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A17183 Fiftie godlie and learned sermons diuided into fiue decades, conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian religion, written in three seuerall tomes or sections, by Henrie Bullinger minister of the churche of Tigure in Swicerlande. Whereunto is adioyned a triple or three-folde table verie fruitefull and necessarie. Translated out of Latine into English by H.I. student in diuinitie.; Sermonum decades quinque. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; H. I., student in divinity. 1577 (1577) STC 4056; ESTC S106874 1,440,704 1,172

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weales or Congregatiōs yea and that more is the most flourishing Kingdomes in all the world vnder their authoritie All the wysemen in the whole worlde I meane ●hose whiche liued in his time did reuerence Solomon a King and so great a Prophet and came vnto him from the very vtmoste endes of the worlde Daniel also had the preeminence among the wisemen at Babilon being then the moste renoumed Monarchie in all the worlde He was moreouer in great estimation with Darius Medus the Sonne of Astyages or Assuerus and also with Cyrus that moste excellent king And here it lyketh me well to speake somewhat of that diuine foreknowledge in our Prophets and moste assured foreshewing of things which were to come after many yeares passed And now to say nothing of others did not Esaias most truly foretell those things which were afterward fulfilled by the Iewes in our Lord Christ Not in vaine did he séeme to them of olde time to be rather an Euangelist then a Prophete foretelling thinges to come He did openly tel the name of king Cyrus one hundred and thréescore yeares at the least before that Cyrus was borne Daniel also was called of them in the olde time by the name of one whiche knewe muche For he did foretell those things whiche are and haue béen done in al the kingdomes of the world almost and among the people of God from his owne time vntil the time of Christ and further vntill the last day of Iudgement so plainely that hee may séeme to haue compiled an hystorie of those thinges whiche then were already gone and past Al these things I say doe very euidently proue that the Doctrine and writings of the Prophetes are the very word of God with whiche name and title they are set foo●the in sundrie places of the Scriptures Verily Peter the Apostle saithe The prophecie came not in old time by the wil of man but holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghoste And although God did largely clearly plainely and simply reueale his wo●d to the world by the Patriarchs by M●ses by the Priestes and Prophetes yet did he in the laste times of all by his Sonne set it forth moste clearely simply and aboundantly to al the worlde For the very and onely begotten Sonne of God the father as the Prophetes had foretolde descending from Heauen doth fulfill al what soeuer they foretolde and by the space almoste of thrée yeares dothe teach all pointes of Godlinesse For saith Iohn No man at any time hath seene God the only begotten Sonne which is in the bosome of the Father he hathe declared him The Lord himselfe moreouer saith to his Disciples Al things which I haue herd of my Father haue I made knowne to you And again he saith I am the light of the world whosoeuer doth followe me doth not walke in darkenes but shall haue the light of life Our Lord also did teache that to him whiche would enter into Heauen and be saued the heauenly regeneration was néedeful bicause in the first byrth man is borne to death in the second to life But that that regeneration is made perfect in vs by the spirit of God whiche instrueteth our hartes in faith I say in faith in Christ who died for our sinnes rose againe for our iustification He taught that by that faith they whiche beleeue are iustified that out of the same faith doe growe sundrie fruites of charitie and innocencie to the bringing foorthe wherof he did most earnestly exhorte them He taught furthermore that he was the fulfilling or fulnes of the law and the Prophets and did also approue and expound the doctrine of Moses and the Prophetes To doctrine he ioyned diuerse miracles and benefites wherby he declared that he him selfe was that light of the world and the mightie bountifull redéemer of the world And to the intent that his doctrine and benefites might be knowne to all the worlde he chose to himselfe witnesses whome he called Apostles bicause he purposed to sende them to Preache throughout the world Those witnesses were simple men innocentes iust tellers of trueth without deceipt or subtilties and in all pointes holy and good whose names it is very profitable often to repeate in the Congregation The names of the Apostles are these Peter and Andrewe Iames and Iohn Philippe and Bartholomevve Thomas Mathevv Iames the sōne of Alphe Iudas his brother vvhose surname vvas Thaddaeus Simon and Iudas Iscariot into whose roome because he had betraied the Lord came Saint Matthias These had he by the space almoste of thrée yeares hearers of his heauenly doctrine and beholders of his diuine workes These after his ascension in to the Heauens did he by the holy ghost send downe from Heauen instruct with all kinde of faculties For as they were in the Scriptures passing skilful so were they not vnskilfull or wanting eloquence in any tongue And being once after this manner instructed they depart out of the Citie of Ierusalem and passe through the compasse of the earthe preaching to all people and Nations that which they had receiued to preach of the sauiour of the world the Lord Iesus Christ And when for certaine yeares they had preached by woord of mouth then did they also set downe in writing that whiche they had preached For some verily writ an hystorie of the words and deeds of Christ and some of the wordes and déedes of the Apostles Other some sent sondrie Epistles to diuers Nations In all which to confirme the trueth they vse the Scripture of the lawe and the Prophetes euen as we reade that the Lorde oftentimes did Moreouer to the twelue Apostles are ioyned two greate lightes of the world Iohn Baptiste then whom there was neuer any more holy borne of women and the chosen vessel Paule the greate teacher of the Gentiles Neither is it to be merueiled at that the forerunner and Apostles of Christ had always very great dignity and authoritie in the Churche For euen as they were the embassadours of the eternall King of all ages and of the whole worlde so being indued with the spirit of God they did nothing according to the iudgement of theyr owne mindes And the Lord by theyr ministerie wrought great myracles thereby to garnishe the ministerie of them and to commend their doctrine vnto vs And what may be thought of that moreouer that by that woorde of God they did conuert the whole world gathering together laying the foundations of notable Churches through out the compasse of the world which verely by mans counsell and wordes they had neuer béene able to haue brought to passe To this is further added that they whiche once leaned to this doctrine as a doctrine giuing life did not refuse to die Besides that how many soeuer had their beliefe in the doctrine of the Gospell they were not afraide through water fire swordes to cutte of this life and
stoppes this is one of the greatest that no small number euē of the wisest sort do say that there ought no such hast to be made vpon priuate authoritie but that the determination of the general coūsell in controuersies of religion must needs be stayed for altogether looked after without the iudgement whereof say they it is not lawful for a kingdome much lesse for any other common weale to a●ter any one point in religion once receiued and hetherto vsed But the Prophets and Apostles do not send vs to the counsels of priestes or elders but to the word of God yea in Ieremie we read How say ye we are wise we haue the law of the Lord among vs Truly the lying pen of the Scribes haue wrought a lye The wise haue beene ashamed they were afraide were taken For loe they haue cast out the word of the lord What wisedome then can there bee amonge them Againe in the Gospell we read No man that layeth his hand to the plough and looketh backe is fitt for the kingdome of God. Therefore the authoritie of the Prophets and Euangelists giueth counsell fully to absolue and perfectly to end the reformation of religion once begon with the feare of God out of or by the word of God and not to looke for or stay vppon counsels which are directed not by the word of God but by the affections and motions of men For the late examples of some ages within the space of these 400. last yeres or there about do sufficiently teach vs what we may looke for by the determinations of generall counsels The causes of counsels of old were the corruption either of doctrine or else of the teachers or else the ruine of Ecclesiasticall discipline And good and zealous men haue strongly cryed nowe by the space of 500. yeares and more that there are crept into the Church superstitions errours abuses that the salt of the earth is vnsauorie that is that the ministers of the Churches are by slouth ignorance and wickednesse become vnseasonable and that all discipline in the Church is fallen to ruine Bernard Clareuallensis being one among many is a notable witnesse of the thing cōdition And for that cause there haue beene many counsels of priests celebrated at the calling together of the bishop of Rome together with the mutuall ayde of many kinges and Princes But what became of them what was done in them and what small amendment or correction of doctrine teachers and discipline there was by them obteyned the thinge it selfe the more it is to be lamented doth plainely declare For the more that counsels were assembled the more did superstition errour preuaile in doctrine abuse in ceremoniall rites pride riot couetousnesse and all kinde of corruption in the teachers or priestes a foule blurring out of all honest discipline For such men were made presidents of the counsels as had neede first of all themselues either to be brought into a better order or else to be vtterly excommunicate out of the congregation of the Saincts they being presidents did in the counsels handle causes neither lawfull nor lawfully For the word of God had amonge them neither due authoritie nor dignitie neither did they admitt to the examination and discussing of causes those men whom it was decent to haue chiefly admitted but them whom they themselues did thincke good to like off in them they sought not the glorie of God and the safegard of the Church but sought themselues that is the glory and pleasures of this transitorie world Therfore in the holding of so many generall counsels we see no amendement or reformation in the Church obteined but rather errours abuses and the kingdome and tyrannie of the priestes confirmed augmented And euen at this day although we would wincke not see it yet we cannot choose but euen with our hands feele what we may looke and hope for in a generall counsell There shall at this day no counsell haue any authoritie vnlesse it be lawefully as they expound lawfully called together None seemeth to be lawfully called together but that which the bishop of Rome doth call together that which is holden according to the auncient custome and lawes receiued namely that wherin they alone do sit haue as they call it deciding voyces to whom power is permitted to determine giue sentence in the counsel and to them who shall thinke it an heynous crime and directly contrary to the oth that is giuen them to do once so much as thinke much more to speake any thing against the bishop sea of Rome against the decrees of the fathers constitutions of the counsels What therefore may you looke for in such a counsell That forsooth which I tolde you that nowe by the space of 400. yeares and more the afflicted Church of God to the detriment of Godlinesse hath seene and felt namely that the sincere doctrine of Christ being trode vnder foote and holy discipline vtterly oppressed wee see that euery day more and more with the great and intollerable tyrannie of the Sea and Church of Rome there do increase and are confirmed vnsound and faultie doctrine most filthie abuses and too too great licentiousnesse and wicked liuing of the priestes They forsooth doe crie that it is an heresie to accuse the Pope of errour in the chest of whose breast all heauenly doctrine is layed vp and conteined They crie that all the decrees of the Apostolicall sea must be receiued euen so as if they were confirmed by the very voice of Peter himselfe They crie that it is a wicked thing to moue any controuersie or to call into doubt the doctrine and Cermonies receiued vsed in the Church of Rome especially touching their Sacraments whereof they to their aduauntage doe make silthie merchaundize They crie that the Church of Rome hath power to iudge all men but that no man hath any authoritie to iudge of her iudgement There are in the decretals most euident canons that do set out and vrge these thinges as I haue told them Now what maner reformation shall we thincke that they are likely to admitte which stand so stiffely to the defence of these thinges Truly they would rather that Christ with his Gospell and the true Church his spouse should wholie perish thā they would depart one ynch from their decrees rites authorities dignities wealth and pleasures They verily come into the counsell not to bee iudged of others that they may amend those things which euen their owne consciences and all the world doe say would be amended but they come to iudge and yoke all other men to keepe still their power and authoritie and to ouerthrowe and take away whatsoeuer withstandeth their lust and tyrannie For afore there were sent out horrible thunders against the accusers or aduersaries of the Sea Apostolique that is of the Papisticall corruption after followed the hoat boltes of that thunder euen sentences definitiue of
manner one it is For first wee confesse that there hath béene and is a Church of God and that it shall continue for euer Then professing what it is wée add this The communion of Sainctes That is to say Wée beléeue the Church to bee nothing else but the companie of all those Sainctes that are haue béene and shal be as wel in this present age as in the age to come who enioye all good thinges in common granted vnto them by god Also wee declare what manner one it is in calling it holy I say the spouse of Christ cleansed and blessed For S. Paule calleth them holy whiche are cleansed with the spirit and bloud of oure God of whiche a great part haue receiued crownes of glorie the residue labour heere vppon earth hoping to receiue them in heauen And truely in consideration of the Church the chiefest matter is that thoroughe the Grace of God wee be made the members of Christes body and partakers of all heauenly gifts with the Angels For wée confesse none to be more holy than our owne selues Or else it may be taken more largly and then it doeth comprehende not onely them that are the very faithfull and holy in déede but also them who althoughe they beléeue not truely or vnfeignedly neither be cleane or holy in the conuersation of their life yet do they acknowledge and professe true religion with the true beléeuers and the holy men of God yea they speake well and allowe of vertues and reproue euill neither doe seauer themselues from the vnitie of this Militant Church In whiche consideration not so much as the wicked and hypocrits such as wée read to haue béene in the Church in the time of Christe and the Apostles as Iudas Ananias and Saphira Simon Magus also Demas Hymenęus Alexander and many other are excluded and put from the church which Church maye well be called the outward and visible Church But this Church whereof wee speake is to bée accompted off either by reason of some part thereof or else of the whole For it is to be considered generally particularly And the particular Church is that whiche is comprised in a certeine number is knowen by some sure and certeine place For it is named of the place being called after the names of cities as the Churches of Zuericke and Bernes c. The Gréekes called those particular Churches 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whiche wee commonly call Parishes And we call that a parish which hath dwelling houses and streates ioyned together in neighbourhoode But in cities and townes vnto certeine portions are vsually ascribed both Churches and parish priestes to serue them and the whole circuite is called a parishe In the Dutche tongue Ein Barchi oder pfarkirch oder ein kirchhory And in the old time the parish priest was a prouider For hee prouided and gaue necessaries to straungers and chiefly salt and wood Some called him the maker of the feast other cal him a preparer of Virgins Therefore because the pastours of Churches were preparers of Virgins for the redéemer and head of the Church whiche is Christe bringing vnto him a chast and vndefiled virgin to be short because they themselues prouided things most necessarie for the people of God and also prepared heauenly meates and banquets the pastours of the Lords flocke are very well called parish priestes or the curates of soules The Lord speaking in the Gospel of the particular Church said If hee that offendeth the Church will not regard when hee is warned complaine vnto the Church But it is not possible that the vniuersall Church through the whole world should assemble come together that the rebellious and obstinate should be brought before it wherfore iudgment is referred to be giuen on that stubborne by the particular Churches To conclude the vniuersal Church consisteth of al the particular Churches through out the whole world and of all the visible partes and members thereof This is the same which we drue forth euen nowe when wée spake more at large thereof But the catholique Church of God doeth abide with vs as wée began to tell a litle before cōtinually from age to age from the beginning and is at this time dispersed thorough out the whole world both visiblye and inuisiblye and the Lords people and God his house shall continue vppon earth vnto the worlds end For there was neuer yet any world neither shal be any age wherein God hath not or will not sanctifie some vnto himselfe wherin he will dwell and that they shall be his flocke and holy house For the testimonies of auncient Prophets doe record that the Church is perpetual For thus wee finde it written in the 132. Psalme The Lord hath chosen Sion hee hath chosen her for an habitation for him selfe This is my resting place for euer and euer heere will I dwell because I haue chosen her And againe I haue sworne vnto Dauid in my holinesse his seede shall remaine for euer and his seate shall continue before mee as the Sunne But who knoweth not that all this is to be vnderstode of Christ the sonne of Dauid and of his seate and spirituall Sion which is the Church He also signifying the continuaunce of the Church sayeth in the Gospell I will remaine with you continually vnto the ende of the world And againe I will aske of my father and hee shall giue you an other cōforter the spirite of truth that he may abide with you for euer To this belongeth also that saying in the Gospel And the gates of hell shal not preuaile against the Church Whiche saying truely is a great comfort to the faithfull in so many and so great persecutions intended to the vtter destruction and ouerthrowe of the Church As Christ had alwayes his Church héere vppon earth hath now and for euer shall haue So likewise the diuel as longe as the world shall continue shall neuer want his people in whom hee maye reigne This Church of the diuel toke her first beginning of Cain and shall continue to the last wicked person comprehending also all those euill peoples that haue beene in the meane time and shal be betwixte the beginning and the ending But they liuing héere on earth haue societie and common with them that are tormented in hell For as all that bee Godly béeing vnder one head Christ do make one body so all the wicked vnder one head sathan are one incorporate body This maye right worthily be called that wicked Church Sodome and Gomor Babylon the cōgregation of Chora Dathan Abyron a synagogue a schole and a stewes of the diuell the kingdome of antichriste or any other of like sort In this Church are reckoned vpp all such as are wicked and and infidels separating themselues from the societie of oure holy mother the Church or forsaking the communion thereof and specially such as are mockers of God and his holy woord blasphemers
power to giue iudgement of doctrines euen by this one sentence of the Apostle Paule appeareth Let the Prophets sayth he speake two or three at once and let the other iudge And in an other place he saith Proue all thinges and kepe that which is good And S. Iohn said Dearelie beloued beleeue not euerie spirite but trie the spirits whether they are of God. But of this kinde of power to iudge there is also a certeine order For the Church doth not iudge at her owne pleasure but after the sentence of the holy Ghost and according to the order and rule of the holy scriptures And heere also order moderation and charitie is obserued Therefore if at any time the church of god according to the authority which she hath receiued frō the Lord do call a coūsel together for some weightie matter as we read that the Apostles of the lord did in the Actes of the Apostles it leaneth not here to her owne fleshly iudgment but giueth ouer her selfe to bee guided by the spirite and examineth all her doinges by the rule of the word of God and of the two-fould charitie Wherefore the Church maketh no new lawes as the church of Hierusalem or rather the Apostolique church sayeth that it séemeth good both to the holy Ghost and to the Church that no other burthen should be layd vppon the faithful Christians but onely a few and those verie necessarie thinges and neither beside nor contrarie to the holy scriptures Now Ecclesiastical matters are of diuers sortes the good ordering and well disposing whereof for the cōmoditie of men is in the power of the Church of whiche sorte those thinges are which concerne outward worship in place in time as is prophecying or interpretation of tongues and scholes Also the Church hath to iudge in causes of matrimonie and chiefly it hath correction of manners admonitions punishmentes and also excommunicating or cutting off from the bodie of the Church For the Apostle also sayeth that this power is giuen him and yet to the intent hee should therewith edifie not destroy For all these thinges whiche we haue remembred such like are limitted with the rule of the word and of loue also with holy examples and reasons deduced out of the holy scriptures Of all which wee will perchaun●e more largelye speake in their place Thus much haue I hetherto said concerning Ecclesiastical power the contrarie whereof I haue declared with how open a mouth our aduersaries do publish but yet they handle these matters so grossely that it may appeare euen vnto children what they séeke or what they would defende to witt not the Ecclesiasticall power but their owne couetousnesse luste and tyrannie The Canonicall trueth teacheth vs that Christ himselfe doeth hold and exercise absolute or full power in the Church and that he hath giuen the ministeriall power to the Church who executeth it for the most part by ministers and religiously executeth it according to the rule of Gods word These thinges beeing in this sorte considered it shall not bee greatly laboursome to knowe the studies of the holy Church of god For it executeth as I said euen nowe that power whiche it hath receiued of GOD most carefully and faithfullye to the ende that it maye serue God that it may be holy and that it may please him And that I may reckon vp some of her studies specially first of all it worshippeth calleth vppon loueth and serueth one God in Trinitie and taketh nothing in hand not hauing first consulted with the word of this true god For she ordereth all her doings according to the rule of Gods word she iudgeth by the woord of God and by the same she frameth all her buildinges being built mainteyneth them being fallen downe she repaireth or restoreth them againe The assemblies and congregations of Saincts vppon earth she feruently furthereth and loueth In these things it harkeneth diligently to the preaching of the word of God she is partaker of the sacramēts de●outly and with great ioy and desire of heauenly thinges It prayeth to God by the intercession of our only mediatour Christ with a strong faith feruētly continually and most attentiuely It praiseth the mai●stie of God for euer and with great ioy giueth thanks for all his heauenly benefits It highly estéemeth all and euery the institutions of Christ neither doth it neglect any of them But chieflie it acknowledgeth that it receiueth all things belonging ether to life saluation righteousnes or felicitie of the onely sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ as he who onely chose her and then by his spirite and bloud sanctifyed her and made her a Church that is a chosen people whose onely king redéemer high priest and defender he is without whom there is no saluation Therefore in God alone by our Lord Iesus Christ she only resteth him shee onely desireth and loueth and for his sake she reioyceth to loose all things that apperteine to this world yea and to spend her bloud and her life And therefore it cleaueth vnto Christe by faith inseparablie neither doeth it hate any thing more bitterly than falling awaye from Christ and desperation For without Christ there séemeth nothing in all this whole life to be pleasant With Sathan as with a deadly enimie she hath vnappeaseable enimitie Against heresies and errours it striueth both constantly and wisely The simplicitie of the Christian faith the sinceritie of the doctrine of the Apostles it most diligently kéepeth She kéepeth her selfe as much as lieth in her vnspotted of the world and of the flesh from all carnall and spiritual infection And therfore she fléeth from and by all meanes detesteth all vnlawefull congregations and prophane religions with all wicked men and willingly and openly confesseth Christe both by woord and déede euen with the damage of her life It is exercised with afflictions but yet neuer ouercome It keepeth vnitie and concord carefully All and euerye the members of her body shee most tenderly loueth It doeth good vnto all men as much as power and abilitie will suffer It hurteth no man It forgiueth willingly It beareth with the weake brotherlye till they bee brought foorth forward to perfection Shee is not puffed vpp with pride but thoroughe humilitie is kept in obedience in modestie and in all the dueties of godlinesse But who I praye you is able to recite all and euery one of the studies of the church in a very large discourse much lesse in this short recitall And who would not desire to be a member of so diuine and heauenly a congregation I would by and by ioyne herevnto that which remayneth touching the vnitie of the catholique Church of the diuision thereof and of other thinges belonging to the consideration hereof but that I doe perceiue you beeing alreadie wearie of hearing do earnestly loke for an end of this sermon Therefore we will put off the residue till to morrowe And now lifting
are neither euill men nor hypocrites but the verie worste and the most cruell enimies of Christ his trueth openlye blaspheming the Gospel and persecuting those that beléeue in Christ And therefore they neither haue the outward nor yet the inward markes of the Church The Spirite of the Lord resteth vppon those that tremble at the woord of God these men fret and fume if any man vnfeignedly reuerence the woord of God. True faith attributeth onelye vnto Christe all the meanes whereby it commeth vnto euerlasting life these men doe persecute the faithfull beecause they attribute vnto Christe Iesus alone all the meanes whereby they atteine vnto euerlastinge life and will not parte stakes in the meanes of saluation with Popish fancies In steede of charitie they exercise crueltie against their brethren and against their neighbours What shall a man saye of them who abuse the publique goodes of the Churche and spende them according to their owne priuate lustes For that whiche of old time the faithfull haue of charitie giuen to the vse of the church and for the sustentation of the poore that doe these men waste liuing most lecherouflie and filthilie Whiche thing the electe Apostles of the Lord Peter and Thaddeus did fore-tell the Church of GOD of concerning them And as touchinge the outwarde markes of the Churche what shall I saye These men saye that the Canonicall Scripture hath her authoritie in the Churche of Rome and that the same woorde is reade bothe in their Churches and in their Scholes and that the Sacramentes haue their force and are effectuall amoungest them But I can shewe the contrarie First of all they will make subiecte the interpretation of the holy and sacred scriptures vnto their Sea and the righte of iudgement in all cases they giue vnto their idol the Pope of Rome For that canon euery man knoweth Whatsoeuer hee decreeth what soeuer hee establisheth is of all men to bee obserued for euer inuiolably And againe The whole Churche thoroughout the vniuersall worlde knoweth that the holye Churche of Rome hath authoritie to giue iudgement of all thinges neither is it lawefull for anye to giue iudgement of her iudgements Therfore shee also iudgeth the Scriptures and expoundeth them and turneth and windeth them whiche waye shee listeth I will not nowe remember howe by manifest woordes the Standard-bearers of that Sen doe write that the canonicall Scripture taketh her authoritie of the Churche abusinge this sentence of the auncient father Sainct Augustine I would not haue beleeued the Gospell if the authoritie of the holy Churche had not moued mee c. This will I affirme whiche cannot but bee manifest vnto all men that the Romishe Church or the rulers of the same Churche doe take awaye the naturall sense and true meaning of the holy Scriptures and haue sett downe a straunge sense in stéede of it whiche sense to the ende it maye the better bee liked of men they call the sense of the holye mother the Churche whiche sense also they vrge with so great wickednesse as if you oppose against if the natiue sense you shall receiue for your labour the reprochefull name of an heretique In fewe wordes except you bring out the whole Scripture wrested after their minde and gaine that is to saye tempered with their diuellishe decrées as with poyson it will bee saide that you haue not broughte out the holye Scriptures but that that you haue taught heresie By examples the matter wil be made the plainer The Scripture teacheth that Iesus Christe is the onely head of the Church but vnlesse you also ioyne the Pope to be the head of the Church militant in earth you wil be called an heretique The Scripture teacheth that Iesus Christe is the onely intercessour or mediatour Priest and onely sacrifice propitiatorie of the faithfull but vnlesse you ioyne herevnto that Christ is in déed the mediatour of Redemption but that the sainctes together with Christe are the mediatours of intercession and that the priests do daily offer an vnbloudie sacrifice so as the Sainctes maye bee acknowledged to be intercessours together with Christ in heauen and that the priestes in earth do daily offer in their masse a sacrifice for the quicke and for the dead you will else be called an heretique The Scripture teacheth that Iesus Christe is the righteousnesse of the faithfull which righteousnesse we receiue by faith but vnlesse you will part stakes betwéene this righteousnesse of Christ and woorkes or mens merits you wil be called an heretique The Scripture teacheth that Christe ascended into heauen and hath established a Vicegerent power to witt the holy Ghost and that also he wil not come againe into the world bodily but onely at the daye of Iudgement but vnlesse you do acknowledge the same Christ to be also corporally present in the bread of the Sacrament and doest also worship him there thou wilt else be called an heretique Christe our Lord said at his last supper reaching the cup to his disciples Drincke you all of this but and if thou wilt contend that both the kindes of the sacrament ought to be giuen to al the faithfull thou wilt be called an heretique God said in his lawe Thou shalt not make an Image thou shalt not worship it thou shalt not serue it But vnlesse thou vnderstād by an Image the Idols of the Gentiles as of Saturne or Mercurie but not of the true God or any sainct thou wilt be called an heretique Many m●●e thinges of this sort I could bring forth if I spake to them that were ignorant What authoritie therfore or what place shall we say the word of God had in that sea Who séeth not that these filthie beastes doe tread vnderfoote as a captiue the most holy word of God that they establishe and reestablishe lawes of God according to their owne giantlike bouldnesse It is therefore as cleare as any thing may be cleare that the Romish Church is destitute of the holy word of god I haue shewed plainely in the first Sermon of this Decade that it is not enough to boast out the woords of the holy Scripture vnlesse therewithall the naturall sense be reteined vncorrupted The Church of Rome hath corrupted the sense and meaning of that holy Scriptures and thrust vppon the simple people opinions contrarie to that scriptures and therfore the Church of Rome is not that true Church of Christ The sacramēt of baptisme ministred by Popish priestes albeit we doe not reiterate for that they baptised in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy Ghoste as in the first Sermon of this Decade I haue shewed yet the breaking of bread or distribution of the Lords supper they so defiled and also corrupted the same with doctrines contrarie to the sound faith and turned the same into such a filthy merchaundize as no man that is of a sound iudgement can with a safe conscience and without corruption of his religion communicate with them Of the
Lord fled into the wildernes whē the people thoght to make him a king He knewe the Helisęus by most wholesome counsel refused the reward of Naamā the prince And the Giesi his seruant to his euerlasting reproche and ouerthrowe of his owne health required it afterward at his hād S. Peter would not take vppon him the charge of the poore least he should thereby with lesse diligence attende vppon prayer and preaching of the word of God whiche thing the Actes of the Apostles do witnesse who therefore thincketh it likelye that hee casting aside the office of Apostleship would haue receiued the Empire euen of the whole world Hée denieth that one man can both happily execute the charge of the ministerie of the word and also minister vnto the necessitie of the poore But what Pope wil they giue vnto vs that hath the spirite more fully than Peter had Which can performe that which Peter could not Whiche cannot onely now both serue at tables but also can gouerne the whole world Therefore they are trifles which they rehearse to vs touching the donation of Constātine Constantine was more sounde than that he would frame such a donation which he knew was repugnant to the doctrine of Christ Syluester was more vppright than to receiue that which he knewe could not be receiued without the vtter ouerthrowe of the ministerie of the word But if Constantine gaue that altogether which he is said to haue giuen that Syluester did not refuse his donation both of them offended Because both delt against the word of God. I sawe what of late yeares Augustine Steuchus a man otherwise well learned of much reading hath written touching Constantines donation against Laurentius Valla but he bringeth no sound arguments though hee wonderfully rage and put all the force of his eloquence in vre and finally doe buisily heape together from all places whatsoeuer by anye manner meanes maye seeme to further this cause And truely that booke séemeth better worthie to be troden vnder foot than to bee occupied in good menns hands For that I make no wordes that he calleth that ecclesiastical kingdome of Rome oftentimes eternall whereas the kingdome of Christ and the sainctes is onely eternall doeth hée not most manifestly place the Pope in the seate of Christe our Lord For after he had recited the testimonie of one Pope Nicholas hee forthwith addeth Thou hearest that the highe bishop of Constantine is called God coūted for god This verilie was done when hee adorned him with that famous edicte hee worshipped him as God as the successour of Christe and Peter As much as he could hee gaue diuine honours vnto him hee worshipped him as the liuelie Image of Christ Thus farre he in the 67. section of his booke Neither hath he written that whiche is vnlike vnto this 28. section For hee remembring certeine imaginations of his owne conceiued of the Pope he feigneth I cannot tell what fruite would come thereof if it were made knowne among the furthest Indians that all the kingdomes of the world are gouerned by the Popes becke that kings worship him as being a thinge very well knowen to them that he is the successour of Christe and therefore that they receiue him not so muche a mortall man as God himselfe in him who hath substituted him in his roome in earth and therefore wee oughte to absteine from reprochfull words if he sinne in any thinge as a man because in him they worshipp the Sonne of God. These wicked reioycinges these flattering or rather sacrilegious voyces would Peter haue suffered think you who lifted vpp Cornelius when hee fell downe before him and would haue worshipped him and said Arise I my selfe also am a man. We read also that the Angel himselfe said vnto Iohn whiche fell downe and would haue worshipped at the Angels féete See thou doe it not for I am thy fellow seruaunt and of thy brethren the Prophets It is also written of Herodes Agrippa because he repressed not the flattering voyces of the people whiche cryed when he had ended his oration It is the voice of a God not of a man that therefore hee was stricken of the Angel of God and hee rotted away being eaten of wormes Therefore we since wee knowe that Christ himselfe the sonne of God doth reigne as yet in the churche as to whome onely all glorie and power is giuen and hath not substituted any man on the earth in whom he wilbée worshipped and serued wee worship and serue Christe Iesus the sonne of God o●ely and vtterly abhore the Pope as antichriste and a dounghill God or if you wil a God of the iakeshouse together with his sacrilegious clawbackes and blasphemous flatterers The Lord in verie déed said to S. Peter Thou art Peter and vppon this rocke I will build my Church I wil giue thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen c. But what make these sayinges to establish the monarchie prerogatiue and dignitie of the Pope Peter is commended of the Lord for the constancie of his faith wher vpon also he receiued his name béeing called Peter A petra that is of the rocke wherein hee settled himselfe by a true faith Christ is that rock wherevnto Peter stayed He heareth that this shal be the perpetuall foundation of the churche that all shal be receiued into the fellowshippe of the church who with a true faith confesse with Peter that Iesus Christ is the verie sonne of God and rest vppon him as the onely rocke and saluation Moreouer the keyes of the kingdome of God are promised vnto Peter but when they are deliuered they are not giuē to Peter alone but to all the Apostles For The keyes are not as these men imagine a certein dominiō iurisdiction but the ministerie of opening and shutting the kingdome of heauen to lett into the church and to shutt out whiche is wrought by the preaching of the Gospell as it shall anon be said more aboundantly After the same manner when Christ said to Peter Feed my sheep he did not giue vnto Peter the monarchie of the whole world and dominion ouer all creatures but committed vnto him a pastorall cure Of whiche thing I haue spoken in my last sermon as also else where both often and largely against the supremacie of the bishop of Rome Vnto the auncient writers of the church which they obiecte vnto vs testifying I knowe not what of the supremacie of Peter we wil aunswere in one word that we care not so much what the old writers thought herein as what Christe the sonne of God instituted and what the Apostles whose authoritie doth farre excell the iudgement of the old writers practised and what they haue left both in their writing examples for vs to iudge and sollowe Whereof I haue also spoken in the 2. Sermon of this Decade Wée haue almost gone further than wee determined therefore that we may draw to an end we haue spoken of
FIFTIE GODLIE AND LEARned Sermons diuided into fiue Decades conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian Religion written in three seuerall Tomes or Sections by Henrie Bullinger minister of the Churche of Tigure in Swicerlande WHEREVNTO IS ADIOYNED A TRIPLE or three-folde Table verie fruitefull and necessarie Translated out of Latine into English by H. I. student in Diuinitie ET INVENTA EST PERIIT MATTHEWE 17. This is my beloued Sonne in whome I am well pleased Heare him ¶ IMPRINTED AT LONDON BY RALPHE Newberrie dwelling in Fleete-streate a little aboue the Conduite Anno. Gratiae 1577. A Praeface to the Ministerie of the Church of England and to other wel disposed Readers of GDOS woorde WHat iust cause there is that all spiritual sheepeherdes and especially these of our time should see carefully to the feeding of the flockes committed to their charge may easily appeare to him that shal but a litle stay his consideration vpon this matter For first the commaundementes of the Almightie touching this thing are verie earnest the authoritie of whiche shoulde greatly inforce Secondly the rewardes which hee proposeth to vigilant and carefull pastours are large and bountiful the sweetenesse of which should muche allure Thirdly the plagues and heauie iudgementes whiche hee denounceth against slouthful and carelesse shepeheards are grieuous and importable the terrour whereof shoulde make afraide Then the nature and condition of the sheepe ouer whom they watche the vigilancie of the wolfe againste whome they watche the conscience in taking the fleece for whiche they watche and this time and age wherein they watche being rightly considered will giue them to vnderstand sufficiently that they haue good occasion to watch Howe earnestly God commaundeth appeareth Esaie 58. Where he sayth Crie aloude spare not lift vp thy voice like a trumpet shewe my people their transgressions and the house of Iacob their sinnes And Esaie 62. I haue set watchmen vpon thy walles O Hierusalem which all the day and al the night continually shal not ceasse ye that are mindfull of the Lord keepe not silence And Iohn 21. Feede my lambes Feede my sheepe and if ye loue me Feede And 2. Tim. 4. Preache the woord be instant in season out of season improue rebuke exhorte c. Howe sweetely with rewardes he allureth doth appeare in the 12. of Daniel They that be wise shal shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnes shal shine as the starres for euer and euer And ● Tim. 4. Take heede to thy selfe and to doctrine in them occupie thy selfe continually For in so dooing thou shalt saue thy selfe and them which heare thee How fiersly also he vrgeth and driueth on the sluggish and carelesse sheapheards with terrible plagues and whips threatened vnto them appeareth Ezechiel 3. Where he sayth Sonne of man I haue made thee a watche-man vnto the house of Israel therefore heare the woord of my mouth and giue them learning from me When I shal say vnto the wicked thou shalt surely dye and thou giuest him not warning nor speakest to admonish the wicked of his wicked way that he may liue the same wicked man shal dye in his iniquitie but his bloud wil I require at thy hand And Ieremie 1. ver 17. Thou therefore trusse vp thy loynes and arise and speake vnto them all that I commaund thee bee not afraide of their faces least I destroy thee before them And 1. Cor. 9. ver 16. Though I preache the Gospel I haue nothing to reioyce of for necessitie is laide vpon me and woe is vnto me if I preach not the Gospell for if I doe it willingly I haue a rewarde but if I doe it against my will notwithstanding the dispensation is committed vnto me Nowe the sheepe whereof spiritual sheepheards haue vndertaken charge are not beastes but men the verie Images of God himselfe endued with euerliuing soules Citizens with the saintes and blessed angels cloathed with Gods liuerie beautified with his cognisance and all the badges of saluation admitted to his Table to no meaner dishes than the bodie bloud of the vndefiled lambe Christ Iesus bought also and redeemed out of the wolues chawes with no lesse price than of that same bloud more precious than any Golde or siluer Sheepe also of that nature they are that being carefully fed and discreetely ordered they proue gentle and louing towardes their sheepherds and seruiceable towards the chief sheepherd Iesus Christ but being neglected left to thē selues they degenerate into bloudie wolues watching euer opportunitie whē they may rent in peeces their sheepherds and all other sheepe which are not degenerated into their woluishe nature As for the spirituall wolfe against whom they watch which is Satan He as the Apostle Peter witnesseth 2. Epistle cap. 5. Neuer resteth but as a roaring Lyon walketh about seeking euer whom he may deuour And for that cause also is he called Apoc. 20. ver 2 A dragon Which beast naturally is verie malicious craftie and watchfull so then if the spiritual sheepheard must watche whiles the spirituall wolfe doth wake he can promise vnto him selfe no one moment of securitie wherein he may be carelesse God by his Prophet Ezechiel cap. 34. saith Woe be vnto the sheepherds of Israel that feede themselues should not the sheepherdes feede the flockes ye eate the fatte and ye cloathe you with the wooll ye kill them that are fedde but ye feede not the sheepe This sentence should awake the sleepie and carelesse consciences of many sheepherds For as the priest that serueth the altar is worthie to liue vpon the offeringes and the souldier that ventereth is worthie his wages and the husbandman that toyleth is worthie the haruest and the sheepheard that feedeth the flocke is worthie to be fedde with the milke and cloathed with the wooll so questi●nlesse the priest that serueth not is worthie no offerings the souldier that fighteth not is worthie no wages the husbandman that loytereth is worthie of weedes and the sheepherd that feedeth not can with no good consciēce require either the milke or the fleece but his due rewarde and iust recompence is punishment for that through his default the sheepe are hunger-sterued and destroyed of the wolfe But let the ministers of our time well weighe the condition and manner of the time and then no doubt they shall see that it is highe time to bestyrre them to the doing of their dueties This time succedeth a time wherein was extreame famine of all spiritual foode so that the sheepe of this time can neuer recouer themselues of ●hat feeblenesse whereinto they were brought but by some great and extraordinarie diligence This time succedeth a time wherein the multitude of wolues and rauenous beastes was so great and their rage and furie so fell in euery sheepfolde that the good sheepherdes were either put to flight or pitifully murth●red so that the sheepe being committed to wolues did
that they at their pleasure may cōmaund what they liste and that all men by and by must take it for lawe But that kind of ruling without al doubt is extreme tyrannie The saying of the Poet is verie well knowen which representeth the verie words of a tyraunt I say it and it shal be so my lust shal be the lawe The Prince in déede is y liuing lawe if his mind obey the written lawes and square not from the lawe of nature Power and authoritie therefore is subiecte vnto lawes For vnlesse the Prince in his heart agree with the law in his brest doe write the law and in his woords and déedes expresse the law he is not worthie to be called a good mā much lesse a Prince Againe a good Prince and magistrate hath power ouer the Lawe is maister of the lawes not that they may tourne put out vndoe make and vnmake them as they liste at their pleasure but because hée may put them in practise among the people applie them to the necessitie of the state and attemper their interpretation to the meaning of the maker They therefore are deceyued as farre as heauen is wide which thinck for a few priuileges of Emperours kinges graunted to the magistrate to adde diminish or chaunge some point of the lawe that therefore they may vtterly abolish good lawes and liue against all lawe and séemelinesse For as no Emperours or kinges are permitted to graunt any priuileges contrarie to iustice goodnesse and honestie so if they do graunt any such privilege it ought not to be receiued or taken of good subiects for a good tourn or benefite but to be counted rather as it is in déede their vtter destruction and cleane ouerthrowe Among all men at all times and of all ages the meaning substaunce of the lawes touching honestie iustice publique peace is kept vnuiolable if chaūge be made it is in circumstances and the law is interpreted as the case requireth according to iustice and a good end The law sayth Let no man kill an other let him that killeth an other be killed himself That law remayneth for euer vnchaungeable neither is it lawfull for any man at any time to put it out or wipe it away And yet the rigour of the law may be diminished and the law it selfe fauourablie interpreted as for example If a man kill one whom hee loueth entirely well and kill him by chaunce not of set purpose or pretended malice so that when hee hath done hee is soarie for it at the verie hart would if it were possible buye his life again with what soeuer hée hath to giue for it in such a case the killer ought not to be killed and therin the magistrate may dispence with the rigour of the lawe An other beareth a deadly and continuall grudge to one whom hee killeth and goeth about to colour the matter vnder the pretence of happe misfortune For hée sought occasion that hée might for himself haue a shew of chauncemedley In such a case as this the magistrate cannot chaung any iote of the law but must néedes kil him whom the meaning of the law commaundeth to kill I could alledge more examples like vnto these but my care is of purpose somuch as I may not to bee too tedious vnto you with too a long a discourse By this that I haue spoken it is apparauntly euident that lawes are good and not to be broken how farre forth they doe admit the Princes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the Princes moderation interpretation limitation or dispensation least peraduēture that old and accustomed Prouerbe bée rightly applied vnto them Lawe with extremitie is extreme iniurie Hetherto I haue declared that lawes are good profitable necessarie and not to bee broken it remaineth now to tell what and what kind of lawes the magistrate ought most chieflie to vse for the ordering and mainteyning of honestie iustice publique peace according to his office Some there are whose opinion is that the magistrate ought not to vse any written lawes but that hée should rather giue sentence as hée thought best according to naturall equitie as the circumstances of place time persons and cases doe séeme to require Other some there are that do their indeuour to thrust into all kingdomes and common weales the Iudiciall lawes of Moses And some there are which hauing once reiected the lawe of Moses wil haue no iudgement giuen in law but what is deriued out of the lawes of heathen Princes But since they that haue the preeminence and magistrates autoritie are men either good or bad and since that euen in the best men courtousnes anger hatred fauour griefe feare and other affectiōs are rife to be found to whom I pray you haue they committed the common weale which reiecting all written statuts and certein lawes would haue euerie man that is a magistrate to giue iudgment as hée himself thinketh best Haue they not committed their common weale to the rule of a beast But what shal I say then of euill men that are in authoritie since in the best men thnges are so amisse As good were a kingdome subiecte to the furies of hel as bound to the iudgments of naughtie men But wée will say they haue them giue iudgement according to the equitie of natures lawe and not after the luste of their corrupt affection Mine aunswere is to that that they will giue iudgement as affection leadeth them without controllment and say that they iudged by naturall equitie They cannot they wil say iudge otherwise nor otherwise vnderstand the pith of the matter They thincke that beste which they haue determined and nothing is done contrarie to conscience and thou for thy labour shalt be called Coram nobis for daring find fault with their sentence in iudgment And so shal the iust man perish barbarous affections shall haue the vpper hand and naughtie men rule all the roste Yea and admitte wée graunt all men are good that are called to be magistrates yet diuersitie of opinions that will rise in giuing of iudgement will stirre vp among them endlesse braules and continuall troubles If all thinges therefore be well considered the best way by a great deale is to put written lawes in vre Let vs learne this by the example of our eternall wise excellent and mightie God who gaue to the Iewes his peculiar people such lawes as at his cōmaundement were set downe in writing The magistrate hath otherwise busines enough to iudge that is to applie and conferre the causes with the lawes to sée how farre and wherein they agrée or disagrée and to iudge who hath offended against the law and who haue not transgressed the lawe Now it is to be marked that in Moses Iudiciall lawe there are many things proper and peculiar to the Iewish Nation and so ordeyned according to the state of the place time and persons that if wée should goe about to thrust on and applie them
sorte whiche are called the Iudiciall lawes of which I will intreate dearely beloued as briefely as I can so farre foorth as I shal be persuaded to be expedient for your edification This treatise wil not be vnplesant nor vnprofitable to euery zealous hearer although it doeth specially belong to courtes of lawe where iudgement is exercised For the Iudiciall lawes were with wonderfull faith and diligence set out of God by the ministerie of his seruaunt Moses and God is not wont to reueale anye thinge to mankinde with so precise and exquisite diligence vnlesse it doe directly tende to mankindes greate commoditie Nowe although these Iudiciall lawes are verie fewe in number and not to be compared in multitude with the huge volumes of the lawes and decrées of Emperours Kinges and wisest Sages yet do they in their short breuiarie conteine the chiefe poyntes of iudgement and iustice in effect as muche almost as is conteined in the bookes of the lawes and constitutions of the Emperours and ciuil lawyers The good Lorde would not by too long and burdensome a packe of lawes be too burdenous and troublesome vnto his people neither was it néedefull ouer curiously to sticke vppon euery seuerall thought of yll disposed persons it is sufficient for all wise men people and nations if euery one haue so muche lawe as is sufficient for the conseruation of peace ciuil honestie and publique tranquillitie as all the holie Scripture witnesseth that the people of Israel had Nowe these Iudiciall lawes are the moste auncient and verie founteines of all other good lawes which are to bee founde all moste in all the worlde Moses was before all other lawegiuers that were of name and authoritie among whome Mercurius Trismegistus Rhadamanthus y L●cian are thought to be the eldest The Aegyptians called their Mercurius by the name of Thoth who as Lactantius affirmeth slue Argus that had so many eyes and vpon the murther flead into Aegypt Nowe Argus and Atlas liued about the time of Cecrops Diphyes And Cecrops is reported to haue béene in the same time that Moses was Radamanthus also is supposed to haue liued after the dayes of Iosue Moses his seruaunt and successour But the moste famous lawegiuers of the gretest and most aunciēt natiōs did follow long after the death of Moses Draco and Solon among the Atheniens Minos with the Cretians Charondas of the Tyrians Phoronaeus to the Argiues Lycurgus to the Lacedaeinonians Pythagoras to the Italians Romulus and Numa vnto the Romanes Plato writt of lawes a little before the reigne of Philipp king of Macedon and father to Alexander the greate And Cicero 2. lib. de legibus saith I see therefore that the opinion of the wisest sorte was that lawe was neither inuented by mennes wittes nor yet was the decree or ordinance of people but a certein eternal thing ruling the whole world with discretion to commaund or for bidd to do or leaue vndone So they saide that that chiefe and highest law is the wisedome of God which commaundeth or forbiddeth all things by reason Whereupon that law which the Gods haue giuen to mankinde is rightly commended for it is the reason and discretion of the wise whiche is able either to commaund or else forbidd and so foorth Therefore the Iudicial lawes of God are commended vnto vs not so much for their antiquitie as for the authoritie whiche they haue of God. Nowe that wee may plainly and distinctly discourse vpon this matter ye haue to marke that to iudge is an action and in this treatise is taken for an action done in the courtes of iudgement for it signifieth to take vp and determine of matters betwixt such as be at variance or else vppon the bearing of a cause to giue sētence or iudgement Finally to iudge doth signifie to deliuer them that be in daunger to relieue the oppressed to defend the afflicted and with punishement to kéepe vnder mischiefous offendours Iudgement therefore is not the sitting or méeting of Iudges in Assises or Sessions but is rather the very diligent discussing of causes the giuing of sentence accordinge to right and equitie by the lawes of God and also the assertion and defence whereby the good are deliuered and the punishmēt that is executed vppon the yll disposed and wicked offendours The Iudges are the ouerséers of iudgement iustice I meane such as doe iustly according to the lawes giue sentence be twixt them that are at discorde which do defende and deliuer the good and punish and brydle the wicked And so the Iudicial lawes are those which informe the Iudges howe to determine of controuersies and questions howe to Iudge iustly how to punishe the wicked and howe to defend the good that peace honestie iustice and publique tranquillitie may be among all men which is the ende and marke alone whereto both the Iudge and all the Iudiciall lawes do tende and are directed For God our good Lord and lawegiuer would haue it to go well with man that we may liue happily ciuilie and in tranquillitie And therfore we do not in this treatise exclude the care and defence of pure religion but do make it one of the especiall poynts which the Iudiciall lawes do looke vnto And now euen as the ceremoniall lawes so also are the Iudiciall lawes added by God vnto the ten cōmandements to expounde confirme them therewithall For the precepts of the ten commaundements are the chiefe principall preceptes whereunto wée must referre all lawes as to the eternall minde or will of god I think I néede not to stande and shewe you dearely beloued to what precepts of the ten commaundements euery seueral Iudiciall lawe is to be referred For that is verie plaine and euident to euery one that will take but small paynes to conferre and laye them together For the Iudiciall lawes that are set out against murther and iniurie are apperteining to this precept Thou shalt doe no murther And whatsoeuer is spoken against adulterie fornication and filthie lustes are added to the commaundement Thou shalt not committ adulterie Likewise whatsoeuer is saide in the Iudiciall lawes against deceipts shiftes cousinings and vsurie doe belong to the commandement Thou shalt not steale Lastly all the lawes touching the brideling of heretikes and suppressing of Apostataes by force are set downe to make plaine the first seconde thirde and fourth cōmaundements of the firste table For some lawes may be applyed to more precepts than one of the ten cōmaundements But this is easie and plaine to be perceiued of euery man therefore I will not stande any longer about it Nowe for because the Iudiciall lawes do first of all require Iudges such I meane as should mainteine put the lawes in execution for the lawes without executours séeme to be dead and on the other side are aliue vnder a iust magistrate who is for y cause called the liuing lawe therefore before all other lawes are placed those Iudicial lawes which were
without all filthie vncleane beastlynesse Last of all hee willeth the Gentiles to be restrayned of eating bloud and strangled He addeth the cause why and saith For Moses of olde time hath in euery citie them that preache him in the Synagogues where hee is read euery Sabboth daye Of which constitution touching bloud and strangled I spake somewhat before that I made this same digression Nowe therefore since the matter is at that pointe it is euident that they are without a cause offended with Sainct Iames which thinke that he did without all right and reason make and publishe this decree and that the fruite of that Synode was verie perillous nothing healesome and flatly contrary to Christian libertie For it is assuredly certeine that the meaning of Iames did in no poynte differ from the minde of Sainct Paule who neuerthelesse did verie well and praisworthily saye Let vs followe the things that make for peace and thinges wherewith we may one edifie an other Destroy not the work of God for meates sake All thinges are pure but it is euil for that man that eateth with offence It is good neither to eate flesh nor to drinke wine nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth or falleth or is made weake c. Romanes 14. It is also moste certeine that Sainct Paule who was so sharpely set to defend the Christian libertie that hee withstood Peter openly at Antioche would not haue beene behinde hand to resist Sainct Iames if he had thought that this constitution either had béen or should bée preiudiciall to Christian libertie Verily hee woulde neither haue preached nor yet commended this tredition of y Apostles to the churches of the Gentiles if hee had not thoughte that it had béene both hoalesome and profitable for them all to embrace But he did preache and commende it vnto the churches as is to be séene in the sixtéenth of the Actes and therfore is sainct Iames without a cause murmured against of some because hee for badd to eate bloud and strangled Finally the conclusion of their Epistle is From which if ye keep your selues ye do well So fare ye well They praise that abstinence and teach it as a good woorke because it is also commended to vs in all the Scriptures Thus haue I digressed not farre I trust from our purpose to speake of the decrée of the apostolique Synode helde at Hierusalem and thus muche at this time touching the abrogation of the ceremoniall lawes It remaineth here for mée to saye somewhat concerning the abrogation of the Iudiciall lawes Nowe therefore the Iudiciall lawes doe séeme to be abrogated in this sense because no Christian common weale no citie or kingdome is compelled to be bound to receiue those verie same lawes which were by Moses in that nation according to the time place state published and set out of olde Therefore euery countrie hath frée libertie to vse such lawes as are best and most requisite for the estate and necessitie of euery place and of euery time and persons so yet that the substance of Gods lawes be not reiected troden downe and vtterly neglected For the things which are agréeable to the lawe of nature and the tenne commaundements and whatsoeuer else God hath commaunded to bee punished must not in anye case bee either cleane forgotten or lightly regarded Nowe the ende whereunto all these lawes do tende is that honestie maye flourish peace and publique tranquillitie be firmely mainteined iudgement and iustice be rightly executed Of which because I haue at large disputed in the exposition of the precept Thou shalt doe no murther I will here be cōtent to be so much the briefer The holie Apostle Paule commaundeth to obey the magistrate he aloweth of the authoritie of the sword which he confesseth that the magistrate hath not in vaine receiued at the hande of god And therefore he did not dissallowe or finde faulte with the election of the magistrate the vse of the sworde the execution of the iudgement and iustice nor with vpright ciuil lawes Now whosoeuer doth conferre the lawes and constitutions of Princes kings Emperours or Christian magistrates which are to be found either in the Code in the booke of Digestes or Pandectes in the volume of newe Constitutions or else in anye other bookes of good lawes of sundrie nations with these Iudiciall lawes of God he must néedes confesse that they drawe verie néere in likenesse and do verie well agrée one with an other Iustinian the Emperour forbad by law either to sel or otherwise to make awaye the possessions of the church things consecrated vnto god For the sincere confessing and pure mainteining of the catholique faith the Emperours Gratian Valentinian Theodosius did make a moste excellent holie law Constantine the great gaue charge to Taurus one of his lieuetenauntes to shutte the idol temples and with the sworde to destroye suche rebeiles as went about to sett them open and to do sacrifice in them That lawes were made for the reliefe of the poore and that kinges and emperours had a care ouer them it is to be séene in more places than one of the Emperours lawes and constitutions It is verie certeine y whosoeuer readeth the Code lib. 1. tit 2. he shal finde much matter belonging to this argument For the honest trayning vp of children and the liberal susteining of aged parents there are verie commēdable lawes in the bookes of the heathens Concerning the authoritie y parentes haue ouer their childrē there is m●ch● many things to be found in writing● likewise of wedlock of inc●st 〈◊〉 marriages Honoriꝰ A●cadiꝰ many other princes haue made verie tollerable laudable decrées where they speake also verie well and wisely of the lawe of diuorcement But if I go on to add or oppose to euery seuerall title of the Iudiciall lawes conteined in this sermon sundrie and peculiar lawes out of the decrées of Christian Princes I shall I knowe be too tedious vnto your patience For then would this treatise passe the time of an ordinarie sermon Let it therefore suffice vs at this time by the declaration of these notes to haue opened and made a way to the diligēt louers of the truth to come to the vnderstanding of other things which we haue here omitted and that they may beléeue that the substance of Gods Iudiciall lawes is not taken awaye or abolished but that the ordering and limitation of them is placed in the will and arbitrement of good Christian princes so yet that they ordeine and appoinct that which is iuste and equall as the estate of the time place and persons shall best require that honestie and publique peace may be thereby preserued and god the father duely honoured through his onely begotten sonne Christe Iesus to whome all praise is due for euer For we do sée that the Apostles of Christe did neither require nor cōmaunde any nation in the administration of politique affaires to binde them selues to
the first precept thou shalt referre the feare the faith loue of God with assured hope perseuearing patience constancie inuincible in trouble and afflictions To the second belongeth the true and sincere worship wherwith God is pleased with the vtter refusall of all superstition and peruerse religion Vppon the third doeth depende the reuerence of Gods Maiestie the frée confession of his might the holie inuocation of his name and the sanctification of the same In the fourth is comprehended the moderate conseruation of the Ecclesiasticall Ceremonies y preaching of Gods word publique prayers whatsoeuer else doeth belonge to the outward seruice or externall worship due to god To the fifte thou mayest annexe the naturall loue of children toward their parents of men toward their countrie kinese-folkes the due obedience that we owe to the magistrates and all in authoritie and lastly the offices of ciuil humanitie To the sixte thou shalt ioyne iustice and iudgement the protection of widowes orphanes the deliuering of the oppressed and afflicted weldoing to all men and doing hurt to no man To the seuenth thou shalt add the faith of wedded couples the offices of marriage the honest and Godly bringing vp of childrē with the studie of chastitie temperance and sobrietie To the eighth is to bee reckoned vpright dealing in cōtracts liberalitie bountifulnesse and hospitalitie Vnder y ninthe is couched the studie of trueth through al our life time faith in words déeds with decēt honest profitable speach In the tenth and last thou mayest remember good affections holie wishes with all holy and honest thoughts And so this is the compendious platforme of good workes Nowe if thou desire to haue it more briefly expressed than this that thou séest then turne thee selfe hearken to the wordes of Christ our Lord who gathereth these 10. into two principall points saith Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with al thy soul with al thy mind thy neighbour as thy selfe Whatsoeuer therefore yee would that men shuld do to you euen so do ye to thē Vppon these precepts of the Lord let all the faithful which desire to doe good works most surely fixe their eyes and minds that too so much the more diligently and constantly as they doe more surely and euidently perceiue see that God in the lawe the prophets doeth require nothing else nor any other works at the hands of his electe chosen seruants Go to now therefore let vs heare out of the holy Prophets some such euidēt testimonies touching good woorks as do consent wholie agree with the lawe of the lord Moses in Deut. crieth And now Israel what doeth the Lord thy God require of thee but to feare the Lord thy God to walk in al his wayes to loue him to serue the Lord thy God with all thy hart and with all thy soule That thou keepe the cōmandements of the Lord and his ordinances which I cōmaund thee this day And the kinglye Prophete Dauid in the 15. Psalme asketh this questiō Lord who shal dwel in thy tabernacle And presently answereth it himselfe saying Euen hee that walketh vprightly doeth the thing that is iust right And so forth as is conteined in the 10. cōmaundemēts Esaie also in his 33. cap. moueth the same question and answereth it euen so as Dauid had done before him Ieremie in the 21. chap. doth vrge and reiterate these woords to the Iewes Thus the Lord cōmaundeth Keepe equitie and righteousnes deliuer the oppressed from the power of the violent do not greeue nor oppresse the strāger the fatherles nor the widow and shedd no innocent bloud in this place And Ezechiel in his 18. cap. knitteth vp a beadrowe of good workes in no point vnlike to these sauing only y it is somewhat more largly amplified In Osée the Lord saith I desire mercie more than sacrifice the knowledge of God more than whole burnt offerings Micheas doth diligently inquire what the worshipper of God should do to please him with all what workes he should doe to delight the Lord and immediatly by the inspiration of the holy Ghoste he maketh aunswere saying I will shewe thee O man what is good and what the Lord requireth of thee namely to doe iustly to loue mercie and with reuerence to walke before thy God. In like maner the Prophete Zacharie to them that demaunded of him certaine questions touching vertues such good woorkes as please the Lord gaue this answere saying Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes Execute true iudgement shewe mercie and louing kindenesse euerie man to his brother doe the widowe the fatherlesse the straunger and the poore no wronge Let no man imagine euill in his heart against his brother neither bee ye louers of false othes for these are the thinges which I do hate sayeth the Lord. With this doctrine of the Prophets doth the preaching of the Euangelists and Apostles fullie agrée teaching in euerie place that charitie righteousnesse and innocencie are the scoape summe of all good woorkes The Apostle Iames sayeth Pure religion and vndefiled before God and the father is this To visite the father lesse and widowes in their aduersitie to kepe himself vnspotted of the world It remayneth now for me to drawe to an end and in the rest that is yet be hind to be spoken touching the descriptiō of good works to confer places of the Scripture for the confirmation plaine exposition of the same Now therfore we said y good works in déed are wrought by them that are regenerate to the glorie of God the ornamēt of our life and the profite of our neighbour For the Lord in the Gospell prescribeth this end to good works where he saith Let your lighte so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your father whiche is in heauen The Apostle Paul also oftener than once exhorting vs to good woorks doth as a most effectuall cause to sett them forward add That by those workes of ours we may adorne the doctrine of oure Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus And euen as a comelie and cleanely garment adorneth a man so doe good workes in déede set foorth the life of Christian people For herevppon it riseth that the Apostles of Christe did so often persuade vs to put off the old man and put on the newe which is created to the similitude and likenesse of god For thereby wee obteine both honour and glorie We both are and are called the seruaunts yea and the sonnes of oure Lord and God whose propertie and vertue shineth in vs to the glorie and praise of his holy name And as hée doth require good works at our hands so if we do them we on the one side do please and delight him and hee on the other doeth honour vs againe as may bee proued by many testimonies of the holy Scripture But the thing it selfe is so plaine
of his owne soule I will not be hired with giftes to loose my soule for the gaine of monie therevpon hee which before enticed thee doeth now turne himselfe to terrifie thee for because his gifts did faile to hire thee he beginneth to threaten vnto thee damage banishment woundes and death In suche a case now if greedinesse could not yet feare perhappes mighte cause thee to sinne The same Augustine againe in his booke De Sermone Domini in mōte sayeth Three thinges there bee by which sinne is accomplished suggestion delectation and consent Suggestion whether it bee wrought by the memorie or senses of the bodie as when we see heare smel tast or touch any thing Nowe if we be delighted to haue it that vnlawful delight must be restrained As for example when wee faste if at the sight of meate our appetite do arise it is not done without delectation but wee must not giue our consent to that delectation but suppresse it with the power of reason For if the consent bee giuen then is the sinne accomplished These three things are correspondent to the circumstances of the historie that is written in Genesis so that of the serpent was made that suggestiō in the carnall appetite as in Eua was the delectation and in reason as in Adam did the full consent appeare whiche being finished man is expelled as it were out of Paradise that is out of the blessed light of righteousnes into death and damnation Thus much sayeth Augustine touching the cause of sinne But héere we must especiallie note in the definition of actual sinne the verie propertie or difference whereby this action is discerned from all other actions and whereby the most proper note of sinne is made manifest This action therefore euen as all sinns else doe doth directly tende against Gods lawe But what the lawe of God is I haue in my former sermons at large declared Verilie it is none other but the verie wil of god Now the will of God is that man should be like vnto his image that is that hee should bée holie innocent and so consequently saued This will of his did God expresse first by the lawe of nature then by the lawe which hée writt in two tables of stone lastly by the preaching of the holie Gospell Nowe those thrée tend all to one end to witt that man should be holie innocent and so consequently saued And whatsoeuer things are done of men either in thought word or déed against that holy lawe of God they both are and are called actuall sinnes Therefore in the iudging or estéeming of mens sinnes the lawe of God must be onely looked vnto For the thinges that are not contrarie to Gods lawe are not sinnes Neither hath any man authoritie to make new lawes for the trāsgressing wherof men should bee counted sinners That glorie belongeth to God alone to whome Dauid crieth To thee alone haue I sinned and against thee haue I wrought wickednesse Neither is it any part of our office to take vppon vs by oure owne iudgementes to determine whiche be the smallest and which the greatest sinnes For which of vs would thinke that it were sinne to say to his brother Thou foole And yet the Lord in the Gospell pronounceth it to be a sinne who in the same Gospell also affirmeth that wée shal giue accompt for euery idle word at the latter day of Iudgement Verie rightly therfore sayeth Sainct Augustine in his second booke De Bapt. Contra Donatistas Capit. 6. In esteming of sinnes let vs not bring in deceiptfull balances wherein to weighe both what wee liste and as wee liste ▪ after our owne minde and phantasie ▪ saying This is heauie and that is light but let vs bring in the weights of Gods holie Scriptures as out of the secrete treasuries of the Lord and thereby let vs weighe what is heauie and what is light naye rather let not vs weigh them but acknowledge so accepte them as they are weighed by the Lord. And although this might séeme to be sufficient as that whiche hath sufficiently declared the nature of actuall sinne yet will wée more at large consider the sundrie sortes or kindes and differences of sinnes The Stoikes were of opinion that all sinnes were equall whome perhappes Iouinian followinge as the Patriarchs of heresies are by Tertullian said to bée Philosophers is written to haue affirmed the verie same with them as is extant in S. Augustines Catalogue of heretiques The holie Scripture teacheth vs that God is iust wherevppon we doe conclude that all sinnes therefore are not equall For wée sée that God as hée is a iust Iudge doeth punish some sinnes more sharpely than otherseme For in the Gospell the Lord sayeth Wo to you Scribes and Pharisers hypocrits which deuour widowes houses vnder the pretence of longe prayer therefore shal ye receiue the greater damnation And againe It shal be easier sayeth the Lord for the land of Sodom in the day of Iudgement than for the citie that reiecteth the preaching of the Gospell Likewise in the eleuenth of Matthewe hee sayeth It shal be easier for Tyre and Sidon in the day of Iudgement than for you To Pilate also hee said The man that deliuered mee to thee hath the more sinne Againe The seruaunt that knewe his maisters will and prepared not himselfe neither did according to his will shal be beaten with many stripes But hee that knewe not and did commit thinges worthie of stripes shal be beaten with fewe stripes To procéede nowe sinnes doe arise by steppes and increase by circumstances For first there is a hidden sinne conteined in the very affection or desire of man But I haue alreadie told you that affections and desires are of two sortes to witt naturall affections whiche are not repugnaunt to the lawe of God of whiche sort are the loue of children parentes and wife and the desire of meate drincke and sléepe although I know and doe not denie but that sometimes those affections are defiled with the originall spott Againe there are carnall desires or affections in men directly contrarie to the will of god Those affections are nourished and do increase by vaine thoughtes and carnall delightes increasing in thy bosome and at last they breake out into the sinne of the month yea and after that to the déede dooing or actuall sinne it selfe As for example Thou ●ustest after an other mans wife and ●ettlest the luste in the bottome of thy ●eart still delighting thée selfe with vaine cogitations while thou callest to minde her passing beautie and lineaments of bodie and doest by thy often and vehement imagination both delight and set thée selfe on sire And not being content herewithall alone thou ceassest not to lie at her whome thou louest with words and writings to spott her chastitie and if occasion serue thée thou doest by the déed doing defile her and also doest reiterate the sinne which thou hast once cōmitted and lastly laying aside the feare
Antonianus calleth such scismatiques who vsurpe vnto them the office of a bishop no man giuing it them And this kinde of calling is vnproperlie called a calling Wherefore it is euident that in the churche there must néedes bee a calling and that publique and lawfull aswell for many other causes as especially for these that the ordinaunce of God bée not neglected and that the discipline of the church be reteyned and that all men in the churche maye knowe who are preferred to the ecclesiasticall ministerie Albeit therefore Paule the Apostle and doctour of the Gentiles in the beginning were not sent of mē neither by men but of God onely yet the same Paule at the commaundement of the holy Ghoste is separated by the church of Antioch together with Barnabas to the ministerie of the Gentiles After the same manner many other were sent or called of god whom neuerthelesse it behoued to be ordeyned also by men For Paul in another place sayeth And no man taketh this honour vnto himselfe but hee that is called of God as was Aaron And againe How shal they heare without a preacher And how shall they preache except they be sent c. As cōcerning that second kinde of calling whiche is common and at this day receiued in the church and yet appointed by the Lord there are thrée thinges to be considered First who they be that cal that is who haue right and authoritie to call or to ordeine ministers Secondly who or what maner of men are to be ordeined Lastlie after what manner they that be called are to bee ordeyned And first of all that the Lord hath giuen to his church power and authoritie to elect and ordeine fit ministers wee haue declared before in the secōd sermon of this Decade by the example of the auncient churches in the world Hierusalem and Antioch of whiche two the church of Hierusalem did not only ordeine 7. deacons but also Matthias the Apostle the church of Antioche separated into the ministerie the famous Apostles of Christ Paule and Barnabas Whervnto apperteineth that the churches of the Gentiles béeing instructed of Paule Barnabas ordeined them elders or gouernours of their churches by election had by voyces The chiefest in this election were the pastours thēselues For Peter gouerning the action Matthias was created Apostle by the Church This forme or order the auncient churche diligently obserued many yeres For Cyprian epist. lib. 1. epist. 4. The common people sayeth he hath especially power either to choose worthie priestes or to refuse them that be vnworthie Which thing also we see to descend from the authoritie of God that the priest bee chosen in the presence of the common people before all mens eyes and bee allowed worthie and meete by publique iudgement and wittnesse As in Num. the Lord commaunded Moses and said Take Aaron thy brother and Eleazar his sonne and bring them vp into the mount before all the congregation God commaundeth the priest to bee ordeined before the whole congregation That is hee teacheth sheweth that the ordeinīg of priests ought not to bee done without the knowledge of the people being present that in their presence either the vices of the euill might bee discouered or the deserts of the good commended and that that is a iust and lawefull ordeyning whiche shal be examined by the election and iudgement of all Thus farre hée This custome and māner indured to the time of S. Augustine For it is to be séen in his 110. epist. which witnesseth that the people giuing a shoute Augustine ordeyned Eradius for his successour In these latter times because the people made often tumults in the elections of pastours the ordination was committed to chosen men of the pastours magistrats and people These thrée kinds of men propounded or named notable mē out of whom he whiche was thought the best was chosen There is somewhat of this In Iustiniani Imperat. Nouel Constitut 123. They which thinke that all power of ordeyning ministers is in the bishops diocesans or archbishops hands doe vse these places of the scripture For this cause I left thee in Creta sayeth Paul to Titus that thou shuldest ordeine elders in euery citie And againe Lay hands soudeinly on no man. But we saye that the Apostles did not exercise tyrannie in the churches and that they themselues alone did not execute all things about election or ordination other men in the church being excluded For the Apostles of Christ ordeined bishops or elders in the churche but not without communicating their counsel with the churches yea and not without hauing the consent and approbation of the people Which may appeare by the election or ordination of Matthias whiche wee haue nowe once or twice recited Truely the Lord in the Law said to Moses Thou shalt appoint thee Iudges But in another place he saith Thou shalt seeke out among all the people whom thou mayest make rulers And againe Moses vnto the same people Bring you men of wisedome vnderstanding I will make thē rulers ouer you c. Therefore as Moses doth nothing of his own will in the election of the magistrate though it were said to him Thou shalt appoint thee Iudges but doth althinges communicating his counsel with the people So vndoubtedly Titus though it were said vnto him Ordeine elders in euerie citie yet he vnderstood that hereby nothing was permitted to him which he might do priuately as he thought good not hauing the aduise and consent of the churches Wherefore they sinne not at all that shaking off the yoke tyrānie of the bishops of Rome for good and reasonable causes doe recouer that auncient right graunted by Christ to the churches Neither makes it any great matter whether discrete men chosen of the church or the whole church it selfe do ordeine fit ministers that either by voices either by lotts or after some certeine necessarie and holy māner For in these things godly men will not moue contention so that all things be done holily and in order But I wil not here rip vp the craftes deceipts practises and greuous warrs taken in hand for this right of ordeining with sheading of much bloud spoylings lamētable burnings of countries The histories of the Acts of Hērie the 4. and 5. and also of the affaires of the Frederiches doe most euidently witnes how impudētly abhominably the Popes of Rome with their sworne friendes the bishops haue behaued themselues Peraduenture I shall haue occasion to speake of this matter elsewhere more at large Now we will declare what maner of mē it behoueth to ordeine ministers truely not whose luste but the most choicest men of sound religion furnished with all kinde of sciences exercised in the scriptures cunning in the mysterie of faith and religion strong and constant earnest painefull diligent faithfull watchfull modest of a holy and approued conuersation least thorough their corruption of life
tasting of milke and honie and after baptisme an abstinence from bathing by a wéekes spaces In his first boke against Mart. hemaketh mentiō also of oyle Truly milk is méete for children vnto whom also they that be of perfect age being baptised are likened Beside this in the olde testament there is often mention made of the land of promise flowing with Milke and Honie Those thinges were first offered to be tasted of them that are baptised to giue thē to vnderstande that Christ Iesus being their capteine and hauing passed ouer Iordan they might by an infallible hope haue an inheritance in the lande of promise S. Hierome witnesseth that wine was mingled with milk saith Com. lib. 15. ad Isaiam The Lord prouoketh vs not onely to buy wine but milke also which signifieth the innocencie of infants which type and custome is euen vnto this day kepte in the weste churches to giue to thē that are borne a-new in Christ wine and milke At this day neither of them both is giuē to infants no not of them which will seeme to be zealous mainteiners of the olde ceremonies They beléeue in the meane while that their omitting of these ceremonies is without sinne and néedeth no satisfaction Nowe also we may gather out of the sixte booke of Augustine de Bap. contra Donat cap. 24. that they vsed diuers and what praiers thei thought good about baptisme The same August contra Pelag. Celest. lib. 2. cap. 40. saith In baptising of children they firste coniure and blow away all contrarie power Which also the infantes by the wordes of them that beare them doe aunswere that they renounce This ceremonie he mentioneth also Libro primo de Nupt. Concup ad Valer. cap. 20. libro 2. cap. 18. It is saide in the ecclesiasticall Decrees that the holy church through-out the whole world vsed that ceremonie Againe August In Epistola ad Bonifa 43. saith that the god-fathers doe aunswere for the faith of the children and confesse their faith We aske them saith he which offer the infants and say Beleeueth he in God who being of that age knoweth not whether there be á God or no They answere He beleeueth and so they aunswere vnto euery question which is asked The same Augustine in his booke de Trinitate 15. capi 26. maketh mention also of Oyle wherewith they that were baptised were annoynted Rabanus Maurus Bishop of Mentz a longe time following after Augustine reckoneth vp many more ceremonies of baptisme For he Libro de Institutione Cleri 1. cap. 27. saith They are marked in the forehead and heart with the crosse in baptisme that the diuell seeing that marke may knowe that that sheepe is not of his folde Also consecrated salte is put into the childes mouth that beeing seasoned with the salte of wisedome he may be free from the stinch of wickednesse and rotte no more with the wormes of sinne His eares and nosthrilles are touched with spittle saying the word Ephatha vsed of our Sauiour beeing therevnto added that by the vertue of Christ the high Priest his eares may be opened to receiue the knowledge of God and to heare the wil and commaundementes of god Then the childe is blessed and his breast annoynted with holy oyle that no reliques of the enimie may lurk and remaine in him After this in the name of the holie Trinitie he is baptised beeing dipped thrise in the water And in his 28. Chapter And beeing baptised he immediatlie is signed in the forehead with the Chrisme with a prayer together followinge that he may be made an inheritour of the kingdome of Christ and of Christ may bee called a Christian And in the 29. Chapter After Baptisme there is deliuered to the Christian a white garmente signifying purenesse and innnocencie Also for this cause were the baptised cloathed with white garments that they mighte nowe remember that they were set free and of seruauntes and bonde-slaues of the Diuell made the free-men of CHRIST IESVS Moreouer white couloure in times paste was consecrated to victoryes and triumphes Whereby it may seeme that the white garmente was therefore giuen to them that were baptised that they mighte bee mindefull that whiles they lyue here on earth they must continually fight and ouercome in Christe For the life of manne is a warrefare vppon earth And certeinely whereas offeringes also began to bee giuen to the baptised by the God-fathers that seemeth to haue bene borrowed from warrefare For by the offering or earneste whiche wee Switsers call Die yn bindeten he that is baptised is warned of his faithe giuen in baptisme alwayes to be mindeful what a Capteine hee forsooke and into what garrison he was entertayned wherein hee muste keepe his faith giuen to the new capteine Christe Many other thinges of this kinde which I find● among writers of this latter age I willingly passe ouer leaste I shoulde séeme to abuse your patience and gentlenesse And who perceiueth not yea that at this day other of this kinde innumerable new deuises are added to baptisme Therfore the safest and surest way is to builde vppon the firste foundations of the blessed Apostles For if antiquitie séeme to boulster vpp these last inuented ceremonies who dare denie that the authoritie of the Apostles doeth excell it manye wayes For the Apostles were before them all which haue lastly inuented and deliuered those manifolde ceremonyes to be vsed in Baptisme This also commeth in question Whether we ought to baptise with bare faire water or with consecrated water and why the Lorde commaunded to baptise with water S. Cyprian epist. lib. 1. epist. 12. sayth The water ought to bee cleansed and sanctified before of the priest to wash away the sinnes of the man that is baptised But the examples and testimonies of the holie Scripture doe more preuaile with me than the authoritie of Cyprian or any other man whatsoeuer it be This good man of God was also deceiued in another place aboute the mysterie of Baptisme so that we must read his writings with iudgement The Scripture telleth vs that Iohn Baptist and the Apostles and faithfull disciples of Christ baptised with water not consecrated For what can bee spoken or read more plaine than that Iohn baptised in Iordane Yea that Christe him selfe and his Apostles also baptised in the Riuer Iordane Where or howe did the Apostles consecrate the water of baptisme in the Actes of the Apostles Philip when the Eunuch shewed him water as they iourneyed he baptised him oute of that pure and cleare founteine Beside this I haue declared in the Sermon nexte going before how little purenesse is in common fourme of baptisme whereby the fonte is consecrated But if any man thincke that wee oughte to Baptise with consecrated or holie water and by consecrated doe neither vnderstande annoynted or prepared with crosses or sanctified with charmes but chosen to holie vses I woulde stande in contention with him neuer a whitt For the water of Baptisme in very
he might leaue off from béeing a clerke for that no man could well be bothe a monke and a clerke since the one is an impediment to the other Then liued they not of the common reuenues of the Church but of the trauel of their owne hands as the lay people do S. Hierome disputing of the originall of monkes in the life of Paulus hath thus written Among many it hath oftentimes been called into question who first beganne chiefly to dwell in the wildernes of the monkes Some fetching the matter somewhat farre off beginne to reckon from Helias the holy prophet and S. Iohn of whome Helias seemeth to vs to haue beene more than a monke and that S. Iohn began to prophecie before he was borne But others in which opinion the moste part of all people doe commonly agree affirme that saint Anthonie was the firste beginner of that order which in part is true For he was not onely the first but also the motioner of all others therevnto Amathas Macarius saint Anthonies scholars whereof the first buried his maisters bodie do nowe affirme that one Paulus Thebius was the first beginner of that way whiche thing we also confirme not only in name but also in opinion And anon hee addeth that Paulus forsaking the citie being thereto inforced for feare of torments vnder the persecuters Cecius and Valerianus departed into the wildernesse where he found a ●aue and lay hid therein vntil hee was founde out by S. Anthonie The Emperours Decius Valerianus gouerned the Empyre about the yeare of our Lord 260. but it is saide that S. Anthonie dyed when he was an hundred fiue yeres olde in the yeare of our Lord 360. S. Augustine in the 80. epistle to Hesychius who reporteth of his own time howe that he liued in the yeare of our Lorde foure hundreth and twentie but Eutropius and Beda reporte howe that he died in the yeare of our Lord foure hundreth and thirtie in the thirtie and one chapter of the maners of the catholique church reciting the manners and institutions of the monkes in his time reporteth suche thinges as are verie farre from the orders institutions of our Monkes now a dayes In the time of Iustinian the Emperour who made certeine lawes of Monkes and Monasteries there liued one Benet whom many of the Monkes nowe a dayes do call father whose life I will recite vnto you out of Trittenheymius who died aboue fiftie yeares since to the intent you may vnderstande what power and dignitie they obteyned in processe of time who at the beginning were contemned of none authoritie Benet Abbat of Cassina sayeth he first founder beginner and gouernour of the monkes in the West wroate in eloquent style and with graue iudgement the rule for monkes in one booke whiche beginneth Giue care O my sonneto my precepts c. and it conteineth thrée score and thirtéene Chapters He died in the yeare of our Lord 542. But Marianus Scotus supposeth that hée died in the yeare of our Lord 601. in the last yeare of the Emperour Maurice He writeth also of twentie orders of Monkes that were vnder Benets rule Of S. Benets order there haue béene eighttéene Popes in the Sea of Rome Cardinals aboue two hūdred Archebishops in diuerse Churches to the number of one thousand sixe hundred Bishops almost foure thousand Famous Abbats who excelled in life doctrine and writings fiftéene thousand seuen hundred Of suche as are Canonized fiftéene thousand sixe hundred And that I may not recite many other orders of monkes it is knowne that the mendicant Monkes and Friers beeing the faithful diligent valiaunt Romane champions of the Pope and the spirituall Monarchie were confirmed by Honorius about the yeare of our Lorde one thousand two hundred twentie and two Hereby I would declare nothing else but onely that all men shoulde vnderstande that Monkerie was deuised by mannes inuention not deliuered vnto the Churche of Christe by the Apostles and that at the firste it sémed to be tollerable but afterward became altogether intollerable Howe profitable it is to the common wealth experience it selfe teacheth And who so euer knoweth not that it is quite repugnant to true religion knoweth nothing They feigne that it is meritorius before God and the state of perfection But who séeth not how repugnant it is to Christes merite and to the sincere doctrine of the Gospell What godlinesse or necessitie is it that moueth vs after that we haue wholy betaken our selues to one God in baptisme to betake our selues also and to make our vowes to Sainctes and to binde our selues by religiō of an othe to the obseruing of their rules True religion forbiddeth vs to vowe our selues to Saintes or by any meanes to depende in way of religion vppon them True religion forbiddeth vs to choose vs any other Fathers or Maisters True religion forbiddeth vs to deuise new māners of worshippings or new religions or to receiue them that are deuised by others The example of Ieroboam and his fellows maketh vs affeard True religion forbiddèth vs to sweare by the names of other GODS Religion referreth vs to one GOD by faith and obedience Superstition breaketh this bande and admitteth creatures S. Paul to the Corinthians saith Euerie one of you sayeth I am Paules I am Apollos I am Cephaes and I am Christes Is Christ diuided was Paule crucified for you Or were you baptised in the name of Paule Beholde Christ is our redéemer and our maister The faith of Christe hath made vs one bodie By baptisme we are baptised into one body that we might be called Christians not Petrines or Paulines S. Paule would not suffer that Christians shoulde take their name of the Apostles how much lesse would he abide that at this day some shoulde bee called Benedictines some Franciscanes some Dominicanes We are the Lordes inheritance and possession it is not lawfull for vs to binde our selues to the seruice of men But who so binde themselues they teare in sunder the vnitie of Christes body they prophane the crosse and baptisme of Christ The Apostle sayeth playnly Is Christe diuided was Paule crucified for you or wer you baptised in the name of Paul And therefore although they be commonly called Spirituall persons yet are they nothing lesse than spirituall For the Apostle sayth When one of you sayeth I am Paules and I Apolloes are ye not carnall To what end is it after the receiuing of the gospel of Christe Iesus and the doctrine of the Apostles whiche conteyne and deliuer vnto vs all godlinesse to inuent newe rules For truely when they had once founde out certeine peculiar lawes and meanes of liuing they separated themselues from the common sorte of Christians in all outward maner of liuing in their behauiour and in all their apparell to the intent that by that meanes they might make euident to all men that they woulde liue a-part as it were from that common laye and imperfect Church to liue more holily perfectly and
morrowe therefore to adde the rest that is yet behinde Make ye your humble prayers vnto the Lord vppon your knées and then depart in peace ⸪ ¶ Of warre whether it be lawfull for a magistrate to make warre What the Scripture teacheth touching warre Whether a Christian man may beare the office of a magistrate And of the duetie of subiectes ¶ The ninth Sermon TO the right of the swoord which God hath giuen to the Magistrate doth warre belong For in my last Sermon I taught you that the vse of the sword in the magistrates hand is two fold or of two sortes For either hée punisheth offenders there with Or else repelleth the enimie that spoyleth or would spoile his people or cutteth off the rebellious purposes of his owne seditious citizens But many make a doubt whether it be lawful for a magistrate to make warre or no. And it is meruaile to sée them as blinde as bitells in a matter of it selfe as plaine as may bée For if the magistrate doth by Gods lawe punish offenders théeues and harmefull persons and that it maketh no matter whether they be few or many in number as I declared in my yesterdayes sermon euen by the same law may hée persecute repell and kill rebellious people seditious citizens and barbarous souldiers who vnder the pretence of warre do attempt that openly which théeues and robbers are wont to doe priuilie The Prophete I confesse did amonge other thinges prophecie of vs Christians and say They shall turne their swordes into spades and their iauelyns into sythes For Christians haue peace with all men and do altogether absteine from armour For euerie one doth that to an other which he would wish to haue done to himselfe But forbecause all are not so minded but that many vnrulie persons wicked théeues and oppressours of the poore do liue and dwel among honest and good meaning men as wilde beastes amonge harmelesse creatures therefore God from heanen hath giuen the sword into the magistrates hande to bée a defence for harmelesse people against vnrulie cut throates But wée reade not in any place that wée are forbidden to suppresse and kill wolues wilde boares beares and such other beastes that do annoy and pray vppon men or cattell What lett then should there bée whie wée should not by lawfull warre begunne in a good quarell repell the vniuste iniurie of violent robbers since theeues robbers barbarous souldiers and seditious citizens doe differ little or nothing from wilde beastes The Scripture verilie doth not vouchsafe to cal them by any other names than by the names of beastes Hereunto cōsenteth the common fense of nature and herewithall agréeth the doctrine of faith and religion If it be possible saith the Apostle as much as lyeth in you liue quietly with all men not reuēging your selues Sée here as much as lyeth in you saith ●ée and if it be possible Otherwise hée addeth immediatelie after The magistrate beareth not the sword in vaine Hée meaneth for them that trouble all thinges do annoy the men which doe desire to liue at peace And this is confirmed by the examples of the most holie and excellente men that haue beene in the world which haue taken warre in hand for the defence of their countrie and harmelesse countriemen as I haue alreadie declared out of S. Paules Epistle to the Hebrues when as in the exposition of the fift precept I shewed what honour euerie man doth owe to his countrie I will adde to these some reasons of S. Augustine vttered contra Faustum Manichaeum lib. 22. cap. 75. Neither let him saith hee meruaile or be astonied at the warres made by Moses for because euen in them too hee followed Gods commaundement not like a tyraunt but like an obedient seruaūt Neither did God rage with crueltie when hee commaunded those warres but iustlie payde home them that deserued it and terrified those that were worthie of it For what is blame worthie in warre Is it to be blamed that they do die which once must die that they which liue maye rule in peace To finde faulte with that is rather a cowardly touch than the part of a religious Christian Desire to hurt crueltie in reuenging an vnappeased stomach brutenesse in rebelling greedines to rule and whatsoeuer else is like to these are the thinges that in warre are worthie to be blamed by right of lawe to be sharpely punished Against the violence of iniurious enimies at the commaundement either of God himselfe or any other lawfull power euen good men are wont to take warre in hand since their state in the world is such that politique order doth iustlie binde the magistrate in such a case to commaunde it and the subiectes to obey it Otherwise Iohn when the souldiers came to him to bee baptized saying And what shall wee doe would haue aunsweared them and said Caste off your armour forsake your souldiours life strike wounde or kill no bodie But because he knew that while they did so as souldiers in the warre they were not manquellers but ministers of the lawe not reuengers of their owne iniuries but defenders of the common weale hee said vnto them Strike no man doe no man iniurie be content with your wages But because the Maniches haue of vse blasphemed or spoken against Iohn let them heare the Lord Iesus Christe himselfe commaunding to giue to Caesar that stipend which Iohn did say the souldier should be content withall Giue saith hee to Caesar that which is Caesars and to God the thinges that doe belong to god For to this ende is tribute paide that the souldier in the warre may haue his pay out of hand for his paine Verie well therefore when the Centurion said And I am a man set vnder power hauing souldiers vnder mee and I say to one goe and hee goeth and to an other come and hee commeth and to my seruaunt doe this and he doth it did the Lord commend his faith and not cōmaund him to forsake his souldiershippe Hetherto also apperteyneth that which followeth in the same 75. chapiter and 76. next after But I do of purpose willinglie beare somewhat with you not meaning by ouerlong rehearsing of too many sentences to bee tedious vnto you Thus hetherto I haue shewed you that it is lawful for the magistrate for to make warre Where by the way also wée gather that the subiectes doe lawfullie without any offence to God take armour to batteile when they take it in hand at the magistrates bidding But if the magistrates purpose bée to kill the guiltlesse I declared in my former sermōs that then his people ought not to obey his wicked commaundements Let the magistrate therefore haue an eye to himselfe that hée abuse not his lawfull authoritie And although the magistrate bée licensed to make warre for iuste and necessarie causes yet notwithstanding warre is a thing most full of perill and draweth with it selfe an endlesse troupe of mischiefous euills By warre the iust
iudgement of God doth plague the men whom his fatherly warning could neuer moue but amonge them many times too the guiltlesse féele the whip In warre for the most part souldiers misuse themselues and thereby incurre Gods heauie displeasure there is no euil in all the world that warre vpholdeth not By warre both scarcitie of euerie thinge and dearth doe arise For highe wayes are stopped corne vppon the grounde is troden downe and marrde whoale villages burnte prouision goeth to wracke handicrafts are vnoccupied merchandice doe ceasse and all doe perish both rich and poore The valiaunt stronge men are flame in the batteile the cowardly sorte runne away for their lyues to hide their heads reseruinge themselues to be tormēted with more exquisite and terrible kindes of cruell punishmentes For wicked knaues are promoted to dignitie and beare the sway which abuse mankinde like sauage beastes Hands are wroūge on euery side widowes and children crie out and lament the wealth that hath beene carefullie gathered to helpe in want to come is spoyled and stolne away cities are raced virgins and vnmariageable maydēs are shamefully deflowred all honestie is vtterlie violated old men are handled vnreuerētly lawes are not exercised religion and learning are nothing set by godlesse knaues and cut threats haue the dominion and therefore in the scriptures warre is called the scourge of god For with warre he plagueth incurable idolatrers and those which stubbornely contemne his word for that was the cause why the citie of Ie●usalem with the whole nation of the Iewes was vtterly destroyed Because they knew not the day of their visitation as the Lord in the Gospel saith but wente on to kill the Lords Apostles bringing on vppon their owne neckes the shedding of all the bloud from the righteous Abell vnto Zacharias For murder idolatrie incest and detestable riot wée read that the Chananites were raced out and cutte off The Moabites as Esai witnesseth were quite ouerthrowen for crueltie inhumanitie and cōtempt of the poore The men of Niniuie did by warre vniustly vexe other nations making hauocke of all to fil their gréedie desire and therefore saith the Prophete Nahum other men measured to them with the same measure that they had measured to other before Micheas in his sixt chapiter affirmeth flatly that God sendeth warre vpon vniuste men for their couetousnes false deceipt In Ieremie arrogancie and pride in Esaie riot and dronkēnesse are said to be the causes of warre but the euill and miserie that warre bringeth with it sticketh so faste to common weales and kingdoms wher it once hath hold that it cannot be remoued taken away or shaken off at our wil and pleasure by any worldly wisedome by any league makinges with any wealth by any fortifications by any power or manhoode as it is to be seene in the Prophet Abdias Our sincere tourning to God alone is the onely waye to remedie it as Ieremie testifieth in his fifte Chapiter Nowe this turning to the Lord consisteth in frée acknowledginge and francke confession of our sinnes in true fayth for remission of sinnes through the grace of God and merite of Christ Iesus Secōdarilie it consisteth in hatred and renoūcing of al vnrighteousnesse in loue of iustice innocēcie charitie al other vertues and laste of all in earneste prayers and continuall supplications Againe thou mayste see perhappes that some by warre haue no smal commoditie profite and vnestimable riches with verie little losse or no dammage at all Such was the warre which the Israelites had with the Chanaanites vnder their Capitaine Iosue But I would not that gaping after gayne should drawe any man from right and equitie And many times the magistrates suppose that their quarell is good and that of right they oughte to make warre on others and punish offenders when as notwithstandinge the righteous God by that occasion draweth them on into perill that their sinnes may bée punished by the men in whom they did purpose to haue punished some gréeuous crime Wée haue euidente examples hereof in the Scriptures The eleuen tribes of Israel in a good quarel made warre on the Beniamites purposing to reuenge the detestable crime that a few wicked knaues had horriblie committed wherein the whoale tribe bare them oute and vphelde them beinge parteners thereby of their heynous offence But twice the Israelites were put to the woorse and the wicked Beniamites had the vpper hand in the battaile In the time of Heli the Israelites minded to driue the tyrannous rule of the idolatrous Philistines out of their countrie but they are slaine the Arcke of God is taken and caried into the cities of their idolatrous enimies Likewise that excellente Prince Iosias is ouerthrowne and slaine by the Chaldeis because the Lord had purposed to punish bring euil vppon the whoale people of Israell which hée would not haue so holie a Prince his seruaunt to see with his eyes to his sorrow and griefe Wherby wée haue to gather that the trueth of religion is not to be estéemed by the victorie or ouerthrowe of any people so that that religion should bee true and right whose fauourers haue the vpper hand and that againe be false and vntrue whose professours and mainteyners are put to the worse For wée must distinguish betwixt religion and the men or personnes that keepe that religion which do for other causes suffer the Lords visitation But all this admonisheth vs that the magistrate hath néede of the great feare of God before his eyes both in making and repelling warres leaste while hée goeth aboute to auoyde the smoulthering coasepitte hée happ to fall into the scalding lyme kill or least while hée supposeth to ease his shoulders of one euill hée doth by the way whereby hée soughte ease heape vppe either more or farre greater euills Princes therefore must precisely looke into and throughly examine the causes of warres before they beginne or take them in hand The causes are many and of many sortes but the chiefe are these that followe For either the magistrate is compelled to sende ayde and rayse the siege of his enimie which doth enuironne the garrisons that hée hath appointed for the defence of some of his cities because it were an offence and parte of parricide to forsake and giue ouer against oathe and honestie his cities and garrisons that are in extremitie Or else the magistrate of duetie is compelled to make warre vppon men which are incurable whom the verie iudgemente of the Lord condemneth and biddeth to kill without pittie or mercie Such were the warres as Moses had with the Madianites and Iosue with the Amalechites Of that sorte are the warres wherein such men are oppressed as of inuincible malice will both perish themselues and drawe other to destruction as well as themselues with those also which reiecting all iustice and equitie doe stubbornly go on to persist in their naughtinesse Such were the Beniamites which were destroyed by sword and fire of the other eleuen
the benefite of Christes sanctification not that by her selfe while she is in the flesh she is without spot but for that those spots in déede otherwise cleauing vnto her through the innocencie of Christ to those that imbrace Christe by faith are not imputed sinally for that the selfe same church in the world to come shall be without spot or wrinckle For hauing put off the fleshe cast off all miseries it shal at length be brought to passe that she shall want nothing Besides this it is saide that the church is without spot because of the continuall studie of the church wherby she laboureth and traueileth by all meanes that as farre as it is possible she may haue as fewe spottes as maye be And by that meanes and chiefly by the benefite of imputation the church erreth not but is moste pure and without sinne Moreouer as touching doctrine and faith the church of Christ doth not erre For it heareth the voice of the shepeherd only but the voice of straungers she knoweth not for she followeth her onely shepheard Christ saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shal not walk in darknesse but shall haue the light of life Paule also to Timothie saith These thinges hitherto haue I writtē vnto thee that thou maist know how thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in the house of God whiche is the Church of the liuing God the piller and grounde of trueth But the Churche is the piller and ground of truth for that being stablished vppon the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles Christe him selfe which is the euerlasting truth of God the only strength of the church receiueth this by fellowship which it hath with him that she also mighte be the piller and foundation of the truth For the truth of God is in the church and the same throgh the ministerie of the church is spread abroade and being assaulted and warred againste by the enimies abiding sure is not ouercome so farfoorth as being made one body with Christe she doth perseuere in the fellowship of Christe without whome she can do nothing Againe the same church doth erre in doctrine and faith as oftēn as she turning from Christ and his word goeth after men and the counsels and decrées of the flesh For she forsaketh that thing that hath hitherto stayd that she erred not which is the word of God and Christ I thinke no man will denie that the greate congregation of the people of Israell in the desert was an excellent Churche of God with the whiche the Lord made a couenaunt and bounde him selfe vnto it by Sacraments and ordinances And yet howe shamefully she erred whilest neglecting Gods word Aaron the high priest of religiō not cōstantly earnestly resisting she both made a molten calfe worshipped it as a God no man is ignorant Where also surely it shal be necessary more diligētly to looke into and mark the whole number of the church For many in the church erring it foloweth not that none at all is frée from error For as in the churche of Israell the Lord reserued a rēnant to him selfe I meane Moses Iosua vndoubtedly many moe as wel in the cōgregatiō as else-where without whiche did neuer worship the calfe so there is no doubt althoughe there doe manye erre in the Church but that the Lord through his mercie doeth preserue to himselfe a certeine number who both vnderstād a-right and by whose faithfull diligence errours are destroyed and the wandering flocke of the Lord brought backe againe into the holy fould The Church therfore is said to erre when a parte of it hauing loste Gods word doeth erre and the same erreth not wholie and altogether forasmuch as certeine remnauntes through the grace of God are reserued by whome the trueth maye flourishe againe and may againe be spred abroad in euery place S. Paule called the Churches of the Corinthians and Galathians The holie churches of God yet these erred greatly in doctrine in faith and in manners And yet who doubteth that there were many amonge them who were most sincere followers of the pure doctrine preached by Sainct Paule That holy Church therefore erred so farre forth as it cōtinued not stedfastly in true doctrine and it erred not so farre foorth as it departed not from the truth deliuered by the Apostles From hence it plainly appeareth to the whole world that those are most vaine lyars which commend vnto vs Churches not builded vppon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles but vppon the decrées of men which they shame not to commend vnto vs for most true Churches and such as cannot erre Dauid cryeth out Onely God is true and euery man a lyar Ieremie also cryeth They haue reiected the woord of the Lord and what wisedome is in them Therfore those Churches doe erre neither bee they the true Churches of god The true Church groundeth vppon Christ Iesus and is gouerned by his woorde onelye Vnto this treatise of the woord of God which is the onely rule whereby all thinges are done in the Church the disputation of the power of the church of God in earth of the studies thereof which also are directed according to the word of God is verie like But before I wil bring forth my iudgement that is to say the iudgement deliuered by the Scriptures I will briefly rehearse the summe of those things whiche the Papistes haue lefte in writing concerning this matter and doe vndoubtedly mainteine for sounde doctrine Iohn Gerson not much amisse vnlesse he haue an ill interpreter hath defined Ecclesiasticall authoritie to be a power supernaturally and spiritually giuen of the Lord to his disciples and to their lawefull successours vnto the ende of the world for the edification of the Church Militant according to the lawes of the Gospell for the obteyning of eternall felicitie But Peter de Aliaco the Cardinal sayth that this authoritie is sixe-fould to witt of consecration of administring the sacraments of appointing ministers of the Church of preaching of iudiciall correction and receyuing thinges necessarie vnto this life They call that the power of consecration whereby a priest being rightly ordered maye consecrate the body bloud of Christ on the altar This power they say was giuē to the disciples of the Lord by these words Doe this in the remēbraunce of mee But vnto the priestes in these dayes they thinke it to be giuen of the bishop giuing with the bread the chalice and saying Receiue ye power to offer vp to consecrate Christes bodie both for the quicke and the dead This moreouer they call the power of orders and a marke or character that cānot be wyped out The power of administring the sacraments chiefly of the sacrament of Penance they call the power of the keyes The keyes they make of two sortes The keyes of knowledge that is to say the authoritie of knowledge in the cause of a sinner makinge
his confession and the keyes of giuing of sentence iudgement or of opening shutting vpp of heauen of forgiuing or reteyning of sinnes They say that this power was promised to Peter in Matthew the Lord saying Vnto thee wil I giue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen but that it was giuen to all the disciples in Iohn Christe saying Whose sinnes soeuer ye forgiue they are forgiuē to thē And in these dayes is giuen to the priests by the bishop in their consecration laying their hands on the priests at the giuing of them their orders sayinge Receiue ye the holy Ghost whose sinns soeuer ye forgiue they are forgiuen them They call the power of placing ministers of the Church Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction to consist in a certeine prelacie and the fulnesse of it to rest onely in the Pope hauing respecte to the whole vniuersall Church For it belongeth onelie to the Pope to appoint rulers and prelats in the Ecclesiastical Hierarchie because it was said to him Feede my sheepe Moreouer they say that all iurisdiction ecclesiasticall doth come from the Pope to inferiour rulers either mediatlie or immediatlie in which thinges authoritie is limitted at his pleasure that hath the fulnesse of power For a bishop hath authoritie onelie in his di●cese and a curate in his parish c. Power of Apostleship or preaching the word of God they call the authoritie of preaching which the Lord had giuen to his disciples saying Go ye into all the world preaching the gospel to all creatures But doctours in these dayes affirme y none ought to be sent out to preach but onely by Peter that is his successour mediatly or immediatly c. They say that the power of iudiciall correction was giuen to Peter by God to whome he said If thy brother shall offend or trespasse against thee c. For the words of the Lord are knowen wel enough in S. Matth. cap. 18. They say therfore that God gaue authoritie vnto priestes not onely of excōmunicating but also of determining iudging and establishing commandements lawes and canons because in that place it is said Whatsoeuer ye bind vppon earth it shal be bound in heauen To conclude they saye that the power and authoritie to receiue thinges necessarie for this life in reward of their spirituall labours was giuen by these woordes of the Lord Eatinge and drincking suche as they haue These thinges do these men teach concerning Ecclesiasticall power not onelie foolishlie but also falslie Of the power of consecration sacrificing howe vaine and foolish it is wee haue oftentimes said in other places and perhaps will say more if God graūt life in conuenient place and time Of the power of the keyes we wil dispute God willing about the end of the next sermon And something we brought when we disputed of penance auricular confession But they are foolish shameles trifles which they babble of ecclesiasticall iurisdiction of the fulnesse of the high power that is to saye of the bishop of Rome whiche I doubt not are knowen well enough to the whole world longe agoe and of that matter there shall follow hereafter some arguments for the confutation therof in these our sermōs Wheras they vsurpe vnto themselues the office of teaching and crie out that no man can lawfullie preach but such as are ordeined by them they thereby séeke the ouerthrowe of Gods word the defence assertion of their owne errors whiche shall also be intreated of in his due place The power of excommunicating they haue so filthilie shamefullie abused that the Church through their negligence and wicked presūption hath not only lost true discipline but also excommunication it selfe hath béene a great many yeares nought else with the bishops of Rome but fire sword wherewith they first raged against the true professours of Gods word and persecuted the innocent worshippers of Christ Moreouer that there is no power giuen of God to the ministers of the Church to make new lawes we wil shew in place cōuenient The authoritie and power to receiue wherewith to liue haue they put in execution to the vttermost but in recompence of their temporall haruest they haue not soawen spirituall thinges but rather being a sléepe they haue suffered him that is oure enimie to soaw cockle in the lords field and that not by any other but by their owne meanes For haue not they not being contented with thinges necessarie for this life vnder that colour subtilely inuaded kingdomes and most shamefully cruelly possessed them Wherfore he that seeth not that ecclesiastical authoritie as it is by these men affirmed and also by them put in practise is but a méere tyrannie ouer simple soules it is plaine hee séeth nothing at all Wée wil nowe herevnto ioyne a true simple plaine manifest doctrine concerning ecclesiasticall iurisdiction Power is defined to be a right which men haue to doe some thing by It is called in Gréeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wherof the first word signifieth right and power the second abilitie to execute power or authoritie For oftentimes it commeth to passe that a man shall haue authoritie to doe a thinge but is destitute of abilitie to performe it But God can do both and hath giuen them both vnto the Apostles against those the were possessed with diuels as Luke witnesseth saying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hee gaue them power and authoritie ouer all diuels c. And there is also one sort of power whiche is free and absolute an other sort of power whiche is limitted whiche is also called ministeriall Absolute power is that which is altogether frée and is neither gouerned or restreyned by the lawe or will of any other Of which sort is the power of Christ which he speaketh of in the Gospell saying All power is giuen vnto me in heauen in earth goe therefore and teache all nations baptising them c. Hee speaking againe of this power in the Reuelation shewed vnto S. Iohn the Apostle sayeth Feare not I am the first the last and I am aliue but was dead and behold I am aliue for euermore And I haue the keyes of hell and of death And againe These thinges sayeth he that is holie and true which hath the keye of Dauid whiche openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth no man openeth The power whiche is limitted is not frée but subiecte to an absolute or greater power of another whiche cannot of it selfe doe euerye thinge but that onelye that the absolute absolute power or greater authoritie doth suffer to be done and suffereth it vnder certeine conditions Of whiche sort surely is the Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction and which may rightly be called the ministeriall power For the Church of God vseth her authoritie committed vnto her for this purpose by her ministers S. Augustine acknowledging this distinction speaking of Baptisme in his fifte treatise vppon Iohn sayeth