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A02448 The enimie of securitie or A dailie exercise of godly meditations drawne out of the pure fountaines of the holie Scriptures, and published for the profite of al persons of any state or calling, in the German and Latine tonges, by the right reuerende Maister Iohn Auenar, publike professor of the Hebrue tonge, in the famous Vniuersitie of VViteberge; In Englishe by Thomas Rogers Maister of Artes and student in Diuinitie.; Christliche Gebet. English Habermann, Johann, 1516-1590.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1579 (1579) STC 12582.3; ESTC S120167 142,030 389

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so diuers strokes and assaults of the Diuel Vnles thou O most mightie protector defend vs alas we perish For thou knowest we are too weak to resist no strength is in vs no aid prudence or policie is in our nature against so strong and subtile an enimie Beholde our nature is accursed vncleane our flesh is weake our life transitorie and we alas therefore be cowardes and without armor giuen to sleepe and slothfulnes and endeuor not couragiouslie to withstand the fraudes of the Diuel Wherefore expel from vs this deepe sluggishnes of ours open the eies of our mindes that we may behold how great the power endeuors strength and malice of this aduersarie is with whom we are to encounter For we wrestle not against flesh blood but against rules against powers against gouernors and rulers of the darknes of this world against spiritual wickednes in heauenlie places O thou Sonne of God which art that blessed seede broozing the head ▪ of the most subtile serpent bring and brooze our enimie Satan vnder thy feete Thou which didst appere to destroie the works of the Diuel driue awaie from vs lieng Spirits that they hurt vs not Thou our chiefe champion which of thine owne accord enteredst into tentations that so thou mightest as it were hand to hand wrestle with our enimie and purchase a triumph for vs by thy victorie hold him fast bound that he exercise not his deuises vpon vs as he desireth make vs partakers of thy victorie that euen as thou in thy bodie ouer camest the diuel so thou wilt vtterlie dispatch him in thy members And therefore giue vnto vs thine whole armor that like right soldiors we may resist in the euil daie and vanquish our enimie Girde vs with the truth put vpon vs the breast-plate of righteousnes and let vs be shod to the propagation of the Gospel of peace Aboue al things giue vs the shield of faith which can extinguish al the fierie darts of wicked spirits Bestow vpon vs the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God that through thee we may encounter valiantly and gloriouslie attaine the victorie And holie Spirit almightie God comfort thou and strengthen our minds against so diuers conflicts of Satan which besetteth vs by manie snares and especiallie then most of al doth he seeke our destruction when we seke deliuerance by other meanes than by thy word reuealed grant therefore that leauing thy worde deliuered vnto vs we looke not after new reuelations or violent rauishings but may resist the Diuel by thy word so wil he flie from vs Amen 8. Euening praier on VVensdaie O Lorde God which art our life and the length of our daies our vpholder protecting vs from our youth we thanke thee this euening and with our lips wee extol thy woonderful goodnes because thou hast defended vs this daie against al aduersities both of bodie and soule O Lord vnto thee doe we crie heare vs harken vnto our voice when we crie vnto thee Let our praiers be directed in thy sight as the incense and let the lifting vp of our hands be an euening sacrifice For thou delitest not in the offering of Buls and Rams but the sacrifice of thankesgiuing shal honor thee Who so keepeth the Law bringeth offerings enough he that holdeth fast the commandement offereth an offering of saluatiō He that is thankful to them which haue wel deserued offereth fine flower and he that giueth almes sacrificeth praise Therefore in this euening-tide doe we offer vnto thee the continual sacrifice of thankesgiuing praising thy goodnes for thy merciful protection and defence We wil commend thee for thy truth and sing of thee O thou most Hie Our lips shal sing of thee and our soules which thou hast redeemed yea and our tongues shal dailie speake of thy righteousnes because they are confounded and put to shame that sought after our soules We wil giue thankes vnto thee O Lorde with our whole hart because thou hast heard al the words of our mouthes In the sight of the Gods we wil praise thee We wil worship toward thine holy Temple and celebrate thy Name because of thy great mercie truth For thou hast magnified thy Name and thy word aboue al things Whensoeuer we called vpon thee thou diddest heare vs and enduedst our soules with much strength And now we crie vnto thee O Lorde with our voice yea in thy sight doe we poure out our praiers and in our troble doe we vtter them before thee that thou maiest pardon al our offences and those especiallie which we haue committed this daie Bring not into thy iudgement O Lord al our idle and vaine words pardon our babling vaine speech and impute not our foolishnes vnto vs. Be merciful vnto vs O Lord for we are greatlie pensiue for our sins our harts be trobled within vs and the feare of death is fallen vpon vs. Fearefulnes trembling are come vpon vs and an horrible dread hath ouerwhelmed vs. But O Lord absolue vs from al our sinnes through thy worde bringing vnto vs the ioieful tydings of gratious deliuerance O comfort the harts of thy seruants for vnto thee Lord haue we lifted vp our soules For thou art milde gentle and of much mercie to as manie as cal vpon thee Blessed be the Lorde which hath heard the voice of our humble petitions O God thou art our strength and our shield our harts trusted in thee and we are holpen therefore our harts doe daunce for ioie and in our songes we wil praise thee We cried vnto thee O Lord and saide Thou art our hope and our portion in the lande of the liuing Consider our complaint for we are brought verie lowe O deliuer vs from our persecutors for they are too strong for vs Bring our soules out of prison that we may giue thanks vnto thy Name O holie Trinitie and perpetual vnitie protect vs this night that the Diuel haue no power ouer vs. O Father gouerne vs by thy power O Sonne reuiue vs with thy wisedome and lighten vs O holie Ghost with thy virtue O Creator be thou present with vs O Redeemer aide vs O our Comforter abide with vs. The Lord blesse vs and keepe vs The Lorde make his face to shine vpon vs and be merciful vnto vs the Lorde lift vp his countenance vpon vs and giue vs peace This blessing of God be this night and euermore a safetie protection against al enimies both visible and inuisible that they hurt vs not anie waie Euen as the piller of cloude in the desert stood betweene the tents of the Egyptians and the tents of the children of Israël that none hurt might come to the people of Israël so be thou O Lord the protector of our soules and liues be
affliction Wherefore we wil not for euer be forgetful of thy iustifications for they haue reuiued vs. Vnto thee Lord wil we list vp our eies on hie from whence our helpe shal come Betimes in the morning doe we cal vpon thee that thy mercie may preuent vs and thy goodnes ouertake vs quicklie Let thy fauor preuent vs as doth the Sunne which rising spreadeth his beames ouer al the partes of the earth and as the light of the morning when the Sunne appeareth earelie when it shineth without the cloudes After the same sort giue vs thy cleerenes and shew thy countenance ouer vs that lightened by thy word we may walke al this day long circumspectlie and warelie in the waies of thy commandements that being blinded in the daie time we runne not into darkenes neither grope at noone day as in the night wandering from the pathes of thy iudgements O God be merciful vnto vs and blesse vs shew vs the light of thy countenance and be gracious vnto vs That we may know thy way vpon earth and thy sauing health among al nations O most merciful GOD turne thine eies of compassion vpon vs and haue mercie on vs Looke vpon vs with thy fauorable coūtenance and turne not thy face from thy seruants Open our eies that we may consider the wonderful things in thy Lawe and make vs in the morning to behold thy glorie O God guider of our life forsake vs not neither giue vs a prowd looke and turne from vs the filthines of desire Remooue from our harts al concupiscence and take from thy seruants too ouerbolde a stomack suffer vs not to run headlong into riotousnes and bellichere let not vnlawful loue ouercome vs and giue not thy seruants ouer into impudent mindes Turne our eies that they behold no vanitie and strengthen vs in thy waie grant that the offences in this world ouerthrow vs not Beholde Lord our soules lust after thy saluation and we long for thy worde We beseech thee O Lord with a most ernest affection and humbly craue at thy merciful hands that this daie and euermore thou wilt keepe vs and al ours from the arrow flieng in the daie from the pestilence and plague that destroieth at noone tide Hide vs vnder thy wings and vnder thy feathers we wil haue hope Blinde the eies of our enimies that they see not and make their loines alwaie to tremble But open thine eies ouer vs and be thou vnto vs a mightie protector this daie a firmament of strength a couering against heate and parching a shadowe at noone tide a defence from offending an assister from falling a comforter of our soules a lightener of our minds and a giuer of health and happines in Christ our Lorde Amen 2. A thankesgiuing for our redemption O Iesu Christ Sonne of the liuing God which art the eternal word that was in the beginning the true substantial image of thine eternal Father the character and brightnes of his glory begotten of him before al worlds of one vndiuided essence of like maiestie and equal glorie We worship thee light of lights verie God of verie God begotten not made of one substance with the Father by whom al things were made We thanke thee for al thy benefits generallie speciallie for that at an appointed time according to the eternal counsaile and decree of the Father thou didst voluntarilie for vs men and for our saluatiō descend from heauen and was incarnate by the holie Ghost borne of the vnspotted and pure virgine Marie and truelie toke our flesh vpon thee and saued vs miserable wretched and damned sinners and deliuered vs from death and power of Satan not with golde and siluer but by thine holie and precious blood and by thine vndeserued passion and death and that of thine infinite goodnes and mercie without any merits or worthines of ours For al which we yeeld thee most hartie thanks as we are bounde For thou alone being iust hast satisfied by thine obedience the iudgement of the Father and on our behalfe offering the sacrifice of thy bodie hast deliuered vs from the tyrannie of death whereby we were held captiues For so great was the displeasure of thy Father against our sinnes that no creature could asswage the same but thou alone O onely begotten Sonne of God. O Christ most merciful God how inestimable is thy loue towards al mankind how infinite and vnspeakable thy goodnes how woonderful thine humilitie For thou being iust didst die suffer for the vniust A greater loue can no man haue than to giue his life for his friend but thou commendest thine abundant most burning affection toward vs in that being voide of al fault thou wouldest suffer death for our sakes being as yet strangers thine enimies and hast reconciled vs by thy death vnto thy Father and appeased his most heauie displeasure forgiuing al our sinnes and cancelling the hand writing which was against vs which was contrarie vnto vs hast taken it out of the way and fastened it vpon the crosse And hast spoiled principalities and powers and made a shew of them openlie triumphing ouer them by thy selfe and by thy profitable arising againe from the dead hast repared our true righteousnes which consisteth in the forgiuing of our sins and hast made vs acceptable to thy Father whereby wee please him through our reconciliation thou dost comfort our harts by the preaching of thy Gospel which worketh in vs the beginning of eternal life and by thine holie Spirit thou kindlest in vs like motions vnto thy selfe whereby we please thy Father through thee and thine obedience O Lord Iesu Christ lambe of God which takest awaie the sins of the world haue mercie vpon vs thou which sauest vs through thine owne merit virtue grant vs thy grace that the fruit of thy most sacred passion may worke effectually and profitablie within vs let not the labor which thou hast taken the paine that thou hast suffered for our redemption be in vaine through our vnthankfulnes O thou eternal intercessor word of God and his wisedome which outwardlie speakest vnto vs by the preaching of the Gospel instruct inwardlie our troubled harts by thy liuely word and effectual consolation that being mindful of thy sacrifice and suffering for our sinnes we may feele true comfort and peace of the holie Spirit in our harts Kindle in our brests a liuelie faith depending vpon thy benefits that being deliuered from the feare of hel we may finde righteousnes in thee eternal life For thou didst suffer for our sinnes rise againe for our iustification that liuing we shold her after not liue to our selues but to thee which diedst and rosest againe for vs. Grant therefore that likewise being quickned we may rise againe from al our sinnes and liue in
hir frute in due season O Lorde in our trobles we wil seeke thee earelie in the morning and returne vnto thee our GOD which art readie as the spring of the daie and wilt come vnto vs as the fructifieng raine and as the timelie and latter shoure which doth good to the earth be thou in like maner a refuge vnto the poore and a timelie helper in our troble We wil loue thee deerelie O Lorde our strength thou art our rock and our defence our Sauior our God and our might in whom we wil trust our buckler the horne of our saluation and our refuge Keepe vs Lord from the hands of the vngodlie preserue vs from wicked men which are purposed to ouerthrow our goings The proude haue laide a snare for vs and spred a net abroad with cordes yea and set traps in our waie But deliuer thou our soules from death and our feete from falling For thou art righteous O Lorde and dwellest in the middes of vs doing none iniquitie but earelie earelie euerie morning bringest thou forth thy iudgement into light and wilt not be drawen awaie from sauing vs that we be not hurt of bloodie felowes of theeues murtherers whose feete are swift to shed blood In thy Name O Christ King of eternal glorie we wil tread vpon the Serpents and Scorpions ouer the whole power of the enimie and he shal not hurt vs for thy worde shal saue vs which liuest and rulest with the Father in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God for euermore Amen 2. A thankesgiuing for the passion of Christ. WE thanke thee O Lord Iesu Christ God and man for that of thine onlie and free mercie without any works or worthines at al of ours thou hast redeemed vs and damned men through thy most innocent and holie passion O sweete Iesu how bitter and great were thy paines how horrible and cruel thy punishment how greuous and lamentable thine affliction how bloodie thy wounds thy dolors how diuers and thy death how shameful which thou sufferedst for vs How inestimable was the loue that mooued thee to endure such and so great torments to reconcile vs to the Father In the mount of Oliues through our infinite sinnes lighting vpon thee and sense of the most heauie displeasure of thy Father against our wickednes that didst sweate contrarie to our common nature blood that the drops like blood trickled vpon the earth so after a maruelous maner blood came out of thee being expelled through the resolution of the spirits nature being broken and languishing by reason of thine intolerable sorrowes and torments And therefore thy Disciples being fled thou didst voluntarilie commit thy selfe into the handes of the cruel Iewes which brought thee most rigorouslie bounde without compassion from the presence of one corrupt Iustice vnto another more cruel where thou being falselie accused was vniustlie condemned contemptuouslie spit vpon opprobriouslie obraided and buffeted most iniuriouslie For our offences thou wast wounded and for our wickednes broozed for the offences of thy people thou wast beaten killed and with sharpe thornes crowned and contumeliouslie dealt withal For our sinnes thou wast cruellie handled a worme not a man a verie scorne of men and the outcast of the people Thy looke was odious and il fauoured a man thou wast ful of sorrowes without forme or beautie so that they had no lust vnto thee Besides some couered thine eies and laide vpon thy face with their fists exasperating thy torments with manie scoffes and mockes Thy blessed bodie was so mangled and cut with stripes that euen an Ethnike pittieng the same vttered these words Behold the man. Finallie for our enormous offences thou wast hanged like an accursed wretch betweene two theeues afflicted with a most odious kind of death pierced through the hands and the feete whereby thou didst encounter with most extreeme torments which were so great that for a space thou wast after a sort without al maner comfort and so constrained through thy great sorowe and greeuousnes of paine to drinke vineger so in the extremitie of paine thou didst giue vp thy Ghost cōmending the same vnto thy deere Father in wonderful patience like a sheepe lead to the slaughter and as a lambe quiet before the shearer thou didst not open thy mouth to raile yea that was so far from thee that thou praiedst for thine enimies that so by thy torments hauing quited vs from al guilt aswel of fault as of punishment we might be healed For to this ende didst thou be are the burden of our sinnes vpon the woode of the crosse that thou mightest recouer the peace of soules for such as are healed by thy stripes and obteine the true righteousnes for as manie as beleeue on thee that the wrath of thine eternal Father which is a consuming fire doe not deuour vs. O Iesu Christ sonne of the liuing God for these torments al other thy passions we wil honor praise and thanke thee for euermore beseeching thee most humblie that thy passions may worke and take effect in vs and be a present most wholesome medicine in al necessities and that alwaies being mindful of the same we may reioice therein make it a comfort for our selues against al the tentations of Satan and the force of sinne the Law that thy crosse may be an ensample to vs that walking in thy steps we render not rebuke for rebuke but may imitate thy long suffering and praie for such as curse vs and finallie may so thinke vpon and celebrate the cause of thy death that the consideration thereof may vtterlie both extinguish al the flames of vnlawful concupiscence and burie the enticements of the flesh and also raise vp the seede of godlines and nourish the loue of virtue within vs that so being wholie dead vnto sinne we may liue vnto righteousnes serue thee which barest our sinnes in thy bodie vpon the crosse but liuest now and raignest with the Father in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God for euermore Amen 3. A praier for true repentance O Lord God which artful of compassion mercie long suffering and of great goodnes thou continuest thy mercie for thousands taking awaie iniquitie sinnes and offences thou callest vs after thy woonted mercie by thy worde to repentance and hartie conuersion For vnto al and euerie one is repentance and forgiuenes of sinnes preached in thy Name Moreouer we knowe the riches of thy lenitie patience and long suffering in this that thou dost not suddainelie at vnawares take awaie sinners from the earth neither ouerwhelme them by by through thy iustice in their wicked deedes doing but giuest them a space to repent which is a most notable argument that thou wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that he be conuerted
pleased thee to appoint ouer vs a good and gratious Queene which doth gouerne with counsaile and rule with wisedome Grant hir we beseech thee continual peace long life and much happines and deliuer not hir Maiestie into the hands of hir enimies Rule thou hir minde and wil that she may serue thee alwaies in feare and reioice in trembling Let hir maintaine and imbrace pure religion and defend hir people in the profession of Christes Gospel against al errors and superstition whatsoeuer Giue hir wisdome and vnderstanding to doe such things as are grateful in thy sight profitable for vs hir subiects and hurtful to none O God eternal Father heare the petitions of our Queene in al hir trobles the Name of Christ our Sauiour glorifie hir and the comfortable aide of the holie Spirit vpholde hir now and euermore Be mindeful of hir grace for hir good giue to hir according to hir harts desire and prosper al hir purposes that we may reioice in thy saluation and triumph in the Name of our God. Blesse hir Lorde euermore that we may know that hir protector is in the cloudes Harken vnto hir from thine holie heauens by thy mightie right hande which bringeth saluation For though some trust in horses and others in chariots yet wil we remember the Name of our God. They shal fal and be ouercome but we couragiouslie wil persist O Lord protect hir Maiestie heare vs when we cal vpon thee That in thy strength she may reioice and mightilie triumph in thy saluation Grant hir the desire of hir hart and denie not the petitions of hir lips For thou hast preuented hir with notable blessings put a crowne of pure gold vpon hir head She hath asked life of thee thou wilt giue hir a long life Great is hir glory in thy saluation honor and fame hast thou put vpon hir Thou hast ordeined hir for exceeding blessednes and dost comfort hir hart with thy cheereful countenance And why Because she delighteth in thy Christ and doubteth not of thine euerlasting mercie Let thine hand O Lord light vpon hir enimies and thy right hand finde out al such as hate thee and enuie hir prosperitie Put them into a burning furnace in the time of thy displeasure the Lord in his anger shal consume and fire shal deuour them Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth and their seede from the sonnes of men Because they intended euil against thee and imagined mischiefe against the innocent which they could not bring to passe Therfore wilt thou turne them into flight and bend thy bowes against their faces Triumph O Lorde in thy virtue and we wil sing out and commende thy power Saue our Queene O merciful God in despite of al hir enimies which either secretlie or openlie go about to bring hir life to the graue and hir glorie to the dust Giue thy iudgement O Lord vnto hir grace and thy righteousnes vnto hir Counsaile that they may iudge thy people with iustice thy poore with equitie Let the mountaines bring peace and the little hils righteousnes vnto thy people Let them iudge the afflicted among the people and saue the sonnes of the poore Make them to destroy the backbyter that he persist not to afflict the miserable and such as trust in thy mercie and protection So shal quietnes and peace abound among vs like the hillockes on the earth Lord shielde our Soueraigne exalt thine Annointed let thine hande assist and thine arme strengthen hir Neuer let hir foes preuaile against hir nor the child of wickednes bring hir to destruction Banish from hir Court al hir priuie enimies and preserue hir euermore from dissembling friendes Grant this O most merciful Father for thy deare Sonne our Sauiour Christ his sake Amen 1. Morning praier on the Lordes daie O Almightie and merciful God eternal Father Sonne and holy Ghost three in persons one in substance God in verie deede and from euerlasting We extol thy sacred Maiestie we praise thine vnspeakeable mercie thy diuine truth we exceedingly comend for that of thy fatherlie and wonderful goodnes thou hast protected vs this night vnder the shadow of thy wings yea thou also hast made vs quietlie to take our rest notwithstanding the dangerous snares of our deadlie enimie the diuel Thou art the God which exaltest vs from the gates of the shadowe of death and from the power of darknes thou deliuerest vs. Therefore we wil acknowledge thee for thy goodnes for the wonderful things which thou dost among the sonnes of men We wil magnifie thee in the great Congregation and among much people wil we praise thee Our harts be readie O our God our harts be readie We wil praise thee O Lord among the people sing to thee among the nations For thy mercie is great aboue the heauens and thy truth vnto the cloudes We wil not hide thy mercie and truth in the great Congregation Because it is a good thing to praise the Lorde and to sing to thee O thou most High To declare thy louing kindnes in the morning thy truth in the night Blesse the Lord O our soules and al that is within vs praise his holie Name Which forgiueth al our iniquities and healeth al our infirmities Which redeemeth our liues from destruction and crowneth vs with mercie and compassion Which satisfieth our longing with good things and protecteth vs from our youth Which also hath kept al our bones this night Not one of them is broken To thee King euerlasting immortal inuisible onely wise God be honor and glory for euer euer Amen Vnto thee O Lord doe we lift vp our soules O God earelie wil we seeke thee our soules thirst for thee our flesh lusteth after thee in a barren drie lande where no water is to see thy strength and glorie O eternal God which hast brought vs to the beginning of this daie defend vs with thy mightie power that this day we fal into no sinne but let al our cogitations wordes and workes tende to the setting forth of thy righteousnes Lighten our minds this morning with the shining and clearenes of thy wisedome that in our harts that true day star may rise shine as it were a candle burning in a darke place Giue vs thy Spirit of wisdome and reuelation in the knowledge of thee And lighten the eies of our vnderstanding that we may know what our hope is how great the glorie of our inheritance and what the excelent greatnes of thy power toward vs. Fil vs with thy mercy in the morning so shal we be glad and reioice al our life long Merciful God endue vs with thine holie Spirit that we may neither thinke speake or doe anie thing this day
thee and may be thine properlie abiding in thy kingdome serue thee with a willing minde in righteousnes and true holines so that at length in the latter daie we may rise againe with our bodies vnto a blessed life and so both in bodie soule being redeemed from al euils in perpetual blisse happines may triumph with al thine holie Angels Patriarches Prophets and al thine elect and endued with vnspeakable and euerlasting ioie may praise thee our Sauior which hast ascended aboue al the heauens sittest at the right hand of God the Father almightie with whom thou liuest and reignest for euermore Amen 3. A praier for Faith. O Eternal God and heauenlie Father which art Alpha Omega the beginning the ending thou art the cause and absolute perfection of our life and saluation the euerlasting and infinit good from whom proceedeth euerie good giuing and euerie perfect gift to wit from the Father of lights with whom is no variablenes neither shadowing by turning We beseech thee in the Name of our Sauior Christ thy Sonne that through thine holie Spirit thou wilt plant in our harts a true knowledge of the same thy Sonne and keepe vs therein euermore make it plentiful and prosper euerie daie that replenished with the knowledge of thy wil in al wisedome and spiritual vnderstanding we may walke worthie the Lorde pleasing thee in al things being fruitful in al good works and encreasing in thy knowledge strengthened in al might through his glorious power vnto al patience and long suffering with ioiefulnes and may abounde in faith and word and knowledge and al diligence For this cause we bowe our knees vnto thee Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ of whom is named the whole family in heauen in earth that thou wilt grant vs according to the riches of thy glorie that we may be strengthened by thine holie Spirit into new men that Christ may dwel in our harts by faith being rooted and grounded in loue may be able with al Saints to comprehende the true knowledge of thine essence and wil according vnto thy word reuealed No man hath seene thee O God at anie time neither hath anie behelde the countenance of thy Maiestie For no man knoweth the Sonne which is of thy verie substance but thou the Father alone neither hath any knowen thee but the Sonne he to whom he doth reueale thee Wherefore we beseech thee of thine infinit goodnes and mercie draw vs vnto him let him bring vs vnto thee Giue the knowledge of saluation to thy people by the remission of their sinnes through thy tender mercie that in thy Sonne we may find righteousnes euen remission of sinnes reconciliation and newnes of our mindes through the holie Spirit whereby we may become heires of eternal life being iustified by the grace of Christ in whom we beleeue which was offered for our sinnes For he taking our punishment vpon himselfe did satisfie thy iustice fullie and washed vs by his pretious blood from al our iniquities and reconciled vs in the bodie of his flesh through death to make vs holie and blameles and without fault in thy sight Make vs therfore strong in faith and constant to resist al the ingins of Satan and proceeding from faith to faith to attaine that righteousnes which is auaileable before thee by the redemption which is in Christ Iesu whom thou hast appointed to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood that iustified by his grace we may haue peace of conscience and free accesse vnto the Father Holie and merciful God we humblie beseech thee which hast raised in vs the sparkles of true faith make perfect this good which thou hast begon in vs and bring it vntil the daie of our Lord Iesu Christ wherby abounding more and more in knowledge and in al iudgement we may allow the better and be pure without offence vntil that daie filled with the fruite of righteousnes which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glorie and praise of God. Wherefore appoint thy strength establish O God which thou hast wrought in vs that fighting a good fight we may retaine faith a good conscience least vnder persecution and aduersities being tossed we make shipwrack of our faith Helpe our weake and feeble faith which is like the graine of mustard seede within vs that encreasing dailie more and more it may take deepe roote and remaine firme alwaies and immoueable and neuer vanish awaie among so many sectes and diuisions in this worlde Extinguish al the doubtings of thy wil sticking in our corrupt nature let vs not mistrust thy promises of eternal and temporal benefits but applieng thy promises vnto our selues alwaies giue credit vnto thy worde and so depending wholie therevpon contrarie to al sense of humane reason we shal obteine a crowne of immortal glorie Grant likewise heauenlie Father that our faith be not barren vaine or dead without good workes and fruites of the Spirit but effectual working by charitie that we may receiue the ende of our faith euen the saluation of our soules and behold thee whome we now see by faith as it were in a glasse darklie in another world looking vpon thy Maiestie face to face in Christ our Sauior our Lord and God Amen 4. A praier for the Kingdome of God. MErciful and gratious God which hast called vs vnto thy kingdome and glorie and of thy fatherlie and good pleasure enioined vs this care that first and afore al things we should seeke thy Kingdome and the righteousnes thereof We beseech thee through and for thy Sonne our Lorde and Sauior Christ his sake teach our weake minds gouerne our wil and harts that without inuerting this thine appointed order we may first seeke that thou maiest shine within vs apprehende thy righteousnes by a true and liuelie faith and be vnited vnto thee our eternal King. Grant therefore that thy worde may be preached euerie where plainelie and purelie without fraud and that we may cast downe al our imaginations and euerie hie thing that is exalted against thy knowledge and leade our vnderstanding captiue to the obedience of the worde which thou hast deliuered and obey thy Gospel in al simplicitie of faith according to the good plesure of thy wil to the praise of the glorie of thy grace Assist vs O our Father which art in heauen that both thy word may be purely and sincerely preached we thereby as becometh the sonnes of God reformed in our liues Giue vs thine holie Spirit that we may beleeue thy word through thy grace and so leade a godlie and virtuous life in this worlde and liue hereafter with thy sonne in eternal blisse Breake thou of and hinder al the consultations and deuises both of the diuel the worlde and the flesh which do neither sanctifie thine
8. Euening praier on Mondaie O ALMIGHTIE and merciful God thou hast made the Moone for certaine seasons the Sunne which thou hast created knoweth his going downe Thou makest darknes and it is night wherin men betake them to rest cease from their worke and recreate their wearied members through sleepe Thou art the God forming light and creating darknes Therefore in the euening we wil praise thee and going to bed wil giue thee thanks because thou hast kept vs this daie of thine onelie mercie without any merit of ours from al danger and hurt When we are in troble we cal vpon thee and in the euening wil we remember thy mercie and truth which thou hast shewed vnto vs abundantlie Our eies preuent the night watches to meditate vpon thy wonderful things and our studies shal be alwaies of the excellencie of thy Name For thou hast sent from heauen and deliuered vs and hast brought them to shame that troade vpon vs O God thou hast sent thy mercie and truth and taken our soules from the mids of them which compassed vs about Therefore we wil sacrifice freelie vnto thee and praise thy most glorious Name For thou hast deliuered vs from al troble and our eies haue seene our desire vpon our enimies O Lorde God of our saluation daie and night doe we crie before thee when our eies are trobled through griefe and bitternes of our soules we poure out our teares before thee and in this place we humblie beseech thee couer and put out al our offences that as the Sunne of this daie is now downe and hidden so thou woldest also hide al our iniquities and drowne al our offences in the bottom of the sea that they neuer be seene with eies nor come forth into iudgement O our God we blush and are ashamed to lift vp our eies vnto thee For we are not worthie to lift vp our eies vnto Heauen because our sinnes are mo than the heares of our head Our offences haue taken such hold on vs that we are vnable to looke vp We haue sinned O Lord we haue sinned and haue committed iniquitie yea we haue rebelled and departed from thy precepts from thy iudgements We haue not obeied thy seruants which spake in thy Name to our Kings to our Princes and to our Fathers and to al the people of the lande O Lord righteousnes belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs open shame and confusion O Lord thou art iust and al thy works and al thy waies are mercie and truth thou iudgest truelie and rightlie for euer Remember vs and looke vpon vs according to the multitude of thy mercies neither punish vs for our sinnes nor remember our offences nor our forefathers which haue not obeied thy commandements We faint in our mourning we wil cause our bed to swim and water our coutch with teares Our eies be trobled through the griefe of our wickednes and our faces be withered O Lord God of hosts heare our praier O God our protector behold and looke vpon the face of Christ thine onelie begotten Sonne making intercession for vs and winke at our offences Hide thy face from our sinnes blot out al our iniquities Create in vs cleane harts O God and renue right spirits within vs Cast vs not away from thy presence take not thine holie spirit frō vs Restore to vs the ioie of thy saluation and stablish vs with thy free Spirit that we may doe al things according to thy wil and serue thee alwaies with a willing minde O Christ King of glorie we beseech thee blessed Lorde defend vs this night let our rest be in thee graunt vs thy grace that neither much sleepe ouerwhelme vs nor Satan inuade vs nor the flesh betraie vs vnto him and make vs giltie in thy sight Let our eies sleepe but let our harts wake cause thy right hand to protect such as trust in thee O Lord lighten our eies that we slepe not in death that Satan hurt vs not and our enimie saie I haue preuailed against them Watch ouer vs O eternal Sauior least the subtil tempter ouertake vs and we sleepe a perpetual sleepe and wake no more For thou art made our euerlasting helper Keepe vs as the apple of thine eie hide vs vnder the shadowe of thy wings O Lorde that neither ouglie visions nor horrible dreames nor sightes and monsterous apparitions troble vs in the darke In thy Name O sweete Iesu wil we go to bed and giue sleepe to our eies and slomber to our eie lids compasse vs about and raise vs againe to the ioieful sight of tomorrow light and after this miserable life bring vs to the beholding of eternal happines that in thy light we may see light and euermore praise thee raigning worlds without ende Amen 1. On Tuesdaie Morning praier O Almightie euerliuing true merciful God eternal Father of our Lord Iesu Christ which together with thy Sonne and the holie Ghost hast created the frame of this worlde withal things therin conteined and preseruest the same as yet according to thy free pleasure al creatures without ceassing euermore should extol and praise thee that doe euen the very fowles of the aire which earelie in the morning among the thick branches of trees and from the mids of rocks giuing out their sound and flieng about in the aire with most pleasant tunes doe magnifie thee the eternal God Lord and Creator of al things And therfore we men also earelie in the morning shold praise thee for thy benefits and euermore extol thy mercie with diuine commendations Thou hast preserued vs this night passed and from our cradles to this present houre hast thou kept vs safe Thou hast caused vs to come from sleepe and darkenes vnto the light of this daie and from our beds through thy benignitie we doe arise in safetie Hadst not thou O Lorde bin present with vs and watched vs the insatiable crueltie of Satan had deuoured vs Hadst not thou kept our houses and vs the keeper of the Citie had watched in vaine If the Lorde had not bin on our side when men rose vp against vs they had then swallowed vs vp quicke when their wrath was kindled against vs then had the waters of troble drowned vs and the streame of miseries had gone ouer our soules yea the swelling merciles waters had gone ouer our soules Blessed be the Lorde which hath not giuen vs a praie for their teeth Our soules are escaped euen as a bird out of the snare of the foulers the snare is broken and we are deliuered Our helpe is in the Name of the Lorde which hath made both heauen and earth Now harken therefore vnto our words O Lorde marke our crie vnderstand the voice of our praier our King and our god For vnto thee Lorde
of al beleeuers an aider of the oppressed a refuge in the time of troble a physition for the sicke yea our life and salfegard in the peril of death By al thy paines passions which thou didst suffer for vs and wherby in the flesh thou tookedst vppon thee thou feelest our infirmities we beseech thee that pittieng our sicknes and diseases thou wilt succor al that are sicke and especiallie such as in their agonies do encounter with many sondrie tentations Giue them grace to know that al sicknes and miseries of the bodie whatsoeuer come not by chance but to be sent of thee our God without whose wil and permission none aduersitie can come vpon vs For al the heares of our heads be nombred Let them knowe that sicknes is sent through thy good counsaile not for our destruction but for our amendment and to cal vs vnto repentance and either to keepe vs in our calling or to driue vs from wickednes whervnto by nature we are inclined For when we are iudged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the worlde And iudgement commonlie beginnes at the house of God. Finallie diseases be certaine instruments whereby thou dost exercise vs to the mortification of our flesh O thou most excellent curer both of soules and bodies diseased which hast showen that sicknes and miseries of the bodie are the punishments of sinne and warnings of thy displeasure against our wickednes Spare vs O Lorde spare thy people and forgiue our sinnes whereby we haue prouoked these manifold diseases and miseries Speake vnto our trobled harts in this conflict of the conscience reuiue them with the sweete and liuelie comfort of the free remission of our sinnes purchased by Christ and take awaie the prick of sinne and stings of death that we feele not the gnawing worme of a guiltie conscience Grant vs quiet mindes through the consolation of the scriptures and working of the holie Ghost that we may surelie rest vpon thee and thy promises neuer doubting of thy fatherlie kindnes toward vs. Heate our colde harts and fainting members by thy Spirit that they may be nimble to fulfil thy pleasure and suffer afflictions laide vpon them with a quiet minde and neuer murmuringlie resist thy wil but alwaies thinke that whom the Lord loueth him he chasteneth and scourgeth euerie sonne that he receiueth Therefore strengthen vs that we may suffer thy fatherlie correction with quiet minds O Lord looke downe from heauen from thine holie Court and behold the humilitie and affliction of al weake persons take from them their extreme paine or at the least mitigate their sorrowes whereby they may feele some ease and let thy yoke be vnto them easie and thy burden light Restore the weake to their woonted strength and heale their griefes according to thy diuine pleasure to their welfare Wype away alteares from their eies and helpe them on the bed of their sorow and make their beds in their weakenes Heale and bind vp their wounds for great is thy power and thine hand is not shortened For when al hope of worldlie helpe doth faile that can assist Thy mightie right hande can alter euery thing yea if thou onlie saie the word the weake shal be healed that without the means of any natural thing Grant likewise that al which are recouered may wel vse their health least otherwise they forgo through sin y which they receiued by grace be thankful alwaies warie least a woorse thing happen vnto them And concerning such as it pleaseth thee to take out of this miserable worlde into thine euerlasting kingdome confirme those with thine holie Spirit that at the houre of their departure they may peaceably rest vpholden with a trust of free remission of their sinnes and hope of a ioieful resurrection of the dead and life euerlasting Shorten the paines which they suffer now in their mortal bodies and turne their sorrow into perfect and eternal ioie and make them willing to be dissolued from their bodies to be with thee and to withdraw themselues from al such things as doe hinder the spiritual course as are the loue of this present life the pleasures of the world the desires of the flesh earthlie cogirations riches and vaine glorie O Christ our eternal Sauior we beseech thee which hauing ouercome the sting of death hast opened the kingdome of heauen to al beleeuers according to our faith wilt come to be the iudge of the quick and dead haue mercie on thy seruants whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood Amen 7. A praier against the tentation of Satan O Most heauenlie Father and eternal God vnto thee do we crie protect strengthen vs weake and feeble ones against the tentation of Satan which is the sworne and extreeme enimie to mans saluation a slanderer and our accuser that great Dracon the old serpent which is called the Diuel carrieng away the whole world a coosener wicked spirit a deceauer which goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may deuour And especiallie in this doting age of the world as he knoweth his time of raigning is but short perceiueth the day of iudgement to be verie nigh at hand wherein his filthines shal be made manifest to al creatures to his euerlasting torments so now he rageth and raungeth in a deadlie hatred against thy flock by al meanes seketh the destruction of al mankind diuers waies and by vnspeakeable subtiltie doth he laie snares to entrap our soules egerlie doth he beset vs and al his power and pollicie doth he powre out against vs he prieth for any occasion wherby he may allure vs to shameful offending and so at length horriblie to cast vs headlong into extreeme desperation For as many corporal affections as be in man so many occasions doth he take to tempt vs thereby to wound vs or at least to hurt vs with one prick or other He laieth snares to take vs in wealth in pouertie in pleasure and in the inticements of the flesh in anguish of minde in ambition and desire of glorie in the wearisomnes of our calling and inferior condition in cares both for the back and bellie in couetousnes and loue of monie in lust of reuenge He ticles some with a desire of glorie and promotion he imprinteth in others a vaine of curiositie and pride into others he instilleth suspicions and doubtings of thy diuine wil and prouidence he bloweth into others a perswasion of wisedome and knowledge some he carieth awaie in securitie night and daie whether we sleepe or wake he is about vs with foming mouth and open iawes neieth to deuour vs that our senses may be corrupted from the simplicitie which we owe to Christ euen as the serpent deceaued Eaue by his subteltie O God who is able to flie awaie or to persist against
our Lord Iesu Christ maker and preseruer both of heauen and earth together with thy coeternal Sonne and the holie Ghost We haue sinned O Lord with our fathers we haue committed iniquitie and done wickedlie Therefore we openlie confesse that by thy righteous iudgement we are iustlie punished and rightlie deserue that barbarous and vngodlie nations shoulde spoile vs of our goods ouerthrowe our schooles Churches and Commonweales make vnmerciful hauocke of the promiscuous multitude and carie miserable men from the sweete bosomes of thy deere friendes into a slauerie more greeuous than death O God it is thou which repellest vs yea thou dost confounde vs before the nations for our sinnes and goest not forth with our armies to the battel Thou makest vs to turne our backs vpō our enimies so that they which hate vs spoile our goods Thou sufferest vs to be eaten vp like sheepe and hast scattered vs among the Heathen Thou sellest thy people for naught and takest no monie for them Therefore be the Heathen come into thine inheritance thy holie Temple haue they defiled they haue destroied our townes and houses and brought them into an heape of stones The dead bodies of thy seruants haue they giuen to be meate for foules of the aire and the flesh of thy Saints vnto the beastes of the lande Their blood haue they shed like waters on euerie side and there was no man to burie them We are become an open shame to our enimies a verie scorne and byword vnto them that are rounde about vs. Wherefore in these mischieuous wars and in the middes of our fatal punishments we flie vnto thee saieng Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glorie of thy Name O deliuer vs and be merciful vnto our sinnes for thy Name sake O deale not with vs after our sinnes neither reward vs after our iniquities Remember not our former sins but let thy tender mercie preuent vs For we are in great miserie Looke vpon our affliction and trauel and forgiue al our sinnes Behold our enimies for they are manie and they hate vs with cruel hatred Thou which hast forgiuen the iniquitie of thy people and couered al their sinnes and hast withdrawen al thine anger and turned back frō the fiercenes of thy wrath turne vs we humblie beseech thee O God our Sauior remoue awaie thy displeasure that in true repentance we may please thee for thy Sonne his sake Wilt thou be displeased with vs for euer or wilt thou prolong thy wrath from one generation to another O let the sorowful sighing of thy prisoners come before thee according to the greatnes of thy power preserue those which are appointed to die Poure out thine indignation vpon the heathen that knowe thee not and vpon the kingdomes which cal not vpon thy Name that al nations may knowe the vengeance of the blood of thy seruantes that is shed Consider the mortal threatnings of our enimies that they may be hindered from exercising their tyrannie vpon vs saieng triumphinglie Where is now their God Keepe from our necks the greeuous yoake of Antechristian bondage and represse the furiousnes of al Tyrans which labor to spoile and make hauock of thy Church to abolish true doctrine praiers pure religion and to bring in idolatrie errors blasphemous ceremonies Defende our Churches Polities and dwelling places Suffer not our townes to be reduced into dennes for Tyrans and other bloodie nations which hate both thee and vs extreemelie Arme the right arme of our Gratious Queene and hir Nobles that they may fight for our Lawes liues and libertie Teach their hands to fight and their fingers to battel encrease in thē an inuincible courage of minde that enflamed through the zeale of thy religion they may valiantlie withstande their euen thine enimies Guide thou the hands of such as fight in the cause of religion ▪ and grant them happie successe ouer al their enimies For a King is not saued by the multitude of an host neither is the mightie man deliuered by great strength but the victorie commeth from heauen At thy rebuke O Lord both the charret and horse fal downe Thou wilt take awaie the courage of Princes and art terrible to the Kings of the earth O be thou our helpe in troble for vaine is the helpe of man Through thee we shal do valiantlie for thou wilt tread our enimies vnder our feete and make them come to naught through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen A praier to be saide in the time of the plague sicknes and mortalitie O Lorde our God great feareful art thou keeping couenant mercie with thē that loue thee and keepe thy commandements We haue sinned O Lord and haue committed iniquitie we haue done wickedlie yea we haue rebelled and haue departed from thy precepts and from thy iudgements we haue not obeied thy seruants the Prophets which spake in thy Name to our Kings and Princes to our forefathers and to al the people of the lande O Lord righteousnes belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs open shame and confusion as it is come to passe this daie by the plague and sicknes raigning among vs and among al the dwellers of this lande because of the sinnes which we haue done against thee Vnto thee our Lord and God pertaineth compassion and forgiuenes though we haue rebelled against thee We haue not obeied thy voice to walke in the lawes which thou hast laide before vs. We haue hitherto despised thy diuine worde yea we haue loathed preaching and haue loa●ed the bridle to al beastlines of desires Therefore the curse and oth which is written in the lawe of Moses thy seruant is poured vpon vs and we through the plague and corrupt aiers with burning feauers and grieuous sicknes are lamentablie consumed euerie daie Yea in our knees and legs are we smitten with most lothsome botches those incurable frō the sole of the foote vnto the top of the hed Because we repent not neither obserue al the words written in thy lawe nor feare thy glorious and dreadful name thou dost according to thy threatnings aforetolde encrease our plagues and the plagues of our seede thou sendest great plagues and of long continuance euil sicknes and of long durance thou bringest vpon vs vncureable diseases al maner of sicknes and al kinds of plagues besides those written in the booke of the lawe Al these plagues according to thy worde are come vpon vs yet haue we not praied vnto thee our Lorde that we might euerie man turne from his vngodlie waies Therefore hast thou bin watchful in punishing vs and in bringing these euils vpon vs Thou art righteous O Lord and true is thy iudgment O God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ thou hast got thee a glorious Name as may appeere this
merciful God raine not I beseech thee hailestones vpon the face of the earth neither strike such as are in the fieldes be they man or beast Strike not thou therewithal the herbes of the fielde neither breake thou gracious Lord the trees of our lande Destroie not our corne with hailestones nor with hailestones smite thou our cattel and deliuer our flocks from the thunderbolt Cast not the fiercenes of thy wrath anger and displeasure vpon vs. Giue vs not hailestones for raine neither flames of fire in our lande but of thy mercie conuert the thunder into gentle raine whereby it may bring out fruite abundantlie Sende not among vs either vntimelie or vntemperate showers which be either noisome to the fruite and bring the mildewe or destroie the corne Restraine in like sort the windes and violent tempestes that they bring none hurt neither to vs or our goods euen for Christes sake our Lorde and Sauior Amen A praier for waiefaring men and Trauelers O Almightie eternal and liuing God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ I thanke thee with mine ▪ whole hart for sending of thine infinite and vnspeakeable goodnes to manwarde thine onelie Sonne into this worlde to suffer on our behalfe al the miseries of this life which in the state of extreeme basenes traueling from one region to another to preach the Gospel of thy kingdome suffered no doubt the sondrie infirmities of our mortal bodie For passing through Samaria he was wearie by reason of trauel and rested himselfe on Iacobs wel In al things he was like vnto vs For we haue not an hie Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in al things tempted like as we are and yet without sinne In his Name I take my iournie whose wil it is that whatsoeuer we doe either in worde or deede we shoulde doe it in the Name of our Lorde and Sauior Christ giuing thanks vnto thee our God and Father through him For his sake which went about doing good and healing al that were oppressed of Satan I beseech thee giue thine holie angels charge to keepe me in al my waies and to guide me to and fro in my iournie euen as Tobie the yonger was guided of the Angel Raphaël vnto Gabaël habiting in Rages a citie of the Medes Guide me with strength and courage and direct my steps in the course of my iournie that I wander not out of the right waie into bywaies neither cast my selfe into dangers And therefore holie Father be thou the directer of my waies and keepe me out of the clawes of spoilers Saue mee from the deuouring iawes of sauage beasts Compasse me about with thine heauenlie protection that I fal not into any euils either of soule or bodie Be thou vnto me a faithful companion as thou wast to Iacob the Patriarch traueling into Mesopotamia and descending into Egypt Likewise as thou diddest lead the children of Israël through the red sea and through the vncomfortable wildernes going before them by daie in a piller of a cloude and by night in a piller of fire to lighten them in the way that they went vouchsafe to accompanie gouerne and direct me in this my iornie Shew mee also such fauor that wheresoeuer I go I may find godlie men which may entertaine lodge and curteouslie entreate me least otherwise I fal into perils and be iniuried of the wicked Be thou with me night and daie that none hurt light vpon me protect me both against the iniurie of cold and the vehemencie of heat and from al enimies deliuer me O Lord giue me bread to eate and clothes to put on And as the wise men by the direction of a star in the East came ioiefullie into Iurie and afterward being admonished in a dreame so to doe returned into their countrie another waie so my busines being wel finished bring me home againe in safetie that I may praise thee my God and Lorde continuallie in the Congregation of thy Saints O Lorde heare my praier and with thine eares consider my complaint holde not thy peace at my teares For I am a stranger in this worlde as al my forefathers were Our daies like a shadowe vpon the earth doe passe awaie and continue not We are strangers and wander out of our true countrie For the daies of our pilgrimage are but short yet be they full of miserie troble Giue me grace that I set not my minde on this worlde but to lift vp mine eies vnto heauen and desire a better that is an heauenlie countrie And as long as wee are absent from the bodie let vs be of good courage suffer vs not through feare to faint in afflictions but firmelie to trust that shortlie we shal returne vnto thine habitation and there enioy thy sight in deede euerlasting life where thou with thy Sonne and the holie Spirit liuest and raignest one eternal God for euermore Amen A Praier before the receiuing of the holie Communion O Iesu Christ holie and eternal God I miserable man and wretched sinner acknowledge confesse that I am not worthie the least of al thy mercies most vnworthie to receaue thee vnder the roofe of my soule by participating of thy most blessed bodie and blood For horrible and infinite are the sinnes wherwith I am defiled Wo is me Lord for I am a man of polluted lips and dwel among people that haue vncleane lips And therefore the verie entrales of mine hart are trobled and my bones doe shake because I finde my soule a most vnworthie ghest for so heauenlie a supper And yet againe mine hart is wonderfullie lightened when I cal into minde that thou the deere sonne of almightie God camest not into this worlde to cal the righteous but sinners vnto repentance For they that be whole neede not the Phisition but they that are sick Besides I knowe right wel and constantlie doe beleeue that notwithstanding my filthines thou canst make me worthy which alone canst make that cleane which is conceaued of vncleane seede and righteous men of sinners when thou forgiuest our sins of thy wonted grace thine holie Spirit being poured vpon vs. Through which thy power and mercie I beseech thee grant such grace vnto me a sinner that I may worthilie approch to this heauenlie Sacrament least otherwise by mine vnworthines I be made guiltie of thy bodie and blood and so instead of life receaue my iudgement and condemnation Giue grace therefore that afore I presume to come vnto the participation thereof I may examine my selfe by calling my sinnes into minde searching out my waies by vnfained and hartie repentance returning vnto thee my Lord least otherwise by concealing my sinnes with Iudas the traitor I eate the bread of the Lord against the Lord by abusing