Discontented Humours of the Subject Doth not Judah vex Ephraim and Ephraim envy Judah Is 11.13 doth not the Church Complain Servants have ruled over us and none delivered out of their Hands Kings are hanged up by their Hand the faces of Elders were not Honoured Lam. 5.8 12. Is not the whole World at Enmity Nation against Nation and Nations divided by intestine Wars and Contentions This Enmity is not only between Man and Man but hath also infected the Beasts of the Field Fish of the Sea and fouls of the Air whereas in Mans first State he had all of them given him for use with Dominion over them they are turned wild run into Rebellion and not to be subdued or made useful but by force and many are not only useless but destructive and they also are at War amongst themselves destroying one another so that in place of all the Sons of God shouting together for Joy as in the first State we now hear the noise of Wars Malice Envy and Destruction and whereas at first God looked on all that he had made and it was very good Gen. 1.31 afterwards for the Degeneracy thereof It repented God that he had made Man on the Earth and it grieved him at his Heart Gen. 6.6 and whereas all things were good when first Created and given to Man for use the Scripture tells us That the Friendship of the World is Enmity with God and whosoever will be a Friend of the World is the Enemy of God If any Man love the World the love of the Father is not in him Ja. 4.4 1 Jo. 2.15 If then the Heavenly Harmony Union and joyful Shoutings of the Sons of God was Ravishing and Refreshful even to sitting down under that shadow with great delight and being sick of Love when Man and the Creation was in its first Integrity when we look on the black and defaced Countenance of Man and Creatures defiled with all manner of Sin and Pollution and the World with all Deformity of Wickednesses and Contention and being Branded with Gods displeasure How great reason have we with the Church to cry out How is the Gold become Dim How is the most fine Gold changed and with David to say Wo is me that I Sojourn in Mesech and dwell in the Tents of Kedar Ps 120.5 If the Soul of Righteous Lot was grieved at the Iniquity of Sodom how much more Reason have Men now adays to grieve for that universal Deluge of Abominations which overflow the whole while earth in serious Reflection of Man in his Integrity and the Beauty of the Creation and the present Degeneracy under Sin and Misery and being Anxious to understand that Mystery why the World once approved of God to be good and given to Man should afterwards be stamped with Gods Curse and Displeasure as in the foregoing Scripture I was entertained with that of Eliphas the Temanite Shall Mortal Man be more just than God shall a Man be more pure than his Maker Job 4.17 which lead me to enquire into the particular causes of this great Catastrophe and to understand the meaning together with the Justice of God and the Mistery of his Love to believers in Christ Jesus In this enquiry I was led up to the Fountain of Gods bounty to Man by which he was made in the likeness of God in Righteousness true Holiness and Knowledge according to the Image of him that Created him and had the other Creatures given to him for use with Dominion over them under the Tenure of his Obedience and under the Commination and Assurance of Death on his Transgression I had no sooner viewed the Happiness of his first Estate when I was led to the Record of his Transgression by putting forth his Heart to Rebellion and his Hands to the Trespass and then found the Judgment entred against him by which he was degraded of his Soveraignty and Enmity was sown between him and the Creatures and the Earth accursed for his sake Gen. 3.14 to 20. And here with the Prophet we may put the question is Man the Darling of the Creation made lately in Gods own Image and Lord of all the Creation is he now a Servant a Home-born Slave why is he spoiled The Answer is in the Text hast thou not procured this to thy self In that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God for my People have committed two Evils they have forsaken me the Fountain of Living Waters and hewed themselves Cisterns broken Cisterns that can hold no Water Jer. 2.11 13 14 17. And with the same Prophet we may cry out with Astonishment Be Astonished O Heavens and be horribly afraid be ye very desolate saith the Lord Jer. 2.11 And here is this Riddle resolved shall Mortal Man be more Just than God Shall Man be more pure than his Maker Man hath forsaken God and followed his own Inventions therefore God must be just to bring upon him the Judgment threatned viz. the forfeiture of all his Priviledges and make him smart under the folly of his own Devices They hatch Cockatrice Eggs and weave the Spiders Webb he that eateth of their Eggs dyeth and that which is crushed breaketh into a Viper their Webb shall not become Garments neither shall they cover themselves with their Works their Works are Works of Iniquity Is 59.5 6 7. Hence we find God is Just in punishing Man for his Transgression and Man by his Folly hath brought himself and Posterity to ruin who through the Pride of his Concupiscence abode not in his Integrity but in repining against God hath brought himself and Posterity under Servitude to Sin Misery and Death Thus while with Rachel weeping for her Children and refusing to be Comforted because they were not Jer. 31.15 I was plunged in oppression of Thoughts and heavily Lamenting that so glorious a Fabrick of Gods Handy-work as in the first Creation in Holiness and Integrity should be polluted by Sin and defaced from the primitive Beauty and as Moses pleading with God from the Arguments of his own Glory and Power in behalf of his People of Israel Num. 14.11 to 17. heartily wishing that glorious and first Image might again be restored in Man after the Image of him that Created it I was led to that Scripture My thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord for as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are
how injurious slander and reproach is to the reputation of a Christian and how ill it is resented by the Spirit of God in Scripture for the Lord accounts his People so nearly related to himself that he will not have them injured so that he accounts the Injury done to them to be done to himself He that toucheth you toucheth the Apple of mi●e Eye Zach. 2. and 8. There is that speaketh like the piercing of a Sword but the Tongues of the Wise is Health Prov. 12.18 And though Malice and Prejudice may raise a slanderous report nevertheless neither in mans esteem at long run nor in Gods account shall it have any weight but shall be wiped off in course of time although the Innocent and Godly may suffer for a time Lips of Truth shall be established for ever but a Lying Tongue is but for a moment Prov 12.18 19. Let such farther consider how detestable lying slandering and reproaching is to God Lying Lips are an abomination to the Lord but they that deal truely are his delight Prov. 12.22 We see that the railing Blasphemous Reproaches of Rabsecah and the great King of Assyria against the People of God is accounted by God against himself Whom hast thou reproached and blasphemed and against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lift thine Eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy Messengers thou hast reproached the Lord and hast said c. 2 Kin. 19.22 23. read all and read chap 18. Let such further Consider What badge and brand of folly is put upon Peevish Uncharitable Narrow and Censorious Persons who either raise slanders or by reporting foment them He that hideth hatred with lying Lips and he that uttereth slander is a Fool in the multitude of words there wanteth not sin but he that refraineth his Lips is wise The Lips of the righteous feed many but Fools die for want of Wisdom It is a sport to a Fool to do mischief but a man of understanding hath Wisdom Prov. 10.18 to 24. Prov. 26.21.22 See the words By the blessing of the upright the City is exalted but it is overthrown by the Mouth of the wicked He that is void of Wisdom despiseth his Neighbour but a Man of understanding holdeth his peace a Tail-bearer revealeth Secrets but he that is of a faithful Spirit concealeth a Matter Prov. 11.11 12 13. Let all such remember that such reproaching slandering and defaming do more mischief to themselves at the long-run than to the Godly for that the Godly shall be justified by their Integrity both before God and Man and the malice of the wicked shall be retorted upon themselves The Righteousness of the upright shall direct this way but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness an Hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his Neighbour but through knowledge shall the just be delivered the righteous is delivered out of trouble and the wicked cometh in his stead Prov. 11.5 to 10. His own Iniquities shall take the wicked himself and he shall be holden with the Cords of his sin Prov. 5.22 23. Let such persons also consider the Character given in Scripture to the Malicious and Slanderers His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud under his tongue is mischief and vanity he sitteth in the lurking places of the Village and in the secret places doth he murder the Innocent his eyes are privily set against the poor he lyeth in wait secretly as a Lyon Psal 10 7. to 11. By which may be gathered that such are accounted treacherous and murderers in Scripture language But let us on the other hand observe and consider the event of all the prepensite malice of the wicked against the godly and we shall find it stored up to their own ruine He hath prepared against him Instruments of Death he Ordaineth his Arrows against the Persecutors Behold he travelleth with Iniquity and hath conceived mischief and brought forth falshood He made a Pit and Digged it and is fallen into the Ditch which he made His mischief shall return upon his own head and his violent dealing upon his own pate Psal 7.13 14 15 16. The Lord shall cut off all Lying Lips and the Tongue that speaketh proud things Psal 12.3 Let us observe what the Psalmist foretells shall be the end of slanderers and slandering Tongues Thy Tongue deviseth mischief Like a sharp Rasor working deceitfully Thou lovest evil more than good And lying rather than to speak righteousness Thou lovest all devouring words O thou deceitful Tongue God shall likewise destroy thee for ever he shall take thee away and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place and root thee out of the land of the living Psal 52.2 to 6. Let us view the revilings and reproaches of God-almighty and his People by the King of Assyria and his Messengers in that 2 Kings 18. And the Judgments of God both on Messengers and their Master in that 2 Kings Chap. 19 The Spirit of God is so compassionate even to the offenders amongst his People that though he will not have sin and offencies amongst them go without chastizement yet will he have Mercy and and Charity to be so mixed with Justice that his People may not be reduced to despair in reference to Gods purpose toward them as in that famous place of his own Justice and Clemency For I will not contend for ever neither will I be always wroth Lest the Spirit should fail before me and the Soul which I have made For the Iniquities of his Covetousness was I wroth I have seen his ways and will heal him I will lead him also and restore comfort unto him and to his mourners Isa 57.15 to 19. In which we see Mercy so mixed with Justice Clemency and Bounty that Correction and Chastizement is only intended of God for the good and reclaiming of his People and not for their destruction We find also by Gods direction in the punishment of offences by Judges amongst the People of Israel the very number of stripes to be inflicted were appointed and not to be exceeded Forty stripes he may give him and not exceed least if he should exceed and beat him above these with many stripes then thy Brother should seem vile unto thee Deut. 25.3 Whereby it is clear that the Lord will not have the very Sinners amongst his People to be made contemptible by the inflicting of Justice upon them but will have the Rod only used to reclaim the stubborn and their name and reputation nevertheless to be kept up so as they neither despair in themselves or should be reproached by others if they could be reclaimed Prejudice and Passion will expose to contempt which is expresly cautioned against and implied in these words then thy Brother should seem vile unto thee This calls on all professing Religion for the Spirit of meekness compassion charity and tender heartedness even to such as are either under the Rod of affliction or taken under any infirmity to sin especially
often as their superstitious fopperies lead them to it not remembring or wilfully not believing that Christ entered once for all within the Vail and that their superstitious worship is the old yoak which neither the Jews nor their ●athers could bear and was a Figure for the time then present and could not make him that did the Sacrifice perfect as pertaining to the Conscience and onely i●posed until the time of Reformation but Christ coming an High Priest of good things to come and by his own blood entered once into the holy place and obtained eternal redemption for us and thereby abolished the shadow of Sacrifices Heb. 9.9 10 11 12. By his own final Sacrifice so as the Body being come we should stay no more on the shadow The third branch of Christs Mediatory Office for Believers is to be their King The honour wealth and safety of a Nation and People do commonly depend on the good or bad qualification of their Kings Rulers and Governours and we see in all Histories that the Prosperity and happiness of a people hath been according to the Vertue or Genious of their Princes Rulers and Governours and we find in Scripture it is a Curse to a Nation when Children are set over them Eccles 10.16 and the Church complains as her greatest afflictions Servants have ruled over us and Princes are hanged up by the hands the faces of Elders were not honoured Lam. 5.8 12. And that this of having Childish Governours not endowed with suitable faculties of governing is a great Judgment on a Nation experience tells us for that thereby all the Fountains of Justice are corrupted and men either do that which is right in their own Eyes as when there was no King in Israel or a King not capable or sufficiently qualified for Government or the Judges and Inferiour Governours are culled out of Favorites or men of disposition with the unqualified Governour and thus as a Judgment for the sins of King and People Justice which is the only preservative of the Body Politick is corrupted The wicked walk on every side when the vilest Men are exalted Psal 12.6 and according to that Scripture Judgment is turned away backward and Justice standeth afar off for Truth is fallen in the Street and Equity cannot enter yea Truth faileth and he that departeth from Evil maketh himself a Prey Isa 59.9 to 16. And as the folly of Princes corruption of Judges Interruption Decay or wresting of Justice is one of the greatest Judgments on a People or Nation so on the other hand It is one of the greatest Blessings that can attend a People or Nation when their King Governours or Rulers are of the Wise Just and Prudent Blessed art thou O Land when thy King is the Son of Nobles and thy Princes Eat in due season for strength and not for drunkenness Eccles 10.17 And therefore the Lord promiseth to his People as a special token of his love and Kings shall be your Nursing Fathers and their Queens your Nursing Mothers Isa 49.23 I will restore your Rulers as at the first and Judges as at the beginning Isa 1.26 I will make your Rulers Righteousness and your Exactors Peace If then the glory and safety of a People be in the right frame and Constitution of Government and due qualification of their Governours how great reason then have they to rejoice who have Christ for their King and Governour As was said of the People of Israel what Nation or People are like unto thee whose God is the Lord for in him dwelleth all fulness of perfection He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 17.14 In him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead he is the only Potentate 1 Tim. 6.15 In whom is lodged all the treasures of Wisdom Knowledge Holiness and all Excellency Isa 11. to 6. He is that wonderful Counsellour the mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of Peace of the increase of his Government there shall be no end Isa 9.6 In fine in him are treasured up all the excellencies necessary to com●leat a King and Governour as shall be more particularly branched forth in discoursing of the particular terms of the new Covenant which he performs to his People and for them The Office of a King chiefly consists in these three First To Rule his People by his Laws Secondly To Protect them by his Power Thirdly To Reward them by his Bounty The Laws of Kings and Nations especially amongst the more civilized and Christian are commonly such whereby the Prerogative of the King and the Rights of the People are reciprocally preserved and provided for and under the dominion of Jesus Christ we are not to question but that all his Laws which are framed by the Council of Heaven are all holy and just and full of safe preservatives of the spotless Righteousness of Heavenly Majesty and proper boundaries of Christians duties as in Psalm 19.7 to 12. and are the Laws of the Spirit and not of the Flesh Rom. 7.12 14. chap. 8.1 2. holy just and agreeable to every exigent of a Christians case and condition and are in themselves so choice and delightful that the renewed of God delight therein as shall be cleared at length in the ensuing discourse and this is the consolation of Believers that Christ as he is the Son so is he the word of God and in him all the Promises of God are yea and Amen 2 Cor. 1.20 The second branch of Kingly Power is To Protect his People which Christ doth more eminently in many respects than any other King First By defending and preserving them from falling into evils or dangers He shall give his Angels charge over thee to uphold thee in all thy ways least thou dash thy foot against a Stone Psalm 91.11 Fear thou not for thou shalt not be ashamed neither be thou confounded for thou shalt not be put to shame for thy Maker is thy Husband the Lord of Hosts is his Name the Holy One of Israel the God of the whole Earth shall he be called Isa 54.4 5. Secondly When they are in trouble he upholds them and keeps them from perishing under their Burthens Can a Woman forget her sucking Child c. Behold I have graven thee on the Palms of my hands thy Walls are continually before me Isa 49.15 When thou passest through the Waters I will be with thee and through the Rivers they shall not overflow thee when thou walkest through the Fire thou shalt not be burned neither shall the Flame kindle upon thee Isa 43.2 Thirdly When they are in troubles he strengthneth them by his Grace and assists them with Patience until he give them an outgate thy Children shall make haste thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee lift up thine Eyes round about and behold these gather themselves round about and come to thee as I live saith the Lord thou shalt surely cloth thee with them all as with an Ornament and
what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the World hath been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ Ephes 3.9 Rom. 8.28 29 30. Secondly By his greatest and almost incredible humiliation in abasing himself to descend from the highest pitch of glory to the lowest step of humane miseries temptations ignominies and sufferings that humane nature could be exposed unto and to make himself a Servant in his sojourning in the World to teach the Gospel and the mystery of this great Salvation Thirdly His further condescention of abasement to the Wrath of God and suffer death for Mans Sin though he knew no sin that by his Suffering Death and Resurrection he might not only by satisfaction of Justice for Man redeem him from wrath to come and procure him eternal happiness but also to be a patern of patience and obedience to all for whom he suffered and both these last heads are contained or expressed in that of Isaiah he shall grow up before him as a● tender plant and as a Root out of dry ground he hath no form nor comliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we shall desire him he is despised and rejected of Men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him and we esteem him not surely he hath born our grief and yet we esteemed him stricken smitten of God and afflicted he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and the Lord hath laid upon him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed and afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he was brought as a Lamb to the Slaughter and as a Sheep before the Shearers is dumb he opened not his Mouth he was taken from Prison and from Judgment he made his Grave with the Wicked and with the Rich in his Death because he had done no violence neither was deceit found in his Mouth he poured out his Soul unto death and was numbred with the Transgressors Isa 53. to 11. This further instance of Christs Humiliation Abasement for Mans Salvation is further expressed by the Psalmist My God my God why hast thou forsaken me why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring I am a worm and no man a reproach of men and despised of the People all men that see me laugh me to scorn they shoot out the Lip and shake the Head Ps 22. to 18. This sheweth in a Type what indignity reproach and misery the Saviour of the World should be exposed unto in the accomplishing of Mans Salvation and this was actually performed and brought about at Christs Suffering he was mocked reviled and flouted at when apprehended and brought to the Cross He trusted in the Lord let him deliver him seeing he delighted in him Mar. 15.27 28. Mat. 27.35 43. Because Christ suffered leaving us an example that we should follow his steps who did not sin neither was guile found in his Mouth who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously 1 Pet. 2.21 22 23. Fourthly This mystery of love and redemption of Man is magnified by Christs unparallelled indulgence and goodness that he did not only abase himself unto the greatest indignities in the flesh but he doth good for evil he doth not only make an Attonement by his death for the sins of Enemies but he also exalteth them from the greatest depth of misery to the highest form of glory an union with himself Father Angels and Saints as it is more fully expressed elsewhere This Doctrine and Truth of Mans Eternal Salvation so accomplished by Jesus Christ is not only given to us for our everlasting consolation but also for our instruction and direction in Faith Patience and new obedience in our sojourning state for although eternal Life our Redemption and Salvation is freely given and procured by his alone merit nevertheless he makes every man by a blessing on his Graces given to him instrumental of his own Salvation we are commanded To work out our Salvation with fear and trembling and as the Lord waits to be gracious so he commands and expects to be called upon for all his Mercies which he intends to bestow upon his People in that famous Scripture where he makes a new Covenant and Promises new and clean heart and to pour out his Spirit though he doth it freely and for his own name and glory yet he doth not intend his People should be bare Spectators and only passive in the receipt of mercies but that they should be active and solicitous in the duties of Faith Patience New Obedience and Prayer I will yet for this saith tbe Lord be enquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them and seeing all the days of our sojourning here we must wait until our change come and that as our duties are still incumbent upon us so we are obnoxious unto temptations and difficulties and for our help and directions steddily to steer our course we cannot have a more proper mean than to set Christ before us as a Patern who is the Captain and Author of our Salvation and that in his Doctrine and Practice First in his Doctrine his Doctrine is Preaching up Holiness Patience in Sufferings Mutual forbearance Peaceableness in Losses Contempt of the World Zeal for the Kingdom of God and Faith in the Providences of God and under all Despensations Mutual Love and Charity and Relief to the Distressed as a Duty even to Enemies His Doctrine is all for Holiness be ye Holy as your Heavenly Father is Holy Math. 5.48 Patience in sufferings Blessed are ye when Men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of Evil against you for my sake rejoyce and be exceeding glad for great is your Reward in Heaven for so Persecuted they the Prophets which were before you Math. 5.11 12. If ye be Reproached for the Name of Christ Happy are ye for the Spirit of Glory and of God are on you on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he is glorified 1 Pet 4.14 to end He teacheth mutual forbearance and not to return evil but to do good for evil ye have heard it said an Eye for an Eye c. but I say unto you that you resist not evil with evil but whosoever shall smite thee on thy Right Cheek turn to him the other also if any Man sue thee at Law to take away thy Coat let him have thy Cloak also if a Man will compel thee to go with him a Mile go with him two hence we are taught the great Spirit of Meekness whereof Christ was the Pattern and are commanded to bridle our Passionate Resentments of Injuries done us Math. 5.38 39. He Preacheth up the Duty of Charity and Charitable supplying of the Indigent give to
be in Christ he hath mortified the Flesh and the Lusts thereof and if the Thoughts be duly placed on God and the blessings flowing from him it may be the more easy to regulate the affections It is certain while we are in the Body there is an unavoidable conversation with the Creature upon us and the degeneracy hath so much prevailed that even in the renewed there is a law of the Members against the Law of the Mind and therefore our Life is a constant Warfare Rom. 7.23 and for this reason great care must be taken to govern the affections and although it is impossible in some respects to keep the affections from carnal objects however the renewed man must mortify the Flesh and Affections thereof and as helps thereunto we must First Distinguish between giving our Affections wholly to any Creature as resting on that as our chief good and so delighting in it and between letting out our desires to any Creature in subordination to the Creator in some lawful end and in this consideration we are to love nothing intensively with our whole delight and satisfaction except God who alone is able to fill the desires of our Heart but we may in moderation use and take some complacency in the Creature as helps from God to assist us in our Pilgrim state to advance his Honour and discharge our Duty to him Secondly We must consider that since the Apostacy in Adam the Judgment of the Curse is fallen on all Creatures and the Creation is brought under the Bondage of Corruption and the Creatures are fallen under the King of this World as a forfeiture for Sin and the Devil made Prince of the Power of the Air and this World put under his Dominion though under restraint from God and that the Natural Man or Love of the World is enmity to God He that loveth the World the love of God is not in him John 1.2 15. and by the Apostle James the friendship of the World is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a Friend of the World is the Enemy of God Jam. 4.4 Thirdly We must consider that Christs Errand to the World was to reconcile God to Man and therefore he humbled himself by taking upon him the Nature of Man and restored it from the vanity and impurity of Sin to all such as shall believe in him for though the whole Creation was subjected to servitude for Sin nevertheless Christ by his coming and suffering hath paid the Ransom for Believers and for them removed the Curse from the Creatures Because the Creatures also shall be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption into the glorious Liberty of the Children of God for we know that the whole Creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now Rom. 8.21 22. Hence then measures may be taken to regulate our Affections First We ought to love God and set our affections on him above all things and in loving of him we cannot go the due length much less be in excess Secondly We should love nothing beneath Christ but in subordination to him and in reference to his glory and that we may the better serve him Thirdly In our use of the World we must remember the Worlds degeneracy and as in that state it is accursed and the love thereof is enmity to God so that if we be not our selves reconciled to God all the Creatures are accursed to us and we usurpers of them so that we must use them as purified to us from the impurity of the Curse by the Mediator and all in a mortified manner according to the Will of God Be not conformed to this World but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds that ye may prove what is the good perfect and acceptable Will of God Rom. 12.2 In the use of the Creatures We must use them without sensual affectation as things that have a stamp of danger in them with fear lest we be again enticed to sin against God in our delight in any thing more or so much as in God and that we be with the Apostle mortified to all things I am crucified to the World and the World to me in that often repeated place Gal. 2.20 Thus then must mans Affections be regulated as a new Man and doing away the old Lusts of the Flesh and knowing nothing after the Flesh the Children of God are all incorporated into a new society in Christ Jesus and must needs have their Conversation different from the World Ye are no more Strangers and Forreigners but Fellow Citizens with the Saints and of the Household of God Ephes 2.19 Therefore they must love and delight in Holy and Spiritual things They are no more under the Law of Sin to Death but under the Law of the Spirit unto Life they are not to walk after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8.1 2 12 13 14. Christ himself knowing how mans Affections are apt to incline to Earthly Vanities and sink under the delight of the Creatures Commands to lay up Treasure in Heaven Where your Treasures are there your Hearts will be also Seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness let us follow that choice directory for Holiness and Heavenly mindedness Luke 12.31 to 35. If ye be risen with Christ seek these things which are above where Christ sitteth at the Right Hand of God set your Affections on things in Heaven and not things on Earth for ye are Dead and your Life is hid with Christ in God Mortifie therefore your Members which are on Earth Fornication Uncleanness Inordinate Affections Evil Concupiscence and Covetousness which is Idolatry seeing you have put off the Old Man with his Deeds and have put on the New Man which is renewed in Knowledge after the Image of him that Created him put on therefore as the Elect of God Bowels of Mercy Kindness Humbleness of Mind long Suffering forbearing one another forgiving one another put on Charity which is the bond of perfectness Col. 3. all See the Instructions for our Holy and Heavenly Conversation Ephe. 2. all Chap. 4.22 to end Chap. 5. all Rom. 6. all they that are in Christ have Crucified the flesh and the Lusts thereof if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit Gal 5.24 and 25. Thus then we see how Christians are to govern their affections next we come to consider their Actions As the Christian is and must be a New Creature and Holy in all manner of Conversation so must he be in his Actions in two respects First They must be all Just and Holy in themselves Secondly They must be directed to proper ends First As a Mans Thoughts ought to be pure and Affections clean so must his Actions for one piece polluted defileth the whole Lump and a good Tree produceth good Fruit and there can be no pretence of uprightness in any Man where the Actions or Conversation is Corrupt so that all Actions of a Man must be squared by the
I have not appointed the Ordinances of Heaven and Earth then will I cast away the Seed of Jacob and David my Servant I will not take away any of his Seed to be Rulers over the Seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for I will cause their Captivity to return and have mercy on them Heaven and Earth shall pass away but one Jot of my word shall not pass away Jer. 33.25 26. Thirdly The third and main point in this Covenant are the qualifications given by God to man to perform this Covenant for He it is that works all our works in us in him we live move and have our Being and without him we can do nothing These qualifications are principally Faith and Holiness Faith by the Apostle is defined The Evidence of things not seen the Substance of things hoped for Heb. 11.1 Faith by the same Apostle elsewhere is thus described If thou wilt confess with thy Mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe with thy Heart that God hath raised him up from the Dead thou shalt be saved for with the Heart man believeth unto Righteousness and with the Mouth Man's confession is made unto Salvation Rom. 10.9 So that Faith is the giving credit to the Word of God in all his Judgments Threatnings Promises and disengaging our affections to sin and lusts of the flesh and turning to God with all our Souls Hearts Minds and resting confidently and quietly on the Accomplishment of what is promised patiently waiting for the same and this grace of Faith is accomplished and wrought in the Hearts of his People by the Spirit of God by Grace you are saved not of Works lest any should boast but by Faith in Jesus Christ not of your selves it is the gift of God Eph. 2.7 8 9. and this Grace of Faith hath he promised in his New Covenant they shall be my People and I will be their God and I will give them one Heart and one way that they may fear me for ever for the good of them and their Children after them Jer. 32.38 39. this qualification also hath he promised to give his People in that often mentioned Scripture of the New Covenant A New Heart a New Spirit will I give them I will take away the Stony Heart and give you a Heart of Flesh and put my Spirit in you and cause you to walk in my ways and ye shall keep my Judgments and do them Eze. 26.25 to 29. of this grace and qualification of Faith we have spoken el●ewhere The Second qualification to those in this Covenant is Holiness for without Holiness it is impossible to please God of this grace and qualification of Godliness we have spoken elsewhere The Fourth excellency of this Covenant are the many Advantages attending it which may briefly be summed up in these four First To these within this Covenant belong an universal Inheritance of all things Secondly The certainty of that Inheritance Thirdly The excellencies of the Companions of that Covenant Fourthly The many Priviledges belonging to those within this Covenant Although the whole Scriptures are full of the great excellencies of the Heavenly Inheritance and that place herein is verified Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither hath it entred into the Heart of Man to conceive besides thee O Lord what he hath prepared for those that wait on him Is 64.4 Ps 31.19 however they may be thus hinted at The first is it is an universal Inheritance He that spared not his own Son but freely gave him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely give us all things Ro. 8.32 All Monarchs Princes and Propriators of the Earth have certain Confinements and limits to their Territories and some enjoy what others cannot pretend unto either in respect of the extent of their Countrys or Qualities or Wealth thereof but none can pretend in the right of their Inheritance or Possessions to that unlimitted Interest of fulness of right that the Partners of this Covenant may for in Christ Jesus all things are theirs and they are Heirs of all things and shall Inherit all things Rev. 21.5 6. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus who of God is made to us Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption 1 Cor. 1.30 Let no Man glory in Man all things are yours whether Paul Apollos Cephas or the World Life or Death or things present or things to come all are yours and ye are Christs and Christ is Gods 1 Cor. 3.21 to 24. Secondly this Covenant is certain all pretentions of right or possession of Earthly things are uncertain and ambulatory and in the experience of most admit of their Eclipse in this Life witness David Solomon Haman Mordecai Herod and all the great Heroes of this Life who had their ebbings and flowings and have not been exempted from the fate of changes and with Solomon have found all but vanity and vexation of Spirit and that often repeated place the 1 John 2.15 16 17. describes the uncertainty and perishing condition of the things of this Life and doth ascertain the Interest and certain condition of the fellows of this New Covenant as is more plainly expressed elsewhere and if they continue in this Life they leave a Man at best at his Grave For we brought nothing into the World with us and it is certain we shall carry nothing out 1 Tim. 6 7 17. Thirdly The third excellency of this New Covenant is in the Company Fellowship and Society the fellows of this Covenant have by vertue thereof Men may have Honour Wealth and all other Human Delicacies and all this may be marred and imbittered to them by the uneasiness unsuitableness and disagreeableness of their Companions or unavoidable Society but the Companions of this New Covenant are all desirable grateful acceptable and advantagious the Soul of Lot was vexed by the wickedness of Sodom Job in his Affliction was Tempted by his own Wife and heavily grieved by his three Friends David Sojourned in Mesech and dwelt in the Tents of Kedar and this marred and lessened their quiet and deprived them of that content they could have had in more agreeable Society but the Blessed Harmony of the Saints increased the Comfort of all their Enjoyments they are all so framed qualified and adorned with Holiness Righteousness Love and Unanimity as they all mind the same things and cannot jar or disagree and their joynt song is Holy Holy Lord God of Sabaoths the whole Earth is full of thy Praise for through him we both have an Access by one Spirit unto the Father now therefore ye are no more Strangers and Forraigners but fellow Citizens with the Saints and the House-hold of God and are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner Stone in whom all the Building fitly framed together groweth into an Holy Temple in the Lord in whom also ye are built together for an Habitation of God through the Spirit Eph. 2.18 to
him and by the Apostle James's Doctrine know ye not that the Friendship of the World is Enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a Friend to the World is the Enemy of God James 4.4 These words must be meant in the second Sense as when the World by Adams Transgression was accursed and as it were Escheated and put in Bondage Ro. 8.20 21. to Satan the Prince of the Power of Darkness and not when it stood straight with God and was all good in his Sight and by these words the Love of the Father is not in him seems an Anathema and Curse to all the Lovers of the World as the Apostle elsewhere pronounceth a Curse if any Man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Marenatha 1 Cor. 16.22 so that the love of the World as it is under the Dominion of Satan in the second Sense cannot be consistent with the Love and Honour of God It cannot be doubted that the Father having given his Son for a Ransom for Sinners but with him also he will give them all things and that they have in his right a surer and better Title to the World and lawful use of the things thereof than the Wicked can pretend to for that the Godly are Heirs of all things and the Wicked only Usurpers of what they have in possession without right therefore by the Doctrine of Mortification Holiness and Contempt of the World they are not forbid and not only permitted but commanded a lawful Enjoyment of the Worlds good but in these different respects First That they shall use the World as not abusing it that is they shall use it as Pilgrims for the present sober and moderate subsistance to carry them on in their Journeys Heaven-ward and not to sit down under the shadows of Worldly Pleasures as the wicked do whose Portion it is with a Curse upon it to them Wo to you that are Rich for you have received your Consolation Luke 6.24 but the Godly are not to sit down with the Rich Husbandman to Solace their Souls only in the things of this Life lest with him they share of his Judgment Thou fool this Night will I require thy Soul at thy Hand then whose shall all these these things be which thou hast Luke 12.16 to 22. Secondly The Children of God do not nor should rely only on the visible Enjoyments of the Creature as capable of themselves to give satisfaction but on God by Faith and on his Blessing to make them useful Mans Life consisteth not in the abundance of what a Man hath Man liveth not by Bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God Luke 4.4 Behold the Lillies who take no care and spin not how they are Cloathed above Solomon in all his glory the Ravens Sow not and yet are fed Luke 12.22 to 32. All the Power of the Creation is in Gods Hands as he hath the Power to restrain and suspend or give a Blessing upon the Creatures so hath he the Store-house of Heaven in his Hands and he can send such plenty as there may not be room to store it up in Mal. 3.10 See all the great and Manifold Promises to his People in Poverty Streights and Wants Is 41.17 18. Is 45.3 I will give thee the Treasures of Darkness and the Hidden Riches of Secret places Thirdly The People of God do and ought to use their Enjoyments vertuously and do not squander them on unlawful Lusts and Pleasures but Moderately use them for their lawful and sober Subsistance or in Charity and do use vertuous endeavours and improvements but the Wicked feed their Lusts upon Gods bounty wherefore the Lord in his Justice often Blasts their Enjoyments and either takes them away from them or makes them a Curse in the Enjoyment thereof Ye Eat and have not enough because ye spend on your Lusts James 4.1 2 3. and in that other place therefore I will return and take away my Corn in the time thereof See Hosea 2. all The People of God use all the Dispensations of God to them in Sobriety and vertuous Industry and depend upon God for a Blessing to their Indeavours but the Wicked live voluptuously in their Enjoyments and do not principally ascribe to God the success of their Husbandry nor depend on him for it and therefore in the Justice of God he either takes from them what they have or Blasts their Enjoyments in the success of it see the Parrable of the sluggish Servant in mis-improvement of the Talent which was taken from him and he punished with utter Darkness see Gods Judgment upon such as do not trust God with a Blessing upon their Labours Mat. 25. Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy Salvation and not remembred the Rock of thy Strength therefore shalt thou Plant pleasant Plants and set them with strange Slips in the Day shalt thou make thy Plant to grow and in the Morning shalt thou make thy Seed to flourish but the Harvest shall be a heap in the Day of grief and of desperate Sorrow Is 17.10 11. See that other Eminent place for this purpose they Hatch Cockatrice Eggs and weave the Spiders Webb he that Eateth of their Eggs Dyeth and that which is crushed braketh out into a Vyper their Webbs shall not become Garments neither shall they cover themselves with their Works their Works are Works of Iniquity and Violence is in their Hands Is 59.5 6. See farther to this purpose Ye shall Sow your Seed in vain and your Enemies shall eat it I will make your Heaven as Iron and your Earth as Brass and your strength shall be spent in vain for your Land shall not yield her increase neither shall the Trees of your Land yield their Fruit Lev. 26.16 to 22. They shall eat and not have enough they shall commit Whoredom and not bring forth because they have left off to take heed to the Lord See Job 8.11 to end Hosea 4.10 Consider that further Judgment upon the Wicked who trust to the Flesh and not to God ye have Sown much and bring in little ye eat but ye have not enough ye drink and are not satisfied ye Cloath you but there is none warm he that earneth Wages earneth to put in in a bag that hath holes Haggai 1. to 11. See the Manifold Judgments of God Denounced against Vanity Pride and Prodigality and it shall come to pass instead of a sweet smell there shall be a stench and instead of a girdle there shall be a rent and instead of well set Hair baldness and instead of a stomacher a girdle of Sackcloath and burning instead of Beauty Is 3.16 to end Fourthly The Wicked spend and use the Creatures to their own Pleasures and live in the delight of them but the Godly are Dead to the World and delight in nothing but in Christ I am Crucified to the World and the World to me nevertheless I live and yet not I but Christ that