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A06445 A paradise of prayers containing the purity of deuotion and meditation / gathered out of all the spirituall exercises of Levves of Granado ; and Englished for the benefit of the Christian reader. Luis, de Granada, 1504-1588.; Lodge, Thomas, 1558?-1625. 1614 (1614) STC 16916.7; ESTC S2798 125,023 356

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many blessings thy bounty and benignity hath done all this and I being insufficient to yeeld thanks for only one of them how can I requit so many thousands And how may darkenesse praise light how may vanity commend verity how 〈◊〉 a mortal man by nature fraile conceiue thine immortalitie how may a grosse substance comprehend him who is free from all weight of matter how may vncleannes praise puritie who then shal applaud thy works who shall resound thy praises but thou like a most mercifull Father receiuest our vowes and takest in good part thy childrens thāsgiuing whosoeuer Make me therfore worthy O good God to giue thee thanks to cleaue perpetually to thy charitie that I may praise thee for the many and mighty benefits wherewith thou hast honoured mee That I may pay thee thanksgiuing for the perils from whence thou hast deliuered me Finally that I may doe thee dutie for protecting mee both in prosperity aduersitie because thou hast done all things with discretion and for that thou art the Lord of our bodies and soules of life death of health and sicknes of felicity infelicity To bee short the moment of all things dependeth on thy hand Thou dost reioyce in vs by thy benefits thou dost amate vs by thy menaces thou differedst in chastising comfortest vs reclaming our frailty vnto thy self Glory be to thy wondrous power praise to thy vnsatiable loue to mankinde gouerne the rest of our life most mercifull guide and vigilant gouernour deliuer mee O Lord from all mine enemies visible and inuisible stretch out thy bounteous hand that may drawe vs out of the deepe waters of the roaring flouds of this world and that may relieue and lighten the dangers of our nauigation Gouerne y● the magistracy O King which thou hast committed to our charge for thou art the steersman we the rudder let thy hand therefore inuisibly rule this Rudder whither it please the and whither thou hast decreed it for neither wil I trust in my bow neither shal my sword saue me but thy right hand and thine arme and the cleare light of thy countenance Thy wil be done o King in vs as it is in heauen and earth if at any time wee shall run astray from the lawes of thy commandements conceiue not suddaine wrath O most mercifull God since thou art not ignorant how fraile and weak we are from our beginning if thou list thou canst saue mee vouch safe it may be accordant to thy wil. For vnlesse thy power strengthen mee I cannot do that which I would Consider my heart therefore with the vnspeakable sweetenes of thy bounty to the end that a little sense and taste of the future and eternall blessednesse which we shall enioy in thee may refresh our minds Lastly make nice worthie that after this present life I may hasten vnto thee my Lord God that I may behold the riches of thy kingdome and contemplate the beautie of thy looke which grant o most holy King my true God and maker for thy Sonnes sake our Lord Iesus Christ Amē A prayer vnto the Father wherein we demand sanctification THou that rulest in the highest reignest for euer onely canst doe all things God the gouernor of heauen and earth at whose becke all creatures tremble the pillars of heauen shake O heauenly God perfect workman and Potter I wretch made out of clay or rather of filthy mudde with feare and trembling come before the throne of thy maiestie I acknowledge confesse my wickednesse I know that I am nothing yea that I am meere abomination and horror in thy sight if thy grace and mercie do faile me without thee I thinke no goodnes without thee I do no good thing without thee I am a contemptible creeping worme I cannot be saued without thine assistance my saluation dependeth on thy hands I giue thee thanks O God in especiall for this for that thou hast giuen me that know ledge that I may see and know that I am nothing and vnable to do aniething without thee Thou art the Potter I the clay such as thou wilt haue mee bee such canst thou forme and fashion me if thou makest mee blessed thou shewest thy mercy grace if thou castest mee into perdition thou shewest thy iustice and executest thy iudgement neither is it my duety to contradict thee why or vnder what reason thou doest it For thou hast mercy vpon him whom thou louest these things I meditate with my selfe o Lord I feare thy iudgements Since therefore all my safety saluation dependeth on thee and consisteth in thy hand and power and sith thou hast shewed thy selfe a mercifull long-suffering God to the whole world and hast testified the same indeed in that thou woldest thy only son Iesus Christ the innocent should die for our offences and expiate our sinnes with his blood on the Crosse. Finally since thou hast taught vs in all our perturbations to cal vpon thee and aske thy grace and mercy for that thou wilt giue vs all things which wee shall aske in the Name of thy Sonne I come vnto thee being drosse and a lumpe of clay O mercifull and celestiall Potter beseeching thee most humbly that thou wilt vse thy mercie and make of this vnworthy matter a Uessell of eternall Glorie Uouchsafe also of thy meere grace to fixe my minde on perfect faith assured hope and chaste and holie loue that being iustified by these thy gifts I may become vpright perfect good and holy according to thy good will both in the midst and end of my life as also at the latter day of iudgement O mercifull Father grant mee pardon of all my sinnes through y● death of thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ make me to please thee alone grant me to be thy gratefull sonne and heire increase in me that iustice whatsoeuer which is giuen me and granted from heauen that I may continue and end my life 〈◊〉 the same increase in me that faith which thou hast giuen mee kindle my loue of thee and make it more apparant that by thy helpe and the presence of thy grace and the accomplishment of thy holy will I may obtaine euerlasting life which thou hast promised vs to the end I may praise thee and giue thee thanks in thy kingdome for e●… and euer Amen A prayer to God the Sonne OThou maker and redeemer of makinde Iesus Christ who saiedst I am the way the truth and the life the way in doctrine precept and examples the truth in promises the life in reward I pray thee by thy vnspeakeable charitie wherwith thou daignest to imploy thy selfe wholly for our saluation suffer mee neuer to wander from thee who art the way neither euer to distrust in thy promises who art the truth and performest whatsoeuer thou doest promise neither to repose or relie on any other thing because thou art eternall life than which there is nothing more to bee desired neither in heauen nor in earth
adoptedst mee for thy sonne The grace which in baptisme I receiued of thee I cursedly neglected I rent my first robe and like the prodigall sonne spent all my substance Thy holy temple which thou sanctifiedst in me for thy le●…e I haue prophaned raising in the same an idoll of my disordinate pleasures defiling it with diuers sinnes The tune was once o Lord my Sauiour wherein I was so blinde and liued so loosely as if I had no law or as though I beleeued there were no God I was vnmindfull of death neither remembred I y● latter iudgment or the life to come The Lawes according to whose prescript I did liue were mine appetites I followed mine owne inuentions and walked according to mine owne waies So diuers yeares of my life were ouerpast wherin I liued in so palpable darkenes tha●… in like sort as that of Egypt I might haue felt it with my handes O eternall light how ouerlate did I know thee how slackely did I open mine eies to behold thine ancient beauty All this time thou obseruedst me sustainedst me expectedst mee not permittting timelesse death to apprehend mee O altitude of thy iudgements O greatnesse of thy ●…ercies How many men in the ●…eane space in the midde race of their sinnes are there swallowed by sodaine death who now are miserably tormented in hel I who was one of them protected by thy mercy am reserued euen vntill this houre Ah what had become of me if at that time thou hadst summoned me likewise before thy iudgement seat What account could I haue made in so miserable an estate O my mercy my redemption I giue thee no lesse thanks for this bounty than if thou hadst acquited me being condemned amongst those damned and deliuered mee from perpetuall torments Blessed bee thy patience by the benefite whereof I liue and blessed be thy mercy which so long time defended and kept me Neither didst thou onely keepe me whē I sinne●… against thee but very often times thou didst also visite me as my friend calledst me vnto thee by thy sweete and secret inspirations obiecting to mee the greatnes of my sins the shortnes of this life the eternity of y● other the seuerity of thy iustice and ●…he bounty of thy mercy In the midst of mine iniquitie afterwards thy presence appeared vnto mee so effectually that perseuering in my delights seeking after y● Leeks ●…urneps and Garlike of Egypt thou extortedst plentifull teares from mee I did sinne and thou didst recall me from finne I did flie from thee as though it had bene a slight matter to lose thee and thou didst seeke me as though it were much for thy profit to finde me out So many yeares did wee liue wrastling resisting thou in doing good I in doing euill and contemning thy goodnesse With these voices didst thou call mee with these cords didst thou drawe mee At length when it pleased thee to single me out and to call me by thy grace thou sentest a great cry into the eares of my soule wherwith as it were the roaring of a Lion thou didst awake mee from sleepe and thou calledst me from death vnto life This is the voice which Dauid thy friend so highly commendeth in vertue and power breaking the Cedars cutting the flames of fire and shaking moouing the desart of Cades For no lesse is thy power than thy mercie which thou art wont to vse in this worke for it is great mercie to remit sins mighty power to make finners iust O how many and how great are the benefits which together with this one are powred into vs here is giuen pardon of sinnes grace is giuen charity is giuen with those other vertues which attend her finally the gifts graces of the holy Spirit are giuen Heereby the sinner is reconciled vnto thee of an enemy made a friend and of the slaue of the diuell thy Sonne and the heire of thy kingdome Heere the Prodigall Sonne is entertained into his Fathers house the first Robe Ring and Shooes ornaments of a Sonne are restored vnto him And although I cannot be assured O Lord whether I be worthy of hate or loue yet hope I y● same and confidently euery way trust in thy bounty my conscience likewise beareth mee witnesse that I am partaker of the grace of iustification for which I acknowledge my selfe deepely indebted Blessed bee thou therefore O bountifull Lord the giuer of all goodnes yea of thy selfe for that I liuing most lasciuiously thou gauest mee thy holy Spirit for my nurse tutor master gouernour comforter and all my good hee is to mee the pattent of adoption the pledge of matrimonie the assurance of euerlasting life Blessed bee the day in which such a guest entered my soule and blessed bee the houre in which the gates of my wal were opened to receiue him That day was holy vnto mee in that day I came out of Egypt that day was my birth day in which I was regenerated into the Son of God This my Easter day in which I rose againe from death to life in which I receiued the holy Ghost Let Iob curse the day of his natiuitie I will blesse this this is the day in which the Angels reioyced at the conuersion of a sinner in which the woman reioyced that found her groat in which the shepheard assembled his neighbours with ioy for the lost sheepe which he found in which the diuels doe houle for their lost prey This is that day in which thou my Father doest acknowledge mee thy sonne and thy Sonne termeth mee his brother and thy holy Spirit hath consecrated mee for his Temple and the Quire of Angels haue saluted me for their companion and fellow Citizen If on this day the Angels reioyced and sung vnto thee O Lord how can my lips bee shut how may my tongue be silent how can my mouth choose but bee ●…lled with thy praises whatsoeuer the Psalmi●… or Prophets sung of the comming of my Redeemer all y● will I sing vnto thee O Lord. It was a great benefite of thine O Lord that thou diddest create me for thereby thou didst produce me from not being to a being but much more is it that thou iustifiedst me for in this thou tookst frō me the being of sinne and bringest me to the being of grace in that am I made the son of man in this am I adopted the son of God It is a great benefite which I expect of glory but no lesse in this kinde is that of iustificatiō For it is no lesse to make a iust man of a sinner than of a iust man a blessed man since there is a greater distance betwixt sin grace than betweene grace and glory Great also yea very great is the benefite of redemption but what had redemption profited if vocation and iustification had not followed I acknowledge therefore O Lord that the benefite of iustification is the keie and ground of all the other without which
care we shall onely endeuour our selues to keepe vs as farre as in vs lieth in thy fauour which care thou wilt further who if thou beest wanting nothing can prosper with vs. Translate my heart from the seruice of Idols to thy seruice toward whom whosoeuer is deuout he obtaineth dignitie Grant mee in stead of this desire of riches which are exposed to time the iniuries of men and mischances to grow in loue with thine which being once receiued are eternall and inuiolable Amen Against pride O Most wise beloued Father who alwayes studiest how thou maiest further vs whereas wee alwayes endeuour how to offend thee thou gauest to mankinde the proudest vntamed and rebellious creature the heauenly example of moderation and obedience in thy Sonne Conuert our minds vnto thee and that thine example that wee may so humbly demeane our selues beeing wicked and weake as hee that was most worthy and most strong Amen Against drunkennesse ALmighty and most mercifull God vouchsafe so to looke vpon vs that wee may so detest that most shamefull sinne of drunkennesse that wee neuer permit the same to take place but let that which was to perish in drunkennesse bee imployed for the sustenance of the poore through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Against remembrance of iniuries O Lord of thy goodnesse fill our hearts with thy peace clense vs from all euill cogitations and vncleannesse and from all memorie of iniuries and from all enuy and mind of mischiefe which bringeth death O Lord make vs all worthy to salute one another with a holy and immaculate salutation and graunt that wee may receiue without iudgement and death thy heauenly gift that is thy grace with the holy Spirit Amen Against wrath HOw much error breedeth this blind indulgence of our selues in our minds that we esteeme that to be done vniustly which is done most vprightly that in those things wee denie pardon vnto others in which wee our selues euerie houre are faulty and want pardon that wee challenge to our selues a reuenge being children mad furious vniust and take it from him who is only wise and iust who in respect of his wisedome is deficient in nothing and in regard of his equitie seduceth no man from the truth O most mercifull Christ example of modesty fountain of meekenesse 〈◊〉 into vs some part of this thy lenitie whereby in imitation of thy humility being assailed with railings affected with iniuries oppressed and afflicted with slanders and reproofes yet that we may reward good for euill Against enuie THou O Lord art the founder and maker of all things thou art the dispenser of thy mercies which thou by thy immeasurable liberality bestowest on men yeelding euery one more than hee deserueth and defrauding no man of that which is sufficient for him What cause therefore haue we to enuy thee when as thou bestowest thy liberality vpon al men of thine owne and art bountifull to those that deserue it not and giuest to euery one that which sufficeth him for his beatitude O Father adde this also to the rest of thy benefits that we may submit to thy iudgement and satisfie our selues with thy ●…stributions that we may giue thee thanks for those things which wee haue receiued And for those things that thou hast bestowed on others grant that secretly we condemne not thy holy will and vnsearchable iudgement but rather that in other mens blessings wee may loue and laud thy munificence who art so bountifull vnto all men wanting of thy selfe nothing neither receiuing any thing from any man neither hoping any thing Amen In extreme troubles and persecutions O Lord God that deliueredst the honest matron Susanna from false iudgement at such time as she was reprochfully circumuented by slander that keptst Daniel thy prophet in the denne of Lyons and preseruedst the three children in the flaming furnace that deliueredst Peter ready to be deuoured by the sea swallowed in the waues thereof by the might of thy right hand I beseech thee O most mercifull God that thou wilt redeeme and deliuer both me thy vnworthy seruant all other christian people out of these miseries and calamities wherewith wee are circumuented Spare thy people I beseech thee whom thou hast redeemed by thy precious blood keepe this natio●… and people redeemed by so precious a ransome in peace mutuall concord and coniunction to the glory of thy holy name Amen In the time of warre amongst Christians O Lord Father of mercies God of peace and dilection how long I pray thee wilt thou be angry with thy christian people punishing them with erecrable wars and vtter ouerthrows Behold the affliction and extreme extinction of thy people nations Heare the groanes of the poore let the christian blood moue thee vnto mercy Ah las O Lord these are truly that iust punishments of our sins wee haue sinned wee haue done wickedly we haue left thee the fountaine of life our felicitie we haue contemned thee mocked thee and with an obstinate minde made war by our sins against thy commandements wee haue kept none of thy testimonies of which thou hast said If you shall keepe them they shal keepe you if you dispise them the sword shall consume you But thou O Lord notwithstanding thou art iustly displeased remember thee of thy mercies and to the end we may be made capable therof giue vnto thy people I beseech thee the knowledge and confession of their wicked liues powre vpon them the spirit of thy grace and of prayer that euery where with a contrite and humble heart which thou despisest not they may crie vnto thee saying O Lord haue mercie O Lord haue mercy vpon thy people whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood wee haue sinned we haue done vniustly Thy iudgements are iustly vrged against vs prostrating our selues we call vpon thy grace and mercie to the end that thy reuenging hand may be appeased Put o Lord thy cruell and deuouring sword into thy sheath command the euill beasts that is all those things which giue cause of warre to returne vnto their place leaue most holsome peace long desired amongst Christians safely to reigne amongst them to the praise glory of thy most holy name who strikest and healest ●…illest and quickenest Amen In the time of plague WE know O Lord God and most iust Father that the rebellion almost of all creatures against man onely is very great whom if all things were disposed according to the order of creatiō they ought to obey and acknowledge Now earthquakes now thunders now inundations now most fatal coniunctions of Stars now the infection of the aire and daily new and other kinde of euils are heard of But this punishment falleth vpon vs because wee abuse the giftes of thy munificence transgresse thy commaundemenis for that we are not terrified with threatrungs nor allured by promises We acknowledge that by these thy chastisements thou drawest vs from these earthly affaires and inuitest vs to heauenly
Father vouchsaf with thy fatherly eies to behold me for thy aspect alone quickeneth the dead and draweth all such as run astray vnto thee For this whatsoeuer repētance which I now haue I could not haue had except thou hadst beheld me When as wandring I forsooke thee thou lookedst vpon mee from the highest heauens where I was furthest from thee and didst open mine eies that I might behold thee and search my conscience and behold my selfe ouerwhelmed with so much wickednesse Come therefore O Lord to receiue me giue mee the knowledge and memory of my lost innocencie I require not thy imbracings nor thy kisses I pray thee not to giue mee that goodly garment y● I was wont to weare nor the ring of my ancient dignity I require not that thou shouldest receiue me into the state and dignity of thy children but it shall suffice mee if I may bee numbred amongst the mercenary seruants of thy house sealed with thy mark and tied with thy bonds lest euer heereafter I run away from thee It shal not grieue me although in this life I bee one of the most contemptible slaues of thy house so that thou separate me not for euer from thee Heare me therefore most mercifull Father and giue me the grace of thy onely begotten Sonne and communicate with mee the merits of his passion Giue me thy Spirit that it may purifie my heart and strengthen it in thy grace lest hereafter I returne again through ignorance into that exile from whence thy grace hath recalled me who liuest reignest world without end Amen For contrition The third most zealous praier VVHo shall giue water to my head and a fountaine of teares to my eies that night and day I may bewaile my sinnes and lament my ingratitude against God my Creator There are many things O omnipotent Lord that incite the hearts of men and draw them to the knowledge of then sinnes but there is none so effectuall as the consideration of the greatnesse of thy bounty and the multitude of thy benefits yea euē to those sinners which are most reprobate wretched That therefore my most miserable soule may by that meanes be confounded and ashamed I wil begin O Lord to reckon vp some of thy mercies an●… my mischiefes that but in this I may manifestly vnderstand wh●… thou art who I am what tho●… wert towards me and what I a●… towards thee The time was once my God when I was not thou gauest 〈◊〉 being and tookest mee out of 〈◊〉 dust of the earth creating mee a●… cording to thine owne image a●… similitude then from my motherwombe thou becamest my God f●… frō the first moment wherin I began to bee euen vnto this present houre thou art my Father my redeemer my defender and all my good Thou createdst my body with all my members and senses thou createdst my soule with all her powers and hitherto hast thou preserued my life by the benefite of thy prouidence All these although in themselues they be great yea weiny al yet are they little in respect of thy greatnes But because thou hadst these things gratis and bought by no great price thou wouldest giue mee another thing which cost thee more decre that I might thereby bee the more indebted vnto thee Thou descendedst frō heauen vpon the earth that thou mightest find me seeking me in al my waies in which I had lost my self Thou didst ennoble my humanity by thy nature by thy thr●…dome thou deliueredst mee from captiuitie thou freedst mee from the power of the diuell deliuering thy selfe into sinners hands destroying my sin by assuming the shape of a sinner thou wouldest bind mee vnto thee by so much grace thou wouldest a●●ure me by this benefite strengthen my hope by so many merits and beget in me the detestation of sinne shewing vnto mee how many things thou hast both done and suffered to ouerthrow the kingdome of sinne Thou kindlest liuing fire vpon the dead coales of my heart that being ouerwhelmed with such a multitude of benefit●… which in this one are contained I might loue him that did so great things for mee and bestowed so much loue on me Behold O Lord thou redeemedst me but what had that profited me except I had beene baptized Amongst such a multitude of infidels scattered vpon the face of the whole earth it pleased thee to reckon mee among the number of thy faithful and of those to whō so happie a lot befell as to bee thy children regenerated by the water of holy baptisme there was I takē for thine there was that famous admirable contract or couenant concluded namely that I should be thine thou shouldest bee mine thou my Lord and I thy seruant thou my Father I thy son where we meete together thou to performe towards me the office of a Father I to serue thee with the duty of a son What shall I say of the other Sacramēt which thou institutedst as a remedy for my sinnes making thy precious bloud a medicine for my wounds Hauing all these helps and furtherances as yet I continued not in goodnes but such was my malice that notwithstanding these I lost once more my first innocencie and so great again was thy mercy y● hast hitherto patiently suffred mee in my sins O my hope and my redeemer how cā I without tears remember how often thou mightst haue slaine me and no euill happened vnto me how many thousand of soules haply doe now burne in hell which haue sinned lesse then I haue sind yet burn not what had become of mee if at that time thou tookest them away thou hadst likewise taken me how strict a iudgement had bene prepared for mee if iustice had apprehended me beeing guilty of so many grieuous sins Who then O Lord bound the hands of thy iustice Who praied for me when I slept who staied y● scourge of thy wrath when I prouoked the same by my sins What was there pleasing in me why thou shouldest deale more fauourably with mee than with them who in y● midst of their perils yea in the very heate of their youth were taken hence My sinnes cried vnto thee and thou stoppedst thine eares lest thou shouldst heare them my malice against thee increased daily and thy mercie likewise towards me increased daily I sinned and thou didst expect mee I fled thee thou followedst me I was wearied in offending thee thou wert not weary in expecting mee in no other sort than if my sinnes had beene fauours and no offences In the midst of my sinnes I receiued many good inspirations many holy reprehensions frō thee which did cenuict and condemne the dissolutenesse of my life How often didst thou cal me and inwardly inuite me saying Thou hast cōmitted fornication with many louers yet returne vnto me and I wil receiue thee How often hast thou called me in these or such like louing words How often hast thou terrified me with feare and threatnings
reducing to my memory the perill of my death and the rigor of thy diuine iustice How many orders of Preachers Confessors hast thou appointed that by their words and counsels might incite me helpe me O Lord walking in thy way How often hast thou folowed me by thy words inuiting me by thy benefits and chastising me with thy scourges stopping vp all the waies after the manner of a hunter that I might no way fly or escape from thee What shal I thē at this time render vnto thee O Lord for all those things which thou hast bestowed vpon me Because thou hast created mee I owe ●…hee all that which I am for thou ●…dest all things Because thou ●…st conserued me I ow vnto thee ●…ll that I am liue for thou con●…uest all things because thou ●…auest thy self as a reward vnto me what shal I restore thee If I had all the liues of Angels men and should offer them for a sacrifice vnto thee what were this oblation if it should be compared onely to the bloud which so aboundantly thou sheddest for my sake Who therfore shal giue me tears for mine eies that I may bewail●… my ingratitude and my negligent retribution for so many benefits Giue mee therefore thy helpe O Lord giue mee thy grace that in due maner I may confesse my sins vnto thee I vnhappy that I 〈◊〉 I although I haue demeaned 〈◊〉 selfe farre otherwise am thy creature made according to thy Image and likenesse acknowledg●… this similitude for it is thine Take from me that which I haue made and thou shalt finde th●… which thou by thy holy hand hast made I haue imploied all my forces and powers to iniurie thee and haue offended thee in y● very work●… of my hands My feete were swif●… to doe euill my hands ready t●… act any wickednesse mine eie●… dissolute to all vanitie and mi●… eares open to all follies and falsehoods I haue diuerted the most noble part of my soule which had eies to behold thee from thy beauty and conuerted them to the flourishes of this miserable life the soule that day and night should haue meditated on thy commandements now night and day studieth in what maner it may offend thee The vnderstanding so depraued what should the will doe Thou my God hadst inuited it to celestiall delights but she preferred earth before heauen stretching her armes to thee O Lord consecrated to the filthie affection of Creatures This is y● recompence O God this the fruit which my senses which thou createdst brought foorth Ah wretch that I am what can I answer if thou enterest into iudgement with me and saist vnto mee I haue planted thee an elected 〈◊〉 all true seed And if I cannot giue answer to this first question how shall I answer thee in the second for my benefite of conseruation Thou my Lord thy prouidence hath conserued him that meditated on nothing else but how he might transgresse thy commandements how persecute thy seruants how offend thy Church and how to strengthē the kingdome of sin against thee Thou moouedst the tongue that biasphemed thee thou ruledst the members which offended thee and gauest them sustenance who lay in wait for thy seruants so that I haue not onely bene vngrateful for thy benefits but also haue conuerted the benefits themselues into armes with which I impugned thee Thou hadst made all Creatures for my vse that I allured by that benefite should loue thee and I haue adulterated them in that I haue so often time offended thee by them I rather made choise of the gift than the giuer and from whom the occasion of knowing thy bounty was to bee taken from them I was blinded neither lifted I vp mine eies that I might see how farre more faire the Creator was thā the creature Thou gauest me all things that I might giue my selfe vnto thee all things might serue me but I neuer either gaue thee glory or the tribute which is due vnto thee Thy creatures were alwaies ready at my command for so thou ordainedst them but I haue alwaies studied to offend thee and to this end haue vsed and abused all things Thou gauest me health and the diuell hath gathered the fruite thereof thou gauest me strength and I haue imploied the same in the seruice of thine enemie What shall I say why were not so many kinds of calamities and miseries which euery where I beheld in other men sufficient that but in them I might vnderstand but that all other mens euils were my benefits for from all them hast thou deliuered mee Shall it therefore bee lawfull for any man to shew himselfe vngratefull for a benefite receiued and who is hee that oweth not thanks for a benefite receiued If the rage of Lyons and Serpents bee lenified by gifts why O Lord shall not thine bee sufficient to mortifie and mollifie mee that yet at the least sometime I may say Let vs care our Lord God that giueth vs tunely and euening rame in due time pientie of annual increase to those that loue him It was enough for me O Lord to know that it was thou that ●…o long time sustainedst me although I had not any other demonstratiō or testimony of thy bounty and if that account shall be so strict for these things which cost thee little what shall that be which thou shalt exact for those which thou hast purchased with thy precious blood How I haue peruerted thy commandements how I haue violated the mystery of thy incarnation Thou becamest man that thou mightest make me God I besotted with mine owne abiectnesse made my selfe a beast and the sonne of the diuell Thou descendedst on the earth that thou mightest bring me to heauen and I vnworthy su●…h a vocation as one that deserued it not knew not the same and perseuered in the dirt of my abiectnesse Thou didst deliuer mee and I cast my selfe head long againe into my former captiuitie ●…hou raisedst me vp and I re-embraced death thou hadst incorporated me in thy selfe I again tooke party with the diuell So many so great blessings had not that power ouer mee to make mee acknowledge thee neither so many arguments of loue to make me loue thee againe neither so many merits to make mee hope in thee neither such a iustice which shined in thy passion to make mee feare thee thou hast humbled mee euen vnto the dust of the earth I swel with pride thou hangedst naked on the Crosse the whole world satisfieth not my Auarice They buffeted thee vpon the face who art God if any man touch my garment I am angry notwithstanding am but a base and vile worme What shall I say my Sauior Behold how great thy mercy and charitie is towards me Thou wouldst die to kil my sin I confident in the same mercy bounty loue am not afraid to sin against thee Alas what greater blasphemy may there be I of thy bounty tooke