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A12516 Dauids repentance, or, A plaine and familiar exposition of the 51 psalme first preached and now published for the benefite of Gods church : wherein euery faithfull Christian may see before his eyes the patterne of vnfeigned repentance, whereby we may take heed of the falling into sinne againe. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1614 (1614) STC 22841.7; ESTC S3155 194,670 580

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my sinnes not speaking of his great fin of Adulterie alone but of many sins wrapped vp together for hee did not onely commit adultery with Bethshaba the wife of Vrias but shead his guiltlesse and innocent bloud yea with him caused as it is like many of his good subiects and loyall souldiers to be slaine hee sought to couer his sin closely and cunningly by bidding Vrias to goe home to his wife that so the childe might be thought to be his And to all these he added this that hee layed the whole Church of GOD open to the enemy to the anger of God Sin neuer goes alone Hence then note for our instruction that Dauid confessing that one sin will neuer goe alone but sin goes by couples by heapes one in the necke of an other as hee that taketh a chaine by the end and pulleth but one lincke all the rest doe follow so if a man let liberty to one sin that sin will not goe alone but draw another adultery will often bring murther with it swearing lying with it so drunkennesse whooredome c. The Apostle biddeth vs Rom. 13.13 Not to walke as children of darkenesse in surfetting and drunkennesse not in chambering and wantonnesse not in strife and enuying shewing vnto vs that sinnes goe by couples and one draws on an other and will hardly goe alone It is like the Gangrene or Canker it fretteth and eateth further and further the hand infecteth the arme and the foote the legge and so one member an other till it hath diffused it selfe ouer the whole body if the part that is infected be not cut off at the beginning This doth the Apostle teach 2. Tim. 2.16 Stay prophane and vaine bablings for they increase vnto more vngodlinesse And their word will frette as a Canker Saint Iames also sheweth the fruitfulnesse of sinne saying When lust hath conceiued it brings forth sinne and sinne when it is finished it brings forth death And as sin doth increase so doe GODS iudgements Leuiticus 26.22 23. If yee walke stubbornely against mee and will not obey me I will then bring seuen times moe plagues vpon you according to your si●●es yet if by these yee will not be reformed by me but walke stubbornely against mee then will I also walke stubbornely against you And I will yet smite you seuen times for your sinnes And thus we see againe how God will keepe a proportion betwixt our sins and his punishments Vse 3 Seeing this is the cursed nature of sin that it will neuer go alone but one will draw on an other who oredome murther hypocrisie c. it stands vs all in hand to take heede wee giue liberty to no sinne liue in none delight in none for if we do we shall finde that one sin will neuer goe alone but let vs abhorre all hate euery sin and striue against all wee see this common in the world that if a man shall yeelde to one sin by and by it will draw him to an other Note and often as it was in Dauid whoredome will bring murther with it sometimes of the husband sometimes of the childe sometimes of two or three And therefore let vs be carefull to shunne and auoyde euery sinne liue in none for though one sinne be enough to carry a man to the gulfe of hell yet one will neuer goe alone Wee see this in the example of Caine Genes 4.8 he was reprooued of God for his malice conceiued against his brother But hee hear kened not to the voyce of the Lord but hardned his heart and shead innocent bloud euen the bloud of his brother This appeares in Iudas Math. 26. hauing once entertained Couetousnesse in his heart fell from Couetousnesse to Treason and at last became a verie diuell incarnate The like wee may beholde in Saul 1. Samuel 16.1 who fell away from GOD steppe by steppe vntill the Spirit of GOD had vtterly forsaken him and hee brake out in open rebellion against Almighty GOD For as amongest all the blessings which the Lord doth bestow vpon the sonnes of men in this world a soft and tender heart is one of the greatest which is checked and controuled and soone made bleede so there can bee no greater curse laide vpon man then to haue a rebellous heart which hoordeth vp euery day vengeance against it selfe VERSE 4. 4 Against thee against thee onlie haue I sinned and done this euill in thy sight That thou mayest be iust when thou speakest and pure when thou iudgest In this verse Dauid knowledgeth his special sinnes IN this verse and the two that follow Dauid proceedeth in the humble acknowledgement and confession of his sinnes first his actuall sinnes secondly from them he commeth to the fountaine and beginning of all sinne namely his naturall corruption wherein hee was conceiued and borne and this originall sin hee speaketh of in the next verse following Two parts This fourth Verse containeth in it two parts first a free acknowledgement of his particular speciall and actuall sinnes in the second he doth cleare the Lord of all cruelty and iniustice that howsoeuer the Lord had not onely sharpely reproued him by the ministerie of Nathan but also punished him and grieuously afflicted him for his sinnes in taking away the childe that was borne in Adultery yet hee doth acknowledge the Lord to be iust and righteous in all his waies In the first part of the Verse Two parts consider first the partie to whom he confesseth Against thee Against thee onely where he sheweth the great dolour and extreame griefe of his minde for his sinne against GOD in that hee doubleth the words Against thee Against thee secondly wee are to obserue how he doth acknowledge his speciall and particular sinner namely adultery murther and sheding of innocent bloud I haue sinned and done this euill in thy sight Against thee These words are expounded diuersly First that it is as much as if Dauid should haue said O Lord howsoeuer I haue grieuously murther yet I haue so hidde my sinne from man that there is none that knew it but thou alone so that he acknowledgeth all the sinne was against GOD because no mortall man was priuie to his sins Others expound it thus That although Dauid had offended against man yet he was especially wounded and grieued for that hee had broken the Lawe of God So that though it be true that he had done great wrōg to his faithfull seruant and most loy-all subiect Vrias yet here was that that killed his heart and wounded him to the quicke namely because he had offended his most mercifull and louing God as if he should haue said O Lord my God although the whole world should cleare me and no man liuing should accuse me yet it grieueth me at the heart because I haue offended thee my most mercifull God Doctr. 1 Hence first I note that howsoeuer a man may hide his sinne from men and Angells A mans sinnes are open
Dauids Repentance OR A Plaine and Familiar Exposition of the 51. Psalme first Preached and now published for the benefite of Gods Church Wherein euery faithfull Christian may see before his eyes the patterne of vnfeigned Repentance whereby we may take heed of the falling into sinne againe The second Edition profitably amplified by the Authour SAMVEL SMITH Minister of Roxwell in Essex LVKE 13.5 Except yee repent yee shall all perish LONDON Printed by NICHOLAS OKES 1614. ❧ TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL SIR RICHARD WESTON KNIGHT ONE of his Maiesties Iustices of Peace in the County of Essex SIR EDVVARD PYNCHON Knight Grace Mercy and Peace from IESVS CHRIST WHEREAS Right Worshipfull but a small and short remnant of dayes is alotted vnto euery one of vs to try the hazard and adventure of this world in Christs holy Merchandize I being subiect to this common case and most certaine vncertainty of our life neither knowing if perhaps at this present my staffe standeth next the doore haue beene and am desirous in this behalfe so to bestow all my possiblle endeuours and labours in this my Lord and Maisters Traffique as that neither I may returne vnto him with a Talent in a Napkin but may leaue behinde me some poore token and testimony of my loue and duty towards his blessed Spouse This hath caused me to take in hand this short Comment vpon the 51. Psalme or The Repentance of Dauid an elect and chosen vessell pronounced by the mouth of the Lord to bee A Man after his owne heart Where we may see the great weaknesse frailty of Gods Children Iob. 9.3 Psal 130.3 Psa 143.2 when the Lord shall but a little leaue them vnto themselues Our frailty appeares in this that we cannot perceiue the things that are of God if we cannot perceiue the good much lesse can we do it yea so that if the Lord should looke straightly what is done amisse who should bee able to stand If the Lord should enter into iudgement with vs none could in his sight bee iustified If Moses the faithfull fell into infidelity Dauid the holiest became prophane Salomon the wisest committed so great follies and Peter the louingest denyed his Maister If the Saints and deere friends of God haue fallen before our eyes let vs lay aside trust in our owne strength not taking their falles to bee our standing but rather by them to measure our selues and the guilt of our sins gathering as it were the whole Lyon by the paw Let vs rise with them by repentance let vs sorrow with them for our sinnes and that because Christ all perish Luk. 13.5 And that we may with Dauid repe●t and turne vnto the Lord. Rom. 2. Consider his Mercies in forgiuing Gen. 39.9 Rom. 2.5 Esay 26.9 Luk. 3.14 Psal 90.12 his Benefits in giuing his Patience in forbearing his Iudgements in punishing the Word preached Sinnes committed and that Few shall be saued the shortnesse and vncertainty of life the certainty of death Pray we cannot vnlesse wee repent and perish we shall vnlesse we repent but blessed shall wee be if wee repent Now because this Psalme is a most blessed Psalme of true and vnfeigned repentance I made choyce of it to treat of in my Cure neuer intending that these weake exercises should come to the publique view of the world But being at last ouercome by the earnest requests of diuers godly and well-disposed Christians to yeeld my consent to the publishing of this worke And considering that in this writing Age of ours amongst the number of bookes without number no man hath wholly trauelled herein in our tongue that euer came to my hands for then I should haue denyed my Pen this honour and withall how many a desperate sinner and ignorant soule hath been imboldened to sinne by Dauids example neuer looking into his repentance How he watered his couch with teares and how he sate well-a-daying his griefe of heart and cryed againe and againe and still againe for mercy and pardon at Gods hands ere he could be assured of the pardon of them These considerations striuing and struggling so long within me vntill they had gotten the conquest of such shamefast and fearefull motions wherewith men are well acquainted who are at all acquainted with their owne infirmities I was thereby at length drawne to this bold hardy resolution as to commit it to the Presse and so to the eyes of them whose great and sharpe censures I haue euer with trembling thought of heretofore and euen now would shun them with all willingnesse And here I present vnto your Worships this poore Talent of mine as to whom of right it doth belong for Precedens beneficium sequatur officium Which may it please you to accept at my hands as at one that wisheth all happinesse to you and yours in the Lord your worships acceptation shall be my sole satisfaction The bond of my duty hath this onely bound of my hope humbly crauing that your fauorable wisedomes would supply the wants of this thing and that this so simple a gift may bee accepted of you rather for my good meaning and the end wherefore I do it then for the value of the thing it selfe hauing an eye to the matter not to the maner for my desire is not to bee seene in the high and intricate questions of mans wisedome but in the basenesse and simplicity of the Gospell that it may appeare in the power thereof Thus as God hath ioyned you both in the neerest societies so pardon me this boldnesse who haue ioyned you together in this Dedication The God of Heauen giue you both that blessing of blessings which if Ierome say true few men haue that you may transire à delicijs ad delicias go on from grace to grace and bee a long time happy in this life and for euer happy in the life to come Roxwell this 26 of Nouember Your Worships much bound and in all Christian duties to be commanded SAMVEL SMITH To the Christian Reader Grace and Peace CHristian Reader seeing the burthen of the Ministry is this To pluck Men out of the Kingdome of Sathan and to bring them to the liuing God surely then it is the duty of all those that haue taken vpon them this holy calling to helpe forward this worthy worke And to this end I entertained my spare houres in the time of my long sickenesse when I was not able to performe my duty in the Congregation of my charge in publishing this short exposition of the 51 Psalme to the view of the world not for vaine-glory or for any good conceit or opinion that I haue of the same or of my selfe as he knoweth that knowes all things but chiefly for the honour of God that if it please the Lord to giue a blessing sinners euen such as sit in darknes and in the shadow of death might be moued to repentance It is an opinion of carnall men who remaine vnder Sathan and his dominion as
before God yet it is impossible to hide it from the al-seeing eyes of the Almighty Dauid had committed adultery closly hee had laboured to hide it couer it by marrying Bethshaba the wise of Vrias but yet alas all his shiftes and cunning fetches could not hide it from GOD he saw it and obserued it and now Dauid confesseth the same Against thee Against thee The like wee shall see in Iosephs brethren when they solde him into Egypt Genes 37.1 Reg. 21. Reu. 2.18 Psal 139. Be as thou seemest so in Iesabel in putting Nahaoth to death so in these dayes men be cunning to commit adultery closly in the twi-light in the darke corner in close and secret maner to lie steale deceiue commit adultery fornication all vncleannesse But poore soules they doe deceiue themselues Or seeme as thou art for thou canst not hide thy sinnes from GODS all-seeing eies night and day is all one to him Yea the Lord doth search the very heart and reines Vnderstanding our very thoughts long before 1. Reg. 8.39 The Lord sercheth al bearts and vnderstandeth euery worke of the minde Againe Psalme 139.2 Thou knowest my sitting downe and my rising vp Thou vnderstandest my thoughts long before There is not a word in my tongue but thou O Lord knowest it altogether And surely when this perswasion taketh place that the Lord is present euerie where and sees all things there doth religion conscience and obedience beginne in that man for hee that hath the Lord alwayes before him will not greatly fall Psalme 16.8 Hebr. 4.13 For the Lord will find out euery transgression though neuer so secretly concealed which may teach vs in all things to keepe faith and a good conscience for although we may delude men yet we cannot deceiue the Almightie Vse 1 This condemns the extreame folly and madnesse of men and women Follie of sinners described who if they can hide their sins from men they care for no more And therefore doe they labour to commit them closely and cunningly but vse all thy skill cunning and pollicy yet thou canst by no means hide thy sins from the cleare sight of God Thou maiest lie Note dissemble and deceiue so closely that no Man nor Angell can detect thee thou mayest commit Adultery in the darke and vnder a Canopie so as no man liuing shal be priuie to it thou maiest steale when none can see thee but all this while Hebr. 4.13 remember that thou standest naked before GOD hee sees thee his all-seeing eyes like a flame of fire pierceth into thy heart and intrailes many men like Gehezi when they haue sinned can wipe their mouthes smoothely and demurely say Thy seruant went no whither But let them remember euer that it is impossible to hide their sinnes from God though they may couer them from men But of this heere-after Vse 2 This Doctrine may serne for an excellent preseruatiue against all secret sinnes for this is the cursed nature of man to abstaine many times from actuall sinnes onely for shame or feare of punishment which otherwise would make conscience of no sinne Oh that such men would remember that though they be out of the sight of men yet they bee in the presence of the Almightie hee sees them and beholdes them euen in the darkest night and in the secretest corner his eyes are like to a flame of fire Reuelat. 2.18 And although men may bleare the eyes of men yet they cannot bleare the eies of the Almightie It would bee an excellent meanes to bridle them and to keepe them from many horrible sinnes which otherwise they would commit For the Lord looketh narrowly vpon vs and searcheth very strictly into vs wee can not haue the least vncleane thought within vs but hee which is most pure doth see and beholde vs hee could discouer Iudas his hypocrisie and therefore called him a diuell He sees againe Nathanael his sinceritie and therefore pronounceth him a true Israelite in whom there was no guile So that they that commit sinne in secret hee that sees in secret will one day reward them openly When Cain Gen. 4.5 brought vnto GOD an Oblation of the fruit of the ground hee had no regarde to him nor to his offering because that the Lord saw the secret hypocrisie of his heart And this is the reason that Dauid vseth to perswade Solomon his sonne to haue a care to learne and to practise the will of God 1. Chron. 28.8 And thou Solomon my sonne know thou the God of thy Fathers and serue him with a perfect heart and with a willing minde for the Lord searcheth all hearts Doctr. 2 When as the Prophet Dauid repeateth the words What sorrow it is that accōpanies repentance The person whom he had offended Against thee Against thee heere marke the extreame sorrow and griefe of Dauids heart that he had sinned against his merciful God what was it that so grieued his soule The shame of his sinne could not for that was not knowne but to GOD onely neither feare of punishment for what man durst be so bolde as to call him to account but that hee had beene so vile and wretched to sinne against his most louing God Dauids sin aggrauated this was the thing that made his heart to bleed which must teach vs all this lesson that whensoeuer we fall into any sin this consideration aboue all other should sinke deepest into our hearts namely the consideration of the person whome we haue offended and that not simply against man but against GOD himselfe And this sin of Dauid is aggrauated in diuers respects First Nathan telleth him that Almightie GOD had giuen him that Kingdome 2. Sam. 12. and the Wiues of his Lord and if that had beene too little hee would haue giuen more 2. Sam. 12. Secondly that Dauid man whom God had so honoured that had taken him from a sheepe-folde and gaue him a Scepter which by his mightie power made him escape the hands of all his enemies and had graced him with the gift of his Spirit Who had made so great proceedings in Religion and the worship of GOD it could not but cut him and wound him at the very heart that he should so fowly fall Thirdly in that his example should bring a great slaunder to the Church of God and open the mouthes of the vncircumcised Philistims to reproach them and reuile them as we see in Shemei Fourthly in that he had by his sins laid open the Church and people of GOD to his iudgements to plague and punish them True note or ●pen●ance Now from this practise of Dauid we learn that which I taught before namely that the children of God are grieued for sinne because it offends and displeases their mercifull GOD Dauid needed not to haue beene so much troubled for his sin eyther for shame for it was not knowne but to God alone or punishment for none could call him to account but that ●ee
from his house but one sonne should kill an other Secondly that the child conceiued in adultery should die thirdly hat his owne sons should rebel against him and lastly that his wiues should be abused as hee had abused an other mans Doctr. 1 Hence marke what vse the Lord will make euen of an accusing and guiltie conscience namely The Lord maks good vse of our consciēce it shal be the Accuser Witnesse and Iudge to accuse and condemne it selfe But shall cleare the Lord of all iniustice or hard dealing making way vnto the Lords righteous iudgement This we may clearely beholde in Iudas Matth. 27. who readeth his owne Sentence of condemnation against himselfe saying I haue sinned in betraying innocent bloud And for this purpose the Lord hath put into the Soule of euery man not onelie a knowledge whereby we can discern betwixt that which is lawfull and good from that which is euill so farre as shall leaue all men without excuse But also that conscience can make application of that knowledge in all the actions of a mans life approouing that which is good and therein concerning matter of ioy and comfort or else condemning him for that which is euill which will cause a fearefull horrour in Soule as we see in Caine Genes 4. Trembling in body as in Felix Actes 24.26 or else fearefull Dreames and Visions as in Baltezar Dan. 5. And this wee may heere clearely behold in Dauid The force of whose conscience was such as that it sought no starting holes to hide it selfe but saith Against thee Against thee haue I sinned c. And withall doth cleare the Lord of iniustice and hard dealing towards him If he should bring vpon him and his house all those feareful Iudgements which by Nathan the Lords Prophet hee had threatned against him 2. Sam. 12. Vse 1 From this we learne what an intollerable torment a wicked conscience is euen a Gibbet and a Racke to wound a man withall and as a fearefull huy and cry euery where ouertaking them giuing a man no rest neither night nor day but euery where and in all places is euer dragging him before the Iudge No sooner did Paul dispute of Iustice temperance and iudgement to come but Felix trembled Actes 24. No sooner had Cain slaine his righteous brother Abel but his guiltie conscience made his countenance to fall Genes 4. What maruell is it then if the wicked would stifle and choke the noise of their consciences being so fearefull and terrible but this they cannot doe Which being so Oh! in the feare of God let euery one take heed of sinne for the motions thereof may well be compared to those locusts of the bottomlesse p●t Reuel 9. hauing faces like men and their haire like the haire of women but a taile like a Scorpion which stingeth to death Oh! full little doth many a poore soule thinke that that sin which now seemeth to bee as light as a feather should lie so heauy vpon their soules in the end Vse 2 This teacheth vs moreouer to be very carefull that wee neglect not the checkes of conscience nor our owne hearts reproouing vs of our wayes for the time commeth apase and thou knowest not how soone when that conscience of thine which now doth checke thee shall iudge thee and that heart of thine which now doth reprooue thee shall torment thee and thou by it shall be accused and conuicted that thou hast beene a wilful chooser of thine owne destruction Againe in that the Prophet doth acknowlege that if the Lord should bring vpon him all those iudgements which hee before had threatned by the Prophet Nathan namely 2. Sam. 12. That the Sword should neuer de part from his house that the child conceiued in adultery should die That his sonnes should defloure his wiues c. yet for all that that God were most iust in his iudgements wee learne a second point of Doctrine that howsoeuer the Lord reprooueth vs for sin Doctr. 2 God is euer iust in his iudgèments and seemes to threaten and thunder out his iudgements as hee did against Dauid yet we are to confesse that God is iust and righteous in his threatnings that hee doth not deale more seuerely with vs then our sins deserue Thus Dauid did though he was a King yet hauing sinned and committed euill in Gods sight when Nathan came tooke him vp roundly for his sinnes hee acknowledged God dealt iustly with him though he rebuked him sharply and seuerely so must wee know it is our duety that when we are reprooued for our sins wee iudge and thinke it is no more then wee haue deserued Old Ely when Samuel telleth him that GOD would destroy his sonnes and take the high Priests office from him because hee did not rule and gouerne his children and correct them hee answered It is the Lord let him doe as it seemes good in his own eies 1 Sam. 3.18 In like sort Matth. 15. the Cananitish woman though she were called a Dogge by our Sauiour yet she iustifieth him in his saying Trueth Lord I am as thou hast said but yet admit I be a dogge then giue mee that which dogges oftentimes haue euen a crumme of thy mercie Thus did Hezechiah 2. Reg. 20. when the Prophet had threatned him because of his pride in shewing his treasures he confesseth that God was iust and might haue dealt yet more rigorously with him saying The word of the Lord is good These examples doe shew what is the nature of true penitents namely to acknowledge that which from GODS word is most sharpely spoken to be most iust and true Whereas on the contrary we shall see hypocrites ready to censure God to deale too seuerely with them as wee may see Luke 13. how that the wicked at the last will seeme to plead their case with GOD saying Lord hast thou not preached in our streetes and haue we not eate and druncke in thy company seeming thereby to haue such an interest into Christ as that hee should deale vniustly with them to condemne them The like wee may see in Catne Genes 4. My sinne saith he that is my punishment is greater then I can beare So that wee see that as the godlie man acknowledgeth GOD to be iust in all things so the wicked man dare charge GOD to his face that he is iniust if he punish sinne seuerely Vse 1 This she weth of what spirite those men be of who when they be sharply reprooued for their sins swearing drunkennes whoredome couetousnesse c. they beginne to murmure and grudge to finde fault with the Ministers of God that they be too hot and too earnest too sharpe and seuere they would be more mildely dealt withal they cannot abide these hot fellowes that be all of the spirit they would bee handled nicely and gently But we see Dauid a king acknowledgeth God to be iust and to deale iustly with him But these men are like vnto Ahab he hated Michaiah and why
1. Reg. 22.8 because he neuer prophesieth good vnto him but euer tolde him of Gods iudgements and therefore hee could not away with ●im but let vs know that it is a bad property and a signe of a most lewd and gracelesse heart Psal 50 Thou hatest to be reformed The vilest Atheist in the world may be content to heare the gospel but let vs know that we must be content to heare of Gods iudgements Herod could be content to heare Iohn Baptist gladly Esay 58.1 Mar. 6.20 Psal 141.5 vntill hee came to touch his beloued sinne which was a signe hee had a naughtie heart But Dauid could wish the righteous might smite him friendly and reprooue him for such smiting should be good for him Psalme 141. verse 5. Vse 2 Let vs learne by Dauids example quietly and patiently to heare of our sinnes and to heare GODS iudgements denounced against them Faithfull Ministers token of Gods loue and let vs deeme it a singular fauour of God if the Lord send some godlie Nathan to tell vs of our sinnes and to thunder out GODS iudgements against them it is a signe the Lord loueth vs and would not haue vs to perish And therefore let vs bee so farre from murmuring or disliking the Lords Ministers for telling vs of our sins that we should rather loue them and like them yea Dauid loued Nathan aboue all other men because that hoe was a meanes to reclaime him and bring him home againe by true repentance And so it is with all Gods children that those faithfull Ministers of the Word which haue beene the meanes to humble them and cast them downe for their sins Psal 141.5 of all other they loue them and make much of them Vse 3 Seeing when Nathan reprooued Dauid hee acknowledgeth it to bee the Lords rebuking of him it must admonish all men to listen vnto the word of God in the mouth of his ministers Ghd'speaketh by his Ministera as though the Lord himselfe should speake vnto them for they stand in his steade and whatsoeuer they speake in the name of the Lord it is as much as if the Lord should speake from heauen and therefore CHRIST saith Luk. 10.16 He that heareth you heareth mee And hee that despiseth you despiseth me and hee that despiseth mee despiseth him that sent me And therefore let vs take to heart the judgements of GOD threatened by his Ministers let vs make a good vse of them and let vs assure our selues that vnlesse we do repent they will seize vpon vs and therefore let all vngodly men take heede how they reuile Gods ministers when they deale soundly and roundly sincerely and sharpely for sinne for thou striuest not with man but with God And pure when thou iudgest THAT is that thou mayest be knowne to be pure free from all cruelty and iniustice in thy iudgements when thou dost chasten man for sinne wee must needes acknowledge that thou art iust and dost neuer deale so hardly with vs as we deserue For himselfe hee confesseth that GOD is most iust That howsoeuer the Lord might bring vpon him all those Iudgements which hee had threatned by his Prophet against hin viz. That euill should be raised against him out of his owne house That the Sword should bee sent against it That his wiues should be openly defiled That the childe borne in adultery should die yet though all those things should come vpon him and his house the Lord should still free from cruelty and iniustice Doctrine By this example of Dauid wee learne to free the Lord from all cruell God is euer iust in his iudgements hard and vniust dealing that although the Lord bring vpon vs many and grieuous judgements sickenes pouerty imprisonment plague famine sword pestilence c. yet let vs take it so to heart that euer we do acknowledge GOD is free from all cruell and vniust dealing Dan. 9 5 6 7. a most liuely example of this we haue in the people of the Iewes whom the Lord had grieuously afflicted for the contempt of his word and despising his Prophets sent them into great captiuitie now being there they doe not complaine of any vniust dealing of God towards them but confesse rather Lam. 3.22 That it was his endlesse mercie that we were not consumed Because his compassions faile not the like example we haue in Iob Iob 1.22 who neuer charged God of any vniust dealing And to the same purpose speaks the Church Micah 7.9 I will beare the wrath of the Lord because I haue sinned against him Vse 1 Hence wee are taught whatsoeuer crosse or iudgement the Lord shall lay vpon vs to vndergoe the same without murmuring or repining against GOD for in all these things God is most righteous and laieth nothing on vs which we haue not deserued Let vs therfore learne with Dauid to be dombe and silent vnder the hand of God whatsoeuer we suffer because God hath done it and wee haue deserued it But alas how far is this from those men who when they are crossed are readie to breake into cursing and swearing c. or at the least fret and repine against God as if he had done them wrong in punishing them Vse 2 This condemns that great impatiencie of many a one that when the lord doth exercise them by sickenes by pouertie by crosses in wife or children c. are ready to murmure and complaine that the Lord dealeth hardly with them so that they dare reason and dispute with GOD this was Iobs case in his extreamitie hee forgate himselfe and spake soolishly nay rather let vs with Dauid confesse and acknowledge that it is the iust hand of GOD and that he doth vs no wrong although hee send many and long afflictions vpon vs let vs confesse it is his mercy that hee sends no more yea let vs acknowledge that wee are worthy ten thousand times to perish for our sinnes and to be damned eternally And if the Lord should for euer condemne vs Iob 13.15 Dan. 9. yet he should be iust Vse 2 This condemnes all those prowd spirites who dare charge the Lord of great cruelty and hardnesse if hee should reiect the greatest part of mankind and damne them for their sinnes they thinke it stands not with Gods mercy so to do but as the Apostle Paul in the eleuenth chapter to the Romanes saith What arte thou O man that darest dispute with God Yea it is therefore most iust because GOD willeth it for his will is the rule of iustice And therefore anie thing is iust because he willes it and therfore let vs not only in our owne Note Particular crosses and calamities acknowledge God to be iust but also in the matter of Reprobation and Reiection let vs acknowledge Almightie GOD to be most iust and righteous let God be true and euery man a liar Vse 3 Seeing the Lord is so pure and iust free from all cruell and hard
worke of grace a renued heart faith repentance obedience and a sanctified life was euer wanting they were but hypocrites They went out from vs but they were not of vs Mat. 7.21 22. for if they had beene of vs they would haue continued with vs. And therefore it behoueth vs all to take heed that we content not our selues with the common giftes and graces of the holy Ghost which a reprobate may haue for it is certaine most excellent gifts will not auaile a man to saluation vnlesse there be the true worke of grace sauing faith sound repentance and heartie obedience VERSE 12.13 12. Restore me to the ioy of thy saluation and stablish mee with thy free Spirit 13. Then shall I teach thy wayes vnto the wicked and the sinners shal be conuerted vnto thee Partes of the verses THese words contain in themselues and earnest prayer of Dauid vnto GOD for the renuing Of GODS mercy and feeling of his loue againe in the 12. verse In the 13. verse he vses a reason to moue the Lord thereunto namely that if the Lord shall receiue him into fauor againe and testifie his loue vnto him in the pardon of his sins then he wil not be vnmindful of Gods dealing with him but become a Preacher and proclaimer of Gods mercy vnto others to draw them to GOD in shewing what GOD hath done for his soule and so that by the example of Gods mercy to him others should be wonne In the 12. verse he makes a twofold petition vnto God First for the former feeling and assurance of Gods loue and mercy for the pardon of his sinnes Secondly that God would vphold him with his free spirit so as now being deliuered out of the cursed thraldome and slauery of sinne hee might frankely and freely serue the Lord and runne the way of his Commandements Restore me to the ioy of thy saluation No ioy can comfort mans soule but the ioy of Gods saluation AS if he should haue said O Lord my GOD I acknowledge and confesse that all the while I serued thee and liued in thy feare ledde a holy and godly life and kept an vpright heart that I found wonderfull and exceeding ioy in the assurance of thy loue and mercy in Christ for my saluation but since I rebelled against thee and wilfully brake thy holy Commandements I haue depriued my soule of that heauenlie comfort and consolation and felt errours and griefe feares and cares and exceeding vexation Now mercifull GOD I humbly intreate thee to restore me againe to that ioy and comfort to assure me of thy loue and fauour that thou art graciously reconciled vnto me that I may receiue my former comfort And not onelie that but because I see how weake I am haue no power to stand without thy help and grace I humbly intreat thee to stay and strengthen me to stablish thy grace in me and so to vphold me in thy obedience that I may freely and heartily obey thee all my dayes Doctr. 1 The childe of God truely called iustified Fruit of sinne described Note and sanctified by GOD spirit if he once fall against GOD and prouoke him to anger by wilfull disobedience doth feele exceeding griefe and sorrow of heart great griefe and trouble of minde feares and cares lest the Lord should reiect him so that there is an hell in his poore soule and wounded conscience till hee be againe reconciled to GOD by faith and true repentance So long as Dauid walked with God in vprightnesse of his heart hee had exceeding ioy and comfort in the Lord his GOD was assured of his loue for pardon of his sinnes and eternall saluation but when he fell to adultery and murder and so rebelled against God it is wonderfull to see into what a gulfe of misery he plunged himselfe what feares and cares what doubts and troubles did vex his soule and wounded conscience Euen so it is with all the godly while they liue in the feare of God serue and please him and keep an vpright heart before the Lord leade a godly and christian life they feele find in themselues exceeding ioy and wonderfull comfort with assurance of Gods loue in Christ for their saluation but if as any time they breake out to sinne and rebell against God by wilfull disobedience then they shall finde an hell in their consciences troubles feares and cares for the time Who can tell what feares and cares Peter felt Luke 23. in what griefe and sorrow of heart hee was in when cowardly he denied his Lord and Master It cost him many a bitter teare The reason of this doctrine is because all peace and comfort to a poore soule springs from the sence and comfortable feeling of Gods loue in CHRIST IESVS for the pardon of sinne and eternall saluation and therefore when that is lost alas what peace or comfort can they haue Secondly they do by such wilfull sin and disobedience grieue the spirit and make the holy-Ghost sad within them and so doe what they can to expell the Spirit of God in them Now where the Spirit of God is made sad and grieued how can there be any true ioy Vse Seeing there is such sweete comfort in a godlie and Christian life while we walke with GOD and serue and please him in spirit and truth and when men sinne and rebell against God they pull downe vpon their heads such wofull misery troubles and cares how should this make euery man exceeding carefull of sinne which brings such woefull miseries and iudgements vnto our own soules such torments feares and cares To the ioy of thy saluation AS if hee should haue said ô Lord my God when thou diddest assure mee of thy loue and fauour for the pardon of my sinnes and eternall saluation I had exceeding ioy therein Now I doe humbly intreate thee to restore it to mee againe Doctr. 2 Fauour of God is a Christians chiefest ioy Hence marke what is the thing the childe of God doth most desire and craue at Gods hands and wherein they do most reioyce namely in the fauour of GOD and assurance of Gods loue in Christ Iesus that they know that God is graciously reconciled vnto them that they be in his fauour and shall neuer perish but shall euerlastingly bee saued Dauid was a King and wanted no temporall commodity comfort or delight whatsoeuer wherein worldly men reioyce but Dauid now conceiued no kinde of ioy at all in these things to bee out of Gods fauour And therefore prayes vnto God for the feeling of the true ioy and that is of His Saluation and that will minister vnto him matter of true reioycing indeed But alas most men being carnall desire riches honour pleasure Psal 4.6.7 But Lord let me see thy louing countenance thy fauour and grace and that shall do me more good and comfort then all the things in the world The poore Publican begges for this Lord be mercifull to me a sinner So
adultery murder c. take heed thou dispairest not with Caine to say my sin is greater then can bee forgiuen but repent with Dauid and GOD will pardon it Vse 2 Let no man presume heereupon to sinne because God will pardon great sinnes for as it is true that God will pardon great sinnes when men repent truely of them so without repentance there is no pardon of the least sinne and if thou shalt wittingly and willingly rush into great sinnes it is a great doubt that thou shalt neuer or hardly get out of them hee that sinnes because GOD is mercifull doth abuse his mercy and then his mercy shall bee turned into iudgement Gods mercy should lead vs to repentance and not make vs bold to sinne Rom. 2.4 Doctr. 3 Seeing Dauid praies and intreates the Lord not onely to deliuer him from sinne The punishment of sinne should terrifie vs from sinning but also from the punishment due to his sinne that curse of God which was due to his grieuous sinnes of adultery and murther as the Prophet told him because hee had done this euill The sword should neuer depart from his house 2. Sam. 12. and his owne sonnes should defile his wiues Wee learne in regard of GODS fearefull iudgements plagues and punishments that attend and waite vpon sinne to bee affraid to commit sinne against GOD for sure it is that the curse followes sinne and as sinne growes so growes the curse for the Lord is a iust GOD and must needes punish the transgressours of his Law And although he take not his louing kindnesse from them neither suffer his truth to faile yet hee will visite their trangressions with the rod and their sinnes with scourges as wee may see heere by the example of Dauid of the people of Israell Iudges the fourth chapter the first and second verses of Miriam Numb 12. of Salomon Asa Iehosaphat Iosiah Hezekiah c. If then wee breake his Statutes and keepe not his Commandements when hee searcheth with lights and findeth out our sinnes we must with Achan giue the glory to God and make confession vnto him we must pronounce righteousnesse to belong vnto him and vnto our selues open shame and confusion of face for euer Vse 1 Well then let vs remember this if wee sinne certainely the Lord will plague vs and punish vs either in our body or soule goods or good name wife or children the Lord will finde vs out wee cannot escape his iudgement wee cannot hide our sinne from him if men could bee perswaded of this oh they would bee affraid to lie in sinne if they thought God were a iust God to punish them and plague them for their sinnes how darest thou sinne if thou couldest bee perswaded of this that GOD will certainely plague theee Indeed the mercy of God should make vs loath to sinne but if that will not yet let his iustice terrifie and fright al secure and carelesse sinners Vse 2 Let no man sooth himselfe to thinke hee shall escape Deut. 14. If any man heare the curses of Gods law against sinne and shall blesse himselfe in his heart saying I shall haue peace although I walke after the stubbornenesse of my heart then the Lord will not be mercifull to that man but the wrath of the Lord and his iealousie shall smoake against him and hee shall bring vpon him euerie curse written in this law to root him cleane out Note I will visite those that bee frozen in their degrees and say in their harts God will neither do good nor euill and if neither the mercy of God will moue vs nor his iudgements make vs afraid to commit sinne our case is fearefull and damnable Vse 3 Lastly seeing God chastneth his owne children when they offend Then it must needes follow that the wicked which are none of his shall not escape his reuenging hand If the Lord be so seuere against sin and sinners that hee will not spare no not the sinnes and falles of his owne deare children beeing of his owne houshold and Citizens of his owne kingdome and the members of his owne body if the Lord do deale so sharpely with these Oh how heauy will he lay his iudgements vpon the wicked 1. Pet 4.17 18. The time is come that Iudgement must beginne at the house of God If it first beginne with vs what shall be the end of them which obey not the Gospel of God And if the Righteous scarcely be saued where shall the wicked and sinner appeare But God correcteth the godly in mercie the wicked in wrath The one as a louing father the other as a iust Iudge O that all wicked and vngodly men would lay this to heart and know that assured iudgement is reserued for them at the great day of the Lords generall Assises when they shall will they nill they pleade guiltie at GODS barre where the Register Booke of all their actions shall be brought forth and they shall receiue according to their workes Doctr. 4 In that Dauid speakes in the plurall number Deliuer mee from bloud True note of a penitent to aggrauate his sinne that my most hainous horrible and cruell sinne hee doth not mince it or lessen it but sets it out in his colours a bloudy sin a monstrous sin therefore in true repentance and confession of our sinnes wee must labour to aggrauate them to the full to set them out to make them appeare as vile and filthy as we can for thereby we shew our griefe and hatred for them Vse This condemneth most men who when they are tolde of their sinnes doe seeke to lessen and excuse them to make them little sinnes or no sins if they could well it is a signe of a naughtie heart as we see in Saul 1. Sam. 15. who would not confesse his sinne but excused it it shewes men are not humbled nor grieued haue no hatred of it but if we do truely see the loathsomnesse of sinne Oh wee would aggrauate it yea speake as badde as we can of it and not excuse it in any case the second thing in the petition is the manner of it namely that hee doth pray in faith and affiance of Gods mercy for he praies vnto God and describes him to be the God of his saluation because hee put all his affiance in Gods mercy for saluation and acknowledgeth it to be the gift of God Doctr. 5 In that Dauid thus prayeth for the pardon of his sinnes Faith required in prayer with faith and affiance We learne that if we desire to obtaine our requests wee must pray to God with faith and affiance in Gods mercy for at the same time that God toucheth a poore sinner to mourne for his sins and to repent he giues him faith to pray to God with affiance for pardon and saluation So then wee see whatsoeuer we aske at Gods hands we must aske in faith If any lacke wisedome let him aske in faith and wauer not Iam.
owne soule but also laid open the Church and people of God to great misery and done what lay in him to draw the curse and iudgement of GOD vpon them therefore he doth humbly intreate the Lord to be mercifull to his Church and not to plague and punish them as he might haue done for his sinnes and disobedience These two verses containe in them two especiall points to bee considered of vs. First the request which Dauid makes in the behalf of the Church and people of God Ver. 18. Secondly the reason taken from the vow and protestation which Dauid and the people make vnto GOD namely to offer vnto GOD the sacrifice of praise and thankesgiuing In the prayer be two requests first he prayes for fauour and mercy to be shewed vpon the Church of GOD secondly that the Lord would repaire that breach which he had made by his sinnes Bee fauourable THat is doe well blesse preserue and shew mercy To Zyon Zyon signifies that beautifull Temple of Ierusalem but here it is taken for the Church and people of God as if he should say O Lord I do not onely intreate thee that thou wouldst haue mercy vpon me but I beseech thee shew mercy to thy whole Church and people be mercifull vnto them prouide wel for them that thy word may be Preached and thy name called vpon for I acknowledge ô Lord that I haue done as much as lay in my power to bring heauy iudgements vpon thy Church and people if my sinnes be laid vpon them but Lord let not thy Church be punished for my sin O bee fauourable to Syon Doct. 1 Prayer the chiefestrefuge in time of danger Seeing Dauid in time of misery when the Church was in danger of Gods iudgements betakes himselfe to prayer to intreate the Lord for grace and fauour wee learne hence that this is our chiefest refuge and shelter in time of misery and affliction when the Church of GOD is in danger of any iudgement or calamity euen to betake our selues to humble and earnest prayer Pray for the peace of Ierusalem they shall prosper that loue thee Psal 122.6 Psa 50.15 Psal 107 Hester 4.8 Esay 64 2. Chron. 32.20 And of the Israelites it is reported that they cryed fiue times vnto the Lord in their distresse so in Aegypt they cryed and groaned vnto the Lord so they fasted and prayed when Haman had got the Kings letter to put the Iewes to dead The like we may see in Nehemiah Neh. 1.3.4 when he heard that the people returned from captiuity were still in misery Ierusalem troden downe hee sate downe and wept hee mourned fasted and prayed before the GOD of heauen for the redresse of those euils This appeareth likewise Psalme one hundred thirty seuen the first second and third verses where the Prophet layeth downe the miserable estate of the Church vnder the Babylonians and the affliction of Church conceiued vpon that distresse We sate downe and wept when wee remembred Syon If I forget thee O Ierusalem let my right hand forget her cunning yea if I preferre not Ierusalem before my chiefe ioy And in the first of Samuel the fourth chapter and the nineteenth verse it is noted to the euerlasting praise of the wife of Phineas that when the P●i●istims preuailed ouer the people of God and one trouble came vpon her on the necke of another as the taki●g of the Arke the fall of her Father the death of her Husband the ouer-throw of the Hoast c. yet aboue all the report of taking the Arke of the Lord it was a wound vnto her soule hastned her trauaile and called her child Icabod that is no glory or the glory is departed from Israel because the Arke of God was taken Vse 1 Well if the Lord should afflict vs and should threaten to destroy vs to remoue the Gospell to take away his zealous and faithfull Ministers to make the golden Belles of Aaron yeeld no sound what are we to doe Namely this must be our refuge we must fly vnto God by true and hearty prayer bewaile our sins acknowledge them to God ply the Lord with prayers and teares Iam. 5.17 For the prayer of a righteous Man is of endlesse force Now if the prayer of one righteous man bee of that force and strength how much more are the prayers of hundreds or thousands that are gathered together in one one cord may easily bee broken but a three-fold cord cannot be broken Elias is called the Chariot and Horse-men of Israel because by faithfull prayers which hee made vnto GOD hee could doe more for the defence of GODS Church then an Armie of Souldiers Vse 2 Seing the troubles of others must moue pitty in our selues then woe to them that are secure that laugh when the Church weepeth that liue in brauery when the Church is in Sackcloth and Ashes that feast when the Church doth fast This was the practise of those that liued in the time of Esay Esay 22. vers 12.13.14 In that day did the Lord of Hosts call vnto weeping and mourning to baldnesse and grinding with Sackcloth And behold ioy and gladnesse slaying Oxen and killing Sheepe eating flesh and drinking for to morrow wee shall dye Hereunto accordeth that of the Prophet Amos Amos 6. Woe to them that are at ease in Syon c. where we see hee pronounceth the wofull estate and condition of those who liued without any regard of the Iudgements of GOD laid vpon the Church And surely the times wherin wee liue doe call vpon vs to the practise of this Christian duetie But much more are they condemned that are so farre from pittying the Churches troubles that rather without all naturall affection as if they were borne of Wolues or nourished of Tygers seeke to cut the throate of the Church adde to their afflictions make their burthen heauier euen of them that are ready to fall This doth the Prophet speake of such Psa 69. vers 26. They persecute him whom thou hast smitten and adde vnto the sorrow of them whom thou hast wounded Doctr. 2 In that DAVID doth not pray for himselfe alone Prayer for the Church a Christian duty but is mindefull of the whole Church and people of GOD and therefore prayes for them that GOD would blesse them and defend them Hence wee learne that it is the duety of euery Christian Man and Woman that be true members of the Church of GOD not onely to pray for themselues but also to pray instantly for the Church of God that God would bee fauourable to his people blesse his Church and Children seeke the wel-fare of GODS Church This wee may see by the example of Abraham Genes 18. who prayed for the Sodomites that they might be spared This we may see in Nehemiah Nehem. 1.3.4 who mourned fasted and prayed vnto the God of Heauen when hee saw that the Church was in misery And this affection was in Dauid when hee saith Psalm 137. We sate downe and
wept when wee remembred thee O Syon And when the people desired Samuel to pray for them 1. Sam. 12.32 hee said God forbid that I should sinne against the Lord and cease praying for you This Paul performed to the Romans Rom 1. vers 9.10 GOD is my witnesse whom I serue in my Spirit in the Gospell of his Sonne that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers So that we see here it hath been the practise of the Church and people of God to pray for the Church of God and that indeed for sundry reasons First it is Gods commandement that wee should pray for the Church of God Psal 12.22 6. pray for the peace of Ierusalem that is for the good and flourishing estate of Gods Church and people Secondly as it is Gods commandement so it is for our owne good because we shall fare the better for the common good of Gods Church they shall prosper that loue thee Thirdly we are or should be members of the Church of God whereof Christ is the onely head Now then members of the same body should procure the good one of another and therefore if it goe ill with the Church of God it cannot goe well with vs. How did Moses plead with God sundry times for his Church and people Exod. 32. So Nehemy he fasted prayed for the Church in misery Nehem. 1. and for the Citty of his Fathers Ierusalem And as it is the duty of all in generall to pray and procure the peace prosperity of Gods Church and people so especially ought Kings and Magistrates who are the gouernors and leaders of Gods people and his Lieutenants vpon earth Secondly Ministers are bound by especiall bond to pray for GODS Church Esay 6.21 Verse 6 For Syons sake I will not hold my peace and for Ierusalems sake I wil not rest vntill the righteoussnesse thereof breake forth as the light and the saluation thereof as a burning lampe I haue set watchmen vpon thy walles O Ierusalem which all the day and all the night continually shall not cease ye that are mindfull of the Lord keepe not silence Vse If this bee the duty of all men to labour to procure the wel-fare and happinesse of Gods Church and people then most wofull is the estate of all those that hinder the true worship and seruice of God when wicked men like bloudy SAVL shall breathe out threatnings and slaughter to the Church of God Well Acts 9.1 we shall reade in the Word of God as also in the Acts and Monuments wee shall euer finde the end of persecutors to bee exceeding fearefull some stricken downe with sudden death some dying desperatly and despairing of Gods mercy some run madde and the like fearefull ends which might admonish all persecuting Tyrants and bloudy enemies of the Church to change their minds and no more to persecute the poore Church and children of God lest they be plagued in the like manner Be fauourable Doctr. 3 That is Liberty of preaching one of Gods fauours so blesse thy poore Church that in it thy seruants the Prophets may euer preach thy holy word that thy worship and seruice may purely be performed and thy name called vpon the number of the elect may be increased and many soules saued Hence we learne that it is the great fauour and mercy of GOD to any Church or people when the word and Gospell of God is soundly and sincerely preached and the Sacraments duly administred when the people may with liberty and comfort come together to sanctifie Gods Sabaoth to call vpon the Lord in his Sanctuary to worship the Lord in his House And surely we see here what great cause we haue to blesse the name of GOD in this Land how gratious the Lord hath beene vnto vs aboue all Nations that are round about vs. So on the contrary part it is a great and grieuous iudgement of God to want faithful Ministers and holy seruants of God when God shall cause the golden Bels of Aaron to cease it is a token of Gods displeasure with any people town or kingdome then the Lord frownes vpon them and is exceeding angry with them then wo to that nation country or people when the Lord departs from them when he shal take a way their watchmen when he shall depriue them of their faithfull Ministers when hee shall take away his Word and Gospell The Lord threatens this as the greatest of all iudgements Amos 8.11 Reuel 2. then comes in sinne ignorance prophanetie impiety idolatry superstition and all manner of sinne till the Lord come with his iudgments to destroy them Vse 1 Seeing it is so great a token of the Lords dis-fauour of his anger and displeasure against any Church or Kingdome oh then let vs repent of our sins let vs intreate the Lord not to bring this iudgement vpon vs but rather to humble vs by any other meanes as it pleaseth his Maiesty Vse 2 This condemnes a plaine dotage and foolish dreame of ignorant persons Oh say some it was neuer a good world since wee had so much preaching but in time of Popery then all things were cheape and so they gather by outward peace and tranquility that GOD loued them and liked of them But wee see here howsoeuer many poore soules may deceiue themselues it is a singular fauour of God to a people when hee giues them his Gospell to bee truely preached taught vnto them when they may call vpon him in publicke and priuate This is a speciall fauour of God but where this is wanting Where prophesying failes Prou. 29. the people perish For where the word of God is not preached and the people taught there they are ignorant blinde and prophane and all manner of sinne abounds and where sinne abounds there the curse of God must needes hang ouer the heads of that people for where the word is not preached and the people taught though they abound in all prosperity yet it is not so great a fauour as they thinke it to be Nay it may be aiudgement vnto them for what are they the better to haue peace and plenty ease and liberty when as they want the fauour of God For euery blessing is not a benefite According to thy good pleasure These words containe the ground of his request namely the endlesse mercy and fauour of God in IESVS CHRIST not any goodness or worthinesse of their owne of Dauid or the people but hee builds his faith and petition of Gods meere and vndeserued mercy in Christ Doctr. 4 Hence wee learne Faith must not rest vpon others merits that wee must build our faith not vpon any goodnesse desert or worthinesse of our owne but vpon the alone mercy and good pleasure of GOD Dan. 9. He doth confesse it is true that they dare not appeare in their owne name or worthinesse but onely in the mercy of God in Christ To vs belongs shame Dan. 9.
and confusion of face but Lord for thy tender mercies sake heare vs When as the Church of God was in great affliction they acknowledge it the Lords mercy they were not consumed for their sins Lam. 3.22 Because his compassions faile not So then let vs know that we must by this ground of all our praiers euen on Gods endlesse mercy in Christ not our owne worthinesse Vse 1 This condemnes all such pride as the Papists are guilty of when they doe leane so much vpon their owne merits worthinesse and deserts and thinke God should heare them and helpe them for the same yea they make Saints and Angels Mediators wheras we must only leane on Gods mercy in Christ for all good things Vse 2 Seeing Dauid doth build his faith and prayer on Gods mercy alone without any respect of his worthinesse or goodnesse of the people we learne in all our prayers to relye wholly on Gods mercy and not to thinke that wee are worthy to bee heard for our worthinesse or deserts No no let vs confesse and say Iob. 42.6 Not vnto vs Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name be the glory for we are not worthy of the least fauour And build vp the walles of Ierusalem The secōd part of the verse This is the second part of the verse wherein he intreats the Lord not to hinder the building of his Temple for his sake but rather euen to make vp that breach he had broken downe by his foule and bloudy sinnes as if he should say O Lord I haue by my sinnes done what lyes in my power to hinder thy Church and to plucke downe the wall of thy protection yea to lay them open to the sword of the enemy and to all thy iudgments but I pray thee Lord that thou wouldest in mercy make vp that breach Build vp the walles of Ierusalem the Citty wherein thy Temple is built and thy name is called vpon the Seate of thy Worship and Seruice Doctr. 5 Doth Dauid confesse Sinnes of the Magistrate prouoke Gods anger highly that by his sinnes of adultery and murder hee had done what lay in his power euen to pull downe the walles of GODS Church and people to lay them open to Gods iudgements plagues and punishments then hence wee learne that the sinnes of the Prince and Magistrate and chiefe Rulers as Kings Queenes c. they do cast the whole people and Kingdome into great danger and prouoke Gods anger against them open the flood-gates of Gods vengeance for their sinnes be as their person be and a small sinne in a great Magistrate in a Minister in a King it is a great spot and foule blemish The Egyptians were all plagued by reason of Pharoahs sinnes Exod. 15. So we see that when Achan sinned though no great man yet it brought the curse of God vpon all the people So in the daies of Saul Achab Ioram and the like when such Kings liued in impiety idolatry and persecuted GODS people and Prophets wee see in the word how God did plague both them and their people The reason why the sinnes of the King doth in wrap the people in that iudgement of God is this because looke how the King is so for the most part are the people if he be an Idolater so are they if he be a persecutor so are they for looke how the King is affected so bee most of his Subiects Vse Seeing this is so that the sin of the Prince and the chiefe Magistrates is so great a meanes to pull downe GODS iudgements vpon the whole people and wraps them vp in the like iudgment as we see in Dauid who for his sin of nūbring the people 2. Sam. 24. 70000 were slaine Wee learne hence that it is a great mercy of God to haue such a King as walkes with God is carefull to honour God and to liue in his feare for then hee shall not onely procure a blessing vpon himselfe but on all his People and Subiects and the contrary is a fearefull iudgement of GOD vpon a land Esay when hee giues them wicked Kings and Princes Doctr 6 We learne by the example of Dauid Penitent will seeke to build vp that which before hee had pulled downe that those who haue by their sins hindred the good estate of GODS Church and people whether Kings Princes Magistrates or Ministers if they do truely repent they will be as carefull to build vp the wals of Gods Church againe to pray for it to procure the good of it Saul did persecute the Church he sought the ruine of it and to plucke it out the throate of poore Christians and to sucke their bloud but after he was wounded and humbled he became a Preacher of the Word Acts 9. 2. Cor. 33.14 and sought to build as fast as euer hee puld downe before Vse Well then hast thou heretofore hated Gods children persecuted them reproched thē sought to hinder the good of Gods Church and people and the Gospell of Christ if thou do euer repent thou must shew it in this louing GODS children furthering Gods truth vpholding Christs kingdome glorifying his Gospell else thou dost neuer soundly repent Hast thou by euil example by a sinfull life by negligence of holy duties by lewd aduice and wicked counsell drawne and allured others to sinne and to bring GODS iudgements vpon them if thou dost soundly repent then thou shalt bewaile this sinne and pray for them whom thou hast thus wronged Doctr. 7 Againe out of the whole verse marke this lesson and instruction A man cannot pray till he repent namely that Dauid who before durst hardly approach vnto God and open his mouth in prayer for himselfe yet now vpon his repentance and reconciliation with GOD is bold to pray for others yea to pray for the whole Church of God Hence we learne that as long as a poore sinner liues in sinne without pardon and true repentance hee cannot pray for himselfe hee cannot and dares not open his mouth to God to pray for himselfe much lesse for others But when hee shall truly repent turne to God after hee is reconciled to GOD in CHRIST then hee can come with much boldnesse vnto God and pray for himselfe and others too Luke 22. When thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren shewing that till he was conuerted hee could not helpe nor strengthen his brethren Vse Seeing before men and women be conuerted and do repent and bee at peace with God it is impossible they should pray for others or doe any good This should first admonish all Ministers of the word of God to repent and to be at peace with GOD for otherwise it is impossible for them to pray for others or to do any good thing to please GOD And though they teach and Preach the Word yet they sinne in it and please not God and cannot performe one speciall part of their office namely to pray for GODS people VERSE
all men do by nature that when sin is committed done and past they shall neuer be called to account for the same But alas no length of time can we are sin away if it bee not taken away by true and vnfained Repentance Yea the sinnes of our youth which many yeares agoe wee haue committed if now in time we do not repent and stop the mouth of the same shall stand vp as new and fresh against vs as the first houre we committed them Oh that we could be wise to thinke vpon these things Our selues waxe old our bodies are declining to the graue and will we take no paines to weare away our sinnes but to let them stand in their strength against vs This weare a great folly Let men therfore thinke of this betimes there is no going to Heauen with dry eyes or beds of downe Now if this poore worke of mine may finde entertainment with thee I shall so much the more be encouraged to take paines in this kinde vpon other places of Scripture as vpon the first Psalme which thou maist shortly expect And withall may helpe thee forward to this necessary duty of Repentance I haue thē my desire giue the praise to him from whom all good commeth who worketh in vs both the will the deed to whom be praise and honour for euer and euer AMEN Thine in the Lord Iesus SAMVEL SMITH The Table of the principall Doctrines briefly handled in this Booke Out of the Title of the Psalme Page 1. 2. 3. Doct. 1. Singing of Psalmes an ancient practise in the Church of God page 6. Doct. 2. A Childe of God may fall after hee is effectually called Page 16. Doct. 3. The word preached the ordinary meanes to beget Faith and Repentance page 21. Doct. 4. A fearful thing to liue in sin without repentance pag. 25. Doct. 5. Ministers must reproue the greatest personages pag. 30. Doct. 6. Men must bee charged with their speciall sins pag. 38. Doct. 7. Chaste speech taught of God page 42. Doct. 8. The godly respect more the glory of God then their owne credit page 44. Doct. 9. The strongest may fall page 46. VERSE I. Doct. 1. Sight of sin the first step to repentance page 52. Doct. 2. Sorrow for sinne note of a godly man page 58. Doct. 3. Mercie is chiefly to bee sought for page 61. Doct. 4. God alone is to be prayed vnto page 66. Doct. 5. Experience of former fauour assureth of future page 71 Doct. 6. The mercy of God emboldens sinners to come vnto him Page 74. Doct. 7. Gods mercy mans merit page 79. Doct. 8. The nature of sin p. 83 Doct. 9. God a God of mercie Page 85. Doct. 10. The Lord keepes a book of all our sinnes page 89. VERSE 2. Doct. 1. A wounded conscience can finde no rest but onely in Christ page 98 Doct. 2. Difference betwixt the sorrow of the godly and the wicked page 102 Doct. 3. Sinne defiles a Man page 106 Doct. 4. Hard matter to be clensed from the pollution of sin p. 110 Doct. 5. Bloud of Christ alone doth wash away sinne page 114. VEERS 3. Doct. 1. Confession euer goes before remission pag. 120 Doct. 2. An accusing conscience the meanes to bring men to repentance pag. 141 Doct. 3. Necessary duty to call our sins to account pag. 139. Doct. 4. Sinne once knowne doth euer accuse till it be pardoned pag. 145 Doct. 5. Sinne neuer goes alone pag. 149 VERSE 4. Doct. 1. A mans sins are open before God pag. 155 Doct. 2. What sorrow it is that accompanies repentance pag. 160 Doct. 3. Note of a penitent person not to excuse his sin pag. 166 Doct. 4. God alone can forgiue sinnes pag. 171 Doct. 5. Acknowledgement of partitular sinnes required in true repentance pag. 180 Doct. 6. Men sin before God p. 187 Doct. 7. The Lord maketh good vse of our consciences pag. 191 Doct. 8. God is euer iust in his iudgements pag. 195. 202 VERSE 5. Doct. 1. A man doth neuer truely repent till hee come to know his owne nature pag. 210 Doct. 2. No man is borne by nature the child of God pag. 211 Doct. 3. Godly parents beget sinfull children pag. 217 VERSE 6. Doct. 1. True knowledge of God workes true humility pag. 224 Doct. 2. A sanctified heart the greatest blessing of God p. 231 Doct. 3. Sinne is but a lying vanity pag. 233 Doct. 4. A fearefull thing to sin against knowledge pag. 237 Doct. 5. Heauenly wisedome the gift of Gods spirit pag. 244 VERSE 7. Doct. 1. Pardon of sin the greatest mercy pag. 249 Doct. 2. Sin is infectious pag. 253 Doct. 3. The ceremonies vnder the law were but to lead vs to Christ pag. 255 Doct 4. Christs bloud alone doth purge our sinnes pag. 256 Doct. 5. Situation to be sought for onely in Christ pag. 260 Doct. 6. Sin defiles a man p. 265 Doct. 7. Naturall men their estate Described pag. 269 VERSE 8. Doct. 1. Assurance of the pardon of sins may be attained pag. 282 Doct. 2. Mans testimony of the remission of sins is nothing without the testimony of Gods spirit pag. 285 Doct. 3. Ministery of the word meanes whereby God conueyes comfort to his children pag. 290 Doct. 4. Where sin is not pardoned there can be no true ioy pag. 295 Doct. 5. No sorrow in the godly like the sorrow for sin pag. 300 Doct. 6. There is no respect of persons with God pag. 303 Doct. 7. Pardon of sinne brings true ioy pag. 304 VERSE 9. Doct. 1. Gods anger most fearefull to the godly pag. 310 Doct. 2. Manner of Gods pardoning sinne pag. 317 Doct. 3. All our sins are knowne to God pag. 321 VERSE 10. Doct. 1. Iustification and Sanctification go together pag. 326 Doct. Repentance a new creation pag. 329 Doct. 3. True sanctification is neuer in part pag. 333 Doct. 4. God is the Author of sanctification pag. 338 Doct. 5. Sinne hinders the worke of sanctification pag. 341 Doct. 6. Child of God not alwayes at one stay pag. 348 Doct. 7. A purpose not to sin mark of a sanctified heart pag. 351 Doct. 8. Sinne quenches grace as water fire pag. 355 VERSE 11. Doct. 1. The pleasures of sinne are deere bought pag. 262 Doct. The Iudgements of God vpon other cause the godly to feare pag. 378 Doct. 3. Sin takes away the fecling of Gods fauor for a time pag. 379 VERSE 12. Doct. 1. Fruit of sinne described pag. 390 Doct. 2. Fauour of God is a Christians chiefest ioy pag. 393 Doct. 3. State of Gods children not alwayes alike pag. 398 Doct. 4. Pardon of sinne the soundest ioy pag. 401 Doct. 5. Man weake being left to himselfe pag. 406. VERSE 13. Doct. 1. The goodnesse of God towards our selues must bee made knowne pag. 411 Doct. 2. Thankfulnesse a necessary duty pag 414 Doct. 3. Fruit of faith to seeke the good of others pag. 417 Doct. 4. What Doctrine Ministers must teach pag. 420 Doct. 5. Ignorant are to
to moue vs to the great liking and regard of this excellent Psalme for we will listen to the speeches of learned men their Counfells and Exhortations being wife graue godly and learned do much affect vs Loe then heere is a psalme penned by a most skilful Musition by a renowned King and worthy Prophet of God yea a man after Gods owne heart Now the person that wrote this Psalme should moue vs very much to the liking of the matter contained in this Psalme Ahab said of Micha he neuer prophecied good So Dauid the sweet-singer of Israel alwaies good The mercy of the Lord endureth for euer hee was loued of God the Annoyntment spirituall and te nporall doth verefie it Applauded of al both men and women Dauid hath killed his tenne thousands A man iustified of his enemies Thou art more righteous then I. Esteemed of his subiects Thou art worth ien thousands of vs. A man more learned then his teachers he was a Compound of vertues a man after Gods own hart yet no way caring for the vaine applause of man confesseth heere his sin casteth his Crowne at the Lambs feet with the 24. elders contented to giue glory to God so that he might find peace vpon earth Oh! what an excellent thing were this if Kings Nobles great men would imitate Dauid in this to call thēselues to account and to set downe their liues that so they might haue matter to praise God for his blessings to acknowledge their sins with Dauid Dauid then was the author writer of this Psalme yet Dauid reports the fault in himselfe as if some stranger had committed it He forgets as it were his owne people and his Fathers house setting all affection aside maketh a plaine declaration of his owne transgression A wise man saith Salomon will accuse himselfe Pro. 18. So doth Dauid not shrowding his head nor rūning into a bush as Adam did but writing his fault in his brow pointing with his finger at the transgressor vnder his owne name faith A Psalme of Dauid being reprooued by Nathan c. Penners of the scriptures set forth first their own imperfection And indeed this doth make greatly for the authoritie of the word of God in that the Penners of it do not sticke to set forth their owne fraileties imperfectiōs that God might haue the honour and man beare the deserued blame contratie to the manner of the Writers of this world that howsoeuer against enemies they speake all and more then all or extol their friends to the highest yet in them we finde few examples of laying open the errours of themselues especially when in any sort it may be concealed This course we may behold in the whole Scriptures 2. Sam. 11. Dauid hee recordeth his adultery and murder as here in this Psalme his repentance of thē Ionas his disobedience Ionas 1.3 Iob 3.1 1. Reg. 11. Num. 11. Note Iob his impatience the idolatry of Salomon the discontentednesse of Moses the fretting of Ieremy and the like Here we may see the wisedome of the Word of life here we may admire their spirites who to giue God the glory do reioyce in their infirmities and proclaime their owne follies and if wee would compare these Writers inspired of the Holie Ghost with the Workes and Writings of other men we must either shut our eyes or else acknowledge a great difference The third circumstance is the time when this excellent Psalme was penned and that is expressed The time when this Psalm was penned When Nathan the Prophet came vnto him Concerning the sense of these Wordes some men differ some thinke that Dauid being fallen lay in his sinnes a whole yeare without any touch of conscience and sound repentance for them But it is not like as others thinke that so worthy a man as Dauid was after Gods owne hart could lie so long in sin without all remorce and touch of Conscience For my part I take it that though Dauid could not be so stony and so steely-hearted or so benummed but must needs haue some griping and sting of conscience and no doubt his heart must needes smite him vnlesse hee had beene more vile then the vilest sinner So for all that he was not so humbled for his great and grieuous sinnes as he ought to haue beene till such time as Nathan the Lords Prophet came to rowze him vp by the alarum of Gods Iudgement denounced against him Wherin we may see 2. Sa. 12.1 First that a childe of God may both fall fowly and lie in sin a long time without repentance And secondly that the Ministery of Nathan is needfull to reclaime vs else we shall not onely sinne but lie and rot in them And indeede not so much the falling into sinne as the lying in sin wounds the conscience and procures Gods iudgements Doctr. 1 Hence we may gather first of all for our great comfort That it is the Lords mercie sometimes to let a man fall into sinne for as we build a wall the higher by casting the foundation deeper So the Lord by humbling his children oftentimes raiseth them vp As in a tempestuous winde trees shaken by the root in calme doe spread themselues the more So the childe of God hauing his roote shaken doth more strongly fasten himselfe in Christ Iesus The child of GOD may fall after he is called Doctr. 2 Note in Dauid a man after Gods owne heart that the true childe of God after he is truely and effectually called sanctified may very dangerously fall and sinne against God euen as Dauid did Gen. 37. So Iosephs brethren how did they conspire against him to sell him yea to kill him and lay a long time yea almost twentie yeares in that sinne before they were truely humbled for it How fowly did Peter fall though hee did not lie long in sin Mat. 26.70 Yea as Iob saith Iob 15. What is man that hee should be cleane and hee that is borne of a woman that he should be iust Behold he found no stedfastnes in his Saints c. And Pro. 20.9 Who can say I haue made my hart cleane All which testimonies of scriptures serue to confirme the trueth of this Doctrine that the best of Gods Saints in this life are oftentimes ouertaken by the policy of Satan and the frailetie of their owne flesh to commit great and grieuous sinnes Yea the dearest of Gods children sometimes are asleepe Matth. 25. The wise and foolish Virgins both slept but yet here is the difference the wise awakened arise out of their securitie the foolish prolong the time Oh then if Christ Iesus haue looked vpon vs as he did vpon Peter let vs looke on our selues If his Nathan be come let vs sleepe no more Vse 1 Seeing that Gods children may thus fall into sinne and lie in sinne so long a time although no man may hereby be imboldned to sinne with Dauid much lesse to lie in sin without
repentance yet if wee finde that such hath beene our security and exceeding carelesnes that GOD leauing vs in his iust Iudgement wee haue sinned and laine in sinne a long time a yeare or two or ten yet if we can repent and truely turne to God as Dauid did we need not doubt but hee will shew vs mercy as to Dauid At what time soeuer The Lord limites no time if men doe repent truly yet if men shall deferre their repentance in hope of this that they may repent hereafter then let them take heede lest the Lord cut them off ere they be aware or else leaue them to hardnesse of heart and impenitency And there is a great difference betweene this when a man hath laine in sin and the time is past and when a man commits sinne and deferres in hope of time to come Vse 2 Heere we may see the difference betweene this life and the Life to come Here in this life the remnants of sinne as so many spots and staines in the flesh remaine euen in those which are cleansed by the bloud of CHRIST But when as the faithfull shall be glorified they shall then be vnblameable without spotte or wrinckle If wee shall now cast our eyes euen vpon the best of Gods seruants as Noah Abraham Lot Dauid Peter c. wee may easily see shame in glorie darkenesse in light follie in wifedome infidelitie in faith But when CHRIST shall appeare and we likewise appeare with him in glory wee shall be made like vnto him Here we cease not to prouoke God by reason of our sinnes which continually wee do fall into which should be vnto vs as bitter as gall or wormewood But when this corruptible shall haue put on incorruption and this mortall shall put on immortality and Death shall bee swallowed vp into victory then we shall cease to sinne and shall be as the blessed Angels in heauen Vse 3 We see that repentance is not in mans power Repentance is not in mans power but it is the speciall gift of God for if the Lord had not sent Nathan to him to awake his benummed conscience alas hee had runne on still in sinne he had laine and rotted in his sins but the Lord sends his seruant Nathan to admonish him to awake him And so the people of God acknowledge in many places of the word Conuert thou vs O Lord and we shal be conuerted Iere 31.18 2 Tim. 2. 25. Againe Instruct them with meekenes proouing if God will at any time giue them repentance that they may be saued Oh then seeing repentance is not in mans power but it is the speciall gift of God neither could Dauid turne of himselfe thogh he turned himselfe from God of himselfe What madnes then is it for men and women to deferre all till the last gaspe Saying If they may haue but three houres before death they do care for no more as though they had repētance at command Man sins by nature ●ut cā not ●ise without grace But O thou vaine man see Dauid he fell by his owne power but could not rise by his owne power art thou better then Dauid No no vnlesse the Lord giue thee repentance thou canst neuer repent Oh then seeke at Gods hands and repent while the Lord calls and offers thee the meanes Doctr. 2 The word preached the means to beget faith and repentāce Seeing that Dauid repented not till he was waked and rouzed vp by Nathan the Lords Prophet and Minister hence I gather that the word of God preached is the means both to beget Faith and Repentance and to increase and reuiue the same for how had Dauid gone on stil in sinne if Nathan had not humbled him by the word of God it is able to break a stony heart it is able to wound a heart of steele for what heart could be more obstinate rebellious stubborne stony and steely then was the hearts of the cruell Iewes yet by Peters Sermon Acts 2.37 they were pricked and throughly wounded and humbled Ier. 23.29 Is not the word IEHOVAH like vnto fire and like a hammer that breaketh the stone It is able to breake a stony hart which is as hard as flint I am not ashamed of the Gospel of God because I know it is the power of God to saluation to all that beleeue ●om 1.16 It is compared to a sharpe two-edged sword It is mighty in operation Hebr. 4.12 and sharper then a two-edged sword Eph. 2.1 2. It is able to giue life to those that are dead in trespasses and sinnes So then wee must acknowledge a perpetuall necessitie of the Word to beget as also to encrease in vs the graces of Faith and Sanctification which without the vse of the Word preached are subiect if not to dying yet to decreasing if not to perishing yet to diminishing And from hence it is that the Lord saith of his Vineyard his Church Esay the twenty seuen chapter and third vers I the Lord doe keepe it I will water it euery moment lest any assaile it I will keepe it night and day We see by daily experience that after our repentance and the renewing of our mindes we are subiect to stumble and to fall into sin and ready to lie long in it as men cast into a deepe and long sleepe if wee bee not awaked with the Lords Trumpet as wee may see by this present example of Dauid who was by the subtilty of Satan surprised drawne to commit two horrible sinnes Adultery and Murther and lay a long space securely in them vntill he was by the Prophet Nathan rowzed vp and recouered 2. Sam. 12. Wherefore as there is a continuall vse and exercise of repentance so is there a continuall vse of the preaching of the word that wee should not stand at a stay but increase more and more till we come to the fulnesse of the perfect age of Christ Iesus Vse 1 This serues to commend vnto vs the power of the Word of GOD which is both able to kill sinners and to make them aliue againe Gods word only conuerts and puts a manifest difference betweene the word of man and the word of God all the Wisedome Learning Eloquence and wit of man is not able to saue a soule to conuert a sinner only the word of God can doe it euen the plaine and simple preaching of the word can doe it 1. Cor. 1.21 Psal 19.7 Rom. 10.14 The Law of the Lord is perfect conuerting the Soule Though nothing be more contrarie to our nature then the word of God yet it doth by Gods blessing conuert vs. Vse 2 Well then seeing Nathan is the messenger Despisers of the word must needes perish and the meanes that God vses to reclaime Dauid thus sleeping and snorting in sinne whereas the Lord could haue conuerted him without Nathans helpe we see then that those men who doe despise Nathan and the Lords Prophets and
Ministers must needes die in sinne without repentance who cannot indure themselues to bee admonished and reproued euen as a man hauing a long festered soare that is euen rotten putrified Note he can not abide the Chirurgeon should touch it or lance it alas it will be his bane in the end So if thy soule be sicke full of rottennes and corruption and yet thou continuest in sinne and liest in sinne and wilt not suffer the Lords Chirurgeons thou canst not indure Nathan to be so busie with thy sinnes what will follow but the vtter ruine of thy soule and the bane of it And therefore let all men be content to haue their hearts searched with the tents of the Law to be ript vp and launced til the bloud follow for that is the next way to be cured Doctr. 3 A feareful thing to liue in sin without repentāce Note In Dauid obserue what a fearefull thing it is to lie in sinne without repentance it is that which maketh a grieuous wound in the conscience draweth downe many and grieuous iudgements of God as in Dauid hee felt the smart of this sinne a long time yea hee carried the skarre of it to his graue it was a heart-smart vnto sinne in denying his Lord and Maister yet he lying not in sinne repented presently went out and wept bitterly so had pardon but lying in sinne is that which wounds the conscience and drawes downe Gods Iudgements both in soule and body weakens our faith makes vs colde in prayer and in holy dueties Yea the wrath of GOD doth follow such as make no conscience of sinne giuing them ouer into a reprobate sence to a slumbering spirit and to hardnes of heart that they proue in the end to be past feeling Romans 1.28 and surely it is iust with GOD that hee should forsake them by his grace who haue forsaken him by their sins This is that which the Prophet declareth concerning the secret Iudgement of God vpon sinners that doe make shipwarcke of faith and a good conscience Psal 81.11 12. My people would not heare my voyce and Israel would none of me So I gaue them vp vnto the hardnesse of their heart and they haue walked in their owne Councels Whence he shewes that seeing they would not be reclaimed and reformed he suffered them to runne their whole swinge into all wickednesse Vse 1 Hence wee learne what a dangerous thing it is to giue entertainement vnto sin it is like to a shamelesse guest which if he be once inuited will be so hardy that hee will come againe vnbidden it is like the breaking in of water that can hardly be stopped we may see this in the example of Cain he was reprooued of God checked for his hatred against his brother and admonished to repent Gen. 4 8. But he hearkened not to the voyce of the Lord but hardned his heart and shead innocent bloud euen the bloud of his brother This appeareth in Iudas he entertained couetousnesse in his heart from couetousnes he fell to plot with the Pharises Mat. 26.15 from plotting he proceeded to practising in the end he brake out to treson against his Lord Master The like we may say of Saul That as he fell away from God step by step So did the Spirit of God forsake him For as amongst all the blessings that God doth bestow vpon the sonnes of men in this world a soft and tender heart is one of the greatest which is soone made to bleede and brought to repentance and amendment of life Ezech. 11.19 So there can bee no greater curse laid vpon man then to haue a stony heart which eueyr day doth heape vp wrath against the day of wrath Exod. 9. Vse 2 Well aboue all things let vs beware how wee lie Continuance in sin most dangerous and rest in sinne Indeede I confesse the Lord might iustly condemne vs for the least sin we doe commit but yet he doth not so much dislike vs for sinning as for lying in sinne without repentance whenas we sinne and lie in sin then we wound our conscience then all grace will decay let a man trie himselfe When Dauid had done this euill committed adultery and murther and lay without repentance how was his zeale quenched how was his prayers weakened how was his heart cooled Note how was his conscience wounded Euen so do but try thy hart if thou hast committed some euil either by adultery whoredome lying stealing c. When thou hast done this how vntoward and dull shalt thou be in holy duties in prayer and praising of GOD and thou shalt finde euen a hell in thy conscience for the present Vse 3 Seeing it is so dangerous to lie in sin without repentance it is the very cut-throate of the soule and of all good things Oh then if we do fall as the best fall daily yet let vs presently recouer our selues presently repent and cry out with the Prodigal child Luke 15. Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee And with Peter let vs hastily goe out and weepe bitterly and then we shall not so deeply wound our conscience nor draw downe Gods iudgements as when we lie and snort in sin securely without repentance The fourth Circumstance in the Title of the Psalme is the occasion wherefore this worthie Psalme was penned The occasiō wherefore this Psalm was penned which was this Nathans reprouing of Dauid for going into Bershaba of which story reade the second of Samuel the eleuenth and twefth chapters and you shall see both Dauids sinne and his repentance being reproued whence I pray you marke two things Dauids patience and Nathans holdnes Dauid was a mighty King a famous warriour yet when the Lords Prophet comes vnto him to reproue him he takes it patiently and most meekly endures it One would haue thought that Dauid should haue checked him and bid him holde his peace and bid him meddle with his equals But you see here though he were reprooued by Nathan a poore Prophet of God and that of a fowle sinne he most patiently endureth it Doctr. 1 Hence wee learne in Nathan and Dauid Ministers must reproue the greatest personag●s that the Prophets of GOD must not be afraide to reprooue the greatest Personages but they must lay open their sinnes Gods iudgements against them 1 Reg. 21. Elias reprooues Ahab Moses Pharaoh Paul Foelix Iohn Baptist Herod c. And so Marke 6. whatsoeuer thou art if thou wert as great a King as Dauid if the Lord send his Prophet to tell thee of thy sinnes thou art to take it as the Message of the Lord and not to storme against it And it is the thing which the children of God desire to haue their sinnes laied open and reproued Psal 141.5 Let the righteous smite me friendly and reprooue me for such smiting shall be good for me and nothing is more dangerous for Kings and great personages then to haue
claw-backes and flatterers who can wincke at their sinnes O! how had it beene with Dauid if the Lord had not sent Nathan to reproue him Vse 1 We learne hence in what a wofull estate and condition those men and women are in that want a faithfull Minister they liue in blindnesse and darkenesse wanting the ordinarie means of life and saluation They haue not the words of eternall life Iohn chap. 6. verse 68. which are the power of God to saluation Rom. 1.16 and therefore are neare vnto destruction It was a fearefull curse when God said to the Apostles Mat. 10.5 Goe not into the way of the Gentiles and into the Cittie of the Samaritans see that ye enter not And to the same purpose the prophet Amos speaketh in his 8. chapter 11 12 13. verses Beholde the dayes come saith the Lord God that I wil send a famine into the land not a famine of bread nor thirst of water but of hearing the word of the Lord And they shall wander from Sea to Sea from the North euen vnto the East shall they run to and fro to seeke the word of the Lord but shall not finde it O that we could consider of these things and lay before our eies what danger it is to want the preaching of the word that thereby wee might learne to bee thankefull for GODS mercy towards vs to be mooued to pitty the desolations of so many of our poore brethren as also to feare the taking of it away from our selues for our vnthankefulnes Great are the plagues and horrible are the ruines of the Church in many places Oh that we had harts to mourne for it and to pray the Lord of the haruest to thrust foorth Labourers into his haruest Vse 2 And surely this is a great plague and iudgement commonly waiting vpon great men that they finde few or none that dare admonish them of their faults or tell them of their offences and so many times are suffered to runne on still in sinne to their finall destruction And therefore let vs account it as a speciall blessing sent vnto vs of God where wee haue some godly Nathan by whom wee may see what is amisse in vs. Wee can giue such a man thankes that will tell vs of some spot in our faces or blemish in our garments And shall wee enuy or maligne him that will discouer vnto vs the spots and blemishes of our soules which doe more soile vs and defile vs then all the blemishes of the body The Prophet Dauid when as hee had now fou●d the benefite of a godlie reproofe being reproued by Nathan the Lords Prophet saith Psalme 141.5 Let the righteous smite mee for that is a benefire and let him reprooue me and it shall be a precious oyle that shall not breake mine head And to this end speaketh Salomon Prouerbs 9.8 Rebuke not a scorner lest hee hate thee But rebuke a wise man and he will loue thee The correction of a friend is as the Rod of a Father the end is not to destory but to saue not to ouerthrow but to deliuer from death Vse 3 This condemneth the spirit of pride in most men and women for in these dayes it is come to passe that great personages if Nathan doe tell them of their sinnes of their excessiue pride idlenesse vanities vncleanenesse and the like Oh these hot fellowes are not for their humour they cannot away with them euen as Herod in Markes gospel 6.20 though otherwise hee did reuerence Iohn yet when hee came to tell him of his incest and filthy life then hee must loose his head for it And as Achab said of Micheas I hate him for he neuer prophesieth good vnto mee He is alwayes threatning mee and telleth mee of my sinnes and Gods iudgements So in these dayes Nathan is the odious man of the world men can not brooke this to haue Nathan so busie to meddle with mens sins but men would faine be foothed and dawbed with vntempered morter But if the Lord loue thee hee will fend Nathan to thee to reproue thee for thy sinnes and if thou canst not finde thy heart willing to heare Nathans reproofe as Dauid did it is because thy heart is naught and it is a signe that God will reiect thee and destroy thee Vse 4 Hence we learne how to esteeme of a faithfull Minister namely as the seruant of God Which if it be then Moses must not bee murmured at when he speakes freely and roughly And if Micha resolue of faithfulnes saying 1. Reg. 22. As the Lord liueth whatsoeuer the Lord saieth be it good or euill that will I speake Why should he be hated and fedde with the bread and water of aff●iction Is it not a reasonable plea and ful of pacification in ciuill messages I pray you be not angry with me I am but a seruant yet when Ieremy the prophet shall say Of a trueth the Lord hath sent me Ierem. 26.15 his feete shall neuerthelesse be fastned in the stockes Nay this consideration should not onely bind men to peace from touching and doing the Lords Prophets harme but also vrge them to haue them in exceeding honour at least for the workes sake which is the Lords who doth acknowledge them co-workers with himselfe 1. Cor. 3.9 Last of all this may serue to reprooue those that beare the office of Nathan yet haue the word in respect of persons who dare not doe their dueties but are afraid of mens faces They would be counted the Embassadors of GOD but they are afraid to doe their Maisters message Let such learne here of Nathan who feared not the maiestie of a King but was faith full in his office Let such learne of Iohn the Baptist who did not shrinke backe but was bold to tell Herod that it was not lawfull for him to take his brothers wife We must not be dastards and faint-hearted souldiors to fight the Lords battell but first be sure wee haue a good warrant out of the word and then go boldly into the field feare not to looke the enemy in the face We are not our owne messengers to doe our owne Embassage but the Embassadors of the eternall GOD when he hath once put his word into our mouthes we must go to those that hee hath sent vs And whatsoeuer he commandeth vs that must we speake Ier. 1.7 8. When God sent forth Ieremy to preach hee armeth him thus Be not afraid of their faces for I am with thee to deliuer thee saith the Lord. Thus hee armeth Ezechiel Ezec. 3.8 9. I haue made thy face strong against their faces And thy forehead hard against their foreheads I haue made thy forehead as the Adamant and harder then flint feare them not therefore neither be afraid of their lookes for they are a rebellious house Doctr. 2 Then hence wee learne that the most effectuall meanes to wound mens consciences for sinne Men must becharged with their speciall sinnes is to charge them with their speciall
laine a long time in his filthy sinnes and neuer sought vnto God for mercy but being awaked by the reprehension of Nathan now he cries for mercy The Prodigall sonne a true paterne for all sinners he neuer seeks to his Father till he was in extreame misery and then he saith I will goe to my Father Luke 15. so the prowd Pharise neuer begges for mercy for he felt no want of it And the Church of Laodicea Knew not that shee was miserable poore Reu. 3.10 blind and naked For how can a man repent of that hee is ignorant of Sinnes committed can not be repented of till men see them and know them nay not barely to know them but to know the hainousnesse of them and the curse of God due vnto them so as a man may take it to heart and be troubled for his sins Dauid thogh a Prophet of the Lord yea a man after GODS owne heart yet lay a long time in sinne without repētance because he did not weigh and consider with himselfe what hee had done And therfore in the word of God the Lord oftentimes calles vpon men to consider their waies to know their sinnes and the curse of God due vnto them Ier. 3.13 Know thy sins O Ierusalem Zeph. 2.1 2. Fanne your selues Lam. 3.40 O let vs search and trie our waies and turne vnto the Lord. Vse 1 Here we may see the maine cause why there is so little faith true repentance in the world why men are no more humbled for their sinnes do not repent for them poore souls they know not that they doe euill They either cannot or doe not search themselues Lam. 3.40 they neuer call their hearts to account Now then going on in security seeing and fearing no danger Alas how should they repent how should they turne to God For if thou couldest see the misery of thy soule and thy wofull estate by reason of sin if thou couldest see the number and greatnes of thy sinnes Oh thou wouldest euen tremble for feare and wonder at thy woful estate But alas most men are like a man that trauels in the night ouer a narrow bridge which is verie dangerous and vnder it runneth a bottomlesse gulfe so as if he fall he cannot escape but must needs perish And therfore in the darke night seeing not the danger hee feareth it not But let him goe that way in the morning he will wonder that euer he was so madde and desperate to go that way and will neuer venture that way againe So many poore blinde ignorant soules when they haue runne headlong in sinne al their daies and passed their vncertaine life in ignorance profanenesse and manifolde sinnes posting to Hell and damnation not seeing the curse of GOD that doth hang ouer their heads they feare nothing but runne on headlong into all sinnes But if it please the Lord to open their eyes to see their sinnes and the Iudgements of God due vnto them Oh they do wonder at their owne extreame folly and Gods infinite goodnesse and patience and would not bee in that case againe for all the world Well then marke this Doctrine doe not lightly passe it ouer but esteeme it as a blessed trueth of GOD. Christ saith Lake 13.5 Except ye repent ye shall allperish And for a man to see his sinnes the greatnesse and grieuousnesse of them it is the first steppe vnto repentance So that we see heere who they are that doe repent and shall be saued euen such as see their sinnes their wofull miserie and the wretched estate wherein they are and which doe most earnestly hunger and thirst after mercie in Christ Iesus Well then let mee aske thee this Question or rather demaund it of thine owne soule Didst thou euer see thy wofull miserie the wretched estate wherein thou arte by reason of sinne what a miserable sinner thou art by nature out of the fauour of God in the state of damnation in extreme danger for euer to be damned and to loose thy owne Soule Didst thou euer find thy selfe to stand in need of Gods mercie for the pardon of thy sinnes and extreme want of Christs bloud to saue thy Soule Hast thou felt thy hart wounded and bruised for thy sinnes that thy soule is euen sicke with sinne Didst thou euer thirst after GODS mercie in Christ aboue all the world so as thou hast with sighes and groanes yea with teares begged Gods mercie on thy knees as for life and death Io. 7.37 Esay 55.1 2. Esay 66.2 If thou hast not found and felt these things in thee in some measure thy case is dangerous and fearefull thou neuer yet didst truely repent the mercie of God belongs not vnto thee Vse 2 O then it is a singular fauour of God when he doth open a mans eies to see his misery to finde himselfe to stand in need of GODS mercy and extreame want of Christs bloud to saue his soule This is the beginning of all grace to feele the want of grace Dauid if the Lord had no● rowzed him out of his dead sinne wherein he lay a long time he might haue died and perished in it And therefore this should teach vs all to pray to God that he would in mercy open our eyes that we might see our sins and feele our miseries and that wee may see wee stand in extreame neede of Gods mercy and the contrary is a fearefull plague and iudgement of God for men to lie and snort in sinne without remorce of conscience without the sence and feeling of sinne or want of mercy this Dauid now knew by wofull experience that if hee had died without repentance he had perished of all diseases they bee most dangerous which bee least felt as a l●thargy or dead palsie or the like so it is a most fearefull estate for any man to lie in sinne without the feeling of it for then the hart is hardned and he makes no account of Gods mercy A man that thinkes he is well enough wil scorne the Physition so those blinde sinners that thinke they are wel enough and feele no want of mercy of all men they are to be pittied they be in a most dangerous state and condition And therefore we see it a great blessing of God to be told of our sinnes to bee reprooued for them that so seeing them and the danger of them wee may seeke to GOD for mercy Doctr. 2 Hence we learne that the first step to heauen S●●●● 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 man and the beginning of true repentance is this for a man to bee grieued for his sins to be wounded in conscience for them for till a man see his sinnes and feele the burthen of them and feare the curse of GOD due vnto them he will neuer repent and seeke the pardon of them 2. Cor. 7.10 Matth. 26. Luke 18.13 This is that godly sorrow that leadeth to tepentance neuer to be repented of Vse 1 If this compunction and pricke of the heart
to vs. Doctr. 1 Hence wee learne to whom wee must direct al our praiers namely to God alone God alone is to bee prayed to Rom. 10.14 Dan. 6. Psal 2.7 Leui. 19.31 Esay 8.19 Esay 59. Dan. 9.17 Father Sonne and Holy-Ghost because we must pray to him alone on whom wee must beleeue Secondly God alone can and will pardon the sinnes of those that seeke vnto him for mercy Thirdly it is GODS commaundement that wee should pray to him and to no other creature Fourthly we haue promises that if we pray vnto him he will heare vs. Fiftly wee haue the examples of all GODS children who in all their troubles sought to GOD alone and to no other creature in the world and he preuailed How auaileable were the prayers of Abraham being made vnto God in faith Genesis chap. 18. That if ten righteous persons had beene found in Sodome GOD had spared those Cities for their sakes How was the Sunne and Moone staied by the praier of Iosh●ah till hee was reuenged on his enemies Iosua chap. 10. How did Elias by his praier obtaine rain which had been with-held from the earth 3 yeares and 6 moneths 1. Reg. 17. Iam. 5. Acts 12.1.2 Iohn 5.14 Dan. 9.17 Iohn 11.4l Vse 1 This condemns the blasphemous doctrine of the Church of Rome who teach men to pray vnto Saints and Angels to the Virgine Mary to stocks and stones and I know not what whereas the Lord saith plainely He wil gine his glorie to no creature Esay 41.8 Esay 63.16 Now that wee may not pray vnto them it is manifest first wee haue no commandement secondly no promise thirdly no examples of Gods children fourthly wee may not beleeue in them Nay would we not take him to be a foolish Suppliant that when the Kings Sonne offereth to speake for him to his Father would refuse to vse his mediation and goe to one of his scruants to intreate for him Is it not meete that such a one should bee said nay Euen so inasmuch as the Father sendeth vs vnto his Sonne the Sonne calleth vs vnto himselfe what madnesse is it then to runne as well from the one as from the other to goe from the Sonne to the Saints from him that can heare to them that cannot help depriuing the Father of his honour the Sonne of his office disgracing the Saints Away therefore with the mediation of Saints Angells who know not our hearts nor heare our prayers There is one Mediator betwixs God and Man the man Christ Iesus And 1. Iohn 5.14 This assurance haue we in him that if we aske any thing according to his will hee heareth vs. Let vs treade in the steps of Dauid and Moses and the rest of the Seruants of God who haue euer in their greatest troubles called vpon the name of the Lord. And howsoeuer Papists or Idolaters will bee ready to pretend humilitie that they will not be so bold to come to GOD themselues but they wil vse the mediation of such as are about him yet let vs know that Dauid when he came to GOD he was as humble as they and farre beyond them yet his humilitie did no whit hinder his holy boldenesse as to come into GODS presence For our humilitie doth not appeare in shrowding our selues vnder the Saints wings but by humble and hearty confession of our sinnes vnto God Vse 2 Let vs go vnto God in prayer intreate for mercy at his hands Let vs not goe to Saints or Angells or anie other creature saue God alone in the name of Christ Iesus what father is more ready and willing to heare his child then the Lord is ready and neare at hand to heare them that call vpon him in truth now that wee may pray vnto God for mercie and pardon of our sinnes wee must be perswaded of two things First of the power of God that he is able Secondly of his will that hee is willing to pardon them The poore Leper saith Lord if thou wilt thou canst make mee cleane Matth 8.2 And therefore that wee may pray in faith and assurance let vs bee perswaded of these two First that GOD is almightie and is able to pardon all our sinnes though neuer so great Secondly● that he i● most ready and willing for Christs sake in whose name wee come vnto him to pardon all our sinnes for if we doubt of either of these we cannot pray in faith and so shall not obtaine that we desire Vse 3 Seeing Dauid prayeth for pardon of sinne and craues it only at GODS hands wee see that that is a cursed and blasphemous Doctrine of the Papists who hold that their head the Pope can pardon sinne The Pope can not forgiue sinnes yea not only giue a man pardon for his sinnes past but for money can pardon and seale him a pardon for sinnes many yeares to come a most blasphemous doctrine and that which opens a gap to all sinne when a man shall haue promise of pardon for sins to come But wee see heere that the word of God speakes cleane contrary namely that GOD alone can pardon sins For who can forgiue sinnes saue God onely Luke 5.21 And where did we euer find that GOD did pardon a mans sinnes for time to come but rather threatneth sinners with Iudgement to make them beware of sinne so that we see the Pope is Anti-christ who setteth himselfe in the seate of God and exalts himselfe aboue God 2. Thes 2.4 in that hee takes vpon him that God neuer did to giue a man pardon of his sinnes before they be committed After thy louing kindenesse DAuid being dismayed and cast downe in the sence of his misery doth looke vp to Gods mercie and is emboldened thereby to draw nearer vnto him and with som comfort to call vpon him for mercy Doctr. 1 Whence we learne first of all this Doctrine Experiēce of former fauour assureth of future fauour that the experience of Almighty Gods former fauour casteth off feare and causeth affiance in God and is one of the chiefest causes to moue vs stil to trust in him as Psalme 4. Heare mee when I call O God of my righteousnesse For thou hast set mee at liberty when I was in trouble haue mercy therefore vpon me and hearken to my prayer Where the Prophet reasoneth from the time past to the time to come and intreateth God to heare him now because hee had alreadie shewed mercie on him The like we may see Psal 22. Thou diddest draws me out of the wombe c. Out of which words we gather that the Prophet for benefites past assureth himselfe of deliuerance from dangers present The like of the Lion and the Beare 1. Sam. 17.34 Psal 3.4 7. Vse 1 We learne hence to acknowledge his great mercie that maketh one mercy seale of another one grace the pawne of an other Now what man or woman hath not receiued thousands and ten thousands of mercies from the God of mercy
Vse 1 Seeing the Lords mercy is as a bottomlesse sea that can not bee drawne drie Lament 3 His compassions faile not Hence is matter of great comfort to all true penitent sinners for thy sins cannot be so many nor so great but if thou haue grace to repent God is able and willing to pardon them all If thou say Oh! my sins are great grieuous monstrous vnspeakeable well the mercy of God is greater as may appeare in the pardon of Lots sinnes Genes 19.2 Sam. 12. Acts 9. Ioshua 2. Dauids Peters Paules Rahabs c. If thou canst repent and truely turne to God If thou say O! they are more then the starres in number remember that Gods mercy is as a botomlesse sea hee hath a multitude of Compassions and can pardon them though neuer so many and grieuous If thou say Oh! I haue liued a long time in them twentie thirtie fortie yeares looke on Gods mercie shewed to Rahab Paul others that had liued long in sinne so that if a man haue grace to repent neyther the greatnesse nor the multitude nor the continuance of his sinnes none of all these can hinder Gods mercy but here is all that men must repent otherwise if men doe not repent the least sinne is damnable and if men repent no sinne is so great but is pardonable The mercies of god belōg not to all Yet notwithstanding men must take heede that they take not occasision to liue in sinne because God is mercifull for these things are noted as a comfort for those that sigh and groane vnder the burthen of their sinnes to comfort them and to keep them from dispaire that if they bee truely humbled for their sinnes there is yet with the Lord mercy in store whereby they may be saued Vse 2 Seeing all Gods gifts come from him to vs of grace and mercie euen because he is full of mercie and hath euen a multitude of mercies for poore penitent sinners that sue to him for mercie We learne aboue all things in the world to desire mercie and the pardon of our sinnes This we see in the Prophet Dauid Psal 6.6 My soule is sore trouble But Lord how long wilt thou delay Psal 63.3 Returne O Lord deliuer my Soule Saue me for thy mercies sake this is likewise practised by the Church It is the Lords mercies that wee are not consumed Lament 3. because his compassions faile not Thus the godly when they desire any blessing they aske it of fauor If they craue to haue any iudgement remoued they craue it of mercie esteeming his mercie aboue all the world or aught else they can desire labour therfore aboue all things in the world for the mercie of GOD in Iesus Christ vse all good meanes to obtaine it employ thy selfe diligently to keepe it and to continue it towardes thee that in thy life it may be with thee in death it may not depart from thee Lastly where the Prophet Dauid saith According to the multitude of thy compassions blot out mine offences Marke that the word blot out it is a metaphore taken from Writing-tables when a man shall wipe out with a spunge all that is written or from crossing of bookes of Records and Bookes of Debts And it is all one as if Dauid should haue said O Lord I haue runne far in thy score I haue euen filled thy Booke nor with small but great summes of Debt pay I am not able no not one farthing Now Lord I beseech thee therfore deface crosse and blot out altogether the Debt of my sinnes Doctr. 1 Hence we learne The Lord keeps a Booke of our sinnes that all our sins are recorded in the Lords Booke he keepes a Bill of Account all our verie thoughts words and deedes are knowne vnto him he keepes them in minde and memory and hath them written downe And vnlesse we repent of them and they be blotted out with the bloud of Christ laied hold on by faith the Lord will call them all to account at the day of iudgement Reu. 20.12 The Bookes shall then be opened and euery sinne olde new secret open against God and men shall be brought to light for they bee rocorded in Gods Booke Now by these Bookes wee may not conceiue materiall bookes in which men write downe such things as they would haue remembred for God can not be said to stand in need of any such helpes But because all things are as certaine and manifest to him as if hee had his Registers in Heauen to keepe account thereof Psalme 139.16 Dan. 7.10 Philip. 4.3 So then we may see that the Lord doth keepe a note of all our sinnes and chalkes them as it were vpon a score vntill payment come It is not with God as it is with Princes who are ignorant of the Treasons plotted against them but all things both past present to come are knowne to him aswel our rebellious thoghts as sinne f●ll acts committed And although we doe forget and carelesly minde what we haue done yet God forgets nothing euery part and parcell of our debt being noted exactly in his Booke of Remembrance Vse 1 Seeing all our sinnes be knowne to God he notes them downe in his booke of Account and not one sinne can passe him but he writes it down how should this make vs all carefull vnto our liues that wee commit no sin for if we do the Lord knowes it 2. Cor. 5.10 and notes it in his Booke and vnlesse he blot them out they shall all come to account A wicked man and an vnchaste woman how many thousand vile filthy thoughts haue they in their mindes night and day their hearts burne in lust and vncleanenesse and these they passe ouer regarding thē not making little or no account of them But alas the Lord hath them all written in the Booke of his Remembrance and if thou repent not of them and leaue them O woe to thy soule when this Booke comes to be opened and read ouer and when thou shalt receiue According to thy workes Iob saith Thou hast sealed vp our sinnes in a bag To seale vp a thing doth note an exact kinde of keeping it So then the bagge and bundle of our sinnes being sealed vp and that by God himselfe let vs not imagine that any one can droppe out but all shall come to Iudgement Vse 2 Seeing all our sinnes are so many debts set downe in GODS Booke and we must come to reckoning one day how should wee labour all the dayes of our life to haue them blotted out to haue this Booke cancelled and crossed euen by the finger of God for indeed we may runne on still in Gods debt and set on apace vpon his score but we cannot so fast wipe them out againe nay we can neuer of our selues pay one farthing or satisfie the least of our debts wee owe vnto him It is God that hath written downe that must freely forgiue and cancell as
himselfe telleth vs Esay 43 25. I euen I am hee saith the Lord that putteth way thine iniquities Now that they may be blotted out and this Booke may be cancelled we must How to haue the Bookes cancelled First truely repent of them all bewaile them be grieued for them that by them we haue grieued God Secondly we must beg hard euen as for life and death for pardon of them as Dauid did here againe and againe aske mercy If a man should runne into debt a thousand pounds and know not how to pay his creditor his best way were to seeke and make friends vnto him to forgiue it We are debters vnto God thousand Thousands sinnes pay wee can not then let vs confesse the debt intreate him to blot his booke and take that hand-writing and band of obligation on against vs and naile it to Christs Crosse And this is an excellent propertie of the childe of God that hee desireth after a sort to come out of Gods debt A true childe of GOD cannot abide to haue any thing standing on Gods score for he knowes Hebr. 10.31 That it is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing GOD so long to deferre till God warne to his Barre Oh he seekes betimes and giues the Lord no rest till the debt be pardoned Thirdly that our sinnes may bee cleane blotted out wee must haue faith in Christ Iesus for nothing can blot out sinne but his bloud alone nothing in heauen and earth can satisfie Gods anger wash away sinne blot out our offences but onely the bloud of Iesus Christ and therefore let vs labour continually to be assured of it by faith to sprinckle our sinfull hearts with the bloud of Iesus Christ 1. Iohn 1.7 Reuel 1.6 Vse 3 Seeing the Prophet Dauid doth acknowledge that this Debt was more then he was able to pay and therefore disclayming his owne sufficiencie appeales onely to GODS mercy in Christ for the pardon of the same We learne that that Doctrine of Merites yea and Supererogation now taught in the Church of Rome is most false and erronious teaching poore people to leane vnto mans satisfactions which they must make vnto God either heere or in Purgatory whereas the Iustice of God is infinite And when we haue done all that we can heere in this life wee are vnprofitable seruants nay there is not that man in the whole world that if God should lay aside his mercie and deale in iustice were able to satisfie the Iustice of GOD for the least Debt that hee doth owe vnto GOD. And vnlesse the Lord take pittie on vs and forgiue the Debt there remaineth nothing for vs but to lie in prison and that for euer Matth. 28.27 But of this before VERSE 2. 2. Wash mee throughly from my wickednesse and cleanse me from my sinnes IN this Verse the Prophet Dauid proceedes with his former petition vnto GOD for grace and fauour for pardon of his sinnes yet so as hee doth it more effectual and more earnestly because his foule was now exceeding grieued seeing his woefull misery that he was in how foule and filthily he was stained with sin most hainously And though some put a difference betweene these two speeches and vnderstand the former of the washing of Iustification and pardon of his sinnes not imputing them vnto his charge And the second of the washing of Sanctification and the couering of our sins yea by little and little washing and purging them away and more and more renewing newing of vs in soule and bodie by the worke of Sanctification yet me thinks the words do both imply one thing namely to be throughly purged from the filth and staine of sinne and to be receiued againe into the fauor of God by the means of Christ It may seeme strange what should moue Dauid to confesse his sin and to intreate for pardon in this maner There was no Court of Inquisition concerning his fact There was no Magistrate to examine him nor Iudge to condemne him he being King Nay no doubt the diuel might set some on work which might back him and seeme to lessenhis fault what then should cause Dauid without any regard of his credit to come forth in this manner and thus publiquely to confesse his pollution and to be so earnest vnto GOD with his Haue mercie Blot out Wash me c. Surely it was his owne conscience and that extorted and wroong from him this Confession and made him so earnest vnto God in prayer Doctr. 1 From this prayer of Dauid A woūded consciēce can finde no rest but onely in Christ repeating his request to GOD so often Haue mercie Blot out Wash me c. we learn that a wounded conscience that is truely touched for sinne can finde no rest or comfort but only in the feeling of Gods mercy in Christ for the pardon of sinne and therfore Dauid to shew how hee was truely humbled and wounded for sinne hee neuer can content himselfe to pray and beg for mercy and pardon for after a man sees his sins and the filthinesse of them and beholdes the wrath of God against sinne his conscience still accuses him neither can hee finde any rest till hee do feele the mercy of God in Christ for the pardon of them Being iustified by faith we haue peace with God Rom. 5.1 Againe the Kingdome of GOD stands not in meate and drinke Rom. 14.17 but in righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost that is in pardon of sinnes and feeling of Gods loue for sinne once knowne will neuer cease to accuse vntil it be pardoned And this is confirmed vnto vs by the example of Caine Genes 4. who hauing slaine his owne brother and shead innocent bloud which cried in the eares of the Lord for vengeance how did the Lord strike him with an accusing conscience that he feared the sight of euery creature when he had once attained the sight of his sinne and whereas he thought to build him a Cittie to yeelde him comfort and safetie euen there did the Iustice of God ouertake him and he was driuen from that enterprise The like wee may see in Belieshazzer Dan. 5.56 when there appeared fingers of a mans hand vpon the wall his thoughts were troubled and his knees smote one against the other According tothat punishment the Lord foretolde Leuit. 26. I will send euen a faintnesse into their hearts And the sound of a leafe shaken shall chasten them And they shall flie as from a sword though none pursue them So that if it were possible to escape all apprehension and accusation in the world yet a mans owne conscience would arrest him and hale him vnto Iudgement Vse 1 Seeing this is the nature of sinne that being knowne it wil neuer cease to accuse and vex the conscience of a poore sinner till it be pardoned it should prouoke vs all that feele the smart of sinne neuer to giue the Lord any rest vntill we haue pardon
granted But as Dauid did here pray againe and againe for mercy and fauour and reconciliation with God and neuer leaue the Lord till we obtaine mercy and fauour and till wee haue got some comfortable perswasion of GODS loue in Christ for the pardon of our sinnes for till wee doe so wee shall neuer haue peace nor quietnesse of conscience wee shall neuer haue sound comfort and ioy in Gods Spirit but euer anguish dolor sorrow and heauines yea either wee shall grow blockish and sencelesse Note or else in the end come to extreame desperation And therefore let vs labour with the Lord ply him with prayers and teares for pardon and neuer let him haue rest til we get one drop of mercie for the pardon of our sinnes Vse 2 Heere we are admonished not to flatter our selues in our sins as thogh no body sawe us As it is the maner of wicked men to say Eccles 23. who seeth mee I am compassed about with darkenesse the walles hide me no bodie seeth mee whom neede I feare And indeede there is scarce one of a thousand that makes any conscience of sinne so that the world do not take notice of it to condemne him But let vs not deceiue our selues though we thinke our selues neuer so secret committing adultery vnder a Canopy or in the darke Yet our owne conscience will reply I see thee and I will accuse thee And then what is a man the better for hauing no bodie priuie to his sinnes when hee hath a conscience within him which dogs him vp and downe in euery corner giuing him no rest Vse 3 This shewes the madnesse of carnall men when they feele the burthen of sinne pressing them and their consciences accusing them what do they runne to God and seeke him no no they runne to their sports and pastime to Cards and Tables to the Tauerne and Ale-house and merrie company And thus they thinke to put off the sence of sinne and to smoother and stoppe the mouth of their accusing conscience Doctr. 2 Marke the thing which thus grieued Dauids spirit Difference betweene the sorrow of the god lie and the wicked vexed his mind namely his sinnes and impieties his filthy sinnes wherby he had grieued his good God and louing Father he did not so much feare punishment as this to offend his mercifull and gracious God Two-fold sorrow Hence then marke the difference of Gods children and the wicked in repentance the childe of God is sorie for sinne because it is sin because it offends God displeaseth him and not so much properly for the punishment yea though there were none yet hee would feare to offend and be grieued for sinne because it is sin and breakes Gods commandements This we may behold in Dauid when he had committed those great sinnes of Adultery and Murder and was reproued for thē by Nathan the Lords Prophet 2. Sam. 12 13. Hee confesseth with griefe and anguish of heart in this Psalme verse 4. I haue sinned against thee euen against thee All the Iudgements which Nathan threatned against him from the Lord did not so much wound him as this that he had dishonoured his GOD. And when hee had numbred his people 2. Sam. 24.10 his heart smote him and hee cried out I haue sinned exceedingly in that I haue done The pestilence did not so much trouble him as his pride against GOD. And the Apostle Peter Matth. 26.75 seeing how grieuously he had sinned in denying his Master Went out and wept bitterly If there had beene neither heauen nor hell neither reward nor punishment yet this vnthankefulnes of his towardes so kinde a Maister would haue caused Peter to haue sorrowed so much as he did And when this godly sorrow is once wrought in mans heart then he beginneth to repent and neuer before The like we may behold in Abraham in Iob in Ioseph c. Genesis 18.30 Genesis 39.9 But wicked men they are grieued for sinne not because it is sinne and the breach of GODS Law but for feare of punishment Exo. 10.17 Pharaoh prayeth Moses to pray for him that the iudgement might be remoued but still he loued his sins so Saul praieth Samuel to pray for him 1. Sa. 15 30. and to honour him but still he would go on in sin Matt. 27.3 So Iudas repented and sorrowed for his sinne because he saw now he should be condemned and so for punishment hee was grieued Acts 8.24 Simon Magus prayes Peter to pray for him but how That none of the Iudgement threatned might fall vpon him Caine mourned exceedingly and cryed out saying Genes 4. My sinne is greater then can be for giuen mee but it was not for his hypocrisie in Gods seruice nor for the cruell murdering of his owne brother nor the sheading of innocent bloud but because of the punishment that God had inflicted vpon him Ahab also humbled himselfe and put on sacke-cloth as though hee had beene very penitent but Elias wrung it out from him denouncing Gods Iudgement against him 2. Reg. 2● 27 Vse Only godly sorrow causes true repētance Seeing this is the difference betweene the godly sorow of the faithfull and the worldly sorrow of the wicked one sorrowes for sin because it is sinne the other because of the punishment onely let vs heereby proue our sorrow Art thou grieued for sinne because it is sinne because it offends God And art thou more grieued for sinne because it grieues a mercifull God then for feare of punishment Yea wouldst thou bee grieued for sin though ther were no hell nor diuell to torment thee onlie for this very cause because it offends thy mercifull GOD then it is a certaine token of thy true repentance and godly sorrow But if thou finde thy heart onelie to bee lumpish and heauy Note in regard of the punishment of sinne in regard of hell and damnation and if it were not for that thou couldest be content to liue and go on in sinne surely then it is but a carnall sorrow it is not a godly sorrow that is only for feare of punishment and this deceiues many a man who thinkes he repents because he is grieued for sin in regard of the punishment But the vilest Atheist and reprobate in the world may be grieued for sin in regard of the punishment as hell fire and condemnation as Iudas Caine c. But the childe of God is grieued for sin because it is sinne and offends God though there were no hell to punish Doctr. 3 Dauid praies that the Lord would wash him Sinne defiles a mā therefore sin defiles and he was made foule and filthy by his sin And to wash him much and to rinse and bathe him to shew that sin had exceedingly defiled him and stained him both in soule and body made him loathsome and therefore he desireth to bee washed and cleansed and purged from the pollution of sinne Sinne defiles the whole mā Hence we may
may well be called madnesse yet afterward he bethought himselfe and considered what he had done and lamented his follie with teares And this is required of vs all Lament 3.40 O let vs search and trie our waies and turne vnto the Lord. And the Lord complaineth Ieremie 8.6 That hee did hearken to see if there were any man that would repent and turne vnto the Lord but there was no man said what haue I done And surely this Complaint may be taken vppe against the people of this Land That notwithstanding GOD hath cried and called vnto v● so often from Heauen by his powerfull voice in his word by his mercies and by his iudgements so sensible that if the Magicians in Aegipt were amongst vs they could doe no lesse then acknowledge it the finger of God yet where is the man almost to be found that looketh backe vnto his owne waies to aske this question of his owne heart to say Alas what haue I done Or with Dauid heere I know mine iniquities Now there is a two-folde knowledge of sinne First Generall Secondly Speciall General knowledge neuer worketh any reformation for this is found for the most part in all men which can say they are sinners But there is a speciall knowledge of sinne which God will once discouer vnto vs either in mercy to our good and saluation as heere to Dauid to Peter to Marie Magdalen c. or else in wrath as hee did vnto Iudas Caine Achitophel c. to their finall condemnation which may teach vs all to pray vnto the Lord so to giue vs the sight of our sinnes as that we neuer despaire of his mercy that our sinnes may neuer rise vp against vs to our confusion Secondly our confession of our sinnes must proceede from sorrow of hart for them with a hatred of them so as nothing doe more grieue vs then our sinnes And this our Sauiour Christ insinuateth Matth. 11.28 When he calleth onely such vnto him as are weary and laden euen ready to faint vnder the burthen of their sinnes And this doth Dauid himselfe confesse Psalme 38. My sins saith he are as a weightie burthen too heauie for me to beare For when men can runne away with their sinnes as though they were as light as a feather it is an euident token they were neuer throughly humbled for them Thirdly it must be frank and free not wrung out by compulsion as sometimes a wicked man sometimes vnder the rod may confesse his sins as Pharaoh Iudas and the like Exo. 10.17 Matt. 26. But this Confession was onelie by compulsion wrung out of them it came not from any sorrow or hatred of sinne but for feare of iudgement and punishment But wee must bee as forward and as ready to confesse them to the glorie of GOD as wee were to commit them to his dishonor Thus did Dauid confesse his sinne Psalme 32.5 I acknowledge my sinne vnto thee and mine iniquitie haue I not hid It must be without all excuse or lessening of our sinnes we may not mince them or excuse them but lay them open in their colours rather aggrauating them then lessening them Fourthly wee must confesse our sins with a purpose to forsake them According to that of the Prophet Esay 55. vers 7. Let the wicked for sake his waies And the vngodly man his owne imaginations and returne vnto the Lord. There must be in vs a desire to forsake all our sinnes and euery wicked way else there is no true repentance For one sinne is a sufficient holde for Sathan and a sufficient Barre to keep out Christ Iesus as wee may see by the example of Herod Marke 6. of Iudas c. Vse 1 This sheweth that most men and women doe not truely repent for though they can say God be mercifull vnto vs we are all sinners yet in particular they see it not no they think they keepe the Commandements of GOD a man can very hardly perswade them that they breake any of the Commandements in particular although in generall and in a confused manner they confesse themselues to be sinners yet in particular they doe not so Nay they are so farre from aggrauating their sinnes That they rather extenuate them by all meanes possible I am not alone nor I am not the first nor I hope I shall not be the last as for any griefe or sorrow for sinne it is farre from them and they are farre from it Vse 2 This sheweth that those who though they confesse themselues sinners yea in particular yet because they doe it not with feeling with hatred and detestation of sinne therefore they be faulty for wee should euen with right heauie hearts Psal 32.5 and wounded soules confesse our sinnes with the greatest hatred of them as possible wee can so as often as wee speake of them it should make our hearts to erne and teares to stand in our eies Vse 3 But most of all are here condemned those vile beasts and filthy sinners who are so farre from speaking of their filthy and beastly sinnes with hatred and dislike that they doe in brauery speake of them with a kinde of ioy and delight now who would euer think a man to be so vile to brag of his owne shame to boast of his owne filthinesse If a prisoner going in the way to the gallowes should then bragge of his robberies and villanies and bee prowd of his halter what a desperate thing were that And yet such filthie beastes there be in the world who are not ashamed to boast out their owne shame and filthinesse to talke yea to bragge of their owne vncleannes and of their filthy drunkennesse how they haue druncke so many dozens how they haue made so many drunk O wretched men it is a wonder the house falleth not on them or that God raineth not fire and brimstone from heauen to consume them And my sinne it euer before my eies DAuid hauing shewed how that he had freely confessed and acknowledged his sins vnto the Lord heere hee sheweth the cause which mooued him so humbly to acknowledge the same namely Cause that moued Dauid to confesse his sinne because they were euer in his sight and before his eies As if he should haue said howsoeuer I haue a long time laine snorting in sinnes and did not feele and see the danger of them yet now being tolde of them by the Prophet I see them and so beholde them that my conscience accuses me for them and I can haue no rest but my wounded Conscience doth vrge mee and compell mee to confesse my sinnes vnto thee Where first of all we may behold the cursed nature of sinne when the Diuell tempts a man vnto it he doth euer hide the misery of sinne The curse of GOD due to sinne the torments of hell and the damnation of both body and soule in hell for euermore These things the diuell doth labour to keep from mens eies buzzing onely in their cares the profite of sinne gaine
commodity pleasure delight and sweetnesse of sinne that so shewing them onely the golden baite of sinne and hiding the poisoned hooke he might moue men to runne headlong into all sinne But when Sathan gets his purpose and men be in his snare and fallen into sinne Oh how will hee then presse their poore consciences then he wil loade them and set out their sinnes to the full in a most vgly manner nothing then but hell fire damnation and the curse of God that so if it be possible he may draw them into the gulfe of dispaire O that men could consider this in time how sinne wil one day change her countenance howsoeuer it commeth at first in a flattering manner pretending nothing but friendship but in the end will leaue a sting behinde it euen a guiltie conscience terrour of minde and anguish of spirite Wherefore let vs flie from sin as from the biting of a Serpent that we be not stung therewith vnto eternall death Knowing that the wages of sinne is death Rom. An accusing conscience the meanes to bring me to repentance 6.23 Doctr. 1 Whereas Dauids sinnes being alwayes before him did vrge him to confesse them yea to repent and beg the pardon of them wee learne that the remembrance of our sinnes and the calling them to minde together with conscience accusing for them is the way and meanes to come to true repentance to make a man confesse them and begge the pardon of them whereas if they slippe out of our mindes or we know them not nor wee finde not our Consciences to accuse vs of them Alas we can neither confesse them nor truely be humbled and begge the pardon of them And therefore Dauid confesseth heere that by reason his sinnes were euer before him he was continually vexed tormented with the horrour of them his conscience still accused and annoied him and therfore hee is constrained and vrged humbly to confesse them and to begge the pardon of them at Gods hands Whereas the wrath of God doth euer follow such as haue sleepie and drowsie consciences giuing them ouer to a reprobate sence to a slumbering spirit and to hardnesse of the heart that they fall to be past feeling and can not repent Rom. 1.28 Such as regarded not to know God hee gaue them vp to their hearts lusts vnto all vncleanenesse and punished one sinne with another And surely it is iust with God that hee should forsake vs with his grace that haue forsaken him by our sinnes According to that of the Prophet Psalme 81.11 My people would not heare my voyce And Israel would none of mee So I gaue them vp vnto the hardnesse of their heart and they haue walked in their owne Councels Sight of sinne first step to repentance So then hence wee learne that a man will neuer repent truely of his sinnes seeke to God for pardon neither is there any other way or means to be reconciled to God but this to feele the weight and burthen of his sinnes and feeling his conscience to accuse him to vexe and to wound him till he finde God to be mercifull and reconciled vnto him for the pardon of them and the appeasing and quieting of his conscience Vse 1 Seeing till such time as the conscience be wounded for sinne and vexed and tormented with it a man will neuer seeke for pardon Then wee learne hence that no man can taste of the sweetenesse of GODS mercie in CHRIST for his saluation till hee haue tasted of the bitter fruite of sinne and of a wounded and distressed conscience Looke on Dauid on the Iews Psal 6.32.77 Actes 2.37 and as for those that would taste of GODS mercie and yet are loathe to feele the smart of sinne they deceiue themselues we see that ere the body be purged men must taste of bitter pilles of bitter potions Such may suspect their repentance who feele nor sinne to wound their consciences And as for those who neuer felt anie such griefe nor wound of Conscience no such astonishment for their sins they may iustly feare their repentance is not sound that they haue not as yet beene truely humbled for it is certaine that before wee can truely repent and be reconciled to GOD we must haue the feeling of the smart of sinne and find our hearts troubled and our consciences wounded Vse 2 This confutes that fond and foolish Opinion of many in the world who if they fee any one wounded for sinne distressed in soule crying out of his misery and feeles his conscience exceedingly wounded and begins euen to dispaire of Gods mercy what do men iudge of such a man surely that it is nothing but melancholy and dumpishnesse and therefore they counsell him to bee merry to go to merry company to put away such odde conceits such vaine and foolish fancies but alas poore soules they consider not that it is the speciall worke of GOD wounding the conscience for sinne that they feele the anger of God for sinne and are troubled and vexed for that and till God giue mercy and reconciliation be had in CHRIST there can be no peace Vse 3 We learne hence that it is better to haue an accusing conscience for sin then to haue a dead conscience Dead conscience heauie Iudgemēt a benummed conscience a sleepy and slumbering conscience a seared and frozen conscience for if a mans conscience doe daily bring his sinnes to his minde so that hee sees them before his eies then he will be grieued for them hee will confesse them and begge the pardon of them but when a man hath a slumbering conscience that is benummed then hee goes on in sinne from day to day neuer feeleth any smart of it nor euer desires the pardon of it as the poore Iewes who seeing their fearefull estate crie out Actes 2.37 What must wee doe so doe all wounded consciences seeing their fearefull sinnes and damnable estate crie out for mercie and seeke for pardon Oh it is a fearefull Iudgement of GOD to haue a sleepie or a drowsie Conscience It is like a wilde beast which so long as it lies asleepe seemeth very tame gentle but when he is rowzed flies into a mans face Euen so howsoeuer a mans conscience may seeme for a time to bee quiet and men may thinke they haue a good conscience indeede yet being awaked by the hand of GOD it will rent out euen the very throat of their soule Doctr. 2 Seeing Dauid doth acknowledge heere that his sinnes being euer before him awaked him Necessary duety to call our sinnes to account and vrged him instantly and earnestly to seeke for pardon Wee learne that it is a good thing for vs to call our sinnes to accompt to haue them often in minde to set them before our eies the greatnesse number and heinousnesse of them First it is a good meanes to prepare vs to true repentance and humiliation for them Lam. 3.40 Secondly it is a speciall means to
make vs to hate and dislike them seeing the danger of them how loathsome they be in Gods sight Thirdly the remembrance of our sinnes makes vs wary that we fall not into them againe but our former fals makes vs take heed of falling in time to come Fourthly the remembrance of our sinnes make vs pitty other men because though they fall dangerously yet we know we haue fallen aswel as they therefore wee hope well God will giue them repentance Fiftly the continual remembrance of our owne sinnes put vs in minde of GODS mercie in the pardon of them And when men easily suffer their olde sinnes to passe away and slip out of their minds they will easily fall into new and easily forget the mercie of God and how much they be bound vnto him Paul hee giues vs an excellent example who remembring how hee had persecuted the Church 2. Timot. 1. saith Notwithstanding God was mercifull vnto me So that the continuall remembrance of our sinnes puts vs in mind of Gods mercifull dealing with vs and must stirre vs vp to thankefulnesse For if wee forget them the Lord will remember them and if wee remember them the Lord will forget them This then should make euery man beware how he forgetteth his sinnes and casts them carelesly behinde his backe for this is a signe that GOD remembers them and will call thy man to account for them Vse 1 This shewes the great impietie of those men and women who seeke all means to put their sinnes out of their minds Note of a wicked man to smother the checks of their consciences by sports and pastimes by merry company or by some other means to keepe themselues from the sight of their sinnes they can not abide to heare of them by others or to thinke of them themselues but put away the remembrance of them by all meanes possible how should these euer repent and be humbled for them how should they confesse them with teares and begge the pardon of them Vse 2 It must stirre vs vp to the serious and often meditation of our sinnes to keepe them in memorie our olde sinnes and new sinnes Psalme 25 open and secret euen the sinnes of our youth to humble vs and to cause vs to keepe in minde the endlesse mercie of God in pardon of them and therefore we should doe well to set some time apart to call our life to account Psal 4.5 Tremble and sinne not commune with your heart vpon your bedde and bee still Where Dauid calls vpon Sauls Courtiers to feare Gods iudgements and threatnings it is a speciall means to humble vs and to moue vs to repentance to keepe a note of all our sinnes and slippes and falls that we may euer haue matter to humble our hard and stony hearts Vse 3 Wee see the cause heere why so few doe truely repent and confesse their sinnes to GOD Cause why so few doe repent and begge the pardon of them namely because their sinnes be euer out of their fight though they prie into and espie the sinnes of other men and haue them in their fight yet doe they cast their owne behinde them and by that meanes neuer setting their sinnes in sight they forget them neuer bee humbled for them but the Lord threatneth all such that if they will not set their sinnes before them then will hee take the paines to set them all in order before them one by one Psalme 50. I will reprooue thee and set before thee the things that thou hast dope O consider this ye that forget God lest hee teare you in peeces and there be none to deliuer you Doctr. 3 When as Dauid saith in the confessing of his sinnes Sin once knowne doth euer accuse till it bee pardoned that they were euer in his sight first they all this while grieue and vex him wound his soule and conscience we learne that finne once knowne and felt doth so accuse and wound the conscience of a poore sinner that there can bee no rest and quietnes vntill it be pardoned for it was euer in his sight and before his eyes troubling and vexing his minde and wounding his conscience And as it was with Dauid so it fares with euery poore sinner after the Lord in mercie opens our eyes to come to the knowledge of sinnes and our misery by them so as our conscience doth accuse vs we feele the weight of Gods anger pressing downe our soules there can be nothing but hell and anguish for the present time nothing but extreame sorrow and vexation of spirit till wee finde some comfortable answere from GOD for the pardon of them Note as we see a poore prisoner arraigned conuicted and condemned to death there is nothing but sorrow and griefe no ioy in wife child friends lands liuings gold or filuer meate or musicke onely the gracious pardon of the King can reuiue him and make him a glad man So it is with a poore sinner arraigned in his owne conscience for sinne conuicted and condemned in his owne soule before the barre of GODS Iudgement nothing can now comfort him and cheere him vp and reuiue his wounded conscience but the gracious pardon of GOD the generall pardon of GODS mercie fealed with the bloud of the Lambe of GOD that takes away the sins of the world Vse 1 This shewes the miserable and pittifull estate of many thousands in the world who lie in sin rot in sin Indirect course that world lings take and neuer seeke for pardon neuer seeke for mercy at the hands of God and if they finde and feele their sins then they run to this vanitie and that pastime to smother the checkes of their consciences and by merry company eating and drinking carding dicing c. seeke to stop the mouth of their conscicnces and to smother it But alas wee see this is cold musicke for a wounded conscience Saul thought to haue preuailed by this at what time hee called Dauid to play and make musicke before him but by and by his wound was greater for these men that seeke by such deuices to stop the mouth of their consciences they doe as a man that is in the fit of a burning agew he is hote and to coole his heate he drinketh a draught of cold water that indeede for the present will somewhat alay the heat of his stomacke yet by and by his fit is increased and made the worse Vse 2 Let vs neuer giue any rest vnto our soules till wee haue gotten the assured perswasion of the pardon of all our sins for so long as the conscience doth accuse for sin so long we shall finde no rest nor quietnesse no Rom. 5.1 there is no peace till wee bee reconciled to God by true repentance and till the conscience leaue accusing let vs neuer leaue repenting and humbling our selues for the pardon of our sins Doctr. 4 It is to be obserued that Dauid in the confession of his sin saith I acknowledge
had offended his mercifull God ●nd louing Father it did torment and vex his conscience exceedingly so euery childe of God that truly repents of sinne he is more grieued for sinne because it offends God then for feare of shame or punishment As wee see in Dauid Psalme 119. I haue hid thy word within my heart that I might not sinne against thee The like wee may see in Ioseph Gen. 39. when hee was tempted to lewdnesse by his adultresse Mistresse his answere is worthie to be remembred of vs How can I doe this great wickednesse and sinne against God The wrong that hee should haue done vnto his Maister did not so much preuaile with him as that he knew he should sinne against GOD And the like may bee said of Peter Matth. 26. Who remembring how kinde and louing CHRIST had beene to him euen to pray to his Father for him when Sathan desired to buffet him That tolde him Matth. 16. That the gates of hell should neuer preuaile against him The looking backe of this his Maister wounded him to the heart that hee should sinne against him so cowardly to deny him Vse 1 Well seeing this is the nature of true repentance of godly sorrow and remorce of conscience for sinne that the childe of God is grieued for sinne because it displeaseth GOD his most louing and mercifull Father as in Ioseph Dauid the Prodigall sonne c. let vs labour to sinde our hearts thus affected that wee can mourne for sinne because it is sinne and offendeth GOD our louing Father though none knew of it nor could accuse for it nay although there were no hell nor Iudgement to condemne vs yet that wee sinde our hearts wounded for our secret sinnes for our close sinnes and hidden corruptions because wee know they offend our most gracious God and louing Father Let it be farre from vs to say with Pharaoh Exod. 5. Who is the Lord that I should be afraid to sinne Oh! know O man whosoeuer thou art that exaltest thy selfe in this manner to sinne with a high hand against the Lord That the Lord is as a consuming fire It is hee that drowned Pharaoh for all his pride Exodus 14. It is hee that made Ierusalem a heape of stones Matth. 29. It is hee that sent lice vpon Herod Actes 12. and fire vpon Sodome Genes 19. Learne therefore to know God aright And it will make thee quake and tremble to sinne against him Vse 2 This sheweth that most mens repentance is but counterfeit and vnsound for were it not for seare of shame and punishment they could be content to commit sinne to liue in sinne from day to day as Potiphars wise tempted Ioseph continually to sinne and vncleanensse Genes 39. alas shee thought not that GOD should see or beholde it But whatsoeuer thou arte vnlesse thou finde thine heart humbled for thy close and hidden sinne and secret corruption I tell thee thou art not truely humbled the veriest beast and Atheist that euer liued may confesse his knowne sins and in regarde of the shame and punishment be sory for them Exo. 20.17 1. Sam. 15. Matt 27.3 Actes 8.25 as Pharaoh Iudas Saul Simon Magus c. but heere is godly sorrow which brings repentance neuer to be repented of to be grieued for sinne though wee should haue neither shame nor punishment seeing it offendeth a gracious and mercifull God A simile as we see two children one is a naturall louing and duetifull childe and hee is loath to offend his father though he neuer corrects him because he sees his father kinde vnto him An other that is of a froward nature hee is loath to sinne before his father for feare of the whip and therefore out of his fathers fight he will play his prankes Doctr. 3 In that Dauid thus laies open his sinne A penitent person neuer excuses his sin though it was secret and doth aggrauate it wee learne that he that truly repenteth of his sinne will not excuse it mince hide and cloake it and seeke starting holes to conceale it But he will truely and humbly acknowledge it lay it open and make it manifest vnto God hee doth not blame the folly of the woman nor by any meanes seekes to hide his sin but laieth it open before the Lord Against thee haue I sinned so it is the manner of GODS children that doe truely repent to lay open their sinnes in the worst vilest maner to make them greater not lesser Vse 1 Well then this doth shew that those men are not truely humbled Note of a wicked mā neither yet haue truely repented that doe seeke starting holes for sinne I am not alone if I goe to hell I shall haue more company It is but the fashion and if I doe no worse then sweare by faith troth c. the Lord I hope will pardon me This excusing and cloaking of sinne is a signe of a naughty and dissembling heart that that man or woman is nor truly humbled as they should we see this in Saul he was so farre from aggrauating and increasing his sinne that he found out many excuses 1. Sam. 15. Matth. 15. The people did it and it was to offer Sacrifice So the wicked at the day of Iudgement are so far from confessing their sinnes that they excuse them so t●at it is a note of a wicked and gracelesse heart to excuse sinne to hide it and couer it Pro. 28.23 and he that ●o●n so shal neuer finde mercy Against thee Against thee only haue I sinned IT may heere bee demanded how Dauid could say that he had onely sinned against God Did he not sinne against Vrias his faithful seruant and louing subiect first in committing adultery with his wife and then in causing his innocent bloud to bee shed How then could Dauid say heere Against thee onely haue I sinned I answer First Dauid had sinned indeede against Vriah and that two maner of wayes first in his wise not in his goods for then perhappes hee might haue made amends but taking his wise out of his bosome as Nathan telleth him hee could neuer make a recompence when Abimelech a heathen King Genes 20. did ignorantly take Abrahams wise into his house when hee knew the same although he defiled her not gaue Abraham a large gift for satisfaction What satisfaction then might Dauid giue being not a heathen man but a Prophet of the Lord who wit●ingly takes the wife of Vriah and defiled her Secondly besides his wife he taketh away his life also The Diuell could say Iob 2.4 Skinne for skinne and all that a man hath will hee giue for his life yet as precious as a mans life is vnto him Dauid addeth this iniurie to the former taking away his life also Againe Dauid sinned not onelie against the husband but against the Wife also corrupting her chaste minde and alluring her vnto follie And vnto this sinne committed against Vriah and his wife I might adde the sinne
against the childe begotten in bastardie the innocent bloud of all those of his loyall Subiects that were slaine with Vriah his sinne against his owne house and family As also his sinne against the whole Church and people of GOD laying them open to GODS iudgements for his sake But yet all these sinnes against men how great or grieuous soeuer they were hee accounteth them as nothing in comparison of his sinne against GOD and therefore saith Against thee onely haue I sinned Secondly I answer that all sinnes of what sort soeuer they be they bee great sinnes because they be against the Lawe of God And were it not for the Lawe of GOD forbidding sinne and commaunding vertue there should bee no sinne for what is sinne but the transgression of the Lawe of GOD And therefore Dauid acknowledged his sinnes were against GOD he had rebelled and transgressed his Lawe and Commandement hee had not now to doe with Vriah or any mortall man But with the iust and most righteous GOD whose holie Lawe hee had most rebelliously broken and violated for if the Lord had not forbidden men to commit Adulterie it should be no sinne and if the Lord had not said Thou shalt not kill it were then no more sinne to kill a man than to kill a dogge But seeing the Law of GOD forbiddeth it Rom. 6.23 therefore it is sinne and deserueth eternall damnation Hitherto of the sence of these words Doctr. 1 Seeing all sinne is the transgression of the Lawe of God God alone can forgiue sins whether it be immediately as the sinnes of the first Table or mediately when in sinning against our brother we doe sinne against GOD It followeth that God alone can pardon and forgiue sinne for it belongeth to him alone to pardon the fault against whom it is committed but all sinne is against GODS Lawe therefore hee alone can pardon and forgiue it And this is affirmed by the Pharisies Who can forgiue sinne but God onely Luke 5.21 No creature hath this power for he that can forgiue sinnes must be able to take away the punishment of sinne which is death hell and damnation Now then to say that a man can properly forgiue sinne is in effect to say that a man hath power ouer death and hell which can not be Vse 1 Seeing none can pardon sinne but God onely because all sin is against GOD alone no man on earth no Saint or Angell in heauen can pardon and forgiue sinnes but GOD onely This condemneth the blasphemous and cursed doctrine of the church of Rome who doe holde and teach Pope Antichrist that the Pope can as truely and as properly forgiue sinnes as God himselfe This one point of doctrine taught and held by the church of Rome doth proue their Pope to be Anti-christ euen that man of sin the Apostle speaketh of 2. Thess 2. who makes himselfe equall to God and as Almighty God can pardon sinnes so will his holinesse pardon sinne and whereas God neuer gaue any sinner pardon of sinne before they were committed and repented Horrible impietie yet the Pope can and doth giue out his pardons for a peece of money for sinnes past present yea for twentie yeares to come for treason for murther adultery yea any sinne then which what can be more blasphemous and dangerous to giue men licence to sinne and open a gappe to all manner of villany For who will be afraide to sinne if he may haue a pardon for sinne before it bee committed Vse 2 Seeing Dauid confesseth that hee had sinned against GOD alone hee doth acknowledge though all men should pardon his sinnes and wincke at it yea should seeke to flatter him being a King yet he could not be so satisfied because the sinne was against Gods Laws and Commandements and therefore hee seeketh to God for pardon God offended when our brother is iniured so when wee sinne against men offend our neighbour and brother by lying adultery murther c. yet let vs know we haue to doe with God and though all men should pardon me and winke at my sinne yet vnlesse the Lord seale my pardon it is not worth a button when great men sinne by adulterie and murther Notes by oppression and cruelty they haue their claw-backes and flatters who will smoothe and flatter them lessen and excuse their sinnes yea say all is well done but alas when the Law of God is broken vnlesse hee pardon all the flattering and soothing of men is nothing worth Vse 3 Seeing all sinne to speake properly is against God because it is the breach of his Law therefore it followeth that all the punishing of sin belongs to God he alone is the auenger of sinne Vengeance is mine saith the Lord and I will repay Rom. 12.19 Where the Apostle sheweth that all punishing and reuenging of sinne belongeth to the Lord alone because that GOD alone is the person which is wronged and iniured and not man to speake properly seeing not mans law but GODS law is violated and broken And if his Lawe were not broken no man nor any other creature should haue any cause to complaine and therefore all punishing and vengeance for sinne belongeth properly to God and vnto such whom hee shall appoint to bee his Lieutenants on earth and ministers to stand in his stead to punish sinne And therefore first this sheweth that those men do much offend who when the Law of God is broken by wicked and vngodly men can winke at their sins and will not vnsheathe the Sword put in their handes to the eud to smite the same But can suffer many great and horrible sinnes to be committed that the Lord himselfe many times is faine by the sword plague pestilence or other wayes to execute Iudgement on vngodly men sweeping them away by heapes Vse 4 This practise of Dauid condemns the common practise of the world if men doe sinne and doe some euill that is knowne to the world what doe they then They seeke to pacifie the partie offended to stay his displeasure eyther by money or by friends or by some other meanes but alas they regard not the anger of God whose Maiestie is offended and Lawe transgressed But Dauid heeere confesseth that hee had not to doe with man but with God whose most holy and righteous Lawe hee had broken and although all men would willingly haue pardoned the fault yet that could not content him till he had got the pardon of GOD sealed in the bloud of Christ Iesus So let vs though we must and may labour to be reconciled to men yet let vs looke vp higher to the hand of GOD to be reconciled vnto him to begge pardon at his hands and to be at one with him alas what shall it boote vs to get the Kings pardon Note for murder adultery theft c. if the King of heauen pardon not and doe not forgiue the same what if wee can appease the anger of man and
be in danger of the iust and seuere anger of the eternall GOD And therefore let vs goe to GOD flie to him labour for reconciliation with him Object If any doe obiect it seemeth that wrongs done to men are no sinnes and to be repented of Answere I answere That followeth not For whether the wrong be done directly against God himself all the commandements of the first Table concerne God or indirectly against God and directly against our brother as al the sinnes of the second Table concerne our brethren yet insomuch as the Lawe of GOD is broken either in the first or second Table therefore the chiefest fault wrong is against GOD himselfe yet wee are not to thinke that sinnes done against men are no sinnes but that wee are to be humbled for them because in sinning against our brother we sinne against God whose Lawe we breake and therefore wee must restore foure fold wee must be reconciled to our brother and seeke to right wrongs done vnto him Thus much of the person to whom Dauid confesseth not to any masse-priest but to GOD alone who alone was offended who alone could pardon his fault Now in the second place wee are to come vnto the thing confessed namely his particular sinnes and impieties And done this euill in thy sight In the former words I haue sinned he spake more generall in these words he points out his particular and speciall sinne And done this euill adultery and murther in thy sight Doctr. 1 Marke what is that which most wounds Dauids conscience and troubles his minde not so much feare of shame and reproach in the world nor yet feare of punishment but his sinne his vile sinne is it that wounds him that galls him that doth kill his heart and grieues his poore soule Against thee Against thee haue I sinned as if hee should haue said O my God it grieues me exceedingly and wounds my heart that euer I should be so vile to sinne against thee my gracious and mercifull God I care not for the shame of the world or feare of punishment but my sinne my sinne is that which doth wound me and gripeth mee at the heart So that our lesson is this that the childe of God that truely repents nothing more grieueth him then sin because it is sinne and breakes the Law off he is more grieued for sin then either for shame or punishment Vse Well seeing this is true repentance to be grieued for sin and that more then all other things not for feare of shame or punishment so much as because it offends a mercrifull God and louing father le ts trie our repētance art thou grieued more for sin then any thing else because it offendeth God and displeaseth him and couldest thou mourne for sinne if there were no shame nor punishment hell nor iudgement it is a certaine signe of true repentance but alas those that can weep for feare of punishment and shame of sinne many times are nothing at all grieued for sinne in regarde of God whose most holie Lawe is broken And therefore their repentance is not sound Doctr. 2 Marke how Dauid doth not onely in general acknowledge his sinne Acknowledgemēt of particular sins required but he points out his particular euill and speciall sinne of close adulterie and murder I haue done this euill this grieuous sinne in thy sight Howsoeuer I laboured to smother and hide it yet thou wast an eye-witnesse and very priuy vnto it So then hence wee may learne that in true repentance there must be acknowledgement and confession of our particular sinnes and offences that we may say I haue sinned and done this euill in thy sight lying stealing drunkennes whooredome murder c. We must come to particular and speciall sins Dauid hee acknowledgeth his particular sins of numbring the people and of matching with the vncircumcised nations 1. Chr. 21.8 Ezza 9. And thus doe the people of Israell deale in their conuersion 1. Sam. 12.19 Pray for thy seruants to the Lord that wee die not for we haue sinned in asking vs a King Besides all our other sinnes So the Apostle Paul 1. Tim. 1.13 declareth there that many things troubled him yet this especially that hee had beene a blasphemer a persecuter and an oppressor not worthy to be called an Apostle This appeareth likewise by the example of the Iewes Actes 2. As also in the conuersion of Zacheus Luke 19. who hauing been a griper and anoppressor offered to make full restitution So that wee see it is a certaine note of true repentance to be touched with the feeling of a mans particular sins committed against God Vse 1 Seeing Dauid and all the seruants of God when they haue beene truely humbled haue repented and confessed their particular sinnes vnto the Lord this shewes most men and women haue not true repentance but onely the shadow of it Alas the vilest Atheist in the world a reprobate and one that shall neuer bee saued may confesse this in a generall and confused maner we are all sinners but if we will truely repent indeede wee must looke to confesse our particular sinnes to finde them out one by one and to acknowledge them vnto the Lord with griefe and sorrow and hatred of them but alas most men and women content them selues in generall termes to confesse they bee all sinners although they know not in particular wherin they haue offended yea if they be examined in particular they thinke they do keepe all the commandements of God But we must vncase our selues vncouer our particular sinnes if we would haue God to couer them with the bright robes of Christs righteousnesse If a sicke man come to the Physition and onely tell him hee is sicke and neuer shew him his particular griefe and disease that troubleth him and the manner thereof with all the circumstances belonging to the same he can neuer looke to be cured So likewise if we come to God the Physition of our soules and say only We haue sinned we can not assure our selues of pardon Our vnknowne sinnes we must therefore confesse generally but our knowne sinnes wee must confesse particularly as the Prophet Dauid here doth And done this euill So in the first booke of the Chronicles 21. I haue sinned greatly Because I haue done this thing that is numbring of the people So that wee see it standeth vs greatly in hand euen with griefe of heart to confesse our particular sins and to giue Sentence against our selues and to pray as for life and death for the pardon of them otherwise our repentance is as it were but in shew and for fashion sake which is neuer acceptable with Almighty God Vse 2 Seeing it is necessary in true repentance to finde out our speciall sins and particular euills and impieties we see that it stands vs in hand to be throughly acquainted with the Law of God for by the knowledge of the Law comes the knowledge of sinne and that man that hath
the best insight into the Lawe of GOD hath the greatest sight of his sinne and of his misery and is most humbled and most stirred vp to seeke to God for mercy And they which haue least knowledge of the Lawe know least of their sinnes and miserie and are most prowd and least humbled neither can they truely repent For as a sicke man is then most dangerously sicke when hee hath no feeling of his sickenesse so a sinner is then in greatest misery when hee thinketh himselfe to bee no sinner Such a one is farre off from mourning and sorrowing for sinne from turning from them and returning to God Seeing he taketh himselfe to be in good case and to stand in need of no repentance And such were the Pharises in the dayes of CHRIST whom he reprooued Matth. 9.12 The whole neede not the Physition but those that are sicke I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And done this euill in thy sight SInne may well be called an euill because it is the cause of all euill both in soule and body for al iudgement plague and punishmnnts be but the fruits that come of sinne sicknesse pouerty plague pestilence shame warre all iudgements be the fruits of sinne Secondly because sin doth displease God and offendeth his Maiestie therefore it is called an Euill of all euills Thirdly because this euill of sin infects heauen and earth and brings euill to all the creatures of God vnder heauen Vse Well seeing sin is an euil it displeaseth God it brings all euill and all manner of plagues and punishment yea eternall death in the world to come and seeing it infects heauen and earth with the poyson of it how should we hate abhorre sin quake at it be afraid to commit that which is the cause of all other euilles But alas though sin be a fearefull euill yea the cause of all euill yet we see men are not affaid of sin they quake not at it they shun it not yea they which doe feare fire and water the plague and pestilence yet dare bee doing and tampering with sin as if there were no euill nor danger in it but if we be wise let vs flie sin aboue all other euils whatsoeuer and in so doing if we flie this euill of sin we shal preuent many other iudgements and euills which are the fruits of sin In thy sight or before thine eyes As if Dauid should haue saide O Lord my God though I did commit adultery neuer so closely and caused Vrias secretly to be slaine yet alas I see all I did was manifest before thine eies and could not be hidden from thy sight Doctrine Men sinne before God Howsoeuer men and women sin neuer so closely secretly yet they sin before the face of the Lord euen in his eyes and vnder his nose the Lord standing by and looking on them neither distance of place nor secret corner neither darkenesse of the night nor any deuice and shift of man whatsoeuer is able to couer our sins from Gods eies Psal 139. Hebr. 4.13 there is no creature which is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open before his eyes with whom wee haue to do It is true indeed it is an casie matter to bleare the eyes of man to sin so closely and cunningly that no man shall know it in some secret corner in some darke night to steale lie commit adultery but although all men and Angels be ignorant yet our most secret euilles and sinnes are all naked vnto the Lords eies Vse 1 Oh that all men could be perswaded of this doctrine that we euer sin in the Lords sight when wee lie steale commit adultery then doth the Lord sees vs his fiery eies behold vs and the Lord euen then stands at our elbowes and lookes vpon vs How would this be a blessed meanes to bridle men and to restraine them from many secret and hidden sinnes What man durst be so bold and desperate to cut a purse when hee sees the Iudges eye set on him and beholdeth him And what man is so desperate that durst steale lie commit adultery if he knew that the all-seeing and piercing eyes of Almightie GOD did beholde him and looke on him This doth the Lord GOD tell the seuen Churches of Asia in euery Epistle Philip. 4. Reuel 3. I know thy workes O then let the remembrance of this make vs watchfull and wary to looke vnto all our wayes to liue as euer in Gods presence Vse 2 Here is matter of comfort and incouragement vnto the children of GOD for as the Lord sees and beholdeth all the euills and sins of men and women to iudge and to punish them al is naked to his piercing and all-seeing eyes so likewise all our good deeds and vertues are knowne and seene of God I know thy workes all thou dost both good and bad I know all Now then if the Lord do take knowledge of all our workes and sees them yea there is nothing we doe but it is manifest in his eies we know he is a bountifull God and plentifully rewards all that loue and feare him yea he will not leaue a cup of colde water without a reward O then let vs proceede and abound in good workes in knowledge faith repentance patience obedience humilitie zeale loue c. for the Lord knowes and sees all and will not let any one good work go vnrewarded Now followes the second part of the Verse containing a reason why the Prophet Dauid did thus acknowledge and confesse his sins and humbled himselfe for them namely that by this meanes hee might cleare the Lord of all iniustice and hard dealing in word or deede as if hee should haue said O Lord I confesse that seeing I haue so grieuously sinned against thee and so fowly committed euill in thy sight there is no cause why I should so much as accuse thee of the least cruelty iniustice or hard dealing with me either in thy terrible threatnings by thy seruant Nathan or thy righteous iudgement in taking away the childe conceiued in adultery for I acknowledge that I haue deserued farre more grieuous plagues and punishments for this my vile and grieuous sin And therefore by this my confession I doe cleere thee O Lord of all iniustice and cruell dealing condemne my selfe to be worthy of farre more grieuous iudgements and punishments for my sins so as all the world may see and know that thou art most iust in al thy threatnings denounced against sin and most pure and righteous in al thy iudgemēts fatherly chasticements That thou maiest be iust That is that thou maist be known iust in thy workes and all the world may see and know that there is great and iust cause of thy threatnings against sin and sinners Now what these speeches were and the iudgements threatned against Dauid looke in the second of Samuel chapter 12. verse 10. First that the Sword should neuer depart
on CHRIST God will make them of the cursed fire-brands of Hell heires of the kingdome of Heauen of the limbe of the Diuell the members of Iesus Christ of adulterers and filthy sinners such as Dauid was chaste and pure and the holy seruants of God And this the Lord promises men that if they will repent turne to God and forsake their sinnefull wayes Esay 1.18.19 Then though your sinnes were as redde as searlet I will make them as white as snow Though they were as crimson yet I will make them cleane as wooll That is though men bee guiltie of bloudie finnes notorious euills as Dauid of murder vncleannes whooredome adultery couetousnesse swearing contempt of the word of God c. Yet if thou hast the grace to repent certainely the Lord will most thorowly purge and wash away all thy sinnes hee will seale thee a generall pardon of them all if thou wilt onely repent and lay holde vpon Christ Oh! then let me speake vnto you in the name of God hast thou been a vile blasphemer hast thou beene a contemner of the Word a persecuter of Gods children hast thou been a cruell murderer oppressor vsurer hast thou beene an adulterer a filthie liuer Well if thou wilt now repent turne to God bewaile thy sins beg pardon of thē if thou wilt renounce leaue and forsake them become a new creature in Christ Iesus and amend thy si●full life loe God doth this day offer mercy vnto thee he wil embrace thee as he did the Prodigall child he will wash thee in the bloud of his owne Sonne Luke 15. hee will couer thee in his righteousnes hee will pardon all thy sinnes and neuer lay them to thy charge he will make of thee that art a vile and miserable sinner a very fire-brand of hel a blessed member of Iesus Christ And therefore let not the number or greatnesse of thy sinnes hinder thee for if thou canst repent God wi●● pardon them all and receiue thee to mercy Oh then if thou wilt not for all this repent and turne to God leaue and forsake thy sins and impieties become a new creature in Christ Iesus but lie in thy sinnes and wallow in the filth of them still and harden thy heart against all the sweete and gracious offers of mercy How art thou worthy to perish 2. Cor. 5.18 if thou shalt despise so great saluation VERSE 8. 8 Make mee to heare of ioy and gladnesse that the bones which thou hast broken may reioyce Dauid heare entreats for peace of conscience DAVID hauing in the former verse craued mercy at the hands of God for the pardon of his sinnes which were both many and great he doth in this verse beg at the hands of God the blessed fruit of the same namely the blessed and comfortable perswasion of Gods mercy and assurance of his loue for the pardon of his sins that God would euen testifie vnto his poore soule and wounded conscience by his spirit inwardly Sinne had takē away his inward ioy that he was appeased and pacified with him and in Iesus Christ reconciled vnto him that so being thus assured of Gods loue of reconciliation with God and the pardon of his sins his wounded conscience might be comforted his wounded soule and heauy heart might be refreshed and his exceeding griefe might be mittigated and asswaged Parts of his verse In this verse note two speciall points First what is the thing Dauid so instantly craueth of God namely that he would cause him to heare comfortable and blessed newes o● Gods mercy and assurance of th● pardon of his sinnes Make mee t● heare of c. Secondly the end wherefore hee so begs requests for this namely that his broken heart and bleeding conscience might be comforted and his vnspeakeable griefe by the feeling of Gods loue might bee ended That the bones which thou hast broken may reioyce Make mee to heare AS if he should haue faid O Lord I beseech thee to witnesse thy loue and fauour vnto mee yea I beseech thee send thy blessed and holy spirit to certifie my conscience of the blessed pardon of all my sinnes that thou wilt not enter into iudgement with me for them And that which Dauid doth heare confesse of himselfe all the children of God shall one day be sure to find by experience that sinne doth spoile them of their inward peace and ioy Oh then if we could remember how sweet the ioy and peace is which by sin we loose for the vaine and transitory pleasures of sinne which are but for a season wee would neuer make so bad exchange The maine point is what is it that Dauid so earnestly craues of GOD namely that GOD would assure him of the blessed pardon of his sins but some may say this seemes needlesse did not the Lord send Nathan to him who after Dauid had confessed his sinne told him The Lord hath pardoned thy sinne thou shalt not die 2. Sam. 12.13 How then comes it to passe that here hee prayes the Lord to cause him to heare and feele this the pardon of his sinnes I answere First it is true that Nathan the Prophet of God did assure him of the pardon of his sins vpon his true repentance but yet Dauids heart being wounded with sinne could not so fully feele and finde the assurance of Gods loue and pardon of his sinnes and therefore intreats the Lord to certifie his conscience inwardly by his spirit fully to assure him of the same Secondly I answer that though Dauid heard Nathan tell him that the Lord would pardon his sinne yet hee iudged the outward testimonie of all men and Angells as nothing vnlesse the inward certificate and testimonie of the holy-Ghost go with it inwardly to certifie assure and perswade ●he poore wounded conscience of Gods loue and fauour Doctrine 1 Hence wee learne sundry points of instruction First that as Dauid praies to be assured of GODS loue and the pardon of his sinnes so euery true childe of God that beleeues and repents of all his sinnes may know and bee assured in his conscience of Gods loue and fauour Euerie childe of God may be assure● of the pardon of hi● sinnes and the pardon of them all And in the Article of our faith we doe professe we beleeue the remission of our sinnes and life euerlasting and seeing wee pray for this that GOD would forgiue our sinnes and trespasses therefore we beleeue it else we sinne in praying for it so that euerie one that truely repenteth and embraceth Iesus Christ is a new creature hates vile wayes indeuours in heart and life to please GOD 2. Pet. 1. hee may know and be assured that he is reconciled to God and his sinnes be pardoned Vse 1 This condemnes that hellish Doctrine of the Papists who teach and hold that no man can bee assured of the pardon of his sinnes vnlesse God send a reuelation from heauen to do it and that it is
yea if the Son of God which had no sinne take but our sinnes vpon him he must be punished the Iustice of GOD will ceize vpon him And the reason of this is manifest because God doth so hate sinne that he cannot winke at it in any man Vse If the Lord do so sharpely and seuerely punish sin in his deerest children whom he loues best Oh! then what will he do vnto those that are his enemies If to the greene Tree what to the dry 1. Pet. 4.17 Ier. 25.29 If Iudgement begin at the house of God Oh! then what shall be the end of those that obey not the Gospell of God If God do so seuerely handle his owne people then much more the wicked May reioyce Doctrine Pardon of sin brings true ioy HEnce we learne that there is wonderfull ioy and gladnesse in the hearts of those who haue the pardon of their sinnes it is matter of endlesse comfort to feele the loue of God in a mans soule to know God to bee my gracious Father Iesus Christ to bee my Redeemer and the Holy Ghost to be my Comforter it is matter of endlesse comfort Psal 32.1 Blessed is hee whose wickednesse is forgiuen and whose sinne is couered Againe Rom. 14.17 The kingdome of God stands not in meat and drink but in righteousnesse peace and ioy in the Holy Ghost Vse 1 Wee learne hence that such as continue in any knowne sinne vnrepented of cannot looke for peace from God for where goes sinne there goes the curse Esay 48. There is no peace to the wicked God doth euen wage war enter into a combat against all impenitent sinners This the Prophet speaketh Psal 7. God doth whet his sword bend his bow and make it ready against the wicked And therefore if we want this and haue not the feeling of Gods loue and assurance of his mercy for the pardon of our sinnes Oh then let vs labour for it vse all meanes to attaine vnto it pray for it begge for mercy and giue no rest vnto thy soule till thou hast it and if thou hast it Oh then make much of it loose it not though thou mightst gaine a Kingdome for all the world will not affoord one dram of ioy and comfort without it and take heed of sin which will driue it away dim it and damp it and depriue vs of the feeling of it Vse 2 Wee see that vngodly men doe offer great wrong vnto the children of God Oh! say prophane beasts and Atheists these professors these Puritanes they are alwaies heauy and dumpish there is no comfort no ioy no mirth in them they are alwaies sad and heauy Thou lyest like an Atheist they haue more sound Ioy and Christian Mirth in one houre then the cursed Athiests of the world haue in a yeare yea who should bee merry if the children of GOD be not merry Who can reioyce more then hee that is the childe of God that feeles Gods loue in his soule Rom. 8.1 is a member of IESVS CHRIST and to whom there is no feare of condemnation It is true indeed in regard of our sinnes and euils wee haue cause to mourne and lament yea to weepe if it were possible teares of bloud but in regard of Gods mercy in that wee bee reconciled to God deliuered from Death Hell and Damnation by the death and merites of IESVS CHRIST in whom we beleeue we can be merry yea reioyce in all estates in sicknesse as well as in health in pouerty as plenty in prison as in liberty Looke on Peter in prison Paul in his chaines whereas wicked men haue onely a carnall and worldly ioy in their friends riches honors pleasures and delights if these be gone and lost all their ioy lyes in the dust then they be dumpish heauy and sad no ioy then no reioycing but a knife an halter a pond So that by this wee see a cleare and notable difference betweene the ioy of wicked men and the ioy of Gods children the ioy of wicked men it is carnall and worldly and earthly the ioy of Gods children is spirituall inward and heauenly theirs is onely in time of prosperity but the ioy of Gods children is durable permanent lasting for euer in life and death whereas the ioy of wicked men ends in death if not before VERSE 9. 9 Hide thy face from my sinnes and blot out all mine iniquities Dauid can no way haue peace till his sins be pardoned IN these words Dauid doth the third time renue his former petition and suite vnto God for the pardon of his sins as one wonderfully amazed and cast downe in the sense and feeling of Gods anger for his sinnes Parts of the verse And the request hath two parts First because hee had prouoked the Lord to anger and was in danger of his displeasure he intreates him to hide away his angry countenance from beholding his sinnes As if hee should haue said ô Lord I haue committed great and greiuous sinnes in thy sight and giuen thee cause to bee angry with mee but Lord I beseech thee cast away my sinnes out of thy sight looke not on them neither call them to account but put them cleane out of minde Secondly he intreates the Lord to blot them out of his book of remembrance alluding to them that keepe a booke of debt who write all downe that is owing vnto them and in token all is discharged blot and crosse the booke So he requests the Lord to crosse the booke of debt because he was not able to pay the debt therefore he requires that he would in the bloud of CHRIST bee content to blot the booke When as Dauid praies to GOD that he would turne away his face that is that he would not call his sins to mind to punish them Doctr. 1 Gods anger most fearefull to the godly but forget and forgiue them and as it were cast them behind his backe as men vse to do with things they will not remember Hence wee learne that there is nothing so fearefull to a poore distressed sinner as is the terrible anger and frowning countenance of the most righteous God 1. Cor. 10.5 Psalm 5.5 Psal 45.7 which if a man beholds and seeth the Lord to frowne vpon him it is impossible that all the creatures in heauen and earth should giue him any comfort no Dauid a King being in danger of his iust anger for sin could haue no ioy nor comfort till hee was reconciled to GOD and did behold his louing countenance turned towards him in and by the meanes of IESVS CHRIST And no maruell though the Prophet intreate the Lord to turne away his angry face for the anger of God is most terrible yea more heauy then if a M●lstone yea heauen and earth should bee laid vpon a mans soule for as Paul saith Rom. 8.31 Heb. 10.30 Math. 5. if God be with vs who can be against vs so if hee bee against vs who can be with
vs. It is a fearefull thing to fall into his hands And if the wrath of the King bee as the roaring of a Lyon how much more is the wrath of GOD to be feared who can cast both body and soule into hell Yea so long as the children of God inioy his fauour see his louing countenance they are able to suffer much though men torment them persecute them raile on them they can indure much misery but if once they loose the feeling of Gods loue and see his angry face and frowning countenance turned towards them oh then nothing can comfort them till they obtaine his fauour againe how many things did Iob suffer without impatiency yea the losse of all he had so long as he felt the louing coūtenance of God towards him but when he seeth the Lord to arme himselfe like an enemy and like an angry Iob. 13 God then he was no longer able to indure Ps and what can be more terrible to a poore sinner then to wrastle with the anger of God then which nothing is more fearefull and this can euery childe of God testifie in his owne conscience by experience feeling the heauy weight of Gods anger Seeing it is so terrible and fearefull a thing for men to prouoke the Lord to anger Vse 1 and to see his angry and frowning countenance This condemnes that blockishnesse and sencelessenesse in most men and women who though they do nothing but sin against God daily so prouoke him to anger and wrath against them yet do not so much as say Alas what haue I done Ier. 8.6 though they lye smoking vnder the heauy wrath of God to be destroyed for their sinnes Men feare the anger and frowning face of great Men especially of the Prince but hard-hearted sinners feare not the anger of the eternall God well let all rebellious and stif-necked sinners remember what Christ saith Feare not him that ●an kill the body and can do no more but I will tell you whom you shall seare feare him that can kill both body and soule and can cast them both into hell fire feare him Because nothing moues the Lord to anger Vse 2 and to be displeased with men and women but sinne therefore let vs aboue all things shun sin not dare to rebell against God and prouoke his anger Esay 59.2 your sinnes haue made aseperation O then take heed of sin and if thou wilt sinne be sure thou shalt find and feele the anger of God and if thou wouldest escape the anger which is so terrible take heed of sin We see men be too-too carefull to shunne such things as offend great persons and procure their displeasure for fear if they take a pinch against them they turne them out of their farmes racke their rents c. O then feare to offend GOD who will reiect and cast thee off for euer and increase thy iudgement If we haue sinned Vse 3 thereby prouoked the Lord to anger by our sins as Dauid did feele his displeasure and see his frowning countenance Oh then let vs giue no rest to our soules til we be reconciled vnto him till wee obtaine mercy and fauour at his hands for so long as we see his anger his frowning countenance alas we can haue no peace nor comfort in the world If a man should haue the fauour of all men great and small Nobles Lords c. yet if the King hate him and cannot abide to heare of him what can all this doe him good So if a man had the fauour of all men and Angells yea if it were possible all the things on earth should seeke to vphold a man yet if God bee angrie and displeased with him his anger would crush him in peeces well then when wee sinne against God and so prouoke him to anger let vs vse all means to obtaine his fauour let vs repent of our sins be humbled for them acknowledge confesse them let vs pray for pardon and intreate the Lord to turne away his face angry countenance And as we see if a man offend a great person he will ride and runne night and day send gifts make friends and all to obtaine his fauor againe Euen so must wee seeke for the fauour of God and as Absolom hauing sinned against his father s●nt Ioab and the woman of Tekoah to get his pardon and to appease his fathers anger so must we seeke to Iesus Christ to bee our Mediatour to turne his fathers anger from vs. 2. Sam. 14. Lastly Vse 4 seeing the anger of God is so fearefull a thing and so vnsupportable and the louing fauour of God is life it selfe Oh then let vs make much of Gods louing countenance do nothing in word or deed that may turne his mercy and louing faour from vs but vse all good means possible to continue the same for if we loue him he will loue vs if wee honour him he will honour vs. Hide thy face from my sinne That is pardon them and doe not call me to accompt to punish me for them Psal 60.8 Moses saith thou hast set our misdeedes before thee and our secret sins in the sight of thy countenance that is the Lord beheld their sins that so he might punish them for them so whē the Lord hideth his face from our sins it is all one as to pardon them when a man casts a thing behind his backe or turnes his face from it it is a signe hee would forget it and not remember it I will put away your sins and scatter them like a myste and wee know that mists that appeare a little time are by and by scattered and gone Esa 38.17 Hezechiah confesseth That God did cast all his sins behind his backe Alluding to men who when they purpose to forget Mich. 7.19 or not to remember a thing turne their backes on it Againe I will cast all their sinnes into the bottome of the sea Alluding to Pharaoh that wicked man whom God drowned in the bottome of the red sea and thus we haue the meaning of the words Here we see how Doctr. 1 Note how God pardons sin and after what mauer the Lords pardons our sinnes namely when hee doth for giue and forget them turne his face from them hath no purpose to remember them or to punish vs for them and in a word when hee doth vpon our true repentance for the merites of Christ esteeme sinne as no sinne or though it had neuer beene committed Ps 32.1 2. when he couers them or imputeth them not vnto vs. Seeing the Lord forgiueth sinne after this maner V se 1 and euen he doth in mercy forgiue and forget our sins puts them out of his remembrance casts them behinde his backe and will neuer call them to minde anie more heere is matter of endlesse comfort to distressed soules if thou hast once repented of thy sins truely and beene assured of Gods mercy for the pardon
of them though thou maiest remember them and thy conscience accuse thee for them as Iob and Dauid Psalme 25 who were troubled for the sinnes of their youth yet I say though thou shouldest remember them God will neuer remember them any more to Iudgement or condemnation to plague or to punish thee for them hee casts them cleane out of his minde and turnes his face from them and therfore if hee once pardon sinne hee pardons it for euer For the decree and councell of God is vnchangeable Ro. 11.29 hee alters not and therefore if once hee giue pardon for sinne he neuer reuokes it but loues to the end The gifts of God are without repentance Seeing the Lord in pardoning of sinne doth turne his face from them Vse 2 forgets them and forgiues them and will neuer speake of them nor call them to minde any more we learne hence in pardoning of wrongs and iniuries done to vs to imitate the example of God our heauenly Father to pardon them so as wee neuer call them to minde againe that wee forgiue and forget all wrongs and iniuries trample them vnder our feete But it is a common speech of many vngodly men and women if men doe them any harme they will forgiue them but they will neuer forget them and accordingly so they deale though for a time they can shew a smooth countenance and giue faire wordes yet if euer they get them in their danger they will fetch them ouer they will shew their spleene and malice and powre our all their poison But let all such take heed for how can they say Forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs and yet doe not forgiue and forget wrongs if the Lord should deale thus with vs hee should confound vs for God is prouoked of vs euery moment and we are indebted vnto him tenne thousand talents yet he is intreated of vs and he is reconciled vnto vs ought not we therefore to forgiue one another after his examle this is the reason vsed by the Apostle Paul Coloss 3.12 13. Now therefore as the Elect of God holy and beloued put on the bowels of mercy kindenesse humblenesse of mande meckenesse long suffering forbearing one an other and for giuing one another if any man haue a quarrell to another euen as Christ forgaue euen so doe yee It were wofull with vs if God were not ready to forgiue for we finde our selues ready to offend and our sinne vnpardoned is sufficient to make vs condemned The second branch of the Petition is in the end of the verse in these words And blot out all mine iniquities 2 Part of the verse THat is blot them out of thy Booke of Accompts and that Bill and Debt-booke wherein they seeme to bee written for so much the speech imports the Prophet alluding to men that keepe Bookes of Accompt wherein they write all their debts euen so the Lord hath as it were his Booke of Accompt wherein are registred all the sinnes of men women when and where and howsoeuer committed Then hence we learne that all our sinnes are knowne to God Doctr. 1 All our sinnes knowne to God he hath them all as it were written downe in a Booke of Accompt and vnlesse they be blotted out in this life they shall all one day be called ouer euen at the day of Iudgement Reuel 20. The bookes shall be opened and euery mans conscience shall bee as a Bill of Indictment to accuse and condemne him This is that which is tolde by the Prophet Ieremy chapt 17. The sinne of Iuda is written with a penne of yron and the point of a Diamond And Iob hath it Thou hast sealed vp our sinnes in a bagge By all which places it appeareth that all our sins are knowne to God as perfectly as if they were noted in a Booke and vnlesse wee repent they shall all one day bee called ouer and laide to our charge when our Bookes shall be opened Seeing all our sinnes are well knowne to GOD Vse 1 and the Lord hath them all as it were written downe in a Booke and this Booke shall one day be opened and if our sins be not blotted our before Death come and this debt be not cancelled then they shall be brought to light and wee shall be cast into prison till we haue paid the vttermost farthing Then we see it stands vs all in hand while we liue to labour to haue this Booke cancelled that our sins may be put out and all our debts crossed for if they be found vncancelled at death and the day of Iudgement if they be found then vpon Records surely then it is too late to looke for mercie and therefore it is a matter of endlesse moment which wee are all most carefully to thinke vpon that this Booke may be crosse and our sinnes cancelled that so wee be not in the great day of the Generall Iudgement called to an account for them But how might wee doe that we might haue our sinnes blotted out wee are not able to pay the debt Wee owe the Lord ●enne thousand tallents and cannot pay one penny what shall wee doe to haue the debt paied To this I answere The Lord is like a mercifull Creditour if his Debtour be not able to pay let him confesse the debt and hee will as ke him no more but will willingly pardon all So the Lord GOD seeing wee are by no meanes able of our selues to pay the debt yet if wee confesse it and desire pardon he will forgiue it And yet because he is iust as hee is mercifull therefore his Iustice should be satisfied and that is done by the meanes of Iesus CHRIST hee is become our surety he is content to take our debt on him to become pay-master and so when nothing else could doe it hee was content to suffer death euen the cursed death of the Crosse and to blot out our sinnes by his owne heart bloud So then wee see the meanes how our sinnes are blotted out namely when wee doe repent of them bewaile them be humbled for them leaue and forsake them lay hold on Iesus Christ and apply vnto vs his death and passion then by the bloud of Christ all our sinnes are done away VERSE 10 10. Create in me a cleane heart O GOD and renew a right spirit within me Dauids new Petition DAVID hauing hitherto creaued at the hands of God pardon of his sinnes doth here put vp a new petition to God namely for regeneration or the new birth that God would cast him in a new mould and make him a new man And that God would in mercie goe forward with that blessed worke of Sanctification begunne by his spirit and now interrupted by his sinnes Our reconciliation with GOD stands in two partes Namely pardon of sinne and regeneration And Dauid hauing in the former Verse prayed for grace and mercie that God would haue mercie vpon him pardon all his sinnes
into them And I will take away their stony hearts and giue them hearts of flesh God the Father sanctifieth in giuing his Sou Christ vnto vs so Christ sanctifieth in washing vs from our sins in his bloud And the Holy Ghost in applying CHRIST IESVS his death and resurrection to vs. And thus the worke of Regeneration or Sanctification is by GOD alone wrought i● the Elect. Vse Well then this shewes that man hath no freedome of will in heauenly things pertaining to Eternall Life but all is of God faith saluation life eternall and comes from GOD and therefore let vs vse all good meanes appointed of GOD and seeke this at his hands who alone can and will do it Now followes the second part of the verse Part of this verse And renew a right Spirit within mee Wherein Dauid craues grace from GOD to become a new creature and withall that God wold inable him by his spirit to be faithful and constant in time to come and therefore requires of God a stable Spirit a firme Spirit that is not onely a constant purpose to walke vprightly with GOD but power and strength from his Spirit to become faithfull and constant as fearing his owne weaknesse if the Lord should leaue him to himselfe For as GOD giues grace to obey so he must giue grace to perseuer As if hee should haue said O Lord thou hast begunne this blessed work of regeneration new Birth by thy holy Spirit But I like a sinfull wretch by sin and rebellion haue hindred the same and broken off the gracious worke of thy holy Spirit Now I beseech thee O Lord lay to thy hand againe and a fresh begin to renew the work of thy Spirit euen the blessed worke of new Birth and withall grant that in time to come I may be strengthned in the inner man by thy holy Spirit and may bee made thereby firme and constant to continue yea to grow and hold out to the end in holy obedience Doctr. 1 Marke that Dauid acknowledgeth he had broken off the worke of God his Spirit in him Man by sinning breakes of the worker of Sanctification and interrupted the same and hindred the worke of Sanctification by his sinnes and disobedience And therefore wee learne that after God hath touched a mans heart to repent and sanctified him by his Spirit if hee sinne and rebell against God hee doth what lies in him to cut off the worke of grace to hinder the work of his saluation and breake off the gracious worke of Sanctification and new Birth and if the Lord should leaue him hee shold fal cleane away from grace for the Spirit of God is glad and ioyfull when as we are carefull to auoid all those waies which offend God and wound our soules when we seeke to keep good hearts faith vnfeigned a good conscience then the Spirit of God doth daily proceed with the worke of new Birth and Sanctification but after we shall rebell against God and comm●● sinne we g●●eue the holy Spirit of GOD and vexe him that hee is compelled by our lewdnesse to leaue off the worke in the middest because wee suffer not our selues to bee wrought vpon Eph. 4.30 but we will follow our owne lusts and liking and when the spirit of GOD ceaseth to renue vs and to beget our hearts to God then there rises blindnesse of minde so as we cannot conceiue and feele the loue of God as in Dauid And then this gracious worke of the spirit being interrupted there arises griefe and sorrow of soule and conscience Vse 1 Well seeing this is the fruite of our sinnes against knowledge and conscience they hinder the worke of grace and new birth interrupt the blessed worke of sanctification begun by Gods Spirit bring blindenesse of mind and hardnes of heart Oh then let vs take heed of sinne intreate the Lord that hee would giue vs grace for euer to hide his word in our hearts that wee might not sinne against his Maiesty and that he wold not leaue vs to blindenesse of minde and hardnesse of heart but that hee would rather continue his loue and mercy vnto vs and that his holy spirit would daily proceede with the blessed worke of Sanctification and renuing of our soules vnto holinesse and true righteousnesse Vse 2 So often as we bee tempted to sin let vs remember that if we yeeld vnto it wee shall hinder the blessed work of Gods Spirit hinder our new Birth and Sanctication and thereby do what lies in our power to grieue the holy Spirit of God and cause him to leaue off the blessed worke of regeneration Vse 2 When Dauid intreates the Lord that hee would renue a constant and stable spirit in him Good to feare our weaknes he shewes that he was greatly affraid of his own weak nesse and therefore desires strength from God to hold out and perseuer in obedience euen vnto the end that God would by his Spirit giue him a constant purpose continuall indeuour both in heart and life to doe his will and therefore we learne from him to suspect our selues to feare our owne weakenes and infirmity if the Lord should leaue vs to our selues Blessed is the man that feares alwaies Pro. 28.14 but hee that hardeneth his heart shall runne into all euill waies For such is our weaknes that we are ready to fal into the selfe fame sinne from the which wee are escaped of the Lord doe but a little leaue vs to our selues This doth the Prophet teach Psalme 78. How oft d●d they prouoke him in the wildernes and grieue him in the desart Thus did Pharaoh Exod. 9. Chap. 27. I haue sinned and the LORD is righteous but I and my people are sinnefull But when the Iudgement was remoued his heart was hardened againe and hee continued in his sinne Wee see this in the example of the Israelites Iudges the third Chapter They commiteed euill againe and againe they fell into idolatry they knew it was a sinne yea and they had experience of Gods seueritie against it for all that they fell againe into the same sinne and so prouoked the Lord to punish them So Hebr. 6. Many sinne againe after the receiuing and acknowledgement of the truth So that except the Lord vpholde and holde men backe they wil fall into the same sinnes they before committed and so prouoke the Lord afresh to punish them O then let vs feare our weakenes If Dauid a holy Prophet a man after GODS heart prayeth thus that GOD would stablish him with his free Spirit that is giue him a constant purpose and indeuour to continue in obedience how much more haue we need to do the same knowing how weake we are how many inticements wee haue to sinne how cunning the Diuell is and vseth the world and the flesh as so many enemies to fight against vs well let vs feare the worst and doubt our weaknesse and it will make vs more carefull to
or a Citty when the walles be battered 3 Wee must with Dauid pray often and earnest vnto God to renew a right spirit in vs. VERSE 11. 11. Cast me not from thy presence O Lord and take not thy holy Spirit from me IN the former Verse Dauid hath put vp sundry requests and petitions vnto God for grace and mercie for the pardon of his sinnes The meaning of the words Now this eleuenth Verse containeth in it an earnest Deprecation wherein the Prophet intreateth the Lord to turne from him two fearefull iudgements and grieuous punishments which hee had deserued for his sins for first what greater misery can befall the child of God then to be cast out of Gods presence loue and fauour Secondly what greater plague to a distressed soule then to be depriued of Gods blessed spirit whereby alone we we are guided comforted and without whom we can haue no comfort nor euer doe any good thing but shall be carryed of our owne lusts head-long into all sinne and wickednesse Dauid alludeth to the iudgement of God vpon Saul Now against both these Dauid prayeth vnto the Lord in this verse and herein he alludeth to the iudgement of God vpon Saul who was his next predecessour and King ouer Israel whom the Lord cast off and did vtterly reiect from being King ouer his people 1. Sam. 15.26 because hee did reiect the Lord and cast off the commandement of GOD and would not obey his voyce and therefore the Lord tooke his Spirit from Saul and gaue him an euill spirit to vexe and torment him and both these Dauid heere prayeth against that God would shew him mercy and not deale with him as hee did with Saul though hee had sinned grieuiously yet that he would rather humble him by some other meanes and not in his iust iudgement to cast him off and reiect him nor take his holy Spirit from him Cast mee not away AS if hee should haue said ô Lord howsoeuer I haue sinned grieuously yet I pray thee deale not with mee as thou didst deale with Saul that wicked man to cast me off and reiect mee from being King and Ruler of thy people Nor take thy holy Spirit from mee whereby I am enabled to do thy will By the presence or face of God is meant the loue and fauour of God and therefore Dauid intreateth the Lord that he would not thrust him cleane out of fauour and depriue him of his loue Doctr. 1 Hence we learne that it is a wonderfull and fearefull Iudgement for a man or woman to bee cast out of Gods fauour from his presence The pleasures of sinne are deere bought so as hee shall shewe no fauour to vs but his disfauour and heauy countenance it is a very heauy and dolefull case It is said of Cain that God cast him out of his presence and that was the height of Caines misery Gen. 4. so the Lord cast off Saul from being King ouer Israel As the fauour of God is life so his disfauour is present death and as in the presence of God is fulnesse of ioy and pleasure for euermore so in the want of his presence is there nothing but woe and misery yea it is a steppe to eternall death Neither is there any misery which the childe of God doth feare more then this to bee forsaken of the Lord and to bee cast out of his fauour Vse 1 Seeing it is so great and fearefull a Iudgement to bee cast out of Gods fauour and gracious presence Their madnesse discouered that make light of Gods fauour Oh what mad men bee they that make so light of Gods loue and fauour that will for the gaining of a peny or the inioying of an houres pleasure loose the loue and the fauour of God Mat. 16.26 for euer depriue themselues of his glorious presence and plunge themselues into euerlasting woe and vengeance with the deuill and his Angels Vse 2 Seeing the inioying of Gods presence is so sweete and comfortable and to bee depriued of it is so grieuous and terrible how should wee vse all meanes to get into his fauor if wee want it to keepe it if wee haue it In thy presence is fulnesse of ioy and in thy light wee shall see light And because sinne thrusts men out of Gods fauour and separates betweene God and men aboue all things take heed of sin auoid it and shun it as the bane and poyson of our soules For the better opening and vnderstanding of this verse wee must discusse two great ●nd weighty questions which being well considered will make much for the clearing of this text Two obiections The former is this when Dauid intreates the Lord not to cast him out of his presence that is his loue and fauour whether a man elected and in the fauour of GOD as Dauid iustified and sanctified may loose the loue of GOD and fall away to become a reprobate and cast-away and so finally to perish The other question is seeing Dauid praies the Lord not to take his holy Spirit from him whether the sanctified gifts and graces of Gods holy Spirit may finally and totally bee lost and taken away These questions both be defended and affirmed by the Papists and their followers who hold that a man truely elected called iustified and sanctified and in the fauour of GOD may fall away and perish Wee hold the contrary that a man once in the fauour of God elect called iustified and sanctified cannot finally perish not cleane bee bereft of the sauing graces of the holy Spirit Now because these two questions be points of great moment and on which all our happinesse and comfort doth hang and depend therefore I will stand a little to proue them by testimonies of Scripture with reasons and arguments drawne from the written word of GOD and remoue some obiections of the Papists against the certainety of our perseuerance in faith to the end First that place of Ieremy where the Lord comforts his Elect and chosen people is most pregnant for this purpose Ier. 31.3 Yea saith the Lord with an euerlasting loue haue I loued thee and therefore in mercy haue I drawne thee So that it is manifest hence whom God loues once in Christ hee loues for euer and there is not time when he can be said not to loue them For as much as hee loued his owne Ioh. 13.1 that were in the world vnto the end hee loued them Where our Sauiour CHRIST to comfort his Disciples tels them that God the father loues them that bee members of IESVS CHRIST euen vnto the end and his loue shall neuer faile them The gifts and calling of God are without repentance Rom. 11. Now then vnlesse a man will say that GOD doth repent of his calling and electing men to eternall life it must needs follow that they cannot perish whom God cals and meanes to saue and our Sauiour CHRIST saith plainely that it is impossible
2 A meruailous comfort to Gods children if thou didst euer finde the true worke of grace in thy heart Comfort to Gods children that grace cannot be lost true faith repentance and newnesse of life assure thy selfe it cannot euer be lost God will finish that hee beginnes yea the estate of Gods children now is better then the estate of Adam in Paradice before his fall for then Adam stood by his own power therefore might fall and did fall 1. Pet. 1.5 But wee bee kept by the power of God vnto eternall life secondly the estate of Gal. 2.20 Adam was mut●ble by reason he had freedome of will to stand or fall but the state of Gods elect is certaine and sure in regard of Gods eternall decree in Christ his death and passion and the bond of the spirit which cannot bee broken Three Obiections But there bee three obiections against this doctrine that faith can neuer bee lost or an Elect child of God become a Reprobate First that God is said to be angry with his children and shew them his disfauour Secondly that they by their sinnes may cut themselues off from Gods fauour and so loose eternall life and be damned And thirdly other testimonies of Scripture which may seeme to proue the same For the former Esay 64.5 Behold thou art angry for we haue sinned against thee so that it seemes that a man in the fauor of GOD to day may fall out of it loose it and procure his disfauour anger and displeasure Re●p First that God is not angry to speak properly with his children but seemes so to be by correcting and punishing them by iudgements and afflictions so as a childe thinkes his father is angry because he corrects him so do GODS children and inded such affections do not agree to Gods nature to bee like an earthly man Secondly I answere that this anger of God is not an effect of his displeasure or dis-fauour but rather of his loue and he corrects his children not to destroy them but to correct them that he might saue them as a father his sonne whom he loues deerely Obiect 2. Where it is said that Gods children may by their sinnes breake off GODS loue yea thrust themselues out of fauour Rom. 8.1 and be for euer damned Answere It is false for they be kept from damnable sinnes and God lets their sinnes turne to their good for God doth euer giue them hearts to repent the sinnes of the godly i● themselues deserue the euerlasting curse of God and eternall death If so that Iesus Christ had not by his death and bloud-shedding satisfyed his Fathers anger for them Obiect 3. Psal 69.18 Dauid praies that God would blot them out of the book of life therfore it seemes a man elected may perish and bee damned for that booke is meant Gods Councell I answere that Dauid doth not reade that euer the wicked had their names written indeed in the booke of life or were elected indeed but onely because they liued in the Church were taken for Christians and esteemed as written in the book of life and therefore hee praies the Lord to blot them out that is to make it knowne that they were neuer written in it Well then certaine it is that no one elect childe of God can perish or be damned but shall come to life eternall and bee saued because the Councell of God standeth sure and cannot be altered Instruct Seeing this is so that none that is the elect child of God can perish what a sweet comfort is this to all the children of GOD for if euer thou didst repent and feltst the loue of God truly in thy soule and art iustified sanctified thou needst not feare for surely thou shalt be saued and this must bee a sure stay to vphold our poore soules in all danger and temptation Wee are as strangeTrauellers ouer the sea there be great storms and tempests great rockes and dangers the Sea is the world the ship is the Church heauē the hauen the Diuell raises vp many boisterous storms and temptations to sincke our poore soules in desperation Now then by faith wee cast Anchor vppon the foundation of GODS election which cannot bee mooued But in this place by Fauour Face and Countenance of God is meant that fauour and mercy of God whereby GOD gaue Dauid the Kingdome in the stead of Saul aduancing him to be king of Israel and Gods Lieutenant on earth that God would defend him and keepe him to gouerne his people Israel Doctr. 2 Whereas Dauid obserued Gods dealing with Saul a wicked king The godly feare when the remembe God his iudgemēt● on others and how God plagued and punished Saul for his disobedience against the word of God and thereby is warned to take heed of the same judgement oi God left they fall on him we learne that it is the duty of euery man and woman to obserue and marke GODS dealings with others and his iust iudgement vpon vngodly sinners that therby we may learne to feare the like iudgements on our selues and it is a great point of wisedome to learne to be wise by other mens harmes and for this end the Lord doth plague wicked and vngodly men that his children might learne to feare euen as wee see notorious malefactors are hanged on a gibbet that others seeing their shamefull ends might beware The Lord hauing punished sundry Nations about his people saith Hee thought they would haue learned to feare God by their example Vse Wel seeing this is that God looks for at our hands and which he aimes at in punishing wicked men namely that we should be warned by it and take heed of their sinnes let vs bee wise and obserue Gods iudgements vpon wicked men and when wee see a wicked man punished a murderer a contemner a blasphemer a whore-maister or the like then let vs feare lest if we liue in the same sinnes wee plucke not downe the same iudgement vpon vs And as Dauid heere calls to mind Saul how he for his rebellion and disobedience was cast off of God so let vs call to mind the spectacle of GODS iudgements on wicked men and take heede of their sinnes lest we taste of their plagues and punishment Doctr. 3 We learne Sin takes away the feeling of Gods fauour for a time that for sinne the Lord doth depriue his children of his fauour and as it were cast them out of his presence for the time thus wee shall see GOD hath spoyled men of great riches and honour for their sinnes and brought them to extreme shame and miserie looke on Ely and his two sons looke on Saul that wicked king 1. Sam. 3. 1. Sam. 15. Dan. 4.26 Ester 3. Vse looke on that persecuting tyrant Nebuchadnezzar Haman Achitophel c. This should admonish all men to take heede of sinne and rebellion against God for certainely the Lord wil abase all such as be proud against the Lord
pardon of our sinnes in Christ Iesus and withall let vs shew it in doing what good wee can vnto others Vse 2 Let vs shunne that foule sinne of vnthankefulnesse to forget Gods blessings and passe ouer his mercies let vs not bee like the nine leapers who not one of them returned to praise God only the poore Samatitan finding himselfe cleansed came to blesse God for it so let vs take heede that wee be not found in that number who forget GODS fauours the Lord hath beene good vnto vs washed and cleansed our soules in CHRISTS bloud let vs returne vnto GOD let vs confesse it to his glorie and with Dauid call on our soules not to forget his benefites It is a note of an vnthankfull hart to obtaine a benefit and not to acknowledge it praise is comely and well becommeth the Saints of God The want whereof taketh away the comfort and sweete fruit of GODS blessing from vs. It is a great offence to be vnthankefull vnto men but farre greater to God in whom wee liue moue and haue our being And therefore let vs learne that whensoeuer wee haue obtained any fauour or blessing at GODS hands be it concerning this life or the life to come Let vs returne the calues of our lippes vnto him and let vs neuer shew our selues more readie to aske Then we are willing to praise the Lord when he hath granted the requests of our lippes Doctr. 3 It is a speciall fruit of faith and true repentance Fruite of Faith to seeke the good of others to conuey grace vnto others to shew what God hath done for our soules and to draw out the blessings which God hath bestowed vpon vs to the good and benefit of others The Prophet Dauid calleth all men vnto him and maketh his speech Come saith he I will shew you what God hath done for my Soule Psa 66.16 and the Elect are called vessells of Mercie because they being themselues filled with the mercie of GOD they should draw out the same as good liquor for the comfort of others Psal 116. Galat. 3. 2. Cor. 1.4 Esa 38.19 Luk. 22.23 Saint Paul saith God had mercie on him that hee might shew mercie vnto others The child of God is not like vnto churlish Nabal to say Euery man for himselfe and keepe all for themselues but they be pittifull and bountifull yea and to their power helpefull vnto others Vse 1 This may serue to comfort those who haue beene carefull for the performance of this duety that haue beene carefull to make others partakers of the same comforts they haue reaped themselues It is a blessed thing indeede when men haue endeuoured to their power to benefite others to exhort them to admonish them to comfort them and in all things to haue sought their good O what a wonderfull consolation and comfort shall this bee vnto vs when wee leaue this world and goe the way of all flesh to remember wee haue sought the good of others Daniel 13. ve 3 They that turne many to righteousnesse shall shine as the Starres in the firmament Luke 12.43 Blessed is that seruant when his Master commeth shall finde so doing We shall finde more comfort of heart and ioy of conscience when wee depart this life that we haue beene faithfull in that little committed to our trust made others partakers of it then if we had great aboundance of earthly blessings Vse 2 This may serue to reprooue that common conceit in mens mindes that so long as they doe well themselues they neede not care how others doe whether they sincke or swimme and therefore they keepe all to themselues neuer seeke to benefite others like a couetous and foolish Nabal part not with a bitte to Dauid so these keepe all for themselues by no meanes seeke to draw out the graces of God for the good of others but it is impossible for anie Christian man or woman who hath tasted truely of the mercie of GOD for his comfort and the worke of grace but hee must communicate the same to the good of others and indeed they are neuer so profitable as then as we see spices though neuer so sweete are not prófitable vntill they be rubbed and chafed and therefore let vs remember to practise this duety to helpe others and to teach them and communicate our knowledge Esa 38.19 comfort experience and iudgement to the good of others Doctr. 4 When Dauid saith hee will teach What doctrines Ministers ought to teach not his owne waies but Gods waies namely how the Lord dealeth with penitent sinners wee learne what is that the Ministers of the Word ought especially teach to poore sinners namely The wayes of GOD that is how God deales with poore sinners namely that hee is most willing to imbrace them and to pardon their sinnes if they will vnfeinedly repent Christ was exceeding plentifull in this kinde of teaching Matt. 11.28 howsoeuer hee did sometimes pronounce iudgements to impenitent sinners yet it was his vsuall course to preach Gods infinite mercie to all such as would repent Rom. 12.1 2. Corint 5.18.19 to inuite them and allure them to turne to God Vse 1 Well then this may direct all such as the Lord hath called to preach his Word to take this course that howsoeuer they may and must pronounce GODS iudgements against impenitent sinners yet they must preach Gods infinit mercy in Christ to all that will repent and shew how ready the Lord is to shew mercie to them that confesse and acknowledge their sinnes be weary of them and desire pardon for sure it is that if there bee any spake of grace in mens hearts Reuel 3. Luke 15. when they shall heare of Gods aboundant mercy in Christ that the Lord standeth at the doore and knocke that the Lord is like the Father of the Prodigall childe will meete vs in the mid-way It must needes if there be not a heart of steele make our bowels erne and for shame to seek vnto the Lord. And it was Paules manner to intreate men that they would bee reconciled to God to beseech them in his name with loue and kindenesse with teares and prayers to pray them to intreate them to beseech his hearers and we shall finde that churlish rough and harsh dealing great words and thundering speaches be not alwayes the best to win mens Soules But when wee shall with a milde and louing spirit intreat men and beseech them to repent turne to God it must needes affect them Vse 2 It must stirre the hearers vp to a most carefull and attentiue hearing and listening to the word of GOD For a man can not know the wayes of God by nature No by nature wee conceiue of GOD as a terrible Iudge and angrie GOD and flie from him as Adam did and therefore wee had need to haue the word of GOD taught vnto vs and be instructed in the wayes of God how the Lord God hath shewed mercie vnto
me for shedding the innocent bloud of Vrias and the rest which were slaine with him Doctr. 1 We must obserue that which hath beene taught before namely that Dauid prayed often and earnestly vnto God for the pardon of his sins The heynousnesse of the sin of murder he could not at one or two petitions obtaine it but is faine to pray againe againe for pardon Hence we learne that murder and shedding of innocent bloud is a most horrible sinne and he that is guilty of bloud it will wound his conscience it will make him to quake and tremble at GODS vengeance which pursues him vnlesse hee repent as in Cain Gen. 4. after hee had slaine his brother and the Lord had brought him to a sight of his cruell murder he cries out that his sinne is greater then could be forgiuen and that euery one that meetes him would kill ●im such is the conscience guilty of murder it can finde no rest no ease in company or alone in any thing but torment of conscience till GOD giue grace to repent Neither may wee thinke that this guilt and terrour of conscience commeth through the guiltinesse of the Law shame of the world or feare of punishment for let a sinner haue security giuen him from all Law and freedome from all punishment yet a Murderer should neuer be quiet his conscience would euer trouble and torment him yea and follow him vp and downe in all places and open his owne mouth to bewray himselfe Thus is GODS iudgement vpon them that should feare all things who will not feare him that made all things If a man had all the pleasures that heart could desire yet can they giue no true comfort and contentment when the conscience is guilty of horrible sinnes And albeit for a time the conscience of carnall men that neuer truly repented of their sinnes seemeth to be at rest yet it is as a wilde and sauage beast which lying a sleep seemeth tame and gentle but being raysed and roused vp flyeth in a mans face Gen. 42.21 Vse 1 Seeing murder and shedding of innocent bloud is so horrible a sinne so odious and execrable so fearefull and damnable how should it make all men shun it and bee affraid of it neuer to embrue their hands in the bloud of any man for bloud will haue bloud Gen. 9.6 Who so sheddeth mans bloud by man his bloud shall bee shed for in the Image of God may hee him And this was one speciall thing which moued Dauid to intreate the Lord not onely to pardon his bloudy sinne of killing Vrias but also that hee would not punish him and bring his vengeance vpon him and his children after him for shedding of his bloud Well then abhorre this fearefull sinne of murther for bloud will haue bloud and will cry for vengeance to heauen And heere wee are to bewaile our sinnefull times that shedding of bloud is not punished more seuerely wilfull murther is winked at and made but a money matter Yea saith the Lord because of oaths the land shall Mourne Ier. 23.10 Hos 4. so for murder it shal mourne well let vs beware of this foule sinne of murder and shunne all occasions that tend to it as hatred desire of reuenge quarrelling fighting c. Vse 2 If it bee so heynous and horible a sinne to shed the bloud of the body and to kill the body if murdering of the body bee so heynous what shall become of soule-murderers that shed the bloud of poore soules it is ten thousand times more grieuous as the soule is far more worth then the body and if he shall perish and is worthy to die that murders the body how much more is he worthy to die Ezech. 3. that sheddes the bloud not of one but of many a poore soule And such be all those which either teach not the word of GOD at all or teach it negligently they be soule-murderers and shall giue a feareful account for it one day Vse 3 Wee see that no man though neuer so great can go free from Gods iudgment for murder Dauid was a great King a man that was aboue all mens lawes yet the conscience of his sin accused him and hee could haue no rest till he had got the pardon of it so as we see the great force of mans conscience Esay 6.6.24 Mark 9.44 Psal though he could escape all the iudgements of men yet conscience wil accuse till God do cleare him and this wee may see in many men who being guilty of this sinne though they haue by money or friends got pardon and freedome by the law of man yet if God touch them for it they can neuer haue peace till they haue bewailed this sinne and got the pardon from God but some of them euen pine and languish away and neuer looke vp all their daies such is the conscience of murder and shedding innocent bloud that hee may flye a thousand miles he may be a great man a king that no man dare call him to accompt yet he carries that in his bosome which will dog him and pursue him neither shall hee finde rest till hee haue repented and bee reconciled to GOD by the bloud of Christ Iesus Doctr. 2 Heere is matter of comfort for such as haue bene great and grieuous sinners God hath mercy for such as seeke mercy notorious wicked liuers that if they can repent be humbled bewaile their sinnes beg pardon the Lord will shew them mercy Dauid heere found fauour for the pardon of his bloudy sinnes Adultery and Murder vpon his true repentance So Peter for his grieuous and heynous sinne Luk. 8.2 and Mary Magdalene out of whom went seuen deuils was saued Lot though he committed incest with his owne daughters yet sound fauour at Gods hands so as wee see great sinners if they can repent shall finde great mercy This is warranted from the Lords owne mouth Esay 1.18 Though your sinnes were as crimson they shall bee made as white as snow though they were red like scarlet they shall bee as wooll And againe Esay the forty foure chapter and two and twentyeth verse I haue put away thy transgressions like a cloud and thy sinnes as a mist Esay 33.24 and Esay 43.25 Ier. 31.31 Vse 1 Let euery one of vs listen to this doctrine hast thou beene a notorious wicked liuer a miserable sinner a common drunkard a filthy liuer a most notorious blasphemer a theefe or robber Hast thou hated and persecuted GODS Ministers and his deere children and contemned the blessed Gospell of IESVS CHRIST Well loe if thou canst truely repent confesse thy grieuous sinne bewaile it Esay 1.16.18 cry to God for mercy and pardon of it the Lord will shew thee mercy so as no sinne though neuer so great can seuer thee and cut thee off from mercy if thou hast grace to repent and begge the pardon of it And therefore though thy sins haue bene many and great
1.5 6 Hebr. 11.6 for hee that wauers can haue no hope to obtaine at Gods hand Whosoeuer doubteth whether God will grant his requests or not can neuer pray for any thing earnestly and effectually This our Sauior teacheth Mar. 11.24 Whatsoeuer yee desire when ye pray Beleeue that ye shall haue it and it shall bee done vnto you And none can haue this assurance that GOD is ready to heare them and to grant their requests but onely the faithfull who haue first this assurance that their sinnes are pradoned and that they are reconciled vnto God in Christ Iesus Vse 1 How should this mooue vs all to labour to get sauing faith that so we might pray in faith and obtaine our requests pardon of sins wisedome the gifts of Gods spirit c. for hee that comes in vnbeliefe can looke for no mercy at Gods hands and therefore the prayer of many vnbeleeuers ignorant soules alas they be but babblings and can doe no good O then let vs labour to bee able to say my God giue mee this or that Vse 2 This must teach vs to moderate our desires and take heede we aske not any thing that is not warranted by the word for vnles it be warranted by the word wee cannot haue anie assurance hee will heare vs for there is no faith without the word and therefore when wee shall aske things at our lust and pleasure it is iust with Almightie GOD not to heare vs. Doctr. 6 When Dauid calles the Lord Praise of our saluation properly belongs to God Ro. 6. vlt. My God and the God of my saluation He acknowledgeth that saluation pardon of his sinnes life and all good things come from God and are his gracious gifts in Christ It is hee who at the first gaue vs life when wee were starke dead in trespasses and sinnes It is he againe that keepes our soules in life If we fall hee rayseth vs vp when wee wander he recalleth vs from iudgements past present and to come hee hath doth and will deliuer vs so that hee may well be called The God of our Saluation Vse 1 Let vs then acknowledge this that al the good things we inioy the fauour of God pardon of our sinnes iustification sanctification redemption c. all these are the free mercie and gifts of GOD in CHRIST and then wee shall learne to depend on GOD for the comfort of this life for if we know God hath giuen vs Christ and deliuered vs from sinne death and hell how then can hee deny vs the lesser things for this life Rom. 8.32 Vse 2 Seeing saluation is the gift of God we see that the Doctrine of the Papists is erronious who teach men that they may merite saluation and mercy at Gods hand pardon of sin saluation and life eternall Dauid acknowledgeth it to be the free gift of God Rom. 6. Dan. 9. Iob 42.6 Ephes 2. and therefore let vs abhorre their doctrine and our goodnesse or worthinesse and acknowledge that all wee may enjoy for saluation it is the free and vnderserued fauour of God in Christ Iesus Dauid hee felt now the heauie weight of Gods anger which pressed him downe exceedingly and brake his heart yet withall hee felt the mercie of God which made him bolde to goe to God for pardon so that hee could call him my GOD. Wherein we may note the difference of Gods children from infidells that haue no faith the child of God although he be touched at the quicke with the feeling of Gods displeasure yet he can by faith goe to his father and make his moane vnto him But a wicked man that hath no faith in Christ Note hee conceiueth nothing but GODS anger and iudgement and therefore flies from him and cannot giue one rap at Gods mercie seate cannot for his life cry My God and my Father but is faine to run from GOD and so in time to dispaire as Caine and Iudas And my tongue shall sing of thy righteousnesse THese wordes containe in them the reason of his request as if he should say If thou shalt O Lord pardon my sinne and in mercie deliuer me from the curse and punishment due to me for them my tongue shall be a Preacher and publisher of thy mercie vnto others And my tongue shall sing of thy righteousnesse By righteousnesse is not meant here the iustice of God whereby he takes vengeance for sinne but by righteousnesse is meant the mercifull dealing of God in keeping promise with all repentant sinners in pardoning and remitting their sinnes and receiuing them to mercy Doctr. 7 It is impossible for any man or woman Gods mercies must vntie our tongues to praise him Luke 22. 1. Chro. 19 Acts 11.18 1. The 2.19 who haue truly tasted of Gods mercy in CHRIST for life and saluation to keepe it in as it shall not breake foorth and appeare but he that hath his hart affected with Gods mercie in CHRIST it will vntie his tongue to speake of it and to praise God for it As it is not possible to keepe fire so close but it will smoke and flame in time so the feeling of Gods loue can not but break out and appeare to the good of others Wel by the rule of this doctrine wee may see that very few haue their hearts affected with the mercie of God in Christ Luke 17. because they seldome or neuer take occasion to speak of it and to prayse God for it The poore Leaper finding himselfe to be cleansed came to praise God for it and Naaman would giue Elisha a reward but our hearts haue no comfort in it therefore we open not our hearts to praise God And my tongue MArke how Dauid speakes that as in heart he will blesse God so in words hee will praise him Doctr. 2 Of all the partes of mans bodie the tongue serueth to honour GOD and to praise him that serueth to vnfolde the truth of God to blesse him to praise him and to instruct others Iames 3. Vse 1 Well seeing that God hath of all members of the bodie ordayned the tongue to be that member whereby we shall honour and praise him let vs gouerne our tongue so as it may serue to open his will to praise and blesse him to speake of his wonderous woorkes let vs vse it well in prayer in speaking of Gods mercie and iudgement to instruct others and in any case let vs set a watch before our mouthes that we sinne not in speeches Iames 3. If any man sinne not in his tongue he is a perfect man Of thy righteousnesse Doctr. 8 HE calles Gods faithfulnes and truth in keeping promise to repentant sinners His righteousnesse Gods rightteousnes what wherein note a wonderfull comfort to all repentant sinners that GOD auoucheth he should be vniust Note and vnrighteous if hee should not giue them mercie and pardon when they repent seeing hee hath tied himselfe by hi● promise so as if he should not shew
with selfe-loue that they see nothing or feele nothing to humble them or to bruise their stonie hearts but are like the Church of Ephesus for this is euer a fellow of hardnesse of heart Reu. 3 14● Eph 4.18 and cause of all ignorance of our misery Men are like those that be sicke of the lethargie it is a deadly disease and incurable this hardnesse of heart it is the common iudgement of God vpon our people it raignes euery where Vse 1 Seeing that this broken heart is so rare and hard to be found and the hard heart is so common and so dangerous a fore-runner to hell O let vs looke to our selues how wee finde our hearts broken and bruised with the sense of sinne mourne for them and bewaile them Alas it is wonderfull to see poore soules how men lie in sin see nothing and feare nothing nor complaine of nothing men can complaine of the stone in the reines and cry out for griefe but no man complaines of the stone in the heart they feele no such griefe though it be deadly and dangerous and if thou findest thy hart hardned so as thou art not touched and troubled with the sight of sinne of Gods vengeance of hell and damnation that thou canst not mourn for them that thou fearest not GODS iudgements and art not affected with his mercies to mourne for thy sinnes O! know that thy state is fearefull and miserable thou art in extreame danger to perish and to be damned for euer Vse 2 Seeing a hard heart is so fearfull a iudgement of God and a fore-runner of hell let vs vse all good means for the bruising of the heart and to this end wee must labour to know the Law of God how wee breake it daily in thought word and deed we must know the curse of God due to sinne That the wages of sin is death Rom. 6. psal 40.12 And because the preaching of the word is the most excellent meanes to worke this and is the Lords hammer to crush in peeces our stonie hearts let vs attend that And lastly let vs thinke much of Gods mercie in Christ that so his mercy patience long-sufferance c. may be a speciall meanes to bruise our hearts that we haue si●ned against him Vse 3 Let vs take heed of pride of heart to thinke too well of our selues for this is certaine where men and women thinke too well of themselues there is hardnesse of hart and where hardnes of heart is there is pride of heart for these two go not asunder and the more prowd the more hard-hearted and the more hard-hearted the more prowd and therfore if thy heart be humbled indeed brused for sinne there will follow a very lowe and base estimation of our selues 1. Tim. 1.15 to thinke more basely and meanely of our selues then any man can do The second point is the praise and commendations of this Sacrifice namely that the Prophet doth not onely call it the Sacrifice of GOD that is most excellent and such as God loues and likes but also he calls it broken Sacrifices in the plurall number The Sacrifices of God For it is not in vaine that he speakes in the plurall number and the meaning is this to shew that a heart broken and bruised for sinne is in stead of all other Sacrifices whatsoeuer and let men offer what Sacrifice they will neuer so many costly or excellent yet if this be wanting it is but in vaine GOD esteemes not of it one broken heart is more worth then a thousand Sacrifices of great price Instruct. THis may admonish euerie one to take heed that wee doe not present the Lord with any other Sacrifice but this which is in stead of all and more worth then a thousand offered by hard-hearted sinners for if a man offer many Sacrifices pray much preach much heare much receiue the Sacrament often yet if the heart be not broken humbled and bruised alas all is in vaine GOD esteemes of them as dogges bloud wee can not please him without the broken and contrite spirite Secondly wouldest thou offer vnto God a most precious Sacrifice that might be in stead of all the rest and make all the rest acceptable O! then present him with this broken hart the poore woman that cast into the Treasurie but two mites cast in more then all the rest because it came from a heart truely humbled and so if thou wouldst haue thy praiing Preaching Hearing c. please GOD then present the Lord with a broken heart which is in steed of all other sacrifices and makes them all acceptable and without this all is abhominable to the Lord. Thou wilt not despise Doctr. 2 THat is thou dost loue and like and art well pleased with it God doth highly esteeme of a broken heart with a broken heart and contrite spirit Hence we learne that God doth highly esteeme of and loue that man or woman which is of a broken heart as Iosias whose heart melted 2. Reg. 22.19 when as the heart is broken with the sight of sin and sence of Gods anger Luke 19. Esay 66.2 Esay 57.15 and withall doth imbrace IESVS CHRIST for pardon Vse 1 Heere is matter of endlesse comfort to poore distressed soules whose hearts are wounded and bruised for sin melt and mourne for them feel● the burthen of them and bewaile them thou art deere vnto God hee loues thee and likes thee and hath respect vnto thee and hee will comfort thee and deliuer thee looke on Ios●as that godly King on the Publican and on euery child of God how the Lord hath refreshed them Vse 2 Seeing the Lord doth not despise a broken and contrite spirit a distressed soule and wounded conscience he will not breake the bruised reede nor quench the smoaking flaxe then let no man or woman of a contrite spirit be out of heart as though the Lord hated them and regarded them not no no let them rather know that the Lordloues them and likes them that they are deere vnto him it is a wonderfull comfort to Gods poore children oh they finde and feele the heauy weight of sinne and groane vnder it so as they thinke the Lord loues them not but rather hates them but it is not so the Lord loues them and they are most deere vnto him VERSE 18.19 18 Bee fauourable vnto Zyon for thy good pleasure Build vp the wals of Ierusalem 19 Then shalt thou accept the sacrifice of righteousnesse euen the burnt-offering and oblation then shall they offer calues vpon thine Altar The secōd part of the Psalm cōtaining a prayer for the Church HITHERTO wee haue heard of the first part of this worthy Psalme wherein Dauid hath put vp sundry Petitions and requests to God for the pardon of his sinnes and turning away of GODS fearefull iudgements Now in these two last verses Dauid is mindefull of the Church and people of GOD and because he had by his sinnes not onely indangered his