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A09618 The examinacion of the constaunt martir of Christ, Ioh[a]n Philpot arch diacon of Winchestre at sondry seasons in the tyme of his sore emprisonment, conuented and banted, as in these particular tragedies folowyng, it maye (not only to the christen instruction, but also to the mery recreacion of the indifferent reader) most manifestly appeare. Reade fyrst and than iudge. Philpot, John, 1516-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 19892; ESTC S100457 120,727 301

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Ye as that I am London Your godfathers and godmothers were of an other fayth then you be nowe Phil. I was not baptised neither into my godfathers faith nor my godmothers but into the fayth into the churche of Christ London Howe knowe you that Phil. By the worde of God which is the touche stone of faythe and the lymites of the churche London Howe long hath your churche stande I praye you Phil. Euen from the beginning frō Christ from his Apostles from theyr immediate successours Chanc. He wil proue his churche to be before Christ phil Yf I dyd so I go not amisse For ther was a church before the cōming of Christ which maketh one catholike churche Chance It is so in dede phil I wil desyre no better rule thē that which is oftē tymes brought in of your syde to proue both my fayth and church catholike that is antiquitie vniuersalitie and vnitie Lond. Do you not se what a bragging folyshe felowe this is He would seme to be very wel sene in the doctors he is but a fole By what D. art thou able to ꝓue thy church name hī thou shalt haue him phil My lorde let me haue al your auncient writers with penne ynke paper I wil proue both my fayth my churche out of euery one of them Lon. No that thou shalt not haue ▪ you shal see howe he lyeth S. Cipriā sayeth Ye lye my lorde ther must be one high priest to the which the residue must obeye And they wil allowe no head neither vicar general phil S. Ciprian sayeth not that ther should be a vicar general ouer al. For in his boke De simplicitate praelatorum I am sure he sayeth the cōtrarie Vnus episcopatus est cuius pars in solidum a singulis tenetur Ther is but one bishoprike which is holly possessed of euery bishop in part London Fet hyther the boke thou shalt se the manyfest place against the. S. Chedsey brought the boke turned to the place in an Epistle written vnto Cornelius then B. of Rome recited these worldes in sūme that it went not well with the church where the hyghe priest was not obeyed And so would haue cōcluded for the confirmacion of the bishops sayeng Phil. M. doct you misconstrue the place of S. Cipriā for he meaneth not ther by the hygh priest the B. of Rome but euery patriark in his precinct of whom ther were foure apointed in his tyme. And in wrytyng vnto Cornelius he meaneth by the hyghe priest hym selfe which was then chief B. of Affrica whose auctoritie the heretikes began to despice Wherof he complayneth to Cornelius sayeth the churche can not be well ordered where the chief minister by order after the iudgemēt of the scriptures after the agremēt of the people and the cōsent of his felow bishops he is not obeyed London Hath not the bishop of Rome alwayes ben supreme head of the churche and Christes vicar in earth euen from Peter Phil. No that he was not For by the word of God he hath no more auctoritie then the bishop of London hath Lon. Was not Peter head of the church and hath not the bishop of Rome which is his successour the same auctoritie Phil. I graunt that the bishop of Rome as he is the successor of Peter hath the same autoritie as Peter had But Peter had no more auctoritie then euery one of the apostles hadde Chaunce Yes that S. Peter had for Christ said specially vnto him Tibi dabo claues regni Coelorum I will gyue thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen the which he spake to none other of his disciples syngularly but to him phil S. Austyne answereth otherwyse to the obiection sayeth that yf in Peter there had not bene the figure of the churche the Lord had not sayd vnto him to the I will geue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen The which if Peter receyued them not the churche hath them not Yf the churche hath them thē Peter hath them not London What yf I can proue and shewe you out of the ciuill lawe that all Christendome ought to folowe the holy catholike churche of Rome as there is a speciall tytle therof De catholica fide Sancta Romana ecclesia phil That is nothing material seing the thinges of God be not subiecte to mās lawes And diuine maters must be ordered by the word of God not of man M. d ee What will you saye yf I can proue that Christ buylded his church vpon Peter and that out of S. Ciprian will you then beleue that the bishop of Rome ought to be supreme head of the churche Phil. I knowe what S. Ciprian writeth in that behalfe But he meaneth nothīg so as you take it M. d ee S. Ciprian hath these wordes quod super Petrum fundata suit ecclesia tanquam super originem vnitatis That vpon Peter was builded the churche as vpon the fyrst begynning of vnitie Phil. Be declareth that in an example the vnitie must be in the church he groūded on Peter his churche alone not vpon men The which he doth more manifestly declare in the booke De simplicitate praelatorum sayeng in persona vnius Christus dedit Dominus omnibus claues vt omnium vtatatē denotaret In the person of one mā God gaue the keyes to al that he in significaciō therby declareth the vnitie of all men M. d ee Howe wil you vnderstand S. Ciprian So that were good in dede Phil. I thinke you can not vnderstande S. Ciprian better then he dothe declare him selfe London I will desire you master chaūceler to take some paynes which master doctor Chadsey master Dee about his examinacion For I must god to the parliament house And I will desire you to tary diner with me phil Then maister Dee toke agayne his former auctoritie in hande for want of an other And would haue made a farther circumstaunce dysgressing from his purpose To whom I sayd he knewe not wherabout he went and here withall he laughed And I sayd his diuinitie was nothing but scoffing M. d ee Yea then I haue done with you And so went awaye phil maister Dee you are to yong in dyuynytie to reach me in the maters of my faythe though you be learned in other thinges more then I yet in diuinitie I haue ben longer pracrysed then you for any thing I can heare of you therfore be not to hastie to iudge that you do not perfectly knowe Chaun Peter and his successours frō the beginning haue ben allowed for the supreme head of the churche that by the scriptures For that cause Christ said vnto him in S. Iohn thryse feade my shepe pasce oues meas Phil. That is none otherwise to be takē thē Ite predicate goo ye preache which was spoken to al the Apostels as wel as vnto Peter And the Christ said thrise pasce oues meas feade my shepe it signifieth nothing
I am contēt For I am vnder your feete to be troden on as you list God forgyue it you yet am I no heretike neyther you nor any other shal be able to proue that I holde any iote agaynst the worde of God otherwyse then a christian man ought Storie The worde of God forsoth the worde of God Yt is but a follye to reason with these heretiks for they ar incurable and desperat But as I maye reasō with the not that I haue any hope to wynne thee whom will thou apoynt to be iudge of the worde wherto thou standest phil Verely the worde it selfe Storie Do you not see the ignorauncie of this beastly heretike he willeth the word to be Iudge of the worde cā the word speake Phil. Yf I can not proue that which I haue sayd by good auctoritie I wil be cōtent to be coūted an heretike an ygnorāt persō further what you please Storie Let vs heare what wyse auctoritie thou canst bring in phil It is the sayng of Christ in S. Iohn verbū quod locutus sum iudicabit in nouissimo dic The worde which I haue spoken sayth Christ shall Iudge in the last daye Yf the worde shal iudge in the last daye muche more it ought to Iudge our doinges nowe And I am sure I haue my Iudge on my side who shall absolue iustifie me in an other world howsoeuer now it shall please you by auctoritie vnrighteouslye to Iudge of me and others sure I am in an other worlde to Iudge you Storie What you purpose to be a stinking martyr and to syt in Iudgemēt with Christ at the last daye to Iudge the twelue trybes of Israel Phil. Yea syr I doubt not therof hauing the promise of Christ yf I die for righteousnes sake which you haue begon to persecute in me Storie I told you it is but vayne to argue with this heretike he is drowned in his heresies wtout al learning Phil. Syr I haue brought you for that I haue sayd good auctoritie out of Goddes booke to the which you answere nothing but goo about stil to gyue raylīg iudgemēt agaynst me wtout any cause Storie I wil com to you by by when the iudge in westminster halle geueth sentence doth the worde gyue sentence or the iudge tel me phil Ciuil maters be subiect to ciuil mē and they haue autoritie by the worde to be iudge of them But the word of God is not subiecte to mans iudgement but ought to iudge al the wysedome thoughtes and doynges of men And therfore your cōparison disproueth nothing that I haue sayd neither answereth any whyt therto Storie Wilt thou not alowe the interpretacion of the churche vpon the scripture Phil. Yes yf it be according to the word of the true churche and this I saye to you as I haue sayd heretofore that yf ye can proue the churche of Rome wherof ye are to be the true catholyke churche which I ought to folowe I wylbe as ready to yelde therto as long as it can be so proued as you may desire me Storie What a felowe is this he wil beleue nothing but he list him selfe Are we not in possession of the church haue not your forfathers these many hundreth yeres taken this churche for the catholyke churche wherof we are now And yf we had none other profe but this it were sufficient For prescription of tyme maketh a good tytle in the law Phil. You do wel M. doctor to alledge prescription of many yeares That al is nothing but a lye for it is al that you haue to shewe for your selues But you must vnderstande Ex diuinis nulla occurrit praescriptio that prescriptiō hath no place in maters belonging to God as I am hable to shewe by the testimonye of many doctors Storie Wel syr you are lyke to go after your fathers Latimer the Sophister Now Story ye shewe your selfe in your Colours Rydley who had nothyng to alledge for hym selfe but that he had learned his heresie of Cranmer where I came to him with a poore bacheler of art he trēbled as though he had had the palsey as these heretikes haue alwayes some token of feare wherby a man maye knowe them as you may se this mans eyes do tremble in his head But I despatched them And I tel thee that there hath ben yet neuer a one burnt but I haue spoken with him haue ben a cause of his despatche Phil. You haue the more to answere for M. doctor as you shal fele it in an other worlde how moche so euer you do now triumphe of your procedinges Storie I tel thee I wil neuer be cōfessed therof And bicause I cannot now tarye to speake with my lorde I pray you one of you tel my lorde that my cōmyng was to signifye to his lordship that he must out of hande ryd this heretike awaye And goyng away he sayd vnto me I certifye the that thou maist thanke none other man for it but me Phil. I thanke you therfore with al myne hart and God forgeue it you Storie What doest thou thanke me yf I had thee in my study half an houre I thinke I should make you syng an other song Phil. No maister doctor I stande vp on to sure a grounde to be ouerthrowen by you nowe And thus they departed al awaye from me one after an other vntyl I was left al alone And afterwards with my keper goyng to my colehouse as I went I met with my lorde of London who spake vnto me gently as he hath hitherto in wordes sayeng London Philpot yf ther be any pleasure I maye shewe you in my house I pray you require it you shal haue it phil My lorde the pleasure that I will require of your lordship is to hasten my iudgemēt which is cōmitted vnto you and so dispatsche me forth of this miserable worlde vnto my eternal rest And for all his fayre speache I can not attayne hytherto this forthnight space neyther fyer nor candle neyther yet good lodgyng But it is good for a man to be brought lowe in this world and to be counted amongest the vylest that he may in tyme of rewarde receyue exaltacion and glorie Therfore praysed be God that hath humbled me and gyuen me grace with gladnes to be content therwith all Let all that loue the truth saye Amen The fyfth tragedye The sixt examinacion of Iohn Phylpot had before the right honorable lordes lord Chamberleyne to the kinges maiestie the Vicount Hereforde commonly called lord Ferrers my lord Ryche my lord saynt Iohns the lord wyndsore the lord Shandoys Sir Iohn of brydges Lieutenaunt of the tower and two other mo whose names I know not with the bishop of London D. Chedsey the syxt daye of Nouēbre Anno Dn̄i 1555. phil BEfore that I was called before the lordes and whyles they were in sitting downe the bishop of London came asyde to me and whystred in myne care willīg me to vse my selfe
principally by succession of bishops and therfore you vnderstāde not S. Austine for what I pray you was the opinion of the Donatistes against whom he wrote can you tell what contrey were they of phil They were a certen secte of men affirming among other heresies that the dignitie of the sacramentes depended vpon the worthynes of the minister so that if the minister were good the sacrament which he ministred were auayliable or els not Chiches That was their errour and they had none other but that And he red an other authoritie of S. Austins out of a boke which he brought euen to the same purpose that the other was Phil. I chalenge S. Austine to be with me throughly in this poynte and wil stand to his iudgement takyng one place with an other Chiches If you wil not haue the church to be certen I praye you by whom wil you be iudged in maters of controuersy Phil. I do not deny the churche to be certen but I deny that it is necessarily tyed to any place longer then it abideth in the word and for all maner of controuersies the word ought to be iudge Chichest But what yf I take it one way and you an other howe than Phil. S. Austen sheweth a remedy for that willeth quod vnius locus per plura intelligi debeat that one place of the scripture ought to be vnderstanded by the mo Yorke How answere you to this argument Rome hath a knowen successiō of bishops which your churche hath not Ergo that is the catholik churche and yours is not bicause ther is no suche successiō can be proued for your churche phil I deny my lord that succession of bishops is an infallible point to knowe the churche by for there may be a succession of bishops knowen in a place and yet there be no churche as at Antioche and at Ierusalem and in other places wher the Apostles abode aswell as at Rome But if you put to the succession of bishops succession of doctrine with all as S. Austine doth I will graunt it to be a good profe for the catholike churche but a locall succession only is nothing vayleable Yorke You will haue no churche then I se well phil Yes my lord I acknowledge the catholik churche as I am bound by my Crede but I can not acknowledge a false church for the true Chichest Why is ther twoo catholike churches then philpot No I knowe ther is but one catholike churche but there haue ben and be at this present that take vpon thē the name of Christ of his church which be not so in dede as it is writtē that there be that call them selues APostles and be not so in dede but the sinagoge of Sathan and lyers And nowe it is with vs as it was with the two women in Salomōs tyme which lay to gether and the one suppressed her child and after went about to chalenge the true mothers childe Chiches What a babling here is with you nowe I se you lacke humilitie you wil go about to teach and not to learne philpot My lords I must desire you to beare with my hastie speche it is my infirmitie of nature all that I speake is to learne by I would you did vnderstand all my mind that I might be satisfied by you through better authoritie Chichest My lord and it please your grace turne the argument vpon him which you haue made and let him shewe the succession of bishops of his church as we can do How say you can you shewe the succession of bishops in your churche from tyme to tyme I tell you this argument troubled doctor Ridley so sore that he could neuer answere it Yet he was a man well learned I dar say you will say phil He was a man so learned that I was not worthy to cary his bookes for learning Chichest I promise you he was neuer hable to answere that he was a man that I loued well and he me For he came vnto me diuers tymes being in prison and conferred with me philpot I wonder my lord you should make this argument which you would turne vpon me for the tryal of my churche wherof I am or that you would make bishop Rydley so ignoraunt that he was not hable to answere it since it is of no force For behold fyrst I denyed you that locall succession of bishops in one place is no necessary point alone to proue the catholike churche by that which I haue denyed you can not proue and is it then reason that you should put me to the tryall of that which by you is vnproued and of no force to conclude against me Chichest I se my lords we do but lose our labours to reason with him he taketh him selfe better learned than we phil I take vpon me the name of no learning I bost of no knowledge but of faith and of Christ and that I am boūd vndoubtedly to know as I am sure I doo Chichest These heretikes take vpon thē to be sure of all thinges they stand in you should say rather with humilitie I trust I knowe Christ than that you be sure therof phil Let him doubt of his faith that lysteth God gyue me alwayes grace to beleue that I am sure of his faith and fauoure in Christ Bathe Howe will you be hable to answere heretiks but by the determinatiō of the knowen catholike churche Phil. I am hable to answere al heretikes by the worde of God and cōuince them by the same Chichest Howe arrogantly that is spoken I dare not say so Phil. My lord I pray you beare with me for I am bold in the truth syde and I speake some what by experience that I haue had with heretykes and I knowe the Arrians be the subtilest that euer were and yet haue I manifest scriptures to beat them downe with all Chiches I perceaue nowe you are the same maner of man I haue heard of which will not be satisfied by learning Phil. Alas my lord why do you say so I do desire most humbly to be taught if ther be any better way that I should learne and hitherto you haue shewed me no better Therfore I pray your lord ship not to misiudge without a cause Ba●he If you be the true catholike churche than will you hold with the reall presence of Christ in the sacrament which the true churche hath euer mayntayned phil And I my lord with the true churche do holde the same in the dewe ministracion of the sacramēt but I desire you my lord ther may be made a better conclusion in our first mater before we entre in to any other for if the churche be proued we shall sone agre in the rest In this meane while my lord of Yorke was turning his boke for mo places to helpe forthe his cause Yorke I haue found at lenthe a very notable place which I haue loked for all this while of S. Austine de simpliciate credendi Chichest It is but folly
same neyther submit their iudgemēt to be tryed in the causes which they brable for by the Godly learned pastours therof but arrogauntlie depraue them and take vpon them selfe to be teachers before they haue learned affirming they can not tell what and speaking euil of that which they knowe not proude they are and puffed vp in the imaginacions of their owne hartes blinde senses and iudge them selues best of all other bycause they can make a pale face of ypocrysye to the worlde cast a glas of desembling water before the eyes of the simple people as these Arrians do But praised be God his word is lyuelie and mightye and beateth thē al downe like an yron rod an earthen pot in peaces yet they ar so hard harted far frō grace that they wil not yeld to the manifest truth whē they haue naught iustlie to replie besydes coūterfaited wordes There ys no pyth in thē ful of cōtētion backbiting these braulīg heretikes ar vnder a p̄tēce of fayned holines whō our saueour Christ aptly cōpared to painted sepulchres which be nothing els wtin Math. 23. but ful of rottē bones For wheras trew faith is not in the vnitie of Christes churche there is nothing but abhominable in the sight of God for God Psal 67. as the Prophete sayeth maketh his people to dwell after one maner in one house But with al maner of sectes can these peruerse generation awaye with al more thā with the vnitie of Christes pure catholike churche to the which in no wyse they will agree albeit the same is the piller stablishment of truthe as S. Paule wryteth to Timothe 1. Tim. 3. I neuer sawe neither hearde before of suche a syght of gydie and fantastical heades who delite only in singularitie whom I do muche pitie bycause they take so muche paynes to go to the deuil Arrogaunt singularitie and enuious contention be ready pathes leading to the same in the which they walke manfully Stil thei haue the scriptures in their mouth and crye the scripture the scripture but it commeth lyke a beggers clooke out of their mouthes ful of patches al out of facion and when they be by the worde ryghtly alledged ouerthrowen that they haue not with reason what to replye yet will they neuer be confounded But either departe in furie or elles stoppe their eares at the sayeng of the wyse charmers lyke deafe serpentes or els fal to scolding which is their surest diuinitie they fight with all And yf perchaunce any of them be soberer than other their aunswer is I praye you let vs alone our consciēs is satisfyed you labour but in vayne to go about to turne vs. Thus in selfe loue blyndnes and vayne hipocrisie these heretikes cōtinue be they neuer so charitably or learnedly informed And where they haue nothing to laye against their louing informers than they ymagine most spitfully and falsly to declare whose children they are blasphemies spreadyng the same abrode bothe by them selues by their adherentes against the syncere professours of the Gospel that we make God the author of synne and that we saye let men do what they wil it is not material yf they be predestinate and that we maintaine al carnal libertie dyse cardes dronkennesse and other inordinate thinges and gayne with this I among other am most slaūderously charged and defamed by these outragious heretikes to whome I haue gone about to my power to do good as God is my witnes but I haue receaued the rewarde of a Prophete at their hādes although I am not worthy to be counted vnder that glorious name which is shame rebuke slaunder sleyng of my good fame They are lyke Sathan their graund syer in this poinct Ioh. 8. who was a lyer and a mā queller frō the beginning These presciptuous heretikes do dayly declare their colde charitie which procedeth out of their colde faith God forgyue it them and inflame them with a better spirit I protest before God his angelles that I neuer ment neyther sayde any of these infamies wherof I am besyed of them with many other good mē Onely bycause I hold affirme beyng manifestly instructed by goddes word that the electe of God cannot finally perishe therfore they haue pyked out of their owne malicious nayles the former parte of these blasphemyes and bycause at an other tyme I dyd reproue them of their temerarious rashe iudgement for condempning of men vsyng thinges indifferent as shoting boulyng hawking with such lyke ꝓuyng by the scripture that al men in a temperancy might vse them in their dewe tymes shewyng that honest pastyme was no synne which these contencious sysmatikes do improue wherupon they do maliciously descāt as is before mēcioned And whether I haue deserued to haue this reproche for tellyng them the truthe which they can not abyde let al men iudge that be of an vpright iudgemēt Might not these hipocrites be ashamed of their bridleles blasphemous tounges yf the deuil had not rubbed awaye all shame frō their fore heades S. Iames sayeth Iames. ● that yf any persone which would seme to be a gospeller refrayne not his tounge his religion is in vayne O what a meany of vayne caterpillers be there whiche corrupt the swete and holsom flowers of the Gospel to the shame therof as moche as it lyeth in them It had ben better for them neuer to haue knowen the Gospel than by their prowde freewill knowlage to go aboute to subuert the same I would they would be taught by the churche of Christ where they ought to be and become syncere confessours or elles leaue bogging of heresies to their owne damnaciō and deceauing of many The heretikes clout vp the scriptures without vnderstanding and fal to their owne occupacion euery man according to his owne callyng and learne to eate with the swet of their owne browes their bread to helpe others as goddes word cōmaūdeth thē not to lye in corners lyke hūbledories eating vp the hony of the bees do nothing els but murmure and sting at the veritie and at all faithful labourers in the lordes vynyarde Thus by the waye I thought it good to admonishe you of other heretikes besydes the Arriās who be hād maidens vnto them do dayly make an entraunce for thē to encrease who belong to one kingdome of darknes although the one be not so high in degree as the other Blynde guydes they are Mat. 15. and leaders of the blynde and as many as folowe them do fal into the ditch for as it is sayd of Salomō ther is a waye that semeth to a mā right Prou. 14. yet the ende therof tendeth to destruccion Direct therfore your steppes with the churche of Christ in the wayes of the gospel and in brotherly vnitie and accompt it as the synne of witchcraft to make diuision from the same And God of his mercy eyther turne their hartes shortly or els confounde