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judgement_n authority_n church_n person_n 1,479 5 5.0691 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69006 A booke which sheweth the life and manners of all true Christians and howe vnlike they are vnto Turkes and Papistes, and heathen folke. Also the pointes and partes of all diuinitie, that is of the reuealed will and worde of God are declared by their seuerall definitions and diuisions in order as followeth. Also there goeth a treatise before of reformation without tarying for anie, and of the wickednesse of those preachers, which will not refourme them selues and their charge, because they will tarie till the magistrate commanude and compell them. By me, Robert Brovvne. Browne, Robert, ca. 1550-1633. 1582 (1582) STC 3910.3; ESTC S109446 65,269 61

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charge and office together There be Synodes or the meetings of sundrie churches which are when the weaker churches seeke helpe of the stronger for deciding or redressing of matters or else the stronger looke to them for redresse There is also prophecie or meetings for the vse of euerie mans gift in talk or reasoning or exhortation and doctrine There is the Eldershippe or meetings of the most forwarde and wise for lookinge to matters 51 Howe haue they their Antichristian authoritie ioyned partaking They haue their popishe Synodes counselles and conuocations c. They haue their prophecies commō places collegies c for the abuse of mens guiftes by triflinges and stintings inioyninges and charginges in popishe wise They haue their spirituall courts churchwardens sydemen c. 51 A Synode is a Ioyning or partaking of the authoritie of manie Churches mette togither in peace for redresse and deciding of matters which can not wel be otherwise taken vp Prophecie is a ioyning or partaking of the office of manie Teachers in peaceable manner both for iudgement and tryall and also for the vse of euerie mannes gifte in talke reasoning exhortation or doctrine Eldership is a Ioyning or partaking of the authoritie of Elders or forwardest and wysest in a peaceable meeting for redressing and deciding of matters in particular Churches and for counsaile therein 52 Who haue their seueral charge ouer many churches Apostles had charge ouer many churches Likewise Prophetes which had their reuelations or visions Likewise helpers vnto these as Euāgelistes and companions of their iourneis 52 Who haue their false charge ouer manie churches High popishe Commissioners and Legates c. Archbishoppes and Bishoppes c. Also helpers vnto these as Chaūcelours Commissareis Sumners c rouing and wandring Ministers 52 An Apostle is a person hauing office and message from God for the which he is meete vnto all persons and churches to shewe them their state of damnatiō for some notable want or wickednes and to vse the obedience of all persons and churches whiche receyue him to plante reforme and set order for auoyding that damnation A Prophet is a person hauing office and message from God for the which hee is meete to foretell of plagues or of blessings which GOD hath shewed to the Prophet to vse the obedience of all which receiue him to plante reforme and set order for the auoyding of the plagues and the obtayning of the blessings Euangelistes are persons hauing office message of God for the which they are tried to be meete and thereto are chosen where the church is planted or receiued by obedience whē they plant the church to helpe the Apostles or Prophetes either by preparing a way for them to do the more good or by holding that waye course which the Apostles and Prophetes appointe vnto them 53 Who haue their seuerall charge in one Churche onely to teache and guide the same The Pastour or he which hath the guift of exhorting and applying especiallie The Teacher or he whiche hath the guift of teaching especially and lesse guift of exhorting and applying They whiche helpe vnto them both in ouerseeing and counsailinge as the most forward or Elders 53 Who haue their false charge ouer one churche onlie to deceaue and misleade it Priestes Parsons Vicars Curats and the rest of that rable which ar thrust vppon the flocke And helpers vnto these as euerie Questman and the Clarks and Readers and Singers c. 53 A Pastor is a person hauing office and message of God for exhorting mouing especially and guiding accordinglie for the which he is tried to be meete thereto is duelie chosen by the church which calleth him or receyued by obedience where he planteth the Church A Teacher of doctrine is a person hauing office and message of God for teaching especiallie and guiding accordinglie with lesse gifte to exhorte and applie for the which he is tri●d to be meete and thereto is duelie chosen by the church which calleth him or receyued by obedience where he planteth the church An Elder or more forward in gifte is a person hauing office and message of God for ouersight and counsaile and redressing thinges amisse for the which he is tried c. 54 Who haue office of cherishing and releeuing the afflicted and poore The Releeuers or Deacons which are to gather and bestowe the church liberalitie The Widowes which are to praye for the church with attendaunce to the sicke and afflicted thereof 54 Whoe be for the kitchin and for feeding the bellie They haue their ciuil collections popishlie established Also Amners Almsemen Beade-houses Mourners Stewards Cookes with all that rable 54 The Releeuer is a person hauing office of God to prouide gather bestowe the giftes and liberalitie of the church as there is need● to the which office he is tried and receyued as meete The Widowe is a p●rson hauing office of god to pray for the church to visit and minister to those which are afflicted distressed in the church for the which she is tried and receyued as meete 55 How hath the church the vse of those graces which al y e brethrē people haue to do good withal Because euerie one of the church is made a Kinge a Priest and a Prophet vnder Christ to vpholde and further the kingdom of God to breake and destroie the kingdome of Antichrist and Satan 55 Howe are the people of the euill churches a plague to them selues by partaking wickednes one with an other Euery one is a captaine and ringleader to mischeefe Also a spirituall infection and abomination Also a false wretched deceauour 55 The kingdome of all Christians is their office of guiding and ruling with Christ to subdue the wicked and make one another obedient to Christ. Their Priesthoode is their office of cleansing and redressing wickednes whereby sinne and vncleannes is taken away from amongst them Their Prophecie is their office of iudging all thinges by the worde of God whereby they increase in knowledge and wisedome among them selues 56 Howe are we made Kinges We must all watch one an other and trie out all wickednes We must priuatlie and openlie rebuke the priuat and open offendours We must also separate the wilful and more greeuous offenders and withdraw our selues frō them and gather the righteous togither 56 Howe is euerie one a captaine and ringleader to mischeefe Thei all seek occasions of euill and hunt for the bloud of the righteous They chide brawle without shame both priuatlie and openlie They driue and chase from them the righteous and loath their companie 56 Looke question 48. For watching trying out wickednes For priuate and open rebuke For separation 57 How are all Christians made Priestes vnder Christ They present and offer vp praiers vnto God for them selues for others They turne others from iniquitie so that attonement is
trust of their faithfulnes towards vs. For ministring looke num 155. Visiting is a duetie of goodnes in partaking vnto them the vse and comfort of our presence and companie 164 What duties are for our owne persones We must defend and maintayne our state and welfare We must vse it comfortablie and remedie our greefes We must vse it seemelie honorably as beseemeth Christians 164 How are they a curse and vngracious to them selues They faile and are wanting to them selues They are their owne greefe and increase their miserie They shamfullie abuse their welfare and make them selues vile 164 Defending and mayntayning our state welfare is a dutie of pleasuring helping our selues by all lawfull meanes 165 How must we defende our state and welfare By withstandinge the violence of the enemie when it is for Gods glorie By bouldnes in answeringe and pleading our cause By assailing the enemie with force when the cause requireth 165 How doo they faile and are wanting to them selues They miscarie or perishe throughe shrinkinge or through wilfull indaungering them selues They are fearfull or ouermatched in holding their cause betraie y e same By flight or other vnwarines they betraye their safetie or welfare 165 Withstāding is a strift against enimies whereby we defende our selues vpon trust of some ablenes in God to resist them Pleading our cause is a defending of our right making it known by proofe examination Assayling is a strift against enimies firste prouoking them to defende themselues 166 How must we vse our state comfortablie We must vse the blessinges of God both mutuall and seuerall as a remedie against dulnes and greefe Also against weaknes and wearines Also against hurt or vncomlines 166 How are they a greefe and miserie to them selues They cast them selues into further heauines and care They pine away or breake them selues with fasting and toiling They increase their disease beastlines 166 Vsing our state comfortablie is a bestowing or applying of the giftes and graces of God to haue the full ioye and glorie of the same Remedying of dulnes greefe weakenes wearines hurt and vncomelines is an vsing of such blessings and graces of God as may take them away 167 How must we vse our state seemelie and honorablie We must refraine from lawfull pleasures as there is neede and bridle our lustes We must be pure and chast We must be sober 167 How are they shamefull and vile They pamper cherish them selues They are vnchast and filthie They are giuen to wantonnes and pleasures 167 Vsing our state seemelie and honorablie is a bestowing and applying of the giftes and graces of God to haue our full reuerence and honour thereby Refraying and abstinence is a duetifulnes in disliking and refusing such pleasures as beeing lawefull in them selues yet by some occasion are vnmeete for vs. Moderation is a dutifulnes in góuerning pleasures that we exceede not measure and honestie 168 What chastitie and purenes must we vse We must vse mariage duelie We must haue no filthie thoughtes nor lustes Neither wordes nor behauiour nor outwarde helpes to further the same as euil companie excesse in eating drinking brauerie nicenes c. 168 How are they vnchast and filthie They abuse mariage They haue filthy thoughtes lustes Also wordes and behauiour outward helpes to further the same 168 Purenes and chastitie is a moderation of naturall lust that no filthines be in vs. 169 What is the right vse of mariage There must be a due traill and iudgment of eche ohers meetenes Also a due couenaunt made on all parties Also due ioyning in mariage 169 How doo they abuse mariage They are deceaued by some foolish fancie drawne together for some worldlie cause By shifting and wilines or some wicked bondage they make the matche sure They come together by some wrong and disorder 169 Mariage is a lawfull ioyning and fellowship of the husbande and wife as of two in one fleshe by partaking the vse of eche others loue bodie and giftes in one communion of dueties and especiallie in generation and bringing vp children Trying their meetnes is a takinge of accountes with our selues and others to haue warraunte of the same by a right iudgement of thē in those things which we haue knowne and seene by them The Definitions of Sexe age kindred persons looke for in our table of Nature 170 What triall of their meetenes must there be They must be twoo onely the man and woman which for age sexe and kinred are meete eche for other They must be meete for eche others liking in behauiour and personage They must be meete for eche others state and calling 170 How are they deceaued and drawne away by their fancie c They fall to all filthines as incest buggerie filthines with beasts vntimelie matching c. or else forbid mariage altogither to some persons They take them meet for their luste as for beautie riches or for some outward countenance or benefite They trouble and hinder their state and calling 171 What couenant must ther be There must be a betrothing of eche to other Also an espousing of the parties by witnesses Also an agreemente of parentes or friendes if the parties to be maried by vnder their ful power gouernmēt But if not the parentes or friendes be froward and none of the churche the mariage of the godlie is not in bonage to their agreement 171 How do they make the match by shifting wilines or some wicked bōdage They gett a promiss eche of other by forcing or by some craft flatterie Likewise in espousing there is some such craft wrong and disorder Also the parentes by craft feare or power doo bring them together or they are stolen or withdrawe them selues from the authoritie of their parentes in that mater 172 How must they be duelie ioined in mariage Their betrothing espousing must be further made known vnto witnesses Their friendes must be glad and reioyce together in some ioyefull and seemelie maner They must giue the vse of their bodie for generation of children eche to other and must not giue that vse of their bodies nor anie token therof to anie other while they liue together and lawfull diuorcement with deathe both not followe 172 How do they come together by some wrong and disorder They haue graunt of secret licenses to marie or their popish banes are asked in churches and without a ringe and babling praiers and the minister to marie them they can not be maried And so they make it a sacrament They haue their feastes daūcings vaine pleasures in heathenish wise By rape force fornication or adulterie or by vnlawfull diuorcementes c they defile mariage 173 What sobernes must we vse We must haue no wanton thoughtes nor delights neither words nor behauiour neither outward helpes to further the same Hitherto of free duties concerning persons 173