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A39752 The church wounded and rent by a spirit of division held forth in a short account of some sad differences hath been of late in the Church of Scotland, with the occasion, grounds, and too evident product therof whose wounds are bleeding to this day : togither with some vindication of the truth, and principles of our church in this present state of things from unjust revilings and reproach, and a few words in the close with respect to what are the greatest concerns of Christians exercise and duty in these times. Fleming, Robert, 1630-1694. 1681 (1681) Wing F1263; ESTC R20193 71,267 55

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Jesus Christ and God the Father so they will accordingly acquit themselfes and in a speciall manner testify for his right and ordinance against all invasions and that so much the more as the hard condition of the present times hath engaged them to an seeming allowance of that of which they ought to purge themselfes in the first place thus you see what is the declared judgment of that Author in this present case yea how far he is a length herein and I hope non will question his speaking his light and judgment in this sincerly but that we may see different judgments and apprehentions in this case should not seeme so strange now in the Church Nintly But since so great a weight is layed on this that the indulged Ministers are in the same classe and case with these who are Prelatick yea seems rather to hold them out as worse I must now affer some few things on this head for any discerning Reader to considere 1. How visibly this hath tended to a sad heightening the present breach that the just grounds whereon we have keept such a distance from the hearing of such hath not been more weighed and understood and how these can give no possible warrant to make the same inference in this present controversy 2. That the stretching of this by some to so great a height as to take arguments hence for forbearing to hear so many eminently godly and able Non-conformed Ministers upon this head of the indulgence would truly seem as if designed rather to weaken its strenth against the Prelatick party and give such to sad ane advantage against us in this day 3. Since it is not in thesi or without a due consideration of these speciall grounds and just concurrence of circumstances in the complex case now of our Church this can be understood for not hearing of the Curats but as such which in a speciall way must be stated by it self for it might otherwise tend to a sad prejudice to the truth and publick interest of the Reformed Churches and run unawares on a very evident precipice I must therefore beseech and obtest that this may be more adverted to and that we may know how sutably to give a reason of our light and practise herein upon clear and evident grounds for which I shall offer these 1. That with the late erection of Prelacy there was then no departure from any acknowledged union with such but a simple Non-complyance and a publick owning and adhering to these faithfull Non-conformed Ministers under whom they had been formerly sed though it is true that not a few after when their heart was touched by the word fell more of from hearing of such upon so discernible difference they found among them and the Non conformed Ministers 2. That here is no dark or controverted case in our Church as to the evill and dreadfulnesse of Prelacy and of any accession to strengthen that interest but that wherein we are explicitly sworn to by the oath of God to endeavour in our severall places and stations the extirpation of and thus should be pressed to keep at furthest distance from any tendency to strenthen the same yea while such severe acts and threatenings of the Councill hath been issued out there upon does make this the more a case of confession tho they should be easily satisfied this day if all should forbear to hear the indulged 3. That forbearance now to hear the Curats is in a case wherein the previous cognition and authoritative judgment of the Church of Scotland and generall assemblies thereof hath by a judiciall procedure been so expresse and full thereanent yea though not the same individuall persons yet in the very same case conformity to Prelacy hath been upon a clear publick and judiciall tryall most solemnly judged and sentenced by the indicatories of our Church which sheweth the great disparity betwixt this and a few private persons taking on them to judge and sentence their Brethren upon a practise under such debate this day among the most seriously godly in the land yea this in expresse opposition to the judgment of most of the Non-conformists in our Church 4. This discernible difference is here also and may be convincing to all as we are on all hands so fully one in acknowledging of the truth as we can debate these sad differences among us upon common principles which are mutually consented to and does not divide in the same center whilst by the Conformists there is so publick and professed among of Prelacy as both there principles and practise are stated in ane expresse opposition 5. It is undenyable likewayes that the intrusion of most of such as are Conformists amongst these where they fixed can have no place here since so far as I know none that accepted the indulgence have wanted some expresse call from and consent of both the Eldership and people and however that act of the Councell was antecedent thereto yet were they neither commanded nor obliged to any election of these more then of others by that act but hath it left to their own consent whether to call them or not 6. Nor can it be said that such who were indulged except these who hath that liberty to their own congregations did come under any further relation but to exerce their Ministry there upon mutuall consent where they had more free and peacable accesse and without prejudice to any former relation or tye to their congregations Lastly I must further adde with some astonishement at what is declared intent of these arguments adduced there that it is to vindicate the practice of such as scruple to own or hear any indulged Ministers thus to fix them who were bot hesitant before to a further falling of from the hearing of such the tendency of which whether this would lead I must judge hath not been apprehended or advented to and that these sad consequences would necessarily fallow thereon first to lay a stumbling block in the way of many thousands of the people who had no such scruple herein so far as to prejudge weaken their edification by their Ministry yea thus frustrat that success and fruit their work of the Gospell might have and Oh! must the scrupling of some few be thus publickly vindicated at so dear a rate as the too visible hazard of so many immortall souls in taking them either wholly off or marring their profit in the publick ordinances dispensed by so many able and serious Ministers of Christ and how very sad a consequence is this also to fix perpetuat a formed rent in the Church by laying thus down dividing principles I must say not according to the doctrine of Christ that we have receaved to salve a dividing practice which otherwise we might hope should have ere now worn out but there they expresly fix the unlawfulness of hearing any of these so long as that case exist of their being indulged except upon that supposall which I
same from the example of our blessed Lord nor was ever taught by his Prophets Apostles therefore ane unjust and offensive rent I hope this none dar debate that the Scripture is the alone instrument and Rule of Church Government and to this Law and Testimony we must take ourselfes under every debateable case theranent yea that any ministeriall power given to us is only executive and declarative to apply the revealed will of the Lord unto his people by a clear discovery thereof and what is not according to that rule none may admitt though under the patrociny of ane Angell but that for this practise we have no Scripture warrant is most clear 1. From the example of our blessed head himself while he was here upon the earth and that respect he did expresly own to the prescribed worship of the Jewish Church yea that such was his blessed way as no visible rent was by disciples from the publick ordinances even then when the dreadfull declinings of that Church was so great a length 2. We see what both the Prophets and Apostles taught and what was their practise in this case that as on the one hand they sought to keep the people at furthest distance from all idolatry and false worship so upon the other hand did give no warrant but expresly to the contrary as to any departure from the publick worship where it was not corrupted notwithstanding of these sad declinings of the Church otherwise and I crave any to shew ane instance to the contrary 3. Nothing can be more evident then the care the Apostle had to keep the Church of Corinth from dashing on such a rock to such as doe but seriously read and consider these Epistles nor doth our blessed Master to the seven Churches give the least ground or warrant as to any falling of or secession from the publick assemblies notwithstanding of so sad a charge as is there given against some of these Churches but we may see how concerned the Apostle was against this as one of the publick evills and scandalls then breaking up in the Church Heb. 10 25. the forsaking of the assemblies for the publick worship of God as the manner of some was then and Oh! what can it mean thus to rack the consciences of the people and impose such new terms and conditions of Church communion as neither the Scripture nor examples of the purest Reformed Churches since the Apostles time did ever warrant for which I must here humbly challenge any who are otherwise minded to let us see where the signature of one Scripture command is for what they impose or what divine precept is violated by hearing the indulged or if such a cure and remedy was ever taught by the great healer as this practise of admitting no composure and uniting in controverted duties untill there be a full onnesse of judgment among us or thus to break and disquiet a poor Church as though some had no work else almost outwearied with these sad and perpetuall contendings for making void their Ministry which hath been and I hope yet shall be owned of the Lord for his peoples edification II. Ground to demonstrate the unwarrantablenesse of this practise is this that it is expresly contrare to that established order of Christ in his Church as the proper remedy and releife for any publick offences Matt. 18 15. and which is so expresse a rule given in this case as can admit of no alteration as also to that 1 Cor. 14 40. that all things should be done in order and decency nor can there be any hesitation herein whether this practise and way which is thus taken by some does not controll the same thus to withdraw and impose upon the matter so high and publick a censure on others by their private judgment and authority except they will adventure to determine on the rule and these ancient Scripture bounds which are there set to us but as it is sure the things of Christ must be by his warrant only no latitude else given us but to observe he whatsoever commands Mat. 28 last yea that no healing or cure will ever be to the Church but by his appointed means so it is undenyable that to withdraw from Church fellowship in such a manner as this is a most high and spirituall censure Yea not to eat with a scandalous Brother must be understood as ane act of judgment and does suppose some previous tryall else there should be no fixed rule but for each to be his own judge in pulling of his Brother to shame and thus no bounds could be fixed to prevent endlesse breakings and rents in the Church It s true a publick releife is not as formerly now accessible but as there is yet through grace a faithfull Ministry in our Church who hath the authority of Jesus Christ to cognosce and judge of the matters of his house and to whom the power of the keyes both of doctrine and discipline is by his own warrant committ whatever essayes hath been and still are to make such contemptible before the people yea some way I must say no lesse thus to exauctorate them and controll their commission this day then hath been by publick Adversaries So is there also some sutable exoneration that each Christian may have in the case of publick offence when there is not such accesse by the Church to spread forth the same before the Lord to endeavour in their capacity and station how to convince gain and restore such with the spirit of meeknesse and thus use personall freedome and tendernesse in dealing with others wherein I am sure both more peace and advantage to these they deall with should be thus reached then by any such highly disorderly way and unwarrantable severity as is now adventured on by some III. Ground to clear the unwarrantablenesse of this practise is that it is so expresly contrare to that approven and commended practise in the Church Rev. 2 2. that they hath tryed such who called themselfes Apostles and were not but had found them lyars where as it is most clear that this was a judiciall tryall and in a legall and orderly way of such before any declarative sentence and for this end is adduced by the greatest interpreters to prove the necessity thereof but this as I have formerly touched can give no advantage in that case of the Conformists to Prelacy where besides other grounds mentioned the antecedent judgment of our Church hath been so full clear and harmonious there upon whilst I touch this I must cite the words and authority of blessed Mr Rutherfurd in his divine right of Church Government page 378. We grant sayes he that each should eschew false Teachers and all that walk inordinatly but that every one should shun these whom in his private judgment he conceives to be such before he rebuke and labour to gaine and in case of obstinacy then to tell the Church is forbidden Mat. 18. and
others then such this hath been to known an evill in our Church VI. Ground this practise seemes ane expresse violation breach of Covenant wherein we are so solemnly engaged before the Lord which I know not how any possibly can evade when we are no lesse solemnly engaged there against Schism then either Prelacy or Erastianisme and if this be not ane unwarrantable Schism and renting of the Church I know no such charge could have been given against any since the primitive times and that on these grounds 1. That by Schisme is not to be understood a dividing from the doctrine but from the communion of the Church and that it tends to a disyointing from the body thus we finde even in the most pure times of the Church these put in a peculiar class and looked on with no lesse dread and fear as such who did oppose the doctrine of the Church and it is but to manifest that in all times the most destroying errors hath been still grafted on this stock whilst on the other hand the more near fellowship with our blessed head is keept up and where the life and power of godlinesse is much in exercise the more hath this sad rock been keept of as the more near the lines are to the center the more near are they and close to one another 2. It is clear also from the Apostles dealing with the Church of Corinth and about which he used such sharpnesse that they took a divided way of communicating and going about other duties as tending to make a breach and Schism then in that Church whatever gave the rise thereto se 1 Cor. 11 18 19. yea does thus rebuke them not only that some said they were of Paull and others of Apollos but even these that said they were of Christ so far as this upon the manner was in a contentious and divided way since of him and him alone must the whole Church be named 3. It hath not hetherto been under debate from the Scripture and doctrine of the Reformed Church thereannent to be ane unquestionable Schisme where there is a departure from that union in the publick worship and ordinances of the Gospell in which they had formerly walked and thus a dividing and designed falling off from the same without any just cause or warrant from the Scripture to a publick disturbance of that order appointed by Christ in his house yea contrary to that commanded love tenderness prudence and forbearance so expresly required of Church members towards one ane other and to his blessed authority who has so clearly warranted such a forbearing with these as in some things may be contrary minded upon different apprehensions of the truth so far as both love amongst themselfes the publick peace of the Church may not be thus disturbed it is sure the choisest of the saints doeth carry to heaven with them both errors mistakes and prophesieing in part and some overclouding must still be of the brightest stares while they shine here Oh! if that now which is the present cause of these differences were but once brought to that rule of the word should it not inforce many to be a wonder to themselfes at the strange way they have been upon and whether they have been carried in this deplorable rent of whose seriousness otherwise I doe not question VII Ground this is a practise contrary to most expresse Scripture commands for forbearance and condescendence among the godly in breaking times which we may not only see Rom. 14 3 4 5. Eph. 4 2 3 4. 1 Cor. 9 19. 20. but that it was for this end the Spirit of God doe enjoine the same that there may be no breach or rent in the Body of Christ about which he hath so tender a care and is such a forbearance as we finde expresly commanded in this very case upon a controverted practise of the Church and difference of judgment therein whatever upon the one side might be more culpable herein then upon the other as is clear in that debate about meats 1 Cor. 11. and Oh! what can it mean Whiles both our duty and remedy doth here meet at once yet this should have so litle weight with us at this day for if such a commanded forbearance can have no place among these who are one and agreed in this same principles even in the point controverted and only differ in the application yea are mutually perswaded of others sincerity I know no place then it could have ever had since there was a Christian Church which hath put me to some astonishment what the peremtory way of some can intend and to obstruct ane union in the way of the Lord only fought without ceding in any truth or being put to condemn any thing they judge lawfull or approve what they judge sinfull in the way of others and if this be denyed I would desire then to know what sinfull complyance or yeelding in any concerne of the truth can be herein challenged or if such a suteable essay hash yet been for a tender serious communeing with such they keep so great a distance with to meet and concurre in what are uncontroverted duties in such a day But oh the temper of this time seems more now in passion than argument which is so naturall and pleasing an evill as the most expresse authority of the Scripture is not like to restraine I must adde this further to be considered if such a departure from Church fellowship should be admitdon this head of the late indulgence and the discretive judgment of any which can only be pretended here stretched to such a hight as without the Church to impose this which is of so publik and universal concerne on the conscience of the people these consequences of greatest import must need follow 1. To breake up Church fellowship and communion with most all the Reformed Churches this day yea is a caice and practice under these circumstances it is now stated as will finde no precedent even from such who have formerly most pleaded for separation who did never own this on any such ground as a different practice upon various apprehensions thereof among such who are most intirely one in the same doctrine and principles 2. This also must follow to withdrauw from Fellowship in hearing of the most choice and eminent Non-conforme Ministers now in the Church of England whose liberty they had for a peaceable accesse to their publick meetings some years now past was of that same nature and in al 's expresse termes one with this indulgence Yea it must necessarily tend like wayes to fall of communion in publick with the whole Ministry of the Belgick Church which to the furthest conviction of any who will question this can be demonstrat on clearest ground 3. Nothing can be more evidently contrair then this practice is to the known judgments of the old Non-conformists yea of such who have been most eminent both in the Churches of Old and New-England of
or no or if this omission was truly deliberate and since this is a publick fixing a most high scandall on so many Ministers of Christ it would have been expected to be with the furthest evidence to convince others and that they are in case for the full and judiciall out making thereof when required if they would give that measure they expect from others and which the Scripture indispensibly requires in such a case Sixtly It is strange so sudden a determining and publishing the private judgings of some in a matter of such weight and universall concern without so much as a previous communicating in Councill herein with the must tender of their Brethren whom they would in charity judge to be serious and have the Councill of God with them yea this without laying down any such convincing grounds as were necessary to justifie so strange a practise as the departure from fellowship in the publick ordinances with so great a part of the Church as though this had no weight in this day for the spirit of the Prophets being subject to the Prophets I must say though some should own an revelation or extraordinary impulse in this yet so far it might have been judged they might have keept of as not to vent the same in ane disorderly and unsutable way or adventure to bring in so strange a practise and of so publick concern in the Church without the Church or to exerce their private judgment over the whole of their Brethren The Apostle Paull tho immediatly called by Christ yet would goe up to Jerusalem to conferre with the Brethren nor would Paull and Barnabas together adventure to determine in that difference at Antioch untill it was brought to the Apostles the same spirit which leads unto all truth does also lead unto Humility and to the furthest tender condescendence in Brethrens dealling with other nor should it be light whatever may be the private thoughts of some in a matter of truth to doe any thing precipitantly which may disturb the Church and now when it is strugling as if between life and death was this a time to drive with such heat this present breach and in a way to defame more then to convince and gaine and with such a height of severe reflection on all that comes not to their measure this way as if to be pious and peacable at once were wholly inconsistent Sevently And what should it meane or is it sutable to that candour and tender respect which we owe to the Author of the late Apology to set down these arguments which he hath there for not hearing of the Curats for not hearing the indulged and herein to oppose him to himself and his own expresly declared sense to the countrary whilst now by his death he cannot answer But his own words there I hope will not be denyed which yow may read pag. 128. and there also see a vigorous opposition to the indulgence yet without any breach or dividing from these worthy Ministers who have accepted thereof are no wayes inconsistent Amongst the many designes aimed at said that Author in this indulgence and in part obtained we know the breakings and dividing of our party was a principall one but we hope without the fruit our Adversaries expected for whatever difference there hash been and yet is among us in our practise in relation to the indulgence we are all agreed in our preceeding exceptions against it and if there had been accesse for representing the same to the Rulers our unanimity and concord in these had been more discovered and known to the world there is no change with us of our known and professed judgment anent the Government of the Church in its distinction from and independency on the Magistrate some who take hold on all occasions to reproach us are pleased to represent their acceptance of this indulgence as contradictory to and inconsistent with our former professed principles in Church Government yet any that considers what was shortly hinted at in the Councell at the receiving of this indulgence and what was more largly declared by them to their congregations at first entry will be sufficiently convinced of our constant adherence to former principles which by this acceptance is not at all changed thus for he Eightly But if the declared judgments and authority of some may influence any to a more implicite falling in with this way I must yet further crave leave to oppose the judgment of one who I suppose may have the same weight and authority in this case it is the Author of the true Non-conformist who in his clearing the duty of forbearance to hear the Curats hath these words which I cited in the first Paper Page 196. I freely acknowledge that if God had permitted this whole Church to slide into the present evills of Prelacy and thereafter had blessed it with a discovery yet I would not admitt in that condition the same necessity and expediency of separation that I now finde to plead with for a non complyance in as much as our present non-complyance was not only a more seasonable and safe duty but also was attended with a faithfull and edifying adherence to our true and sent Teachers And page 194. hath these words that separation is a departing from ane union once acknowledged even in these things that are in themselfes not condemned and thus does most expresly determine the unwarrantableness of falling of from Church fellowship with the indulged Ministers on that head after so known and acknowledged union with these in the publick ordinances even after the acceptance of the indulgence till of late but that you may know what is the sense and declared judgment of this Author in this case I shall give you now further his own words pag. 487. opposing himself herein to these sharp reflections of G. B. But you doe not only make your Non-conformist to cede as it were to your reasonings but in a manner to own the late pretended indulgence as flowing from the supremacy as on purpose to fix on these few Ministers of ours who have been thereby restored at least a constructive approbation of this evill And there in the following page has these words But not to lose time in these triflings I differ from your Non-conformist and am so much against the supremacy that I abominate the indulgence under this name but that God has disposed the King to restore in any measure what was so sinfully taken away we account it a great blessing wishing that he may be in such manner satisfied with the fruits of this course as may more and more convince him of its righteousness and encourage him to its prosecution But if you or any think by this poor and scant restitution to bribe the Lords people to the rest of your usurpations we trust the Lord will deliver his own and that as hitherto our Ministers has looked upon themselfes as such neither of Man nor only by Man but by