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A64974 A warning given to secure sinners to prepare for judgement, to flee from wrath to come, and turn from all sin but especially the sin which does most easily beset them / by Nathanael Vincent ... Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697. 1688 (1688) Wing V424; ESTC R5754 48,160 81

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A WARNING GIVEN TO Secure Sinners TO Prepare for Judgment TO Flee from Wrath to Come AND Turn from All Sin BUT Especially the Sin which does most easily beset them By NATHANAEL VINCENT M. A. Minister of the Gospel Ezek. 33. 7. O Son of Man I have set thee a Watchman unto the house of Israel therefore thou shalt hear the Word at my Mouth and warn them from Me. LICENSED March 17th 1688. LONDON Printed by J. Astwood for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and three Crowns at the lower end of Cheap-side near Mercers-Chappel 1688. THE Epistle to the READER Reader WHen I Preached these following Sermons I had not the least thought of Publishing them They were taken from my Mouth by a dexterous and nimble hand that wrote almost every Word I utter'd I was very much sollicited to Print them and the Notes being written out fair and brought to me I have look'd them over and now they are presented to thee with a sincere Design that they may be beneficial to thee and not without Hope they will be so The Subjects here handled are awakening and in this secure Age what need is there of startling Sermons At this day in England there is work enough for many a Boanerges for ten thousand Sons of Thunder The guilt and defilement of Sin proves it to be Mans greatest Enemy but because it stupifies and hardens those that have been guilty of it it is likely the more effectually to destroy them for the Disease not being felt the Remedy is neglected A spiritual Lethargy is the general Distemper most continue fast asleep in Sin till Hell wakes them but then it is too late Though Christ has the Key of Hell that Saviour releases none that once are thrown into it Miserable World because it lies in Wickedness more miserable because it apprehends not how miserable its Wickedness has made it because it fears not it endeavours not to escape Eternal Misery Oh dreadful Day of God that 's coming when all Apostate Angels that are now in Chains of Darkness shall be brought forth and judged and dealt with as the Enemtes of God and Man These Principalities and Powers will be overpowr'd and utterly unable to avoid the severity of their Righteous and Almighty Judge How much evil have they done and still they are doing more of what Woe and Torment are they capable And all those of the Children of Men who have been led Captive by Satan at his Pleasure that have resolved rather to be destroyed themselves than that the works of the Devil should be destroyed in them 't is just that they should but how sad will it be for them to share in Torment with him Sin will have a very bad end all that are gone into another World are sensible of it though few in this World perceive it When the Servants of Sin have received their Wages which is Death then they will know to their sorrow what kind of Master they have served and what Pains they foolishly took for that Misery which they should have taken Pains to have prevented Reader Be wise believe and fear and take the Watchman's Warning The Sword in the Hand of the living Eternal God will give a dreadful and a deadly Blow to fall under his Vengeance will be fearful and thy Blood lying upon thy own Head it will lye very heavy and upon this will follow everlasting heavines and anguish Oh fear the Wrath to come before 't is come and fly from Sin nnd come to God by Jesus Christ a Saviour both from Sin and Wrath and a Saviour to the uttermost Better Counsel than this cannot be taken by thy self or given by any to thee N. V. ROM XIV 10. latter part We shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ I Have been lately Discoursing concerning Conversion The Digression I make this day is subservient to my great Design which is the Conversion and Salvation of this Assembly It infinitely concerns you all to turn to God for quickly you will have a Summons to come unto his Bar and how soon that Summons may be given who can tell Those that least think on 't and least care to be provided and ready for it perhaps may have it soonest and if the Converts themselves as the Scripture tells us are scarcely saved Oh where shall the Unconverted and the Sinner appear I wish that I may Preach and you may Hear as those who do really believe we shall all stand before the Judgment seat of Christ The Apostle in these words speaks enough one would think to startle the most stupid Conscience to make the most secure like Felix to tremble to awaken even those that are dead in Sins and Trespasses Let me tell you the Devils themselves are none of them Atheists and Infidels they all believe this Text and the thoughts of Judgment make them tremble therefore if any Sinner remains fearless and unsensible he does in this respect out sin the very Apostate Angels There are three things observable in the Words 1. Here is a Judgment Seat the most glorious that ever was the last that ever will be from this Tribunal there can be no Appeal unto any other the Sentence whether of Absolution or Condemnation that will here be pass't will never be revers'd but stand firm unto Eternity 2. You are told who is to be the Judge he is the Lord Jesus Christ We read of a twofold Appearing of Christ his first and his second Appearing He came at first in the form of a Servant he was to be made Sin and he was made Sin and a Curse for us He gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity and if he had given other and less than himself it would not have satisfied The Churches Sins could be done away by no lower a Priest than Christ the greatest and highest of all and the Priest was sain himself to be and that a most voluntary Sacrifice He appear'd at first to put away sin by the Sacrifice of himself but when he comes the second time to Judge the World he will appear after another kind of manner From the beginning of the World there hath not been such a sight as there will be at the end of it The Lord Jesus will come with a Power which none can withstand with great Glory which will fill the Saints with Joy for they shall appear in glory with him but will be exceedingly amazing and confounding to all those who were the Enemies of his Kingdom 3. Here are the Persons that are to stand before this Judge if you ask Who are they I Answer by another Question Who or where are the Persons that shall be exempted All from the beginning of the World to the end of it All from the first Man that was made unto the last of his Posterity that shall be born must stand before Christ the Lord that from his Mouth they may receive their final and eternal Doom There is
a great difference between standing before the Judgment Seat and standing in Judgment the former implies being made to appear at the Tribunal the latter implies being Acquitted there The Psalmist tells us That the ungodly shall not stand in the Judgment nor Sinners in the Congregation of the Righteous Psal 1. 5. yet all of these shall be forced to appear at the Bar of God there they shall stand trembling expecting the terrible Sentence of Condemnation And Oh what a hideous Out-cry will the whole multitude of Wicked and Reprobate Ones make when without hope of Mercy they are adjudged to endless Misery Doct. The Doctrine I raise from the Words is this All shall be Judged by Christ at the great Day As certainly as you are all here so certainly at that day you shall appear at his Judgment Seat. Death is not more certain nay 't is not so certain as Judgment The Apostle tells us that all shall not Dye for some shall be Changed but even these that are changed though they scape the Grave they shall stand at the Tribunal and give account of themselves unto God. This Doctrine concerning Judgment was Preached early in the World we find 't was Published before the Flood of Noah as you may see Jude v. 14 15. where you have the summe of a Sermon but a very terrible one Preached by Enoch the seventh from Adam Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints to execute Judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all the hard speeches which ungodly Sinners have spoken against him Under the Mosaical Dispensation the Children of Israel heard the same Doctrine That great Prince and Preacher Solomon thus concludes his Book of Ecclesiastes having displayed the Creatures Vanity having taught Man his Interest and Duty To fear God and to keep his commandments he closes with these words Chap. 12. ult God will bring every work into Judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil And how plainly does the Apostle Paul speak to the same purpose 2 Cor. 5. 10 11. For we must all appear before the Judgment-seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad knowing therefore the terrour of the Lord we perswade Men. In the handling of this Doctrine this is the Method I shall observe First I shall Discourse concerning Him that is to be the Judge Secondly I shall speak concerning the Persons that are to be judged Thirdly Concerning the things that shall be brought into Judgment Fourthly I shall demonstrate the Certainty of this Judgmont And then in the last Place make Application In the first Place I am to Discourse concerning the Judge and the Text plainly tells us that the Judge is Christ The Father I grant is said to judge 1 Pet. 1. 17. If ye call on the Father who without respect of persons judgeth according to every mans work pass the time of your sojourning here in fear Yet it is said in another place The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment to the Son Joh. 5. 22. How shall these Scriptures be reconciled The reconciliation is easie thus the Father judges because the Authority of Judging belongs to him because he does Consent unto the Sons Judgment and has ordained him to Judge the World in Righteousness the truth is the Father Judges all but 't is mediately by Jesus Christ And yet in another sense the Father judges not because Christ the Son the second Person in the Godhead alone was incarnate and manifested in the Flesh and He alone will visibly Judge the World at the great approaching Day These four things may be observed concerning Christ the Judge He is a Saviour to the uttermost He is the Only Saviour He is Lord of all And as such a Lord he will come with a most glorious Attendance 1. Christ the Judge is a Saviour to the uttermost and really at the Judgment-day he will compleat the Churches Salvation he began it here in this World and still is carrying it on but the last day will be the day in which he will put his last Hand to this Work and make it perfect Heb. 9. 28. Christ was once offered up to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin to Salvation then Salvation shall be consummate the whole of it shall be wrought nothing of Sin or the sad effects of it shall remain nothing that shall cause the least frown in the Face of God to eternity Death will be swallowed up in Victory the whole Man will be glorious and immortal Christ will then have compleated his whole Design upon all his Saints and Members he will have made them as holy and happy as he did intend to make them he will indeed present his Church a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but it shall be all holy and its Beauty without the least blemish Eph. 5. 27. 2. Christ the Judge is the Only Saviour therefore those that are Condemn'd by Him 't is in vain for them to expect Salvation from any other Christ is the only Foundation-stone on which all that build shall stand other Builders are foolish and build upon the sand and what they build will fall and great will be the fall of it They that are not intersted in the Lord Jesus by Faith that are not Justified by his Blood who besides can save them from Wrath those whose Iniquities are not done away by his offering up of himself without spot to God there can be found no other Sacrifice for their sins but a certain fearful looking for of Judgment and fiery indignation that shall devour the Adversaries And how dreadful will it be to be Sentenced to Death and Damnation by the only Author of Salvation and Life they that by his Mouth shall be doom'd to eternal Destruction that Destruction will be made ten thousand times the sorer by eternal Desperation Alas what Hope can be left when the Lamb of God who alone can take away Sin shall be so full of Wrath as for ever reject and cast away the Sinner 3. Christ the Judge is Lord of all this is a truth that the Tongue of an Angel did Proclaim Luk. 2. 11. a truth that every Tongue should confess Phil. 2. 11. that every Heart ought to believe and which the most unbelieving and obstinate at last shall be made to know Christ hath on his Vesture and on his Thigh this Name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19. 16. He has all Power in his hand things in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth are subject to him Those that are wise do willingly how before him and they who will not bow he can easily break and dash them to
are sanctified both in Soul and Body therefore in Body and Soul they shall be gloryfied The dead shall rise again all that are in the Graves shall hear the Voice of Christ and shall come forth they that have done good to the resurrection of Life they that have done evil to the resurrection of Damnation Joh. 5. 28 29. The Grave is only a prison for a time not a Body that is there that shall lye there always the same Body that was employed in the unfruitful works of darkness shall be raised by the Power of the righteous Judge to share in the demerited Punishment And the same Body of the Saints the Members of which were used as Instruments of Righteousness unto Holiness by Vertue of its Union with Christ shall rise again and be made like unto Christs glorious body according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself Phil. 3. 21. It is not another Body I grant that qualities are alter'd but the substance is the same therefore the Apostle does not stick to say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This corruptible shall put on incorruption this mortal shall put on immortality so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written Death is swallowed up in Victory 1 Cor. 15. 53 54. 4. Will there be a Judgment 't is wonderful there should be so much security in them that hear of it Really the very mentioning of Christs Tribunal before which all must stand should make all Criminals to tremble If a Man were seized for a Crime that 's capital deserving Death by the Law of God and Man and being in Bolts and Fetters in Newgate he should be secure and unconcerned though the Sessious were at hand you would conclude him to be very stupid and inconsiderate What Sinner secure and shortly to be Judged O Drunkard Whoremonger Swearer Sabbath-breaker Covetous Worldling what secure and speedily to appear at the Judgment-seat of Christ who has said That they that do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God! Sin is folly security in Sin is the folly of that folly Take heed of Security 't is not I only but Christ himself also that gives you this necessary caution Luk 21. 34 35 36. And take heed to your selves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkeness and the cares of this life and so that day come upon you unawares for as a share shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth Watch ye therefore and Pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all those things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man. VSE II. By way of Counsel Two words of Counsel I would give this Congregation The one is more firmly to believe a Judgment and more frequently to think of it The other is Be sure in time to prepare for eternal Judgment 1. More firmly believe more frequently think of Judgment You have reason to believe it for the Judge is ordained and though neither Men nor Angels know the day yet the day is appointed Act. 17. 30 31. The time of this ignorance God winked at but now commands all men every where to repent because he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the World in righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained whereof he hath given assurance unto all in that he hath raised him from the dead The stronger your assent is unto this the more serious and often will be your Consideration of it To think of Judgment is proper for a Saint that he may be encouraged to fight the good fight of Faith and persevere in well doing to the end To think of Judgment is proper for a Wicked Man to awaken him and to make him with fear and trembling to work out his Salvation It 's proper for an Hypocrite to think of Judgment because then all Masks and Vizours will be pull'd off all shews will be at an end and naked Truth will appear at that day The Graves will be open'd and do ye think the whited painted Sepulchers will remain shut Oh! then all the concealed Pride and Filthiness and Selfishness and Sensuality and Injustice and earthliness of Professors will with all their aggravations be brought to light before Men and Angels Oh how many demure and serious Countenances that have been a covering to naughty Hearts will then be filled with Confusion 'T is proper for the Old to think of Judgment they have one foot in the Grave already and quickly the whole body must drop into it and the Spirit must return to God who gave it You also that are Young should think of Judgment have the youngest of yoa any assurance of your Lives Infants Children Youths do not many of them dye and step into Eternity and as you see them leave the World so certainly they appear before God and one way or other have their Doom Solomon tells you that Childhood and Youth are Vanity Would you that are Young be serious the Meditation of Judgment would conduce much to it Eccles 11. 9. Rejoyce O young Man in thy Youth and let thy heart chear thee in the days of thy Youth and walk in the wayes of thy heart and in the sight of thine eyes He says Rejoyce but speaks Ironically and means the quite contrary thoa hast no reason at all to rejoyce whilst thou walkest that are seen and whilst thou walkest in those evil ways which thy Heart naturally does like Then the Wise man speaks seriously But know thou that for all these things God will bring thee to Judgment If you ask me What are the Benefits that will accrue by a firm Belief and frequent Meditation of Judgment I thus Answer to this momentous Question 1. This will be a great Preservative against Temptation Look beyond the present advantage and delight that Sin boasts of and see as far as the Judgment-seat this is the way to silence the Tempter and to avoid his share Would the Lyar dare to speak falily if he considered that all Lyars shall be adjudged to the lake that burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death Rev. 21. 8. Would the Unclean Person dare to desile himself and run to the Harlots house if he did but believe and consider that it boremangers and Adulterers God will judge Improve Christs Cross and think of Christs Tribunal and this will cool and kill Corruptions and take away the force of your Temptations 2. The Belief and Meditation of Judgment will cause you to use this World as not abusing it to make a good improvement of it You that have this World in great abundance and have the clearest and largest Estates do you think you are Proprietors of what you have Do you think 't is given or only lent you for a
pieces A mighty Lord Christ is at whose Command Death shall deliver again all that for so many years he had imprisoned in the Grave he has indeed the Key of Death and Hell too Rev. 1. 18. both are under his Power at his Command also the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the works therein shall be burnt up There is no dealing with this Judge by way of resistance it concerns us all to be diligent that we may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless 2 Pet. 3. 10 14. 4. Christ the Judge will come with a most glorious Attendance How awakening to the World will the Voice of the Arch-Angel and the Trump of God be Christ will appear with a light far above the brightness of the Sun not a Member of his but shall shine like that glorious Luminary Mat. 13. 43. Then shall the righteous shine as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father And what a spectacle will all the Saints together be as so many millions of Suns shining at Once and their Lord in the heighth of Glory at the head of them He will be revealed also with his mighty Angels these excellent Spirits at his Command ministred unto his Members on Earth and they will wait upon the Head at the day of his appearing and his Kingdom There is much Work for the Angels to do at the Worlds end they are compared to Reapers that are safely to gather the Wheat and to bind the Tares in bundles for the fire Mat. 13. 41 42. The Son of Man shall send forth his Angels and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth The greatest Train of Nobility and Courtiers that attend at the Coronation of the highest Emperour on Earth are but a poor shew to an innumerable Company of Angels for all in Heaven will be with Christ at Judgment to do him honour who is indeed the Head of all Principality and Power Thus of the Judge In the second Place I am to speak of the Persons that are to be judged The Text takes in All therefore none shall be exempted and none in a vain and foolish imagination should exempt themselves It will be a general Assize at which all the Sons and Daughters of Adam shall appear 1. The highest and greatest of Men will be brought to Judgment Death makes bold with them as well as others and enters the stateliest Palaces the strongest Forts as well as the Cottages of the meanest The Rulers and Conquerors of the World that caused Terror in the land of the living yet they are made to bear the shame of their Weakness and Mortality they are brought down to the Pit their Swords are laid under their Heads their Hands being able to hold them no longer Ezek. 32. 27. And if Death is not afraid to seize them surely Christ will not be afraid to Judge them This mighty Lord regards not the persons of Princes nor the rich more than the poor Job 34. 19. I have said ye are Gods speaking to the great Ones of the World but ye shall dye like Men Psal 82. 7. Princes are greater Worms other Men are lesser but all must call Corruption Father and when they come to stand before Christs bar foregoing earthly Dignity will be insignificant all must stand upon even ground And truly those great Ones of the World that have abused their Power and by a bad example drawn many to Sin and to Hell after them their greatness will but Increase their Account and Misery 2. As the greatest so the Meanest must be brought to Judgment though there is never so vast a multitude God takes notice of them all now and none of them must think to ofcape in a crowd then The Apostle speaks plainly of Individuals Rom. 14. 12. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God Those that live most private and retired are under Gods continual Inspection they that are of the lowest rank and quality whom there are that disdain so much as to look upon yet God sees them The Sun shines upon a Mole-hill as well as upon a Mountain upon a Shrub as well as upon a Cedar upon a Fly as well as upon an Emperor and truly the All-seeing Eye of God beholds the low as well as the high and there is not any one of them all but shall be made to render an account of all his doings 3. Righteous Ones must stand before Christs Judgment-seat All his Members must appear before Him their Head but shall be dealt with after a different manner from others Grace and Love makes a difference now but how highly magnified will the Grace of Christ be in the difference it makes at that Day to find Mercy of the Lord in that day which the Apostle Prays Onesiphorus might find 2 Tim. 1. 18. when the greatest part of the World shall with a strong hand the Ear being deaf to all their cryes be turned into everlasting fire this is great Mercy indeed great as the Heaven is high above the Earth The Righteous shall appear but they shall be set at their Lords right hand to shew his peculiar Favour to them and they shall joyfully own what that Hand has done for them Christs Appearing will be glorious and so will be the appearing of his Saints then 't will be understood what 't is to be a Saint Col. 3. 4. When Christ who is our life shall appear than shall ye also appear with him in Glory A Question is here started by some Whether the Sins of the Righteous shall be then made known The Scripture plainly tells us That when the Sins of such come to be sought for there shall be none and that they shall not be found none of them shall be imputed or laid to their charge none shall be so discover'd in Judgment as to rise up in Judgment against them to Condemn them But since there will such a light shine at that day that will make all things manifest both good and evil suppose the Iniquities of the Righteous should be made known to the whole Creation such will be their Purity such will be their Blessedness and Joy that there will not be the least room for shame or sorrow at the discovery But when all the Sins that have been Forgiven and Purged shall be revealed others as well as themselves will be filled with Wonder at the Blood of Jesus and the powerful Grace of God. 4. As the Righteous so the Wicked must stand before Christs Bar they would fain not come thither but there is an irresistible Power to force them The Malefactor who is Condemned for Murther Rape or Treason would fain decline the Judges View he is Self-condemn'd and therefore fears the Judges Sentence but the Gaoler the
Officers compel him to the Bar where Judgment is given against him to take away his Life Wicked Men will be horribly afraid to make their Appearance before the Lord Jesus whose Salvation they have flighted whose King●om and Government they would by no means submit unto they will wish that their Bodies might sleep eternally in their Graves and never have such a Resurrection which will be only to Damnation they will wish rather to be turned into Nothing than to be turned into Hell they will call to the Rocks and the Mountains to fall upon them to hide them from the Face of him that sits upon the Throne and from the Wrath of the Lamb Rev. 6. 16. But will they nill they they must appear at his Seat and see him Eye to Eye though his Eye will be as a flame of Fire to terrifie them That just Indignation that sparkles from Christs looks how will it amaze them Rev. 1. 7. Behold he cometh with Clouds and every eye shall see him and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him even so Amen the thing is certain 5. They that never heard Christs Gospel shall be brought to Judgment He is to Judge the Church and the whole World in Righteousness The State of those that are without the Gospel is set forth as very sad in Scripture they are said to be without Christ being aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel and strangers to the Covenants of Promise having no hope and without God in the World Eph. 2. 12. Yet it seems to me an unwarrantable boldness to pronounce them all lost since for ought we know God may help some of them to be faithful in that little he has given them but however be it or be it not so their Case is so dangerous that we should be concerned very much for them at present and Pray that God would make known his saving health among them The Apostle tells us what will be the Rule of Christ's proceedings with the Heathen that never heard of the glad-tydings of Salvation they shall be judged according to the Law and Light of Nature Rom. 2. 12. As many as have sinned without Law shall also perish without Law and as many as have sinned in the Law shall be judged by the Law for not the hearers of the Law are just before God but the doers of the Law shall be justified 6. They that have enjoyed the Gospel and the means of Grace shall be brought to Judgment and of all persons that are to be judged these have largest account to give and the most Talents to answer for A poor Heathen he has but one Talent the dim Light of nature but thou that enjoyest the Gospel hast two if not five Talents to improve And where much is given will not much also be required you that hear Christ Preached had need to look to it that you sincerely obey him now and that you may stand before him at last for if you fall in Judgment you will fall very low Damnation will be great and extraordinary where great Salvation has been neglected Heb. 2. 3. Our Lord Jesus plainly intimates that there are degrees of Torment in the place of future punishment there is a blacker Darkness and a Darkness not quite so dima there is a cooler and an hotter Hell. Who are those that shall be thrown into the hottest Hell of all Truly those who heard the Gospel and were called to repent and believe but would do neither Mat. 11. 21 22 23 24. Woe unto thee Chorazin woe unto thee Bethsaida for if the mighty works that were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon they would have Repented long ago in Sack-cloath and Aslies but I say to you it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of Judgment than for you And thou Capernaum that art exalted unto Heaven shalt be cast down to Hell for if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom it would have remained to this day But I say to you it shall be more tolerable for the Land of Sodom in the Day of Judgment than for Thee In the third place I am to speak of the things which will be brought into Judgment and that both with respect to the Righteous and with respect to the Wicked I begin with the Righteous and concerning these you must know 1. Their Sincerity at the day of Judgment will be made apparent All the Sincerity that has been on Earth will then be own'd and approved every one shall have an Euge a Commendation that has been a good and faithful Servant Mat. 25. 21 23. The Apostle prays for the Philippians Ch. 1. 10. that they might be Sincere and without offence till the day of Christ Sincerity will signifie much in that Day None will pass for sincere but those that are so Not one that has been sincere but shall be accepted and rewarded Faithful ones may now possibly he loaded with Reproaches from without and with Censures from within the Church but at the great Day all will be wiped off 1 Cor. 4. 5. Judge nothing before the time until the Lord do come who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and make manifest the Counsels of the Hearts and then shall every Man have praise of God. How many that have been highly esteemed among Men will be discovered then to have been unsound at Heart and that the World and Self did act and rule them tho their Tongues did speak for God and tho they made a Splendid Profession that they were his Servants And how many that have been hardly thought of by Men will Christ at that day confess before his Father and the Angels their Censurers at the same time being ashamed and confounded 2. There will Cognizance be taken of all the good works of the Righteous These will follow them into another World Rev. 14. 13. The Apostle that he might encourage Believers unto diligence tells them Heb. 6. 10. God is not unrighteous to forget your Work and Labour of love which ye have shewed towards his Name Good works are rewardable tho they are not Meritorious there is no proportion between the work and the reward but the reward infinitely exceeds for God himself is the reward of the Saints and All in all that are in Heaven There is no intrinsick worth in good works to deserve Heaven but God has promised Heaven and eternal Life and is Righteous in bestowing it but still it must be acknowledged his free Gift and given through Jesus Christ Indeed Mat. 25. 35 40. mention is made only of works of Charity and Mercy I was an Hungred and ye gave me Meat Thirsty and ye gave me Drink I was a Stranger and ye took me in I was Naked and ye cloathed me Sick and ye visited me I was in Prison and ye came to me From hence you are to learn how acceptable such works as these
will judge and punish the wickedness of which Man takes no notice This Doctrine of a Judgment to come of future Rewards and punishments is written in the heart of Man by Nature and he is fain to offer great violence to his own Soul before he can wear off what is written there and tho a Sinner become ordinarily very Stupid and Atheistical yet the thoughts and fears of Judgment will sometimes in spight of him return upon him The Apostle speaks of Conscience bearing witness and Thoughts accusing and excusing and then presently speaks of the Day when God shall judge the Secrets of Men by Jesus Christ Rom. 2. 15 16. Conscience judges at present and hints a future judgment 2. There is not such a Discrimination made in this World between the Righteous and the Wicked as is suitable to the difference that Grace has made between them Therefore there is a Day coming when there will be such a Discrimination Solomon tells us that in the course of Divine Providence at present no Man can know either Love or Hatred by all that is before him All things fall alike to all there is one Event to the Righteous and to the Wicked to the good to the clean and to the unclean to him that Sacrificeth and him that Sacrificeth not as is the good so is the sinner and he that Sweareth as he that feareth an Oath Eccles 9. 1 2. Nay often times the worst of men have in this present Life the best on 't We read Luke 16. of a wicked Rich Man receiving his good things cloathed in Purple and fine Linnen and faring Sumptuously every day A poor Man ready to starve for Hunger was laid at this Rich Man's Gate his Body was full of sores and yet this Mans Soul was sanctified with Grace a good Man he was though here he received evil things since thus it is now there is a day coming when 't will be otherwise Job having spoken of the Prosperity of the Wicked in this World strongly argues that in the next World there will be a dreadful after-reckoning Job 21. 30. The Wicked is reserved to the day of destruction they shall be brought forth to the day of Wrath This is the day I am speaking of a day of the revelation of the righteous Judgment of God Rom. 2. 5. Who then will render to every man according to his works to them that by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality eternal life but to them that are contentious and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doth evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile v. 6 7 8 9. 3. Christ hath Promised his Church that he will come again to Judgment and hath raised her hopes and expectations of his coming Rev. 3. 11. Behold I come quickly hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy Crown Heb. 10. 36. For yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry He thus speaks to his Disciples Let not your hearts be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me I am indeed about to leave you but I go to prepare a place for you and assure your selves I will come again and receive you to my self that where I am there may be also Joh. 14. 1 5. Christ is the Amen the true and faithful Witness he will certainly be the Judge The Church will assuredly see him at last upon the great White Throne and her self safe and triumphant at his right hand When he comes how will he be glorified in his Saints and how will he be admired by all Believers in that Day 2 Thes 1. 10. 4. There are several things that are hastening Christs coming to Judgment The World grows old in Wickedness and all the Sins of the World have tongues to cry for the appearing of a Judge to pay their deserved Wages the World grows riper and riper for Vengeance dryer and dryer for that Fire that is to burn it The Church of Christ is also hastning Christs Appearing with their incessant Cryes Come Lord Jesus Come quickly Rev. 22. 20. The Spirit and the Bride say Come not only unto Sinners to come to Christ but unto Christ himself to appear that he may put an end both to Sin and Suffering That 's the longing and language of the Spouse Cant. 8. 14. Make haste my Beloved and be like a Roe or a young Hart upon the mountains of spices And this is not the Voice only of the Church on Earth but they in Heaven wish for and intreat the same thing How long Lord holy and true is heard from the Souls under the Altar Rev. 6. 10. In the last Place I come to the Application I begin with Inferences from the Doctrine 1. If there will be a Day of Judgment hence I inferr that there is a present Providence Will the Lord judge all at last surely he observes all now The Lord Jesus would have all the Churches to know as well that he searches the Reins and Heart as that he will render to every man according to his Works Rev. 2. 23. Whether thy Eye be upon God or no his Eye is never off from thee 't is indeed in every place beholding the evil and the good What a foolish Creature hast thou reason to call thy self who considerest not in thy heart that God remembers all thy Wickedness Hos 7. 2. and Gods remembrance at last will rub up thine and what thou now forgettest will sadly be recalled to thy Mind 2. Shall all be Judged hence I inferr the Love of God to the Righteous and his hatred of Iniquity Not one righteous Man but shall be acquitted and received by the Judge not a righteous action or sincere intention but shall be rewarded It will be found at the last day that a Widdows Mite given with a Charitable spirit and according to the ability was a great deal in Gods Treasury and that a Cup of cold Water given to a Disciple in the Name of a Disciple was well taken and shall not go unrewarded Mat. 10. 42. And there has not been there is not a Wicked Man on Earth but his Sin that has been hunting and pursuing to overthrow him will then find him out Psal 11. 5 6. because the Lords Soul hates the workers of Iniquity therefore upon the wicked he will rain snares fire and brimstone and an horrible tempest this shall be the portion of their Cup By fire and brimstone and tempest understand a suddain grievous surprizing and intolerable Punishment and by snares understand that they in Hell shall never be able to extricate themselves out of that Misery into which their Wickedness has brought them 3. If all shall be Judged hence I inferr the truth of the Doctrine of the Resurrection The whole Man has sum'd the whole Man shall be judg'd and punished for sin Believers