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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12102 A centurie of similies. By Thomas Shelton Shelton, Thomas, 1601-1650? 1640 (1640) STC 22403; ESTC S117258 13,936 81

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ordinances they are somtimes troubled the cause is not in Gods ordinance but from corruption in them 58. Why God aflicts his Children AS a Chyrurgion desires to Chirurgion take way nothing but the woūd but somtimes it is festred Amos 49. 10. so in the member that he is forced to cut off the member with it So God intends we should part with nothing but sin but it is so rivetted in us that hee is forced to take away other contentments that wee may part with our sins 59. Progresse in our spirituall Iourney A Man that traivaileth those Traveller Townes and places that he hath passed seeme lesse and lesse and those to which hee is approaching to appeare greater Heb. 11. 27. and greater So a Christian in his journey to heaven the things of the world that he hath left behind they appeare lesser and lesser but the things of heaven greater and greater 60. Obiect of the soule A Cypher stands for nothing Cipher by it selfe but by other figures placed before it it makes a number So the soule of man Rom. 6. 11. like a Cypher is valued by that which it sets before it whether it be God or the world 61. Efficacie of Gods love THe Sunne casts light and Burning glasse heate upon all the world in his generall course but his beames being concenterate in Ephes 1. 18. a burning glasse it sets fire upon the obiect So God in the creation looked upon all his workes with a generall love but the beames of his love to his elect shining through Christ inflames their hearts 62. Civill men discovered THe glow-worme appeareth Glow-worme bright in the night but is not seene in the day time So a civill Man is some bodie in darke times among men of darke judgements but shall be Mat. 19. 30 nothing when the day of God shall trie him 63. Meanes effectuall by the Spirit AS the Arteries goe along Arteries with the veines without which the blood would bee a dead loathsome thing so the spirit of God must goe along Eph. 6. 18. with his ordinances and means or else they can effect nothing 64. How to vse good meanes AS the Marriner that guides Marriner the ship at the same time hath his hand upon the rudder and his eye on the starre so Psal 118. 25. we should be dilgent in the use of means but look up to heaven for a blessing 65 Nature of worldly things AS a man that drinketh salt Salt water water it quencheth not his thirst but increaseth it so the things of this life being enjoyed they satisfie not the desires Eccles 5. 10 of men but enlarge them 66. Lost labour AS a bad swimmer may Swimmer reach forth his hand to save another and drowne himself so a man by his parts and 1 Cor. 9. 27. and gifts may do good to others and himself be a cast-away 67. God immutable AS the sun lookes red sometimes Sun by reason of vapours and mists but in it selfe is alwayes alike So God in himself is vnchangeable though he appeare Heb. 12. 29. red to vs in anger by the assending of our sins 68. To serve God in serving men AS a Man that hath a servant Servant sick and sets another seruant to attend him he supplies him with those things he calls for but it is by vertue of his masters command So in our places though the duties wee doe bee to men yet wee must 1 Cor. 7. 22. have an eye to the command of God 69. Not to hoord up for our selves THe vapours that the Sun Vapour exhaleth from the sea are sent downe againe to moysten the earth So the good things Heb. 6. 7. 8. that God bestoweth on us should be dispensed to the necessity of others 70. Cure of immoderate griefe AS Phisitians vse when men Bleeding bleed excessively to open a veine in another palce and so 2 Cor. 7. 10. stanch excessive bleeding so when we grieve immoderately for the losse of outward things wee turne our griefe upon our sins 71. Care in Gods ordinances THough a scholler may be Scholler playing when his Master walks up and down the schoole yet he will bee carefull and serious when he is saying his lesson so though perhaps we be more Heb. 12. 2. remisse in our ordinarie vocation yet we should have a speciall eye to God when we are before him in his ordinances 72. How to looke on transcient thing IF a man stand and observe Diall the hand of a dyall he cannot perceive it moove but if he come an houre or two after he sha●l see that it hath mooved and that so much time is past So if we looke on the things of the world in their passing wee 1 Cor. 7. 31. shall see no great alteration but if wee see them past by the eye of faith wee will neglect them 73. Flight of faith A Pigeon having her eyes put out flyeth directly upwards Pigeon so the eye of reason being shut faith ascends more directly Heb. 11. 27. to divine things 74. Grace sanctifieth all things AS meat may be wholsome of it selfe yet salt makes Salt it more savorie So though outward benefits be good in themselves yet it is grace that makes 1 Tim 5. 4. them blessings to vs. 75 Finall obduration A Tree after it is cut down Tree may lie in the yard under the raine a long time before it be cast into the fire So after Hos 4. 17. God hath forsaken a man hee may continue a long time under the meanes of grace before hee be cast into hell fire 76. Defect of worldly things IT is with the things of the Ducks world and the soule as with a hen that hatcheth ducks the duckes after a while goe into the water the hen may hover 1 Tim. 6. 7 about the brinke but cannot follow them So the soule after a while taketh her flight into another world and leaves these earthly things behind on the shore 77. Faith and doubting consistent AS the Marriners needle Marriners needle though it bee truly touched it fixeth not presently to the North-pole but trembles and shakes a while and then is fixed So faith may be true and 1 Cor 15. 58 yet at the first weake and full of trepidation and wavering 78. Hypocrites behaviour AS discontented louers upon Love-tokens the least distast send for all their love tokens back and will goe on no further So when hipocrites are crossed in their aymes they repent of the good ●al 1. 13. duties they have done and desist from Gods service and imbrace the world 79. Another AS a Curre dog when his Dogge master beats him will either flie in his face or run from him So an hipocrite when God punisheth Heb 3. 12. him either murmurs a-against him or forsakes his service 80.
A CENTVRIE OF SIMILIES BY THOMAS SHELTON PSAL. 78. 2. I will open my mouth in a parable LONDON Printed by Iohn Dawson 1640. To the Reader CReatures inanimate though they have motion and operation yet they are deprived of the knowledge of what they doe The sea ebbs and flowes the sunne shines heates and moves continually The winde goeth his circuits the fire burnes the trees and plants grow yet none of them have intelligence that they doe so but are all carried by a secret impression of the first mover Creatures that are brutish all the knowledge they have is bounded in the satisfying of sensuall appetite Man being indued with a reasonable soule with an indefatigable motion reacheth after knowledge of things humane and divine and is then best apaid when his knowledg is at once divers wayes enriched when severall things concurre to adde to his stock Beautie is delightfull being a mixture of different colours proportion is comely being a fit composure of different members Musicke is pleasant being a harmonie of different sounds Now that man might at once both vnderstand things that are divine and therefore in their owne knowledge above his reach and might also reape both profit and delight God hath delivered truths in the old testament vnder types and figures in the new by similitudes comparisons There is nothing excellent in nature either in heaven or earth but God hath made vse of it to set forth the excellency of Christ and the good things wee have by him Christ himselfe is compared to the sunne to water to bread to a vine c. Grace by Christ to garments a feast gold eye-salve Glory to Throns Crownes Kingdomes c that together vpon the sight or thought of these things we might be raised up to contemplate the excellencies in and by him And as the best so also the worst things are this way conveyed to our apprehension Sinne is compated to filthinesse vomit rags c. Sinners to Lions tigers beares serpents c. The punishment of sin to chaines prison c. that by these sensible evills wee might the better conceiue of those which are unutterable And for this purpose I have adventured these few similies to publike view that the reader at once might have profit with pleasure I intended a far greater number but considering how vntowardly the left-handed world reacheth things I thought fit to pauze a while and for the present only send a few for a tast as I see them relished I shall God willing either increase their number or wish them in my closet againe I thought it not very needfull to observe a method in placing them vnder severall heads being so few in number that they all require no long time to peruse yet those that will not be at that paines may ease themselves by a small table annexed I have also to each simile set downe a text of scripture agreeable to the scope of it by all which that thou mayst be benefited shal be the desire of THOMAS SHELTON A CENTVRIE OF SIMILIES 1. Danger of secret sins THE ruine of a house is not vsually by the Fire fire on the hearth where the greatest ●ire is but by some small sparke ●hat lies hid in some corner So ●he soule of man is not so much Psal 19. ●ndangered by sinnes that are knowne and so may bee repented of but by those that are hidden and no notice taken of them 2. Sin brings judgement at the last A Piece of Match set to a traine of Gun-powder it Gunpowder burneth dimme a great while but blowes up all at the last So a sinner may go one securely for a time but at length a dart will strike through his liver Prov. 7. 23. 3. Death of wicked men AS a mad-man after sleepe Sleepe of mad-men is more outragious when the malignant humour is concocted So after death a wicked Mat. 25. 46 man awakes with eternall horror 4. Sin will be felt hereafter A Man that receives a wound Wound in his heate feeles it not but when he comes to bee cold ●t paines him So the sins where●y Pro 13. 25. Satan wounds us wee are ●nsensible of them in the heat of our passion but when we ●re layd in the cold earth we ●hall feele the hurt of them 5. Why men are not offended with others sins A Company of prisoners that live together in a Prison Goale they smell no ill savour being accustomed to it So wicked men living in the same sins they see no evill in Psal 50. 18 the sins of other men 6. God mercifull by nature A Flint yeeldeth not fire bu● by force but a spring sendeth Spring forth water naturally So God sheweth not forth wrath but as provoked by sin but he Mi. 7. 18. is mercifull from his owne nature 7. Mercy of God supreame AS in a City or Corporation Magistrates men otherwise equal are chosen to beare rule for a time So though all Gods attributes be equall yet mercy is Psal 145. 9. that which cheifly reigneth in Christ 8. How to instruct the weake A Bottle or vessell with a Bottle narrow mouth liquor must be poured into it softly or else more is spilt then filled So Jsa 28. 10. those of weaker capacities must be taught by degrees and not surcharged 9. The use of promises VVHen Chirurgions cut off a leg or an arme they use to give the Patient strong water aforehand to Strong water comfort him So when a judgement is approaching we should fortifie our selves with Gods Pro. 31. 6. promises 10. Cause of lifes shortnesse A Vessell of wine kept for a mans owne vse or hi● Wine friends may last a good whil● being moderately dranke of bu● if those come that are strong to drinke strong drinke that may be spent in a day which would have lasted a moneth So mans life which otherwise with Psal 90. 9. temperance and care might be spun out to 30. 40. 50. or 60. yeares if God let in great drinkers as burning feaver plague c. it is spent on a sudden 11. Curse of covetous men AS a womans breast overcharged with milke if it Milke be not drawne forth not onely paines the woman but putrifies and becomes unwholsome So a man to whom God hath given Iam. 5. 2. ability that improves it not for the good of others it turnes to his owne hurt and ruine 12. How to use outward blessings A Man that walkes by a river if hee follow the River River against the streame it will at length lead him to the spring from whence it issueth but if he goe along with the streame it will bring him to the salt Ocean So he that well improoveth outward blessings they will lead him to God the sweet Job 29. 6. fountaine of them but otherwise the abuse of them will bring him to the Mare mortuum of perdition 13. Argument of
The force of Custome CHildren at the first sight of a vizor are affrighted Vizor with it but after a while they care not for it So men that were sometimes fearefull of Heb. 5. 14. death by the frequent examples of mortalitie they grow carelesse and fearelesse of it 81. Different carriage in an evill man HOrses and such wild Ferry-boat creatures being in a Ferrie-boate on the water stand still and are quiet but being once out of it resume their former wildnesse So those that are 2 Chron. 24 2. brought up in good families are many times conformable but being once at libertie run into excesse of riot 82. Concealed griefe double AN Oven being stopped when the fire is in it it increaseth Oven the heate So when men conceale their doubts and feares and troubles from others Eccles 4. 9. it doubleth their griefe 83. How to know wee belong to heaven IT was wont to bee a tryall Venemous creatures whether Land belonged to England or Ireland by putting toads and snakes and other venemous creatures into it and 2 Tim. 2. 21 if they lived there it was concluded it belonged to England if they died to Ireland So if venemous lusts live in us wee belong to hell if they die by mortification to heaven 84. The older the world the worse AS a sinke the further it Sinck runs the more soile it gathers so the world the older it growes the worse it is the sins 1 Tim. 4. 1. of all former times meeting together in the latter 85. Christian constancie AS the Kine of the Bethshemites that carried the Kine Arke though they lowed after calves yet they went right on Psal 119. 37. theirway So a Christian though his heart may linger after temporall things yet he keepes on in his course of Christianity 86. How to regard our owne praiers CHildren shoote arrowes Arrowes on purpose to loose them and never looke after them but men when they shoot goe after ●heir arrowes to see how neere ●he marke they light So wicked Psal 88. 1. men when they have made ●heir prayers have no more regard of them but Gods children looke after their prayers ●nd observe how God answers 87. Efficacie of the Spirit AS in a Cordiall potion it is not the water or the beere Drug but the herbe or drug conveyed in it that works the cure So the ministerie of the word alone Psal 51. 12 cannot worke upon the heart but the spirit of God accompanying the ordinance 88. Gods aime in afflictions THe Phisitian gives a bitter potion which some Potion times makes the patient sicke then the disease it selfe but hi● end is to restore him to healt● by it So the afflictions of God Heb. 12. 11. children seeme bitter potions but God aymes at the health o● their soules in it 89. Gods time the best THe Physitian turnes the glasse and resolves the Mour-glass phisicke shall worke so long the patient desires ease and cries Psal 31. 15 out he is tormented but the other knowes the fittest time So Gods children crie out in afflictions How long Lord but the Lord knoweth the best time to release them 90 Corruption discovered A Man that stirreth with a Puddle staffe in a vessell or spring of faire water though the water be stirred it continueth still Iam. 1. 13. 14. in its clearenesse but stirring in a puddle or finck it is presentlymuddy and offensive So when men provoked by others are transported by their passions the cause is not from the provocation of others but from the corruption in themselves 91. Hypocrite vncased VVHen people goe abroad Garments they put on their gay apparell but when they goe to bed they strip them off So an hipocrite in his life Rom. 13. 14 may put on the garments of a faire profession but when hee comes to lie downe in the bed of death shall he be stripped of all and left naked 92. How to reproove great men MEn that plough hilly Plowing ground they goe not directly vp and downe but side waies so those that are to tell 2 Sam. 12. 1 great men of their faults must goe about as we see Nathan did with David 93. The wickedest men may be converted AS the earth that beareth Weeds the strongest weedes it hath much heate in it and 2 Tim. 1. 1● if it were tilled and manured it would beare good corne So those that are vilest in their courses when they are once converted become most excellent instruments of his glory 94. To keepe in Gods wayes IF a man in the Kings high-way Kings highway be robbed in the day-time it is recoverable from the Country but if hee travaile at vnseasonable times it is at his owne perill So if a man keepe in Gods wayes he hath promised Psal 91. 11 to guard and protect him but if he stray out from them he exposeth himselfe to danger 95. Delayed iudgements heavie AS a man that shooteth in a Shooting bow the further he draweth the arrow backe the faster and further it flieth so though Mat. 24. 48. 49. 50. God many times delay his judgements yet the severity of them recompenceth his forbearance 96. Another THe raine it is long bottleing Raine in the clouds but at the length it falls downe speedily in showers so God is Rev. 16. 1. long in providing his judgements but at the last they are showred downe suddenly 97. Long prayers sometimes dangerous IF a man shoot at a But or a short marke the arrow flieth Butt point blanke and with great force but if he shoot at a long marke though it go forth swiftly it flags and falls at length Mat. 6. 7. So the fervencie of spirit in prayer is sometimes much abated ere a long prayer be ended 98. Difference of knowledge in God and in man IN a sheete almanack a man Almanack at one view may see all the moneths in the yeare both past and to come but in a book almanack as he turneth to one Psal 139. 2. 6. so he turneth from another and can looke but on the present So the knowledge of God at one instant looketh to things past present and future but the knowledge of man one-to a few things past and present and that successively 99. Cessation of miracles AS a gardiner when he first Tree planteth a tree hee digs the earth and is carefull to water it evening and morning but after the tree hath taken roote he leaves it to the common influences of the heavens so in the first preaching of the Gospell it was necessarie that the gift of miracles should goe along with the gift of preaching the people 1 Cor. 14. then being Idolaters and vnbeleevers that never heard of Christ but now the Gospell is Aug. de Civit dei lib. 22. Cap. 8. planted and stablished and beleived miracles are