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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13202 A defence of the Holy Scriptures, worship, and ministerie, used in the Christian Churches separated from Antichrist Against the challenges, cavils and contradiction of M. Smyth: in his book intituled The differences of the Churches of the Separation. Hereunto are annexed a few observations upon some of M. Smythes censures; in his answer made to M. Bernard. By Henry Ainsworth, teacher of the English exiled Church in Amsterdam. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1609 (1609) STC 235; ESTC S117973 115,496 140

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19. 27. Apoc. 14. 9. 10. 11. Loe here the truth which I defend confirmed by my adversaries owne penn for this is the onely thing which I plead that Christ ruleth his people onely by his own lawes and officers as mine opposite himself granteth yet see what an outcrie he maketh against me as teaching such Antichristianisme as was never heard of before But by his former dispute against the Presbyterie himselfe is found to be one of those enimies that wil not have Christ to reign over them by his own offices and lawes Wheras he putteth the question thus how farr the sheep must obey the Elders which ar shepheards that is not the point between Mr. Bern. and me neyther medle I with it yet if any be desirous to know my mind in general it is So farr as the shepheards doe teach rule and direct the sheep in the wayes of Christ by his owne word and lawes so farr at they al jointly and every one severally bound to obey and submit to their shephards and no further For although this be the ordinary way of teaching and governing the Church yet if extraordinarily it fal out that the shepheards walk and lead awry and the sheep go aright then is neyther the whol flock nor any one sheep to follow or obey them unlesse they wil fall togither into the ditch Neyther wil that reason which M. Sm. so laboureth about namely that the Ministery is not by succession but by election of the church make ought against me unlesse the man thinketh this consequence good If Elders be chosen by the Church then are they not to teach and rule the Church by Christs word and lawes The contrary rather is true For if the Church be authorized and commanded of Christ to chose and set Elders over them for to teach and rule them by his own word and lawes and are also commanded to obey and submit themselves unto their Elders then are the Elders to teach rule them by Christs word and lawes and the Church is therin to obey But the first is true as the scriptures and reasons forealleged prove Therefore alsothe latter No more wil that similitude of a body which as all parables will easily be perverted being streyned beyond the purpose of the holy spirit help ought against the truth I defend For as God hath disposed the members every one of them in the body at his own pleasure given them severall faculties so as all the members have not one work and as the eye for seing the ear for hearing the mouth for speaking c. doo administer not for particular mebers onely but for the whol body even so the Church hath many members with diversities of gifts and diversities of offices or ministeries which they are to attend unto and execute for the whol body the whol not the particular members onely as this man fansieth are to obey and submit unto these distributions administrations being al of the Lord as the Apostle teacheth And as al the members of the body have not the gift of speaking seeing smelling c. but these are bestowed on special members for the use of al so in the church al are not prophets or al teachers or al governours c. but to one is given the word of wisdome to another the word of knowledge c. unto the administration of which gifts by the due offices or members al the body is to submit and obey in the Lord. So that a wonder it is any man should have the face to blame me with Antichristianisme for disclayming that position which M. Bernard imputed unto us namely that the power of Christ that is avthoritie to preach to administer the sacraments and to execute the censures of the church belongeth to the whole church yea to overy one of them or for affirming some special authoritie to be committed to the Elders for reaching and ruling the church by Christs own word and lawes unto whom the other brethren are to obey alwayes in the Lord. What would it be but a mere confusion and abuse of the holy ordinances of the gospel if every one in the church should administer perform the works of al Christs ministers which they may if the power and authoritie perteyneth unto them for who may abridge the saincts of these things And most strange it is that M. S. if any thing may be strange in him would thus inveigh against me when in handling this very poynt against M. Bern. he writeth thus Wherefore I say unto you that the gifts of preaching administration of the sacraments and governing are given unto some men but the offices and officers indued with these gifts are given unto the church c. If but some men in the church have the gifts of preaching administration of sacraments governing wil M. S. blame me for deneying this position of M. Bernard that Christs power and authoritie to preach administer the sacraments c. belongeth to every one in the church Have they authoritie to preach or govern which have not the gifts of preaching or government I leave the judgment of this controversie to every wise hart And this I hope may suffice for clearing my self of Antichristianisme in that which I wrote about church goverment being the mayn thing which M. Sm. hath wrested against me Other things there are which he girdeth at breifly and which I omit to strive with him about whom I see to be set upon debate And how adversarylike he dealeth with me in mangling corrupting and depraving my answers for his advantage they that compare them with his book may see Let this one be an instance To an objected error against us I thus answered Neither is this position set down in our words to my knowledge neither doth Mr. Bernard take away but confirm rather the thing that we hold for he granteth that they offend God which may and doe not ordinardie having meanes offred live in a church rightly constituted we grant that many of Christs subiects for want of meanes doe not live in a true constituted church If therfore he were not a caviller he would not have reckned this among our errors This my answer M. S. of his liberalitie hath set down in his book thus M. Ains answering M. Bern. pag. 173. vseth these words Neither is this position set down in our words to my knowledge if therfore M. Bern. were not a caviller he would not have reckned this among our errors Thus having dealt more injuriously with my words then the unjust steward did with his Masters reckning in abating more then half of my writing without so much as any note or mark to intimate of further matter in my answer which he maketh almost senselesse he procedeth to charge me with forsaking the defence of the truth and then runns on to justifie that he had written to Mr. Bernard which I knew not of But for his
Greek letters words and phrases which had beene profaned by lying histories and lascivious poets unto all manner idolatry and wickednes Herevpon it followeth that the word of God in whatsoever letter or language it be written or spoken vnto vs is the word of God stil so to be reverenced and regarded and not to be basely and profanely counted among humane and apocryphal writings A comment or exposition of scripture as for example vpon this word Emmanuel sheweth the mans iudgement mind or understanding that commenteth telleth the reason of this name why it was given to Christ discourseth of his godhed of his manhood of the uniting of these two in one person of the end and use of these and many such like things This being done by ordinary men is properly an humane writing though it may be agreeable to the word of God shewing by letters as by signes what is the mind or understanding of such a man in this mysterie of Christs incarnation even as Paul sayth of his owne divine writing when ye read ye may know myne understanding in the mysterie of Christ. Ephes. 3. 4. Now God hath by his Prophets and Apostles written to his Church a short summ of his mind and will guiding and carying them and inspiring their writings with his good spirit that there should be nothing but words of truth faithfulnes equitie and perfection in them that men mought have a sure ground for their faith and actions throughout all generations And minding mans weaknes the holy Ghost hath omitted to write many things though otherweise in their nature very good penning such onely as were needful and profitable for our faith and salvation giving vs warning also to take heed of other things because there is no end of making many books and much reading is a wearynes to the flesh Ecclesiast 12. 12. But because in these scriptures somethings are hard to be vnderstood and all men know not how to use and apply Gods word unto their times estates actions c. therefore hath Christ given gifts unto men to open and apply the scriptures for the edification of the Church vnto the worlds end alwayes binding them both teachers and hearers to the foundation layd by the Prophets and Apostles whose writings are sufficient to make men wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Iesns For this cause the holy scriptures are necessarie for al Churches to be read expounded unto the people as every nation differeth in language so to have the word spoken and written in their vulgar tongue which change of the tongue or letter changeth not the nature of the word spoken or written but it is stil divine and heavenly Onely because in this changing or translating imperfections wants errors may fal in therfore the first writings as the Prophets Apostles penned them are to be made the absolute canon rule touchstone whereby al translations are to be tried by which being tried found faithful it is the same word of God in what language or letter soever differeth as much frō humane cōmentaries or expositions as heaven dooth from earth But Mr. Sm. avoucheth mens written sermons or cōments upon the scripture the scripture it self written in English to be equally humane in respect of the work equally divine in respect of the matter they handle Of this his bold and false assertion he maketh no proof at al it is a speculation of his own hart Two carnal reasons he setteth down which are these To translate the originals into any mother tongue is as wel and asmuch the worke of a mans wit and learning as to analyse the scriptures rhetorically or logically to collect doctrines and uses theologically to give expositions and interpretations of places doubtful Where first if M. S. mean the action of translating simply without reference to the mater and thing translated he doth but dally and seek to deceiv for writing printing translating are al alike humane actions but the things written printed translated are differēt some good some evil some of God some of men and of the divil The books of Moses written printed or translated are Gods law the book of Mahomet written printed or translated is the divils law the actions of writing printing translating are mere humane actions in all of these Now if because translating is an humane action therefore the thing translated must also be humane the work of mans wit and learning then also because writing and printing are humane actions therefore the bible written or printed in Hebreue Greek al languages must likewise be humane and the work of mens wit and learning and then there can be no divine scriptures but the very first copies which the Prophets Apostles wrote with their owne hands And if Satan could perswade this he would be glad Secondly if Mr. Sm. meaneth the thing translated as Moses law Davids psalmes or other like in English that these are as wel and as much the work of a mans wit and learning as an exposition of doubtful places in them or doctrines and uses collected from them he teacheth wicked error which al of judgment cōscience wil abhorr The holy scriptures faithfully expressed in English or any language is the work of Gods wisdome unserchable knowledge and cannot without injury to his majestie be said to be the work of mans wit learning though man have used his skil in writing or translating it according to the original copie given of God This plea of Mr. Sm. is like as if Ieroboam should have sayd the cherubims and the brazen bulls in Solomons temple are as wel and as much the work of mans wit skil as my golden calves if they may be admitted into the house and worship of God then why not these If M. Sm. should answer that the cherubims and bulls which Solomon made were commanded of God and from the divine pattern though humane art did make them but Ieroboams calves were from his own hart so answer I in this case the translation is from the divine pattern of Gods original book and commanded to be made and used but to write comments or homilies to read in the Church is frō a mans own hart and hath no commandement or warrant from God so to be used but are forbidden Eccles. 12. 12. Secondly he sayth The translator cannot conceive nor expresse in writing the whol mind of the holy spirit conteyned in the originals but onely some good part of it the expositor paraphrast commentator may expresse as much as the translator yea and in respect of some particulars as Hebraisms Grecismes and the like considerations much more If a translator cannot expresse the whol mind of the spirit in al the bible by his interpretation litteral or grammatical then much lesse can the expositor expresse the whol mind of the spirit in the bible by his exposition theological For it is a thowsand