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A08299 A pensiue soules delight. Or, The deuout mans helpe. Consisting of motiues, meditations and prayers, for all persons and purposes, vpon what occasion so euer, either priuate or publike. By Iohn Norden Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1615 (1615) STC 18628; ESTC S120793 141,675 410

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sinne sinfull sinne sins of all sorts committing things forbidden and omitting things commanded So that I cannot but confesse against my selfe I am wholly not only sinfull but a lump of sin it selfe a puddle of putrifaction a sinke of vncleannes a gulfe of grosse impieties and a carcasse of most filthie leprosie full of spirituall rottennesse vnworthy the light of the Sunne to lighten my corporall eyes to see to do euill not worthy to breathe in the ayre to speake euill nor worthie to partake of the ordinary food of men to strengthen my flesh the more to sinne nor worthie to consort with humane societie to make them sinfull by my sin Oh wretch that I am how haue I plunged my selfe into thy heauie displeasure how haue I lost thy loue who louest righteousnes and hatest iniquitie Oh wretch that I am how haue I runne without right reason to my ruine rashly Lord I am vnfainedly sorie for my sinnes and I long to be reconciled vnto thee lest I goe to my graue with griefe lest from the graue I should come into iudgement with horror and be inforced to heare that fearefull and finall sentence of reprobatiō pronounced against 〈◊〉 neuer to be reuoked indure torments neuer to be eased Oh Lor 〈…〉 mercifull and louing remember I am but dust forget not how orignall sinne seazed vpon me before I had sence or power to commit actuall sin call to minde that I was conceiued and borne in sinne and brought corruption in my flesh frō my mothers wombe which I could not preuent And although it be the rule of thy seuere Justice to lay the guilt of parents vpō their children yet let thy mercies which are aboue thy Judgemēts shew themselues now when else there is no hope Amen Lord increase my faith and forgiue my sinnes Another shorter prayer for forgiuenesse of sinnes O Heauenly father thy promises are many faithfull and comfortable Thou wilt not the death of a sinner but desirest rather that he should repent and liue If thou then desirest rather that I liue then perish giue me a repenting hart renue a right spirit within me reforme me and I shall be reformed for in me Lord there is no goodnes no power and as little will to doe good but a will and power to do euill only Let therefore thy grace worke effectually in me a new heart a new minde new affections holy and sanctified So shall sin become lothsome vnto me which I haue loued and holines of life shal be sweet vnto me which I haue neglected thy Commandements that I haue transgressed I shall indeuour to fulfill thy patience which I haue abused I wil answere with more filiall obediēce The curses then that I haue deserued shal be turnd into blessings and I shall frame the residue of my life in better actions I shall abandon as deceiuing vanities those sinnes wherin I haue delited and shal shun the baits wherwith Satan hath allured me to sin and whereunto I consented by the vanity of mine vnregenerate affections Oh pardon pardon my sins good Father in Iesus Christ fill my hart with the liuely apprehension of thy mercies speake peace vnto my sad and sorrowfull soule reuiue my dead distracted thoughts plunged in despaire cast thine ey● vpon Christ thy beloued in him 〈◊〉 louing eye vpon me who without him am a cast-away Heare him 〈◊〉 mediator for me heare me a sinner for his sake and pardon me for thy mercies sake Take me now Lord out of the dungeon of feare wherin I haue bin long a captiue sold vnder sin Set me now free from the danger of death and hell Let Satan flie and fall before my face Let sin haue no more power ouer me receiue me into thy fauour assure me of full and free remission of my sinnes in Christ worke true peace in my conscience The sting of death being broken the feare of the iudgement to come may be turned into a liuely assurance of saluation that white I liue here I may euermore feele the liuely worke of thy holy Spirit in me Make the residue of my dayes the dayes of vnfained mourning for my former offences and of a most vpright and righteous conuersation to come and let faith euermore preuaile against all future temptations that I may finish the course of my life in that peace which proceedeth of perfect loue which loue bringeth forth filiall obedience vnto thee which obedience is more acceptable in thy fight then the sacrifices of bullocks and goates Accept me now good Father in Iesus Christ into thy fauour remit my sinnes number me amongst thine elect and seale me vp in thy mercies against the day of my finall visitation Heare me O Lord and let thy holy Spirit guide mee euer vnto that day through Christ my Sauiour my Mediator my Strength and my redeemer Amen O Lord increase my faith and pardon my sinnes A MOTIVE TO A Prayer for a godly and holy life and for power of resisting Satan and sinne THe course of euery mans life declar's what kind of man he is whether carnal or spiritual for as the tree is knowne by his fruit so is euery man known of men by his life conuersation And it is much to be lamented that men though carnally minded will iustifie themselues and make protestation of their hope that they shall be saued as well as he that walketh most sincerely before God and men And this out of a voluntarie ignorance and blindnesse in not knowing and truly distinguishing betweene the wayes of sanctitie and sinne the first leading to heauen and eternall life through grace and faith in Christ the other to hell and reprobation through our owne corruption by the obeying the will of Satan It is more then wonderfull to obserue the courses of carnall men who pretend that they are trauelling to that blessed New Ierusalem and yet take the direct way to Cursed Ierico they couet in conceit to ascend the holy hill of Sion and yet will not leaue that wicked Babylon They professe to liue after the Spirit but doe the workes of the Flesh. They would seeme to liue in Light but behold they are in Darknes not considering that he that liues after the flesh shall die yet how loth are carnall men to leaue the way that leadeth to destruction and how vnapt and vnwilling to walke in the way of life which is Christ in whom if we truely beleeue we walke in him if we truly walke in him we truely liue in him and that life is the summe and end of all our hope it is the marke whereat we ayme all our holy endeuours Let vs therefore determine with our selues and constantly resolue to walke before God and to be vpright Let vs make our supplications in his presence with our whole hearts And let vs duely consider our wayes what they haue beene And let vs now turne our feete vnto his testimonies Let vs strengthen and confirme our resolutions of a godly life by
continuall prayer otherwise what good we determine to day will be repented to morrow and we through our weaknes shall fall againe contrarie to our godly resolutions Our supplications to God for his assistance and strengthening of our resolued reformation must be continuall because our spirituall aduersaries are continually working to seduce vs out of the way of a sanctified life A ship as soone as her sailes are hoised feeles the winde and begins to make way if then there be no skilfull pilote at the helme to steere shee either rusheth vpon some rocke or driues the contrarie course So are mens affections swayed with the good or euill spirit Needs there not therefore a wise consultation of all the sences of the inner and outer man how to steere the affections aright which as the sailes are to the ship so are they vnto the minde for being once hoised they carrie the desires as the sailes the hull and if it want right reason to steere it it neuer can shape the course of godlines Let vs therefore pray that we may be able to manage the ship of our affections to the port of true obedience in a sincere course of life And happie is that man that truly determines constantly continues faithfully prayeth and wisely considers the course of his life and euer remembreth his end A Prayer for a godly life and to resist sinne and Sathan O God my God in Iesus Christ maker and creator of all things gouernour of heauen and earth preseruer of our soules and bodies the giuer of life light The framer disposer of all right and religious hearts The perfecter and finisher of our faith In by whom are all things and without whom nothing can haue any being Much lesse corrupt man haue any existence in life though be seeme to liue in the body except thou liue in him for our life which is our saluation and our glory and our crowne is hidde with thee in Christ. Such is thy mercy towards vs as thou vouchsafest to shew vs our blessed being with thee in the heauens in this our mortalitie in part as in a glasse lest wee should faint in our trials powre down● O Lord a full and large measure of thy sauing grace into my heart that I apprehending in part the sweetnesse of the life to come may frame my selfe to that course of life heere as may assure me of that which is to come Abandon and abolish the darkenes of mine vnderstanding and giue me the light of true iudgement that I may warily watchfully wisely foresee obserue shun the subtill baytes and allurements of sinne and Sathan giue me grace to walk in the way of life leaue not the powerfull power of Satan nor the poysoning sting of death in me Settle mine affections vpon the hid treasures of thy loue guide garde me with thy sauing power instruct me in the way of true wisedome Adorne me with all thy spirituall graces and diuine vertues sow in me the seedes of sanctity water me with the dew of thy holy Spirit purifie and cleanse my heart rectifie mine affections blesse my godly enterprises and holy endeauours frame all the parts powers faculties and sences of my soule and bodie that they may all meete in the loue of thee and euery one performe his office according to the greatnesse of thy name Let my heart harbour holy thoughts let my will euer be framed after thy word let mine vnderstanding bee manifested by righteousnesse and a sanctified life let my memorie neuer let ●●ipthe good things thou hast done for my soule Let my handes be purely clensed from pollution my tongue from prophanation mine eyes from the gilt of concupiscence my feer from following vanitie and all the parts of my body from the least appearance of 〈◊〉 That I being thus clensed and reformed I may walke euer in thy faith liue euer in thy feare and at the last yeeld my body to the graue in thy fauour where the power and sting of death shall faile of further pursuing me and there shall I leaue that sinning part vntill it shall bee made a shining part with my soule by the brightnesse glory of thy presence in the heauens Thy goodnesse and mercy shewed vnto sinners in this life leadeth the seriously penitent and truely faithfull to the consideration of their present weakenesse wants and imperfections and to the contemplation of their future fulnesse of ioy comfort and euer-continuing consolation O stirre vp in me a liuely hunger and thirst for spirituall graces in this life where we are pressed downe with a mighty masse of corruption and compassed about with a darke cloud of errors Insomuch as I a man begotten conceiued and borne in sinne can neuer be able to stand vnder the burden of the one or to comprehend thee my Light and my saluation through the other How then Lord shall I be able to walke in thee who art the true way vnderstand thee the sauing trueth or attaine vnto thee being eternall life Therefore Lord vouchsafe to inlarge my heart in all godly forwardnesse to proceede from knowledge to knowledge from faith to faith from one diuine grace to another vntill I attaine to full perfection in Christ in whom all our holy indenours be euermore blessed sinne euermore weakened and all goodnesse euermore increased But many are the blockes which Sathan layeth and couereth them with the vayle of pleasure and profite which make many to stumble and fall Many ministers hee vseth to snare vs and many miseries and mischiefes hee plotreth and practiseth against vs to dismay vs from following of thee but hee hath not so many agents to allure or terrifie vs as thou Lord hast meanes to preuent the one and to defend vs in the other Plead thou therefore my cause and defend me against that spirituall enemie that fighteth against me leaue me not in his power shorten the extent of his chaine breake his teeth that he may haue no power to seize vpon me weaken the poyson of his inchantments that he pollute in me neither the will nor the deede That I may leade my life vnspotted in the world and that all mine actions and indeauours may prosper that sinne that hangeth on so fast may be cast off And giue me a sound knowledge of thy good pleasure that I may truely determine to shake cleane off the vnprofitable workes of darkenesse and be truly clothed with the holy robes of righteousnesse and sanctity That I may be euer able and ready to pray vnto thee obtaine at thy hands the direction to liue vprightly in thy sight and that I may euer consider mine owne weakenesse and imperfections to the end I may indeauour to keepe a good conscience in all mine actions for as our sences and the members of our bodie are many and euery one subiect to sundry infirmities and temptations and euery of our actions open to diuers infections and pollutions So Lord I beseech thee to blesse all
in the Euening in priuate Families IT is a matter too common with many to passe the day in a kind of lawlesse vanitie and the night in carelesse securitie as if the day and night were only made for man to serue himselfe with the pleasures and profits he can make of either forgetting the true end for which either themselues or the day and night were made that themselues were made to glorifie their Maker in reason and religion The day to serue them for holy exercises and lawfull labours And the night for their corporall rest But contrarily themselues they prophane through many sinnes The day they abuse by idlenesse wantonnesse and vanities And the night they pollute with many forbidden euils And yet passe from day to night and from euening to the day light neuer calling to minde that holy duetie required of them thanksgiuing to God for blessings receiued their humble prayers for pardon of their sins committed and their continuall supplications for their safetie and prosperous successe in their labours and affaires Doth the profession of a Christian require no more then to eate and drink to labour or loyter to passe the time in gaming pleasure idlenes ease and sl●●pe Are not these the workes that worldlings wallow in Some are too great and glorious to labour and yet haue no leasure to pray Some are so busied in worldly affaire● as they can admit no time to serue God but the Sabbath day and then to come to the Church to see and be seene is the deuotion of many Is this to loue God aboue all things as all haue vowed to serue him before all things and to depend vpon him in all things It rather argueth that the Loue of God is not in them the Feare of God is farre from them and the Grace of God is not with them Remember yee that thus forget God that as the day is past that gaue light to the eyes and darkenesse come that shadoweth the Sunne So the day of Life passeth away and the night of Death approcheth wherein if we liue not in the light of grace while it is to day we shall neuer see the light of glorie to our comfort in the night of our bodies death Therefore before we betake vs to our rest let vs commend our selues and all that we haue in faithfull prayer to God calling together conioyning with our families if we haue any and in a holy and reuerent humiliation of bodies and mindes fall downe before him that seeth vs and who hath promised to be in the midst of two or three gathered together in holy prayer A prayer to be said in priuate Families in the Euening before they goe to rest ALmightie and most louing Lord God Father of compassion infinit in power iust in thy Judgements wonderfull in thy prouidence euer readie and neuer failing in mercie them that feare thy name we acknowledge thy great goodnes towards vs this day past and our owne vnworthines to partake of thy mercies by reason of our manifold and great sinnes which as it seemeth thou neither seest nor obseruest in that thou hast as it were passed by them so patiently this day as in stead of punishing them hast made vs rich partakers of many most acceptable blessings Yet Lord we doe not by this thy forbearance to punish vs either iusti●●e our wayes wherein we haue walked this day or thinke our selues freed from thy displeasure for our sinnes but do● vtterly condemne our selues and wholly attribute our preseruation from punishment our health out peace our plenty and the good successe of our affairs vnto thine own free mercie and whatsoeuer crosse losse hurt or detriment hath be fallen vs this day in bodies goods credit or reputation among men we lay it and impute it wholly and altogether vnto our sinnes which haue worthily deserued much more then we feele or are able to beare what we or any of vs haue done against thee this day thou knowest what thou hast done for vs wet cannot expresse with our lips nor conceiue in our harts for thy mercies are so infinite and thy prouidence so high and so farre past finding out as the more we search and seek to know the hid treasures of thy loue towards vs so much the more ignorant we are of knowing what thou are we therefore acknowledge our selues st●ners and thy selfe the Father of incomprehensible mercies which as Dauid thy seruant confesseth are more then he could expresse Great and manifest haue bin thy fauours towards vs we haue found them felt them and enioyed them this day and all our dayes in thy keeping feeding cloathing and comforting our mortall bodies In giuing vnto vs preseruing for vs many things for our vse the beasts of the field the plants of the earth haue beene seruiceable vnto vs through thy blessing Giue vs we beseech thee vnderstanding and feeling hearts to acknowledge thy mercies Teach vs to know and to take knowledge of our own wants which are many grant that they may be supplied by thee Let vs looke into our owne corruptions that they may bee reformed and weakened by thee for Nature reuenleth not vnto vs our spirituall wants nor can cleanse vs from our sinnes which are many and yet we account them few great and yet we see them not weightie and yet they seeme light vnto vs we are spiritually poore and spirituall blinde yet not poore in spirit as we ought we are rather barren of spirituall knowledge and blinde to our owne imperfections which puffeth vs vp with a vaine concei● of our owne worthines Our faith is feeble fraile and imperfect yet we thinke it strong our prayers are cold and weake our minds and affections wauering and inconstant in that diuine duty yet would we seem religiously zealous Thou findest in vs Lord these imperfections and we dote of our owne merit which is a meer forbidden presumption Open Lord the eyes of our vnderstandings that we may finde out and feele our own errors and looke into the working of thy grace wherein thou acceptest vs as poore in spirit by the imputation of Christs humblenes our faith perfect through the perfection of his obedience and our prayers auaileable through his preuailing mediation So that thy spirituall consolations in Christ are farre more abounding towards vs then we are able to comprehend Open therefore Lord the dore of thy diuine knowledge that we may become wise in thee and enter into that holy of holiest in puritie of spirit in faith sound with prayers feruent thanks vnfained Stirre vp in vs a greater measure of obedi 〈…〉 then hitherto we haue shewd vnto thee that we receiuing grace for grace may adde faith to faith wisedome to knowledge and finde how sweet a thing it is to serue thee truly to walke before thee in vprightnes of heart And as we are now come to the end of this day and consequently haue finished the trauaile thereof and now couet our rest so we may
to accompany one another in that most holy exercise And where one two or more prepare themselues to thee in diuine supplications assist them with thy holy Spirit that all for one and one for all may pray vnto thee in the name of our Redeemer That all our hearts may agree in so holy a harmony of praying one for another as thou mayest be pleased to blesse vs all with peace in Christ with plentie health and the vse of all necessaries for this life and grace to obtaine the glory to come for his sake who hath euer bene is and shall be our Mediatour our strength and our Redeemer Amen O Lord increase our faith A MOTIVE TO the confession of our sinnes to God and to stirre vs vp to pray for the remission of the same THE beginning of our saluation is the true confession and acknowledgement of our vnworthinesse and to aske pardon for our sinnes in a liuely faith in Christ Iesus For whose sake God faithfull and iust hath promised to forgiue vs So that we neede not to feare to confesse our sinnes seeing he that is faithfull and true hath made vs a promise to forgiue vs. And therefore saith the Wise man Be not ashamed to confesse thy sinnes especially vnto God in Christ our Mediatour who is not ignorant of our infirmities but knoweth whereof we are made he remembreth t 〈…〉 we are but dust he was tempted as 〈◊〉 are but resisted the tempter to teach vs to withstand the assaults of Sathan whom God permitteth to trie vs to the end that we may striue to preuaile and hauing sustained any foyle falling into any sinne that we might learne that wee haue an aduocate with the Father euen Iesus Christ t 〈…〉 righteous who is a propitiatiō for our 〈◊〉 Let vs not therefore be ashamed or afraid to confesse our sinnes to God for it is the first steppe to Repentance But men generally are more ashamed to confesse their sinnes that they haue committed then they are to commit them and more willingly doe they vndergoe the committing of sinne then wisely to represse or strongly to resist it the knowledge of our sin● and the confession of them is the chiefest token that we are in the way of saluation And nothing more witnesseth against vs then a purpose to hide our sins from God or to thinke he seeth vs not when in deed he not onely is priuie to all our outward actions but knoweth our very thoughts long before And therefore our pretence of conceiling our iniquities from him aggrauateth the sinne arguing that God is not an all-knowing God which implieth a denial of his omnipotence and commeth neere vnto the foole that sayth in his heart there is no God Let vs therefore be wise in searching out our sinnes which lurke vnder the cloude of our naturall blindnesse Let vs obserue whereunto wee are most inclinable what sin is our chiefest Dalilah our corrupt hearts Delite for howsoeuer men are subiect to many sinnes yet there is one aboue the rest a master sinne which though all other sinnes seeme to hide their heads when the stronger man the spirit of God beginneth to possesse the house of our soules y●● that predominant sinne wil hardly be cleane thrust out And therefore are wee to bee wise as Serpents to obserue and preuent sin and innocēt as Doues to liue a godly life which can neuer be where sin of any sort beares the sway If wee confesse them God is faithfull and iust to forgiue them according to his promise which he hath also confirmed by many examples Dauid Paul Peter Mary Magda●ene The Publicane and m 〈…〉 liuely figured by the Prodigall sonne God is most rich in mercie and m 〈…〉 readie to forgiue as Dauid doth w●nes I will confesse saith he my sinne and mine vnrighteousness against my selfe and thou forgauest me the wickedness● 〈◊〉 my heart So readie is God to forg 〈…〉 as if we doe but truly purpose to confesse and repent he euen then receueth vs to mercie how much more 〈…〉 with a lowly contrite and brok 〈…〉 heart and an humble spirit we 〈◊〉 pardon in Iesus Christ the righte 〈…〉 shall we obtain fauour and find gr 〈…〉 If our sinnes be as red as scarlet 〈◊〉 will make them as white as snow 〈◊〉 vs therefore pray for remission of 〈◊〉 sinnes past and for power to resist 〈◊〉 ●ure temptations if there remaine 〈◊〉 vs any hope of saluation O Lord increase my faith A confession of sinnes with a prayer for pardon for the same O Great and most mercifull God maker of the heauens founder of the earth gouernor of the raging seas and Creator of all things visible and inuisible who all obey thee in their conditions Man the most glorious of all creatures excepted who rebelled as soone as he was created I the poorest and vnworthiest of creatures doe heere cast my selfe downe before thy mercies seat and with the poore sinning Publican humbly acknowledge mine iniquities who am a man of the seed of transgressing Adam in whom by whom and from whom the most deadly infection of originall sinn● is fallen vpon me which hath so polluted mine vnderstanding that I erre in iudging betweene good and euill So tainted my will that I runne after forbidden vanities so blinded mine affections that I loue what thou lothest and adhor what thou wouldest I should embrace and my hart is so defiled and corrupted that I lay vp in store as in a treasury within the bosome of my soule a huge masse of most lothsome sinnes whence ariseth as out of a stincking dunghill of detestable vncleannesse most vgly and abhorred transgressions and most desperate rebellions against the● more and more prouoking the● to indignation by my continuall offending thy lawes by contemning thy mercies by abusing thy long-suffering by despising thy most sacred word by not belieuing thy fatherly promises by not fearing th● terrible iudgements and by 〈◊〉 cursed and carelesse course of life whereby I haue defaced that diuine Image of puritie and sanctitie wherein I was first created 〈◊〉 thi●● owne Image in Adam Infinite are my sinnes Lord and pa● finding out oh clense me from my secret sinnes If thou Lord straitly ma●kest what is done amisse who shall 〈◊〉 able to stand Lord turne away t 〈…〉 face from my sinnes put away 〈◊〉 transgressions out of thy remembrance consider not Lord mi 〈…〉 offences how readie I haue been to embrace those forbidden fruits of the flesh which being the sauour of death vnto death and how wilfully I haue reiected the fruits of the Spirit sauouring vnto life eternall It is too much Lord that I brought death into the world with my life but much more by adding actual to mine original transgression There is no part within me or without me free from deserued condemnation my hart is corrupted my tongue and lippes profane mine eyes blinded my hands defiled my feet polluted and all the members of my body stained with the filthines of
disposeth of all the estates of men in mercy and iudgement thou liftest out of the dunghill the humbled poore and hurlest downe the mightie thou giuest takest when what from whom and wherefore it pleaseth thee All thy wayes O God are mercie and truth to them that feare thee Thou Lord art righteous in all thy workes and holy in all thy wayes Howsoeuer thou correctest thy children it is for their purgation to clense them from the rust and drosse of their corruptions And makest pouerty sickenesse enemies and all crosses not onely not burdensome or irkesome vnto thine but sweete and easse to be borne though the naturall man seeme to kicke against them the man regenerate and borne a new of the holy Ghost imbraceth them as the true tokens of thy fatherly affection towards him who hauing learned out of thy sacred word that through many troubles thy Saints must enter into ioy and through disgrace into glory Hee feareth most when he is most free from crosses left that he should not be of the number of them that shal be saued whose saluation is the more certaine by how much thou correctest him by thy fatherly visitations All flesh is corrupt and all men sinners Thou therefore who art iust cleane and pure in all thy wayes and workes canst not but vse thy rod of gentle corrections vpon them whom thou louest in Iesus Christ But lettest the wicked either to lie securely in a reprobate sence or to lay thy heauy iudgement vpon them euen in this life where they begin their condemnation But good Father Enter not into iudgement with mee Let not thy corrections become curses vnto me but rather Lord let them be meerely medicines to cure the disease of sinne in me So shall I by the working of thy holy spirit become more and more mortif●ed in the affections of my heart which are then most offending thy Maiestie when I am in greatest securitie And therefore louing father take from me all grudging discontent of mind and murmuring against thy corrections of what kind or qualitie soeuer they be for thou hast testified vnto vs by thy word that thou scourgest euery sonne thou receiuest And therefore he that wanteth thy fatherly chastisements seemeth to be a bastard and no sonne And forasmuch Lord as the causes of mens troubles in this life be many and hidden some to correct for sinnes alreadie committed some to preuent sinnes whereunto we are inclinable and some to manifest thy power by way of iudgement against the impenitēt wicked Take Lord away from the eyes of my darke vnderstanding the vayle of ignorance that I may see and feele in my conscience a sure testimonie of thy sauing spirit that thy corrections light not vpon me in iudgement but in mercy not to condemn me but to approue me to be one of thy Church militant whose members haue their continuing afflictions which howsoeuer outwardly they seeme to blemish them yet doe they make them beautifull within and most amiable vnto thee howsoeuer wee seeme vnto the world outcastes castawayes yet are we thereby made the more like vnto our Sauiour who procured out saluation through affliction And thereby thou Lord knowing our weakenesse to vndergoe his crosses lay no more vpon me then withall thou mayest be pleased to giue mee grace and strength to beare it according to thy promise and then lay vpon me what thou wilt pouertie sicknesse enemies and whatsoeuer crosses may make me likest vnto thy sonne in his patient sufferings although I haue learned Lord that all the afflictions of this life are not worthy of the glory that shal be shewed in the life that is to come And therefore Lord assist me with thy grace that I with patience and godly reioycing may vndergoe whatsoeuer it shall please thee to lay vpon me As did Saint Paul Silas Saint Peter and other thine Apostles who imbraced all thy corrections and their troubles for thy names sake with heauenly alacritie and spirituall consolation O Lord increase my faitli A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to be said in pouerty and want of this lifes necessaries OF all the miseries that can befall a man in this mortall life none is more bitter and burdensome then pouertie and want of this lifes necessaries And therefore we may obserue how all men generally striue to auoyd it by meanes lawfull or vnlawfull It made Iacob to pray for sufficiencie left want should constraine him to vniust meanes to supply his necessities namely to clothe and feed himselfe and them that he hath committed to his eare for there is no other reall want to bee complained of but the want of food and rayment if a man haue to sustaine nature in the meanest measure and to couer his nakednesse in the basest manner and be free from danger of debt and be not an idle but a diligēt man in some lawfull calling he hauing the feare of God cannot be said a poore man for the feare of God maketh him wise and wisdome maketh him patient patiēce cōtent he that is cōtēt in this mean estate is rich He that treasures vp the word of God in his soule though he haue neither Siluer nor Gold he may be rich as Peter who wāting these was yet rich in all Christian vertues and much beloued of the Lord and vpon such poore men doth the Lord cast his fatherly and louing countenance he watcheth ouer them and feedeth them Harken my beloued brethren saith Saint Iames hath not God chosen the poore of this world that they should be rich in faith and heires of the Kingdom which he promised to them that loue him God preferreth the poor in worldly goods being faithfull and iust before the vnfaithfull rich howsoeuer carnal iudgement maketh great differēce between the worldly rich whom it reuerenceth and the corporall poore whom it scorneth But let the bodily poore whome the Lord hath inriched with spirituall graces reioyce in their tribulations for God hath prouided for them a Citie a Crowne glorie and immortalitie where they shall neither want siluer gold rayment food or any necessaries for the Lord Christ shal be vnto them all in all things But it is to be vnderstood that it is not the pouertie of any that can deserue these future fauours but they are the free gifts of God in Christ to the godly poore not prouided for the idle prophane wicked and dissolute that assume vnto themselues voluntary beggerie or consume their corporall meanes lewdly and so become poore vsing no lawfull calling to maintaine and support their estates when they shall pleade their pouertie and mise●i● in time to come it shall be said v●●o them Go● ye vnthrif●ie seruants into euerlasting pouertie perpetuall naked●●sse and endlesse hunger thirst Whosoeuer therfore thou be that art pressed with pouertie seeke the riches that shal neuer diminish Diuine Knowledge 〈◊〉 Faith and pray vnto the God of Lazarus that if it be his pleasure he will remoue thy pouerty and renue thy
considereth that death is the end of all flesh and that sicknesse is the fore-runner of death cannot bee suddenly surprised because he stil expecteth the comming of that which whether it tarrie long or come quickly come it will and finding vs secure and wanton and carelesse and deliting our selues in the strength of our sinning parts it wil be so much the more grieuous and irkesome by how much we affect the strength to sinne which is thereby weakened And to that end doth God euen in loue punish his own children with sicknes and maladies of the bodie to kill sinne presently possessing vs and to preuent the power of future sinning and threatneth the stifnecked and rebellious with many infirmities as to smite them in the knees and in the thighes with a fore botch that they shall not be healed euen from the sole of the ●●ore to the top of their head The Lord will make the plagues of the disobedient wonderfull and of long continuance and their diseases cruell and of long durance For as much then as Sicknesse is both the reward of sinne as also the physicke for sinne It implieth both the mercie of God towards his and his iudgements against the impenitent And therefore whosoeuer thou be that art visited with whatsoeuer bodily disease or infirmitie think that God hath sent it as a cure or a curse A cure to them that enter into the examination of their sinnes and truely repent them and a curse vnto them that make no vse of it as too many worldlings doe who in their sicknesse are as inclinable in desire to sinne as in their health And nothing preuenreth the acte of sinne but weaknes to effect it or oportunitie to attempt it If therfore the will to do euill be not mortified by the sicknes of the bodie it is an argument that that man or woman hath his or her conscience seared vp which is a fearefull estate and full of horror howsoeuer it be for the time hidden euen from his or her feeling and sence in fine it will work in the accusing conscience and bring forth the fruit of despaire of recouery of bodily health and plunge the soule into the pit of ineuitable perdition It is therefore a most dangerous negligence in men so little to consider the inconstancy of corporal health which is long in decaying yet sodaine in surprising men of greatest strength and when men are taken and cast downe be he as strong as Samson he is inforced to yeeld vnto weaknes and if he haue any sparke of grace he will then indeuour to turne his heart vnto God as Hezekiah did but then cannot his petitions be so powerfull as when he enioyed his health neither can his repentance be so well manifested being as it were wrested from him by this kinde of extremitie as when it is wrought in bodily strength for whatsoeuer commeth by compulsion is not so acceptable as what is voluntarie yet is repentance truely begun in sicknesse and effectually continued though weakly in respect of the bodies infirmity yet may it be most true through the strength of faith without repentance there is no cure comfortable to the soule or bodie Though God may permit a wicked man to be cased or cured of his bodily disease by humane physicke yet the soule lieth still in almost deadly sicknesse The truest ground of preuailing physicke is to make peace first with God the good and great Physitian according to the counsell of the Wiseman who thus aduiseth My sonne faile not in thy sicknesse to pray vnto the Lord and hee will make thee whole yet he addeth a condition That he leaue off from sinne that he order his hands aright and that he clense his heart from all wickednesse and if hw be able truely to say as Hezekiah in his sicknes did I beseech thee Lord remember now how I haue walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and haue done that which is good in thy sight Then he may bee assured that his sicknesse shall be turned from a curse to a blessing and God that hath made the wound will binde it vp and cure it he will raise him againe or giue him patience in a liuely hope to change this mortall for an immortall estate and for his patient suffering this medicinable crosse will giue him a glorious crowne of eternitie Whosoeuer therfore thou be that art visited turne vnto the Lord pray vnto him trust in him and recommend thy life death vnto his free disposition who worketh all things for the best to them that loue him A Prayer to be said of one that is sick or diseased LOrd God almightie Father louing in thy Son Iesus Christ cast thine eye of compassion ●n me thy creature whom thou hast at this time touched with sicknesse and brought low by thy present visitation Thou createdst me in the beginning not to liue euer in this ●abernacle of dust but that my liuing bodie of dust should be againe dissolued into dust without life at ●hine appointed time for all ●lesh is grasse and as the flower of the 〈◊〉 it withereth decayeth with 〈◊〉 sicknes or griefe of minde we are all but as ●arthen vessels whome thou can●● make and confound with the breath of thy mouth and howsoeuer and whensoeuer the most Iustie and strong stand conceited of their health and permanent securitie of their bodies agilitie and the ●imble●es of their limbes and sences suddenly thou touchest them and they become feeble in strength their beautie changed their sences dulled their hearts fainting and all the parts and powers of their bodies altered and the whole man turned as it were into the very image of pale death it selfe Thou hast appointed that all men shall once die but thou conceilest from al men the time when the place where the manner how they shall die and therefore it beh●ueth all men to be euer watchful in well doing that when thou shalt send thy Messenger Sicknes of bodie to put them in mind that their day is comming they be not found vnprepared and great happinesse it is to him whom when he is suni●●one● he may chearefully say I am heerē Lord ready to attend thy will Oh make me thus ready deare father that now thou callest me I may not only not flie from thee for feare of death but hartily willingly and faithfully crie Come Lord Iesu come quickly for I am no better then my Fathers who are fallen asleepe therfore if this my sicknes be vnto death fortifie me against the feare thereof The spirit Lord is willing but flesh and bloud weake and fearefull But assist my spirit by thy sauing Spirit So shall 〈◊〉 heart within me reioyce that thou remembrest me and my weake 〈◊〉 feeble body shal sing forth thy goodnes in this sad and sicke estate all the powers of my bodie and faculties of my soule shall conioyne in the heauenly harmonie of thy sauing truth in the peace of mine owne conscience
ablenes to discharge the office according to iudgement it is not enough to be a deepe Politician a profound Naturalist but to be a religious Christian well seene in the booke of God especially and in the Lawes and ordinances of the Kingdome to be of an vpright heart of a godly conuersation qualified in the vertues diuino the first whereof is to respect Gods glory secondly the honor of the King the good of the Church and Weale publike to shine before men in godlines for that ministreth ioy consolation to the good and terror to the wicked It is impossible for him to giue good counsell to men that hath not taken counsell before of God Psal. 33. 10. And therefore hee that seeketh not wisdome where Salomon found it let hi● be as wise in humane affaires 〈◊〉 was Achitophel it will either come to nought or redound to his owne disgrace to the dishonor of the King and hurt of the Church or Common-weale Great happines then it is to that King and Kingdome where men of worthie not for their Religion Prudence and Integritie are inuested in that most honorable societie and therefore much behoueth it all honorable persons of that most worthy rancke to commence in humilitie and in the feare of God from whence cannot but proceed that true wisedome and sinceritie which are the truest arguments of the Kings and Subiects happinesse and safetie And for that these supernaturall gifts no man attaineth vnto by chance arte or carnall means they are to be sought for by prayer at the hands of him that freely giues them without remuneration Iam. 1. 5. He then that loueth righteousnes and is in this eminent place cannot but desire true Wisdome and that instantly in regard of the vertues that accompanie her As Sobernes Prudence Righteousnesse and Fortitude Wisd. 8. 7. ornaments of highest honor to such as are of the secrets of Princes But fearing lest I should seeme to light● candle to giue light to the Sunne I craue pardon and patience onely I aduenture to insert this among other Motiues not to teach but by way of well-wishing vnto all of that most high and most honorable association whose wisdome and iudgement is a light in the Court and life of the Kingdome A Prayer not vnfit to be sometimes vsed of a Counsellour of Estate as he hath oportunitie O Gracious Lord God most wise prouident and louing Father I acknowledge my selfe farre vnworthy of the pl●c● and dignitie whereunto thou i● great mercie hast aduanced me a man of meanest vnderstanding What am I O Lord that th●● shouldest respect me so That tho● shouldest associate mee with the grauest and most prudent to m 〈…〉 me partaker of the secret counsel of thine Anointed I know that wit● thee is wisedom and counsell mercie and iudgement but I am ignorant only thou art the Author and fountaine of true wisedom giuest prudence knowledge abundātly to them that truly faithfully aske it of thee to the end to do good to execute Justice to aduante thy word 〈◊〉 loue countenance and defend the true professors of the same not to seeme the more singular in Naturall and Humane policies But indeed to be the more able to preuent the euils which the enemies of thy sacred and sauing truth plot and practise against thy Church and thine Anointed And therefore Father Al-sufficient seeing it is thy good pleasure to put into the heart of thine Anointed to call me vnworthy to his Counsell make 〈◊〉 more worthy by infussing into mee wisedome to aduise iudgement to determine and strength to performe all the godly duties required in my high calling Make me especially studious in thy wor● giue 〈◊〉 vnderstanding according vnto the same lest I through ignorance or rashnesse should propose deliberat or censure any thing to thy dishonor to the danger or damage of our Soueraigne Lord to the distaste or disturbance of thy Church or against the peace or profit of the ●●●eale publike of the Dominious vnder the charge of thine Anointed And aboue all things Lord giue mee a religious heart that in a godly and right constant resolution I may more and more seeke the propagation increase continuance and aduancement of the Gospell of Iesus Christ and more and more seeke to weaken and bring to nought all Idolatrie and superstition Take from me a parciall eye that in respect of persons I seeke not to free the faulty or to discountenance or condemne the innocent Giue me a loyal hart to my Soueraigne season my loue towards him with thy loue that as much as in mee lieth I may euer defend his person though to the losse of whatsoeuer is dearest unto me and that I may seeke to discouer those that hate him and endeuour to bring them to their deserued shame and punishment Lord increase my faith and mine vnderstāding according to thy word Another short effectuall Prayer to be said of a priuie Counseller fit to bee said before consultation FRuctifie my heart O gracious Lord God with righteousnesse and sincere iudgement that I may wisely consult sincerely censure and iudge iustly all things that at any time shall be propounded to mine opinion for of my self Lord I doe acknowledge that I am a man of weake vnderstanding of a corrupt heart and ignorant of perfect equitie and therefore I humbly beg knowledge and wisedome of thee Keepe my feet aright in all my wayes free my hands and keepe them euer cleane from gifts that they cause me not to peruert iustice and wrest sound counsell Indue mee with a mercifull heart and let mine affections be euer such as may in all things administer true tokens of mine integrity And for as much as things may diuersly fall out to be debated and determined by vs of this high calling of so worthy and weighty consequence as may concerne the life and state of Church Common-weale and we being but men not able to fadome by our wisedomes the end of thy secret purposes nor to sound the depth of thine vnsearchable iudgements bee pleased to reueale vnto vs thy will for the good of thine Anointed vnder whom thou hast placed vs that we may accordingly consult and determine for nothing succedeth wi●● without thee and against thee there is neither wisedome vnderstanding or counsell that can preuaile Thy Judgements are vnsearchable and thy wayes past finding out Furnish vs therfore O louing Father with all graces and vertues necessarie to the performance of out bound duties to thy selfe thine Anointed thy Church and the Common-weales vnder the gouernment of our Soueraigne Lord thy seruant through Christ our wisedome our Strength and ou● 〈◊〉 ●eeiner Lord increase our faith A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to be said of euery good subiect for the good successe of the Counsell Royall SAint Paul in the first to Timothie cap. 1. 2. exhorteth all men to make prayers and supplications for kings and men in authoritie and yeeldeth such a reason to moue thereunto as
will moue me to deale euermore iustly knowing that I fit not to execute mine owne will or mans iudgement but thine And if I wilfully erre thou wilt not hold me guiltlesse but wilt iudge me vniust and punish mee iustly Let not the opinion of the multitude either ouersway the truth in me or terrifie me from giuing sentence according to equitie And let me neuer be wearie of well doing but if cause so require it giue mee strength as thou diddest to Moses to heare and iustly to determine all controuersies from morning to night giue me a sincere heart free from malice and reuenge close mine eyes shut vp mine eares and claspe my hands that neither affection blinde me nor bribes peruert iudgement in me but that I may doe all things to the glory of thy name euer ayded by thy holy Spirit in and for thy welbeloued Sonnes sake Christ Jesus Amen Lord increase my faith in me confirme wisdome and iust iudgement A MOTIVE TO be vsed of Christians for Iudges and superior Magistrates THe necessitie of establishing Iudges and Magistrates to gouerne direct and punish doth giue vs to vnderstand that such and so many are the corruptions of our crooked deformed and rebellious nature at could not but breake into most inhumane vnnaturall impious and dangerous actions as if it were not preuented by la●es ordinances punishments and executions would breede speedie confusion among men And were there not Magistrates and Iudges to arbitrate and administer iustice and iudgement euery man would be Iudge reuenger of his owne pretended wrongs and would doe right to none he would maintaine his owne euill wayes to be vpright his oppressions to be iustice and his actions were they neuer so impious to be lawfull and right the weakest in power in their iustest complaints should be iudged vniust Wee may obserue notwithstanding lawes and statutes that in stead of Iustice and righteous dealing among men Rapine hatred dissention wrongs and murders vniuersally abound and what might we thinke would bee the state of things if Iustice should cease to execute her office and offenders goe without punishment Would not cain kill Abel Would not Haman conspire against Mordecai Would not Iesabel murther Naboth for his vineyard Would not Shemei raile vpon nay take away the life of Gods Anointed Would not Achan take the excommunicate thing Would not Iudas betray his master Nay would not Zimri and Cozhi commit wickednesse openly Would not all and all sorts of men run out of rule and would not sorrowfull confusion soone follow God foresaw this when he prescribed the lawes in two tables and constituted gouernours to keepe the people in obedience by inflicting punishments vpon offenders and to defend the cause of the innocent Moses and his Centurions first gouerned the multitudes of Israel then I●shuah after them Judges and lastly Kings and were it not that Iustice continued her force neither Church nor Common-weale could stand If God should deale with vs as oftentimes he did with his owne peculiar people the Iewes for their sinnes namely to send vs corrupt Judges irreligious and tyrannous Magistrates would it not be vnsauory vnto vs and burdensome for vs And nothing more procureth it then our disobedience to God and there is no other mean to free vs but our obedience to godly and religious Magistrates and to the wholesome Christian lawes established for our peace not for feare of punishment but for a religious conscience sake If we obey God we cannot but loue and obey such as he hath set gouernours ouer vs and if we loue them we cannot but pray for them not as they are men onely and as they are members of Christ mysticall body with vs but as they are Gods ministers and beare the sword to correct the guilty and to defend the innocent Let no man thinke it therfore a superfluous but a Christian duety to pray for Iudges and superior Magistrates that God will indue them with graces and gifts answerable to their callings as with Wisedome Iustice Righteousnesse right Religion Courage and Christian integritie that they doing their dueties as gouernours we may as rather led by their godly examples then by their seuere iustice neither feare the punishment for disobedience to Gods Magistrates nor they our gouernours the threats denounced against such as peruert Iustice and Judgement A Prayer for Iudges and superior Magistrates to be vsed of all good and Christian subiects and especially of them that haue causes depending before Iudges and Magistrates FOrasmuch most gracious God and louing Father in Iesus Christ as thou being the Iudge of Iudges hast appointed Iustice and Iudgement to be done in earth and hast for the execution thereof appointed ministers called Iudges hast commanded thy people to obey them wee appeale vnto thy mercie for our disobedience vnto thy lawes which we dayly transgresse and thereby cannot but incurre the danger of Judgement euen in this life And we acknowledge that the sentence of an earthly Judge is not his but thine he pronouncing our punishment th●● confirmest it Their censure 〈◊〉 thine if it be iust if vniust it is not thine but theirs yet their mini 〈…〉 is our iust reward for our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 therfore humbly beseech 〈◊〉 to direct our hearts and our c●●●ersations in all obedience to thy lawes and to the constitutions of thine Anointed who beareth the sword to punish offenders and to defend the innocent the fatherles widowes and the oppressed and from his supereminent authoritie vnder thee the power of inferiour Iudges and Magistrates is deri 〈…〉 to heare and determine causes of controuersie betweene man and man and matters of offence against the stare of superiours the peace of the Church and Common-weale They are indeed bu● 〈◊〉 whom wee see in their s●●t●s of Judgement whom wee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whom we obseru● to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 th 〈…〉 censure they pronounce but their hearts are in thine hands and their sentence by thy direction or permission thou directest none but according to equitie yet permittest iniustice to bee done vnto men for their iniquities hee that iudgeth vniustly and hee that is vniustly iudged haue their punishments the one in augmentation of his 〈◊〉 to his greater punishment to ●●●ne the other either in iudgement for sinnes past or in mercy to reforme him Consider therefore most gracious Lord God how and in what porill thy people stand vnder the censures of Judges vniust and lay not vpon vs the burden of their vniustice but conforme their hearts to true Judgement and account none to that high office of iudging thy people but such as thou shalt first furnish with wisedome experience and true sinceritie Let them be of like and of one mind with thee abandoning partialitie bribery and respect of persons and be thou alwayes with them and direct them in all causes of Judgement let them neither admit reward and so corrupt Justice nor follow the opinion of the multitude and so ouerthrow the truth