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A33367 Look about you, for the devil that you fear is in you, or, The right devil unfolded in his descent, form, education, qualification, place and nature of torment : with many other divine secrets, never from the beginning yet extant till this last witness, so beneficial both for the seed of gain, and the seed of faith / written by Laur. Claxton. Claxton, Laurence, 1615-1667. 1659 (1659) Wing C4579; ESTC R32621 55,901 151

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hypocrisie and cheat of thy heart laid naked before thee for what ever woes thou their readest against them that wo concerns thy self As wo unto thee moderate heaven-like Saint for thou art like unto the whited sepulchres which indeed appear beautiful outward but within are full of dead mens bones and of all uncleanness even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men but within ye are full of hypocrisie and iniquity wo unto thee for now thou wilt make a trade of Christ and his Apostles yea garnish the sepulchres of them as righteous men and yet at this day will speak evil imprison if not put to death the true prophets and righteous of the Lord so that ye be witnesses to your selves that ye are the children of them that murthered the Lord of glory Ah wo wo as thou with the rest in the next Chapter shalt hear thy doom and endless torment CAP. IV. The devil or seed of Cain the place and nature of his torment IN that the face of the Creation is vailed with darkness and ignorance of Christs coming to judge both the quick and the dead therefore I shall treat of this most needful point from certain sayings of himself as read Matth. 24 where you shall finde As the light cometh out of the east and shineth even to the west so shall also the coming of the Son of man be and as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the Son of man they ate they drank they bought they sold they married and were given in marriage until the day that Noah entred into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all so in the days of Lot they ate they drank c. but in the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained down fire and brimstone from Heaven and destroyed them all So the day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night in which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works tbat are therein shall be burnt up then shall all the seed of Cain mourn tremble and shake when they see the Son of man in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory yea at the sound of his coming the devil or seed of Cain will cry to the rocks and mountains Fall on us yea ye will run into Caves and Cellars to hide your selves from the presence of that glorious personal God whom in your life time ye despised and rejected yea scoffing and walking after your own lusts saying Where is the promise of his coming for since the Fathers and the Apostles fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning and so ye swear whore and be drunk yea cheat oppress imprison and destroy the Seed of Faith not in the least laying to heart that the day of Christ Jesus that glorious God is at hand and will come as a thief in the night yea as swift as lightening in the air insomuch that two shall be in the bed two in the field two in the mill or wheresoever two or more are together they shall not have time to separate themselves till the Lord of glory take to himself the Seed of Faith from the seed of Cain As sure as the Lord liveth thus it will be very suddenly with this proud covetous lustful bloody world that sport themselves about the resurrection of the dead and the day of Judgement saying it is already past or there will never be any such day I say before ye be aware of it Christ the King of Glory will open the firmament of Heaven and stand in the air with his mighty angels surrounding his person and then by the power of his word speaking as he raised Lazarus out of the grave so will he raise all the Seed of Faith both dead and alive in the twinkling of an eye as he did Elias yea in a moment changing our mortal bodies to immortal like himself for you read in that day that Lot departed out of Sodom the same day it rained down fire and brimstone and destroyed them all Oh what a dreadful and sudden desolation fire maketh in a mortal world in one day so swift the Lord will appear that he will make a quick dispatch and after all the Seed of Faith that handful or little flock are safely arrived with him in the air then the Man Jesus with a flood of fire will burn all the beauty and glory of this world to ashes or dry sand leaving behind the souls and bodies of the seed of Cain then living with the souls and bodies of their dead seed raised up burning together like fire and brimstone upon this earth in utter darkness Having in brief by Reason Faith and Scripture proved to all sober-minded men that a day of Judgement will come the maner and nature of its coming now I shall shew thee the place where that seed of Cain shall be tormented which yet from the beginning till this last Witness could never be found out nor any true infallible description given as touching the place called Hell though most of the Learned have attempted yea stretched the line of reason to the utmost yet all to no purpose for thy father before thee and thou his learned son art not in the least satisfied and that because thou hast not the seed of Faith which is the evidence of things not seen therefore being out of the bounds of reason thou writest of it thou knowest not what and so to finde it thou knowest not where and therefore it is by thee recorded that place called Hell will be under the earth in the sea or in the bottom of it if not thou supposest Hell shall be in the air or a place thou apprehendest not therefore from my seed-spring I affirm and that thy own experience shall finde that place of thy torment shall be even there where thou tookest thy pleasure that shall be the place of Hell even here in this world on this earth where now thou walkest shall be the place of thy endless misery For if you observe your own rule in the execution of your Law when a malefactor is apprehended for wilful murther or some such hideous crime when he is brought to his Tryal and by your Law found guilty then the Judge of the Law passeth Sentence that his body shall be burned or hanged even in that place where he committed his bloody filthy act and that justly where he spilt blood his blood should be required again even so the Lord of Glory Christ Jesus the Judge of the quick and dead when he comes to Judgement all you that have been guilty in the blood of the Prophets Christ Jesus and his Disciples that have put to death imprisoned or any way persecuted the Witness and righteous of the Lord that blessed Seed of Faith I say where you executed your oppression and cruelty against the sons of the
by birthright or inheritance as the eldest son Secondly Whether it came by thy accute subtile wit and ripe ingenuity in improving thy Art or Calling by which thou wert capable of by which fleshly wisdom of thine thou art possest in thy riches Ans I shall from my seed-spring give thee the result of my thoughts as touching thee and as sure as God is God thou shalt finde what I write is truth 1. For the first Suppose in my condition as I am kindered or friend should unexpected by me give me a thousand pound a year more or less now it is just in me to receive it and possibly as justly I improve it onely here consists the danger that if by these riches my soul is drawn from God and more delighted in the pleasure of my riches then God so that I think my self a great man and now am grown lofty hard-hearted and such like corruption attends me in so much that not onely my self but likewise my neighbors takes notice that I am not like the man I was before So that now thou that hath thy greatness successively is not by Scripture condemned provided it prove not a snare or a thorn to choak thy soul by having such a deep impression in thy heart that the infallible truth cannot take root in thee onely here is the hazard as aforesaid if thou use it as though thou use it not which is no easie thing yet if thou canst make use of it to the glory of our God by feeding the hungry and clothing the naked in the name of a Prophet or a righteous man so said and so done thou shalt have a Prophets or righteous mans reward which is eternal life in the world to come I say if these things in the enjoyment of thy riches are performed by them then it may be thou art one of those few of the rich and noble that shall be saved But 2. Thou that hast got thy riches by thy subtil wit is much different from the other in that the first was freely given so that he came justly by it but as for thee thou best knows how thou came to thy greatness for thou hast heard as aforesaid it is a wonder for a man to do just and upright things and yet grow rich therefore the Scripture calls thee to account and that the more thou mayest remember not many years ago thou wast but a poor Journy-man of thy Trade not worth a groat but in debt and now in these few years thou art worth thousands O friend deal plainly with thy soul though thou may hide it from man thou canst not hide it from God for thy ways are naked to his glorious piercing eye that although thou may blind man with thy fair carriage and sugared pretences seemingly gilt over with holiness and purity of life yet for all this our glorious personal God doth know and in thy conscience will read how many thou hast cheated and murthered to make thy self great by undoing of others in this thing are not most of your Doctors over shoes and boots in this crying sin in taking a crown for that which cost but six pence and not onely so but for want of judgement and mercy destroys the poor creature to the utter ruin of his family so that thou art of that number that treadeth in the broad way that at last will lead thee to the destruction of thy soul eternally yea world without end and therefore take notice that God is not afraid to call thee to account or that he will be more merciful to thee then a beggar because of thy greatness or that thy white hand or fair face adorned with Silk Gold or Silver shall cause an eye of compassion more to thee because of that then to a black deformed creature No no our God thou shalt finde seeth not as man seeth neither is his thoughts as mans if he were then had the fair neat rich proud daughters of Sion been respected but in stead of a blessing he blasted all their glory and their bravery as you may read at large Isaiah 3. from the 16 to the end first repeating how they walked with stretched-out necks and wanton eyes walking and mincing as you go and making a tinkling with your feet therefore the Lord in stead of shewing mercy did smit with a scab the crowns of the heads of the daughters of Sion yea the Lord did discover their secret parts and took away all their bravery of tinkling ornaments about their feet their cauls and round tires like the Moon the chains bracelets mufflers the bonnets tablets ear-rings and nose-jewels wimples and crisping-pins the glasses and fine linen the vails with the changeable suits of apparel O if God were a respecter of persons here was invitations plenty but you may read that in stead of a sweet smell he gave them a stink and in stead of a girdle a rent in stead of well-set hair baldness in stead of beauty burning yea and that with eternal burnings shall all proud despisers of this infallible truth undergo at the great and terrible day of our Saviors appearance concerning which I shall open at large in the last Chapter Thus much in answer to your Pleas now I shall prove from Scripture the seed of Cain to be of the devil The devil or Seed of Cain infallibly proved from experience in Scripture II. BEcause of the great opposition that may arise up against this glorious Truth through the exceeding pride and unbelieve in the hearts of most men give me leave to cite a few Scriptures in confirmation of this work in hand In the first Epistle of John the third Chapter you shall find it thus written Not as Cain which was of that wicked one and slew his brother Also in the 13th chapter of Matthew it is thus written He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man and the field is the world the good seed are the children of the kingdom and the tares are the children of the wicked one and the enemy that soweth them is the devil Moreover in the 8th chapter of S. John Christ Jesus the God of Truth speaketh thus Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do he hath been a murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there was no truth in him when he speaketh a lie then he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father thereof My spiritual and rational friends which are sober was not Cain the first murthering lying man that ever was born of a woman seeing no true Christian can gainsay it was not that cursed Cain from the beginning that murthering devil and father of lies spoken of by Christ aforesaid in answer to those carnal Jews which boasted themselves to be of Abrahams seed and were not those lustful murthering-minded Jews or Gentiles which our Lord branded with titles of serpents vipers children of the devil and such like