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A95924 Theoremata theologica: = Theological treatises. Octo theses theologicæ: eight theses of divinity. 1. Animæ humanæ productio: Production of mans soul. 2. Puræ Dei prædestinatio: Divine predestination. 3. Verum ecclesiæ regimen: The tru [sic] church regiment. 4. Prædictiones de Messia: Predictions of Messias. 5. Duæ Christi genealogiæ: Christs two genealogies. 6. Apocalypsis patefacta: The revelation reveled. 7. Christi regnum in terra: Christs millenar reign. 8. Mundi hujus dissolutio: The worlds dissolution. / Complied or collected by Rob. Vilvain. Price at press in sheets 3 .s. Vilvain, Robert, 1575?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing V397; Thomason E898_1; ESTC R3206 418,235 540

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prophaned or mispent in riotous revellings by wicked persons specialy sith 't is founded in honor Th●s three are 〈◊〉 of our Saviour and commemoration of his chief mercy 4. Whether an express warrant of Christs precept or his 4 〈◊〉 Apostles practise be necessarily required to ratify every Religious Rite of the Church Or whether late Reformists walk by that Rule of Scriptural authority in sanctifying arbitrary dai● of Thanksgiving and Hamiliation with many mo Ordinances Customs and Ceremonies which they use 5. What warrant is ther to annul the seventh day Sabbath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or surrogat the Lords day in stead sav only that the Apostles somtimes meet on the first day to break Bread Yet the observation of this is no abolition of that specialy sith they stil frequented the Jews Synagogs on thos dais to convert them Or what for the Name sav that St. John saith He was in the Spirit at Patmos on the Lords day Yet is ther no irrefragable evidence that it was the first day O● what for Pedo B●p●s● exc●pt that the Apostles Baptised whol Families in which most probably not infallibly were som Infants The bare letter reacheth not so far to assert a precise precept or precedent for either but we rely on the Churches testimony tradition interpretation and authority for al three with many mo Why not then in this point of holy Fests instituted and i●tended soly to our Saviours honor and service wherin is no danger but much devotion and sanctity 6. Whether Quis requisivit who required it be rightly 6 Q●●●e applied to such cases specialy the three precited Or whether it may not be better retorted who requires thes irregular Fests and Fasts appointed by particular Churches or privat Congregations upon arbitrary wil-worship or ordinary occasions Hav not Church Governors so much power or authority as modern Innovators Consider that thos great Clercs had far cleerer judgments to discern truth then silly shalow Sciolists and know that in al matters or mysteries of Religion 't is safer to offend by way of piety humility and devotion then in proud self-lov contempt or despication To take a sober reckoning on the other side what warrant hav Ministers to examin Communicants before the Lords Supper and repel whom they l●st Christ at first institution whos patern they pretend to folow in al particles did not examin his Disciples nor bid them so to doo but admitted Judas to partake it at his own Luk. 22. 21. peril knowing him to be a Traitor and Reprobat St. Paul 1 Cor. 11. 28. exhorts every Man to examin himself and so eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup but neither he nor any of the rest practised examination of others so ther is no precept practise or precedent for this modern innovation Yes say they St. Peter bids al be ready alwaies to render a reason of the hope in 1 Pet. 3. 15 16. them with meeknes and fear Tru but speak sincerely is this given as a rule for Pastors to examin Communicants or rather for Al Christians to satisfy Infidels or others Read the next words having a good Conscience that wheras they speak evil of you as of il doers they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your good conversation in Christ Here is no cloke or color for examining Communicants therfore beware how ye wrest or wiredraw Scripture to serv turns Hos scrupulos solvas eris mihi magnus Apollo Cleer thes points and to me Great Phoebus thou shelt be This brief Essay or Epigram being a Theological Theory Corollary is purposly premised as a Prodrom or Patern of 670. such som larger som lesser to be published by Gods grace in two Folio Tomes so soon as they can be transcribed and impressed wherof the Enchiridion now com forth jointly with this work is as it were the Table or Catalog containing the Arguments of them al. Thus writers toil and travel in vain to pleas or profit variously disposed Readers led wholy by Opinion Affection or Prejudication most of which wil rather retribut sharp scofs and scurrilous censures then deserved thanks or commendations but 't is best Buoy-like to bear up amidst al boisterous billows of spite and scandal maugre Mens malice and al envious or venemous toungs To shut up al with two homespun verses His Epigramatibus facies non omnibus una Nec diversa subit quales soluere Gemelli Thes Essais hav not al one face to see Nor much unlike as Twins are wont to be Sitne superstitio Natalis Festa sacrare Christi inter varios lis odiosa fuit Ther 's hateful strife ' mongst som whether to keep holy Christs Birth-day Fest be superstitious folly Scaurus ait renuit Varus utri credere vultis Tam facile est lites conciliare graves Scaurus saith Varus gainsaith which wil ye Beleev So easy 't is great brawls t' agree In dextram potius pietate offendere praestat Quam laeva opprobriis spernere Festa sacra 'T is better right hand-wise by zele t' offend Then Holy dais left-like with scorn vilipend Discite quod verum est moniti nec temnite Christum Sed colite aeterno Festa dicata Deo Learn truth that 's taught and doo not Christ defy But Fests ordained t' eternal God apply Though my silly reason and shallow resolution specialy in Vale●●ct●●● Dotage be no way regardable or reliable on in the learned Common wealth yet to satisfy som special Friends who earnestly entreat it I will openly unmasque or declare my judgment in six controversal points but very briefly and bluntly 1. Touching Mans Souls production I hold Traduction against the universal Tenet of Infused by Creating and Created in Infusing 2. For Predestination to eternal Life or Death I beleev it to be with reference to Gods prescience of pure simple Intelligence not of his free Pleasure to shew his Power by any absolut irresistiv Decree 3. Concerning Church Government I defend Episcopacy for the best form of Ecclesiastic Polity as instituted by our Saviour analogicaly and by his Apostles actualy or apertly but continued in al Churches ever since til Mr. Calvin changed it in case of necessity 4. About Christs Millenar reign on Earth immedialy before in or at the last day of judgment and general Resurrection of al human flesh and for his eternal personal reign on a new Earth resigning his kingdom of Glory to his Father my Opinion amidst such a copious cru of learned Clercs who debate it diversly both wais must needs be amphibolous or ambiguous like a giddy Ostrich which having laid hir first eg at rovers on the sands regards not wher she lais the rest nor on what heap she sits abrood but doo rather declare then incline to the former and profes my self advers to the later Me trahit in dubios aliorum assertio sensus An reget in Mundo hoc Christus an Arce Poli Others opinions make me doubtful whether Christ shal
the last universal Judgment for that is committed to the Son but in particular over the Churches Enimies in the fourth Monarchy and Papacy which Daniel saw til the Beast was ●lain and his Body given to the burning flame and the power of the other Beasts cam to an end for a term was set how long e●h should last and the Saints shal be given into the fourth Beasts hand so long as the Whore rides the B●ast til a time times and dividing of time but at end of these three times and half the judgment shal sit and his power totaly abolished yet the World not destroyed but al kingdom dominion and greatnes under Heaven given to the Saints of the most High whos kingdom is everlasting and al dominions shal serv him Saint Paul's words The Lord shal destroy him 2 Thes 2. 8. with the brightnes of his coming are expounded in the Apocalyps but it seems the two judgments ch 19. and 20. are Rev. 19. 11. c. different and not reduced to one self time sith one thousand yeers intervene for the two great Guests the Beast and fals Prophets are lodged in a Lake of fire and brimstone but their Host the Devil associated to them a thousand yeers after at end of the World when the last judgment is immediatly held Weigh al wel and God giv thee wisdom unto Salvation The Author intimats that Christ shal com to destroy the Churches Enimies A. 1655. finito and bind the Devil in chains a thousand yeers at end wherof he shal judg the World yet protests he wil not presume to penetrat too far into thes secret sublime mysteries which he borows from Master Mede He exhorts us out of the Apocalyps to address our Rev. 3. 20. 21. ears and hearts to the Son of God Who stands at dore and knocks saying If any wil hear my voice and open dore I will sup Rev. 1. 3 6 8. with him and he with me to him that overcoms wil I grant to sit Rev. 22. 7 14. with me on my Throne as I overcam and sat down with my Father on his Throne Blessed is he that keeps the sayings of this Books Prophecy nay blessed are they that doo his Commandments that they may hav right to the Tree of life and enter the Gates into the City To him which is was and is to com the Almighty be glory and dominion for ever Amen The sum of al his Explications is 1. The last act of Reformation Summary and releas of Protestants in Silesia Rev. 11. 7. 2. The three yeers and half when the Witnesses bodies ly in the street Ibid. v. 8 9. 3. The continuance of war in thos Kingdoms til the Martyrs innocent blood be avenged 4. The sudden fal of a strong Pillar or Protector of the Papacy 5. The exaltation of an Evangelical Head or Protestant Patron 6. A Reformation in Germany 7. The destruction of Rome City 8. The end of the Turcs Empire Rev. 11. 14. Rev. 16. 12. 9. The Jews Conversion Ibid. 10. The Papists sedulity to gather their utmost forces Rev. 16. 13. Rev. 19. 16. 11. The total ruin of al the Papacy Rev. 16. 18. 21. Rev. 19. v. 20. 21. 12. The fulfilling of Gods mystery Rev. 10. 7. Wherby the Devil is shut up in the bottomless Pit the Son of God takes possession of the Kingdoms the Church fares in peace and tranquillity al which he writes to comfort his afflicted Countrimen and draws al Chronical lines to one Center of A. 1655. as the common gulf which is a conjectural crotchet no certitudinal conclusion wheron Men may rely One yeer and half wil bewray the verity or vanity therof to Gods glory and Mens satisfaction who must stil wait and watch but not sift or serch into his secret hidden Counsils The future contingents which he proposeth to be shortly expected A. 1655. are thes 1. Romes final ruin 2. The Papacies total confusion 3. The Jews conversion 4. The Turcs Empires abolition 5. The Churches restauration 6. Christs readvention al which materials he hath from Mr. Mede Neither of them handle the Lambs mystical mariage with Rev. 19 7. his spiritual Spous which Dr. Preston compares to civil carnal Nuptials in ●iv respects 1. As Parents consents is requisit in the contract so God the Father hath freely given his Son to us and us to him 2. Both Parties must mutualy consent to be wedded so Christ the Husband as the Man stil is Suitor tho the Woman most needs it for hir perfection first invites us to this match and the holy Ghost prepares our hearts to intertain it 3. Both make a Covenant Christ on everlasting one to bestow himself and al that is his salvation remission of sins grace glory on us if we giv our selfs intirely to serv him Thes are but the Espousals 4. Ther folows a solen union or celebration of Mariage betwen both which is doon in Baptism when as we promiss in We●lock to take ech other renouncing al other so here we vow by word of mouth or sureties to forsake the World Flesh and Devil with al their Works cleaving soly to Christ both in prosperity and persecution and keep our Souls chast to him not prostituting them to unclean lusts or service of any Creatures 5. The Nuptial consequents correspond in both which is an inseparable union of hearts and communion of goods my Beloved is mine and I his what Christ hath is made ours and our his our debts becom his as al his riches righteousnes honors and privileges ours by imputation O what a blessed condi●on is it to say with the Spous in the Canti●les I am my Beloveds and his desire C●nt 7. 10. is toward Me He feedeth me among the Lilies O let his pretious Blood make my scarlet sins so whit as Wool or as the Snow in Salmon In this peece are mo tedious repetitions then in al the work els which is doon purposly to make it more obvious or perspicuous unto every common capacity Quae placuere semel decies repetita placebunt Sunt patefacta sacro mysteria magna Joanni Quae Deus in seclis efficienda d●cet To holy John great mysteries were told Which to be doon in Times God doth unfold Medus vir celebris nulli bonitate secundus Artibus Ingenio Judicioque praeit Quaeque revelavit mysteria magna Joanni Christus in illius sunt patefacta libro Mede was a rare Man for goodnes next to none In Learning Wit and Judgment cheif alone And what high hid things Christ to John declared Are in his Apocalyptic Book explaned Mira brevi obvenient Germanus praedicat Author Si modo venturis est adhibenda fides Mira canit quae anno simul efficienda propinquo Vix credenda tamen dum patefacta forent Strange things saith a German shortly shal befal If faith to futures may be giv'n at al. Wonders he tels which next yeer doon must be Yet scars to be beleevd til
pressed St. Austin Chrysostom with others against Erastus giving general Councils glorious titles when they served his turn or els slighted them and Cartwright cals such citing of Fathers a raking of ditches 11. They allege against Bishops preeminence over Ministers that both are caled by one name and therfore one Function when 't is answered That community of title takes not away ●●stinction of Offices sith even Princes are stiled Deacons Apostles and Priests yet far disparat in power this wil not content Yet Erastus proved That the name Elder is ever appropriat to Ecclesiastics not to Laics Beza borowed that distinction for his defens how the name of Bishops and Elders are common but their Offices not al one nor is it a good consequent every Bishop is a Presbyter Ergo every Elder is so for al names of Ecclesiastic Officers Deacons Apostles Prophets Prelats Pastors Presbyters are sometime used generaly or promiscuously 12. They aspers our State for suffering Bishops to retain som parts of the Canon Law crying out 't is Popish and Develish yet if ought sit their humors they secretly stole it out of the Decretals as in their draught of Disciplin more then seven parts of eight are borowed from it Hence Viret finding how Princes by cashiring the Canon Law assumed Ecclesiastic power to themselfs condemns their rashnes or rigidnes who depraved the same Thus by this Jury of Criminations it appeers how palpably partial al mortal Men are in their own behalfs yea their factious folowers wil hardly beleev half and justify the other moity as proceding of piety Next shal be shewed how they wrest the Fathers to their own sens Ignatius wils That nothing be doon in the Church without 〈◊〉 the Bishops consent who as Prince of Priests hath power over al Can ought be plainer Yet Cartwright counterfets That by Priests he means ruling Elders Lay ones he never know by Prince the Moderator chosen to propone matters at one meeting only and by power over al his authority over the Elders in the same Parish when no such precincts were yet bounded just after their new cut Justin Martyr stiles every Bishop Prelat as preposited over Priests and People Cartwright consters it That he was Prelat of the People not over Presbyters or at most a Moderator to propos matters only Yet if he was superior over Ministers how fondly is it inferred to be lawful becaus he was so for even in thos dawning da●● som things deviated from the Gospels purity as the name Prelat common to al Elders was appropriat to one Thus like Wind-millers they make every wind serv their turns Ire●●●● saith the Apostles appointed Bishops in thos Churches which they planted Beza clean contrary to his mind and meaning interprets it of Pastors Doctors and ruling Elders not constituted by their authority but chosen by the Parishes For when any Officer was elected the Apostle present consecrated him to the Lord by laying on hands in the name of the Presbytery Jerom testifies That from St. Marc to his time a Bishop was placed in higher degree abov Presbyters as a Captain in an Army Cartwright seeks strange shifts to shadow it 1. That the Presbyters did it without Marcs order 2. That the words from Marcs time are exclusiv as if that superiority began after his time which is flatly fals for he cals Marc Bishop of Alexandria and his successors superior in degree o● dignity 3. That in saying it was so at Alexandria he implies it was not so elswher Is not his a goodly gloss 4. He cries ou● against the pravity of thos primitiv times which is a more ingenuous agnition but a silly shelter or Sanctuary for no wit of Man can evade or exclude it Jerom saith farther It was ordered by Decrce of the whol World That to suppre●● Schisms one should be chosen by the Priests abov the rest Beza boldly givs him the ly which the testy old Man if he the● lived would retort in his throat that it was not so Many Antients Iren●us Cyprian Tertullian Jerom Ambros Austin cal Bishops the Apostles Successors And Ecclesiastic Writers draw long Catalogs of their names in several Sees which thos Father 's urged against upstart Heretics in their dais but when Papists press such succession at Rome and elswher we deny not the truth of it but answer that personal succession is very effectual if Doctrinal concur and thos Fathers in urging the first had a special ey to the last becaus such Heretics oppugned som points of Apostolic Doctrin Yet Cartwright and his Cru contend that by Bishops are meant Parochial Pastors stiled the Apostles Doctrinal successors and al Episcopal Catalogs are of Parish Priests Yea Sadeil excluding al personal succession grants Doctrinal to Laics if they hold the Apostles precepts and walk in their paths O dainty When swarms of Authors are cited that Timothy was Diocesan of Ephesus Cartwright givs the ly to al becaus St. Paul saith he was Evangelist So was S. Marc yet a Bishop When for Antiquity of Archbishops Clemens Anacletus Anicetus Epiphanius Ambros c. are urged together with St. Austins rule That wher a name is so old and origin not extant it should seem Apostolic Cartwright cals the citing of antient Authors a raking of Hel and saith thos times were not pure Virgin-like branding Clemens Anacletus and Anicetus as conterfet cranks haply som forgeries were vented in their names and slights Epiphanius that he wrote according to his time but rejects Ambroses Book de dignitate Sacerdotum as foisted When for the Office of Archdeacon Damasus Sixtus Sozomen and Socrates are quoted Cartwright answers That Damasus spake in the Dragons voice the best ground bears thistles and thos times were corrupt Thus they either wiredraw the Fathers words to their own fancy or deny their authority which are easy evasions When Ignatius terms a Bishop Prince of Priests and Cyril and Tertullian high-Priest Cartwright cursedly censures that such Proctors presum to put our Saviour out of his Office yet they are only stiled his Substituts on Earth when al confes it to be the joint judgment of the Catholic Church and Councils that Bishops are the best remedies to repel Schisms and Heresies Beza and Cartwright cry they are al deceived for ther were great controversies and contentions stil under their regiment 'T is tru for Christ foretold it wil be so stil til the end When a cloud of primitiv witnesses is produced for the lawful use of Holy dais Cartwright complains That Truth is measured by the crooked yard of time and appeals from authority to Scripture wherof he wil be sole Judg and Interpreter When the whol stream of Fathers and Councils is urged to prov the Churches power in al indifferent things not prescribed by Gods Word he carps how he is pestered with human authorities instead of the Prophets and Apostles shaking them off as St. Paul did the Viper with one blast that the things asserted are now questioned
from Fountains and Milk run in Rivers The World shal rejoice and al Nature be glad being manumised from the dominion of sin impiety and al error Beasts shal not feed on Blood nor Birds on prey but al things quiet and amicable Lions and Calfs shil eat at the same Cratch Wolfs shal not woorry Sheep nor Dogs hunt nor Eagles or Hawks doo harm Children shal play with Serpents Finaly it shal be as Poets tel of the golden age in Saturns time but they erred becaus tru Prophets to whos Eys divine Visions were presented as present foretel future contingents as if they were already acted which Prophecies when fame had spred prophane men not witting why they were uttered or when to be performed thought them to be antiently accomplished which yet could not be completed while Man reigned but when wicked Religions are extinguished and Sin extermined then shal the Earth be subdued to God and al thes things com to pass yea men shal liv long and happily reigning together with God The Kings of Nations shal com from the Earths ends with gifts to adore the great King whos name shal be reverenced and renowned to al People under Heaven and al Princes bearing sway on Earth so far this fine Orator and with such confidence as if he received it by special Revelation but later Chiliasts are contrary to him who say Christs millenar reign shal anteced the day of judgment but Lactantius that Christ shal first Judg the World Master Archer a most acut Lynx but boldest Bayard of al who shoots at blind mans Buts conjects from Daniels words From the time that daily Sacrifice Den 12. 11. 12. shal ceas and abomination which makes desolat be set up shal be one thousand two hundred ninty dais blessed is he that waits and coms to one thousand three hundred fifty fiv dais this is forty fiv mo then one thousand two hundred ninty and both Prophetic dais or yeers thes saith he began under Julian Apostata who revived Paganism and incited the Jews to rebuild their Temple but God defeated it by an Earth-quake and Subterraneal fires which cast up the foundations as Christ foretold So by his calculation the first sum 1290. should expire A. 1650. now past and the last A. 1695. 46. yeers hence But if that shal elaps too his Disciples like the Mahometans wil date it to a farther day He hath another cringe that no Soul ever entred the third Heaven no not Christs how then can he sit at his Fathers right hand But a Celical or Elementar Paradise as he promised the good Theef nor shal any Saint go thither til the last Judgment pass For H●l he saith al Christians hav erred except himself for Hel wherto Reprobats now go is not the place of fire prepared for the damned at last day but a temporar prison in the Air Earth or Sea to confine their Souls til the Judgment day when they shal be sent into a most spatious Hel containing al the created World or what els is beside Gods mansion Lo the audacity and temerity of Sectists Who bear or boast as if they were inspired or of Gods Cabinet Counsil affecting novities tho never so fals frivolous or fanatical Thes great Clercs like Arrius and other learned Heretics Refutation mislead many ignorant Idiots specialy in dark mysteries but such squibs end in an Ignis fatuus of their fantastic brains for they hav no sound proof that Christ shal reign on Earth a thousand yeers but that the Saints shal reign with him in new Jerusalem which is no terren place but caled by Saint Paul Heavenly Jerusalem the City of the living God and by Joha that Hebr. 12. 22. Rev. 21. 2 10. great holy City descending down from God out of Heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for hir Husband the Lamb. The contrary Reasons are thes 1. Christ ascended into Reason 1 Heaven and shal com to judg the World Ergo not to reign a thousand yeers before that day for to say he shal descend to reign and ascend after a thousand yeers to com again is against the Scripture which warrants only two comings Master Mede to shun this Scilla fals into Charybdis of a strange singular crotchet making Christs secund coming to judgment one continued act with his millenar reign becaus Saint Peter speaking of the judgment day and perdition of ungoly men subjoyns immediatly or interruptedly that one day with the 〈…〉 3. 7. 8. Lord is as a thousand yeers and a thousand yeers as one day which he saith is meant precisely of that particular day but the same Apostle elswher saith God shal send Jesus Christ when Acts 3. 19 20 21. the times of refreshing shal com whom the Heaven must receiv til the restitution of al things as he hath spoken by al his Prophets This time of refreshing and restitution Chiliasts conceiv to be his millenar reign for they say none but Martyrs and som priviledged Saints shal partak the first Resurrection which is Dan. 12. 13. such a singular prerogativ as Daniel could not obtain it but by special promis but it shal be when the Jews refreshing by Christs presence shal com viz. at the general Resurrection For Christ saith I go to prepare a place for you I wil com again John 14. 2 3. and receiv you to my self that wher I am ther ye may be also this plainly provs that he wil com back but once at last day to tak his Disciples with him into Heaven not to dwei with them here a thousand yeers or for ever Saint Paul saith God Eph 1. 20. set Christ at his right hand in Heavenly places til the last day so David Sit at my right hand til I make thine Enimies thy footstool Ps 110. 1. c. which shews he shal not com thence til al is subdued to him at last day See Psalm 110 't is short but expounds four chapters of the Apocalyps 16. 17. 18. 19. cleerly 2. Al the godly or elect at Christs secund coming shal immediatly rise to glory upon sound of the Trumpet and 2. Thes 4. 16 7. thos then living shal be caught up in the Clouds together with them to meet the Lord in the Air Ergo he coms not to reside with them but to carry them with him for ever 3. Christ saith his Kingdom is not of this World but the Kingdom of God is within you that is Spiritual not Terren Luke 17. 21. or Temporal consisting in worldly Pomp Power Pleasure Armies Victories Slaughters Triumphs or such carnal courses as Chiliasts conceiv or vainly confide 4. The Church Militant is a amixd multitud of good and bad as a draw net which needs the comfort of Gods Word Sacraments and other Ordinances having Christ the high-Priest inceffantly interceding in Heaven on their behalf as Scriptures speak Ergo it shal not consist a thousand yeers soly of Saints which need no ordinary helps as they dream 5.
exalted sith for their sakes al Creatures shal be renewed with them as they were cursed for Mans fal and fault Yet shal they not partake the same measure of glory but a better condition after every capacity yet what that shal be in Inanimats Plants and Beasts is curiosity to inquire sith the chief part or pitch of corruption is annillation This implies that they may be freed from bondage of corruption not simply from corruption as Regenerats are released from sins reign by utter abolition which he cals a cheif part or pitch of corruption but renovation is the Acme of perfection Now if the Text be taken literaly how can mute Creatures groan or travel in pain But say 't is meant Metaphoricaly of their Natural appetit to be freed from bondage yet how can they enjoy a like liberty of Gods Sons for whom Christ died Or grant too that no identity is intended but only an analogical proportion by exemplar resemblance yet how can they partake a redemption of the Body which having bin the Souls receptacle here shal be reunited to it for ever 'T is sown a 1 Cor. 15. 23. corruptible Body raised incorruptible sown in dishonor raised in glory sown in weaknes and riseth in power Which is evidence enough for restitution of Human Bodies but al Creatures els being compact of the common Chaos which was made of meer nothing shal probably revert to nothing this seems to sute best with Faiths analogy and Scriptures harmony which tends more to utter abolition then restitution or substitution for al at last day shal be delivered from corruptions bondage when Gods sons shal be and for their sakes tho the maner diametraly differ viz. the one by Redemption of the body the other by deletion of the whol substance So saith Saint Ambros the Creature travelling in pain hath this comfort that it shal rest from labor for ever when al shal beleev whom God knows are to beleev Howbeit if it be granted that al shal be Individualy raised yet it folows not that a finit containing World shal be restored or new created but rather al turned to infinity so wel as time to Eternity for such infinity of Creatures as hath bin since the World began In brief St. Paul intends the time when they shal be delivered not the terminus or thing into like liberty with the Saints This Question is very difficil to decide by Scripture nor is Perclose defined by any Synod nor any Article of salvific Faith Paraeus declines the decision but saith som points are plainly asserted Rom. 8. 20 21. which must be beleeved as that al Creatures are subject to vanity for mans sin that al shal be delivered from bondage 2. Pet. 12. 13. of corruption into the glorious liberty of Gods Sons or rather for and together with it that good Angels shal abide with the Saints that the Elect shal enjoy eternal glory with Christ that the created Heavens Elements and works therin shal be burnt up that a new Heaven and Earth must be expected wherin dwels righteousnes but other clauses how dumb Creatures shal partak the liberty of Gods Children whether by renovation or abolition How many sorts of Creatures shal be released Whether al a few or none How Heaven and Earth shal be dissolved by fire whether as Gold is refined or utterly annilled being of no farther use what manner of fire it shal be material or immaterial what shal be the condition use place quantity quality glory of the new Heaven and Earth if any such shal be Al which with other like Saint Austin saith t is better to leav hid in doubt then litigat about incertanties sith they may be debated with danger but left in suspens sans harm or hazard he holds that al scruples are safest satisfied by annihilation that the fire shal be material as the old world was drowned by ordinary water so saith Aquinas and most School-men but on no good grounds yet al agree it shal not work as a natural Agent but divine Instrument to consume the whol mundan Machin with al things therin as God eternaly decreed therfore it behovs al to decline the fury of it by turning from our sins and returning by repentance to God in Christ Master John Down a pious Pastor of Insto sororal Nephew to Bishop Juel had a smart bout by Pen with Doctor Hakewil his intimat friend for the worlds renovation specialy touching the tru sens of that dark precited Text but in fine approved Annihilation peruse it pondrously but I forbear to abridg it for the prolixity Surely of al three opinions about Restitution Substitution and Annillation the last brings best Cards or fairest Colors both of Scriptures Reasons and Authorities Judicio extremo post ultima secula Mundus Ignibus extinctus materialis erit At the last Judgment when Time is finished This real world with fire shal be extinguished Non renovatus erit praesens nec conditus alter Alit●r Cosmos cum veniet sero suprema dies This world shal not renewd be nor new formed When the last day at length shal be performed Mundus hic ut perhibent passim sacra Biblia postquam Alias Vertitur in cineres ann●hilatus erit This world as Scriptures speak after 't is burned To ashes shal be into Nothing turned Quod fuit ex nihilo factum post secula tandem Secus In Nihilum hoc Mundi grande adigetur Opus This worlds huge work which was of nought compounded Shal into Nought at last day be confounded In cineras Mundi redigetur maxima moles Sive In Nihilum cineres mox adigentur item The worlds huge Mass in t ' ashes shal be brought Thos ashes too shal soon be turnd to Nought Inchoat hicce liber primaeva ab origine Mundi Epiphonema Cum Mundi excidio terminat istud Opus At the Worlds origin that Book inchoats With the Worlds period this work terminats Incipit a Mundo primus liber iste creato Aliud Cum Mundi exitio desinit hicce liber That first Book took rise at the Worlds creation This last takes end with the Worlds annillation Juvenci carmina de mundi conflagratione Immortale nihil mundi compage tenetur Non Orbis non Regna hominium non aurea Roma Non Mare non Tellus non ignea Sydera Coeli Nam statuit Genitor rerum irrevocabile tempus Quo totum torrens rapiet flamma ultima mundum In Mundan machin naught 's immortal found Not golden Rome not realms not the Globe round Not Sea not Earth not Stars within Heavens bound For the Worlds founder fixd time doth propound When the last fire shal the whol World confound FINIS SVPPLEMENTA SVBJVNCTA SUPPLEMENTS SUBIOYNED Supplementum de Festis A Supply about holy Dais Festa Christi sacranda Christian Fests sacred Natalis Christi Festum Christs Birth-days Fest The two debats touching Name and Thing about celebrating Essay
without torture of Body and Mind in which sens it shal endure for ever unquenchable and the torments endlesss Yet it folows not that he so cast in shal so endure or resist it as to be eternaly burnt and tortured but never dy or be destroied Yea tho many places prov everlasting fire and torments into which Men may be cast successivly one after another for ever yet none assert that any individual Person shal perennaly abide or endure therin but he shal hav an everlasting secund Death For when Death and the Grav Hel hav delivered up the Rev. 20. 13 14. dead in them and every Man judged according to his works Death and Hel shal be cast into the Lake of Fire this is the secund Death Hence 't is cleer that every Reprobat condemned at general Judgment must suffer a secund Death after which he shal dy no more But what is meant by Mind so oft iterated if not Mans Quaere Soul The jois of eternal Life are comprised in Scripture under Eternal Life the name of Salvation or being saved which signifies to be secured either respectivly against special evils or absolutly from al as want sicknes death Now becaus Man was made immortal or immarcescible and fel from it by sin it results that to be saved from sin is to be freed from al evil and afflictions acquired by the same Ergo Remission of sin and Salvation from death and misery is al one As when Christ Mat. 9. 2 5. cured a Paralytic Man saying Friend be of good cheer or comfort thy sins be forgiven the Scribes said within themselfs he blasphems but he asked whether 't is easier to say thy sins be forgiven or arise and walk Yet he used that form of speech to shew he had power to remit sins which implies that 't is al one to the saving of the sick to say thy sins are forgiven or rise and walk For sith death and misery are punishments of sin the discharge of it relea●eth the other two being absolut Salvation such as the elect shal enjoy after the Judgment day by Christ Jesus favor who for that caus is caled our Saviour Touching particular Salvations from enimies or miseries 't is needless to treat but becaus the general Salvation must be in the Kingdom of Heaven ther is great debate or difficulty about the place Becaus Kingdom is an Estate ordained by Men for security Kingdom of Heaven against enimies and want it seems this Salvation which sets forth our Kings glorious reign by conquest not a safety by escape shal be on Earth For wher we expect Salvation we must look for Triumph Victory and Battle in order which cannot be supposed in Heaven and wher els we must serch the Scriptures Isaiah largely describes it To be at Jerusalem Isai 33. 20. c. a quiet habitation a Tabernacle not to be taken down The Saviour is Our Lord Judg Lawgiver King The condition of the saved is The People that dwel therin shal be forgiven their iniquities By this 't is cleer that it shal be in Jerusalem wher God shal reign at Christs next coming and fil up the Salvation of Gentils which shal be received into his Kingdom for ever Isai 66 20 21. Isaiah more expresly declares it That the Gentils who had any Jews in bondage shal bring them from al Nations on Horses Charets and Litters to Jerusalem the place of Gods John 4. 22. worship As our Saviour told the Woman of Samaria that Salvation is of the Jews or begins at them As if he should say ye worship God but know not by whom he wil sav you we know it shal be by one of Juda and not a Samaritan This Rom. 1. 16 17. St. Paul explains The G●sp●l is Gods power of Salvation to every one that beleeveth to the Jew first and also to the Greec Joel 2. 30 32. So Joel describing the Judgment day saith God wil shew wonders in Heaven and Earth Blood Fire and Pillars of smoke wherto he ads In Mount Zion and Jerusalem shal be Salvation Obad. v. 17. c. So saith Obadiah On Mount Zion shal be deliverance and holines Jacobs hous shal possess their possessions which he particularly points out by The Mount of Esau Land of Philistins fields of Ephraim Samaria Gilead and Cities of the South concluding thus The Kingdom shal be the Lords On the other side no plain pregnant place provs the Saints Ascention into Heaven sav that 't is caled the Kingdom of Heaven which was becaus he governed the Israelits by commands sent to Moses from and after sent his Son as he wil again thence or els that his Throne is Heaven and Earth his Footstool but that his Subjects or Servants shal sit so high as his Throne or abov his Footstool sutes not with the glorious Majesty of so great a King Al thes Kickshews of arguing from similituds which he Answer derides in others are soon satisfied that his subjects shal not sit on his suprem Throne as Coequals or Coordinats but only dwel as Princes Servants doo in their Palaces in his holy John 14. 2. Hous of Heaven This saith Christ hath many mansions being infinity it self wheras not a tithing pa●● of Mankind can possibly find place to stand on a new Earth or finit world Three Worlds are specified in Scripture 1. The old before Noahs flood wherof St. Peter speaks 2. The present of 2 Pet. 2. 5. which Christ saith My Kingdom is not of this World 3. That to com of it St. Peter saith We according to his promiss look for new Heavens and Earth which is that World wherin Christ coming in the Clouds with great glory shal send his Angels to gather the Elect from the four Winds or utmost parts of the Earth to reign over them under his Father everlastingly Thus he But wher is the World to com taken for a Real material Quaere World as the other two be 'T is not Cosmos or Mundus venturus but Seculum vita vel Aevum futurum the Time Life or Age to com Nor is ther any warrant in al Gods word for thos last words that Christ shal reign over the Saints ●iz on Earth under his Father everlastingly but that they shal reign with him 1000. yeers as Chiliasts contest Touching Understanding he saith 't is only imagination Understanding raised in Man or any Animal that can imagin by words or signs which is common to Man and Beasts As a Dog by use understands his Masters cal or check with sundry strange tricks by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 calture so doo divers other kinds yea som 〈◊〉 to speak but understanding peculiar to Man is not only to know one anothers wil but his thoughts or conceptions by the consequents of things Names into affirmations ●e●ations and other forms of speech of which he wil treat elswher For Witchcraft he holds it to be no real power yet are