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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19398 [A dialogue of diuerse quections [sic] demanded of the children to their father very necessary, and profitable both for children, and parents, masters and seruants.] Cotes, William, b. ca. 1560. 1585 (1585) STC 5829; ESTC S111175 27,610 76

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righteously Fiftly and lastly to perseuer daily hourely and vnto our liues ende most triumphantly and by these fiue steps or degrées you may practise to keepe the whole decalog and will of God The sonnes 8. Question or request I pray you discribe vnto vs the true sence meaning of the Law decaloge or precept in a breefe some or expositiō The fathers description or exposition It is set downe by Moses as he receiued it from God in the Mount Sinai and he receiued it into two Tables and in 10. verses or precepts it is expressed and in the first Table is sette downe 4. precepts and in the second Table is written 6. precepts in which first table is set downe our duety toward God in the 4. first verses and in the seconde table our duety towards our neighbour for in the first table we are taught in the 4. first precepts to haue none other Gods but God onely Secondly not to reuerence or worship any thing in heauen or earth And thirdly not to abuse Gods holye name in any exercise And fourthly wee are commaunded straightle to remember to keepe holy the Lordes day And in the second table in the 6. precepts wee are commaunded in the first precept and fift commaundement for to honour our Parents Princes and Magistrates And the sixt commaundement forbiddeth murder The 7. forbiddeth adulterie The 8. forbiddeth theft The 9. forbiddeth periury and false witnes against thy neighbour And the 10. and last cōmaundement forbiddeth couetousnesse extortion vsury or any thing that shall preiudice thy neighbour So that in the first table practised is séene our loue holinesse faith and zeale towards God Euen so by our indeuour of the second Table is also séene our loue mercy faith and fidelity towardes our poore neighbours and brethren The summe and fulfilling of the whole lawe of God is first to loue God aboue all things whatsoeuer which is the fulfilling of the foure first preceps of the first Table And the second is to loue our neighbours brethren as our selues which is the fulfilling of the sixe last precepts in the second Table that is to liue in righteousnes all the dayes of our life which power the Lorde God graunt vs for Christes sake The sonnes 9. Question Because the scripture sayth that no man by the deedes of the Lawe can merite saluation How then is it possible to be certaine and sure of our saluation seeing we are bound to keepe the whole Lawe The fathers answere I haue sayd before that which naturall men cannot doo our Christ which is both God and man hath by his precious death and passion fully accomplished but yet we must doo our indeuour and good-will to practise his commaundement vnto the vttermost of our power And therfore the surest wae for vs is to take fast holde of Christ by a sure firme fath c. The sonnes 10. Question But what faith is that I pray you describe vnto my mother and vs the true sence and meaning thereof The fathers aunswer It is our beléefe Apostolicall commonly called the Créede of the Apostles As we say dayly I beléeue in God c. which Créede or beléefe is set downe in 12. Articles which 12. Articles are deuided into foure partes and in the first parte we confesse God our father to be almighty and the onely maker of heauen earth and in the seconde parte we doo also confesse Iesus Christ to be the onely sonne of God and the second person in the trinity who being equall with God hys and our father came downe from heauen vnto vs in earth and héere was inclosed in the virgines wombe there was made man in all poynts as we are only sinne excepted by the power of the holy ghost and was borne of the Virgin Mary in Bethlem in a stable betwéene an Oxe and an Asse cradled in a maunger or Crach and after he had liued obediently with his Mother the Virgin and his supposed father Ioseph at twelue yéeres of his age he did dispute with the mighty doctors in the middest of the Temple of Ierusalem and there expounded the scriptures and all that heard him wondred at his gratious spéeches and at the age of 30. yeeres was baptised of Iohn in Iordayne and then went into the wildernes and was tempted 3. times of the deuill and then came to Ierusalem méekly ryding on an Asse and there was receiued of men and children with hosanna confessing him king of Israell and the sonne of the highest and there hee whypped out of the Temple the buyers and sellers and money chaungers and after he hadde reprooued the Scribes and Pharises and taught the Scripture vnto hys Disciples hee was Iudasly solde vnto the Scribes and Pharises mocked reuiled scorged buffeted condemned of Pilate crowned with thornes crucified on the Crosse betwene two theeues and accurssed of God hys father and dyd suffer on the Crosse the very paynes of hell bothe in bodye and soule for thée and me was dead and buryed for thée and me and the third day he rose againe to iustifie thee and mee And after forty daies when hee hao accomplished his fathers wyll in the sight of all his Apostles and many other hee did ascend vp into heauen where he sits and there he shall remaine vntill the day of iudgement where he maketh continuall intercession vnto God our Father for thée and mée who hath all power bothe in heauen and earth to helpe thée and me and will surely come againe the last day in power and glory and be a ioyfull Iudge for thée and mée This is the sum of the second part of our beléefe and in the third part of our beléefe we beléeue in the holy ghost that he is the third person in the trinitie equall with the father and the sonne and that he is the vertue and power of God procéeding both from the father and the sonne and also the Illuminator of hys elect yea ●●d the sanctifier and preseruer of all hys saints the holy Church of God And in the fourth part of our beléefe wee beléeue and confesse the communion of saintes to be all those which beléeue that Iesus Christ is the their onely mediator and sauiour which communion of saints we beleeue is the vniuersall Church of Christe dyspersed throughout all the world commōly called the Catholike Church dispersed héere and there vppon the face of the whole earth of which comyany Iesus Christ is the head and not the Pope which head will not lose one of his elect for we are as déere vnto him as the apple of his eye although we be héere contemned dispised derided and tormented yet our firme faith and beléefe is that our sinnes are forgiuen vs onely by our redéemer and mediator Iesu Christes merits and that our bodies and soules shal be at the ioyfull day of iudgement triumphantly with him in heauen for euer and euer and this is the whole summe of our faith But this fayth is not mans
more that Lot was threatned the sooner hee was rescued The more that Ioseph was imprisoned the sooner to a kingdome he was exalted The more Moses the children were perplexed the sooner the red sea gaue place for their deliuerance The more bitterer was Christs passion the sweeter and firmer was our saluation Therefore to conclude he that will raigne with Christ must suffer with Christ for by and through many tribulations wee must enter into the kingdome of heauen To the which God of his mercy for Christes sake bring vs all Amen A prayer of the Author of the Booke O Lord God father of my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ who preserueth al men by the grace and gift of thy holy spirit giue mee grace O mercifull father from the bottome of my hart to looke vnto the greeuousnesse of my owne sinne which euer condemneth me before thy Maiestie that I may not of my selfe presume to instruct others and forget to examine my selfe vnto amēdment of my life then learne to instruct other in thy lawe according vnto thy will and my bounden duetie because thou hast commaunded in thy holy word that after thou hast instructed vs we shoulde instruct others and not hide the tallent which is giuen vs nor yet quench thy holy spirit in vs. Graunt this O most mercifull father for thy sonnes sake our onely Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whome be all honour and glory for euer Amen ¶ A Dialogue of diuerse Quections demanded of the children to their father very necessary and profitable both for children and parents masters and seruants The youngest sonnes Question AFter that one of my Children had read a Chapter vnto me at supper out of the Actes of the Apostles my youngest sonne after supper sitting by the fire asked this question father sayth he what is God The fathers Answere My sonne all the wisest Philosophers that euer were could neuer yet cōprehend or resolue this question the cause was they neuer searched to know him by his holy word but by their owne naturall wisedome by which wisedome it is vnpossible to please God or know him for God hath reuealed himselfe vnto vs in his holy word although S. Paul sayth God hath reuealed himselfe vnto vs by his creatures which are the heauens and earth and all things therein contayned By which they knowe there is a God but yet neither Philosopher nor any other can tel what God is but by his holy word In which he reuealeth himselfe vnto vs what he hath doone for vs and howe he hath so loued vs before wée were that he hath created all things for vs hath also giuen vs his deare only sonne Iesus Christ who beyng verie God equall with his father came downe from heauen and disdayned not the Virgins wombe and there tooke our nature on him and was made man in all points as we are onely sinne excepted and in our naturall fleshe was obedient euen vnto the very death of the Crosse wherin he suffered for vs the very paynes of hell both in soule and body was dead buried and rose againe the third day to iustifie vs and after fortie dayes he did ascend into heauen whence he came there he will sit vntill the day of iudgement hauing all power both in heauen and earth which is ment by sitting at Gods right hand And then he wil come and be our ioyfull iudge but vntill then he will be with vs in spirit and power by which spirit we haue reuelation knowledge of him and what God is And without this spirit it is vnpossible to vnderstand his holy will that is reuealed in his holy word which holy spirit is the holy Ghost which holy Ghost is the vertue and power of God procéeding from the father and the sonne the third person in the trinitie which three persons is but one God which God is almightie vnmeasurable incomprehensible and without all mens capacitie and wisedome For he is a spirit and therefore they that will worship him must worshippe and serue him in spirit and trueth ●m 18. ● 1.16 〈◊〉 6.16 for otherwise he is incomprehensible he is Alpha and Omega that is he is the first and the last without beginning or ende for no man hath séene God at any time vnto whom be all honour Amen Another sonnes Question Father you say that S. Iohn saith that no man hath seene God at any time I pray you tell vs then why God is pictured in forme like an olde man with a long white beard sitting in a golden chaire how can that be except he hath beene seene of some man The fathers aunswere My sonne I say that God is neyther olde nor young neither can any place containe him for hee filleth all places both in heauen and earth and the Sea and therefore he is euerywhere for heauen is his seate and earth is his footestoole and therefore he must haue a very great chaire to containe him Therefore such as dare presume to paint or picture him in any proportion dooth commit great and horrible blasphemie and are cursed of God himselfe Much lesse like an olde man with a long white Beard for that is the weakest sort of men But how can or dare any creature make his Creator Oh horrible execrable damnable vile presumptuous cursed wretch that dare presume to violate and breake Gods holy precept forbidden expressely in the first table and the seconde verse Good children beware of such horrible Papisticall blasphemies Another Question of the sonne Father I heard you once say that there was a man in Bridewell that affirmed by Scripture that it was not lawfull to feare God but to loue him Must we not feare God but loue him The fathers aunswere In déede there was a vile fellowe in Bridewel that affirmed out of the scriptures first out of the seconde Chap. of S. Luke the 17. verse out of the song of Zacharias in these wordes that we being deliuered out of the handes of our enemies might serue him without feare all the dayes of our life but this feare is not meant towarde God but it is that wee shoulde not feare Gods rigor and iustice that he scourgeth the wicked withall but loue him as a father neyther yet feare what the wicked can doo vnto vs in all their extremities or malice neither yet feare any of theyr threates scornes scoffes persecutions or tortures whatsoeuer but because God hath deliuered vs out of the handes of our enemies we shoulde serue him without feare all the dayes of our life not cast off our louing feare of our good God that hath deliuered vs out of the handes of the deuill hell and damnation for euer Who woulde not feare to displease such a good God louing father also diuers scriptures are our warrant against this presumptuous villaine for God promiseth great blessings vnto all such as feare him As for example in the booke of Moses it is set downe howe God loueth