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judgement_n body_n lord_n soul_n 2,562 5 4.9092 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10772 An exposition in the epistell of Iude the apostel of Christ wherein he setteth playnly before euery mans eyes false apostels, and theyr craftes, by ye which they haue longe receyued symple christian people. Ridley, Lancelot, d. 1576. 1538 (1538) STC 21042; ESTC S104543 43,103 150

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to other or any maner of iniurye or wronge in worde or in dede It was nedeful for me to write vnto you As who shulde saye I se it is so necessary for you that I coulde not refrayne but I must nedes wryte vnto you my charite so compelleth me perceyuynge it to be moche for your profyte to exhorte you to go forwarde in that true faythe receyued and to profyte in the same and to encrease it dayly more more And that you shuld not shrynke one heare brede from that true faythe whiche you haue receyued and which was gyuen vnto the saynctes of god by preachynge of the gospell as saynt Paule sayth Rom̄ x. Fayth cōmeth of herynge herynge veryly by the worde of god He exhorteth them that they shulde continually labour in the fayth or be helpers to the fayth as Erasmus trāslation hath whiche was ones gyuen to saynctes Here be two thynges to be noted for oure lernynge One is that he desyreth theym to be helpers of the faythe to the whiche men be helpers after this phrase of scripture whan they suffer not the fayth receyued to be weyke feble or inconstant to be oppressed with desyres or affections of the flesshe or of the worlde by the crafte or suttyltye of false prophetes to be brought a waye from it led in to a false belefe by false doctors whom the deuyll doth vse as his ministers to deceyue the symple people vn lerned Also scripture vseth to cal men helpers of the fayth when men do diligētly watche that they be not deceyued by the deuyll nor by none of his ministers when they do labour with all force to make theyr fayth sure and stronge douttynge or haltynge in no part but by al meanes studyeth euery day to make their faith more strōger strōger by al maner of good warkes The other thynge that was here to be noted is that we shulde knowe fayth to be gyuen from aboue for he desireth them to be helpers to the sayth which was gyuen ones to sayntes Fayth is the worke of god it cōmeth of god as saynt Iohn̄ sayth this is the warke of god that you shulde beleue in hym Saynt Paule wytnesseth the same sayinge Philip. i. Not onely it is gyuen to you that you shulde beleue in god but also that you shulde suffer for his sake Of these two places of scripture it is euident sayntes lyuynge or deed not to haue had fayth of them selfes or of theyr owne myght power but to haue receyued it of god which gyueth fayth to whom he wil when he wil although saint Paul saith faith to com of the heryng of the word of god which worde although many may here it yet no man shall beleue but he to whom god gyueth fayth and in whom god warketh fayth and beleue For there are certayne craftely crepte in / of whiche it was writen a fore tyme vnto such iudgement they are vngodly turne the grace of our lorde god vnto wantonnes and denye god the onely lorde and our lorde Iesus Chryste The apostel more at large sheweth the cause of his admonition whiche is to monyshe them that they shuld arme them selfes with sure armure defence to defende them agaynst false ꝓphetes and that they shulde in any wyse take hede of them lest by the craft falshere of pseudapostels they shulde be deceyued alienated from the way of truth and from syncere doctryne of the gospel What maner of men were these pseudapostels false doctours in the seconde pistel of Peter ca. ii it is shewed more abundātly And also here after shall be god wyllynge more playnly declared how they haue come in Iude here doth partly shew saying they haue craftely crepte in not playnly preachynge the gospel of god but darkly colouryng it with great pretence of holines mixting mans doctryne with gods word teachyng mans doctryne mans traditions dremes fantasyes of men in the stede of gods worde wyllynge perswadyng as great fayth as great authorite to be gyuen to the traditions writinges of men as to gods wordes gods holy p̄ceptes but these be euyll false doctors of god deputed to iudgement that they shuld suffer paynes vn to the day of iudgement and after that day that they shulde suffer more greuous paynes in body soule togyder seinge that now they suffer paynes punysh mētes only in the soule after the mynde of the doctors shal suffer in the soule only paynes to the day of iudgemēt after the daye of iudgement shall then suffer paynes and turmentes bothe in body soule as the doctors doth say They are vngodly and tourne the grace of our lorde god vnto wantonnes They be so vngodly so vngracious that they turne al that we haue of god and of his grace to fulfyll and satisfye theyr pleasures pluckyng to them selues hasty destruction eternall deth they are so euyll myscheuous full of all vnhappynes that they turne the free benefyte of god grace by the whiche Christ hath delyuered vs from synne deth hell deuyll and eternal dampnation and made vs innocētes and free from all captiuitie of synne and set vs in innocency holynes whiche thing shuld moue vs to kepe innocency holynes they turne this libertie of the spiryte wherby men be set to do all good thynges and no euyll to do only those thynges to the whiche the spirite of god moueth and exhorteth These vngodly turne this liberty in to a carnall liberty in occation liberty to synne gyueth them selfe holly to wantonnes so lasciuiousnes to vnclenlines to bawdry to fornication to adultery other many vices synnes nor yet they are not so cōtent but they denye their maister whiche hath redemed them by his precious blode they denye their maister not openly before al men playnly but secretely in corners craf●ely they denye theyr maister But when denye they thus theyr maister priuely and secretly Truly when they ascribe their iustification forgyuenes of synnes to any creature or to any warke by the might and power of the warke to any indulgence or pardon to masses ad scala celi to holy beades to kyssynge of images suche lyke and not to Christ Iesus and to his bloode shedde for vs to optayne vs remission of synne by whose bloode onely we were wasshed vs in from our synnes as saynt Iohn̄ sayth Apoc. 1. He hath washed vs ī his blode from our synnes They denye the lord whiche ascrybeth remission of synnes to any other thynge then to Chryste his blode whiche thyng false ꝓphetes dothe denyenge theyr mayster They turne the grace of god to wantonnes As who shulde say they were called and redemed with the precious bloode of Christe Iesus that they shulde lyue in all innocency puritie of life in all holynes godlynes But they be trāslated turned frō all innocency puritie of lyfe turned to all maliciousnes wantonnes fylthines They