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judgement_n body_n sin_n soul_n 3,674 5 5.2011 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15713 The christians mourning garment Worship, William. 1603 (1603) STC 25987; ESTC S113276 27,165 63

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life for their consciences are bereft of sence and motion by that gangrene sinne and throughly burnt with a searing Yron If a man should cut them vp he should finde no hart in them for Whoredome and Wine and new Wine haue taken Hose 4. 11. away their hart This is a plague of all plagues The stone in the bladder is a gréeuous disease so is the stone in the backe but there is no disease to the stone in the hart Some read the Bible and finding the wrath of God to smoake against sinners in the olde Testament somtime with stoning somtime with the earth swallowing her inhabitants somtime with fire brimstone from heauen they wonder why God is so gentle now a dayes as to let sinne alone which growes so ranke in all places Alas it is true wretches that we are we are all of one language quite contrary to the good language of Canaan we build Towers of Babel Towres of sinne and confusion whose pinacles spire vp to heauen and cry out in the eares of the Lord Thou God to whome vengeance belongeth thou God to whom vengeance belongeth shew thy selfe And verily if we goe on as we doe out-sinning all the regions about vs and turning vnto our owne race as a horse rusheth into the battaile we shall driue the Lord in his anger to exclaime O they haue put out my eyes as the Philistins did Sampsons my type they multiply abhominatiōs as if I had no prouidence lead me lead me to the maine pillers of the land the posts whereon the house standeth that so I may bring the realme vpō their heads be at once auenged of them for my two eyes But to answer the question I auouch i● confidently that the Lorde doth plague the impenitent of this land more sharply and seuerely now in these dayes of peace then he did malefactors in former ages And I prooue it thus Then he punished the body now he punisheth the soule deliuering these men vp into a reprobate sence giuing the Deuill liberty to eare-marke them It is the fearefullest iudgment in the world when sin is punished with sinne and this is the iudgment of these times Wo wo wo vnto vs for we are sick of sinne vnto death and yet féele it not nay like Gadarens we driue away the Lord of life the deare Physitian of our soules If any man be desirous to know the cause of so vniuersall a desertion and embrawning of the hart I must tell him that we are poore with riches pale with beauty sicke with health euill with good Peace and Plenty the mother and daughter haue so led and pampred vs that we are waxen wantonings and kick against the Lord Search the Scripture who will he shall euer finde that leannesse of soule hath béene sent amongst Quailes that excessiue mirth gluttony and chambering make men pursie vnweildsome and to God vnseruiceable By this deare Christian brother mayest thou take a scantling of their wretched estate in this life who do nothing els but fulfill their sensuall lusts and appetites Surely me thinkes this one iudgement that vsunlly befalleth Belly-gods on earth should make our Lusty blouds afraid But alas they haue eyes and see not eares and heare not harts and vnderstand not They drinke till they be drounde in fire and shoote chaineshot of roaring oathes that make the windowes of heauen to totter in my conscience they made the earth quake so lately Tel them of it they breake iests and like the prophane Isralits rebuke the Priest Hosea 4. 4. Yet when they lye vpon their death beds tumbling and tossing and telling the clock when the flashes of hell fire present themselues to their consciences and the bloody wounds appeare which they gaue their owne soules in the dayes of their iollitye when that wilde beast Sin that hath so long slept at the dore of their harts and stird not is suddainely awaked and flyes in their bosome ready to pull out their throates when swarmes of iniquities humme like flyes about them and like Frogges scrall vpon them and croke vengeance against them then tell me if they descend not from the treble keyes of mirth to the graue keyes of sorrow tell me then if they tremble not like an Aspine leafe or like the hartlesse Deare at the noyse of the thunder-cracke Then send for Moses send for the Preacher then good people pray for me O whither shall I flie from the Arrowes of the Almightie that part my ribbes and wound me incurably Alas I thought I could haue repented at the last gaspe euen when I was fetching my soule sighes but now I finde to my paine that repentance is the guift of God O that I might dye the death of the righteous This will be the out-crye of euery one of them dye not their harts like stones within 1. Sam. 25. 37. them as Nabals did But when the date of their life is out and their soules vnbodied then is that truely brought to passe which our Sauiour pronounceth Woe bée to you that now laugh Luk. 6. 25. for yée shall wéepe and waile When they once put their heades within hell gates and heare the feareful yelling of damned spirits that féele no comfort no release no ease nor any thing but amaze and horror then will they wish wish that they had wept their eies out sighed their lungs in péeces but it will be too late Then will each of them crye out Cursed be the day wherin I was borne cursed be the paps that gaue me suck cursed be the knées that preuented me for damned I was damned I am damned I shall be for euer more O whether poore forsaken shall I go from distresse since no remooue can lessen my sorrowes euery place presents like face of misery Alas what comfort cā I haue when the God of all comfort is away Alas it is a long night that 's neuer day an vnmercifull fire that 's neuer quenched a dreadful torment that hath neuer end but lasteth for a time times no time euen for euer O hell hell thy fire is intollerable hot yet without any light to giue a soule cōfort the breath of the Lord like a Riuer of Brimstone doth kindle it O that some moūtaine would Isai 30. 33. fall on me hide me from the presence of the Lambe whom if I had kist he had not béene angry and I had neuer come to this O that I had béene borne a Katte or a Spider or a Load for so should my soule haue vanished to nothing whereas now it is substantiue alwayes dying yet neuer dead Worme of conscience when oh when wilt thou dye wilt thou neuer leaue tugging and tearing my soule Father Abraham one drop of water to coole my tongue good father Abraham Alas why go I about to blazon the armes of hell since they passe the power of any pencils expressing or mindes imagination Suppose a man laid his limmes on a
priuate families O Lord our God and heauenly Father wee thy vnworthie children doe here come into thy most holy and heauenly presence to giue thée praise glory for al thy great mercies and manifold blessings towards vs especially for that thou hast preserued vs this night past from all the dangers and feares thereof hast giuen vs quiet rest to our bodies and brought vs now safely to the beginning of this day and doest now a fresh renew all thy mercies vpon vs as the Eagle reneweth her bill giuing vs all things aboundantly to enioy as food raiment health peace libertie and fréedome frō many miseries diseases casualties and calamities which wée are subiect vnto in this life euery minute of an houre and not only so but also for vouchsafing vnto vs many good things not onely for necessitie but euen for delight also But aboue all deare father we praise thy name for the blessings of a better life specially for thy most holy word and sacraments and all the good wée enioy thereby for the continuance of the Gospell amongst vs for the death of thy sonne all that happinesse which we haue thereby Also because thou hast chosen vs to life before we were and that of thy méere goodnesse vndeserued fauour towards vs and hast called vs in thine appointed time iustified by thy grace sanctified vs by thy spirit adopted vs to be thine owne children heires apparant to the great crowne O Lord open our eyes euery day more more to sée and consider of thy great and maruailous loue to vs in all these things that by the due consideration therof our harts may be drawne yet nearer vnto thée euen more to loue thée feare thée and obey thée that as thou art enlarged toward vs in mercie so we may be enlarged towards thée in thanksgiuing and as thou dost abound towards vs in goodnesse so we may abound towards thée in obedience and loue And sith deare father thou art neuer wearie of doing vs good not withstanding all our vnworthinesse naughtinesse therefore let the consideration of thy great mercy and fatherly kindnesse towardes vs euen as it were force our hearts compell vs to come into thy most glorious presence with new songs of thanksgiuing in our mouths Wée pray thée O most mercifull God to forgiue vs all our vnthankfulnesse vnkindnesse prophanes and great abusing of all thy mercies and specially our abuse and contempt of thy Gospell togither with all other the sins of our life which we confes are inumerable mo then can be reckoned vp both in omission of good things and commission of euill We most humbly intreate thée to set them al ouer to that reckoning which thy son Christ hath made vp for them vpon his crosse and neuer to lay any of them to our charge but fréely forget all and forgiue all Naile downe all our sinnes and iniquities to the Crosse of Christ burie them in his death bath them in his bloude hide them in his wounds let them neuer rise vp in iudgement against vs. Set vs frée of the miseries that are vpon vs for sin kéepe back the iudgements to come both of soule bodie goods good name Be reconciled vnto vs in thy deare sonne concerning all matters past not once remembring or repeating vnto vs our olde and abhominable iniquities but accept vs as righteous in him imputing his righteousnesse to vs and our sinnes to him Let his righteousnes satisfie thy iustice for all our vnrighteousnes his obedience for our disobedience his perfection for our imperfectiō Moreouer we humbly beséech thy good maiestie to giue vs the true sight and féeling of our manifold sinnes that we may not be blinded in them through delight or hardned in them through custome as the reprobates are but that we may be euen weary of them and much grieued for them labouring striuing by all possible meanes to get out of them Good Father touch our harts with true repentance for all sinne Let vs not take any delight or pleasure in any sinne but howsoeuer we fal through frailtie as we fall often yet let vs neuer fall finally let vs neuer lie downe in sinne nor continue in sinne but let vs get vpon our féete agayne and turne to thée with all our hearts and séeke thée whilst thou mayest be founde and whilst thou dost offer grace and mercie vnto vs. O Lord encrease in vs that true and liuely fayth whereby we may lay sure hold on thy sonne Christ and rest vpon his merites altogether Giue vs fayth assuredly to beléeue all the great and pretious promises made in the Gospell and strengthen vs from aboue to walke and abound in all the true and sound fruites of fayt● 〈◊〉 vs walke not after the flesh but after the spirite Let vs féele the power of thy sonnes death killing sinne in our mortall bodies and the power of his resurrection raysing vs vp to newnesse of life Let vs growe daylie in the sanctification of the spirite and the mortification of the flesh Let vs liue holily iustly and soberly in this present euill world shewing foorth the vertues of thée in all our particular actions that we may adorne our most holy prafession shine as lights in the midst of a crootied froward generation amongst whom we liue being gainefull to all by our liues conuersations offensiue to none To this end we pray thée fill vs with thy spirite and al spirituall graces as loue wisedome patience contentment méekenes humility temperancy chastity kindenes and affability stir vs vp to vse prayer watchfulnes reading meditation in thy lawe and al other good meanes whereby we may grow and abound in all heauenly vertues Blesse vs in the vse of the meanes from day to day make vs such as thou wouldest haue vs to bée and such as wée desire to bée working in vs both will and déede purpose and power For thou O Lorde art all in all thou wilt haue mercie vppon whom thou wilt haue mercy and whom thou wilt thou hardnest Haue mercie vppon vs therefore deare Father and neuer leaue vs to our selues nor to our owne wils lusts desires but assist vs with thy good spirite that wée may continue to the end in a righteous course that so at length we may be receiued into glory be pertakers of that immortall crowne which thou hast laid vp for all that loue thée and truely call vpon thée Further we intreat thée O heauenly father to giue vs all things necessary for this life as foode raimcut health peace liberty such fréedome from those many fold miseries which we lie open vnto euery day as thou séest méete Blesse vnto vs all the meanes which thou hast put into our hands for the sustenance of this fraile life Blesse our stock and store corne cattle trades occupations all the workes of our handes for thy blessing onely maketh rich and it bringeth no sorrows