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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A26716 A Murderer punished and pardoned, or, A true relation of the wicked life and shameful-happy death of Thomas Savage imprisoned, justly condemned, and twice executed at Ratcliff for his bloody fact in killing his fellow-servant on Wednesday, Octob. 28, 1668 / by us who were often with him in the time of his imprisonment in Newgate and at his execution, Robert Franklin ... [et al.]. To which is annexed a sermon preached at his funeral. R. A. (Richard Alleine), 1611-1681.; Franklin, Robert, 1630-1684. 1671 (1671) Wing A997; ESTC R26456 48,011 81

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be inflicted upon him that he had but a few Weeks more to live and then he would be Tryed and Condemned and Executed but they told him that the punishment of Temporal Death was but small in comparison with the punishment of eternal Death in Hell which he had deserved and was exposed unto They told him that so soon as Death should make a separation between his Soul and Body that his Soul must immediately appear before the dreadful Tribunal of the Sin-revenging God and there receive its final doom and be irreversibly sentenced to depart from the presence of the Lord in everlasting fire if he were found under the guilt of this or any other sin They asked him if he knew what Hell was telling him what a fearful thing it would be for him to fall into the hands of the living God how intollerable the immediate impressions of Gods wrath would be upon his Soul what horrour and anguish he would there be filled withal and how he would be bound up in Chains of darkness until the judgement of the great day and then told him of the Glorious Appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ to Judgment that Soul and Body should be then joyned together and condemned together and punished together with such exquisite torments as never entered into the heart of man to conceive declaring the extremity and the eternity of the Torments of Hell which were the just demerit of his sins Then they asked him whether he had any hopes of escaping this dreadful punishment of hell He answered that he had They enquired into the grounds of his hopes he told them that he repented of his fault and hoped God would have mercy on his Soul They asked him whether he thought his Repentance would procure for him a Pardon He knew no other way They told him that God was just and his justice must be satisfied and there was no way for him to do it but by undergoing the eternal torments of Hell and did he know no way of satisfying Gods Justice besides and pacifying his anger that was kindled against him No he knew not any and 〈◊〉 did he hope to be saved He answered yes They ●●quired whether ever he had experience of a gracious change wrought in him Herein he could give no account and yet hoped to be saved Yes They told him his hopes were unsound having no good foundation and he would find himself disappointed that it was not his repentance his tears and prayers though he ought to use them as means that would save him if he fixed the Anchor of his hope upon them That if he hoped to be saved in the condition which for the present he was in he would certainly be damned That he must cast away all those groundless hopes he had conceived and endeavour to despair in himself that being pricked and pained at heart through the apprehensions of the wrath of God ready to fall upon him and seeing no possibility of flying and and escaping if he looked only to himself he might cry out What shall I do to be saved and enquire after a Saviour and then they spake to him of the Lord Jesus Christ and the way of Salvation by him which before he was sottishly ignorant of as if he been brought up in a Countrey of Infidels and not of Christians The words spoken to him by these two Ministers seemed to take little impression upon him whilst they were present yet after they were gone the Lord did begin to work and he did acknowledg to Mr. B. that two had been with him he knew not their names whose words were like arrows shot into his heart and he did wish that he had those words in writing especially one expression of T. V. That he would not be in his condition for ten thousand Worlds did affect and so affright him that he said it made his hair stand an end An account of a Discourse betwixt T. D. and T. S. about fourteen daies after he was Prisoner in Newgate VVHen I came in and saw him in Irons I said were these Fetters for the sake of the Gospel they would be far more precious than chains of Gold but see here the cursed fruits of Sin that thou shouldst all thy life-time have been a faithful servant of God hast neglected no time to serve the Devil I asked him how old he was he said 16 years old I told him he was a young man but an old sinner then I began to set my self to bring him to a sense of his sin and of his miserable and lost estate and asked him whether he believed there was a God he answered yes and dost thou believe that this God is true he said yes and taking up the Bible I asked him dost thou believe that this is the Word of God he answered yes Then I told him according to this Word he was a damned wretch and God had past a sentence of death upon him and told him plainly that he should not enter into the Kingdom of God but be a companion of Devils in a lake of Brimstone to all Eternity meaning without Repentance Conversion and Faith in Christ Then I turned him to several Scriptures and told him this was the Word by which he must be judged at the 〈◊〉 of God and be damned or saved according 〈◊〉 then he should be found to be converted o●●●…converted The Scriptures were these 1 Cor. 6. 9. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God be not deceived neither Fornicaters nor Idolaters nor Adulterers nor Esseminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind ver 10. Nor Thieves nor Covetous nor Drunkards nor Revilers nor Extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God Another Scripture I read to him was Gal. 5. 19. Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these Adultery Fornication Uncleanness Lasciviousness ver 20. Idolatry Witchcraft Hatred Variance Emulations Wrath Strife Seditions Heresies ver 21. Envyings Murders Drunkenness Revellings and such like of the which I tell you before as I have also told you in time past that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God The next Scripture to the same purpose was Rev. 21. 8. But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all lyars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death I told him these were the words of the holy true and infallible God this was the sentence which God had passed upon him as the desert of those abominable sins which he was guilty of for these Scriptures pointed at several of the sins which he confessed he had lived in and had committed as Drunkenness Lying Uncleanness and Murder I cryed you confess your self guilty of these sins and that God threatneth you with eternal death with everlasting torments and exclusion from his Presence and Kingdom not only God's Justice but God's Truth
be regarded Shall the Lion roar and will not such a Beast as you tremble Know this as stoutly as you brave it out now you will shortly quake But you are resolved come on it what will venture you will But hold sinner I prethee let 's reason the case a little do not act like a Fool and a Mad-man Were you ever in Newgate Do you know what a Prison is Are Fetters such desirable things Hath the Devil done you so much kindness as that you must venture your liberty for his sake Come tell me sinner what good did the devil ever do for thee willingly Is it worth the while to do and suffer so much for one that never intended any good to any in the World Consider a little young man is it nothing to come gingling in your chains before an Earthly Judge Is the sight of the Bench nothing Is it nothing to have your villany laid open before the World How do you think you shall look when Evidence comes in clear and the Jury shall cast you What brave it out still But what will you say when the Judg shall pass sentence upon you to be carried from thence to the Prison and from that to the place of Execution It is nothing to have ten thousand Spectators of your shameful end But methinks I hear some of that hellish rout laughing and saying It is but a swing or two and then all 's over their misery 's at an end But hold there sinner then thy misery will begin for thou shalt appear immediately before the Bar of God and there receive another sentence ten thousand times more dreadful than the former What do you make nothing of that dreadful word Depart thou cursed and then immediately the devil takes your soul They wait for their prey and thou must be reserved in chains of darkness in unspeakable and unavoidable torments to the Judgment of the great day and then thy cursed body and soul shall meet O what a dreadful greeting will that be when body and soul shall be cast into everlasting flames Well young man now what do you say Is it best venturing still But it may be thou beginnest to think what a strange censorious man is this Such Preaching is enough to make one out of their wits What is there no such thing as repentance a Grace a God one may be saved for all your railing What do you think of Tho. Savage did not he repent I hope you will not say that he is in Hell No indeed for I verily believe that he is a Saint in Glory but how do you know whether God will give you repentance I must tell you he is a singular instance such a one as we shall scarce hear of in an age and I remember that he that is oft reproved and hardens his heart shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy But though I speak thus Brethren I hope better things of many here and things that do accompany Salvation I am perswaded here are some young ones that had as live venture their lives as indulge themselves in the forementioned youthful Lusts I think I have some ground to say what I do Brethren I beseech you make not my boasting void neither let me be ashamed of my confidence I am perswaded I say again that some of you now hate what sometimes you did delight in and though it may be in the days of your darkness you lived in your sins yet now fear to fall into them as much as you fear Hell Courage my Brethren go on bravely and the Lord be with you you are the hopes and joy of old Christians they bless God from their hearts to see such Flowers in Gods Garden hold but out be strong and quit you like men and heaven shall be yours as sure as if you were already there Vse 4. I shall here speak something by way of advice to Masters of Families and Parents It lies much in your power to set a stop to that mighty torrent of wickedness that doth almost overflow this City Remember Sirs what a dreadful sin the sin of Murder is What then do you think of those that murder souls that starve souls How do you think God will take it at your hands that you should be so careful that your work be done and never mind his at all Is it nothing to you that one that dwells under your roof must dwell in everlasting burnings Are you so barbarous as to be indifferent whether your servants and children are damned or saved What can you answer when those of your own house shall stand before the great God and say Lord if it had not been for my Master I had never sinned against thee at the rate that I did He never told me any thing of the danger of sin he would be sure to call me up betimes to look after his business and if I neglected that I should quickly hear of it but as for the Lords Day praying or reading or any thing that concerned God or my soul I never was so much as reproved for the neglecting of them O! if I had been but told of such a dreadful place as this is and what sin would end in sure I should never have ventured as I did Sirs I beseech you think how you shall answer such an accusation at the day of Judgment as sure as you live you will then be speechless Parents methinks you have something within you to put you upon your duty What have you no love at all to the fruit of your Bodies Is it no great matter whether your children sink or swim would you be contented to see them in a house that is in a Flame do nothing to get them out Would you have your children fire-brands of Hell for ever will you do nothing to rescue them from that devouring Lion who would tear them in pieces can you bear to hear them cry out against you and ready to fly in your faces Doth it never trouble you to think what a greeting you shall have in another World when they shall curse the day that ever they saw you when they shall say I may thank you for this dreadful misery you never catechised me you never told me one word of this place of torment you never corrected me for my sin if you had it may be I should not have lain under this intollerable anguish What do you say Sirs to these things Methinks they call for your serious consideration Really if these be not weighty matters I know not what be Let me ask you in meekness whether it be not a piece of the most barbarous cruelty in the world to let your children and servants run to hell without doing what in you lies to stop them But I hope by this time some of you are a little convinced of the dreadfulness of the loss of a soul are loth to have the guilt of the blood of souls to lie upon you for ever and