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A49962 The great day of judgment handled in a sermon preached at the assizes at New-Bristol, Octob. 7, 1687 / by the reverend and learned Samuel Lee, M.A., sometimes fellow of Wadham Colledge in Oxon ; accompany'd with preparatory meditations upon the Day of Judgment, by Mr. Cotton Mather. Lee, Samuel, 1625-1691.; Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. 1692 (1692) Wing L896; ESTC R41402 29,252 97

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Bodies here are by Death made ●ntenantable and from whom they ●hen Receive Order Either to be Admitted among the Spirits of Just men made perfect or to be Reserved in Darkness unto the Judgment of the Great Day That Separate Souls thus Exist ●n an Invisible World is a thing whereof I know some who have such pal●able Evidences that were the Scrip●ures wholly Silent which Blessed by God they are not about it yet they could no more Qustion it than they Question their own Existence in the World But there is a more General Work of this kind shortly to be done ●n a Vast Assembly of all mankind unto ●hat end Summoned by the Mighty God and called from the Rising of the Sun unto the Setting thereof The Souls of men shall reassume a fit Portion of the Dust whereunto they were formerly United by the Almighty God fetch'd out of the Various matter whereinto it has been Dissolved and Dispersed but now become as were the Keel where upon shall be Buil● Incorruptible Bodies and some that shall then be found alive shall by 〈◊〉 Translation have their Bodies made i● a like manner Spiritual In their Bodies thus Raised and Changed they shal● stand before a Tribunal of our Lord Jesus descended from the Heavens into our Atmosphere and after a● Exact Examination of their Behaviours While God was upon Earth Trying o● them they shall have One of these two Sentences pronounced upon them Either Come ye Blessed Inherit the Kingdom Or Depart ye Cursed into Everlasting Fire Which will be accordingly Executed on them Such 〈◊〉 Day of Judgment is there to come upon the World Amen Come Lord Jesus come quickly Indeed about the Circumstances of this most Illustriou● Day t is more easy than lawful for us to Enquire into such things as w● are not yet Able to A●swer nor ha● the Lord Indulged our Curious and Critical Enquiries after Particularities which He ha's not Revealed It seem Revealed That this Last Day will be a Long Day It will be a Day of ●ublick Hearing and all Doings of all ●eople must be called out Cunctaque Cunctorum Cunctis Arcana patebunt So that things will not be Hastily ●uddled and Suddenly Shuffled over ●ea It seems Revealed That the ●orning of This famous Day will ●ake up at least a Thousand Years wherein our Lord will be managing His Davidical Kingdom with a New Hea●en and a New Earth wherein shall ●well Righteousness and Reigning before His Ancient People Gloriously at the Close whereof it seems to some that The Rest of the Dead Live again all t●● Dead Small Great stand before God The Hour when it shall be Commenced and ●he Spot where it shall be Che●fly managed seem not Revealed nor a thousand ●hings more that concern the proceedings of the Day But whatever may be yet Unrevealed it is abundantly Plain and Sure unto us That the Son of man shall come in the Glory of His Father with His Angels and then He shal● Reward every man According to hi● Works This is Revealed and it i● a Damnable Thing to Cherish an● Doubt of This That we must a●l appea● before the Judgment-Seat of the Lord Jesus Christ S. 3. The Judgment of the Great Day Or a Day wherein all men shall b● Raised and Changed into a State o● Immortality and appear before the So● of Man within the Bounds of our Air to be Judged according unto wha● they Did before they Dy●d This is 〈◊〉 thing which the People of God in al●●ges have given their Assent unto Even in Old Times long before th● Flood the Church of God made this a● Article of their Creed We hav● some short Notes of what was delivered by the Venerable Enoch abou● it so long ago in Jude 14. Behold ●he Lord comes to Execute Judgmen● upon all Yea This was a main Controversy between the Antediluvia● Saints and the Impious Impure Ge●●●●tion of Atheists then upon th● Stage The Godly did Assert There ●ali be a Day of Judgment but the pro●ne did with Hard Speeches Deride ●xplode the Belief of that awful Truth We read in Gen. 4.8 Cain spake to Abel his Brother the Hebrew Bibles ●sually leave a Blank at the end of his clause and the ancient Jewish ●argum● presume to put in the Dis●urse which they had they say that ●he Quarrel between Cain and Abel ●as upon this point Abel said There 〈◊〉 to be a Day of Judgment and there is Judge and there shall be another World ●nd the Godly shall be Rewarded and the Wicked Pun●shed But Cain said There 〈◊〉 no such Thing and as the Targum ●f I. Ben. Vzziel adds Et Propter ha●um Rerum Causam Contendebant Super●acies Agri. And methinks the A●ostle in the Beginning of his Eleventh ●hapter to the Hebrews may seem to ●ountenance this Tradition It seems ●s if Abraham also saw this Day a●r off inasmuch as there are those ●ho put his Plea for Sudom into this ●nglish in Gen. 18.25 W●ll not the Judge 〈◊〉 all the Earth Execute Judgment 〈◊〉 q d. Lord Thou dost intend hereafter to appear for a Judgment upon a● the World in such Flames of Devouring Fire as thou art now going to destroy this miserable Place withal b● Entreated therefore to spare these Towns until that Revolution come Indeed all Christians have alwayes Agreed in this Acknowledgment long before as well as ever since the Daye● of Job I know that my Redeemer Lives and that He shall stand at the Eatte● Day upon the Earth and though Worms Destroy this Body yet in my Flest I shall see God And even in that Confession of Faith which the Jews themselves at this Day embrace their Eleventh Fundamental Article is the Eternal Judgment To what the People of God have thus Received as the Faith delivered unto the Saints they have had the Scriptures of God most abundantly given their Infallible Testimony There is hardly any one part of the Old Testament which has not Considerable Glances a● the Day of Iudgment But in the New ●estament it is yet more plentifully insisted on Very many of the Sermons Preached by our Lord Jesus Christ ●nd all the Letters written by His A●●stles do set the Day of Iudgment before our Eyes Yea not only the Approach but also the Process of this wonderful Day is diverse times Expressed in these Lively Oracles The Holy Spirit of God hath Chosen to make one of the East Clauses in the Bible an Admonition unto us here●bout the very last Lines of the last ●dvice we have had from Heaven are ●o this purpose The Lord Jesus Christ will shortly come to Iudge the World And with the Assertions of Scripture ●oncerning this matter the Apostle in 〈◊〉 certain place tells us the Accusing● ●nd the Excusing●s of Conscience do join ●heir Testimony thereunto 〈◊〉 The Ver●ict of Conscience upon the Sinner is ●s Tertallian calls it Futur● Judici● Prejudicium a presage of a future ●udgment It is true the
Dim Rus●●a●ale which the Heathen had in their Notions about the Burning and the ●udging of the World might be much ●ighted at the Lamp of the Israe● 〈◊〉 Sanctuary But yet meer Natural Conscience did use to warn the Rudest Pagans of a Judgment which God will at Last bring mankind into Hence Felix the Governour before Paul the Prisoner Trembles at the Tidings of a Iudgment to come he had a Preacher in his Bosome that gave him a terrible Premo●ition of it The very proceedings of the Last Iudgment are antedated in our Consciences and the Triumphs of Conscience upon our Well-doing the Horrours of Conscience upon our Wickedness the Inferences of Conscience from the Intricate Things every Day happening in the World are so many most penetrating Intimations of that Judgment wherein we are to stand before the Lord. Now the certainty of that Notable Day being a thing as clear and sure as Day it self it becomes us to silence all the Cavils of Carnal Reason against any o● its Unfathomable Circumstances by a● Faith acquiescing in this Assurance of it Thus saith the Lord. Indeed wha● Paul says about the first of the Transactions belonging to this Day of th● Lord may I say about the whole Af●yr of the Day Why should it be Thought 〈◊〉 thing Incredible with you All the Cavils which our Unbelief ca●● make ●gainst this Word of God are Suffici●atly and Eternally taken off with Demanding Is any thing too hard for ●e Lord But some of the Cavils that ●ave seem'd Specious will upon Second Thoughts be found so Absurd that ●ven Common sense it self would hiss ●t them Such is that Objection Where will there be room for such a Vast Multitude as Adam with all his Chil●ren The whole surface of the Earth ●ould not hold them all Ridiculous Ex●eption Allow that this World should ●ast no less than Ten-Thousand Years which it will not Allow that there ●re at once alive a Thousand Millions of men which there are not Allow all ●hese to march off every Fifty years with a New Generation rising up in ●heir stead and allow each of these ●ndividuals a place Five foot Square to ●tand upon I think these are Fair Al●owances I would now pray the Ob●ector if he have any skill at Arithmetick to Compute Whether a Spot of Ground much less than England which contains perhaps about Thirty M●llions of Acres but about a Thousandth Part of the Terraqueous Glob and about the Three Hundred thirty third part of the Habitable Earth would not hold them all I say then we have something else to do than to Cavil the unexceptionable Doctrine of the Last Iudgment it is our Interest and Business to Improve it with deep Impressions thereof upon our Souls S. 4. Of such an Aspect are all Things in the Day of Judgment as that the Apostle might well call it The Terror of the Lord. But me thinks there is nothing that gives more Dread unto a Soul awakened out of Sinful Slumbers than that ETERNITY wherein this Day Expires that Eternal Issue that Eternal Event which depends upon the Day The last Judgment fixes the Children of men like so many Rocks in the Ocean of Eternity Men will then be Immortalized and their State of Weal or W●● will be so inwrought into the very Beings of them that Immortal Things ●ay as easily cease to Be as for a ●ighteous or Wicked man to pass ●nto another State than what he is ●hen Confirmed in T is a Passage in ●hat Memorable and Perhaps Historical ●arable which decribes the State of ●en in the other World that after ●his Day men have A Great Guilf ●●xed unto them there is by the De●ree of God such a Vast Pit about the Children of men that they cannot pas● put of the State wherein they are The Nature of things will then require ●hat they be Vnalterable the Children of men will then be most Immediately Siezed either by the Goodness or by the ●ustice of God and because our God Himself Changes not therefore the state of men becomes then Vnchangeable nor will it stand with the Wisdom of the most High to alter the Sentence ●hen Pronounced about the State of Weal or Wo which will then belong unto us At the Day of Judgment all Righteous men shall be adjudg'd unto a State of Eternal Happiness T is a Life Eternal t is an Eternal Salvation t is an Eternal Inheritance t is an Everlasting Habitation and they are Plea● sures for ever more of which the Believer shall be made Partaker Afte● he ha's been in the mansions of th● Blessed as many Millions of Ages a● there are Sun-beams in the Universe● he will still continue there Th● stately Pillars in Solomons Temple wer● thence removed but the Believe● shall now become a Pillar in the Temple of his God from whence he shal● no sooner go out than the Temple i● self ●●all Tumble down A Deyo●● Person at a ●eas● said well In Heaven there is Good Cheer and Goo● Company and so there is here but in Heaven there is no Taking away The ●●●●estial Satisfactions of the Believer ●●ll never be disquieted with such a Thought as this At the Long run these things will have an end God will not Repent of the Love which He has freely set upon him ●●nor will Christ ever Suffer one of His own Members to be Pluck'd away But at the Day of Judgment all Wicked men shall be adjudg'd unto a State of Eternal Mi●ry T is a Worm which Dyeth not and 〈◊〉 Fire which is not Quenched where●ithal the Sinner shall be Cruciated 〈◊〉 is an Eternal Damnation and it is 〈◊〉 Everlasting Destruction Suppose an ●eap of as many Little Poppey-seeds 〈◊〉 according to the old Ptolemaick ●ystem would fill the whole Machin ●f the World and no more than one ●f them in a Thousand years fetch'd ●way but the Sinner in Anguish till ●he heap were all wasted so behold ●nd be amazed All this Long while ●ould be but as a Drop to the Ocean ●ompar'd with that Forever that ●orrible Forever whereto the Tor●ents of the Damned shall be Length●ned Fifty two Cyphers and One Fi●urt at the Head of them would Com●rehend as the Learned and Noble ●tto de Guerick affirms it the Num●er of the Little Poppey-seeds in the prodigious Heap newly mentioned But I say then suppose a Scroll as ●arge as the Starry Heaven it self all ●illed with Figures of Nine and yet ●o many Myriads of Ages as would be therein deciphered are Nothing to that Endless Duration which the Torments of the Damned shall be made Exquisite withal It may be said unto the sinner Are not thine Iniquities Infinite A Sin Committed against an Infinite God Exposes a man unto an Infinite Wrath. The sinner makes himself a prey to an Infinite Vengeance and the Exercises of that Vengeance must be Infinite or they bear no Proportion to the Desert of the sinner now they cannot be Infinite for the Degree
of them of such the sinner would be Incapable so then they must be Infinite for the Durance of them they must abide World without End Lord what Rocks are our Hearts that they do no more Tremble at the Fore-thoughts of such an ETERNAL JUDGMENT S. 5. To be Seriously Constantly Vigorously Preparing for the Day of Judgment is indeed The thing which our Hand finds to Do and O that we may to it with our Might Now t is our Cordial Closure with the Lord Jesus Christ and the Consent of our Souls to the Gospel-way of Salvation by Him in the New Covenant Exhibited which is the Preparation whereby alone we may be Ready for the Terrible Day It was the study and the Desire of the Apostle O that I may be found in Him We are to give out selves unto the Lord Jesus Christ as unto our Prophet and our Priest and our King for ever and now before Him Judge our selves for all our Sins from which we would have Him to save us Our Judge will then become our Friend and we shall be safe in the Day that shall Burn like an Oven and Consume all the Wicked of the Earth When the Watery Flood overwhelmed the old World O how many Wishes had people then for An Ark An Ark to Shelter them At the Day of Judgment there will be what the Ancients called a Dlluvium Ignis or Fiery Flood upon the World and O what a rate will A Christ A Christ be then Esteemed at May we Now make sure of Him by Faith in Him If once that were done we might Rejoyce before the Lord for He comes He comes to Judge the Earth Suppose that before to Morrow Morning the Lord Jesus Christ should set the World on a Light Fire and Melt the Pillars of Heaven with the Brightness of His Appearing Suppose that we should awaking at the next Midnight hear such fearful and rattling Thunder claps see such hideous slashes of Lightning as made Mount Sinai shake at the Giving of the Law yet our Hearts might even Leap with Joy within us at it as John did within his Mother when Jesus came into the room Only when That is done we are to Remember that our Faith will have this Happy Symptom to Justify it That it will cause us to Abound in the Works of the Lord. May we then by a Spirit of Fore-sight Consider how Comfortable in the Day of Judgment it will be unto us to Look back and say I once made it my Care to be every Day all the Day long at Work for God And When the Lord put His Talents into my Hands I husbanded them unto the best Advantage that I could ●nd Here can I in this Great Assembly point at Multitudes of Persons to whom I was not Vnserviceable when I had my Opportunities And may we Do Accordingly There will be a Day of Judgment and the Plain Deduction from it is What manner of Persons ought we to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness S. 6. T is to be added That some of the most hopeful Preparations for the Day of Judgment would be attain'd in our Solemn Anticipations of that most Great and Notable Day of the Lord. Let us afore hand Act over the Day of Judgment not in a Play Like those Germans who turned the parable of the Virgins into a Comedy whereat a Prince then present fell into an Astonishment that immediately ended his Dayes but by Seriously bringing our selves Now to such Trials as will then be pass'd upon us T is among the Oracles of God in 1 Cor. 11.31 If we would Judge our selves we should not be Judged and surely if we would now proceed Against our selves with a most Exact and Humble Judgment upon our own Miscarriages it would be the way for us to stand in the Day when the Lord shall Mark Iniquities If we are not Christians of Lean Souls within us we sometimes do set a part our Dayes for Fasting with Prayer before the ●ord thus we do sometimes more particularly when we are Perfuming of our selves for our Approches to the S●pper of the Great King now let such Dayes be so many little Dayes of Iudgment with us all On such a Day let us Examine our selves by all the Ten Commandments of our God and among other Things Let us be Inquisitive I. Have I not Grievously Forgotten the God that made me And given unto the Flesh the World and the Divel the Homage which is due to Him alone Or let Creatures have the Affection the Obedience and the Dependance which He alone may lay claim unto II. Have I not shamefully Neglected the Institu●ions wherein the Lord Jesus Christ ha's taught me to mentain Communion with Him And Humoured the Superstitions of a Vains Conversation III. Have I not Irreverently Treated the Names A●tributes Words Work● ●nd Ordinances whereby the Almighty God makes Himself known unto us And been without awful Apprehensions of His Majesty under His Various Dispensations IV. Have I not been Carnal Careless Weary in the Ordinary Sabbaths of God and been Indisposed unto the Extraordinary ones V. Have I not been Perverse and Haughty towards my Superiours Unkind Foolish towards my Inferiours Envious towards my Equals and miserably Selfish in my Conduct of my self VI. Have I not impaired my own Health by Intemperancies or been towards others Passionate Revengeful and Contentious VII Have I not been Vnchast in my Acts my Thoughts my Words or been a Companion of the Fools that are so VIII Have I not by Fraud or Force wronged my Neighbour nor been too Prodigal when I should not have spent but when I should have spent then too Niggardly IX Have I not uttered or fomented what ha's been Contrary unto Truth nor given Countenance to a False Report X. Have I not been Discontent with my own Condition or harboured in my Heart a Roving and a Craving Lust after an undue Alteration of it XI Have not I despised the Offers of the Lord Jesus in the New Covenant and the Wonderful Provision therein made for Unhappy Sinners And permitted my Earthly Affayrs to keep me at a Distance from the Lord Redeemer who ha's been Waiting to give me Repentance and Remission of Sins XII Is not the Fountain of all these Bitter and Cursed Streams the Corrupt Nature which I have derived from my first Parents a Nature filled with a depraved Prejudice against what is Holy and Just and Good Upon the Discovery of our Guilt in These and such Articles Let us now Judge our selves as Worthy of Everlasting Destruction from the Presence of the Lord. And if the Iudgment which we now pass upon our selves be attended with the Self Abhorrencies and Self-Condemnations and New-Resolutions of a true Repentance it will Prevent our coming under the like Iudgment on the Day of our Appearance before the most High Tribunal But indeed the Evening of Every Day is also to be reckoned a fit Opportunity for us to call our selves
THE GREAT DAY OF JUDGMENT Handled In a SERMON Preached at the Assizes at New-Bristol Octob. 7. 1687. By the Reverend and Learned SAMVEL LEE M. A. sometimes Fellow of Wadham Colledge in Oxon. Accompany'd With Preparatory Meditations 〈◊〉 THE DAY OF JUDGMENT By Mr. COTTON-MATHER Boston in New-England Printed by Bartholomew Green for Nicholas Buttolph at the Corner of Gutteridg's Coffee-House 1692. Price bound 1 s. THE EPISTLE To the Worthy and Pious Auditory before whom this Subject was treated upon Grace and Peace in Christ Jesus our Lord. VVHereas by the Call and Invitation of some of your very much Honoured and Respected Society ●his Serious Summons to the great day of Judgment was proclaimed in your Ears at Bristol near Mount-Hope in New England at the Ass●ze ●here hold on Friday Octob. 7. ●687 Being also moved to the Publication thereof I do here humbly present it under divine Protection and Blessing to your Candid Acceptation and Defence who sometime Composed the quire of a most attentive benigne and so●emn Audience in the time of its delivery Honourable and Beloved As these Papers tend with your kind leave to●re inkindle the the memorial of that dayes Soul awakening Subject so let me I pray in this proem beg you to ruminate on a saying of an Em●nent Divine at Bury a Town of great note in Suffolk of old England That Sermons are never done Mr. Edmund Calany S●n. till they are Done and let me add If never Done the hearers are undone for ever Especially in such weighty momentous Points as these about the formidable day of Judgment The tears of Auditors said Jerom as J.M. are the Jewels of Preachers and if Sincere Presage a Crown of Eternal joyes to both There are among many others in Divinity three illustrious Doctrines 1. Justification by Faith in Christ alone 2. Sanctification by the Spirit 3. Resurrection to Glory In whose Compass and Bosome was our present Subject about the Vniversal Judgment As to which Give me leave to present three things and Close with the Apostolical Prayer 1. State your own Eternal State while yet in the State of this Life Matter not the day or Censures of mans Judgment They 'l Fluctuate in their love as the wind of their Passions 1 Cor. 4 3 Interests and Envious or false informations tur●s the fane of their Constructions if they are not both wise and godly And sometimes hastily Carp your innocence as if they had forgotten Pl●tarch and Senecas memorials about natures gift of two Ears before they determin matters in question Gal. 6.1 not pondering as they ought in the Spirit of meekness the many Tentations the best of men are incident to Tim. 3.2 their own freq●ent infirmities and others proud and invidious detractions and your own vertuous Slander-Shaming Apologies Taking little heed to the Fifteenth Psalm and how unworthily these blast others usefulness lay up Scourges for their own Consciences in the day when God shall visit them and give their abused Friends Exod. 32.34 the greatest favour at last Prov. 18. ●● 38.23 when his Neighbour Searches him out and then thy Brothers Mote may swell to a Beam in thine eye by the rubbing of others inflamed Censures upon thee when thy turn comes We all need Contrition Confession and Pardon 2. Make Peace with God betimes and Expedite it The ●ands of times hour Glass never stop and are more precious then the golden ones of Tagus Do this work seasonably sincerely speedily to frustrate the trouble of the New Repentance and prevent the divine Judgment Delay not lest Tardy neglect 2 Cor. 11.31 3● quicken Goul-Confounding horrors and Sudden wracks of Conscience will draw out the funeral-Song of Epimetheus O non putaram Prov. 2● 19 or that of the Fool in Solomon Was I not in jest and cry out in earnest concerning laughter Eccl. 2.2 Eccl. 9.6 that 't is mad and of mirth What doth it but as the Crackling of thornes under a Pot whose Prickles fly in his Eyes leave him in utter darkness wringing his hands in the bloud of his heart and streaming out bitter groanes that he did not think the Evening Shadows were so nigh O Sirs this tremendous work cryes aloud for the greatest deliberation the swiftest Execution and perseverance without end O Blessed Lord help us out of the woful Tentations and intricate Labyrinths of delay Aesop lest when Death comes indeed as in the ancient Apologue it prove an other guess work than most are now aware of You 'l stand in need of more then all your Graces Experiences Reliances and Restaurations out of deep and dark desertions Yea and all little Enough and will prove scarce able to list you out of the dungeon of terror unless the gracious Supplies of the Spirit come in upon a Spring tide from Heaven and list up the Ark of Conscience above the floud gates and Rocks of Confusion 3. Labour to provide against the formidable Thunders of Death that the Sun-shines of the Evidences of glory may brighten the dark passages of the Grave The beauty of grace first darted into thy Breast in a beam from the Eye of the Electing Love of God and shall never cease the shining and warming influences till like new Stars that at last Concenter all their motions in the Sun so shall the rayes of thy joyes be inbosomed in the Eternal Love of God When thou hast done this work John 6.19 which the Father hath given thee to do then that TO PHOBEROTATON Aristotles grand King of Ter●ers shall sling down his Crown with amazement at the foot of Christ Heb. 3 14● 1 Cor. 15● 5● 57. and that Dragon who hath the power of death shall himself be slung to Death by the Cross of Christ first upon his illustrious Tomb at Mount Golgotha or like the standard of Constantine carrying TO SEMEION the Labarum or signe of the Son of man Mat. 34 3 set upon the back-bone of the Serpent as you may see it on the Reverse of that Emperors Coin Spelman Aspilogi● P. 20 Ed. Lo●d 1654 cu uptem Yea and a●● holy Christians are like the Roman Draconiseri the Dragoniers of the ancient Empire carrying the Exuviae or case of the old Serpent in triumph and yielding up their Spirits into the hands of a most faithful Creator who once form'd us and will shortly as faithfully Redeem us out of the dust and inform us a new with the same Immortal Souls to inherit the same Body in a State of Immortality to Co-inhabit the Temple of Heaven in an immortal State of Glory ever beginning and never ending When the day of the last Redemption that great day of the feast when the ruddy morning shall Climb the Eastern hills of Mount Olivet with its pleasant Blushes to cure all the dark Solitudes and Sollicitudes of this Vally of Immortal Souls by the Lord Jesus Christ before whom they Appear when ●heir