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A53192 The doctrine of the Fourth Commandement, deformed by popery, reformed & restored to its primitive purity wherein is clearely proved by Scripture, arguments, and reasons, that the seventh day of the week, and not the first, viz. the day called Saturday (and not the day called Sunday) is the true Christian Sabbath ... / objections answered, and the truth cleared, by Gods unworthy servant, J.O. Ockford, James. 1650 (1650) Wing O128AA; ESTC R41358 35,090 80

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an Edict to all Governours of Provinces in his Roman Empire that they should forthwith observe the Lords day and honour Holy-daies consecrated to the memoriall of Martyrs and solemnly observe the Feasts of the Church * At this time or a little before is the time that Socrates speaketh of lib. 5. chap. 21. saying some despised the commandements of God and made them cannons of their owne they set at nought and made no account of the law published by the Apostles so unadvisedly saith he they put in practise decrees contrary to the will of God himself Ibid. Chap. 23. Note I doe not say the first day of the week was not observed till this time for evident it is it was observed by many Churches in few years after the decease of the Apostles Yea Dr. White on the Sabbath pag. 193. saith The Vniversall Church before the decree of any Generall or Nationall Counsell made the Sunday or Lords Day a weekely Festivall But I endeavour to denote when it was that the Church rejected the Sabbath and observed the first day of the week in stead of it The third Reason why it is probable the putting down of the Sabbath and the setting up of the first day of the week in stead of it was contrived in the Nicen Councel is because Christians before that Counsell were not forbid to observe the seventh day-Sabbath nor threatned to bee Excommunicated if they did observe it for that was not done till the Counsell held at Laodicea Anno 364. which was about 38 yeares after the Nicen Councell where they made a Law that Christians should not Jewdize and rest upon the Sabbath day but rather worke upon it and that they should prefer the Lords day above the Sabbath day and if any were found observing the Jewish Sabbath they should be excommunicated or accursed as Mr. Brabourn hath it in his forementioned Book pag. 482. Out of Hospine de Origen Fast Chap. 9 pag. 27. about this time many other Errours were set a foot for Mr. Brabourn in his forementioned Book pag. 482. saith you may read in Mr. Perkins his Demonstration of the Probleme about the 300 and 400 years after Christ Then began Images to creep into Churches the Crosse to be adored Invocation of Saints praiers for the dead Pilgrimage Purgatory single life of Ministers Monkery and Monasticall profession c. Thus have I shewn the time or neere about when the Lords holy seventh day-Sabbath was rejected and the first day of the week instituted in its stead which causeth me to say with the Prophet Psal 119.126 It is time for thee Lord to worke for they have made void thy Law Yea it appeareth to me to be a great cause of Gods Judgments on the World Isa 24.4 5. Lamentable it is that the Learned of this Land which professe themselvs to be guids to the blind and lights of them which are in darknesse and teachers of them which want knowledge and to have the forme of knowledge and truth of the Law that they should teach men to observe the first day of the week in stead of the seventh contrary to the Law upon a pretence that Jesus Christ abrogated the Sabbath and that he and his Apostles instituted the first day of the week in its stead when there is not any Word of God that teacheth either the one or the other I confesse there are many weak reasons produced by many men to prove their doctrine and practice * Note I pray if it be not according to the words of the law and testimony it is because there is no light in them Isa 8.20 both for the abrogation of the Sabbath as also for manifesting that the first day of the week is of a divine institution some principall places of Scripture produced and perverted by them I will briefly weigh and examine committing it to wise mens consideration and the Almighties blessing Anti-sabatharians say Our Saviour to manifest the change of the Sabbath day did plead for and performe some things that the Jewes upon the Sabbath might not doe and to prove it they urge two Scriptures the one Mark 2.23 24. Where it is said our Saviours Disciples plucked the eares of Corne on the Sabbath day and the Pharises urged at our Saviour for that fact Now say they Our Saviour justified that fact although it was a doing of that which the law of the Sabbath forbids Ergo the Sabbath was to be changed Answer Our Saviour did not justifie them in that act as an vnlawfull fact but justified them in it as a lawfull or justifiable fact as the cause stood with them they being hungry and that from a president in David and those that were with him who in the like case did eat the shew bread c. As also from that Of the Priests in the Temple which brake the Sabbath and were blamelesse Mat. 12.4 5. which words of our Saviour doe imply that had there not bene a necessity their action had not been lawfull but being a cause of necessity as Davids and the Priests was the one having a relation to Charity and the other to Piety they were blamelesse And therefore in answer to the necessity of his Disciples our Saviour said to his Adversaries If you had known what this meaned I will have mercy and not sacrifice Math. 12 7. A repulse to their cavill And withall our Saviour caused them to know that the sonne of man is Lord also of the Sabbath Which words of our Saviour doe imply he being Lord of the Sabbath knew the extent of the Sabbath better then they for had they known the extent of the Sabbath they would not have condemned the innocent Mat. 12.7 Let no man thinke that our Saviour either by his goodnesse or greatnesse did vouchsafe a dispensation to his Disciples to act that which was in its nature evill for that he did not neither doth those words of our Saviour in saying he was Lord of the Sabbath import that he had changed the Sabbath or would doe it But those words are to be understood far otherwise and that very proper to Our Saviour may be rightly said to be Lord of the Sabbath in a threefold respect 1. In that as he was God Iohn 1.1 2 3. In which sence the Sabbath was made by him 2. In respect it was upheld by him Iohn 5 17. Col. 1.20 3. He is rightly said to be Lord of the Sabbath in that he only holily kept it in his person for the perfecting of the Saints imperfect obedience to it Rom. 8.3 4. chap 10.4 Had our Saviour abolished the law of the Sabbath he had diminished from the morall Law which thing he did not Mat. 5.17 For being man and circumcised he was bound to keep the whole Law Gal. 5.3 In which regard he was a subject to it and so he acknowledged himselfe to be Mat. 4.7 10. Yea I say It was impossible that he could or did diminish from the morall Law
THE DOCTRINE OF THE FOURTH Commandement Deformed by Popery Reformed Restored to its Primitive purity Wherein is clearely proved by Scripture Arguments and Reasons that the Seventh day of the week and not the first viz. the day called Saturday and not the day called Sunday is the true Christian Sabbath the time Instituted and commanded by God himself for the day or time of his publique worship in the time of the Gospel as it was in the time of the Law Objections answered and the truth cleared by Gods unworthy Servant J. O. The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God In it thou shalt do no work c. Exod. 20.10 Blessed is the man that doth this and the Son of man which layeth hold on it and keepeth the Sabbath from polluting of it Isa 56.2 Be doers of the word not hearers only deceiving your own selvs Jam. 1.22 For not the hearers of the law are justified before God but the doers of the Law shall be justified Rom. 2.13 London Printed by G. Dawson and are to be sold by Iohn Hides in Blew Anchre Alley neer Pauls Alley 1650. The Author to his Booke GOE little Book perform thy work thou mayest be blamed but not shamed thou wilt meet with Enimies feare not for there are more with us then with them 2 Kings 6.16 I would not intrude thee into the world in an obscure or doubtfull Cause because of many inconveniences that might insue But thou carriest with thee the absolute truth of God conteined in his written law Exod. 20.8 9 10 11. In which regard thou art assisted and defended with the whole armour of righteousnesse the undoubted truth of God revealed by Moses and the Prophets and by Jesus Christ and his Apostles against all assaults of thy Enemies If any reprove me because of thee I desire it may be in love without racking my words or perverting my meaning but answer as the matter lyeth granting or denying the particular assertions herein contained that the Impartiall reader may profit thereby and not with scoffes or reproachfull terms If any so doe let it be a signe to all men that he maintaineth a bad Cause with an ill Conscience and that the truth standeth with me and not with him Goe goe and cause all men to know that the Law of God is perfect Exod. 20. and that there is no unnecessary thing required by any Expression therein contained In which regard make known I say that we and all men are as absolutely bound in love to the literall Expression of the fourth Commandement as we are to the literall Expression of either the 1 2 or 3. Commandements of that law or to any other of the Six To the end that God may be duly honoured and our obedience to his holy law enlarged As also to the end that our non-conformity to the law of God in working when we are to rest and our resting when we are for to work may not be an obstruction to the Jewes conversion which is the thing I desire may be performed by thee Farewell Be prosperous so be it The blessing of Iehovah go with thee Amen For the Lord is well pleased for his righteousnesse sake that he may magnifie the Law and exalt it Isay 42.21 To the discreet and sincere Reader be Salvation in the way of Righteousnesse Amen OVT of a true Devotion to God and sincere affection to thee I have presented to thy consideration a Duty which my Conscience telleth me thou oughtest to perform to the Lord thy God for the furtherance of his honour and thy salvation Namely the duty of Observation and Sanctification of the Lords seventh day-Sabbath the day called Saturday commanded by the Lord himself Exod. 20.8 Which duty we and our Fathers have neglected neer 1300. Yeers Yea and rejected it as a ceremoniall Element or beggerly Rudiment And therefore we may well complaine with the Prophet Jeremy 3.25 We lye down in confusion for our shame covereth us for we have sinned against the Lord our God we and our Fathers from our youth unto this day and have not obeyed the voyce of the Lord our God The truth of this doth clearly appeare in this ensuing Subject Therefore I desire thee to read it with an honest and good Heart without partiallity and consider what is said in it before thou blamest it or censurest me least thou speak good of evill and evill of good and bring woe upon thy selfe Isay 5.20 For certain it is no man knoweth so much but he may know more and no man so perfect but that he may erre Therefore ponder the path of thy feet and let all thy wayes be ordered aright turne not to the right hand nor to the left but remove thy foot from evill Prov. 4.26 27. Thy soules well-wishing friend JAMES OCKFORD The Doctrine of the Fourth COMMANDEMENT Deformed by Popery Reformed and Restored to its Primitive PURITIE CHAP I. The Decalogue is Morall and perpetuall nothing is to be added thereto nor diminished from it THe Law whereof I Treat of which the Fourth Commandement is a part was given of God on Mount Sinai Exod. 19. 20. Cap. And written with his owne Finger in Tables of Stone Exod. 31.18 Deut. 5.22 The Effect of which Heavenly Law was engraven in nature at mans Creation which Divine Goodnesse remaineth in the nature of man and teacheth him to doe in some measure that which God by the Law of the Letter requireth of him Rom. 2.14 15. Although the custome of sinning and the deceitfulnesse of mans heart hath blotted stained and darkned in him that which we ought to discerne know and doe But such is the Mercy and Goodnesse of God unto us that he hath not left us without a plaine Demonstration of His holy Will by His holy Law the Decalogue which Holy Law bindeth us to all Duties tending to life and Godliness * As this Law bound the Jews to all duties commanded in the time of the Law Deut. 6.5 Even so it bindeth us and all men to all duties commanded by the Gospel The reason is because he that obeyeth not the Gospel loveth not the Lord his God with all his heart and with all his soule and with all his mind as the Law by the mouth of Jesus Christ in the Gospel requireth of us Mat. 22.37 Which Decalogue or Morall Law remaineth absolutely unchangeable as it appeareth by the words of the Prophet Psalm 111. vers 7 8 9. where he alluding to the Law written in Tables of Stone speaking of God saith The Worke of His Hands are Veritie and Judgment All his Commandements are sure they stand fast for ever and ever c. A note of perpetuall unchangeablenesse And in this regard they are said to be Faithfull Psal 119. ver 86. Yea Righteous and very Faithfull vers 138. This Law is Gods Covenant Exod. 19.5 Deut. 4.13 which God hath given to man to be observed for ever Deu. 4.9.10 2 Kings 17.37